Flower Dale Flyer Mar 2012

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Issue No 82 March 2012

PO Box 2008, Hazeldene 3658

Moores Road Reserve

In July 2004, a number of people in Flowerdale negotiated with the leaseholder and Murrindindi Shire for a parcel of land near the bridge on Kennys Road, behind the Flowerdale Hotel, for a beautification project. On16th June 2007, the proposed committee received a letter from Murrindindi Shire Council, granting approval for a section 86 committee to manage this parcel of land on behalf on Department of Sustainability and Environment and Murrindindi Shire Council. The inaugural committee first met on the 19th August 2007, elected office bearers and commenced designing scope of works. The committee had received $500 from MSC, to kick off the project. It was agreed that the committee, should focus on providing the community and tourists with a venue that would provide the following: Upgraded CFA fill point Tables and chairs Barbeques Toilet (would be nice but expensive) Restricted access by installing bollards at either end Plantings along roadway to eliminate dust Weed eradication

We have held some special occasions at this reserve, and is pleasing to see that with the assistance of Victorian Bushfire Appeal and the Murrindindi Shire Council and Altona Lions Club the project has been delivered in full. A special thanks must go the members of Altona Lions Club who paid for, and installed, the BBQs tables and seats, and also assisted in working bees and plantings

Distribution: 300 copies to Silver Creek Rd., Silver Parrot Rd., Creekside Drive., Riverside Cres., Service Road, Moores Rd., Spring Valley Rd. Upper King Parrot Rd, and the Main Road as far as Minto Rd. Also the Hazeldene Store, Flowerdale Hotel, Strath Creek Store and Glenburn Roadhouse. Articles, advertisements, etc. can be left at the store, posted to PO Box 2008, Hazeldene, or emailed to the Community House fch@internode.on.net

Flowerdale Flyer

March 2012

Page 2

, Dear Contributors
pe the Flyer. We ho We are revamping . it looks this month you like the way icaent the best publ To help us to pres ease k that you pl tion we can, we as is in by the deadcopy make sure your line. Friday the April issue is The deadline for 23rd March. in to be submitted We would like text et rnode.on.n Word to: fch@inte Regards, . Valerie & Jessica


Flowerdale School Flowerdale Youth Group Green Valley Church 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-14 15-16


Mitchell Health Flowerdale Tennis Club Flowerdale CFA Kinglake Scouts MSC notices Community House Advertising

For details ph one Flowerdale Community H ouse 5780 2664

Thank you to the person who found my watc h on the walking path and handed it in to Hazeldene Stor e. Beverley Pritc hett

Service ity Bus ommun ittlesea. C to W h e 14 g See pa etails. re d for mo

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ilable ace ava This sp onal Ads. for Pers ays, Birthd saries, Anniver eaths. nd D Births a

We love our towns, and it would be up lifting for all to have a m assive group colla ge of all the babies born in the area since 07/2/09, to be displa yed at each town. The only condition is th at the parents (at least one) was living in the area on 07/2/0 9, and that all the kiddies were borne betwee n that date and 02/02/13 . If interested contac t regrow thintheran ges@gmail.com No photos will be used for any purp ose other than the colla ge. Do not send ph otos at this time. W e will keep you up dated via email. We need 50, or m ore, participants fo r the project to go ah ead.

Regrowth in the Ranges

Rainfall in Broome Road
February 2012 to 24th February February 2011 Year to Date to 24 February 2012 to 28 February 2011 19mm 132mm 62mm 294mm Virginia

Community dinner dates are:
March 16th June 15th September 21st December 21st

$5.00 for Adults & $3.00 for Primary School Children

March 2012

All Welcome All Welcome

Flowerdale Flyer

Page 3
Tel: 5780 1264 Fax.: 57802064

Flowerdale.ps @edumail.vic.gov.au


Principal: Mr Ross Davis


Welcome to Molly who works with Mrs Alkemade in the Prep Room

Kaitlin Sanders, Eric Watkins, Trinity Tebbutt, Abby De Vir, James Simpson, Jack Todd, Beau Rogers, Averyll Robertson-Dixon, Jerome Galpin, Bailey Collins, Ashlee Antolos, and Ryder Primrose

We welcome Matt Jupp to our Grade 6 Class

Our Grade Six School Leaders: Jay Sanders & Beata Nicolovski (School Captains & SRC),

Emerald Deans-Draper (SRC), Lain McDonald (SRC), Matt Jupp, Lachie Hunter, Cheyenne Giddings and Tomas Hall GORGEOUS GRADE 4 & 5: Bonnie Sullivan, Amy Temperton, Seth Hansen-Aristides, William Parry Codie McDonald, Vicki Nicolovski and Mitchell Temperton

THE FABULOUS FACES OF GRADE 1/2/3: Jack Ronchi, Kathryn Mckay Anthony McGuire, Summer Parry, Shawnee Bourke, Megan Hallett, Cheyenne Hansen-Aristides, and Lorelei Primrose Adam Mckay, Kane Ronchi, Matthew Doering, Ruby Cook

STAFF 2012 PRINCIPAL: Mr Ross Davis (aka Mr D) GRADE 4/5/6: Mrs Brooke McDonald (MonWed) Mr Ross Davis (Thurs-Fri) Annie Robertson (IntegrationTues & Wed) GRADE 1/2/3: Mrs Amy Campbell Anna Burgess (Integration) GRADE PREP: Mrs Barbara Alkemade Molly Robertson (Aide) ADMINISTRATION & CLASSROOM SUPPORT: Alison McDonald (Office ManagerTues & Thurs) Tina Varano (Wed) Paula Turner (Mon)
Flowerdale Flyer

Already a busy year, our Prep children are settling into their new school patterns. They are all so cute and gorgeous and we look forward to sharing their journey. After school sports programmes, (which are great fun ) run on Tuesday and Thursday, and permission forms are available from the office. Congratulations to Jay, Lain, Emerald, Bonnie and Codie who were excellent school ambassadors representing the school in the Cathedral Cluster Swimming. Our SRC has started the year with the Great Valentines Day Biscuit Decoration fundraiser. The SRC works to raise money for school activities & equipment, and for different charitable purposes. Our Grade 6 class is working weekly at Wallaby Creek completing a clean-up, planting and creating mosaics on rocks to beautify the area for all to enjoy. FLOWERDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL SMALL SCHOOLS ARE GREAT SCHOOLS March 2012

Page 4


Century-makers from the local park to Test-match

Have you ever made a century in a cricket match?
the length and breadth of Australia since records were first keptat all levels of the game, for both men and women.
After the disappointing weather conditions at last years Rockin on the Mountain music festival, most of you would be aware that after postponing the original festival, we were hoping to have another event early in 2012. In order to have an event early enough in the year so that the weather is reliable, there is not enough time to organise the event. Unfortunately, we not be able to proceed with, Rockin on the Mountain. In the next few weeks, the Parents and Friends Association (PFA), will meet for their AGM and the ideas around a music event and a social fundraiser will be discussed, so that an event may be able to be conducted later in the year. The school is happy to accept everyones feedback on this idea. On behalf of the school community I would like to express my sincere and enormous thanks to Samm, Gerri, Lou and Pete who formed the organising committee of, Rockin on the Mountain and put in an enormous amount of time, effort and energy into ensuring what would have been a hugely successful event had the weather been kind to us. I would also like to thank all of the school, and wider community members who volunteered to assist with our fundraiser. There are too many people, to name here, please accept our thanks for the effort that you put in. There were many people, who bought a ticket for the event, and the school is prepared to offer refunds to these people. You can choose to bring your ticket to the front office at school to receive a refund, or you may choose to donate your ticket sale money to the school. If you would like a refund, you need to return your ticket to the school by 31st March. No refunds, will be given after this date. Thank you for your understanding and continued support of our school. Ross Davis Principal

Paul Daley, remarkably, has produced a book designed to the highest publishing values, where approximately 100,000 centuries are listed. But its not only a book of statistics. Over 125 pages of high-class cricketing action shots and premiership photographs help to round out this fascinating tome. Tons of Runs, a high quality 780-page cricket publication, is available for $80 plus postage from www.tonsofruns.com The author is pleased to sign, date and personalise copies on request. For further information contact Paul Daley at: pd@tonsofruns.com.au

If you are a cricket centurion, there is every chance your name will be listed in a publication called Tons of Runs, an amazing record of centuries throughout

Flowerdale Flyer

March 2012

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YOUTH ace p

The new Flowerdale Youth Space seems to be growing out from the ground, next to the hall.

with a polished concrete floor. Plans are in the pipeline for a skate ramp adjacent to the building.

It is hoped that the building will be completed by the end Accommodated on the ground floor and a mezzaof May. nine floor, will be a drop-in The building will have a fully room, an activities room a lined, half basketball court kitchenette and office.

On 19th February we took 26 children to the Galactic Circus at Crown, for a game of ten pin bowling and arcade games. We started the day, with a sausage sizzle, at Albert Park then onto bowling.

Erynn scored the highest at bowling with 120, followed closely by Edward on 118 points. Thankyou to Kerry and Thank you to Pete Auty for Louise for coming along with us organising and introducing us as volunteer parents helpers. to a wonderful family and group. We have decided to Please remember we need collect cans to fundraise for the more volunteers to help out. So group. If anyone is interested if you can spare one Saturin having a special bin to colday a month and hold a Work- lect cans, please contact us ing with Children Check, and we will arrange a delivery. please contact us. The more These bins will be collected volunteers we have, the fewer when full and taken to Cash a weekends you will be needed Can. to assist us. These excursions Rod & Tanya Hallett. would be impossible without our wonderful volunteers.

Over Christmas we were fortunate enough to meet Kylie, from Sherwood Girl Guides in Queensland. The guides heard about our group and decided to raise funds to buy us items of need. Kylie and her family came to Victoria over Christmas and delivered craft supplies and some tents.


Flowerdale Flyer

Have you got a Working with Children Check? Do you have a few spare hours to help with activities or excursions once a month? Volunteers needed for a monthly sausage sizzle at Flowerdale Market to help raise funds to buy equipment, and support
continued activities and excursions.

Volunteer drivers for bus with HR truck licence and Working with Children Check to help with excursions.
Contact Tanya ASAP 0408 333953 - if you can help with any of the above March 2012

Page 6

Church News

(Below) David & SaMac on their Wedding Day

(Above) Baptism day King Parrot Creek 5/2/12

Flowerdale Flyer

March 2012

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Creating Healthier Communities

For support at any stage of your life, for yourself or a loved one, contact

Mitchell Community Health Service

Tel: 1300 773 352

Services include:
Dietetics PHaMS Program Counselling Diabetes Information Alcohol & Other Drugs Services Bushfire Community Support Disability Case Management Health Promotion Speech Pathology Mens Family Violence Service Home & Community Care (HACC) Physiotherapy Sexual Health Financial Counselling Occupational Therapy Nursing Services Family Violence (including Childrens Worker) Problem Gambling Counselling Respite & Social Support Groups

Bushfire Community Support Helpline 1800 050 400

Supporting Health and Wellbeing in communities of Mitchell and Murrindindi www.mitchellchs.org.au

FLOWERDALE COMMUNITY MARKET 3rd Sunday of the Month Flowerdale Community Hall 9.00 am1.00pm

Devonshire Teas New Stalls Welcome please phone Alison on 57801223 Sausage Sizzle provided by local Junior Youth Group

Flowerdale Flyer

March 2012

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Flowerdale Tennis Club

Division of Flowerdale Sports Club Inc.
Spring Valley Recreation Reserve Spring Valley Road, Flowerdale Phone: (03) 5780 2201 Enquiries: Jeannette Kamar 5780 1520 Flowerdale Tennis Club has played a central role in the community for about 70 years with the first asphalt courts opening south of the general store, known as Hazeldene, in the 1940s. In the 1980s the club moved north of the most populated part of the community to the Spring Valley Recreation Reserve, deep in the Valley of a Thousand Hills, surrounded by of course beautiful hills, grazing land and bordered by a meandering little creek. The two asphalt courts were resurfaced with Plexi-pave in 2001 and in 2002 the modern world invaded lights were added. The club enjoyed monthly round-robins and a mid-week social competition that quickly grew on popularity. There were community dinners and fundraisers, annual weekends away for the girls and the clubs annual Cup Eve Calcutta and Cup Day Family entertainment day at the local pub, both of which continue, showed the clubs efforts to give the community a healthy sporting activity in a fun social setting. The 2009 Black Saturday bushfires changed everything for the town. For the tennis club, the fires provided the impetus to redouble efforts to offer a healthy social activity that would help people as they dealt with the daily Postal Address: C/- Hazeldene Store, P.O. Box 2026 Flowerdale, 3658, Vic flowerdaletennis@bigpond.com Grace and supported by the Flowerdale Community House. There are 8-10 teams Flowerdale teams enjoying the inter club mixed doubles evening competition. Two ladies teams continue to compete in the Broadford District Ladies Tennis Association Monday competition. These girls are die-hards. They organise their employment, their families and all their activities around playing their Monday tennis. Coach Colin Grace has become a much-loved member of the club. He first came to Flowerdale to offer his support after the fires. He continues to travel every week from his home in Yarrawonga to offer coaching to players. His skills are evident as a number of the Clubs juniors are now winning at regional tournaments, while the primary school children participating in the Hot-shots program are dreaming to become world champions. His coaching is enjoyed by players of all ages; last week a 72 years old member joined in. At the Flowerdale Tennis Club players of all ages, all levels of play and all walks of life are welcomed; to learn new skills, to have fun and to play tennis in the friendly and secure environment. For more information call Jeannette on 5780 1520

trauma that the devastation caused. The reserve became a temporary village for those who lost their homes more than 300 in the town - and the clubs courts became a place where people could come and enjoy some healthy stress-relieving exercise with their family and friends in the community. The clubs membership skyrocketed from the low 30s to more than 70 in less than a year and it became clear very quickly that more courts were needed. Many hours of hard work, planning, negotiating and lobbying went into new courts and finally in 2011, four new synthetic grass courts were officially opened in a community event which attracted about 200 people including many of the clubs friends and supporters from Essendon and other parts of Melbourne as well as representatives of friends in New South Wales The club now has 108 members - from across the district including Strath Creek, Glenburn, Yea, Kinglake, Whittlesea and Kilmore - who can use the courts free at any time when there are no club-arranged activities. About 28 children from four local primary schools enjoy the Hot Shots program on Mondays after school. The program is delivered by Coach Colin

Keys2drive offers free driving lessons to learner drivers and their supervisors, with accredited local driving instructors. The Federal Government has funded 50,000 driving lessons through the program, which has been developed by the Australian
Flowerdale Flyer

Medi a

Relea s

Automobile Association (AAA), with support from the driver training industry. Many driving instructor schools in the area are involved in this free lesson program which provides support for both L-Platers and their driving supervisors, who are usually their parents or older siblings, to best prepare them for solo driving. Rob Mitchell, Federal Member for McEwen, said,

Unfortunately young drivers are more likely to be involved in a car crash. This is because they are not yet experienced driving solo. This is particularly true for drivers in the first six months of their provisional license. As a former tow truck driver and emergency service volunteer, I have witnessed first-hand the terrible results that occur due to car. The Keys2driving program

assists both learner drivers and their supervisors with the skills and information to make supervised driving practice more effective. It provides on-road technical skills and off-road learning with an interactive website, videos and educational games. For further information or to book your free keys2drive lesson visit www.keys2drive.com.au.

March 2012

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Flowerdale CFA
Next training and meeting at the Fire Station. Training is on the first and third Sundays, and the brigade meeting is on the first Tuesday. TrainingSunday 4th and 18th March at 9.00am MeetingTuesday 6th, March at 7.30 pm. Kate HawkinsFlowerdale CFA


You and your family are invited to: The Flowerdale Mens Shed Opening celebration BBQ 1 pm Sunday March 25th

Blue Scope Steel Shed Recreation Reserve Spring Valley Rd Flowerdale

For more information about the Mens Shed contact: Peter Auty by Email

Flowerdale Flyer

March 2012

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1st Kinglake Scout Group

Scout News
The Scouts have been building rafts in preparation for the Nillumbik District annual raft race. They had a fun night testing them out on the Stony Creek dam in Kinglake West and on the day of the big event our Kinglake team finished first overall out of 14 teams. Great effort Scouts. We have also started fundraising to help send some of our Scouts to the 2013 Australian Jamboree in Queensland. Our first fundraiser was collecting rubbish at the Whittlesea Music Festival street party. Mia, Noel, Owain and Tristan all did a great job and were well supervised by assistant Scout leader Chris Renwick and Committee member Mel Ennis.

Coming up we have an ice skating night at the Ice House and over the school holidays our Scouts are off to the annual Survivor Scout Camp.

Coming up they have a beach trip to Phillip Island and our last night for the term is a movie night at Greensborough.

Venturer News
Over the last weekend of February our Venturers along with hundreds of other Venturers from around the state attended the annual Venturer camp Anything Goes. They had a great weekend doing activities like surfing and playing lasertag. Saturday night was party night with a DJ and two live bands.

Thinking of Joining?
If you are interested in joining as a Cub, Scout or Venturer, or you are an adult looking for a rewarding outlet as a leader or an assistant please phone: 5780 2926 or by e-mail chriscobern68@hotmail.com If would like to find out more about Scouting visit www.vicscouts.asn.au

DENKE CORNER Thank you to the Denke Family for their assistance with the numerous amount of accidents on their corner. Russel, Gaby and Jasmine your assistance is gratefully appreciated Thanks from Nigel Parry CFA

Flowerdale Flyer

March 2012

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Council Meeting Cycle 2012

Council to Commence Fees for Planning Consents

A challenging financial outlook for the Murrindindi Shire Council following the 2009 bushfires has meant that Council is no longer able to cover the cost for planning consents for rebuilding in fire-affected areas without charging fees. Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor John Walsh said that the Council was receiving State and Federal Natural Disaster Funding which removed the need for Council to charge fees for planning approval. However this funding stopped on 30 June 2011, and since then Council has been meeting this cost. Unfortunately our financial position does not allow Council to continue covering these fees. At the January meeting Council resolved to reinstate fees for planning consents in fire-affected areas from 1 May 2012. This means that from 1 May 2012 a fee of $102 will be charged for planning consents and a fee of $115 will apply to requests to extend the period of a planning consent beyond the normal two years, or to change a site plan after a consent has been issued. Planning permit fees will also recommence for the construction of new commercial developments, Mayor Walsh said. Following the 2009 bushfires the planning process was simplified to support fireaffected residents in their rebuilding. This involved replacing the normal requirement for a planning permit with a simpler process of planning consent whereby Council only needs to approve a site plan that includes the location of the proposed buildings, water tanks, septic fields and property access. This simplified process will continue through to 30 April 2013. After this time people will be required to apply for a normal planning permit to rebuild in areas that require planning approval. Since the fires the Council has received 668 applications for planning consent. I encourage people who have yet to obtain planning consent to rebuild their homes or sheds in fire-affected areas to contact Councils Planning Department and if possible lodge their applications before 1 May 2012, said Mayor Walsh.

Please be advised that the previously advertised February Ordinary meeting of Council has been rescheduled to 27 February 2012 .

Meeting Date


6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm

Monday 27 February 2012 Alexandra Chambers Monday 26 March 2012 Monday 23 April 2012 Monday 28 May 2012 Monday 25 June 2012 Monday 23 July 2012 Monday 27 August 2012 Monday 24 September 2012 Monday 15 October 2012 Wednesday 31 October 2012 Special meeting (Date TBC) Monday 26 November 2012 Monday 17 December 2012 Alexandra Chambers Marysville Community Centre Alexandra Chambers Alexandra Chambers Alexandra Chambers Yea Chambers Flowerdale Community House Alexandra Chambers Alexandra Chambers Alexandra Chambers Alexandra Chambers

To check details of any meetings, please refer to the meeting cycle on Councils website: www.murrindindi.vic.gov.au.

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March 2012

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Forming Friendships.

Flowerdale Community House INC

ABN 30 127 305 127


Day Monday Course IT Skills Lighten Up Tuesday Morning Tea/ Community Lunch Playgroup Quilting and Craft Meditation Time 10.00 am12.30 pm Weigh in from 6.00pm 10.30 am2.00 pm Cost $12.00 $5.00 Please bring a plate to share $2.00 per family $5.00 $12.00 ($60 for 6 week block) $8.00 (1Child) (Concession for additional family members) $5.00 $12 per session ($60 for 6 week block) $6.00


Thursday 15th March Fairfield Boathouse Morning Tea/Preston Market $20.00 Including Morning Tea Thursday 12th April Plenty Valley Entertainment Centre, South Morang Swinging Sisters at 11.00amall inclusive $20.00 Tuesday 22nd May Day trip to Daylesford/Lunch

10.00 am12.30 pm 10.00 am2.00 pm 7.30pm9.00 pm


Wednesday 6th June Morning Melodies at the Commercial HotelSouth Morang Andrew Portelli (Elvis the King of Rock & Roll) Bus only free Morning Tea, $5.00 3 course lunch (extra) $15.00 Friday 29th June Doncaster Shopping Centre Thursday 23rd August Morning Tea/Northland Shopping Centre Including Morning Tea Monday 17th September Donnybrook Pub for Lunch Bus only - Buy your own Lunch


Hip-hop classes

4.305.30 pm



Art Classes Yoga with Val Tepper

1.30pm3.30 pm 7.30pm-9.00pm 1st Saturday of the Month 10.30 am3.30 pm 4 Saturdays beginning 3rd March 10.30am 12.30pm Will alternate monthly Starting 17th March Starting 21st April




Quilting and Craft Beginners Patchwork Cooking Japanese Vietnamese


$12.50 (per class)

Wednesday 3rd October Morning Melodies at the Commercial HotelSouth Morang Gabrielle The Best of the Best (Songs from top female artists Petula Clarke, Judy Garland, Shirley Bassey & More) Bus only free Morning Tea $5.00 3 course lunch (extra) $15.00 Friday 23rd of November Xmas Shopping till you drop including Morning Tea


Green Valley Church Church is not like it used to be. Come and check it out! 10.00 am at the Community House


See Page 14 for enrolment forms BE QUICKSPACES FILLING FAST.


Op Shop ~ Opening hours: 11am to 3 pm. Donations of good quality, clean clothes welcome. We cannot accept toys,
electrical items or large furniture. Volunteers to work in the shop also needed. Come in, check out the revamped shop and bag a bargain.

Flowerdale Food Share ~ Thanks to the ongoing partnership with Berry Street and the Victorian Food Bank. Phone
or come and speak with Odette.

Firewood ~ If you are in desperate need of firewood, please call the Community House. Annie on UGFM ~ Each Saturday Morning at 9.30am on 88.9/98.9UGFM. Annie gives the Flowerdale Report, Good
Morning Murrindindi and has a wide listening audience.

Please feel free to call into the Flowerdale Community House and admire the wonderful building, have a cuppa with the staff, borrow a book or just sit and relax......

Flowerdale Flyer

March 2012

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Forming Friendships.

Flowerdale Community House INC

ABN 30 127 305 127

Free 15 Minute Spinal Checks

April 27th 10.00 am4 pm With qualified Chiropractor Dr Julian Simpson Bookings necessary Ring Community House 5780 2664

LADIES Beautician
Waxing, facials, pedicures.


Tuesdays 7.309.00pm At the Community House Book a spot Ring Community House 5780 2664

Fridays Starting in April With Beautician Jacqueline Bookings necessary Ring Community House 5780 2664

Community Bus Service to Whittlesea

The Community House bus will commence a service fortnightly on Fridays commencing 16th March. V-Line Stop opp Pub 8.40 am With pick-ups at Riverside, Creekside & Silver Creek. The bus will take passengers to Whittlesea

Flowerdale Community House with OPSM WHITTLESEA would like to offer community members who would like to have their eyesight tested , a once a month service. The community Bus would take a minimum of 6 residents to Whittlesea to visit OPSM to have their eye testing done and have a cuppa and browse around Whittlesea. If you would like to use this service please register your interest at Community House on 57802664

to connect with other Bus Services. A small fuel charge will apply Please book with Community House on 57802 664


4 x Saturdays March 3rd, April 13th, May 5th and June 2nd 10.30 am12.30 pm At the Community House

What to Bring:
Cotton thread, needles, scissors and four or five fat quarters and one and a half meters of light or dark background fabric. Fabrics should be cotton, and should be prewashed and ironed. A selection of black patterns to choose from will be available on the day. Basic kits are available for $10.50

COST: $10.00 per Class

Flowerdale Flyer

CONTACT: Sharon on 57801428 or Liz on 9716 3818

March 2012

Page 14

Forming Friendships.

Flowerdale Community House INC

ABN 30 127 305 127

Quilt, Art & Photography Show

Dates : 10th - 12th of March 2012 Times: 10.00am - 4.00pm At Flowerdale Community House 36 - 42 Silver Creek Rd Flowerdale. 3658 Entry Fee Visitors: Gold coin donation Exhibitors Fee: $6 First item, $3 for every other item Entry Forms can be collected from FCH or by phoning 5780 2664 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Please note in the event of Extreme or Code Red days the show will be postponed as the Community House must be Closed The "Enlightened Spirits Glass Hands" will be given out to their owners over the 3 days of the exhibition between 10.00am - 4.00pm Please pop in to collect yours

Booking form for monthly excursions...be quick

(See Page 12 for details)

Please fill out the form below and return with payment to: Flowerdale Community House Inc 36-42 Silver Creek Rd Flowerdale 3658 Phone 57802664 Email fch@internode.on.net



FAIRFIELD BOATHOUSE/MARKET ....................... ... SWINGING SISTERS .......................................... ... DAYLESFORD .................................................... ... MORNING MELODIES ......................................... ... DONCASTER ...................................................... ... NORTHLAND SHOPPING CENTRE ........................ ... DONNYBROOK PUB LUNCH ................................ ... MORNING MELODIES ......................................... ... XMAS SHOPPING ..............................................
Flowerdale Flyer March 2012

Page 15

We Want You

Only $5 a month Name Expertise Phone number Is all that is needed

Must be prepaid Marked with Payment: Flowerdale Flyer Tradies List & Contact Address

And Watch the jobs flow in

New Contact: Flowerdale Community House Inc Phone/Fax: 57802664 Email: fch@internode.on.net


All non-ferrous metals *We pay up to $100 a car* more for trucks *(conditions apply)* Melb Metro daily (MSIC) Wharf acc. 24 hours service, 7 days Trade Towing Metro/Country, Twin Car, Car Capacity Caravan Relocation, Tractor, Bobcats Equipment (up to 5 tons)

(Please note if not prepaid ads will not be published)

Cabinet Maker Renzo UkosichNew kitchens & renovations 5780 2278 Plasterer Peter KissNew Buildings, Renovations, Repairs No Job Too Big or Too Small 0413 741 396 Plumber Tom SimpsonTLS PlumbingSeptics, Water Tanks etc 0433 309 559


Phone Eddy 0407849252 or 0357978220 3877 Melba Hwy, Glenburn, 3717 Fax 57978520 www.eddystowing@harboursat.com.au

Wood Splitter available Full Time in Flowerdale

As part of the Tool Library in Flowerdale we now have a permanent Wood Splitter available. To book you need to contact Henry 0427 808 435
Flowerdale Flyer

Adams Painting\Property maintenance Waterproofing, plastering, high pressure washing, roof restoration and all painting works. Contact Adam: 0458 991 832 adamthefirstman70@hotmail.com

March 2012

Page 16


Ambulance 000 Bee Swarm Removal 0400 337 556 Berry Street 5772 3383 Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 Bushfire Building Advice Line 1300 360 320 Bushfire Case Management Service 1800 050 400 CFA Emergency 000 Consumer Affairs Victoria 1300 558 181 DHS Child Protection 1800 650 227 (After Hours) 13 12 78 Flowerdale Hub 5780 2704 Dial Before you Dig 1100 DoctorYea 5736 0444 Direct LineDrug & Alcohol Counselling 1800 888 236 Flowerdale Community Hall (Bookings) 5780 2027 Flowerdale Community House 5780 2664 Flowerdale Hotel 5780 1230 Flowerdale Kindergarten 5780 2816 Flowerdale Primary School 5780 1264 Hazeldene Store 5780 1202 Green Valley ChurchFlowerdale 0434 357 730 Grief line (12noon-Midnight) 9596 7799 Help for Wildlife 0417 380 687 HospitalYea 5736 0400 Housing for people with drug/alcohol issues 5784 5555 Insurance Ombudsman 1300 728 228 Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House 5786 1301 Lands Titles 8636 2026 Lifeline 13 11 14 JP (Lyn Gunter) 5780 2382 (G Atkins) 5786 2038 (K Stewart) 5786 1557 Maternal & Child Health Emergency (AH) 1800 134 883 Mensline 1300 789 978 Mental Health Advice Line 1300 280 737 Mitchell Community Health Services 1300 773 352 Murrindindi Shire Council Alexandra 5772 0333 Yea 5797 2209 Kinglake 5786 1522 Maternal and Child Health CentreFlowerdale 57802020 Home Based Child Care 5772 0362 Aged Care Services 5772 0360 Local Law Emergencies * 0419 572 425 Engineering Emergencies * 0407 509 413 Local Law Enforcement 5772 0333 *These numbers must only be used in the case of an emergency. If matter is not urgent please contact MSC during office hours. Nurse-On-Call 1300 606 024 Office of Housing (Seymour DHS) 1800 680 694 Open Family Youth Outreach Worker 0417 160 598 PoliceKinglake 5786 1333 Yea 5797 2630 Emergency 000 Poisons Information 13 11 26 Red Cross REDiPlan 8327 7700 Regional Information & Advocacy Council 1800 221 944 Relationships Australia 1300 364 277 Rural Financial Counselling Service 5735 4342 Rural Housing Network 5735 2000 SES 13 25 00 TRU Energy Power Failure 13 17 99 VetYea 5797 2333 Whittlesea 9716 2495 Victorian Aids & Equipment Program 5832 2200 Vision Australia 5831 3555 Yea Community House 5797 3070 Wildlife Victoria 1300 094 535


Captain: Glenn Woods Station: 5780 2179 Meets: 7.30pm 1st Tuesday of Month Emergency: Training: 000

1st & 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am

1/16 Page 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Classified Ads Personals $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $45.00 $90.00 $1 per line Free

Email the Flowerdale Community House at fch@internode.on.net or post to: PO Box 2008, Hazeldene 3658


Mobile Library Visits: Hazeldene Bus Stop1.30 to 4.30pm 1st & 3rd Thursday of month. If you have internet access at home you can reserve books at the Yarra Plenty Regional Library website (www.yprl.vic.gov.au) and collect them from the Mobile Library.


If you can help once a month to distribute please contact 57802664

Email: fch@internode.on.net
Would you like to announce birthdays, marriage, engagements, deaths, or other personal advertisements in the Flowerdale Flyer? Please contact Flowerdale Community House: fch@internode.on.net
March 2012

Flowerdale Flyer

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