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FACTORS THAT INHIBIT EFFECTIVE UTILISATION OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: The Case of Selected Local NGOs Based in Dar es Salaam Anna Onesmo Mrema Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), October 2007 This research was conducted in partial fulfilment for the requirements of Masters of Business Administration. The research was about Factors that inhibit the effective utilization of performance appraisal: The Case Study of Selected NGOs Based in Dar es Salaam. This was an attempt to find out the performance appraisal practice in LNGOs, and challenges that they are facing in administering formal performance appraisal to their employees and recommend best approaches to overcome such challenges. The researcher employed descriptive design with clear and specific narration of facts with an overview of the LNGOs working context in Tanzania. The research discovered that, LNGOs use traditional secretive approach to Performance Appraisal (PA) and that; there is no formal PA programme in most of LNGOs. These practices and approaches are outdated and highly discouraged by most human resources professionals, LNGOs staff and other stakeholders. The researcher noted that formal and open PA practices are the most appropriate and mostly desired by LNGOs staff. The researcher recommended that LNGOs, the donor community and the government have an important role to play to collectively promote effective utilization of performance appraisal in LNGOs. This is possible by making PA programme a mandatory undertaking to be reported on a yearly basis the same as financial and development programme activities report ***************

THE IMPACT OF DONOR FUNDS INFLOWS ON MONEY SUPPLY IN TANZANIA George Bantula Salvatory Kaindoah Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of donor funds inflows on money supply and policy response. More specifically, the study intended to examine the effect of donor funds inflows on money supply and inflation, and determining the degree of significance of the donor funds inflows on the reserve money. The effect of donor funds inflows on real gross product was also investigated. Correlation coefficients and regression results were used during the discussion in this study. While the relationship between donor funds inflows and money supply was strongly proved to be positive and significant at one percent level, the relationship between donor funds inflows and inflation was proved to be negative and


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significant at five percent level. Therefore, the hypothesis that there is positive relationship between donor funds inflows and inflation was strongly rejected. Hence an increase in donor funds inflows in Tanzania did not cause an increase in the rate of inflation. The relationship between RGDP and donor funds inflows was strongly proved to be positive and significant at one percent level. Therefore the hypothesis that donor funds inflows have a positive effect on Tanzania economy was not rejected at all. The study suggests that if the economy is faced with large donor funds inflows and the cost of sterilization seems to outweigh the banks income, and then policy response has to be extended to deploy some of the options below depending on their enforcement costs. *************** THE IMPACT OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON SERVICE QUALITY AS PERCEIVED BY CUSTOMERS The Case of Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited (TTCL) Hidaya Hamis Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007

This study examines some aspects of management practices that can impact service quality perceptions. The major research question was whether the results could help to explain the general level of service quality as perceived by customers in the context of Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL). A study of fifty customers and fifty employees in five TTCL regional offices was used to analyze the effects on service quality of some management practices. The selected management practices include: managers risk aversion; centralization; and market based reward system. The analysis was made using simple and multiple linear regression analysis and two basic findings emerged. First, interdepartmental conflict and interdepartmental connectedness appear to influence the level of service quality. Second, the results appear to suggest that interdepartmental conflict and interdepartmental connectedness can be improved by a host of actions, including a management style that exhibits less risk aversion, greater empowerment of employees and the development of a market-based reward structure to create common incentives. Generally, in order to improve service quality, organizations must work to reduce conflict and increase connectedness among departmental groupings. Specific managerial implications and direction for further research have been discussed.




THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE The Case of Vodacom Limited, Tanzania Breweries Limited and Barrick Gold Mining Company Mgema Masunga Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2007 In Tanzania, in the post 1990 period after the introduction of the market economy, private sectors were allowed to engage fully in business activities. That resulted into increased competition among different firms producing and selling products with similar use such a pattern forced firms to design different marketing strategies aimed at penetrating different market segments, and increase their production, sales as well as profits. This study investigated the impact of firms corporate social responsibilities on organization performance in Tanzania in the post 1990 period. A sample of three firms, namely, Vodacom Tanzania Limited, Tanzania Breweries Limited and Barrick Gold Mining Company Ltd were used as representatives. Overall findings revealed that increasing firms corporate social responsibilities and others have helped to advertise as well as market products. Hence, have increased sales and profits amidst stiff competitions, though their social responsibilities have been limited mainly to urban areas. It is recommended that measures be undertaken by all stakeholders in order to enable more people in remote rural areas also to benefit from their activities. The Government should increase tax incentives on products offered by these companies as part of their packages of corporate social responsibilities. Measures should be undertaken to increase employment and disposable incomes for households in order to increase households purchasing power. Lastly, there should be formation of one independent NGO body, which will supervise and coordinate the activities for organizations engaged in corporate social responsibilities. ***************

DEVELOPMENT AND CHALLENGES OF DERIVATIVE MARKETS IN TANZANIA The Case of Derivatives in Commercial Banks Mbajo Pius Mchomvu Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The aim of this study was to get insight of development and challenges of derivatives market in Tanzania. The study used primary data whereby sixteen commercial banks were interviewed using Questionnaires.


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The study revealed that it is right time to exercise derivatives in Tanzania and common derivatives used in Tanzania are; foreign exchange swap, forwards, options, interest swaps, futures and forward rate agreement. The main participants of derivatives are commercial banks and big corporate customers. The study also revealed that the regulatory body hasnt yet put enough effort to promote the derivative markets in Tanzania. It is recommended that the Tanzania Financial market will not develop fully if banks and big corporate companies are not taking active part in the modern financial products like these. If banks utilize derivatives fully, then, it would help even to stabilize our Tanzanian Shillings against major currencies. It is also recommended that proper skills are required and the Central Bank should play the active role to engineer the whole exercise of derivative market development in Tanzania *************** MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMEs) ACCESS TO COMMERCIAL BANKS FINANCE IN TANZANIA The Case of Dar Es Salaam based MSMEs and Commercial Banks Narcis Daudi Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2006 The main objective of this study was to assess Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) accesses to financial services in Tanzania, with special focus on Commercial Banks (CB). The study was conducted for Dar es Salaam based Commercial banks and MSMEs as a sample group through use of questionnaires, Observation and interviews. 43 participants were involved. Specifically, the study sought to Firstly, Assess the extent of Commercial banks loans are made available to MSMEs in Tanzania. Secondary, Establish the cost/price at which commercial banks finance is accessible by MSMEs. Thirdly, Find out the range of finance that can be accessed by MSMEs. Fourth, Examine flexibility on accessing commercial banks finance by MSMEs. Fifthly Assess the impact of limited access to these credits on MSMEs performance and lastly to put forward recommendations for adoption by both parties in the study. It was found that, about 70% of the banks users are aware of the availability of commercial banks loans but the problem is education and awareness by MSMEs owners. This implies that, small business owners should make extra steps in learning what are the necessary requirements and the cost involved. On the other hand, the government should improve the current policies to incorporate the newly ones focusing specifically on access to Commercial Banks funds that is deregulation. Also assist on introducing more schemes and training centers for the development of the sector and economic improvement. ***************



FACTORS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE OF SMALL LOCAL ENGINEERING CONSULTING FIRMS IN TANZANIA Phillip Makota Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 The research sought to establish factors affecting performance of small local engineering consulting firms in Tanzania. In so doing, engineers were asked whether they find guidelines for evaluation of technical proposals affects small firms during tendering for various projects in the country, whether small firms have equal chances to meet threshold (benchmarks) as is the case to large local or foreign firms. The research also looked at among other things whether firms association may assist small firms in future projects, establishing whether engineers perceive there is a need to classify engineering consulting firms. Lastly, the research ought to establish what engineers perceive as main obstacles to the development of engineering consulting firms in Tanzania. The research was able to establish that engineers perceive that qualifications and experience as well as quality of proposed staff are among major obstacles to small firms when their technical proposals are evaluated. Engineers find that small local firms have narrow chances to meet threshold when competing for various projects. That being the case, they do agree that there is a need to classify engineering consulting firms. Engineers do agree that when small firms associate with large local or foreign firms their capacity increases due to knowledge transfer from large to small firms. Generally, the research was able to achieve the intended goal; henceforth it is highly emphasised that individual registered engineers, IET, ERB, ACET and others to join hands in developing solutions to address problems mentioned in this research. *************** CONTRIBUTION OF MICRO CREDIT TO POVERTY REDUCTION IN THE RURAL SOCIETY OF TANZANIA The Case of Mbinga Community Bank Sayuni Mbwilo Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2007 Establishment of microfinance institutions for the purpose of mobilizing savings and disbursing micro credit to the poor in developing countries has been among the strategies to alleviate poverty. This study is intended to find out whether community banks in Tanzania contribute to the growth of income, improving wellbeing and reducing capability poverty of the small scale farmers. In collecting the primary data, questionnaire was administered to 94 randomly selected households of five villages of Mbinga district namely; Mkwaya, Kindimba, Mbangamao, Tukuzi and Ngima. Data analysis was done by SPSS software. Cross tabulation, one way and multiple comparisons ANOVA tests were also done. The empirical evidence of the study indicates that micro credit changed the life of the poor in a positive way. Clients who borrowed at least once from MCB have relatively higher income, investment in productive


University of Dar es Salaam

assets, accessibility to education and food sufficiency. Frequency of borrowing have been found to influence the impact of the loan to poverty reduction because those clients who borrowed more frequently were found to be more well off than the new and the prospective borrowers. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH INSURANCE COMPANIES A Case of Tanzania Lucas Mimbi Master of Business Administration (Marketing), October 2007 The objective of the study was to investigate the factors influencing customer satisfaction with insurance companies. Professional services are credence products with very few tangible cues to signal quality. In developing a tool for the insurance context, the 21 attributes of service quality were operationalised generating five dimensions which were identified as Assurance, Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness and Empathy. A cross-section of 121 customers of insurance policies from different companies in Tanzania provided data on the way they rated their Insurance Companies in respect to the features and services they offer. Using these ratings, customer satisfaction levels were calculated. This study found that Assurance and Reliability dimensions have a significant influence on customer satisfaction with insurance companies, suggesting that these two dimensions were regarded by policyholders as the most crucial towards meeting customer satisfaction. Managers should look into the two dimensions very closely as they are important to customers. Improvement of service quality should be in this order Reliability, Assurance, Responsiveness, Empathy, Tangibles. Growing evidence that customer satisfaction drives organizations economic health means that managers can no longer afford to ignore customers feedback. Rather, organization-specific examination of dimensions is vital and useful so that managers are able to assess and determine the precise level of both customer satisfaction and its influencing factors. The proposed exploratory instrument used here to measure customer satisfaction with the insurance industry could serve as a starting point for other studies in the professional services domain. *************** THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AGENCY FORCE IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS The Case of National Insurance Corporation of (T) Limited (NIC) Vivian Jonathan Mmari Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2007 This study investigated the effectiveness of agency force in financial institutions with specific reference to the National Insurance Corporation of Tanzania Limited (NIC). Over the years the NIC has been using



substantial amount of money and other resources on its agency force. Until now no research has been done to ascertain the effectiveness of the agency force. To achieve the objectives and questions raised in the research the study gathered a variety of data in the above mentioned aspects of agency force effectiveness. Data was collected through interview, observations, questionnaires, NIC documents review, and news papers. Likewise literature review and empirical research work were visited in order to establish concepts and theories pertaining to the study. The findings show that the agency force contribution to NIC overall performance is not effective especially under the liberalized market. Following the Insurance Act of 1996, now there are 16 private insurance companies conducting insurance business in Tanzania. Factors that contributed to that situation are related to; NIC weakness, agency force and the existing regulatory mechanism. Thus the corporation is recommended to change its current organization structure, office layout, and system of recruiting and controlling agents, computerize business operations and adequately support its agents and more to finalize the privatization process. *************** DETERMINANT FACTORS OF LOW COVERAGE OF SOCIAL SECURITY SCHEMES IN TANZANIA Assumpta Maina Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2007 Socio-economic risks and uncertainties in human life result in the need for social security. Social security schemes are the most common formal security schemes. In Tanzania, there are six major social security institutions; five are in Tanzania mainland and one in Zanzibar. Those operating in Tanzania mainland are the Parastatal Pensions Fund (PPF), National Social Security Fund (NSSF), the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF), Local Authorities Provident Fund (LAPF) and Government Employees Provident Fund (GEPF). Despite the existence of the five pension institutions in Tanzania mainland and existence of the social security framework; the level of coverage is still very low, hence the general objective of this research was to determine factors leading to low level of coverage to social security in Tanzania. A total of 131 questionnaire responses were obtained out of which 91 were from employees and 20 from institutions. Secondary data was obtained from various libraries including PPF data base. Data was analyzed focusing on the above mentioned objective while trying to answer the accompanying specific questions. The following five factors came out clearly as strongly hindering the social security scheme coverage: The reduced purchasing power of benefits offered; Workers un-willingness to contribute to social security schemes due to paucity of their incomes; Lack of knowledge of the types of benefits offered by social security schemes; Members delays in receiving benefits when due and failure by security benefits to meet members immediate priority needs. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

FACTORS HINDERING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STAFF TRAINING The Case of Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB) Gabriel Mwajombe Master of Business Administration, November 2007 This study was conducted to investigate the factors hindering the effectiveness of staff training. The study based on the case study approach that focused on the Tanzania Postal Bank. A Stratified technique was used to select respondents from both management and non-management levels. 51 respondents were sampled and administered with questionnaires. Personal interviews were conducted with the human resources officer. Data were analyzed using SPSS and were presented in tabular form, relative frequencies, charts and figures. The factors behind the ineffective staff training were; lack of autonomous training unit that coordinates training in the bank, insufficient budget allocated for training function, poor involvement of employees particularly in the TNA process, the criteria for trainees selection are not clearly known, and are not given a chance to determine what kind of training they actually need, the training center is poorly financed and managed together with the poor methods used for training( classroom based), lack of competent human resources practitioners and poor top management support. All these have an adverse effect in staff training. The study recommends improving the approach used to carry out training programs and promoting transparency in the whole process of training. The bank should accrue more funds for staff training, train all managers and supervisors through the TNA process. Further the bank should form an autonomous unit dealing with staff training and development function. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT IN TANZANIA An Exploratory Study of Entrepreneur and Enterprise Characteristics Sarah Isaac Ngomuo Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study sought to explore the influence of characteristics of both the entrepreneur and the enterprise on firm performance in Tanzania. Variables covered in the study are age of the entrepreneur, education level, ethnicity, cultural heritage, previous experience, gender, five motivation variables, firms age, firms industrial sector, firms legal status and number of employees. The study combined quantitative and qualitative methods of enquiry, comprising questionnaires, interviews and observations. Descriptive analysis was used to identify the characteristics of the study population .The chi-square test was used to identify the significant association of variables which influence firm performance. The results reveal that SME performance is influenced by entrepreneur characteristics namely; age, level of education; ethnicity, previous experience and three motivational variables, namely desire to be



independent, finance and self-fulfillment. The following entrepreneur characteristics, such as family background in business, gender and two motivational variables (job satisfaction and contribution to economic development) did not show any influence on firm performance. Enterprise characteristics observed to influence firm performance include age, legal status and size. However, firms industrial sector was not observed to have an influence on the performance of the firm. Furthermore, the study revealed that in Tanzania, SMEs continue to operate in a chaotic environment, where policies are inconsistent and regulatory procedures are stringent. Inadequate access to finance and training were also perceived as being a great hindrance to their performance. The study recommended that regulatory institutions need to create for SMEs a friendlier environment; the policy environment should be made more favourable to SMEs; and Enterprise-Based Training. Moreover, financial institutions should review their loan scheme so as to enable SMEs to have ready access to capital. *************** AN ASSESSMENT OF MICROCREDIT PERFORMANCE ON POVERTY REDUCTION IN TANZANIA The Case of Posta na Simu SACCOS and PRIDE -Tanzania Victor Reginald Sungusia Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The overall objective of this study was to assess the impact of micro credit on poverty reduction in Tanzania. The study investigated two Microfinance Institutions in Tanzania, PRIDE and Posta na Simu SACCOS where 100 customers from both PRIDE and Posta na Simu SACCOS were interviewed. At the same time 10 respondents credit providers were interviewed. To tackle the research objective the study employed four research propositions: poor people access credit easily from microcredit institutions; conditions and procedures set favours poor people; mmicro-credit finance contributed to an increase in income to credit receivers and micro-credit finance contributed to an increase in employment opportunities Findings show that Microfinance Institutions lack policy and regulatory environment, have insufficient access to information and weak human and institutional capacity. Therefore, as a result of these impediments access to microcredit remains limited to poor population in Tanzania. It was observed that conditions and procedures set do not favour the poor and low-income earner clients. Therefore, the proposition that poor people do access credit easily was not supported by the results from this study. The results from the study indicate that both income and employment opportunities increased significantly after started borrowing from microfinance institutions. Therefore, the results from this study indicate that micro credit institutions have created more employment opportunities. It was recommended that Tanzania needs to intensify its efforts in encouraging entrepreneurship formulation through credit strategy. In order to improve credit growth through Microfinance Institutions, Tanzania should initiate market opportunities for product/services through promoting business activities, moreover efforts are needed to simplify the procedures to start and run business through credit facilities. Creation of awareness is another area needs to be put into consideration, because most people are not aware of the availability of credit facilities. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

PERFORMANCE IN TANZANIA A Study of Selected Enterprises Salhina Mussa Mkumba Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study assesses the effectiveness of privatization on enterprise performance in Tanzania by considering the effect of private ownership on enterprise sales revenue, Profit Before Interest and Taxes (PBIT), and production volume, which are variables used in this study. The study has been carried out as a result of contradicting view points of various people on the subject of privatization in Tanzania. Some people are of the opinion that privatization has been successful in improving performance of enterprises while others maintain that there is no neutral evidence to the effect. The study uses a sample of 16 privatized enterprises. It was conducted by reviewing information on performance of firms before they were privatized. This information was mostly retrieved from the PSRC archives. The pre privatization information is processed to come up with an average for each variable which is compared with the average processed from the post privatization data. Post privatization information was obtained by circulation of questionnaires to the privatized enterprises and review of secondary documents. The averages for both pre and post privatization periods were subjected to the sign test and hypotheses are tested. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING PURCHASING COST IN PROCUREMENT SYSTEM The Case of Public Institutions in Tanzania Jackson Anyisile Mwampanga Mwaigonela Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Most of public procurement system is characterized by frequently emergency orders, poor documentation of records, poor purchasing procedures, lack of consolidated purchase and lack of effective communication between the management and procurement sections in government institutions. The main objective of this study was to determine factors influencing purchasing in procurement system. The cross sectional study survey was conducted in Dar es Salaam region and involved different procurement officers from government institutions. Primary and secondary data were obtained through structured questionnaires and different publications. The study was designed to use multiple regression model to establish the relationship among the variables, whereby there are more than two independent variables. Independent variables were obtained by using simple model developed by researcher. The purpose of developing this model was to obtain the weighted average of independent variables since each independent variable has its own weight and have different ranks according to the perceptions and opinions of those who filled the questionnaires. Findings show that there is a relationship between the costs associated with lack of effective communication and purchasing cost. Similarly the study found direct relationship between costs associated



with poor documentation and purchasing cost. Costs associated with lack of consolidated purchase have also direct relationship with purchasing cost. Furthermore, purchasing costs is also directly related to costs associated with emergency or rush orders. Lastly, costs associated with poor purchasing procedures have direct relationship with purchasing cost. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the government should continue with the efforts to enforce procurement laws and train all government staffs to avoid interference among government staffs. The governments should also implement and train procurement staffs on procurement planning in order to reduce rush orders and frequency purchase. There is a need also for the government to enforce proper communication between user departments and procurement department in government institutions. *************** FACTORS AFFECTING BANK CREDIT MANAGEMENT The Case of NBC Limited Micah Elifuraha Mrindoko Masters of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study aimed at reviewing the general credit management systems in financial institutions to find out those factors that have significant influence on credit management effectiveness among the financial institutions in the country so that credit risk can be mitigated. In order to achieve the intended objective, three research questions and two hypotheses were raised and tested to guide the study. In this study primary data was collected from NBC Ltd members of staff through a semi structured questionnaire using a number of attitude scales. It can also be concluded from the findings made that character, collateral and circumstance are effective tools in assessing customers creditworthiness. This implies that, good character, supported with collateral and favorable circumstance are the haven for adherence to credit obligations by borrowers. Collateral and character differ significantly in terms of their effectiveness in credit risk mitigation. This is because collateral is something measurable and its stability in value can be ascertained while character is something invisible and strongly out of control of the lender. This study recommends to all the stakeholders in lending business to consider all the six tools in the course of assessing customers creditworthiness, the six Cs of Credit. ****************** EFFECTIVENESS OF ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS ON TAX ADMINISTRATION PERFORMANCE IN TANZANIA Kapaya S. Kisesa Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This research aims at exploring the Impact of Administrative Reform initiatives at improving Tax Administration effectiveness in Tanzania through tax modernization projects.


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To realize this objective, perceptions of the Authority employees on their level of commitment, skills and competence, strategies as well as availability of the necessary infrastructures, resources and conducive operating environment were used in making the general assessment of success and sustainability of implementation of tax administration reforms in the country. A perception survey was conducted at TRA officers in Dar es Salaam and Coast Regional using semi structured questionnaires and a few interviews with the Authority senior officials. The study made analysis of the data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) guided by simple hypothesis tests using Chi-Square model. The study findings indicated that administrative reforms did indeed enhanced tax administration efficiency and effectiveness. Nevertheless, the study identified the need to explore the full potential of Information and Communication Technology and Staff Training and Development projects. Other impeding factors identified were the availability of resources at the implementation level and poor organizational responsiveness to emerging challenges and/ or opportunities during implementation. Several recommendations were proposed based on the research findings and other acceptable literatures on how to optimize achieved successes. Further researches were also recommended on issues whose effects and outcome could not be ascertained by this study. *************** ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING HOTEL OCCUPANCY IN DAR ES SALAAM Tenford W. L. Phiri Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 Hotels are part of the Tourism Industry, which also includes the travel and transportation sectors. The hotel industry comprises hotels, motels, lodges, restaurants, cottages and guest houses. These together are members of the hospitality industry which is part of the service industry. Following the liberalization of the economy in the 1990s, the country has seen growth in the hotel industry. This growth in this sector brought about stiff competition. Hence hotels started experiencing hotel occupancy problems. The main objective of this research was to investigate factors that influence hotel occupancy in Dar es Salaam. The research methodology employed in this study was descriptive study. The study involved both qualitative and quantitative approach, and it was based on a cross sectional study, where a survey was conducted and customers in selected hotels were asked to provide information in order to generate answers to the research study. Three hypotheses were tested. The results revealed that services quality, price and location had significant influence on hotel occupancy. It was recommended that in order for all hotels to achieve good occupancies, should provide good quality services, improve on their marketing strategies and be more aggressive and finally should ensure that all hotel staff are well trained. ***************



THE USE OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION IN DECISION MAKING OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs) The Case of Dar es Salaam Region Anale John Masters of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The focus of this study was to explore and examine the use of accounting information in decision making of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the Case of Dar es Salaam Region in Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to find out and to identify the different kinds of accounting records and the extent to which these records were used in generating accounting information, finding out whether accounting information were used in the various decisions made by SMEs. Additionally, the study explored the extent to which SMEs used accountants as a source of expert advice. The study used a number of data collection methods including surveys, questionnaires, observation and documentary analysis. The study showed that although numerous SMEs did keep some form of financial records/accounts. Unfortunately, a huge majority the (SMEs) hardly were aware nor convinced of the usefulness of accounting Information. Moreover, the financial reporting requirements for control and decisionmaking purposes were but a vocabulary to many. The study recommends that the SMEs be educated on the importance of accounting information in decision-making. It is only after knowing the importance and role of accounting information that the SMEs will keep the proper records and use the accounting information for vital decisions. ***************

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OUTSOURCING TAX COLLECTION IN TANZANIA Hawa Wahab Ridhuan Mringo Master of Business Administration (Finance), 2007 The study analyzed the effectiveness of outsourcing in Tanzania, using a case of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA). The objectives of the study were to assess the level of revenue collection prior and after outsourcing, level of risk reduction and level of customer satisfaction after outsourcing in TRA. This study employed a descriptive research design. It was mainly based on primary data that was collected through semi-structured questionnaire and supplemented by secondary data from review of literature on revenue collections in Tanzania. The findings show that level of revenue collection has improved tremendously; the risks prior faced by TRA were reduced to a greater extent and the level of customer satisfaction improved to a great extent compared to pre-outsourcing period.


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Bases on the research findings and discussions, we have seen that the risks prior faced by TRA were completely eliminated, revenue collection increased and the level of customer satisfaction increased as well. This study was done using data from Dar es Salaam only. Further study could be done on the same topic and sample survey to be conducted in the whole country to generalize what was found from the small sample. ***************


William Fidelis Makoresho Master of Business Administration (Finance), 2006 The adoption of technology into service industries is becoming a strong trend as service providers are now being urged by industry bodies to invest in technology as a way of securing their future in the technology age. Due to lack of computerized customer services banks have found difficulties in providing efficient and better services. They have been facing problems of long delays of services to their customers. Citibank Tanzania Ltd, which was used as a case in this research, has been investing large amounts of money in automating its processes. The research intended to explore whether investment in Information Technology done by Citibank Tanzania is operationally justified and whether it has an impact on customer service delivery. Three study hypotheses were developed. Hypothesis One tested Information system usage and customer satisfaction, Hypothesis Two tested whether the growth of electronic banking has direct relation to the improvement of banks service delivery, and Hypothesis Three tested whether banks process automation directly impact service turn-around time. Cronbachs alpha test was used to test the reliability of the questions. It was found that majority of respondents (over 87%) agreed that automated banking services assist fast delivery of banking services and enables settlement of transactions in less than 15 minutes. From the hypotheses testing it was found that automation of banking services had direct relationship to the improvement of banking services, direct impact on service turn-around time and direct proportional to customer satisfaction. ***************



CONSUMERS PERCEPTION OF ADVERTISING IN TANZANIA Bernard Venant Ndunguru Kapesi Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This study sets out to understand consumers perception of advertising in Tanzania with the view to understanding the perceived role of advertising in guiding purchasing decisions, exploring the role advertising plays, whether or not the ads are entertaining and interesting enough to generate positive ad recall rates, to establish how informative and persuasive the different types of advertisements are to Tanzanian consumers and finally to establish if there are issues regarding ethical conducts in advertising and how to address them. This study therefore examines the underlying beliefs that may account for perception of advertising among the Tanzanian consumers as a result of the countrys trade liberalisation policy adopted in the late 80s. Qualitative research approach involving the use of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) was adopted in collecting data for this study. The FGDs were made up of both males and females drawn from the C1C2D socio-income groups, aged 18 - 45 years. Digital recording devices were used to record the discussions. Although research findings show that there is a positive perception of and favourable attitudes towards advertising in general, it does not necessarily mean that advertising alone influences purchase decisions. Discussants noted that advertising is useful in product knowledge and availability, and pointed out a few ads considered unethical and/or intrusive in the values and lifestyles of consumers. Entertaining and humourous ads were said to have high recall rates. They also expressed the need for having rules and regulations for advertising to guide both the media and advertisers on ethics. Based on the focus group respondents the findings indicate that there are economic, social, ethical and regulatory factors of advertising to be considered when examining attitudes towards advertising in general. Implications of the findings have been highlighted under the respective areas such as implications to theory, to advertising practice/profession, policy implications and managerial implications. *************** THE USEFULNESS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR DECISION MAKING IN TANZANIA PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES The Case of University of Dar Es Salaam Exaut Julius Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 This research aimed at assessing the usefulness of accounting information for decision making in Tanzanian Public Universities. This study analysed how far users competence, information quality and nature of accounting information provided contributed to improvement of the usefulness of accounting information for decision making in Tanzania Public Universities, taking the University of Dar es Salaam as the case study.


University of Dar es Salaam

In examining the usefulness of accounting information the study was conducted to answer the research questions like, do users of accounting information have the relevant experience and qualification? Does the accounting information contain the relevant quality? and does the nature of accounting information influence the usefulness of it. In order to answer the above questions data were collected from 79 respondents, out of whom 51 were Accountants, 19 Deans and Directors, 5 internal auditors, the Bursar for MUCHS and Mlimani, as well as the Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Academic Officer of the University of Dar es Salaam. Data were analyzed using SPSS computer software program. The research found that there were a significant relationship with respect to competence and quality of accounting information in decision making. However with regard to the nature of accounting, the research found that there was no relationship with respect to usefulness. The conclusion reached here is that accounting information is useful in decision making with respect to users competence and quality of accounting information provided. This study was carried out at the university level and thus appeals for more studies in other sectors of the economy for further assurance. ***************

FACTORS DETERMINING DEPOSIT MOBILIZATION IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN TANZANIA Alpha Wilson Magubila Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 The overall objective of this study was to analyze factors determining deposits mobilization in commercial banks in Tanzania. More specifically the study intended to: examine the impact of information technology in deposits mobilization; evaluate the contribution of location of the bank on deposit mobilization; examine the impact of varieties of services offered on deposit mobilization; and assess the relationship between banks image and deposit growth. The study employed a sample survey technique, where 60 customers and 60 bank officials from four banks (CRDB bank, Akiba Commercial bank, Stanbic bank and Standard chartered bank) were interviewed as representatives in this study. Both primary and secondary information were used in this study. Primary data through questionnaires was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). The results were presented using frequencies and charts to supplement and support explanations. The results from the analysis of both the primary and secondary data made the study to come up with the conclusion that all the factors are influential in Deposit Mobilization in Commercial Banks in Tanzania. Also limitations and area for further research were identified. From the study, recommendations are made on improving the use of information technology in commercial bank to allow more utilization of Electronic money and credit cards. Also it recommends Commercial banks to design a way to make deprived rural population to get the banking services. ***************



FACTORS INHIBITING TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF NON-ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM The Case of Directorate of Investment and Resources Mobilization Amos Langaeli Nnko Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), October 2007 In this study the researcher wanted to examine factors inhibiting training and development of non-academic staff of the University of Dar es Salaam and in particular the Directorate of Investment and Resource Mobilization (DIRM). In order to probe the research problem, the study worked out a population sample drawn from employees working with six units of the DIRM. These units are University Student Accommodation Bureau (USAB), Research flat accommodation facilities, Silver Sand Hotel, Transportation Unit, Photographic Unit and Insurance Agency. The total of 60 employees was sampled out of a population of 100 employees. The study was based on the case study; both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used. Simple random sampling method was used to select respondents from the population. The Instruments used for data collections were questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentary review. The data analysis was done through SPSS and the qualitative data were tabulated and frequented, the respective percentages were calculated and where necessary, tables, graphs, and narrative modes were used to represents results obtained from the data analysis. Finally the data were interpreted. The findings have indicated that training and development of non-academic staff is affected by various factors. Such factors were unavailability of training and development policy and programs for non academic staff, Inadequate training budget, lack of management support, untrainable employees, poor recruitment system, the use of poor training method, poor employees participation in training and development, incompetent trainers, lack of coherent staff performance appraisal system, poorly conducted TNA, Lack of job re categorization after training, improper planning on employee training, lack of competent and professional HRM practitioners and lack of transparency in selection of trainees. In view of these factors the study recommended the need to have training policies, accrue funds for employees training and development. Also TNA should be done effectively and professionally in order to accurately establish the quality of the workforce required by the organization. *************** PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE AGENCIES IN TANZANIA The Case Study of the Agencies in Aviation Sector Paul Christian Rwegasha Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 This study has chosen three Executive Agencies in aviation sector namely TAA, TCAA and TMA as the case study. The broad objective of this study was to investigate how effective the established Executive Agencies in Tanzania implements and achieve the objectives of their establishments. More specifically, the


University of Dar es Salaam

study was intended to assess and establish whether the established executive agencies have managed to make improvements on financial performance and in delivering public service, and to come up with the conclusion on whether the decision of government to create executive agencies was viable decision or not. Quantitative and Qualitative research approaches were used to collect data. The study found that, the significant progress has been made in the reviewed agencies compared with the period before their establishment. In terms of improvement in public service delivery, TCAA has made a tremendous improvement followed by TAA which has scored average performance and TMA which has scored low in this aspect. In terms of financial performance TCAA and TAA have managed to generate own revenues to finance fully the expenditure budget and they are no longer dependent on government subsides. TMA due to the nature of services it offers has not managed to generate sufficient revenues to finance its expenditure budget, and therefore still depends heavily on government subsides. Generally the decision of establishing executive agencies as one of the public service reform strategy introduced by the government of United Republic of Tanzania is viable decision as most of the created agencies have shown positive trends in improving public service delivery as well as in financial sustainability. However, agencies need to be proactive in seeking ways to scale up their role in service delivery to public. They should have in place a program of continuous service quality improvement based on comprehensive and up to date information on customer needs and preferences together with the customers perception of the quality of service that is being delivered and to what extend this meets their expectations.


COUNTRY OF ORIGIN EFFECTS ON PRODUCT EVALUATION A Case of Electrical Appliances and Motor Spare Parts Patrokil Kanje Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 This study aimed at investigating country of origin effects on product evaluation and specifically on the effects on quality perception, satisfaction and intention to buy for electrical appliances and motor spare parts. The study also looked at other related factors which include price, brand name, availability, and appearance. A random sample of 93 customers was studied using a cross sectional survey and three hypotheses guided the study. The first hypothesis proposed that a relationship exists between country of origin and customers perception of quality. The second hypothesis proposed that Countries of origin effects on product evaluation by customers are similar between electrical appliances and motor spare parts. Finally, it was hypothesized that there is an association between country of origin and purchase decision/intention by customers The study revealed that a significant relationship exists between country of origin and perception of quality by customers in the purchase decision. It was also found out that customers perceptions differ in terms of products durability, accessibility, ease of use and performance based on country of origin. However, price has been found to outweigh country of origin effects in influencing purchase decision. In certain cases



country of origin effects are similar across the two product classes of electrical appliances and motor spare parts. Relevant recommendations for prompt action and further research include research on hybrid products, places and other factors have been made to other researchers. Other studies that have been conducted in the developed world can also be replicated in the developing world for better and more accurate generalizations. ***************

FACTORS INFUENCING DEFAULT IN A GROUP LENDING MODEL USED BY MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN TANZANIA A Case Study of PRIDE (T) & PTF Suzana Sakilu Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 The study investigated Factors Influencing Default in a group Lending Model used by Micro-finance Institutions (MFIs) in Tanzania. Three objectives guided this study, namely, to investigate whether or not transaction costs incurred by MFIs clients result to default, to examine multiple membership in relation to loan repayments and to investigate if the default in MFIs has any impact on client population. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam region and a survey approach was used. The sample comprised 120 respondents from two MFIs. Data collection was undertaken through questionnaires, semi- structured interviews and documentary review. Findings from the study reveal that transaction costs do not have an impact to loan repayment basing on the fact that, MFIs clients regard weekly meetings as a chance for exchanging new ideas about business. Likewise, the study reveals that multiple membership influence loan default. Comments given were due to small amount of loan, lack of clients awareness and culture of being unsatisfied. Lastly, the study reveals that loan default in MFIs influence clients to dropout. The reasons given included: good clients are discouraged to waste their time and money paying for defaulters. The study concluded that both MFIs and their clients had a vital role to play in order to improve loan repayment. The study insisted training to MFIs clients in order to acquire basic knowledge in running their business. The study recommended that in order to assure good repayments, MFIs should train their clients, provide them a grace period as well visit their business before providing the loan.



University of Dar es Salaam

AN ASSESSMENT OF FACTORS LEADING TO FUNGIBILITY OF CREDIT AND ITS IMPACT ON MICROFINANCE LOAN DELINQUENCY The Case of The National Microfinance Bank Limited Muhidin R.S. Ally Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 The main objective of this study was to assess factors leading to the fungibility of credit and its impact on loan repayment in the National Microfinance Bank Limited. Fungibility is said to have significant contribution on the performance and quality of loan portfolios of the commercial banks. The total of 111 respondents from four National Microfinance Bank branches in Dar es Salaam was sampled. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in data analysis. SPSS and Microsoft Excel programs aided data analysis. Simple linear regression models were used to test relationships that the researcher was interested to find out. It was found that factors leading to fungibility of credit in the National Microfinance Bank Limited included clients strategies of managing shocks, propensity to acquisition of fixed assets, high cost of credit, short product line and information asymmetry among others. At 5% level of significance it was concluded that there is significant statistical relationship between fungibility of credit and loan delinquency in the Bank. It was also concluded that Banks policy on fungibility of credit does not address the problem on its entirety. Lastly it was also found that fungibility of credit has positive relationship with frauds, misconduct and dishonest among employees and that it accounted for the greater part of the present delinquency and portfolio performance problem in the bank. *************** DEBIT CARDS AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Case of CRDB Bank Ltd Catherine Zakaria Ringo Master of Business Administration (Finance) September, 2007 The general objective of this study was to investigate on debit card usage and customer satisfaction. The study investigated on the level of customer satisfaction from using debit cards and challenges that customers face from using of debit cards. The study utilized the survey method of data collection. It was conducted in Dar es Salaam and data were collected from CRDB bank. The study has established that there is a positive response for customer satisfaction in using of debit cards among the people interviewed. The study however established that there are challenges facing customer in using the debit cards. Challenges include frequent break downs of the ATM machine, limited cash withdrawal amount, narrow services offered by the card, few ATMs and POS centres, time consuming services due to long queues etc. The study recommends the need for the banking institutions to ensure cash availability at ATMs at all the



times, increase the number of POS and ATM centres, regular servicing and monitoring of the machines to ensure their reliability, sharing of debit cards among banks,. The study also recommends for the banking institutions to reduce withdraw charges, more advertisements and education to create awareness and increase number and frequency of use, increase and integrate number of services, ensure high speed services, increase amount of money that can be withdrawn. *************** DISPOSAL AS A PUBLIC ASSETS MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AN EVALUATIVE STUDY OF DISPOSAL OF GOVERNMENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN TANZANIA Siasa Issa Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 Nearly all countries own or control substantial portfolio of public assets, including residential properties. Although governments generally attendwith greater or less experienceto the day-to day operational needs of their assets, few such governments think of their assets as a portfolio whose composition might be modified to better serve public purposes. The study aims at evaluation of disposal of residential properties in Tanzania that commenced in 2002 which involves the disposal of government and public corporations residential properties. The study is based mainly on a review of practical, academic, and institutional literature. It also uses data from TBA, individuals who purchased the public residential properties in Dar es Salaam and real estate experts. The findings of this study reveal that the exercise was not properly conducted given the best practices of the disposal of public assets. This is substantiated by the fact the government does not maintain the National Asset Register, not appropriately selected the buyers of public residential properties, did not follow the disposal route and did not conducted post disposal appraisal. It also becomes evident that the government still needs those houses and efforts need to be made to repossess some of the disposed residential properties. Finally, the study provides recommendations to the government on the actions to take to ensure that the public assets are managed efficiently in order to benefit all citizens who are the ultimate owners of the public assets. *************** THE ROLE OF MARKET SEGMENTATION IN ENHANCING FIRMS SERVICE DELIVERY The Case of Mobile Phone Companies in Tanzania Ahimidiwe Massawe Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 The study had three specific objectives; to examine the role played by market segmentation in enhancing


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mobile phone companies service delivery, whether quality of service delivered resulting from segmentation enhances customer satisfaction and whether the quality of service resulting from segmentation leads to increased mobile usage. Findings of the research show that to a great extent market segmentation improves quality of service delivered to customers. There is a strong relationship between the quality of service delivered and customer satisfaction and contribute significantly to increased mobile usage. Conclusively, it is evident that in order to provide quality service and be able to satisfy customers, companies need to understand well their customers and segment them according to their specific homogenous needs and serve them better than their competitors do. *************** RELATIONSHIP QUALITY AND CUSTOMER LOYALTY IN THE MOBILE TELECOMUNICATION COMPANIES IN TANZANIA Gabriel Redson Makupa Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 This research studies relationship between relationship quality and customer loyalty in selected mobile telecommunication companies (MTCs) in Tanzania. The researcher was interested in establishing the relationship between relationship quality (RQ) and customer loyalty with specific reference to mobile telecommunication companies. The study took the form of a cross-sectional survey design, using self-administered Questionnaires. It was carried out in 3 mobile telecommunication companies and involved 300 customers in Dar es Salaam. Tables were used to describe the characteristics of respondents. Pearson correlation was employed to establish association between the studied variables and to answer the research questions. Regression analysis was also used to explain the extent to which the independent variable predicts the dependent variable. The findings revealed a significant relationship between relationship quality components, i.e social bond and customer loyalty, which is consistent with the previous works done in the same area. This call for the need of strengthens relationship with customers if telecommunication companies in Tanzania want to win customer loyalty and hence sustain their business. *************** CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FOR PENSION FUNDS IN TANZANIA A Comparative Study of PPF and NSSF Mohamed A. Ahmed Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 Government-mandated pension plans exist, first and foremost, to provide some assurance of adequate incomes for citizens in retirement. The primary objective of these mandatory retirement saving programs is to ensure that workers would not face hardship in their retirement years and to ensure that governments



are not faced with large social welfare costs if myopic workers did not save for retirement when they were working. The broad objective of this study was to assess and make a comparison between PPF and NSSF in the context of corporate governance in their operations. The study involved two pension funds, namely NSSF and PPF. Quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used to collect information. The results were presented and discussed using the list of criteria developed in this study. Findings indicated that, while poor governance in both NSSF and PPF were observed in terms of appointing and dismissal of CEO, appointing board members, good governance were observed in terms of term of office and holding of other government offices by CEOs, policy formulation of the pension funds, types of investments, gauging the risk of investment and procedures for investment decisions. Despite some little weakness observed in the pension funds in Tanzania, generally they reveal good governance in terms of their daily operations. To improve good governance of pension funds in Tanzania in their operations, the study suggests that CEOs appointment should be done by the Board of Trustees instead of the President as it is currently. The tripartite representation of the board of trustees is good but should include pensioners. ***************

FACTORS AFFECTING CELLULAR PHONE USAGE IN TANZANIA Rick Eliud Kikota Master of Business Administration (Marketing), 2006 Cellular phone usage in Tanzania has increased since the introduction of this important service. This research work were aimed on studying factors influencing the adoption and usage of cellular phone in Tanzania; and role of promotional campaign in cellular phone industry in increasing cellular phone usage. The country has not achieved the MDG target figure of cellular phone users. It was hypothesized that perceived benefits, affordable pricing and other factors need to be controlled so that the country can increase the number of people using cellular phone. Primary data was collected from the user of cellular phone, and was captured by the aid of a questionnaire. Collected data were analysed by simple frequencies and Chi-square tests. It was revealed that majority of the respondents are of the opinion that usage of cellular phone increases productivity at their works and it is convenient to use. Also majority do no agreed that cellular phone usage is due to price being charged by network provider. The majority of the respondents are of the opinion that promotion made by network provider attracts them in cellular phone usage. Also in average usage of cellular phone is influenced by advertisements and price review from network provider. It was concluded that the use of marketing strategies by network provider has no significant relationship with increase in cellular phone usage. This suggest that there are other factors that may influence the increase of people using cellular phone in Tanzania ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY MODELLING IN ORGANIZATION Abamwesiga Kiiza Beneth Master of Business Administration (Finance and Information Systems), November 2006 The objective of this research was to formulate a model for explaining the triggers of information security management (ISM). The ISM is influenced by three major factors: the senior management perception of security risk, the internal and or external security events that are deemed significant when they occur and the perceived strategic importance of information system in the organisation. The research employed the positivist methods to evaluate the factors influencing the change in information system security management in the organisations. A sample of 35 organisations was selected; these organisations were using information system as the strategic system and were using the system in the last three years during the period of study. The structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data analysis was done using quantitative techniques including proportions, factor analysis and chisquare test. The study findings are: that information risk awareness amongst directors and senior manager influence how information security reviews take place, the perceived strategic importance of the information system in achieving the organisation objective and the influence of external and or internal security events that are important by the management does influence the information security management practices. The research concludes that, there is an intricate relationship between perception of risk and ISM, the relationship between perceived strategic importance of IS and ISM practice and external an or internal security events does influence the way the ISM practice is conducted in organisation. The research, therefore, recommends that apart from the contemporary technological approach, securing information should take a strategic perspective in addressing risk perception amongst senior executive and as well address other issues such as information culture, awareness and constantly scanning the environment both within and outside to monitor surfacing new security threats and adjust the controls to mitigate these risks. ***************

TAX COMPLIANCE ISSUES ON SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES SECTOR IN TANZANIA The Case of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Dar es Salaam Region Ndete Faraji Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 Tax compliance is a serious and costly problem to SMEs in most developing countries. This study seeks to explore the tax compliance issues on SMEs in Tanzania. Thus, the study attempted to establish the key reasons of non-compliance and give out the suggested solutions to problems that lead to non-compliance.



`In this study, the researcher used snowball sampling approach in order to include SMEs who operate outside of the tax net i.e. informally. The questionnaires were used to allow respondents to express their tax views freely. The study uses both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to analyze the data. The study found out number of factors that cause non-compliance of SMEs with the tax law in Tanzania, these are: - lack of knowledge by the taxpayers, high tax charged to SMEs, lot of time required for tax computation, poor business performance, limited time for tax payment, complexity of tax law, poor financial records, variations on turnover, corruption of some TRA officers, and liquidity problem. Further more, the study suggested possible solutions to problems revealed. Non-compliance of SMEs in Tanzania with the tax law is mostly caused by lack of tax knowledge and complexity of the tax law. Therefore, the tax authority could improve tax compliance through educating SMEs on tax matters and by being transparent. *************** LIQUIDATION OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISES IN TANZANIAAND ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS IN PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES TERMINAL BENEFITS The Case of Mwanza Textiles Limited

Juvenalis Motete Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2006 This study was conducted to investigate liquidation of public enterprises in Tanzania and associated problems in payment of employees terminal benefits. MWATEX (In Liquidation) was taken as a case study. The principle objective of this study was to examine and document factors behind problems associated with payment of employees terminal benefits of liquidated public enterprises in Tanzania, and to suggest remedial and appropriate measures that could be taken to reverse the trend. Data for this study was collected using both secondary sources and structured self-administered questionnaires. A random sample of 250 was selected out of 1,723 employees, who were on roll as of October, 1993. 150 (or 60% of the targeted sample) employees responded. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Findings of the study revealed that terminal benefits offered to employees of liquidated public enterprises are inadequate, there is lack of awareness on the part of the employees with respect to the procedures involved and their rights to terminal benefits, and employers and pension Funds mishandle payment of terminal benefits. As a result, the study recommends the establishment of strong and independent trade unions to advocate for the rights of their members, and treating legal prescriptions as merely laying down minimum terms on terminal benefits thereby adopting other non legal means (e.g. social corporate responsibility) to achieve equitable terminal benefits. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN TOURIST HOTELS The Case of Dar es Salaam Nasra Kara Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 Highly significant changes are currently taking place in tourism, with a notable increase in competition between hotel companies and especially between emerging and consolidated tourist destinations. Due to such a fact, this study specifically endeavored to investigate the factors influencing customer satisfaction in tourist hotels in Dar es Salaam. Both qualitative and quantitative data were used to generate reliable data, to identify study factors like perceived service quality, perceived price and hotel location. Data were collected from fifteen tourist hotels in Dar es Salaam. Primary data were collected through using structured questionnaires and observation while secondary data were considered as well. The analysis of the research data was done by using SPSS package whereby a non- parametric test (chi square test) was used to test the strength of the observed variables, and multiple regressions was used to test the proposed hypotheses. The overall findings revealed that hotel customers were satisfied to a great extent with the services they received in tourist hotels, while the hotel locations in the city centre and the reliability in maintaining daily menu proved to be a less significant factor in influencing customer satisfaction. However, it has noted been that, in order for hoteliers to operate well in the competitive environment, training should be given to hotel workers, the price of food and beverage should be reduced and additional services should be available in hotels located in the city centre. *************** CHALLENGES AND POSSIBILITIES OF MAKING MARKETS WORK FOR THE POOR: The Case of Barrick Gold Mines in Tanzania Chediel Nyirenda Master of Business Administration (Finance), September 2006 The mining sector in Tanzania employs many people and therefore makes huge purchases both locally and internationally and could make a big market for local products. This research was conducted in Kahama, Tulawaka, and Buzwagi. The objectives were to identify the needs of Barrick, to analyze local capacity to supply these needs, to identify the challenges hampering this capacity and then suggest a local procurement strategy that would add value to both Barrick and the local SMEs. Visits were made to the



mine sites and to the surrounding communities and interviews conducted with key personnel. Important documents were also reviewed. This research has found out that there is a good potential for local entrepreneurs to supply the needs of Barrick Gold Mines in Tanzania. The local entrepreneurs do not meet the quality and reliability standards that cannot be compromised by Barrick. It was also found that Barrick contributes a lot to community development through building schools, wells, a market and a hospital and they employ many local people. They have done a lot of other forms of charity. In spite of these offers Barrick still needs to take a step further and engage in social enterprise development to support the actual economic development. One step is by forming an Entrepreneur Resource and Information Centre. Difficult policy regulations should be dealt with, the business formalization sped up and local entrepreneurs should engage in the formation of companies in order to become competitive *************** CHALLENGES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN SUPPORTING BUSINESS NEEDS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES IN TANZANIA A Case Study of Heritage Insurance Company Tanzania Limited Evan Makundi Elisafisha Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 Information system adoption has become part and parcel of modern business both in developed countries as well as developing countries. Many organizations particularly in the financial sectors are heavily dependent on information systems to execute their daily operations and provide management with viable accurate, timely, relevant information for decision making. Insurance companies have not been left behind in the quest for adopting information system in their businesses. However the process of adopting these systems has not been without hitches. Many companies have spent lots of money in anticipation of getting a system that will meet their business needs through improved service delivery and efficiency, but to their surprise they end up being frustrated by getting a system that does not meet their requirements and expectations. This study focused on challenges of information system in meeting business needs of insurance company in Tanzania, a case study of Heritage Insurance Company Tanzania Limited. Data was collected through the use of structured questionnaires from employees of Heritage Insurance. The total number of employees responded to the questionnaire were 38 out of 50 employees of Heritage Insurance. Based on the variables and the stated hypothesis, the full regression model was analyzed. Various probability theories were used in an attempt to answer specific questions based on variables and stated hypothesis. The finding of this study reveals that usefulness, information quality, ease of use and vendor support has significant impact on information system users acceptance at Heritage Insurance. However these are not the only variables that have significant influence on user acceptance, it may be assumed that other variables such as management support, user involvement in acquisition, implementation process, and motivational, behavioral and attitudinal components might as well have a significant influence on information system user acceptance. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

FACTORS AFFECTING HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING PRACTICES IN PRIVATE ORGANIZATION The Case of CRDB Bank Limited in Tanzania Rukia Msusa Master of Business Administration (Human Resources), November 2009 The main objective of this study was to explore factors affecting Human Resources Planning practises in private organization, a case of CRDB Bank. Despite the efforts made by organizations to ensure that there are right people, in the right place, at the right time, there are still some challenges in the whole process of implementation of effective Human Resources Planning in the Tanzanian private organizations. Failing to properly plan for their human resources, employers are forced to become reactive, rather than proactive. This tendency of reactiveness causes problems of rush recruitment which sometimes led to wrong recruitments. Respondents were drawn from CRDB Bank staff in three different branches. Sample of 60 respondents out of 196 were selected by using simple random sample. Questionnaires and documentary review were adopted as main tools of collecting data. Findings revealed poor implementation of HRP at CRDB Bank, and realized factors affecting HRP Practises at CRDB Bank such as limited budget, ad hoc decisions, labour turnover, improper linkage of HRP activities with corporate strategy, improper information of HR, inadequate appreciation of the value of HR, lack of retention plan, and poor communication. The study concluded and recommended the need for the realization of HR as the most valuable assets and develops an appropriate reward system that will attract and retain employees in order to achieve a competitive advantage. CRDB Bank should consider recruiting HRP professionals, who will ensure that recruitment is done with minimal errors, so that right people, to be in their right place, at the right time. HRP at the CRDB Bank should be established in a master plan where by the requirements of each project that is initiated should be incorporated in the budget. *************** ASSESSMENT OF TIMELINESS OF FINANCIAL REPORTING The Case of Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania Mussa Hamid Mzuzuli Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The problem of untimely financial reporting in the public institutions has become critical as far as the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) of Tanzania is concerned. Among the most affected areas in delay of submission of financial statements for auditing are the public Universities.



The main objective of this study was to make an assessment of timeliness of financial reporting at public Universities in Tanzania and to assess factors which affect preparations and submission of financial reports. This case study conducted at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied sciences (MUHAS). The MUHAS financial report and nine other financial reports from donor funded research projects, from 2002- 2008 were randomly selected and analysed. Questionnaire were prepared and distributed to various staff at the University. The financial reports for the period covered were obtained, their issue date and auditors report types were recorded and analysed. The study found that; no significant associations observed between the number of staff, their experiences, professional educational level, and work structure, frequency of producing financial reports and the degree of internal control with the timeliness of financial reports. The study results imply that; there other factors that may be associated with timeliness of financial report that need to be researched or the same variables using higher level of significant. *************** AN INVESTIGATION OF THE STATE OF AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE IN SMALL AUDIT FIRMS IN TANZANIA Patrice Deemay Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 Professional standards require auditors to be independent in the performance of attestation services. Critics of the accounting profession have expressed concern that, pressure to maintain and develop business opportunities may erode an auditors objectivity and independence especially for small audit firms when making audit judgments. This study investigated the state of auditor independence in small audit firms in Tanzania. Four specific research objectives were developed. These were: to assess the extent of auditor rotation in the small firms; to assess the proportion of non-audit fee to total fee from a client; to examine the extent of price competition in the small audit firms and to assess the proportion of audit firms financial dependence from a client. Data was collected from fifty-four respondents comprised of; twenty small audit firms, four big audit firms and thirty client firms by using both close and open ended questionnaires developed for that purpose. Data obtained were analysed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) especially Frequency Tables and Percentages. The findings indicated that the rotation of audit firms/partners in small audit firms seemed to be rarely practiced and hence their independence is in question. Also perceptions of auditor independence were statistically significantly lower for the cases where the audit firm performed non-audit services in addition to audit services. It was also found out that small audit firms are influenced by their clients to reduce audit fees especially during initial engagement something detrimentally impair their independence. However, the assessment of small audit firms financial dependence over individual client did not indicate great impact. It is recommended that regulators set certain minimum number of partners to be able to undertake required audit rotation; also to limit the number of non-audit services to be offered by a firm to two or three only, and finally a compulsory formation of audit committee in the clients firms corporate structure. *************** THE ROLE PLAYED BY TAX PRACTITIONERS ON VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT)


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COMPLIENCE IN TANZANIA Venance Mshana Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The main objective of the study was to evaluate whether Tax Practitioners enhance Taxpayers Value Added Tax compliance in Tanzania. Specifically Tax practitioners knowledge in VAT laws, reliability of their advice given to taxable persons and the level of accuracy observed on VAT returns prepared by tax practitioners were assessed. Factors that influence taxpayers decision to engage tax practitioners were also evaluated. The study is a sample survey conducted in Dar es Salaam region covering 72 VAT registered taxpayers, 34 Tax officials and 5 Tax practitioners. Result from the study show that tax practitioners have sufficient knowledge in VAT laws; exhibit high skills and professional competency; and advice their clients accurately. VAT returns prepared by Tax practitioners are more accurate than those returns prepared by the taxpayers themselves. Further results show that factors which forced the VAT registered taxpayers to use tax practitioners includes among others lack of tax and accounting knowledge, complexity of tax laws and objectively to have the most correct VAT returns. The study recommends the enhancement of tax education program as it will increase the taxpayers ability to understand the tax system thus enabling them to have clear conscience in carrying out their responsibilities. Simplification of tax laws, improvement of taxpayer services and recognition of tax practitioners as the key stakeholders in building voluntary VAT compliance. Lastly further research areas have been identified. *************** THE USE OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INFORMATION IN THE LENDING DECISION PROCESS IN TANZANIA The Cases of CRDB, NBC and NMB Bank Salama Mohamed Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 This research aimed at assessing the use of financial statements information in the lending decision process in Tanzania. It analyzed the key information required by banks in their lending decisions and assessed the quality of information contained in financial statements that result into favourable bank lending. The sample was selected randomly from loan officers of the three financial institutions which were NBC, NMB and CRDB. Total respondents were 88 and the tools used for collecting data were questionnaires and interview. The data were then processed and analyzed through SPSS and presented in form of tables, frequencies and percentages. The findings of the study revealed that the key information required by banks in the



lending decisions were Balance Sheet, Income statement, Business Plan and Budget for next years. The study further discovered that there are other information required by banks in their lending decisions. These include stock and debtors list, residential assurance of the borrower, availability of collateral and integrity of the borrower. The conclusion reached is that, the quality of the financial statements information is something very crucial in lending decision process as it influences the lending decision. Finally, the study recommends further studies to examine the use of financial statements information in non banking financial institutions in Tanzania and to establish a relationship between auditors attestation of the financial statements and the degree of reliability of the same in relation to adequate repayment of the loan. ***************

FACTORS LEADING TO INVESTORS INACTIVE TRADING OF SECURITIES IN THE SECONDARY MARKET The Case of Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) Lawrence Mworia Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The general objective of this study was to investigate the factors that are leading to investors inactive trading at DSE market. The study investigated the factors that are causing the public to shy away from the secondary trading of securities, the factors that hinder the awareness of DSE by the public as well as the relationship between the information given out by the DSE and the publics perception. The study population included the officials from the CMSA, DSE, as well as investors and non-security investors. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analysed through quantitative and qualitative methods. The study found out that there are a number of factors causing the public to shy away from the secondary trading of shares, including little or lack of capital to invest, and the desire to gain a profit due to share price appreciation. Factors identified to be hindering awareness of security trading with DSE include low level of education, lack of interest by the public, difficult in understanding the technical information given and the culture of unwillingness to change. The study recommends that both CMSA and DSE should play an active role of awareness creation and capacity building through training and aggressive promotion activities to raise the public awareness of the DSE operations. The public and potential investors are also advised to take a step forward to understand how the market operates, what opportunities are available and also to mobilize funds for investing in the trading of shares. ***************



University of Dar es Salaam

ALLEVIATION IN TANZANIA The Case Study of Four Selected Councils in Ruvuma Region Ndaki Stephano Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 This study made an assessment of the effectiveness of Local Government Capital Development Grants (LGCDGs) in poverty alleviation in four councils of Ruvuma Region in Tanzania: Mbinga District Council, Songea Municipal Council, Songea District Council and Tunduru District Council. The data collected covered the period of 2004-2009 and provided enlightening insights for the situation in the four councils with respect to various development growth indicators in this period. Out of 148 targeted respondents, 122 (82%) gave full usable responses. Data were collected by using questionnaires, document review, interview and observation, and both quantitative and qualitative research procedures were used in data analysis. The key findings of the study were: (a) the local investments were being made in accordance with local needs as determined through local participatory planning and budgetary processes, ( b) The received funds were being channeled to the projects and uses as intended and there is an improvement/expansion for physical stock of new and rehabilitated infrastructure, (c) The communities, specially the poor, have improved their access to local services, and (d) There was a positive relationship between the LGCDGs received by Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and the standard of living of the local community. Lastly, the study concluded that most of the local communities were aware of the LGCDG system and participates effectively in projects planning and implementation, but onerous conditions set by Local Government Support Project (LGSP) for access of funds did not foster the sense of development for disqualified Councils and thus retarding the development of innocent people in those councils. This study ends by giving specific recommendations on areas of further research and to different stakeholders, including the Government to review its policies on management of LGCDGs so as to eliminate the hindering difficulties/challenges found. *************** MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING THE USE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AS A MARKETING COMMUNICATION TOOL IN KENYAN ORGANIZATIONS Linda Onyuka Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 The overall objective of the study was to investigate the major factors affecting the use of PR as a marketing communication tool in Kenyan organizations. It aimed to establish how Managements training and perceptions; positioning in the management structure and nature of the PR function; PR practitioners skills and professionalism and type of organizations affected the use of PR in organizations in Kenya. The study used a descriptive design. Survey data was gathered from various corporate organizations and PR agencies



in Nairobi, Kenya. Various statistical analytical tools were used to analyze the responses of 100 respondents drawn from the above organizations. The study established the following:-Although most top managers perceived the PR function as important, they rarely included the PR manager in the organizations decision making organ; The PR function in most organizations in Kenya was perceived as a line or support function and not a management function; The PR manager mostly tended to occupy the middle management position in the organizational management structure; PR practitioners generally had no educational background in PR and professional PR skills were not a major consideration during recruitment of PR staff. It was concluded that PR is yet to attain full recognition as a marketing communication tool in Kenya and it was recommended that top management be sensitized by the Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK) among others, on the contribution, relevance and importance of PR to their organizations. *************** AN ANALYSIS OF THE EXTENT TO WHICH DISTRIBUTORS DEAL WITH THE COUNTERFEIT PROBLEM IN TANZANIA The Case of Electronic Goods Rosemary Mubezi Master of Business Administration (Marketing), August 2009 This study is based on the prevailing issue of counterfeits of consumer electronic goods. Studies have proved it to be a problem to the world economy. Regardless of many addresses, its existence is rapidly increasing. This study then has embarked on analyzing the extent to which distributors deal with the counterfeit problem in Tanzania. It aimed at examining the understanding and perception of distributors towards counterfeit electronic goods, analyzing the challenges that they encounter and identifying their contributions on government efforts towards addressing counterfeits. To attain these, collection of secondary and primary data through a descriptive research design was done. The gathered qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed to bring out findings. Findings reveal that distributors are aware of counterfeit electronic goods and are highly negative on their existence as they cause loss of brand integrity and customer loyalty. Distributors have identified associated challenges among them being fraud in importation of counterfeits, loss of brand image and customer loyalty and absence of a forum to raise their opinions. Though they do not implement any, distributors currently propose some strategies against counterfeits. This led to conclude that, with the identified challenges, the government should involve all stakeholders in its fight against counterfeits. With this understanding, the study recommends for distributors to create ant-counterfeiting associations for information sharing and undertake proactive changes in marketing mix. The government should recognize the contribution of distributors and amend the Merchandise Marks Act, 2002 that it may cope with the situation. ***************



University of Dar es Salaam

PERFORMANCE Nasibu Rajabu Master of International Trade, November 2008 This study assesses the constraints inhibiting Tanzania meat export performance. It focuses on finding out how infrastructure, market access, supply chain, and world meat price are affecting Tanzania meat export performance. This study used both primary and secondary data to examine constraints inhibiting Tanzania meat export performance. Ordinary Least Square (OSL) method was used to estimate the regression model. Content analysis was used to analyse primary data. The study finds that soft infrastructure, meat price and the cost of compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary measures have negative impact on Tanzania meat export performance. On the other hand, the study finds a positive relationship between meat export and tariff. Also the study shows that, Tanzania meat supply chain is inhibited by quality of meat input (livestock), and lack of meat processing industries. In order to benefit from meat trade Tanzania government has to create policies which would enable meat stakeholders to comply with SPS standards, to diversify meat market and reduce cost of soft infrastructure by promoting competition in telecommunication industry. Also government policies should be directed to enable livestock producers to get education on how to detect livestock diseases and respond upon it. Investment policies should be directed to attract more companies to invest in meat processing industries. ***************

FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BUYING DECISIONS IN MOBILE PHONES MARKET IN TANZANIA A Case Study of Dar es Salaam Neserian, Barakaeli Master of Business Administration (Marketing), December 2008 The research study based on the factors influencing consumers buying decision in the mobile phones markets a case study of Dar es Salaam city. The study aim to find the out how do different markets strategies e.g. pricing, promotion, presence of reliable supplier (Distribution) and product attributes influences the consumer buying decision in the mobile phones markets. In this research study the questionnaire survey was used as the method of data collection where by a total of 90 respondents were surveyed at the three municipals of Dar es Salaam city; Kinondoni, Temeke, and Ilala. The data obtained were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) and both descriptive



and hypothesis testing through the data obtained was carried out. From the data analysis the results show that pricing, some product attributes, price and presence of reliable supplier influence the consumer buying decision in mobile phone markets. Promotion/advertisement contributes less to consumer buying decision due to poor techniques used during promotion that discourage customers. The study recommended to manufacturers and marketers that the product attributes like quality and size as well as price and presence of reliable supplier did influence consumer buying decision. Therefore they need to improve and put more efforts on them by introducing mobile phones of higher quality offered at low price and increase availability of the phones. They also need to take into consideration other factors which can influence consumer buying decision like nature of the customers, buying classes, social class and other environmental and economic factors. The policy implication of this study is that; the government and other stakeholders like Fair Competition Commission should ensure that the manufactures or importers of mobile phones from abroad offer/import phones of good quality so as to meet customers satisfaction and enhance their buying decisions ***************

FINANCIAL CHALLENGES FACED BY SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES (SMEs) IN LUSHOTO DISTRICT Zakayo Konyagi Master of Business Administration, November 2009 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania gives a much contribution towards building the national economic base. They create employment to the poor, contribute to the national income through paying taxes, provide raw materials to large firms, and act as the distribution outlets of large firms products. Despite their major contribution to the national development, they fail to grow because they are constrained with several challenges whereby the financial crisis is the major one. They do not get much financial support from the government and financial institutions to support their businesses. In research study conducted in Lushoto district, thirty (30) SMEs were studied using the random sampling method to view what makes them perform poor regardless of their importance to the national development. The major issues identified in the study constraining the performance of SMEs involved, among others, insufficient amount of capital to run the businesses, unsupportive loan conditions imposed by financial institutions that limits SMEs the access to financial resources, unavailability of business support services for running of businesses to enhance their growth, lack of business culture for many promising entrepreneurs, and, unsupportive government policies and regulations. Nevertheless there is a great deal that the government and other stakeholders can do to enhance the growth of SMEs including; adopting legal and regulatory frameworks that allow best use of financial sector infrastructure, maintaining prudential supervision of the financial sector, maintaining business support services to SMEs, and encouraging banks to implement good corporate governance practices and transparent non-bureaucratic procedures. *************** ANALYSIS OF FACTORS THAT IMPEDE REPAYMENT OF MICROFINANCE LOANS


University of Dar es Salaam

IN COMMERCIAL BANKS The Case of National Microfinance Bank (NMB) Edmund Luasha Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The general objective of this study was to analyse the factors that impede repayment of Microfinance loans in National Microfinance Bank Plc. Non repayment of loans is said to have significant contribution on the poor performance and quality of loan portfolios of the commercial banks. The total of 136 respondents from twelve National Microfinance branches was sampled. Case study design and qualitative research approach method was used during the study. Methods of data collection used included interviews, observations and documentary analysis. Research instruments such as interview research questions, questionnaires, documentary review schedules and observation schedules were used to collect data. SPSS aided in data analysis. Findings indicate that, the speed of loan repayment was low and borrowers failed to meet conditions stipulated in loan contract forms by delaying to pay loans. Findings also indicate that, loan defaults were due to, poor business performance, high interest rate, cheating by customers on purpose of the loan and poor loan supervision. Based on the study findings, the researcher recommends training to borrowers, strict scrutiny of the borrower prior to loan disbursement and the use of a well-designed loan appraisal system. ***************

ANALYSIS OF HOW SMALL SCALE BUSINESS ENTERPRISES ARE RUN AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO REQUIRED ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILLS AND QUALITIES A Case of Local Communities in Temeke Municipality Dar es Salaam Region Sadiki Jose Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The objective of this qualitative research was to develop a better understanding of how small businesses are run and the importance of entrepreneurship skills and qualities, and assessing their impact in carrying out business activities of small scale enterprises in Temeke municipality. The issue or problem has been that many of these small-scale traders tend to invade various areas and do businesses which do not look sustainable. The research method used was qualitative. It was done in different parts of the municipality, namely Temeke,



Mbagala, Keko Yombo and Tandika by a way of in-depth interviews and direct observation. The results of the forty-four interviewed small-scale enterprises owners indicated that most of them did not find entrepreneurship skills and qualities to be important in carrying out their business activities. It was also noted that the impact of not having or utilizing required entrepreneurship skills resulted into failure of many small-scale enterprises. A mere reason of survival was proved to be behind why the businesses were established. No business continuity could be predicted as a result of these negative findings. The data was collected and analyzed through direct observation and in-depth interviews. This was done through nine questions aimed at answering research questions. The research came out with new ideas following these negative findings. All parties: Small-scale entrepreneurs, government as well as other interested stakeholders have to adopt new ways to approach this problem. Small-scale business owners must understand that they are responsible to get necessary training and skills in running their businesses for them to see success coming their way On the part of government, it should design a mechanism through which, by way of subsidizing the costs of training for the small-scale business owners As for the part of other interested parties in microfinance activities (financing firms and NGOs) they should look for the way they could be of help to the small-scale entrepreneurs. Since they are firms in business, they should have a feeling of corporate responsibility by assisting the very sector they are earning huge profits from by way of interests for the borrowed monies by streamlining their financing processes and reviewing interests rates. -Self-motivation for many small-scale entrepreneurs is too minimal and this attitude has to change for them to succeed Policy issues have to be looked at as well. SME Development Policy (2003) contains a number of issues. They include, for example, improved legal and regulatory framework, entrepreneurship and business training, improved marketing services, enhance access to finance and environmental issues. Despite these issues being included in the policy document, they do not seem to have been able to tackle many problems facing small-scale businesses. They may need to be reviewed periodically after every few years to see how effective they are. *************** THE EFFECT OF ELECTRONIC PAYMENT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Case of CRDB Bank in Tanzania Magesa Peter Sarota Master of Business Administration, June 2009 The objective of this study was to examine the effects of electronic payment system on customer satisfaction, with specific reference to CRDB bank. Three research questions and hypotheses were used to guide this study namely; there is no significant difference in the level of satisfaction between service processed manually and the one processed electronically; there is no relationship between time spent in service delivery and customer satisfaction. Finally, the reliability of electronically processed transaction negatively impacts on customer satisfaction. A explanatory research design was employed to address the above objectives collecting data from a


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sample of 70 respondents through the use of semi-structured questionnaire. Hypotheses raised in the study were tested by using non-parametric tests, particularly chi-square tests. The study found strong evidence that is a negative relationship between time spent in service delivery and customer satisfaction. It has also been found out that there is a significant difference in the level of satisfaction between service processed manually and the one processed electronically in terms of reliability, relevance, accuracy, timeliness, and efficiency. Further research is needed to leverage the findings and provide better and more in-depth implications for both theory and practice. In the future with the use of a longitudinal study it might be possible to get a broader and deeper picture of the phenomenon under scrutiny. *************** THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) IN ENHANCING PROFIT AND COST EFFICIENCY IN BANKING INDUSTRY Mlay, Revocatus Master of Business Administration, October 2008 Information technology has tremendously stimulated expansion of the banking networks and range of the offered services during recent years. This work examines the impact of the progress in information technology on the profit and cost efficiencies of the Tanzanian banking sector. Data were analyzed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Hypotheses were tested using the Chi-Square test. Other findings were summarized and tabulated to depict their frequencies. In the work the relationships between the level of implemented technology and the banks efficiency are tested. The research shows a positive correlation between the level of implemented IT as well as asset profitability and cost savings. The research also reveals that the bank faces different challenges in IT implementation. The challenges include shortage software and hardware, IT facilities changing very fast from time to time, high cost of acquisition and installation IT equipment (budgetary constraints), the need for high security of data, increase of computer virus and other malicious codes, limited technological know how to staffs, incompatibility of new devices with the old ones, adaptation of new technology and networking problems. Through the data analysis contained in this research, strategies that can be used to overcome the above mentioned are proposed challenges. Research for IT needs/requirements must be done from time to time to establish the actual IT needs in an organization. Organization must set aside enough budget for IS Technology (cover research, training and cost of acquire technology). Branches have to be networked. Technical know-how to staff must be enhanced, timely maintenance of IT hardware and software must be ensured, ant virus programs acquisitions and update software especially security software and passwords. IT has improved efficiency in banking industry. The improvements of the cost efficiency were relatively smaller than profit efficiency. These results indicate that introduction of the new range of services at a bank, on one hand, generates additional revenues. On the other hand the introduction of new services implies new significant cost changes. This means, broadening the range of the banking services may lead to increase in the cost of processing because there is an attempt to achieve economy of scale by banks conducting such type of banking. *************** THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MERITOCRACY IN THE RECRUITME AND SELECTION



PROCESSES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE OF SELECTED MDAs IN TANZANIA George Peter Chacha Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 This study provides an assessment of the effectiveness of meritocracy on the recruitment and selection processes of the Public Service of selected MDAs in Tanzania. The objectives of the study were: to assess if the concept of meritocracy is taken into consideration; to examine the effectiveness of the methods used and to examine the measures taken in ensuring that the process is non discriminatory. The study required an understanding of meritocracy in recruitment and selection phenomena within a Tanzanian context. The Survey (design) approach was adopted in collecting empirical data. A sample size of 167 employees was selected. Both judgmental and simple random techniques were used. Judgmental technique was used in selecting respondents based on their expertise and position and the later was meant to ensure that the study had respondents from every department and avoid bias. 120 copies of the questionnaire were distributed in three selected MDAs and 100 were returned. Out of 47 respondents who were requested for interview, only 38 turned up. Data collected were analysed using SPSS through regression analysis method. The findings of this research provided substantial evidence that meritocracy in the recruitment and selection processes in the public service is not effective. This ineffectiveness is a result of most CEOs not supporting recruitment and selection. Consequently, innovative strategies need to be implemented to enhance recruitment and selection efforts. Employers should increasingly apply electronic technology to find and place employees. *************** IMPACT OF 2007 2009 ECONOMIC CRISES TO HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICE IN FDIs IN TANZANIA The Case of Dar es Salaam City Thobias Magoti Ndaro Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of 2007 2009 world economic crisis to human resources service services in foreign direct investments in Tanzania. Through literature review, it was detected that the ongoing crisis was a result of eruption of the bank crisis in the United States of America following the mismanagement in subprime mortgages. The crises had spread from Asia, Europe and currently was penetrating to less developing countries Tanzania in particular, proving that no country had immunity to the going crises. The impact of the crises differ from one country to another depending on its nature of the economy under the following aspects; foreign reserve, fiscal balance, level of external


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debts and account of the balance. In this study, a qualitative research approach was used to be able to get a holistic picture and detailed information and supplemented by quantitative analysis. A total sample of 65 respondents was selected through purposive, stratified random sampling and snow ball sampling techniques. The study revealed that in Tanzania the effects of the crisis had already noted in various sectors including tourism, mining and agriculture. The study also portrayed that FDIs operating in Financial and Telecommunication services had indirectly already affected by the going economic crises. The study had revealed that some FDIs had retrenched their employee because of ongoing crisis and that the government must take immediate action such as subsidizing investors in order for them to sustain in business during the crisis as they provide more opportunities for Tanzanians to get more services and employment. *************** THE IMPACT OF TAX LAWS ON TAX EVASION IN TANZANIA Ayoub Phillip Mkula Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 This study was carried out to investigate the impact of tax laws (both criminal and civil) on tax evasion in Tanzania. Specifically the study aimed at investigating the impact of penalties, fines and prosecution. The study also investigated relationship between tax evasion, frequent of auditing/investigation and tax laws. The work undertaken was of a phenomenological nature and most of the data were obtained through oral interviews and a few respondents answered the questionnaires. Both primary and secondary data were used in this study and they were analyzed. It has been found that, laws are not fully enforced due to less/infrequent auditing/investigation, irrational punishments, few convicted and majority fears punishment. Also poor litigation preparation increase evasion. The resultant knowledge developed through this study will benefit TRA, Ministry of Finance and the Government as a whole. The study recommends on changes on tax collection/evasion policies, recurrent auditing/investigation, rationale punishments, proper litigation preparation and modernization to cope with vast technological changes. *************** THE ROLE OF COMPUTER TRAINING ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS USAGE IN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES The Case of Ministry Of Lands, Housings and Human Settlements Development Frank Shame Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2009 This study attempts to understand the situation of computer based information systems usage in government departments by focusing on the existing skills of user in relation to ICT utilization. The study investigated on how formal computer training can play a positive role in the success of computer based information systems



implementation and sustainable usage of those enabler tools within the government departments context. Put in consideration that almost all government departments posses similar organizational characteristics, this research selected one government department (Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development) as a case study. A total of 65 Questionnaire were distributed to operational staffs in the ministry and out of them 60 was filled and returned back. The result of study revealed that computer training among other things is one of the major factors that can determine the rate of usage and utilization of computer based information systems in the organization To realize the benefits of formal computer training it was therefore recommended that the computer training (courses) should be taken as continuous process within the organization in order to ensure that all the time staff are conversant in using and manipulating the unlimited capabilities of computers and also as internal stake holders being more effective in contribution in designing and developing computer based information system within the organization. ***************

ASSESSMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS INFORMATION SECURITY PRACTICE AND MANAGEMENT IN TANZANIA The Case of Medical Stores Department Pascal Pastory Master of Business Administration (Management Information Systems), November 2009 The main objective of this study was to assess the state of organizations information security practice and management in order to ascertain the effectiveness of information security practice in organizations operating in Tanzania. The assessment was based on adequacy of top management support, documented and implemented security policy, risk assessment and security awareness and training. The study constituted a sample size of 82 respondents from Medical Stores Department as a case study whereas descriptive analysis through SPSS was used in data analysis. The study established that effective information security practice and management depends on adequate top management support, the adequacy and effective implementation of ICT Security Policy, regularly risk assessment and adequate information security awareness and training. The analysis concluded that there are weaknesses in implementation of ICT Security Policy and regular risk assessment, whereas security awareness and training is moderately done. The analysis further revealed that organizations receive fairly good support from top management. Analysis of the data and testing of hypotheses showed that effective information security practice and management has been moderately implemented in organizations leading to a conclusion that organizations operating in Tanzania need some improvement in the areas of information security policy, risk assessment and security awareness and training. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

EFFECTIVENESS OF TANZANIAN TRADE UNIONS ON PROTECTING EMPLOYEES RIGHTS IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY A Case of Mwanza Textile Mill (2001) Limited Ernest Leonard Masanja Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) The purpose of this study was to investigate effectiveness of Tanzanian Trade Unions on Protecting Employees Rights in Manufacturing Industry; taking the case of Mwanza Textile Mill (2001) Limited, in Mwanza Region. The objectives of the study were to determine the factors affecting Trade union effectiveness in MWATEX; to assess the nature of leadership of the trade union and management in MWATEX; and to assess type of stratifications and bargaining power of the trade union in MWATEX. `The study sample comprised 60 respondents drawn randomly from the field. These were 3 management staff, 8 trade union leaders and 49 employees of MWATEX. Data collection methods included interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentary review. Findings revealed that lack of employees involvement, illiteracy, unfair treatment and abusive acts, corruption allegations, poor relationships, unrecognizing and the trade union distrust; were among the factors that affected the effectiveness of Tanzanian trade unions on protecting employees rights. Our study recommends that there should be maximum protection of employment rights by all parties: the management, trade union (TUICO), union members at workplaces, and the government. *************** FACTORS AFFECTING TANZANIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PRACTICES The Case of Ilala Municipal Council, Dar es Salaam Lazaro Mawingo Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 This study was aimed at investigating factors affecting Tanzanian local government authorities performance appraisal practice. The study was carried out in Ilala Municipal Council in Dar es-Salaam region. A sample of 80 respondents was selected for the study. A simple random and purposive sampling was used to select the respondents. A total of 10 questionnaires were distributed to the heads of departments of the council and 70 questionnaires to other employees. Methods of data collection were interviews and documentary sources. Statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) was used to process data where the primary data themes and patterns emerging from responses were identified and secondary data themes and categories were recorded in number to determine the adequacy of consistency and similarities of the information around the study objectives. The findings of the study revealed that the majority of employees were aware of performance appraisal practice carried in their council but inconsistence was noted in implementing and monitoring the top council



management for they provided little support to the programme. Therefore, it is recommended that, for performance appraisal to be more effective employees and their supervisors should be trained and that management should provide full support to the programme. Subordinates should be provided with enough equipment and funds for implementation of the programme. *************** CUSTOMERS PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE BASED STRATEGIES FOR COMMERCIAL BANKS IN TANZANIA AND MALAWI Justice Yawunthu Mhango Khimbi Master of Business Administration (Marketing) The main purpose of the study was to assess the use of Customers Product Knowledge in developing Knowledge based Competitive Strategies for Commercial Banks in Tanzania and Malawi. In the midst of stretched out competition within the commercial banks operating in dynamic and uncertain business environment, a number of customers lost business confidence and trust in some banks. The objectives of study were to determine the levels of Customers Product Knowledge (CPK) considered sufficient in making products or bank choices and to analyse how banks leverage CPK with Banks Core Competencies (BCC) in creating a value adding strategy. A survey was conducted on 250 respondents through a structured self-report questionnaire and on 4 bank officials through in- depth interviews in order to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The findings revealed that customers used more of functional than psychological consequences, more of concrete than abstract attributes and more of terminal values than instrumental values of CPK levels. Having a higher level of knowledge on some products and lower levels in other products was not adequate evidence to state that customers effectively used the CPK levels in the selection of bank products. Using the Kruskal Wallis Test, the results show that there was no difference in how customers rated the use of CPK in selecting and choosing bank products and services. The conclusion is that the use of CPK when leveraged with BCC provides the opportunity to develop knowledge based competitive strategies (KBCS). It is recommended that future studies be undertaken to measure relationships of CPK with specific BCC related to bank performance, also to extend the study to commercial banks in other countries. *************** THE EFFECTS OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) ON POULTRY FEEDS COMPANYS FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The Case of Four Poultry Companies in Tanzania Linje Lucas Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of Total quality management in the poultry industry financial performances to the Organizations which deal with poultry feeds manufactures. The aim


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was to see whether the TQM concept is beneficial to the poultry feeds companies and whether it improves the financial performance of the poultry companies, Some four selected poultry companies was taken as the sample because these companies have many features that represents most of the local and international companies and poultry companies operating in Tanzania The research uses several methods of the research design to obtain the necessary and required qualitative and quantitative data. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. Proportionals was developed from the study in line with literature review. The study compared the financial performance of the poultry companies for two different periods thats before the adoption of TQM concept and after adoption of the concept. The results obtained from the study showed that the Total quality management (TQM) concept implementation has a greater influence on the financial performance of the poultry feeds companies. If well implemented can lead to growth of the revenue, profits, grow sales, liquidity and Business growth of the company and improve in the quality of the products and services. This study concluded that TQM within the poultry companies has a greater impact on the financial performance if well implemented. The results are expected to encourage poultry feeds companies and other companies that have not embrace TQM concept to do so and expect to achieve good results. They should be however, link the results to the objectives of adopting such a strategy in order to measure the contribution. *************** EMPLOYEES PERCEPTION ON PROMOTION PRACTICES IN TANZANIAN PUBLIC SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS A Case of Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Michael Silas Ogwari John Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The purpose of this study was to assess employees perception on promotion practices in Tanzanian public service organizations. Several studies have shown that positive employees perception on promotion practices creates employees trust in an organizations management which has a great impact employees performance improvement and consequently the achievement of organizational goals. Data was collected from 75 respondents of Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) through self administered questionnaires. Other sources of data were from documentary reviews and observations. Purposive sampling technique was used in order to get respondents who have been exposed to promotion practices such as heads of sections, heads of departments, and human resource officers who have knowledge of promotion policies and practices. The findings of the study revealed that most employees prefer promotion based on performance and not on longevity of service which is the current practice. The findings were consistent even after controlling respondents demography such as age, sex, length of service, and level of education. It was also found out that some negative employees perceptions towards promotion practices were due to lack of employees awareness on promotion practices as a result of poor communication between organizations management and employees. The study has recommended that MOHSW should promote its employees based on performance and should improve communication between its management and employees to enhance them with positive



perception on promotion practices. This will lead to employees trust in the organizations management which has a positive impact on employees commitment, performance, organization citizenship behaviour, and achievement of organizational goals. *************** THE CONTRIBUTION OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) ON BANK PERFORMANCE The Case of CRDB Bank Limited Bruce Mwile Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 The main objective of this study was to assess the contribution of CRM concept implementation in a bank towards improving the bank performance. The aim was to see whether CRM concept is beneficial to banks and whether it improves the performance of a bank. CRDB Bank Limited was taken as the case study because it has many features that represent most of the local and international banks and financial institutions operating in Tanzania. The research used the case study design to obtain necessary and required qualitative and quantitative data. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. Propositions were developed from the study in line with the literature review. The study compared the financial performance of the bank for two different periods that is before and after adoption of CRM concept. The results obtained from the study showed that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation has a great influence on the performance of the bank. If well implemented leads to growth in loans, deposits, revenues, profits and quality of loans improves. The study concluded that CRM within a bank has a great impact on the financial performance if well implemented. The results are expected to encourage banks or organizations that have not embraced CRM concept to do so and expect to achieve good results. They should however, link the results to the objectives of adopting such a strategy in order to measure the contribution. *************** MANAGEMENT OF OBSOLETE MATERIALS IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS The case of Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited Mattambo Harun Rajab Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 The research was exploring on the Management of obsolete material in public institutions. I was moved to conduct this study on the basis of the increase in the problems emanating from the increase in the level of obsolete material in public institutions. My concern was not only in the money that is tied up in the materials that have been rendered useless but also in terms of the costs that are attached to these materials. The


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research is designed as a case study and it is a deceptive research. The data were collected using the questionnaires dispatched to the sampled respondents located at Head office, and in regional offices of Dare es Salaam where more than 60% of the procured materials for the operations are utilized. The research has four major findings: a)The study has revealed that Management of obsolete material means coordination among the interested parties b) strengthening of Procurement Planning as an assurance in the management of obsolete material, c) need for procurement ethics to preempt chances of procuring material of poor quality due need to safeguard personal ends. Lastly there is a need for control of material specifications to enhance chances of getting the right materials. The noted conclusion of the study provides an insight on how properly to manage the obsolete materials in the public institutions, which poses a big challenge in the overall management of assets. It is recommended that for a positive result there is a need for implementation of a team work, openness and ensures proper procurement planning. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING COSUMER BRAND CHOICE AND PURCHASING DECISION MAKING PROCESS The Case of Bottled Drinking Water Tanzania Danford Ahadson Sanga Master of Business Administration (MBA), November 2007 The overall objective of this study was to assess the attributes that influence the customers in buying bottled drinking water in Tanzania. Rather than trying to understand all the various decision making criteria involved in brand choice and the buying decision process, we focused solely on seven attributes and examined what percentage of each attribute contributes to the final decision including. Price, Brand, Corporate image and Packaging elements (package color, package shape, further usage package and package size). The study findings suggest that price as well brand have got strong influence towards customers brand choice and purchasing decision process making, this implies that bottled water manufacture and marketer should put more weight on these factor when designing their brands product. Research findings reveled also that price and brand attributes do not stand alone on influencing customer of bottled water in their buying decision process. Packaging elements (i.e. package color, package shape, further usage package and package size) and corporate image attribute go hand with hand on influencing customer brand choice and purchasing decision making process. Bottled companies should understand consumer needs and wants and all market efforts toward bottled water consumer by considering above attributes. The study also revealed that customer characteristics in terms of sex; education level, occupation, and location develop different consumer attitudes towards brand choice. Thus all marketing programs should address its customer need by considering of the above customer characteristics ***************



THE ROLE OF ADVERTISING ON CONSUMER BUYING DECISION IN TANZANIA: The Case Study of Coca Cola Kwanza Limited Salome Stephen Manyama Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This study examined the buying behavior of Tanzanian consumers on Coca Cola products. It was intended to study the significance of advertising in the consumers decision to purchase Coca Cola products. In this study, consumer behavior relating to their buying decision namely, brand personality, individual perception, beliefs and attitudes were used for analysis. In order to achieve this study, a field research was undertaken to obtain statistical information from a convenient sample of 120 respondents through questionnaires. Literatures indicate that advertising influence consumers buying behavior through brand personality, perception, beliefs and attitudes. However, findings of this study indicate that there is very weak relation between advertisements and brand personality creation, perception, beliefs and attitude. The advertisement has been proved to be powerful tool in sending message regarding the product as well as influencing customers on their decision to purchase the products. The study has found that advertising through television is more effective than through other media in influencing decision to purchase Coca Cola products. The study recommends that Coca Cola Kwanza Ltd should strive to design advertisements which fit with Tanzania cultural environment. They should combine the three factors culture, entertainment and information in order to be effective and vi Sustainable. Their advertisements should also cover some of their products which are not currently covered in order to increase number of consumers for these products. *************** AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS IN SMALLAND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN TANZANIA Remi Polini Urio Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This study assessed the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania. It assessed the readiness of SMEs in Tanzania in adopting IFRSs, the capacity of Small and Medium Practitioners (SMPs) in facilitating adoption and compliance and the role of the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) in supporting SMEs to quickly adopt and comply with the IFRSs. Purposive and random sampling procedures were adopted to select 30 SMPs and 60 SMEs respondents in Dar es Salaam city. Semi-structured questionnaires consisting of both closed and open-ended questions were used. Findings were processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), analyzed, summarized and presented in tables and graphs.


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Results established that, majority of SMEs have adopted the IFRSs after getting assistance from the consultants or external auditors. Lack of training and guidance on the application of the standards, lack of awareness on the importance and advantages of the IFRS, high cost and complexity of the standards are the constraints that hinder SMEs from adopting IFRS. The NBAA should review its decision on full-scale adoption of IFRSs for SMEs in order to make adoption of IFRS mandatory for only the entities with public interest. It should also prepare user guidance, conduct sensitization and application training, translate the standards into simpler language and provide them at subsidized prices. *************** RELATIONSHIPS AND CUSTOMER RETENTION FOR TANZANIAN FERROUS FOUNDRIES AND ROLLERS Numwagile Ambikile Mwaijumba Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 Manufacturing companies in search for new approaches to retain customers are increasingly using relationship marketing management as a means of retaining customers. The objective of this research was to study applicability of relationship marketing in Tanzanias ferrous foundries and rolling mills to raise switching barriers and create customer longevity. The study also examined how relationship marketing influences business performance in ferrous foundries and rolling mills. First, the study reviews the concept of relationship marketing and its association with business performance, leading to development of two hypotheses. Measurements of relationship marketing, satisfaction, and customer retention were operationalised into simple statements called items grouped together to form inventory or survey instruments. The five-point Likert scale was used to measure Managers/ Directors experiences and specify their agreement level to each of a list of statements. The five response categories represented an ordinal level of measurement. Reliability and validity of the scale were briefly described to provide readers the background for data analysis. Then, several stepwise chi-square analyses were performed to test the hypotheses. Findings indicated that relationship marketing is applicable and is of great importance in the Tanzanias ferrous foundries and rolling mills. Relationship marketing and customer retention are directly proportional (they go in the same direction). Therefore, this study has highlighted the importance of establishing a customer relationship strategy through relationship marketing management so as to foster customer retention to Tanzanias iron stakeholders.




PERFORMANCE OF POST COMPLETION AUDIT OF CAPITAL PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN BY THE GOVERNMENT OF TANZANIA The Case of Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFC) Charles Joel Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study was aimed at focusing on the performance of capital projects made by the Government of Tanzania, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFC) as the case study. This is due to the fact that projects face problems like time and cost overrun, projects resulting to less than intended or expected output and a resultant substandard quality. The data were collected using interviews, secondary data and questionnaires. One set of questionnaires was administered to internal auditors and accountants of projects and those of the ministry and external auditor from the National Audit Office. The other set was administered to seniors in the project, who include project coordinators and Projects senior accountants. The findings of the study indicate that the targets/objectives are not met; some of the targets for the projects are not quantifiable, such that extent of variance can not be established reliably. The review reports have been found out to be leading to corrective actions, whereas, management inefficiency, among others, to be a factor for non achievement of targets. It has been recommended, to establish the physical outcome of supported projects and, among others, to increase involvement of more qualified and with more technical expertise personnel at district levels so as to minimize lateness of reports and provide more accurate data, which is significant input for sound decisions. ****************** ASSESSMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN TANZANIA Martha Losindilo Master of Business Administration, September 2009 The problem behind the need for this study was the use of a more effective multivariate method in assessing the financial performance of micro finance institutions in order to avoid the ambiguity and often incorrectness problem inherent in most univariate models. The study was carried out to assess the financial performance of micro finance institutions in Tanzania by using the Altmans Z score model. Pure secondary data were extracted from auditing firms and library documentaries for each institution and were run in the Ms Excel for calculations of the respective Z-scores using the Z- score model designed for privately owned service firms. Through the cut off points specified


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by the model, each firms performance was classified as either financially sound or financially distressed over the six years period. The findings indicated that, some of the firms were financially sound all over the period under review except for minor and major reductions in the overall financial strength in some years. Others had experienced both financial soundness and distress in different years. It was finally concluded and recommended for the firms to find alternative, external sources of finance; put in place low cost and tailor- made delivery systems and look at domestic resources instead of relying entirely on international donors, for promoting financial self- sufficiency and reducing costs of operations. *************** IMPACT OF MICRO FINANCE ON POVERTY REDUCTION IN TANZANIA A Case Study of SIDO in Ilala District Badi Mnenwa Lwidiko Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Poverty is enemy number one within our country and other parts of the world. A number of strategies have been designed to enable its total alleviation in the country and the world at large. A country with poor people has low economic growth, but people with strong economic power will guarantee a high economic growth rate of the country. This study sets out to investigate the Impact of Micro Finance on Poverty Reduction in Tanzania, using the case study of SIDO in Ilala District which disburses loans to small and medium enterprises throughout the whole Country. Data for the study were collected between April to May 2007 from 30 clients of SIDO, from two districts, Ilala and Temeke. Survey information collected by the study indicates that in order for the business to grow it needs more capital, training, lower interest rates and a reduction of different charges without forgetting a conducive environment for business operations. It is difficult for a poor country to benefit from micro finance if the environment is not conducive; otherwise the credit system is looked at as the means of distributing income to the poor. Throughout the study various weaknesses were identified that need both the institutions and the government together to resolve in order to achieve poverty reduction through the Micro finance scheme. Furthermore, the study revealed that, although loans from SIDO is for poor people who have no tangible assets and it was set to cater for them, the programme does not follow those principles. The amount of money clients receive is too small to boost the growth of their business and so the institution needs to get more seed fund in order to enhance business growth. Changes in the programmes operations need to take place because a comparison of SIDO loan borrowers and non borrowers indicated that there is no significance difference, which means that the loan did not help much and something was needed to supplement the loan. If changes were made, SIDO loans would be a more effective tool in the effort to alleviate poverty. ***************



EVALUATION OF THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES The Case of Tanzania International Container Terminal Services Limited Wangengi Chacha Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study sought to evaluate Public Private Partnership strategy in improving performance of formerly owned public enterprises (The Case study of Dar-es-Salaam Container Terminal). The study was conducted through secondary data collected from Dar-es-Salaam Container terminal basing on its performance for past thirteen years from 1992 to 2005, whereas year 2000 was considered to be a base. Due to nature of the research questions and objectives of this study, the researcher used case study as a research strategy whereby both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were employed. Results of the study show that there was an improvement in performance under the private operator compared to previous parastatal operations. It was revealed that the private operator was able to meet set targets set and even surpassed those targets, overall increase in the quality of services to port users and significant growth in movement of containers in port such that they improved customer relations. However it was revealed that DSM Ports performance was still lagging behind compared to other ports like Mombasa Port in Kenya and Port Louis in Mozambique. . The study recommends that whether or not African governments decide ultimately to follow the PPP route for any or all sectors of infrastructure and service provision, principles that underlie PPPs such as affordability, cost effectiveness; value for money, transparency and risk management should form part in the way that they approach service delivery in general. There is a need for Tanzanian government to form a PPP unit, which will be equipped with professionals signing projects. *************** IMPLEMENTATION OF SECTOR WIDE APPROACHES (SWAPS) IN TANZANIA: LESSONS & EXPERIENCES The Case Study of Health Sector Justin Bimbiga Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Due to inconsistency between donors systems, implementation of the financial aspects of SWAPs, remain problematic. The objective of this study was to assess the implementation of the agreed financial aspects in practice, to see if implementers of SWAPs discharge in accordance with MOU and to see whether the


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AIS in place provide relevant and reliable financial information useful for managing and monitoring sectors activities. The researcher used multiple sources of data for this study including questionnaires, selected documents and interview. The findings includes; inaccuracy reports and delays in generation, lack of some important internal application controls, lack of the Professional Program Accountant at central level, Complexity of the Chart of Accounts, HSCBF reports found with double payments to suppliers, ineligible expenditures, missing supporting documents, lack of accountabilities. From these facts the financial reports of HSCBF to some extending were less useful, with questionable relevance and reliability. Conclusion: The findings of this research give us substantial evidence to conclude that, the soundness of the SWAPS financial information system is below average, and the implementers do not adhere to some of the laid down procedures. It is recommended that the Ministry of Health has to acquire software to supplement the Epicor for the consolidation of the country wide transactions. Hire or employ the Professional Accountant to improve the AIS, and update the accounting Manual. The Program Accountants should be coached and trained regularly on the AIS. *************** GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE AND POVERTY REDUCTION IN TANZANIA The Case of Bagamoyo District Thomas Uiso Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 The objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which government expenditure has reduced poverty in Tanzania. More specifically, the study investigated how important are education and health sectors in poverty reduction. The study also identified the existing relationship between total expenditure in relation to the aforementioned sectoral expenditures. The results from this study suggest that an increase in government expenditure allocated to health and education has positive impact on poverty eradication. The correlation shows the negative and strong relationship between expenditure on both health and education on poverty reduction as proxy by proportion of population below the poverty line. Although an increase in expenditure on health significantly reduces infant mortality rate, it has no impact on life expectancy. The trend of expenditure on education, health and development were in line with an increase in total government expenditure. The study recommends that, in setting targets for government expenditures, the government must adopt policies that encourage expenditure on education and health sectors. The government should also allocate more of its resources to public investment in the development issues to supplement other sectors that have impact on poverty reduction. Despite the limitations and shortcomings encountered, in general, the findings indicate that in Tanzania, government expenditure has an impact on poverty reduction, with the implication that policies adopted may draw from the empirical evidence presented to enhance this role. This will thus be a useful guideline to policy makers when deciding on expenditure allocation and rationalization. ***************



THE EFFECT OF ELECTRONIC BANKING ON RISK MANAGEMENT IN BANKING IN TANZANIA The Case of CRDB Bank Limited Rose Furahini Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 The introduction of Electronic Banking (e-banking) has created many benefits in banking industry but at the same time, it has brought some risks. This research analyzes the effect of e-banking on risk management in banking in Tanzania The case study method was used through sampling of respondents from CRDB Bank Head Office and its 9 branches in Dar es Salaam Region. The primary data was collected by using questionnaires which were administered through interview, while the secondary data was obtained from various CRDB bank documents and its website. Data collection was validated through interview, documentation and observation. Analysis of data was done quantitatively and qualitatively. This study has established that the introduction of e-banking has increased the banking risks in Tanzania. However, banks profitability has been increasing due to fast and reliable services offered by e-banking which lead to lower reputational risk. The available control measures for e-banking are effective but not sufficient to manage continuing emerging risks. In order to manage the risks associated with e-banking activities, the banks should apply additional control measures which are recommended in this study. This study recommends the use of biometric control as an additional risk measure to authenticate users since it is more reliable. It also recommends the banks to use appropriate measures to preserve confidentiality of the key banking information. New areas for further research are suggested. ***************

FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER RETENTION IN THE MOBILE PHONE INDUSTRY IN TANZANIA Edwin J. Riwa, Master of Business Administration, October 2006 The study aimed at examining factors, which contribute to customers retention in the mobile phone industry in Tanzania. It involved two mobile phone companies in Tanzania (Vodacom and Celtel). Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to generate data. A sample of 137 mobile users was involved in the study. Three variables, namely technological advancement, non marketing mix variables and positioning strategies were examined. The result indicated that those


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variables were important in determining customer retention. Non marketing mix variables namely, the influence of family, friend, and the influence of employer are equally strong in attracting and retaining customers. The influence of technological advancement i.e. the ability of the mobile phone company to increase value added to the service provided also attract in retaining the existing customers. The study further found that each mobile phone company is trying to position itself in order to capture the market with application of positioning strategies which are applied by both companies. The study has deepened knowledge and understanding of the factors contributing customers retention in the mobile telecommunications. It was concluded that non marketing mix variables, technological advancement as well as positioning strategies are important factors which influence mobile customers retention. ***************

A STUDY OF MARKETING FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PERFORMANCE OF DOMESTIC WILDLIFE-BASED TOURISM The Case of Tanzania Yusuph Shabani Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 This research was an attempt to study marketing factors influencing the performance of domestic wildlifebased tourism in Tanzania. The study specifically intended to assess whether the tourism product design and number of tourism activities influence the domestic tourists decision to take a wildlife tour in Tanzania, to examine whether the tourism product advertisement and other promotional activities influence the domestic tourists decision to take wildlife tour in Tanzania, to ascertain whether tourism product pricing decision in terms of special price offers influences the domestic tourists decision to take a wildlife tour in Tanzania. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from domestic tourists visiting Tanzanias potential wildlife places which were analysed by using SPSS. Statistical tests were carried out by Chi-square and Regression analysis. The findings of the research revealed that marketing factors (tourism product design and number of activities, tourism product advertisement and other promotional activities and tourism product pricing decision in terms of special price offers) exert a significant influence on domestic tourists decisions to take a wildlife tour in Tanzania potential wildlife places. Conclusively, it is evident that this study has significant implications to the future marketing tourism strategy in Tanzania. Therefore, to achieve the intended performance of the domestic wildlife-based tourism market, i.e. the increase in number of domestic tourists in Tanzania potentials wildlife places, the countrys tourism operators need to practice intensive marketing strategies to influence domestic tourists to take wildlife tour .




THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM PROGRAMME AND BUDGET TRANSPARENCY IN DISTRICT COUNCILS OF TANZANIA The Case of Bagamoyo District Council Dome Philip Malosha Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Local Government Authorities were re-introduced in Mainland Tanzania in 1984 because of poor quality of services which were provided to the public by the Government. In 1998 the Government introduced the Local Government Reform Programme (LGRP) in order to address the problems which constrained the performance of the Local Authorities; one of the problems was lack of transparency in the budget process. Transparency of the budget process is the heart of the reform because it leads to better design and results of fiscal policy (Baker et al, 2002). The study tries to establish how the Local Government Reform Programme has enhanced Fiscal Transparency in District Councils. The researcher has taken a case study paradigm by looking into the operations of Bagamoyo District Council. This case study has been conceived to address the issue of transparency of budget process within the context of the Local Government Authorities in Tanzania. The findings are very interesting; the study has revealed a low rate of awareness on the reform program especially for rural residents. Also the District Authority is too much dependent on Central Government allocations; as a result the District budget is unrealistic due to a high rate of budget deviation. These findings are likely to instigate a review in the entire budgeting process of Local Authorities. The researcher is recommending that, the District Council should build the capacity to generate adequate resources in order to be independent. Inadequacy of resources negatively affects the transparency of budget process. *************** ASSESSMENT OF NON-BANKING INSTITUTIONS ROLE IN FACILITATING HOUSING FINANCE IN TANZANIA The Case of NHC and NSSF Lilian Mwesigwa Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Tanzanian Government has been making efforts to solve housing problem since pre independence era. However, till now there is no formal system of housing finance in the country. Only few banks have mortgage finance products. This study was assessing the role of non banking institutions in facilitating housing finance in Tanzania.


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The main objective was to study the practices of non banking institutions in facilitating housing finance and identifying their potentials and challenges. Being a case study research two case studies NHC and NSSF have been selected. The study was exploratory one and therefore used quantitative and qualitative approaches in analysing primary data which were supplemented by secondary data to come out with a number of findings. It was revealed from the study that investment in residential property was viable; NHC and NSSF facilitated housing finance through, establishing housing schemes, making housing loan arrangements, residential property development fund mobilization and collateralization of longterm leases. However, NSSF and NHC have failed to satisfy low income earners. The study also determined the potentials and challenges the institutions faced. It was concluded that Non banking institutions are very potential in facilitating housing finance, the potential which are yet to be fully utilized. There is therefore a need for all stakeholders in housing finance in Tanzania to be involved in ensuring housing finance is successful in the country. The study recommended on a need for utilization of potentials the institutions possesses and creation of better environment for both banking and non banking institutions to work better. Lastly areas for further research have been provided in this study ***************

AN ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN TANZANIA Mbogo Alexander Munubi Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study examines the socio economic impact of PPP in the context of Tanzania. The focus was on three ingredients of the socio economic impact namely: The promotion of efficiency in service delivery by looking at the cost reduction, cost monitoring, competition and economies of scale and scope: the distributional impact on workers, consumers and partners: and the environmental impact of the PPP. Data was collected using semi structured and documentary review. The collected data was validated through interview, documentation and observation. Qualitative and quantitative approach was used to analyze data. The finding of the research revealed that the introduction of the PPP in the public service was a complete success in one out of the three organizations while the other two one had a partial success and the other was a complete failure. Conclusively, the study recommend that to guarantee a success in the implementation of the PPP the government and the private partner should build effective regulation by developing transparent, credible and effective regulatory agencies that are adopted to specific need the country, develop capacity at national, regional and district level and root out corruption by implementing mechanism to guarantee transparency at all stages in the tendering process.



FINANCIAL REPORTING CHALLENGES IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN TANZANIA The Case of Small and Medium Enterprises in Dar es Salaam Gabriel Simon Sungi Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study investigated the financial reporting challenges in SMEs in Tanzania. The study was carried out by way of a survey of a sample of 50 SMEs located in Dar es Salaam and face to face interview with a few respondents using structured interview guide. The respondents were divided into three groups i.e. owners/ managers, accountants and respondents from Tanzania Revenue authority, entrepreneurs and tax consultants firms. The result of the study revealed that financial reporting in SMEs in Tanzania is very poor and do not comply with accounting standards. Secondly it was found that there are weak accounting controls in SMEs and thirdly the use of professional accountants in SME is very limited due to high costs of recruiting and maintaining them. Thirdly, owner/managers did not seem to make use of financial records in making decisions. Additionally, payable tax for almost all the sampled SMEs was not based on booked profits since the current TRA tax regulations requires only companies with a turnover of more than twenty million shillings to produce audited financial statements together with tax returns. The researcher recommends that all the stakeholders for SMEs, that is, the Government through the SME department in the Ministry of Industries, Trade and Marketing, development partners, and business development service (BDS) providers embark on a strategy that will encourage and facilitate SMEs to keep good financial records. Good financial records are helpful in making sound financial decision and also in protecting assets from theft and mismanagement. NBAA may also help by facilitating the designing of a simple accounting system that is suitable for small businesses. . *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING IMPLEMENTATION OF HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES IN WORK ORGANISATIONS The Case of Kiwira Coal and Power Company Limited Isaac Samuel Mamboleo Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2007 The study investigated the influences and effects of good health and safety practices in work organisations, and Kiwira Coal and Power Company Limited as a case study. More specifically the study intended to highlight on the most frequently occupational hazards, assess relationship between good health & safety practices and frequency of occupational hazards and identify factors influencing implementation of good health and safety practices. The study was of particular interest given the evidence that people in work


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organisations face disproportionately increased risks of work related injuries. In order to carryout this study, data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and documents. Physical observations of the mine were also used to gain insight of the health and safety The study results indicated that occupational hazards exist in coal mining operations. The study highlighted on the frequently occurring occupational hazards and concluded that activities such as coal mining were the source of occupational hazards and accidents were mostly frequently occurring. Training, management support, employer-employee relationship, involvement of trade union and inspection were the influencing factors for implementation of good health and safety practices, and inspection on other part of regulatory was the most important influencing factor. The study further concluded that relationship existed between implementation of good health and safety practices and frequency of occupational hazards. The study recommended that the standard of inspections particularly of underground mine, should under no circumstances be allowed to deteriorate. Research on behavior of rocks in different mining districts was recommended as the mine has a unique situation with regard to strata, characteristic of coal and accumulated complexities. THE CONTRIBUTION OF BANKS IN THE SUCCESS OF SMALL BUSINESSES IN TANZANIA The Case Study of CRDB Bank Ltd. Oswald Henry Kweka Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study investigate the roles Commercial Banks in development small businesses in Tanzania, CRDB Bank Ltd, a locally registered bank with a network of forty five branches and three agencies with at least one in every region of Tanzania mainland was used as a case study. The contribution of Banks in the success of small business in developing countries such as Tanzania has not been exploited enough to maximize the benefits of small and Medium Scale Enterprises (small businesses) that can reap especially on the matters related to bank services offered by commercial banks. Banks contributions can be crucial to the development and growth of the former. Commercial Bank-firm relationships can generate positive returns to both parties involved in the relations. The study employs the use of primary data, collected from interviews with bank officials and small business owners who are customers of the bank. The study has been restricted to Dar es Salaam region due to constraints of funds and time. The results of the study show that there is a poor interaction between banks and their small business clients in building effective relationship. The bank in one hand creates poor foundation for creation of such relationship which can be measured by given advice to their small business clients on services they offer. On the other hand, inadequate consumption of bank services and poor level of activities in consuming these services by small businesses does not guarantee commercial banks to invest into the relationship. In general terms, we can conclude that there is a need for both parties to build it for benefit of all of them.




BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING IMPLEMENTATION EFFORTS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES A Case of UNDP Tanzania Illuminate Rutageruka Maerere Master of Business Administration, May 2007 The main objective of this research (study) was to evaluate the various factors attributable to implementation of the business process reengineering (BPR) as an important strategy for internal transformation aimed to improve its capacity, efficiency and accountability in UNDP country offices, UNDP Tanzania being one of them. The study used a structured questionnaire to gather data from a sample of 100 staff members of UNDP Tanzania and other UN agencies operating in Tanzania. The study also employed simple frequencies in the analysis of descriptive part of the research. Pearson Correlation and Regression analysis were used in testing the hypothesis developed from a conceptual model. The study reports that UNDP was able to achieve success in the implementation of BPR. The study reveals the importance of the organizational support in implementation of BPR. Top management must visibly demonstrate its full support and commitment to the BPR implementation at the outset, through effective planning, control and communication mechanisms. The study further found that organizational support plays of a pre-condition for the other factors. When the organizational support is high, the degree in respect of productivity, financial performance and quality of services is also higher. The study concluded that implementation of BPR should be dynamic and it is important to emphasize, that through the process the actions and the value of them should be reviewed so that corrective measure can be taken if something doesnt work. The study recommends that successful implementation of large-scale information systems requires enough funding for the project from the beginning to the end. *************** PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND MOTIVATION OF WORKERS IN TANZANIAN WORK ORGANIZATIONS Lessons from University Computing Centre Ltd. John Johnasy Sanga Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), July 2007 Motivation of employees as human resources is poorly understood and poorly managed in our work organizations. The main thrust of this study was to establish factors motivating employees in Tanzanian


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work organizations and match the motivators with the implementation of performance management. Given the nature of the research problem, it was deemed fit to use the case study method because of the need for a rich understanding of the problem in context and the need to relate some motivational theories to work practices. The study was conducted at the University Computing Centre Ltd, from which the researcher believed that data would be a fair representative of the entire ICT industry in the country and other Tanzanian work organizations in general. The findings from analysis of the current situation of UCCs HRM in general, and motivation policy in particular, have confirmed to the researcher that HRM programmes are poorly designed and implemented. In principle, however, almost all key HRM programmes are in place but what is lacking is good design and effective implementation. Each organization has a unique human resource situation, reflecting its stage in the relevant industry. Accordingly, there is no overall blueprint on how to best improve worker motivation. However, establishment of an independent HRM department is recommended for all organizations and UCC Ltd in particular. This will be responsible for effective development and implementation of HR Policies, which include but not limited to Orientation; Training and Development; Remuneration, Performance Appraisal policies. The involvement of employees in the development of the said policies is strongly recommended. For UCC to have an improved motivation policy, it is highly recommended that equitable remuneration schemes should be designed and implemented. Employees capabilities and performance should be considered in designing reward schemes. It is also important that the company appreciates employees contribution towards accomplishment of its goals and opportunities for employees to participate in decisionmaking should be created. In addition, top management should provide support to HRM department by incorporating human resource plans in the companys strategic plans. *************** BANKING SECTOR REFORMS IN TANZANIA AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE IN COMMERCIAL BANKS The Case of CRDB Bank Plc, Azikiwe Branch, Dar es Salaam Andrew Germanico Omary Mazwile Master of Business Administration (Finance) November 2009 The main objective of this study was to examine whether bank reforms in Tanzania have had any impact on the quality of customer service offered. To achieve the objectives, the Azikiwe branch of CRDB was chosen as the case. Questionnaires, interview, observation and documentary sources were employed as methods of data collection. The study results show that banking sector reforms have contributed to improvement in the quality of customer services through provision of more reliable bank services, faster bank services, better customer care and more appealing physical facilities, among others. Improvement in the quality of customer services was due to increased adoption of and use of technology, inflow of foreign capital, change in the nature of bank ownership, and employment of qualified personnel. The findings also reveal a number of customer related problems like frequent failure of ATMs systems, inadequate branch network, and high service



charges. Some of the challenges to the provision of quality customer services include non-use of technology for customer service management, and network overload. The main recommendations given for improving customer service include adopting modern technology, overcoming network overload, expanding countrywide coverage and effective staff recruitment. *************** EFFECTS OF STAFF TRAINING ON LABOUR TURNOVER The Case of Tanzania Revenue Authority Anna Eliakunda Mndeme Master of Business Administration, November 2009 Organizations train its staff as part of human capital investment for future economic benefit. In the long run these staff quit their organizations searching for greener pastures. This leads to recruitment of new staff in turn to replace the staffs that have left. Recruited staffs are later trained to match their job requirement and their qualification to perform better. This is a sample survey study conducted in Tanzania Revenue Authority Head Offices located in Dar es Salaam Region. The study relied solely on primary data collected from 50 staff whereas 47 responded to questionnaires sent to them. Also respondents were interviewed in testing validity prior to using the questionnaire to collect data. Data were analysed using content analysis method. Results from the study show that staffs have sets of expectations to be met by the organisation; if the expectations are unmet they may quit or request to be re-categorized to another job. The study concludes that in order to retain trained staff, the organisation has to utilize skills acquired through training, increase pay package, promote trained staff and recognize employees effort in training. Finally the study recommends that organisation needs to design and manage career development programmes that use training programmes to prepare employees for promotion. *************** ASSESSMENT OF THE INVESTMENT ANALYSIS TECHNIQUESUSED BY SMES AND THE PRACTICES IN TANZANIA The Case of SMEs in Morogoro Municipality Erasmus Liberatus Fabiani Kipesha Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The main objective of the study was to identify and assess the investment appraisal methods used by SMEs and the practices in Tanzania taking Morogoro Municipality as a case study. Review of the literature consisted of the theoretical and empirical review on SMEs perspective, SMEs failure, investment appraisal methods used by SMEs and investment selection practices in SMEs. A case study design was used, in which 50 SMEs from Morogoro municipal were selected using both probabilistic and non probabilistic


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sampling procedures for different purposes. Primary data was collected using questionnaire and face to face interviews from the owners/managers of SMEs while secondary data was collected from financial records and other related documents kept by the SMEs. The study results indicated that, all SMEs use a particular investment appraisal method when selecting which investment to undertake. Most of SMEs do not use the discounted cash flow appraisal methods such as NPV, IRR and PI rather, they select investment basing on they are personal perception, market trends and external attractiveness of the investment. It was observed that, the methods used by most SMEs were not accurate and appropriate and do not take into account the time value of money, hence leading to poor performance of most of them. The study recommends that, SMEs owners/managers should be exposed to different trainings on financial management in order to create awareness among them on how to handle financial issues. *************** THE ASSESSMENT FOR RURAL MICRO-FINANCE SERVICES AND DEMAND IN TANZANIA A Case Study of Kibaha District Maneno Andalwisye Mwakatundu Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The objective of this study was to assess Micro-finance services and demand in rural areas, specifically to examine the saving, borrowing procedures and to determine the type and significance of Micro-finance institutions in rural areas. The research used simple random sampling (SRS) and purposive (PS) methods. Questionnaires and documentary were used as data collection methods. The study data were drawn from two villages namely Lulanzi and Mwendapole in Kibaha District. The sample comprised of 70 respondents. The study showed that, 80% of the respondents they were not aware on the conscious of the financial institutions that operate in their villages. About 80% of respondents said that they never borrowed from any financial institution while 45% of mentioned the poor income as a root factor for not fascinated with credit. 25% of respondents pointed out that there is high interest rate that charged by financial institutions. The commonest way of savings in rural areas is in the form of farm produce which accommodates 64.5% of the respondents. 75.1% of the respondents at one time or another save their income in money or cash. The emerging implication from this study is that the rural microfinance services reach few rural people compared to the entire rural population. Also the provided services are less encouraging rural activities such as agriculture, livestock and fisheries due to high rate of interest, short period for credit return and lack of entrepreneur skills among rural dwellers. This suggesting that the micro-finance services should be reaching many rural people and the cost, procedures for credits and savings to rural people should be reduced. The business and entrepreneurial skills should be provided among rural people for sustainable activities. ***************



FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN TANZANIA A Case Study of Lindi District Council Mary Ntira Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 The motivation for undertaking this study emanates from the existing turnover problem within the Lindi District Council (henceforth, LDC), where it has been observed that despite the retention efforts made by the government and the council, the turnover has been increasing over time. The general objective of the study is to investigate factors influencing employee turnover in LDC. In order to achieve this objective, the study employed both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires which were distributed to a hundred employees, however, only sixty four were returned. Observation was another tool employed in collecting primary data. Secondary data were collected from various sources such as yearly reports, office files, circulars, and strategic plan. The collected data were analyzed using thematic analyses. The findings suggest that managerial controllable factors such as inadequate compensation package, unequal treatment of workers, lack of employee involvement in decision making, lack of promotion, job stress and poor working environment primarily contribute to employee turnover in LDC. In addition, demographic factors such as sex, age, education level, and working experience were identified as contributors of turnover among LDC employees. The general implication drawn from the findings is that, the current retention strategies are inefficient. This calls for new initiative by the council to redesign HRM policies that will achieve positive behavioral performance and financial outcomes. *************** CUSTOMERS PERCEPTIONS OF M-PESA AS A MOBILE BANKING SERVICE OFFERED BY VODACOM TANZANIA LIMITED Dickson Elias Nyakiha Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 Mobile Technology advancement has made telecommunication industry to introduce more new services in order to continue retaining and attracting new customers, these new services delivered have mixed effects on customers and practitioners. Activity in mobile payment service is now accelerating in many emerging markets .The market is still in its infancy , yet it has the potential to become a mass-market service .The thrust behind the study is to assess how customers perceive the introduction of M-Pesa as a mobile banking service by Vodacom Tanzania Limited. In order to meet the intended objectives, exploratory research design was employed. The instrument used for gathering data was questionnaire for randomly sampled customers who were buying services in selected Vodacom outlets. Both qualitative and quantitative data were utilized in this study.


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The study revealed that customers perceive positively the introduction of M-Pesa service as a mobile banking service by Vodacom Tanzania. The level of customer satisfaction and usage is high, also customers have positive attitude toward mobile banking service. Despite the positive perception toward mobile banking services customers do face challenges and security threats when utilizing the service. *************** AN ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF EMPLOYEESS TRAINING PRACTICES IN TANZANIA LOCAL GOVERNMENT A Case study of Bagamoyo District Council Malimi Sayi Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 The study was on an Assessment of Effectiveness of Employees Training Practices, focusing on Tanzania Local Government. Particular attention was put on identifying the existence of training program, implementation and evaluation of training progamme, if any problem facing employees training practices Local Government. The policy in the Standing Orders for the Public Service directs organizations to establish training programs and make sure that organizations have sufficient trained and skilled manpower for the development of the Council. Unfortunately same of employees of Bagamoyo District Council leave the organization after training and the human resource department is not involved in fully coordination of employees training and development. The objective of the study were: to identity the existing of training programme; to evaluate the implementation of training programme; to determine problems facing employees training practices and to examine the employee training practices. The study adopted mainly a case study qualitative research approach for collection of data in the field. However, the instruments used to collect data, namely questionnaires, observation and documentary reviews has also generated quantitative data. Therefore, the qualitative and quantitative methods complemented each other. The study was conducted in Bagamoyo District Council in Tanzania Mainland. The finding from the study revealed that most of employees were not satisfied with the training programme practices in the council due to some reasons such as lack of enough fund to support the programme, lack of support from top management, employees readiness for training, no replacement of employees when going for training and the last one was the change of the work structure. Moreover the majority of employees identified the training programs they seem to urgently needs by them for the better performances of their duties. Therefore, The findings reveal that majority of employees agreed with the existence of training program, its implementation and practices and finally found that employees training practices at BDC is ineffective.




MARKET DYNAMICS OF ICT TRAINING WITH SPECIAL FOCUS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND COMPUTER TRAINING CENTERS IN DAR ES SALAAM The Case of Dar es Salaam Secondary Schools and Computer Training Centers Willa Ishengoma Master of Business Administration (Marketing), October 2009 The introduction of computer course as part of syllabus in secondary schools has been a threat to the computer training centers. This can lead to loss in the business of the computer training centers. This research aims at finding the market possibility for the computer training centers in the future. The descriptive research design was used, raw data was collected using questionnaires in Dar es Salaam from 130 form four students. Purposive and random sampling designs were used. From the findings obtained, it was observed that 81.54% of respondents said they will still join the computer training centers for computer course in spite of studying it as a subject in secondary schools. 63.207% of the female respondents and 36.792% of the male respondents said that they will join the computer training centers for computer courses. Out of the respondents, 85.227% of the respondents taking science subjects, 72.222% of those taking arts subjects and 75% of those taking commercial subjects said they will attend the computer training centers even if they already had computer course in secondary school. Computer course contents in secondary schools are different to those in computer training centers. It was concluded that there will still be market for the computer training centers and the market will have students from all fields of specialization. The study recommended that ICT course syllabi in secondary schools and computer training centers should be harmonized and updated from time to time. For computer centers to maintain and improve their market, they need to improve the quality of the ICT service provided so as to meet customer expectation causing customer satisfaction which will lead to a profitable and growing business. *************** AN EVALUATION OF MASS MEDIA IN PROMOTING WILDLIFE TOURISM IN TANZANIA The Case of Tanzania National Parks Eliavera Aminiel Timoth Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 This study evaluated mass media used in promoting wildlife tourism in Tanzania by local authorities and tour operators in attracting tourists Tanzania National Parks. It identified the media used and other promotional activities and assessed their effectiveness and efficiency in delivering information to targeted customers.


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The study involved desk and field research. Desk research involved collection of information related to the theories and concepts of communication and official statistics. Field research was conducted in Dar es Salaam and Arusha cities. Forty tour operators and sixty international tourists were interviewed. Combinations of sampling techniques were used. These were purposive and incidental sampling. An SPSS program was used to analyze data. Hypotheses were tested using Kolmogrov Sminov to investigate effectiveness level of media and Satisfaction level. Cross Tabulation was used to test relationships together with Chi-Square. The findings show that the following were more effective in promoting wildlife tourism: the Internet, Word of Mouth, Brochures, Overseas Agencies and Trade fair and Exhibitions. However, Television, Radio, Newspapers and Road shows were not very effective in promoting wildlife tourism in Tanzania. It is therefore recommended that tourism stakeholders should invest more in identified media which are more effective in promoting wildlife tourism. ***************

DETERMINATS OF TANZANIAS AGRICULTURAL EXPORT PERFORMANCE The Case of EUs Trade Arrangements with ACP Countries Fred Phanuel Master of International Trade, November 2009 The study set out to analyze the performance and determinants of Tanzanias agricultural exports to EU for the period 1980 - 2008. Ordinary Least Square technique was adopted to regress the secondary time series data. Stata 10 was used for econometric analysis. The analysis found that the general trade performance of Tanzania is experiencing trade balance deficit with the increase in imports than exports. In those exports from Tanzania, non-traditional export is doing well than traditional exports. Traditional exports, in particular agricultural exports are not doing well due to constraints facing agricultural sector performance. The econometric results found that four out of five variables were significantly determining the performance of Tanzanias agricultural exports to ED. The results indicated that a unit increase in GDP and inflation of Tanzania and EU facilitates trade in agricultural products which ultimately improves exports of Tanzanias products to ED. So from the analysis it is found that determinants of Tanzanias agricultural exports performance are GDP of EU and Tanzania, inflation rates of EU and Tanzania. An important lesson from this study is that policy makers should put in place a well designed policy to address supply side constraints and thus enable Tanzania benefit from preferential market access given by the ED. Tanzania should therefore; target to attract export oriented foreign direct investment so as to improve the production of agricultural goods for export markets. This could to a great extent be done through a better legal system and institutional framework. ***************



THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTIMENTS ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN TANZANIA Fredrick Kivuyo Master of International Trade, November 2009 This study estimates the potential impact of FDI inflows on export growth in Tanzania over the 19802007. This study used secondary data to examine the impact of FDI on export performance in Tanzania. Ordinary Least Square (OSL) method was used to estimate the regression model using STAT A 10 sofu;yare. The major hypothesis of the study is that FDI has had a positive impact on Tanzania export performance. The evidence is that FDI inflows contributed to higher supply capacity in Tanzania, leading to higher export growth during the period of study. The estimation result also shows that Infrastructure, Gross Domestic Product and World GDP have significant impact on export growth. While Inflation, Exchange rate, and Tanzania prices relative to World prices have negative sign as expected but they are insignificant. Overall, the result of this study shows that the Tanzanian governments intervention on FDI has a positive effect on the growth of foreign investment. The reforms on FDI and foreign trade both have generated positive effects on exports. Therefore, the implication of the result is that foreign trade and investment reforms are recommended in the future development of Tanzania economy. *************** EVALUATION OF NEW CUSTOMER CHARTER ON POWER CONNECTIVITY AND SERVICE DELIVERY ON TANESCO PERFORMANCE The Case of Head Office and Kinondoni South Regional Office Philidon Daud Mkoma Siyame Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The rejuvenation of old policies has been considered as one of the important tools of product and service delivery improvement. As a result of revitalization of old policies firms in most cases strengthen competitive ability to their competitors as the rejuvenated product or service increases in quality and performance to meet the expectation of the customer. The researcher in this study embarked on evaluating the effect of the new regulations (rejuvenated) on power connectivity policy and customer service delivery (new customer charter) at TANESCO Head office and in Kinondoni South Region in particular the effect on increase in connections, reduction in connectivity period, prompt response to customer calls and ultimately increases in revenue. Thus the bottom line was to evaluate whether there is improvement in service delivery to customers. Findings show that TANESCO still need to improve quality of services rendering to customer especially on meeting promises to customers on construction activities and instantaneous response to customer calls whenever such call is received. Customer trustworthiness to service provider is built on reliable and prompt response to problem solving as well as quick and prompt service provision (Kotler and Keller, 2005) ******************


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ASSESSMENT OF FINANCIAL FORECASTING PRACTICES IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN TANZANIA Case Study of Morogoro Municipal Joseph Sungau Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 Financial Forecasting is the practice of projecting the quantitative impact of trends and changes in an operating environment on future operations. Lack of business skills to foresee business issues are among the factors which contribute to SMEs failure. This research aimed at assessing Financial Forecasting among SMEs. The general objective of the study is to assess Financial Forecasting practices in SMEs and whether they contribute to SMEs performance. The study was conducted on SMEs owners at Morogoro Municipal. SMEs owners were selected through simple random technique in purposive selected area of Morogoro Municipal. In this research, questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data in which Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) was used to analyse the collected data. A total of 70 questionnaires were distributed to SMEs owners/managers. 64 questionnaires were filled in and returned to researcher. From 64 filled questionnaires, 61 questionnaires were correctly filled in and found to be useful in this research. The research findings revealed that, 54% of SMEs are not practising Financial Forecasting. Lack of knowledge on Financial Forecasting was identified to be significant factor hindering SMEs in Practising Financial Forecasting. It is recommended that training on Financial Forecasting should be provided to SMEs owners and consulting servicing should be made available at affordable cost to enable SMEs owners or managers to hire consultants. *************** DETERMINANTS OF INTERNET AND CELL PHONE BANKING ADOPTION BY CONSUMERS IN TANZANIA Gad Oneya Master of Business Administration, November 2009 This study investigates determinants of Internet and Call phone adoption in the context of Tanzanian Internet and cell phone banking services. A research framework based on the Innovation Diffusion Theory/Model was adapted to identify factors that would influence the adoption of Internet and Cell phone banking. ChiSquare test was used to examine the entire pattern of intercorrelations among the three proposed constructs and to test related propositions empirically. The results revealed that both Perceived behavioral control factors, subjective norm and attitudinal factors play significant roles in influencing the adoption and intention to adopt Internet and cell phone banking. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented.



From a managerial standpoint, the findings of this study reveal the importance of cultivating and solidifying a positive perception of how Subjective Norm (social factors) is important and how it can highly determine or influence adoption and/ adoption intent of the banking services consumers and how it is crucial in determining and usefulness it has to the intended user group. Therefore managers who are (consider) offering Internet and cell phone banking services should consider placing a high priority on demonstrating subjective norm (social factors) the technology can appeal to society, and communicating its services and value added features through a well-designed Web interface or mobile phone interface. ***************

INFLUENCE OF COMPENSATION STRATEGIES ON ATTRACTING AND RETAINING STAFF IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES A Case Study of Sumbawanga District Council Tenganamba Epaphras Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), October 2009 This study seeks to address the problem of the gap between service facilities and current staff in working stations. Its main objective was to explain the extent to which compensation strategies have attracted and retained staff in local government authorities specifically Sumbawanga District Council. The study was purely qualitative. The data was collected through documentary sources, focus group discussion, questionnaires and observation and it was analyzed using Software Package for Statistical Sciences (SPSS). The findings show employees positive impression towards compensation strategies, but reveal different tensions as regards to its distribution and identify bonus pay as being the most effective strategy on attracting and retaining staff in the council. The findings reveal that many employees who received benefits and incentives are willing to stay in the council and are observed being committed. The packages on the other hand, are unable to limit completely unwanted termination of contract of services. The study concludes that compensation strategies used by Rukwa Region Civil Service Facilitation Fund (RCSFF) and Sumbawanga District Council (SDC) are acceptable and effective on attracting and retaining employees in the council. However, there are discrepancies on the process of distributing the packages as such have created tensions expressed in a form of complaints. Thus Local government authorities should institute enforcement mechanisms upon distribution of packages that will ensure equal distribution. ***************


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THE MODEL OF EVALUATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEM SUCCESS IN TANZANIA A Case of Passport Issuance and Control System Ally Mohamed Mtanda Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The objectives of the study were to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the computer system in immigration services delivery, by looking at its effects on organizational impacts, service quality, system quality, and users satisfaction with information as an important measure of success of the system A total of 280 questionnaires, were distributed to respondents and the researcher received back 249 questionnaires, with 31 not being returned by respondents. All respondents were drawn from immigration head office in Dar es Salaam, Julius Nyerere International Airport Immigration Office, Namanga border Station and Zanzibar Immigration Head office. Apart from collecting data by using questionnaires, the researcher had time to observe the way ICT users in this department interacted with the ICT facilities. It is statistically significant that there is a relationship between ICT and organizational impact and Service quality and a relationship between system quality, user satisfaction and success of the system. Factors contributing to this relationship are associated with improved performance, increased speed of passport issuance, increased customer satisfaction and reduced passport counterfeit cases. Other factors include the ability of the system to provide a prompt to customers services as promised, and at the right time. In addition, system flexibility, maintainability, accessibility and data accuracy had improved as a result of IS as well as ease of use, management support, users understanding the system and relevance of output information. Therefore, this study concludes that passport issuance and control system adopted and implemented by immigration department yielded successful results. There is thus a crucial need of making a policy for sensitization about the potential of ICT to meet service delivery needs. *************** ASSESSMENT OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON THE HEALTH SERVICE IN TANZANIA A Case of Health Centers Owned by Local Governments Semkiwa, Mashaka Master of Business Administration, December 2009 Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of total quality management efforts in service industries. An essential prerequisite to attain this goal is detection and prevention of problems which customer encounters in the service consumption process. The objective of this study was to assess the customer satisfaction on



health service in Tanzania. The study was conducted by a way of survey strategy whereby four councils were involved. The samples were randomly selected and 152 respondents were interviewed by use of questionnaire. The respondents were divided into three groups i.e. the patients, employees and executives dealing with health centers. Both primary and secondary data were used; for qualitative analysis and hypothesis testing of the data. The result revealed that there was low satisfaction of customers on the health service offered by these health centers due to lack of Interaction, Timeliness, Outcome and Atmosphere. Although the management has some strategies to improve the situation, yet other strategies need to be continuously devised. This is because some constrains are results of the policy made at the national level which are not flexible for both health centers and Local Government. Health status of majority of Tanzanian population depends on these centers as they are comparatively easily accessible to most of them. Unfortunately, their contribution has been constrained by ill policies, lack of autonomy and insufficient number of staff, drugs, medicine and other physical facilities. To attract new customers and to retain old customers, public health centers should formulate customeroriented marketing policies and improve the quality of services. Also increase training of health employees especially on customer care education. Motivation in terms of materials and non materials for those working in remote areas should also be considered to compensate the hardship they are facing. Policy regarding working hours should also be competitive and considerate to allow full time access by patients to these centers. ***************

RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PROJECTS IN TANZANIA A MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVE Benedict Michael Mushi Master of Business Administration (Marketing), October 2009 The rural areas in most poor countries like Tanzania are home to large populations that eke their living out of subsistence agriculture. However their living standards have been negatively affected by under-developed systems of infrastructure like water supply, electricity and transport in their villages. One of the reasons for the deprived condition of the populations in the rural areas is the very low access to development inputs like electricity. Demand for electricity in the rural areas is growing faster than the available power supply and the gap between the demand and supply does not seems to narrow down to a significant dimension despite the efforts being made by the Government to alleviate the situation and this phenomenon needs to be looked into. The objective of this study was therefore to seek an insight into the rural electrification projects in Tanzania from a management perspective with regards to planning, coordination and control. Six questions were developed to meet the research objective. The research was based on qualitative (descriptive) paradigm and in the process; fifty senior officials from MEM, REA and TANESCO were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. The respondents disclosed that the Government was responsible for


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inadequate and delayed funding of the rural electrification projects. Frequent political interferences were also a constraint factor in rural electrification thereby eclipsing application of important project management principles and theories. As a result, Tanzanias current level of access to electricity can at best be described as meagre and at the current rate of electrification (12%-overall) it is unlikely that a significant proportion of the population will access electricity in the near future. In order to enhance electrification, alternative approaches to grid extension and off-grid systems must be considered. In this regard, new renewable technologies would be expected to play an increasing role. However, for the full potential of these technologies to be realized, legal, policy (e.g. taxation, tariffs, subsidy, etc.), technical and institutional factors must be addressed in order to lift barriers to the penetration of these technologies. *************** UTILIZATION OF E-COMMERCE AND E-FINANCE BY SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs) IN URBAN TANZANIA The Case of Selected SMEs in Dar es Salaam Region Faith Shayo Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The broad objective of this study was to explore the extent to which owner-managers of SMEs in urban Tanzania are making use of e-commerce and e-finance related activities with a focus on selected SMEs in Dar es Salaam region. Specific objectives were to explore SME owner-managers level of awareness on the meaning of e-commerce and e-finance, to examine current practices by owner-managers in making use of e-commerce and e-finance, to identify challenges that SMEs owner-managers are facing in the adoption of e-commerce and e-finance, and lastly to solicit ideas/views for promoting greater use of ecommerce and e-finance to promote SME development. Data for this study were collected using a combination of techniques namely; observations, face-toface interviews and using a questionnaire with open and close ended questions. Sixty respondents participated in this study. These were drawn from SMEs located in the Ilala, Temeke and Kinondoni Municipalities in Dar es Salaam region. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were used in this study. Quantitative data were analysed through SPSS while qualitative data were synthesized and reduced into short frequencies and tables for easy analysis and interpretation. Key findings revealed that most SMEs owner-managers have basic knowledge and awareness of ecommerce and e-finance. However, most of these SMEs do not use the technologies due to privacy and security issues, high cost of internet connectivity, credit card and online fraud, and the majority do not have credit cards. In general, this study concluded that e-commerce and e-finance is at an infant development stage for SMEs in Dar es Salaam region as most SMEs have limited knowledge of the advantages of the two technologies to their businesses. As a recommendation, the government (GoT) is encouraged to find ways and strategies to promote the use of e-commerce and e-finance in order to promote SMEs growth and improve their competitiveness in the global market. ***************



THE IMPACT OF DOWNSCALING COMMERCIAL BANKS ON SMEs ABILITY TO ACCESS FUNDS A Case Study of Barclays Bank in Dar es Salaam Jeremiah Mhada Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The main objective of the study was to identify the impact of downscaling a commercial bank on SMEs ability to access funds, many banks have downscaled their operations making it possible for SMEs to access their services and funds. The study was propelled by the thinking that lack of sufficient funds has been an impediment to SMEs survival and growth. The study focused on how the downscaled operations of a commercial banks has brought about micro finance services to these banks, and how this process changed SMEs ability to access funds from the downscaled commercial bank. The study also shows the growing participation of Banks in Micro finance and these has greatly affected the targeted groups such as SMEs. The study constituted a sample size of 27 respondents out of the 12 branches of Barclays bank in Dar es Salaam whereas descriptive analysis through SPSS was used in data analysis. The main reason of selecting Dar es Salaam is because its Tanzania commercial hub and where almost 50% of Barclays branches are located. The study findings indicate that the downscaling was an appropriate program to facilitate and improve access to finance of SMEs. But more needs to be done so as there will be significant changes when it comes to SMEs access to funds and improved relations with banks. *************** A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF EU SUGAR REFORMS ON TANZANIA SUGAR EXPORT PERFORMANCE Ayoub Jones Mndeme Master of International Trade, November 2009 EU sugar market that provides preferential MA for sugar from ACP has a significant influence on the world sugar market. The EU sugar market reforms that have been agreed by the EU Agricultural Ministers in 2005, interacts with preferential trade initiatives and with the need to comply with the outcome of the trade dispute on export subsidies. Apart from EU sugar producers, the reform will affect ACP countries that depend on the preferential treatment they enjoy for sugar exports to the EU. This study examines the impact of the EU sugar market reforms on the Tanzania Sugar export performance, by assessing the sugar industry performance and determinants of sugar export performance in EU. The OLS technique of econometric analysis has been used for regression analysis by application of E Views. Results show that


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Tanzania will experience significant reduction in sugar export revenue as a result of ED sugar reforms, and this will have negative effect to the Tanzanian economy especially for people involved in sugar industry. The results further show that exchange rate, income of trading partners and domestic production costs determines sugar export performance. It has been recommended that, there is need for collaborative efforts (PPP) to address constraints facing sugar industry especially physical and financial infrastructure in order to reduce production costs which are pertinent in sugar export competitiveness .This will build the competitive export capacity to explore other market opportunities than EU reformed market and ultimately facilitate the industry to compensate the revenue shortfall from export market as a result ofEU sugar market reforms. ***************

THE EFFECTIVE USE OF INTERNET FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSE IN RAILWAY COMPANIES The Case of Tanzania Railways Limited (TRL) Vera Florence Shadrack Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The effective use of Internet for commercial purposes in railway companies is very minimal as not many people are making use of it. Very little literature on the subject is available in Tanzania. In this study an attempt has been made to analyse the current situation with regard to the commercial use of Internet in railway companies. In testing hypotheses the non-parametric statistical analysis was used to test hypotheses that have been derived from research questions and qualitative analysis was done to test the propositions of the study. From the analysis it was revealed that using Internet commercially has importance to TRL management because of the benefits obtained through the use of Internet including improvement of business performance in the organisation, enhancement of effectiveness and quick accomplishment of tasks, performance of the tasks successfully and satisfaction of effect of using Internet in job performance. Lack of adequate knowledge among users, problem of network and hardware facilities, poor connectivity and unreliable power supply found to hinder ease of use of Internet among users. The problems are likely to be solved if railway companies appreciate the benefits obtained through using Internet commercially and create conducive environment for Internet users and service providers. These companies should practice the better use of Internet in exchange, transfer and sharing of information locally and globally. ***************



CHALLENGES FACING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE TAX FILLING IN TANZANIA Mabula Emmanuel Sambayukha Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 The study investigated the challenges facing the implementation of online tax filling in Tanzania, the case of Tanzania Revenues Authority. The study examined whether taxpayer had enough knowledge on online tax filling with Tanzania Revenue Authority. Secondly, the study examined the factors causes Tanzania to implement online tax filling system. Finally, the study examined the factors that can hinder implementation of online tax filling practice in Tanzania. The study comprised of a total number of 150 of respondents. The study used various instruments of data gathering such as questionnaires and documentary review. The findings of this study revealed factors led Tanzania to implement online tax filling which include; the system was easy to use, fast and affordable; it provides accurate reduction, save time, made easy to get tax reduction, maximize reductions and helped to decrease the number of tax filed. The findings revealed factors that hinder implementations of the system such as problem of internet; the system was not acceptable by users, lack of promotion on system, poor level of customers involvement and lack of knowledge on online tax filling system. The findings of this study suggested that Tanzania Revenue Authority should provide enough knowledge to the taxpayer and customers on online tax filing through various media like television and radios. Tanzania Revenue Authority should find the way out to eliminate all factors hinder the implementation of online tax filling system because the system is advantageous to the Country like Tanzania. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING LABOUR TURNOVER IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR A Case of the Immigration Department Fatma Ally Suleiman Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 This study seeks to examine the factors influencing labour turnover in the Public Sector with the Immigration Department as its case study. The study investigates the factors that account to employees retention; the causes of employee exit, examination of the retention strategies and the attitudes of employees related to staying or leaving an Organization. The theoretical literature review reveals that dissatisfaction is associated with labour turnover. In an organization, employees have individual taste of expectations, when those expectations are unmet, the result is dissatisfaction.


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The study involved a sample of 60 respondents from Immigration Headquarter, Immigration Regional office, and Mwalimu Nyerere International Airport. Documentary research, questionnaire and interview were used in collecting data and Content analysis was used in analysing data with the assistance of Software Package for Statistical Science (SPSS). Study results showed that low wages, unfair treatment between employees on deciding their rights specifically in the selection for scholarships, promotion and provision of allowances and incentives. Availability of alternative employers and poor working environment are also the factors that contribute to turnover. In order to retain employees the study suggests that, the Organization should have just and fair policies to govern the selection for scholarships, promotion should be done as stipulated in Public Service Act of 2002, thorough salary structure review should be done so as to match income with the prevailing economic conditions. ***************

ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TANZANIAN TRADE UNIONS A Case Study of Tanzania Union for Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO) Nsajigwa Dick Mwankenja Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of Tanzanian trade unions; a case of Tanzania Union for Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO). The survey method was used as a technique for data collection, using both questionnaire and interview schedules as data gathering instruments. A total of five (5) work organizations and the Head Office of TUICO were surveyed and a total of 114 respondents were interviewed. The liberalisation and privatisation reforms which began in Tanzania during early 1990s have had a socio-economic impact on the effectiveness of the trade unions. The major findings of this study revealed several socio-economic factors which have contributed to retarding the effectiveness of TUICO and other trade unions in Tanzania. Some of the factors which have been identified include poor leadership, poor participation of members in union activities, the arrival of foreign investors and the government reform programme. Despite the constraints that have been identified that hinder the effectiveness of TUICO, it has succeeded in various negotiations with employers for better terms of employment and has secured the registration of a good number of collective agreements. Also it has represented employees in arbitration and conciliation proceedings. Among other things the study recommends the government to empower the Registrar of Trade Unions to impose penalties on employers, who discourage or ignore the trade unions at their workplaces, as well as to provide training on trade union administration and labour laws to all union leaders and members.




THE ROLE OF KILIMANJARO COOPERATIVE BANK LIMITED IN THE GROWTH OF MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES Asanterabi John Msigomba Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 The main objective of this study was to assess the role of Kilimanjaro Cooperative Bank Limited (KCBL) in the growth of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). Data were collected from staff and clients of Kilimanjaro Cooperative Bank through questionnaires, interviews and documentary review methods. The total sample size was 100 respondents from Moshi Municipality. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) software was used in the data analysis. Results show that all financial indicators (sales, investment and employment level) grew, though finance from KCBL had significant effect on employment level only. That means as the level of finance increases the employment level increases. On the other hand, nonfinancial growth rate was not significant. In addition, result show that most of the respondents who participated in this study were male (57%) and that majority (54%) of MSEs who obtained finance from KCBL were doing retail businesses. In order to enhance the growth of MSEs, the following recommendations are given; There is a need for MFIs to provide large loans so that MSEs realize non-financial growth. In this case, MFIs are recommended to offer pre-loan training to SMEs in terms of management of finance. In addition, MFIs should reduce interest rates charged against microfinance advanced to them. On the other hand, MSEs should deliberately put their records and reports in order, not just when they want to borrow, but throughout. This will enable them to provide MFIs with the right picture of the business when required to do so. ***************

THE USEFULNESS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN MANAGING ORGANIZATIONS A Case of Operations Management in Manufacturing Organizations in Tanzania Lilian Patrick Mnzava Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 Despite heavy investment in information and communication technology (ICT), many organizations have invested much in ICT. Many research reports have been done and models written have revealed many factors that influence performance such as management readiness to its usage, financial capability, awareness, literacy level and other factors. Its benefits have also been revealed as reduced cost, time saving, easier job and other benefits.


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This research examined the usefulness of ICT in managing organizations, especially in manufacturing organizations. The researcher conceptualized four hypotheses containing contents of cost minimization, value adding, factors contributing to its usefulness i.e. literacy level and technical factors. The findings and analysis have shown the necessity of concentrating to technical factors so as to yield usefulness of ICT application in OPM In this content, all OPM practitioners should work hand and hand with ICT specialists to yield maximum performance level through getting right personnel, software and hardware. *************** ASSESSMENT OF EMPLOYEES JOB SATISFACTION IN TANZANIA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY A Case Study of Ilala Municipal Council (IMC) Henry Patrice Master of Business Administration (Human Resource), November 2009 The study was conducted at Ilala Municipal Council (IMC) on assessment of employees job satisfaction in Tanzania Local Government Authority. The general objective of the study was to undertake the assessment of employees job satisfaction in Tanzania Local Government Authorities (LGAs). Specific objectives included: investigation of the factors that may lead to job satisfaction or dissatisfaction, determination of the extent to which employees level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction influence employees turnover, and assessment of the implication of job dissatisfaction in LGAs. The study involved the samples of 60 employees from IMC in a cross-sectional of departments in the organization using questionnaire and interview. Employees responded to the questionnaires were 59 out of 60. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and content analysis. The findings of this study generally reveals that due to low employees compensation as compared to private and other government sectors, professionals think to look for better jobs elsewhere. Poor working environment, rigid policies, political interference in the implementation of LGA programs, poor leadership and lack of involvement revealed to be a critical problem in the efficiency and performance of LGAs. Other factors that contribute to job dissatisfaction were absence of recognition of employees efforts, and professionalism not properly valued from the management.




AN ASSESSMENT OF CLEARING AND FORWARDING AGENTS PERCEPTION ON CUSTOM VALUATION METHODS IN TANZANIA Nyarobi Boniphace Dittu Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 The study investigated the perception of Clearing and Forwarding Agents on Custom Valuation Methods: the case of study of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA). The study assessed the perception of Clearing and Forwarding Agents on Custom Valuation. The study as well examined the factors caused TRA and TISCAN to reject the invoice values declared by importers. Finally, the study examined the implications of allegations raised by importers to TRA and TISCAN. The study comprised of a total number of 170 of respondents; 120 were Clearing and Forwarding Agents and 50 was valuation staff. The study used various instruments of data gathering such as questionnaires, personal interview and documentary review. The findings of this study revealed the following views raised by importers to TRA and TISCAN, unfair valuation by rejecting the invoice value of imported goods, unreasonable uplifting of the custom value, lack of transparency on indicator prices used in uplifting and arbitrary determination of Customs Value. The findings as well revealed factors that led TRA and TISCAN to ignore the use of transaction values of imported goods as required by ACV, such as incomplete supporting documents, untruthful of importers, unreliable Country of consignment, higher revenue targets given to TRA by Ministry of Finance and charging of service fees paid to TISCAN based on FOB. The study suggested that Tanzania Government should ensure that the laws or regulations of valuation in places are followed. The Government should place a good look on TRA to ensure that the increase revenue target by Ministry of Finance is not a source of ignoring the regulation in place *************** EVALUATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE POLICY ON RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION IN PUBLIC SERVICE A Case of Public Service Commission Athanasia Kabuyanja Human Resource policies are guidelines that identify the organizations intentions in recruitment, selection, promotion development, compensation, motivation and others. Human Resource policies serve as a road map for managers. Human resource policy on recruitment and selection governing public service is found in the Public Service Management and Employment Policy (1999), which were given legal force by the enactment of the Public Service Act No. 8 of 2002. This act established the Public Service Commission to supervise the implementation of the policy. This study evaluates Implementation of Human Resource Policy on Recruitment and Selection in the public service. The study was conducted at Public Service Commission in Dar es salaam region in Tanzania. The Commission was chosen for evaluation because is the one responsible for ensuring proper implementation of the policy in the public service.


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Data were collected using questionnaire, interview and documentary review, with the aim of assessing clarity of the policy statements, test understanding of the policy among members of the management and human resource officers and checking consistence in application of the policy in the Commission. Research was guided by research questions. The study found that the policy statements were clear to be understood by users, highly understood by both management and human resource officers and that it was consistently applied in the commission in dealing with new recruits in the entry post. The study suggested review of the policy since some of the recruitment and selection practices in the public service have changed. ******************

DETERMINANTS FOR SUCCESSFUL TURN-AROUND OF A FAILED BANK The Case of Azania Bank Limited, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Gothalm Carnysyus Karlhessoh Mbele Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The aim of this study was to examine determinants for successful turn-around of a failed bank i.e. given that a bank had failed and later the bank was successfully turned-around, the study sought to know the specific factors that contributed to the success of the turn-around process. The study took Azania Bank Limited as the case study and used views and opinions of employees and board members of Azania Bank Limited and Bank of Tanzania through survey method. A sample of 78 respondents was taken whereby 74 respondents submitted their responses i.e. 95% response rate. Documentary review assisted in obtaining additional important information in respect of the Bank. The analysis of the collected data used descriptive statistics approach whereof Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) was used in the analysis. The findings of the study revealed that change of board of directors, top management, bank name and target market is very important to the success of the turn-around of a failed bank. The study also revealed that effective oversight of the new board of directors and top management is equally important for the success of the turn-around process. The study further revealed that supportive regulatory authority and banking laws and regulations are extremely important to the success of the turn-around of a failed bank. From the study, recommendations were made to Azania Bank Limited, the banking industry and the Government/regulatory authority on how to ensure that there is effectiveness in the turnaround process for a failed bank. The recommendations are expected to provide more profound knowledge and guidelines for turning around a failed bank. ***************



EFFECIVENESS OF PARTICIPATORY PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TASAF SCHOOL PROJECTS IN LOCAL AUTHORITY A Case of Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF II) School projects in Mpanda District Council, Rukwa Region. George Juma Mhema Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The study established how effective was the participatory planning through examining the planning process, management and implementation strategies by TASAF II in local authority. Mpanda District Council was used as a case study area. The literature included different books, working papers, journals, workshop reports and research papers done by individuals and institutions both nationally and internationally. It covered the concepts of community participation, empirical studies on participation and effectiveness of project implementation, general factors that influence sustainability of project services, project characteristics affecting peoples participation and hindrance to community participation. The methodologies used to boost participatory planning were clearly discussed. Five groups of individuals were interviewed by using both structured and unstructured guide of questions in securing data in the respective areas of work. The study revealed that there are different stages in project selection process, the need for involvement of villagers in project selection and the need of enhancing capacity building to CMC members for sustainability of projects. Finally the recommendations was put forward to improve participatory planning, these include : reduction of women workload, frequent facilitation, support and monitoring from relevant bodies, cooperation among the key stakeholders is important among leaders and CMCs and making analysis of village situation and identification of bottleneck to village development. *************** AN ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROL SYSTEM IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES IN TANZANIA The Case Study of Kisarawe District Council Edwin Peter Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the internal financial control system in local government authorities in Tanzania. Specifically the study aimed at the assessment of the effectiveness of


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internal financial control system in accounting department of local government authorities; determination of the effectiveness of the internal audit unit in local government authorities; determination of the effectiveness of the procurement management unit in local government authorities and the assessment of the effectiveness of budget as internal control tool in local government authorities. A cross-sectional study design was employed, basically quantitative method of data collection was used where by both structured questionnaires with open and closed ended options were used. The researcher collected data from sixty three respondents comprised of; nineteen councillors, seventeen heads of departments and projects, thirteen procurement unit staffs and tender board members, thirteen finance department staffs and one internal audit staff. Data obtained were analysed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and tested using CHI-square. The findings indicated that there was poor internal financial control in accounting department including lack of monthly bank reconciliations and trial balances. Also there were lack of updated fixed asset register, vote book and computerized accounting package. Budgeted votes and procurement regulation were not followed accordingly. Internal auditing was understaffed and lack facilities which impair its efficiency. The study recommended that there should be close supervision of accounting procedures with job description and rotation in finance department. Also the use of full computerized accounting system to enhance internal financial control and timely financial report delivery. The procurement regulations and plan should be properly adhered. The internal audit unit should be added with more staffs and given more facilities to perform its work efficiently. ***************

MARKET ORIENTATION AND PERFORMANCE RELATIONSHIP IN INSURANCE INDUSTRY IN TANZANIA The Case Study of Insurance Companies in Dar es Salaam Elias Daniel Msabi Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The main objective of this study was to explore the relationship of Market orientation and Performance. This objective has been derived from the objectives of liberalizing the Insurance industry in Tanzania of being Market driven industry and this research is aimed at establishing if there is any relationship between focusing markets. The specific objectives were, to find out the relationship between Market orientation and performance in Tanzanias insurance industries, to find out if Tanzania Insurance Industry is market oriented and to find out how strong the relationship is between the market orientation and performance in Insurance Industries in Tanzania. The study used a sample of 12 Insurance Companies and 20 registered Insurance Brokerage Companies. General observation showed the general trend that still there was poor participation among the people in joining with the Insurance policies in Tanzanian. This is because all the Marketing activities of these companies which have been targeting major cities like Dar es Salaam.



The result shows that there are positive relationships between market orientation and performance. In other words, Tanzanian Insurance Industry performance is largely influenced by its market orientation or market driven culture. This is because the association between the acting of the industries and the response from the market are positive. It is recommended to the companies that, time has come for them to start considering direct marking. And also all companies should prepare themselves to offer services on international standard accepted not only within East African Community but the entire world. ***************

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICES IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR A Case Study of Air Tanzania Company Ltd William Rodgers Haji Master of Business Administration (Finance), March 2010 The study investigates the corporate governance practices in the public sector in Tanzania. The study utilized an explorative method of inquiry to provide data on which conclusions were drawn. Data has been obtained from annual reports and through face to face detailed interviews. Four categories of respondents were involved in the interviews: The shareholder (government of Tanzania), members of the board of Directors, senior management (both former and current) and lastly other management members and staff. The study findings show that since its legacy as ATC, the corporation has been operating under losses. In terms of corporate governance, eight measures were used in assessing the involvement of the board of directors to the companys strategy development process. Setting the vision and mission was ranked as the most important role of the board. The second important role was found to be setting the future direction of the company, this includes reviewing companys objectives. Reviewing and evaluation of present and future opportunities, threats and risks in the external environment and current and future strengths, weaknesses and risks was found to be the third most important role of board. The study findings indicate that there exists a lack of congruence in setting strategies between the shareholder and the board of directors. Areas mentioned includes decisions made by the Government on strategic issues without the knowledge of the Board which is the responsible organ for the formulation of company strategies. Several measures were recommended that may improve corporate governance practices and revampingATCL including funding, government involvement in daily operations of the company, involvement of the Board of Directors in strategic decision making, appointment of effective board of directors and management team and sharing of goals and objectives across the company. Board of Directors and the CEO should be given clear messages about what is expected from them, their roles and responsibilities as directors and head of the corporation. Their scopes of authority must be defined in corporate bylaws, regulations and codes of conduct. There should be one organ within the government machinery vested with the mandate to make decisions, and approve transactions related to the operations of ATCL. ******************


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THE ROLE OF MOBILE BANKING IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Case Study of National Microfinance Bank (NMB) David Mujemula Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 The study set out to determine the role of mobile banking in customer satisfaction. Mobile banking is a key component in any success of todays financial offerings as it offers high ability to provide services anywhere, anytime, high rate of penetration and potential to grow. To achieve the objectives the study used a sample of 50 respondents who were randomly selected. Data were collected through the use of questionnaire instrument and interviews, observation and focus group discussions. Data were computed and analyzed to determine the impact of the variables on customer satisfaction. The findings indicate that mobile banking facility positively influences customer satisfaction. Based on the findings, it was therefore concluded that there is customer satisfaction on the use of mobile banking. The following major recommendations were made; banks should improve their customer care services by responding timely to customers queries; increase security over mobile financial transactions; the government should review the legal framework to combat network crimes. Banks should embark on the provision of financial education to their members to stimulate awareness and features of the facility. *************** THE USE OF ICT TO ENHANCE CUSTOMER SERVICES IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY IN TANZANIA A Case Study of CRDB Bank Daniel Richard Methusela Masters of Business Administration (Business Administration), November 2009 This dissertation is about The Use of ICT to Enhance Customer Services in the Banking Industry in Tanzania: A Case Study of CRDB Bank PLC. The study covers three branches namely CRDB Bank headquarters, Mlimani City and Kijitonyama in Dar es Salaam and this will be researchers primary source of data. Eighty (80) questionnaires were administered to the customers of CRDB Bank for the selected branches. Categories of variables that relate to the quality of services were identified for the study and these include the customer support, technical support, customer satisfaction and security issues. The study revealed that there are fundamental changes in the content and quality of banking business in the banking industry, banks have improved customer services, prompt and fair attention, and enhanced faster services, however, there are still additional strategies that if well adopted can improve the customer services. Some of the strategies recommended include proper adaptation of technology, as this is one of



the driving forces of the competition in the banking industry, security measures, and involvement of customers in decision-making, product design and raising awareness among customers of the bank. The suggested strategies if adopted will make the work easier for the bank, improve and compete with other banks, improve relationship with customers and assist in solving basic problems and operational planning. *************** PERFORMANCE OF ZANZIBAR TOURISM INDUSTRY Factors Influencing Availability of Foreign Exchange Earnings Salmin Sharif Khatib Master in International Trade, November 2009 Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It is an increasingly important source of income, employment and wealth in the world. International tourism currently accounts for a larger share of foreign exchange receipts and export earnings than any other industry in the world (WTO, 2004). The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the factors influencing availability of foreign earnings. This thesis carries out to analyses annually data and be tested by OLS time series regression analyses. The results of the estimation showed that the variable of tourist arrivals and number of hotel beds found to be statistically significance and their coefficients signs were positive as expected, while variable of promotion was statistically insignificance. This concludes that the tourist arrivals and hotel bed are factors that influence availability of foreign earnings from the tourism industry in Zanzibar. *************** ASSESSMENT OF THE MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTIONS CONTRIBUTION TO THE EMPOWERMENT OF SMEs IN TANZANIA The Case of Standard Chartered Bank - SME Banking Barry Dismas Chale Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The study assessed the performance of microfinance institutions in Tanzania from different angles. It looks on the MFI outreach, financial sustainability and identifies challenges faced by the MFIs in their operations specifically as related to empowering of SMEs. Both qualitative and quantitative research designs were used. Two categories of respondents namely internal (senior management officials and the supporting staff) and bank clients were covered. To choose respondents to be included in the study, two sampling techniques were employed. Purposive sampling was employed to cover the senior management officials while simple random sampling was employed to cover the supporting staff and the bank clients. To a large extent, SCBT-SME Bankings operations in Tanzania has brought about positive changes in the standard of living of people who access their services. Although some of the clients have not benefited, most SCBT SME Banking clients have benefited positively. Despite the achievements of SCBT SME


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Banking clients, most of them complained that the interest rates charged were very high. The findings reveal that the process of application for loans starts with small amount and after repayment the client can apply for next higher amount. This process was observed to be a limiting factor for those customers who needed a large amounts right from the beginning. *************** FINANCIAL SECTOR REFORMS: FINANCIAL DEEPENING AND BANK PERFORMANCE BEFORE AND AFTER PRIVATIZATION IN TANZANIA. Edna Kwami Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The 1980s were characterized by public ownership of financial institutions plagued with large proportion of non-performing loans in their portfolios; these institutions also lacked the necessary management skills. Further, the excessive political interference in the operation of banking institutions by governments coupled with policies adopted damaged the economies by reducing savings and encouraging unproductive investments. Many African countries in the 1980s embarked on financial sector reforms in order improve the legal, regulatory, supervisory and judiciary environment and also to restructure and privatize some state owned banks. This study concentrates solely on Tanzania, by looking again at the reforms with respect to its effect on financial deepening in Tanzania banking industry using additional financial deepening indicator, then further assess how privatization as part of the reform process, impacted on the performance of CRDB bank, a formerly state owned bank. Data used are secondary, macro data were collected to help in assessing the extent of financial deepening after the reforms, whilst micro data were used to compute the ratios for assessing the performance of CRDB after privatization. Methodology employed for the analysis of CRDBs performance is based on the analysis of means and medians of different financial ratios that reflect profitability, efficiency, risk, capital investments and leverage. Financial deepening indicators and a structural measure were used (monetary and credit aggregates) to measure the extent of financial deepening in Tanzanian economy by comparing ratios before and after the reforms. The results obtained using the monetary and credit aggregates to GDP by comparing the post reforms period to the pre reform periods shows that financial deepening in the Tanzanian financial sector did not improve for the few years following the reforms, however these ratios, improved after 2002. Using the structural measure however, Tanzania experienced more financial deepening over the post reform periods considered. There were also slight improvements in financial prices (real interest rates) as some of the years registered positive real rates for deposits (for example 1996, 1999 and 2007) and real lending rates, the reforms however did not improve interest rates spread. Considering the performance of CRDB before and after privatization, the results showed an improvement in profitability, efficiency risk and leverage ratios after privatization; however capital investment did not improve. ***************



FACTORS AFFECTING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FUNCTION The Case of Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited Edwin Lameck Swai Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 This study aimed at examining the factors that affect the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal Practice in the working organizations and Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) as a case study. In order to carry out this study, data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and documentary analysis and were quantitatively and analyzed with the help of SPSS software programme. Total respondents were 105; 25 leaders and 80 non leaders and had been obtained through simple random, stratified random and purposive sampling procedures. The study revealed that performance appraisal at TANESCO was less effective due to lack of knowledge about the appraisal system, low top management support, ineffective performance feedback mechanism in the Performance Appraisal process, However Performance Appraisal was crucial in addressing institutional as well as staff member needs if effectively regularly and timely done in a participatory manner. From the study it is recommended that; the management through the human resource department should organize an elaborate training program for both managers (appraisers) and employees (appraised) on the performance appraisal process to include appreciation of the concepts and objectives, setting of performance standards, and also keeping and maintaining accurate records of employees performance. The performance appraisal system should be redesigned to embrace a proper communication channel through performance interview for feedback on the performance appraisal results. Management should ensure good performance is rewarded. Furthermore, the study recommends further studies to investigate and determine the linkage between Open Performance and Review Appraisal System (OPRAS) in TANESCO and the other public service Institutions. *************** AN ASSESSMENT OF TRANSPARENCY AND FAIRNESS IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT The Case of Kinondoni Municipal Council Azamah Omary Ngwada Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The studys main objective was to review and discuss the actual practice of public procurement in Kinondoni Municipal Council, focusing on transparency and fairness. The specific objectives were to assess the nature and size of public procurement in Kinondoni Municipal Council; to establish how the Procurement Management Unit performs its functions in relation to the user departments,


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The target population in this study were employees of Kinondoni Municipal Council (KMC). Purposeful sampling method was employed to ensure each stratum (level) of staff is well represented. A total of 74 respondents were randomly selected from all strata. Fundamentally, the study utilized both primary and secondary data which was collected through face-to-face interview and administration of questionnaires to the existing literature related to this study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows was used to formulate statistical calculations to establish frequencies, percentages, tables and figures. The findings show that the average values of goods and services procured annually at Kinondoni Municipal Council is about Tshs. 16 billion. This is a substantial amount of money whose expenditure through procurement of goods and services. In general, the advertisements of tenders have been well done in the Municipal. The provisions of tender documents were fairly done indicating that the provision of tender documents is transparent and fair. In addition, the PMU staff cooperated well with other stakeholders It is recommended that further studies be done to assess transparency and fairness in the procurement sector. To avoid complaints from the stakeholders, Municipal authorities should see to it that the Public Procurement Act, 2004 and Public Procurement Regulations, 2005 is put into practice. All procurement officers should be trained on how best to handle their customers both internally and externally. ***************

ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE NON-REPAYMENTS OF LOANS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS The Case of National Microfinance Bank Mwantum Glory Mraba Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 Factors which caused non-loan repayments among borrowers were assessed with a special focus to NMB and 50 respondents participated. The general objective of the study was to find factors to which lead to failure to re- pay loans (NMB Bank borrowers). Specific objectives included: To establish the relationship between lenders methods in coordination and follow up schedules during collection of debt, to establish relationship between loan repayment rates and business experience for the borrowers who obtained micro credits, to establish the effect of pre-loan training time on the loan repayment rates and to examine the screening criteria used by NMB in issuing loan. Case study design was adopted in the study and qualitative and qualitative research approaches were used in this study. Data collection methods used were interviews, observations and documentary review and instruments used were interview questions, observation and documentary review schedules. Findings indicated that lenders employed various methods to provide services to borrowers and that involved a provision of education borrowers in order to access and the department was established for effective coordination. Findings indicated that there was a mutual relationship between loan repayments and business performance. Findings indicated that those who timely paid their loans were those who were doing better in business. It was revealed from the study that they were able to get profit which they used to pay loans either annually, quarterly or monthly.



Findings also indicated that those who were not effective in repaying their loans had problems in business. Factors which affected the business and hence loan repayments included: weather, market competition, miss-use of loans, poor planning and lack of adequate business education. Findings also indicated that pre-loan training increased the number of borrowers and the rate of loan repayments. It was revealed from the study that the bank benefited from the increase in capital and the capacity to provide loans to many people. Recommendations put forward included: Provision of extensive training to people in both rural and urban areas, collateral to be abolished for borrowers from lower class and the department for loan provision and repayments to be developed. *************** DECISION MAKING PRACTICE AND ITS EFFECTS IN WORK ORGANIZATIONS IN TANZANIA A Case of the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy

Erasto Maurice Mhagama Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 This study sought to see if people were satisfied with the extent of their participation in the decision making practices in the whole system from the top to the bottom examining the extent of workers and students involvement in decision- making cutting across all decisions making organs, how the decision making process enhances the attainment of organizational objectives and the weakness or challenges in existing administrative structure. In the research methodology, the targeted population was the members of the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy which consisted of the management, workers, who were the teaching staff and nonteaching staff, and students. A sample of 100 people was used, and 90 questionnaires filled. The main data collection techniques were questionnaires, interviews and documentary review. The findings of this study revealed that involvement of workers in decision making process was low due to having a small number of representatives in the various decision making organs, and the communication systems were not efficient. However, the decisions made in this work organization to a greater extent enhanced the attainment of the organizational objectives. The findings revealed that there were many decision making organs in this work organization where both workers and students had representatives. However, the number of representatives was small. The recommendations of study were that there should be reasonable representation of workers and students. And information should be provided on time and an effective modern communication system should be put in place. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

FACTORS AFFECTING APPLICATION OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS IN TANZANIA A Case of Tanzania Automotive Technology Centre (TATC) Makoye Gervas Mayala Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 The study deals with the Open Performance Review Appraisal System (OPRAS) implemented in 2004 in the Public Institutions in Tanzania. It aims at investigating the factors affecting the application of OPRAS at TATC. To this end, the discussions starts by explaining the introduction of OPRAS into Public Institutions and then narrows its scope and investigate the factors affecting its application at Tanzania Automotive Technology Centre. The research data gathered from 60 respondents at TATC by using questionnaires and written documents. Descriptive statistics, frequency tables and figures have been applied to data analysis. The study identified factors that obstructed the application of OPRAS at TATC including, lack of employees awareness on the application of OPRAS, individual objectives at TATC were neither a reflection of the corporate plan nor incorporated fully the individual duties, and poor process of setting objectives. However, evidence also reveals that objectives were not communicated to the subordinates, poor Performance Appraisal feedback mechanism at TATC and the lack of management support on the Performance Appraisal process. In this general review, the Performance Appraisal was ineffective and the discussion concludes with suggestions such as initiating regular training to all employees, participatory objectives setting, clear communication of formulated objectives and finally, management should keep on supporting the subordinates providing them with materials and moral support. *************** FACTORS AFFECTING EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF LOANS FOR SMES DEVELOPMENT Shekha Diwani, Masters of Business Administration, September 2009 SMEs constitute a huge portion of the enterprise population in Tanzania. SMEs contribute to employment, GDP, and exports. The main objective of this study was to investigate Factor that affect effective utilization of loans for SMEs development. The study was conducted by a way of survey strategy where by forty (40) SMES based in Dar es Salaam. The respondents were divided into two groups that is SMEs owner and SMEs loan officer in National Microfinance Bank. Descriptive approach was based on the primary data, qualitative analysis of



data was used, and comparison, explanation and tabulation were used as the method of data analysis. The result revealed that SMEs lack entrepreneur, management and marketing skills. They also faced with the problem of competition, high interest rate, fail to obtain amount of loan they need, lack of proper place to sell their product and high production cost. Also it was found that SMEs diversify their loan given by NMB for other current purpose rather develops their business. The result show that there need to NMB Bank to provide regular education to SMEs, Government also should establish more building like Machinga complex in order SMEs to obtain right place to sell their product, Banks should reduce interest and reduce their condition in order SMEs to obtain amount of loan they apply for and at a right time. In deed the study has gradually evolved an appreciation of the need for effective utilization of loans given to SMEs. ***************

AN ASSESMENT OF SOME PRODUCT, PRICE, QUALITY, PACKAGE, LABEL AND PROMOTIONAL FACTORS THAT AFFECT CONSUMER CHOICE OF BRAND A Case of Carbonated Soft Drink Brands in Tanzania Market Sihiana Ramadhani Mkanda Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 This study analyzes the consumer buying behaviors of Carbonated Soft Drinks in the Tanzanian market. It investigated critical product attributes that influence consumer preference for a particular brand of carbonated soft drink. It examines consumer buying behavior and assesses some product, price, quality, packages, label and promotional issues that affect the choice of brand by consumers. The research aims to contribute to theoretical knowledge and at the same time guide market practitioners in deciding on which of the best market tactics to adopt. The research methodology consists of a survey of 167 carbonated soft drinks consumers from five regions, through use of a standard questionnaire. Chi-square statistical method and technique was used to measure the indicators while multiple regression method was used for testing the hypotheses. Five hypotheses were empirically tested and the results showed that there is a significant negative relationship between the price of the pack and the choice of brand of carbonated soft drinks. Regarding quality the results revealed that the perceived quality of the product negatively influenced the decision to purchase a carbonated soft drinks brand. The negative correlation might result from the fact that consumers are often judge the quality of the products on the basis of variety of information cues that they associate with products. Generally, the study found out that the explanatory variables greatly influence the decision to purchase carbonated soft drink brands on the Tanzanian market. The study recommends that; carbonated soft drinks companies should redirect their resources to fund projects that will address marketing issues that are relevant to consumer so as to sustain loyalty. The government is strongly advised to create a sustainable business environment by revising its taxation, import and export polices to safeguard the local soft drinks industry. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

THE IMPACT OF OPERATION OF AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINES IN PROVIDING BANK SERVICES TO ITS CUSTOMERS The Case of Tanzania Postal Bank Sosthenes Nyenyembe Master of Business Administration (Finance Management), November 2008 Many Bank and Financial Institutions in the country installed Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) so as to increase the flexibility in serving customers. The other purpose is to reduce the risk of holding hard cash and reduce the workload to Tellers. The number of Automatic Teller Machines installed by these Banks and financial Institutions has increased from two in 2000 to 366 in 2007. The overall objective of undertaking the study was to analyse the efficiency and effectiveness of ATMs machines in providing Banks operation and customers satisfaction. Other objectives were to assess the level of ATM usage knowledge amongst Bank clients, problems experienced by clients and identifying the ways to mitigate the problems experienced. Specific objectives were to determine the awareness of ATM users and the satisfaction level delivered from the services, to investigate the impact on Bank performance in terms of labour, cost efficiency and profitability. The study area was TPB branches within Dar es Salaam region Data collection involved Interview and Questionnaires from customers selected on simple random sampling and employees were stratified to determine the level of satisfaction and benefits accrued out of usage of ATMs. The findings of the study includes the full awareness of usage of ATMS by customers respondent to questionnaires and confirmed usage of the devices for the past six months before the study. Notable findings on the Customers frequency of usage of ATM noted that most of the customer use the facility only once per month to transact with the bank and only few customers managed to transact more than once per month. The ATM were located within vicinity of clients as it took within 30 minutes to reach and transact with ATM machines within Dar es salaam where majority of ATMs are installed. Respondents opinion in regards to Price/Cost of transacting with ATM revealed that it cost higher to customers to transact with ATM rather than visiting Bank halls. The customers responded that most of TPB branches do not have Bank employees to assist customers who fail to operate ATMs and most of the services are not available during Saturdays and Sundays due to outage. Respondents recommended that the TPB management should address the weakness of Customer care by ensuring presence of TPB staff within ATM machines and installation of generators so as to eliminate the process of outage and reduce the cost of ATM transaction cost. ***************



INVESTIGATION ON INFORMATION EFFICIENCY IN FINANCIAL MARKET The Case of Dar es salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) David Allan Dotto Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The study was on investigation of information efficiency in financial market, A case study of Dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE), the main objective of the study was to find out the extend of information efficiency in financial market The study was an attempt to test the efficiency of Dar es Salaam stock Exchange with respect to Dividends announcement by listed companies. The researcher explained historical background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study which was divided into two parts namely general objective and three specific objectives, three research questions, three hypotheses and significance of the study, limitation of the study, organization of the study were formed. Researcher dealt with literature relating to the study, various books and research reports relevant to the study were reviewed. Researcher also presented research methodology, 10 listed companies were involved into study, out of these 6 companies which satisfied criteria set were selected; the researcher used interview, observations and documentations as the method of collecting data. Data were analyzed by using the following tools, these were: Daily returns, Security returns variability, average security returns variability, average abnormal returns, cumulative abnormal returns and T-test. The researcher presented and discussed results of the study. Lastly researcher drew the conclusion on the study and expressed his recommendations on how to improve performance of capital markets in the near future. *************** THE ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN POST PRIVATIZATION ENTERPRISES IN THE MINERAL SECTOR A Case of Tanzanite Firms in Simanjiro, Tanzania Lenana Soipey Lenganasa Master of Business Administration (Human Resource), November 2009 This study is on the analysis of factors that affects human resource development in post privatization enterprises in the mineral sector, a case of tanzanite firms in Simanjiro, Tanzania. The study was carried out in 31 firms that are situated in the tanzanite mining belt at Mirerani. The firms involved include Tanzanite One Company and some 30 small scale mining organizations in the area. The purpose of the study was to analyse factors affecting human resource development in the mineral sector in particular. The researcher formulated two propositions and two hypotheses to guide the study. The propositions were used to assess adequacy of initiatives by both government and then mining organizations towards


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developing human resources in the sector. Hypothesis one aimed to determine the relationship between conditions set by government for the private mining firms and development of human resource at organizational level. Hypothesis two intended to examine the association between factors that relates to human resource and human resource development process in the mineral sector. Data collection instruments that were used in the study included questionnaires, interviews and observation. A total of 75 questionnaires were distributed to the sample population for filling. A total of 63 questionnaires were filled and returned, that is 84 percent of the questionnaires issued. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS program, where the responses from questionnaires were summarized, tabulated and percentages were computed. Other techniques used were correlation analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The findings revealed that initiatives taken by both government and private mining firms to develop human resources in the mineral sector are still inadequate. Descriptive frequencies indicated little efforts made on policy awareness, organizations policy, plans, programs and competent human resource personnel. They also provided enough statistical evidence to conclude that there are positive relationships between conditions set by government for private mining firms in the mineral sector and the development of human resource at organizational level. Finally it was found that that various factors that relates to human resource affects the process of human resource development among private firms in the mineral sector. Thus the mineral sector requires adequate support institutions, more funding and programs, adequate qualified personnel to support private firms through increased extension services and the ability to place more incentives to attract graduates from different mineral study institutions to join private mining firms. Based on the results of the study it is recommended that both the government and private mining firms in the sector should increase their efforts directed towards the development of competitive local human resources. The new mineral policy, which is currently underway, should therefore among other things consider a review of the provisions of the human resource regime in mining with aim to address various factors that affects development of local human resource. ***************

UTILIZATION OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY MARKETING RESEARCH FIRMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES The Case of Tanzania and Kenya . Involatah Kharano Mukana Master of Business Administration (Marketing), October 2009 The main purpose of this study was to assess the Utilization of Services provided by Marketing Research Firms in Developing Countries: A case of Tanzania and Kenya. The Marketing Research Industry is a new phenomenon in most developing countries though it seems to be picking up at a very fast rate. Specifically it aimed at finding out whether factors like attitude and experience/intuition of top managers, culture, cost and time taken to obtain information and nature of company do affect the extent of utilization of these services. It also sought to find out the services that are mostly sought from MR firms.



A survey was conducted on 50 companies through structured self report questionnaires and 8 in depth interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data from top managers in the Marketing Research Industry. Using the Chi square, Kolmogorov Smirnov and Kruskal Wallis tests for analysis, the findings revealed that some of these factors affected the utilization of these services while others did not. The results of the tests revealed that attitude, cost and culture affected the utilization of these services while managers value of past experience/intuition, time and reputation of firms did not affect the consumption of these services. However, the type of organization did not affect in Kenya but affected in Tanzania due to the differences in terms of maturity of the two industries. The conclusion is that consumption of these services is not only restricted to these factors but others like budget constraints, shortage of expertise and awareness.


ASSESMENT OF SACCOS AND SMEs CONTRIBUTION IN POVERTY REDUCTION, EMPLOYMENT CREATION AND INCOME GENERATION: A Case of Dar es Salaam Region Jonas John Mushy Masters of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The studys main objective was to asses the contribution of SMEs in poverty reduction in Dar es Salaam region. The study based on the SACCOS, SMEs and employees working with these SMEs. Simple random, stratified and purposive techniques were used to select respondents from SACCOS, and SMEs. Administered questionnaires and personal interviews were conducted with SACCOS staffs, SMEs owners/ employer and employees. A sample of fifty five SACCOS and SMEs staff responded to the administered questionnaires. SMEs involved in this study were ten while SACCOS were ten. The findings of this study revealed that: SMEs contribute greatly in the employment/job creation and income generation, improvement in technology, and performance of these SMEs in the industry create employment opportunities. SACCOS were found to have great role in the formation and growth of SMEs, hence play a vital role in the job creation through the SMEs established. Besides, SACCOS reduce poverty through loans and the activities financed. Also From the study it is recommended that: SACCOS should provide higher amount of Loans to its clients so as to create more job opportunities, SMEs should increase the salary to its employees to cover their financial obligations. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

SOCIAL HEALTH INSURANCE AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Case of National Health Insurance Joyce Sumbwe Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 The purpose of this study was to examine the level of satisfaction of various social- demographic groups of National Health Insurance Fund beneficiaries. Key health insurance variables included: rate of contribution; benefit package; identity cards processing and services rendered by accredited health service providers. These were analyzed through a sample survey of 120 respondents from regional and local government offices, government ministries and departments and executive agencies. The Kruskal Wallis and Mann- Witney test were used to examine differences among those groups. Findings revealed high propensity of health services utilization and that the NHIF was serving satisfactory its intended beneficiaries. There were no differences on perception of the fairness of rate of contribution among different income groups and non existence of difference in opinions on benefit package offered based on gender. No bureaucracy in applying identity cards and distribution, registration forms were unavailable and were not user friendly. There was dissatisfaction on accuracy of identity cards. Replacement of identity card as provided in section 10 of NHIF regulation needs to be redefined. Statistical results indicated differences in inadequacy information at providers reception counter and absence of medical staff based on location. The Fund needed to increase members awareness on its operation, improve quality of health services by conducting regular inspection and effective utilization of its Marketing unit in developing customer feedback strategies. ***************

CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN PENETRATING INTERNATIONAL MARKETS The Case of Selected Producers of Consumer Products in Tanzania Joseph Andrew Kihulla Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 This study was about challenges and opportunities in penetrating international markets in selected producers of consumer products in Tanzania. The Findings revealed that export challenges included: variations (increase or decrease) of wages, peoples beliefs, family growth rates, and the current global crisis whereby, developed nations where



consumer products were exported, especially to United Kingdom and United States of America had registered aging population. Change in taxation system and tax amounts in both Tanzania and importing countries were explained not favoring consumer product export business. The same applied to changing habits in consumers tastes and fashions, fast technological changes that producers could not cope. Opportunities like: high demand in the foreign market; good cooperation from outside partners; less bureaucracy in external dealings; were also uncovered and recommendations made. A descriptive research methodology was used together with SPSS package for uni-variate, bi-variate and cross Tabulations data analysis. Furthermore, a Chi-square model was used to test data reliability and validity The study recommends further study to cover other areas and products to get a bigger picture of the available export business in Tanzania ***************

ATTITUDE TOWARD JOB APPLICATION THROUGH E-RECRUITMENT SYSTEM IN THE TANZANIA PUBLIC SECTOR Elieza Baraka Master of Business Administration, November 2009 Due to rapid changes which are occurring in the Information Technology sector globally, the way recruitment practice is being carried out is also changing. I have set out in this dissertation to identifY the attitude toward job applications through electronic recruitment (e-recruitment) system in the Tanzania Public sectors due to the existing application gap in developing countries and developed countries. The research focused into addressing the said gap mainly with objective of assessing the opinions of the personnel from the public sectors as far as the e-recruitment is concerning. The research was based on questionnaire survey where by data were gathered through self administered questionnaires responded by sampled of 49 personnel from public sectors. The study identified a number of findings which indicates that respondents were III favors of job applications through e-recruitment system because of its advantages compared to the conventional method though erecruitment application level is still very low. Furthermore, a number of challenges were given out such as inadequate infrastructure, applicants computer skills, less management commitments which hinder adoption and application of e-recruitment practices. It is recommended to policy makers to facilitate infrastructure development and be a role model in erecruitment applications. On the other hand practitioners have to adopt recruitment strategically with aiming to attain the associative advantages out from recruitment systems. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

MICROFINANCE NGOs AND POVERTY REDUCTION IN TANZANIA A Case Study of VS & LAs under CARE Programs in Coast Region Renatus Anathory Mchembe Master of Business Administration, December 2009 There is still a very large gap between the needs of the poor for financial services and the ability of Banks and large Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) to provide these services. This study assessed the impact of Microfinance Non-Government Organizations (MF- NGOs) on poverty reduction in Tanzania. A sample of respondents comprising of ninety Village Savings and Loan Association members and ten NGO leaders taken from Coast region was used. The research instruments used to collect data from the field were questionnaires, interviews and observations. The four Null Hypotheses used in this study were: There is no change in livelihood of borrowers after receiving loans from MF- NGOs; The interest rates charged by MF NGOs doesnt affect the borrowers ability to repay the loan; The entrepreneurial skills provided by MF NGOs does not affect the improvement of entrepreneurs business; and There is no relationship between the amounts of loans provided by Microfinance NGOs to VS & LA members and the contribution to business growth. The findings from this study revealed that peoples well being improved after receiving loans from microfinance NGOs, e.g. before taking loans, out of 47 people interviewed in Kibaha district, only 6, 7, 30, 12 and 4 people were able to pay medical, education, clothes, meals, ownership of assets expenses but after taking the loans 27, 28, 47, 44, and 20 were able to pay the expenses respectively. Borrowers were able to repay the loans because the interest rates were low. Training given was focused on how to form and manage VS&LA groups and savings/credit instead of entrepreneurial skills. Amount of loan received was found to be not enough to start and expand businesses. It is concluded that Microfinance NGOs which are tailor made to suit the needs of poor and the pro-poor people are able to reduce poverty by providing grants and microfinance services to them. Finally it is recommended that MF-NGOs should strengthen training of VS&L members on entrepreneurial skills and give them grants. Large MFIs and Government should provide grants and conducive policies to support the development and sustainability of VS&LAs. ***************



THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS SERVICES PROVIDED BY TANZANIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY (TANESCO) LTD A Case of Dar es Salaam Region Sosthenes Deusdedit Majula Sindaguru Master of Business Administration, November 2009 Besides various measures taken by TANESCO to improve its services for social and economic development in Tanzania, there remain public outcries and complaints on the quality of TANESCO services. The problem is perception and satisfaction with its services. This work focused on the significance of factors influencing customers perceptions to TANESCO services in Dar es Salaam region. Non probabilistic convenient sampling techniques in sample selection was employed. Analysis was performed in exploration data analysis (EDA) or sample characteristics and statistical inference (SIA) stages. The computer package used was SPSS and Ms Excel. This study revealed that out of 104 informants, 67.3 percent of the respondents had somewhat negative perception on the quality of TANESCO services, 2.9 percent of respondents had negative perception, 29.8 percent of the respondents had somewhat positive perception on the quality of TANESCO services. The factors influencing customers perceptions of TANESCO services are not uniform in terms of significance and magnitude. This study recommends that fighting against theft and vandalism to TANESCO infrastructures, reducing time taken to respond to emergencies, phone calls, e-mails, customer complaints as well as corruption among TANESCO employees are indispensable measures. In the near future, it will be not a bad idea to study other regions which were not the focus of this study. *************** ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COMPENSATION PRACTICES IN TANZANIA PUBLIC SERVICES A Case of Dodoma Municipal Council Balthazar Katendegwa Murishi Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 The study assessed the effectiveness of compensation practices in Tanzania public services, focusing Dodoma Municipal Council. Its objectives were to identify types of compensation for public employees and the extent they meet their needs, to determine the criteria considered to compensate the employees, to determine whether public employees were satisfied with remuneration and to determine sources of income supplement. The study employed questionnaires for 240 selected employees and interviews for 5 members of staff. Findings revealed that majority of public employees were compensated salary and transport assistance on leave and very few of them got allowances, criteria for compensation policy consideration were not adhered


University of Dar es Salaam

to and majority of public employees were very much dissatisfied /dissatisfied with salary, banks were the main sources of income supplement and financial institutions, SACCOS, borrowing from friends and relatives and employees own businesses were the least sources of incomes. The study concluded that majority of the employees were not compensated fairly, salaries and allowances could not meet employees needs. It recommended that the government should review both salary and all forms of allowances, allowances should be offered to all cadres of employees, trade should be involved unions when considering compensation policy and salary regularly. Finally, sources of employees income supplement should be enhanced with better terms of borrowing. *************** ASSESSMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) USAGE IN PROMOTING TOURISM SECTOR IN TANZANIA A case of Hotels in Tanzania Samwel Mwaisumbe Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The main objective of this study was to determine the relationship between ICT usage in promoting hotel business and the increase of guest inflows into hotels which results in to promoting tourism sector in Tanzania. The study has focused on the importance of ICT usage in performing promotion activities when promoting hotels business that result in to increasing guest inflows. The importance of ICT usage should be regarded as a potential factor for any business development and it is because many people in Tanzania do not participate fully in this technology world which bring about inefficiencies and less productive business venture. Only field data that were obtained through structured questionnaires which used to interview 80 respondents from different 20 hotels residing in Dar es Salaam and Tanga were used in the analysis with the help of SPSS. The major findings show that hotels apply ICTs in performing promotion activities, which includes advertisements, sales promotion, personal selling and publicity. The findings have indicated that all of the above factors are direct related with the increase of guest inflows in to hotels. It has also been observed that there other factors that could not been focused by this study which influences guest inflows in to hotels apart from applying ICTs in promotion because the findings has indicated that ICT applications in to promotion activities has only influenced about 70% of guest who visit hotels. The results of this study have the following policy implications to the government, public and tourism practitioners. It is important to reduce ICT running costs that are associated with acquiring and maintaining ICT tools and facilities so as to enable many hotels especially those in lower grades to be able to apply these facilities. Operating cost associated with TV air time, internet, telecommunications etc are mostly not affordable. Furthermore, ICT training of staff should be implemented in the hospitality sector so as to enable many staff apply ICTs in all process of their business. The Government should assist in designing an infrastructure that can connect all different players in the hospitality industry by using internet facilities and other computerized systems ******************



ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES FOR CUSTOMERS RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT The Case of National Microfinance Bank Plc Janeth Shango Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 From time NMB Plc has managed to establish mutually and business relationship that forms bases for its success, reduction of risk and increased customer relationship. However high competitive environment in financial industry has threatening its existence where long served and potential customers are attracted to other banks. This situation formed the main objective of the study to examine strategies for building customer relationship and retention in NMB Plc. The study involved questionnaires with a sample of 100 for internal and external customers selected from NMB in DSM. Data was analyzed using multiple regressions and two hypotheses developed to test retention and commitment. Study findings conclude that there is positive relationship between strategies and the retention of customer as well as commitment of customer to the bank. Findings imply that business firm must be constantly in close contact with both its existing and potential corporate customers and check out every time to ensure the practicability of its policies in daily processing. Thus the study recommends NMB Management to make a clear guide on CRM, Customer segmentation, Develop business to the need of customers and impose more market strategies focus both to employee as well as customers to strengthen the existing customer relationship in line with the growing banking industry as the ultimate goal for every business in todays world is to increase its market share through customers. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING PROCUREMENT SERVICE SATISFACTION AND VALUE FOR MONEY IN HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS The Case Study of University of Dar es Salaam Donatha Souvenir Makombe Mugassa Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 This study explored factors that influence procurement service satisfaction and value for money in higher education institutions. The study analyzed existing procurement system of higher learning institutions using University of Dar es Salaam as a case study. The objective of the research was to identify procurement factors that influence service satisfaction and achievement of value for money. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Procurement activities included works, goods and services.


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The study observed inordinate delays in procurement, untimely deliveries, poor quality deliveries, lack of organizational procurement plan, and unawareness of Tender Boards activities by system users and bureaucratic steps, which cause time as well as cost inefficiencies in procurement processes. Others included partially computerized procurement system and lower satisfaction on procurement services rendered to academic institutions. It implied that procurement service satisfaction and value for money in any procurement system is influenced by seven factors, namely, Procurement management system that is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective so as to achieve the right cost, right source right quantity, accurate and timely procurement planning and its execution. Other included suppliers performance evaluation and feedback, procurement professional sufficiency (sufficient and competent staff), accurate organization structure and management support, computerization of procurement systems, quality supplies and timely deliveries/completion of procurements. Results have implications to policy makers, management and practitioner. *************** THE ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING PROGRAMME IN PUBLIC SECTOR The Case of Iringa Municipal Council Japhet S. Joachim Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 This study was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of training programmes in the public sector in Iringa Municipal Council. In particular, the study examined the criteria used in selecting employees for training; the department responsible for making decisions about training issues; acceptability of training programmes as well as benefits accrued from the training by the council and individual employees. The population of the study was 84 respondents. The methods of data collection were questionnaire and documentary sources and these were analyzed using content analysis. Findings of the study shows that the training programme of IMC is unacceptable to the majority of employees due to the fact that, 51 (60.7 percent) of the respondents were not aware of the existing training programme and therefore leading us to presume that the training programme of IMC is not effective. Based on the findings of the study, it can be stated that the effectiveness of Iringa Municipal Council Training Programme is not effective due to the fact that the majority of respondents were not aware on the existence of training programme. Therefore, in order to ensure that the Iringa Municipal Council Training Programme is effective, the study recommends that: selection of employees for training should based on training needs; feedback should be given to staff regarding the training programmes; the current training programmes should be revised to suit the councils requirements and employee needs and finally they should establish a training evaluation system to assess the job performance and service delivery of staff. ***************



FACTORS INFLUENCING LOAN REPAYMENT AND DELINQUENCY ON SACCOS PERFORMANCE IN TANZANIA The Analysis of Selected SACCOS in Kilimanjaro Region Nchundi Mayalla Matogoro Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 This study examined factors influencing loan repayment and delinquency on SACCOS performance in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the factors influencing loan repayment performance of borrowers; to evaluate the techniques used by SACCOS on screening creditworthy borrowers; and to examine the strategies used by SACCOS for enhancing loan repayment performance. A multiple case study was opted for research design. The cases included were Okoa, CHAWAKUKO, Same Kaya, Mashati, Ushiri and ELCT-ND SACCOS, all in Kilimanjaro region. Simple random and purposive sampling was used to obtain SACCOS and respondents in the study. Respondents were selected from members, employees, board members and SACCOS management. Methods used for data collection were interviews, questionnaires and documentary review. A descriptive method was used to analyze data and it was presented in frequency/ percentages tables. The overall findings revealed that, loan diversion and multiple borrowing from different institutions were the most significant factors influencing negative loan repayment performance. It also indicated that, the use of valid salary slip from employed members and the savings capacity of members evidenced to improve the loan repayment performance. Based on the findings, it is recommended that members and SACCOS officials should be trained in order to build their capacity and entrepreneurial skills so as to invest in productive activities and enhance loan repayment performance. The suitability of loan repayment period should be improved so as to minimize the loan delinquency problem and enhance profitability and sustainability of SACCOS. *************** ASSESSMENTS OF EFFECTIVENESS OF TANROADS IN ROAD MAINTENANCE IN TANZANIA Kamaley Ramadhan Kitery Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The main purpose of this study was to assess effectiveness of TANROADS in road maintenance in Dar es Salaam. Specifically, the study aimed at finding out the extent to which TANROADS has been effective in road maintenance in Dar es Salaam, to find out whether the road service level report by TANROADS reflect the actual service level, to find out the extent to which the Road Fund Board (RFB) is capable of fulfilling the funds requested by TANROADS. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and


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review of documentary sources. The study results showed that TANROADS has not been very effective in road maintenance, and the main reason given is the persistent deterioration and poor quality of the roads. The study results revealed doubts related to the service level reports that TANROADS produced, because basing on the report and the TANROADS proposed annual budget, RBF disbursed funds as requested, yet road maintenance was not effectively done by TANROADS, raising the question of mismanagement of road management funds. Views on ways of ensuring sustainability of roads were also given, among which are the following: service level reports to be prepared by an independent body, on-site survey to be conducted by RBF to determine validity of the service level reports, proper management of funds released by RBF, timely release of road funds, practicing good governance, as well as education programs for road users on road matters. This study recommends proper management of funds released by RBF, on-site survey to be conducted by RBF to determine validity of the service level reports and also conducting seminars and workshops on maintenance and sustainability of roads so as to create awareness. The main purpose of this study was to assess effectiveness of TANROADS in road maintenance in Dar es Salaam. Specifically, the study aimed at finding out the extent to which TANROADS has been effective in road maintenance in Dar es Salaam, to find out whether the road service level report by TANROADS reflect the actual service level, to find out the extent to which the Road Fund Board (RFB) is capable of fulfilling the funds requested by TANROADS. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and review of documentary sources. The study results showed that TANROADS has not been very effective in road maintenance, and the main reason given is the persistent deterioration and poor quality of the roads. The study results revealed doubts related to the service level reports that TANROADS produced, because basing on the report and the TANROADS proposed annual budget, RBF disbursed funds as requested, yet road maintenance was not effectively done by TANROADS, raising the question of mismanagement of road management funds. Views on ways of ensuring sustainability of roads were also given, among which are the following: service level reports to be prepared by an independent body, on-site survey to be conducted by RBF to determine validity of the service level reports, proper management of funds released by RBF, timely release of road funds, practicing good governance, as well as education programs for road users on road matters. This study recommends proper management of funds released by RBF, on-site survey to be conducted by RBF to determine validity of the service level reports and also conducting seminars and workshops on maintenance and sustainability of roads so as to create awareness. *************** IMPACT OF TAX POLICY HARMONIZATION ON THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE IN ZANZIBAR Ahmady Ali Othmani Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The study was designed to asses the impact of tax policy harmonization on the economic performance in Zanzibar. In carrying out this study, tax performance were critically reviewed for the past 10 years, where different dimension of share of different taxes on total revenue and GDP were investigated and compared



between Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. Research mostly used on-depth documents review for the case of economic performance and semi-structured interview and extensive consultation? to assess stakeholders perceptions about the tax harmonization process and its impact on the various macro economic variables. The study found that, Tax harmonization has negatively affected the economy of Zanzibar by restricting the rate of growth of GDP, consumption, investments, and re-exports trade and favouring the growth of imports from Mainland Tanzania. This study also found that it is not easy for a single tax policy to cater for the interest of the two different economies. Socially, the harmonization of taxes have increased tax burden to the Island citizens, increased share of revenue paid by poor, decreased purchasing power and increased poverty. In addition, there was a decrease in the volume of trade which is directly linked with unemployment. Finally, we recommend that, The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar and Union Government should agree on some minimum tax rates to be imposed leaving more latitude for both sides of union. Alternatively the Government of Zanzibar should have moderate autonomy over the tax regime with respect to Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and customs tariffs in order to suit its requirements encourage Investments as well as improve the revenue performance and contribution of tax revenue to GDP. Lastly the Government of both sides of union should initiate efforts within the Joint Finance Commission (JFC) to address all the unclear tax issues in the Union and Zanzibar in particular. *************** ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS TOWARDS POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN TANZANIA A Case of PRIDE and FINCA in Dar es Salaam Region Moses George Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The main objective of this study was to analyze the role of MFIs towards poverty alleviation. MFIs in Tanzania have significant contribution on business growth and increase in incomes. Data were collected using primary data and secondary data. The primary data were collected by the researcher from the MFI employees and clients while the secondary data were collected from books, journals and previous researches. Analysis of the data was done through chi square test and goodness of fit test and testing of hypothesis enabled to answer research questions. The conclusions made are on whether there is inclusion of poorest people. The other analyses were on the relationship between MFIs loans on income (sales) and growth of business enterprises. First, it was concluded that the poorest people are being excluded in MFIs services. The analysis show that the people with no capital are not considered in the loans that are provided as they have no capital to establish business. It was further concluded that the amount of loans offered to MFIs clients have positive impact on their business incomes and the growth of business enterprises. The analysis and test statistic had shown that the MFIs loans have enabled firms to increase sales (income) and the growth of business enterprises. The study has proposed some policy changes to the government such as provision of guarantee to the poorest so as to make them bankable. The government should also spearhead the establishment of centralized


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database for all clients that will show the status of loans they have taken from different banks. The MFIs have been urged to change their policies on interest rates so as to lower them to establish more branches. The study has also found out areas for further research in the last sub-section of chapter five which include study on the role of MFIs towards poverty alleviation in rural areas, study on repayment practices of MFIs clients in rural areas and study of impacts of MFIs meetings on the businesses of their clients in terms of time and money spent on travellings to and from MFIs meeting centres. ***************

FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS IN TANZANIA: IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES BENEFITS Aimbora Mathew Swai Master of Business Administration, November 2009 The main issue in this study was doubts on employees welfare and professional development in Foreign Direct investment. The study attempted to find out how Foreign Direct Investment impacted employment and technological skills for local citizens in Tanzania. It examined how development policies in Tanzania encourage and ensure that the Foreign Direct Investments employ local citizens to promote technical skills. It also assessed the impact of Foreign Direct Investments on job quality of the local employees in technical positions. The study was informed much by various literatures on Development and FDI policies, and theories and regulations for the development of human resources through foreign Direct Investment. The study was qualitative in nature applying phenomenological approach. It was conducted in Dar es Salaam and it covered one parastatal (TTCL) as a case study. Four methods of data collection were applied and these were documentary review, interview, observations, focused group discussion and questionnaires. The data were processed by firstly presenting the raw data, categorizing them into groups, reassessing, interpreting, discussing them critically and eventually organizing them for report writing. Generally, it was found that the development policies were just verbally accepted by top managers and foreigners but they were not effectively applied during the implementation. The study concluded that the situation of not adhering to human development policies in FDI resulted to many negative impacts. The negative impacts found were such as Low Participation of employees in Foreign Direct investment, workers to engage in corruption and the raise of antagonism among the staff members. However, this study recommended that the decision makers in Foreign Direct Investment on human resource development should be transparent and do not violate the set policies. All matters related should be communicated to employees. ***************



ROLE OF MARKETING STRATEGY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICE ORIENTED FIRM The Case Study of Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (Tazara) Operations Christopher Makukula Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 The main objective of this research is to examine the role of marketing strategy on the performance of the service oriented firm. Some problems being experienced by some service oriented firms are due to lack of funding, reduced maintenance, reduction in traffic volumes and continuous growing financial deficit. The research methodology employed was descriptive study which uses both qualitative and quantitative approach and was based on a cross sectional study, where a survey was conducted in selected areas or regions. Respondents provided information to the research study to which four hypotheses were tested. First, to be tested was the examination of the role of marketing strategy and services marketing whether it had stronger influence on performance of service oriented firms. Secondly, it tested the extent to which high price was perceived to influence railway utilization and performance. Thirdly, it tested whether location had significant influence on the performance of the transport service firm. Fourthly, it tested whether high promotion advertisement cost had an influence on the performance of the service firm. This research developed theoretical framework that examined the role and factors that influence marketing strategies in global markets with emphasis on transportation service sector. Eventually it used business models, generic strategic models, pricing models and gaps models to develop the hypotheses. In pursuit to determine the role of effective marketing SERVQUAL model was applied in view of the five dimensions of quality service. Volatile political environments, high degrees of ownership in affiliates and global competitors standardized marketing strategies encourage firms to tailor physical attributes. Customer relationship management, value chain and service marketing are used in collaboration with the role of marketing strategy. *************** CONTRIBUTION OF SMALL CREDIT TO POVERTY REDUCTION IN THE RURAL SOCIETY OF TANZANIA: CASE OF MWANGA RURAL COMMUNITY BANK Apolinary Andrew Master of Business Administration, November 2009 This study was carried out in Mwanga District, Kilimanjaro region, with the aim of assessing the contribution of small credit to poverty reduction in the rural society of Tanzania. The study emanated from the fact that Rural Community Bank which had been operating in the rural areas would have to a certain extent played a role in reducing poverty in the area of the study. The study was based on the fact that Microfinance had proved to be an effective and powerful tool for poverty reduction. A total of 93 Mwanga Rural Community Bank clients were interviewed.


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The study indicated that loans secured from Rural Community Bank contributed towards poverty reduction that could be evidenced through a number of ways, such as opening up new investments, ability to pay school fees, paying for health services and ensuring food sufficiency. Access to loans from Rural Community Bank therefore significantly contributes to poverty reduction, improving the standard of living among the bank clients loan recipients. The study made various policy recommendations to the government and further future research to focus on a deeper understanding of poverty reduction since microfinance is only treating the symptoms than attacking the real causes of poverty. *************** THE ASSESSMENT OF EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY The case of Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited, Dar es Salaam Bupe Lusan Ndelwa Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 At one end of the labour market extreme in the current globalized world, employee turnover is one of the major Human Resource challenges, while at the other, a strategy for employee retention calls for thoroughgoing creativity. The thrust of this study is to assess the reasons for persistent employee turnover in the telecommunications industry, the Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL) being a case study. Human Resource Managers are endlessly investigating and monitoring the rationale for employees turnover and constantly initiate, develop, execute and monitor new strategies for their retention. My mission has primarily been driven by curiosity over why, in spite of retention strategies adopted by TTCL, some employees still leave the company. The Human resources Department at TTCL headquarters was the focus of the study, under which a total sample of 80 questionnaires were received from ex-TTCL employees. What emerged from the study, in a nutshell, is that factors influencing departure from TTCL include lack of career development and promotion, higher salaries offered by other organizations, poor managementworker communication, family matters, poor working environment rigid and bureaucratic organization structure It is recommended that Managers should strike a judicious balance between control, enforcement of policies and procedures; and employee commitment. ***************



THE INFLUENCE OF GOVERNANCE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SACCOS A Case Study of Lumumba SACCOS Katunzi Cyriacus Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The study set out to investigate whether good corporate governance has influence in the performance of SACCOs. Governance is a key component in any success endeavor as it puts structures in place to ensure transparency, accountability and sound management practices for the benefit of members. To achieve the objectives the study used a sample of 26 members, 5 staff and 4 members of the probe committee board who were randomly selected. Data collected by use of questionnaire instrument and interviews, observation and focus group discussions were computed and analysed to determine the impact of the variables on performance The findings established that good corporate governance practices positively influence the performance of SACCOs. Based on the findings, it was therefore concluded that a balanced and well constituted governance structure will lead to attainment of objectives. The following major recommendations were made: the government should review the legal framework and strengthen supervision of SACCOs. SACCOs should embark on the provision of financial education to their members to stimulate awareness. SACCOs should implement proper guidelines and safe governance principles for them to become financial institutions of choice. *************** IMPACT OF MICROFINANCE ON POVERTY ALLEVIATION The Case Study of PRIDE in Ilala Municipal Council, Dar es Salaam Sadock Christopher Malima Mugendi Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 Microfinance is not a new development. Its origin can be traced back to 1976, when Muhammad Yunus set up the Grameen bank. Since then several microfinance institutions came. Microfinance is now being considered as one of the most important and an effective mechanism for poverty alleviation. Understanding the relationship between small businessmen excellent performance as a result of loans from MFIs has been a key factor in undertaking this research. I mainly concise my dissertations through clients (the poor people, who borrowed loan from microfinance institutions) perspective and build my research based on it. Therefore, the objective of this study was to show how microfinance works, by using group lending methodology for reducing poverty and how it affects the living standard (income, saving etc.) of the poor people in Tanzania. So on the light of my research objective; I developed my research title, which was: The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation. To find out that how this mechanism helps poor people to improve their living standards


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as: income, savings etc. I chose my sample based on the random sampling technique, from PRIDE office at Kariakoo in Ilala Municipal Council and I interviewed the people who are already involved in microfinance activities. The study therefore concluded and recommended that for poverty alleviation in Tanzania the role of MFIs cannot be ignored. The contribution of Pride Tanzania in increasing the living standards of loan beneficiaries is marvelous. In addition the graduation of loans from 5000 to 20,000,000 of loan beneficiaries gives big credit to MFIs on the poverty alleviation. *************** THE IMPACT OF MICRO-FINANCE SERVICES ON POVERTY ALLEVIATION An Empirical Assessment of Selected Households and Micro-Finance Institutions in Kenya Josiah Omollo Aduda Ph.D. (Finance) November 2009 The thesis examines the depth of outreach and impact of micro-finance services on poverty alleviation and women empowerment in Kenya. The Study employed a cross-sectional impact assessment, which used both the treatment and control groups. The Principal Components Analysis was used to isolate and measure the poverty component embedded in the various poverty indicators and to create a household specific poverty index. In addition two non-parametric tests, Kolmogorov Smirnov and Mann-Whitney, were performed to assess the impact of micro-finance services on women empowerment. The findings of the study confirm that micro-finance services have a positive impact on poverty alleviation in Kenya by helping the poor people to increase their sources of income which is an essential path out of poverty, hunger and deprivation. The micro-finance services have a positive impact on the empowerment of women because the access to savings and credit gives women a greater economic role in decision-making. The study, however, found that a majority of the poor households in Kenya do not have access to micro-finance services due to several factors, namely, physical and economic challenges, self-exclusion, sector risks, lack of awareness, negative publicity, cost structure of MFIs, capacity constraints as well as environmental factors. The study recommends that MFIs should intensify savings mobilization and establish strong partnerships with commercial banks in order to obtain sufficient funds for lending to the poor. The study also recommends the need for effective prudential supervision of MFIs by the CBK to ensure full compliance with the Micro-finance Act (2006). The Government should also implement stable macro-economic policies and develop infrastructure in the rural areas to enhance the capacity of MFIs to alleviate poverty.




EVALUATION OF MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING CULTURAL TOURISM IN TANZANIA The Case of Cultural Tourism Program Joseph John Sendwa Master of Business Administration, November 2009 There is a considerable potential to promote cultural tourism products in Tanzania. Of particular significance is the fact that this segment of tourism stands a better chance of alleviating income poverty of local people. To increase the synergetic effect of cultural tourism and community based tourism to alleviating local communities poverty, the Government established the Cultural Tourism Program in 1996. However, hither to, there has never been any study conducted on cultural tourism with a view to improving marketing strategies. Hence this study investigated the effectiveness of the current marketing strategies employed by Cultural Tourism Enterprises in terms of developing and presenting marketing stimuli directed at selected target markets to influence what they think, how they feel, and what they do. The specific objective was to examine and compare tourists prior perception/expectations and actual experience in order to determine their degree of level of satisfaction toward cultural tourism experience. The expectancy-disconfirmation theory provided a conceptual framework for this study. The study areas for this research were the CTEs in Arusha, the northern tourist circuit (Ilikidings, Moduli Juu, Mto wa Mbu and Tengeru), and CTEs in Morogoro and Tanga, the southern tourist circuit (Chilunga and Pangani respectively). The paired sample T-test analysis revealed that tourists were satisfied with majority of cultural tourism attributes. These were scenery, accessibility, local peoples traditions, friendliness of staff and locals, and professionalism of tour guides. Based upon this study, several recommendations were made to enable the CTEs increase the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. But the most outstanding one is that the CTEs should make a paradigm shift away from a product focus in favor of visitor focus based on the conceptualization of cultural tourism consumption as an experiential process. *************** THE ROLE OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE IN FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE A Case Study of Precision Air Services Company Ltd Moses Bwana Ngiela Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 PW has registered what has been viewed as a good financial performance over the past, nearly one decade. Among the reasons floated for this is the capital structure of the company and preference for debt financing. This study was borne out of the need to establish the presence or otherwise of the responsiveness


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of financial performance to the capital structure of PW, hence the following hypothesis: that the financial performance is directly related to the capital structure of PW, that the evolution of the capital structure has led to improved financial performance of the airline and that the benefits of such leverage are a reality in the success of the company. Both Primary and secondary sources of data were used in the study. We analyzed the PW financial statements by computing the performance ratios in order to achieve our studys objective. The relationship between the ratios and the relative growth over the 8 years (2001-2008) was subjected to regression analyses. Further we interviewed the senior management of the company on the possible explanations for the marked growth in the company performance. In order to recognize the role of the alternative factors that may have impacted on performance, other explanatory variables as gathered from interviews with the management have been used in this study as control variables, namely: the huge capital outlay in Aircraft purchase, the level of customer service and human skills capacity, IATA regulations, IT advancement, the local development of the financial sector especially in aviation and debt financing. The impact of all such factors noted in the process of the study was held constant and only the impact of capital structure analyzed. Our results indicate that performance indicators used in our study are fairly sensitive to the capital structure of PW but do not wholly explain the apparent good performance of the airline. Most of the results indicate R2 factor of between 40% and 65% which reflects a significant contribution of capital structure to the performance. We; however, recommend further research into the other non quantitative factors above to establish the extent to which theyve influenced the airline performance.


THE IMPACT OF FORMALISATION OF INFORMAL ENTERPRISES IN TANZANIA The Case of Selected Informal Sector in Dar es Salaam Region Andrew Jumbe Mkisi Masters of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 This dissertation presents factors limiting formalization of informal Enterprises in Tanzania, particular in Dar es Salaam. Factor that contributed to failure of formalization of informal business are Registration costs that are made up of a chain of different taxes, Bureaucracy, working premises, financial support from financing Institutions, and good Governance. All these factors were clearly identified and derived from literature, empirical study reviews and analyzed data. The study used phenomenological paradigm and relied on qualitative research approach where by descriptive primary data were analyzed from BRELA, TRA, and informal businessmen. The sample and sample size comprised of five respondents from TRA officials, five respondents from BRELA Officials, and One hundred and fifty informal business people based in Dar es salaam.



Result show that many taxes charged during registration process at the initial stage, Bureaucracy, lack of financial support from financial Institutions and good Governance frustrate and hinders formalization of informal business. Overall operations were adversely affected by high costs result from registration process that include stamp duty costs, company registration process cost, as well as document keeping file costs at BRELA. Result have implication to knowledge, management practice and policy changes. The government is urged to revise its Business regulations in order to support, promote and facilitate formalization of business so as to increase National income through tax collection from business sector. Furthermore, business policy review should be undertaken to enhance good environment for business to grow, compete, improve services, and finally contribute to National income through tax. *************** AN ASSESSMENT OF THE INFLUENCE OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES ON JOB SATISFACTION IN THE HEALTH SECTOR The Case Study of Ruvuma Regional Hospital Employees Charles Mulebya Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2009 Job satisfaction has been the focus of many research studies because of its importance to employing organizations. With todays mobile and floating working population it has become increasingly important for organizations to know how they can motivate their employees so as to influence job satisfaction of workers. The main objective of this research was to assess the influence of training and development programmes on job satisfaction in the health sector. The health workers in Ruvuma regional hospital were taken as the case study to represent the whole. Data collection was done through administering questionnaires which had items with five (5) point scales to different health workers. Reading various documents related to the study and interviewing key resource persons from the Regional hospital staff were also used in data collection. A simple random sample of 80 employees was chosen for this study. The nine common job related variables were used to measure job satisfaction of health workers. Data was analysed interpretively with the guide of research questions and SPSS assisted in computing percentages and tabulation. The research findings revealed that Training and Development Programmes influenced job satisfaction of workers through sense of achievement, co-workers, job content, working harder, relationship with supervisor, use of initiative and working for organisation but not working environment and job security variables. Deliberate efforts should be made by the government through its responsible ministry to improve the ways and the manner in which training and development programmes have been provided and essential training need assessment (TNA) should always be adhered to so as to yield positive impact on job satisfaction of health workers. ***************


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THE EFFECT OF AWARENESS AND DELAYS IN THE PROVISION OF EFFECTIVE SOCIAL SECURITY SERVICES IN TANZANIA A Case Study of Public Service Pensions Fund (PSPF) Chacha M. Nyaikwabe Master of Business Administration (Marketing) September, 2009 The overall objective of the study was to examine effects of awareness and delays in the provision of efficient and effective social security services in Tanzania including effects they exert to beneficiaries. Research questions were examining the effects of low level of awareness of social security services and the effects of delays in services delivery as well as determining clients satisfaction with services delivery and how the fund could possibly advocate its products. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches have been used to explain fully the research problem. A carefully selected sample of 59 respondents distributed across the four major regions of Tanzania namely Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Mbeya and Mwanza was studied. The sample constituted clients (members), employers, few retirees/survivors and employees from the Fund who engage directly or indirectly with daily operations in the Fund. The findings reveal that, there is a low level of understanding of the requirements for terminal benefits processing because members submit incomplete documents for payments processes. While there are delays in services delivery to members after and before documents submission, majority of the members are satisfied with PSPF services at large and very few are aware with the PSPF Zonal offices. Based on the findings, it can be suggested that, there is a need to observe the shortcoming in relation to services delivery and put the corrective measures in place with the view to provide better services to members. *************** THE CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH The Case Study of Tanzania Joachim Clemence Otaru Master of International Trade, November 2009 Although there is considerable evidence on the link between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and economic growth in developing countries, the causal relationship of these two variables still remains an important question. Therefore, the study attempts to examine the possible causal relationship between FDI and economic growth in Tanzania, during the period of 1975 - 2007 by using econometric model estimation



together with the Ordinary Least Square technique that adopted and applied for regression analysis using Stata 10 software. Findings show that FDI has a positive relationship with countrys economic growth for period under study. While total exports and imports have positive relationship with economic growth, the inflation and nominal exchange rate are found to have negative relationship with economic growth of the country. The Government is advised to consider the above economic growth factors in its policy making machinery. Specifically, Tanzania to gain from FDI, deliberate efforts on policies should be put in place to attract and channel the same to sectors bearing higher potential for growth and trickle down effects preferably agriculture and industrial sector. ***************

THE ROLE OF MFI LOANS ON POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN URBAN AREAS A Case Study of Retail Traders in Mbezi Luisi, Dar es Salaam Ahmed Abdallah Master of Business Administration, October 2009 The main concern of this study was to examine the extent to which loans from MFIs have been contributing to poverty alleviation in urban areas. Specifically, the study aimed at finding out the level of access to loans from MFIs among retail traders, and its contribution to poverty alleviation in urban areas, factors hindering effectiveness of MFI loan schemes, as well as getting views on strategies to adopt in order to improve effectiveness of MFI loan schemes. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and observation. The study findings showed that all the respondents had secured loans from microfinance institutions, and that the loans had been playing a significant role in poverty alleviation, such as through employment creation and business expansion. However, as the initial amount of capital provided was so small, it posed a limit on the type and size of business enterprise that the borrower would establish. The study findings also showed a number of factors that hinder effectiveness of MFI loan schemes, such as loans provided being too little, poor business environment as well as loan defaults by some group members. The respondents also gave their views on ways of improving the microfinance schemes, including increasing the amount of loans provided to micro-enterprises, providing comprehensive and relevant training to borrowers and providing comprehensive and relevant training to borrowers, among others. This study recommends increasing size of loans provided to micro-enterprises, provision of adequate and relevant training to the borrowers, and the Government to provide conducive environment for both MFI and MSE. ***************


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ORGANISATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES AND THEIR CONFORMANCE WITH TANZANIAN SAFETY AND HEALTH LEGAL PROVISIONS. The Case of Tanzania Construction Industry Raymond Ernest Swai Master of Business Administration Dissertation, September 2008 Tanzania mainland reported occupational accidents during the last two decades standing at an annual average of 3,132 accidents. 50 % of these occurred at Dar es Salaam region which is economically the most developed regions hence a vibrant work place and site activities. Therefore the study sought to study how and why do construction industry accidents continue to occur while OSHA and other legal mechanisms safeguarding the industry and health are available. Since there were no general theories on the nature of safety and health aspects in construction industry, the study employed the phenomenological approach as a theoretical frame work. Primary and Secondary methods of data collection were also used in the study. The study however employed structured questionnaire and personal interviews as data collection methods. Lickert type scale was used for questionnaire analysis while Qualitative and Quantitative methods were used for data analysis techniques. Seventy eight (78%) percent of the interviews revealed that care for workers health in construction industry was not adequately provided. Generally the study was able to show that the organisation safety and health practices in Tanzania construction industry do not conform to the applicable legal provisions despite the existence of several regulatory bodies monitoring the industry. The study however revealed that the institutional causes and health aspects in Tanzania construction industry were amongst the two critical causes which led to poor performance in the safety and health aspects in the industry. The above two critical aspects consequently led to the construction industry finding itself in a rampant non conformance with legal provisions thus endangering the lives of the workers. The study recommended a number of measures to address the problem. These include disengagement of occupational safety and health discipline in the construction industry from the OSHA and establishing the directorate of construction industry safety in the MoID responsible for safety and health implementation in the Tanzanian construction industry. The study concluded that the construction industry, being one of the most important and most dangerous industries in any country, needs a more rigorous regulatory mechanism to control its activities. *************** THE IMPACT OF POOR PROCUREMENT PLANNING ON THE ORGANIZATION OPERATIONS The Case of Precision Air Services Limited Leonard Christian Makombe Master of Business Administration (MBA) May, 2009



Procurement Planning is one of the aspects that contribute significantly to the profitability of the organizations. In recent years, many organizations have revealed bigger losses and sometimes forced to close their business operations mainly due to bad procurement practices. The Government insists its institutions to have Procurement Plans, as may be depicted in Procurement Act of year 2004. Procurement Planning assists the institutions and organizations on good allocation of scarce resources that are available. In recent years there has been complains in different news media on over and under procurement of working tools and materials in different organizations and government institutions, this has been the motive behind this study. The aim of this study was to identify factors that contributed to poor procurement planning, and their impacts on organization operations. The study was conducted at Precision Air Services Limited, where employees who work in different departments were the respondents. The survey methodology was used to collect the quantitative data using simple random sampling and 40 respondents were contacted in total. The research findings revealed that, lack of qualified staff and procurement planning had an impact on the procurement performance of the Precision Air Services Limited. The study recommends that Precision Air Services Limited should recruit qualified staff to handle the procurement activities. It should also train the current staff who are involved in the supply chain and introduce the procurement policy and over hall the whole procurement process in order to attain better performance. *************** ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF PROMOTION TECHNIQUES UPON SALES PERFORMANCE IN THE TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY The Case Study of Tanzania Telecommunication Company Ltd Francis Sianga Moshi Master of Business Administration (Marketing & Finance), November 2009 The study assed the effectiveness of promotion techniques upon sales performance in the telecommunication industry. Three objectives guided this study namely, examining the extent to which advertisements influence TTCL customers in buying the services, examining the extent to which sales promotion have impact on overall sales performance and lastly to ascertain the promotion techniques which have most impact on customers buying behaviour. The qualitative and quantitative data were used to generate reliable data for the study. Primary data were collected from study area using structured questionnaires and observations, secondary data were obtained by reading the existing literatures. The research data were analyzed by using Statistical tools. The overall findings revealed that effective promotion techniques have significant influence on sales performance. In all the promotion mix, personal selling has been effectively used by the organization, and therefore proved to be handy especially for corporate customers. Nonetheless the intensity of the influence of marketing promotion variables on consumer buying decision varies according to the degree of stimulation influenced by other factors like social groups, and the type of the product promoted. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

INVESTMENT APPRAISAL (DECISION) TECHNIQUES IN FOR-PROFIT PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TANZANIA The Case of Kinondoni District in Dar es Salaam Amos Ludzabiko Mgongolwa Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 The study intended to investigate the investment techniques used in For-Profit Private Secondary Schools, belonged to individuals, Groups and Companies run for aim of profit and maximizing the owners wealth. The sample of eight schools were selected at random, from the sample selected after studying, all were found to be individual owned schools except one. The data were analyzed using SPSS computer program. By using the frequencies, Means, and standard deviations tables and figures were use to reveal the findings. In capital budgeting techniques study revealed that Payback period, Internal Rate of Return and Net present Value are commonly used. The finding were consistent to Sangsters (1993) when means were used; It was also revealed PB being the most common. IRR and NPV consider the time value of money where PB does not, also that IRR is more popular than NPV. Risk, currency inflation, social and environmental impacts in the capital budgeting techniques also considered; social and environmental impacts were mainly planned in financial perspectives. It recommends on multiple usage of techniques, seminars conduction for entrepreneurs so as to use the opportunity of education provision as business since it is still an infant phenomenon and therefore there is a market. The studies should aim in finding all developing model to ascertain clearly which method will be more useful for For-profit Private Secondary School investment in Tanzania Setting that any one who would like to establish such school will use it and be successful. *************** IMPACT OF THE WORLD FINANCIAL CRISIS TO THE ECONOMY OF TANZANIA: A REFLECTION FROM MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS Albert Maneno Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 Towards the end of the third quarter of the year 2007, several financial corporate in USA and UK collapsed as a result of excessive defaults in low quality mortgages named sub-prime mortgages. The collapse weakened major economies and eventually spread to other economies ending up in the world financial crisis. This research has attempted to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively whether Tanzanias macroeconomic indicators reflect any signs of our economy being impacted. Three phases were defined, Phase I (Jan. 2003-Dec. 2005 in HE. Mkapas era, and two other 21 months each, Phases II and III in President Kikwetes era covering pre and during crisis periods. The study was secondary data based mostly obtained from BOT reports and other reliable sources including the government web site. Data were cleaned and tested for significance of means differences between two Kikwetes eras using ANOVA and Brown-



Forsythe and Welch F tests. The tests were done on absolute values, month on month growth percentages and indexed percent growth, where the first month of the phase was fixed at 100% and the rest grown on it. Except for value of loans, exports and, government debt which did not indicate signs of being impacted, all other indicators tested (financial instruments, FDIs, Interest and exchange rates, employment levels and foreign reserves) indicated signs of being impacted. Although impacted, the monthly percentage growths did not indicate abrupt changes which is a sign of economic stability. These findings triggers the need for world governments entering global/regional unified and enforceable economic pacts, a push for enhanced IMF and world bank roles in managing world economy stability, need for strengthening financial sector regulations to manage negative side of highly increasing financial engineering and the need for governments to invest in in-depth study on financial crises to establish the best ways to build effective economic shock absorbers. ***************

IMPORT PERFORMANCE DETERMINANTS IN TANZANIA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Robert Suphian Master of International Trade, November 2009 Tanzania construction industry policy tells the goal of the industry development as to be a competitive industry that will be able to undertake most of the construction projects in Tanzania and be able to export its services and products. This is contrary to the fact that the industry is dominated by foreign services providers to the tune of approximately 70 percent in terms of market share. This study employed an econometric model estimation to answer the question of what determines the import performance of construction services in Tanzania for the period 1985-2008. The Ordinary Least Square technique adopted and applied for regression analysis using Stata 10 software. Findings reveal that four out of five variables are significant in determining the performance of construction services imports to Tanzania. While the total country GDP is insignificant, both FDI inflows to the industry and cost of construction or affordability negatively determine the construction services imports of Tanzania. Both productivity and total country imports are positive determinants for the construction services imports. To safeguard the existence, participation and performance of local construction services providers, the Government is advised to consider the above determinants in its policy making machinery especially encouraging investment based services imports which in the long run will build capacity of local construction services providers and ultimately reduce the foreign dominance of foreign providers.



University of Dar es Salaam

AN ASSESSMENT OF MOTIVATION AND INFLUENCING FACTORS FOR ICT ADOPTION IN TANZANIAN ORGANIZATIONS The Case Study of Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited Romed Kavenuke Master of Business Administration, September 2009 The purpose of this paper is to report upon research undertaken of motivation and influencing factors for the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in Tanzanian organization. This paper seeks to explain how cost reduction, service provision effectiveness, factors influencing the adoption and problems associated with adoption. The sample was purposefully limited to 120 respondents covering TTCL management, employees, and customers who are IT-literates telecommunication organizations with need to adopt ICT for their operational effectiveness. The research observed that ICT adoption at the organization level are constrained by a limited budget for ICT investment, commitment from other management team, issues of ICT skilled personnel, and ICT implementation associated problems. Also in the organizational level, there are constraints such as basic levels computer experience, time available to learn, and the identification of clear benefits of ICT use. This also includes time available to share information, quality of personal contact and geographical distance. The driver and barrier models presented indicate that ICT innovation, implementation requires intense management interventions to facilitate a supportive workplace environment that strongly links personal and organization resource investment with demonstrated outcome benefits. This study provides rich insights of the dynamics of ICT innovation implementation. Few studies in the literature have provided such insights that link the organizational levels. The study generally revealed that, service delivery effectiveness is more effective in motivating organizations to adopt ICT in their operations, this study suggest that, Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited (TTCL) should open doors for further ICT innovations in order to enjoy the competitive advantage in the telecommunication industry. *************** HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION IN PRIVATE WORK ORGANISATIONS: A TANZANIAN CONTEXT Francis Kasavubu Michael PhD Business Administration in Human Resources Management), October 2009 The main objective of this study was to investigate the nature of relationships between the Hard and Soft Human Resources Management (HRM) practices and employee job satisfaction in private work



organisations in Tanzania. This was due to labour unrest that manifested itself through a series of industrial conflicts between the employees and the management of private work organisations in Tanzania. Thestudy applied Structural Equation Modelling statistical tool for data analysis with a sample of 299 employees from Private work organisations which fell within the manufacturing, service and trading industries located in Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Morogoro regions of Tanzania. Findings of the study revealed that the Soft management practice relates positively with the Compensation, Labour Relations, Performance Appraisal, Job Design plus Training and Development Human Recources functions. Likewise, the Hard Management practice relates negatively with the Compensation, Labour Relations, Performance Appraisal, Job Design plus Training and Development Human Resources functions. This implies that the Soft and Hard Management practices lead to employee job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction respectively when applied in private work organisations in Tanzania. Human Resource Management policies in work organisations therefore need to be formulated basing on more accommodative management tendencies that are inclined towards the Soft HRM practices in Tanzania to engender employee job satisfaction. ***************

THE IMPACT OF MARKETING MIX ELEMENTS ON THE PRINTING INDUSTRIES PERFOMANCE IN TANZANIA Selected Printing Companies in Dar es Salaam Willy Geofrey Urio Master in Business Administration, November 2008 The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the marketing mix elements on the printing industrys performance in Tanzania with specific reference to Dar es salaam. The study involved 45 respondents in which a sample of 30 respondents from printing companies was categorized into small, medium and large scale. These gave their opinion regarding how they applied marketing mix elements in their business to enhance performance. Similarly 15 respondents from printing companys stakeholders were interviewed to give their opinion on how they evaluate the general performance of printing companies in terms of the speed of delivery, the quality of products, pricing methods and promotion activities. This research used interview and questionnaires design where officials from printing firms and users of printed products were interviewed to give their opinion regarding how they executed the elements of marketing mix in their operations. Data were analyzed using (SPSS) in which frequency tables, cross tabulations, pie charts and bar charts were used for the presentation and interpretation of data. Findings reveal that marketing mix elements which are products, price, promotion and distribution (place) play a big role in enhancing performance of printing firms. The findings also show that there are other factors to be considered including networking, maintaining good will and security of the document in enhancing the organizations performance. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED BY BANKS IN LENDING TO SMES IN TANZANIA Alfred Shao Master of Business Administration, November 2009 This study presents an assessment of the challenges encountered by banks in lending to SMEs in Tanzania. From the previous researches we noted that most researches were done on the problems facing SMEs in accessing loans and other financial services. The outcome of most researches indicated the lack of credit support to SMEs as a problem created by banks, the challenges encountered by banks in lending to SMEs have been overlooked. Which justify the need for the study. The method of data collection deployed in the study was predominantly a descriptive census field survey. Questionnaires were developed in line with the objectives of the study, and were used in conducting the interviews. The study revealed that there are challenges encountered by banks in lending to SME in Tanzania includes; poor quality of the financial statements, insufficient collateral, lack of market information, and unrealistic business plans/proposal. The study therefore recommended for the government to establish SME learning centers, to introduce a Credit reference bureau, And banks should provide financial advice to all their SME clients, Banks to provide personalized services and assist their clients grow their businesses. *************** ASSESSMENT OF INTERNAL INCOME GENERATION PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS The Case of University of Dar es salaam Agnes Kokwangisa Mutalemwa Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2009 Lack of sufficient funds in public higher learning institutions is a common problem which affects the operation of Tanzanian universities like the University of Dar es Salaam. Since funds are central to the smooth running of higher learning institutions, the researcher conducted the present study with the view to assessing the performance of internal income generating activities done by the Dar es Salaam University. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews to collect data from members of staff of the University of Dar es Salaam. The data sought was on income generating activities, their performance and management of the funds generated. This data was supplemented by secondary data. Generally, the study found that although income generating activities in place at the University of Dar es Salaam perform satisfactorily, there are still other opportunities, which if seized and utilized well, would generate additional funds for the university.



University managements in the country should ensure that universities offer quality education in terms of teaching and research. This is significant because provision of quality education attracts many clients who pay tuition fees and other charges. Finally, universities will operate well in future if sources of funds are utilized effectively. *************** FACTORS THAT HINDER SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE CUSTOMERS TO ACCESS CREDIT FROM COMMERCIAL BANKS IN TANZANIA The Case of CRDB Bank PLC Esther Peter Njawa Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 The main objective of this research was to investigate whether or not there are factors that hinder SMEs access to credit from commercial banks in Tanzania. CRDB Bank PLC was taken as the case study of the research. In addition, the study assessed contributions from commercial banks in Tanzania focusing on provision of funds (credit) to SMEs performance and growth. Bank credit provides different opportunities on funds when raising short and long term capital from formal and informal financial markets. Credit provides the basis for increased SMEs production through efficiency specialization of businesses and functions. The measure brings together skilled managers with small financial resources and those who have substantial resources but who lack Management ability. Data collection was done through questionnaires, interviews and documentary review. Research findings revealed that there are factors that hinder SMEs to access credit from commercial banks in Tanzania. Factors include lack of collateral, bank policy as well as bank procedures on SMEs credit, SMEs poor business management and SMEs small business size. *************** ASSESSMENT OF FACTORS AFFECTING SERVICES QUALITY OF UPCOUNTRY BUSES IN TANZANIA Raphael John Kisoka Master in Business Administration, November 2009 The study investigated factors that influence quality of service offered by upcountry buses. The four most frequently mentioned dimensions used in evaluating upcountry bus services were chosen for this study namely: Availability, Reliability, Flexibility and Security. In order to achieve this objective both desk and field research methods were used which were both descriptive and analytical. Furthermore, extensive field research was undertaken to obtain relevant data from a random sample of 157 passengers by means of questionnaires and interviews, which were then analyzed statistically. The findings of the study reveal that;


University of Dar es Salaam

Availability, security, flexibility and reliability to a great extent influences the quality of service offered by upcountry buses. The findings have also revealed that the quality of service to a great extent influences customer satisfaction, which in turn has a significant influence on customers intention to recommend the use of the service. The study also found out that availability and flexibility were the most important factors influencing the quality of service in upcountry buses. The overall findings of the study indicate that there are great possibilities for more improvement in the quality of service offered by upcountry buses if the factors identified are taken into account during the whole process of service delivery. The study recommends that the Transport Regulatory Authority commonly called SUMATRA should effectively ensure the quality of transport services dimensions in order to improve the quality of service due to its relative importance as revealed by passengers. ***************

THE IMPACT OF RELATIONSHIP QUALITY ON CUSTOMER RETENTION A Case of Mobile Phone Companies in Tanzania Nancy Crispin Mwanyika Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2009 The mobile phone market in Tanzania has grown incredibly fast over the past decade and the introduction of new networks and services looks set to further fuel that growth. As market growth slows or as markets become more competitive, firms are more likely to attempt to maintain their market share by focusing on retaining current customers. Customer retention has been advocated as an easier and more reliable source of superior performance. To improve customer retention, firms initiate a variety of activities, including programs on customer satisfaction, complaint management and loyalty. This study was conducted on the mobile phone industry in Tanzania. One hundred and sixty five respondents from the 3 districts of Dar es Salaam were interviewed and their responses were analyzed using SPSS. Chi-square tests were applied to determine the association between categorical variables. The results indicate that there is a strong association between customer relationship quality and customer retention. The implication of this result is that customer service quality is the most significant of all the mobile service attributes in Tanzania. Policy makers must create a conducive environment to enable Telecommunication companies to extend services cost effectively to a wider context. The study has also empirically tested how satisfaction is related to customer relationship, retention and the contributions of service quality towards these constructs. ***************



INDEPENDENCE AND GENERAL AUDIT ENVIRONMENT OF INTERNAL AUDITORS IN SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED BANKS IN TANZANIA Jacqueline Felix Tinkasimile Master in Business Administration The independence of internal audit function of an organization has been the topic of a considerable amount of attention and this resulted to a debate over corporate governance and the boards supervision of internal control mechanisms (IIARF 2008). The Code of Corporate Governance 2001 of Singapore amended 2005 recommends that the company should establish an internal audit function that is independent of the activities it audits. The Corporate Governance Committee (CGC) also suggests that there should be safeguards to protect the independence of internal auditor as such it recommends that internal audit should report direct to the Chairman of the Audit Committee. CGS also stated the need to have Audit Committee to ensure that Internal Audit function is adequately resourced and has appropriate standing within the company. The code recommends that Audit Committee at least annually should ensure the adequacy of the internal audit function, and how it meets stake holders needs and interests. The purpose of this study was to examine independence and general audit environment of internal auditors in small and medium sized banks in Tanzania. The study was conducted by way of survey by administering questionnaires. Out of sixty distributed questionnaires forty six were received back. The responses were entered to a set of Excel spreadsheet for analysis. Responses from each questionnaire were input into respective cell. Responses entered from each category were added to obtain totals. Each category was given weights in frequency and percentage terms from population. The study results confirmed that Internal Audit reports to Board Audit Committee but the Board Audit Committees were not seen effective to enhance internal Audit independence. Issues such as of setting and approval of Internal Audit budgets, compensation were left to management. Other issues were lack of private meetings and close follow-up of Board Audit Committee with internal auditors. The results confirmed that Internal Auditors desires that Board Audit Committee should be responsible for governance and performance evaluation of internal audit function, ensuring internal audit has adequate resources to discharge its increasing scope of activities. The study results has enabled researcher to come up with recommendations to each governance group on how to effectively ensure internal audit independence by addressing Board Audit Committee, Management and Internal Auditors themselves. Some of the recommendations include Audit Committee should work very close with Chief Audit Executive to ensure they understand internal audit observations and business processes in order for them to be effective in pursuing oversight function. They should also ensure there are sufficient resources for internal audit function by discussing internal audit budget with Chief Audit Executive. On the side of management, internal auditors should be given chance to participate in all projects in order to understand all processes, and be proactive in noting control weaknesses and risks involved. Management should understand that, Internal Audit reporting administrative to the Chief Executive Officer does not prohibit internal auditors from reporting noted weaknesses from executive management. They should ensure good corporate governance to minimize the conflict that may arise when internal auditors report their weaknesses. Internal Auditors should strive to go with the pace of increasing responsibilities so as to satisfy various stakeholders interests. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL AUDIT IN FRAUD DETECTION IN TANZANIA COMMERCIAL BANKS Godfrey Nimrod Sigalla Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2009 Internal audit processes are integral part of fraud fighting functions in organisations. The main thrust of this research was to explore the effectiveness of internal audit function in fraud detection in Tanzania commercial banks. It also examined ways through which internal audit function and other functions can further help fraud detection in Tanzania commercial banks. Given the nature of the research, it was deemed appropriate to use the survey approach with deployment of questionnaires to selected commercial banks, from which the researcher believed that data would be a fair representative of the commercial banking industry in Tanzania. The study found out that analytical reviews, independent confirmations and inquiry techniques are effective ways of detecting fraud. It also found that other ways through which fraud can be detected includes use of forensic accountants, continuous auditing, staff rotation, whistle blowing and fraud reporting. The study also found that relevant training has a direct impact on internal auditors ability to detect fraud. For effectiveness of internal auditors in fraud detection to be more pronounced, it is recommended that commercial banks management should extend more support to their respective internal audit functions in terms of training, resources and general attitude change towards internal audit. Management of commercial banks should consider staff rotations, introduction of continuous auditing and defining clear and rewardfull whistle blowing channels to supplement the existing fraud fighting efforts. These initiatives, if implemented, will go a long way in enhancing internal audit capacity to effectively detect and prevent significant frauds in commercial banks in Tanzania. *************** FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY OF MEDIA INDUSTRY IN TANZANIA The Case of Selected Radio Stations and Newspapers in Iringa and Dar es salaam Regions Jacob Gabriel Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2009 The main objective of this study was to investigate the financial sustainability of media industry in Tanzania; a case of selected newspapers and radio station in Iringa and Dar es Salaam regions. Since 1990s, Tanzania has been experiencing the emergency and mushrooming of newspapers and radio stations. Current statistics have shown that Tanzania has 53 radio stations and 31 active newspapers. Deep consideration for these media houses has been taken to their great role they play in the Tanzanias social-economic development. The study examined income generating practices to ensure financial sustainability in these media houses basing on the current business environment in the country.



Data were gathered through three methods. These are interview, focus group discussion and questionnaire. The findings of the study indicated that newspaper and radio stations face stiff competition in terms of limited financial resources from both advertisers and sponsors. However, these media houses are striving hard to partner with companies and different sources of revenue for the purpose of being financial sustainable. It was further revealed that there are a lot of businesses that could be used to generate revenue and make newspapers and radio stations financially sustainable, but advertising culture has not grown enough, and thus threatening media sustainability in the country. The findings revealed that, mismanagement of fund, physical infrastructure, readership habit, lack of support for training opportunities, unclear training policies, business and management skills; low salaries which have caused high labor turnover and entrepreneurial skills have shown to have impacted the smooth growth of newspapers and radio stations in the country. The study also discovered that the increasing number of advertising agencies have negatively affected financial sustainability through charging these newspaper and radio station exorbitant commission. In the light of the findings, the study recommended that the newspaper and radio organizations should strive and diversify their source of revenue, find and partner with public and private businesses that will provide adverts and sponsorship to generate revenue and technical support. Newspapers and radio organizations should provide and find support on short and long training opportunities and create strong network to ensure their employees are paid and assured of good working condition for sustainability purposes. *************** ASSESSING BARRIERS TO TRADE IN HIGHER EDUCATION WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICES (GATS) IN TANZANIA Mohamed Athuman Semkunde Master of International Trade, July 2009 This study explains barriers to trade in education within the context of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) in Tanzania. The study mainly focuses on assessing barriers to trade in higher education using time series data for the period 1980 to 2007. It employs econometric analysis in which the Ordinary Least Square technique is adopted and applied for regression analysis. Stata 10 is used for econometric analysis. Econometric findings show three out of five variables were significant on contribution to dynamics of international mobility of students to Tanzania. The estimation results for the regression equation show that the unit increase of GDP per capita, tertiary school enrolments and teacher student ratio are the key determinant of international students to flow in the higher learning institutions in Tanzania. It is recommended that the government should be aware on increasing the number of enrollments in higher learning institutions. Also the policy makers need to understand that there is a significant positive link between trade in higher education and economic growth processes. Apart from that, there should be encouragement of the private sector and foreign providers to invest in higher education sector by formulating appropriate higher education policy that accommodates liberalization processes within the context of GATS. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

IMPACT OF COMMERCIALIZATION ON FINANCIAL PERFOMANCE OF MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN TANZANIA Juma Buhimila Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2009 This study examined the impact of commercialization to financial performance and outreach of MFIs in Tanzania. The question of concern is on profitability and how MFIs adhere to the social mission of reaching the poor while they scale up and commercialize. The study examined nine MFIs which have their data readily available in the mix market; these are taken to be representative of the Tanzania MFIs industry. The study assessed the status of Tanzania MFIs commercialization, the extent of the mission drift and the impact of commercialization on financial performance of the MFIs. This study employed the commercialization framework, trend analysis and regression analysis to assess the appropriate indicators in each aspect. The results indicate that there is a general low level of commercialization, no significant mission drift and insignificant contribution of commercialization on financial performance the MFIs in Tanzania. Commercialization of microfinance in Tanzania holds the promise of capitalizing on the achievements in financial performance and outreach. The general improvement in MFIs financial self sufficiency and efficiency are promising but the industry is far from achieving all potential benefits of microfinance commercialization *************** ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL MARKET IN TANZANIA The Case of Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange Sesilia J. Nzenga Master of Business Administration (Finnance), November 2009 This research made an assessment of factors that affected the development of Capital Market in Tanzania. The study based on the premises that there were notable developments of securities market in the country, but the public response was still small. The research was conducted at Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange specifically in Dar es Salaam where most of the securities market stakeholders in Tanzania were based. The data was collected through documentary sources, focus group discussion and questionnaires. Simple linear regression analyses and Chi-Square test were applied to determine the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Results of the data analysis using regression and Chi- square analyses provided evidence to support the hypotheses formulated by this study, implying that significant relationships exist between capital market reforms, transaction costs and information disclosure with the growth of Capital Market in Tanzania. It was concluded that capital market reforms have positive effects, while transaction costs and information disclosure have negative effects towards the growth of capital market in Tanzania. It was recommended



that the Government, CMSA, DSE and the brokers should educate and inform the public concerning the operations of stock market through training, promotion, seminars and media. In addition to that, issuers were argued to be ready to grab the opportunities available in the capital market, rather than keeping their firms away from the public for fear of disclosing affairs of their companies as well as fear of dilution of control. *************** THE IMPACT OF NETWORKING ACTIVITIES ON PERFORMANCE OF SMES: A Study of Tanzanian Manufacturing Firms. Issack Shimba Allan Ph.D. (Business Administration), September 2006 This research was conducted between 2000 and 2005, focusing on the impact that networking activities among owner-managers of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have on performance of their firms. Networking activities were examined in terms of actor-bonds, activity linkages and resource sharing processes; while performance of firms was analysed on the bases of financial results, innovation and learning, internal operations and the extent to which firms meet their customers needs. The findings have shown that establishment and deployment of networks support performance of enterprises. In particular, better performance was revealed in the areas of services to customers, innovation and learning, internal operations and financial results. The findings imply that networking activities are instrumental in enhancing performance of SMEs in Tanzania and other developing countries, especially in the African context. Thus, SME owner-managers, the government and other stakeholders who deal with the SMEs sector need to understand that the development of this sector can not only be brought up through interventions related to financial support, but also from deployment of appropriate networking skills and attitudes, which support firms to leverage their resources. This is because networking activities among SME actors enable enterprises to overcome hurdles, which for many years have been observed to hinder development of SME sectors in developing countries. These include those associates with newness, smallness and isolation of business undertakings. *************** THE ROLE OF PROMOTIONAL SERVICES IN ENHANCING TANZANIA COMPETETITIVENESS TOURISM AS AN ILLUSTRATIVE CASE. Julitha Ndamugoba Master of International Trade, December 2006 Tanzania tourism sector is among the sectors with a great economic growth potential. It provides a substantial amount of foreign exchange earnings and employment. It also stimulates other sectors like agriculture thereby contributing to the economic growth. Its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product is about 18%, but this is very minimal compared to countrys potentials of the industry. The nation has yet to exploit


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this sectors full potential as a way of making Tanzania a favoured tourist destination tremendously. Marketing of tourist products is an essential element to promote Tanzanias desirable tourist destination. The infrastructure of marketing of Tanzania tourist products is in place and destined in Tanzania Tourist Board and Diplomatic missions abroad. The two institutions depend on each other for effective Tanzania tourist attractions promotion. This study investigates into the status of tourist promotion in Tanzania, capacity of the two promotion institutions, constraints to effective promotion and ways of improving the tourist attractions promotion especially by the Diplomatic missions, Tanzanias commercial agents so that Tanzania becomes competitive in the tourist sector. The findings reveal a severe capacity problem (budgetary and human resource). Also the sector continues to face general deterioration of supportive infrastructure, particularly those related to accessibility and reliability of international and land transport as well as poor information technology facilities. The inadequate quality accommodation, high operational costs and a weak linkage between the two tourist attractions promotion institutions were also identified as bottlenecks. Policy recommendations aiming at overcoming the identified problems form part of this study. The recommended policy options which relate to improved tourist attractions promotion will complement other efforts by the Government of developing and utilizing tourist attractions through improvement in tourist related facilities and services which would boost this sectors performance tremendously. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING UNDERUTILIZATION OF DISCOUNT VOUCHERS IN ACQUISTION OF INSECTICIDES TREATED MOSQUITO BED NETS The Case of Women in Lushoto District-Tanzania Pelagia Pesha Muchuruza Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 Malaria is a public Health problem in Tanzania for quite sometimes now. The most affected populations are women and children less than five years. Various interventions are in place for malaria control. The use of insecticides treated mosquito nets (ITNs) is one of the interventions. To enable women to get ITNs, the government has introduced a Discount Voucher Scheme, which enables women to get ITN at a reduced price. Despite of this move, which expected to increase demand of such mosquito nets, there is low percentage of people using Discount Vouchers to purchase ITNs. Under- utilization of Discount Vouchers to purchase ITNs necessitated a study to look into the underlying reasons for this behaviour. From this background, a study to determine factors influencing under utilization of Discount Vouchers in Purchasing of ITNs was conducted in Lushoto District Council from 9th to 28th August 2006. Respondents were selected using stratified sampling technique. Women aged 15 to 48 years, who had babies of one and half years, and who were attending antenatal clinic were interviewed. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information. The results of this study indicate that important factors that were found to be related to under utilization of discount voucher in purchasing insecticides treated mosquito nets were age of respondents, occupation, husbands education level, low socio economic status which lead to lack of additional money to add to a Discount Voucher, negative attitude towards the discount voucher scheme and distance to retail shops, where ITNs are sold.



This study concludes that decision making to buy ITNs using Discount Vouchers is influenced by multifaceted factors. The government needs to strengthen its activities on improving economic status of communities and continue educating people about the importance of ITNs and their roles in malaria prevention. *************** THE ROLE OF SAVINGS AND CREDIT CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES IN PROVISION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES IN RURAL AREAS The Case of Arumeru District Mwakilema Nicodemus Simon Master of Business Administration (Finance) . The study sought to assess the role of saving and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS) in provision of financial services in rural areas. It covered members involved in income generating activities in Arumeru district. Specific objectives included: to investigate whether or not members who joined SACCOS have developed savings behaviour; to analyse SACCOS contribution to members in terms of economic empowerment; and to evaluate whether or not there was an increase in capital investment after joining SACCOS rather than before. 80 respondents from 4 surveyed SACCOS were involved in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in data collection and analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed through the SPSS and Microsoft excel computer packages. The Findings show that SACCOS played a very fundamental role in providing financial services to members. Data analysis and hypotheses testing have led to the following conclusions: first, there was a significant relationship between members joining SACCOS and increase in their savings behaviour. Secondly, there was a significant increase in household members spending after joining SACCOS rather than before in that it led to improvement in members living standards due to increase in their purchasing power. Lastly, there was a significant increase in investment activities after joining SACCOS rather than before due to increase in loans and micro credits provisions by SACCOS in Arumeru district. *************** ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONAL ASPECTS OF THE VALUE ADDED TAX IN THE TANZANIAN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Magaluda Magobe Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2007 There has been improvement in revenue collections since operationalisation of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA). The authority instituted many changes and reforms in the past nine years geared at enhancing revenue collections. It is argued, however, that the TRA is not collecting to its capacity level and the authority is, as a result currently initiating even more major reforms in tax administration and organization structure.


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This study analyzed the one specific area of focus in reforms which is the review as to whether Sales Tax was still effective and efficient in contemporary tax administration. Sales Tax which was collected on locally manufactured and imported items was embodied with a lot of weaknesses, both administratively and operationally. The study utilized a survey method of research using structured and unstructured questionnaires as well as interviewing customers and TRA officials. Both primary and secondary data were collected covering imports and operational results of the target companies. The study analysed data using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS). The study findings show that consumer behaviour, taxpayers compliance, level of the economy, the tax rate, and tax administration efficiency have a significant impact on the level of tax compliance. It is recommended measures should be taken to improve the efficiency of the tax regime and educate the public on tax compliance. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS OF DEBT COVENANTS ON ACCESSIBILITY TO LOANS BY SMALL BUSINESSES IN TANZANIA Shaaban Hassan Ngalupia Master of Business Administration (Marketing), October 2007 The main objective of this study was to assess effects of debt covenants on accessibility to loans by small businesses in Tanzania and also its impact on their growth. Debt covenants are said to have significant effects on accessibility to loans by small businesses in Tanzania. A total of 117 respondents from six National Microfinance Bank branches in Dar es Salaam and Coast regions were sampled. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in data analysis. SPSS program aided data analysis. Simple linear regression models were used to test relationships that the researcher was interested to find out. It was found that loan covenants had effects on accessibility to loans from NMB Ltd by small businesses. At 5% level of significance, the study showed that there is significant statistical relationship between NMB loan covenants and accessibility to loans, at the same level of significance, the researcher found significant statistical relationship between small business growth and access to loan facilities from the Bank. The study however, found other factors that delimit small businesses from accessing loans from banks and other financial institutions. It is recommended that banks should look for alternative soft covenants in their loan agreements to enable as many small businesses as possible to have access to loans. On the other hand small business owners are advised to be proactive and aggressive in adopting new ideas, technology and market knowledge. FACTORS AFFECTING GROWTH OF WOMEN OWNED BUSINESS IN TANZANIA Sophia Mgonja Master of Business Administration (Finance), August 2007 This study sought to assess factors affecting growth of women owned business in Tanzania. Specifically it analyzes the extent to which level of education, access to credit; family status and market availability affect the growth of women owned businesses. A survey method was used to extract information from women



owners of business. Data was analyzed using frequencies, and results presented in the form of table and figures. The results reveal that education has a very significant effect on growth of women owned business; that women lack training in the business they are doing. They need more training in business skills, planning, sales and products. Most women business owner started business using their own savings. Women are still facing problems in accessing capital due to requirement of collateral by financing institutions. This is really an obstacle. Combining business and family was also found to have a negative growth of their business. Finally, on marketing availability it was found out that the growth of business can be facilitated by the availability of market. Women reported that they need training in area of marketing, i.e. how to acquire new markets and identify market opportunities. Taken all together, women owned businesses have low growth and need assistance in reaching expansion and growth. The study recommends that business women should be supported by assisting in searching for markets for their products and providing relevant training. It is also recommended that current high interest rates be reduced to attract business women to borrow from financial institutions. ***************

THE EFFECT OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF PARASTATALS IN TANZANIA A Case of Urafiki Textile in Dar es Salaam Agnes Anthony Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2006 Human resource management is and will remain a serious concern to all institutions, governmental and non governmental organizations. It is the only heart for the survival of the organizations and therefore should be given the first priority. The purpose of this study was to assess the human resources management so as to describe the relationship between it and the performance of Parastatals. The research was conducted using a case study of a single firm, Urafiki Textile. The study results indicate that Urafiki Textile was affected by human resources management. The findings leads to the conclusions that poor management of human resources in terms of recruitment, treatment and working environment that exists in work organizations, contributes to the poor performance of Parastatals. The study recommends that: Parastatals in Tanzania should make sure there is good human resources management in their organizations that treasure and maintain employees. Also employees should be recruited in a competitive way; treated well and provided with a good working environment for better performance of the organizations.


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IMPACT OF ISO 9000 CERTIFICATION ON PERFORMANCE The Case of Tanzania Cigarette Company Charity Nduta Mwakio Master of Business Administration, October 2006 In Tanzania today several firms have adopted the ISO 9000 standard and more are in the process of doing so. The certification requires substantial input of time and resources and once acquired, it is touted as a great achievement. Empirical studies reviewed found that ISO 9000 adoption results in a more streamlined firm but has no effect on the bottom line. This study aimed to assess the impact of ISO 9000 certification on the performance of one of Tanzanias leading corporations, Tanzania Cigarette Company (TCC). This study used questionnaires that were designed based on quality management critical factors and results developed by Claver et al (2003). Using data collected from 16 of 26 top management members and a sample of 47 non management employees, the findings showed that the ISO 9000 quality program was comprehensively implemented. The study revealed that during the period following ISO 9000 implementation, TCC recorded positive social impact, improved business results and increased customer satisfaction. However these glowing results were however not as a result of the quality standard but were attributed to the firms privatization, 6 years earlier. Findings further revealed a significant difference in opinion between the managers and employees on the levels of implementation of the ISO 9000 standard with the latter showing signs of apathy. The study concluded that standard does not improve performance and that firms already on a steady growth path should seek the standard so as to maintain good performance. The paper also concludes that adoption of the ISO 9000 standard should involve all the staff, with managers providing appropriate leadership to the employees.

PERCEIVED QUALITY OF PHYSICAL EVIDENCE AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Case of Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) Erica Eden Thomas Master of Business Administration, November 2006 This study investigated quality in hospital physical evidence components as perceived by the customers and customer satisfaction at Muhimbili National Hospital. The objectives of the study were to assess customers perception on the hospitals physical environment quality, their satisfaction levels with the different physical environment components to assess relationship between overall perceived quality of the physical environment components and satisfaction on service rendered, and identifies challenges and priority improvement areas. A survey tool was developed as a methodology to determine perceived quality levels



among a random sample of patients attending clinical departments housed within sampled renovated, and newly built service areas. It included seventy-five questions, in Likert-type questions based on Hospital quality audit reports, and literature review. 114 questionnaires were returned for analysis out of 125 distributed questionnaires. Frequency and percentage distributions, Pearson correlation for significance (at 0.05) obtained from SPSS output were used to report findings that answer the research questions. Clarity and adequacy of signs including symbols, service areas layout for convenient accessibility are of poor quality rated by majority of patients. Reliability, responsiveness, safety and security are of good or very good quality with a few exceptions. The overall environment components qualities were perceived to be good. Patients were satisfied with the hospitals overall physical evidence and service rendered. The customer subgroups quality perception difference is not statistically significant. Customer satisfaction with service rendered is independent of quality of physical evidence perceived. Components rated poor and neutral in quality, which elicited dissatisfaction feelings, rated by majority of respondents comprised improvement areas. Some challenges mentioned included shortage of nursing staff, demotivated by workload, long service ques, comparably fewer equipment, and inadequate ward space hindering smooth service delivery. The hospital is a complex organization, with complex physical environments, tangible and intangible aspects of the physical environment whereby planning and improvement should consider user defined quality features. A stressful visit to a hospital can be minimized by assuring, reliable, and responsive, hospital physical evidence embraced by consistency in all the dimensions. The Hospital management should reconsider incorporating patients views while ongoing renovations and improvements are undertaken. Solo waiting can be avoided by incorporating background music, television, broadcasts, refreshments in waiting areas, and so forth.

FACTORS IMPEDING JOB SATISFACTION AMONG EMPLOYEES IN TANZANIAN WORK ORGANIZATIONS The Case of Muhimbili National Hospital Jacqueline Constantine Mumba Master of Business Administration, September 2006 This study examined factors that impede job satisfaction in Tanzania work organization; Muhimbili National Hospital was taken as a case study. The objectives of the study were: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) To establish major factors that hinder job satisfaction among employees in work organizations; To find out the extent to which job dissatisfaction causes strikes; To establish the extent to which human resources management does affect job satisfaction; To establish the extent to which poor remuneration causes job dissatisfaction; and To find out the extent to which working conditions hinder job satisfaction.

The study has uncovered a number of specific factors that impedes job satisfaction among employees at Muhimbili National Hospital including poor salaries, poor work environment and poor human recourses


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management. The study further confirmed that, the strikes done by the employees are due to dissatisfaction in their job. The Muhimbili National Hospital organizations senior management team and the Ministry of Health need to work closely together in order to see into current organizational climate so as to rescue the situation. Serious measures needs to be taken into account to address the identified factors of job dissatisfactions so as to improve employees working conditions. This will enhance the retaining of its historical known of quality and skilled service delivering which were effective, efficient and patients caring.

FACTORS INFLUENCING DEMAND FOR PROCESSED CASHEW NUTS IN TANZANIA: The Case of Dar es Salaam region Dasik Mohamed Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This study focused on identifying factors that influence demand for processed cashew nuts. Various factors that contribute to deriving demand were identified such that research hypotheses were formulated focusing on those factors present on the sample. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to conduct the study in Dar es Salaam region. The study revealed that cashew-nut appearance is a major factor, which influences people to buy it. Package type as well as price for certain packing determines demand level. The study further observed that customers unaware of different grades of processed cashew nuts. Hence, they failed to distinguish between wholly and split cashew nuts. It was further confirmed that both saltroasted and sugar roasted cashew nuts had the same demand level. The study recommends that Small-scale processors and sales outlets should continue offering assured supply and promoting their product to get more customers. More efforts should be used to continue processing cashew nuts locally and packaging to create more jobs as well as local consumption. This study focused on identifying factors that influence demand for processed cashew nuts. Various factors that contribute to deriving demand were identified such that research hypotheses were formulated focusing on those factors present on the sample. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to conduct the study in Dar es Salaam region. The study revealed that cashew-nut appearance is a major factor, which influences people to buy it. Package type as well as price for certain packing determines demand level. The study further observed that customers unaware of different grades of processed cashew nuts. Hence, they failed to distinguish between wholly and split cashew nuts. It was further confirmed that both salt-roasted and sugar roasted cashew nuts had the same demand level. The study recommends that Small-scale processors and sales outlets should continue offering assured supply and promoting their product to get more customers. More efforts should be used to continue processing cashew nuts locally and packaging to create more jobs as well as local consumption. ***************



TOWARDS EXCELLENCE IN e-GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTATION: CHALLENGES IN TRANS- BOUNDARY INFORMATION SYSTEMS INTEGRATION The Case of G2G Partnership in Tanzania Marialauda Jua Goyayi Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Despite the number of e-government initiatives taking place in Tanzania, there is an increase in the demand for the improvement in service provision by various government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) particularly in information collection and dissemination. To address this issue this study poses two main objectives to achieve which are to determine the level of trans-boundary information systems integration between various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Tanzania and to identify various challenges in information systems integration. In order to achieve these objectives a data collection was embarked, upon which a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to various MDAs located in Dar es Salaam City. A two-phase analysis was conducted. Phase one analysis is based on frequency distribution and a simple t-test for hypothesis testing. It is found that in overall the level of trans-boundary information systems integration across MDAs is significantly insufficient to support the desired information flow despite that within MDAs the level was found to sufficient. Phase two analysis is based on frequency distribution of the respondents claim regarding challenges that hinder the information systems integration. ICT infrastructure is claimed to be the top most challenge, it includes computer accessibility, communication infrastructure and ICT literacy. Other challenges identified include change management, partnership and collaborations, leadership role, policy and strategy issues and lastly human capital development. *************** FEASIBILITY OF ISLAMIC BANKING IN TANZANIA A Survey of Dar-es-Salaam Muslim Community Members Mussa Bally Natty Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of Islamic banking in Tanzania at a formal level. An Islamic bank is a deposit-taking banking institution whose scope of activities includes all currently known banking activities, excluding borrowing and lending on the basis of interest. To achieve the above objective, current and emerging practices towards access to and mobilisation of finance within Muslim communities were explored and documented; perceptions of Muslims towards


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Islamic banking were also investigated. Finally the extent to which the regulatory environment facilitates or hinders Islamic banking was examined. Two mini cases were selected and used to study the current, emerging practices of Muslims on finance and the perceptions of Muslims towards Islamic banking. Secondary data was used to cover the extent which the regulatory environment facilitates or hinders Islamic banking. From the observations, some elements of Islamic banking exist within the Muslim communities in Tanzania. Basing on the questionnaire results there is a positive perception toward Islamic banking within Muslim communities in Tanzania. Secondary data suggests that the law is silent on Islamic banking and that the existing regulations for banks were established specifically for interest based banking. These regulations hinder the establishment of Islamic banking. From the findings it is clearly recommended that a Charter for Islamic banking has to be enacted to facilitate Islamic banking at a formal level. This research recommends further studies on issues not covered by this study such as the size of the potential market for Islamic banking in Tanzania *************** CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PRACTICES FROM STAKEHOLDERS PERSPECTIVE A CASE OF BP TANZANIA LIMITED Frederick George Kibodya Master of Business Administration, November 2007 This research aims at studying BP Tanzania stakeholdersviews pertaining to BP Tanzania Limiteds Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices. The study specifically endeavours to establish stakeholders understanding of CSR phenomenon; identifying prioritization given by the company stakeholders regarding CSR components and finding out how stakeholders rate BP Tanzanias CSR performance. Qualitative research methodology was applied to study the CSR phenomenon. Interviews, personal observations and focus group discussions were key means of data collection. Analysis was done at the same time to give room for investigating emerging concepts. A qualitative analysis software Qualrus was applied to analyse the data. The study findings indicate divergence of CSR understanding but majority of BP Tanzanias stakeholders are looking at CSR through a philanthropic lens rather than its broader context encompassing four CSR aspects namely; economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities. With that understanding, the stakeholders have high regard for the companys CSR performance. A call for the company to engage in more social programs especially in education and health sectors has been echoed as room for improvement exists. Furthermore, a growing significance of CSR in Tanzania society is noted much as is in other parts of the world. This study recommends that business corporations need to balance their economic need and the social need of the surrounding communities. CSR need to be an integral part of business operations and not a sideway or cosmetic ingredient. Globalization will make requirements to fulfil CSR obligations more intense. Hence businesses, especially local companies need to institute measures to ensure that they allow CSR programs in their corporate and strategic plans



THE ROLE OF STOCK VERIFICATION IN MANAGING GOVERNMENT ASSETS A case Study of the Ministry of Finance George Julius kanyama Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2007 Asset Management assets is one of the popular talks of many private and public organizations including the government in many countries. This is because many organizations are faced with significant challenge to track the location, quantity, condition, maintenance, and depreciation status of their assets. The objective of the study was to examine the role of stock verification in managing government assets. The study was conducted using a case study approach where the Ministry of Finance was taken as the setting of the study. The findings show that stock verification plays a big role in managing government asset. In addition, the study also found that, there are factors that contribute to inefficient assets management in public sector, these include lack of compliance to applicable regulations governing verification and assets management, absence of assets data base (assets inventory), centralization of auditing institution, lack of adequate procurement auditors and absence of strict action against poor procurement practitioners. This study recommends that, the management of the Ministry institutes measures on capacity building of the stock verification department in terms of training, working facilities and moral and material incentives so as to enable the department increase the ability to handle the asset management responsibility. *************** REVIEW OF THE NEW FOREIGN POLICY IMPLEMENTATION OF ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY Masha Hussein Master of International Trade, September 2007 This study report focused on the review of the new foreign policy, the primary focus was on the implementation of economic diplomacy. The Government of Tanzania has come out with both the New Foreign Policy document and an implementation plan of which has formulated a new foreign policy that has mainstreamed economic considerations; while at the same time consolidated the fundamental principles of the past. The study set to investigate if the existing institutional arrangements and practices can accommodate the proper implementation of economic diplomacy as one of the key pillars of the new foreign policy. This study makes use of qualitative methods to analyze the implementation and performance of new foreign policy focusing on implementation of economic diplomacy. It was found that the current institutional framework cannot adequately deliver the policy objectives, thus a need for restructuring the whole institutional framework. The finding provide an evidence for a need of restructuring the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) and the whole institutional framework to accommodate the smooth implementation of new foreign policy, either empirical evidence has shown that Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFAs)


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around the world are restructuring their offices to accommodate the new challenges, MFAIC need to restructure by eschewing its old identity as a major gatekeeper of the nation and assume a less monopolistic, more flexible, position vis--vis the other ministries. *************** TANZANIA E-READINESS IN TOURISM INDUSTRY Faith Wineza Ntukamazina Master of Business Administration, October 2007 The study aimed at determining the e-readiness of tourism sector in Tanzania. It involved tourists visitors at Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Serengeti National Park, tour operators and other players and practitioners in the tourism industry. Data was collected from primary source (tourists), who filled the questionnaires on the spot, interviews with tour operators and some staff of Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority. The results showed that both use of website in marketing, use of online payment and connectivity are related to the e-readiness. The model developed was found to have a weak predictive measure of ereadiness since it only represents nearly one third of variations which occur in e-readiness. The results showed that there is a lot of work to be done in order to ensure the e-readiness is taking place in the tourism industry due to the fact that the level of connectivity is still very low and the internet connection is very slow, factors which hinder business participation in a globalized world market. Last but not the least, most of Tanzanias tourism websites are just used for advertising and not for e-business and thus online transaction system is not utilized. The use of online transaction (e-business) will end the ongoing financial loss that is taking place in Tanzania since most tourists transactions take place in western countries. Therefore as the study proclaims, tourism is one of the major economic sector in Tanzania and thus in order to ensure its successful utilization in the era of science and technology there is a need of e-readiness assessment. *************** THE ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF PORTS/HARBOURS IN FACILITATING INTERNATIONAL TRADE The Case of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam Port Christopher Japhet Master of International Trade, February 2007 The new millennium has witnessed increasing importance of the physical infrastructure as a means of facilitating trade. According to the Economic Survey of 2004, the Tanzanias transport sector contributes about 6.3 percent to GDP. Although Tanzania acknowledges the importance of the physical infrastructure as a tool for facilitating both local and external trade and investments, the countrys speed to develop the same has been very low. The transport systems in Tanzania has suffered many years of neglect and decay, the ports in the country are supported by such weak roads and railway networks, a situation that reduces the ability of the ports to



function as gateways to both local and external markets. The objective of this study is therefore to investigate the reasons or causes that underlie the poor performance by the Dar es Salaam port thus limiting the country to benefit from her geographical position as a maritime nation on a competitive and sustainable international trade basis. This study was done in Dar es Salaam, and the port of Dar es Salaam was an area of study. A selfadministered questionnaire, together with interviews with the port officials and port users, were used to collect primary information while secondary data were obtained through library search, documentary reviews and also materials retrieved from the internet, were subjected to content analysis. The conclusions drawn from this study have important policy implications that if adapted are believed that will make the port very competitive.

THE EFFECT OF BANK LOANS ON SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTREPRISES GROWTH The Case of National Bank of Commerce Ltd Elyne C. Sanga Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is one of the major pillars in private sector that enhance and promote economic growth in our country. This study was taken in order to underscore whether loans provided by banks and lending rates charged by the bank have effects on the growth of this sector (SMEs) mainly in terms of Total assets, Sales Revenue and Net profits after Tax. To make the study possible, the researcher took the National Bank of Commerce (NBC Ltd) in Dar es salaam headquarter as the case study since it is one of the biggest commercial bank that provides loans to SMEs operators national wide. A sample of twenty (20) SMEs operators were drawn from Dar es salam region. Data were collected, analysed and presented in an orderly manner; interpreted so as to bring meaning to the final users. In conclusion, from the findings, the researcher finds no significance relationship between the amounts of loan provided to the SMEs and their growth. Further, the researcher found that lending rates charged by the bank do not affect the growth of the SMEs in a negative way. The researcher foresees other factors that probably contribute to SMEs growth rather than loans and rates. Such factors include; quality of management, commitment of the owners and their employees, training, reasonable policies and regulation, availability of markets, technology and access of information, good infrastructure, also accessible and good communication networks.



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EVALUATION OF SERVICES OUTSOURCING OF UTILITIES AND SERVICES IMPROVEMENT IN TANZANIA The Case Study of Tanzania Electric Supply company Limited (TANESCO) Samwel Mollel Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The broad objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of services outsourcing of utilities and Services improvement in power supply and service at Kinondoni South region in Dar es Salaam. The study interviewed 60 TANESCO staff and 100 customers to avoid biased results. The results obtained was based on the model where regression analysis was used in addition of the, frequencies and charts. The results from the study show that TANESCO has not improved in power services to customers despite outsourcing some of the services to private agent. It was observed that generation of power does not satisfy the available demand leading to overloading that may cause power fluctuation. Despite the meter reading service being outsourced to private company, there has been no substantial improvement as it was pointed out by both TANESCO employees and customers interviewed in this study. The findings also show that the degree of inaccuracy of customers bills has not yet improved even after the NetGroup solution took over the TANESCOs management. Basing on the results, services outsourcing of utilities is not the only way that guarantee services improvement. Due to current climatic change where prolonged droughts have been order of the day and ongoing environmental degradation in many parts of the world, including Tanzania, hydro-electric power generation may no longer be guaranteed. The study suggested alternative sources of power generation like natural gas and coal and hence lessen dependence on hydropower. ***************

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND IN TANZANIA The Case Study of Four Selected Councils Anna Phillip Mbogo Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 This study aimed at examining the extent of effectiveness of financial management in the district councils that qualified to access Local Government Capital Development Funds (LGCDF) and those that did not in terms of availability of qualified staff, the ability of the LGA staff in managing Capital Development Fund (CDF) and effectiveness of computerized financial management system. Some literature on LGCDF was



reviewed and a conceptual framework was developed by the researcher to guide the study. The study was conducted in four district councils of Morogoro, Mbarali, Muheza and Njombe. Total respondents were 106 in categories of councilors, financial management specialists from ZRT, district council officials and village community members who were obtained through purposive, simple and stratified random techniques. Data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentary reviews and were qualitatively and quantitatively processed and analyzed through SPSS and STATA. The study revealed that there was no significant difference in terms of availability of qualified staff, the ability of the LGA staff in managing CDF and effectiveness of computerized financial management system between the councils that accessed LGCD funds and those that did not. The study noted that the minimum conditions set for eligibility to access the CDF were retarding the development of village community members who, however, had not contributed to the reasons that led to disqualifying their councils from accessing these funds. The study recommends possible ways to be taken into account by the central government, district councils and community members to improve the effectiveness of financial management. There is a call for the government (PMORALG) to review the criteria for accessing the LGCDF and for district councils to employ the IT personnel for technical use in outputting their financial reports timely and accurately. Also the study recommends increased efforts in sensitizing people on their participation in the development process. Finally, the study recommends further studies to examine the effectiveness of financial management in a wider setting and to examine the strength of personnel in the lower level government in managing the CDF MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES FACING SMEs TO INVEST IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY The Case of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam Region Peter Jacob Mayala Master of Business Administration (IT Systems), November 2008 The major objective of this study was to examine and identify management challenges facing SMEs in making investment decisions for improved performance competitiveness. The study was conducted in Dar-es-salaam region and surveyed SMEs involved in manufacturing, food processing, textile, tourist and other services. Data were obtained from a sample size of 45 Tanzanian SMEs operating in Dar es Salaam City. This included 13 for Manufacturing, 9 for Transportation, 8 for Tourism, 5 for Wholesale, 5 for Retailing and other service provision firms were 5. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire, both closed and open-ended questions were used in the questionnaire to collect the required information to answer the study problem. The questionnaire was used as the main data collection instrument to avoid biases likely to be caused by the Interviewer. In addition, structured interview guide was used to supplement questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Findings of this research reveals that ICT business planning and strategy, inadequate ICT management skills, inadequate finance, Size of SMES in terms of number of employees and the nature or type of business all influenced SMEs to invest on ICT.


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The research also tested hypotheses, which were divided into four parts namely preparedness to invest in ICT, Management skills, adequate finance, and size, type and nature of business. Results on these hypotheses indicate that majority of SMEs with ICT plans reflecting business goals allocated budget each year to finance ICT investment in comparison with those who do not allocate budget each year to finance ICT investment. Allocation of budget each year to finance ICT Investment depended on relevant ICT plans to support business goals. Moreover preparedness of SMEs in ICT investment was influenced by ICT plans linked to business goals. Overall the results suggest lack of up to date ICT skills hindered owners/managers of SMEs to make decisions regarding ICT investment to aid their business operations. Overall the results suggest that lack of training affected the owners/managers thought about investing in ICT. Generally from the standpoint of those findings it appears that attendance to ICT training improved the thinking of owners/ managers to positively deciding investing in ICT. Furthermore the study findings suggest that lack of the required ICT knowledge among owners/managers of the SMEs hindered their decision to invest in ICT as a strategic investment to improved business Operations. Generally the results show that a bigger number of SMEs with employees 21 and above acquired ICT facilities whereas a bigger number of SMEs with employees 1-20 did not acquire ICT facilities to aid their business operations. Moreover, the results revealed that acquiring ICT facilities is depended on the type of business undertaken by respective companies. The study finally has recommended areas for future research or further investigations. *************** INTERNAL MARKETING FACTORS AND PERFORMANCE OF POSTAL SERVICES IN TANZANIA Josephine M. Shokolo Master of Business Administration (Marketing), December 2008 Tanzania Posts Corporation has experienced improper implementation of internal marketing. This situation has negatively affected both job satisfaction and customer satisfaction. The overall objective of this study was to examine the IM factors and performance of postal services in Tanzania. Specifically the study intended to examine the relationship between internal marketing factors, job satisfaction and business performance. The study was descriptive and explanatory in nature. It was a quantitative study that interviewed a sample of 100 employees and 169 customers. Simple random and judgmental sampling techniques were used to select the sample for employees and customers respectively. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The study revealed a strong positive relationship between IM factor and job satisfaction as well as organizational performance while the relationship between job satisfaction and business performance was moderate. It was revealed further that employees as well as customers were not satisfied with services offered by the Corporation. This situation contributed to low business performance in terms of profitability and service quality. The conclusion was reached that improvement in implementation of internal marketing factors may lead to employees and customer satisfaction as well as improved business performance.



GLOBALIZATION AND LABOUR RELATIONS IN TANZANIA The Case of Tanzania Cigarette Company Limited Lucy Sawaya- Mandara Master of Business Administration, September 2008 This research studies on the way Globalization has affected the labour movement at a place of work. The Researcher was interested in investigating on how Globalization has influenced labour movement and labour market. The Researcher took Tanzania Cigarette Company Limited (TCC), a major cigarette production company in Tanzania as a case study. The study took the form of self-administered questionnaire as well as archival research. The questionnaire was carried to selected employees and those who resigned from TCC in year 2004 to 2006. This has on the other hand, had effect in the labour movement where employees resigned looking for better working condition, more pay and career opportunities. TCC has to improve and come up with more competitive package to compete than it is now, otherwise, as a result of Globalization, new and small employers are joining the bandage of employers in the market, and are coming up with sweet packages, benefits and career opportunities. The major cause, which made Respondents to leave employment, was promotional aspects. Thus considering the size of TCC, it is such a big organization for one to climb up to the top management so easily. Globalization has caused change in the global market, competition and influence in the labour market and labour relation. TCC should therefore, come up with the long term incentive plan to retain key talented employees so as to avoid voluntary turnover. ***************

EXTENT OF COMPLIANCE TO PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ACT AND REGULATIONS A survey of Selected Water Supply and Sewerage Authorities of Arusha, Babati and Moshi Charles Ilago Kondela Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2008 The extent of compliance to Public Procurement Act number 21 of 2004 and it is regulations of 2005 in Urban Water Supply utilities are still questionable. In order to elucidate more light of this area the researcher examines the extent of compliance to Public Procurement Act to water utilities of Arusha, Babati and Moshi.


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The researcher used both qualitative (narrative) and quantitative approach in analyzing data. On quantitative the Programme of SPSS was used and the primary data from questionnaires were categorical, hence results of percentage, Chi-squire and P-Value were shown from dependent and independent variables. The results showed that extent of compliance with Public Procurement Act and its regulations was in a low going motion in procuring entities and suppliers/and service providers. Procurement Management Units was not established in Arusha Urban Water Supply utility as per section 35 of the Act. However the PMU of Moshi was working as a committee contrary to functions in the Act section 36. Only PMU of Babati was established as per Requirement. Inspection Committee of goods and services were not well established as per Government notice number 97 regulations 122, 126 and 127. The said inspection committees were merely user departments. To redress the above weakness in compliance, the procuring entities, the Government, and Suppliers should focus on education and awareness, praising of all parties to procurement. The major aim would be for public interest to increase transparency in use of Government resources in order to obtain value for money.

THE IMPACT OF MICROFINANCE ON URBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION Deogratias Sangu Manumbu Master of Business Administration, November 2007 The main Purpose of this study was to examine the impact of Microfinance Institutions on the alleviation of Urban Poverty. To achieve this objective, the research was done through a survey of 165 individuals (150 borrowers and 15 non borrowers). The Research was conducted in the FINCA branch in Ilala, Dar es Salaam Region. Data was collected using questionnaires which were distributed to FINCA clients and officials. Data was analyzed quantitatively. Histograms and frequency distribution tables were used to present the findings. The SPSS method of analysis was used. The results showed that the income and the level of employment of participants are greatly influenced by loans obtained from Microfinance Institutions. The income level of borrowers was found to increase compared to nonborrowers. Further, the results show that Microfinance credits have an impact on the alleviation of poverty but do not affect individual control and autonomy to make decisions on business affairs. The study recommends that MFIs should revise the lending conditions especially the interest rate, the repayment period and also device a new way of tackling loan defaulters instead of leaving the burden to other clients in the group or confiscation. Lastly, there is a need to conduct further study to assess the capabilities and strength including ways that MFIs could use to help clients and eventually lead to poverty alleviation in the country. Indeed, the study has gradually evolved an appreciation of the need to do similar study in other Regions of Tanzania where credit schemes operate. ***************



COSTING AND PRICING METHODOLOGIES IN TELECOMMUNICATION SECTOR Fabian G. Lyimo Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 Today, telecommunication is one of the most competitive business sectors in the World. This sectors penetration has a positive impact to economy growth (measured by GDP per capita); so with higher rates of telecommunication services adoption in Tanzania, economic growth is certain. Telecommunications has drawn attention of both consumers and scholars and there are lots of claims that pricing of services within the sector are exploitive. This and many other factors led to the essence of examining the costing phenomena in the sector that leads to pricing decisions so that to draw a unified understanding of the factors underlying. A cross sectional study method was adopted and a combination of research approaches, mainly exploratory, qualitative and quantitative were used to make justifications of the key arguments. While operators might be using costing and pricing methodology of same principles, the actual setup of prices (tariff) is more of a competitive tool than a standard arena. Tariff setting and services bundling is seen to be more of a competitive and distinguishing tool adopted by operators. This study concludes and recommends that for a capital intensive industry such as telecommunications, bearing high inherent risks of such an investment, it is best for market forces to be left to determine competitive prices. The key function of regulation should be to create a level playing field for operators so that to wipe off any rising monopolistic behavior in the marketToday, telecommunication is one of the most competitive business sectors in the World. This sectors penetration has a positive impact to economy growth (measured by GDP per capita); so with higher rates of telecommunication services adoption in Tanzania, economic growth is certain. Telecommunications has drawn attention of both consumers and scholars and there are lots of claims that pricing of services within the sector are exploitive. This and many other factors led to the essence of examining the costing phenomena in the sector that leads to pricing decisions so that to draw a unified understanding of the factors underlying. A cross sectional study method was adopted and a combination of research approaches, mainly exploratory, qualitative and quantitative were used to make justifications of the key arguments. While operators might be using costing and pricing methodology of same principles, the actual setup of prices (tariff) is more of a competitive tool than a standard arena. Tariff setting and services bundling is seen to be more of a competitive and distinguishing tool adopted by operators.



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APPLYING CIPP MODEL TO APPRAISE POWER UTILITY PERFORMANCE The Case of TANESCO Deogratias R. Ndamugoba Master of Business Administration, November 2008 The purpose of the study was to apply CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model to appraise the electric power utility performance in Tanzania which customers assert was not satisfactory despite providing services for 43 years. Arusha region and Dar Es Salaam Headquarters were case studies. Four variables assumed to be influencing the performances of TANESCO were investigated these being TANESCO operational conditions; resources channeled TANESCO (finance, physical and human resources), programme administration and effectiveness of TANESCO services. Purposeful and Stratified Sampling techniques were employed to select 186 informative respondents. Stuflebeam s CIPP model guided the study at the conceptual level and collection of data by employing the questionnaire, interview schedule, documentary review, and focus group discussion guide which were pilot tested before data collection. The findings show that the context within which the utility operates is not favorable. The physical, human, and financial capital channel in the utility is not adequate. Also processes particularly technologies are outdated and not suitable and final product (electricity) and its related services are not desirable by customers. It is recommended that the utility (TANESCO) needs political support from the Government, TANESCO need to invest in other social services so as to solicit support from general public. Capital investment in physical plant and human capital is imperative now. *************** FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS PROJECTS The Case of Kinondoni Municipal Council Ruth Elias Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study investigated project financial management as part of project management with a special look on three areas; organization structure, information technology and accounts and payroll procedures and how effective and efficient do those areas were on good financial management. This study used case study strategy to collect and analyze data. Key findings included CIUP project having general meetings of every three months that generated violence and made new way forward for the betterment of the project, staffs operated as municipal staffs at the same time in the projects, project coordinator did not have financial management knowledge. As well, CIUP project lacked necessary knowledge of advanced IT, which was essential in that era and especially in project management.



Furthermore, accounting and payroll procedures were perfectly done although manually and it was centralized to financial specialist at city level with little support from municipal accountants who did not involve himself directly with the project. Contribution of this study based on three areas; academically, it brings knowledge on how local government can improve project financial management by introducing matrix structure, training of staffs to have skilled and competent staff, introduction of information technology and improved accounting and payroll procedure to adopt new technology. To policy makers, the study will be supporting formulation of policies relating to improvement of project financial management within local government *************** DO LINKAGES BETWEEN FORMAL AND INFORMAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AFFECT THE SUSTAINABILITY OF MFIs? The Case of SACCOS in Dar es Salaam Bezil Ewala Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Financial Linkages between Formal and Informal Financial Institutions has been regarded to be one of factors that can bring up sustainability of Microfinance Institutions. This study was carried out in order to find out if MFIs institutions, in this case SACOOS in Tanzania can be sustainable if they have financial linkages with formal financial institutions like banks. In collecting the primary data, interviews were conducted and questionnaires were distributed to selected SACCOS committee members and officers who perform administrative work of selected SACCOS namely; NSSF, Wanama, Lumumba, Ukonga Stakishari, Usaka and Kinondoni. Data analysis was done by SPSS software. Statistical tests by way of percentage measurements were also done. The study reveals that financial linkages between formal and informal financial institutions have a positive influence on financial sustainability of MFIs. SACCOS that have linkages activities have been found to be doing better than those without linkages. Therefore for MFIs to become financially sound and sustainable they should engage in financial linkages. *************** OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR MARKETING OF ECOTOURISM IN ZANZIBAR The Case of Jozani Chwaka Bay National Park and Selected Stakeholders in Zanzibar Ally Khalfan Master of Business Administration (Finance), August 2007 The objective of this study was to discover ecotourism potentials existing in Zanzibar and the factors influencing marketing of these in Zanzibar. The study was conducted through a survey of 111 actors in the tourism sector in Zanzibar Archipelago as well as interviews with key informants.


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The study has discovered eight ecotourism potentials that can be developed into ecotourism products at JCBNP alongside with 9 villages adjacent to Jozani forest, they include: Machaga cave at Pete village, Wangwani grassland area, Fungoni and Shakani birds sighting areas, Juja Island (Zoo Island) and Chwaka tour to name a few. However, results of the study established that: price of tourism products, the destination attractions and facilities, transport infrastructure, customer care, and awareness of tourism value are the key factors influencing marketing of ecotourism in Zanzibar. The factors found to hinder marketing of ecotourism were: Limited financial resources to conduct public campaign or awareness, limited support from the local citizens, limited support from the Government, limited tourism marketing education and there are no synergies between firms in promoting domestic ecotourism. Esprit de corps between the private firms and the responsible ministry would expansively create awareness of ecotourism value to the local people inexpensively. However much effort must be expended to establish a centre responsible for the promotion of ecotourism potentials existing in the Isles. Future research on ecotourism should cover the whole islands in both high and low season of tourism. *************** FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF DONOR FUNDED PROJECTS The Case of Lower Kihansi Environmental Management Project (LKEMP) Harold Joseph Materu Master of Business Administration (Finance) The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of financial management systems on subprojects supported by the Lower Kihansi Environmental Management Project (LKEMP). It included establishing major challenges faced by the people implementing the sub-projects. The methodology used was by survey of the three riparian Districts of Kilolo, Kilombero and Mufindi. A questionnaire was designed where the respondents answered the questions from their own perception of the projects. In some cases interviews were conducted. The interviewees included Chairmen and Secretaries and/or treasurers of the relevant sub-projects. Where these were not readily available, other members of the given sub-project were interviewed. Discussions were also held with Executive Directors of the respective Districts. The sample covered 70 sub-projects in all the three districts. Out of these, 56 sub-projects responded to the questionnaires and these formed the basis of the research findings and conclusions. Based on the analysis we found out that the financial management function is carried out according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It was also found out that the Financial Management Reports are of good quality in terms of timeliness, accuracy and reliability. However there are hindrances in some projects due to little financial management knowledge and experience by the implementers. There is need for scholars to do more studies on the ways to improve Financial Management Function especially in rural based projects.



ANALYSIS OF THE EXTENT TO WHICH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (BDS) ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF WOMEN - OWNED ENTERPRISES (WOES) The Case of Dar es Salaam BDS Providers Donati Salome Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The aim of this study was to analyze the extent to which Business Development Services (BDS) address the needs of Women-Owned Enterprises (WOEs). The BDS Providers in Dar es Salaam were used as the population of the study where the purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the sample for both survey and in-depth study. The information collected from the survey was analysed using the frequencies and cross-tabulations. The in-depth study involved two selected cases where by the analysis was done by tracking the common themes, experience and evidences on supportive services and barriers which have hindered or facilitated BDS from reaching out to WOE. The findings showed that the proportion of women clients that are served by the BDS Providers are very few compared with men clients. There are less than 25% of women clients among the 42.9% of the number of BDS Providers. Also a lot of BDS Providers (85%) have admitted that women entrepreneurs need special support in their businesses, but only a few have taken the initiative to design special programmes to support WOEs. The common problems that seem to have been experienced by the BDS Providers who deal with women entrepreneurs are failure to pay fees, failure to attend training courses on time and dropouts. It was suggested that, in order to solve those problems, mobile training courses should be introduced at an affordable cost to enable women to improve the entrepreneurship skills. This would enable them to grow their businesses and contribute to wealth creation for themselves and for the nation at large THE IMPACT OF THE TREASURY MANAGEMENT FUNCTION ON BANK PERFORMANCE The Case of Tanzania Postal Bank Marijani Salma M. Masters of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of the treasury management function on the contribution to bank performance, how it supports the effective management of assets, liabilities, and working capital in achieving the overall objectives of the organization. In particular, the research wanted to examine and evaluate the structure of the treasury management function that exist at Tanzania Postal Bank, assess the extent to which the bank follows the rules and regulations established by BOT and to analyze how ALCO support working capital management. The study was based on a case study strategy within a descriptive and explanatory framework in order to get a detailed account of the problems being studied. The study also incorporates the deductive approach


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into the research design. The sampling units were treasury department and branches located in Dar es Salaam. The data used were both primary and secondary. The study comprises three propositions the finding of which show that there was a mismatch of assets over liabilities due to inadequate treasury management analysis. The findings on the second assumption illustrate that top management considers treasury management analysis as a daily management tool. The findings on the last proposition indicate that the tendency of neglecting rules and regulations set by BOT did not exist because the bank strictly observes the rules and regulations. The study concluded that the treasury management function and the structure of bank treasury department do contribute a lot to bank performance. But the number of employees was unfavourable for effective treasury management in such banking institutions


THE IMPACT OF FDI ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE LESSONS FROM TANZANIA Charles T. L. T. Domician Master in International Trade, January 2007 OLS and ECM econometric techniques are employed to estimate the impact of total FDI stock and selected variables on Tanzanias overall export performance over the 1973 to 2005 period. The findings suggest that the present FDI stock is either negatively correlated with export performance or has a negligible favourable contribution to the export sector in terms of backward and forward linkages. Consequently, the trickle-down effects of the gains derived from FDI to the general economy remain low principally due to inadequate investments in the agricultural sector, potentially idle FDI stock in manufacturing and less than proportionate mineral rents accruing to the domestic economy. The exchange rate and GDP, both lagged one year, have positive effects on export performance; while the present exchange rate and public investment behave negatively towards the countrys export activity. The external debt stock and net capital formation are found to have insignificant bearing on the countrys export performance; whereas the ECM lagged one year capably estimates the adjustment speed of the variables in the model from short run behaviour to long run equilibrium setting, hence confirming the existence of cointegration between export performance and the regressors. Policies should thus be geared towards improving the GDP contribution of the key sectors like mining and manufacturing plus directing more public investments to infrastructural development for enhancing productivity in the tradable sectors. In this way, the countrys prevailing high exchange rate would render exports competitive. Regarding FDI, policies and laws should be calibrated in a manner that objectives and targets of foreign investments are consistent with and integral part of, the countrys broader strategic mission. This would entail building a competitive and sustainable export sector with elements of domestic ownership through diffusion of key skills, knowledge and technology to indigenous producers.




ANALYSIS OF IMPEDING FACTORS IN ACCESSING MICROFINANCE SERVICES IN TANZANIAS RURAL AREAS Slahhay Daniel Gehandu Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The study focused on identification and analysis of key factors that makes rural households remain unattractive and not credit accessible by the formal micro credits. The study came up to investigate the problem through the narrow and few MFIs existing in the district of which hundred responsive questionnaires formed part of the research findings. In addressing the study, specific research objectives were used along with research propositions that proved valid. Accessibility of the poor to microfinance services still remain a big problem as the micro credit conditions are inflexible in accommodating rural potentials to serve as the traditional collateral. In this effect MFIs lack policy and regulatory framework that recognize rural potentials to be compatible with credit requirements. The study confirmed that marginally Community Based financial institutions (SACCOS) have played a role of outreach. Sustainable rural outreach calls for innovation of suitable rural financial products. Establishment of Community Banks is of paramount importance, which can serve best interest of the poor rather than the commercial financial institutions which are of more profit motive. *************** FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF NGOS AND ITS IMPACT ON SUSTAINABILITY The Case of HakiElimu in Tanzania Shafii Kachenje Mmile Master of Business Administration, November 2008 This study attempts to examine the financial performance of NGOs, and assess its impact on development in Tanzania. It examines to what extent they accept and use of financial principles, relevant methods and techniques for seeking funds and what impact that had on the sustainability of the HakiElimu NGO. In order to be knowledgeable with the literature on the topic, a literature review was done to trace the historical background of NGOs, their characteristics, various methods and techniques used for seeking funds, dimensions of NGO sustainability, barriers to financial sustainability in the NGOs and the primacy of adhering to financial principles. The study was both quantitative and qualitative in its approach. It was conducted in the Kinondoni Municipality, in Dar es Salaam City, where the headquarters of the HakiElimu NGO are located. Seventy respondents including directors, coordinators and other workers were consulted to provide data for the study. Four methods of data collection were applied and these were document review, observation, interview and questionnaire. The data were processed by firstly presenting the raw data, categorising them into


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groups, reassessing, interpreting, discussing them critically and eventually organising them for report writing. Generally, it was found that the HakiElimu NGO adhered to financial principles to the extent of enabling it to survive for seven years despite the barriers it faced from various forces. The causes for such a situation to persist were the good foundation set from the beginning for adhering to financial principles in the firm, unity and integrity among the founders, their education background, relevant objectives and plans in relation to the society it served and the great efforts in implementing them as well as the capacity of the NGO runners to overcome the challenges they faced from different forces. These led us to conclude that the sustainability of the NGO depends on adherence to financial principles and the capacity to face and overcome challenges. The level of education, integrity, hard work and unity of the NGO runners are unique and paramount criteria for NGO sustainability. The study, therefore, commends the NGOs which have improved in their unique criteria which have been articulated in this study and those which have collapsed or are in a bad situation financially to learn from the HakiElimu NGO. ***************

FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT FLOW IN AGRICULTURE IN TANZANIA MAINLAND 1995 -2005 Mwanawetu Mbonde Master of International Trade, September 2007 This study set to identify and analyze determinants of FDI inflow in agriculture in Mainland Tanzania from 1995 2005. The analysis was done using quantitative analysis based on eclectic theory by Dunning. Quantitative analysis involved the econometric estimation of selected variables on FDI inflows in agriculture using E-view method. FDI flow to agriculture remains small and come from less diversified traditional sources, namely U.K, Kenya, India, German and Netherlands, together accounting for 72 percent of the investment projects. Regional distribution of investment in agriculture is skewed favoring Arusha, Tanga, Morogoro and Dar es Salaam. Favorable climate, developed infrastructure and location of privatized public enterprises are determinants of regional distribution of FDI projects in agriculture. It was found that corporate tax affects FDI inflows negatively as it leads to less FDI inflow in agriculture, while exchange rates dynamics it is important for the net FDI inflows in the country, the more the overvalued exchange rate the more foreign investment flows in. Infrastructure is an important determinant in the FDI inflow in agriculture, as a well developed infrastructure reduces the cost of doing business and poor infrastructure leads to less inflow of FDI in the sector. ***************



ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF FOREIGN MANAGEMENT CONTRACTORS IN PUBLIC ENTERPRISES The case of TTCL and TANESCO Mrisho Shabani Master of Business Administration (Finance) November, 2008 The objective of the study was to examine the role and effectiveness of foreign management contractors in Tanzanian commercial public enterprises. It focused on two cases namely, Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL) and Tanzania Electric Supplies Company Limited (TANESCO) (the public enterprises). Both of them were managed by foreign management contractors at different times. The case study method was adopted. The primary data was collected through questionnaires and direct interviews with TTCL and TANESCO managers and staff and Government officials. The secondary data were obtained from the enterprises audited financial statements for the period of the management contractors. The interpretation of the findings from the research shows that the foreign management contractors were unable to achieve fully the key performance objectives in accordance with the terms of contracts. The research has not identified improvements in the key performance areas of revenue and profitability, commercial (sales and marketing), technical performance (infrastructure development), financing and knowledge and skills transfer (capacity building) as per TTCL management contracts. Likewise, the findings revealed lack of improvements in quality and reliability of power supply in the country during the tenure of the management contractor, Net Group Solutions in TANESCO, against the contract terms. In addition, specific objectives of engaging Net Group Solutions of restructuring and unbundling the electricity sector and advising on the privatisation transactions for the companies which would have been created as part of the restructuring process were not achieved. Challenges that affected the performance of the public enterprises in general included poor marketing/ sales strategy; lack of adequate capital; poor industrial relations/staff morale; and poor executive management and organization culture. Organisation culture affected performance because the management contractors were unable to transform fully staff working practices they found into modern and effective international practices. It was also revealed that the foreign managers faced resistance from local staff and trade unions because of the poor performance and inability to meet their expectations. Furthermore, staff sentiments were still negative and the experienced resistance is likely to continue until the relationships between managers and staff are improved. It is recommended to search and pursue alternative management strategies for the public enterprises to improve performance. These include, but not limited to engagement of foreign counter parties to perform the capacity building role, not as executive managers as well as emphasis and enforcement on good governance practices to local managers.


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THE SIGNIFICANCE OF AFRICAN GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITY ACT (AGOA) ON TANZANIA TRADE PERFORMANCE FOR THE PERIOD OF 2001-2005 Cecylia Njau Master of Degree in International Trade, January 2007 In 2002, Tanzania joined the GSP of the United State of America called AGOA which was enacted under the AGOA Acceleration Act of 2000. AGOA offers duty free and quota free market access for 6700 products from Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. In addition, since the country joined AGOA-GSP Framework, her trade performance in comparison with other SSA-countries has not been impressive in utilizing such preference. Therefore, this study examines the significance of AGOA on Tanzanias trade performance for the period of 2001 to 2005, and examine whether such bilateral trade presents an opportunity for Tanzanias exports to United States of America (USA). However, the findings of this study revealed that the country has not well utilized this opportunity in addressing her trade development in comparison with other SSA countries like Kenya, Lesotho and South Africa. In that regard, AGOA appears to be significance for Tanzania trade performance as hypothesised. In order for Tanzania to utilize the opportunities emanates from multilateral trading system it has to address the supply-side constraints and make reforms in its institution framework and the issue of legal and regulatory framework. ***************

TESTING THE CONVERGENCE OF THEORY AND EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE ON THE DETERMINANTS OF EXPORT PERFORMANCE LESSONS FROM TANZANIA Gandye, George Master of International Trade, January 2007 What determines export performance is the main thrust of this study. Using gravity model, a regression analysis is run for the period of thirty years and the result is as anticipated to depict a positive relationship between dependent and the explanatory variable with exception of macro - economic condition and trade fairs. However, while the relationship is positive, the level of significance has largely been low an indication that the explanatory variables have not sufficiently influenced the dependent variable. These pillars essential to address the supply side constraints are so embedded and got to be improved in an integrated manner if at all Tanzania is to perform well in the external sector given the potential market access. ***************



ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT OF TRADE LIBERALISATION ON TANZANIA TRADE BALANCE 1975 2005: AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS Vedastus Biswalo Manumbu Master of International Trade, January 2007 This study is about assessment of impact of trade liberalization on Tanzania balance of trade and other factors that influencing it. It shows that apart from the fact that Tanzania has been undertaking various macroeconomic reforms including trade liberalization but she still facing deficit balance of trade since 1970s. The study also reveals that Tanzania has not been performing well in external sector since early 1970s which in turn lead to low export and high import. This low performance is caused by a number of factors among others include, inappropriate policies adopted in accessing foreign markets, non trade barriers in the foreign markets, supply side constraints, soft and hard infrastructure constraints. The study shows that trade liberalization and other factors such as household consumptions, government expenditure, real exchange rate and foreign direct investments are contributing toward worsening Tanzania trade balance. But only income to the rest of the world is variable which improve Tanzania trade balance. Tanzania government has to do a lot of things in order to improve her balance of trade by employing various measures among others are: - creation of policies which would make our local products to access foreign markets, the government has to reduce its expenditure on luxury goods, addressing supply side constraints, to attract foreign direct investments for foreign market, to sensitize the public to consume local products and to increase negotiation on removal of Non Tariff Barrier in foreign markets. *************** THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON MANUFACTURED EXPORTS IN TANZANIA MAINLAND John Mathew Master of International Trade- February, 2007 This study seeks to establish the impact of FDI on manufactured exports in Tanzania Mainland for the period 1975 2005. Despite substantial increase in FDI and growth of the manufacturing during the study period, the share of manufactured exports has been growing slowly. E View 3.1 was used for the econometric analysis. The study found that growth of manufactured exports in Tanzania is mainly affected by the real GDP growth rate, manufacturing sector growth rate and Foreign Direct Investment. While nominal exchange rate and inflation rate had minimal impact on the share of manufactured exports in Tanzania during the analysis period. The small share of manufactured exports was explained by the fact that, Production of FDI projects invested in the manufacturing sector was not export oriented during the study period. These results imply that efforts to promote FDI projects for manufacturing export products should be emphasized by the government. Possible areas for further research are on the impact of FDI on government revenue, technology transfer and employment in Tanzania. ***************


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WILL TANZANIA BENEFIT FROM THE EAST AFRICA CUSTOMS UNION? Hodrum Benedict Suleiman Master of International Trade, February 2007 This study focuses on the implications of the EAC-CU in the Tanzanian perspectives. In view of the importance of trade to economic development, this study provides a cost benefit analysis of Tanzanias participation in the revived East African community specifically, the EAC-CU within the context of the fast-tracking to the proposed East African Federation by 1212. The study dwells on how Tanzania will maximize the benefit of its EAC-CU membership and at the same time minimize the negative consequences resulting from the same in the short run as well as long run. The study used mainly desk research for purpose of data collection and fact-finding. Interviews with government officials responsible with the EAC-CU, Export producers, business leaders and ordinary citizens were also conducted in order to get the real feelings from stakeholders. We also used Macroeconomics assumptions and computer-based spreadsheets for data analysis and trends forecast. The study analysed the tariff structure under the EAC-CU, trade flows and revenue implications resulting from CET as well as internal tariff elimination. The study concludes by giving the impacts, opportunities available, the challenges facing Tanzania and the foreseen threats to the Tanzanias businesses resulting from the countrys participation in the EAC-CU. In general, the study found that EAC-CU has significant welfare benefits arising from grater competition, economies of scale and higher level of trade and investment. The study recommends that the EAC-CU be carefully crafted to avoid imbalances, as it was the core cause of the collapse of the 1967 EAC. *************** PARTICIPATION OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN THE MULTILATERAL TRADE NEGOTIATIONS The Case of Tanzania Erick E. Kirumba Master of International Trade, July 2007 The objective of the study was to analyse and point out how developing countries and Tanzania in particular, participating at WTO multilateral negotiations. In preparing this study, both primary and secondary data were collected. The study has found that participating in WTO negotiations is important to developing countries and Tanzania in particular. It has also been revealed that despite developing countries participating in WTO multilateral negotiations, they have not benefited much in terms of cost invested, time and economic development. The majority of the population are still living in poverty. Agriculture dominated the economy, contribution to national GDP is more than 46.7%; trade contributes less than 17% of the national GDP. In this study it has also been noted that developing countries fail to defend their interests at WTO negotiations



effectively because of three major factors which include: capacity building, involvement of stakeholders in the negotiation process and finally insufficient attention being paid to demands of developing countries at WTO multilateral negotiations. It is recommended that developing countries should embark on human resources training in trade negotiations techniques, make adequate preparations before the meetings, proper utilization of WTO and JITAP technical support and ensure effective involvement of stakeholders in preparation of the countrys positions. *************** THE IMPACT OF GOVERNMENT PROTECTED DISTIBUTORS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF OTHER PUBLIC PROCURING ENTITIES IN TANZANIA A Case of Regional Medical Officers Procuring Units Of Iringa And Ruvuma Regions Benezeth Kamala Ruta Master of Business Administration November, 2008 One of the key issues in good governance is spending public funds in an efficient, effective and economical manner, which may be achieved through among other measures the use of a value for money public procurement process coupled with accountability for procured goods and services. As one of the strategies for achieving value for money procurement objectives, the Government of Tanzania decided to have in place some public protected distributors from which other public procuring entities would source their goods, supplies and services, which however, could not work as expected. In an attempt to investigate the impact which protected public intermediaries have on other public procuring entities, two regional medical offices for Iringa and Ruvuma were studied. The conclusion reached was that protected distributors affect the performance of other procuring entities adversely, due to existence of conflicting laws. Given the above conclusions, it is recommended that all laws and regulations which govern public procurement should be harmonized to eliminate conflicting operations, and that protectionism of public distributors should be withdrawn thereby letting them to operate semi-autonomously in an open competitive environment. *************** CUSTOMER CARE TOWARDS BUILDING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION A Case of the University of Dar es Salaam Casmir Fabian Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management ) November 2008 The major objective of the study was to investigate the impact of customer care towards building customer satisfaction. The study was conducted using survey by taking the University of Dar es Salaam as a case study.


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The findings show that there were significant contributions of customer care on the customer satisfaction. Apart from that, the study revealed that University of Dar es Salaam customers are moderately satisfied. This suggests that more customer care efforts are desired in order to make the customers very satisfied. The study recommends that all UDSM supporting staff should be trained on customer care issues. In addition to that, the UDSM management should explore and implement other strategies which will make their customers very satisfied apart from employing customer care approach. *************** ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF ELECTRONIC BANKING IN TANZANIA The Case of CRDB Bank Ltd. Peter Emilian Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Technology has introduced new ways of delivering banking services to customers, such as ATMs and Internet Banking. Banks began to look at e-banking as a means to replace some of their traditional branch functions. E-banking products/services like ATM and electronic funds transfer were a source of differentiation for banks that utilized them. Introduction of Electronic Banking has created many benefits in banking industry but at the same time, has brought some challenges. This research analyzed effectiveness of e-banking on improving performance of banking business in Tanzania. It specifically examined contributions of e-banking on banking business performance, enabling factors for e-banking and the challenges of e-banking. Also it sought to find out whether or not adoption of e-banking has brought positive changes on banking business growth. The case study method was used through sampling of respondents from CRDB Bank Ltd employees. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires; Secondary data were obtained from various CRDB Bank Ltd documents such as banks annual reports and its website. This study has established that introduction of e-banking has increased the banks profitability due to fast and reliable services offered by e-banking, increased customer base, quality customer services, and low overhead expenses. *************** THE IMPACT OF OUTSOUCING DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS ON THE COST OF DISTRIBUTION A Case Study of Coca Cola Kwanza ltd. Franciscus Mwandalima Kipanga Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study intended to investigate the impact of outsourcing distribution functions on the cost of distribution. Interview and documents review were methods which were adopted in collection of information in which case Coca Cola Kwanza Ltd was the company of study.



Findings indicate that outsourcing of distribution function has a great role to play in reducing costs of distribution of the manufacturing firms. It was also noted that success of this strategy depends on how accurately the outsourcing firm has evaluated the parties who will distribute the products on their behalf. It has found that the outsourcing company must not withdraw completely from distribution but they must provide support to distribution so that the function runs successfully. This includes training, rewarding the best distributors, incentives also developments of mechanism to control and measure performance. Manufacturing companies were advised to outsource distribution functions to third party so that they concentrate on core function such as production and other issues relating with the improvement of quality of the product. It was also re-emphasized that outsourcing companies must properly evaluate distribution network of the parties they expect to hire their services. This factor is very important because an agent with a wide network will enable products to penetrate the market through the distributors channels of distribution. The government has advised to ensure that it creates a sustainable business environment through provision of good business policies guiding fair competitive practices, reviewing taxes on distribution which will influence investors in this sector. *************** INDIVIDUALS AWARENESS AND PARTICIPATION ON THE DAR ES SALAAM STOCK EXCHANGE The Case of Individuals of Dar es Salaam Region Herman Patrick Goodluck Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study conducts an assessment on the awareness and participation of the residents of Dar es Salaam in the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE). Additionally, the study analyses the factors that cause minimal participation in the DSE more than a decade since its inception. The study suggests a theoretical framework to explain the process whereby awareness may be acquired. Producers and distributors of information have an incentive to inform those who once informed are more likely to invest in shares and have lower cost of spreading information. In addition, social learning represents a further channel through which potential investors can become aware. Field survey shows among other things, many of the local individuals can be described as low income investors. A significant percentage has no post primary education and their knowledge of the capital market is quite poor. The study recommends a strong campaign to educate the Tanzanian public about the activities of the DSE and to promote investment in general. There is need for the government to perform regular review of the legal and regulatory framework within which the investment laws operate in order to boost the confidence of investors. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

A STUDY ON THE MARKETING STRATEGIES INFLUENCING THE PERFORMANCE OF WILDLIFE-SELLING OPERATIONS The Case of Wildlife Management Areas Sisti Wilbald Marishay Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This research attempted to study the marketing strategies influencing the performance of wildlife-selling operations in the Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in Tanzania. This study specifically intended to assess whether there was a proper application of marketing strategies in the wildlife protected areas to influence the performance of the wildlife-selling operations. The study also assessed whether there was any relationship between the marketing strategies and the customers buying decision, to ascertain whether wildlife-selling operations, including pricing decisions in terms of special price offers, influence the customers decision to buy wildlife products or services in the WMAs. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from the visitors, Authorised Leaders of WMAs and the workers of the wildlife-based businesses operating in the area. The findings of the research revealed that marketing strategies (through newsetters, word of mouth, reading wildlife updates, tourism promotion programmes, and organized clubs/association tour programmes) has a significant influence on customers, by attracting and reminding them to product or service in the WMAs of what is on offer and persuading them to either buy or take part in wildlife-selling operations. A statistical test also shows the positive relationships between marketing strategies and revenue performance in the wildlife-selling operations. In terms of special price offers, statistical tests show that entry fee offer and accommodation (i.e. camping fee offer) exerts a significant influence on customers decision to buy wildlife products/services from the protected areas. Conclusively, it is evident from this study that marketing strategies have a significant influence on wildlife-selling operations in wildlife management areas in Tanzania. *************** DETERMINANTS OF FINANCIAL SAVINGS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN TANZANIA Ramadhani Saidi Master of Business Administration (Finance) This study investigates the Determinants of Financial Savings in Commercial Banks in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the main determinants of financial savings in Tanzania; to measure elasticities of the factors which determine financial savings in Tanzania and to investigate the behavior of financial savings over time. To answer the research questions, two hypotheses were tested using Ordinary least squares from which long run relationship among the variables was established and using partial adjustment model short run relationship among the variables was established.



The results suggest that increases in disposable income, deposit rate, population growth and financial reforms influences significantly financial savings. The analysis indicates that increases in disposable income, deposit rate, and population growth have positive impact on financial savings. An increase in inflation is found to have negative impact on financial savings. Furthermore, financial savings and lending rate were found to be significant in explaining credit available in commercial banks. These findings imply that disposable income, deposit rate, inflation, population growth, lending rate, financial savings and financial reforms play important role in influencing financial savings and credits available in commercial banks. Thus, policies that foster financial savings in commercial banks focusing on the above influential variables are highly recommended. ***************

EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL AUDITING IN THE TANZANIAN PUBLIC SECTOR Case of Selected Ministries, Independent Departments and Agencies (MDAs) Josephat Machura Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study assesses the effectiveness of internal auditing in Tanzanian public sector whereby ministries, independent department and agencies (MDAs) were selected as case study. The study is based on field work that concentrated in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma regions whereby discussions and interviewees were used to collect data. The study revealed that generally internal auditing in Tanzanian public sector is not effective. It was found that internal audit units are inadequately staffed, and there is little understanding among key stakeholders on the roles of internal auditing services in MDAs. Some perceive it as policing service hence provide little or no support to internal auditors. Internal audit units in MDAs have low organizational status, many operating without budget lines, and very few executives who take actions on findings raised by chief internal auditors. The results also showed that internal auditors contribute to the ineffectiveness by performing financial audits only, and performing their duties without having official auditing standards and manuals which could be used as guidance. The researcher therefore recommends to the Ministry of Finance to make sure that the required number of internal auditing staff with relevant skills is recruited and maintained, action enforcing provisions within the legislations are in place, and independent and functional audit committees within MDas are made operational. Executives should provide conducive working environment by allocating enough funds to internal auditing units, also by raising the status of internal auditing units in terms of remuneration and the organizational status. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

FACTORS AFFECTING EFFICIENT AND TIMELY SETTLEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES IN TANZANIA The Case Study of the Bank of Tanzania Faustin Paul Kayombo Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), November 2006 The Governments intention to establish separate machinery outside the Ordinary Court System to deal with Trade dispute settlement was to speed up the resolution process, yet the practice is opposite. Many trade dispute cases take so long to be finalized. The objective of the study was to investigate factors affecting efficient and timely settlement of industrial disputes in Tanzania. It was a field research which focused on present occurrences and it used cross section approach. This study has come up with findings on the factors that affect efficient and timely settlement of industrial disputes such as lack of training of the key players, lack of other resource such as finance and machinery, outdated laws etc. Findings gathered in this study show that the current administrative and litigation process in trade dispute settlement does not provide what was actually expected at the time of establishment. The Study concludes that the bottlenecks that cause delay and inefficiencies in settlement of trade dispute in Tanzania should be completely eliminated and the machinery responsible for settlement of trade disputes should be transformed and strengthened. It further recommends that an efficient system of trade dispute settlement should be established should be able to involve both the employee and the employer, capable of solving disputes efficiently and timely, come up with decision that are consistent with the law and should not involve a lot of costs in a due process. *************** PERFORMANCE DIFFERENCES OF BROILER PRODUCTION BY LARGE AND SMALL SCALE FARMS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN DAR ES SALAAM Hassan Kassim Seyvunde Master of Business Administration, November 2007 As it has been usual for Tanzanians to invest in new booming businesses, the same practice has fallen to poultry business. People have been inquiring to those in poultry business how to run the poultry business efficiently. The overall objective of this study was to identify performance differences of broilers growing in large and small scale farms by efficiencies parameters. Specifically, the study looked at areas to identify causes of mortality and how to control the mortality rate in broiler growing, to examine the quantity as well as quality of feed used including resultant broilers weight gained after eating that feed, the Feed Conversion



Ratio (FCR) and to assess whether or not broilers gain desired weight at the time of cropping after all management and supervision activities. Research design used was descriptive, involving both qualitative and quantitative approaches based on cross sectional study and surveys. The study found evidence that mortality, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and broilers general management affected farms where they were not well managed. Also the study supports other literature sources. Large farms were found with many resources but still they did not, on average, perform well as expected. On the other hand, small farms with little resources, on average, performed well. Low workers motivation level and slow response in broilers problems let large farms down. Small farms were managed better than large farms due to close supervision and quick reactions on broilers issue. It was concluded that being large and full of resources alone were not enough to produce broilers efficiently. It was crucial to address other problems especially when faced with problems for a long time. It was imperative to give training to broilers workers, while the government has to abolish Value Added Tax (VAT) on broilers feed, which is not recovered to enable small farmers afford as well as use good quality feed for far better results. *************** TO LIST OR NOT TO LIST AT DSE: WHY CANDIDATE COMPANIES HESITATE? Zainab Msimbe Master of Business Administration (Finance) November, 2007 The Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) is being regulated by the Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA). The stock exchange was established in 1996 and is governed by the Council which consists of 10 members representing various interest groups in the society. Since its establishment in 1996 there are only ten (out of which three are cross-listed) are listed with the Stock Exchange. There are so many companies in Tanzania that meet the entry criteria into the DSE however the companies do not take initiatives to get listed at the DSE. The findings from this study will be useful in evaluating the reasons that make companies in Tanzania hesitate to be listed at the DSE. To assess such effect this study inquired on the reasons that make companies hesitate to get listed at the DSE and whether companies are aware of the opportunities that are offered by the stock exchange. Also the study evaluated whether listing has improved financial position of listed companies. Data were analyzed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Hypotheses were tested using the Chi-Square test. The findings show that the companies that are listed at the DSE are those that have been in operations for more than five years. It was also observed that the size of the company does not have any relationship with the listing status of the company. Other respondents said that they could not meet listing requirements due to their size. It was also noted that subsidiaries of foreign companies were in opinion that parent companies are listed in other markets and therefore it was not necessary for them to get listed at the DSE. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL REGULATIONS ON COMMERCIAL BANK LENDING IN TANZANIA The Case of the National Bank of Commerce Matilda Anselim Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2007 This research presents a study on how commercial bank lending problems can be impeded by the strict government financial regulations. Based on the number of texts and regulatory documentations worldwide, it is clearly viewed that bank lending experiences many regulations that cause inefficiency in credit provision. From the literatures a case of a leading commercial bank in Tanzania was used to test the problems that block free flow of credit to various sectors of the economy, ranging from individuals to corporate firms. A methodology employed towards this study took care of guided questionnaires and some interviews to bank officers working in credit related departments of the National Bank of Commerce (NBC) head office. Secondary data used were those that covering legal and regulatory framework and available financial information on bank lending, deposits, interest rate, and capital. The study further analyzed data gathered using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) guided by simple hypothesis tests and chi-square model. From the study findings show that there exists an obstruction to efficient lending due to underlying regulations applicable in the process of bank lending. Measures recommended include a great need to review the regulations in place especially credit concentration and other exposure limit so as to diversify the risk, liquidity regulation in order to increase the loanable fund by decreasing ratio of cash to deposit, capital adequacy and reserves both to be reduced to increase the loan provision. *************** THE IMPACT OF MICROLENDING ON POVERTY REDUCTION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs) The Case of National Microfinance Bank Atupele Mwakalinga Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of microlending on poverty reduction in Small and Medium Enterprises. The study was carried out using the survey approach where only SMEs in Dar es Salaam were involved. The study covered Magomeni, Manzese and Karume areas. Findings of the study indicate that, microlending activities have really changed the social economic status of SMEs. These changes include increase of sales units, level of employment and sustainability of the whole programme.



It is thereby recommended that MFIs should open more branches, especially in rural areas where the majority of the Tanzanian are found. If this is done the process of economic development of the nation would speed up. *************** ASSESSMENT ON HOW MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTIONS SERVICES INFLUENCE SMEs GROWTH The Case of SMEs in Arusha Alex Reuben Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The main objective of the study was to assess the influence of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) on growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Arusha town. The study rely on the thinking that lack of sufficient services from MFIs to SMEs has been a serious obstacle to acceleration of SMEs growth. The findings of the study have revealed that MFIs services offered to their clients have an impact on sales turnover, profitability of business, capital investment, employment and hence SMEs growth. The findings also have revealed that Micro Finance Institutions clients encounter short repayment period, high loan costs, bureaucracy guidelines and high interest rate. Furthermore, findings have revealed that small and medium businesses are dominated by people with low level of education, therefore; Finance must go along with efficient superior quality of services from MFIs, trainings, sound marketing and business knowledge. This would imply the need for scientific, technical and administrative assistance to SMEs besides financial. However lack of government control on MFI interest rates and imprecise strategies to boost Small and Medium Enterprises were among the factors discovered that they hinder SMEs growth. In order to enhance SMEs quick growth the following recommendations were put forward: increase loan size, review loan repayment, undertaking effective training to enhance entrepreneurial skills and government involvement by creating conducive and favourable environment for SMEs sector growth. *************** EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF LOAN CONDITIONS ON SACCOSS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Case of Kinondoni Municipality Mary David Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The study attempted to evaluate the effects of two loan conditions namely loan size amount and loan repayment period of the SACCOS on customer satisfaction. The first objective of this study was to determine whether the size of loan amount offered by SACCOS satisfied the purpose of their customers who joined the institutions and the second was to determine whether loan repayment period satisfied the customers.


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Data collection process employed two data collection instruments namely questionnaire and interview. The researcher distributed the questionnaires to customers and employees of SACCOS and also conducted interviews with the management. Thereafter, the data were coded and cleaned before the analysis using. The frequency tables and regression analysis were used in analysing and testing the research objectives as well as research hypotheses. The findings showed that customer satisfaction from SACCOS was not affected by small loan size amount although short loan repayment period affected it. It was however affected by other factors like collateral, education level and skills, and type of business customers dealt with. The study recommends the need for the SACCOS to take the necessary measures in addressing the above mentioned factors that dissatisfy customers. The measures were suggested include improvement of loans conditions, flexibility in loan amounts, increased repayment period and introduction of training for both employees and customers. ***************

FACTORS INFLUENCING REVENUE GROWTH IN EXECUTIVE AGENCIES IN TANZANIA Robert Lucas Nzingula Master of Business Administration (Finance) November 2007 The objective of this study was to examine the key factors affecting revenue growth of the established Executive Agencies in Tanzania and to determine the major factors that lead to different revenue growth rates among the Executive Agencies. It was hypothesized that the formation of Executive Agencies has promoted revenue growth and that revenue grows at different rates among the Executive Agencies due to the different impact of factors affecting revenue growth.Views from respondents were analyzed separately using tables and calculating percentages/frequencies.The study concluded that most of the factors under the study affect revenue growth. However Agencies with high revenue growth rates were found to be the ones which are in growing industries, which have suitable human resources management and which are well protected by back-up laws. It is therefore recommended that the Government should look at all the factors which affect revenue growth and critically look at the nature of the industry in which the department is, and whether there are back-up laws before establishing or launching the respective Agencies. Executive Officers on the other hand should be equipped with suitable human resourse management techniques. ***************



CONSTRAINTS IN FINANCING SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN TANZANIA The Case of Dar es Salaam Region Ibrahim Amulike Mwangalaba Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Access to finance from the financial institutions for investment and working capital is a critical problem in the country. The question is what are the main constraints faced by SMEs in accessing credit from the formal financial institutions in the country? The objective of the study is to establish constraints that contribute to the unavailability of credit to the SMEs sector in Tanzania. The research used the case study design to obtain necessary and required qualitative and quantitative data. SMEs operating in Dar es Salaam region have taken as the case study because SMEs in the country are well developed in Dar es Salaam region than in the rest of the other regions. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. The findings of this study reveal that while most SMEs use the services of the commercial banks in one or other respects, they still have difficulties obtaining finance. The main reasons for the lack of finance are considered to be stringent lending conditions, bureaucratic decision making and high loan processing costs on the part of the commercial banks and low financial management skills on the part of SMEs. It is thus, recommended that commercial banks should look into the possibility of creating a constant rapport in order to eliminate the perceptions they considered to be risk averse in financing SMEs by means of training and substantial public awareness campaign that will bring together the commercial banks and the SMEs concerned to discuss possible solutions to the problems at hand. This will increase confidence the banks may have in the SMEs. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING REVENUE GROWTH IN EXECUTIVE AGENCIES IN TANZANIA Robert Lucas Nzingula Master of Business Administration (Finance) November 2007 The objective of this study was to examine the key factors affecting revenue growth of the established Executive Agencies in Tanzania and to determine the major factors that lead to different revenue growth rates among the Executive Agencies. It was hypothesized that the formation of Executive Agencies has promoted revenue growth and that revenue grows at different rates among the Executive Agencies due to the different impact of factors affecting revenue growth. Views from respondents were analyzed separately using tables and calculating percentages/frequencies. The study concluded that most of the factors under the study affect revenue


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growth. However Agencies with high revenue growth rates were found to be the ones which are in growing industries, which have suitable human resources management and which are well protected by back-up laws. It is therefore recommended that the Government should look at all the factors which affect revenue growth and critically look at the nature of the industry in which the department is, and whether there are back-up laws before establishing or launching the respective Agencies. Executive Officers on the other hand should be equipped with suitable human recourse management techniques. ***************

ASSESSMENT OF THE USE OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY BY SERVICE SMEs IN TANZANIA The Case of Accounting Firms in Dar Es Salaam Region Adelatus Cleophas Muttayabalwa Master in Business Administration (Finance), November 2007. The objective of this study was to examine if SMEs use internet technology effectively in their operations. The study used accounting firms in Dar Es Salaam in the survey and focused on checking if SMEs realize the importance of internet technology and if they know all potentials the internet can provide. Also it focused on the identification of internet category which is most used by SME and check if there are any crucial category which is not currently utilized by SMEs. Another area which was focused on was the barriers encountered by SMEs in their attempt to use this information highway. Descriptive research method was employed using surveys and fact-finding inquiries. Data collection was through semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed using qualitative as well as quantitative techniques including means, proportions and chi-square. The study has revealed that the accounting firms are aware of the importance of the internet technology but not aware of all the potential the Internet can provide. The internet is used by a majority of the firms mainly for communication purposes, e-mail was found to be the most used. The study identified obstacles as poor infrastructures, lack of internet resources and budget constraints to be hindering the effective use of internet by accounting firms. Another finding is that there exist a general reluctance by firmss CEOs to change and adapt these new technology especially use of the internet. Also it has been revealed that many firmss CEOs had obtained internet knowledge through informal training. Following these findings the study suggests that stakeholders should put a lot of emphasis on ICT training right from secondary school level. Accounting professional Regulatory authority (NBAA) is advised to include ICT seminars and workshops as one of the priority in their Continuing Professional Education programme for registered accountants. ***************



PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES IN TANZANIA The Case of Tanroads Agency Charles Yohana Mhina Master in Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 Most of the public sector reform programmes that have taken place in developing countries during the last two decade were introduced as part of the Structural Adjustment Programmes(SAPs) of the World Bank in the 1980s.However, most of the more recent reforms, under the influence of the new public management, have been driven by the combination of economic, social, political and technological factors, which have triggered the quest for efficiency and for ways to cut the cost of delivering public services. Additional factors, particularly for Africa, include lending conditionality and the increasing emphasis on good governance. The public service (ministries, parastatals and extra ministerial department) has been always been the tool available to Tanzanian Government for the implementation of developmental goals and objectives. It is seen as a pivot for growth of Tanzania economies. It is responsible for the creation of an appropriate and conductive environment in which all sectors of the economy can perform optimally, and it is this catalytic role of the public service that propelled Government to find the permanently solution for the better ways to deliver their services. *************** DETERMINANTS OF FINANCIAL SAVINGS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN TANZANIA Ramadhani Saidi Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study investigates the Determinants of Financial Savings in Commercial Banks in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the main determinants of financial savings in Tanzania; to measure elasticities of the factors which determine financial savings in Tanzania and to investigate the behavior of financial savings over time. To answer the research questions, two hypotheses were tested using Ordinary least squares from which long run relationship among the variables was established and using partial adjustment model short run relationship among the variables was established. The results suggest that increases in disposable income, deposit rate, population growth and financial reforms influences significantly financial savings. The analysis indicates that increases in disposable income, deposit rate, and population growth have positive impact on financial savings. An increase in inflation is found to have negative impact on financial savings. Furthermore, financial savings and lending rate were found to be significant in explaining credit available in commercial banks. These findings imply that disposable income, deposit rate, inflation, population growth, lending rate, financial savings and financial reforms play important role in influencing financial savings and credits available in commercial banks. Thus, policies that foster financial savings in commercial banks focusing on the above influential variables are highly recommended. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF GOVERNMENT REGULATORY AUTHORITIES IN TANZANIA Said Mteule Mohamed Ulaya Masters of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The government of Tanzania between financial year 2001 and 2003 established Government Regulatory Authorities to promote and enforce compliance by Regulated service Providers. The problem, which leads to this study, is importance of evaluating the performance indicators Regulatory Authorities that have been in existence for the past three years ended June 30, 2007 to establish their sustainability. The research was conducted through the structured questionnaires, the researcher obtained secondary data (the documentary audited financial statements and statistical report) from Government Regulatory Authorities that have been in the operations for the past three years. The results show that Regulatory Authorities had adequate financial resources to live up within their own means and were financially healthier during the studied period hence their were unlikely to face financial distress. The study gives an insight for future policy making to the Government. The going concern of all Regulatory Authorities was positive and all three Government Regulatory Authorities under the study pass Altmans ZScore test. The study recommend to the stakeholders to review conflicting legislations, retain the current sources of revenue and revise downwards the rates charged to service providers and consumers. *************** ACCESS OF ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE CUSTOMERS TO UNSECURED OR PARTLY SECURED CREDITS FROM BANKS IN TANZANIA The Case of CRDB Bank Limited Xavery Makwi Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The study attempts to look for and examine the effectiveness of alternative non-asset based credit risk mitigants. The literature suggests that collateral, though not the first way out in lending decisions, is the second dependable way out. Its importance is given weight by banks supervisors to the extent of having exposure limits based on collateral adequacy (BOT, 2001). The study was prompted by the fact that despite having the collateral requirement, banks cannot fully recover the loans through sale of mortgaged assets in case of default (Mlabwa, 2004). The study was conducted using CRDB Bank Limited as a case study utilizing secondary data collected from customers credit files and database for court cases by use of a secondary data collection form. Questionnaires were administered to bank lending staff, customers and land as well as company registry staff for collection of primary data. The data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics.



The main finding of the study is that credits can perform better regardless of the level of collateral adequacy provided that sound lending procedures are adhered to at all levels of credit management during the life of the credit. Banks need to enhance credit processing, supervision and monitoring and ensuring a good customer-banking relationship. In order to enhance access to credits for small-scale customers, perceived as high risky, the study recommends for banks to have dedicated units to cater for the needs of that segment. *************** PURCHASES MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING IN PUBLIC SECTOR The Case of Tanzania Ministries George Mayenzeka Mokaka Master in Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This research paper is concerned with the Purchases Management and Reporting in Public sector. The study was conducted in the Tanzania Ministries in Dar es Salaam. Briefly the research makes use of descriptive statistics to analyse the Purchases Management and Reporting in Public sector. A sample of 100 respondents was picked from 10 ministries in Dar es Salaam. The results show that the Purchases management and reporting in public sector plays a big role in the whole process of public procurement. In order public procurement to be conducted properly the government has to establish appropriate tools to manage it and procurement practitioners have to comply with the PPA, 2004 and PPR, 2005 in executing their duties and responsibilities. Despite having these controlling and managing tools the study also found that, there are factors that contribute to poor procurement practices in public sector, these include lack of knowledge and understanding of PPA 2004 and PPR 2005 by both procurement practitioners and bidders; lack of procurement auditors; absence of stern measures against poor procurement practitioners; poor preparation of specifications and terms of references; pressures from other interested parties like senior officials and politicians and the decentralization of auditing institutions. This research, though limited by inadequate availability of empirical literature particularly those discussing purchases management in public sector; the limitation however does not substantially reduce the generalizations of the results. *************** THE IMPACT OF MARKETING PROMOTION ON CONSUMERS INCREASED SERVICE USAGE RATE The Case Study of Mobile Phone Services in Tanzania Fahamuel Elinazi Mnkeni Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 The study investigated the impact of marketing promotions on consumers decision to make increased use of the mobile phone services in Tanzania. Five objectives guided this study, namely, investigating the influence


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of marketing promotion elements on consumers attitudes to make increased use of the cellular phone service, the direct influence of marketing promotion elements on consumers intention to make increased use of the service and to assess whether reinforced attitudes cause consumers intention to make increase use of the service. Lastly, to assess whether consumers who intended to make increased use of the service eventually did so and to explain the factors causing mobile phone service consumers to change to another service provider. The qualitative and quantitative data were used to generate reliable data for the study. Primary data were collected from five regions, using structured questionnaires and observations, including consideration of the secondary data. The research data were analyzed by using the SPSS package and non-parametric test (chi- square test) was applied to verify the proposed hypothesizes. The overall findings revealed that marketing promotion has a significant influence on increased usage rate decisions. The study established that advertising and sales promotion are effective and efficient marketing promotion strategy that can provide proper marketing information to the consumers. The study concluded that marketing promotion has a significant influence on consumers decisions to make use of the increased service. Therefore mobile phone service providers need to understand their consumers well and apply the most effective and efficient promotion elements that make consumers aware of the service to consumers with minimal inconveniences. *************** THE EMPLOYABILITY OF TANZANIANS AMONG INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS The Case of Dar es Salaam Based International Organizations Faustine Rutahigwa Gerald Nzigu Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2007 This study intended to document the state of employability of Tanzanians among International Organisations. In order to attain that this studys methodology was based on field survey within a framework of participatory research methodologies. As it was expected, several factors that determine the employability of both Tanzanians and nonTanzanians were established. The causes for international organisations tendencies of selecting nonTanzanians for positions whose qualifications are possessed by Tanzanians is due to competence criteria that have been established to be due to lack of required job skills. In order to determine Tanzanians labour market competitive advantage in the East African region, the human resources possible solutions have been suggested. It has been found out that Tanzanians competitive advantage is in jeopardy due to globalisation, regional integration and lack of job skills if steps to address these are not taken immediately. However, it is positively indicated that the Tanzanians have the required knowledge, experience and but weak again in job commitments and attitude. The study has documented suggestions that Tanzanians should be exposed to wide worldviews and get involved in world issues and avoid parochial closed-door policy. In so doing the Tanzanians will be well placed in the international and local labour markets and thus likely to be equally competitive in the coming East Africa Federation. ***************



FACTORS INFLUENCING DEMAND FOR PROCESSED CASHEW NUTS IN TANZANIA: The Case of Dar es Salaam region Dasik Mohamed Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This study focused on identifying factors that influence demand for processed cashew nuts. Various factors that contribute to deriving demand were identified such that research hypotheses were formulated focusing on those factors present on the sample. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to conduct the study in Dar es Salaam region. The study revealed that cashew-nut appearance is a major factor, which influences people to buy it. Package type as well as price for certain packing determines demand level. The study further observed that customers unaware of different grades of processed cashew nuts. Hence, they failed to distinguish between wholly and split cashew nuts. It was further confirmed that both saltroasted and sugar roasted cashew nuts had the same demand level. The study recommends that Small-scale processors and sales outlets should continue offering assured supply and promoting their product to get more customers. More efforts should be used to continue processing cashew nuts locally and packaging to create more jobs as well as local consumption. This study focused on identifying factors that influence demand for processed cashew nuts. Various factors that contribute to deriving demand were identified such that research hypotheses were formulated focusing on those factors present on the sample. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to conduct the study in Dar es Salaam region. The study revealed that cashew-nut appearance is a major factor, which influences people to buy it. Package type as well as price for certain packing determines demand level. The study further observed that customers unaware of different grades of processed cashew nuts. Hence, they failed to distinguish between wholly and split cashew nuts. It was further confirmed that both saltroasted and sugar roasted cashew nuts had the same demand level. The study recommends that Small-scale processors and sales outlets should continue offering assured supply and promoting their product to get more customers. More efforts should be used to continue processing cashew nuts locally and packaging to create more jobs as well as local consumption.



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ATTITUDES TOWARDS BORROWING A Case Study of Entrepreneurs of Kinondoni Municipality in Dar es Salaam Region, Tanzania Lucia Damas Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The objective of this study was to investigate on the attitudes towards borrowing for entrepreneurs of Kinondoni Municipality. The sample of the study was identified through snowball technique in order to get modest sample for the efficiency of the study. The primary data were collected by using structured questionnaires and interviews in order to obtain reliable information for the study. The questionnaires and interviews results were run through Micro Soft Excel to obtain data for analysis. However, the conclusion as to entrepreneurs attitude towards borrowing was drawn using both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Generally the study revealed that despite Tanzanian sector being liquid, many SMEs owners meet most of their financial needs through informal financing, such as friends, and relative sources. Further the study reveals that entrepreneurs attitude towards borrowing is influenced by lengthy lending procedures, the question of collaterals, high interest rates, asymmetric information and lack of knowledge on bankable business plan. Therefore, in order to improve SMEs and banks relationships the elimination of asymmetric information is of paramount importance. Further it recommends that the government of Tanzania and its regulatory authorities should review all laws and regulations that impede the achievement of efficiency in lending to SMEs hence improving Tanzanias overall economic performance. ***************

THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED FACTORS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Case of Corporate Banking in Tanzania Theresia Peter Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2008 The objective of this study was to examine the influence of product characteristics, logistical support and information quality on customer satisfaction in the corporate banking in Tanzania with specific reference to Dar es Salaam. Three research questions and hypotheses were operationalized in this study namely; the value of the product characteristics provided to corporate clients is inversely related to satisfaction; the logistical support provided to corporate clients, is negatively related to the perceived customer satisfaction, and the reliability of information to corporate clients, is negatively related to satisfaction.



A descriptive research design was employed to address the above objectives collecting data from a sample of 65 respondents through the use of semi-structured questionnaire. Hypotheses raised in the study were tested by using non-parametric tests, particularly chi-square tests. The study found out that the value of the product characteristics provided to corporate clients is positively related to satisfaction. Besides that, it has been found out that, the better the logistical support provided to corporate clients the higher the perceived customer satisfaction with an exception of the customer care and follow ups provided to clients which seem not be of significance in the satisfaction of the clients. It was further found out that, the more reliable the information offered to corporate clients, the higher the levels of customer satisfaction. Further research is needed in this area of corporate banking to leverage the findings and provide better and more in-depth implications for both theory and practice. ***************

THE IMPACT OF CREDIT GUARANTEES ON CREDIT POLICIES AND OPERATIONS OF BANKS IN TANZANIA Revocatus Jeremiah Mtaki Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2008 The study attempts to look for and assess the impact of credit guarantee schemes on the credit policies of banks in Tanzanian environment. Implicit to that the study investigated the existence of moral hazards to both banks and borrowers for guaranteed credits. According to Deleen and Molenaar (2004) the guarantee schemes widen the credit facility accessibility. Gudger (1998) contends that credit guarantees have been recommended as a means of addressing the difficulty in developing countries around the world in obtaining formal sector credit for SME and micro borrowers. However HM Treasury (2005) cited one major adverse consequence of offering protection through credit guarantee schemes to be the emerging of moral hazard. The research used the qualitative approach and data was collected using both questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data was collected from banks data base for credits extended under the guarantee schemes arrangement. The study concludes that there is no distinction between loans guaranteed by Credit Guarantee Schemes and those secured by other acceptable collaterals. The study found the existence of moral hazards to some extent and that banks should put internal supervision mechanism to ensure lending staff adhere to bank credit policies. ***************


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AN ANALYSIS OF TANZANIAS EXPORT DIVERSIFICATION A Case of Spices Export Crispin Francis Chalamila Master of International Trade, November, 2008. This study is set out to assess and analyze export diversification of Tanzanian, a case of spices export. The E - Views was employed on econometric analysis of quarterly spices export data for the 2001-2007 period. The focus was to see how different variables such as; real exchange rate(RER), investment as a ratio to GDP(INVGDP), GDP index of Tanzanias major trading partners(YTRADI), domestic income(Y) and previous years spices export (SX) impact Tanzanias spices export. The study has found that the main determinants of export diversification in Tanzania include REER, Y, YTRADI, and INVGDP. Generally, the factors confirmed the theoretical postulates and findings of previous studies that export diversification is by large extent driven by the economic level of income, investment and GDP index of the trading partners and the real exchange rate. Generally the study concludes that spices export growth is dependent on the real exchange rate, the national income, the GDP index of Tanzanias main trading partners and total investments as a ratio to Tanzanias GDP. Furthermore the study recommends that Tanzania enhances trade with other countries in order to promote export diversification and spices export growth in particular. This is due to the significance of of the GDP index of Tanzanias major trading partners (YTADI) variable included in the model. *************** MOBILE PHONE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE The Case of Vodacom (T) Ltd. Boniface Emmanuel Master in Business Administration, November 2008 This paper examines mobile phone financial services and business performance. The empirical data for the exploratory study was collected by establishing six focus group sessions supplemented by secondary data from Vodacom and the sampled agents in the city of Dar es salaam. The results show that there is relative advantage of mobile money transfer including time and place independence, availability, possibilities for remote transfers, and queue avoidance. Premium pricing of transfers, complexity of transfer procedures, a lack of widespread merchant acceptance, and perceived risks were identified barriers. With regards to business performance, as of July 2008, the service had a total of 254 active agents countrywide. Customer growth projection up to January 2009 is estimated to be more than twice of that of October, 2008 (111,102 clients). Intuitively, the introduction of M-Pesa service has contributed in new



customer connection from 4.2million to 5million with new 1,000 customers daily from M-Pesa. Additional average revenue per user (ARPU) of Tsh 800 has been realized from 55,551 M-pesa registered customers. The study recommends to Vodacom (T) Ltd to develop the belief of usefulness (adequately provision of education programmes) and ease of use of the service including also rectification of the perceived weaknesses like poor inter network connectivity, security and service availability. Further to this is for the M-pesa agents to be flexible in the identification of customers. ***************

FACTORS CONSTRAINING THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEASING IN TANZANIA The Case of Selected Banks in Dar es Salaam Deodatha Mutagonda Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The main objective of the study was to find out factors that limit the development of leasing services in Tanzania with a focus to banks. The study also found out means for making leasing become available to public especially the SMEs. The services currently being rendered by some of the institutions, banks in particular, are at a minimal scale. There are no much studies done in the country that explain in depth why leasing services are not being rendered by the banks and other finance companies as compared to neighboring countries of Kenya and Uganda. The research method involved the use of questionnaires and interviews as a means of collecting data from different levels of bank employees of selected banks in with headquarters/offices in Dar es Salaam, as well as documentary review. Data obtained were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results from questionnaire methods were generated by the use of SPSS package through which findings were deduced. The interview method involved face-to-face meetings with selected staff whereby responses were recorded and reported to complement the questionnaire responses. *************** INVESTMENTS OF SOCIAL SECURITY FUNDS: A NEED FOR COMMON GUIDELINES IN TANZANIA William Emmanuel Baruti Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The current Social Security System seems to have many shortcomings due to lack of common guidelines for investments of social security funds in the country. The Social Security Sector in Tanzania is fragmented and the Social Security Funds are placeunder different ministries with different operational and administrative rules and procedures.


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In radiance of the potential need of common guidelines for investments of social security funds in the country, this research examines whether there is rationale justifying its establishment of the same guidelines in Tanzania. It also highlights an overview of Social Security Schemes in Tanzania, their traditional investments, draws conclusions and recommendations on the efficacy of establishment of common guidelines for investments of social security funds in Tanzania. Specific objectives of this study are to assess the need of common guidelines for investments of social security funds in the country; identification of opinions of Social Security Stakeholders on the need of the same common guidelines. In relation to the need of common guidelines for investments of social security funds in Tanzania, findings from the field revealed that 91.0% of respondents agreed that there is a need of common guidelines for investments of social security funds in the country, 6.7 % disagreed while only 2.2% were unable to make decision. In its concluding remarks, the study urges that, lack of common guideline for investments of social security funds in Tanzania, is a significant problem which has to be addressed properly before it cause stringent and intricate implications on provision of Social Security protection to the Tanzanians by the Social Security Institutions and other players in the Social Security Sector. *************** THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL SECTOR REFORMS ON INTEREST RATE SPREADS IN TANZANIA Mohamed Papa Kailwa Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2007 In sub - Saharan Africa, financial systems have been shackled with extensive, imprudent regulations operated on inefficient grounds and dominated by few institutions, mainly state owned commercial banks (Mwega et al 1990). Despite the world implementation of financial sector programmes in the developing world, banking sectors in many developing countries are still characterized by persistently high interest rate spreads. The question that deserves attention however is whether financial sector reforms had significant effect on interest rate spreads in the country. In recent years, interest rate spreads have become of paramount importance to both investors and borrowers in making their respective decisions. This has an important implication for the growth and development of the economy, because there is a significant link between the efficiency of financial sector intermediation and economic growth (Ndungu 1997). The research hypothesis of the study among others was to test whether there is no direct relationship between financial sector reforms and interest rate spreads. The study employed various measurement methods to generate field data i.e. survey (interview) and observations. Findings from the study indicate that financial sector reforms have not managed to address the question of high interest rate spreads in the country as financial institutions particularly commercial banks continue to enjoy high interest rate on their various lending products. Our results, therefore, suggest that while certain macro and policy variables are important determinants of interest rate spreads (IRS), other factors related to operational efficiency and profitability of individual financial institutions should be considered too. ***************



THE IMPACT OF POWER RATIONING ON THE PERFOMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM MILLING BUSINESSES IN TANZANIA The Case of Dar es Salaam Region Theodory F. Bayona Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This research evaluated the impact of power rationing on the performance of the small and medium milling businesses in Tanzania. The study sited the milling enterprises in the three districts of Dar es salaam region. The evaluation of the impacts concentrated most on the income and cost of production of the milling enterprises, the income of the workers of the milling enterprises and their families as well as the overall performance of TANESCO and milling enterprises during power rationing period. The total number of questionnaires that were administered was 100. Out of those, 94 were received giving the response rate of 94%. The questionnaires were aimed at capturing responses from TANESCO employees, owners of the milling businesses and the workers of the milling enterprises in Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke districts in Dar es salaam region. To complement the results from questionnaires, the focus group discussions were conducted comprising of owners of the milling enterprises and their employees. From the research findings, it was observed that the impact of power rationing on the income of the milling enterprises was significant and some of them were closed. It was also revealed that cost of production of the enterprises went high causing the price of their product also to be high. The incomes of workers were reduced causing hardship in their families. The research concluded that the impacts of power rationing on the performance of small and medium businesses were significant. It was then recommended that owners and employees of the milling enterprises need assistance to develop general enterprising tendencies to enable them succeed in the market. ***************

EFFECTS OF LIBERALIZATION OF COFFEE MARKETING TO SMALLHOLDER FARMERS IN MBOZI DISTRICT TANZANIA Christwill Laimos Sichone Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This study determines the effects of liberalization of coffee marketing to smallholder farmers in Mbozi District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania. The primary data for the study was collected from randomly selected farmers, businessmen, SACCOS leaders and district council officials of nine (9) villages in Igamba, Iyula and Vwawa wards. Secondary data were obtained from libraries, the Internet, newspapers and journals.


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Findings from the study indicated that the structural adjustment policies and economic development changes, in this study, market liberalization of agricultural commodities, had exerted a considerable impact on the performance of smallholder coffee farmers in Mbozi District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania. These include high input prices and low coffee prices, which have been caused by removal of subsidies and increased number of middlemen respectively, lack of credit inputs, etc. As a result, coffee farmers in Mbozi District have decided to switch from growing coffee as a cash crop to other alternative cash and food crops. This has further caused a decrease in farms acreage under coffee cultivation and farmers revenues. Additionally, people had been discouraged to join the coffee farming sector as now they perceived it as laborious and underpaying sector compared to other economic activities. In view of the above, the government and policy makers should devise strategies that would enable smallholder farmers to compete in the free market. For example, extension services should be strengthened and subsidies be fully availed to farmers especially on costly pesticides. Also I suggest that similar studies, covering other aspects not covered in this study, such as the impact of financial institutions and the effectiveness of strategies used by coffee producers in Tanzania, be carried out. *************** PUBLIC EMPLOYEES JOB SATISFACTION The Case of Employees under the Ministry of Water Emmanuel John Munda Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2007 This study investigated the job satisfaction of employees under the Ministry of Water in relation to quality of services delivered. The study had two specific objectives. First, it investigated factors that lead to job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Second, the study sought to find out the extent to which employees level of satisfaction influenced quality of services delivered. The study involved a total of 150 respondents at the headquarters of the Ministry of Water. Data were collected by the use of questionnaires, selected items from Client Service Charter of the Ministry of Water and documentary reviews. The findings of this study indicated that the majority of employees at the headquarters of the Ministry of Water were not satisfied with their jobs. The factors for job dissatisfaction included among others little salary, poor motivation, little recognition, poor interpersonal relationship, little involvement in decision making and poor working conditions. Also, the findings revealed that the services delivered under the Ministry of Water were generally poor on the basis that most of them were delayed. Further, the study found out that there was a positive relationship between poor service delivery and little job satisfaction among the employees The study gave recommendations to the policy makers of the Ministry of Water and to the administrators of at the headquarters of the Ministry on issues that could be addressed in order to improve employees, job satisfaction as a prerequisite for improved quality of services delivery. ***************



CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MARKETING AND ITS INFLUENCE ON CUSTOMER RETENTION A Case of Commercial Banking Industry in Tanzania Chacha Magasi Malengo Master of Business Administration (Marketing), October 2007 The purpose of this research was to investigate the extent to which customer relationship marketing influences customer retention with commercial banks in Tanzania. It assessed how the antecedents of relationship marketing notably customers trust, commitment, satisfaction and relationship influence customers retention either directly or indirectly with their commercial banks. The research aimed at contributing to theoretical knowledge and at the same time guide marketing practitioners with the strategies, tactics and programs to use in order to retain their customers. The research methodology consisted of questionnaire survey to actual customers of 22 commercial banks in Tanzania. The Chi-square method and multiple regression models were used in the analysis of data. The former was used to judge the variation of observed variables in explaining the latent variable while the latter giving the conclusion for the stated hypotheses. The results suggest that there is a positive relationship between customers trust and satisfaction on their commitment to commercial banks in Tanzania. Also, there is a positive relationship between customers commitment and their relationship with commercial banks in Tanzania. However, there is no positive relationship between customers satisfaction and their retention. Lastly, there is a positive relationship between customers relationship and their retention with commercial banks in Tanzania. This research based on external customers i.e. customers who are not employees in those banks. The role of other researchers and other business firms is to further investigate on the influence of internal customers (employees) and potential customers on their retention with commercial banks in Tanzania. *************** CONTRIBUTION OF MICROFINANCE INTERVENTION TO HUMAN DEVELOPMENT - IMPACT ANALYSIS OF MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS (MFIs) The Case of PRIDE Tanzania Shimimana N. Ntuyabaliwe Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The main objective of this study was to explore and underscore the impact of microfinance on human development. The study assesses firstly the effectiveness of microfinance as a tool for poverty alleviation; secondly, whether long term access to microfinance services impacts on some of the human development


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indicators; and lastly, it attempts to provide stakeholders with insights of the broader benefits of microfinance. The study used the case of PRIDE TZ, the choice of which was mainly attributable to its long service, wide outreach, and client diversity in terms of economic distribution. The study provides an overview of the various tools and methodology for microfinance impact assessment and adopted the AIMS-SEEP Impact Analysis framework to guide the research design. Structured questionnaires were adopted for data collection. Variables and hypotheses were identified and developed to test statistical relationships. The findings suggest that microfinance is an effective tool for poverty alleviation. It also suggests that long-term participation is critical to the significance of the impact. The study concludes by reaffirming the social-economic impact of microfinance and its linkage to the overall human development indices. This was also gauged against the Millennium Development Goals, which have been acknowledged in this study as indicators for human development. The study closes with a set of recommendations encouraging microfinance institutions to focus on widening outreach and improve retention by offering market responsive products, both of which shall pave way to wider impact. ***************

THE EFFECTIVENESS AND THE PERCEIVED VALUE OF INTERNAL AUDIT IN TANZANIA COMMERCIAL BANKS Uphoo Swai Master of Business Administration, October 2006 Internal Audit has been part of good corporate governance. To achieve this potential, however, an internal audit must show superior levels of performance and effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness and perception of internal audit function in Tanzania commercial banks. The study also examined major challenges facing banks Internal Auditors when undertaking audits and captured views from auditees on factors affecting the effectiveness of internal audit function. how internal audit function is perceived and how to make Internal function more effective and positively perceived. The study was conducted by way of a survey. Out 145 questionnaires distributed, one hundred and nine 109 questionnaires were received back. The collected data was statistically analyzed using SPSS tool. Results indicate that auditees in commercial banks views Internal Audit function as a value adding function that the banks can not do without. However, respondents had some reservations on a number of issues that hinders effectiveness of Internal Audit function. For example shortages of internal audit staff, limited internal auditors exposure and using manual system to audit computerized environment. The researcher makes some recommendations that take into account the study findings including suggestions from respondents for improving effectiveness of the Internal Audit in the banks. ***************



ASSESSING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN PRE-AND POST- PRIVATISATION ERAs A Case of Dar-es-Salaam Handling Company Limited (DAHACO) Joyce Emmanuel Master of Business Administration, November 2006 This research aimed at assessing customer satisfaction in pre- and post- privatisation eras, a case of Dar es Salaam Handling Company Ltd (DAHACO). This study analysed how far privatisation has contributed to an improvement of customer satisfaction in Tanzania. Data were collected from 74 respondents, out of whom 18 were Airlines Managers, 56 DAHACO employees by using questionnaires. The study revealed that there was variation among responses of airline managers in maintaining customer retention. So the study recommends the company to make clear and frequently communication with airline managers on things to be done so as to improve customer satisfaction. Finally, it can be stated that service quality dimensions defined under SERVQUAL are not given the same importance by customers who get services from different service industries. It is thus concluded that in airline industry, the service quality dimensions are measured by the following: waiting time at check-in hall, priority baggage labelling, baggage irregularities, gate attendance, cabin cleaning, readiness of equipment, baggage delivery, priority baggage delivery, station delays and transfer baggage loading. *************** FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE PURCHASE OF BRANDED GOODS The Case of Purchase of Mobile Phones in the Tanzanian Market Anne Masenga Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 This study attempted to investigate the factors that influence the purchase of mobile phones in the Tanzanian market. This study surveyed 277 respondents. Data collection was done through the administration of two sets of questionnaires involving first time buyers and repeat buyers of mobile phones. The major findings of the study revealed that information exerts significant influence on consumers perceived risk about a new brand for first time buyers. The effect of experience of using the brand is significant on influencing consumers perceived risk about a new brand for repeat buyers. The results show that the effect of information on brand identification is significant for first time buyers .Experience of using former brand is significant on influencing brand identification for repeat buyers. The degree of Loyalty to competing brands exerts a less significant effect on consumers intention to purchase a new brand for first time buyers while the degree of Loyalty to competing brands exerts significant effect on consumers intention


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to purchase a new brand for repeat buyers. Degree of perceived risk about the product has significant negative influence on consumers intention to purchase a new brand for first time buyers. For the case of repeat buyers the degree of perceived risk about the product has no significant influence on consumers intention to purchase a new brand. Brand identification has a less significant effect on consumers purchase intentions for first time buyers, for the case of repeat buyers brand identification has significant effect on purchase intentions. ***************

THE FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN REFERRAL AND OTHER BIG HOSPITALS IN TANZANIA Flora Mwakyusa Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2008 The study investigated the factors influencing customer satisfaction in referral and other big hospitals in Tanzania. Three specific objectives guided this study, namely, examining the relationship between the competence of the service providers, and the level of patient satisfaction, investigating the quality of the Hospital facilities, and the level of patient satisfaction and to assess whether there is relationship between hospital costs and the level of customer satisfaction. The qualitative and quantitative data were used to generate reliable data for the study. Primary data were collected from four regions, using structured and unstructured questionnaires and observations, including considerations of the secondary data. The research data were analyzed by using Regression analysis in SPSS package. Different variables such as cost, Hospital facilities and competence of the provider were analyzed. The overall findings revealed that all variables have significant influence in customer satisfaction. The study established that competence of the service provider and availability of hospital facilities are effective factors that influence customer satisfaction. The study concluded that cost, competence of the service providers and availability of hospital facilities have a significant influence on customer satisfaction and on the decision to make use of the service. Therefore health care providers need to understand what customers were expecting from their services by conducting research, complaint analysis, customer panels and the like. The health care providers should strive to solve customers complaint, problems timely and accordingly in order to satisfy their customers. Also the hospitals should consider customer satisfaction as vital issue in a competitive business environment to meet their needs and attracting patients to use their services. ***************



ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFICACY OF THE NATIONAL PAYMENT REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR THE PROVISION OF AN EFFICIENT AND SECURE PAYMENT SYSTEMS IN TANZANIA Casmir Faustine Nkuba Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 This study presents an assessment of the efficacy of the National Payment Regulatory Framework for the provision of efficient and secure Payment Systems in Tanzania. This study was prompted by the great transformation and developments which have occurred in the Tanzanian Payment System during the past one decade. Unlike the payment systems which existed during the period up to mid 1990s, the payment systems of Tanzania today are greatly characterized by the use of modern technology. In this study, the researcher conducted literature review and field study with a view to elicit a scholarly discussion on the efficacy of the Tanzanian Payment Systems Regulatory Framework which is crucial for creation of an efficient and secure payment system. This studys findings are that the Tanzanian Payment system has undergone tremendous changes and improvements in the past one and half decade, being a result of the economic liberalization policy adopted by the country in the early 1990s. The modernization of the financial systems has enabled the financial sector to respond positively and at a reasonable pace to the rapidly changing demands in the banking sector. The study, however, has revealed a number of weaknesses in the payment system regulatory framework which made the Researcher come up with a conclusion that the payment system of Tanzania is not adequately regulated to guarantee an efficient and secure National Payment System. This work carries recommendations for correction of the weaknesses to ensure existence of an efficient and secure Payment System which is a necessary factor for the existence of an effective financial system. ***************

EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROL IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTEPRISES (SME) IN TANZANIA Anad Grayson Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 SMEs constitute a huge portion of the enterprise population in Tanzania. SMEs contribute to employment, GDP, and exports. Unfortunately, SMEs contribution has been constrained by a number of problems; including problem on maintaining proper internal controls over record keeping and other operations. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether or not small and medium enterprises (SMEs) maintain effective internal control in their day-to-day operations.


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The study was conducted by a way of survey, fifty SMES (employing between 1-49) based in Dar es Salaam were randomly selected and 60 respondents were interviewed by use of questionnaires. The respondents were divided into two groups i.e. the owners/ managers and employees working in SMEs.The analysis was performed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) where by comparisons and tabulations were obtained to help explain the results. The result revealed that there is weak accounting control in SMEs due to lack of segregation of duty, inadequate documentation, unclear organization structure, few numbers of employees and possibility for management override. Also it was found that the use of professional accountant in SMEs is very limited due to high cost s of recruiting and maintaining them. The result point to he need of professional body responsible for formulating and supervising accounting standards in the country to formulate standards, which are tailored to suit SMES. The result also point to the need of NBAA to promote accounting professional by conducting seminars, workshops to their members on the need of maintaining effective internal controls. Also the result point to the need for government to formulate policies, which will facilitate growth of SMEs economically. *************** THE IMPACT OF DONOR FUNDS INFLOWS ON MONEY SUPPLY IN TANZANIA George Bantula Salvatory Kaindoah Master of Business Administration, November, 2007 The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of donor funds inflows on money supply and policy response. More specifically, the study intended to examine the effect of donor funds inflows on money supply and inflation, and determining the degree of significance of the donor funds inflows on the reserve money. The effect of donor funds inflows on real gross product was also investigated. Correlation coefficients and regression results were used during the discussion in this study. While the relationship between donor funds inflows and money supply was strongly proved to be positive and significant at one percent level, the relationship between donor funds inflows and inflation was proved to be negative and significant at five percent level. Therefore, the hypothesis that there is positive relationship between donor funds inflows and inflation was strongly rejected. Hence an increase in donor funds inflows in Tanzania did not cause an increase in the rate of inflation. The relationship between RGDP and donor funds inflows was strongly proved to be positive and significant at one percent level. Therefore the hypothesis that donor funds inflows have a positive effect on Tanzania economy was not rejected at all. The study suggests that if the economy is faced with large donor funds inflows and the cost of sterilization seems to outweigh the banks income, and then policy response has to be extended to deploy some of the options below depending on their enforcement costs. ***************



THE IMPACT OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON SERVICE QUALITY AS PERCEIVED BY CUSTOMERS The Case of Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited (TTCL) Hidaya Hamis Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2007 This study examines some aspects of management practices that can impact service quality perceptions. The major research question was whether the results could help to explain the general level of service quality as perceived by customers in the context of Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL). A study of fifty customers and fifty employees in five TTCL regional offices was used to analyze the effects on service quality of some management practices. The selected management practices include: managers risk aversion; centralization; and market based reward system. The analysis was made using simple and multiple linear regression analysis and two basic findings emerged. First, interdepartmental conflict and interdepartmental connectedness appear to influence the level of service quality. Second, the results appear to suggest that interdepartmental conflict and interdepartmental connectedness can be improved by a host of actions, including a management style that exhibits less risk aversion, greater empowerment of employees and the development of a market-based reward structure to create common incentives. Generally, in order to improve service quality, organizations must work to reduce conflict and increase connectedness among departmental groupings. Specific managerial implications and direction for further research have been discussed. *************** THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE The Case of Vodacom Limited, Tanzania Breweries Limited and Barrick Gold Mining Company Mgema Masunga Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2007 In Tanzania, in the post 1990 period after the introduction of the market economy, private sectors were allowed to engage fully in business activities. That resulted into increased competition among different firms producing and selling products with similar use such a pattern forced firms to design different marketing strategies aimed at penetrating different market segments, and increase their production, sales as well as profits.


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This study investigated the impact of firms corporate social responsibilities on organization performance in Tanzania in the post 1990 period. A sample of three firms, namely, Vodacom Tanzania Limited, Tanzania Breweries Limited and Barrick Gold Mining Company Ltd were used as representatives. Overall findings revealed that increasing firms corporate social responsibilities and others have helped to advertise as well as market products. Hence, have increased sales and profits amidst stiff competitions, though their social responsibilities have been limited mainly to urban areas. It is recommended that measures be undertaken by all stakeholders in order to enable more people in remote rural areas also to benefit from their activities. The Government should increase tax incentives on products offered by these companies as part of their packages of corporate social responsibilities. Measures should be undertaken to increase employment and disposable incomes for households in order to increase households purchasing power. Lastly, there should be formation of one independent NGO body, which will supervise and coordinate the activities for organizations engaged in corporate social responsibilities. ***************

DEVELOPMENT AND CHALLENGES OF DERIVATIVE MARKETS IN TANZANIA. The Case of Derivatives in Commercial Banks Mbajo Pius Mchomvu Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The aim of this study was to get insight of development and challenges of derivatives market in Tanzania. The study used primary data whereby sixteen commercial banks were interviewed using Questionnaires. The study revealed that it is right time to exercise derivatives in Tanzania and common derivatives used in Tanzania are; foreign exchange swap, forwards, options, interest swaps, futures and forward rate agreement. The main participants of derivatives are commercial banks and big corporate customers. The study also revealed that the regulatory body hasnt yet put enough effort to promote the derivative markets in Tanzania. It is recommended that the Tanzania Financial market will not develop fully if banks and big corporate companies are not taking active part in the modern financial products like these. If banks utilize derivatives fully, then, it would help even to stabilize our Tanzanian Shillings against major currencies. It is also recommended that proper skills are required and the Central Bank should play the active role to engineer the whole exercise of derivative market development in Tanzania ***************



MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMEs) ACCESS TO COMMERCIAL BANKS FINANCE IN TANZANIA The Case of Dar Es Salaam based MSMEs and Commercial banks EFFECTIVENESS OF TAX INCENTIVES IN PROMOTING INVESTMENTS IN TANZANIA Alfred Pius Tekere Ngeja Mregi Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 Governments provide tax incentives to attract investment and promote economic activities for economic growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate effectiveness of tax incentives in promotion of investment in Tanzania. The researcher adopted descriptive methodology in the study. 95 out of 452 Dar es Salaam investors, 26 consultants from consultancy firms and 24 government officers working with the Ministry of Finance and Economy, TRA, NDC, TIC and the National Bureau of Statistics were interviewed by using questionnaires. In the course of evaluating the effectiveness of tax incentives other relevant factors attributable to investments were also considered to enable the researcher to make precise conclusions on the study. It was established that non-tax factors such as opening up of the economy, proximity to market, political stability, etc are the primary determinants of investment growth and FDI inflows. To improve the investment climate and FDI inflow in the country the research recommends continuous improvement on physical infrastructure, human capabilities, access to vital utilities and stimulation of linkages between different sectors of the economy just to mention a few. However, although tax incentives are not effective, they cannot be ignored completely. Thus, improvements in the tax system, tax administration and revenue management are required. *************** PROCUREMENT CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AND VALUE FOR MONEY The Case of Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Anael Kaale Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2008 The research study explored the way effective procurement contract management can ensure that value for money is achieved by Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority. The study aimed at identifying factors that led to poor management of procurement contracts at TFDA. It identified the way procurement contracts


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were solicited and managed to establish sources of procurement risks that hindered value for money from being achieved. Quantitative research design was used to conduct the study. Questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentary reviews were the tools used to generate data. The findings showed that procurement contracts were not properly managed as evidenced by problems in quality of deliveries, presence of the long lead-times and service interruption due to stock-out or late deliveries. It was concluded that procurement contract management was influenced by lack of capacity among procurement staff to handle procurement activities, which impairs achievement of value for money. The results have implications for management policy. The study recommends deployment of sufficient personnel in Procurement and Contract management with qualification and experience to handle procurement contracts to ensure achievement of value for money. Training, seminars and refresher courses to equip the existing staff with new skills and knowledge in managing procurement contracts can be initiated now. ***************

ASSESSMENT OF FACTORS AFFECTING GROWTH OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION IN TANZANIA Sadi I. Kajuna Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November, 2008 The main objective of this study was to assess factors affecting growth of pharmaceutical production in Tanzania. The study involved five out of eight available pharmaceutical industries in Tanzania that are based in Dar es Salaam and Arusha. To achieve the stated objectives, four hypotheses were developed so as to study the situation. The hypotheses rested on four major factors, laws and regulations, availability of local skilled and experienced labour, competitiveness of local pharmaceutical products and availability of technology. Data were collected from selected pharmaceutical industries by using questionnaires and informant interview to selected officials. The five point likert rating scale was used to develop questions that were used to test the hypotheses. In the data analysis, both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The decision for accepting or rejecting hypotheses was based on an average score of 50%. The study findings indicate that, the growth of local pharmaceutical industries is affected by law and regulations, availability of local trained and experienced labour, competitiveness in terms of quality and price, and availability of suitable technology. The research findings are in conformity with other study findings indicated in the literature reviewed. ***************



CAUSES OF FAILURE OF SMALL BUSINESS IN TANZANIA The Case of Business in Kinondoni Municipality Council Revina Raphael Master of Business Administration, November 2008 This study examines the factors that lead to the failure of small businesses in the Kinondoni Municipality. The high failure rate can be partially attributed to the lack of support that the small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMEs) receive from support institutions as well as to their own internal weaknesses. Strategies are recommended that will help small businesses be more successful. The study was exploratory, descriptive and qualitative in nature. Semi- structured interviews with questionnaire guidance were used to gather data. Results indicated that the most common causes of business failure were lack of knowledge regarding legal matters, lack of funding and a general lack of business acumen, lack of financial support from financial institutions, lack of technology, poor location and infrastructure, bureaucratic framework in business registration and licensing. The study recommends that the government should improve the effectiveness of its support mechanisms and that record keeping and cash flow management training is critical for SMEs. These recommendations, if applied properly, will ensure small businesses success in Kinondoni Municipal Council and the rest of Tanzania *************** THE ROLE OF PACKAGING IN THE CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR The Case of Supermarkets in Tanzania Christina Felician Tungaraza Master of Business Administration, November, 2008 The objective of this study was to identify role played by food packaging in customer buying decision and how package color, package size, package shape and further how the usage of packages influences customers buying decisions. Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaire from customers who are day to day buyers of food stuff from two supermarkets at Shoppers Plaza and Game. Data was analyzed using a Software Package, (Statistical Packages for Social Scientists)SPSS. The Chi-square test was used in testing the hypotheses. Three packaging elements that are color, size and shape were tested. The study scored whether package color package, size package and shape of package had a positive influence towards the customers buying


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decision. The finding revealed that only colour influences consumer buying decisions. Brand name, country of origin as well as price of food product are other factors which were used to tested and depict whether they contribute in influencing customers buying decision. In addition, environmental friendliness of package is any important aspect was used in testing buying decision. This study eventually ended with personal recommendations on gray areas for further research in the future. ***************

THE INFLUENCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OPERATING ENVIROMENT ON INTERNAL AUDIT FUNCTIONS IN TANZANIA COMMENCIAL BANKS Crispin Paul Kweka Master of Business Administration (Finance) This study analyzes fish production and fisheries export trade in Tanzania Mainland for the 1984-2007 period. Specifically, it aims at determining how fish production and export performance are affected by different economic variables such as fish export quantity (export market), world fish price, number of fishers, number of fishing vessels, and rate of inflation, exchange rate, per capital fish consumption (domestic market), amount of fish catch, climate and royalty. STATA 10 Special Edition was used to carry out the econometric analysis. The Fisheries Division is the competent authority responsible for rational utilization of the fisheries resources and has been managing the fishery resources in the history of the Independent Tanzania. Due to inadequate research work coupled with outdated information on the fishery stocks and fish trade, exploitation of fishery resources in the country has mainly been managed by using precautionary approaches, a practice used in many developing countries. Findings from this study show that while the export and domestic markets; and the rate of inflation have significant impact on fish production; fish production, world fish price, the domestic market, rate of inflation and the amount of fish caught indicated significant impact on fishery export. Based on these findings and also considering the economic importance of the sector, the government of Tanzania may take deliberate efforts that will enhance increased production and export earnings but through sustainable utilization of the resource.




WAGE DIFFERENTIAL BASED ON GENDER: The Case of Urafiki Textile Industry Tumpale Sakijege Mwankenja Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), October 2008 A number of changes have taken place in the financial sector in Tanzanian during the past twenty years. Among the factors in those changes is the information technology, which had an impact in financial sector developments. The purpose of this study was to determine the Influence of Information technology operating environment on internal audit functions. The study was conducted by way of a survey. Statistical analysis was via SPSS tool. The study found that there is influence of information technology operation environment on internal audit functions in Tanzania Commercial Banks. The Information Technology has had a considerable impact on internal auditing, changing the environment in which internal auditors work hence forced them to use it in compiling and presenting the results of their works. It was also found that, the majority of respondents indicated satisfactory performance of their internal auditors. Others observed lack of adequate training support to internal auditors to enable them cope with changing Information Communication Technology. The researcher ends by making a number of recommendations that (i) Internal Auditors should be provided with adequate training support to cope up with changes in technology so as to enhance their performance due changes in operating environment in work place. (ii) The internal audit department should be sufficiently staffed to match with the organization growth. (iii) Auditing function should be carried by competent auditors with sufficient knowledge of the area they review so as to provide desired results to the management, shareholder and community at large. *************** EFFECTS OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES ON EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE The Case of Action Aid International Tanzania Axel Ellison Malekia Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management), October 2008 This study attempts to find out the effects of employee training and development on the employees performance at Action Aid International Tanzania. It assessed the relationship between the methodologies used for training the employees and their impact on the performance of the employees in the organization. Theoretical framework of this study was built by perusing various literatures on human resources theories especially training. The study was qualitative in nature applying phenomenographical approach. It was conducted in Kindondoni Municipal in Dar es Salaam, a case study of Action Aid International Tanzania. Thirty two (32) respondents were involved in the study including managers, facilitators, trainees and other employees. Four (4) methods of data collection were used and these were documentary review, interview, observation and questionnaire. The data were analysed by firstly presenting raw data, categorizing them into groups, reassessing, interpreting, discussing them critically and eventually organizing them for


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report writing. Generally it was concluded that the strategies (approaches, methods and techniques) used in training and development programme were inadequate due to facilitators lack of knowledge in training and lack of funds, which led to lack of instructional materials and proper venue for trainings. This study recommends for the facilitator to provide oral, written and practical examinations at the end of each training programme for evaluation of what has been achieved or failed. *************** DEMAND DEPOSITS MOBILISATION IN SAVINGS AND CREDIT COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES (SACCOS) IN KILIMANJARO The Case of Moshi District Nathaniel Naiman Towo Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The objective of the study was to examine the extent to which member based microfinance institutions namely SACCOS mobilize demand deposits from their members in Moshi district, Kilimanjaro region. A sample of 60 respondents from 3 SACCOS was used and it constituted employees, members and board members. Data were collected through questionnaires and documentary review methods. Descriptive statistics were used in the data analysis. The study revealed that SACCOS provide demand deposits services to their members who use it for different purposes, however the amount deposited is relatively low. In both rural and urban areas, SACCOS face competition from banks which provide more convenient services. It was also found that training and participation in social events are the only techniques used to mobilize demand deposits. Furthermore, SACCOS members expressed mistrust to their institution and staff. SACCOS staffs were found to have low work morale and lack motivation to mobilize demand deposits. Successful mobilization of demand deposits in SACCOS can be attained by involving members, employees and management and utilizing social and resource mobilization techniques that can change their attitude. It is recommended that SACCOS should employ competent staff and provide them with attractive incentives; allocate education fund to provide training; use of current technology in service provision; use participatory mobilization techniques and cooperative department should be strengthened so that demand deposit can be mobilized. *************** EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS OVER CASH IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS The Case of Bank of Tanzania Christopher Yustini Nyondo Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The general objective of this study centered in assessing the effectiveness of internal cash control systems



which are being used by financial institutions in Tanzania using the case of the central bank of Tanzania (BOT). The population of this study was the employees of the Bank of Tanzania (BOT) covering senior employees and operational (supporting) employees. The simple random sampling was employed to select respondents from the supporting staff after stratifying the respective supporting staff into their respective departments. On the other hand purposive sampling was applied to the senior management officials. The survey instrument comprised six sections: employee fraud incidence, internal control procedural quality, organizational justice perceptions, ethical environment, and general information on various governance features such as internal audit activities, risk management activities and participants perception of the internal cash control systems in the bank. According to the study findings, the first model revealed that internal control procedural quality has a moderating effect on the relationship between perceptions of organizational justice and employee fraud. In specific, the negative relationship between perceptions of organizational justice and employee fraud is seen to grow stronger as internal control procedural quality improves. The second model found that internal control procedural quality was significantly and positively related to three organizational factors: the organizations ethical environment, internal audit activity level and the extent of risk management training. ***************

AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH BANK SERVICE ENCOUNTERS IN THE CONTEXT OF RETAIL BANKING IN TANZANIA. Julieth Selemani Nyomolelo Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2008 The aim of this study was to investigate on the effects of selected factors on customer satisfaction of service encounters in the context of retail banking industry In Tanzania. It has been found out that the tangible elements in service encounters in banks such as human elements, ATMs, banking halls and service providers are of significant influence to customer satisfaction. It has also been found out that unprompted employee actions such as attending or helping customers with problems without their enticement do influence customer satisfaction during service encounters. Furthermore current services provided through retail banking are reliable and satisfactory. The study also found out that customers tend to choose and subscribe to use a particular banks services under the influence of the reliability of the services, technology used in service delivery, bank charges and minimum balanced allowed in an account in that order. More research is needed to leverage the findings and provide better and more in-depth implications for both theory and practice. To specify, the research presented measured its subjects perceptions of different factors affecting satisfaction during service encounters. In the future with the use of a longitudinal study it might be possible to get a broader and deeper picture of the phenomenon



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FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMERS TO ADOPT PREPAYMENT SYSTEMS IN TANZANIA Case Study of Electricity Prepayment System in TANESCO Aidan Aloyce Mwingizi Master of Business Administration Utilities world wide are engaged in switching to prepayment systems, primarily to protect their businesses from credit defaulters. However in many countries consumers are protected by law against unilateral decisions by utilities to force them to use prepayment system, unless proven that such customers are habitual defaulters on payments. The objective of the study was to identify main factors that help to influence customers to adopt a prepayment system in Tanzania. The research methodology consisted of questionnaire survey to 170 Tanesco LUKU customers in Dar es Salaam. The multi regression method was used to determine a causal model and to predict the comparative magnitude of factors that will influence acceptance of the system. The results of the study suggest that Ease of Use, and Relative Advantage are the two (2) significant factors that will determine acceptance of online prepayment system. Ease of Use was found to be the slightly the stronger factor of the two. Compatibility was found to have a small indirect effect via the two significant factors of Ease of Use and Relative Advantage in determining acceptance. Image was found to have no significance effect in influencing acceptance. The implications of the study results are two fold. First the advantages of any online prepayment system must be communicated exhaustively to customers prior to its launching. Second the system must be simple to use. Simplicity of the system. *************** FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMERS ACCEPTABILITY OF MOBILE SERVICES IN TANZANIA The Case of TTCL Humphrey Joseph Ngowi The study investigated factors that influence customers acceptability of mobile services in Tanzania, the case of Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL). Specifically, the study sought to examine the extent to which customers prefer TTCL mobile services; to examine the extent to which mobile service delivery influences acceptability of mobile services and to assess the extent to which wide coverage influences mobile service acceptability. Findings indicate that service acceptability is influenced by customer care, mobile service delivery and wide coverage of mobile services. Thus, mobile service companies should work on these three dimensions of service acceptability so as to increase the acceptability of their services. These findings imply that TTCL



and the management of mobile companies should properly assess the mobile service acceptability dimensions and impose them in order to improve mobile service acceptability and help mobile service companies to provide the high quality of service required by customers. This will help mobile service companies to compete and expand their networks internally and beyond the borders, i.e., internationally. *************** FACTORS AFFECTING EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION IN THE MILITARY SERVICES IN TANZANIA The Case of Public Employees under the National Service Omary Ramadhani Sambuguni Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2008 This study had the general objective of investigating the factors affecting job satisfaction of public servants employees in relation to National Service performance. Study put forward two specific objectives. Firstly, it investigated factors that affecting job satisfaction. Secondly it tried to outline the extent to which employees level of satisfaction influence the organizational performance. The study involved a total of 40 respondents at the National Service Headquarters. Data were collected using questionnaires, documentary reviews and interviews. The survey data employed the application of SPSS and Chi-square test in its analysis. The findings of this study indicated that the majority of public servant employees under the National Service are not satisfied with their jobs and this leads to employee turnover. The findings reveal the reasons to job dissatisfaction among other things being little salary, poor working conditions, poor motivation, little involvement in decision making and insufficient recognition. Finally the study found out that there was a positive relationship between job satisfaction and organization performance. It is suggested from these research findings therefore that job dissatisfaction not only increases inefficiencies and human capital deficits in organizations, but also involves costs in terms of lost relationships, particularly where individuals hold critical bridging positions. It therefore raises a need to establish HR department in military institutions. *************** IMPACT OF TOURISTS HOTELS ON LOCAL BUSINESS FORMATION The Case Study of East Coast Hotels in Zanzibar Said Khalid Said Master of Business Administration , November 2007 Tourist hotels are an important investment sector within international tourism. Its importance will continue to increase as tourism has now become the largest economic activity in the world. Apart from contributing 3-5% of the worlds GDP and providing direct employment for about 200 million people in the world, this


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sector is also a catalyst for business formation as hotels need everyday supplies to cater for the tourist demands. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of tourist hotels on local business formation on the manner on the extent to which tourist hotels enhanced the business opportunities of the citizens of Tanzania and especially those living around tourist hotels. It went further to determine hindrances to local business formation, possible measures to be taken, and explored business opportunities available so that policy makers, NGOs and the people themselves would find means to exploit them with the overall aim of improving their income and social development. The study, using a case study format, concentrated along the Zanzibar east coast villages of Michamvi, Bwejuu, Paje, Jambiani and the tourist hotels in that area. Questionnaires were used to gather data related to the study objectives from the villagers, hoteliers and the institution dealing with tourism and trade. The statistical software CSPro 3.3 was used as data entry software and SPSS was used to analyze the data. The study revealed that while it is Tanzania citizens who mainly supply east coast hotels with their daily requirements, only 6.5% of suppliers come from those living within the villages where the hotels are located. Despite of that small percentage of direct supply to Hotels which makes up 31% of villagers businesses; the study revealed that 62% of the villagers businesses done within the villages vicinity to cater for the demands of the villagers, the people who works on the hotels and indirectly to hotels and the tourists. That could be connected with the figure given by Office of Chief Government Statistics - Zanzibar that number of businesses in South Region has increased by 400% as before 1990 to 2004. The study also revealed that only 4% of the products supplied to tourist hotels are from villages around the hotels and that only 41% of the products come from Zanzibar. The study showed various hindrances for both tourist hotels and village business persons to conduct business with each other, but it is greatly encouraging that most stakeholders nevertheless do see the potential for doing business together through a variety of opportunities. This document concludes with recommendations aimed to help the villagers increase business with hoteliers for the betterment of themselves, hoteliers and the nation at large. *************** ASSESSMENT OF CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION ON RELIABILITY AND EFFICIENCY PROVISION OF POWER BY TANESCO The Case of TANESCO Dar es Salaam Region Dorothy Kerenge Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2008 This study intended to make an assessment of customers satisfaction on reliability and efficiency provision of power by TANESCO in Dar es Salaam region. The study is being conducted at the time when customers complaints are being leveled against the quality of power supply and service rendered by the local utility firm, TANESCO. Specifically the study intended to evaluate the time taken from application to power connection for new customers, investigate whether time taken to respond to power outages and other customers problems and investigate the accuracy of electricity bills provided by TANESCO to her customers. The findings of the study are in line with those complaints- as both customers and employees have shown high level of pessimism with the company operations. While most of them do agree that the company is inefficiently performing in many areas, notably; lack of quality and competitive service delivery with



corruption being order of the day, power fluctuations resulted from high power demand compared to supply and the time taken to restore power supply after a forced outage, and inaccurate in meter reading. Among of the suggested immediate and long term measures to rescue the company from its total collapse include using alternative power generation sources like natural gas and coal and hence lessen dependence on hydropower, customer care courses to its frontline staff, providing enough working tools, improvement of billing system, introduction of LUKU system to all customers, and replacement of old facilities like transformers, meters, poles, e.t.c. *************** GENDER AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT: THE CASE OF MANAGERIAL CADRES IN SELECTED ORGANIZATIONS IN DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA Lulu Jacob Namfua Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management) The objective of the study is to critically examine and analyse obstacles to gender empowerment with respect to women in managerial positions in selected organizations and institutions in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used in a complementary way so as to facilitate a comprehensive grasp and understanding of the issues under study. The findings show that, despite their high levels of education attained and their zeal to fight for their rights, women face two main obstacles towards gender equality; on one hand are the traditional customs, and on the other hand are the social-cultural pressures, economic and political factors emanating from the capitalist system all of which constitute formidable factors towards women subordination in most areas including employment. The study recommends that, women empowerment at any level can be achieved if both women and men are given enough education, finance and infrastructure as a whole rather than women doing it and in isolation from men. *************** CONTRIBUTION OF ELECTRONIC TICKETING IN IMPROVING AVIATION INDUSTRY IN TANZANIA A Case Study of the Precision Airways- Tanzania Mussa Ismail Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The overall objective of this study was to analyze the use of E-ticketing technology in airline industry and its contribution in improving aviation industry in Tanzania. More specifically the study intended to: review the electronic ticketing process within experience of precision airways; provide an overview of Electronic Ticketing and interline air E-ticket process; and its benefit to progressing air transport in Tanzania; and to


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discuss future ticketing practices and provide an update on latest industry activity. The study employed observation method, interview and questionnaires, where sixty two (62) persons from three districts Kinondoni, Ilala and Temeke in Dar es Salaam region were interviewed. The majority of persons interviewed were workers and business persons performing their activities within Dar es Salaam region. Farmers/peasants and students were also interviewed at the Julius Nyerere International Airport when waiting for their flights. Primary data through questionnaires were analyzed and the results were presented using tables to supplement and support explanations. The results from the analysis of both the primary and secondary data made the study to come up with the conclusion that, e-ticketing transformation proves itself as a definite, positive step forward for both consumers and air travel industry. Also areas for further research were identified. From the study, it is recommended that aircraft activity generally has a greater effect on the demand and capacity of the runway and apron system, while passenger activity has a greater impact on the terminal and land side facilities. ***************

DETERMINANTS OF INBOUND TOURISM IN TANZANIA Philip Sebastian Chitaunga Master of International Trade, November 2008 This study is set out to investigate determinants of inbound tourism in Tanzania in a theoretical framework of the tourism demand model. The E - Views was employed for econometric analysis. The focus was to see how different variables such as GDP of tourist sending countries, the budget allocated to promote tourism across Tanzania Territorial borders and the level of prices in a tourist sending country compared to price level in Tanzania impact on the tourist arrivals to Tanzania. To test for stationarity of data, unit root test was conducted while the long run relationship of variables was established by carrying out cointegration tests. Preferred model was generated from the over parameterized model, based on statistical considerations. The empirical results revealed that the main determinants of inbound tourist in Tanzania include GDP for leading tourist sending countries, Domestic price levels (PL), Real Exchange Rate (REER), and the Dummy variable which represented economic reforms. The Findings confirm to the theoretical postulates and findings of previous studies that tourist movements are by and to a large extent driven by the economic levels. To maintain and even increase the number of tourist arrivals in the country, responsible Ministry should maintain the quality of tourism services and activities as well as increasing tourism marketing budget. Through reforms, the responsible institutions should emphasise on increased marketing campaign to countries with sound economic capabilities. ***************



PERFORMANCE OF TANZANIAS MANUFACTURED EXPORTS IN EAST AFRICAN REGION: OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES AND FUTURE PROSPECTS Deusdedit Rwehumbiza Master in International Trade, November 2008 Until now, little empirical research exists on the relationship between the revived EAC and the factors influencing performance of Tanzanias manufactured exports in East African region. Thisstudy uses simple descriptive statistics, which is later supplemented with export intensity and export competitiveness indices to determine both, the intensity and competitiveness of Tanzanias intra-EAC manufactured exports respectively. Manufactured export intensity is found to be above 100 whereas export competitiveness is found to have increased but below unity since the establishment of the current EAC. Such results could be attributed to special trade preferences, real exchange rate, Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), infrastructure, inflation and firm size. After identifying the policy implications, in order to rescue the situation, the author recommends concerted efforts to be taken within both, the country and the EAC as a whole. The conclusions point out that EAC is quite useful only that supply side and market access related constraints are still the main hurdles to Tanzanias intra-EAC manufactured exports. *************** EVALUATING THE CAPACITY OF SACCOS IN PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCIAL SERVICES TO POOR HOUSEHOLDS The case of Muwakapa and Wadoki in Mwanza region Mary Onesmo Master of Business Administration, November 2008 After independence in 1961, Tanzania declared to fight poverty, disease and ignorance in order to bring development to its people. But up to now the majority of Tanzanians are faced with poverty. Experience shows that economic empowerment of poor people is needed. One way of economic empowerment to poor is the establishment of SACCOS, which are user-owned micro finance institutions that offer variety of financial products including savings and credit services to their members to help them engage in productive activities. The study was investigating factors influencing capacity of SACCOS in providing long-term financial services to its members. The study was carried out in MUWAKAPA and WADOKI SACCOS in Mwanza region. It was a survey study where primary and secondary data were collected through interviews, observation, document analysis and questionnaires, then analyzed by using descriptive statistics where as results were presented in Tables. The trend in issuance of loans to members reveal that, from 2005 to 2008 MUWAKAPA managed to allocate micro credits to 47 Members, out of 519 while WADOKI managed to allocate micro credits to 545 members from 2005 to 2008 out of 2174. This means that the capacity of these SACCOS is still low. Generally these SACCOS should encourage savings mobilization from members so as to build a financial base for credit provision which can help them to increase the capacity. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL AUDIT IN PUBLIC HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS IN TANZANIA Mbosela, Mbosela John Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2008 The rapid increase of higher learning institutions in Tanzania has come along with a set of challenges to the higher education sector. These challenges have become constraints to the development of public higher learning institutions and has forced to put in place a better internal control system in order to get value for money from the increasingly little funds they get. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of internal audit in public higher learning institutions in Tanzania. In examining the effectiveness of the internal audit, triangulation method was employed; reason behind using it is that it compliments each other and assists to clarify issues arising from one method. The questionnaires and interview were instituted. A total of 88 questionnaires were distributed of which 80 (90.9%) questionnaires were filled and collected back. The data collected was analysed using SPSS and presented through tables. The study found out that internal audit in public higher learning institutions is effective. The above finding led the researcher to conclude that the internal control system whereby internal audit is one of the element instituted by the institutions is very effective in ensuring those little funds allocated to these institutions are well utilised. However, a number of recommendations are put forth; Management of public higher learning Institutions have to increase number of internal auditors, recruit internal auditors on permanent basis with right qualifications and skills, restructuring of internal audit units to increase independence, increase working tools such as audit software and office space and allocate more financial resources to internal audit unit. The recommendations aimed at strengthening effectiveness of internal audit in public higher learning institutions. *************** CREDIT GUARANTEE SCHEMES AND MSMEs IMPROVED ACCESS TO FINANCIAL SERVICES. A Case Study of CRDB BANK PLC Dorah H. Ngaliga Master of Business Administration, January 2008 There is limited knowledge on why there is limited success in the utilisation of Credit Guarantee Schemes (CGS) by Banks in Tanzania particularly those Schemes which have been established to support the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs). The objective of this study, was to explore the factors that may have contributed to this slow pace by banks in utilising CGS. A case study design was used and a qualitative approach was chosen whereby semi structured and indepth interviews were conducted . Judgemental sampling was adopted to select the interviewees and both primary and secondary data was collected. The study covered four Credit Guarantee Schemes namely; SME CGS, Microfinance CGS, Juhudi CGS and PASS CGS.



From the study it has been observed that Banks find comfort in utilising those guarantees which are packaged with products other than the guarantee. Lending to small businesses is recognised by banks as having many inherent risks for which collateral alone cannot mitigate. These risks include limited financial expertise, asymmetry of information, unsupportive legal framework which makes the enforcement of collateral difficult, volatile revenues and lack of track records. Furthermore, it has been observed that the banks have limited knowledge in micro financing hence employ standardised procedures for lending irrespective of the size of the borrower. ***************

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TAXPAYERS EDUCATION ON TAX COMPLIANCE IN TANZANIA Muchunguzi Hezron Kabonaki Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 Globally, Education to Taxpayers has always been recommended in various literatures as a major tool in promoting tax compliance and in turn thus boosting tax collection rates. However, to date, in Tanzania, there are limited studies on the effectiveness of Taxpayers Education on Tax Compliance. This research attempted to assess the effectiveness of taxpayers education in Tanzania. The purpose was to find out the ways and extent to which one may improve the existing strategies in disseminating tax information to both potential and existing taxpayers. The study used questionnaires, interview schedules and observation to collect data deploying strata sampling of taxpayers in Dar es Salaam. About 62 businesspersons responded to the structured questionnaires. Face to face interviews were administered on two officers from TRA in the Department of Taxpayers Service and Education. Findings from the study show that, at present, majority of the taxpayers are still ignorant about tax matters affecting their businesses. This is a major setback on self-assessment as a major indicator of tax compliance. In order to address this problem, it is suggested to the TRA to increasing tax education outreach, proper involvement of tax consultants in tax education systems and establishing more tax-centers for disseminating tax



University of Dar es Salaam

THE IMPACT OF AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES (ATMs) SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION The Case of Customers of Banking Institutions in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Frank Stanslaus Shayo Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2008 Automatic teller machines (ATM) being an almost instantaneous communication medium that connects bank customers to their accounts is now a phenomenon that has grown and spread around the globe at an amazing speed. Given the current trend of ATMs usage and its potential growth, this research examined how service quality of the banks ATMs affect customer behavioral intentions to continue to use ATMs which in turn affect the extent of ATMs usage and satisfaction in the post ATMs adoption phase. The study constituted a sample size of 165 respondents out of 200 questionnaires from 16 commercial banks operating in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania whereas descriptive analysis through SPSS was used in data analysis. Chi-square statistical test was applied to determine the probability (likelihood) that two categorical data variables are associated. The study revealed that quality of services is a major factor that affects customer satisfaction in the banking sector. The level of customer satisfaction and usage were high. In addition, the research indicated that customers have positive attitude toward technology based services. Despite the high usage and satisfaction, customers do face problems, challenges and security threats when utilizing ATMs. Policy makers must create conducive environment in enabling extension of ATMs services cost effectively to wider context. Theoretically the study has empirically tested how service quality, satisfaction and usage rate are related to each others and the contributions of service quality towards these constructs. ***************

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LENDING RATES AND BORROWING LEVELS BY SMEs The Case Study of Dar es Salaam Edes Said Tairo Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The average lending rates by Commercial Banks and MFIs in Tanzania has been falling from 25% in the year 1990s to 16% recently. Despite the above trend there was a circumstantial doubt as to whether borrowing levels by SMEs has been proportionate with falling rates. Descriptive research design was applied because the problem was well known and therefore the desire was to test the variables. 34 questionnaires were administered to SMEs in the following areas in Dar Es



Salaam, Kinondoni, Mlimani City, Sinza Kijiweni, Temeke, Kariakoo, Magomeni and Kimara Temboni. The Questionnaires intended to test as to how SMEs respond to changes in interest rates and how it affects their borrowing decisions. Also 6 questionnaires were administered to six commercial banks which are NBC, CRDB, STANBIC, Standard Chartered Bank, Akiba Commercial Bank, and Tanzania Postal Bank and three to MFIs which are FINCA T Ltd, PRIDE Tanzania and Dar Es Salaam Community Bank. The intention was to asses as to whether any deliberate changes in interest rates had any relationship with borrowing levels by SMEs. The study reveals that there is no strong relationship between changes in interest rates and borrowing decisions by SMEs in Dar es Salaam. Since, Dar Es Salaam region is a good representative sample of all regions in Tanzania whereby there is presence of all banks and MFIs, the study can generalize that the same situation applies in Tanzania as a whole. Based on the research findings, this study recommends various strategies that need to be taken by the government, and financial institutions that engage in the lending business. Among of the strategies is for the government to formulate regulatory authority for MFIs so that they are regulated and monitored for the benefit of SMEs. There should be consistent sensitization for SMEs and people at large to build culture of saving, borrowing and repaying, Government cooperate with entrepreneurship centers like UDEC to build business incubation centers. MFIs should include in their marketing strategies aspects of promoting different loans, through different media about the loans they offer, conditions etc. ***************

THE ASSESSMENT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEMES The case of National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) Jane Lewis Malisa Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The need to design and implement a national health insurance scheme in Tanzania reflected a number of concerns that were raised regarding the financial sustainability of the health sector. This study analyses the performance of National health insurance fund, to see if it has fulfilled the policy objectives of its establishment. In addition, more importantly to see if it has created increased and assured revenue flow for financing health services. The study used secondary and primary data collected from different sources and it used some statistical methods to summarize the data. National Health insurance Fund, has tried to achieve the goals for its establishment by increasing the health sector revenue and covering 89% of the public sector employees. The study revealed that, for the period of six years of establishment NHIF succeed to cover 4 percent of the population in Tanzania and registered 9.78% annual compound growth rate of membership for the period between 2001/02 to 2006/07. It also shows that it offers a good benefit packages compared to other health Insurances and have a strong financial accessibility and sustainability where the fund contributions are growing at the increasing rates and also generate money from investment. On the other side NHIF accredited health facilities are discontented about NHIF delays in reimbursing them for cost of services provided to NHIF beneficiaries while the perception of beneficiaries revealed that there is Customers


University of Dar es Salaam

dissatisfaction regarding services provided by NHIF accredited health facilities. The study therefore, recommends that NHIF should increase Public awareness regarding NHIF services and offer training on customer care to all accredited services providers in order for them to offer quality services to beneficiaries. NHIF should be given administrative and quasi judicial powers to deal with default health care providers. The law should be amended to that effect. Furthermore, in the preparatory process for universal coverage, there is a need for adequate studies, consultations with countries which had long established universal coverage and other stakeholders. *************** MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES FACING SMEs TO INVEST IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY The Case of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam Region Peter Jacob Mayala Master of Business Administration (IT Systems), November 2008 The major objective of this study was to examine and identify management challenges facing SMEs in making investment decisions for improved performance competitiveness. The study was conducted in Dar-es-salaam region and surveyed SMEs involved in manufacturing, food processing, textile, tourist and other services. Data were obtained from a sample size of 45 Tanzanian SMEs operating in Dar es Salaam City. This included 13 for Manufacturing, 9 for Transportation, 8 for Tourism, 5 for Wholesale, 5 for Retailing and other service provision firms were 5. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire, both closed and open-ended questions were used in the questionnaire to collect the required information to answer the study problem. The questionnaire was used as the main data collection instrument to avoid biases likely to be caused by the Interviewer. In addition, structured interview guide was used to supplement questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Findings of this research reveals that ICT business planning and strategy, inadequate ICT management skills, inadequate finance, Size of SMES in terms of number of employees and the nature or type of business all influenced SMEs to invest on ICT. The research also tested hypotheses, which were divided into four parts namely preparedness to invest in ICT, Management skills, adequate finance, and size, type and nature of business. Results on these hypotheses indicate that majority of SMEs with ICT plans reflecting business goals allocated budget each year to finance ICT investment in comparison with those who do not allocate budget each year to finance ICT investment. Allocation of budget each year to finance ICT Investment depended on relevant ICT plans to support business goals. Moreover preparedness of SMEs in ICT investment was influenced by ICT plans linked to business goals. Overall the results suggest lack of up to date ICT skills hindered owners/managers of SMEs to make decisions regarding ICT investment to aid their business operations. Overall the results suggest that lack of training affected the owners/managers thought about investing in ICT. Generally from the standpoint of those findings it appears that attendance to ICT training improved the thinking of owners/managers to positively deciding investing in ICT.



Furthermore the study findings suggest that lack of the required ICT knowledge among owners/managers of the SMEs hindered their decision to invest in ICT as a strategic investment to improved business Operations. Generally the results show that a bigger number of SMEs with employees 21 and above acquired ICT facilities whereas a bigger number of SMEs with employees 1-20 did not acquire ICT facilities to aid their business operations. Moreover, the results revealed that acquiring ICT facilities is depended on the type of business undertaken by respective companies. The study finally has recommended areas for future research or further investigations. *************** CAPABILITY OF SACCOS IN DELIVERING FINANCIAL SERVICES TO MEMBERS AND ITS EFFECT ON MEMBER RETENTION A Case of Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOS) in Tanzania Mashaka Joseph Dalali Master of Business Administration, October 2008 The purpose of this research was to investigate the extent to which capability of SACCOS in delivering financial services to members affect member retention with SACCOS in Tanzania. It assessed how the antecedents of capability of SACCOS notably service quality, members savings, loan portfolio and capability affect member retention either directly or indirectly with their SACCOS in Tanzania. The research methodology consisted of questionnaire survey to actual members of 20 SACCOS in Tanzania. The Chisquire method and multiple regression models were used in the analysis of data. The former was used to judge the variation of observed variables in explaining the latent variable while the latter giving the conclusion for the stated hypotheses. Structural equation modeling was used to test the reliability and validity of data. The results suggest that there is positive relationship between service quality and members savings, there is a positive relationship between service quality and member retention, there is a positive relationship between members savings, loan portfolio and capability of SACCOS in delivering financial services to members in Tanzania, and lastly, there is a positive relationship between capability of SACCOS and member retention with SACCOS in Tanzania. The role of other researchers and other business firms is to further investigate on the effect of cooperative societies governing laws and support institutions on member retention with SACCOS in Tanzania. The research aimed at contributing to theoretical knowledge and at the same time guide SACCOS practitioners with the strategies, tactics and programs to use in order to retain their members.



University of Dar es Salaam

A MACRO ANALYSIS OF SACCOS LOAN PERFORMANCE A Case of Singida Municipal Council Robert Maggo Alila Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2008 The main objective of this study was to investigate macro economic factors that influence loan performance in SACCOS as one of the Micro Financial Institution (MFI) in the context of liberalized economy. In order to test whether there has been a relationship between loan performance and selected macro economic variables in the context of the opportunistic model, data were collected using questionnaire, interview and documentary review from entire population of 28 SACCOS that exist in Singida municipal, and data were analysed using linear regression analysis with help of SPSS. The study found out that there is negative relationship between GDP, inflation, and monetary aggregate with loan performance of the SACCOS. While, there is a positive relationship between loan performance with interest rate and the number of SACCOS. The recommendations given out with regard to the findings are: The SACCOS management should consider GNP, servers savings, interest rate and monetary aggregate when making the loan decisions. Municipals should enact by laws that enforce members of the SACCOS in case of transfer and resignation from the jobs to ensure reduction of non-performing loans to the SACCOS. The SACCOS have to institute follow-up mechanisms including having SACCOS lawyer, who will deal with cases of the SACCOS. *************** CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS A Case of The Accountant Generals Department Mwero, Gabriel Lawrence Master of Business Administration, October 2008 Change Management involves making changes in a planned way for purposes of organizational efficiency and effectiveness. For quite sometime, a number of operating entities, especially in Public Sector; have ignored relevant skills required to manage changes including the management of people at workplaces. This study identifies some contributory factors towards organizational effectiveness and it gives a few recommendations on how change management can be managed, preferably by managing people at the Accountant Generals Department. The aim of this study is to determine the essence of change management for purpose of organizational effectiveness in the Accountant Generals Department. The study further explores contributory factors towards shaping the Departments organizational culture in satisfying customers.



The study was both qualitative and quantitative. It was carried out in Dar es salaam and other five subTreasuries namely Morogoro, Kilimanjaro, Iringa, Mwanza and Manyara covering only those employees who were by then working with the ACCENS Department. The study found out that Change Management and Organizational Effectiveness was a complex construct. While Organizational effectiveness was a result of a combination of a number of managerial factors such as finishing a days work in advance, using high-tech tools and software, organizing ones office and doing right things, the pre-requisite for Change Management was planning to change so as to manage change. The study concluded that Change Management was antecedent to organizational effectiveness. ***************

PRIVATE SECTOR GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT COMPETITIVENESS IN TANZANIA ANALYSIS OF ITS CHALLENGES TO THE PUBLIC SECTOR Musa Nkuba Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2008 This study argues that, the current growth in the private sector resulting from globalization contributes to employment competitiveness. Subject to this, the public sector in Tanzania is considered to have strategies to accommodate the associated challenges for effective labour management to improve performance and employees well-being. To justify the matter, objectives focusing on identifying the challenges, their causes and influences to sector performance and employees well-being were set. Using a case study research strategy, qualitative and quantitative data collection from health and education sectors to investigate on the objectives was done. Findings reveal that the public sector in Tanzania encounters disparity in labour force distribution, competition in labour acquisition, labour mobility, scarce financial resources to meet employee needs and change of its status as an employer. These contribute to reduced sector performance and employees wellbeing. It is concluded that, private sector growth causes employment challenges to the public sector in Tanzania, challenges that are mainly categorized into labour acquisition competition and incompetence in meeting employee needs. The former varies with the nature of the sector and profession of employees whereas the latter cuts across the sector institutions. The study recommends for the public sector to focus at improving employees quality to meet the global labour market demands, involve all stakeholders to devise strategies for improving institutions general working conditions and establish mechanisms for tracking and projecting labour mobility. Attaining these among others will assist the sector to move with the global labour dynamics and hence improved performance. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

MICROFINANCE AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN TANZANIA: The case of Dar es Salaam Oberd Mwampullo Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 Today one of the most compelling challenges facing Tanzania is the problem of poverty. Poverty is not only on a steady increase but also wide spread in rural and suburban areas. Microfinance is becoming one of the most popular options as credit has been identified as a barrier facing the poor. However, there is a consensus that microfinance is not for all the poor. One wonders whom the poor are benefiting from the intervention. The overall aim of this thesis is to explore the impact of microfinance on common people. The questions that have guided me in the empirical investigation are based on what impact does micro finance programmes have on household welfare, can microfinance programmes savings reduce risks faced by clients, can microfinance empower people and under what circumstances can microfinance help the poor out of poverty? This thesis is divided into two parts namely a qualitative study and a minor field study conducted in September to December 2007 in Dar es Salaam. The methods used in the field were mainly questionnaire framework and semi-structured interviews. Other sources include written materials. The theoretical framework is based on written literature about grass root models that create change like social capital, participatory and livelihood. I tried to get a better understanding of them during interviews. The results that have been analyzed with microfinance institutions permit the following conclusions: All the clients reported an increase in their incomes, sent their children to schools, have been able to pay for their medical bills and can feed their families, can cope with future crises using their savings, and women have been empowered economically. However, some of the findings may not be conclusive and therefore one should be careful in drawing conclusions. In order microfinance to produce the required results, it was recommended that NGOs and government should intensify the support of other factors, such as entrepreneurial skills, functioning infrastructure like financial services and the service should extended to the remote areas where poorest of the poor live. *************** THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE ON THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR IN TANZANIA Remmy Fidelis Temba Master of International Trade, November 2008 This study seeks to establish the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on the export performance on the manufacturing sector in Tanzania for the period 1975-2006. The paper determines the factors affecting



the export performance of the manufacturing sector in Tanzania. Specifically, economic status characteristics like exchange rate, foreign direct investment flows, growth of national GDP and world Demand of exports were identified and tested to determine if they affect the sectors capability to export. The study uses Stata 10.0 for econometric analysis. The study found that growth of manufactured exports in Tanzania is mainly affected by the exchange rate, world demand and foreign direct investment (FDI).The study revealed that the national GDP growth and domestic investment had minimal impact on the export performance on the manufacturing sector. These results imply that efforts to promote FDI projects for manufacturing exports should be emphasized by the government. Appropriate mechanism to monitor the growth in the world demand of exports should be in place to help in the identification of opportunities in the foreign markets for the countrys manufactured products. The country should maintain stable exchange rates as an incentive to both the exporters and importers of capital goods for the manufacturing sector. Possible areas for further research are on the impact of FDI on employment and productivity on the manufacturing sector and influence of inflation on the export performance in Tanzania. *************** CAUSES OF INFRASTRUCTURE VANDALISM IN TANZANIA A Case of Optical Fiber Cable Adolphina Mwesiga Master of Business Administration, November 2008. Tanzania Railways Limited is a privatized company since 1st October 2007. The company experienced vandalism problems as its for many public and private Companies in Tanzania. The study aim was to establish the causes of infrastructure vandalism that continues to face the organization, a case of optical fiber installed by the company since 1998. The research has been conducted using both desk and field research methodologies. The study was designed as descriptive, a case study. Tanzania Railways Limited has about 3450 employees a sample of 94 employees was selected. The researchers judgment was used for selecting items she considered as representative of population. The data were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively by using a statistical package for social sciences version 15.0 for windows. The study revealed that infrastructure vandalism is caused by people with intention of wealth creation for personal gain. Partnership among infrastructure vandalism victims is the way of preventing and controlling vandalism. Ignorance did not exist among employees but villagers needed to be educated about cultivation along the optical fiber installation. The availability of market for scrap metals did not contribute to scrap metal business in Tanzania. The researcher recommended that the victims of infrastructure vandalism must build partnership among themselves and scrap metal sold to industries or exported must be inspected to ensure that no stolen metals are sold. Also the Government should completely ban the scrap metal business to rescue the infrastructure from vandalism. The company TRL, must educate villagers on use of land along the railway track. The study has recommended further studies on availability of markets for scrap metals in Tanzania. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING STRATEGIES OF COMPUTERIZATION ON BANKING IN TANZANIA The Case of National Microfinance Bank (NMB) Dar es Salaam Sarah Naigaga Hezron Master of Business Administration , November 2008 A strong and well-managed banking industry is necessary to support and sustain the growth and diversification of the countrys economy and to improve the lives of typical Tanzanians throughout the country. The study assesses marketing strategies of computerization in the banking industry in Tanzania focusing on National Microfinance Bank (NMB). NMB records and questionnaires to one hundred and fifty NMB bank staff and customers were the source of data used in the study. Financial analytical tools were used to measure performance and market positioning of NMB in the banking industry. Published financial statements were the main source of information used for comparative (comparison between banks) and trend (comparison between years) analysis. NMBs identified critical success factors included establishment of a functional and up to-date infrastructure with emphasis on the three components of the service marketing triangle (company, employees and customers) linked together at the center by technology to achieve efficiency to meet customers expectations. In addition, there was a change in management; from a bureaucratic government owned public institution to a sound independent corporate competitive business. Information technology enabled diversification of products to meet market needs of the targeted customers and tailor human resources framework to cope with competition and growing market. The way forward for NMB would be to focus on identifying customer needs and using the information technology in place to introduce products that meet the specific needs. It was recommended that in order to diversify products available to customers and ensure all their banking needs were addressed by one bank, NMB needed to diversify its customer base and products, change its working style to cope with the technological advancements; utilize Customer Relation Management strategy to minimize customer acquisition costs, have information technology security measures in place to ensure security of customers deposits and consider IT interaction with other banks to provide interactive automated bank services rather than working in isolation. *************** USE OF COLLATERALISED COMMODITIES TO MITIGATE CREDIT RISKS: The Case of Cotton Financing in Tanzania Goodluck Nkini Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 This study has been prompted by the growing concerns for credit risks in lending business. By and large credit risk is still regarded as the most pervasive of banking risks and efforts to control its impacts are



not conclusive. This entails that banks must continue to be conscious and wherever necessary impose strict and conscious lending requirements including demanding adequate security to ensure banks are secured against credit risks. Collateral in a form of collateralized agricultural commodities is being used by banks in Tanzania to mitigate credit risks, however considering that the commodities involved are subject to price volatility, there are doubts that the adverse effects of price volatility may erode the value of the security held. This study has used deductive research methodology to analyze data gathered from commercial banks a sample of which comprised of big and small banks of local and international status to establish the extent which banks are covered. The empirical findings show that banks are covered against price volatility by applying a discount ratio less than 76% which the buffer allows the banks to hedge against price volatility in the global market. Banks are however, facing enormous credit risks associated with the practices of the traders to engage into forward contracts prior start of the season and also holding onto stock waiting for prices to raise. Collateral management services have been found to be inadequate due to lack of qualities as required by law and international practices. It is recommended to banks to review the applicable ratio in order to maximize their lending business not only to cotton and coffee but also to other commodities. It is further recommended that banks should put strict policies in the appointment of collateral management companies who play the major roles of safeguarding the collateralized assets being the only security for banks exposure. *************** IMPACT OF INTEREST RATE ON LOAN REPAYMENT A Comparative Study between PRIDE Tanzania and SEDA Nicolaus Frank Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The studys main objective was to identify the impact of interest rates charges on loan repayment to MFIs in Tanzania. The study based on the comparative study approach between PRIDE Tanzania and SEDA. Simple random, stratified and purposive techniques were used to select respondents from both clients and staffs. Administered questionnaires and personal interviews were conducted with both clients and staffs. Data were analyzed and presented using cross-tabs, frequency distribution tables and clustered bar charts. The study results envelope the following: high interest rate charged by MFIs has negative impact on loan repayments, multiple loans contributes to hardship on loan repayments and increases default risks; higher loan levels than clients business capacity leads to loan default. Lack of clients knowledge about business evaluations, channel of loan to non business activities, lack of detailed loan appraisals and transparency between clients and MFIs was also found to have negative impact on loan repayments. The study recommended that MFIs need to reduce the number of clients served per credit officer, employ qualified personnel for clients business visitation, provide business training to their clients and reduce amount of interest rate as a result to reduce default risk. MFI clients need to consider the value of interest amount and measure the capacity of their businesses to repay the loan before applying for the specific loan amount and avoid use of multiple loans as it increases the burden of interest amount. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN TANZANIAN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Cases of Barclays, Exim and Akiba Commercial Bank Kokusima Clement Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2007 Many Public and Private, Profit and non Profit work organization in Tanzania are experiencing high rates of employee turnover. In this study the researcher wanted to determine the factors which lead to employee turnover in Tanzanian Financial Institutions. The study was based on the case study approach that focused the three Financial Institutions (Barclays, Exim and Akiba Commercial Bank). A total sample of 75 respondents (23 from Barclays bank, 24 from Exim bank and 28 from Akiba Commercial Bank). Any employee in the designated departments who was ready to participate in the study by giving enough time was taken for interview until when saturation was reached. The study showed various factors leading to employee turnover, such as looking for greener pastures, lack of recognition, poor supervision, lack of job satisfaction, job security and training, poor methods used in conflicts resolution and poor flow of information and communication. The main recommendations of the study are that: conducting exit interview and periodic workers satisfaction, providing job security, making sure that the new joiner have realistic expectations of their jobs and receiving sufficient induction training, recognizing employees, making good supervision, and making use a grievance procedure are among the methods which may be used to tackle the problem of employee turnover. *************** ASSESSMENT OF SERVICE QUALITY IN TRANSPORT INDUSTRY The Case of Tanzania Zambia Railways Authority Christostom O. M. Kayombo Master of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 TAZARA is facing competition not only from Tanzania Road transport but also from other transport corridors (Roads, Railways and Ports) in Mozambique and South Africa. Another strategic challenge facing TAZARA is the growing and changing needs and expectations of customers as they demand broader range of products and services at competitive prices through more efficient transport. The main objective of the research was to find out factors affecting service quality in TAZARA. Five hypotheses were developed which rested on the five service quality dimensions as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The study shows that there is a gap between customer expectations and management perceptions of TAZARA.



The researcher concludes that the broad dimensionality of service quality as proposed by Parasuraman, (1988) is not wholesale adhered to by Tazara staff.. The research therefore recommends how; Management visible involvement and commitment to service, quality values, undertaking frequent market research, implementing human resources development, investing more resources for quality provision and conducting internal audit of Tazaras own service performance strengths and weaknesses. *************** THE DETERMINANTS OF EXPORT PERFORMANCE The Case of Zanzibar Export Ashura Mrisho Haji Master of International Trade, August 2007 This study seeks to examine and analyze the prominent factors that affect Zanzibars export performance. Specifically this study looks at the impact of human capital development in developing the Zanzibar economy, analyzes the contribution of FDI in boosting export activities and lastly evaluates the price effect of major export products in export performance. E-View 3.1 was used for the econometric analysis of the determinants of Zanzibars export performance and the analysis is carried out using Ordinary Least Square method, on time series data covering the period 1980-2005. The focus was to examine how the factors have been influencing Zanzibar export performance. The study found out that export prices have a positive effect on export performance and thus support the hypothesis of the study. Also the study reveals the negative impact on farm gate price (FGP) and foreign direct investment (FDI) towards Zanzibars export performance, and their coefficients are statistically significant at 5 and 1 percent levels respectively. The Price of cloves is an important factor for improving Zanzibar export and the development of the Zanzibar economy, and its fluctuation trend provides earning instability for farmers who depend on cloves for their livelihood and impedes Government to take on development programs. To improve export performance for the Zanzibar economy, extra efforts need to be devoted to the education sector to improve the quality of education so that the skill imparted and outcomes can have a direct influence on export activities. More incentives and encouragement should be provided to the FDI that can impact export, and value addition for the major export products should be encouraged with information sharing, producers participation in price setting body and orienting export strategy being strongly encouraged. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

TRADE FINANCE SOURCES AND INSTRUMENTS ACCESSIBILITY AND UTILIZATION PROBLEMS FOR EXPORTERS FROM TANZANIA Goodluck Nkini Master of International Trade, April 2007 This study has been prompted by existing imbalances in the global trading system whereby majority of the developing countries are facing declining exports despite the fact that they have to a large extent liberalized their markets and the volume of world trade has been on increasing trend since the world of Mercantilism. At least in the literature it is now evident that developing countries have a great deal to gain from free trade mainly through improved quality of goods and services and general competitiveness. This is, however, difficult considering existing supply side constraints among them limited sources and instruments of trade finance. This study has confined itself to existing supply side constraints related to trade finance and, in particular, has sought to investigate factors limiting development and usage of trade finance sources and instruments in Tanzania, hoping that the findings will be able to highlight issues requiring immediate action and also lays foundation for further studies in this subject. The study has used data collected from banks, financial institutions, exporters, Bank of Tanzania, Tanzania economic review reports, interest and exchange rates daily reports and high court performance reports to investigate the actual problems facing exporters. The empirical findings show that there are number of obstacles which include but not limited to absence of adequate support from legal and regulatory systems, high cost of borrowings, cumbersome procedures on the side of granting institutions, lack of knowledge on the part of both exporters and support institutions, volatile local currency exchange rate and government inefficiencies in managing export credit guarantee schemes. These findings have important policy implications. ***************

THE IMPACT OF EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE ON TANZANIAS EXTERNAL SECTOR Ernest Elirehema Mnzava Master of International Trade, January 2007 This study attempts to establish the impact of export processing zone regime on the external sector for both Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. It discusses EPZs impact on exports, employment and investment. The study argues that EPZs have been formed to solve the supply side constraints while the objectives for EPZs in their current trend as a regime are untenable. The EPZ regime focuses only on the manufacturing sector, which is not sufficient to attain the desired, export target of USD 25 billion per annum in 2025. Furthermore, the market is more interested in integrated value chain operations with some operations not covered by the EPZ Act. Some respondents have requested that the regime extend its services to farming, processing and packaging for export. While EPZ implementation requires the participation of multiple stakeholders, practically it has not been easy for the line Ministry to influence plans and priorities of



institutions of other Ministries for the success of EPZs. It has been difficult to integrate EPZ activities in the countrys economic development strategies. It has been observed in Zanzibar that the Amaan Industrial Park is not well managed to meet EPZ criteria. On assessing its impact to the economy it looks comparatively insignificant in terms of its contribution to the economy. In addition, the study analyses the circumstances facing the EPZ scheme given that the window of opportunity has closed down coupled with the fact that the multi-fiber agreement has come to an end thus aggravating the situation even more. The study confirms that the poor infrastructural network and inadequate investment climate has rendered the contribution of EPZs to the external sector to be negligible.

THE IMPACT OF TRADE LIBERALIZATION ON EMPLOYMENT IN INDUSTRIES IN TANZANIA Jumanne I .K. Ndayigeze Master of International Trade, January 2007 This study explores the impact of trade liberalization on employment in manufacturing industries in Tanzania. It focuses on the benefits of trade liberalization and also gives the negative impact of trade liberalization to employees in manufacturing industries in the country. It gives an outline of trade regimes that the country adopted in reform process. The objective was to measure the impact of trade liberalization on employment in industries in Tanzania, the aim being to help in establishing some of the reasons for increased unemployment in the country. The study is organized in six chapters, chapter one provides background information on trade liberalization in Tanzania, while the country trade overview is provided in chapter two. Theoretical and empirical literatures are discussed in chapter three. The rest of the chapters that is chapter four five and six provide the methodology, empirical analysis and conclusions respectively. The study used secondary data, and the data type is time series obtained from the Ministry of Planning and Economic Empowerment and, The Tanzania Bureau of Statistics Results of the study provide that as imports increases the number of employees in manufacturing industries increases an indicator of having manufacturing industries that are dependent on imported inputs. Moreover, changes in exports appear to have insignificant positive relationship with the changes in the number of employees in manufacturing industries in Tanzania, explaining the fact that, the contribution of manufactured products to national exports being also not significant



University of Dar es Salaam

EXAMINATION OF EVENT-RELATED PRICE REACTION OF EQUITY SECURITIES LISTED AT DAR ES SALAAM STOCK EXCHANGE Flavia Balthazar Master in Business Administration (Finance) From the efficient market hypothesis, a market is deemed efficient if security prices at all times fully and correctly reflect all available information that is relevant for the share pricing. The market efficient hypothesis holds a tool for examining the event-relate price reaction for equity security listed in a stock exchange. The objective of the study was to assess the security price reaction around the ex dividend day at the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE). The study used the daily share prices of the six equity securities at DSE covering 1st January, 2000 to October, 2004. The percentage change of share prices to dividend was computed. The data were analyzed using the descriptive statistic and Chow test. The chow test was used to examine the presence of structural break around the ex dividend date. Primary data was used with the intention of corroborating evidence from secondary data. The study reveals that most of the share price showed the percentage change of share price to dividend is higher than fifty percent. Further more the market found to be efficient with the presence of structural break of share price around the ex dividend date. Moreover the dealers revealed that the share price tend to react whenever there is information releases. The few securities were used during conducting this study. This is because in DSE few securities have been listed. It was thus difficult to make a concrete conclusion about the share price behavior during the ex dividend date. Since one of the government policies is encouragement of locals to develop indigenous ownership through development of the capital and stock market, then the government should find an easier way to increase the number of security at DSE. *************** THE ROLE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING A Case of the Muleba District Council Zephyrin, Gerald Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2008 The primary objective of this study was to assess the Muleba District Councils capacity to plan the training and development programme in pursuit of the stability between performance capabilities and performance demands in line to the LGRP orientation. The research based on descriptive survey. It was qualitative research designed to employ the case study for exploratory study to establish characteristic features of the LGAs HRs training and development plans. Findings indicated that the existing HRs training and Development programme suffered from absence of explicit policy to guide the preparations. This state made it possible for ad hoc training to occupy large



portion in relation to the planned training implementation. This mostly was resulted by limited funds that hampered implementation of the plan. Also lack of the computerised database for the training undertakings made it difficult to have clear assessment of the plan. Nonetheless, the majority interviewees were of the view that HRs training and development plan was important and thus needed to be improved. The study recommends a number of issues to consider. The Council is to institute mechanism to allow clear and acceptable procedures for training plan preparation. There is the necessary need for concrete integration of the departments training plans to the Council training planning. There is also a need to include in the plan the forecasted percentage of ad hoc trainings. Ministries are urged to communicate with LGAs on the arranged trainings to be offered. On the other hand, the Council has to allocate sufficient funds by increasing training budget from all sources of funds. More importantly, training for planners is to be taken as requisite to reinforce capacity to properly project training needs. Training policy for training planning management is of great magnitude. It sets guiding principles to observe in planning. In all, it is of significance to establish and develop computerised database for training accomplishments. *************** CHALLENGES FACING UTILITY COMPANIES ON MANAGEMNT OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS EXPOSURE The Case of Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) Octavian Barnabas Komba Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2008 The appropriate level of firm business foreign exchange risks associated with foreign exchange volatility is the key variable in any utility sector involved in transactions denominated in foreign currencies. With foreign exchange volatility effects, there is a need for a better understanding of foreign exchange risks management techniques to reduce risks. The study aimed at finding out the relationship between the firm expected profits and the exchange rate volatility effects and assesses foreign exchange risk awareness and general practices within utility firms. The research was conducted at TANESCO head office where the researcher reviewed the energy purchase records imported from Uganda, Zambia and Independent power producers within the country. The case study and Survey approaches were used to collect the quantitative and qualitative data for the analysis. The results show that there was lack of strong relationship between the expected level of profitability and exchange rate volatility and it has expected other factors have direct influence and have significant impact to the firm expected profit or loss. Also it is evident that the firm has no sound policy on foreign exchange transaction risks management and low level of general practices in the foreign exchange risks management activities as there is a perception that the capacity within the country to manage foreign currency risk is either weak or mostly non existent or where it is somewhat in existence there is a need to strengthen that capacity. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

COMPENSATION AND RETENTION OF WORKERS The Case of Health Workers in Public Hospitals in Dar es Salaam. Grace Diyu Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2008 The main objective of this research was to investigate whether compensation has a positive relationship with retention problem of health workers in Tanzania. The Public Health Facilities in Dar es Salaam were taken as the case study of the research to represent the whole. Data collection was done through administering of questionnaires which had items with 5 point scale to different health workers, reading various documents related to the study and interviewing key resource persons from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The research findings revealed that, overall, the majority of health workers feel that they are inadequately remunerated in terms of benefits and incentives and would therefore not hesitate to shift to greener pastures given opportunity. Since most workers are not satisfied with the overall working conditions in their respective fields, they would not recommend their sons or daughters to follow in their footsteps by pursuing careers in the health sector. This may have a negative impact on the number of future aspirants hence lead to future shortage of health workers further compounding the retention problems currently experienced. *************** EVALUATION OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES OF CORPORATIONS IN TANZANIA Frederick Bernard Msumali Masters of Business Administration (Marketing), October 2007 This study aimed at researching effectiveness and integration of marketing communication strategies employed by corporations in Tanzania especially in the banking sector, with CRDB, NBC, NMB and Stanbic Bank (T) Ltd as a case study. The study tried to answer the following research questions: Do banks design and implement marketing communication strategies in an integrated manner and are those strategies effective? What attracted the customers to the banks? Which bank has been relatively more successful than others and in which ways do the banks communicate to its customers? The study was descriptive in nature with some elements of exploratory and explanatory research. Questionnaires were administered to randomly sampled customers of the banks as well as staff of the banks. The analysis was done mainly using the SPSS statistical package. The study established that CRDB and NBC have been relatively exemplary in communicating positively with their customers and that most customers willingly chose to join those two banks and were happy with the services. On the other hand, NMB and Stanbic Bank retail customers were either forced to join the bank due to the monopoly or did so as a result of employers pressure. It has also revealed that the banks are aware of the IMC concept though they do not practice it.



The study concludes that banks in Tanzania still need to harmonise their marketing communication strategies and hence an advice to the management of the banks to plan and implement their marketing communication strategies in an IMC manner. *************** IMPACT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) ADOPTION ON MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS (MFIs) The Case of PRIDE Tanzania Richard Joseph Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2006 The main objective of the case study was to explore and gain an understanding of the impact of ICT adoption in the Microfinance industry in Tanzania. The study specifically addresses the following issues; first, the extent of ICT investment in PRIDE Tanzania and level of ICT competence to staff. Second, the study assessed whether the ICT adoption has helped the organization to improve organizational performance and quality of services. Lastly, the study tried to expose major constraints associated with effective implementation and utilization of ICT. Respondents were drawn from PRIDE Tanzania staff in six different branches. This study used purposive sampling to obtain respondents from total population. Questionnaires were adopted as the main tool of collecting data. Variables and hypotheses were identified and developed to obtain statistical relationships. Findings reveal that ICT adoption have helped PRIDE Tanzania to reduce some of operating costs, offer more products, increase productivity, monitor loan repayment and serve clients timely. The study also reveals management attitude towards ICT investment and utilization. ICT investment only refers to the acquisitions of ICT facilities, undermining the aspect of ICT training to ICT users (staff). The extent of ICT utilization is solely automation, speeding up the processes rather than making use ICT options to reorganize business operations. This study concludes that for the ICT to have substantial impact, MFIs should stop using technology to mechanize old ways of doing businesses. The study argues that MFIs to utilize ICT to radically redesign business processes in order to achieve substantial impact of ICT investment. *************** ANALYSIS OF SERVICE MARKETING STRATEGIES USED BY UTILITY ORGANIZATIONS IN TANZANIA The Case Study of Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited Sana B. Idindili Master of Business Administration (Marketing), October 2007 The purpose of this research is to analyse the service marketing strategies used by utility organizations in Tanzania by taking a case study of Tanzania Electrical Supply Company Limited. The study cited the service marketing mix which are people, physical evidence and process and aimed at establishing if these


University of Dar es Salaam

strategies are used by TANESCO in their day-to-day activities and if they help TANESCO employees to provide quality services. The use of service marketing strategies was ascertained by assessing the functional quality dimensions, and the relationship between functional quality and customer satisfaction was examined using customer perception of satisfaction factors. A total number of 80 customers and 40 TANESCO employees were drawn from TANESCO offices in Dar es Salaam region. The study found deficiencies in the use of service marketing strategies. The results of the study showed that a significant portion of the interviewed respondents showed dissatisfaction with TANESCO services regarding process, physical environment and staff behaviour towards customers. Further, the study recommended the improvement of customer care training for TANESCO employees, improved electricity connection procedures and providing adequate technical and office equipment for company work. *************** USABILITY OF MONEY TRANSFER INFORMATION SYSTEMS: THE CASE OF SWIFT AND TISS IN TANZANIA Maduhu Mshangi Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 The main objective of this study was to explore the usability of money transfer information systems in Tanzania. The study specifically addressed: linkage between reliability and usability; relationship between accessibility and usability; relationship between affordability and usability; relationship between efficiency and usability of money transfer information systems. Respondents were drawn from 36 financial institutions which are members of SWIFT and TISS in Tanzania; 34 members are in Dar es Salaam region, 1 in Zanzibar and 1 in Kilimanjaro region. Questionnaires were adopted as the main tool of collecting data, *************** A CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF SALARY AND UPWARD MOBILITY IN TANZANIA The Case of National Insurance Corporation (T) Limited. Blasius Martin Lupenza Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), July 2007 In a rapidly changing environment, each time an innovation occurs making an Organization competitive. Past success is not a guarantee of the future success. As a result, the Organization must re-evaluate their strategies. One consequence of the fight for survival and success is realization that employees are the most important resource. Having in place the motivational frameworks for the employees is essential for effective performance in the Organization. The main purpose of this study was to examine factors hindering effective



performance within NIC. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the employees motivational frameworks and practices related to salary and establish how they inhibit or enhance employees performance in the Organization. Also to examine the existing employees motivational framework and practices related to upward mobility and establish how they inhibit or enhance employees performance. Finally suggest ways of improving employees motivational packages and practices in the Organization. The study found that there was a low understanding by employees of the existing salary and upward mobility motivational frameworks, the existing mobility arrangement plus the existing salary largely inhibited the employees positive work attitude and employees effective performance. The study therefore concludes that motivation is an integral part of the Organization that can either lead employees towards effective performance or be toxic in terms of work morale. I therefore recommend that the NIC Management should consider employees as the most important resource that the organization can not do without. In this regard it should re-visit and review the current motivational frameworks so as to boost the employees morale and improve performance. *************** GLOBALIZATION CHALLENGES ON LOCAL SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE CONSTRUCTION FIRMS IN TANZANIA Tumsifu Meena Master of Business Administration, July 2007 The main objective of this study has been to investigate and identify weaknesses faced by local contractors. Specifically, the study intended to investigate managerial capability, financial capability and technological capability of local contractors as compared to foreign contractors; and investigate whether political influences weaken or strengthen local small and medium scale contractors. The research was carried in Dar es Salaam region and involved the local small and medium scale contractors. A structured undisguised questionnaire was used as basic tool for collection of primary data, secondary data collected from various sources and both were used in the analysis of the main key elements of this study The results from this study show that entry of foreign construction firms into the local economy has not speeded technological transfer to local firms. There is little partnership or sub-contracting of construction activities between local and foreign construction firms. It was observed that most of bidding conditions imposed do not favour local firms. Most of the hindering problems facing small and medium local construction firms in Tanzania were poor access to credit, high cost of construction equipments, poor technology, and poor managerial capabilities. These problems claim to cause technical capability to participate in most of construction projects including foreign funded projects. It was recommended to put special opportunities and priorities to local construction firms to protect local construction firms. Polices on lending or leasing, subcontracting of works to small and medium construction firms have to be prioritized to enable them to compete with foreign firms. Policy makers need also to put in place conditions for the operations of foreign firms that will enable local firms to learn acquire technology from foreign firms. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

EFFECTIVENESS OF COLLECTING REVENUE IN LOCAL AUTHORITIES The Case of Produce Cess in Korogwe District Council Miraji Mohamed Master in Business Administration (Finance), October 2006 One of the cardinal problems in local government authorities is to improve the critical financial condition caused by lack of revenue. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of collecting revenue: a case of Produce cess in Korogwe District Council. In examining the effectiveness of the method, control mechanism instituted and criteria used in levy rating by the council in collecting produce cess were taken into account. A total of 100 respondents were contacted from the district. The data were collected using three instruments namely; documentary review, interviews/discussions and questionnaires. These instruments were applied to the 100 respondents purposefully chosen. The data collected are presented and analyzed through tables, graphs and percentages. The study found out that produce cess collection has surpassed development levy collection because the revenue has increased by an average of 71.4 percent over and above revenue collected per annum through development levy method. The study also found that the guidelines and procedures used in collecting produce cess as the major source of councils revenue, has been very effective in comparison to the previous method. Thus making produce cess the major source of revenue. The above finding led the researcher to conclude that the procedures and guidelines instituted by the council have been very effective in ascertaining maximum revenue collection. However, a number of recommendations are put forth, all aimed at tightening effective control and supervision in revenue collection. *************** ACCOUNTING AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN FAITH BASED ORGANISATIONS A Case Study of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, Eastern and Coastal Diocese Felister Samuel Mushi Master of Business Administration (Human Resourses Management), October 2006 This study sought to examine accounting and accountability in the context of governance in the Eastern and Coastal Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. We focused on four ingredients of accounting and accountability relationship, namely (i) conformance with rules, norms and canons of the church by church leaders and functionaries; (ii) performance in service delivery plans and development plans; (iii) the amount of information available to members of the church, and (iv) structure of roles and power distribution in the church organization. All these four ingredients could affect accounting and accountability positively or negatively. The significant findings of the study include the following: First, there are adequate systemic controls to ensure conformance with church rules, norms and canons. However, as far as conformance with financial regulations is concerned, controls are rather weak at the congregation and church district levels.



Second, performance in service delivery plans and development plans is generally assessed as medium at the congregation and diocese levels, but as low at the church district office level. Third, the church organization affords all stakeholders adequate information and opportunity to participate in decision and policy making processes. This gives the congregants potential power to call church leaders and functionaries into accountability. Fourth, the study finds that accounting and accountability in the church are influenced by two apparently contradictory orientations held by the congregants. One orientation is spiritual, originating from the Biblical teaching that judgment should be left to God and that the clerics, as servants of God, are anointed by the spirit of God. These and related teachings make some congregants shy and soft in criticizing church leaders or making demands. On the other hand, we found adequate secularization of values in the church to enable congregations and other stakeholders to call church leaders and functionaries into accountability as several cases have shown. Finally, the study makes several recommendations, including the need to strengthen financial accounting instruments at the congregation and church district levels; the need to strengthen the church district offices organizationally, financially and manpower wise; the need to create autonomous boards for major projects at congregational, district and diocese levels; and the need to commit more time and funds to evangelistic work. *************** AN EVALUATION OF SERVICE GAPS IN POSTAL SERVICE QUALITY The Case of Tanzania Posts Corporation Said Kipagame Kaswella Masters of Business Administration (Marketing), November 2006 The main object of the study was to empirically examine the service gaps in postal service, the case of Tanzania Posts Corporation was chosen for the study. A conceptual model linking the service gaps in the service quality aspects was developed and tested through a sample survey of 100 customers, 20 TPC Directors/ Managers and 50 TPC employees. The findings indicate that service gaps analysis in TPC have no significant effect on service quality provision. The respondents (i.e customers and employees) have influence on the way they expect and perceive the quality of service in TPC. The implication of the findings to the theory of customer satisfaction is that expectations play a minor role in satisfaction process and thus supporting the proposition of understanding the service performance and subsequent customer satisfaction in services and constant maintenance of durable products, service inclusive. Practically, the findings indicate that the management side of an organization like TPC and other similar firms should further strive to underscore the importance of customer focus and satisfaction by not solely concentrating on the monopoly nightmares in provision of their services, rather should examine a close look from how customers requirements are met and satisfied including critical aspects of competitive positioning, and increased customer relationship by the management and the organization as a whole. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

THE EFFECT OF ICT ON SERVICE QUALITY PERCEPTION AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Case of ICT-Enabled Services in National Microfinance Bank (NMB) Limited and CRDB Bank Limited Najim Soud Ali Master of Business Administration (Finance), October 2007 In order to achieve better lightning protection and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements for the electrical power networks, it is important that the knowledge of surge propagation on the power lines should be well known to protection engineers. This includes the knowledge of identifying the points on power lines which would have the probability of having the higher values of induced surge voltages for a particular Electrical Power Network in the event of a lightning strike terminating on the line or close to the line. Therefore, this work investigates the various factors that could influence the induction and propagation of transient surges in an Electrical Power Network when direct lightning strikes terminate on one of the overhead conductors that has a greater probability of being struck. In this work, the Medium Voltages and Low Voltages (MV/LV) Electrical Power Network (overhead primary and secondary distribution lines) have been modelled as Multi Transmission Lines system (MTLs) for transient propagation studies. Two cases of transmission line parameters representation have been considered i.e. lossless and lossy (conductor internal loss) conductors. The simulation results of lossy consideration differ slightly from the simulation results of lossless cases in terms of wave shapes and peak magnitudes of the induced voltage. In this study the struck conductor of the overhead primary and secondary distribution lines is referred as the emitter whereas other conductors below the emitter are referred as receptors. With different loads at the ends of the receptors, it has been found that the peak surge voltage is the highest on the emitter near the point of strike when all receptors are terminated with very low impedances. On the other hand, the obtained peak induced voltage is higher at either ends of each receptor when the receptors are terminated with very high impedance. *************** DETERMINING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PERFORMANCE IN NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS The Case of Bank of Tanzania Leonard Lugega Ikombe Masano Master of Business Administration (Information Technology and Marketing), November 2006 Information Technology (IT) has become a dependable organisational resource, but determination of its performance is still problematic as available evaluation tools were predominantly derived from finance



management discipline that emphasise reporting performance in monetary terms. Unavailability of suitable methodologies and factors has hindered Bank of Tanzania (BOT) from adequately determining performance of IT, as part of its corporate governance practices and regulatory requirements. A combination of several tools from other scholars was used to develop a construct where Likert type questionnaires was used to determine which of the benefit and value factors are suitable for evaluation of IT Performance, and test them in Bank of Tanzania as a non-profit organisation. Results show that value factors are more preferred than benefit factors, but a combination of the two factors was also preferred. BOT IT performance determined using these factors was found to be low, which concurred with low IT maturity levels obtained from an alternative measurement using ITSM evaluation tool.

*************** PERCEPTIONS, KNOWLEDGE AND EFFECTS OF LOAN INSURANCE FUND (LIF) Evidence from Clients and Staff of Pride Tanzania Sethielf Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management), November 2007 Microfinance Institution (MFI) is an organization that offers finance services to the very poor. MFI s emerged to serve the financial needs of these poor the community. The main objective of this study was to assess the perception of MFI s clients on loan insurance fund. To meet the study objectives, data was collected from three branches of PRIDE Tanzania namely, Kariakoo, Buguruni and Magomeni. Questionnaires were distributed to PRIDE Tanzania clients as well as officials. Questionnaires were coded into statistical package known as SPSS and analyzed. Collected data and descriptive analysis was conducted and presented in tabular formats. Research hypotheses were tested using chi-squire statistics. The study shows that, there are mixed results on the perception and benefits of LIF to clients. Other perceives LIF is used as collateral especially when client fails to repay loan, while, others perceived that LIF do not help at all, instead, PRIDE is benefiting by holding/locking their money during the period of the loan. The study concluded that, MFI s clients have positive perception about LIF, however, the problem that arises is the way LIF is locked for certain period as well as delaying in disbursing LIF when loan is fully repaid. The study recommends that PRIDE Tanzania should train their credit officers about LIF to enable clients to have proper information and knowledge about LIF and its benefits. Lastly, PRIDE Tanzania should try to reduce the restrictions to LIF to some extent whereby clients access certain amount of deposit he/she has deposited. ***************


University of Dar es Salaam

EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROL IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTEPRISES (SME) IN TANZANIA Anad Grayson Master of Business Administration (Finance), November 2007 SMEs constitute a huge portion of the enterprise population in Tanzania. SMEs contribute to employment, GDP, and exports. Unfortunately, SMEs contribution has been constrained by a number of problems; including problem on maintaining proper internal controls over record keeping and other operations. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether or not small and medium enterprises (SMEs) maintain effective internal control in their day-to-day operations. The study was conducted by a way of survey, fifty SMES (employing between 1-49) based in Dar es Salaam were randomly selected and 60 respondents were interviewed by use of questionnaires. The respondents were divided into two groups i.e. the owners/ managers and employees working in SMEs.The analysis was performed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) where by comparisons and tabulations were obtained to help explain the results. The result revealed that there is weak accounting control in SMEs due to lack of segregation of duty, inadequate documentation, unclear organization structure, few numbers of employees and possibility for management override. Also it was found that the use of professional accountant in SMEs is very limited due to high cost s of recruiting and maintaining them. The result point to he need of professional body responsible for formulating and supervising accounting standards in the country to formulate standards, which are tailored to suit SMES. The result also point to the need of NBAA to promote accounting professional by conducting seminars, workshops to their members on the need of maintaining effective internal controls. Also the result point to the need for government to formulate policies, which will facilitate growth of SMEs economically. ***************

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