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Experiment No. 1

Name: ________________________________________ Course and Year: _______________________________ Date Performed:______________ Date Finished: _______________

Understand the use of Potentiometer as a transducer. To measure the output voltage of translation and rotational potentiometer.


Linear potentiometer, Rotational potentiometer, DC Power Supply.

Potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider. If only two terminals are used (one side and the wiper), it acts as a variable resistor or rheostat. Potentiometers are commonly used to control electrical devices such as volume controls on audio equipment. Potentiometers operated by a mechanism can be used as position transducers




For translation potentiometer 1. Connect DC supply to the two ends of the translation potentiometer 2. Connect multimeter across variable arm and ground 3. Move the variable terminal in steps of 1 cm. 4. Measure the voltage across the output terminals. 5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 till the variable terminal is at the extreme end. 6. Plot the graph of displacement vs output voltage. 7. Calculate the sensitivity from the graph by using formula V/. For rotational potentiometer: 1. Connect DC supply to the two ends of the rotational potentiometer 2. Connect multimeter across variable arm and ground 3. Rotate the potentiometer in steps of 30 degrees. 4. Measure the voltage across the output terminals. 5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 till the shaft is at the extreme end. 6. Plot the graph of q: angular displacement v/s output voltage 7. Calculate the sensitivity from the graph by using formula V/.

Table for Translation Potentiometer DISPLACEMENT (cm) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)

Table for Rotational Potentiometer Rotation in Degrees Output Voltage V

1) State the principle of potentiometer.


2) Give any two applications of potentiometer.

3) Define sensitivity of potentiometer.

4) Define resolution of potentiometer.

5) State the meaning of linearity with respect to potentiometer.

6) What is difference between linear and rotational potentiometer.

7) Describe how potentiometer acts as a transducer.

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Experiment No. 2


Name: ________________________________________ Date Performed:______________

INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL Course and Year: _______________________________ Date Finished: _______________

This experiment has two main goals. First, to introduce the basic operating principles of several common methods of temperature measurement such as, liquid-in-glass thermometers, thermocouples and thermistors and how to calibrate these devices. Second, to introduce the concept of dynamic response of thermal systems, ways of measuring this response and factors, which influence this behavior.


1. Constant temperature bath: The constant temperature bath is capable of providing liquids at constant temperatures between approximately 10 to 90 0C. Several different temperatures will be used in the calibration procedure. Note how the settings are made and set the bath for a low temperature. 2. Thermocouples: The thermocouple used in this experiment is connected to a power supply, which has a digital temperature display and an analog output. The analog output is connected to the ADC card. The thermocouple will be calibrated by placing it in the constant temperature bath and recording the digital display and the voltage output using the computer and the ADC card. 3. Thermistor: Examine the thermistor provided; it will already be connected to a Wheatstone bridge circuit. You will calibrate it by placing it in the constant temperature bath along with the thermocouple and recording the output voltage. Thermocouples with different beads. 4. Wheatstone bridge circuit: For the thermistor. 5. Personal Computer and Analog-to-Digital (ADC) converter: This will be used to digitize and record the voltage signal form the thermocouple and thermistor as a function of time. 6. Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD): The RTD will be immersed in the constant temperature bath for the duration of the experiment. The temperature indicated by the RTD will serve as the reference temperature (i.e., actual temperature of the bath).

Thermocouples When a pair of electrical conductors (metals) are joined together, a thermal emf is generated when the junctions are at different temperatures. This phenomenon is known as the Seebeck effect. Such a device is called a thermocouple. The resultant emf developed by the thermocouple is in the millivolt range when the temperature difference between the junctions is ~ 100 0C. To determine the emf of a thermocouple as a function of the temperature, one junction is maintained at some constant reference temperature, such as ice-water mixture at a temperature of 0 0C. The thermal emf, which can be measured by a digital voltmeter as shown in Figure 1, is proportional to the temperature difference between the two junctions. To calibrate such thermocouple the temperature of the second junction can be varied using a constant temperature bath and the emf recorded as a function of the temperature difference between the two nodes.


Figure 1 Measuring the EMF of a Thermocouple The output voltage, E, of a simple thermocouple circuit is usually written in the form,

(1) where T is the temperature in 0C, and E is based on a reference junction temperature of 0 0C. The constants A, B and C are dependent on the thermocouple material. Providing a fixed reference temperature for the reference junction using an ice bath can make the use of a thermocouple cumbersome. Hence, commercially available thermocouples usually consist of two leads terminating in a single junction. The leads are connected to a thermocouple signal conditioning box containing an electrical circuit which provides a reference voltage equal to that produce by a reference junction placed at 0 0C, a process called ice point compensation. These thermocouple signal conditioners or power supplies usually display the temperature directly and or provide a voltage output that is proportional to the thermocouple temperature. A similar thermocouple signal conditioner with a digital temperature display and an analog voltage output is used in the present experiment. Thermistors The thermistor, a thermally sensitive resistor, is a solid semi conducting material. Unlike metals, thermistors respond inversely to temperature, i.e., their resistance decreases as the temperature increases. The thermistors are usually composed of oxides of manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper and several other nonmetals. The resistance is generally an exponential function of the temperature, as shown in Equation 2:

(2) where R0 is the resistance at a reference temperature, T0, while b is a constant, characteristic of the material. T0, the reference temperature, is generally taken as 298 K (25 0C). Since all measurements made with thermistors can be reduced to detecting the resistance changes, the thermistor must be placed in a circuit and the resistance changes recorded in terms of the corresponding voltage or current changes. The formula relating the voltage (or current) changes to the resistance changes for a given circuit has to be determined theoretically or empirically, or by a combination of both. In the design of thermistor circuits, one must take the precaution that within the range of the operating conditions, the circuit remains stable at all times. Thermistor resistance varies inversely with temperature. The voltage applied directly across a thermistor causes its temperature to rise, and its resistance to decrease. Sufficiently high voltage may cause thermal "runaway" (curve A in Figure 2), in

INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL which condition, higher currents and temperatures are induced until the thermistor fails, or the power is reduced. A series resistor, introduced to limit current, ensures stability (curve B). Thermal "runaway" will, in all probability, permanently damage the thermistor, or change its characteristic properties.

Figure 2 Thermistor Behavior and Thermal Runaway To increase the precision of the measurement, one should add a voltage divider to the circuit shown in Figure 4(a). This will convert it to a Wheatstone bridge circuit, as shown in Figure 4(b). The outof-balance voltage, DV, can then be measured and related to the resistance of the thermistor. A correct choice of resistors R2 and R3 will remove the mean DC value of DV. Note that although the bridge circuit can increase the precision of the readings, the sensitivity is still the same as for the simple voltage divider circuit shown in Figure 4(a). The simple DC bridge circuit of Figure 4(b) is generally satisfactory for most applications.


Figure 3 Thermistor Circuit Considering this circuit, we shall now derive the relation between T and DV. In general,

(3) Assume R1 = R3. Then,

(4) Rearranging for RT,

(5) The relation between T and RT is given by,

(6) or,

(7) Substituting for RT from Equation 5, we have

(8) If we further assume R1 = R2 = R3 = Rb, we have,

(9) T is not a linear function of V, and so any linear analog recorder will be in error when linear interpolation is used between calibration points (for small ranges in temperatures, the error may be

INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL negligible). If we measure E along with our scans of the DVs, then the only unknowns in Equation 9 are R0 and b. These unknowns are determined by calibration experiments. You will perform a 3 or 4 point static calibration of both the thermocouple and the thermistor. Dynamic Response of Thermal Systems When temperature measurements of a transient process are made, it is important to verify that the dynamic response of the measuring device is fast enough to accurately track the time varying temperature. In the second part of this experiment, we will study the influence of different parameters on the transient response characteristics of a thermal system. In this experiment, we will measure the response of thermocouple (or a modified thermocouple). The thermocouple is modeled as a spherical ball, as shown in Figure 4. The thermocouple temperature is, T, mass m and specific

Figure 4 Thermocouple bead modeled as a simple thermal system heat capacity c. If the sphere is suddenly exposed to an environment at temperature T, then, after making the appropriate assumptions, the energy balance for this transient process is given by:

The solution for the above first order equation is the well known exponential decay given as:

where the time constant t = mc/hA. In this experiment, we will examine the influence of properties such as mass, surface area and specific heat capacity of the bead on its dynamic response.

I. Thermocouple and Thermistor Static Calibration The static calibration for the thermocouple and the thermistor will be done at the same time. 1. Connect the outputs of the thermocouples and the thermistor to the appropriate channels on the ADC card. Start the LabView program that is used for data acquisition. Ask the TAs for assistance. 2. Place the thermocouple and the thermistor in the constant temperature bath. Place the in the constant temperature bath. Starting with the bath at the lowest setting, between 20 0 0C. 3. Record the temperature of the RTD. 4. Record the thermocouple temperature and the voltage reading. 5. Record the thermistor out-of-balance voltage, DV, and 6. Repeat for three other different temperatures. 7. II. Time Response Measurement 1. Set the constant temperature bath between 20 and 40 0C.

INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL 2. Using the LabView program provided, monitor and record the outputs of the thermocouple as you rapidly move the thermocouple from the constant temperature bath and place them in the ice bath. 3. Now change the constant temperature bath temperature to somewhere between 60 and 80 0C and repeat step 2.

1. Discuss the principles of operation of thermocouples and thermistors. Compare the advantages and drawbacks of using the two devices.

2. Plot the static calibration data for the thermocouple and the thermistor, i.e. plot temperature vs. voltage. Does the voltage output confirm the expected trends? How and why?

3. Is the temperature in the constant temperature bath truly constant? Did you notice temperature fluctuations, and if so, what was their magnitude? What is the effect of these fluctuations on the accuracy of your static calibration?

4. Is there a discrepancy in the RTD temperature and the temperature displayed on the thermocouple digital display? Is the discrepancy constant over the entire temperature range? Discuss reasons for this discrepancy. CONCLUSION: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Experiment No. 3

Photoconductive Cells


Name: ________________________________________ Date Performed:______________ Course and Year: _______________________________ Date Finished: _______________

In this experiment, you will learn how to utilize the characteristics an LDR for fabricating light intensity monitor for instance to automatically switch on a light at dusk and switch it off at dawn. At the end of this experiment, you must be able to determine the advantages of using photoconductive cells (Light Dependent Resistors (LDR) and to determine the disadvantages of using photoconductive cells.


1pc. 1 pc. 1 pc. 1pc. 1pc. 12 V Power Supply BC107 NPN Transistor Single Pole Single Throw Switch 1N4007 Diode Breadboard 1 pc. Photoconductive cell (LDR)

1 pc. 1M potentiometer 1 pc. Relay 1pc. Multitester Connecting wires

The photoconductive cell is a two terminal semiconductor device whose terminal resistance will vary (linearly) with the intensity of the incident light. For obvious reasons, it is frequently called a photoresistive device. LDRs or Light Dependent Resistors are very useful especially in light/dark sensor circuits. Normally the resistance of an LDR is very high, sometimes as high as 1000 000 ohms, but when they are illuminated with light resistance drops dramatically.

This is a simple light level (intensity) monitor. Construct the circuit as shown in the figure below. Be sure to connect the 12 V supply.

2. Place the LDR in the collector base path. (As you know, it is just a resistor whose value depends on the intensity of light falling on it. Its dark resistance should be of the order of 1 to 2 M. By dark resistance, we mean its resistance when you keep it covered from external light) 3. Plug in the 1M in the base emitter path. Keep the LDR covered initially. Since most of the voltage falls across the LDR, the transistor will be in the OFF state.


INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL 4. Now expose the LDR to ambient light. You will notice the Relay to go ON (You will hear a click sound whenever the relay changes its state). 5. Interchange the LDR and the resistor, i.e keep the LDR in the base emitter path and the 1M in the base collector. The transistor will go from ON state to OFF state as soon as you expose the LDR to ambience.

What is an LDR?

Cite an advantage and a disadvantage of using photoconductive cell.

What is the role of the 1M ?

Describe how the LDR acts as a transducer.

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Experiment No. 4


Name: _______________________________________

Date Performed:______________


INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL Course and Year: _______________________________ Date Finished: _______________

To study the v-i characteristics of a TRIAC in both directions and also in different (1, 2, 3 & 4) modes of operation and determine break over voltages, holding current, latching current and comment on sensitivities.


TRIAC BT 136, power supplies, wattage resistors, ammeter, voltmeter

A triac is a three-terminal device used to control the average current flow to a load. A triac is different from an SCR in that it can conduct current in either direction when it is turned ON.

I mode 1. Connections are made as shown in Fig 1.1 2. The value of gate current ig is set to convenient value by adjusting vgg. 3. By varying the supply voltage Vm gradually in step-by-step, note down the corresponding values of Vmt2t1 and i1. Note down Vmt2t1 and i1 at the instant of firing of TRIAC and after firing (by reducing the voltmeter ranges and increasing the ammeter ranges) then increase the supply voltage Vmt2mt1 and i1. 4. The point at which TRIAC fires gives the value of break over voltage vbo1. 5. A graph of vmt2t1 v/s i1 is to be plotted. 6. The gates supply voltage. Vgg is to be switched off 7. Observe the am meter reading by reducing the supply voltage vmt. The point at which the ammeter reading suddenly goes to zero gives the value of holding current ih. II mode 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram (b) 2. The gate current is set as same value as in i-mode 3. Repeat the step no. s 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 of I-mode



III mode 1. Connections are mode as shown in the circuit diagram (c). 2. Step no. s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 are to be repeated as in i-mode. IV mode 1. Connections are mode as shown in the circuit diagram (d) 2. Repeat the step no. s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 of i-mode. Tabular column



Explain the different working modes of operations of a TRIAC.



Why i-mode is more sensitive among all modes?

What are the applications of TRIAC


Why I & II modes are operating in Ist quadrant and III & IV modes are operating in IIIrd quadrant?

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Experiment No. 6

Name: ________________________________________ Date Performed:______________ Course and Year: _______________________________ Date Finished: _______________



At the end of this experiment, you must be able to know the characteristics and operation of relay and determine the advantages and disadvantages of using relay as the final correcting device.

1pc. 1 pc. 1 pc. 1pc. 1pc. 12 V Power Supply BC107 NPN Transistor Single Pole Single Throw Switch 1N4007 Diode Breadboard 1 pc. Photoconductive cell (LDR)

1 pc. 1M potentiometer 1 pc. Relay 1pc. Multitester Connecting wires

A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism mechanically, but other operating principles are also used. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical isolation between control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. It is a device that responds to a small current or voltage change by activating switches or other devices in an electric circuit. It is an automatic device that controls the setting of a valve, switch, etc., by means of an electric motor, solenoid, or pneumatic mechanism

1. This is a simple light level (intensity) monitor. Construct the circuit as shown in the figure below. Be sure to connect the 12 V supply.


Place the LDR in the collector base path. (As you know, it is just a resistor whose value depends on the intensity of light falling on it. Its dark resistance should be of the order of 1 to 2 M. By dark resistance, we mean its resistance when you keep it covered from external light) 3. Plug in the 1M in the base emitter path. Keep the LDR covered initially. Since most of the voltage falls across the LDR, the transistor will be in the OFF state.




Now expose the LDR to ambient light. You will notice the Relay to go ON (You will hear a click sound whenever the relay changes its state). Measure the coil current as the relay energizes. Coil Current (Ion) = ____________ 5. Interchange the LDR and the resistor, i.e keep the LDR in the base emitter path and the 1M in the base collector. The transistor will go from ON state to OFF state as soon as you expose the LDR to ambience. Measure the coil current as the relay deenergizes. Coil Current (Ioff) = ____________

Discuss the principles of operation of a relay.

Cite an advantage and a disadvantage of using relay.

Describe how the relay acts as a final correcting device.

Define the terms pick-up current and drop-out currents for a relay.

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Experiment No. 6

S.C.R. Characteristics
Name: ________________________________________ Course and Year: _______________________________ Date Performed:______________ Date Finished: _______________



To study the V-I characteristics of S.C.R. and determine the Break over voltage, on state resistance Holding current. & Latching current.


SCR TY604, Power Supplies, Wattage Resistors, Ammeter, Voltmeter, etc.,

SCR is a three-terminal device used to control currents to a load. An SCR acts very much like a switch. When it is turned ON, there is a low-resistance current flow path from anode to cathode; then it acts like a closed switch. When it is turned OFF, no current can flow from anode to cathode; then it acts like an open switch. Because it is a solid-state device, the switching action of an SCR is very fast.

1. Construct the circuit shown in Fig 1.1. The value of gate current IG, is set to convenient value by adjusting VGG.

Fig 1.1

2. By varying the anode- cathode supply voltage VAA gradually in step-by step, note down the
corresponding values of VAK & IA. Note down VAK & IA at the instant of firing of SCR and after firing (by reducing the voltmeter ranges and increasing the ammeter ranges) then increase the supply voltage VAA. Note down corresponding values of VAK & IA. The point at which SCR fires, gives the value of break over voltage VBO. 4. A graph of VAK V/S IA is to be plotted. The on state resistance can be calculated from the graph by using a formula. The gate supply voltage VGG is to be switched off.

3. 4. 5. 6.


INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL 7. Observe the ammeter reading by reducing the anode-cathode supply voltage VAA. The point at which the ammeter reading suddenly goes to zero gives the value of Holding Current IH. Ig = ______ Ig = ______ 8. Steps No.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are repeated for another value of the gate current IG.

Explain the working operation of VI characteristics of S.C.R.

Explain the working operation of S.C.R. characteristics by using two transistor analogy

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Experiment No.7

Open Loop Vs. Closed Loop System

Name: _______________________________________ Course and Year: _______________________________ Date Performed:______________ Date Finished: _______________



To determine what is an open loop control system To determine what is an closed loop control system To distinguish the difference between open loop and closed loop control system

1pc. 2 pcs. 1 pc. 1 pc. 1 pc. 1 pc. 12 V Power Supply 1 pc. 9014 NPN Transistor 2 pcs. LED 1 pc. Single Pole Single Throw Switch 1 pc. 220 V, 10 W Lamp with Socket 1 pc. 100K potentiometer 1 pc. Photoconductive cell W, 1000 Resistor W, 50 K Resistor Relay Male socket 1N4004 Diode

The term "control system" may be applied to the essentially manual controls that allow an operator, for example, to close and open a hydraulic press, perhaps including logic so that it cannot be moved unless safety guards are in place. Open loop control is by far the more simple of the two types of control theory. In open loop control, there is some sort of input signal (digital or analog), which then passes through amplifiers to produce the proper output, and is then passed out of the system. Open loop controls have no feedback and require the input to return to zero before the output will return to zero. On the other hand, in closed loop control, the system is self-adjusting. Data does not flow one way, it may pass back from a specific amplifier (such as velocity or position) to the start of the control system, telling it to adjust itself accordingly. Many physical systems are closed loop control at the lowest level since the data about velocity and current position modify the output (also position) at consistent rate.

1. Construct the circuit as shown in the figure below. Be sure to connect the 12 V supply.
V1 12V +V

R3 50k

R1 1k

R2 1k

S1 D1 LED3

2. Turn on the switch 3. On the circuit assembled assess what is the type of the control system. Why? 4. Construct the circuit as shown in the figure below. Be sure to connect the 12 V supply and the AC supply. Set the potentiometer to the middle.

AC Supply



5. Cover the photocell with any material to obstruct it from receiving ample light. What happened to the output of the circuit? 6. Release the cover of the photocell, what happened to the circuit? 7. What do you think is the parameter controlled by the system in order for it to change phase?

What is an open loop control system? Draw the block diagram of the control system

What is a closed loop control system? Draw the block diagram of the control system

What is the distinguishing factor between an open loop and closed loop system?

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Experiment No.8

On Off Control Mode

Name: _______________________________________ Course and Year: _______________________________ Date Performed:______________ Date Finished: _______________

To verify the operation of an on off mode control mode To determine the advantage of an on off control mode To determine the disadvantage of an on off control mode

1pc. 2 pcs. 1 pc. 1 pc. 1 pc. 12 V Power Supply 9014 NPN Transistor 1N4004 Diode 220 V, 10 W Lamp with Socket 100K potentiometer 1 pc. 2 pcs. 1 pc. 1 pc. Photoconductive cell W, 1000 Resistor Relay Male socket Multitester

Construct the circuit as shown in the figure below. Be sure to connect the 12 V supply and the AC supply. Set the potentiometer to the right most part yet not touching it to the fullest (Doing so will cause a zero resistance in the base of Q1).

AC Supply

2. Cover the photocell with any material to obstruct it from receiving ample light. Measure the resistance of the photocell using an ohmmeter. 3. Uncover the photocell and measure its resistance. 4. Also measure the voltage between node A and B before and after covering the photoconductive cell. 5. Repeat procedure 1 to 4 with the wiper of the potentiometer at the middle part 6. Repeat procedure 1 to 4 with the wiper of the potentiometer at the left most part


INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL 7. Draw the output waveforms of the circuit with its differential gap (left most part, middle part, right most part).

What is on off control mode?

What is a distinct feature of an on off control mode?

What is differential gap ?

How important is differential gap in this control mode ?

What is the advantage of an on off control mode ? its disadvantage?

APPLICATION Design a simple on off control mode circuit using temperature as a variable then draw the waveform of its operation.

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