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Volume 10, 2011

Do you know the TRUE Thanksgiving Story?

Order this TRUE Thanksgiving Packet, including all the items shown below and Pastor Peters CDs on Thanksgiving, including; #104 Thanksgiving in America #435 Biblical and Historical Thoughts on Thanksgiving #717 Thanksgiving: The True Story Order this packet and get ready for some eye-opening truths that you didnt learn in school. Learn them, and teach your children too!
Available until Thanksgiving 2011 for a donation of $40.00 (regular suggested donation of $58.00) from: SFA Ministry, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535.

Available for $6.00

New book! $16.00

Available for $20.00

Scriptures for America Worldwide Ministry

From the Staff @ SFA

DAILY pray the Lords Prayer,
(Matthew 6:9-13) and DAILY pray the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) on yourself and your family (see page 14). Men and husbands especially take note of this and do not forget to ARMOR UP each day! We would not go into physical battle without being prepared, and it is the same with the spiritual battle we (and our families!) face daily. Gird your loins, and act ye like men! We march on here at SFA Ministry. We give thanks for each and every one of you out there that continue to march on forward into the battle with us with your continued prayers and support. Know that we here pray for the faithful remnant out there. Do you know the True Thanksgiving Story? Well, if not, or if you are not sure whether you do or not, order the True Thanksgiving Packet, listed on the inside front cover of this newsletter. And, if you want to hear many of their own words that condemn those in the cult of Catholicism, make sure you order the Truths about Catholicism Packet, on the inside back cover of this newsletter. SFA Ministry is (for the first time) making available the book by F. Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil. From the inside cover of that book, Provocative and utterly compelling, Rulers of Evil analyzes hundreds of historical clues left by the true leaders of the world. It should be read by anyone desiring to know, definitively, why America works the way it does.

Volume 10, 2011 DragonSlayer

Inside this Issue:

From the Staff @ SFA
NEW Shortwave Radios

SFA on iPhone!
New Resources!

4 5

BETRAYED! 6 Where We Came From Two New Bible Bookmarkers

15 16

Acres of Diamonds

18 21 22

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle...

SFAWBN Broadcasts November Prayer

25 26 28

About SFA

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From the Staff @ SFA

We now have two new, high quality shortwave radios available from SFA (see next page for details). Shortwave, very popular here in the USA, is HUGE in the rest of the world, and continues to be an excellent resource in reaching more of the lost sheep of the House of Israel, across the country and across the world! Attention Acres of Diamonds Men: If you have an article you would like to share with others, you are encouraged to submit it to us here at SFA for review and possible printing in future DragonSlayer Newsletters. If you dont send anything in, you surely will not get anything printed! SFA Ministry WILL HAVE a Branson 2012 Acres of Diamonds Mens Leadership Training, similar to the training meeting we held in 2011. Acres of Diamonds men, plan now on attending, and remember that this is limited to those men who have applied and been accepted to attend previous training sessions. Details and registration information will be forthcoming. The 2012 Big Branson Bash will be held June 1, 2 & 3, 2012, in beautiful Branson, Missouri. The theme will be Defending the Faith. Stay tuned for more details!! Plan now on attending this Remembrance gathering. We are still in the battle, never retreating but advancing on the enemies of Jesus Christ. We are thankful to the remnant within the remnant, that Gideon Elite, that march with us and give all the glory to God.

...but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57
In HIS Service, The Staff at Scriptures for America Ministry (Jon, Kyle, Jason and Richard)

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Shortwave Radio
SFA Ministry is pleased to announce that we have found TWO(2) good shortwave radios at an affordable price, and are making them available to our congregation members.

SFA-1102 Dual Conversion Digital Technology FM / FML / MW / SW1 / SW2 / Single Side Band SSB Radio: This radio has super sensitivity in shortwave bands. This radio comes with 3 Ni-MH AA rechargeable batteries, and the AC adaptor not only works as a DC power source, it charges the batteries automatically, and the built-in charging system gives you full protection on the batteries and Radio itself. $99.00 from SFA SFA-1103 SW Radio: this high quality world receiver receives all the stations in shortwave spectrums; Scriptures for America Frequencies 9480 and 5755 come in loud and clear; plus side bands, SSB. The special designed circuit is a high sensitivity one, but no noise. This unique digital radio starts FM from 76.0MHZ, most of Campus radio station can be tuned in within this range. The SFA-1103 can decode (SSB) Single Side Band broadcasts though it's SSB circuitry, 1 kHz tuning steps and clarifier. It is much better than other radios costing much more and in a smaller size. Thanks to the dual conversion technology, this radio has a super sensitivity in shortwave bands. The SFA1103 uses LCD to simulate the analog dial on the radio. $119.00.

WTWW S/W Schedule


Eastern 9:00AM 8:00PM 8:00PM 9:00AM

Central 8:00AM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:00AM

Mountain 7:00AM 6:00PM 6:00PM 7:00AM

Pacific 6:00AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 6:00AM

9.480 5.755

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SFA now on iPhone!


But, for the REAL MEN that do have iPhones, you can have church come to you. You can watch our Sunday Church Service, from the LaPorte Church of Christ each Sunday morning, right on your iPhone! Visit our website,

for details. Join us, Sunday morning, wont you?

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Recently Added Resources

Here are a few of the resources we have recently added to the SFA Ministry and Catalog. Also see the Bible Bookmarkers on page 16 and the books on the inside back cover. And, the Septuagint Bible is back in stock and available!

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This month we are bringing you some timeless and important truths that Pastor Peters first presented many years ago. In this article (first published in an SFA newsletter from 1988), Pastor shows how the anti-Christ enemy uses Hollywood (which it controls) and the media to spread lies and falsehoods about Christians! And Pastor Peters shows from the Word of God how this is nothing new, and how God can and will use it for HIS good! Message #286, by the same title, goes with this article, and is available on CD. We hope you enjoy and learn from this thought provoking and truthful article.
"And now I am standing trial for the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers; the promise to which our twelve tribes hope to attain, as they earnestly serve God night and day. And for this hope, O King, I am being accused by Jews. Acts 26:6-7 NAS It is clear from the above Scripture; Paul's Christian faith entailed knowledge of the existence of the twelve tribes of Israel and God's promise to them. It is equally clear that, for this the Jews persecuted and accused him. Today there exists a growing Christian movement that is again learning of those twelve tribes of Israel; who they are, who they are not, the bible story concerning them, Christ's love for them, their enemy's hatred of them, etc. The movement predominately consists of white Christian people who have identified from Scripture and archaeology the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred people as the Israelites, i.e. of the twelve tribes of Israel. These people also oppose and expose Judaism and desire instead of Christina values and a Christian nation. They readily point out the fact that both Jewish and Gentile scholars have

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proven beyond a doubt that the present people referred to as Jews (and falsely called "God's chosen people" by the Judeo-Christian churches) are not the Israelites of the Bible. (Jewish scholar and author, Arthur Koestler in his book The Thirteenth Tribe proves the modern Jew to be of the Turko-Mongolian Khazars from Eastern Europe.) The result of all this has been;


The most recent Jewish accusation comes in way of a newly released movie titled BETRAYED. The movie is part of a volley being fired from Jewish propaganda guns with the intent to destroy this white Christian movement. The movie in essence accuses these Christian people of being white supremacists, murderers, hypocrites, persecutors, adulterers, and a threat to society. It is one of possibly twelve to twenty such movies to be put before the American public. The following news article tells the story.

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Remember the liberal rhetoric of the 60's and 70's thrown at the anti-communist crusaders; "Oh you must think there is a Communist behind every rock.: Well, BETRAYED would have you believe there are five or more murdering, conniving white supremacists behind every Rock of Ages song sung in white, rural American churches. Those threats to society appear as patriotic, bible-toting, family men, or at worst, beer drinking, good-ol'boy red necks who listen to a cowboy preacher talk about the lost twelve tribes of Israel. Yet, though these people appear harmless enough, beneath that faade are evil, wicked men.

The old Jewish trick has always been to call the enemy exactly what you are.
The movie begins with the murder of a loud-mouth, obnoxious Jewish radio talk show host who happens to sound a lot like the deceased Denver radio talk show host Alan Berg. From there the F.B.I. foes to work. Of course, no one explains why the Federal F.B.I. gets involved in the investigation of the murder of a private Jewish citizen and naturally it couldn't be because of Jewish power or Jewish control in government because that is the attitude of the bad guys. (Come to think of it, I don't believe anyone ever explained why the F.B.I. got involved in the Alan Berg murder or why nearly the entire Denver detective squad was immediately put on the case, or why the federal government spent vast sums of money and held a federal trial concerning the violation of Alan Berg's civil rights, not to mention the books, articles and movies that have covered the murder. I wonder if this treatment would be given to the murder of a Christian radio man [or pastor]. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that Mr. Berg was Jewish. Oh, we must not be silly, after all this had nothing to do with Jewish power and control. No doubt in Alan Berg's case it was just, ah, ah, ah, ah ___well, let's go on!) As a result of F.B.I. surveillance on private citizens, a whole cache of white supremacists are discovered gnawing like termites at the very foundation of society. Near the end of the movie, a female undercover F.B.I.

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agent (played by Jewess Debra Winger), who had been whoring with the bad guy, tells her superiors and the audience that there are too many white supremacists out there and thus they would never get them if they have to wait for them to go out and commit a crime. This type of comment appears to simply be preparatory to justify some planned future round-up of these bad guys for concentration camps. The move had some clever subliminals in it. For example, in the closing scene there was a small rural group of Bible-toting Christians emerging from a simple white church flying an American flag and having a cowboy preacher. This scene presented a picture postcard view of the so-called enemy. In the very final scene there is a background country and western song by Waylon Jennings, who sings over and over "a pistol is the devil's right hand." The closing frame freezes on a little smiling white girl with outstretched right hand waving good-bye. "The devil's right hand." HOW SHOULD THE CHRISTIANS TARGETED BY THIS MOVIE RESPOND? It is an easily substantiated fact that Jews presently control the propaganda factory known as Hollywood and thus they can expect them to attempt to use their propaganda just as they did in the Book of Acts to persecute and accuse Christians! However, events and Scripture show we need not fear for they shall not be nearly as successful as they were in the Book of Acts and even then they ultimately failed, for their persecution made Christianity spread and grow stronger. The Biblical story of Nehemiah seems to reveal a path for Christians to follow. In the book of Nehemiah we read of Israelites from the conquered country of Judah returning to repair the walls of Jerusalem. Because these Israelites were of the southern nation called the House of Judah that had been taken into Babylonian captivity rather than form the northern nation known as the House of Israel taken into Assyrian captivity, they were called Judeans, translated in our Bibles as Jews.

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(These people were not the same people who today call themselves Jews; Revelation 2:9, 3:9. If this seems confusing we suggest message #120 - "The Most Confusing Word in Scripture Jew.") These people wanted to be left alone, to serve their God and rebuild the damaged wall. The white Christian movement that is so hated and accused by the Jewish media know and understand when a country has been internally conquered by an alien anti-Christian philosophy. Their desire and labor is directed toward rebuilding the walls, that is, to reinstitute Christian values, and to once again have a strong Christian nation. In chapter four of Nehemiah, this rebuilding became a threat to and concern of the other peoples who had taken over the land. In verse one of Nehemiah four we see God's people first experienced verbal propaganda abuse obviously intended to discourage their labors and frighten them away from the project. The proper response was taken by God's people. They simply continued their work. So we built the wall for the people had a mind to work. Nehemiah 4:6 They did not defend themselves against the enemy's words, for that would have taken them away from their work. When the propaganda failed, the enemies of God's people conspired to take physical means to stop them. And all of them conspired together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause a disturbance in it. Nehemiah 4:8 The response to this was first to pray. But we prayed to our God Nehemiah 4:9 If there was ever a time to pray it is now. Unless you want to experience the loving mercies of the "So-called Chosen People" like the Palestinians are, we best do some serious praying. We shall be as helpless as those pitiful Palestinian boys who throw rocks at Uzi-carrying soldiers, unless we gain the strength, power and miracles available only through prayer.

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The next response which no doubt was a simultaneous response was " and because of them we set up a guard against them day and night." Nehemiah 4:9 Be on guard! Remember for Gideon's army God chose those who lapped the water with their hand (this allowed them to watch the horizon and hold a weapon with the other hand) rather than those who dropped weapons and drank from the stream face down (Judges 7:5-6). Next the laborers were told NOT TO FEAR! When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people: "Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses." Nehemiah 4:14 Today there are kosher conservatives who are not afraid to speak out against Communism, humanism, new age, occult, abortion, and etc. but because of fear they choose to ignore underlying Jewish power and Jewish Talmudic filth. Yet no one was speaking openly of Him for fear of the Jews. John 7:13 Those who choose to labor for Jesus must obey the words of Jesus. "Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops. "And do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:26-28 The people also ARMED themselves and then continued to work. Those who were rebuilding the wall and those who carried burdens took their load with one hand doing the work and the other holding a weapon. As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built, while the trumpeter stood near me.

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23 So neither I, my brothers, my servants, nor the men of the guard who followed me, none of us removed our clothes, each took his weapon even to the water. Nehemiah 4:17-18, 23 These were not militant people, just wise people. Wise enough to take their enemy's threats seriously. Wise enough to know that God's laws do not even deny a cornered deer the right to self defense, let alone a man of God with family, responsibilities, etc. Wise were our forefathers who included in the Bill of Rights the "right to bear arms." Wise was our king who said in Luke 22:36 "...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one." When these actions were taken in Nehemiah's day the work went on to completion without incident. No one was harmed and God delivered the laborers and was glorified in the process. IS IT ALL GOING TO BACKFIRE? In the past Edom Jewry has been very wise and clever but with the movie BETRAYED it appears their cleverness is coming to an end. "Will I not on that day," declares the LORD, "Destroy wise men from Edom And understanding from the mountain of Esau? Obadiah 1:8 The following articles indicate the movie may not achieve its purpose to say the least. Notice in the first article that 6 million Jewish bucks were spent in advertisement and promotion of the film.

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LASTLY THERE IS REASON TO BE OF GOOD CHEER for those who can read the signs and believe the prophets. The prophet Isaiah, in Isaiah 10:26 teaches our deliverance shall be like the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb. This, of course, took place in the days of Gideon. (We recommend our three messages, #'s 209-211, "Prelude to a Gideon Victory.") Briefly the Gideon story goes that poor old Gideon had only 300 men against 135,000 well-equipped enemies. It seems the enemy thought there were "Gideon's under every rock" and naturally with the odds as they were Gideon was a bit nervous himself. So, to calm his nerves the Lord said; "But if you are afraid to go down, go with Purah your servant down to the camp, and you will hear what they say; and afterward your hands will be strengthened that you may go down against the camp."

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So he went with Purah his servant down to the outposts of the army that was in the camp. Gideon did as the Lord suggested. Now the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the sons of the east were lying in the valley as numerous as locusts; and their camels were without number, as numerous as the sand on the seashore. When Gideon came, behold, a man was relating a dream to his friend. And he said, "Behold, I had a dream; a loaf of barley bread was tumbling into the camp of Midian, and it came to the tent and struck it so that it fell, and turned it upside down so that the tent lay flat." And his friend answered and said, "This is nothing less than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel; God has given Midian and all the camp into his hand." And it came about when Gideon heard the account of the dream and its interpretation that he bowed in worship. He returned to the camp of Israel and said, "Arise, for the LORD has given the camp of Midian into your hands." Judges 7:10-15 The movie BETRAYED shows the Gideon of today how frightened the anti-Christina forces are and thus how near victory is. I want to extend a thank you to all those dedicated antiChrist's responsible for the film BETRAYED. It has helped my prayer life, put me on guard, sharpened my sword, drawn me closer to God, and helped me see that victory in Jesus is near. HURRAY! pjp
In this timeless and truthful article, Pastor Peters has shown us how the enemies of Jesus Christ work, and he gave us some Biblical instructions. What are we to do?

1. Be Aware, and have Faith. 2. Read Nehemiah. 3. Be on Guard! 4. DO NOT FEAR THE ENEMY! 5. Be of Good Cheer.

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Where We Came From

Do you know where you or your ancestors came from? Do you know where the founders and settlers of America came from? Where they truly came from? If not, then order the informative resources listed here as in introduction to the true history of America, and the Christians who founded and first settled here.
All available from SFA for a $15.00 donation.

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Two New Bible Bookmarkers

Scriptures for America Ministry presents two new Bible Bookmarkers; The Lords Prayer & The Full Armor of God, and the Pistol & Rifle Prayer. We continue to work to help provide

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Two New Bible Bookmarkers

the remnant with tools and weapons to assist in the daily fight of faith that we all participate in. These Bible Bookmarkers are available for a donation to SFA Ministry. Request yours today!

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Acres of Diamonds
The following is from an Acres of Diamonds man, and should be understood by all Christian Patriots today, as it once was. We do carry the booklet mentioned in the following article. There is a great deal of reference by the media and sadly, even by many of our elected officials to our democracy or this democracy when referring to our government. The Founding Fathers of our nation wisely established a Republic, not a Democracy, and there are many important differences. The differences can be debated and argued in many ways but the best and simplest definition I have found to date are the definitions printed in The Soldiers Training Manual issued by the United States War Department, November 30, 1928. These definitions were published by the authority of the United States Government and must be accepted as authentic in any court of proper jurisdiction. These precise and scholarly definitions of a Democracy and a Republic were carefully considered as a proper guide for U.S. soldiers and U.S. citizens by the Chief of Staff of the United States Army. Such definitions take precedence over any definition that may be found in the present commercial dictionaries which have suffered periodical modification to please the powers in office. Shortly after the bank holiday in the 1930s, hush-hush orders from the White House suddenly demanded that all copies of this book [Ed. Note: Training Manual 2000-25] be withdrawn from the Government Printing Office and the Army posts, to be suppressed and destroyed without explanation. Sadly, on the orders of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) administration, this outstanding Training Manual was withdrawn and destroyed. Question: Why did the FDR administration destroy this outstanding training manual?)

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Acres of Diamonds
HERE ARE SOME RELEVANT QUOTES: Every step...towards...democracy is an advance towards destruction...Liberty has never yet lasted long in a democracy; nor has it ever ended in anything better than despotism. (1801) Fisher Ames (1758-1808; Congressman from Massachusetts) Our Republic was never created to be a leveler of men. It was created to be a lifter, a developer of men. Our Republic was created to let the gifted, the energetic, and the creative rise to new heights of achievement, and to let each man find his own level on the stairway of existence. Our Republic was created to encourage men to meet their personal responsibilities and to shirk no public duties. That is why our people have always been concerned about the honest needs of their fellow citizens, the chief of these needs being liberty, justice, and opportunity. Our Republic demands that the nation be governed by the capable, the honorable, the far-seeing, the clear-seeing, and not by mediocre men. In the beginning it was so. May it be so again! Our Republic demands more from men than any other system in the realm of self-discipline, dependability, cooperativeness, industry, thrift, and honor. For anyone to foster class consciousness, class conflict, misrepresentation, covetousness, violence, theft, and an open defiance of established law even when done legally is to breed anarchy and tyranny. Our Republic was not designed to interfere with the unalienable right of its people to be masters of their own destinies. Our Republic was established to make men free! (Author unknown) (1) When liberal politicians (i.e., socialists) took over the reigns of power within the U.S. Government back in the 1930s, they decided that truthful, patriotic documents (such as Training Manual 2000-25) had to go. (2) Our founding fathers gave us a CONSTITUTIONAL

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Acres of Diamonds
REPUBLIC a form of government that was to be strictly limited by the chains of the U.S. Constitution (and its Bill of Rights). No matter what the social-change agents say or write, it does not alter the fact that the United States was founded as a REPUBLIC, and not as a democracy! Ed. Note: The previous two sets of author unknown quotations were taken from a sheet prepared by The Network of Patriotic Letter Writers. ____________________________________________________ "[D]emocracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." -James Madison, Federalist No. 10, 1787 "[D]emocracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few." --John Adams, An Essay on Man's Lust for Power, 1763 "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." -- David Rockefeller, Speech given at Bilderberg meeting, 1991

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"Israel won the war [WW I]; we made it, we thrived on it, we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." -- The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to the UK in London, Count Mensdorf. If the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end justifies the means -- to declare that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal would bring terrible retributions. --Justice Louis D. Brandeis, dissenting, Olmstead et al. v. United States, 277 "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have." --Richard Salent, Former President CBS News. "I feel sorry for the man who, after reading the daily newspaper, goes to bed believing he knows something of what's going on in the world." --Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956).

Are we a nation of whores? Could our national problems be the result of the harlotry of the people? Of We the People? Isaiah 1:21-23 tells us just that! After reading this book, hopefully you will see more clearly what must be done to find justice and righteousness in our nation once again!
Available for a donation of $10.00 from Scripture for America, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535.

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Hand that Rocks the Cradle

Treasures in Heaven
Well as of the last writing I lost another treasure to heaven namely my earthly father. Isaiah 57:1-2 seems so very fitting here; not just for my lord (small l of course) Peter John (Pastor), but for my earthly father, and my beloved spiritual mother - who taught me so very much, and left a holy job opening to me and any other woman who is willing to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in womanhood. She (who I considered my spiritual mother) also passed away this year without my proper acknowledgement because of my husbands illness and needs. The righteous man (woman) perishes, and no man takes it to heart; And devout men are taken away while no one understands. For the righteous man (woman) is taken away from evil. He enters into peace; They rest in their beds, Each one who walked in his upright way. Isaiah 57:1-2 Oh, how the void is severely felt by all over the losses these last couple of years. And stretching out His hand towards His disciples, He said, Behold, My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the Will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother. Matthew 12:49-50 It was not that my own mother was unwilling to do THE Fathers will, but she passed away when I was only 8, leaving me without much instruction. That said, when there is no motherly figure in a son or a daughters life, it is very difficult to get a healthy respect for womanhood, period. But through the years I have gleaned much whether I thought I needed it or not.

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Hand that Rocks the Cradle

Fact is, not always were the women in my life honored and appreciated for the great godly wisdom they had within to impart to any who had ears to hear. My memory reflects back to a day in my 20s. Sometimes God does not want us to be secure in tomorrow. she told me as she drove me to her large ranch. Almost bitterly, I spoke out (as we had just lost, unjustly, EVERYTHING including the roof over our head we had worked so very hard for!) Oh and how did you learn this? Have you ever lost your home? I asked. Well I learned God did not always want us to know what the future holds when I was pregnant with my fourth baby and my husband died in a plane crash. she replied. I felt as though I had been slapped across my face! What a wake up! The thought that heaven could be holding my husband or a child leaving me to know that grief was sobering. Suddenly the loss of an earthly home and possessions seemed so much smaller. Truly it is said that the best treasures in life are not things. Later in life I met, through Pastor, a dear old family friend of his and his late wife. What a precious sister she is! As she told of the painful loss of two children, (one daughter about four and a son in his late 20s, I believe) she explained to me it is never wise to say, I cannot take anymore. As I listened to all the details of her losses, in her living room, I observed that it was full of gifts and plaques, all speaking thousands of words to me of how many women simply treasured her friendship. Then, I remember, I understood clearer than I ever had before what Jesus was referring to when he spoke in Matthew 6:21, For where your treasure is, there your heart is also. This sisters mind, her thoughts, her heart and her hopes for the future could simply not stay out of the heavens for most of

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the hours of her everyday life, where she smiled at the promise, found in Revelations 21:3-4. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away. Revelations 21:3-4 Jesus said For where your treasure is, there your heart is also. Matthew 6:21 You have most of my heart, O Treasured ones. It aches deeply to go on without you. May His Kingdom come; May His Will be done: ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!!!
Tune in Wednesday evenings at 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central and 8pm Eastern for Gods Home Health Care, with Nancy and Nancy. Join the two Nancys as they discuss being keepers of the home, natural supplements and healthy eating. On the internet at ,

and on shortwave frequency 5.755. And archived at

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SFAWBN Broadcasts
Tune in 24/7 to hear the most informative and Biblically based broadcasts on every subject matter under the sun! Pastor Peters has always shined the light of the Gospel on the occurrences and people in this land of America, the

New JerUSAlem!
< - - - Start your weekend off right by having Coffee with the Wranglers, Saturday mornings at 9am Eastern. You never know what will be discussed by these guys!

Tune in Fridays for the McCanney Science Hour, at 11pm Eastern time, for truths that NASA surely wont tell! Comets, sunspots and more!- >

<- - - Join Kurt on Sunday afternoons from 5-7 pm Eastern time for survival tips and information that is needed in these trying times...

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November Prayer
Prayer for the Scriptures for America Gideon-Elite Prayer Warriors
The prayer for the month of November 2011 is a prayer for protection from evil men, for protection from the slander they bring, for the truth to be known, and for their destruction to come about. We should not be surprised when we are falsely accused, when lies are told about us, for the same was done to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (read Matthew 5:11-12 and John 15:20). As the satanic forces of evil sense their pending demise and doom, and the soon return of Jesus Christ for His reign and rule, the enemy of all that is of God is doing all they can to blaspheme and curse the good works of true Christian men and true Christian ministries. Evil men continue to swarm about to deceive us. So in the process, let them become deceived just as the Apostle Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:13. "But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." In Jeremiah 9:3-6 we read And they bend their tongue like their bow; Lies and not truth prevail in the land; For they proceed from evil to evil, And they do not know Me," declares the LORD. "Let everyone be on guard against his neighbor, And do not trust any brother; Because every brother deals craftily, And every neighbor goes about as a slanderer. "And everyone deceives his neighbor, And does not speak the truth, They have taught their tongue to speak lies; They weary themselves committing iniquity. "Your dwelling is in the midst of deceit; Through deceit they refuse to know Me," declares the LORD. Psalms 141:8-10 tells us For my eyes are toward Thee, O GOD, the Lord; In Thee I take refuge; do not leave me defenseless.

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 10, 2011

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November Prayer
Keep me from the jaws of the trap which they have set for me, And from the snares of those who do iniquity. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, While I pass by safely.

Imprecatory Prayer for November 2011:

Jesus Christ our Mighty King, we pray for the true Remnant of the House of Israel to be filled with Your Holy Spirit, and for You to empower us with a light that shines forth bright as we, Your people, march forward, smiling at the future. We thank You for choosing us as Your chosen people. We praise You, for You are a god worthy of praise. We claim our victory in Your Name, the Great Name of Jesus Christ. We come against Your enemies and ours, wielding the Sword of the Spirit. Destroy those that do iniquity, those that set the trap for us. Destroy the WICKED ONES, the ones that bring deception, false doctrine and/or temptation. Fill us all with Your knowledge and truth as a shield that the enemy cannot penetrate. Cause their fiery darts to return upon them with the destruction they planned for us. Multiply their casualties many times over. Let those who strive to continually deceive Your people reap all the misery of their own deception, plus that which they would put on us in multiples. Heap it upon them Jesus. And we praise you for it. In Jesus Name, Amen.
The monthly prayers are mailed to those that request them, and are posted at our Ministry website.

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Scriptures For America Ministry

PO Box 766 LaPorte, CO 80535

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Satellite and Internet Radio Broadcasting

The Sunday morning Church services E-mail: at the LaPorte Church of Christ are video streamed live to our website, Radio call in 307.745.5913 from 10:00am until noon, Mountain time. Office phone (a high-speed internet connection is 307.742.7582 suggested). You can also attend our Early Office fax Morning Church (the previous weeks 307.745.5914 sermon) at our website from 8:0010:00 am, Mountain Time. CD A Data DVD is also available weekly for YOUR local Public Access Cable TV free broadcast Ministry: contact us for details. Our CD Ministry congregation receive two politically incorrect, yet Biblically correct messages every two weeks in the mail. (Good Outreach Tool) Visit our Network website for the complete programming schedule and archives.
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Church Broadcast & Video Streaming

Printed Material

Messages of the LaPorte Church of Christ Sunday morning Church services are sent out (every Monday) on DVD to those requesting to be on the DVD CHURCH Ministry. This has also become a GREAT outreach tool for sharing the Gospel message.

Church Camps & Conferences throughout the US

This newsletter is an outreach of the LaPorte Church of Christ, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535 and is sent free of charge to those who request it. Scriptures for America is a national & international outreach ministry, founded by Pastor Peter J. Peters, and is supported by tithes and free-will offerings. The LaPorte Church of Christ has Sunday School at 9:15am on Sunday mornings, followed by Church Services at 10:30.

Truths about Catholicism Packet

Including two (2) books never before available from Scriptures for America Ministry!

Here are truths about Catholicism and the Jesuits, much of it from their own words! In these books, you will find out that Catholicism IS NOT Christianity!
The Truths about Catholicism Packet (a $50.00 value), available through December for a $40.00 donation.
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