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Spreadsheet Task

D.1 Criteria (0 - 1 - 2 - 3 marks) The candidate creates a suitable spreadsheet layout to carry out simple analysis of numeric data and provides suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of cell formats, charts or graphs, page or screen layout and graphic images; the candidate clearly evidences the functions and formulae used; D.2 Criteria (4 - 5 - 6 marks) The candidate creates a suitable spreadsheet layout to carry out analysis of numeric data involving more complex functions and formulae, and provides suitable printed or screen output that makes appropriate use of cell formats, charts or graphs, page or screen layout and graphic images; using macros to speed up the input of data and the production of results; the candidate clearly evidences the functions and formulae used; D.3 Criteria (7 - 8 - 9 marks) The candidate creates a well-designed spreadsheet to carry out analysis of numeric data involving complex functions and formulae, using macros to speed up the input of data and the production of well-designed and meaningful results; the candidate tests the spreadsheet thoroughly to ensure its functionality and the accuracy of the results obtained, and provides clear evidence of testing.

The spreadsheet you create will have a minimum of two to three sheets. You should present your results in a graphical manner. Your spreadsheet could include features such as: Formatting cells (currency, date, number etc, word wrap, alignment, merge and centre, font, borders, patterns) Simple formulas (+, -, * and /) Simple functions - SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, COUNT Replication / fill Percentages (e.g. - 25% of A4 is A4*25%, etc) Conditional formatting Advanced functions IF, CONCATENATE, AND, VLookup Include other formulae that you think would be useful- look at your class work and think back to the presentations your peers did. Page setup (orientation, fit to page, headers/footers, show gridlines, row and column headings) Charts/graphs. You will also need to make use of macros to simplify the use of the spreadsheet, you may include macros that: Enter data more easily Allow you to move easily between sheets

Print your work Save and Exit your work easily.

The evidence that you need to show is: Screenshots of the spreadsheet in normal view Screenshots of the spreadsheet in formula view Evidence of the formulas/functions that you have created and used in the spreadsheet Macro Code of Macros created Evidence of Testing, this should concentrate on the accuracy and functionality of the spreadsheet rather than just whether the macros will take you from one sheet to another.

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