Oedipus Rex Script Writing Assignment

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Due Date: 9/23/11 Student Name: Course Name: Performing Arts Period: Teacher Name: Chen

Assignment Title: Assignment Summary:

Oedipus Rex Script Writing

For the past few classes, in Performing Arts, you have been reading the epic Greek tragedy, Oedipus Rex. While we were reading the play that was written in roughly 500 B.C., we noticed that the language Sophocles used is much different than the language we use today. In order to further solidify your understanding and knowledge of the play, you are going to write a 4-page script that focuses on the main ideas of the story. This script and play will be written in a modern day setting and in the language that would be used in that modern day setting. Following a specific script format, you will include all characters and main ideas from each scene of the play that we have covered in class and for homework. The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the main ideas of Oedipus Rex and emotion through voice and body language to portray the main characters. You will be writing as a modern day version of Sophocles, the author of Oedipus Rex. The setting in which the story takes place is up to you. As a modern day author or playwright, your audience is your fellow classmates and the general Muchin College Prep population. As a student in Performing Arts, your audience is your teacher, who will be looking for your creativity in translating a classic Greek play into a modern day masterpiece by highlighting the main ideas and character emotion of the story. Include your own creative title Typed, 1-inch margins, double Staple assignment sheet to front of spaced (between characters), single spaced (between lines final draft; staple rough draft to back of final draft spoken by the same character No excessive spacing of lines or The setting must be described for each scene. margins MLA format heading There needs to be a minimum of 3 scenes. Minimum length: 4 pages You must follow the Script Writing (Inadequate length will result in a 1Format that was covered and letter-grade drop.) practiced in class. 1. Read through your summaries of the play that we covered in class and for homework. 2. Determine your main scenes (minimum of 3), the characters within those scenes, and the main ideas of the story. 3. Compose your rough draft. Make sure to give important emotional context and action so that it is clear what you want the actors to do on stage. 4. Review your rough draft to make sure it includes all required scenes, main ideas, characters, emotion stage directions, and proper format. 5. Self edit your rough draft to make sure that it is interesting, readable, and error-free. 6. Revise based on your self edit. 7. Type and proofread the final draft. 8. Staple this assignment sheet to your paper before turning it in.

Role: Audience:



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