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From the desk of

Tom Brinkman
3215 Hardisty Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208
March 3, 2012 Dear Fellow Republican, Lies, lies and more lies Peter Stautberg is lying to you about my record. Lets set it straight! With thousands of dollars from the Columbus lobbyist political machine he is using a massive smear campaign to distort my record, malign my character and defame my reputation. Every time an honest conservative has a chance to win an important office, these Insiders scurry out of their holes with a seemingly endless money supply. They will lie, twist, warp, misrepresent even fabricate any falsehood to destroy their opponent. They will do anything to keep their yes men in power and protect their positions. Supported by powerful wealthy special interests that profit from big government, they mount a massive negative campaign that is so well funded and so costly a normal conservative candidate can not compete or defend himself against its malicious momentum. And, every time theyre successful, we get government as usual more spending more taxes and more regulation. Once again we watch our chances for true reform go down the drain. Of course, these special interest lobbyists hate my principled positions and that's why they rate me hardest legislator to deal with. Frankly, I consider that as a badge of honor. In fact, in every election, tax-and-spend special interests have gone after me with everything they can muster. Their tainted dollars pour into my district to try to defeat me. How can I compete against such a powerfulmalicious machine? I need your help! I need your vote! .I need you to call and alert your friends to the truth! Check my record of course they hate me. The Whistleblower named me Taxkiller Tom voted for a tax increase! I have never

My opponent Peter Stautberg says I voted against a personal tax decrease. He fails to explain that that same bill contained a permanent sales tax increase, a property tax increase, 177 fee increases and the brand new CAT tax. Overall it was a $3Billion dollar tax increase! You wouldnt have sold-out to such a BAD deal and I did not fall for it either. This is a total distortion of my record and a virtual flat out lie.

I passed a Pro Life adoption bill with a vote of 99 -0. Yes, all the Democrats voted for my bill. Does that mean I voted with the Democrats? NO How twisted can you get? Peter Stautberg is trying to deceive the very voters that he is seeking to represent. He twists and misrepresents my voting record to make me sound liberal when I am one of the most conservative Republicans ever to serve in the Statehouse. You see, the vast majority of votes in any session are bipartisan. Yes, I voted with the Democrats when it was procedural or when it was the right thing to do like naming a highway after Staff Sergeant Matt Maupin who was missing in Iraq for over four years. So did all of the other Republicans. By the way, Peter Stautberg voted with the Democrats 80% of time! But this is NOT even an issue, and Peter is disingenuous to say that it is. Dishonesty is not something we should tolerate in our Representative. My voting record on the issues and my accomplishments speak for themselves. I was twice named Ohios Most Principled Legislator. I was awarded the Watchdog of the Treasury three times. I helped pass Ohios 21% income tax cut. I received the Warrior for Life Lifetime Achievement award from Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati. I Helped KILL Ohios dreaded E-Check program. I authored Ohios Adoption Reform Law. I voted to restrict the use of the RU-486 Abortion Pill

Doesnt sound like the track record of a liberal does it? But if we believe the lies and dont know the facts they will win their evil game and continue stealing control of our lives. How can we rid ourselves of this bloated repressive government when these power grabbing liberals pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into their yes man campaigns? Yes men who promise to cut taxes in October -- then raise them in March. Yes men who campaign against big government and later give in to the money hungry lobbyists. We have heard over and over the same old song and dance about politicians bringing jobs to Ohio -- while plants close and jobs are lost. Why? Because every time the opportunity arises to fix our anti-job climate, the yes men give-in to the liberal special interests. Unfortunately yes men like my opponent become indebted to their political handlers and are not motivated to ease the ever increasing tax burden that strangles working men and women who struggle to provide for their families.

Stautberg has only passed one bill in his two terms in Columbus; and it was a doozy. House Bill 95 allows the public energy utilities to raise our rates, every year, without making a case to the Public Utilities Commission. Thanks to Peter, there is NO check on utility rate increases. No wonder he has collected almost $100,000 in campaign cash from these very same utilities. Last May, instructed by Mayor Mallory and his lobbyists, Peter Stautberg inserted a secret amendment without hearings into the budget. It allows the Convention Center to welch on $11.9 million dollars in back schools taxes AND to take the Convention Center off the tax rolls into the future. These same lobbyists have given him thousands of dollars of campaign cash! Isnt this outrageous? You cant welch on your property tax bill you cant make a contribution to an elected official and get out of paying your property taxes, but Mallorys Convention Center can. Peter Stautberg brags about closing an $8 Billion budget hole actually the state budget and revenues went up over $3 Billion dollars. He voted with the Columbus bureaucrats and cut local funding to our townships, cities, villages, and school districts. Now, just today, the City of Loveland announced they are looking at a local tax increase to make up for the cuts. Forest Hills School District is in the midst of a levy campaign to make up the money that Peter Stautberg, their very own representative and resident, voted to take away and give to Columbus bureaucrats. Isnt that bizarre? We need a change in Columbus! We need a statesman, not a yes man -- someone who will do whats right. That's why I need your help. Help me compete against this malicious political machine. I originally ran for the Ohio Statehouse as a common sense, conservative outsider. And now, after serving in the legislature, I have seen the go along to get along politicians cut the back room deals -- designed to bottle-up conservative legislation. They dont want the accountability that comes from people with strong, moral convictions. What we call selling-out; they call being flexible. The fact is, for the social welfare bureaucrats and tax and spend politicians cutting government waste & taxes is not an option. They leech off of big government. Their power is enhanced at the expense of the taxpayer. They dont want to see reform. When its time for them to raise taxes, they want their yes men to say, How high? How do I know? -- As State Representative, I was there. However, I was also there to see how just a few good men and women could make a difference. The reality is that most politicians work hard to avoid even voting on many substantive issues. They dont want to have certain votes on their record exposed to their constituents. And, my opponent is just such a legislator.

That is why every local elected official that has endorsed in this race has endorsed me. The City of Loveland and the good people in Forest Hills School District have felt the sting of Peter Stautbergs actions. Now they are looking for a way to make up for the cuts. Its very sad and was certainly preventable if only Peter Stautberg had stood up for us. My opponent may talk the talk, but I have walked the walk in the Ohio Legislature. Although my strong business and family background have helped me understand what needs to be done, its my experience that will make all the difference. We need statesmen, not yes men -- men and women who will do whats right. Peter Stautberg has engaged in a campaign of deceit and manipulation funded by those very same special interests whose bidding he has performed behind our backs in Columbus. This, in and of itself, disqualifies him from representing the good people of the 27th House District. If we cannot trust him to run a fair, ethical, and honest campaign, how can we trust him when he is in Columbus carousing with those very people who oppose our interest? That's why I need your help. Help me compete against this malicious political machine. Dont believe the lies. I need your vote! I need you to call and alert your friends! I pledge to you that I will serve you with commitment, dedication, fervor and above all, integrity. I have the proven track record of a conservative Republican -- dedicated to advancing our conservative platform. It's vital that you and I, today, stand up and be counted, ignore negative campaign tactics and special interest pressure, resist compromise, and fight for whats right. Please remember to vote Tom Brinkman this Tuesday, March 6th. Your vote is very important. God bless you. Sincerely, Tom Brinkman, Jr. P.S. You and I have seen more than enough of the go along to get along big government yes men. You have an opportunity to send a proven leader to Columbus. Please vote Tom Brinkman on March 6th in the Republican Primary.

Paid for by Brinkman Campaign Committee, Steve Fritsch Treasurer, 3215 Hardisty Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208

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