The Witch Trial of Julian Assange: Which Witch Trial?

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the witch trial of julian assange

which witch trial? clare montgomery to julian assange: "are you or are you not a witch?" the fundamental nature of whether or not the internet is 666 satanic occurs to be of a religious note. to emerging kopimist fundamentalists, the internet is sacred, and we are pilgrims. its like 666 v. 666 we are saying your anti-internet approach to destroying war crimes evidence history and guantanamo denial and collateral murder denial is Satanic. and they are like no: e-evidence is satanic and it must be destroyed. rrrrrrrrrrrk. we are the international law community. once you realize that international law is a plane that got hijacked by the weapons industry, and culture is a virus that we are creating, then, clearly it will seem, if all we can get are 5 people to put their names and face on american war crimes and UK clientstate servility, then eleehoo, jacob rees-mogg. end of story, let them eat cake. debra's like, can you delete that, i can't openly publically support human rights in england. WTF? so sometimes the wikileaks macho style is a little bit old school. but the bigger picture, is wikileaks the big picture. staying alive, everyone and no one wants to save the world, injection of the culture virus, the dream of artists. so while you may have seen pilgrim hats at the royal courts of justice, more distinctly, there were actually witch hats and bats at the haunted supreme court. you could hear the ghosts of abu ghraib shrieking in a pool of blood. the gaza flotilla victims were strewn across the floor. england was a charnel house. mubenga was dying. there was gunfire overhead, and the chopper chopping. there were less wigs, and more fear. "they actually have power." it's good to find a court worth respecting. or elders. NOBODY cursed. whether dealing with copyright on stormtrooper design for lucasfilm, or collateral murder spectrials, this supreme court is actually supremer than a taco bell supreme salad. pizza hut/taco bell: fast food justice in a wikileaks era.

das racist has made so much headway, making america safe for wikileaks, and more largely, internet. grandpa was just doing it for the free coffee. i know how engs work. so when the CIA gets into torture, rendition, gags, and head bashing, who is satan now? so beyond good and evil, there was lawrence welk playing in the background to drown out the possibility of anyone needing wifi in the court. nurse ratched had the day off, and maybe more than a few of us flew over the cukoo's nest. this abu ghraib internet cafe idea kicks the swedish chef versus assange and plan z. as in zyklon. i want to go to loman's and read the modern jewish girl's guide to GUILT and how i can apply it to reading wikileaks cables and hacked stratfor emails and the FBI early retirement spy show. or #FFF i realize my main problem with arran edmonstone is he refused to grow a beard, and it most surely wouldnt be grey yet. so anyway. witches. lesbians. he didnt believe him when i told him i wished he looked like kate moss. homophobia and lesbianism denial is a serious problem facing the daily braingarbage. bats. i wore this little velvet cap, and hijab. i flirted with clare, covertly. i mean there was a pink suitcase in february '11. i heard it from my swedish source. you know inside scoop on how the legal team talks the walk. client states will always stoop and grovel. i want to get julian assange a presidential pardon, a house near fairfax and sunset, get him to go to some yoga classes so he stops cursing on his twitter, take him over to get some wheat grass shots. maybe acupuncture in koreatown. then, all this PTSD from collateral murder can get processed. you can't watch this stuff and not get traumatized. i mean try wheeling and dealing in the middle of hackgate. its better to chill in little russia, or maybe little ethiopia. this gal maria techno something says julian offered bradley 50k. i dont think so, but sock puppets will be sockpuppets. she is mean to julian's son. sustaining interest in the english language is sysyphian. i'm looking for a synagogue with gender equity. the witch trial rocked. dinah rose. gareth looked at me. the good witches were everywhere. all the witches showed up, the irish republican army, the indian independence movement, the president of jamaica, the scottish independence movement and veterans for peace. the

hackers were there, now forced to manage the bats, due to the fact that the dinosaurs who promote the "cyberwar" want all the computers of the world burned in a pile like hitlers great war on wikileaks. just so they can keep killing everybody for extra bonus oil and backpacks of cash like in the wikileaks cables. secretly, like with no more julian assanges. it's like an airplane, a church, we are facing the east, like in a great prayer, salamalecum, wikileaks, what you going to piss on my koran, tony blair? rape my sister, GI JOE? and the greater message: wikileaks for alles wikileaks wants to be free bet tzedek for wikileaks bet tzedek for bradley manning bet tzedek for julian assange bet tzedek for anna ardin bet tzedek for sofia wilen bet tzedek for rixstep bet tzedek for neocons bet tzedek for shell shocked vets. eating up the witch craft, kissing arran, not speaking to assange, not moving, eating, shaking. after the most recent witch trial of julian assange, with footage to upload, heading to the apple store (the only decent wireless internet signal in bringing nothing to the party england) the endocrine rush so flipped---my head is racing, the physical exhaustion. all i can conceive of eating: chocolate and this melty crumbly dinner mints. the fresh minty taste of justice. like chewing gum at the royal courts, what an american. but england is bringing something to the party they are bringing julian assange to the espionage courts for the dinosaurs in fedoras. justice is a house and we can all live there. we'll be chewing gum at abu ghraib, neocons for wikileaks, there to put the handcuffs on donald rumsfeld, cheyney bybee feith addington yoo rice haynes there to waterboard no one forever more america, EVIL wikileaks USA good USA is full of sweet nice people Sweden is full of sweet nice people women's bodies are sacred, dont sleep with them and throw them away silly player man julian, but good on you, you are learning, and what was worth it, this side of guantanamo. wikileaks is sacred too. wikileaks is a religious issue. a sacred text. maintain hardline kopimi. and men walk more carefully now Goran Lindberg Sweden's Rapist/Policeman rocks his justice in disgrace if we are going to have justice4assange

we are going to suddenly need justice4 the women of sweden and that's where calling julian's polyamorous lifestyle problems a feminist conspiracy is a big FUCK YOU to all the exploited victims of rape, pedophilia, human trafficking, and domestic violence in sweden. so maybe that's where some actual scholarship of the law in sweden is going to dash the hopes of all the emerging feminist conspiracy theorists. so he walked into his own grave, and we are here to see him through: a 25 year plan of House of Horrors psychological torture. stratfor plan. gulag style, deep suffering. but that's nothing on being raped. or killed by G4S at the riksdag. my pain, is always bigger than yours, downward dog, amerkanakia hiroshima gunatanamo abu ghraib. colateral murder. march fourth 2012 portlandia, cascadia mary rose lenore eng first published on braingarbage

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