Incidental Capture of Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas) in Gillnets of Small-Scale

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IncidenIaI capIure oI green IurIIe ¸Chcloniu myJus) in giIIneIs oI smaII-scaIe

sheries in Ihe Paranaguá Bay, SouIhern BraziI

E.A. López-Barrera

, C.O. Longo
, E.L.A. MonIeiro-FiIho
c, d
UnivcrsiJuJc lcJcrul Jo Purunu, Progrumu Jc Pos-CruJuuçüo cm £cologiu c Conscrvuçüo, Sctor Jc Cicncius 8iologicus, PU 8ox 190J1, C£P 815J1-980, Curitibu, Pk, 8ruzil
UnivcrsiJuJc lcJcrul Jc Suntu Cuturinu, Progrumu Jc Pos-CruJuuçüo cm £cologiu, Dcp. £cologiu c Zoologiu, Lub. 8iogcogru u c Mucroccologiu Murinhu, C£P 880109Z0,
lloriunopolis, SC, 8ruzil
UnivcrsiJuJc lcJcrul Jo Purunu, Dcpurtumcnto Jc Zoologiu, Sctor Jc Cicncius 8iologicus, Dcpurtumcnto Jc Zoologiu, PU 8ox 190z0, C£P 815J1-980, Curitibu, Pk, 8ruzil
lcC - lnstituto Jc Pcsquisus Cununciu, kuu !ristüo Lobo, 199 C£P 11990-000, Cununciu, SP, 8ruzil
A k 1 I c I I I K I o
/rticlc history:
AvaiIabIe onIine 10 ]anuary 2012
A s s 1 k A c 1
Fishing acIiviIies are an imporIanI economic resource in Ihe Paranaguá Bay, souIhern BraziI. In Ihis area,
Ihere are reporIs oI sea IurIIes inIeracIing wiIh smaII-scaIe sheries. II was Iound IhaI Ihe juveniIe green-
IurIIe ¸Chcloniu myJus) uses areas disIurbed by shing acIiviIy, which puIs Ihem aI a higher risk oI
capIure. The objecIive oI Ihis sIudy was Io evaIuaIe Ihe inIeracIions oI juveniIe green-IurIIes wiIh Ihe
giIIneIs used in smaII-scaIe sheries, enabIing a Iong-Ierm undersIanding oI Ihose giIIneI characIerisIics
which increase Ihe risk oI IurIIe capIures. The highesI sea IurIIe capIure raIes occur in Ihe earIy dry
season, which is correIaIed wiIh Ihe Iarger dispIacemenI oI individuaIs searching Ior avaiIabIe Iood
sources. High IeveIs oI shing eIIorI aIso occur in Ihis earIy dry period wiIhouI a speci c IargeI resource.
The highesI IeveIs oI sea IurIIe morIaIiIy were observed during Ihe coIdesI periods oI Ihe year ¸IaIe rainy
and earIy dry seasons) and can be reIaIed Io Ihe physioIogicaI needs oI Ihe sea IurIIes. The characIerisIics
oI giIIneIs IhaI had Ihe sIrongesI reIaIionships Io IurIIe capIures were soak Iime and mesh size. These
resuIIs suggesI IhaI iI is necessary Io design new reguIaIions governing aspecIs oI shing Iechniques
such as soak Iime, neI IengIh or seasonaI use oI neIs. ConservaIion iniIiaIives aiming Io reduce Ihe risk oI
IurIIe capIure musI consider Ihe economic imporIance oI smaII-scaIe shing pracIices and address Ihe
con icI IhaI may exisI beIween sociaI concerns and environmenIaI issues.
PubIished by EIsevier LId.
1. lntroduction
AnIhropogenic pressures, incIuding shing acIiviIies, are among
Ihe reasons why sea IurIIes are regisIered as a criIicaIIy endangered
species. The risk Ihese animaIs Iace Irom bycaIch has IrequenIIy
been reporIed, buI a Iack oI daIa makes Ihe idenIi caIion oI IacIors
IhaI in uence Iheir survivaI raIes diI cuII ¸FAO, 2009). Because oI
Ihe insuI ciency oI Ihis daIa Ior IurIher anaIysis, Ihe FAO ExperI
ConsuIIaIion has recommended a compiIaIion oI basic inIormaIion
regarding accounIs oI shore shing inIeracIions wiIh sea IurIIes
since 2004.
The environmenIaI impacIs oI indusIriaI shing have received
a greaI deaI oI aIIenIion, as indusIriaI sheries are invoIved wiIh
inIernaIionaI and environmenIaI poIicies and rigorous Irade regu-
IaIions ¸FAO, 2007). InIormaIion regarding Ihe impacIs oI smaII-
scaIe shing, however, remains scarce ¸WaIIace eI aI., 2010).
FurIher undersIanding oI Ihe environmenIaI impacIs oI smaII-scaIe
sheries Ihrough assessmenIs aI regionaI scaIes are necessary Io
Iake appropriaIe conservaIion measures whiIe considering Ihe
socio-economic concerns oI diIIerenI regions ¸FAO, 2009).
There are severaI recenI sIudies IhaI address inIeracIions
beIween sea IurIIes and shing pracIices aIong Ihe BraziIian coasI,
wiIh Ihe earIiesI eIIorIs Iocusing on Iarge-scaIe indusIriaI sheries
¸MarcovaIdi eI aI., 2002). ThereIore, Ihe managemenI pracIices
creaIed in response Io Ihis work onIy address Iong-Iine indusIriaI
shing oI peIagic species such as Curcttu curcttu and Dcmochclys
coriuccu ¸Thome eI aI., 200J; MarcovaIdi eI aI., 2006; KoIas eI aI.,
2004). This previous Iocus on Iarge-scaIe indusIriaI sheries
makes Ihe presenI sIudy, which examines Ihe impacI oI smaII-scaIe
sheries on sea IurIIes in BraziI, a vaIuabIe conIribuIion Io Ihe
exisIing body oI knowIedge.
AddiIionaIIy, many communiIies in Ihe sIaIe oI Paraná in
SouIhern BraziI are dependenI on smaII-scaIe shing pracIices
Ior Iheir IiveIihoods ¸AndrigueIIo-FiIho eI aI., 2006), buI Ihe
 Corresponding auIhor. TeI.: 55 4198195211.
£-muil uJJrcss: ¸E.A. López-Barrera).
CohIehIs lisIs available aI SciVerse SciehceDirecI
Ocean & CoasIaI ManagemenI
| ourhal homepage: www. el sevi er. com/ l ocaIe/ ocecoamah
0964-5691jS  see IronI maIIer PubIished by EIsevier LId.
Ocean & CoasIaI ManagemenI 60 ¸2012) 1118
inIeracIions oI Ihese pracIices wiIh sea IurIIes have noI yeI been
addressed. One sIudy suggesIs IhaI juveniIe individuaIs oI Ihe
green IurIIe ¸Chcloniu myJus) use Ihe same areas as Ihe sheries,
which in Iurn increases Iheir capIure risk ¸cI. CueberI-BarIhoIo
eI aI., 2011). Since 2004, Ihe InsIiIuIo de Pesquisas Cananeia
¸IPeC) has reporIedIurIIe sIranding and, in some cases, inIeracIions
wiIh giIIneIs in areas oI concern ¸CueberI eI aI., 2008). The majoriIy
oI Ihese capIures are accidenIaI, as is expecIed wiIh Ihe unwanIed
bycaIch oI shing pracIices.
II has been reporIed by shermen in Ihe region IhaI inIeracIion
oI giIIneIs wiIh sea IurIIes is common, and moniIoring eIIorIs have
reporIed a high sea IurIIe morIaIiIy raIe ¸100 individuaIsjyear
approx.) ¸BarIhoIo-CueberI eI aI., 2011). NeverIheIess, Ihere is a Iack
oI daIa in Ihese records, as Ihey are unabIe Io idenIiIy Ihe cause oI
deaIh. Considering Ihis conIexI, iI is evidenI IhaI Ihere is sIiII a Iack
oI robusI evidence abouI Ihe Iiming and manner oI Ihe inIeracIion
beIween sheries and IurIIes. The main goaI oI Ihis sIudy is Io
evaIuaIe Ihe inIeracIions oI juveniIe green-IurIIes wiIh giIIneIs oI
smaII-scaIe sheries in a growing region oI SouIhern BraziI and, by
doing so, Io enabIe Ihe Iong-Ierm moniIoring necessary Io advance
our undersIanding abouI how giIIneI characIerisIics increase Ihe
risk oI IurIIe capIures. In Ierms oI IocaI popuIaIions oI sea IurIIes, we
aIso propose soIuIions Io reduce Iheir capIure raIes.
2. Matcrials and mcthods
The Paranaguá EsIuary CompIex ¸PEC) is siIuaIed in Ihe mid-
norIhern parI oI Paraná sIaIe ¸SouIhern BraziI) and is comprised
oI severaI smaII bays which meeI Ihe Iarger Paranaguá Bay ¸Fig. 1).
The PEC is a Iarge inIerconnecIed subIropicaI esIuary made up oI
Iwo main waIer bodies and is connecIed Io Ihe open sea via Ihree
channeIs ¸Lana eI aI., 2000), which give rise Io an ocean shore and
an esIuarine shore ¸AnguIo and Aráujo, 1996). Awide varieIy oI rich
habiIaIs exisI on Ihe esIuarine side, incIuding saII marshes,
mangroves, swamps, seagrass paIches, rocky shores and Iide banks
¸NeIIo and Lana, 1997). The exIernaI area ¸ocean shore) oI Ihe PEC is
made up oI beaches and sandbanks wiIh a Iack oI vegeIaIion ¸Lana
eI aI., 2000), which exIend Ior 2 km and have depIhs oI no more
Ihan 2 m ¸NeIIo and Lana, 1997).
In Ihis area, smaII-scaIe shing viIIages are Iound aIong Ihe
shore sides oI rivers and esIuaries, and Ihese viIIages harvesI
around 70 IargeI-species oI economic imporIance ¸AndrigueIIo-
FiIho eI aI., 2009). AIIhough Ihe yieIds oI smaII-scaIe shing are
generaIIy noI highIy vaIued, Ihey are oI regionaI imporIance
¸AndrigueIIo-FiIho eI aI., 2006). II is possibIe Io diIIerenIiaIe
beIween Ihe shing Iechniques oI esIuarine shermen and shore
shermen; Ihe origin and permanence oI Ihis wide varieIy oI
pracIices can be expIained hisIoricaIIy by boIh naIuraI and sociaI
IacIors ¸AndrigueIIo-FiIho eI aI., 2009). EsIuarine shermen use
IooIs Iike Ihe wooden pIank boaI, Iong-Iines, Ihe gcrivul or turru-
nhu ¸a kind oI beam IrawI deveIoped IocaIIy Ior capIuring juve-
niIe whiIe shrimp), driII giIIneIs, encircIing giIIneIs, anchored
giIIneIs and IrammeI neIs. Shore shermen, whom are generaIIy
empIoyed by oIhers, use a diversiIy oI equipmenI ¸canoes wiIh
propuIsion sysIems, IrawI neIs, IrammeI neIs, driII, encircIing and
anchored giIIneIs wiIh diIIerenI mesh sizes) ¸AndrigueIIo-FiIho
eI aI., 2006, 2009). ThereIore, in order Io anaIyze Ihe reIaIive
impacIs oI Ihese meIhods, Ihe esIuary and shore siIes musI be
IreaIed separaIeIy.
In Ihis sIudy, Ihree smaII-scaIe shing esIuarine viIIages ¸PonIa
do Poço, MacieI, IIha do MeI,-Fig. 1) and Ihree shore viIIages
¸Shangri-Iá, Barrancos, PonIaI do SuI, -Fig. 1) oI Ihe Paranaguá Bay
were moniIored Irom ]uIy 2007 unIiI ]une 2008. DaIa were
coIIecIed Irom reporIs oI researchers aboard shing vesseIs, inIer-
views wiIh shermen and anecdoIaI inIormaIion; in some anaIyses,
however, iI was noI possibIe Io use aII oI Ihis inIormaIion. The
lig. 1. The Paranaguá EsIuary CompIex ¸25 20

S25 J5

S e 48 00

W48 J0

W) and IocaIions oI Ihe shing areas oI inIeresI in Ihe Paranaguá Bay. TriangIes are Ihe shore siIes;
circIes are Ihe esIuarine siIes.
£./. Lopcz-8urrcru ct ul. / Uccun 6 Coustul Munugcmcnt 50 ¦z01z) 1118 12
IoIIowing seasonaI periods were cIassi ed according Io rainIaII:
earIy dry period ¸]uIy Io SepIember), IaIe dry period ¸OcIober Io
December), earIy rainy period ¸]anuary Io March) and IaIe rainy
period ¸ApriI Io ]une) ¸BarIeIIa eI aI., 2008).
Due Io Ihe high varieIy oI shing gear used in Ihe area, daIa was
coIIecIed onIy Ior shing evenIs IhaI used giIIneIs ¸IrammeI neI,
encircIing giIIneI, anchor seI giIIneI and IrawI neI). For each oI Ihese
evenIs, Ihe IoIIowing inIormaIion was recorded: neI IengIh, neI
heighI, mesh size, Iwine Ihickness, soak Iime ¸Ihe inIervaI during
which shing gear is in Ihe waIer), approximaIe depIh oI shing
siIes, and approximaIe disIance Io coasI oI Ihe shing siIes.
TrammeI neIs ¸IocaIIy caIIed jciticciru), which have Ihree Iayers oI
neI, were noI incIuded in Ihe anaIyses due Io Ihe diI cuIIy oI
comparing Ihem wiIh singIe Iayer neIs. DaIa on Ihe physicaI
condiIions and curved carapace IengIhs ¸CCL) measuremenIs ¸Ior
size Irequency cIassi caIion) oI sea IurIIes in Ihe incidenIaI bycaIch
were aIso coIIecIed.
An ANOVA was used Io evaIuaIe Ihe diIIerences beIween Ihe
size cIasses oI capIured IurIIes on a IemporaI scaIe ¸beIween
seasons) and on a spaIiaI scaIe ¸beIween esIuary and shore siIes).
DaIa were IransIormed and IesIed Ior normaIiIy wiIh Ihe
ShapiroWiIk TesI and Ior homoscedasIiciIy using Levenes TesI.
KeIaIionships beIween Ihe green-IurIIe capIures and cerIain char-
acIerisIics oI shing gear in each area were assessed using a Prin-
cipaI ComponenI AnaIysis ¸PCA). For Ihis anaIysis, each shing
evenI was considered as a sampIe, characIerisIics oI shing gear as
variabIes and a IurIIe capIure in any shing evenI ¸wiIh or wiIhouI
capIured) was considered a IacIor correIaIing Io Ihe sampIe.
Fishing eIIorI and IoIaI number oI capIures are shown per
season Ior boIh sIudy areas, aIIowing Ior an assessmenI oI Ihe
cumuIaIive impacI oI smaII-scaIe sheries on sea IurIIes. We aIso
perIormed a simpIe regression Ior each sIudy area ¸esIuarine and
shore area) using daIa Irom each monIh during Ihe seasons.
Some caveaIs shouId be Iaken inIo consideraIion regarding Ihe
daIa used in Ihis paper. DaIa reporIed in Ihe earIy rainy season may
have been aIIecIed by Ihe socio-economic acIiviIies occurring
during Ihis season ¸Iourism, IurIIe-based producIs, higher vesseI
IraI c, resIricIed areas designaIed Ior shing), aII oI which may be
re ecIed in Ihe Iow numbers oI reporIed capIure evenIs. These
IacIors may have masked Ihe Irue amounI oI capIure evenIs and
Iead Io an underesIimaIed number oI capIures in Ihis seasonaI
period. However, iI is sIiII possibIe Io evaIuaIe capIures oI sea
IurIIes in smaII-scaIe sheries oI Ihe region using Ihe daIa pre-
senIed in Ihis sIudy.
lig. 2. Fishing eIIorI oI giIIneIs oI smaII-scaIe sheries and sea IurIIe capIures by season period and area in Paranaguá Bay, souIhern BraziI.
£./. Lopcz-8urrcru ct ul. / Uccun 6 Coustul Munugcmcnt 50 ¦z01z) 1118 1J
3. kcsults
J.1. lishcrics chuructcrizution unJ summury oj scu turtlc cupturcs
A IoIaI oI J74 shing evenIs were recorded during Ihis sIudy, oI
which 49 had inIeracIions wiIh Ihe species Chcloniu myJus ¸capIure
raIe oI 1J°). More speci caIIy, evenIs invoIving Ihe use oI giIIneIs
¸n J20, 86° oI IoIaI evenIs recorded) had Ihe highesI Irequency oI
sea IurIIe capIure ¸n  49).
Anchored giIIneIs were Ihe mosI IrequenIIy used shing gear in
Ihis region IhroughouI Ihe year, IoIIowed by driII giIIneIs and
encircIing giIIneIs. DriII giIIneIs were observed during Ihe monIhs
oI ]anuary and February, whiIe IrammeI neIs were used during Ihe
monIhs oI ]une Io OcIober. The use oI IrawI neIs began in
SepIember, buI was disconIinued during Ihe period oI ]anuary
Ihrough ]une; Ihe beach IrawI neI and Ihe casI neIs were charac-
Ierized by use during Iwo monIhs, May and ]une, in which Mugil
spp. are Ihe shing IargeIs. ParIicuIarIy in Ihe esIuarine area, Ihe
beamIrawI neIs wereused in December, and Ihe Iong Iine was used
in ]anuary, even Ihough Ihe uses oI boIh Iechniques were Iess
IrequenI in comparison wiIh Ihe oIhers.
There was a IoIaI oI 251 giIIneI shing evenIs wiIh J4 sea IurIIe
capIures in Ihe sIudied shore area, whiIe in Ihe esIuarine area Ihere
were 91 shing evenIs wiIh 1J capIures ¸Fig. 2). The highesI shing
eIIorI was recorded during Ihe earIy dry season aI boIh areas ¸IoIaI
oI 170 shing evenIs and 16 capIures), and Ihe IowesI eIIorI was
recorded during Ihe IaIe rainy season ¸IoIaI oI JJ shing evenIs
wiIh 10 capIures; Fig. 2). There was no reIaIion beIween Ihe
number oI shing evenIs and number oI capIures aI eiIher Ihe
shore area ¸l
 0.17; k
 ,016; p  0.69) or Ihe esIuarine area
 0.29; k
 ,02J; p  0.60).
A 6J° morIaIiIy raIe ¸J1 individuaIs) was recorded among Ihe
sea IurIIe capIure evenIs in Ihis sIudy. MorIaIiIy was highesI during
Ihe IaIe dry season ¸n  14), peaking during Ihe monIh oI
November ¸n  9). SurvivaI was recorded Ior 4 individuaIs. For Ihe
earIy dry season, a morIaIiIy oI 8 individuaIs was recorded, peaking
during Ihe monIh oI SepIember ¸n 4), buI Ihere was aIso an equaI
number oI survivors ¸8). The IowesI numbers oI capIures ¸n  2)
were recorded in Ihe monIhs oI Ihe earIy rainy season, and boIh oI
Ihese capIured individuaIs survived. In Ihe IaIe rainy season, Ihere
were 12 capIures recorded, oI which 9 were dead. CapIures peaked
in ApriI ¸n 4), and 4 individuaIs survived, wiIh Ihe mosI surviving
lig. 3. Size cIass Irequencies oI green-IurIIes capIured by shing gear A. by season and B. by area in Paranaguá Bay, souIhern BraziI ¸n  45).
£./. Lopcz-8urrcru ct ul. / Uccun 6 Coustul Munugcmcnt 50 ¦z01z) 1118 14
in ]une ¸n J). II was observed IhaI mosI morIaIiIies were recorded
during Ihe coIder monIhs ¸earIy dry and IaIe rainy seasons, n 17)
and were IowesI during Ihe warmer monIhs ¸IaIe dry and earIy
rainy seasons, n  14).
J.z. Scu turtlcs cupturcJ in gillncts oj smull-sculc shcrics
The IoIIowing size cIasses oI capIuredgreen-IurIIes in Ihe region
were measuredIor each season: earIy dry season, J9 8.02 cmCCL;
IaIe dry season, J8.J8 5.6 cmCCL; earIy rainy season, J5 0.0 cm
CCL and IaIe rainy season, J7.9 4.96 cm CCL ¸Fig. JA). WiIh
regards IoIhe spaIiaI variaIion oI capIures per sizecIass, Ihe esIuary
area had an averageCCL oI J7.9J 6 cmwhiIe Ihe shore area hadan
average CCL oI J8.69 6 cm ¸Fig. JB).
DespiIe Ihis, no diIIerences were Iound on eiIher Ihe
IemporaI scaIe ¸l  0.2601; p  0.775) or Ihe spaIiaI scaIe
¸l  0.167, p  0.846). No disIribuIion paIIerns were deIecIed Ior
capIures in Ihis sIudied area, which emphasizes Ihe homoge-
neiIy oI capIures in Ihe river mouIh oI Bahia de Paranaguá, as
weII as IaiIs Io show any preIerences Ior area andjor size oI sea
IurIIes in bycaIch.
J.J. kclution oj scu turtlcs cupturcs unJ chuructcristics oj gillncts oj
smull-sculc shcrics
II was observedIhaI capIures oI sea IurIIes in boIh esIuaries and
shore siIes were sIrongIy reIaIed Io mesh size and soak Iime, Iwo
imporIanI characIerisIics oI giIIneIs. In Ihe shore area, Ihe variaIion
oI diIIerenI shing gear Iypes expIained Ihe Iwo axes presenIed;
Ihey were responsibIe Ior 72° oI Ihe variaIion beIween Ihe shing
evenIs recorded in Ihis area, whiIe Ihey accounIed Ior 66° oI Ihe
variaIion in Ihe esIuarine area. ¸Fig. 4A, B).
lig. 4. PrincipaI ComponenI AnaIysis ¸PCA) oI giIIneI characIerisIics in smaII-scaIe sheries and sea IurIIe capIures by area: A. Shore B. EsIuary. BIack IriangIes: noI capIured, gray
IriangIes: capIured.
£./. Lopcz-8urrcru ct ul. / Uccun 6 Coustul Munugcmcnt 50 ¦z01z) 1118 15
CharacIerisIics Iike Iwine Ihickness and depIh oI shing siIes
were correIaIed wiIh capIures in Ihe shore areas ¸Fig. 4A), aIIhough
Ihey presenIed reIaIiveIy weak correIaIions in comparison Io oIher
characIerisIics. For Ihe esIuarine area, Ihe IoIaI neI area ¸IengIh´-
heighI) and Iwine Ihickness were Ihe Iwo characIerisIics mosI
reIaIed Io sea IurIIe capIures ¸Fig. 4B).
4. Discussion and conclusion
The IemporaI scaIe oI shing pracIices in Ihis sIudy is reIaIed Io
Ihe seasonaI Irequencies oI shing resources aIong Ihe coasI oI Ihe
Paraná sIaIe ¸KoberI and Chaves, 2006). The use oI anchored giII-
neIs is IrequenI Ihrough Ihe year, wiIh Ihe highesI usage during Ihe
earIy dry and IaIe dry seasons, Ihe shing season Ior Ihe highIy
prized ounders ¸Purulichthys spp.) in Ihe area ¸AndrigueIIo-FiIho
eI aI., 2006). TrammeI neIs, beach IrawI neIs, and casI neIs can be
Iound during Ihe coIdesI monIhs oI Ihe year ¸May, ]une, ]uIy), oIIen
caIching Iarge shoaIs oI muIIeI sh ¸Mugil spp.) ¸AndrigueIIo-FiIho
eI aI., 2009). During Ihe IaIe dry and IaIe rainy seasons, many
diIIerenI Iypes oI shing gear are used ¸driII giIIneIs, encircIing
giIIneIs, anchor seI giIIneIs, IrammeI neIs, boIIomIrawI neIs) dueIo
a Iack oI speci ciIy Ior a cerIain IargeI-species ¸AndrigueIIo-FiIho
eI aI., 2006).
There was no reIaIionship beIween shing eIIorI and sea
IurIIe capIures in each area, possibIy because Ihe shing eIIorIs
in boIh areas were simiIar ¸14° and 1J°, esIuarine and shore
respecIiveIy). However, sea IurIIe capIures are noI onIy reIaIed Io
Ihe shing eIIorI depIoyed IemporaIIy, buI aIso Ihe avaiIabiIiIy oI
resources in Ihe sIudied area during Ihe earIy and IaIe dry
seasons. This observaIion may be associaIed wiIh Ihe Iarger
dispIacemenI oI individuaIs searching Ior Iheir avaiIabIe Iood
sources ¸HuloJulc wrightii in Ihe earIy rainy and dry seasons,
/viccnniu shuucriunu propaguIes in Ihe IaIe dry and rainy seasons
and Ulvu spp. during Ihe IaIe dry season) ¸CueberI-BarIhoIo eI aI.,
2011). This expIained why, in Ihe IaIe rainy seasonaI period, Ihe
shing eIIorI was Iower Ihan Ihe capIure, because Ioraging
increases Ihe chances oI sea IurIIes Io conIacI and become
enIangIed in shing gear.
In addiIion, Ihe IemporaI variabiIiIy oI capIures couId aIso be
reIaIed Io sea IurIIe behaviors such as IerriIoriaIiIy, navigaIion,
orienIaIion. In norIhern CaIiIornia ¸USA), Avens and Lohmann
¸2004) reIaIed seasonaI variaIions in Ihese behaviors wiIh Ihe
physioIogicaI requiremenIs oI IurIIes. For exampIe, IurIIes migraIed
Io Ihe norIh in search oI coIder waIers during Ihe summer and Io
Ihe souIh Ior warmer waIers in winIer.
As described by Avens and Lohmann ¸2004), measuring
a simiIar paIIern in Ihis sIudy is noI pIausibIe due Io Ihe diIIerenI
shing sIyIes pracIiced in Ihe souIhern sIaIes oI BraziI, diIIerenI
Irequencies oI use and diIIerenI moniIoring programs. However,
Ihe IoIIowing regisIries oI caIch raIes oI green-IurIIes by smaII-
scaIe sheries in BraziI oIIer some insighI inIo Ihe quesIion:
UbaIuba, norIhern Sào PauIo, Ior Ihe ]uIy-earIy dry season ¸CaIIo
eI aI., 2006); norIhern Paraná-PK, Ior Ihe November IaIe dry
season ¸currenI sIudy); and FIorianópoIis, SouIhern SanIa
CaIarina-SC, Ior Ihe March earIy rainy season ¸PKO]ETO TAMAK,
2005). SeveraI hypoIheses can be made based on Ihese daIa.
Fishing gear Iypes and Iechniques wiIh a higher success raIe oI sea
IurIIe capIures coincide wiIh use in Ihe same monIhs. AIIhough
Ihere is a reIaIiveIy smaII ampIiIude oI variaIion in super ciaI sea
IemperaIure ¸SST) among Ihese areas, capIure paIIerns couId aIso
be Ihe resuII oI seasonaI disIribuIion oI IurIIes, based on physio-
IogicaI consIrainIs ¸earIy dry SST: SP  20.96 C, PK  18.5 C,
SC  18.1 C; IaIe dry SST: SP  2J.J C, PK  2J.5 C, SC  2J.2 C;
earIy rainy SST: SP  25.2 C, PK  26 C, SC  25.7 C; IaIe rainy
SST: SP  2J.J C, PK  22.4 C, SC  21.8 C) ¸NOAA, 2011). In
order Io con rm such hypoIheses, IurIher robusI mark-recapIure
sIudies wouId be necessary.
AIIhough Ihe IargesI sea IurIIe caIch was in Ihe IaIe rainy
seasonaI period, Ihe highesI raIe oI morIaIiIy was recorded in Ihe
coIdesI periods oI Ihe year ¸earIy dry and IaIe rainy). This paIIern
can be expIained Ihe by physicaI consIrainIs oI Iow IemperaIures,
which reduce Ihe IurIIes IoIerance during Iorced swims
¸LuIcavage and LuIz, 1997) in reIaIion Io size and acIiviIy Iype oI
sea IurIIes and waIer IemperaIure ¸LuIcavage and LuIz, 1997;
SIabenau eI aI., 1991). These parameIers shouId be considered
when anaIyzing deaIh regisIries, as Ihey couId diIIer beIween Ihe
earIy dry season and Ihe earIy rainy season ¸Sasso and EpperIy,
In Ihe anaIysis oI giIIneIs characIerisIics IhaI in uence sea IurIIe
capIure raIes, soak Iime and mesh size were Ihe mosI imporIanI.
For Ihe rsI, CueberI-BarIoIho eI aI. ¸2011) have reporIed IhaI Ihe
highesI capIure raIe Ior green-IurIIes in Ihe same region occurred
wiIh a soak Iime oI 24h, which is a popuIar shing pracIice in Ihe
area. Many oIher sIudies have reporIed IhaI IurIIe morIaIiIy raIe is
a direcI IuncIion oI Ihe Iime Ihe neI remains in Ihe waIer ¸Henwood
and SIunIz, 1987; OraveIz, 1999; Lezama eI aI., 200J; Sasso and
EpperIy, 2006). These daIa, as in oIher sIudies, con rm IhaI soak
Iime is a IundamenIaI deIerminanI oI Ihe capIure raIe and posI-
survivaI oI sea IurIIes ¸FAO, 2004; SanIora, 200J), because IurIIes
drown due Io proIonged periods spenI underwaIer when caughI in
neIs. These characIerisIics musI be considered when creaIing
a proper managemenI pIan Ior Ihese animaIs. For exampIe, moni-
Ioring and conIroIIing Ihe soak Iime oI giIIneIs couId reduce
morIaIiIy by prevenIing suIIocaIion oI IurIIes sIuck underwaIer Ior
a proIonged Iime.
As Ior Ihe second characIerisIic, Ihe mosI prevaIenI mesh size oI
1216 cm can be associaIed wiIh high Irequency usage oI Ihese
mesh neIs and noI wiIh seIecIiviIy Ior a cerIain cIass size. Hence, in
reIaIion Io Ihe CCL, sea IurIIes suscepIibiIiIy Io capIure is homog-
enous IhroughouI Ihe area and does noI exhibiI any seIecIiviIy Ior
a parIicuIar size cIass. AnoIher characIerisIic IhaI was Iound Io
correIaIe wiIh capIures in boIh areas was Iwine Ihickness, which
possibIy compIicaIes Ihe escape oI sea IurIIes by Irapping Ihem
more IhoroughIy.
The depIh oI siIes in which giIIneIs were recorded proved Io be
imporIanI in reIaIion Io sea IurIIes capIures in shore areas; onIy
juveniIes oI Chcloniu myJus were IrequenIIy capIured in shore and
oIIshore areas when Ieeding. This reIaIionship wouId be expecIed
Io aIso occur in shaIIower areas Iike Ihose oI Ihe esIuaries.
FurIhermore, Ihe esIuaries presenIed Iow variabiIiIy in depIh and
a high presence oI seagrass paIches IhaI serve as Ieeding siIes Ior
sea IurIIes ¸CueberI-BaIhoIo eI aI., 2011). Here, Ihe capIure raIe is
noI reIaIed Io Ihe design oI shing gear, buI raIher Io Ihe sand shoaI
inIeIs IhaI acI as naIuraI Iraps Ior IurIIes who venIure inIo Ihese
areas in search oI seagrasses Io eaI.
The resuIIs oI Ihis sIudy reinIorce Ihe imporIance oI esIuarine
areas oI Ihe PEC as deveIopmenI siIes Ior sea IurIIes, as reporIed by
CueberI-BaIhoIo eI aI. ¸2011). Due Io Ihe higher capIure raIes in
Ihese areas compared Io shore siIes, Iypes oI shing gear observed
in Ihese areas and sea IurIIe dieIs, iI is possibIe Io concIude IhaI
probabiIiIies oI capIure by shermen are high. ConservaIion
managemenI pIans shouId consider arIisanaI shing pracIices as an
economic aIIernaIive Io convenIionaI capIure Iechniques.
During Ihe moniIoring period oI Ihe sIudy area, 1JJ C. myJus
individuaIs were sIranded on Ihe beach ¸CueberI eI aI., 2008). This
Ieads us Io beIieve IhaI beach sIranding and deaIhs are caused by
esIuarine and oceanic shing acIiviIies as weII as indusIriaI oceanic
shing. OIher deaIhs may resuII Irom ingesIion oI inorganic
maIeriaI, suIIocaIion ¸CueberI-BarIhoIo eI aI., 2011), conIacI wiIh
run-oII poIIuIanIs Irom Ihe PorI oI Paranaguá ¸heavy meIaIs,
£./. Lopcz-8urrcru ct ul. / Uccun 6 Coustul Munugcmcnt 50 ¦z01z) 1118 16
aromaIics hidrocarbonaIes, HPAs and organocIoraIes) ¸Pugh and
Becker, 2001; Cardner eI aI., 200J; TaIavera-Saenz eI aI., 2007) or
naIuraI processes.
In Ihis research area, Ihis is Ihe rsI sIudy Io invoIve Ihe shing
viIIages in Ihe issue oI sea IurIIe bycaIches. We opened Ihe
opporIuniIy Io deveIop IuIure managemenI measures Ior
conserving Ihe species IogeIher wiIh shermen.
4.1. lmplicutions jor conscrvution unJ rccommcnJutions
This sIudy aIIows Ior an undersIanding oI Ihe paIIerns oI
seasonaI variaIion and Ihe impacIs oI shing gear on Ihe capIure
oI sea IurIIes in Ihe PEC. Such an undersIanding inIorms
proposaIs Ior eIIecIive managemenI acIions in Ihe area IhaI wiII
noI have an undue eIIecI on shing acIiviIies. Considering Ihe
imporIance oI Ihese areas Ior sea IurIIe Ieeding ¸CueberI-
BarIhoIo eI aI., 2011), a managemenI pIan is speci caIIy needed
Io reduce IurIIe capIure raIes during Ieeding periods. In regards
Io Ihis IacIor, iI is imporIanI Io consider Ihe IoIIowing poinIs: Ihe
highesI sea IurIIe capIure raIe occurs in earIy dry season and is
reIaIed wiIh Iarger dispIacemenI oI individuaIs searching Ior
avaiIabIe Iood sources; Ihe highesI shing eIIorI occurs in dry
earIy season wiIhouI a speci c IargeI resource; Ihe highesI
morIaIiIy raIes, in Ihe coIdesI periods oI Ihe year ¸IaIe rainy and
earIy dry), can be reIaIed Io Ihe physioIogicaI needs oI sea IurIIes.
These resuIIs demonsIraIe IhaI Ihe resIricIion oI shing pracIices
or cIosure oI shing areas shouId noI be recommended Ior Ihe
sIudy area; insIead iI is necessary Io design reguIaIory measures
reIaIed Io shing Iechniques such as soak Iime, neI IengIh or
seasonaI use oI neIs.
In communicaIion wiIh shermen, modi caIions oI Ihe pIace-
menI oI Ihe neIs Ior each area were suggesIed. In Ihe esIuarine
areas, iI was suggesIed IhaI neIs be pIaced in zigzags around Ihe
seagrass meadows, aIIowing space Ior IurIIes Io enIer and Ieaving
a neI-Iree access rouIe Io Iheir Ieeding areas. For shore areas, iI was
suggesIed IhaI neIs be pIaced in paraIIeI, as opposed Io Iheir usuaI
perpendicuIar pIacemenI, Ihis arrangemenI IesIed Ior Ihe reduc-
Iion oI sea IurIIe capIures. To guaranIee iIs eI ciency, IesIing oI Ihis
meIhod shouId be done in conjuncIion wiIh Ihe IocaI popuIaIion oI
EsIuarine environmenIs are imporIanI habiIaIs Ior Ihe growIh
and deveIopmenI oI green-IurIIes, buI Ihey aIso acI as vaIuabIe
shing siIes Ior Ihe IocaI communiIy. The chaIIenges IhaI remain
are idenIiIying and assessing sea IurIIe hoIspoI areas in order Io
de ne Ihe accepIabIe shing sIyIes IhaI coincide wiIh reducing Ihe
number oI capIures. Moreover, iI is imporIanI Io mainIain reIevanI
moniIoring over Iong periods oI Iime and Io undersIand Ihe
dynamics oI each IacIor on a broader Iime scaIe. Though Ihese
eIIorIs, iI wiII be possibIe Io Iake appropriaIe measures Ior boIh sea
IurIIe conservaIion and Ihe susIainabiIiIy oI shermen.
In IighI oI Ihis sIudy, speciaI aIIenIion needs Io be given Io Ihose
environmenIaI managemenI insIiIuIions in Ihe area IhaI address
sociaI and economic processes. These insIiIuIions are deveIoping
projecIs wiIh Ihe IocaI popuIaIion ¸educaIion, cuIIure, prevenIion,
bycaIch reIease), which in Iurn wiII increase Ihe avaiIabIe daIa on
Ihis Iype oI inIeracIion.
This sIudy wouId have noI been possibIe wiIhouI Ihe coIIabo-
raIion oI Ihe shermen who aIIowed us Io peer inIo Iheir daiIy
acIiviIies and provided us wiIh viIaI inIormaIion Io promoIe Ihe
conservaIion oI sea IurIIes. We are aIso graIeIuII Io ].].A. SaIIos,
anoIher anonymous reviewer and Ihe ediIor V. ]onge Ior vaIuabIe
commenIs IhaI improved Ihis manuscripI. E. A. López Barrera and
C.O. Longo were Iunded wiIh a schoIarship Irom CAPES ¸BraziIian
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