Vocabulary 9

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Vocabulary 9

Beatitude- supreme blessedness; exalted happiness. Fervid- heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, burning; glowing; intensely hot. Infrastructure- the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization. Protg- a person under the patronage, protection, or care of someone interested in his or her career or welfare. Ecumenical- general; universal Bete Noire- a person or thing especially disliked or dreaded; bane; bugbear. Fetid- having an offensive odor; stinking. Inveigle- to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements Prototype- the original or model on which something is based or formed. Incubus- an imaginary demon or evil spirit supposed to descend upon sleeping persons, especially one fabled to have sexual intercourse with women during their sleep. Bode- to be an omen of; portend Gargantuan- gigantic; enormous; colossal Kudos- honor; glory; acclaim Sycophant- a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite Prolix- extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy. Dank- unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly Heyday- the stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success Lagniappe- a small gift given with a purchase to a customer, by way of compliment or for good measure; bonus. Tautology- needless repetition of an idea, especially in words other than those of the immediate context, without imparting additional force or clearness, as in widow woman. Truckle- to submit or yield obsequiously or tamely (usually followed by to)

Vocabulary 10
Acumen- keen insight; shrewdness Disparity-lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference Fulsome-offensive to good taste, especially as being excessive; overdone or gross Liaison-the contact or connection maintained by communications between units of the armed forces or of any other organization in order to ensure concerted action, cooperation, etc. Patrician-a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat. Adjudicate-to settle or determine (an issue or dispute) judicially Dissimilate-the act of making or becoming unlike. Immolate-to sacrifice. Monolithic-made of only one stone Propitiate-to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate Anachronism-something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, especially a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time Empirical-derived from or guided by experience or experiment Imperceptible-very slight, gradual, or subtle Mot Juste-the exact, appropriate word Sic-to attack (used especially in commanding a dog) Apocryphal-of doubtful authorship or authenticity Flamboyant-strikingly bold or brilliant; showy Lackey-a term for a uniformed manservant Nihilism-theory of revolution Sublimate-change of solid substance to vapor

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