The Durge Urged and Compelled Changed Little (Pordice Blues)

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Fordice Luther College blues by Val Littlewolf(Heike) Chorus: (1)(YM) The ants go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain, To get out of the rain, Chorus: (2)(YW) Another school year has started, So much to learn , so much to recall, Recalling everything all at once, Chorus:(3) (YM) Simon says stand with your hand on your hip. Modeling molds behavior , theorist Bandura showed that children learn behavior by watching others. . Chorus:(4) (YW) We all like recording devices assimilate information differently, Learning is visual and audible, theorist a keen fellow his name is "Dewey". Inside / out leaning is possible. Chorus: (5)(YM) Which way did they go? How did they get there, When will they return? Positive, Negative the response we identify with, A gentleman named Thorndike, Chorus:(6)(YW) This is Dr. Deb Fordice's Luther College Blues, We find upon rare occasions, blessed by fortune, Blessed by clicker, caller of rhyme Dr. Fortice giggle meow , bump , meow , twaddle,

I sing the song of knowledge she bestowed upon us her fine class, Chorus:(7)(YM) And the ants go marching down to the ground, hurray,hurray , hurray! And the ants go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain, ta da dwittle,diddle, Whop.Whop,Whop! Chorus(8)(YW) Sky scrapper,outhouses and barns, like building blocks we here students grow, Cognitive ,sensitive ,neurons and synaptic connections grow, With inward and outward experiences, This like a key calling a tune, ponder then know it is Bruner theorist we learned. Chorus(9)(YM) Clap,clap A poet named Val wanders to Luther , to learn, Clap,Clap! Clap,clap while at Luther Val studies to teach, History and I have decide Art (painting and sculpting) clap,clap, Clap,clap Hannah one of 64, math her love, Clap,clap, Twaddle,gaggle,giggle, bungle , thud, Clap,clap, Val , Hannah , now we met Cole one of two , both sweet intelligent Luther students, Clap , clap our first day the bells rang , the Bells rang, thud,thud , Doctor Deb's in the House!!! Clap, clap instructing tricks of he trade, Willie, Anna , Tad, Brice , and Sam to name but a few, It was I a lover of words a poet who felt at home, Chorus: (10)(YW)

Piaget argued that children develop their thinking capacity in stages and that the progression through these stages depends on a genetically determined timetable.

Chorus (11)(YM)) Wounded by school, found me thinking, thoughts like funny, no one knew as tears fell from my heart, I circled and highlighted throughout the text , Chorus:(12)(YW) Today with reading Chapter 2 a reading found online, posters drew my other hands, In small groups we migrate round the room like stations , while playing a kind of learning musical chairs, everyone taught, It was swell!, It was keen! Recalling as we merrangeed around , Koren's hot little room,finding my thoughts wander to why I took this class, With sweat in my eye, i recalled why , I stood passing one spot to the next,Reasons sound Still! My thinking was thus,I think a teacher should always, Remember that students in chairs in a classroom, are all special and unique. A new teacher taught at Luther college by Dr. Fortice, will come away,able Knowledge ,in tune like a musical instrument, Most important notes : Empathy and Affect knowledgeable teaching includes,Knowing that learning is constant, everyone learns at there speed. Reaching a student isn't something everyone can do. Chorus:(13)(YM)

Vygotsky , He believed that social interactions with adults play a critical role in the development of childrens cognitive skills. Eriksons theory describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Kohlberg, right or
wrong ,moral delema, All cognitive meals to ponder, never before sat I in a book club, Come Thursday night I sit in the student Union with some of the brightest, student teachers in Iowa,Ever! There we ponder how the future and the book will fit together, We learn that there is a need for people that like researchers see out side of technology, reading peoples potential seeing positive not impossible negativity. Chorus:(14)(YW) *The secret of the chorus will be the insert of the words liked by those in the class assigned to being the chorus at this place,all of the class that weren't specific chorus will at the end be a full chorus blending their favorite sounding words in this spot,in unison. See words are their own cadence or melody.* Words flow from several well in truth no re-write what i wrote in 15 minutes will suffice, Bump!One other thing that gets me up in the mornings to drive to Decorah is this the thought that the teachers of my youth most are dead those not dead harm no more students, and even penniless poets wandering though Luther have the potential to ratify change in others life's having been blessed with a vocation to teach. Its like mixing a cake teaching it isn't what is put into it its the love and care of the ingredients and the encouragement when in some child's life they are sure there isn't hope for them! Chorus:(15)(YM and YW)(Everyone )

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