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Report About the Reforms Implemented Preface October 2008 is to be considered the starting point of the reforms conducted

in National Bureau of Enforcement, when the Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia was transformed into a legal entity of public law National Bureau of Enforcement, subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. As a result, the independence (autonomy) of the System has further enhanced. Various trends of the System were identified in the very beginning of the Reform. They needed immediate improvement and switch to a new mode. The improvements in organizational structure were the primary focus of the Reforms. The remunerations of the personnel were reviewed as well. Adjustments to Legislative Base With the goal to further improve the legislative base, the System closely cooperated with the Ministry of Justice and the Committee of Legal Issues of the Parliament of Georgia. The main goal was to improve the Law on Enforcement Proceedings of Georgia. The most significant consideration was to improve enforcement procedures in order to ensure timely and efficient enforcement. The following trends are to be underlined amongst the adjustments made to the Law: Participation in an auction was simplified. The old edition of the above-mentioned law allowed a person to take part in an auction only in case he/she presented a relevant bank guarantee, whereas after the adjustments, every single individual has been able to take part if he/she makes a preliminary transfer of 1/10 of the starting price of the property to NBE bank account. (As the analogue of the deposit stipulated by the Civil Code of Georgia) Quantity of participants in an auction has been available now; efficiency of auctions has increased that has got positive impact on a creditor as well as a debtor condition overall;  Procedure of conducting an auction has been improved; the principle to set the starting price of the property has been changed; the realization of an item after an auction has become available Responsibility not only of the owner of an item (debtor), but a warrantee as well has been identified while attaching the property. Other regulations related to enforcement procedure have been finalized. Improvement of Legislative Base with the goal of Meeting European Standards The main consideration of the Reform was the legislative base so that it should meet international standards. The researches were prepared with the NBE resources on various topics, namely:

 Forms of enforcement system and its characteristics;  Auction Procedures;  Enforcement procedure in relation to mortgaged property;  Rule for managing Debtor Register;  Procedure of proscription of citizens of foreign countries; Research was conducted on the basis of legislative bases of various countries worldwide. Namely, enforcement-related regulatory legislations of Great Britain (England/Wales), Estonia, Lithuania, France, Holland, Bulgaria, USA, Australia, Italy, Belgium and Finland were studied. As a result, efficient components of enforcement systems of foreign countries were adjusted to Georgian mode.

Implementation of Private Bailiff Service Establishment of Private Bailiff Service is one of the significant elements of the NBE reforms. On 19 December 2008, Parliament of Georgia adopted the bill about relevant adjustments and amendments to be made in the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings. The Bill stipulates the establishment of private bailiff service. In compliance with the above mentioned document, private bailiff service took effect from 1 July 2009. Private Bailiff Service is a novelty. It implies a partial delegation of the decision enforcement functions (on cases of certain categories) to private persons who are licensed and enforce basically civil cases independently, having the similar authority as state bailiffs. According to the legislative novelty, a private bailiff is an individual conducting enforcement activities on the basis of the license issued by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Private bailiffs are authorized to enforce cases countrywide if the parties of the enforcement are individuals and/or legal entities of private law. According to the law, a private bailiff has the right to have his/her own work place and deposit account. On 20 June and 12 December 2009 NBE conducted qualification exams for bailiffs and private bailiffs in relation to the establishment of Private Bailiff Service.O Up today, Ministry of Justice has issued 42 licenses for enforcement activity countrywide. It is worth mentioning that the innovative service has enabled the government to employ more citizens and it supports the sound competition in the enforcement field as well. The society has been enabled to make a choice regarding the enforcement of legal actions. As a result, accessibility of efficient enforcement of court decisions has increased. Establishment of Valuation Service for Attached Property Valuation Service for Attached Property was established in NBE on the basis of amendments made on 7 April 2010 in the Decree #220 issued on 30 September 2008 by the Minister of Justice. The above-mentioned Decree refers to the adoption of Regulations of National Bureau of Enforcement legal entity of public law of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. The basic goal of the Service is the valuation of attached property taking into account its market price. The valuation service has made the valuation of movable and immovable property more efficient in terms of saving the time and facilitating the process overall. Launch and Implementation of Electronic Case Management Program Considerable efforts were made with the goal of switching enforcement proceedings to electronic mode. With the cooperation of LEPL National Agency of Public Registry the Electronic Case Management Program was elaborated and it took effect on 1 January 2010. NBE got The financial support from ABA American Bar Association. The Program has enabled the Bureau workers to make all the ongoing cases online. Efficient execution of procedural monitoring of bailiffs has increased and the most significant of it all is that the parties related to NBE (creditor and debtor) have been provided the unique chance to check the proceedings of their cases via the website in online terms. Equipment of the personnel with modern facilities has also become the integral part of the Reform. In 2009-2010 all the enforcement bureaus were fully equipped with modern office facilities. Implementation of Debtor Register One more innovation has been launched since 1 January 2010 Debtor Register came into play. Debtor Register is a systematized database of individuals and legal entities havent made voluntary payments within deadlines. Debtor Register may be considered to be one of the most efficient ways to enforce decisions

Electronic Docflow Program With the goal to further simplify the enforcement procedures NBE has run Electronic Docflow Program. It has simplified the doc flow in the System saving the time of the staff and enhancing the quality of the control over the docflow.

NBE joins the unified official network On the basis of the agreement signed between NBE and Magticom Ltd. on 22 May 2009, NBE and its 11 territorial bureaus had been integrated in unified governmental network by September 2009. The intranet is the information-communicative service due to which NBE gets full online access to its territorial offices and other governmental institutions. Due to the above-mentioned network, every single worker of the system has been provided relevant technical facilities to work in the electronic Program.

Improvement of working environment In 2009-2010 special focus was made on the improvement of working conditions in territorial offices of NBE. Nowadays, NBE central office and 10 territorial bureaus are located in the premises that meet the international standards. Work efficiency of the personnel has greatly increased as a result and the customer satisfaction level has been increased accordingly.
Enhancement of Staff qualification Within the framework of the reform, qualification enhancement of the personnel has focused upon as well. a number of trainings were conducted that became the guarantee to get highly qualified personnel. Special trainings for the staff were conducted on the initial stage of every single novelty that was launched in the system. It made the imlementation of new components more efficient. As it was mentioned above, qualification exams were conducted for bailiffs and private bailiffs on 20 June and 12 December 2009. The qualification index of the NBE personnel was once more reviewd due that and the qualification requirement standards were implemented. Launch of Internship component in Enforcement system Running a 6-month internship component is considered to be one more innovation within the sidelines of the Reform. Since 2008 NBE has 3 times announced openings for the internship. The last time the internship was announced it was the paid one. Over 300 candidates having passed the exams were enabled to take an internship in NBE. Its worth mentioning that the successful interns were appointed to vacant positions as far as the corp of successful inters is considered to be highly qualified human resource. Improvement of service quality Improvement of customer service quality was the primary focus of the Reforms. The following components were implemented: Reception the so called Front Desk provides the receipt and registration of documents presented by the parties;  Group of consultants offers full legal consultation to customers on the spot;  Meeting Manager _ controls the quality of meetings of bailiffs with customers;  Call center offers general legal consultations by phone. Giving publicity to ongoing reforms of enforcement system Within the framework of the reform, the special focus was made upon the quality enhancement of publicity-giving. The main goals was the timely and efficient release of information from the Bureau. The component of preparing press conferences, briefings, press digests, TV-radio programs was implemented. They have facilitated the publicity of NBE news.

Thematic activities were carried out on the basis of which the awareness of NBE was increased amongst the society. The following activities were conducted successfully:  `Report to people~;  `Report to students~;  `Report to media. Communication strategy of NBE was worked out with the help of USAID. The document has become the primary action plan for NBE trends in terms of public relations. Website The NBE webpage has been launched within the frameworks of the Reform. It helped to provide the population with timely and full-scale information regarding the news in the System, as well as ongoing and planned auctions. The electronic programs are posted on the web. It simplifies the navigation process for the customer to search the timely information. Cooperation with higher educational institutions Cooperation with higher educational institutions has been a special focus with the goal to attract young human resources. Memoranda of cooperation have been signed with Tbilisi State University and Sukhumi State University. Within the frameworks of the cooperation, students have been able to undergo the practical study course in NBE. The above-mentioned component has further increased the employment seekers in NBE. Law of enforcement has become the additional subject at universities. The Discipline will be implemented in all the required higher educational institutions as well. International relations: Establishment of close cooperation of the Bureau personnel with international donor organizations has to be considered to be one more successful outcome of the Reform. Partner organizations:  GTZ _ Society for Technical Cooperation of Germany;  EC (Twinning and TAIEX programs) _ EU;  ABA _ American Bar Association;  UNDP _ UN development program;  BC _ British Council;  SIDA _ Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. The following components have to be underlined in the trends of cooperation with partner organizations: 1. Qualification enhancement of personnel; 2. Enhancement of social consciousness; 3. System digitalization. Herewith, the strategic development plan has been worked out in NBE with the support of UN development program (2010-2012), that has systematized the activities planned within the sidelines of the Reform.

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