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Creation of a Public Works Administration with an $850 billion appropriation.

PWA offices will be set up in each state and states and municipalities can submit projects for consideration. Pending approval of the state offices, projects will be forwarded to Washington for final approval. Approved projects will then be put through a bidding process in order of priority with self-liquidating projects first, then economically useful, then by employment potential. Bids will be solicited from private contractors and the state or municipality will be given a combination of loans and grants to pay; every county in the nation will be guaranteed at least one project.

Establishment of a Bureau of Public Housing and a Bureau of School Reconstruction within the Public Works administration to liaise with the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Education.

Creation of a Civilian Conservation Corps modeled as a domestic version of the Peace Corps funded by the Public Works Administration and jointly administered by the Department of the Interior and the Department of Defense; the newly created CCC will be a uniformed service.

Creation of a Reconstruction Finance Corporation. This will be a bank capitalized at $100 billion chartered to make loans to small businesses (defined as having under 50 employees/independent contractors or some combination thereof). Offices will be opened in major metropolitan areas with the option of online applications for those who cannot make a trip. Approval processes will be similar to the PWA, except that approval will be by state headquarters with oversight from Washington.

Creation of several new tax brackets above the current top bracket in consultation with Treasury Department officials. Suggested brackets include $375K-$500K, $500K-$750K, $750K-$1M, $1M-$5M, $5M-$10M, $10M-$25M, and $25M+. Top marginal rates will not

exceed 70% (this figure being chosen as the historical rate at the height of the Vietnam War during the Nixon Administration, it is certainly not absolute).

Implementation of a modernized Glass-Steagall Act. The original Act mandated the separation of investment and commercial banks as well as insurance firms. The new Act would not require existing banks to break up or divest themselves of certain parts. There would, however, be a mandated statutory separation of business, commercial, and insurance accounts so that operations of one would not directly affect the others.

Appointment of a Special Executor within the Securities and Exchange Commission to oversee the transformation of financial companies in compliance with the new Glass-Steagall Act; the first appointment to the SEC will be modeled on how William O. Douglas behaved as chairman.

Appointment of a Special Investigator in the Federal Trade Commission into the status of American anti-trust laws; upon delivery of the report, a Special Prosecutor will be appointed to act on the information contained within.

Creation of a Division of Finance and Trading within the Department of Justice and appointment of a special prosecutor to work with the SEC in investigating and prosecuting financial crimes.

Creation of a Pigouvian tax on financial market transactions deemed to have significant risk of negative externalities (with determination done by an independent agency of the government or Congressional committee investigation).

Significant revision of the National Labor Relations Act. Repeal of section 14(b) in totality and repeal from section 4(a) the following clause:

>> Nothing in this Act [subchapter] shall be construed to authorize the Board to appoint individuals for the purpose of conciliation or mediation, or for economic analysis.

Amendment of the same Act to eliminate permanent strike replacements, extend coverage to agricultural and domestic workers, and require mandatory first contract mediation then arbitration. NLRB will be given powers to impose fines for repeated or severe violations of unfair labor practice protections (subject to review by courts of appeal) and employees will be given the right to seek compensatory damages for wrongful discharge in addition to any awarded back wages.

Amendment of the Fair Labor Standards Act in order to apply the minimum wage to tipped employees; amendment of the same act to create a National Wage and Hour Mediation Board with powers similar to the newly constituted National Labor Relations Board in order to hear complaints brought under the Act. Decisions of the Board will be subject to review by Courts of Appeal.

Amendment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to add "sexual orientation" to the five existing protected classes (race, color, religion, sex, and national origin).

Amendment of the Davis-Bacon Act (the prevailing wage law for all federal public works contracts) to cover all federal contracts in general.

Elimination of income cap on FICA taxes for Social Security and Medicare. Creation of a Presidents Commission on Social Benefit Reform to deliver a report suggesting subsequent action needed if any on both Social Security and Medicare.

Raise in minimum wage to ~$8.50 first three years then $8.75 an hour after that.

National Space Exploration Act: $50 billion appropriation to NASA with another $25 to $50 billion guaranteed from PWA grants.

Creation of a Special Committee on Defense Efficiency co-chaired by representatives from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the National Security Council in order to identify any possible reductions or savings available in the Department of Defense.

Institution of a policy of rapprochement with Central and South America and the Caribbean, including Cuba, but focusing on Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico. Selection of a special envoy to Cuba to begin discussions on normalizing relations.

Call a special meeting of the Organization of American States to discuss methods of reducing drug related gang violence.

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