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Sample Project Management Plan

Upgrading the ABC Intranet and ABC Internet Infrastructures

Note: This is a real document provided by a real project team. Names have been changed to sanitize the document.

Last Updated: 10/09/2001 Prepared By: ABC I-Net Project Team Version 1.9

Sample Project Management Plan


Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................2 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (DEFINITION).........................................................................4 II. BENEFITS (BUSINESS REQUEST).................................................................................................5 III. SCOPE (BUSINESS CASE)..................................................................................................................6
A. B. C. D. E. F. E. F. In Scope .................................................................................................................................................6 Out of Scope ..........................................................................................................................................8 Project Dependencies ...........................................................................................................................9 Project Goal and Objectives ................................................................................................................9 Project Deliverables..............................................................................................................................9 Acceptance Criteria............................................................................................................................11 Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................11 Constraints ..........................................................................................................................................12

IV. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS..........................................................................13 V.

A. B. C.

COST ESTIMATES (FINANCIAL BUSINESS CASE)...............................................14

Total Budgeted Costs for Hardware and Software:........................................................................14 Phase-I Intranet Budgeted Costs for Hardware and Software:.....................................................15 Phase-II Internet Budgeted Costs for Hardware and Software:....................................................15

VI. APPROACH STRATEGY .............................................................................................16

D. Technique/X Project Management ...................................................................................................17

X. X.
A. B. C.

WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE ............................................................18 PROJECT TEAM ...................................................................................................................20

Organizational Breakdown Structure ..............................................................................................20 Project Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................................21 Project Roster .....................................................................................................................................25

IX. PROJECT PLAN..........................................................................................................................19

XI. RISK MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................27

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A. B. C. D.

GOVERNANCE PLAN ................................................................................................28

XIII. PROJECT CONTROL STRATEGIES.........................................................29

Quality Assurance ..............................................................................................................................29 Change Control...................................................................................................................................29 Communications .................................................................................................................................29 Information Management..................................................................................................................30


APPENDIX B COMMUNICATIONS MATRIX ...............................................42

XVI. APPROVAL SIGNATURES....................................................................................44

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I. Executive Summary (DEFINITION)

The ABC Intranet and the ABC Internet have gone through many changes over the course of the past year. The primary reason for making such changes is to align with INets mission statement that states that we will provide our customers with reliable, integrated, secure and flexible I-Net solutions to meet their expanding business needs. As a next step in keeping with this mission statement, the I-Net group determined that there is a need to enhance the existing ABC Intranet and ABC Internet infrastructure, policies and procedures, and security to meet current and future business needs. More specifically, the ABC Intranet and ABC Intranet will be expanded and modified to provide like environments through common software configurations, like processes through standard policies and documentation (where appropriate), common security measures, and greater capacity with added hardware. The overall project approach will be to follow industry standard project management practices that will break the project down into two phases: Phase-I ABC Intranet Phase-II ABC Internet

It should be noted that there is the potential for additional add-on phases to address the items that have been categorized under Future Considerations (beyond phase-II). The Future Consideration items will be reviewed and categorized accordingly as part of the Sample Charter project. Any items that are deemed part of the Phase-I and/or Phase-II will be incorporated through the Sample Charter project Change Control processes.

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Upon completion of the Sample Charter Project, ABC will realize the following benefits:

An Intranet and Internet infrastructure that leverages standards for technical configuration, technical management, and procedures to provide optimum proficiency. Provide an infrastructure that allows ABC business units to properly house their Intranet and Internet applications. Alleviate current production capacity issues. Increased capacity (up to 100%) to accommodate ABC business units future business growth needs. A standardized infrastructure and procedures will allow for easier and more efficient Intranet and Internet support. Updated process definitions as a result of the new architecture will provide better ease of use for users.

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A. In Scope
1. PHASE-I ABC Intranet a) b) Enable the I-Net tool set (Actuate, Harvest, iPlanet, SiteMinder, and Websphere) to function on the new ABC Intranet. Architect, design and build the new ABC Intranet in such a way that the infrastructure supports the following environments: DEV, INT, IMPL, TRAIN, and PROD. Migrate the following applications from the existing ABC Intranet and/or ABC Internet to the new ABC Intranet: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Conswako Technique/X State Farmers U.S. News and Daily Report Migrate the Visual Age Generator (VAGEN) application from the existing ABC Intranet environment to the new ABC Intranet environment.



Architect the new ABC Intranet in such a way that the ABC Internet databases (DB2, data warehouse, NEON, ORACLE, etc.) can be accessed from the new ABC Intranet Provide flexibility in the new ABC Intranet Production Control process to accommodate different levels (static content and application code) of code migration. Enable domain-naming capabilities so that each Intranet application may utilize a specific domain name (ex. Secure the HOST system log files for the new servers and the redeployed existing servers. Implement a standard HOST configuration (see appendix A) for the new servers and the redeployed existing servers. Implement a standard APPLICATION configuration (see Appendix A) for the new servers and the redeployed existing servers.


f) g) h) i)

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j) k) l)


Implement time-sync software for the new and redeployed I-Net servers. Re-rack the new servers and redeployed existing servers. Update appropriate ABC Intranet processes and procedures impacted by Intranet changes and necessary to support the new ABC Intranet infrastructure (ex. shared components). All exiting software applications and software tools will remain as is for the existing ABC Intranet (servers u1ecm04 and u1ecm05) unless otherwise noted in the Project Charter. Required documentation to meet Technique/X minimum deliverable requirements is completed.



2. PHASE-II ABC Internet

a) b) c)

Scale the production Websphere Infrastructure to provide approximately double the storage and processing capacity. Provide additional fault tolerance and redundancy to decrease business interruptions due to unplanned downtime. Provide migration processes (i.e. anytime migration not just scheduled Sundays) for the new ABC Intranet and ABC Internet that will result in minimal downtime. Provide increased flexibility in the DEV, INT, IMPL, and TRAIN environments to allow for a load testing environment and separate DEV environments for each business. Create a TECH environment to allow the I-Net Department to conduct and direct research and analysis of Internet applications, fixes, tools, and upgrades. Secure the HOST system log files for the new servers and the redeployed existing servers. Implement a standard HOST configuration (see appendix A) for the new servers and the redeployed existing servers. Implement a standard APPLICATION configuration (see Appendix A) for the new servers and the redeployed existing servers. Implement time-sync software for the new and redeployed I-Net servers.



o) p) q) r)

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Required documentation to meet Technique/X minimum deliverable requirements is completed.

3. Future Considerations (beyond Phase-II)


Consolidate webservers where appropriate to maximize the new ABC Intranet and ABC Internet efficiencies while maintaining the high-level company domains. Research, analyze, and reconfigure the deployment of the u1ecm04 and u1ecm05 servers (existing ABC Intranet). Secure APPLICATION log files (Apache, Websphere, and iPlanet) and HOST log files for the remaining I-Net servers. Implement the Solaris v.2.8 operating system on the remaining I-Net servers. Implement a base server configuration on the remaining I-Net servers. Re-rack the remaining I-Net servers. Use of mainframe platform within the ABC Intranet and ABC Internet infrastructure.

b) c) d) e) f) g)

B. Out of Scope

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

The research and evaluation of alternative tools as possible replacements for Front Page, Harvest and Host Publisher. The infrastructure changes required eliminating single points of failure. The upgrade and fail-over of the Media Surface content management tool. The LDAP Directory Strategy Design and Implementation. Eliminate identified security weaknesses in the existing ABC Intranet and ABC Internet infrastructure.

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Sample Project Management Plan C. Project Dependencies


1) 2)

The Sample Charter Project is dependent on the SiteMinder Upgrade project to maintain compatibility and to complete final testing. The Sample Charter Project is dependent on the Harvest 5.0 Upgrade project for any Production Control Processes changes.

D. Project Goal and Objectives

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Implement fault tolerance and redundancy (no downtime for most production moves) Implement full functions on the Intranet (security, application, multiple development regions) Implement doubling of I-Net capacity Implement separate DEV environments for each company Implement scalable infrastructure for future growth Implement I-Net TECH environment for R&D Establish common technical and process standards

E. Project Deliverables
The following Project Delivery Table provides a project timeline with estimated project delivery dates for key project milestones.
Project Deliverable 9/15 1.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Charter Signoff Project RAF Sign-off Project Plan
















10/19 10/19 10/12

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Project Deliverable Baselined Technical Kick-off Meeting Business Kick-off Meeting 1.2 ANALYSIS Hardware/Software Negotiations Complete Receive Hardware Project Phases Defined Business Requirements Signoff Technical Requirements Signoff Procedure Updates Sign-off 1.3 DESIGN Hardware Design Sign-off Software Design Sign-off 1.4 BUILD Facilities Prep Completed Server Installation Prep Completed TECH Test Environment Prep Completed Phase-I Intranet Hardware Install Completed Phase-I Intranet Software Configuration Completed Phase-II Internet Hardware Install Completed Phase-II Internet Software Configuration Completed 1.5 INTEGRATION/ TEST Business Test Plans Created Technical Test Plans 9/15 9/30 9/18 9/27 10/15
10/31 11/15 11/30 12/15 12/31

1/15 1/31 2/15 2/28 3/15 3/31 4/15 4/30


9/10 8/31 11/1



10/2 10/2

9/25 10/9 11/19





11/15 10/26

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Project Deliverable Created User Acceptance Testing Sign-off Technical Acceptance Testing Sign-off 1.6 PRODUCTION CUT-OVER Phase-I Intranet Cutover Phase-II Internet Cutover Management Reserve 9/15 9/30 10/15
10/31 11/15 11/30 12/15 12/31

1/15 1/31 1/24 12/4 2/15 2/28 3/15 3/31 4/15 4/30

2/14 3/7 4/16

F. Acceptance Criteria
The project plan takes into account a project task for sign-off on each milestone within the project. At the time of milestone sign-off, the appropriate business stakeholder and/or technical stakeholders will participate in the review/sign-off meeting(s). The primary reason for this is to demonstrate project progress as well as receive acceptance from the project stakeholders as we progress through the project timeline.

E. Assumptions
1) Users who have rights to Front Page in the existing ABC Inc. Intranet environment will maintain the same Front Page rights through the continued use of the existing ABC Intranet environment. Users who have access to the Host Publisher tools in the existing ABC Intranet environment will maintain same Host Publisher Tolls access capabilities through the continued use of the exiting ABC Intranet environment. All identified project risks are mitigated at the start of the project. All scope changes will follow the Change Control Process and be approved through the Executive Steering Committee as needed.


3) 4)

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5) 6)


The assigned project resources are available to complete project tasks as scheduled within the project plan The existing ABC Intranet will exist in its current state until a decision is made to migrate to the new ABC Intranet.

F. Constraints
1) 2) Assigned resources may be redirected as a result of current production issues. Change Control decisions will be prioritized by impact on schedule, cost, and feature/functionality.

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IV. Critical Success Factors

The key elements that must be in place to ensure the success of this project are as follows:

The facility preparation to accommodate the additional hardware and software required for the Sample Charter project is completed by 9/14/2001. The procurement of the necessary hardware and software components for the Sample Charter project is secured by 9/21/2001. The procured hardware and software required is delivered on time and as planned. Assigned resources work activities are prioritized in such a way that project work can be completed on time Participation, influence and leadership from project sponsor and business project leads including decision making, and issues resolution in a timely and effective manner Scope must be managed with the tightest controls. Escalated change requests must be approved by the Executive Steering Committee Timely and effective management of project risks Manage within the project budget funding Active Executive sponsorship

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Cost Estimates


A. Total Budgeted Costs for Hardware and Software:

Netra 2 1 0 2 0 3 4 Netra AC200 0 1 1 2 2 6 5 Hardware (Servers) 250 280 2 0 1 2 1 1 5 2 1 0 3 0 4 6 450 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 420 0 0 0 1 2 3 5 WebSphere 4 3 4 6 2 15 12 IPlanet 2 2 2 2 4 10 10 Software License Actuate Edge Server 2 1 3 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 0 2 4 Oracle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Technical Environement: Development Integration Implementation Training Development/Training Environment: Production Environment: Servers needed as a Result of Repurposing the 420s servers (used for Proxy Servers): Subtotal Unit Count of Hardware/Software: Total Count of Fortis Owned Equipment:

4 13 17

12 23 0

0 9 9

0 10 0

0 2 0

0 8 8 31 12 22 5 7 5 7 6 0 0

Net Total Unit Count of Hardware/Software (subtotal - Fortis owned): Approximate Unit Costs: Subtotal Costs:

23 $11,000 $253,000

10 $46,000 $460,000

2 $42,000 $84,000

19 $6,032

17 $1,400

2 $50,000

0 $8,000 $50,000 $8,000 $0

$114,608 $23,800 $100,000

Hardware/Software Totals Total Number of New Servers: Total Cost of New Servers: Total Cost of Additional Software Licenses: 2 Additional CPUs for Database HA Server: Rack kit for 450s: Grand Total:

35 $797,000 $346,408 $20,000 $16,000 $1,179,408

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B. Phase-I Intranet Budgeted Costs for Hardware and Software:

C. Phase-II Internet Budgeted Costs for Hardware and Software:

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VI. Approach Strategy

One of the primary principles behind the Approach Strategy for the Sample Charter project is to establish a project foundation that follows proven industry standards for the following Project Management Life Cycle Phases:

Project Initiation Project Planning Project Execution Project Control Project Close-Out

By following an industry standard Project Management Life Cycle the project team is effectively managing risk in the area of how the project will project managed. In addition, the project will follow the Technique/X (MAGNUS) Project Life Cycle as a way to effectively organize, manage, and track project work. As with the Project Management Life Cycle, by following an industry standard Project Life Cycle the project team is effectively managing risk in the area of project work. Also, the project team will fast track (run in parallel) project tasks at the start of the project as a way to move things along more quickly. Only project tasks that have minimum risk and provide optimum return will be fast tracked. Finally, the project team will start early to develop appropriate and adequate test plans to ensure that the appropriate unit testing, system integration testing, regression testing (where applicable) and User acceptance testing is conducted. User training through documentation and classroom training will be provided as determined by the project team. A detailed synchronized implementation plan will be developed that covers all dependencies and linkages in an effort to help coordinate the final production rollout.

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Sample Project Management Plan D. Technique/X Project Management


The Project Management practices for the Sample Charter project will adhere to the ABC Technique/X (MAGNUS) Project Management Methodology. The primary reason for this is to ensure that the ABC Technique/X minimum project deliverables are achieved. By following an industry standard Project Management methodology the Sample Charter Project will be managed in such a way that consistent practices for both business and technology are followed. This will provide a common approach, verifiable project deliverables, and clearly defined project roles and responsibilities. These practices will achieve a balance between competing stakeholder needs and managing expectations related to scope, time, cost, and quality.

Technique X Project Management

Define and Manage Business Case
Business Case -Busines Case Economics

Plan Project Execution Prepare Project

Project Plan -Project Schedule -Project Risk Mgmt Rpt

Report Project Status

Project Status Rpt Pkg

Complete Project
Final Project Report

Organize Project Resources

Control Project Work

Issue or Open Pt. Project Change Request

Iterate as required Manage the Infrastructure

Manage the Testing Effort

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Work Breakdown Structure

Project Work Breakdown Structure As of: 9/21/2001

1.1 Project Management 1.1.1 Project Charter Benefits Cost Estimate Scope Project Approach/ Strategy Define Project Team Organizational Breakdown Structure Governance Plan Project Plan Control Strategy Risk Assessment 1.1.2 Kick-Off Meetings 1.1.4 Project RAF

1.2 Analysis 1.2.1 Project Phase Definition Phase-I ABC Co.Net Phase-II Internet 1.2.2 Business Requirements ABC FBXC ABC Co. Family ABC Co. Health Hartland ABC Co. Inc. 1.2.3 Technical Requirements Phase-I ABC Co.Net / Phase-II Internet 1.2.4 Software Requirements Phase-I ABC Co.Net / Phase-II Internet 1.2.5 Procedure Changes 1.2.6 Order Hardware/Software

1.3 Design 1.3.1 Hardware Design 1.3.3 Software Design

1.4 Build 1.4.1 Create Branch 1.4.2 Prepare Facilities Data Center Space SAN Connections Network Connections 1.4.3 Prepare for Server Installs Rack/Stack Servers Jumpstart Servers 1.4.5 Phase-I Build ABC Co.Net Build Servers Build Software Migrate Applications 1.4.6 Phase-II Internet Build Servers Build Software

1.5 Integration/Test 1.5.1 Create Test Plans Business Test Plans Technical Test Plan 1.5.2 Phase-I Execute Test Scripts Business Test Scripts Technical Test Scripts 1.5.3 Phase-II Execute Test Scripts Business Test Scripts Technical Test Scripts

1.6 Production CutOver 1.6.1 Phase-I ABC Co.Net 1.6.3 Phase II Internet

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IX. Project Plan

The following project plan provides a timeline that assumes no new resources added to the project.
uarter 4th Quarter 1st Quarter Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Finish Tue 04/16/02 Tue 04/16/02 Tue 10/16/01 Thu 09/27/01 Fri 04/05/02 Mon 10/08/01 Tue 04/16/02 Thu 11/08/01 Tue 09/04/01 Fri 10/19/01 Tue 10/09/01 Tue 10/23/01 Thu 11/08/01 Fri 09/28/01 Fri 10/19/01 Tue 09/11/01 Tue 10/02/01 Fri 10/19/01 Fri 10/19/01 Tue 02/05/02 Fri 10/19/01 Fri 09/28/01 Fri 10/12/01 Mon 09/10/01 Tue 01/15/02 Tue 02/05/02 Thu 02/14/02 Thu 11/15/01 Thu 01/24/02 Thu 02/14/02 Thu 03/07/02 Thu 02/14/02 Thu 03/07/02 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10/19 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

ID 1 2 3 48 54 58 59 60 61 69 101 107 122 145 150 151 155 159 160 162 163 178 199 211 212 578 872 873 905 930 955 956 960

Task Name 1 Project 1.1 Project Management 1.1.1 Project Charter 1.1.2 Project Kick-Off Meetings 1.1.3 Project Meetings 1.1.4 Document the RAF 1.1.5 Management Reserve Based on Initial Risk Assessment 1.2 Analysis 1.2.1 Define Project Phases 1.2.2 Business Requirements 1.2.3 Technical Requirements 1.2.4 Software Requirements 1.2.5 Document Procedure Changes 1.2.6 Order Hardware/Software 1.3 Design 1.3.1 Hardware Design 1.3.2 Software Design 1.3.3 Prepare for Architectual Design Review 1.3.4 Conduct Architectual Design Review 1.4 Build 1.4.1 Create Second Branch to Resolve PROD Load Issue 1.4.2 Prepare Facilities for New Hardware/Software 1.4.3 Prepare for Server Installations 1.4.4 Validate software/system requirements 1.4.5 Phase-I Build isNet 1.4.6 Phase-II Build Internet 1.5 Integration/Test 1.5.1 Create Test Plans for ALL Phases 1.5.2 Execute Test Scripts for Phase-I Net 1.5.3 Execute Test Scripts for Phase-II Internet 1.6 Production Cut-Over 1.6.1 Cut-Over Phase-I sNet to Production 1.6.2 Cut-Over Phase-II Internet to Production

% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

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Project Team
A. Organizational Breakdown Structure
Project Organizational Breakdown Structure as of 10/05/2001
A Project Lead b B Project Lead A Project Lead A Project Lead A Project Lead A Project Lead

Team Member

Project Steering Committee Jon Doe s I-Net Relationship Managers

D Project Lead

C Project Lead

Team Member

Team Member

Team Member

Project Sponsor

E Project Lead

Team Member

F Project Lead

F Project Lead

Team Member

Project Manager

I-Net Manager

I-Net Manager

I-Net Manager

Project Auditor

Technical Architect Team Lead

Lead Engineer TBD

Oracle DBA Expert

Production Control Expert

Open SYstems Support Team Lead

Open Systems Support

Middleware Expert

Network Expert

I-Net Operation Expert

Security Expert

I-Net Tools Support

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Sample Project Management Plan B. Project Roles and Responsibilities Sample Charter Project Roles and Responsibilities Matrix
Individual(s) Role Project Sponsor


Executive Steering Committee I-Net Relationship Managers Project Manager

Responsibilities Project Champion Offer strategic business leadership and direction Provide Communication bridge to outside the project Senior Management Scope change approval Budget variance approval Removes project barriers Scope change approval Offer strategic business leadership and direction Remove project barriers

I-Net Account Managers

Business Project Leads FBIC

Manage daily project tasks Manage project deliverables, resources, and schedule Track project progress to plan and manage the project plan Facilitate project communication, project decision making, project issue resolution, and project risk management Facilitate Monthly Executive Steering Committee meetings Review project deliverables, facilitate adjustments as needed, and facilitate change approval Issue and Change management log owner Project Status Report author Testing site auditor/QA Ensure that the business needs are met Communicate project scope/objectives to business I-Net customers Obtain testing resources from the businesses Act as project contact for the business Provide leadership in the coordination of assigned project tasks for business team members

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Individual(s) ABC Family ABC Health Hartford ABC Inc.



Business Team Members

Project Auditor

Technical Architect, Technical Lead

Open Systems Support, Technical Lead

Responsibilities Provide business requirements input, test planning, test execution, and User Acceptance testing sign-off Provide business sign-off for project milestones as needed Ensure that the appropriate business resources are available to meet project schedule and project deliverables Provide business content expertise Provide input to business requirements Provide input to business test planning Conduct test script execution Provide documentation as required for the project Provide independent assessment of project activities and issues Provide audit standards guidelines and enforcement where needed and appropriate Provide documentation as required for the project Provide leadership in the coordination of assigned project tasks for the technical team Provide technical architect and design expertise Ensure that the architected designs fit within ABC strategic infrastructure vision Provide technical sign-off for project milestones as needed Provide documentation as required for the project Act as the project contact for the Open Systems Support area Provide leadership in the coordination of assigned project tasks for the Open Systems Support area Provide Unix operating system expertise Implement Unix hardware configuration and setup Implement system software configuration and setup Insure that all ABC standards are met (i.e. base configuration, security audits, etc.)

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Individual(s) Role

Responsibilities Provide technical sign-off for project milestones as needed Ensure that the appropriate Open Systems Support resources are available to meet project schedule and project deliverables 1st line of support for all project issues related above responsibilities Provide documentation as required for the project Provide technical expertise in the area of Websphere configuration and setup Provide technical expertise in the area of Apache server, Application server, NFS server, and Web server configuration and setup Provide technical expertise for the configuration and setup of appropriate software for the various server types Provide technical expertise for SiteMinder agent Provide technical expertise for load balancing Provide input to technical test plan Conduct technical testing as required 1st line of support for all project issues related above responsibilities Provide documentation as required for the project Provide technical expertise for the configuration and setup for SiteMinder Provide technical expertise for SiteMinder agent Provide technical expertise for the configuration and setup of iPlanet Provide input to technical test plan Conduct technical testing as required 1st line of support for all project issues related above responsibilities Provide documentation as required for the project Provide technical expertise for the configuration and setup of Harvest Provide input to technical test plan Conduct technical testing as required 1st line of support for all project issues related above responsibilities

I-Net Operations Expert

Security Expert

Production Control Expert

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Individual(s) Role

Responsibilities Provide documentation as required for the project Provide technical expertise in the area of Load testing Provide input to the technical test plan for Load Testing Complete technical tasks as related to the setup, configuration, and testing of Load testing as related to the new ABC Intranet and ABC Internet Provide documentation as required for the project Provide technical expertise in the area of Oracle databases as related to the new ABC Intranet and ABC Internet infrastructures Complete technical tasks as related to the setup, configuration, and testing of the Oracle databases as related to the new ABC Intranet and ABC Internet Provide documentation as required for the project Act as the primary project contact for all network related issues/questions Provide technical expertise in the area of network administration, components, and implementation Complete technical tasks as related to the setup, configuration, and testing of the network as related to the new ABC Intranet and ABC Internet Provide documentation as required for the project Act as the primary project contact for all Middleware issues/questions Provide technical expertise in the area of Middleware coding, components, and implementation Complete technical tasks as related to the setup, configuration, and testing of the Middleware as related to the new ABC Intranet and ABC Internet Provide documentation as required for the


Lead Engineer

Oracle DBA Expert

Network Expert

Middleware Expert

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Individual(s) Role I-Net Tools Support

Responsibilities project Act as the primary technical contact for the business units during the life of the project Provide business application support during application migration and testing Complete support tasks as related to the setup, configuration, and testing of the business applications as related to the new ABC Intranet and ABC Internet Provide documentation as required for the project

C. Project Roster
All project resource phone numbers and email addresses are outlined in the table below. This information will be used as the best means of communication for the team and other key resources for the project.

Internet Address Name Department Assurant Project Role Work Phone Pager/Cell Phone N/A Home Phone N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Business Project Lead I-Net Production Control Expert I-Net Technical Architect Open Systems Open Systems Support Support Expert Corporate Executive Security Steering Committee Open Systems Executive Support Steering Committee Audit Services Project Auditor I-Net Project Sponsor I-Net Tools I-Net Tools Support Data Center Executive Operations Steering Committee I-Net I-Net






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Name Department Project Role Relationship Manager I-Net Tools Support I-Net Relationship Manager Business Project Lead Business Team Member I-Net Operations Expert Stakeholder Work Phone Pager/Cell Phone

Internet Address Home Phone

I-Net Tools I-Net


FBX ABC Health I-Net


I-Net Services


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XI. Risk Management

The project risks will be identified at the start of the project and the impact of realizing the risks will be factored in as part of the project plan planning process (management reserve). Each risk will be assessed, prioritized, and rated. Such an approach provides a means to track risks, and more importantly a means to proactively work to prevent them from negatively impacting the project. In addition, risk trigger points will be identified and mitigation strategies documented. As risks are realized, the risk will be logged as an issue and then tracked through the change control process (if required) until the risk is mitigated. Also, new project risks will be identified and logged throughout the life of the project. As new risks are discovered, the risk is logged as an issue and follows the issue management processes. If deemed necessary, a risk assessment will be conducted for the issue and factored into the project plan. All risks will be managed at the project team level unless escalated to the Executive Steering Committee. Detailed information outlining the initial Risk Assessment for the Sample Charter Project is provided in Appendix A of the Sample Charter Project Charter document.

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XII. Governance Plan

Issue Escalation Issues will surface weekly, if not daily throughout the course of the project. Effective issue tracking and resolution are critical to the success of the project. The following issue escalation process is recommended: Tier 1 Project Team to Project Manager Project Team members escalate issues to the Project Manager who in turn will document the issue(s) on the Issue Tracking Log. The log is reviewed weekly by the Project Manager to ensure issues are being appropriately addressed and closed. Tier 2 Project Manager to Project Team The Project Manager escalates issues to the Project Team for further discussion in an effort to clarify and/or resolve issues. The Project Team will assist the Project Manager in resolving the issue, if possible. If resolved, the Project Manager will update the Issue Tracking Log and close the issue. Tier 3 Project Manager to Project Sponsor The Project Manager escalates issues to the Project Sponsor to ensure that ABC management members are fully aware of unresolved critical issues. The Project Sponsor will assist the Project Manager in resolving the issue, if possible. If resolved, the Project Manager will update the Issue Tracking Log and close the issue. Tier 4 Project Manager to Executive Steering Committee The Project Manager escalates the most sensitive and urgent issues to the Executive Steering Committee to ensure that the appropriate ABC senior management members are fully aware of unresolved critical issues. The Executive Steering Committee will assist the Project Manager in resolving the issue, if possible. When resolved, the Project Manager will update the Issue Tracking Log and close the issue.

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XIII. Project Control Strategies

A. Quality Assurance
Milestone reviews by the business and technical teams will be presented during the weekly team meetings. Tight controls and metrics will be utilized to manage scope, budget and timeline through dedicated task management from the Project Manager, a detailed project measurement tool, and the change request approval process.

B. Change Control
All changes to the Sample Charter project will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Steering Committee. All approved changes will be added to the Project Charter document and be identified as an approved Change request. Detail Change control information will be documented in the Sample Charter Change Request MAGNUS and maintained within the Sample Charter Change Control Log. The Change Control process and definition is outlined and explained within the Sample Charter Change Control Plan. In addition, the following Change Control rules apply:

At any time, any team member may submit a Project Change Request (PCR) to the Project Manager. The Project Manager is responsible to assess and present the PCR to the technical and core project teams for review. The Project Manager is responsible for maintaining the Sample Charter Change Control Log.

C. Communications
Status Reports Status reports will be submitted by the Project Manager to the Sample Charter project team members on a weekly basis (bend of business every Tuesday). In addition, a copy of the weekly status report will be submitted to the appropriate ABC management team as indicated in the Sample Charter Communications Matrix (see appendix B).

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Sample Project Management Plan


These reports provide a snapshot of weekly accomplishments, tasks to complete for the next reporting period, milestones reached, project issues, and PCRs in progress. Input by project team members will be provided as part of the weekly core team and technical team meetings. Project team members will provide the necessary information to complete the weekly snapshot for their area of responsibility. Meetings Meetings for the Sample Charter project will be conducted under the following format:

Core Team Meetings Core team meetings will include technical team leads, business project team members, and will meet on a weekly basis. The core team meeting will be a primary vehicle for project communications and decision-making. Technical Team Meetings Technical team meetings will include technical team leads, technical team members, and will meet on a weekly basis. The technical team meeting will be a primary vehicle for project communications and decision-making. Executive Steering Committee Meetings Executive Steering Committee meetings will meet on a monthly basis as a way to communicate project progress to ABC senior management. Additional meetings may be scheduled as required based upon project issues resolution and change control needs. Additional Meetings Additional meetings will be scheduled as required.

E-Mail E-mail will be the primary mode of communication for project team members.

D. Information Management

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Project Website


In an effort to manage and maintain project documentation, the Project Manager will maintain a binder, file set and/or electronic repository of all required documentation to meet the Technique/X minimum deliverables. This information will be published on the project website located at the following address: The Project website may include the following documentation: Project Charter Project Plan Project Issue Log (includes resolution) Project Risk Watch (Risk Assessment) Project Change Requests and Change Log Meeting Notes Status Reports Communication plan Updated budget Test plan strategy Technical and Functional Specifications All signature signoffs will be captured and maintained by the Project Manager in the paper based project handbook.

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XIV. APPENDIX A - Initial Project Risk Assessment

The risks identified in the following table represent items that have been identified by the Sample Charter project team as potential risks to the project.

Risk Item/ Priority P1.1-01

Potential Risk Consequence The impact of daily work for the technical team may cause delays in completing project work

Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%)

Impact (Hours)

Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status YELLOW

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Add additional technical resources. Shift production support from the project technical resources to non-project technical resources. Cut back on project scope. Extend the project time line to accommodate resource constraints.


440 OPS= 8hrs/wk*20 wks=160hrs UNIX= 8hrs/wk*20 wks=160hrs PROD CNTRL= 4hrs/wk*20 wks=80hrs SEC= 4hrs/wk*10 wks=40hrs


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Risk Item/ Priority P1.2-02 Potential Risk Consequence The impact of added other project work do to the I-Net Operations resource vacancy is causing delays in completing project work Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%) Impact (Hours) Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status YELLOW

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Fill I-Net Operation Manager position Add additional technical resources. Shift I-Net Manager tasks from the project technical resources to non-project technical resources. Cut back on project scope. Extend the project time line to accommodate resource constraints. Prioritize I-Net projects so that Sample Charter is #1 priority




4hrs/wk *20 weeks = 80hrs

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Risk Item/ Priority P1.3-03 Potential Risk Consequence The impact of daily work for the business team may cause delays in completing project work Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%) Impact (Hours) Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status YELLOW

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Add additional business resources. Shift daily business tasks from the project technical resources to non-project technical resources. Designate a Business Project Lead for each business unit to assist in the coordination and completion of project work. Assign a project Business Liaison to assist in working with the Business Project Leads to complete project work. Cut back on project scope. Extend the project time line to accommodate resource constraints. Provide a minimum of 30 day lead time on project work requests to the business units for planning purposes Allow an appropriate amount of time for testing




8hrs/month * 6 months = 48 hrs

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Risk Item/ Priority P1.4-04 Potential Risk Consequence The installation of Netegrity software on the Apache servers with Solaris 2.8 is being done for the first time Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%) Impact (Hours) Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status YELLOW

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Conduct Netegrity research/analysis testing early in the project (complete by end of Sept. 2001) to allow for time to switch to alternative option (stay w/Solaris 2.7 on old Netras) if necessary without impacting project time line. Contract a Service Level Agreement with the Netegrity vendor that provides immediate response with Senior Level Netegrity programming resources as a way to expedite issue resolution. Project Sponsor contacts Netegrity management to raise awareness of ABC I-Net support expectations and impact during the implementation of a ABC mission critical project.




Hour estimates based on history of previous implementat ion of Netegrity

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Risk Item/ Priority P1.5-05 Potential Risk Consequence The upgrade to Websphere 4.0 may uncover compatibility issues Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%) Impact (Hours) Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status YELLOW

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Contract with the IBM for a senior level Websphere expert (interviewed/ accepted by ABC) as a way to minimize the learning curve and expedite issue resolution. Install TECH environment during PhaseI (moved up from Phase-II) to conduct Websphere 4.0 testing. Project Sponsor contact IBM management to raise awareness of ABC I-Net support expectations and impact during the implementation of an ABC mission critical project.




Hour estimates based on history of previous implementat ion of Websphere

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Risk Item/ Priority P1.6-06 Potential Risk Consequence The implementation of Model Cloning may uncover compatibility issues Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%) Impact (Hours) Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status YELLOW

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Implement Websphere 4.0 to take advantage of added Websphere functionality. Contract with the IBM for a senior level Websphere Model Cloning expert (interviewed/ accepted by ABC) as a way to minimize the learning curve and expedite issue resolution Project Sponsor contact IBM management to raise awareness of ABC I-Net support expectations and impact during the implementation of an ABC mission critical project.




Hour estimate based on experience with Web sphere and Model Cloning

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Risk Item/ Priority P1.7-07 Potential Risk Consequence Veritas Clustering is new and complex and may uncover compatibility issues Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%) Impact (Hours) Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status GREEN

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Implement Websphere 4.0 to take advantage of added Websphere functionality. Contract with the Veritas vendor for a senior level Veritas expert (interviewed/ accepted by ABC) as a way to minimize the learning curve and expedite issue resolution Project Sponsor contacts Veritas management to raise awareness of ABC I-Net support expectations and impact during the implementation of an ABC mission critical project. Conduct Veritas research/analysis testing early in the project to allow for time to switch to alternative option if necessary without impacting project time line. Connect directly to the SAN.

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Risk Item/ Priority P1.8-08 Potential Risk Consequence The use of NFS servers in the ABC infrastructure is new and potentially unstable Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%) Impact (Hours) Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status GREEN

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Conduct NFS research/analysis testing early in the project to allow for time to switch to alternative option if necessary without impacting project time line. Connect directly to the SAN (note: need to pre-order cards for this option) Add disk space to servers and do not use NFS Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Conduct NIS PLUS research/analysis testing early in the project to allow for time to switch to alternative option if necessary without impacting project time line. Add additional technical resources. Dont install NIS PLUS as part of Sample Charter project


8hrs/server* 10 servers = 80hrs GREEN


The use of NIS PLUS is new to the ABC infrastructure and complex

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Risk Potential Risk Item/ Consequence Priority P1.10-10 The SAN Space and SAN connections are near full capacity Risk Resolution Progress

Probability (%) Impact (Hours) Calculated Management Reserve

Risk Status GREEN

Resolution to this risk can be incrementally realized by implementing the following measures to mitigate the risk: Communicate to the SAN group the Sample Charter project time line and expectations


120 Based on past history, SAN delays have been as great as 3 weeks or 120hrs




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XV. APPENDIX B Communications Matrix

DAY OF MEETING WEEKLY TYPE OF MEETING/ COMMUNICATION Project Status Report TIME of MEETING N/A MATERIALS SENT OUT BY: PURPOSE of MEETING The Weekly Project Status Report will be e-mailed to project team members and published on the Sample Charter web site. The technical team meeting is a forum for the technical team to discuss project work, project schedule, and project issues at a detailed level. The business team meeting is a forum for the business team to discuss project work, project schedule, and project issues at a detailed level. The Project Steering Committee meeting is designed to inform executive management of project progress to date. This meeting will also be used to make decisions regarding project budget, issues, scope, and timeline. Published every Tuesday ATTENDEES / MEETING NOTES NOTES PUBLISHED BY: N/A


Technical Team Meeting

Wednesday at 11:00am CST

Within 2 days after meeting

Rotate Team Members


Core Team Meeting

Thursday at 10:00am CST

Within 2 days after meeting

Rotate Team Members


Executive Steering Committee Meeting

9/18/01, 10/16/01, 11/13/01, 12/18/01, 1/15/02, 2/19/02, 3/19/02

Within 2 days after meeting

Jon Muggins

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XVI. Approval Signatures

Jon Muggins / Project Manager


/ Executive Sponsor


/ Executive Steering Committee


/ Executive Steering Committee


/ Executive Steering Committee


/ Executive Steering Committee


/ Executive Steering Committee


/ Executive Steering Committee


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