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CA Clarity Project & Portfolio Manager

Common Features and Personal Options User Guide


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Chapter 1: Introduction 13
Personal Options and Views Overview .......................................................... 14 Company-wide Information and Views ......................................................... 14 Common Features ............................................................................ 15 Access Right Types ........................................................................... 16 Configuration Versus Customization............................................................ 17 Content in Guides ............................................................................ 17

Chapter 2: Working with Departments


About Departments ........................................................................... 19 How to Get Started with Departments ...................................................... 20 Department Access Rights ................................................................. 20 Create Departments .......................................................................... 22 How to Manage General Department Information ............................................... 23 Manage Department General Properties .................................................... 23 Define Department Budgets ............................................................... 25 View a List of Sub-Departments ............................................................... 26 Manage Department Locations................................................................. 27 Manage Subscribed Services .................................................................. 28 View and Analyze Department Portfolios ....................................................... 30 Manage Department Resources ................................................................ 31 View a List of Department Investments and Services ............................................ 32 Delete Departments .......................................................................... 33

Chapter 3: Organizer


Organizer Overview ........................................................................... 35 View the Organizer ........................................................................... 36 Action Items ................................................................................. 36 View Action Items and Item Details ........................................................ 37 Create Action Items ....................................................................... 37 Modify Action Items ....................................................................... 39 Add and Remove Action Item Assignees .................................................... 40 Delete Action Items ....................................................................... 41 Tasks ........................................................................................ 42 Calendar Events .............................................................................. 43 View Calendar Events ..................................................................... 43

Contents 5

Create Calendar Events ................................................................... 44 Modify Calendar Events ................................................................... 46 Remove Participants from Calendar Events ................................................. 46 Delete Calendar Events ................................................................... 47 Change the Calendar View ................................................................. 47 Processes .................................................................................... 48 View Initiated or Available Processes ....................................................... 49 Start Processes ........................................................................... 50 Modify Processes ......................................................................... 51 View and Correct Process Run-time Errors .................................................. 52 Delete Processes and Process Instances .................................................... 53 Cancel Process Instances .................................................................. 54 Notifications .................................................................................. 55 View Notifications and Details.............................................................. 56 Delete Notifications ....................................................................... 56

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page


View the Overview Page ...................................................................... 57 How to Personalize the Overview Page ......................................................... 58 Access Personalize Pages .................................................................. 58 Change the Title of a Portlet ............................................................... 59 Add Portlets to Your Overview Page ........................................................ 60 Manage Filter Portlets on Your Overview Page .............................................. 61 Remove Portlets from Your Overview Page ................................................. 62 Restore Overview Page Defaults ........................................................... 63 Overview Page Tabs .......................................................................... 63 Overview Page Contents ...................................................................... 66 My Projects Portlet ........................................................................ 67 Events Portlet ............................................................................ 67 Favorite Links Portlet...................................................................... 68 Notifications Portlet ....................................................................... 68 Event Invitations Portlet ................................................................... 68 Favorite Photos Portlet .................................................................... 69 Site Links Portlet.......................................................................... 69

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders


Document Repository Overview................................................................ 71 Knowledge Store Access Rights ............................................................ 72 Knowledge Store Permissions .............................................................. 72 View the Knowledge Store ................................................................. 73 Access the Document Manager ............................................................ 74

6 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Folders ...................................................................................... 74 Create Folders ............................................................................ 74 Add Documents to Folders ................................................................. 76 Download Files from Folders ............................................................... 77 Edit Folder Properties ..................................................................... 79 Edit Folder Permissions .................................................................... 80 Delete Folders ............................................................................ 80 How to Manage Documents ................................................................... 81 Open Documents for Viewing Only ......................................................... 81 Save Documents to your Desktop .......................................................... 82 Check Out Documents .................................................................... 82 Undo Document Checkout ................................................................. 82 Check In Documents ...................................................................... 83 Edit Document Properties ................................................................. 84 Edit Document Permissions ................................................................ 84 Review Document History ................................................................. 85 Copy Documents.......................................................................... 85 Move Documents to Different Folders ...................................................... 86 Work with Document Versions ............................................................. 87 Work with Document Processes ............................................................ 88 Delete Documents ........................................................................ 90

Chapter 6: Timesheets


Timesheet Overview .......................................................................... 91 Timesheets Access Rights ................................................................. 91 How to Get Started with Timesheets ....................................................... 93 Specify Entry Input Type and Charge Codes ................................................ 95 How to Enter Time ............................................................................ 95 How to Add Tasks to Timesheets ........................................................... 96 Enter Work Hours into Timesheets ......................................................... 98 Split Entry Input Type Codes and Charge Codes ............................................ 98 Time Entry ETC ........................................................................... 99 Delete Entries from Timesheets ............................................................ 99 Submit, Approve, and Adjust Timesheets .................................................. 100 Timesheet Notes ............................................................................ 103 Add Notes to Task Entries or Timesheets .................................................. 103 View and Edit Timesheet Notes ........................................................... 104 Delete Timesheet Notes .................................................................. 105 How to Approve and Analyze Timesheets ...................................................... 105 Approve Submitted Timesheets ........................................................... 106 Return Timesheets ....................................................................... 107 Notify Resources about Overdue Timesheets ............................................... 107

Contents 7

Compare Adjusted and Original Timesheets ................................................ 108 Compare Actuals to Estimates ............................................................ 108 Delete Timesheets ....................................................................... 109 Receive Notifications for Submitted Timesheets ............................................ 109 CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets ............................................................ 109 Prerequisites for Downloading CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets ............................ 110 Enter Server Information into CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets ............................ 110 Download and Install CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets .................................... 111 Open and Update CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets ....................................... 112

Chapter 7: Reports


Stock Reports ............................................................................... 119 About Report Security ....................................................................... 120 Reports Access Rights........................................................................ 120 Jobs Affecting Report Data ................................................................... 121 View a List of Reports ........................................................................ 122 Run or Schedule Reports To Run .............................................................. 122 Scheduled Report Runs ...................................................................... 122 Define or Edit Scheduled Report Run Properties ............................................ 123 View the Status of Scheduled Report Runs ................................................. 125 Pause or Resume Scheduled Report Runs .................................................. 126 Cancel Scheduled Report Runs ............................................................ 126 Delete Scheduled Report Runs ............................................................ 127 Delete Saved Report Parameters .......................................................... 127 Add Reports to the My Reports Portlet ........................................................ 128 Set Up Report Status Notifications ............................................................ 128 Grant View Permissions to Report Runs ....................................................... 129 View Generated Reports ..................................................................... 130 Delete Generated Reports .................................................................... 130

Chapter 8: Account Settings


How to Manage your Account ................................................................. 131 Update Personal Information ................................................................. 132 Designate Proxies ........................................................................... 134 Change the Font Size ........................................................................ 135 Notifications Setup .......................................................................... 135 Notification Functional Areas .............................................................. 135 Manage Your Notification Settings ......................................................... 137 Specify Notification Methods .............................................................. 138 Software Downloads ......................................................................... 138 Software Download Access Rights ......................................................... 139

8 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Download Software ...................................................................... 140

Chapter 9: Searches and Filters


About Filters ................................................................................ 141 Filter and Sort Lists ...................................................................... 141 Save Filters ............................................................................. 142 Use Saved Filters ........................................................................ 142 Clear Filter Fields ........................................................................ 142 Show All Items in Lists ................................................................... 142 Build Power Filters ....................................................................... 143 Use Filter Portlets ........................................................................ 144 Delete Saved Filters ...................................................................... 145 Global Search Tool ........................................................................... 145 Perform Basic Searches .................................................................. 146 Perform Advanced Searches .............................................................. 146 Global Search Techniques ................................................................ 148

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration


Configuration Overview ...................................................................... 154 Fields and Page, Portlet, and Filter Layouts ................................................ 155 Gantt Chart Data and Layout ............................................................. 155 Time-Scaled Data and Layout ............................................................. 156 How to Configure List Pages and Portlets .................................................. 156 How to Configure List Filters .................................................................. 165 Access List Filters ........................................................................ 166 Add and Remove List Filter Fields ......................................................... 166 Change List Filter Field Display Settings ................................................... 167 Change List Filter Field Names and Display Properties ...................................... 167 Change List Filter Field Properties ......................................................... 169 Change Gantt Chart Data Display Settings .................................................... 170 How to Configure Time-Scaled Values ......................................................... 173 Change Time Periods on Portlets .......................................................... 173 Configure Column Settings ............................................................... 174 How to Configure Graph Portlets .............................................................. 176 Temporarily Apply or Remove Consistent Colors Usage from Graphs......................... 176 Configure Graph Portlets to Use Consistent Colors and Color Key ............................ 177

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding


About Dashboards ........................................................................... 179 Export Dashboard Data to Other Formats .................................................. 179 Share Dashboards ....................................................................... 180

Contents 9

Personalize Dashboards .................................................................. 180 Access Rights for Dashboards ............................................................. 181 Dashboard and Portlet Page Comparision .................................................. 181 By Example: Dashboards..................................................................... 183 View a Dashboard ........................................................................... 184 Export a Dashboard.......................................................................... 185 Export a Portlet ............................................................................. 186 How to Set Up a Dashboard .................................................................. 187 Create a Dashboard ...................................................................... 187 Dashboard Portlet Setup ................................................................. 188 Dashboard Layout ....................................................................... 189 Share a Dashboard ...................................................................... 193 Publish a Dashboard ..................................................................... 193 Edit a Portlet in a Dashboard ............................................................. 194 Remove a Portlet from a Dashboard ....................................................... 194

Chapter 12: Portlets


About Data Providers ........................................................................ 195 Interactive Portlets .......................................................................... 196 Personalize Pages with Interactive Portlets ................................................ 196 Create the Interactive Portlet ............................................................. 197 Grid Portlets................................................................................. 198 Create a Grid Portlet ..................................................................... 199 Determine a Grid Portlet's Columns and Layout ............................................ 200 Add a Gantt Chart to a Grid Portlet ........................................................ 202 Add an Image to a Grid Portlet ........................................................... 204 Add a Progress Bar to a Grid Portlet ....................................................... 205 Add a Time-Scaled Value to a Grid Portlet ................................................. 206 Add an Aggregation Row for a Number Field to a Grid Portlet ............................... 209 Graph Portlets ............................................................................... 210 Graph Portlet Types ...................................................................... 210 Create a Graph Portlet ................................................................... 211 Determine a Graph Portlet's Data and Layout .............................................. 213 Determine a Graph Portlet's Appearance .................................................. 213 Create a Filter Section for a Grid or Graph Portlet .............................................. 219 Filter Portlets ................................................................................ 220 Filter Precedence ........................................................................ 221 Scope of Filter Portlets ................................................................... 222 Filter Persistence ........................................................................ 222 How to Set Up a Filter Portlet ............................................................. 223 Create a Filter Portlet .................................................................... 224 Add a Field to a Filter Portlet ............................................................. 225

10 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Add a Lookup or Multi-valued Lookup Field to a Filter Portlet ................................ 226 Determine the Layout of Fields on Filter Portlets ........................................... 228 Add a Filter Portlet to a Personal Dashboard ............................................... 229

Chapter 13: Viewing and Posting Discussion Topics


About Discussions ........................................................................... 231 How to Manage Project or Programs Discussions ............................................... 232 Create New Discussion Topics ................................................................ 233 Post Messages to Discussion Topics ........................................................... 234 Post Replies to Messages ..................................................................... 235 View Discussion Threads ..................................................................... 236 Expand and Collapse Discussion Threads .................................................. 237 Display the Participants of a Discussion Topic .................................................. 237 Modify Topics and Messages .................................................................. 238

Chapter 14: Lists


Hierarchical Lists ............................................................................ 239 Sort Hierarchical Lists .................................................................... 239 Expand and Collapse Rows in Hierarchical Lists ............................................ 240 Filter Hierarchical Lists ................................................................... 240 Configure Hierarchical Lists ............................................................... 240 Actions Menu ................................................................................ 241 Access the Actions Menu ................................................................. 241 Change Column Sort Order ............................................................... 242 Data Export ............................................................................. 243 Edit Data Fields .......................................................................... 248 Select All Items in Lists .................................................................. 248

Chapter 15: Audit Records


Audit Overview .............................................................................. 249 View Audit Records .......................................................................... 251

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions


Budget Forecast Analysis Report .............................................................. 253 Chargeback GL Account Activity Report ....................................................... 257 Customer & Provider Chargeback Report ...................................................... 260 Customer Invoice Report ..................................................................... 263 Key Tasks and Milestone Status Report ....................................................... 267 Missing Time Report ......................................................................... 269 Portfolio Alignment Report ................................................................... 272

Contents 11

Investment Status Report .................................................................... 276 Project Transactions Inquiry Report ........................................................... 281 Resource Assignments Report ................................................................ 287 Resource by Role Description Report .......................................................... 290 Timesheet Detail Report ..................................................................... 293

Appendix B: Stock Interactive Portlets


Resource Portlet ............................................................................. 297 Portfolio Portlet .............................................................................. 299 Portfolio Dashboard ...................................................................... 300 Investment Dashboard ................................................................... 303



12 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction
A number of options and features are common to all of the user modules. Access to these features and options depend on your access rights, and on your companys use of the product. These options and features are designed to help you use the application more efficiently and effectively. This section contains the following topics: Personal Options and Views Overview (see page 14) Company-wide Information and Views (see page 14) Common Features (see page 15) Access Right Types (see page 16) Configuration Versus Customization (see page 17) Content in Guides (see page 17)

Chapter 1: Introduction 13

Personal Options and Views Overview

Personal Options and Views Overview

With personal options and views you can quickly access information about yourself or work-related information that important to you. You can access the following: Overview A home page to quickly access the action items to which you have been assigned, and to view notifications about various events and alerts you have received. You can customize this page according to your needs by changing its contents and layout. Organizer Access your daily work by viewing and managing your action items, tasks, and events. You can monitor your progress on tasks from this page. Timesheets Complete and submit your time spent on the tasks to which you have been assigned. Reports and Jobs Run reports and jobs that are related to the work you perform. Note: See the Administration Guide for more information. Account Settings Change your contact information, revise the application font settings, and to download related software. The personal options and views that are available depend on your access rights. You can access personal options and views from the Personal menu in the product. You can access the organizational options from the Organization menu.

Company-wide Information and Views

You can access information about your company by accessing documents that all users can view. Knowledge Store View, edit, download, and delete documents and folders to which you have access. Document Manager View, edit, download and delete documents and folders available from projects.

14 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Common Features

Common Features
Common features are available throughout CA Clarity PPM. Using common features is the same regardless of how you accessed them. The following lists the common features: Search and Filter You can perform basic and advanced searches from many pages within the product. In addition, CA Clarity PPM provides a number of search filters that allow you to search for specific objects using search filters with specific criteria. Hierarchical list navigation You can sort, filter, or configure standard flat lists and hierarchical lists. Configuration options Allows you to perform a number of configurations to change the pages and portlets you use to better suit your needs. Discussion boards You can create discussion topics within certain objects to allow you to discuss the particulars of that object with those who have access to it. User actions You can perform a number of user actions from most list pages. You can either configure these lists to change their layout, sort them by multiple columns, export the data to an Excel spreadsheet, or edit the data in the list columns. Audit You can view audit records that show deletions, additions, and updates to data in the object.

Chapter 1: Introduction 15

Access Right Types

Access Right Types

Access to CA Clarity PPM and its features are managed through access rights. Access rights are available from many levels to offer maximum flexibility and protection to users. Access rights can be assigned by CA Clarity PPM administrators, resource managers, and project managers. If you are unsure of your access rights, contact your manager or your CA Clarity PPM administrator. Each CA Clarity PPM user guide describes the access rights you need to work with the features described in the guide. The following describes the available access right types: Global A global access right is often followed by All, such as Reports - View Output - All. All means you can perform the action on all instances of that object. For example, the Reports - View Output - All access right allows you to view the output of all reports. Similarly, the Process - Manage - All access right allows you to manage all processes. Instance Instance access rights are given by specifying the instance of an object, such as the Report - View Output right enables you to view the output of a specific report. Typically, most users are given instance-level access rights to the specific object instances they work with. Group Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can grant instance and global access rights at the group level, so that if you are a member of a group, you will receive whatever access rights the group has been given. OBS Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can grant instance and global access rights at the OBS unit or department level, so that if you are member of an OBS unit or department, you will receive whatever access rights your OBS unit or department has been given.

16 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Configuration Versus Customization

Configuration Versus Customization

Many pages and portlets are configurable. In this context, configure means using the user-interface to change field and column appearance on a page or portlet, or to add or remove fields, columns, or portlets to a page. No special programming or software knowledge is required. Users with the appropriate access rights and with some programming skills, such as your CA Clarity PPM administrator, can use Studio to make more complex configurations and to create user-designed fields, pages, and portlets.

Default, Out-of-the-box, and Custom Values and Fields

As you use the various CA Clarity PPM modules, and configure them to best suit your company's needs, it is important to understand the distinction between default, out-of-the-box, and custom values, fields, portlets, and pages. Default Default values, fields, portlets, and pages are those that are displayed right after you have installed CA Clarity PPM, and before your administrator has made any configurations or customizations. Out-of-the-box These values and fields are included with CA Clarity PPM. Many of the out-of-the-box fields, portlets, and pages display for you, but others may not appear on pages or portlets until you choose them while configuring the page or portlet. For example, the Project Properties: Baseline page displays the Usage and BCWP (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed) columns by default. However, CA Clarity PPM also provides a number of related columns, such as ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed) and EAC (Estimated At Completion), that you can add to the page. These columns are examples of out-of-the-box values. The columns on a page tell the application which data to retrieve and/or calculate for display. Custom Custom values, fields, pages, and portlets are user designed, typically using Studio. Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can make custom values and fields available for selection as configuration options on the appropriate pages.

Content in Guides
The content in the CA Clarity PPM guides is based on the out-of-the-box versions of CA Clarity PPM. If you or your CA Clarity PPM administrator has configured a page or portlet, the procedures for that page or feature in the guide may be different.

Chapter 1: Introduction 17

Chapter 2: Working with Departments

With departments, you can manage department resources, financials, and other department-related information from one central location. This section contains the following topics: About Departments (see page 19) Create Departments (see page 22) How to Manage General Department Information (see page 23) View a List of Sub-Departments (see page 26) Manage Department Locations (see page 27) Manage Subscribed Services (see page 28) View and Analyze Department Portfolios (see page 30) Manage Department Resources (see page 31) View a List of Department Investments and Services (see page 32) Delete Departments (see page 33)

About Departments
CA Clarity PPM departments represent units in the organizational structure of your company. You can centrally manage and have access to a variety of information about your department, including: Resources, the members of a department. Investments such as projects, services, assets, or applications that your department manages. Income statements to monitor and approve charges for delivered services or investments. Note: See the Financial Management User Guide for more information. Portfolio management to build scenarios and analyze your departments health and alignment. Subscriptions to services or investments managed by other departments whose resources help support your department functions. Recovery statements to monitor credit received or pending for services your department delivered to other departments. Note: See the Financial Management User Guide for more information. Audit trail of changes made to your department.

Chapter 2: Working with Departments 19

About Departments

How to Get Started with Departments

The following must be set up before you can work with departments: An entity must exist. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information. Users must be granted department access rights.

Department Access Rights

You need the following access rights to work with departments. Department - Create Allows the user to create departments. This right also includes the Department - Navigate right. Type: Global Department - Edit Allows the user to edit and delete specific departments. This access right includes the Department - View access right, but not the Department Navigate access right. Type: Instance Department - Edit - All Allows the user to edit and delete all departments. This access right includes the Department - View - All access right. Type: Global Department - Edit Access Rights Allows users to edit the access rights for a specific department. This right does not include the Department - Navigate right or the Department - View rights. Type: Instance Department - Edit Access Rights - All Allows the user to edit access rights for all departments. This access right does not include the Department - Navigate access right or the Department - View access right. Type: Global

20 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

About Departments

Department - Navigate Allows the user to navigate to department pages. The user will need additional access rights to view the list of available departments. Type: Global Department - View Allows the user to view only specified departments. This access right does not include the Department - Navigate access right. Type: Instance Department - View - All Allows the user to view all departments. This right also includes the Department - Navigate right. Type: Global Department - View Chargeback Information Allows the user to view invoices and recovery statements of specific departments. Type: Instance Department - View Chargeback Information Allows the user to view invoices and recovery statements of all departments. Type: Global Department Invoice - Approve and Reject Allows the user to approve or reject invoices of specific departments. Type: Instance Department Invoice - Lock, Regenerate and Submit for Approval Allows the user to lock, regenerate, and submit invoices for approval of specific departments. Type: Instance

Chapter 2: Working with Departments 21

Create Departments

Create Departments
You can create and initially define a department by naming it, associating it with an entity, and optionally selecting a parent department, department manager, and business relationship manager. When you create a department, a corresponding OBS unit is also created based on the selected entity and the parent department. Only CA Clarity PPM administrators can view OBS hierarchies. To create a department 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu. A list of existing departments appears on the Departments page. 2. Click New. The Create Department page appears. 3. Enter the following required information: Department Name Defines the name of the department. Required when creating a new department. You can change the name after submitting. Limits: 120 characters Department ID Defines the unique department ID. Once the department is created, this field cannot be changed. Limits: 20 characters Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can set the ID for autonumbering. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Studio Developer's Guide for more information. Entity Defines the entity used to associate an organizational structure and financial defaults with the department. Once the department is created, this field cannot be changed. Parent Department Indicates if this department is a child (or sub-department). Required only if this department is a child to another department. Description Defines the detailed information about the department. Limits: 240 characters

22 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Manage General Department Information

4. Enter or change the following fields as needed. Change the department manager. Select a business relationship manager. Delegate invoice approval to sub-departments.

5. Save or submit to create the department.

How to Manage General Department Information

You can do the following to manage general department information: Create Departments (see page 22). Update Department General Properties (see page 23), such as department name, department manager, and business relationship manager. Define Department Budget Properties (see page 25).

Manage Department General Properties

To manage department general properties 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu and then click the name of the department you want to edit. The Department Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Edit the following information as needed: Department Name Defines the name of the department. Required when creating a new department. You can change the name after submitting. Limits: 120 characters Department ID Defines the ID that uniquely identifies the department. Required when creating a new department. Read only after submitting the new department. Limit: 20 characters Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can set the ID for autonumbering. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Studio Developer's Guide for more information.

Chapter 2: Working with Departments 23

How to Manage General Department Information

Entity Defines the entity that is used to associate an organizational structure and financial defaults with the department. Required when creating a new department. Read only after submitting the new department. Parent Department Defines the parent department name. Optionally, click the Browse icon to select a parent department. Example: The Retail Banking IT department is a parent to the Application Development group. Description Defines the detailed department description. Required when creating a new department. You can update the description after submitting. IT Customer Display only. Specifies whether this department has subscribed to at least one service. Default: Cleared IT Provider Display only. Specifies whether this department manages or owns at least one service. Default: Cleared Department Manager Defines the department manager. By default, this field is populated with the resource ID of the user who created the new department. The user selected as the department manager is automatically granted the Department - Edit access right. Business Relationship Manager Defines the user who is a liaison between this department and other departments. The user selected as the business relationship manager is automatically granted the Department - View access right. Delegate Invoice Approval Specifies whether you want to allow sub-departments to approve invoices. You can select this option only if the parent department has delegated invoice approval to the sub-department. Default: Cleared 3. Submit your changes.

24 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Manage General Department Information

Define Department Budgets

You can plan for and keep track of budgeted and forecasted costs, and benefits for your department. You can define budget properties to evaluate metrics such as the investments budgeted cost, NPV, ROI, and breakeven information, or you can let the application calculate this for you, using the cost of capital. You can also set the start and end date over which the budget will be experienced. The application assumes that the money flows constantly and evenly over this period. To define budget properties 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu and then click the name of the department you want to edit. The Department: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Click Budget from the content menu. The Department: Properties: Main - Budget page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: Currency Displays the home currency. If multi-currency is enabled, select the currency. Planned Cost Defines the budgeted and forecasted costs. This value is distributed between the Planned Cost Start and the Planned Cost Finish dates. Planned Cost Start and Planned Cost Finish Defines the dates when the planned cost starts and finishes. Planned Benefit Defines the total planned benefit the department will receive. Planned Benefit Start and Planned Benefit Finish Defines the dates when planned benefit starts and finishes. NPV Displays the net present value (NPV). NPV is calculated based on the following formula: NPV = Benefit - Cost Over Time. ROI Displays the Return on Investment (ROI). ROI is calculated based on the following formula: NPV/Benefit. Planned Breakeven Displays the date when the planned cost will equal the planned benefit.

Chapter 2: Working with Departments 25

View a List of Sub-Departments

Calculate NPV Data Indicates that budget dates follow the department dates. 4. Submit changes.

View a List of Sub-Departments

You can view a list of sub-departments associated with your department. The department hierarchy is established by selecting parent department when creating departments or editing department details. To view sub-departments 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu and then click the name of the department you want to edit. The Department: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Click the Sub-department subtab on the Properties tab. The Department: Properties: Sub-department page appears. 3. View the list of sub-departments.

26 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Manage Department Locations

Manage Department Locations

You can view a list of department locations, and add or remove locations from a department. A department can have multiple locations. Your administrator can also associate locations with departments.

View Department Locations

To view list of department locations 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu and then click the name of the department you want to edit. The Department: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Click Locations subtab on the Properties tab. The Department: Properties: Locations page appears. 3. Do the following: a. b. c. Add a new department location. Browse or filter department locations. Delete a department location from the list.

Add Department Locations

You can only add locations to a department that are from the same entity. To add department locations 1. On the Department: Properties: Locations page, click Add. The Add Locations page appears. 2. Select the check box next to each location you want to add. 3. Click Add to add the location to the list.

Remove Department-Locations Associations

You can remove the association between department and location if the following is true for both the department and location: Not referenced in the rate matrix Not used by financially enabled investments No financial transactions exist for the department Not used by financially enabled company Not set as a default system department Not used by a financially enabled resource

Chapter 2: Working with Departments 27

Manage Subscribed Services

To remove a department location from the list 1. On the Department: Properties: Locations page, select the check box next to the location you want to remove from the list. 2. Click Remove. The location is removed from the list.

Manage Subscribed Services

You can view a list of services the department has subscribed to, subscribe to services, and remove subscriptions. When a department subscribes to at least one service, the department becomes an IT consumer. You can also define subscription properties and key metrics by which to measure the performance of the services to which you are subscribing.

View the Subscription List

To view the subscription list 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu and then click the name of the department you want to edit. The Department: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Click the Subscriptions tab. The Department: Subscriptions page appears.

Subscribe to Services
To subscribe to a service 1. On the Department: Subscriptions page, click Add. The Service List page appears. 2. Browse for or filter available services. 3. Select the check box next to each service to which you want to subscribe, and click Add. The selections appear in the subscription list.

Remove Subscriptions
To remove a subscription 1. On the Department: Subscriptions page, select the check box next to each subscription you want to remove the list, and click Delete. A confirmation page appears. 2. At the confirmation, click Yes.

28 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Manage Subscribed Services

Define Subscription Properties

To define properties for a subscription 1. On the Department: Subscriptions page, click the Properties icon next to a subscription. The Subscription: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Enter the values in the property fields as applicable. Note: See the IT Service Management User Guide for more information. 3. Submit your entries.

Define Subscription Key metrics

To define key metrics for a subscription 1. On the Department: Subscriptions page, click the Properties icon next to a subscription. The Subscription: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Select the Key Metrics subtab, and click New. The Create Key Metric page appears. 3. Enter the following information for each key metric: Code Name Target start date, target finish date and target value Actual start date, actual finish date, and actual value

Chapter 2: Working with Departments 29

View and Analyze Department Portfolios

View and Analyze Department Portfolios

You can access your department portfolios, create scenarios, and evaluate the performance of the department from the Department: Properties page. There are two types of department portfolios: Customer Department Portfolios. The portfolios for departments that fund investments. Customer portfolios allow you to see the costs of shared investments in each related portfolio. If the portfolio type is Customer, all of the investments for which the department is charged are included in the portfolio. Investments are included in the customer department portfolios as long as chargeback rules exist to charge that department. Provider Department Portfolios. The portfolios for departments that own the investments. If the portfolio type is Provider, all of the investments that the department owns are included in the portfolio. Investments are included in the provider department portfolios as long as they are owners of those investments.

Department portfolios can be either Provider or Customer but not both at the same time. Departments that own investments and fund investments can potentially have provider and customer department portfolios. You can create one or more portfolios for your department. Note: See the Portfolio Management User Guide for more information. To access department portfolios 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu and then click the name of the department whose portfolio you want to analyze. The Department: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Click the Portfolios subtab. The Department: Properties page appears displaying the list of portfolios associated with that department. 3. Click the name of the portfolio. The Portfolio: Properties: General page appears. Note: See the Portfolio Management User Guide for more information.

30 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Manage Department Resources

Manage Department Resources

You can view a list of department member and access resource information, such as capacity and demand. From your department you are better able to manage and plan for a resources workload. Resources become members of a department when they are associated with a department OBS. A resource can belong to only one department. Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information.

Plan Capacity for Department Resources

To plan for department resource capacity 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu and the name of the department you want to edit. The Department: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Click the Resources tab. The Department: Resources page appears. 3. Use the Scenario toolbar to create or access capacity planning and portfolio scenarios. Note: See the Portfolio Management User Guide for more information.

View Aggregate Resource Capacity and Demand

The Department Resource Aggregation portlet shows the aggregated demand versus capacity for the department and all included sub-departments. Demand is comprised of all the work that resources in the department are allocated to do plus all the work that roles are allocated to do that is specified as coming from the department. Capacity is the aggregation of the availability of all resources allocated to the department. To view aggregate resource capacity and demand 1. On the Department: Resources page, view the Department Resource Aggregation portlet: Department Displays the department or any of its sub-departments. Allocation Displays the aggregated full-time employee availability for each time period. Click the arrow icons to view previous or next time periods.

Chapter 2: Working with Departments 31

View a List of Department Investments and Services

2. Do one of the following: Click the Resources icon to view the list of resources that are members of the department, or edit a resources properties or allocations. Click the Role icon for a department or sub-department to view the roles in that department or sub-department, or edit a roles properties or allocations.

Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information.

View a List of Department Resources

The Department Resource portlet shows a list of all resources who are members of the selected department and optionally subdepartments. To view the list of department resources 1. On the Department: Resources page, view the Department Resource portlet. 2. Browse or filter resources as needed. 3. Select the Show Resources in Subdepartments check box if you want to include resources from subdepartments.

View a List of Department Investments and Services

You can view a list of investments and services that your department owns or manages. From this page, you can access, view, and edit investment or service details. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Investments and services are tied to a department when they are associated with a department OBS. An investment or service can belong to only one department. Note: See the Portfolio Management User Guide for more information. When your department owns at least one service, the department becomes an IT provider. Note: See the IT Service Management User Guide for more information.

32 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Delete Departments

View Investments
To view department investments 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu and then click the name of the department you want to edit. The Department: Properties: Main - General page appears. 2. Click the Investments tab. The Department Investments page appears. 3. Filter or browse for the investment or service. 4. Click the Investment link to view and edit the selected investment or service.

Delete Departments
You can delete a department if it is not associated with a location. When you delete a department, its sub-departments are also deleted. To delete a department 1. Select Departments from the Organization menu. A list of departments appears on the Departments page. 2. Browse or filter the departments you want to delete. 3. Remove any location association from the departments you wish to delete. 4. Select the check box next to each department. 5. Click Delete. 6. At the confirmation, click Yes.

Chapter 2: Working with Departments 33

Chapter 3: Organizer
You can use the Organizer to access your action items, tasks, calendar events, processes, and notifications from a single location. This section contains the following topics: Organizer Overview (see page 35) View the Organizer (see page 36) Action Items (see page 36) Tasks (see page 42) Calendar Events (see page 43) Processes (see page 48) Notifications (see page 55)

Organizer Overview
The Organizer provides you with a central access point for all of the action items, tasks, calendar events, processes, and alert notifications to which you have been assigned or invited. This allows you to see the big picture from a single location without having to access different areas within CA Clarity PPM. Use the Organizer to do your daily work. The Organizer contains the following tabs for you to access different functional areas: Action Items. Access, view, and manage all of your action items. Tasks. View and track the progress of the tasks to which you have been assigned. Calendar. Manage calendar events that you create and those to which you have been invited. Processes. View, run, filter, and delete the processes to which you have access. Notifications. View your received alert notifications.

Chapter 3: Organizer 35

View the Organizer

View the Organizer

To view the Organizer 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. To view another page, click the tab. The contents of the tab appear. For example, to view a list of all the notifications that have been assigned to you, click the Notifications tab.

Action Items
Action items are units of non-task work that you assign to yourself or to others and that others assign to you. You can use action items to track the progress of projects and to ensure that a project is complete and on time. While you create your personal action items from the Organizer, you create your project-specific action items from within a project. The Organizer: Action Items page lists all of the personal and project-specific action items that you create and those that others created and assigned to you. A check mark in the Is Proxy column indicates if the person assigned to the item was assigned by proxy. A check mark in the Is Escalated column indicates that the action item has been escalated to you from someone else. The last column on the right may contain one of two colored icons. The Over Due Action Item icon indicates the action item is overdue, the On Schedule icon indicates the action item is on time.

36 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Action Items

View Action Items and Item Details

You can view a list of your action items and their details and accordingly take actions on them. To view your list of action items and item details 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. From this page, you can do the following: Change the status for an action item and save it. Create a new action item. Delete an action item.

3. Click an action items name to view its details. The Action Item Details page for that action item appears. You can take the following actions for this action item: Set status for all assignees. Select a status for all assignees and click Apply. Click Submit to return to the Organizer: Action Items page and view the change of status applied to all action item assignees. Remove assignees. Edit action item properties. Delete the action item.

Create Action Items

You can create both personal and project-related action items. Personal action items are those that you create from the Organizer. Project-related action items are those that you create from within a project. This section describes how to create a personal action item. To create a new personal action item 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click New. The Action Item Properties: Create page appears. 3. In the General section, complete the following fields: Subject Defines the name for this action item.

Chapter 3: Organizer 37

Action Items

Description Defines the description of the action item. Priority Specifies the priority level of the action item. Values: Low, Medium, or High Due Date Defines the date the action item is due for completion. If desired, select the hour and minute the action item is due. Recurring Indicates if the action item to occur at regular intervals. If the action item is to occur only once, clear this check box. Frequency Specifies how often the action item to reoccur. For example, enter 1 in the Frequency field if you need to create a status report each week. Units Specifies the time period during which the action item will reoccur. Values: Days, Weeks, Months, and Years Until Indicate the last date on which you want the action item to reoccur. 4. In the Notify section, complete the following fields: Notify Assignees Indicates if a notification is sent (via email message, to the Overview: General page, or via SMS) to the assigned resource. Send Reminder Indicates if a reminder email notification is sent to the assigned resource (or resources) when the action item is due. Time Before Reminder If the Send Reminder check box is selected, defines the amount of time before the item is due that you want the reminder to occur. For example, enter 15 in this field, and select Minutes in the Units field.

38 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Action Items

Units If the Send Reminder check box is selected, specifies the time unit you want to use for the reminder. 5. In the Assignees section, click the Browse icon to select the resources to whom you want to assign the action item. 6. Click Submit.

Modify Action Items

You can modify an action items general, notification, and assignee properties from the Action Item Properties page. Note that you cannot modify the details of action items created by and assigned to you by other resources except to update your status on those action items. You can change any of the fields on this page including adding and removing assignees. To modify an action item 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the action item name that you want to modify. The Action Item Details page appears. The fields on this page are read-only versions of those that appear on the Action Item Properties: Create page. From this page, you can do the following: Remove assignees from the action item. Set action item status for all assignees. Click the Select menu for all assignees and select a status that you want to apply to all assignees. Set the action item status for an individual assignee. Click the Status menu for an individual assignee and select a status that you want to apply to only that assignee. Then, click Save. Remove one or more assignees from the action item. Select the assignee that you want to remove and click Remove. Delete the action item.

3. Click Edit. The Action Item Properties page appears. 4. To apply your modifications to all occurrences of this action item, select the All Occurrences of this action item field at the bottom of the page. 5. Click Submit.

Chapter 3: Organizer 39

Action Items

Add and Remove Action Item Assignees

When you create an action item, you assign it to resources who will access the item. You can also add or remove assignees from an existing action item. Use the Action Item Properties page to add and remove action item assignees. You can also select an assignee directly from the Action Item Details page and click Remove. The assignees name is removed from the Action Item Details page. Click Submit to save your changes and return the Organizer: Action Items page. To add or remove an assignee 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click an action item name. The Action Item Details page appears. 3. Click Edit. The Action Item Properties page appears. 4. In the Assign To list field, do one of the following: Click the Browse icon to browse and add assignees. The Select Resources window opens. Select the names of the desired resource(s) and click Add. The Select Resources window closes. The names of the newly assigned resources appear in the Assign To list field on the Action Item Properties page. Select the assignee you want to remove and click the Remove icon.

5. Click Submit.

40 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Action Items

Delete Action Items

When you create an action item, you become the action items owner. As the owner, you can modify and delete it. Use the Organizer: Action Items page or the Action Item Details page to delete action items. To delete multiple action items 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Select each action item you want to delete. 3. Click Delete. The Delete Confirmation page appears. 4. Confirm the prompt by clicking Yes. The action item is deleted. To delete an individual action item 1. From the Organizer: Action Items page, click the action items name. The Action Items Details page appears. 2. Click Delete at the bottom of the page. The Delete Confirmation page appears. 3. Confirm the prompt by clicking Yes. The Organizer: Action Items page appears displaying the action item as deleted.

Chapter 3: Organizer 41


Use the Organizer: Tasks - Personal page to view all personal tasks that you created and those others assigned to you. You can also use this page to view a projects work breakdown structure, and view and to modify task details. You cannot be assigned tasks on other investments, such as applications, services, or ideas. To view your list of personal and assigned tasks Select Organizer from the Personal menu, and then click the Tasks tab. The Organizer: Tasks - Personal page appears and a task entry will appear on your task list for each assigned task. The following columns appear on the task list: Task Displays the name of the task. Click this link to view and edit task details. Your access rights to the investment will determine the fields you can edit. Start, Finish Displays the start and finish date of the assigned task. Actuals Displays the number of hours posted to the resources timesheet. Actuals will appear after the Post Timesheets job is run. Pending Actuals Displays the number of hours entered on the resources timesheet that are waiting to be posted. Pending Actuals appear after the resource submits time against the tasks. ETC Displays the estimated hours to complete the task. Status Displays the state of the task. Values: Not Started. No time has been posted against the task. Started. Automatically changes the status to "Started" when time was posted against the task. Completed. Automatically changes the status to "Completed" when the task ETC has zero hours and the task status is updated to "Completed".

42 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Calendar Events

Calendar Events
Calendar events are milestones, such as meetings or appointments, that are scheduled for a specific time and location. A calendar event can include one or more participants. The Organizer: Calendar page lists all of the calendar events to which you have been invited or you have created.

View Calendar Events

You can view all of your scheduled calendar events on the Organizer: Calendar pages. To access your calendar Select Organizer from the Personal menu, and click the Calendar tab. The Organizer: Calendar Day View - Personal page appears by default. You can also access the Organizer: Calendar page from other organizer pages by selecting the Calendar tab. To view a list of all events along with date and time of event, duration, and other information, from the Organizer: Calendar pages toolbar, click the Events link.

Chapter 3: Organizer 43

Calendar Events

Create Calendar Events

You can create calendar events from any calendar viewday, week, or month from the Organizer: Calendar Events page. You can complete just the required fields and then return to complete the remaining fields as you have the information available. Use the Event Properties page to define your new calendar event. You can access the Event Properties page by clicking Events from the Organizer: Calendar Day View - Personal page, and then clicking New. To create a new calendar event 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Calendar tab. The Organizer: Calendar Day View - Personal page appears. 3. Click the + (plus sign) next to the hour on which the event will occur. The Event Properties page appears. 4. In the General section of the page, complete the following fields: Subject Defines the name for the event. Location Defines the location for the event. Description Defines the description of the event. 5. In the When section of the page, complete the following fields: Date Specifies the date on which the event is to occur. Start Time Specifies the time at which the event is to start. Duration Indicates the events duration. Recurring Indicates if you want the event to reoccur.

44 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Calendar Events

Recur Every Specifies the time period in which the event will reoccur. Values: Days, Weeks, Months, and Years Until Specifies the last date on which the event will reoccur. 6. To select participants for the event, in the Participants section, do one of the following: If you know the user name for each project participant you want to invite, or if you know the name of the group, enter the names in the Quick Add field, then click Add. Use commas to separate each name. To view the list of project participants or groups available for the event, do the following: a. Click Add below the Quick Add field. The Browse Resources page appears. b. Select the participants you want to invite to the event and then, click Add. The Event Properties page appears. c. In the Participants section, select the required participants and click Add next to the Quick Add field.

7. To check the availability of the selected participants, click Check Availability. The Check Availability page appears. The final invited project participants or groups display in the participants list. 8. In the Notify section, complete the following fields to notify participants of the event : Notify Participants Indicates if an email notification is sent to invitees. Send Reminder Indicates if a reminder is sent to invitees about the event. Reminder time before event Specifies when the reminder is sent. Values: minutes, hours, days, or weeks 9. Click Submit. The Organizer: Calendar Day View - Personal page appears. The event displays on your calendar on the event date, and is listed on the Organizer: Calendar Events page.

Chapter 3: Organizer 45

Calendar Events

Modify Calendar Events

Use the Event Properties page to modify an existing calendar event. To modify a calendar event 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Calendar tab. The Organizer: Calendar Day View - Personal page appears. 3. From the toolbar, click Events. The Organizer: Calendar Events page appears. 4. Click the subject of the event that you want to modify. The Event Properties page appears. 5. Modify the events general, time, participant, or notification attributes as desired.

Remove Participants from Calendar Events

Use the Event Properties page to remove a participant from a calendar event. Select the participant you want to remove and click Remove.

46 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Calendar Events

Delete Calendar Events

Use the Event Properties page to delete an existing calendar event. To delete a calendar event 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Calendar tab. The Organizer: Calendar Day View - Personal page appears. 3. On the toolbar, click Events. The Organizer: Calendar Events page appears. 4. Click the subject of the event that you want to delete. The Event Properties page appears. 5. Click Delete. A confirmation page appears. 6. Click Yes. The event is removed from the Organizer: Calendar Events page.

Change the Calendar View

Use the Organizer: Calendar Day View - Personal page to view the calendar. By default calendar view is the day view. This view displays each hour of the day, listing each event in the allotted time period it is taking place or due. To change the calendar to the week or month view 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears by default. 2. Click the Calendar tab. The Organizer: Calendar Day View - Personal page appears. 3. Click Week or Month from the page toolbar. The page refreshes to display one of the following selected views: Day Displays calendar events for a specific day. Week Displays calendar events for a given week.

Chapter 3: Organizer 47


Month Displays calendar events for a given month.

A process is a series of actions resulting in an end. Steps comprise the series of actions. All processes have the following underlying characteristics: A start step and finish step. Post-conditions and pre-conditions to connect the steps.

Each step performs a single action that is intended to move the process toward its completion. Each time a process is startedeither via a manual action or automated triggera process instance is created. Note: Processes are not explicitly mark as complete. The completeness of a process instance depends on the status of the steps it contains. When the Finish step is completed, the process instance ends. You can view the following processes from the Organizer: Initiated. Process instances that you started or to which you have view access. Available. Processes available for you to initiate and to edit their definitions.

Note: See the Administration Guide for more information.

48 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide


View Initiated or Available Processes

You can filter and view a list of initiated or available process. From these lists, you can do the following: For initiated processes, view status, or click a process link to view the step details. For available processes, start processes, or click a process link to edit its definition. You can also create new processes.

Note: To view a list of all global available processes, you must be a process administrator. To view initiated or available processes 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Processes tab. The Organizer: Initiated Processes page appears. 3. Click the Initiated subtab or Available subtab as needed to view processes you initiated and to view processes that are available for you to view. A list page with initiated or available processes appears.

Chapter 3: Organizer 49


Start Processes
Use the Organizer: Available Processes page to start processes. Each time you start a process, a process instance is created. From this page, you can start non-object based processes for which you have access rights: Note: To start object-based processes, you must access these processes from the Processes tab within the object. To start a process 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Select the Processes tab. The Organizer: Initiated Processes page appears. 3. Select the Available subtab. The Organizer: Available Processes page appears. 4. Select the check box next to the process you want to start. 5. Click Start. The Organizer: Initiated Processes page appears displaying the new process instance.

50 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide


Modify Processes
You can modify processes when the mode is set to "Draft or On Hold. You cannot modify processes with the mode is set to Active. To modify a process 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Processes tab. The Organizer: Initiated Processes page appears. 3. Select the Available subtab from the page toolbar. The Organizer: Available Processes page appears. 4. Click the name of the process you want to modify. The Process Definition: Properties page appears for that process. 5. Do the following: a. b. c. d. e. Modify the generic attributes for this process. Update the process steps as desired by adding, renaming, deleting, adding conditions to, or altering actions. Update groups by adding, removing, reorganizing, or renaming them. Update escalation properties by changing escalation type, level, grace period, or additional notifications. Click the Validation link to validate the process modifications. If errors are identified, correct them and re-validate the process. If no errors are identified, click Exit.

6. Click Save and Exit.

Chapter 3: Organizer 51


View and Correct Process Run-time Errors

Use the Process Instance: Messages page to view process run-time errors. This page displays a current list of all unresolved run-time errors and warnings for the process instance in ascending order by step name. Once the process resumes, those run-time errors and warnings that you have resolved no longer display in the list. To view and correct run-time errors 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Processes tab. The Organizer: Available Processes page appears. 3. Next to the process instance containing a run-time error, click the Error icon. The Processes Instance: Messages page appears. 4. Resolve the error specified in the message. Then, back on the Process Instance: Messages page, select the step and click Retry. The step is executed again. 5. To skip the step associated with a run-time error or warning, select the step and click Skip Problem. The step associated with the run-time error is skipped and the next step in the process is executed. When you choose to skip a step with a run-time error, you may get unexpected results. For example, the process may take another path and not complete as you expected, or the process may not be able to continue as the next step in the process needs this step to complete as a pre-condition. Best Practices: Do not skip a step defined with a manual action. To delete the run-time error or warning 1. Select the step associated with the error or warning and click Delete. 2. Click Back to return to the Organizer: Initiated Processes page.

52 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide


Delete Processes and Process Instances

You cannot delete process instances that are currently in Running status. If the process instance is running, you can stop it from the step currently in progress by canceling the process instance. To delete a process instance that is not currently running 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Processes tab. The Organizer: Available Processes page appears. 3. Click the Initiated subtab. The Organizer: Initiated Processes page appears. 4. Select the process instance that you want to delete and click Delete. The Confirm Process Instance Delete page appears. 5. Click Yes.

Delete Processes
With the appropriate access rights, you can delete processes. However, you cannot do this from the Organizer. Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can delete global processes. Note: See the Administration Guide for more information.

Chapter 3: Organizer 53


Cancel Process Instances

You can only cancel active and incomplete processes. When you cancel a process instance, the process instance stops at the step that is currently in progress. Canceled process instances remain in CA Clarity PPM for reference purposes. You cannot reinstate a canceled process. To cancel a process instance 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Processes tab. The Organizer: Available Processes page appears. 3. Click the Initiated subtab. The Organizer: Initiated Processes page appears. 4. Select the process instance you want to cancel and click Cancel Process. The Confirm Instances Abort page appears. 5. Click Yes. The process instance is cancelled.

54 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide


Notifications can be alerts, emails, or SMS messages that you receive notifying you of new activities or changes in CA Clarity PPM. You receive alert notifications in your Organizer on the Organizer: Notifications page and in the Notifications portlet on the Overview: General page. The method in which you receive notifications depends on the notification method you specify on the Account Settings: Notifications page. For example, you can choose to receive process notifications via an alert, email, and/or SMS. To receive alert notifications in the Notifications portlet and on the Organizer: Notifications page, you must have selected the Alert check box for each functional area to which you want to receive alert notifications. The Organizer: Notifications page lists all of the alert notifications according to the notification's functional area, message content, date sent, senders last name, or senders first name. You can receive notifications for the following functional areas: Action items Change requests Discussions Documents Escalations Events Finance Incidents Issues Processes Projects Reports and Jobs Requisitions Risks Timesheets

Chapter 3: Organizer 55


View Notifications and Details

You can view your personal alert notifications on the Organizer: Notifications page. You can also use this page to sort your alert notifications. The alerts that display are those action items to which you have been assigned, calendar events to which you have been invited, or timesheets that are overdue. You can access alert notification details from the Message column for an alert item, such as clicking a link to the timesheet or event. The link or links that display in the Message column are dependent on the notification template's configuration settings. Alert notifications display details on the properties page. For example, if you receive an alert that you have been assigned to an action item, then clicking the Properties icon opens the Action Item Details page. To view a notification's details 1. Click Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears. 2. Click the Notifications tab. The Organizer: Notifications page appears. 3. Do the following to view details: Click the link in Message column. Click the Properties icon.

Delete Notifications
You can delete notifications that you no longer need. To delete a notification 1. Select Organizer from the Personal menu. The Organizer: Action Items page appears by default. 2. Select the Notifications tab. The Organizer: Notifications page appears. 3. Select each notification you want to delete and click Delete. The Delete Confirmation page appears. 4. Click Yes. The notification is deleted.

56 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page

Organizer pages provide a common work area for you to access and manage all your action items and tasks, and also serve as a customizable work area. From these pages, you can see an overview of your tasks, action items, and notifications, and also additional content and layout based on your changing needs and preferences This section contains the following topics: View the Overview Page (see page 57) How to Personalize the Overview Page (see page 58) Overview Page Tabs (see page 63) Overview Page Contents (see page 66)

View the Overview Page

When you first log in to CA Clarity PPM, the Overview: General page appears as the home page. The content that appears on the Overview: General page is customizable. What you see on this page is what you have selected to display and where you see them is the location where you selected to display them on the page. To view the Overview page from any CA Clarity PPM page Click Overview from the Personal menu. If your CA Clarity PPM administrator has installed the PMO Accelerator add-in, additional tabs appear on this page. You can use these tabs to perform most of the actions as described in this section. Note: See the PMO Accelerator Product Guide for more information.

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page 57

How to Personalize the Overview Page

How to Personalize the Overview Page

You can create your customized work space by personalizing the contents of the Overview: General page. Use the personalize pages to change the appearance of your Overview: General page. You can do the following: Change the page content by: Changing the title of portlets (see page 59) Adding portlets (see page 60) Adding and mapping filter portlets (see page 61) Removing portlets (see page 62)

Change the page layout by: Changing the number of columns in which the portlets appear Changing the location of the portlets on the page

You can only view the tab name and the description of the Overview: General page; the pages properties cannot be personalized.

Access Personalize Pages

To access the Personalize pages 1. Click Overview from the Personal menu. The Overview: General page appears. 2. At the top right of the Overview: General page, click the [Personalize] link. The Personalize: Content page appears, from which you can add and remove portlets and change portlet names. 3. To change page layout, click the Layout link. 4. To view page properties, click the Page Properties link.

58 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Personalize the Overview Page

Change the Title of a Portlet

You can change a portlets title to something more meaningful to you. To change a portlets title 1. Click Overview from the Personal menu. The Overview: General page appears. 2. From the top right of the Overview: General page, click the [Personalize] link. The Personalize: Page Content page appears. 3. Click the title of the portlet you want to change. The Content Title page appears. 4. Complete the following fields: Title Defines the new title for the portlet. Click the Translate icon to translate the title into a different language such as German, French, or Japanese. Description Defines the description of the portlet. 5. Click Submit and then click Exit to return to the Overview: General page and view the new title.

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page 59

How to Personalize the Overview Page

Add Portlets to Your Overview Page

With the required access rights, you can add a portlet to the Overview: General page. For example, if you have access to Ideas, then you can add an Ideas portlet to the Overview: General page. To add a portlet 1. Open the Overview: General page. 2. Click the [Personalize] link at the top of the page. The Personalize: Content page appears. 3. Click Add. The Select Content window opens. Depending on your access rights, the Select Content window displays a list of portlets. 4. Select the portlets you want to add. 5. Do one of the following: Click Add to add the selected portlets. Click Add and Select More to add the selected portlet and continue adding more portlets. Click the page links at the top or bottom of the window to navigate to additional contents. When you are done, click Close.

6. From the Personalize: Content page, click Exit to return to the Overview: General page. 7. To move the portlets around the page, return to the Personalize: Content page and click Continue.

60 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Personalize the Overview Page

Manage Filter Portlets on Your Overview Page

Add Filter Portlets
With the required access rights, you can add a filter portlet that coordinates filtering operations between portlets to any tab that appears on the Overview: General page. You can add multiple filter portlets to a page. Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can create new filter portlets are using Studio. To add a filter portlet 1. From any overview page, click Personalize. The Personalize: Content page appears. 2. Click Page Filters in the content menu. The Personalize: Page Filters page appears. 3. Click Add. The Select Content page appears. 4. Select the check box next to the filter portlet you want to add to the page and click Add. The Personalize: Filter Content page appears showing the filter portlet name in the list. 5. Make the following adjustments. (Optional) Select the Persist check box if you want the portlet filter values to persist across pages that use the same filter portlet. (Optional) Select the Default option for the desired page filter default. The first filter published to the page is the page filter default unless a selection indicates otherwise.

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page 61

How to Personalize the Overview Page

Map Filter Portlet Fields

Use the Page: Filter Content Mappings page to map corresponding portlet fields. This page shows the filter portlet fields listed under each portlet on the page and allows you to enter a value in a filter portlet field and use it in a corresponding portlet field as filter criteria. You can map multiple portlets and only enter filter criteria for the portlets once in the filter portlet fields instead of entering the filter values separately in each portlet. To view this page, on the Personalize: Filter Content page, click the Filter Mappings icon next to the filter portlet name for which you want to map fields. To map a filter portlet field 1. In the Mapping Field drop-down, for each entry, select the portlet attribute that you want to map to the filter portlet field. The values that appear in the drop-down are filtered based on the data type of the filter portlet field being mapped. If you are mapping lookup attributes, the filter portlet field and the portlet attribute must have the same lookup ID. If a portlet filter field is not mapped to at least one portlet attribute on the page, the field does not display in the filter portlet. If a filter portlet does not have at least one field mapped, the filter portlet does not display on the page.

2. Select the Hide If Empty check box to hide the portlet if a value is not entered in the corresponding filter portlet field during a filter request. If you select the check box for multiple attributes in a portlet, a blank corresponding filter portlet field for any of the attributes will cause the portlet not to appear. 3. Click Submit.

Remove Portlets from Your Overview Page

To remove a portlet 1. From the Personalize: Content page, select the portlet you want to remove. 2. Click Remove. This removes the portlets name from the Content page and from the Overview: General page. If desired, you can follow the steps for adding portlets and return the portlet to both the Content page and Overview: General page.

62 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Overview Page Tabs

Restore Overview Page Defaults

Use the Restore Defaults option to return both the content and the layout of the Overview: General page to its default settings. To restore the Overview General Page From the Personalize: Content page, click Restore Defaults. This restores all of the content and layout defaults and takes you to the Overview: General page, where you can view the changes.

Overview Page Tabs

You can create your personalized work space by managing the tabs that appear on the Overview: General page and the portlets appear on each tab. Use the Manage Tabs page to add new tabs and select the portlets for these tabs. In addition, you can view and edit the details of existing tabs and portlets from this page. If you are using the default version of CA Clarity PPM, your Overview: General page contains only the General tab. If you have the PMO Accelerator add-in installed, a number of additional tabs display on the page. New tabs that you add appear next to the last tab on the page. Note: See the PMO Accelerator Product Guide for more information.

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page 63

Overview Page Tabs

Add New Tabs and Portlets

To add a new tab and portlets 1. Click Overview from the Personal menu. The Overview: General page appears. 2. Click the Manage My Tabs link. The Manage Tabs page appears. 3. Click New. The Personalize: Page Properties page appears. 4. Enter a tab name and description. 5. Click Save and Continue to save your changes. The Personalize: Content page appears where you can add portlets for this tab. 6. Click Add. The Select Content window appears. 7. Select the portlets you want to appear on the new tab and click Add. The Personalize: Content page appears, where you will see the portlets listed on the page. 8. Click Save and Exit. The Manage Tabs page appears. 9. Click Overview from the Personal menu. The new tab and its contents appear. If needed, use the Manage My Tabs link to return to the Personalize: Layout page to change column proportions and move the portlets to a different column.

64 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Overview Page Tabs

Remove a Tab
You can remove the tabs that you create. You cannot remove the General tab or the tabs installed with the PMO Accelerator. To remove a tab 1. Click Overview from the Personal menu. The Overview: General page appears. 2. Click the Manage My Tabs link. The Manage Tabs page appears. 3. Select the tab you want to delete. 4. Click Delete. This removes the tab from the Manage Tabs page and from your Overview: General page.

Reorder Tabs
You cannot change the order of the default or installed tabs. However, once you have added at least two personal tabs, the application allows you to change the order of those tabs. The application automatically adds your personal tabs next to the last default or installed tab. To reorder your personal tabs 1. Click Overview from the Personal menu. The Overview: General page appears. 2. Click the Manage My Tabs link. The Manage Tabs page appears. 3. Click Reorder. Note: This button only appears when you have added at least two personal tabs. The Reorder Tabs page appears listing the tabs that you created in the Tabs menu. 4. Select the tab you want to move and click the Move Up or Move Down arrow as needed to change the order. 5. When you have completed your changes, click Submit. The order of the tabs has changed on the Manage Tabs page and on the Overview: General page.

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page 65

Overview Page Contents

View Tab Details

You can view the property, portlet, and layout information for all of the tabs that appear on the Manage Tabs page. To view tab details 1. Click Overview from the Personal menu. The Overview: General page appears. 2. Click the Manage My Tabs link. The Manage Tabs page appears. 3. Click the name of the tab whose details you want to view. The Personalize: Page Properties page appears for that tab. 4. Click the Content and Layout links to view tab details as needed.

Overview Page Contents

The following portlets are available out-of-the-box from the Overview: General page: Action Items My Projects Events Favorite Links Notifications Event Invitations Favorite Photo Site Links

Depending on your column layout (three-column or two-column), you may see all or only some of these portlets. You can change your default work area by adding or remove contents as available and according to your needs. Note: To receive alert notifications in the portlets on this page, you must have selected the Alert check box for each functional area (notification category) for which you want to receive alerts.

66 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Overview Page Contents

My Projects Portlet
The My Projects portlet displays a list of projects to which you have either been assigned or which you have added to your My Projects portlet from the Project Properties page. Use this portlet to quickly access projects for viewing and editing, and to create new projects. In addition, you can access the following collaboration tools for each project from this portlet: Click the projects Document Manager icon to go to the Project Document Manager page for that project. Click the projects Calendar icon to go to the Project Collaboration: Day View page for that project Click the projects Discussions icon to go to the Project Collaboration: Topics page for that project

View and Edit Projects from the My Projects portlet

To view and edit a project, click the projects name.

Add and Remove Projects to the My Projects portlet

Use the Project Properties: Main - General page to add or remove projects to the My Projects portlet. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information.

Events Portlet
The Events portlet displays a list of events which you created and which you have accepted to attend. An event can be a meeting or a special occasion, and you can invite multiple resources to attend. Use the Events portlet to see at a glance the date, time, and duration of the events to which you have accepted. In addition, you can view event details, edit the events you created, and create new ones. New events to which you are invited are only listed on the Organizer: Calendar Events page. If you decide to accept the event, it is also listed in the Events portlet. Declined events do not appear in this portlet. You can also view, edit, and create events from the Organizer: Calendar Events page.

View Event Details

Though you cannot edit events you did not create, you can view their details and decline them, even after you have accepted them. To view the event details from the Events portlet, click the name of the event you want to open.

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page 67

Overview Page Contents

Favorite Links Portlet

The Favorite Links portlet displays a list of your favorite or often-used Web site links. You can add and delete the links that display in the list. To add a favorite link 1. Open the Overview: General page and click the Configure icon in the Favorite Links section. The Links page appears. 2. Click New. The Link Properties page appears. 3. Enter a link name and the URL, and click Submit. The Links page appears, where the name of the link you created displays on the page. 4. Click Back. The Overview: General page appears, where you will see the link in the Favorite Links portlet. To delete a favorite link 1. From the Links page, select the link you want to delete, and click Delete. The Confirm Links Delete page appears. 2. Click Yes and then click Back. The Overview: General page appears, where you will see that the link has been deleted.

Notifications Portlet
You can view your alert notifications listed in the Notifications portlet of your Overview: General page. This portlet displays the number of notifications you have received by category. You can also view your alerts in your Organizer on the Organizer: Notifications page.

Event Invitations Portlet

The Event Invitations portlet allows you to see at a glance how many new invitations have been sent to you, and how many existing ones have changed.

68 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Overview Page Contents

Favorite Photos Portlet

You can add and remove the photos or other type of images that display in the Favorite Photo portlet on your Overview: General page. The photos you add are sized approximately 2" by 2". To add a favorite photo 1. Open the Overview: General page, and in the Favorite Photo portlet, click the Configure icon. The Favorite Photo page appears. 2. Click the Browse icon to select a folder and file from your desktop or a network location, and click Submit. The photo or image file is attached and displays in the portlet. To remove a favorite photo 1. Open the Overview: General page. 2. In the Favorite Photo portlet, click the Configure icon. The Favorite Photo page appears. 3. Clear the File Name field and click Submit. The photo disappears.

Site Links Portlet

The Site Links portlet contains links to relevant web sites. This portlet is maintained by your administrator. You can view and go to the web sites listed in the portlet, but you cannot add or remove links. To view a site link, click the link you want to view. This opens the web site in a separate window.

Chapter 4: Your Overview Page 69

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders

You can access and manage your documents from two repositories: The Knowledge Store The Document Manager

This section contains the following topics: Document Repository Overview (see page 71) Folders (see page 74) How to Manage Documents (see page 81)

Document Repository Overview

The Knowledge Store and the Document Manager are maintained by your administrator. These repositories contain documents on policies or procedures that pertain to a large number of people. You can use the Knowledge Store for saving and accessing your generic documents. You can use the Document Manager to do the following: To build a repository for project-related forms and documents To build a repository for program-related forms and documents To attach documents, such as a resume or an application form, to a resources profile

Though most users can access these repositories, their access to the folders and documents within it vary. With the appropriate permissions, users can create new folders, add documents to them, and edit both documents and folders. There are some key differences in the two repositories access rights.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 71

Document Repository Overview

Knowledge Store Access Rights

Access to the Knowledge Store and to its folders and documents are provided at the following levels: Access rights at the Knowledge Store level Permissions at the folder and document levels

The following rights to access may be required to manage or view content in the Knowledge Store: Knowledge Store - Administrate Allows you to access all of the folders and documents in the Knowledge Store. Only users with the Knowledge Store - Administrate access right can create folders at the very top-level of the Knowledge Store folder tree. Users with the Knowledge Store - Access access right and with the appropriate permissions can add subfolders and documents to those folders. Knowledge Store - Access Allows you to create, edit, and view documents and folders in the Knowledge Store to which you have access. Allows you to delete the folders you created, and the documents you added. Knowledge Store - View All Allows you to view all documents in the Knowledge Store.

Knowledge Store Permissions

Knowledge Store access rights are granted by your CA Clarity PPM administrator. Access to folders and documents are granted on a case-by-case basis. When you create or administer a folder or document, you must identify the resources who can access the folder or document, and give them permission to read, read/write, or read/write/delete on the folder or document. The permission level determines the actions resources can take on a folder or document. The following table describes the permissions you need to take action in the Knowledge Store or Document Manager:

Permission Read

Description You can do the following: Open current and prior versions of a document Check out current and prior versions of a document


You can do the following: Open, read, copy, and move documents

72 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Document Repository Overview


Description Check in or check documents View checkin/checkout history View document versions View and modify document properties View and modify document permissions Attach processes for documents Add new folders and documents


You have all the read/write permissions, plus you can move and delete documents and folders.

All Document Manager participants are automatically given the Read permission. The other permissions to Document Manager are granted by the project manager, the program manager, the resource manager, or CA Clarity PPM administrator.

View the Knowledge Store

You can view the folders to which you have access using the Knowledge Store page. Note: If you do not see the Knowledge Store link, you do not have access to the Knowledge Store. See your CA Clarity PPM administrator for access. To view the documents in a folder 1. Click Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Click the folders name. This expands the folder tree so you can see the subfolders and documents beneath it.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 73


Access the Document Manager

To access documents in the Document Manager related to a specific project, program, or resource, do one of the following from the main menu: Select Projects from the Portfolio Management menu. The Projects list page appears. Click the projects Document Manager icon. The Project Document Manager page appears for that project Select Programs from the Portfolio Management menu. The Programs list page appears. Click the programs Document Manager icon. The Project Document Manager page appears for that program. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Select Resources from the Resource Management menu. The Resource List page appears. Click the name of the resource for which you would like to view documents. The Resource Properties: Main - General page appears. Select the Document Manager tab to access the Resource Document Manager page. Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information.

Folders can stand-alone and contain documents, or a folder can serve as a top-level folder that contains subfolders. Both top-level folders and subfolders can contain documents. To view the list of actions you can take with a folder, from the Knowledge Store page or from a Document Manager page, click the Actions menu for a folder. The actions that display are determined by your access rights and permissions. If you do not have the appropriate access for a particular action, the action does not appear in the Actions menu for that folder.

Create Folders
A folder can stand-alone and contain documents, or it can house subfolders with documents. Only users with Knowledge Store - Administrate access can create folders at the very top of the folder tree. When you create a top-level folder, you select the resources whom you want to have access to this folder. Make sure you are at the correct level where you want to create the folder. For example, to create a top-level folder, click the Top link on the left side of page to get to the top-most level, and choose New Folder from the Top folders Actions menu.

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If you are adding a folder from a project, program, or resource document page, choosing New Folder from the Actions menu takes you to the Documents: Add Folder page. From this page you can specify the folder name, the default owner, and the resources who can access this folder.

Create Subfolders
You can create multiple subfolders for a top-level folder, and subfolders for a subfolder. When you create a subfolder, the application automatically gives read/write access to that subfolder to those resources you selected at the top-level. These resources are called participants. You can select individual resources from the existing participant group and give access to additional users as well. To create a folder 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose New Folder from the folders Actions menu. The Documents: Add Folder page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: Folder Name Defines the folders unique name. Access Defines the resources who have access to this folder. Click the Browse icon to select additional resources from a list of resources to which you have access. You can also remove an existing resource. Resources are automatically grouped as participants. You to grant them access to any of its subfolders as a group. Allow Non-participants to Access Folder Indicates if you want non-participants to have access to this folder. 4. Click Submit. The Knowledge Store page appears, where the folder you created is displayed in the list.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 75


Add Documents to Folders

The Add Documents page allows you to add up to five files to a folder at a time. If you are adding files from a page in the Document Manager, choosing Add Documents from a folders Actions menu opens the Documents: Add Multiple Documents page. To add a document to a folder 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Add Documents from the folders Actions menu. The Add Documents page appears. 3. Change the following fields as needed: Select Files Specifies the files are adding to the folder. At each field, click the Browse icon to attach a file. Limits: Five files at a time Status Indicate whether the documents are Approved, Rejected, or Submitted. Category Defines the documents category. For example, choose "Proposal" from the drop-down if the document is a proposal. Date Created Defines the documents creation date. This can be an actual creation date or the date you add the file to the folder. Access Indicates the type of access for this folder Values All Participants. Indicates that you want to grant read/write access to this folder to all participants in the group. Select Participants. Indicates that individual resources are from the existing participant group.

Default: All Participants selected. Allow Non-Participants to Access Documents Indicates non-participants can access this folder.

76 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide


Enable Check Out Indicates if resources with appropriate access can check out and edit the file. Enable Versioning Indicates resources with appropriate access can create another version of the file. Notify Resources/Groups Indicates if resources who have access to the files are notified when documents are added. Description Defines the description of the files. Comments Specifies any comments about the files. 4. Click Add. The Knowledge Store page appears, where the files you added are displayed beneath the selected folder.

Download Files from Folders

Use the Download All or the Incremental Download option to download files from a selected folder to a local zip file. If these options are not available on the Actions menu, you do not have the required permissions to perform the action. You can choose to download: All the files and subfolders in a selected folder, or A subset of files from the selected folder, including those files that have changed since you last downloaded them and those that you have not yet downloaded.

The zip file name is the name of the folder by default. You can choose where to download the file. When you download files from a folder, the file structure is not maintained in the saved zip file. Important! The document download setting must be enabled before you can download files. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 77


Download All Files

Use the following procedure if you want to download all the files you have selected, including those in subfolders. To download all the files from a selected folder 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Download All from the folders Actions menu. The File Download window opens. If the size for all selected files exceeds the amount set by your administrator as the maximum file size for document download, you must choose to do download a subset of files from the selected folder. 3. Click Save to save the zip file to a location on your computer. The Save As dialog box opens. 4. Choose the location, and click Save. The zip file is saved to the specified location on your computer.

Download Files Incrementally

Use the following procedure if you want to download a subset of files from a selected folder. This zip file will include only those files that have changed since you last downloaded them and those that you have not yet downloaded. The file structure is not maintained in the saved zip file. To download a subset of files from a selected folder 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Incremental Download from the folders Actions menu. The File Download window opens. If the size for the file subset exceeds the maximum file size set by your administrator for document download, you can download one file at a time. 3. Click Save to save the zip file to a location on your computer. The Save As dialog box opens. 4. Choose the location, and click Save. The zip file is saved to the location specified on your computer.

78 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide


Edit Folder Properties

Use the Folder Properties page to edit the folders properties. The fields that display on this page are the same fields that displayed when you first created the folder, on the Create Folder page. To view this page, open the Knowledge Store, and choose Properties from the folders Actions menu. If you edit folder properties from a Document Manager page, choosing Properties from a folders Action menu opens the Documents: Modify Folder page. You can edit the following folder properties: Folder Name Defines the folders unique name. Owner Defines the owner for the folder. Click the Browse icon to select a different owner. The new owner can edit the folder and add documents and subfolders to it. Access Defines the level of folder access. Options: All Participants. Indicates if read/write access is given to the participant group created when the top-level folder for this subfolder is created. Select Participants. Indicates if individual resources are selected from the existing participant group. Click the Browse icon to select the participants.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 79


Edit Folder Permissions

When you add resources to a folder, they are automatically grouped as participants with read/write access to this folder. The user who creates the folder is automatically given read, write, and delete access to the folder. You can change these permissions at any time from the Documents: Folder Permissions page. To edit folder permissions 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Permissions from the folders Actions menu. The Documents: Folder Permissions page appears. 3. Select the permission you want to allocate to a resource. Values are: Read, Read/Write, and Read/Write/Delete. 4. Select Cascade Permissions if you want to allow a resource to transfer the new rights you selected for that resource to any of the current folders documents and subfolders. 5. Click Submit to save your changes and return to the Knowledge Store page.

Delete Folders
You can delete the folders you have created. If the Delete option is not available, you do not have the required permissions to perform the action. All documents, document versions, and subfolders in a folder are deleted when you delete the folder. To delete a folder 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Delete from the folders Actions menu. The Confirm Folder Delete page appears. 3. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes. The folder and all of its contents are deleted from the Knowledge Store.

80 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Manage Documents

How to Manage Documents

Use the Actions menu to view a list of the actions available to you for that document. The actions you can take with a document are determined by your access rights and permissions. To view this menu, from the Knowledge Store or from a Document Manager page, open the folder containing the document you want to view, and click the documents Actions menu. If no documents appear when you click a folders name, then no documents have been added to the folder. 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. From this page or from a Document Manager page, click a folders name. The folder opens so you can view its documents. Do any of the following Open documents as view only (see page 81). Save documents to your desktop (see page 82). Check out documents (see page 82). Undo document check out (see page 82). Check in documents (see page 83). Edit document properties (see page 84). Edit document permissions (see page 84). Review document history (see page 85). Copy documents (see page 85). Move documents to another folder (see page 86). Work with document versions (see page 87). Work with document processes (see page 88). Delete documents (see page 90).

Open Documents for Viewing Only

While you can check out a document to edit it, you can also open it in read-only mode for viewing purposes only. To view a document, choose Open from the documents Actions menu, and click Open when prompted on the File Download window. This option restricts your access to read-only for that document.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 81

How to Manage Documents

Save Documents to your Desktop

While you can check out a document to edit it, you can also open and save it to your local machine. To save a document, choose Open from the documents Actions menu and click Save when prompted on the File Download window. This option restricts your access to read-only for that document, just as opening the document for read-only restricts your access. If you want to make changes to the document and then save them back to the application, make sure you first check out the document.

Check Out Documents

To edit a document, you must first check it out of a folder. When you are finished, check it back in. If document versioning is enabled, this will automatically create another version of the document. Your checked-out document cannot be edited by other users until you check it back in. The Check In option is available from the documents Actions menu for checked-out documents. The steps for checking out a document from a Document Manager page are similar to the steps described in this section. To check out a document The document must be enabled for check out before you can proceed. 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Check Out from the documents Actions menu. The File Download windows appears. 3. Click Save to save the document to your desktop, and select a location for the file. 4. Click OK.

Undo Document Checkout

Only the resource that checked out the document originally can undo a document checkout. Performing this action unlocks the document, allowing others to checkout the document. Choose Undo Check Out from the documents Actions menu to undo a documents check out status.

82 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Manage Documents

Check In Documents
Use the Check In option from the Actions menu to check in documents. After checking out a document for editing purposes, you must check it back in. Only the resource that checked out the document originally can check in the document. The steps for checking in a document from a Document Manager page are similar to the steps described in this section. To check in a document 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Check In from the documents Actions menu. The Documents: Check In Document page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: File Click the Browse icon to indicate the location of the file. Comment Specifies comments used to help track edits to the document. If versioning is enabled for this document, comments are displayed for each version of the document shown on the Document Versions page. If versioning is disabled for this document, only the latest comments display on the Document Versions page. Notify Resources/Group Indicates if a notification message is sent to those with access to the document letting them know there has been a change. 4. Click Submit. The document is checked in.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 83

How to Manage Documents

Edit Document Properties

Use the Document Properties page to edit the documents name, owner, description, and participant information. The resource who added the document can update the document properties. To view this page, open the Knowledge Store, and choose Properties from the documents Actions menu. The steps for editing document properties from a Document Manager page are similar to the steps described in this section. To view and edit document properties 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Properties from the documents Actions menu. The Document Properties page appears. 3. Edit the available fields as needed, and click Submit. Your changes are saved and the Knowledge Store page appears.

Edit Document Permissions

When you add a document, you also select the resources who can access it. You can select from a list of participants who were granted access to the folder that contains the document, and you can also allow non-participants to access the document. CA Clarity PPM Participants are automatically given read/write access to the document. The user who owns the folder and added documents is automatically given read/write/delete access. With the appropriate rights, you can change these document permissions. The steps for editing document permissions from a Document Manager page are similar to the steps described in this section. To edit document permissions 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Permissions from the documents Actions menu. The Document Permissions page appears. 3. Select the permission that you want to allocate to a resource. Values include Read, Read/Write, and Read/Write/Delete. 4. Click Submit to save your changes and return to the Knowledge Store page.

84 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Manage Documents

Review Document History

The Document History page lists the names of the resources who have accessed the document, and the date and time of their most recent visit. To view this page, open the Knowledge Store, and choose History from the documents Actions menu. The steps for reviewing document history from a Document Manager page are similar to the steps described in this section. To view a documents history 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose History from the documents Actions menu. The Document History page appears. 3. Click Cancel to return to the Knowledge Store page.

Copy Documents
Use the Copy Document: Select Folder page to copy a document to additional folders. After you do so, the document appears in the folder(s) you copied it to as well as the folder you copied it from. You can also copy a document directly from the Knowledge Store page by selecting the document and clicking Copy. The steps for copying a document to a different folder location from the document Manager are similar to the steps described in this section. To copy a document 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Locate the document you want to copy to a different folder. Choose Copy from the documents Actions menu. The Copy Document: Select Folder page appears.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 85

How to Manage Documents

3. From the Select Placement section, select the folder to which you want to copy the document. 4. Select the Notify Resources/Groups option if you want the resources with access to this document to be notified about the copy action. 5. Click Copy. The Knowledge Store page reappears.

Move Documents to Different Folders

When you move a document from a folder to another folder, a copy is not left behind. The document only appears in the folder to which you moved it. To move a document to a different folder 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Move from the documents Actions menu. The Move Document: Select Folder page appears. 3. Select the folder where you want to move the document. 4. Click Move. The Knowledge Store page reappears.

86 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Manage Documents

Work with Document Versions

Use document versioning to save a separate version of a document each time you check it in. To use document versioning, the document must be enabled for versioning. Use the Document Versions page to open and copy previous document versions. To view this page, open the Knowledge Store, and choose Versions from the documents Actions menu. The steps for opening and copying document versions from a Document Manager page are similar to the steps described in this section. Open Previous Document Versions Though you cannot make changes to a previous version of a document, you can open and view it. To open to a previously-saved version of a document 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Versions from the documents Actions menu. The Document Versions page appears and lists all the versions of the document. 3. Choose Open from the document versions Actions menu. The File Download window appears. 4. Click Open.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 87

How to Manage Documents

Copy a Document Version to a Different Folder You can copy a specific version of a document to a different folder. If you do this, you may need to revise the documents permissions after copying it. To copy a version of a document to a different folder 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Versions from the documents Actions menu. The Document Versions page appears and lists all the versions of the document. 3. Choose Copy from the document versions Actions menu. The Documents: Copy Document page appears. 4. Select the folder to which you want to copy the document, and click Copy. The Knowledge Store page appears.

Work with Document Processes

If your CA Clarity PPM administrator has created document-related processes, they are listed on the Document: Available Processes page. Document processes can be very effective when routing a document through an approval process. This is because a document process can link to any associated project or program. This allows you to send notifications and action items from the document process to the project roles and resources. Note: See the Administration Guide for more information. The Document: Initiated Processes page lists processes that have completed or that are running. To view this page, open the Knowledge Store, and choose Processes from the documents Actions menu. The steps for starting, stopping, and deleting document processes from a Document Manager page are similar to the steps described in this section.

88 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Manage Documents

Start a Document Process

To start a document process 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. Choose Processes from the documents Actions menu. The Document: Initiated Processes page appears. 2. Click the Available tab. The Document: Available Processes page appears. 3. Select the process you want to start and click Start. This takes you to the Document: Initiated Processes page, where you can view the status of the process.

Stop a Document Process

The Document: Initiated Processes page lists processes that have completed or that are running. To stop a document process, select the process you want to stop and click Cancel Process. The application stops the process.

Delete Processes
You can only delete completed or cancelled processes; not the ones that are still running. To delete a process 1. Select Knowledge Store from the Organization menu. The Knowledge Store page appears. 2. Choose Processes from the documents Actions menu. The Document: Initiated Processes page appears. 3. Select the process you want to delete, and click Delete. A Confirm Process Instance Delete page appears. 4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Chapter 5: Documents and Folders 89

How to Manage Documents

Delete Documents
Deleting documents from the Knowledge Store removes all versions of the document from CA Clarity PPM (but not from your computer or network drive). You can delete a document in two ways: Select Knowledge Store from your Organization menu. From the Knowledge Store page, locate and select the document you want to delete and click Delete. On the Confirm Document Delete page, click Yes to confirm the deletion. Choose the document you want to delete, choose Delete from the documents Actions menu. On the Confirm Document Delete page, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

The steps for deleting documents from a Document Manager page are similar to the steps described in this section.

90 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 6: Timesheets
Use timesheets to access your current timesheet, record your actuals, manage your timesheets, and use CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. This section contains the following topics: Timesheet Overview (see page 91) How to Enter Time (see page 95) Timesheet Notes (see page 103) How to Approve and Analyze Timesheets (see page 105) CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets (see page 109)

Timesheet Overview
You can use timesheets to record time booked on assignments: project tasks, incidents associated to investments, indirect work, and time allocated to other activities. For projects and investments, your time is recorded at the task level by time periods based on the tasks duration and on the overall duration of the investment. Once a timesheet is approved, it is posted by the Post Timesheets job. Posting integrates the actuals (recorded number of hours worked) into the plan so that managers can compare actuals with estimates, and modify their plan as needed.

Timesheets Access Rights

The following access rights are available for timesheets: Timesheets - Navigate Allows you to navigate to the Timesheets list page. This page displays all of the timesheets to which you have access rights to view, edit, or approve. Type: Global Timesheets - Edit All Allows you to edit all timesheets.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 91

Timesheet Overview

Timesheets - Approve All Allows you to approve all submitted timesheets. Offline Timesheet - Download Allows a user to download CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets from the Software Downloads page. Type: Global Administration - Application Setup Allows user to edit CA Clarity PPM options and settings, including OBS, Time, Data Administration and General Settings. This access right includes those rights provided by the Administration - Access access right. Type: Global Resource - Approve Time Allows the user to approve and reject timesheets for a specific resource. The right does not imply the Resource - Enter Time access right. The Timesheets link will appear on the personal page. Type: Instance Resource - Enter Time This right allows user to complete, submit, and reject timesheets for a resource. The Timesheets link appear on the Personal page. Type: Instance

92 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Timesheet Overview

How to Get Started with Timesheets

Before you can record time spent working on projects, incidents, or other activities, and before managers can view and approve timesheets, a supervisor or administrator must have completed or set up the following: For each resource who submits time, the following fields on a resources Resource: Properties: Main - General page must be set: Open for Time Entry Specifies if the staff member can enter time against their assigned tasks. Select the check box to open the resource for time entry. Track Mode Specifies the time tracking method for the resource. Select Clarity. Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information. For each project on which you spend time, the following fields on the Project: Properties: Main - Schedule page must be set: Time Entry Specifies if staff members are allowed to record the time they work on this project on their timesheets. Select the check box to open the project for time entry. Track Mode Specifies the time tracking method for the resource. Select Clarity. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Timesheet time periods Note: See the Administration Guide for more information. Assigned project tasks Access rights. You may need the following: The Project - Edit Project Plan access right. The Resource - Enter Time access right for other resources, if you are to enter time for them. The Timesheets - Edit All access rights to edit any timesheet. You can enter time for any labor or non-labor resource (for example, equipment, materials, and expenses) for which you have Resource - Enter Time access rights.

Defined input type codes and charge codes (if used by your company) and communicated them to you.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 93

Timesheet Overview

View Your List of and Open Unsubmitted Timesheets

Use the Timesheets list page to view a list of all of your unsubmitted timesheets. If necessary, use the fields in the Timesheet Filter section of the page to help you locate a timesheet. The Timesheet Status column displays the status of each listed timesheet. The Total column displays the total number of hours entered for that timesheet. To view your list of and open unsubmitted timesheets 1. Click Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets list page appears. A list of all of your unsubmitted timesheets display. 2. Click the Timesheet icon next to the timesheet you want to open. The Timesheet page appears.

Access Your Unsubmitted Timesheet

To quickly access your unsubmitted timesheet for the most recent weeks timesheet period, click the Current Timesheet icon. This icon appears on the toolbar that displays at the top of every page. Note: See the CA Clarity PPM Overview Guide for more information. You can also open your timesheet by clicking the Timesheet icon corresponding to the time period you want to open from the Timesheets page.

94 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Enter Time

Specify Entry Input Type and Charge Codes

Once you have recorded time booked on assignments to your timesheet, you can specify input type and/or charge codes for timesheet entries, if applicable. Input type and charge codes are used for billing and payroll purposes. If your company uses input type or charge codes, your administrator will load this information into the application so it will be available for use in your timesheets. Make sure you know your companys policy on input type and/or charge codes before submitting your timesheets. To specify a timesheet entrys input type and charge codes 1. Open the timesheet for which you want to specify input type and charge codes. The Timesheet page appears. 2. In the row for the timesheet entry you want to specify an input type or charge code, choose an input type code and/or charge code from the Input Type Code or Charge Code drop-down. 3. Click Save.

How to Enter Time

Timesheets track time at the task level on a daily basis. Though you might complete your timesheet on a weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly basis, you enter time into cells on your timesheet for each day of the week, for each timesheet period. If you tend to work the same number of hours on each day for the same task, you can add tasks automatically to duplicate your timesheets from week to week. Do the following to enter time: 1. Add entries to your timesheet (see page 96). 2. Enter the number of hours you worked each day on each task (see page 98). 3. Add input type codes and charge codes to your timesheet entries (see page 95). 4. If applicable, enter or change the task ETC (see page 99). 5. Submit your timesheet for approval (see page 100).

Chapter 6: Timesheets 95

How to Enter Time

How to Add Tasks to Timesheets

When you open a timesheet for the first time, it contains no timesheet entries. Because time is entered at the task-level, you must add tasks to the timesheet before you can enter the number of hours you worked on them. Adding tasks to timesheets adds time entries to timesheets. You can manually add time entries to your timesheet or you can pre-populate your timesheet. To view the Timesheet page, from the Timesheets list page, click the Timesheet icon corresponding to the time period you want to open. The timesheets time period displays in the Time Period drop-down at the top of the page.

Pre-populate your Current Timesheet

Use the Populate button on the Timesheet page to pre-populate your current timesheet with tasks to which you are assigned. You can make adjustments to your current timesheet as needed. Depending on how your administrator has set up your timesheet options, pre-populating a timesheet does one of the following: Copies the timesheet entries and actuals from your most recently submitted timesheet into your current timesheet. Copies all of your assignments into the timesheet.

Pre-populating your current timesheet does not copy assignments whose finish dates precede the start date of the current timesheets time period. For example, if the timesheet period is 10/01/06 to 10/07/06 and the assignments finish date is 9/15/06, the assignment will not display on your current timesheet. If you want to add that assignment, you will have to add that task manually. If you did not work on all of your assignments during the current timesheet period, you can delete those you did not work on.

96 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Enter Time

Add Entries to Your Timesheet Manually

To add timesheet entries to your timesheet manually, use the Add Task, Add Other Time, and Add Indirect Row buttons. These buttons display on the Timesheet page. To view this page, open your timesheet. You may need to add a task to your timesheet to account for the time you spent on assignments that are not part of the current project plan. Use indirect timesheet entries when you want to log time directly against a charge code. Indirect timesheet entries contain predefined, general descriptions and input type codes, from which you can choose the one that best suits the work you performed. The time you spend on indirect task entries is not counted as part of the project plan. Your project manager must convert the indirect entry into a project task by adding it to the project plan. To add the following timesheet entry types, do the following: Project Task Entries Click Add Task. Newly added tasks display under the Tasks category in the timesheet list. Other Time Click Add Other Time. Newly added rows display under the Other Time category in the timesheet list. Incidents associated to an investment Click Add Incident. Newly added incidents display under the Incidents category in the timesheet list. Indirect timesheet entries Click New Indirect Row. Newly added indirect entries display under the Indirect category in the timesheet list.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 97

How to Enter Time

Enter Work Hours into Timesheets

Use the current periods Timesheet page to record the time in hours you worked each day on assignments during that period. Enter timesheet information for a non-labor resource the same way you do for a labor resource. You can also distribute the number of hours evenly across all working days (typically based on a five-day work week) for a single task by entering the total number of hours you worked in the time entry rows Total column and saving your timesheet. If you enter values in both the time entrys Date and Total cell, the value in the Date cell will override the number in the Total cell. To enter time on your timesheet 1. Open the timesheet for which you want to enter time. The Timesheet page appears. 2. Enter the number of hours you worked on each assignment each day in the time entrys Date cells, and click Save. Your time entry recordings are saved.

Split Entry Input Type Codes and Charge Codes

You can split the time you work on an assignment between multiple input type codes and charge codes. For example, you might need to record four hours of booked time on an assignment to one input type code, and four hours of time on the same assignment to a different input type code. If your company uses both type and charge codes, you can split an entry between both. Use the Split button on the Timesheet page. To split a timesheet entry 1. Open the timesheet for which you want to split time. The Timesheet page appears. 2. Select the check box next to the timesheet entry you want to split, and click Split. A new timesheet row appears beneath the one you selected. 3. In the new timesheet entry row, choose a type code and/or charge code from the Input Type Code or Charge Code drop-down.

98 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Enter Time

Time Entry ETC

The Estimate to Completion (ETC) indicates how much time is expected to complete a project task. Project managers can enter this value when they set up their project. If they do so, you can view this value in the time entry rows ETC column on your timesheet. The ETC changes each week according to the actuals you entered the previous week; it indicates the number of expected hours left to complete the task. For example, an ETC value of 60 means that an estimated 60 more work hours are required to complete the task or assignment. You can edit the ETC, although you should only change it if you complete the assignment ahead of schedule or if you need more hours. When you change the ETC, it is in a pending state. The pending ETC is used until the project manager accepts or rejects the new value. If the time entry rows ETC displays "0", the project manager has decided not to accept the new value. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Timesheets are temporarily locked when you save them. The timesheet unlocks when the save is complete. This prevents two users from updating a timesheet at the same time. If you attempt to save a previous version of a timesheet, an alert message appears. You must close and then re-open the timesheet to display the most recent version.

Delete Entries from Timesheets

You can delete time entries from you timesheet prior to submitting it using the Timesheet page. Deleting time entries only removes the time entry from your timesheet and does not delete the task from the project. To delete a timesheet entry 1. Open the timesheet from which you want to delete a task. The Timesheet page appears. 2. Select the check box next to the timesheet entry you want to delete, and click Delete. The Delete Time Entry Confirmation page appears. 3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. The time entry is removed from your timesheet.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 99

How to Enter Time

Submit, Approve, and Adjust Timesheets

Until you submit a timesheet for approval, it displays in your timesheet list and remains unapproved. Submitting your timesheet sends the timesheet to your manager for approval. Once your manager approves your timesheet, the data is posted and entered into the project plan. Project managers can then compare actuals to estimates and change the project plan accordingly. Submitted and approved timesheets have a status of "Approved," and can be viewed in a list of approved timesheets by resources with the appropriate access rights.

Submit Timesheets
You can submit your timesheet from the Timesheets list page or from the Timesheets page. Submitted timesheets are sent to your manager for approval. Your manager receives a notification that you have submitted your timesheet. After you submit a timesheet, a timesheet approval process is kicked off, the timesheet status is locked, and only the designated timesheet approvers can return the timesheet. However, there is a short window (before the timesheet process kicks off) when you can return the timesheet yourself, but once the process has been initiated, the timesheet status is locked by the process. To submit your timesheet for approval 1. Do one of the following: From the Timesheets list page, select the timesheet you want to submit, and click Submit for Approval. Open your timesheet and click Submit for Approval.

Your timesheet is sent to your manager for approval.

Edit Timesheets Before Approval

You can edit the timesheets that you have submitted but that have not yet been approved by your manager. To edit a timesheet before it has been approved 1. Open the timesheet for which you want to edit. The Timesheet page appears. 2. Edit the timesheet. 3. Click Save or Submit for Approval.

100 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Enter Time

Correct Returned Timesheets

If your manager returns a timesheet to you due to errors, you will receive a notification that the timesheet has been returned. The method in which you are notified is dependent on the settings you specified on your Account Settings: Notifications page. To correct your returned timesheet 1. If you are notified by email, open the timesheet from the URL within the email notification, or you can open the timesheet from the Timesheets list page. The Timesheet page appears. 2. If your manager has added a note about an error on a timesheet entry, click the Time Entry Note icon in that time entry row to open and read the note. 3. Make corrections to your timesheet as needed. 4. Click Submit for Approval. Your manager is notified that the corrected timesheet is ready for review and approval.

Adjust Approved or Posted Timesheets

You can adjust your approved or posted timesheets. When you adjust your timesheet, a copy of the posted timesheet is created so that you can edit and resubmit it. The original is recorded in the application. When you submit your adjusted timesheet, a check mark displays in the Adjustment column on the Timesheets page for that timesheet until your manager approves it. Once your manager approves and posts the adjusted timesheet, a check mark in the Adjusted column is displayed. To adjust and resubmit your approved or posted timesheet 1. Select Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets page appears. 2. Open the approved or posted timesheet you want to adjust. The Timesheet page appears. 3. Click Adjust. The time entry cells become editable. 4. Adjust your timesheet. 5. Click Submit for Approval to resubmit the timesheet.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 101

How to Enter Time

Delete Adjusted Timesheets

When you delete an adjusted timesheet, it no longer displays on the Timesheets list page; it is replaced by the original timesheet. You can only delete the adjusted timesheets that you create. To delete an adjusted timesheet 1. From the Timesheets page, select the check box for the adjusted timesheet you want to delete. 2. Click Delete Adjustment. A confirmation page appears. 3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Print Timesheets
You can print a timesheet directly from your browser. To print a timesheet 1. Select Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets page appears. 2. Open the timesheet you want to print. The Timesheet page appears. 3. Click the [Printable Version] link, which appears at the top right and bottom right of the page. A new Timesheet window opens with a read-only version of the timesheet. 4. Use your browsers print command to print the timesheet.

Email Resources from Within Timesheets

To send an email from within your timesheet, click the Send To icons that appear next to the Resource Name or the Modified by name fields on the Timesheet page. If someone else, such as your manager, modifies your timesheet (by approving it), his or her name appears in the Modified by name field on your timesheet. Click the Send To icon that appears next to your managers name to send an email to your manager. An email message opens in your default email application. The name of the recipient appears in the To: field. Your manager can also send you an email from within your timesheet by clicking the Send To icon that appears next to your name.

102 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Timesheet Notes

Timesheet Notes
You can add notes to timesheets to create a reminder for yourself, or to communicate something to someone else. Your manageror someone else with time entry access rights to your timesheetcan add notes as well. You can add notes at two levels: for the entire timesheet or for a singe timesheet entry. Notes are listed in the order in which they were created, with the most recent note appearing at the top of the list.

Add Notes to Task Entries or Timesheets

You can add notes at two levels: for the entire timesheet or for a singe timesheet entry. Notes are listed in the order in which they were created, with the most recent note appearing at the top of the list.

Add Notes to Task Entries

To add a note to a timesheet task entry 1. Select Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets page appears. 2. Open the timesheet to which you want to add a note to a task. The Timesheet page appears. 3. Click the Time Entry Notes icon for a timesheet entry. The Time Entry Notes window opens. 4. Enter the text for the note, enter a category for the note, if desired, and click Add. The new note is listed in the Time Entry Notes window.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 103

Timesheet Notes

Add Notes to Timesheets

To add a timesheet-level note 1. Select Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets page appears. 2. Open the timesheet to which you want to add a note. The Timesheet page appears. 3. Click the Timesheet Notes icon at the top right of the page. The Timesheet Notes window opens. 4. Enter the text for the note, and click Add. The new note is listed in the Timesheet Notes window.

View and Edit Timesheet Notes

To view a timesheet or time entry note Open your timesheet and click the Timesheet Notes icon at the top right of the page, or click the Time Entry Notes icon that displays next to each task to view a time entry note, open your timesheet. You will know that a note has been added to a timesheet or a time entry because the icons blank page image changes to a used page image. To edit the note You cannot send a reply to a note, but you can edit the notes that you have added to your timesheet or timesheet entries. You can only edit the time entry notes that you created. Use the Edit Note icon to edit a time entry or timesheet note. To edit notes, open your timesheet, click the Timesheet Notes icon, and then click the Edit Note icon next to the note you want to edit.

104 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Approve and Analyze Timesheets

Delete Timesheet Notes

You can delete only the notes that you create. To delete a time entry or timesheet note 1. Click the Note icon to open the Notes window. 2. Select the note you want to delete. 3. Click Delete. The Delete Confirmation page appears. 4. Confirm the prompt by clicking Yes. The note is deleted. 5. To close the Notes window, click Close.

How to Approve and Analyze Timesheets

A timesheet manager is anyone who has the right to approve timesheets and/or to analyze timesheet data. Typically, this is the project manager, but on occasion another resource might be responsible for approving timesheets. Timesheet managers perform the following management tasks for resources whose timesheets they approve: Review timesheets of any status (such as Submitted, Posted, or Approved). Return timesheets that need correction (see page 107). Approve timesheets (see page 106). Notify resources that their timesheets are overdue (see page 107). Analyze timesheet data by doing any of the following: Compare adjusted and original timesheets (see page 108). Compare actuals to estimates (see page 108).

Chapter 6: Timesheets 105

How to Approve and Analyze Timesheets

Approve Submitted Timesheets

You can approve timesheets from the timesheets list page or from the open timesheet. When you post an approved timesheet, the actuals from the timesheets are posted against the resource assignment and distributed to the project plan. The posting is done automatically by the Post Timesheets job. This job updates the value of the Actuals Thru date field on the resource assignment properties page. When you post actuals, the Update % Complete job runs and calculates the % complete for tasks and projects based on the value of % Complete Calculation Method for each project. Note: See the Administration Guide for more information. Posting processes the the actuals (recorded number of hours worked) against a resource assignment and updates the remaining work (ETC). This data is recorded in the project plan so that project managers can compare actuals with estimates, and modify their plan as needed. To approve a submitted timesheet 1. Select Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets page appears. 2. Open the timesheet you want to approve, or select the check box next to the timesheet you want to approve. 3. Click Approve.

106 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Approve and Analyze Timesheets

Return Timesheets
On occasion, you may need to return a timesheet to a resource for correction. A resource may have selected the wrong time period, or added time to the wrong task. When you return a timesheet, the resource receives a notification that the timesheet has been returned. The resource can resubmit the timesheet after making the correction. You can return timesheets for resources to which you have Resource - Approve Time access rights. To return a timesheet 1. Select Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets page appears. 2. Open the timesheet you want to return. 3. Click Return Timesheet. The Timesheet Notes page appears. 4. Enter an explanation in the Note field about why the timesheet is being returned. 5. Click Add to save the note. This lists the note on the Time Entry Notes page. 6. Click Submit to return the timesheet. The resource will receive a notification that the timesheet has been returned. The Status of the timesheet remains "Open".

Notify Resources about Overdue Timesheets

Click Notify to let your resources know that a timesheet is overdue. The notification is sent to the resources email address. To notify a resource about an overdue timesheet 1. Select Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets page appears. 2. Select the overdue timesheet. 3. Click Notify. This sends a notification to the resource stating their timesheet is overdue. Example overdue notification: Timesheet for resource Chapman, Katie in time period starting 8/8/06 is overdue. Please submit the timesheet.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 107

How to Approve and Analyze Timesheets

Compare Adjusted and Original Timesheets

You can compare the data from an adjusted timesheet to its original. Use the Timesheet - Delta View page to do this. The arrow next to the description of the task indicates a line added for adjustment. Time entries from the posted and adjusted timesheets are displayed in different colors. Original time entries are displayed below adjusted entries and are identified with an indent arrow. To compare an adjusted timesheet to its original 1. Select Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets page appears. 2. Open the adjusted timesheet. The Timesheet page appears. 3. Click the [Delta View] link at the bottom right of the page. The read-only Timesheet - Delta View page appears. 4. To edit the timesheet, click the [Edit View] link. A toggle option lets you go back and forth between edit mode and the delta view. 5. Click Cancel when you are finished to return to the previous page.

Compare Actuals to Estimates

Once a resource assignment starts recording time spent on tasks and actuals are posted, you can compare the actuals to the estimates (ETC). Use the following procedure to compare actuals to estimates. You can also compare actuals to estimates from the portlets on the dashboard and from the project team staff page. Once the project is under way, you can use the initial baseline to compare estimates (ETC) to actuals. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. To compare actuals to estimates 1. Open the project and the task. The task properties page appears. 2. In the Assignments section, view the following fields. Actuals Defines the total work units that a resource assignment has worked and have been posted to the assignment.

108 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

ETC Defines the total remaining work (Estimate To Complete) for the task. Required: No

Delete Timesheets
You cannot delete the timesheets of any user, even your own. However, you can delete adjusted timesheets that you create.

Receive Notifications for Submitted Timesheets

An automated notification process called the Project Manager Approval process is included with CA Clarity PPM. Each time you submit your timesheet for approval this process automatically generates an action item for the managers associated to the timesheet tasks. The manager can click the URL within the action item to link to the timesheet. If the resource responsible for approving your timesheet is not a manager associated to one of the timesheet tasks, this resource will not receive the generated action item. If this process is not active, then the resource with Resource - Approve Time access rights for that user receives a notification that the timesheet has been submitted. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information.

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

If you are unable to access the Internet or CA Clarity PPM, you can use CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. This application allows you to maintain your timesheet while working remotely or offline. Later, when you are able to connect to CA Clarity PPM, you can upload the data from CA Clarity PPM offline Timesheets to CA Clarity PPM. Once logged on to CA Clarity PPM, you can view and edit the uploaded timesheets.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 109

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Prerequisites for Downloading CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Before you can download and install CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets, you need the following: A CA Clarity PPM user ID and password. The Offline Timesheet - Download access right. Microsoft Windows Script installed. Note: To download this application, go to Microsoft's Download Center website. CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets, downloaded from CA Clarity PPM. This application allows you to create and work with offline timesheets and transfer timesheet data to CA Clarity PPM. CA Clarity PPM XML Open Gateway (XOG). This application allows you to export time periods, timesheet export, and timesheet import. This application is automatically installed when you install CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Integration Guide for more information.

Enter Server Information into CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

After you download and install the CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets, you will be prompted to enter the following server information. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator for more information on the correct information to enter. You will need the following: CA Clarity PPM Host Name CA Clarity PPM Port address (by default, the value is 80) SSL (enabled or not)

Additionally, if the proxy server is enabled, you need the following: Proxy server name Port username Password information

110 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Download and Install CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Important! If you are upgrading from a previous version of CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets, you must uninstall the old version before downloading and installing the latest one. Use your Windows Add or Remove Programs option to perform the uninstall. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator to get your CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets login information. To download and install CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets 1. Click Account Settings from the Personal menu. The Account Settings: Personal Information page appears. 2. Click Software Downloads from the content menu. The Account Settings: Software Downloads page appears. 3. Click Download next to Offline Timesheets. You are prompted to save the executable file. 4. Click Save, and save the following executable file in a location of your choice: OLTSClientSetup.exe The executable file is saved. 5. Click the executable file to open the install wizard. The install wizard appears. 6. Follow the steps in the install wizard. At the beginning of the install process, you will be asked to select the language you want to see on the install wizard. The language you select only applies to the install wizard. The offline timesheet appears in the language indicated in your Windows Program settings.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 111

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Open and Update CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

To open your timesheet offline, first start CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. The Timesheet List page is refreshed each time you retrieve, save, or submit a timesheet. To open an offline timesheet and update it 1. From your Windows Programs menu, select CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. The first time you select it, you will be prompted to enter the CA Clarity PPM server information you received from your administrator. After the first time, you will only be prompted to enter your password. Microsoft Excel opens up and the Timesheet List page appears. 2. Click the following as needed: Retrieve. Transfers timesheet data into CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets to work offline. Save to Server. Transfers timesheet data from CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets to CA Clarity PPM. Submit. Transfers timesheet data to CA Clarity PPM and submits the timesheet for approval.

112 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Retrieve Timesheet Data to Work Offline

Retrieving timesheet data transfers data into CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets to work offline. You must retrieve timesheet data every time you want to transfer CA Clarity PPM data into CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. Once you have retrieved the data, you can work on the timesheet and save it in the offline timesheet. Later, when you are done, you can save your work to CA Clarity PPM. Use the Timesheets page to retrieve timesheets that are new, created, and modified, or that have been returned by a timesheet approver. You can retrieve multiple timesheets at once. After you retrieve a timesheet, the timesheet and its Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) appear as separate tabs (that is, on separate sheets). You can click the Go To link to go directly to the timesheet, or you can click the tab. After you retrieve a timesheet for the first time, its status changes from "New" to "Created," and the Go To link appears next to the timesheets start and finish dates. Click the link to go to the timesheet. If applicable, type and charge codes are displayed in a separate tab. No matter how many timesheets you add to CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets, you will retain only one type and charge code sheet. Codes for different timesheets are simply added to the same sheet. To transfer your timesheet to CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets to work offline 1. From your Windows Programs menu, select CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. Microsoft Excel opens up and the Timesheet List page appears. 2. Click Retrieve. Your timesheet data is transferred and displayed in CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets so that you can work offline.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 113

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Enter Time into CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Once you have retrieved the timesheet, you can record time for the tasks you worked on during that time period. To enter time in an offline timesheet 1. Click Timesheets from the Personal menu. The Timesheets list page appears. 2. Select the check box next to the timesheet you want to update, and click GoTo. The timesheet opens in CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. 3. Put your cursor in the Project column of the line for which you want to enter time. A drop-down menu appears. 4. Select the project for which you want to enter time. The project opens. 5. Do the following: Place your cursor in the Phase column to select a phase for the project, if applicable. Place your cursor in the Description column to select the task for which you want to enter time. Place your cursor in the Type Code and/or Charge Code columns to select type or charge codes, as applicable. Select the Type And Charge Codes tab if you need help identifying the type and charge code information you need. Enter the number of hours you worked each day for the project and task. Change the ETC number, if appropriate.

6. Click Save to Server. The data is saved and transferred to CA Clarity PPM.

114 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Save Offline Timesheets to CA Clarity PPM

You can save timesheets from CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets to CA Clarity PPM using the Timesheets page (best for saving several timesheets simultaneously) or from the timesheet itself (best for saving a single timesheet). Either way, the following events occur when you save an offline timesheet to CA Clarity PPM: Data from the offline timesheet is written to the application server. Data for the timesheet is now identical to that in CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. The version number of the timesheet in CA Clarity PPM is increased by one to ensure that no one checks in an out-dated timesheet. The version number of the offline timesheet in CA Clarity PPM offline Timesheets is also increased by one to further ensure that timesheet data is protected. The Timesheets list page is updated to reflect the status of the saved and submitted timesheets.

Note: If another user updates the timesheet in CA Clarity PPM before you submit your changes, a status message appears indicating the condition. Go to the Timesheets page and retrieve that timesheet again. To save an offline timesheet to CA Clarity PPM 1. From your Windows Programs menu, select CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. Microsoft Excel opens up and the Timesheet List page appears. 2. Click Save to Server. The timesheet is saved to CA Clarity PPM.

Submit Offline Timesheets

Submit your timesheets when you are ready to have them approved. The following events occur when you submit a timesheet for approval: The timesheet is scanned for errors. If the timesheet contains no errors, it is submitted for approval. If the timesheet contains errors, it is returned to you so you can correct the errors. Errors are logged in the Messages tab of the timesheet when it is open in CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. In addition, the status of the timesheet on the Timesheets page is marked "Returned".

Chapter 6: Timesheets 115

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Data from the offline timesheet is transferred to CA Clarity PPM. Your timesheet in CA Clarity PPM is then identical to your offline timesheet.

The version number of the online timesheet is increased by one to ensure that no one checks in an outdated timesheet. The version number of the timesheet on the local hard drive is also increased by one to further ensure that timesheet data is protected. The Timesheets page is updated to reflect the status of the saved and submitted timesheet.

To submit your offline timesheet 1. From your Windows Programs menu, select CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. Microsoft Excel opens up and the Timesheet List page appears. 2. Click Submit. Your offline timesheet data is transferred to CA Clarity PPM and is ready for approval.

Add Direct or Indirect Time to your Offline Timesheet

You can add rows to your timesheet for indirect time, such the hours billed against general assignments and tasks such as administration, holidays, and meetings. Direct time consists of hours logged against billable tasks to which you are assigned. To add direct or indirect time to your offline timesheet 1. Open CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. The offline timesheet opens. 2. Do one of the following: To add a new row to add direct time, Click New Direct Row. A new row appears in the Direct Time section of your timesheet. To add a new row to add indirect time, Click New Indirect Row. A new row appears in the Indirect Time section of your timesheet.

116 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets

Delete Rows from Offline Timesheet

To delete a row from an offline timesheet 1. Open CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. The offline timesheet opens. 2. Select the row you want to delete, and click Delete Row. A confirmation message appears. 3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion and remove the row.

Refresh Assignments from Offline Timesheet

To refresh an assignment from an offline timesheet 1. Open CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets. The offline timesheet opens. 2. Click Refresh Assignments. The timesheet is updated with any new information that may have been added to the project in CA Clarity PPM while you have been working on your offline timesheet.

Chapter 6: Timesheets 117

Chapter 7: Reports
Reports are documents that organize and display extracted data into meaningful information. With reports, you can capture and analyze data related to your work. You can run and view out-of-the-box reports or reports designed for your specific needs. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information. This section contains the following topics: Stock Reports (see page 119) About Report Security (see page 120) Reports Access Rights (see page 120) Jobs Affecting Report Data (see page 121) View a List of Reports (see page 122) Run or Schedule Reports To Run (see page 122) Scheduled Report Runs (see page 122) Add Reports to the My Reports Portlet (see page 128) Set Up Report Status Notifications (see page 128) Grant View Permissions to Report Runs (see page 129) View Generated Reports (see page 130) Delete Generated Reports (see page 130)

Stock Reports
Stock CA Clarity PPM reports are provided to address many of your reporting needs. You must be granted the appropriate access rights to view and work with reports. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information.

Chapter 7: Reports 119

About Report Security

About Report Security

Security for reports has three levels and affects what you are able to do with reports. The following levels describe what occurs at each level of access. Access rights to specific features are made available by your CA Clarity PPM administrator. Report access This access level allows you to view reports in CA Clarity PPM. When you have access at this level, you can open the Reports: Available Reports page. The Reports - Access access right includes this level of access. You can be granted instance access right to view and run a specific report. The Report - Run access right allows you to run a report and view the output, but it does not allow changes to the parameters that filter data for a report. The Report - Run access right requires that the Reports - Access right also be granted. Report definition This access level allows you to edit a specific report definition in CA Clarity PPM. When you have this level of access, changes can be made to the report parameters to filter data for a report. The Reports and Jobs - Edit Definition instance access right allows you to edit a specific report definition. Some changes to stock reports are limited, but greater changes are allowed for custom reports. This right requires that you also have the Reports and Jobs - Administrator Access access right granted. Row-level security within a report The row content that appears in each report varies depending on the access rights you have to items contained in the report. For example, if you run a report that lists data for multiple projects, only those projects you have rights to appear on the report. This level of security ensures that data is provided only if you have the right to see it.

Reports Access Rights

The following access rights are available for users who run and review reports: Reports - Access Allows you to access the reports pages if you have the Reports - Run - All access right or instance-level access rights such as Report - Run, Report View Output or Report - Edit Properties. Type: Global

120 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Jobs Affecting Report Data

Reports - Run - All Allows you to run any report. Allows scheduling of any report, editing of the report properties for any report and viewing the output of any report. You must also have the Reports - Access access right. Type: Global Report - Run Allows you to run the reports to which you have access, and to edit report properties and review report output. You must also have the Reports Access access right. Type: Instance Reports - View Output - All Allows you to view the output of any report. This right is dependent on the Reports - Access access right being granted. Type: Global Reports and Jobs - Administrator Access Allows you to view report and job definitions. This right also allows you to view the reports and jobs categories. Type: Global Reports and Jobs - Create Definition Allows you to create, edit, and view report or job definitions. This right is dependent on the Report and Jobs - Administer Access access right being granted. Type: Global Reports and Jobs - Edit Definition - All Allows you to edit any report or job definition. You must also have the Report and Jobs - Administer Access access right. Type: Global

Jobs Affecting Report Data

The Datamart Extraction and Time Slicing jobs generate report data and may affect reports if these jobs fail. If report data is not displaying as expected, one of these jobs may have failed to run. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information.

Chapter 7: Reports 121

View a List of Reports

View a List of Reports

Use the Reports: Available Reports page to view a list of all reports to which you have access to run. To view a list of available reports Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports list page appears.

Run or Schedule Reports To Run

You can run and view reports from the Reports: Available Reports page. You cannot delete or remove available reports. If you have configured your Overview: General page to display the My Reports portlet, you can run reports from this portlet. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information. To run or schedule a report run 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears. 2. Browse for or filter the reports you want to run. The reports display in the list. 3. Click the name of the report you want to run. The Report Properties page appears. 4. Define the report's run properties and click Submit. The report runs based on the run properties you set.

Scheduled Report Runs

Scheduled report runs provide the ability to set up recurring schedules for your frequently-viewed reports. By scheduling the reports to run in advance, the updated reports are available when you need them.

122 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Scheduled Report Runs

Define or Edit Scheduled Report Run Properties

You can edit the properties of scheduled report runs that have statuses of "Cancelled" or "Completed" using the Report Properties page. Otherwise, you can only view report run properties. Report run properties include scheduling and notification information, and any parameters that lets you tailor the data gathered by the report. Note: If a report is scheduled to run only once, you can only edit its properties prior to the scheduled run time. To define or edit a scheduled reports run's properties 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears by default. 2. If you are editing the schedule of an existing report run, click Scheduled Reports subtab. The Reports: Scheduled Reports page appears. 3. Browse for or filter available reports or scheduled runs. The reports display in the list. 4. Click the name of the report you want to define or edit the run properties. The Report Properties page appears. 5. Change the properties as desired in the following sections of the page: General Defines the name of the report to run. For submitted scheduled runs, a display only report ID and status is displayed. Parameters Specifies the parameters used to run the report. The parameters that are displayed vary based on the report you have open. If this section is not displayed, then no parameters were defined by your CA Clarity PPM administrator. Click Save Parameters to save the defined set of parameters for reuse and then complete the following fields, and click Submit: Saved Parameters Name. Defines the name for the set of parameters you are saving. Add To My Reports. Indicates if this report is added to your My Reports portlet.

The saved report parameters display on the Reports: Available Reports list page below the report type from which it is based.

Chapter 7: Reports 123

Scheduled Report Runs

6. In the When section, complete the following: Immediately Specifies if you want to run the report now. Default: Selected Scheduled Specifies if you want to schedule the report to run later. Default: Cleared 7. If you schedule the report to run, enter the following: Start Date Defines the date when the report will run. Start Time Defines the time in hours and minutes when the report will start to run. 8. To run the report at a recurring time, do the following: a. Click the Set Recurrence link. The Recurrence window opens. b. Define the reoccurrence of the selected report run: Weekly On. Defines the day of the week (Sunday through Saturday) on which the report run starts. Months. Defines the month (January through December) on which the report run starts. Recur Until. Defines the date until which the report run is to recur.

Monthly Days of the Month (1-31). Defines the specific day (range 1-31) each month on which the report run is to start. Months. Defines the month (January through December) on which the report run starts. Recur Until. Defines the date until which the report run is to recur.

Use UNIX crontab entry format Defines the schedule in UNIX Crontab format. For example: 0 0 1,15 * * tells CA Clarity PPM to run the report at midnight on the 1st and 15th of every month. Note: See Sun Microsystems documentation web site for more information on the UNIX Crontab format and special character usage.

124 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Scheduled Report Runs


Click Submit. Changes are saved and the Reports: Available Reports page appears.

9. Change the properties as desired in the following sections of the page as desired: Notify Select the users or groups who should receive report status notifications. Sharing Specify the users and groups who can view the generated report. 10. Submit your changes.

View the Status of Scheduled Report Runs

You can check report scheduled run times and check report run statuses using the Reports: Scheduled Reports page. All scheduled report runs (except those that you have deleted) are displayed in the list regardless of their status. Scheduled report runs can have the following statuses: Cancelled. The scheduled run is stopped and future recurring runs permanently cancelled. Completed. The single, non-recurring scheduled run is complete and the generated report output is available. Recurring scheduled runs never show a status of "Completed". Paused. The scheduled run is stopped temporarily. Running. The scheduled run is in progress. Scheduled. The scheduled run starts generating the report on its prescribed date and time. Waiting. The scheduled run is reached at its scheduled run date and time, but cannot start generating the report until an incompatible report or job run is completed.

To view the status of a scheduled report run 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears. 2. Click the Scheduled Reports subtab. The Reports: Scheduled Reports page appears. 3. Browse for or filter the scheduled runs to check their status. The reports display in the list.

Chapter 7: Reports 125

Scheduled Report Runs

Pause or Resume Scheduled Report Runs

Pausing scheduled report runs temporarily stops the report from running. When in this state, the report cannot run at its scheduled time until you resume it. When you resume the report runs, it runs at its next scheduled run time. You can pause reports that have a status of "Scheduled". To pause or resume a scheduled report run 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears by default. 2. Click the Scheduled Reports subtab. The Reports: Scheduled Reports page appears. 3. Select the check box next to the scheduled report run you want to pause or resume, and do one of the following: Click Pause. The report run's status changes to "Paused". Click Resume. The report run's status changes to "Scheduled". The report runs at the next scheduled time. The scheduled report run is paused or resumed.

Cancel Scheduled Report Runs

Canceling scheduled runs stops the run immediately and cancels any future runs. A cancelled run remains listed on the Reports: Scheduled Reports list page with a status of "Cancelled". Once you cancel a run, you cannot change its status or edit any of its properties. To cancel a scheduled run 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears. 2. Click the Scheduled Reports subtab. The Reports: Scheduled Reports page appears. 3. Browse for or filter the scheduled runs. 4. Select the check box next to the scheduled run you want to cancel. 5. Click Cancel. The status changes to "Cancelled".

126 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Scheduled Report Runs

Delete Scheduled Report Runs

You can delete scheduled runs with a status of "Cancelled" or "Completed". Deleting a scheduled run does not delete the report type or any completed generated reports listed in the Reports Library. To delete a scheduled report run 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears. 2. Click the Scheduled Reports subtab. The Reports: Scheduled Reports page appears. 3. Select the check box next to the run you want to delete, and click Delete. The selected run is removed from the Reports: Scheduled Reports page.

Delete Saved Report Parameters

You can delete saved report parameters from the Reports: Available Reports list page. Saved report parameters display on the page below the report type from which it is based. To delete a report's saved parameters 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears by default. 2. Browse for or filter available reports. The reports display in the list. 3. Click the check box next to the name of the report parameter you want to delete, and click Delete.

Chapter 7: Reports 127

Add Reports to the My Reports Portlet

Add Reports to the My Reports Portlet

If you have configured your Overview: General page to display the My Reports portlet, you can add any available report to this portlet and run reports from this page. To add a report to the My Reports portlet 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears. 2. Browse for or filter for the report you want to add to the portlet. The report display in the list. 3. Click the name of the report you want to add. The Report Properties page appears. 4. Define the report's run properties and click Save Parameters. The Save Parameters page appears. 5. Select the Add to My Reports check box, and click Submit. Default: Cleared The Report Properties page appears. 6. Click Submit. The report is added to the My Reports portlet.

Set Up Report Status Notifications

You can have notifications sent to recipients whenever a report you run or that was assigned to you completes successfully or fails. If a report fails, check the status of scheduled runs for additional information or contact your administrator for assistance. To select the users or groups who should receive report status notifications 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears by default. 2. Click the name of the report you want to edit. The Report Properties page appears.

128 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Grant View Permissions to Report Runs

3. In the Notify section, complete the following: Resources to Notify on Failure Specifies the users who should receive report status notifications when the report run fails. Resources to Notify on Completion Specifies the users who should receive report status notifications when the report run successfully completes. Groups to Notify on Failure Specifies the groups who should receive report status notifications when the report run fails. Groups to Notify on Completion Specifies the groups who should receive report status notifications when the report run successfully completes. 4. Submit your changes.

Grant View Permissions to Report Runs

Permission to view a report on the Report Library page occurs when you select other users or groups from the Sharing section on the Report Properties page. To grant view permissions to a report run 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears by default. 2. Click the name of the report you want to grant view permissions. The Report Properties page appears. 3. In the Sharing section, complete the following: Resources Specify the users who can view the generated report. Groups Specify the groups who can view the generated report. 4. Submit your changes.

Chapter 7: Reports 129

View Generated Reports

View Generated Reports

Use the Report Library page to review generated report output to which you have access or to view the run properties of generated reports. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher installed to view reports. You must be granted view permission to a report in order to view the report in the Report Library page. If you ran the report immediately, the output appears in a separate window, or if you scheduled the run, you can access the report output from the Report Library page. Note: For reports that run immediately, you have the option to view the report immediately, or save the report and view it later from the Report Library page. To view a generated report 1. Select Reports and Jobs from the Personal menu. The Reports: Available Reports page appears. 2. Click the Report Library subtab. The Report Library page appears. 3. Do one of the following: Click the Open Report icon next to the report you want to review. The report output is displayed. Review the report and close when you are done. Click the Report link to view run properties.

Delete Generated Reports

You can delete generated reports as needed. You can also request to have the Remove Job Logs and Report Library entries job run to remove outdated reports periodically from the Reports Library. Note: See the Administration Guide for more information.

130 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 8: Account Settings

This section contains the following topics: How to Manage your Account (see page 131) Update Personal Information (see page 132) Designate Proxies (see page 134) Change the Font Size (see page 135) Notifications Setup (see page 135) Software Downloads (see page 138)

How to Manage your Account

The account settings pages allow you to change elements of your resource profile, change the font size displayed on your screen, assign your action items to a different user, and to download software. You can do the following to manage your account settings: Update your contact and location information (see page 132) Update your proxy settings (see page 134). Change the font size (see page 135). Change the method in which you receive notifications (see page 138). Download software (see page 140).

Use the Account Settings: Personal Information page to manage your account settings. All users have access to their own account settings.

Chapter 8: Account Settings 131

Update Personal Information

Update Personal Information

Use the Account Settings: Personal Information page to update your contact and password information, to reset your home page, or to set the current timesheet as your home page. To edit the user name, first name, last name, and email fields that appear on this page, you must access your resource profile. Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information.

Manage Your General Information

To manage your general information 1. Select Account Settings from the Personal menu. The Account Settings: Personal Information page appears. 2. In the General Information section, complete the following fields: SMS Address Defines your SMS (Short Messaging Service) address. The SMS transmits short messages to mobile communications devices such as cellular telephones. By providing your SMS address, you can receive notifications from the application on your cell phone, PDA, or other mobile device. Note: Contact your mobile service provider for details about using the SMS. Work Phone Defines your work phone number. Home Phone Defines your home phone number. Time Zone Defines your time zone. You can modify this information from your resource profile. Locale Defines your work locale. You can modify this information from your resource profile. Language Defines the language in which you want to use CA Clarity PPM.

132 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Update Personal Information

Home Page Defines your home page. Default: System Default To reset you home page to the system default home page, which is the Overview: General page, click Reset Home Page. Otherwise, to set the current timesheet as your home page, click Set to Current Timesheet. 3. Click Save. Your changes are saved.

Manage Your Password Information

While there are no limitations to the number of characters you can include in your application password, to ensure your data remains secure, we recommend that you select a combination of letters and numbers. To change your password 1. Select Account Settings from the Personal menu. The Account Settings: Personal Information page appears. 2. In the Change Passwords section, complete the following fields: Old Password Defines your current password. New Password Defines your new password. Confirm Password Defines your new password. 3. Click Save. Your password changes are saved.

Chapter 8: Account Settings 133

Designate Proxies

Designate Proxies
You can temporarily designate another resource as your action items proxy using the Account Settings: Proxy page. As a proxy, the assigned resource receives, during the specified proxy period, action items, such as handling your regularly scheduled or urgent actions items while you are busy or away from the office. During the period that an action item is due, the designated proxy sees the action item in their Action Items portlet on their Overview: General page. Important! You must make sure the resource designated as your action items proxy has the appropriate access rights for the actions they will need to process. For example, if you designate a proxy to receive action items to approve timesheets, the proxy must have the Timesheets - Approve All access right in order to process the action items.

View Your List of Proxies

If other resources have designated you as their action items proxy, then their names are listed in the Resources field on the Account Settings: Proxy page. Any action items that become due during the proxy period display in your Action Items portlet on your Overview: General page. One or more resources can designate you as a proxy.

Designate Resources as Your Proxy

To temporarily designate a resource as a proxy 1. Select Account Settings from the Personal menu. The Account Settings: Personal Information page appears. 2. Click the Proxy link from the content menu. The Account Settings: Proxy page appears. 3. In the Setup section, complete the following: Proxy Specifies if you want to use a proxy. Values: Do not use a proxy and Use a proxy Default: Do not use a proxy Resource Specifies the resource being designated as your proxy. Click the Browse icon to select the resource you want to use as a proxy. Start Date Defines the start date for the proxy period. End Date

134 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Change the Font Size

Defines the end date for the proxy period. 4. Click Save. Your changes are saved.

Change the Font Size

Use the Account Settings: Font Settings page to enlarge or reduce the size of the font that is displayed on pages and portlets in the application. By default, the font is set at small. To change the font size 1. Select Account Settings from the Personal menu. The Account Settings: Personal Information page appears. 2. Click the Font Settings link from the content menu. The Account Settings: Font Settings page appears. 3. Select a font size option (Small, Medium, or Large). 4. Click Apply. The page refreshes and the application displays in the font size that you selected.

Notifications Setup
Notifications are automatically generated when certain actions or events are triggered. For example, you can choose to be notified by email when someone responds to a discussion topic or creates a rely. Use the Accounts Settings: Notifications page to specify the type of notifications you received by functional area.

Notification Functional Areas

The following list describes examples of situations that trigger notifications for each functional area: Action Items A notification is sent out when a new action item is assigned to you and when one is due. Change Request A notification is sent when you have been assigned to a change request.

Chapter 8: Account Settings 135

Notifications Setup

Discussion A notification is sent when a resource replies to a discussion topic or message you have posted. Document A notification is sent when a resource adds a new document to the Knowledge Store or Document Manager. Escalation A notification is sent when a process fails or stalls and you have been identified as the person to notify for escalations. Event A notification is sent when a resource invites you to a new event or when it is time or near time for you to attend one. Finance A notification is sent when an external bill is approved and the invoice is generated and you have the finance approval access rights to view it. Incidents A notification is sent when you are identified as a contact person for an incident. Issue A notification is sent when you have been assigned to an issue. Processes A notification is sent when a resource identifies you as the person to contact when a certain step in a process has been reached. Projects A notification is sent when a resource adds you to or removes you from a project. Reports and Jobs. A notification is sent when a report or job you initiated, scheduled, or have been assigned to has completed or failed. Requisitions A notification is sent when the status of a requisition to which you have access has changed. Risk A notification is sent when you have been assigned to a risk.

136 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Notifications Setup

Timesheets A notification is sent when you receive notification when a timesheet is submitted. If you submitted a timesheet you may receive notification that it is overdue or has been returned.

Manage Your Notification Settings

Use the Account Settings: Notifications page to specify or change the types of notifications you want to receive and the method in which you want to receive them. By default, all of the method check boxes for each functional area are selected. To manage your notification settings 1. Click Account Settings from the Personal menu. The Account Settings: Personal Information page appears. 2. Click the Notifications link from the content menu. The Account Settings: Notifications page appears. 3. Do the following: Select the check box next to each notification and method you want to receive. Clear the check box next to each notification and method you do not want to receive.

4. Click Save. You notification settings are saved.

Chapter 8: Account Settings 137

Software Downloads

Specify Notification Methods

You can view and manage the method in which you receive your notifications when their associated events are triggered. Choose from the following types of notification methods: Alert. Sends alerts to the Notifications portlet on the Overview: General page and to the Organizer: Notifications page. Email. Sends emails to your email account. You must specify your email address in your resource profile to use this notification method. Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information. SMS. Transmits short messages to mobile communications devices such as cellular telephones. You must specify your Short Message Service (SMS) address to use this notification method. To specify your notification methods 1. Select Account Settings from the Personal menu. The Account Settings: Personal Information page appears by default. 2. Click the Notifications link from the content menu. The Account Settings: Notifications page appears. 3. Clear the check box next to each notification and method you do not want to receive and click Save. You notification settings are saved.

Software Downloads
You can download the following software from CA Clarity PPM: Open Workbench This is a desktop project management software application. You can use it as a stand-alone software application or in conjunction with CA Clarity PPM. Sun Java Runtime Environment Use Sun Java Runtime Environment when you want to use XML Open Gateway (XOG) to pass data between CA Clarity PPM and other programs. Adobe SVG Viewer Allows you to view graphical portlets and processes.

138 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Software Downloads

Microsoft Project Interface Use Microsoft Project Interface to connect Microsoft Project with CA Clarity PPM. Offline Timesheets Allows you to create offline timesheets in CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets and download them to CA Clarity PPM. SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius 2008 Used to download and install the Xcelsius locally on your computer. Use Xcelsius to create visualizations and to set up the data connections. Note: For this download link to display on the Software Downloads page, you must have access rights to install Xcelsius and your CA Clarity PPM administrator must perform the required set up step to copy the Xcelsius setup zip file to a CA Clarity PPM install folder. Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator if you are unable to download Xcelsius. CA Clarity UI Themes as Xcelsius Color Schemes Used to give your Xcelsius visualizations the same colors as your CA Clarity PPM portlets and pages. The CA Clarity PPM UI themes are available to use in Xcelsius visualizations. Follow the instructions on the Software Downloads page for more information on how to extract the UI themes and make them available as Xcelsius color schemes. Design Files for Stock Xcelsius Visualizations Used to help you get started with sample implementations. You can use the Xcelsius visualization design files (.XLF) as is, or you can use them as a starting point to design your own Xcelsius visualizations.

Software Download Access Rights

The following CA Clarity PPM access rights are available for downloading software: Offline Timesheet - Download Allows a user to download CA Clarity PPM Offline Timesheets from the Software Downloads page. Type: Global Software Download - JRE Required to download the Sun Java Runtime Environment. Type: Global

Chapter 8: Account Settings 139

Software Downloads

Software Download - Microsoft Project Interface Required to download the CA Clarity PPM Microsoft Project Interface. Type: Global Software Download - Open Workbench Required to download Open Workbench. Type: Global Software Download - SVG Viewer Required to download the SVG viewer. Type: Global Software Download - Xcelsius Required to download Xcelsius. Type: Global

Download Software
Use the Account Settings: Software Downloads page to download software. See your CA Clarity PPM administrator if you have any questions about the download process. To download software 1. Select Account Settings from the Personal menu. The Account Settings: Personal Information page appears. 2. Click the Software Downloads link from the content menu. The Account Settings: Software Downloads page appears. 3. Click the Download link next to the name of the software you want to download. Depending on the software you select, a series of file download, "Save As", and install windows open. 4. Follow the download instructions. Be sure to make a note of the folder location to which you install the software.

140 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 9: Searches and Filters

This section contains the following topics: About Filters (see page 141) Global Search Tool (see page 145)

About Filters
List pages consist of two sections. At the top of the page, the filter section contains search fields that allows you to specify search criteria. Below the filter section is the list section. This section displays an itemized list of application itemsprojects, resources, portfolios, timesheetsbased on the filtering criteria entered. If no filtering criteria is entered, all items display in the list. The filter section is either expanded or collapsed by default. When collapsed, the filter fields are hidden from view. You can use the Collapse Filter or Expand Filter links on the sections toolbar to change the sections state. To initiate a search, enter filtering criteria into the fields in the filter section of the page, and then click Filter. All items that match the filtering criteria are displayed in the list. When no matches occur, no results are displayed. You can then sort the list using the available tools. Filters are not case sensitive. For example, Acme, acme, and ACME return the same results.

Filter and Sort Lists

When there are a large number of items displayed on a list page such as the Organizer: Action Items list page or the Organizer: Calendar Events list page, the list can span multiple pages. Use the pages filter fields located on the pages toolbar, such as Filter By, to filter the list to only those items you want to view. By default, items on a list page are grouped and sorted in a specific way. For example, on the Organizer: Action Items list page, the action items are grouped by type (Personal or Project) and sorted in ascending order by their due dates. You can sort your action items or events on a list page by column name. To sort the list, click a column header. For example, to sort the Organizer: Action Items list page by subject, click the Action Item column header. When sorted, an arrow appears in the column header. To reverse the sort order, click the column header again. Do the same to sort by any other column header.

Chapter 9: Searches and Filters 141

About Filters

Save Filters
Once you have entered filtering criteria, you can save the filter to use it later. To save the filtering criteria you entered 1. Open a list page. 2. Enter filtering criteria in the filter section of the page, and click Save Filter. The Save Filter page appears. 3. Enter a name for the filter. 4. To make this filter the default filter, select Default. 5. Click Submit. The list page appears with the name of the saved filter appearing in the Filter drop-down.

Use Saved Filters

You can use a saved filter to filter list pages. Saved filters can be chosen from the Filter drop-down that appears in the sections toolbar. To use a saved filter 1. Open a list page, and in the filter section of the page, choose the name of the filter you want to use from the Filter drop-down. The page refreshes and the appropriate fields display the criteria. 2. Click Filter.

Clear Filter Fields

At any time while entering filtering criteria in a filter section, you can choose to clear the filter fields and start again. To do this, in the filter section of the page, click Clear.

Show All Items in Lists

When you have applied a filter to a list page, you can choose to restore the page by displaying the complete list of items. To do this, in the filter section of the page, click Show All.

142 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

About Filters

Build Power Filters

A power filter is a custom filter that you create to search the list by criteria you define. Power filters can be used alone or can work in conjunction with the other filter fields on the page. Saved power filters appear in the list of filters and can be reused at any time. You will design and build your power filter using an expression, usually in two parts. The following procedure explains how to create a power filter. To build a power filter 1. Open a list page, and in the filter section of the page, next to Power Filter, click the [Build Power Filter] link. The Power Filter page appears. 2. Build the first part of the expression by completing the following fields: Object Select the type of object for which you want to filter. The page refreshes. Field Select the field you want to display in the Filter section. For this example, choose Active. The page refreshes. Operator Choose "=" (equal sign). Constant Choose Yes. 3. Click Add. The expression is added to the Expression field. 4. To build the second part of the expression, complete the following fields: And/Or Choose whether you want the second half of the expression to be an either/or equation (in which case, you would choose Or), or an equation with multiple clauses (in which case, you would choose And). For this example, choose And. Object Select the type of object for which you want to filter. The page refreshes. Field Select the field you want to display in the Filter section. The page refreshes.

Chapter 9: Searches and Filters 143

About Filters

Operator Choose "=" (equal sign). Constant Choose Yes. 5. Click Add. The second part of the formula is added to the expression and displays in the Expression field. 6. Click Submit. The list page appears. The name of the new power filter is displayed next to the Power Filter.

Use Filter Portlets

Some pages have filter portlets that coordinate filtering across portlets on a single page or across multiple pages. Filter portlets can appear on pages in a section or in a toolbar. To filter using a filter portlet, enter values in the filter portlet fields and click Filter. The portlets configured to work with the filter portlet are filtered using the values you enter in the filter portlet fields. To filter an individual portlet on a page, enter selection criteria in that portlets filter section and click Filter.

144 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Global Search Tool

Delete Saved Filters

You can delete saved filters using the Manage Filters page. You can also delete saved power filters. To delete a saved filter from the Manage Filters page 1. Open a list page. 2. In the filter section of the page, choose Manage Filters from the Filter drop-down. The Manage Filters page appears. 3. Check the box next to the name of the filter you want to delete. 4. Click Delete. The list page appears and the filter no longer displays in the Filter drop-down. To delete a saved power filter 1. Open a list page. 2. In the filter section of the page, next to Power Filter, click the power filters name. The Power Filter page appears. 3. Click Delete. The list page appears and the power filter is deleted.

Global Search Tool

The Global Search tool appears on the global toolbar. Use the global search field to perform a simple global search to look for specific documents and forms or use the Advanced link to perform an advanced search to set additional search criteria to refine your search results.

Search for Newly Entered Information

You can search for information saved in the application at any time. However, by default, five minutes must elapse before new information can be searched. The amount of time is determined and can be changed by your administrator. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information.

Chapter 9: Searches and Filters 145

Global Search Tool

Perform Basic Searches

To perform a basic search from the global toolbar, enter all or part of the term you want to search for in the global search field, and then click Search. The Search Results page appears displaying a list of all items to which you have rights to view and that match the criteria you specified. Search results are listed in reverse chronological order. Keep these guidelines in mind when entering terms in the global search field: To perform a wildcard search, enter all or part of the search criteria. You do not need to append your entry with a wildcard character (*). Basic search is not case sensitive. For example, "Orange", "orange", and "ORANGE" all return the same results. If you enter the search phrase Resource Profile List without quotations, the application searches for items that contain any of these words in any order. However, if you enter the search phrase in quotation marks, such as Resource Profile List, only instances of the exact string are returned. Do not use the following characters in basic searches: @ = [] {} <>

Perform Advanced Searches

Use the Advanced Search page to set additional criteria to refine your search results. Use the fields and options on the page to narrow your search. You can search according to one or any combination of the criteria. Search results display only for those items you have permissions to view or edit. To perform an advanced search 1. On the global toolbar, click the Advanced link. The Advanced Search page appears. 2. In the General section, enter the following: Text Defines the text to search. To perform a wildcard search, enter an asterisk (*) at the end of the text. Searches are not case sensitive. Mode Specifies the mode from which to search. Values: All Words, Any Words, or Exact Phrase

146 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Global Search Tool

Owner Specifies the owner type. Values: All Owners or Selected Owners Created Date Defines the creation date of the item for which you are searching. You can enter a range of From Date and To Date. Modified Date Defines the modification date of the item for which you are searching. You can enter a range of From Date and To Date. 3. In the What to Search section, enter the following: Documents Specifies the type of document for which you are searching. Values: All, None, or a specific type Include File Contents Indicates if the document contents will be included in the search results. Include Prior Versions Indicates if a prior version of a document will be included in the search results. Forms Specifies the forms you would like to include in the search results. Values: All, None, or a specific form Events Indicates if calendar events are included in the search results. Action Items Indicates if action items are included in the search results. Discussions Indicates if discussions are included in the search results.

Chapter 9: Searches and Filters 147

Global Search Tool

4. In the Where to Search section, for Areas to Search, check the box of each CA Clarity PPM module you would like to search. For example, Knowledge Store or Resources. 5. Click Search. The Search Results page displays a list of all items that match the criteria you specified in reverse chronological order to which you have permissions to view. 6. Do one of the following: To perform another advanced search, click Revise Search. The Advanced Search page appears where you can revise the fields. To return to the Overview: General page, click Back.

Global Search Techniques

You can use the following techniques for performing global searches: Wildcard characters Boolean operators Subqueries

Use Wildcard Characters in Global Searches

With the Global Search tool, you can perform single and multiple character wildcard searches. Do not to use the "*" or "?" symbols as the first character of a search. Single Character Wildcard Search The single character wildcard search looks for terms that match that with the single character replaced. To perform a single character wildcard search, use the "?" symbol. Example: To search for text or test, enter the query:

Multiple Character Wildcard Search Multiple character wildcard searches look for zero or more characters. To perform a multiple character wildcard search, use the "*" symbol. Example: to search for test, tests, or tester, enter the following:

You can also use wildcard searches in the middle of a term. To do this, use the following query:

148 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Global Search Tool

Use Boolean Operators in Global Searches

Boolean operators allow you to perform global searches using multiple terms that are combined through logic operators. The following boolean operators are supported: AND, +, OR, NOT, and -. You must enter Boolean operators in all caps. OR OR is the default conjunction operator, which means that if there is no boolean operator between two terms, OR is used. The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching document if either of the terms exist in a document. This is equivalent to a union using sets. You can use the symbol || in place of the OR operator. Example: To search for documents and forms that contain either "jakarta apache" or just "jakarta" use the query:
"jakarta apache" "jakarta"

"jakarta apache" OR "jakarta"

"jakarta apache" || "jakarta"

AND The AND operator matches documents in which both terms exist anywhere in the text of a single document. This is equivalent to an intersection using sets. You can use the special character && in place of the AND operator. Example: To search for "jakarta apache" and "jakarta CA Clarity PPM", use the query:
"jakarta apache" AND "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"

"jakarta apache" && "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"

+ (required) The +, or required, operator requires that the term after the + operator to exist somewhere in a field of a single document or form. Example: To search for documents and forms that must contain "jakarta" and may contain "CA Clarity PPM", use the query:
+"jakarta CA Clarity PPM"

Chapter 9: Searches and Filters 149

Global Search Tool

NOT The NOT operator excludes documents or forms that contain the term after the NOT operator. You can use the symbol ! in place of the NOT operator. Example: To search for documents and forms that contain "jakarta apache" but not "jakarta CA Clarity PPM", use the query:
"jakarta apache" NOT "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"

"jakarta apache" ! "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"

The NOT operator cannot be used with just one term. This query returns no results:
NOT "jakarta apache"

- (prohibit) The -, or prohibit, operator excludes documents or forms that contain the term after the - operator. Example: To search for documents and forms that contain "jakarta apache" but not "jakarta CA Clarity PPM", use the query:
"jakarta apache" - "jakarta CA Clarity PPM"

Form Sub-queries in Global Searches

Sub-queries allow you to control the boolean logic during global searches by grouping clauses with parentheses. For example, to search for documents and forms that contain either "jakarta" or "apache" and "website", include the following sub-query in the query: ("jakarta" OR "apache") AND "website" The above query ensures that "website" exists and that either term, "jakarta" or "apache", may exist.

Escape Special Characters in Global Searches

You must escape special characters in global searches properly. To escape these characters, use the "\" (backslash) character before the special character. For example, to escape the special characters in a global search for (1+1):2, use the following query:

The following table lists the special characters:

Special Character + -

Description plus sign minus sign

Rule \+

150 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Global Search Tool

Special Character && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \

Description double ampersand double solid vertical bars exclamation point left parenthesis right parenthesis left curly brace right curly brace left square bracket right square bracket circumflex quotes tilde asterisk question mark colon backslash

Rule \&& \|| \! \( \) \{ \} \[ \] \^ \" \~ \* \? \: \\

Chapter 9: Searches and Filters 151

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration

All of the pages and portlets in CA Clarity PPM are formatted as tables with columns and rows. The configuration options allow you to reorder, move, add, and hide the columns and fields that appear on pages and portlets. In addition, you can use Gantt chart and time-scale value configuration options to change the way data is displayed on portlets. This section contains the following topics: Configuration Overview (see page 154) How to Configure List Filters (see page 165) Change Gantt Chart Data Display Settings (see page 170) How to Configure Time-Scaled Values (see page 173) How to Configure Graph Portlets (see page 176)

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 153

Configuration Overview

Configuration Overview
Many pages and portlets contain lists that can be configured. Pages, portlets, and filters of the following can be configured: Portfolios Projects Programs Products Applications Assets Other Work Services Tasks Baselines Subprojects Resources Requisitions Requirements Releases Release Plans Ideas Incidents

You can change the type of data that is displayed on a list page or portlet, and you can edit the filtering options and layout. For example, the default Resource List page displays resource data by resource name, ID, email address, and resource and employee type. You might find it more helpful to add a column that displays the resources role on the page as well. Similarly, the Resource List filter allows you to search by resource name and ID and other factors. Several options are available to change the appearance of fields and columns on a page or portlet. You can delete fields or portlets from a page, or move them to a different part of the page. You may want to add fields or portlets to a page. No special programming or software knowledge is required.

154 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Configuration Overview

You can configure page/portlet layout and graphic displays: Fields and page, portlet, and filter layouts Gantt chart data and layouts Time-scaled data and layouts

Note: If a page or portlet contains too many columns, filters, and aggregated fields, the dynamic query that searches for and displays data for your page might be overwhelmed by the amount of data it is asked to search for. This occurs when there are too many columns or too many aggregate functions for the query to manage in the database block to which it is allotted. A generic system error can occur during the query. You must remove some columns or aggregate functions from the page or portlet layout.

Fields and Page, Portlet, and Filter Layouts

Use the Configure: List Column Layout page to change the fields and layout of list pages, portlets, and filters. You can also access the list filter configuration options from this page. To access this page, on the page you want to configure, click the Actions menu and choose Configure. This menu is available near the top right of list pages. Your administrator can secure individual portlets so that other users cannot configure field labels or make other changes. If the portlet is unavailable for configuration, the Configure option does not appear in a list of actions that you can perform.

Gantt Chart Data and Layout

Gantt charts also display data by time period. Like the time-scaled value option, you can use the Gantt configuration option to change the time period displayed, and the kind of data displayed to a different available option. Use the Gantt Chart Column Settings page to change the layout and data displayed on a Gantt chart. You can find Gantt charts on a number of pages in the application. Use this page to change Gantt chart layout and data display.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 155

Configuration Overview

Time-Scaled Data and Layout

Time-scaled value graphs display data in cells that represent time periods. For example, the Resource Planning Workloads and Weekly Detail portlets display resource allocation data by week. You can use the time-scaled value option to change the time period to months or quarters, and to change the data displayed to a different available option. Use the Time Period Settings page to change the layout and data displayed on portlets with time scaled values (that is, time period cells). Time scale values are used on a number of portlets.

How to Configure List Pages and Portlets

You can configure list pages and most portlet pages by doing the following: Change the column layout (see page 156). Change column names or edit display properties (see page 158). Change display options (see page 161). Add aggregation rows. Change aggregation row properties (see page 164).

Change the Column Layout

You can change the column layout by adding columns or removing the columns displayed, and by changing the sort order of the columns.

Add and Remove Columns

You can add or remove columns from a page using the Configure: List Column Layout page. Use the Layout section of the page to add and remove columns. The Selected Columns field lists the names of the columns that appear on the page portlet by default. The Available Columns field lists the names of additional columns that you can add to the page or portlet. Available columns are those fields that are included with CA Clarity PPM out of the box but that are not used as defaults, and those custom-made by your CA Clarity PPM administrator.

156 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Configuration Overview

To add or remove columns from display 1. On the list page you want to configure, click the Actions menu and choose Configure. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. Do one or both of the following: To add an available column, select the name of the column you want to add in the Available Columns field and click the Move Right (right arrow) icon to move it to the Selected Columns field. To remove a column from display, select the name of the column you want to remove in the Selected Columns field and click the Move Left (left arrow) to move it to the Available Columns field.

3. Click Save and Exit to return to the page or portlet you started from, where you can view the changes you made.

Change the Column Sort Order

By default, list pages are configured to display data by object name in ascending order. For example, resources and roles are listed in alphabetical order by resource or role name. Use the sort order option to change the order in which the columns display data. For example, you might want data to be listed by ID rather than by object name. To change column sort order 1. On the page you want to configure, click the Actions menu and choose Configure. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. In the Column Sorting section of the page, complete the following fields: Next to each Sort By field, choose the name of the column by which you want to sort from the Column drop-down. Do this for each of the fields by which you want to sort. For example, to sort first by ID then by priority, choose "External ID" from the Column drop-down for the First "Sort By" Field, and then choose "Priority" from the Column drop-down for the Second "Sort By" Field. For each Sort By field, select the direction of the sort type. Your choices are "Ascending" and "Descending".

3. Click Save and Exit to return to the page or portlet you started from, where you can view the changes you made.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 157

Configuration Overview

Change Column Names and Edit Display Properties

Use the Configure: List Column Fields page to change the column names on a page or portlet, and to edit column display properties.

Select Columns to Display

By default, the Configure: List Column Fields page lists the names of the default columns for a page or portlet (referred to as selected). You can change this page to display only available columns, or both available and selected columns. Available columns are those columns that come with CA Clarity PPM out of the box but do not appear on pages or portlets until you or your CA Clarity PPM administrator configures them to do so. To select the display columns On the page you want to select display columns, click the Actions menu and choose Configure. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 1. From the content menu, click Fields. The Configure: List Column Fields page appears. 2. From the Display menu, choose the type of columns you want to appear on the page. Selected columns appear by default. Your other choices are "Available" and "All," which displays both selected and available columns. 3. Click Go to refresh the page to display the type of columns you selected.

Change Column Names

To change a columns name 1. From the Actions menu on the page or portlet you want to change, choose Configure. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. From the content menu, click the Fields link. The Configure: List Column Fields page appears. The Column Label fields display the names of the columns on the page or portlet you started from. 3. Modify the column name to the new name. 4. Click Save and Exit to save your changes and view the new labels on the page or portlet you started from.

158 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Configuration Overview

Change Column Properties

You can change a number of display options for each column that appears on the page or portlet you started from. To change column display properties 1. From the Actions menu on the page or portlet you want to change, choose Configure. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. From the content menu, click the Fields link. The Configure: List Column Fields page appears. The Column Label fields display the names of the columns on the page or portlet you started from. 3. Click the Properties icon next to the desired columns name. The List Column Field page for that column appears. The Attribute field, which displays the name of the column, and the Data Type field, which displays the type of data the column displays, are view-only. 4. Complete the following fields as needed: Column Label Defines the column label. Click the Translate icon if you want to display the label in a different language. Show Column Label Indicates if the name of column will display on the page. Clear this check box to hide the column name. Display Type Specifies the way in which you want data to display in this column. Values: Number. Displays the field as a number Percent. Displays the field as a value with a percent sign (for example, .34% or 34%) Calculated Percent. Displays the field as a calculated value (100 x field value) with a percent sign (for example, 34% or 3400%) Column Graph. Displays the field as a column graph Bar Graph. Displays the field as a bar graph.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 159

Configuration Overview

Decimal Places Specifies the number of decimal places you want any numbers in the column to have. Default: 2 Secondary Value If you want to display stacked data in the column cells, defines the secondary value to appear with the column data. Alignment Specifies the location of the column on the page or portlet you started from. Column Width Defines the relative column width, in percentages. If left blank, the column width is system-calculated relative to the width of the other columns on the page. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Header Indicates if the column label can wrap. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Indicates if all text in this columns cells can wrap. Link Specifies the page in which to link to. The list of available pages are those that are relevant and related to the column name. Open as Pop-Up If you make the column name a link, indicates if the linked page opens as a pop-up. If this check box is clear, the link takes you directly to the page. Default: cleared. Disable Link Attribute Select an attribute to indicate whether the value in the Link field appears in a list or grid as text only or as a hyperlink. If the value of the attribute selected equals zero, the text in the corresponding Link field appears as text only. If the value selected in the field is not zero or if a value is not selected, the value selected in the Link field appears as a hyperlink. This field applies only when the Link field has a value selected. 5. Click Submit to view your changes and return to the Configure: List Options page.

160 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Configuration Overview

Change Display Options of List Pages

Use the Configure: List Options page to: Change the way mouseovers appear in a column. Mouseovers refer to the text that sometimes appears when you scroll over data in a cell. Change the number of rows you want to appear on the page or portlet. Display secondary values (even if they are null).

Use red-lining to compare list column values with their secondary values (if any). To change the display options of a list page 1. Open a list page, and from the Actions menu, choose Configure. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. From the content menu, click the Options link. The Configure: List Options page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: Secondary Value Display Specifies the Mouseover and redline text value when you want to highlight the data in that field in red. Default: Mouseover only, which means that text displays in a small note when you scroll over certain cells. Show Null Secondary Values Indicates if secondary values will display even if they are null. You may want to display secondary values for a specific column for comparison purposes. Highlight Row by Attribute Specifies the attribute value that you want to highlight on the page or portlet. Example: Some list pages have a Risk column that uses a colored symbol to indicate whether the project or portfolio is at risk. If you choose "Risk", each row in the list is highlighted that contains a risk symbol. 4. When you are finished, do one of the following: Click Save to remain on the page or portlet. Click Save and Exit to return to the page or portlet you started from, where you can view the changes you made. Click Cancel to return to the previous page or portlet without saving.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 161

Configuration Overview

Add Aggregation Rows

Aggregation rows let you view statistical data for an attribute or compare data to another attribute. The variance row shows the difference between two rows and is available when you show exactly two aggregation rows. Use the Aggregation Row Properties page to add aggregation cells to the bottom of columns on list pages. Aggregation cells provide a total for all of the items in a column. You can configure the aggregation cell to provide a sum of all of the items in the row, an average, or a standard deviation. For example, you could add an aggregation cell to the end of a Risk column that would show the total number of projects at risk in that list. Or you could add an aggregation cell at the end of a % Complete column to sum up the total percent complete of all the project tasks on the page. You can also add multiple aggregation cells on a page to compare totals for multiple columns. For example, on the Project: Baseline page, you could add an aggregation cell for the Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) and Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) columns and compare totals for the two. To add an aggregate row to the grid 1. From the Actions menu on the page or portlet you want to change, choose Configure. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. From the content menu, click the Aggregation link. The Configure: List Aggregation page appears. 3. Click New. The Aggregation Row Properties page appears. The current name of all of the columns on the page or portlet you selected is displayed in the read-only Column fields. 4. Complete the following fields as needed: Label Defines the label for the row, such as "Total" or "Average". Show Indicates if the aggregation row will display on the page. You can review aggregate data from the Configure: List Aggregation page. Attribute Specifies the attribute that relates to the value you want to display in the field on the row. Example: If the column is titled Allocation, choose "Allocation Percentage" from the drop-down.

162 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Configuration Overview

Function Specifies the aggregation function for each columns aggregation row. The function selected specifies the type of calculation that you want to perform on the attribute. Values: Sum, Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation, or Variance If FTE is selected as the work effort unit of measure, and you select the Sum function, the FTE data is summed up by dividing the total hours in the month by the total work hours in the month (according to the standard calendar). For example, if you set the timescale to two decimal places and if Resource A is allocated 8.58 hours or FTE of .047, you see .05 (after rounding). If Resource B is allocated 128.0 hours or FTE of .696, you see .70 (after rounding). The sum is totaled prior to rounding each resource (.047 plus .696), then rounding is applied . 5. Click Submit. The Configure: List Aggregation page appears. The newly added row displays in the list. When you add another row, you can choose to show the variance between the two columns. 6. Click Exit to view the aggregate row on the page or portlet you started from. This returns you to that page or portlet where you can see how the new row looks and works.

Reorder Aggregation Rows

After creating multiple aggregation rows, you may want to reorder their appearance on the page or portlet. To reorder aggregation rows On the Configure: List Aggregation page, select the row you want to move, then click Reorder. The Reorder Aggregation Rows page appears. 1. Click the row you want to move, then use the Move Up (up arrow) or Move Down (down arrow) arrows to move them ahead or behind another row. 2. Click Submit.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 163

Configuration Overview

Remove Aggregation Rows

To remove an aggregation row 1. Select the row you want to remove. 2. Click Remove. The row is removed from the Configure: List Aggregation page.

Hide a Row from View

You can keep a row on the Configure: List Aggregation page, but hide it from view on the page or portlet you created it for. To hide an aggregation row 1. Remove the check mark from the Show field next to the rows name. 2. Click Save. This saves your action and hides the row from view. You can return to the Configure: List Aggregation page and select the Show field to make the row reappear on the page or portlet.

Change Aggregation Row Properties

You can change a number of display options for each aggregation row that appears on the list page from which you started. You can change the display name of the row and the columns that are aggregated and displayed. To change aggregation row properties 1. From a list page you want to change aggregation row properties, select Configure from the Actions menu. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. On the content menu, click Aggregation. The Configure: List Aggregation page appears. 3. Click the Properties icon next to the rows name. The Aggregation Row Properties page for that row appears. 4. Change the following fields as needed: Label Defines the name of the aggregation row label. Click the Translate icon to display the label in a different language. Show Indicates if the aggregation row will display on the page.

164 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Configure List Filters

Attribute Specifies the attribute that relates to the value you want to display in the field on the row. Example: If the column is titled Allocation, choose "Allocation Percentage" from the drop-down. Function Specifies the aggregation function for each columns aggregation row. The function selected specifies the type of calculation that you want to perform on the attribute. Values: Sum, Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation, or Variance. 5. Click Submit to view your changes and return to the Configure: List Options page.

How to Configure List Filters

Use the Configure: List Filter Layout page to configure the layout of list filter fields. You can do the following to configure filters for list pages: Add and remove list filter fields (see page 166). Change field setting display options (see page 167). Change filter field names and display properties (see page 167). Change field properties (see page 169).

The Available field displays a list of the available field names that you can add to the page or portlet. Available fields are those fields that are included with CA Clarity PPM out of the box but that are not used as defaults, and those that are custom made by your CA Clarity PPM administrator. The Selected (Left Column) and Selected (Right Column) fields displays a list of the filter field names that appear in those columns (whose borders are hidden). If the number of fields displayed in a filter section are small, they may all be listed in the Selected (Left Column) field. You can split those up between the Selected right and left columns if desired.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 165

How to Configure List Filters

Access List Filters

Filters sections always appear at the top of list pages. To access a list filter 1. Go to the list page you want to filter. For example, the Timesheets page or the Resource List page. 2. If the filter fields are not displayed, the filter has been collapsed. Click the [Expand Filter] link to display all of the filter fields. Once you expand the filter, the links name changes to [Collapse Filter]. You can configure filter fields when the filter is either collapsed or expanded.

Add and Remove List Filter Fields

To add or remove fields from a list filter 1. From a list page you want to add or remove list filter fields, select Configure from the Actions menu. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears by default. 2. Select Layout under List Filter Section on the content menu. The Configure: List Filter Layout page appears. 3. Make the following changes, as desired: To add an available field to the filter, select the name of the field you want to add in the Available Columns field and click the Move Right (right arrow) to move it to the Selected (Left Column) field. To move a field from the Selected (Left Column) field to Selected (Left Column) field, select it and click the Move Right (right arrow) beneath the Selected (Left Column) field. To remove a field from the filter, select the name of the field you want to remove in one of the Selected Columns fields and click the Move Left (left arrow) as needed to move it to the Available Columns field. To change the order of the fields in one of the Selected columns, select it and click the Move Up (up arrow) or Move Down (down arrow) arrows next to the field until the field appears where you want it in the list.

4. Click Save and Exit.

166 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Configure List Filters

Change List Filter Field Display Settings

To change list filter field display settings 1. From a list page you want to change list filter field display settings, select Configure from the Actions menu. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears by default. 2. Select Layout under List Filter Section on the content menu. The Configure: List Filter Layout page appears. 3. In the Settings section, complete the following fields: Section Title Defines the name of the filter. Translate Specifies the language to display the title. Default Filter State Specifies if the default filter state is expanded or collapsed. When the filter is expanded, all of its fields are displayed. When it is collapsed, its fields are hidden. Allow Power Filter Indicates if users can create and use power filters. 4. Click Save and Exit.

Change List Filter Field Names and Display Properties

Use the Configure: List Filter Fields page to change the filter field names, and to edit field display properties. The Filter Label fields display the names of the fields on the list page you started from. The Attribute field is a read-only field that displays the system name of the field. The Data Type field is a read-only field that displays the fields data type.

Change the fields to display and edit

By default, the Configure: List Filter Fields page lists the names of the default filter fields (referred to as selected). You can change this page to display only available fields, or both Available and Selected fields. Available fields are those fields that come with CA Clarity PPM out of the box but do not appear in a filter until someone configures them to do so.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 167

How to Configure List Filters

To change the type of fields to display and edit 1. From a list page you want to change the type of fields to display and edit, select Configure from the Actions menu. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. Select Fields under List Filter Section on the content menu. The Configure: List Filter Fields page appears. The change display options appear in the Display field. 3. In the Display field, choose the type of fields you want to appear on the page. Selected fields appear by default. Your other choices are Available and All, which displays both Selected and Available fields.

Change Filter Field Names

To change the names of the fields that appear in the filter 1. From a list page you want to change the names of the fields that appear in the filter, select Configure from the Actions menu. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. Select Fields under List Filter Section on the content menu. The Configure: List Filter Fields page appears. 3. In the field that contains the label you want to change, enter a new name, and click Save and Exit. Your changes are saved. The new labels are displayed on the filter page you started from.

168 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Configure List Filters

Change List Filter Field Properties

You can change a number of display options for each field that appears on the list page from which you started. Use the List Filter Field page to a change list filter fields properties. To change field display properties 1. From a list page you want to change fields display properties, select Configure from the Actions menu. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. Select Fields under List Filter Section on the content menu. The Configure: List Filter Fields page appears. 3. Click the Properties icon next to the fields name you want to change. The List Filter Field page for that field appears. 4. Change the following fields as needed: Filter Label Defines the name of the filter label as needed. Click the Translate icon to display the label in a different language. Display Type Indicates if the field will display with a drop-down menu from which users select a menu option, or a check box. Default Indicates if default fields are available on the filter, but can hidden. Required in Filter Indicates if this field is required. Hidden in Filter Indicates if this field is not visible in the filter. Read-Only in Filter Indicates if this field is a read-only in the filter. Hint Defines a short instructional or informational sentence for this field. This text will appear below the field name in the filter. Click the Translate icon if you want the hint to appear in a different language. Tooltip Defines a short tip for this field. Click the Translate icon if you want the hint to appear in a different language.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 169

Change Gantt Chart Data Display Settings

5. Click Submit.

Change Gantt Chart Data Display Settings

Use the Gantt Chart Column Settings page to configure Gantt charts. Gantt charts can be found on a number of pages. The steps for changing Gantt chart settings are the same when starting from any page with a Gantt chart. By default, Gantt charts display only one bar, the primary bar. You can change the data displayed in that bar (Total Effort, by default), and can add a secondary bar to display complimentary or contrasting data. You can also change the time configurations that display in the chart. To change the way data displays in the Gantt chart 1. From a page or portlet that contains a Gantt chart, choose Configure from the Actions menu. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. Select Fields from the content menu. The Configure: List Column Fields page appears. 3. Click the Properties icon next to the Gantt column label (for example, the Gantt column label can be "Weekly Schedule"). The Gantt Chart Column Settings page appears. 4. Change the following General settings on this page as needed: Column Label Defines the name for the main column header, which spans multiple columns. Default: Weekly Schedule Column Width Defines the percentage of the columns total width should be given to the Gantt columns. Show Column Label Indicates if the name of the column will display on the page or portlet. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Header Indicates if you want text in the column label to wrap. 5. Change the following Time Scale settings on this page as needed: Start Date Specifies the type of start date that begins the column spread. You can select a particular date, or a rolling date such as Start of Previous Month.

170 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Change Gantt Chart Data Display Settings

Time Scale Specifies the time period (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) by which data displays. Number of Time Periods Defines the number of time periods you want to see displayed. Time Period Offset Shifts the beginning of the Gantt bar relative to the Start Date. Enter a positive or negative number of time periods into the field. You must enter a Start Date first. Show Group Header Row Indicates if the timescale will display above the Gantt bar. If selected, you must select Year, Quarter, Month, or Week. 6. Change the following Primary Bar settings as needed: Item Name Attribute Specifies the type of data to display in the primary bar. Default: Total Effort. Values: Total Effort, Actuals, Baseline, and Cost Information. Start Date Attribute Defines the start date of the primary bar display. The default start date is the task start date. Finish Date Attribute Defines the finish date of the primary bar display. Default: task finish date Milestone Attribute Specifies the attribute to designate a milestone. If this field contains a non-zero value, the Gantt chart displays a diamond. Progress Through Date Attribute Specifies the attribute to define when to stop drawing the black overlay line that indicates how much work is complete. If you choose a Progress Through Date Attribute, it overrides the Progress Percent Attribute. Progress Percent Attribute Defines the percentage used to move the progress line relative to the bars length. Color Attribute Specifies the color for the primary bar.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 171

Change Gantt Chart Data Display Settings

Show Mouseover Defines the information you want to display in a text note when the mouse scrolls over an area of the Gantt chart. 7. Change the following Secondary Bar settings if you want the Gantt chart to display a secondary bar: Show Secondary Bar Indicates if the chart will display a second bar below the primary bar. Item Name Attribute Specifies the type of data to display in the secondary bar. Values: Actuals, baseline, and cost information Start Date Attribute Defines the start date of the secondary bar display. Default: task start date. Finish Date Attribute Defines the finish date of the secondary display. Default: task finish date. Progress Through Date Attribute Specifies the attribute use to stop drawing the black overlay line that indicates how much work is complete. If you choose a Progress Through Date Attribute, it overrides the Progress Percent Attribute. Progress Percent Attribute Defines the percentage used to move the progress line relative to the bars length. Show Mouseover Defines the information you want to display in a text note when the mouse scrolls over an area of the Gantt chart. 8. Click Submit.

172 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Configure Time-Scaled Values

How to Configure Time-Scaled Values

Time-scaled values are used in portlets that display data by time periods. Time-scaled values are used on a number of portlets including most of the resource planning portlets. The steps for changing time-scaled value settings are the same when starting from any page that contains these values. You can do the following: Change time periods (see page 173). Change column settings (see page 174).

Change Time Periods on Portlets

You administrator can configure additional time scale values. Note: See the Administration Guide for more information. To change the time period settings on a portlet 1. From a portlet that contains time-scaled values, choose Time-scaled Value from the Actions drop-down. The Time Period Settings page appears. 2. Change the following settings as desired: Start Date Select the type of start date that begins the column spread. You can select a particular date, or a rolling date such as Start of Previous Month. Time Scale Select the time period (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) by which data displays. Number of Time Periods Enter the number of time periods you want to see displayed. Time Period Offset Use this field to shift the first time period in the graph by a positive or negative number of weeks or months (or whatever time period you select). 3. Click Submit. Your changes are saved.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 173

How to Configure Time-Scaled Values

Configure Column Settings

This procedure explains how to configure column settings for time-sliced values in a single column in a list display. To configure column settings for time-sliced values 1. From a portlet that contains time-scaled values, choose Configure from the Actions drop-down. The Configure: List Column Layout page appears. 2. Click Fields in the content menu. The Configure: List Column Fields page appears. Select All from the Display drop-down, then edit the labels of the columns you want to update. 3. Click the Properties icon in the row that represents the column you want to configure. The column represented by the row must have a Display Type of "Time Scaled Value". The Time Scaled Value Column Settings page appears. 4. Change the following settings as desired in the General section: Value Attributes Select the primary values you want to display in the time period cells. Column Label Enter the label you want to display above the time scale column. Display Type Select Number, Bar Graph, or Column Graph from the drop down list. Decimal Places Select the number of decimal places you want to use in numeric displays. The default is two. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Header Select this field to allow words to automatically wrap in the column header. Secondary Value If you want to display stacked data in the column cells, choose a secondary value to appear with the column data. Link You can make the data in the column work as a link to another related page. The relevant, related pages are listed in this field for you to select. Allow Editing

174 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Configure Time-Scaled Values

Select this check box to enable edit mode (from the Actions menu) and allow editing of the values that display in the column. Show Legend Column Select this check box to label the individual values that display stacked in the column. Show Column Label Select this check box to label the virtual column that displays time-sliced values. 5. Change the following settings as desired in the Time Scale section: Start Date Specifies the type of start date that begins the column spread. You can select a particular date, or a rolling date such as Start of Previous Month. Time Scale Specifies the time period (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, and so on) by which data displays. Number of Time Periods Defines the number of time periods you want to see displayed. Time Period Offset Use this field to shift the first time period in the graph by a positive or negative number of weeks or months (or whatever time period you select). Show Group Header Row Select the check box and select the Year, Quarter, Semi-Month, Month, or Week (if you want to display a time scale above a Gantt bar). 6. Click Submit.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 175

How to Configure Graph Portlets

How to Configure Graph Portlets

If your CA Clarity PPM administrator has enabled the option Use Consistent Graph Colors at the system level, then as a default, all graphs are set to use the consistent color option. However, you can change this default setting at the individual graph portlet level. Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information. Enabling the usage of consistent graph colors at the system level allows you to do the following at the graph portlet level: Enable consistent colors on a temporary (per session) basis (see page 176). Configure a consistent color key and consistent colors usage (see page 177).

Temporarily Apply or Remove Consistent Colors Usage from Graphs

If the Use Consistent Graph Colors option is enabled at the system level, you can toggle between applying and not applying consistent colors at the graph level. This gives you flexibility when the colors assigned to the graph make it unreadable (for example, more than one data set displays the same color). Toggling between color states is useful when graphs with multiple metrics are used and the legend displays only one color. If consistent colors are currently applied to a graph, you can toggle to the Default Colors (that is, non-consistent colors) option in the Actions menu. Conversely, if consistent colors is currently not applied to a graph, you can toggle to the Consistent Colors option in the Actions menu. The changes you make at a graph portlet level during a CA Clarity PPM session are only available in that session. Once you log out, these changes are lost. To make the changes available outside a session, you must configure the graph portlet. To Temporarily Apply or Remove Consistent Colors from a Graph 1. Click the Actions menu for a graph portlet. 2. Select Consistent Colors or Default Colors depending on the setting (Default or Consistent) that is currently applied to the graph.

176 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Configure Graph Portlets

Configure Graph Portlets to Use Consistent Colors and Color Key

If the Use Consistent Graph Colors option is selected at the system level, you can configure a graph portlet to do the following: Use consistent colors in that graph portlet. Use a consistent color key when assigning colors to that graph portlet.

Note: To configure a graph portlet to use or not use consistent colors globally across CA Clarity PPM, your CA Clarity PPM administrator must make the change using Studio. To configure a graph portlet to use consistent colors and color key 1. Click the Actions menu for a graph portlet and select the Configure option. The Configure Options page appears. 2. In the Options section, do the following and save your changes: Click the Consistent Color Key drop-down and select a key. The list of available keys depends on the source date of the specific graph. Once a key is selected, the color palette (out-of-the-box or custom) assigns colors based on this key. Select Yes or No from the Use Consistent Colors drop-down menu. Your selection will override the selection (for this graph only) at the system level.

Chapter 10: Page and Portlet Configuration 177

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding

This section contains the following topics: About Dashboards (see page 179) By Example: Dashboards (see page 183) View a Dashboard (see page 184) Export a Dashboard (see page 185) Export a Portlet (see page 186) How to Set Up a Dashboard (see page 187)

About Dashboards
You can create portlets that show the information you want to see and place the portlets on your personal dashboard for viewing. The portlets can display information in graphical chart format or list format. You can create as many dashboards and portlets as you need. If you have more portlets than you want to show on one page, you can create a tabbed dashboard for additional pages.

Export Dashboard Data to Other Formats

You can export the contents of a dashboard or a portlet displayed in the dashboard to Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint. The maximum size for Export to Excel or Export to Powerpoint is 300 records. If you use the Export to Excel (Data Only) option, there is no limit to the number of records that can be exported. The exported data appears in Excel or PowerPoint the way that the data appears in CA Clarity PPM. You can fit the exported data to a page. This is helpful if you are exporting data to PowerPoint for a presentation. You can also choose to place each exported portlet on a separate page, rather than having all portlets fitted onto a single page as they might appear in a dashboard. In addition to exporting your own dashboards and portlets, some CA Clarity PPM pages that contain portlets, like the Overview page, can also be exported. If a page can be exported, the Actions menu will have the export options available.

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding 179

About Dashboards

Share Dashboards
When you create a dashboard, you are given the ability to view and manage the dashboard. You can choose to share the dashboard with other users, groups, or OBS groups in your organization. If you share your dashboard with another user, the dashboard also appears in the shared user's personal dashboard list where it can be selected and viewed. As the creator, you are automatically listed in the shared users list for the dashboard. Two options are available for sharing: View. This option allows a user to view the dashboard. Manager. This option allows a user to view and make changes to the dashboard properties and publish the changes to all shared versions. Give this privilege to only a few trusted users.

Personalize Dashboards
You can also allow a user to make changes to the shared copy of the dashboard that appears in the user's dashboard list. The changes apply only to the user's version and are not viewed by others. The changes remain in the user's copy until the owner of the dashboard or a user with manager rights publishes changes, which overwrites all personalized changes.

180 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

About Dashboards

Access Rights for Dashboards

Access rights to work with dashboards must be assigned to you by a CA Clarity PPM administrator. The following access rights are required to work with dashboards and portlets: Dashboard - Create Dashboard - Navigate Portlet - Create Portlet - Navigate

The access rights are global. The navigate rights provide access to the Dashboards and Portlets links in the Personal menu. The create rights allow you to create a new dashboard or portlet. In addition to the right to create and use a dashboard, you must have access rights to the information displayed in a dashboard. For example, if you want to show project information in a dashboard, you must have rights to the project. If you do not have access rights to view project information, having access to a dashboard does not automatically give you access rights to the project information. If you share a dashboard, the person you with whom you share must also have the right so see the shared information. If you have the appropriate access rights for stock CA Clarity PPM system portlets, you can select and use these portlets for your dashboards.

Dashboard and Portlet Page Comparision

Dashboard and Portlet Page Comparison The following table shows how a dashboard and a portlet page compare in terms of CA Clarity PPM functionality.

Functionality Exported Output

Dashboard Fit to page One portlet per slide or sheet

Portlet Page Fit to page

Sharing with specific users Page type



Page with tabs Page without tabs 2-column templates

Page with tabs Page without tabs 2-column templates

Portlet layout

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding 181

About Dashboards


Dashboard 3-column templates

Portlet Page 3-column templates Row layout

182 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

By Example: Dashboards

By Example: Dashboards
The following scenarios show how team members and a team manager might use a dashboard. Team Member 1: Karen Karen, a team member who is responsible for tracking project management information for multiple projects, creates a dashboard with tabs. From the details page of the new dashboard, she creates the portlets that will show the dashboard data. The portlets she creates include: Project Risks Budget Resource Allocation Milestones

She configures her dashboard by determining which portlets to present on each tab, then she adjusts the layout of portlets on each tab by dragging and dropping the portlets into position on the tab's layout section. She adds a filter for the dashboard that gives her the ability to filter information for all of the portlets at the same time. When the dashboard is complete, she views the dashboard, filters for the information that she wants, and exports a copy to PowerPoint as a test. Before each weekly team meeting, she views the dashboard to monitor each project that she tracks and exports the results to PowerPoint. The team leader includes the PowerPoint slides in the regular team meeting agenda. Team Member 2: Roberto Roberto, a team member who does not have the right to create dashboards, navigates to Dashboards. Roberto can see two dashboards shared to him by his team manager: Security Dev Team and Weekly Time Entries. Roberto views the Security Dev Team dashboard and sees that he has five assigned tasks and three bugs. He clicks on the first task to get more details and starts working on the task. Team Manager: Stan Stan, the team manager creates a dashboard with two tabs: Team Work and Team Status. He populates the tabs with portlets that he created beforehand and with stock CA Clarity PPM portlets to which he has access. Stan adds the following portlets: Team Members Bugs and Issues by Components

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding 183

View a Dashboard

Tasks by Team Member Time Entries by Team member Work Completed and Work Remaining

Stan does not allow others to personalize his dashboard. He does share the dashboard with the entire OBS development unit and the executive management team, allowing these users to view portlets in the dashboard.

View a Dashboard
To view a dashboard 1. Click Dashboards in the Personal menu. The My Dashboards page appears showing dashboards created by you or shared with you by other users. 2. Do one of the following to view a dashboard: Click the icon next to a dashboard in the list. Click the name of a dashboard to open the Dashboard: Details page and click [View Dashboard].

184 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Export a Dashboard

Export a Dashboard
A dashboard can be exported from the Dashboard: Details page or from a dashboard that has been displayed for viewing. If you are exporting a graph portlet, the graph displays in native Microsoft Office chart format. To export a dashboard from the Dashboard: Details page 1. Click Dashboards in the Personal menu. The dashboards list page appears showing your dashboards. 2. Click the name of the dashboard you want to export. The Dashboard: Details page appears. 3. Do one of the following: To export from the Dashboard: Details page without viewing the dashboard, hover the cursor over [Export] and select the export option from the menu that appears. To view the dashboard before you export, click [View Dashboard], hover the cursor over [Export] and select the export option from the menu that appears.

The File Download dialog box appears. 4. Click Open to display the file without saving or click Save to save the file.

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding 185

Export a Portlet

Export a Portlet
An individual portlet can only be exported from a dashboard that has been displayed for viewing. Some stock portlets are restricted and cannot be exported from a dashboard. If a portlet is restricted, no option for exporting appears in the portlet's Actions menu. To export a portlet 1. Display the dashboard to view the individual portlets. 2. In the Actions menu of the portlet you want to export, select one of the following options: Export to Excel. This option exports the portlet information to Excel, including any portlet charts. Export to Excel (Data Only). This option exports the portlet information to Excel but does not include charts. Export to PowerPoint.This option exports portlet information to PowerPoint, including any portlet charts.

The File Download dialog box appears. 3. Click Open to display the file without saving or click Save to save the file.

186 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Set Up a Dashboard

How to Set Up a Dashboard

Before you set up a dashboard, consider the following: The number of portlets you plan to include This can help determine whether you need tabbed pages. How the portlets will present information You can plan for the visual presentation of graphs or the statistical presentation that is possible with rows and columns. Users with whom you might share Some users may not have rights to the information you are presenting in portlets. In addition, consider individuals to whom you might give manager privileges for your dashboard. The following process shows the basic steps for setting up a dashboard 1. Create the dashboard (see page 187). 2. Configure the dashboard by adding portlets and laying out the portlets on the dashboard: Dashboard without tabs (see page 191) Tabbed dashboard (see page 191)

3. Share the dashboard (see page 193).

Create a Dashboard
To create a dashboard 1. Click Dashboards in the Personal menu. The dashboards list page appears. 2. Click New. The create page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: Dashboard Name Defines the name of the dashboard. This name appears on the title bar of the dashboard and in the list page for dashboards. Dashboard ID Defines a unique alphanumeric identifier for the dashboard.

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding 187

How to Set Up a Dashboard

Description Defines the purpose of the dashboard and provides any relevant information. Type Specifies whether the dashboard is a single page or tabbed pages. Personalizable Specifies whether users with whom you share a dashboard can change the copy that appears in their dashboards list. Personal changes made to a dashboard are local to the user who makes them. The changes are overwritten when the owner of the dashboard or a user with administrator privileges publish new changes. 4. Click Submit.

Dashboard Portlet Setup

When you click the Portlets link in the Personal Menu, the My Portlets page appears listing only the portlets you have created. When you add a portlet to a dashboard, both the portlets that you created and stock portlets to which you have access are made available for adding to the dashboard. You can create the following portlets to include in a dashboard: Interactive portlets (see page 196). These portlets present visually-rich, CA Clarity PPM information in real time. Grid portlets (see page 198). These portlets present data in rows and columns. Graph portlets (see page 210). These portlets present data in a number of different graphical formats. Filter portlets (see page 220). Use these portlets to filter a dashboard that contains multiple tabs and to keep the data on tabs in synchronization.

188 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Set Up a Dashboard

Dashboard Layout
You must open the Dashboard: Details page to complete the dashboard layout. From the details page you can: Add portlets that you have created and stock CA Clarity PPM portlets to which you have been granted access Create new portlets If you do not have the Portlet - Create access right assigned, the New Portlet icon does not appear on the Dashboard: Details page. Select a layout template Drag and drop portlets into the appropriate positions View the dashboard Export dashboard information Share the dashboard

To open the Dashboard: Details page, click Dashboards in the Personals menu, then click the name of the dashboard in the list that appears. The following illustration shows the Dashboard:Details page for a dashboard that has two tabs. In the Contents and Layout section, the Requirements tab is highlighted on the left and the portlets added to the tab show on the right. The toolbars for working with tabs and portlets are shown below the work areas. Mouse over an icon in the toolbar to display its purpose.

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding 189

How to Set Up a Dashboard

Dashboard Layout Templates To lay out a dashboard, you select a template layout that determines how many portlets appear on a row and the percentage of the dashboard width that is given to each portlet position. You can then add portlets and drag them to the position you want them to occupy in the Content and Layout section. A layout template provides a guideline for your displayed dashboard. If a portlet is large (for example, a grid portlet with many columns), it can exceed the space allotted to it on a row. When this happens, the portlet is not truncated, but the larger size is accommodated by moving portlets to another row when the dashboard displays. This means, in some cases, a displayed dashboard might not look exactly the way you design it in the Content and Layout section. The following table shows the templates available for dashboards.


Width Percentages per Row 50-50 percent

66-34 percent

25-50-20 percent

33-33-33 percent

190 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

How to Set Up a Dashboard

Configure a Dashboard Without Tabs

This procedure explains how to add portlets to a dashboard. The procedure assumes the dashboard and portlets are already created. To configure a dashboard without tabs 1. Open the Dashboard:Details page for the dashboard. 2. In the Content and Layout section, click the Add Portlet icon. A list page of available portlets appears. 3. Select the check box for each portlet you want for the dashboard and click Add. The details page appears with the portlet icons showing in the work area of the Content and Layout section. 4. Click the icon for the layout template. You can mouseover each template in the list for the column format it represents. The template you select determines how many columns appear on the dashboard and the percentage of the dashboard allotted to each column. 5. Arrange the portlets in the order you want by dragging and dropping. 6. Click Save.

Configure a Dashboard with Tabs

This procedure explains how to add tabs and portlets to a dashboard. The procedure assumes the dashboard and portlets are already created. Note: When a dashboard is created, you must designate the Type as Page with Tabs to add tabs to the dashboard. If this option was not selected at creation, you cannot add a tab. Use the Tabs section to manage the tabs for the dashboard. The following table shows toolbar icons used in the Tabs section.

Icon + Pencil Up arrow Down arrow

Purpose Creates a new tab. Removes a tab from the dashboard. Opens a tab for editing. Moves a tab up in the dashboard presentation. Moves a tab down in the dashboard presentation.

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding 191

How to Set Up a Dashboard

To add a tab to a dashboard 1. With the Dashboard:Details page for the dashboard open, click the Add Tab icon in the Content and Layout section. The create page appears. 2. Complete the following fields: Tab Name Defines the name for the tab that appears on the dashboard. Tab ID Defines a unique alphanumeric identifier for the tab. Description Defines the purpose of the tab and provides any relevant information. Personalizable Specifies whether a user who can view the dashboard can personalize this tab. The changes are local to the user who makes them. 3. Click Submit.

To configure a tab 1. With the Dashboard:Details page for the dashboard open, highlight the tab in the Contents and Layout section that you want to configure. The right pane in the Content and Layout section changes to display any existing configuration for the tab. 2. Click the Add Portlet icon in the Content and Layout section. A list page of available portlets appears. 3. Select the check box for each portlet you want to add to the dashboard and click Add. The details page appears with the portlet icons for the tab showing in the layout area. 4. Click the icon for the layout template. 5. Drag and drop the portlet icons into the position you want them to have on the tab. 6. Click Save 7. Complete the preceding steps for each tab you want to configure.

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How to Set Up a Dashboard

Share a Dashboard
You can share a dashboard with a user, a group of users, or an OBS group. When you share, the dashboard appears in the user's list of dashboards for viewing. By default, when you share, the user you share with has view only rights. You can also allow a user manager rights. This allows the user to make changes and publish the changes to all who can view the dashboard. To set up sharing for a dashboard 1. With the Dashboard: Details page for the dashboard open, click [Sharing]. 2. Click the appropriate tab to add a resource, group, or OBS unit. Note that you can select the Full View tab to see the names of users who have access to the dashboard through means other than sharing. 3. Click Add. 4. Select check boxes next to those individuals, groups, and OBS groups with whom you want to share and click Add. To give a user manager rights to a dashboard 1. On the Resources tab, locate the user to whom you want to assign manager rights for your dashboard. 2. In the Access Right column, select Manager from the drop-down. 3. Click Save.

Publish a Dashboard
You must be a dashboard manager to publish changes to a dashboard. When a dashboard manager publishes, the new changes affect every user who can view the dashboard. If a user has personalized the dashboard, those changes are overwritten by the new changes being published. To publish a dashboard 1. Click Dashboards in the Personal menu. The dashboards list page appears showing your dashboards. 2. Click the name of the dashboard you want to change and publish. The Dashboard: Details page appears. 3. Make any necessary changes to the dashboard and click Save. 4. Click Publish, then click Yes to verify that you want to publish.

Chapter 11: Personal Dashboarding 193

How to Set Up a Dashboard

Edit a Portlet in a Dashboard

To edit a portlet in a dashboard 1. Click Dashboards in the Personal menu and select the dashboard from the list that appears. The Dashboard: Details page for the dashboard appears. 2. In the Content and Layout section, place your cursor on the portlet you want to edit and select Edit. The properties page appears. 3. Make the editing changes and click Save.

Remove a Portlet from a Dashboard

If you remove a portlet from a dashboard, it is not deleted. The portlet remains in your Portlets page list of portlets. You must delete the portlet from the Portlets list page to delete it permanently. To remove a portlet from a dashboard 1. Click Dashboards in the Personal menu and select the dashboard from the list that appears. The Dashboard: Details page for the dashboard appears. 2. In the Content and Layout section, right-click the portlet you want to remove and select Remove. 3. Click Save.

194 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 12: Portlets

This section contains the following topics: About Data Providers (see page 195) Interactive Portlets (see page 196) Grid Portlets (see page 198) Graph Portlets (see page 210) Create a Filter Section for a Grid or Graph Portlet (see page 219) Filter Portlets (see page 220)

About Data Providers

You must select a data provider for each portlet you create. Data providers are special programming modules that provide field information to portlets. Data providers are shown in a list for selection. When you select a data provider, the fields the data provider supplies are shown. This preview of fields can help ensure that you select the correct data provider. The list of data providers contains the following data provider types: Object data providers. Each object, for example a project or an investment, has a data provider. A custom object created by an administrator also has a data provider. System data providers. Some data providers created for restricted CA Clarity PPM portlets are available for use by custom portlets. All available system data providers appear in the list. Queries. Queries created by a CA Clarity PPM administrator for custom portlet creation also appear in the list of available data providers.

Chapter 12: Portlets 195

Interactive Portlets

Interactive Portlets
Interactive portlets display visually rich real-time CA Clarity PPM information using Xcelsius visualizations. You can view interactive portlets and perform what if scenarios, mouse over chart areas to view additional information, or click graphical elements to open detailed information. You can create an interactive portlet and add it to your personal dashboard or your CA Clarity PPM administrator can create an interactive portlet using Studio. In addition to adding interactive portlets to a personal dashboard, you can add existing interactive portlets to your Overview page or anywhere you can personalize your pages. Interactive portlets are similar to other CA Clarity PPM portlet types. For example, your CA Clarity PPM administrator can create an interactive portlet by creating and importing an Xcelsius visualization that shows real-time data about your projects. You can add this interactive portlet to your personal dashboard. You can also add the portlet by personalizing your Overview page. Typically, your CA Clarity PPM administrator creates the Xcelsius visualizations, sets up the data connection between CA Clarity PPM and Xcelsius, and exports the visualization as .SWF files. Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can also add interactive portlets to CA Clarity PPM objects and make interactive portlets available on any page associated with the object.

Personalize Pages with Interactive Portlets

Use this procedure to add an interactive portlet to a dashboard or a dashboard tab that already has portlets added. This procedure assumes that the interactive portlet has already been created. To personalize a page with an interactive portlet 1. Click Dashboards in the Personal menu and click the dashboard name in the list that appears. The Dashboard: Details page appears. 2. If you are adding an interactive portlet to a tabbed dashboard, select the specific tab for the interactive portlet in the Tabs section. 3. In the Content and Layout section, click Add Portlet and select the interactive portlet to add. 4. Click the icon next to the filter portlet name. The Page: Filter Content Mappings page appears. This page shows the filter portlet fields listed under each portlet on the page and allows you to map corresponding portlet fields. 5. Click Save.

196 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Interactive Portlets

Create the Interactive Portlet

Use the following procedure to create an interactive portlet and import the Xcelsius visualization. You must have access to the Xcelsius visualization exported to the Flash .SWF format. Work with your CA Clarity PPM administrator to design and create the Xcelsius visualization and to help you set up your interactive portlet for real-time data transfers. Note: See the CA Clarity-Xcelsius Implementation Guide for more information. To create an interactive portlet 1. Click Portlets from the Personal menu. The Portlets page appears. 2. Click New Portlet and select Interactive Portlet from the drop-down menu that appears. The Interactive Portlet: General page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: Portlet Name Defines the name of the portlet. This name appears on the title bar of the portlet and in the list of available portlets. Portlet ID Defines a unique alphanumeric identifier for the portlet. Content Source Specifies where the data that appears in the portlet originates. Category Specifies the general area on which the portlet reports data. Description Defines the purpose of the portlet and provides any relevant information. Active Indicates the portlet is active and are visible to users. You can edit inactive portlets and activate them later. Default: Selected

Chapter 12: Portlets 197

Grid Portlets

Instance Type Specifies the type of page the portlet can be placed on. If you select General, the portlet can be added to any CA Clarity PPM page. If you select an Object, the portlet can only be added to CA Clarity PPM pages associated with that Object. Visualization File (.swf) Specifies the .SWF file used for the interactive portlet content. Click the Browse icon to select the .SWF file. Do not enter or copy the file path. 4. Click Submit. The Xcelsius visualization is imported into the interactive portlet.

Grid Portlets
You can use grids to display: Lists of resources or transactions Capacity and assignment demand for resources over time The number of overdue action items per resource per OBS unit

You can include different types of information in a grid portlet, you can include images, progress bars, time scaled values that show changes over time, aggregated fields that combine data, and Gantt charts. Design Tip If a list portlet contains too many columns, filters, and aggregated fields, the dynamic query that searches for and displays data for your page might become overwhelmed by the amount of data for which it is asked to search. This occurs when there are too many columns or too many aggregate functions for the query to manage in the database block to which it is allotted. A generic system error can occur during the query. If this occurs, remove some columns or aggregate functions from the portlet layout.

198 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Grid Portlets

Create a Grid Portlet

To create a grid portlet 1. Click Portlets in the Personal menu. The portlets list page appears showing portlets you have created. 2. Click New Portlet and select Grid Portlet from the drop-down menu. The data provider list appears. 3. Select a data provider and click Next. The create page for the grid portlet appears. Note that the fields that the data provider supplies are listed below the General section. Click Previous if the data provider does not provide the fields you need, and select another data provider. 4. Complete the following fields: Portlet Name Defines the name of the portlet. This name appears on the title bar of the portlet and in the list of available portlets. Portlet ID Defines a unique alphanumeric identifier for the portlet. Category Specifies the general area on which the portlet reports data. Description Defines the purpose of the portlet and provides any relevant information. Instance Type Specifies the type of page the portlet can be placed on. If you select General, the portlet can be added to any CA Clarity PPM page. If you select an Object, the portlet can only be added to CA Clarity PPM pages associated with that Object. 5. Click Next. The finish page appears. 6. Click Finish and Open. The portlet is created and opened so that you can complete the configuration of the portlet.

Chapter 12: Portlets 199

Grid Portlets

Determine a Grid Portlet's Columns and Layout

Use the following procedure to determine the column sort order of data that appears in a grid portlet. You can specify how columns will be sorted, filter options, and define how virtual columns or rows that are derived from your query data appear on the grid. To determine the layout of grid portlets 1. With the grid portlet open, click Layout under the List Column Section content menu. The layout page appears. 2. In the Column Layout section, select columns to include in the grid by highlighting the columns in the Available Columns list and clicking the right arrow to add them to the Selected Columns list. You can use the up and down arrows to place the selected columns in the desired order. 3. Complete the following actions in the Column Sorting section: a. b. Select the order in which columns are sorted by selecting the appropriate field in each column drop-down list. Click Ascending or Descending to determine how data is sorted within each column.

4. Click Save. To view and edit the fields that display for a grid portlet 1. With the grid portlet open, click Fields from the List Column Section content menu. The fields page appears. 2. Use the Show and Display fields to control what you see in the list by selecting columns, or a combination of both, select the correct option and click Go. 3. To make changes to how a field displays, click the Properties icon located next to the field. To determine grid display options 1. With the grid portlet open, click Options under the List Column Section content menu.

200 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Grid Portlets

2. Complete the following fields: Secondary Value Display Indicates the way that secondary values display in a grid cell. Select Mouseover only to have no secondary value display. Select Mouseover and redline to display a secondary value when a user places the pointer over a cell in a grid. This helps you compare values. For example, if you have a column called Cost and another column called Baseline Cost, you might want to display both values in one cell. To show both, you can choose Baseline Cost as the secondary value. The Cost value displays as usual; however, when a user moves the pointer over a cell in the grid, the Baseline Cost also displays. Select Show Null Secondary Values to show the secondary value even when there is no number value to show. Rows per Page Specifies the number of rows per page to display. Filter Indicates how the results appear initially. Select an option that indicates if you want immediate results or results provided after you set the filter. Highlight Row by Attribute Specifies the attribute whose row is highlighted when the attribute's value is not zero. Display Currency Code in Column For money attributes, the currency code is shown in the column. This applies only when a single currency is being used. Select the check box to display the currency code. Allow Configuration Indicates a user can make changes to the appearance of a portlet. Select the check box to allow configuration. Allow Label Configuration Indicates a user can make changes to a portlet's labels. Select the check box to allow configuration. 3. Click Save.

Chapter 12: Portlets 201

Grid Portlets

Add a Gantt Chart to a Grid Portlet

A Gantt chart is a virtual field that shows duration and progress over time. CA Clarity PPM automatically displays new virtual fields in the far right column of the list. You can move the field to a different position in the List Column layout. To add an Gantt chart field to a grid portlet 1. With the grid portlet open, click Fields under the List Column Section content menu. The field page appears. Note that you can use the Show and Display fields to select the fields you want to see on the page. 2. Click New. The create page appears. 3. Select Gantt and click Submit. The column settings page appears. 4. Complete the following fields in the General section: Column Label Defines the name that appears at the top of the column list in a grid portlet. Column Width Defines the percentage of the grid portlet that the virtual column is to occupy. Show Column Label Indicates whether the column label appears at the top of the column list. Select the check box to have the column label appear. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Header Indicates whether the text in the column label can wrap within the column. Select the check box to allow wrapping. 5. Complete the following fields in the Time Scale section: Start Date Indicates the start date for the Gantt chart. Do one of the following: Select Specific Date and enter a date or click the Datepicker icon and select a date from the calendar that appears. Select Rolling Date and select a relative date from the drop-down list.

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Grid Portlets

Time Scale Specifies the time values to show across the top of the Gantt chart. Select a value from the drop-down list. Number of Time Periods Indicates the number of time periods to be displayed. Time Period Offset Defines the number of time periods you want to shift the beginning of the Gantt bar relative to the Start Date. You must enter a Start Date value to use this option. Show Group Row Header Indicates whether to print the time scale value used. Select the check box to show the value and select the value to be shown from the drop-down list. 6. Complete the following fields in the Primary Bar section: Item Name Attribute Specifies the field name for the primary bar of the Gantt chart. Select a field from the drop-down list. Start Date Attribute Specifies the date field value to use at the beginning of the Gantt bar. Select a field from the drop-down list. Finish Date Attribute Specifies the date field value to use at the end of the Gantt bar. Select a field from the drop-down list. Milestone Attribute Specifies the field value to use as a milestone. Select a field from the drop-down list. If the field contains a non-zero value, the Gantt chart displays a diamond. Progress Through Date Attribute Specifies the date field value to use to indicate when work is complete. Select a field from the drop-down list. If you choose a Progress Through Date Attribute, the value chosen overrides the Progress Percent Attribute. Color Attribute Specifies the color. Select a color from the drop-down list. 3D Bar Indicates whether the Gantt bar has a 3-D appearance. Select the check box to have a 3-D bar.

Chapter 12: Portlets 203

Grid Portlets

Label for Bar Specifies the field label for the primary Gantt bar. Select a value from the drop-down list. Show Mouseover Indicates the values that will appear when a user moves a cursor over the bar. Select the check boxes of the items listed that you want to appear. 7. In the Show Dates on Primary Bar section, select the dates you want to show on the primary Gantt bar in the Available list and click the right arrow key to move the dates to the Selected list. 8. (Optional) To display a second bar below the primary bar for comparison purposes, check the Show Secondary Bar box and complete the fields in the section. 9. Click Save.

Add an Image to a Grid Portlet

You can add an image that links the user to another page. For example, in a Project List Column view, when a user clicks the Document Manager icon, the page for the project's document manager functions appear. CA Clarity PPM automatically displays new virtual attributes in the far right column of the list. You can move the virtual attribute to a different position in the List Column layout. To add an image field to a grid portlet 1. With the grid portlet open, click Fields under the List Column Section content menu. The field page appears. Note that you can use the Show and Display fields to select the fields you want to see on the page. 2. Click New. The create page appears. 3. Select Image and click Submit. The column settings page appears.

204 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Grid Portlets

4. Complete the following fields in the General section: Column Label Defines the name that appears at the top of the column list in a grid portlet. Show Column Label Indicates whether the column label appears at the top of the column list. Select the check box to have the column label appear. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Header Indicates whether the text in the column label can wrap within the column. Select the check box to allow wrapping. Image Specifies the image to use in the grid column. Select an image from the drop-down list. Link Specifies a page link that appears as a secondary value that the user can select. Select a page from the drop-down list. Open as Pop-up Indicates whether the page appears as a pop-up. Select the check box to have the page appear as a pop-up. Disable Link Attribute 5. Click Submit.

Add a Progress Bar to a Grid Portlet

A progress bar shows progress over time. CA Clarity PPM automatically displays new virtual attributes in the far right column of the list. You can move the virtual attribute to a different position in the List Column layout. To add a progress bar to a grid portlet 1. With the grid portlet open, click Fields under the List Column Section content menu. The field page appears. Note that you can use the Show and Display fields to select the fields you want to see on the page. 2. Click New. The create page appears. 3. Select Progress Bar and click Submit. The column settings page appears.

Chapter 12: Portlets 205

Grid Portlets

4. Complete the following fields in the General section: Column Label Defines the name that appears at the top of the column list in a grid portlet. Show Column Label Indicates whether the column label appears at the top of the column list. Select the check box to have the column label appear. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Header Indicates whether the text in the column label can wrap within the column. Select the check box to allow wrapping. Current Stage Name Specifies the field value to use for each stage in the progress bar. The value displays below the column label. Select a field from the drop-down list. Current Stage Number Specifies the field value to use for the current stage in the progress bar. Select a field from the drop-down list. Number of Stages Specifies the field value that defines the total number of stages in the progress bar. Select a field from the drop-down list. Color Attribute Specifies the color. Select a color from the drop-down list. Show Label Determines whether the name of the current stage is displayed in the progress bar. Select the check box to display the name. Column Width Defines the percentage of the grid portlet that the virtual column is to occupy. 5. Click Submit.

Add a Time-Scaled Value to a Grid Portlet

A time-scaled value field is one that you can set up on a grid portlet that shows a value for a specific period of time. A time-scaled value is based on a time-varying attribute for which a user enters values in CA Clarity PPM. Note that as a user you cannot create a time-varying attribute. Only an administrator with the appropriate rights can create a time-varying attribute.

206 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Grid Portlets

You can display multiple time-scaled values in a grid portlet. The data for the attributes displays as stacked on the page, with the information for each time-scaled value appearing in the same virtual column. The data that displays can be in units of money, numbers, or percentages. CA Clarity PPM automatically displays new virtual attributes such as a time-scaled value in the far right column of the list. You can move the virtual attribute to a different position in the List Column layout. To add a time-scaled value to a grid portlet 1. With the grid portlet open, click Fields under the List Column Section content menu. The field page appears. Note that you can use the Show and Display fields to select the fields you want to see on the page. 2. Click New. The create page appears. 3. Select Time Scaled Value and click Submit. The column settings page appears. 4. Complete the following fields in the General section: Value Attributes Indicates the time-scaled values that are to display in the virtual column. In the Available list box, select the attributes you want to list in the column and use the arrow buttons to move the attributes to the Selected list box. Column Label Defines the name that appears at the top of the column list in a grid portlet. Display Type Specifies how the time-scaled value is to display, as a number, a column graph, or a bar graph. Select the appropriate display option from the drop-down list box. Secondary Value Specifies an additional (second) value for a time-scaled value virtual column that can be displayed as a tooltip that displays when you mouse over the value in the column. Link Specifies a page link that appears as a secondary value that the user can select. Select a page from the drop-down list.

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Grid Portlets

Open as Pop-up Indicates whether the page appears as a pop-up. Select the check box to have the page appear as a pop-up. Show Legend Label Indicates whether the field label appears next to the time-scaled value in the virtual column. Select the check box to display the field label. Show Column Label Indicates whether the column label appears at the top of the column list. Select the check box to have the column label appear. 5. Complete the following fields in the Time Scale section: Start Date Indicates the start date for time period for the virtual-scaled value. Select one of the following options: Specific Date. Click the Datepicker icon to chose a date. Rolling Date. Click the down arrow to select a relative date. Use Attribute. This option appears only if you are selecting a start date for a time-scaled value for a sub-object. The field allows you to select a field from the master object on which to base the start date. Time Scale Specifies the length of time the time-scaled value is to cover. Select one of the following options: Specific Scale. Indicates by naming a specific length of time what the period for the time-scaled value is. Click the down arrow to select a specific period of time. Use Attribute. This option appears only if you are selecting a time scale for a time-scaled value for a subobject. The field lets you select a field from the master object on which to base the time scale. Number of Time Periods Indicates the number of time periods to be displayed. Time Period Offset Defines the number of time periods you want to shift the beginning of the time-scaled value relative to the Start Date. You must enter a Start Date value to use this option. Show Group Row Header Indicates whether to print the time scale value used. Select the check box to show the value and select the value to be shown from the drop-down list.

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Grid Portlets

6. Complete the following fields in the Display section: Decimal Places Specifies the number of decimal places that can appear in number fields. Alignment Specifies the text alignment in grid cells. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Header Indicates whether the text in the column label can wrap within the column. Select the check box to allow wrapping. Allow Word Wrapping in Column Indicates whether the text in the column can wrap within the column. Select the check box to allow wrapping. 7. Click Save.

Add an Aggregation Row for a Number Field to a Grid Portlet

An aggregation row shows statistical data for money or number fields that display in the aggregration row. You can choose from a number of mathematical functions to apply to the individual fields you choose for the row. You can choose maximum, minimum, average, sum, count, standard deviation, and variance. To add an aggregation row to a grid portlet 1. With the grid portlet open, click Aggregation under the List Column Section content menu. The Grid Portlet: List Aggregation page appears. 2. Click Add. The Aggregation Row Properties page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: Label Defines the name for the aggregation row. Enter the name you want to appear. Show Determines whether the name of the aggregation row is displayed. Select the check box to display the name. Attribute Specifies the field value that is to be used for aggregation. Note that all fields that you have selected for the grid portlet are present for selection but do not have to be included in the aggregation row.

Chapter 12: Portlets 209

Graph Portlets

Function Specifies the aggregation function used to calculate values for a selected field (cell) in the row. 4. Click Submit. The Grid Portlet: List Aggregation page appears.

Graph Portlets
You can use graph portlets to display query data in an easy-to-view graphical format. Before you create a graph, see the topics in this section for a detailed description of the various types of graph portlets and display options you can select when creating graphs. You might use various graph types to display the following types of information: Pie charts that show the number of projects with low, medium or high risk Pie charts that show revenue by project or OBS unit Scatter graphs that show NPV or ROI per project Bubble graphs that show NPV, ROI, and cost per project Line graphs that show resource capacity over time

Graph Portlet Types

There are several graph portlet types that you can create in CA Clarity PPM. Use the graph type that best suits the metrics in your query data. The graph type you select should not have fewer metrics than the minimum number of metrics in your query data. Graphs are best for displaying data that contains several dimensions and metrics. Dimensions are related data elements. For example, project-related data (Project ID, name, start date, etc.) is a dimension of data. If a query data also contains resource data, then the data contains two dimensions. Metrics are query values that can be measured. For example, "Actual Hours" is a metric.

Graph Type Description

One-dimensional Min. Metrics Max. Metrics

Multi-dimensional Min. Metrics Max. Metrics

210 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Graph Portlets

Graph Type Description Bar Bubble

One-dimensional Min. Metrics Max. Metrics Unlimited 3

Multi-dimensional Min. Metrics 1 3 Max. Metrics 1 3

Displays each dimension of the 1 data in a horizontal bar. Displays metrics on the 3 horizontal and vertical axes. Also provides data points on the radius to control data point size that is based on a third metric. Displays each dimension of the 1 data in a vertical bar. Displays the datas dimension 1 objects in proportional slices, like a pie chart, except the greatest values appear in the largest area of the funnel. Displays data points that are connected by lines along the axes. 1

Column Funnel

Unlimited 1

1 Not Available

1 Not Available




Displays the datas dimension 1 objects in proportional slices. Displays metrics across the x-axis and y-axis. 2

Not Available 2

Not Available 2


Create a Graph Portlet

To create a graph portlet 1. Click Portlets in the Personal menu. The portlets list page appears showing portlets you have created. 2. Click New Portlet and select Graph portlet in the drop-down menu. The data provider list appears. 3. Select a data provider and click Next. The create page for the graph portlet appears. Note that the fields that the data provider supplies are listed below the General section. Click Previous if the data provider does not provide the fields you need, and select another data provider.

Chapter 12: Portlets 211

Graph Portlets

4. Complete the following fields: Portlet Name Defines the name of the portlet. This name appears on the title bar of the portlet and in the list of available portlets. Portlet ID Defines a unique alphanumeric identifier for the portlet. Category Specifies the general area on which the portlet reports data. Description Defines the purpose of the portlet and provides any relevant information. Base Size Specifies the base size for the portlet. The values are Small, Medium, and Large. If you plan to create a single graph portlet on a personalizable page, you might select Large. If the portlet is to share a page with other portlets, you might select Small. Instance Type Specifies the type of page the portlet can be placed on. If you select General, the portlet can be added to any CA Clarity PPM page. If you select an Object, the portlet can only be added to CA Clarity PPM pages associated with that Object. 5. Click Next. 6. Select the graph type and click Next. 7. Click Finish and Open. The portlet general page appears. 8. Complete the following fields: Content Source Specifies where the data that appears in the portlet originates. Active Indicates the portlet is active and are visible to users. You can edit inactive portlets and activate them later. Default: Selected 9. Click Save.

212 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Graph Portlets

Determine a Graph Portlet's Data and Layout

This procedure explains how to determine which data displays on a graph. The procedure assumes that the basic graph has been created. To determine which data to display for a graph 1. With the graph portlet open, click Source Data in the graph Section of the content menu. 2. To select data for a graph, select the metrics you want included in the graph in the Available Metrics list and use the arrow keys to move the metrics to the Primary Axis Metrics or the Secondary Axis Metrics list. Use the arrow buttons beside the list boxes to put the metrics into the desired order. 3. Click Save.

Determine a Graph Portlet's Appearance

The following procedure explains how to determine the appearance of a graph. This procedure assumes the basic graph has been created and the data that the graph is to show has been chosen. Note: This procedure explains the basic procedure for all graphs. All fields that might occur for any graph type are included but are marked by the type of graph to which the fields apply. To determine a graph portlet's appearance 1. With the graph portlet open, click Options in the Graph Section of the content menu. The options page appears. 2. In the Options field, specify the part of the graph for which you are setting options. 3. Depending on the type of graph selected, complete the following display options and click Save. Note: The options are entered in alphabetic order rather than the order they appear on the page. Allow Configuration Indicates a user can make changes to the appearance of a portlet. Select the check box to allow configuration.

Chapter 12: Portlets 213

Graph Portlets

Allow Label Configuration Indicates a user can make changes to a portlet's labels. Select the check box to allow configuration. Angle of First Slice Defines the position of the first dividing line. Use with Pie and Funnel graphs. Axis Label Displays the metric name along the X, Y, or both axes. Use this option with: Bar. X, Y axis. Column. X, Y axis. Line. X, Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X axis.

Crosses Opposite Axis At Defines the intersection point of the axis. Use this option with: Bar. Y axis. Column. X axis. Line. X axis. Bubble and Scatter. X axis.

Category Labels Specifies for the X axis of column and line graphs and the Y axis of bar graphs the labels that appear along the category axis. For example, if a column graph shows five months of data with three metrics (shown as red, green and blue bars), the months are the categories and this field determines the label that appears on each one. Datapoint Labels Specifies the data name to be applied next to the value on the graph. Use this option with all data types.

214 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Graph Portlets

Decimal Places Defines the number of decimal places to display for numbers. Use this option with: Bar. X axis. Column. Y axis. Line. Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Display Units Specifies how values are rounded up. Select a value for rounding from the drop-down list. Use this option with: Filter Indicates how the results appear initially. Select an option that indicates if you want immediate results or results provided after you set the filter. Link Specifies a page link that appears as a secondary value that the user can select. Select a page from the drop-down list. Logarithmic Indicates that the data points are to be plotted and shown on the axis major grid lines as a logarithmic scale, that is, as a power of 10 rather than a regular linear scale. Major Tick Marks Specifies if major tick marks appear on the axis. Major tick marks are used to identify major intervals on a graph. For example, the numbers 5, 10, 15, and so on may be highlighted with major tick marks. Bar. X axis. Column. X, Y axis. Line. X, Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis. Bar. X axis. Column. Y axis. Line. Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Chapter 12: Portlets 215

Graph Portlets

Major Unit Increment Defines the interval of major ticks on the axis. Use this option with: Bar. X axis. Column. Y axis. Line. Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Maximum Value Defines the greatest value to display on the axis. Use this option with: Bar. X axis. Column. Y axis. Line. Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Minor Tick Marks Specifies if minor tick marks appear on the axis. Use this option with: Bar. Y axis. Column. X, Y axis. Line. X, Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Minor Unit Increment Defines the interval of minor tick marks on the axis. Use this option with: Bar. X axis. Column. Y axis. Line. Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

216 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Graph Portlets

Mouseover Labels Specifies the data values to show when a user moves the cursor over a graph value. Uses with all graph types. Other Category Threshold Defines the data point at which all records for a specified value are grouped into a category called Other. Use this option if too many items appear on the graph. Use this option with: Bar Column Line Pie and Funnel

Reverse Specifies that the axis goes from maximum value to minimum value. The standard is for an axis to go from minimum to maximum value. Show Axis Indicates whether the Axis line displays. Use this option with: Bar. X, Y axis. Column. X, Y axis. Line. X, Y, axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Show Legend Indicates a legend is to be displayed for the graph. Use with all graph types. Select the check box to display a legend. Show Line Markers Indicates that data points on the graph; otherwise, only a line displays. Available for line graphs. Select the check box to show line markers. Show Lines Indicates that lines are to connect the data points. Available for line graphs. Select the check box to show lines.

Chapter 12: Portlets 217

Graph Portlets

Show Major Grid Lines Indicates whether major grid lines display on the graph. Use this option with: Bar. X, Y axis. Column. X, Y axis. Line. X, Y, axis.

Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis. Show Minor Grid Lines Indicates whether minor grid lines display on the graph. Use this option with: Bar. X, Y axis. Column. X, Y axis. Line. X, Y, axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Show Separator Specifies that a comma is to separate values greater than 999 (for example, 1,000). Use this option with: Bar. X axis. Column. Y axis. Line. Y axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Show Tick Labels Indicates whether tick labels display on the graph. Use this option with: Bar. X, Y axis. Column. X, Y axis. Line. X, Y, axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

Show Title Indicates that the portlet name is to display. Available for all graph types. Select the check box to show the portlet name. Sort Column Indicates a column is to be the default sort item. This option is available for column graphs.

218 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Create a Filter Section for a Grid or Graph Portlet

Sub-type Indicates the metrics are to display as separate bars rather than a single merged bar. Select the sub-type that is desired. This option is available for bar and column graphs. Tick Label Angle Sets the angle of a label used with tick marks. Use this option with: Bar. X, Y axis. Column. X, Y axis. Line. X, Y, axis. Bubble and Scatter. X, Y axis.

4. (Optional) If you are configuring a line graph, select Guides in the Options field and click New, then complete the following fields and click Submit: Axis Specifies the axis for which guides are being set. Label Defines the name for the axis. Enter the name you want to appear. Show Label Determines whether the name of the axis displays. Select the check box to display the name. Type Identifies the source of the information that displays on the guide. Select the appropriate option. If you are selecting a type for an X axis, you can only select an attribute. If you are selecting a type for a Y axis, select either the fixed value or the percentage and fill in the amount. Color Specifies the color for the guide.

Create a Filter Section for a Grid or Graph Portlet

You can add a list filter section for your grid or graph portlet to find quickly information in the portlet when it is included in a dashboard. You can choose the fields to include in the filter section. To set up a filter section for your portlet 1. With the portlet open, click Layout in the List Filter Section. The layout page appears.

Chapter 12: Portlets 219

Filter Portlets

2. In the Layout section, select the fields in the Available list box that you want to include and click Add Field to move the fields to the Selected left column. Use the Move Field arrows to move fields between the Selected list boxes. The order that you place fields in the list boxes is the order that shows in the filter. Use the up and down arrows to control the order inside a list box. 3. Complete the following fields in the Settings section: Section Title Defines the text that will appear at the top of the section for the filter. Default Filter State Specifies whether the filter's initial display is expanded or collapsed. Allow Power Filter Specifies whether the filter will provide advanced search features. Select the check box to provide the advanced search features. 4. Click Save. To determine the properties of individual fields that display in a filter 1. With the portlet open, click Fields in the List Filter Section. 2. Choose the fields you want to see listed by making a selection in the Display field. 3. To change a field's information, click the Properties icon next to the field, enter the new information, and click Save. 4. Click Save and Exit.

Filter Portlets
Filter portlets coordinate filtering operations across portlets in CA Clarity PPM. A filter portlet contains defined placeholder filter fields that are mapped to attributes in grid and graph portlets. When you configure and publish a filter portlet on a page with grid or graph portlets, CA Clarity PPM users can filter the page content across portlets using the portlet's fields. When a user clicks the filter portlet's Filter button, the following occurs: All portlets configured to work with the filter portlet are filtered using the filter portlet values. Filter portlet values appear in the filters of portlets on the page. The portlet attribute must be mapped to the filter portlet field for the value to display. A filter portlet can contain fields that do not display in all portlets. In this case, the affected portlets still filter on the filter portlets values, even if the values are not displayed.

220 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Filter Portlets

You can configure a filter portlet to appear on a page in the following ways: Standalone filter section for a tabbed or non-tabbed page Toolbar section in a tabbed or non-tabbed page

You can add fields of the following data types to a filter portlet: Boolean Date Lookup Money Multivalued Lookup Number String URL

Filter Precedence
The following table shows how filter precedence works when multiple filters are mapped to a filter portlet.

Filter from this portlet Filter portlet

Result The filter portlet has precedence and determines the filter values for all portlet attributes mapped to filter portlet fields. The user sees the following behavior: Show All selected at the filter portlet level initiates a Show All behavior for all portlets mapped to the filter portlet. Any portlet attribute that is not mapped does not have its value overridden. Data that displays in an individual portlet is reset, and the result set that appears is determined by the filter criteria of the filter portlet combined with the portlets filter criteria of unmapped portlet attributes. Portlets that have no mapped attributes are not affected by the filter portlet.

Grid or graph portlet

The portlet filter has precedence. The user sees the following behavior: If a user clicks Show All on the portlet filter, all the filter records for the portlet appear. Portlet filter

Chapter 12: Portlets 221

Filter Portlets

Filter from this portlet

Result values always override the filter values of previously submitted filter portlet requests.

Scope of Filter Portlets

You can configure a filter portlet to share filter values for the following levels in the CA Clarity PPM application: Page level Filter values are not shared across pages. Application level Filter values are shared across pages. For a filter portlet to be application level, the same filter portlet must be added to each page. Important! Scope for filter portlets is based on the use of the same filter portlet across pages. Different filter portlets cannot be configured to share and persist filter request values. The scope across pages is determined by the selection of the Persist option for the filter portlet to persist its filter request values and the mapping of the filter portlet fields to the attributes of portlets on the pages.

Filter Persistence
The following rules determine which filters values persist as filter criteria: If the scope of a filter portlet is page level, the filter portlet field values persist only within that page. If the scope is application level, the filter portlet used last has its field values persisted across pages. If multiple filter portlets are present on a page, the fields of the most recently used filter portlet are persisted. This is true for both page-level and application-level cases.

222 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Filter Portlets

How to Set Up a Filter Portlet

Before you create a filter portlet to use on a page, identify the following: All portlets that are to appear on the page Fields on each of the portlets that you want to map to the filter portlet fields

For a filter portlet to work, its fields must be mapped to the appropriate fields in the portlets that provide content on the page. The following steps show how to configure a filter portlet for a page: 1. Create the filter portlet (see page 224). 2. Add fields to the filter portlet: Add a Boolean, date, money, number, string, or URL field. Add a lookup or multi-value lookup field (see page 226).

3. Determine the field layout on the filter portlet (see page 228). 4. Add the filter portlet to a dashboard (see page 229).

Chapter 12: Portlets 223

Filter Portlets

Create a Filter Portlet

To create a filter portlet 1. Click Portlets in the Personal menu. The portlets list page appears showing portlets you have created. 2. Click New Portlet and select Filter Portlet from the menu that appears. The create page appears. 3. Complete the following fields. 4. Filter portlet fields: Portlet Name Defines the name of the portlet. This name appears on the title bar of the portlet and in the list of available portlets. Portlet ID Defines a unique alphanumeric identifier for the portlet. Content Source Specifies where the data that appears in the portlet originates. Category Specifies the general area on which the portlet reports data. Description Defines the purpose of the portlet and provides any relevant information. Active Indicates the portlet is active and are visible to users. You can edit inactive portlets and activate them later. Default: Selected Instance Type Specifies the type of page the portlet can be placed on. If you select General, the portlet can be added to any CA Clarity PPM page. If you select an Object, the portlet can only be added to CA Clarity PPM pages associated with that Object. 5. Click Next. The finish page appears. 6. Click Finish and Open. The portlet is created and opened so that you can complete the configuration.

224 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Filter Portlets

Add a Field to a Filter Portlet

To add a field to filter portlet 1. With the filter portlet open, click Fields in the content menu. The field list page appears. 2. Click Add. The properties page for fields appears. 3. Complete the following fields. Note that fields can vary depending on the data type selected. You may not see all of the fields listed. Field Name Defines the field name you want to appear in the filter portlet. Field ID Defines a unique alphanumeric identifier for the field. Description Defines the purpose of the field and provides any relevant information. Data Type Specifies the data type for the field. Display Type Specifies how the field is to be used by to the user. Possible values include: Browse, Text Entry, Numeric Range, Pull-Down, Date, or Date Range. Show as Percent Indicates if the value entered in the field should be shown as a percent. Select the check box to show the value as a percentage. Filter Default Specifies the value that appears in the filter field as the default value. If the filter portlet associated with this field is published to a dashboard as the filter default, this value will be applied to the portlet attributes mapped to this field. Width Defines the width of the field. If you leave the field blank, the field receives the default, which is 30 pixels. The default for date fields is 20 pixels. Required in Filter Specifies that a value is required in the field when a filter request is executed. If you select this check box, you must enter a value in the Filter Default field.

Chapter 12: Portlets 225

Filter Portlets

Hidden in Filter Specifies that the field does not display in the filter at runtime, but the default value of the field is included when a filter request is executed. Select the check box to hide the field in the filter. If you select this field, you must provide a value in the Default Filter field. Read-Only in Filter Specifies that the field displays with a default value that cannot be edited by a user. Select the check box to make the field read only in the filter. If you select this field, you must provide a value in the Default Filter field. Hint Provides a short message that helps a user use the field. Tooltip Provides a short message that displays when the user moves a cursor over the field. 4. Click Submit.

Add a Lookup or Multi-valued Lookup Field to a Filter Portlet

Use the following procedures to add a lookup or multi-valued lookup field to a filter portlet. Lookup fields display a drop-down or browse list from which users can select items. To add a lookup or multi-valued lookup field to a filter portlet 1. With the filter portlet open, click Fields in the content menu. The field list page appears. 2. Click Add. The properties page for fields appears. 3. Complete the following fields: Field Name Defines the field name you want to appear in the filter portlet. Field ID Defines a unique alphanumeric identifier for the field. Description Defines the purpose of the field and provides any relevant information.

226 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Filter Portlets

Data Type Specifies the data type for the field. Select Lookup or Multivalued Lookup. Display Type Specifies how the field is to be used by to the user. Possible values include: Browse, Text Entry, Numeric Range, Pull-Down, Date, or Date Range. Lookup Specifies a list of lookup values that appears in the field for the user to choose from. The user views the list according to the display type selected. Click the Browse icon to select the lookup list. 4. Click Save. The fields on the page change to reflect the lookup you select and its data source (static or dynamic). Some of the fields listed in this section may not show on your page. Lookup Style Indicates how many items a user can select for the field when the lookup is executed. Entry (Static dependent lookup lists only). Defines the starting point for the data a user sees listed in the lookup field. Select a level in the Level field or click the Browse icon and select a parent lookup value. Exit (Static dependent lookup lists only). Defines the end point of the data a user sees listed in the lookup field. Filter Default Specifies the value that appears in the filter field as the default value. If the filter portlet associated with this field is published to a dashboard as the filter default, this value will be applied to the portlet attributes mapped to this field. Required in Filter Specifies that a value is required in the field when a filter request is executed. If you select this check box, you must enter a value in the Filter Default field. Hidden in Filter Specifies that the field does not display in the filter at runtime, but the default value of the field is included when a filter request is executed. Select the check box to hide the field in the filter. If you select this field, you must provide a value in the Default Filter field.

Chapter 12: Portlets 227

Filter Portlets

Read-Only in Filter Specifies that the field displays with a default value that cannot be edited by a user. Select the check box to make the field read only in the filter. If you select this field, you must provide a value in the Default Filter field. Hint Provides a short message that helps a user use the field. Tooltip Provides a short message that displays when the user moves a cursor over the field. 5. If you selected a parameterized lookup in the Lookup field, complete the mappings in the Lookup Parameter Mappings section. This section is visible only for parameterized lookups. See the Administration Guide for more information. 6. Click Submit.

Determine the Layout of Fields on Filter Portlets

Use this procedure after you have created the filter portlet and its fields to determine the placement of the fields within the filter portlet when it is rendered on a portlet page. The displayed list order of fields is how the fields appear in the Section view on a portlet page. If the Toolbar view is selected for the filter portlet, the fields display in a different order. The left column is equivalent to the top row and the right column is equivalent to the bottom row on the portlet. The left and right columns represent where the fields display on the portlet page. To determine the layout fields on a filter portlet 1. With the filter portlet open, click Layout in the content menu. The layout page appears. 2. In the Layout section, move the filter fields to the appropriate column list box by highlighting the fields and clicking the appropriate Move Field buttons. The field is moved. 3. Change the order of the fields in the list boxes by highlighting a field and clicking the up and down arrows to move it in the list. The field is moved within the list.

228 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Filter Portlets

4. Complete the following fields in the Settings section: Render As Indicates how you want the filter portlet to appear on the published dashboard. Select Toolbar or Section. If you select toolbar, the default filter state is fixed as Expanded. Default Filter State Indicates whether the filter portlet is to display on the dashboard as expanded or collapsed. 5. Click Save.

Add a Filter Portlet to a Personal Dashboard

Use this procedure to add a filter portlet to a dashboard or a dashboard tab that already has portlets for content added. The procedure explains how to add the filter portlet and map the filter portlet fields to the attributes of other portlets that appear on the page. The procedure assumes that the filter portlet has already been created. To add a filter portlet to a page 1. Click Dashboards in the Personal menu and click the dashboard name in the list that appears. The Dashboard:Details page appears. 2. If you are adding a filter portlet to a tabbed dashboard, select the specific tab for the filter portlet in the Tabs section. 3. In the Content and Layout section, click Add Portlet and select the filter portlet to be added. The portlet appears in the Content and Layout section and in the list of filters in the Filters section. If you are adding a filter portlet to a dashboard with multiple tabs, the portlet appears in the All Filters across Tabs section. All filters for all tabs are listed in this section. 4. Make the following adjustments. (Optional) If you are adding the filter portlet to pages and you want the values in the filter to persist when you move from one page to another, select the Persist check box. Filter values will persist only across pages that use the same filter portlet. (Optional) Select the Default option for the desired page filter default. The first filter published to the page is the page filter default unless a selection indicates otherwise.

Chapter 12: Portlets 229

Filter Portlets

5. Click the icon next to the filter portlet name. The Page: Filter Content Mappings page appears. This page shows the filter portlet fields listed under each portlet on the page and allows you to map corresponding portlet fields. 6. In the Mapping Field drop-down, for each entry, select the portlet attribute (field) that you want to map to the filter portlet field. The values that appear in the drop-down are filtered based on the data type of the filter portlet field being mapped. If you are mapping lookup attributes, the filter portlet field and the portlet attribute must have the same lookup ID. If a filter portlet field is not mapped to at least one portlet attribute on the page, the field does not display in the filter portlet. If a filter portlet does not have at least one field mapped, the filter portlet does not display on the page.

7. Select the Hide If Empty check box to hide the portlet if a value is not entered in the corresponding filter portlet field during a filter request. If you check the box for multiple attributes in a portlet, a blank corresponding filter portlet field for any of the attributes will cause the portlet not to appear. 8. Click Save.

230 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 13: Viewing and Posting Discussion Topics

Users with the appropriate access rights can access Discussions from within certain objects. Discussion allows its users to post discussion topics and reply to topics and messages. This section contains the following topics: About Discussions (see page 231) How to Manage Project or Programs Discussions (see page 232) Create New Discussion Topics (see page 233) Post Messages to Discussion Topics (see page 234) Post Replies to Messages (see page 235) View Discussion Threads (see page 236) Display the Participants of a Discussion Topic (see page 237) Modify Topics and Messages (see page 238)

About Discussions
Use the Discussion feature to exchange ideas and communicate in a common location on subjects relevant to the participating resources. This feature is available from the following locations: Projects and Programs Requisitions Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information. You must have certain access rights to use discussions from these locations. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information.

Chapter 13: Viewing and Posting Discussion Topics 231

How to Manage Project or Programs Discussions

Discussion Terminology
The following provides definitions of the standard message board terms you will see when using discussions: Topic A topic is the top-level grouping for a message. Topics consist of a topic name (subject) and participants. Each topic can contain any number of threads. Thread A thread consists of a message and all of the responses to it. Message A message is the conversation part of a thread. Reply A reply is a response to a message, or to another response.

How to Manage Project or Programs Discussions

Depending on your access rights, you can take the following actions from a Discussions tab: Create a new discussion topic (see page 233). Post replies (see page 235). View the discussion thread (see page 236).

The steps and actions you can take from a Discussions tab are the same regardless of whether you start from within a project or program. Use the Project or Program Collaboration: Topics page to access your projects discussion topics. To view this page, open the Projects list page, and click the Discussions icon for the project you would like to access discussions.

232 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Create New Discussion Topics

Create New Discussion Topics

Only users who are collaboration managers can create new discussion topics. By default, the user who creates projects or programs is the collaboration manager. Additional collaboration managers can be designated. Use the Project Discussion: Topics page to create new discussion topics. To view this page, open the project, and select the Discussions tab. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. To create a new discussion topic 1. On the Projects list page, click the Discussions icon. The Project Collaboration: Topics page appears. 2. Click New. The Discussion Topic: Properties page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: Topic Name Defines the name of the topic. Access Specifies the access applied to this discussion. To grant discussion access to all of the projects or programs participants, click All Resources/Groups. Default: All Resources/Groups Selected Resources/Groups Specifies the individuals who can participate in the discussion. Click the Browse icon to select the resources you want to add. 4. Click Submit. The topic you created displays in the list on the Project Discussions: Topics page.

Chapter 13: Viewing and Posting Discussion Topics 233

Post Messages to Discussion Topics

Post Messages to Discussion Topics

Only project or programs participants with the appropriate access rights can view and post messages to discussion topics. The messages you post display indented beneath the related discussion topic on the Project Discussions: Messages page. To view this page, open the project, and select the Discussions tab. To post a message to a discussion topic 1. On the Projects or Programs list page, click the Discussions icon next to the project or program to which you want to post a message. The Project/Program: Collaboration: Topics page appears. 2. Click the name of the topic to which you want to respond. The Project/Program: Collaboration Project Discussions: Messages page appears. 3. Click New. The Discussion Message: Properties page appears. 4. Complete the following fields: Subject Defines the message's subject. Message Text Defines the message's text. Access Defines the resources to which have access to this message. Values: All Resources/Groups. To add all of the projects participants. Selected Resources/Groups. To locate and add specific individuals to the discussion, and then click the Browse icon. The Browse Resources window appears, from which you can select the resources you want to add.

Default: All Resources/Groups Attach a Document Defines the path of the document you want to attach to this message. Click the Browse icon to find and attach a document for other discussion participants to view.

234 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Post Replies to Messages

Notify Participants Specifies whether you want discussion recipients to receive an email notification that a new message has arrived for their review. Default: Selected 5. Click Submit. This message displays in the list on the Project Discussions: Messages page beneath the topic name.

Post Replies to Messages

Only project or programs participants with the appropriate access rights can view and post replies to posted messages on a discussion topic. The replies you post display indented beneath the related message on the Project Discussions: Messages Replies page. To view this page, open the project, select the Discussions tab, and click the name of the message to which you want to reply. To post a reply to a message 1. On the Projects list page, click the Discussions icon. The Project Collaboration: Topics page appears. 2. Click the name of the message to which you want to reply. The Project Discussions: Messages Replies page appears. 3. Click New. The Discussion Reply Message: Properties page opens. 4. Complete the following fields: Subject Defines the subject for your reply. Message Text Specifies your reply. Attach a Document Specifies the document attachment for other discussion participants to view. Click the Browse icon to attach a document. Notify Participants Indicates if discussion recipients will receive notification by email that a new discussion message has arrived for their review. When this check box is clear, participants will not receive a notification.

Chapter 13: Viewing and Posting Discussion Topics 235

View Discussion Threads

5. Click Submit. The message you created displays in the list on the Discussion: Messages Replies page. Click the name of the subject to open and read it.

View Discussion Threads

A discussion thread consists of a topic, messages, and replies to the message. Use the Project or Program Discussions: Messages page or the Project or Program Discussions: Messages Replies page to view discussion threads. To view this page, open the project, select the Discussions tab, and click the name of the topic to which you want to view a discussion thread. In the Replies column, you can view the number of responses that have been posted to the message. Use this page to view the content of messages, including the name of the topic and any posted replies. To view a discussion thread for a project or program 1. On the Projects list page, click the Discussions icon. The Project or Program Collaboration: Topics page appears. 2. Click the name of the topic to which you want to view a discussion thread. The Project or Program Discussions: Messages page appears. 3. Click the name of a message or reply to open it. You can view or reply to open messages or replies. You can create a new reply at any thread level. For example, you can reply to a reply. Click New to respond to the message that is open on that page. You can view one open message or reply at a time.

236 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Display the Participants of a Discussion Topic

Expand and Collapse Discussion Threads

You can expand the thread to view all of the replies to a message, and collapse it back up to the message level when you are finished. Expanding a thread When you expand a thread, you can see the expanded view of the message you selected. To expand a thread, select the message or reply whose contents you want to view, and click Expand. Collapsing a thread When you collapse a thread, the message or reply displays only its subject line. To collapse a thread, select the message or reply whose contents you want to collapse, and click Collapse.

Display the Participants of a Discussion Topic

To view the discussion participants 1. On the Projects or Programs list page, click the Discussions icon. The Project or Program Collaboration: Topics page appears. 2. Click the View Participants icon to the left of the topic for which you want to view participants. The View Discussion Participants window opens and displays a list of the resources who have access to that discussion. You can click the View Participants icon from the Message level as well. 3. To close the View Discussion Participants window, click Close. This returns you to the Discussions tab.

Chapter 13: Viewing and Posting Discussion Topics 237

Modify Topics and Messages

Modify Topics and Messages

Once posted, authors can change the resources who have access to discussion topics or messages. Authors cannot change topic or message or topic once it is posted. Only resources who are collaboration managers for the specified investment can delete discussion topics and messages.

Change a Resources Access to Discussions

Use the Project Discussions: Messages page to modify the resource access at the topic and message level. To change a resources access to a message or topic 1. On the Projects or Programs list page, click the Discussions icon. The Project Collaboration: Topics page appears. 2. Click the Modify Message icon to modify a message or topic. The Discussion Message: Properties page (or the Discussion Topic: Properties page, if you are modifying a topic) opens. 3. Modify resource access as needed. 4. Click Submit.

Delete Discussion Topics or Messages

Only the resource who is the collaboration manager can delete discussion topics or messages. When you delete a topic, its messages and replies are also deleted. When you delete a message, all of its replies are deleted. To delete a topic or message 1. On the Projects list page, click the Discussions icon. The Project Collaboration: Topics page appears. 2. Select the topic or message you want to delete, and click Delete. The Delete Confirmation page displays. 3. Confirm the prompt by clicking Yes. The topic or message no longer appears on the Discussions tab.

238 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 14: Lists

This section contains the following topics: Hierarchical Lists (see page 239) Actions Menu (see page 241)

Hierarchical Lists
A hierarchical list, like a standard list, displays a list of items on a list page that you can sort, filter, or configure. Unlike standard flat lists, hierarchical lists are expandable and collapsible. The items or records in the list are displayed in levels and may have relationships to lower level items or records. A relationship exists between a parent and a child item when an item is indented to the right of and below its parent. At the top level of the hierarchy is the parent and at the lowest level are the child items.

Sort Hierarchical Lists

You can sort the top level rows, the parent items, in hierarchical lists. When sorted, the child items inherit the sorting criteria. For example, if you sort the list in ascending order, the parent and child items are sorted in ascending order. You can sort any of the columns in an hierarchical list. To sort a column, click the column header. For example, to sort the Service Hierarchy: Financial Rollup list page by investment name, click the Child column header. When sorted, an arrow appears in the column header. To reverse the sort order, click the column header again. Do the same to sort by any other column header. When you sort hierarchical lists, all levels are collapsed.

Chapter 14: Lists 239

Hierarchical Lists

Expand and Collapse Rows in Hierarchical Lists

You can expand a row to view all of the child items, and collapse it back up to the parent level when you are finished. Click the rows Plus or Minus icon to expand or collapse the rows child items. To expand a row in a hierarchical list 1. Open the page containing the hierarchical list. The page appears. 2. Click the Plus icon next to the row whose contents you want to view. The expanded view of the row you selected appears with a list of the child items beneath it. To collapse a row in a hierarchical list 1. Open the page containing the hierarchical list. The page appears. 2. Click the minus box next to the row whose contents you want to hide. The collapsed view of the row you selected appears with only the parent item displaying.

Filter Hierarchical Lists

When you apply a filter to an hierarchical list, any existing expanded rows collapse. The matching items or records include its parent and up the hierarchy to the top level item; all of these rows display collapsed.

Configure Hierarchical Lists

You can do many of the same tasks from hierarchical lists as you can do from standard flat lists: Configuring the hierarchical list. Editing cells in hierarchical lists. Exporting CA Clarity PPM data in hierarchical lists to Excel.

240 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Actions Menu

Actions Menu
All list pages display the Actions menu that includes options which allow you to manipulate the lists displayed on these pages by performing certain actions. For example, you can configure the Resources page to add a new Department field to your list of resources, or set it in edit mode so you can edit the records in the list directly on the list. You can change list pages in the following using the Actions menu: Edit the fields on the page Configure the page layout Sort the page by multiple columns Export the data on the page to Microsoft Excel

Similarly, you can sort list pages by multiple columns or export and view all the listed data at once in an Excel spreadsheet format. If the page includes a Gantt chart or time scaled values, additional options appear in the Actions menu for manipulating the charts or the time scale values. The Actions menu is available from all list pages that allow configuration.

Access the Actions Menu

The Actions menu appears on all list pages that allows configuration (for example, a list of resources). To access the Actions menu from a list page 1. Open the list page from which you want to access the Actions menu. 2. Click the Actions menu near the top-right of the page. 3. Select the user action you want to take: Configure A number of fixed options are provided that you can use to change the appearance of the fields and columns on a page. You can delete fields or portlets from a page, or move them to a different part of the page. Or you may want to add fields or portlets to a page. Use the Configure option to configure your page layout. Multisort You can change the order in which data is displayed on a page by changing the sort order of the columns on the page. Use the Multisort option to change your page layout.

Chapter 14: Lists 241

Actions Menu

Export to Excel To fully utilize the application and to perform statistical operations, such as SUM and AVERAGE, you can export column and fields to Microsoft Excel. Use the Export to Excel option to export data from the CA Clarity PPM page to an Excel spreadsheet. Edit Mode You can edit some of the fields on a list page. Editable fields vary from page to page but typically include fields where you can enter data manually or select data from a list. Use the Edit Mode option to edit the data fields on a page. Gantt This option appears on a page that includes a Gantt chart or time scaled values. Use this option to change the data or layout on a Gantt chart. Time Scaled Value This option appears on a page that includes a Gantt chart or time-scaled values. Use this option to change time scaled values or time period cells.

Change Column Sort Order

You can change the sort order of the columns on list pages to sort by multiple columns. To change the sort order of the columns 1. Open a list page. 2. Click the Actions menu and choose Multisort. The Sort By Multiple Columns page appears. 3. Complete the following fields: First Field Select the column that will lead the sort order. Data on the page will display in the alphabetical or numeric order indicated by the type of data in this column (if text, alphabetical; if numbers, numeric). Second Field Select the column that will define the second order of the sort. For example, if you choose User Name in the first field, and ID in the second, the application will first sort the list by user name and then by ID name or number. Third Field Choose the column that will define the third order of the sort.

242 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Actions Menu

Fourth Field Choose the column that will define the fourth order of the sort. 4. For each selection you make in a Column field, indicate the direction of the sort for that column (that is, ascending or descending). 5. Click Submit. This returns you to the page you started. In addition to the multiple sort order page, you can initiate a sort directly from the list page. To initiate a sort directly from a list page 1. Open a list page. 2. In the list section of the page, click the name of a column header. An arrow appears next to the columns name to indicate the direction of the sort. Data on the page is listed in alphabetical or numeric order according to the data in this field. 3. To reverse the sort order, click the column header again.

Data Export
The list page for an object in the CA Clarity PPM that displays a list of all filtered results. The returned list of results can sometimes be long and span multiple pages. To see all of the results, you must click each pagination link. To fully utilize statistical operations within the application, such as SUM and AVERAGE, you can export column and field data from a CA Clarity PPM page containing a list to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This is especially helpful when the list extends over multiple pages in the application. There is no limit to the number of rows that you can export from CA Clarity PPM to Excel. Before exporting data to Excel, make sure to do the following: You are exporting the returned results and have not applied any pagination. You are running Microsoft Excel, Version 2002 or higher.

To export data from a list page to an Excel spreadsheet 1. Open a list page containing the data you want to export. 2. Click the Actions menu and choose Export to Excel. The File Download page appears. 3. Open the list as an Excel spreadsheet or save it to your local desktop.

Chapter 14: Lists 243

Actions Menu

How Data Transfers from CA Clarity PPM to Excel

When you export CA Clarity PPM data to Microsoft Excel, the format settings for each column in the application are also exported to Microsoft Excel. Any formulas used for aggregating or comparing column values are also exported. You can expect certain changes in how data is displayed in Excel. The following list describes what to expect when exporting data from CA Clarity PPM to Excel. String String URL Hyperlinked string Grid columns with links If the link is an image then the column data in Excel is the image description (alternate text). Boolean image or value Yes/No Number or formula or virtual icon column (such as image, stoplight, value or range description Up to three columns: one for value (number), one for range description, and one narrow column with background color if stoplights are displayed. Formulas export actual values, not the formulas themselves. Date Date formatting is preserved. Money Two columns: numeric value and currency code. Correct number of decimal places is preserved. Virtual Gantt primary bar data Three columns: item name, start date, and end date, in addition to a Gantt chart column header prefix to show they all belong together. Virtual Gantt secondary bar data Three columns: item name, start date, and end date, in addition to a Gantt column header prefix to show they all belong together and are different from the primary bar.

244 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Actions Menu

Virtual progress bar Three columns: current stage name, current stage number, and number of stages, in addition to a Progress column header prefix to show they all belong together. Column header(s) If present in CA Clarity PPM, this value is shown. Secondary value Appears in a separate column; the column header title uses the attribute name. Time scale values One column for each time slice (years, months, quarters, weeks, or days) in addition to a Gantt column header prefix to show they all belong together. Aggregation, comparison, and variance rows The actual values or results are displayed in gray rows. The row headers do not display. When you select an actual value or result, you can view the formula used for calculating the value on the Excel formula bar. Highlighted row by attribute The row is not highlighted in Excel. Linked pages If the column contains one document, a link to the document is exported. If the column contains more than one document, no documents are exported.

Chapter 14: Lists 245

Actions Menu

Samples of Exported Data (Before and After)

The following shows a section of the Resource list page (before exporting to Excel):

The Resource list page (after exporting to Excel). Note how the resource names appear hyperlinked. Clicking a link takes you to the Resource: Properties: Main General for that specific resource.

The following shows the Projects list page (before exporting to Excel):

246 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Actions Menu

The following shows the Projects list page (after exporting to Excel). Note how the risk and status indicator icons are each represented by a value and a color field. Also the Document Manager, Calendar, and Discussions image links are replaced by texts links to those applications.

Note the following: The Progress bar column is replaced by the following columns in Excel (taken from the alternate text descriptions of the progress bar icons): Current Stage Name Current Stage Number Number of Stages

The Gantt bars are replaced by the following columns in Excel, grouped together under the Gantt column heading: Item Name Start Date End Date

The aggregation and comparison rows appear in gray (without their corresponding row headers). Select an aggregation or comparison value to see the actual formula (used for calculating the value) in the Excel formula bar. The two highlighted rows in CA Clarity PPM do not appear highlighted in Excel.

Chapter 14: Lists 247

Actions Menu

Edit Data Fields

You can edit some of the data fields on list pages. To edit the data fields on a list page 1. Open the list page you want to edit, and choose Edit Mode from the Actions menu. The page switches to edit mode and some of the fields become editable. 2. Make your changes as needed, and click Save. Your changes are saved. 3. From the Actions menu, choose Display Mode to return the page to display mode.

Select All Items in Lists

You can use the Select All icon on standard list pages to select all items on the page before performing an action. For example, if you want to add all items that are displayed in the list on a page, click the Select All icon and then click Add. Note: Lists can be long and span multiple pages. You must repeat this process on each page for which you want to select all items.

248 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chapter 15: Audit Records

Use Audit to record object activities, such as your resources, projects, applications, products, ideas, and other work. This section contains the following topics: Audit Overview (see page 249) View Audit Records (see page 251)

Audit Overview
Audit provides a record of an objects activity. The addition of the object, its deletion, and any updates can be captured and stored for analysis or compliance requirements. Auditing is set up by your CA Clarity PPM administrator. The administrator selects objects to be audited, then narrows the data to be collected and stored to specific fields within the selected object. For example, your administrator might set up auditing on projects with information collected on the following fields: Name, Project ID, Stage, Description, and Manager. For each project, the Audit tab shows a log of all changes, additions, and deletions to any of the fields chosen, depending on the configuration your administrator selects. Some audited objects can have sub-objects that are also audited. You can view audit records of any audit-enabled feature directly from the object. For example, you can view risk audit records from the project's Audit tab. To see the Audit tab with information, your CA Clarity PPM administrator must set up the following: Access rights. You must have the Audit Trail - View access right to view the data on audit page. If you do not have access rights, the audit page appears blank. Audit configuration for the object. If the object is not configured for auditing, the Audit tab does not appear.

Chapter 15: Audit Records 249

Audit Overview

You can view audit records on the following objects: Application Asset Assignment Baseline Change Request Company Department Idea Incident Investment Allocation Investment Hierarchy Issue Location Other Investment Portfolio Product Release Release Plan Project Requirement Requisition Requisition Resource Resource Risk Service Support Activity Task Team

250 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

View Audit Records

View Audit Records

To view an Audit record for an object 1. Navigate to the object whose audit records you want to view. For example, if you want to view the audit data for a specific project, select Projects from the Portfolio Management menu and open the project from the list. 2. Click the Audit tab. Filter or browse to narrow your selections. To view an Audit record for a sub-object 1. Click the Audit tab for the object. For example, if your master object is a project and the sub-object is a risk, select the Audit tab for the project. 2. To view audit records on the sub-object, do one of the following: Select a sub-object from the Sub Object drop-down list. Select the tab for the sub-object, then select the sub-objects Audit tab to show the audit records.

Chapter 15: Audit Records 251

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions

Stock reports are included with CA Clarity PPM out of the box. In this section you will find a list of these reports, their descriptions, the requirements needed to run the report, and the parameters to filter data.

This section contains the following topics: Budget Forecast Analysis Report (see page 253) Chargeback GL Account Activity Report (see page 257) Customer & Provider Chargeback Report (see page 260) Customer Invoice Report (see page 263) Key Tasks and Milestone Status Report (see page 267) Missing Time Report (see page 269) Portfolio Alignment Report (see page 272) Investment Status Report (see page 276) Project Transactions Inquiry Report (see page 281) Resource Assignments Report (see page 287) Resource by Role Description Report (see page 290) Timesheet Detail Report (see page 293)

Budget Forecast Analysis Report

This report provides an analysis of budget, actual, and forecast costs by investment manager. Amounts display in the currency that is set in the report parameter. For projects with a detailed budget, the forecast feature is used to determine Estimate at Complete (EAC) based on the following: (Actuals Posted + Remaining Forecast). Otherwise, a prorated simple budget is used to determine the remaining forecast. This report can be run only from CA Clarity PPM. It cannot be run from BusinessObjects InfoView. The graph shows the percentage of budget at completion by investment manager.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 253

Budget Forecast Analysis Report

Run this report if you work with the following: Project management. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Financial management. Note: See the Financial Management User Guide for more information. Service management. Note: See the IT Service Management User Guide for more information. Demand management. Note: See the Demand Management User Guide for more information. Portfolio management. Note: See the Portfolio Management User Guide for more information.

The project must be financially enabled to generate the report. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. A simple budget, a forecast, or a detailed budget must exist for data to display on this report. For actual costs to display, transactions must be entered and posted through financial processing. For Estimate at Complete (EAC) data to display, projects must be scheduled and cost rates must be set up in a cost/rate matrix with the matrix assigned to the projects. To use the OBS Unit parameter to filter the report, at least one OBS must be added to the system and an OBS unit must be assigned to the programs or projects. Exchange Rate (Type=Average) must exist to do the calculation from investment to reporting currency.

Investment Approval Indicates the status of the investments that are to be included in the report. Select the appropriate status from the drop-down. Investment Manager Identifies the investment manager whose data displays in the report. Click the Browse icon to select the investment manager's name. OBS Unit Indicates the OBS unit by which the report is filtered.

254 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Budget Forecast Analysis Report

Reporting Currency Defines the currency type that appears on the report for amounts and totals. Start Date Defines the start date of the report. To select a specific day, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date such as Start of Next Month, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list for the field.

Report Fields
% Spent Displays the percentage of the actual budget that has been spent to date. Calculation: (Actual to Date /Budget Total) x 100 Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. % Total Budget Displays the amount spent as opposed to the amount budgeted. Calculation: (EAC / Budget Total) x 100 Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Actual to Date Displays the actual amount of the budget spent to date. The data is taken from the aggregated actuals posted in WIP. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_wip_values.total_cost Budget Total Displays the total amount of the budget for the investment. Database Tables and Columns: If the investment has a detail budget, this value is taken from fin_financials.budget_cst_total, else it is taken from fin_financials.planned_cst_total.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 255

Budget Forecast Analysis Report

EAC Displays the estimated actuals at completion. Calculation: Actual to Date + Month (1 to 3) + Remainder Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Forecast (Months 1-3) Displays the budget forecast for selected months (1-3). The Forecast fields must have either a detail or a simple budget entered for the investment for data to appear in these fields. If a detail budget exists, the forecast plan of record is used for the parameter Start Date and the totals posted in the fields. If only a simple budget exists, the single budget amount is evenly distributed over the duration of the project. For example: If the simple budget=12,000 and the project duration is 6 months, the monthly budget/forecast is 2,000. Database Tables and Columns: If the investment has a detailed budget, this value is taken from the slice table odf_ssl_cst_dtl_cost.slice. If the investment has simple budget and has forecast cost, the report does its slicing during the runtime based on the forecast cost. If the forecast cost is not present, the same calculation is done based on the planned cost. Manager Displays the name of the manager whose projects are being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.manager_last_name nbi_project_current_facts.manager_first_name Plan/Budget Variance Displays the difference between the actuals budgeted and the actuals posted at completion. Calculation: Budget Total - EAC Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement.

256 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chargeback GL Account Activity Report

Project Displays the project being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts. project_name Remainder Displays the remaining months where actuals have not yet been posted. Database Tables and Columns: The same as Forecast (Months 1-3), but it includes the slice values remaining after month 3.

Chargeback GL Account Activity Report

This GL-centric report provides a summary that shows debits and credits for a GL period. Below the summary-level presentation, a detailed presentation shows transactions. This report is used for auditing. The report provides different layouts, depending on the option selected for the Group-By parameter (Investment or Resource). The report includes information on the following: active and inactive investments, all investment types, approved and unapproved investments (if transactions exist).

The investment must be financially enabled. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Transactions must exist for the investment. Invoices must be approved to show on the Credit to Allocation. GL-Period End and GL-Period Start must belong to the same entity and same period type ( for example, monthly).

GL-Period End Indicates the end of the reporting period for the report. Click the Browse icon and select a date from the list that appears.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 257

Chargeback GL Account Activity Report

GL-Period Start Indicates the start of the reporting period for the report. Click the Browse icon and select a start time from the list that appears. Group By Indicates how the information is to be grouped and presented on the report. Select an option from the drop-down to show how you want the information grouped. Investment Indicates the name of the investment that the report will provide data for. Click the Browse icon and select the investment from the list that appears. Resource Indicates the name of the resources that the report will provide data for. Click the Browse icon and select names from the list that appears.

Report Fields
Account Displays the account identifier. Database Tables and Columns: cbk_gl_account.main_account_id cbk_gl_account.sub_account_id Account Description Displays in text what the corresponding account number represents. Database Tables and Columns: cbk_gl_account.sub_account_id Charge to Allocation Displays the share (or allocation) that a customer will be charged based on the transaction amount and the debit-rule, which may split the total transaction cost between accounts. Database Tables and Columns: If cbk_gl_txns.chargeback_type = THEN cbk_scaled_gl_txns.scaled_amount

258 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Chargeback GL Account Activity Report

Credit to Allocation Displays the share of transactions of approved invoices that will be credited back to a provider. Total cost is split between provider accounts according to credit rules. Database Tables and Columns: If cbk_gl_txns.chargeback_type = THEN cbk_scaled_gl_txns.scaled_amount GL-Period Displays the GL time period that the report covers using a yyyy/mm format. Database Tables and Columns: biz_com_periods.period_name Investment Displays the name of the investment being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: Resource Displays the resource associated with charges at the detailed level in the report. Database Tables and Columns: srm_resources.last_name srm_resources.first_name Task Displays a project task being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prname Transaction Date Displays the date in mm/dd/yyyy format when the transaction listed occurred. Database Tables and Columns: cbk_scaled_gl_txns.transaction_date

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 259

Customer & Provider Chargeback Report

Customer & Provider Chargeback Report

This report displays financial customer and provider portfolio status and chargeback information. By design, the report displays only one entitys information at a time. It does not support displaying investments from multiple entities. GL periods are required field parameters, and they are tied to a specific entity. Therefore, only that entitys details are displayed. If GL period start is from one entity and GL period end is from another entity, the report will display no results.

Chargeback data for the investment must exist for the investment and its actuals to show on a report. A budget or planned cost must exist to display budget or planned cost data. An All-* debit rule must be in effect for the investment or system-wide to show a pro-rated budget for the customer. The All-* rule must be in effect to calculate budget/planned cost and forecast costs split across departments. If a department has actual charges but is not defined in the All-* rule, the department will not be in the report. If the budget/planned cost/forecast's start date does not have an allocation in the All-* rule, the investment will not be displayed in the report. Every investment should have the following dates with a corresponding allocation in the All-* rule: Planned dates Budget dates Forecast dates

If not, the investment does not display in the report. An entity must be defined and the project must be financially enabled.

Customer Indicates the department that will be charged with the investment cost according to the debit rule allocation. Click the Browse icon and select a name from the list that appears. GL-Period End Indicates the end of the reporting period for the report. Click the Browse icon and select a date from the list that appears.

260 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Customer & Provider Chargeback Report

GL-Period Start Indicates the start of the reporting period for the report. Click the Browse icon and select a start time from the list that appears. Group By Indicates how the information is to be grouped and presented on the report. Select an option from the drop-down to show how you want the information grouped. Plan Type Indicates the plan type to filter the report by. Select the plan type from the drop-down list in the field. Provider Indicates the department that is providing the service. Click the Browse icon and select a name from the list that appears.

Report Fields
Budget Displays the prorated budget/planned cost for a specific customer based on the total investment budget split using the All-* debit rule. Database Tables and Columns: fin_financials.budget_cst_total* odf_ssl_gl_all_dtl_pct.slice Customer Displays the department receiving and paying for a service. Database Tables and Columns: departments.description Entity Displays the entity the investment belongs to. Database Tables and Columns: entity.entity Forecast-to-Date (FTD) Displays the prorated forecast (Actuals + Remaining Planned Cost) as of the current date, based on the total investment forecast split using the All-* debit rule. Database Tables and Columns: fin_financials.forecast_cst_total* odf_ssl_gl_al_dt_pct.slice

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 261

Customer & Provider Chargeback Report

GL-Period Displays the GL time period that the report covers using a yyyy/mm format. Database Tables and Columns: biz_com_periods.period_name Inception-to-Date (ITD) Displays all actuals charged to a customer from the beginning of an investment to the current date. Database Tables and Columns: cbk_scaled_gl_txns.scaled_amount Investment Displays the name of the investment being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: Period-to-Date (PTD) Displays the actuals charged to a customer from the beginning of an investment's start period to the current date. Database Tables and Columns: cbk_scaled_gl_txns.scaled_amount Planned Cost Displays the plan of record for the investment pro-rated using the All-* rule. Database Tables and Columns: fin_financials.planned_cst_total* odf_ssl_gl_all_dtl_pct.slice Provider Displays the department responsible for the investment. Database Tables and Columns: departments.description Year-to-Date (YTD) Displays the actuals charged to a customer from the beginning of the year to the current date. Database Tables and Columns: cbk_scaled_gl_txns.scaled_amount

262 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Customer Invoice Report

Customer Invoice Report

This report is used to view customer invoices or credit memos by project, transaction, and class. It can be sent to a customer for billing purposes or to reprint an invoice previously sent to a customer. This report can be run only from CA Clarity PPM. It cannot be run from BusinessObjects InfoView. Run this report if you work with: Project Management Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Billing or chargebacks Note: See the Financial Management User Guide for more information.

The project must be financially enabled to generate this report. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. You must have billing access to the project. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Transactions must be posted to WIP and bills must be generated and approved. Note: See the Financial Management User Guide for more information.

The following filtering parameters are associated with this report. These parameters define the data range with which the report should be run. Beginning Invoice Number (Required) Defines the beginning invoice number range with which to filter this report. Click the Browse icon to select to the invoice. Ending Invoice Number (Required) Defines the ending invoice number range with which to filter this report. Click the Browse icon to select to the invoice. Level of Detail (Required) Select the level of detail you want to see on the report from the drop-down list.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 263

Customer Invoice Report

Invoice Date Defines the invoice date range with which to filter this report. You can define a Specific Date by clicking the Select Date icon, or a Relative Date from the drop-down.

Activity Displays the charge code. Database Tables and Columns: prchargecode.prName Admin Charges Displays the administrative charge on an invoice. Database Tables and Columns: invoiceheader_values.admincharge Amount Displays the amount associated with the invoice. Database Tables and Columns: invoiceheader_values.invoiceamount Invoice Date Displays the date the invoice was created. Database Tables and Columns: invoiceheader.invoicedate Invoice Number Displays the invoice number being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: invoiceheader.invoiceno

264 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Customer Invoice Report

Company Information Displays the company or customer name and address. Database Tables and Columns: armaster.address_name armaster.addr1 armaster.addr2 armaster.addr3 armaster.addr4 armaster.addr5 armaster.addr6 Credit Memo Displays whether an invoice was converted to a credit memo. Database Tables and Columns: invoiceheader.invoiceno_applyto Please Remit Payment To: Displays the name and address of the party the customer is to pay. Database Tables and Columns: locations.locationdescription locations.address1 locations.address2 locations.address3 locations.stateprov locations.countryid Project Code Displays the project code Database Tables and Columns: ppa_billings.project_code

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 265

Customer Invoice Report

Project Description Displays a description of the project. Database Tables and Columns: Quantity Displays the number of units from the transactions. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_billings.quantity Resource Displays the resource associated with charges at the detailed level in the report. Database Tables and Columns: srm_resources.last_name srm_resources.first_name Tax Amount Displays the tax amount associated with the invoice. Database Tables and Columns: invoiceheader_values.taxamount Transaction Class Displays the transaction class associated with the charges on a customer invoice. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_wip.transclass Transaction Class Description Displays a description of the transaction class. Database Tables and Columns: transclass.description

266 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Key Tasks and Milestone Status Report

Key Tasks and Milestone Status Report

This report provides a status and variance for project key tasks, milestones, phases, or the full work breakdown structure. The pie chart compares late and on-time task starts and finishes. Run this report if you work with project management. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information.

At least one key task or milestone must be created on the project. Data for each WBS type, as selected in the parameters, displays if you have entered the appropriate data into the project schedule. To use the OBS Unit parameter to filter the report, at least one OBS must be added to the system and an OBS unit must be assigned to the programs or projects.

Include Completed Tasks Indicates if you want completed tasks included in report data. Default: Cleared Group By Indicates how the information is to be grouped and presented on the report. Select an option from the drop-down to show how you want the information grouped. OBS Unit Indicates the OBS unit by which the report is filtered. Print Late Items Only Indicates if you want only items identified as late included in report data. Default: Cleared Project Indicates the project or projects on which data is reported. Threshold Indicates the number of days that pass before a project shows a yellow or red stoplight status.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 267

Key Tasks and Milestone Status Report

WBS Type Indicates the level of WBS data you want to see on the report. Select the option you want from the drop-down list.

Two pie charts indicate the number of late starts and finishes compared to on-time starts and finishes.

Report Fields
% Complete Displays the portion of the task, milestone, or phase that has been completed. This is a not a calculated field but is taken from a value users enter manually. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prpctcomplete Finish Date Displays the finish date for the task. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prfinish Finish Variance Displays any difference between the planned finish date and either the actual finish date or the date of the report if the finish has not occurred. Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Performance Displays through stoplights the performance for the task, milestone, or phase according to the threshold set. Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Start Date Displays the start date for the task, phase, or milestone. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prstart

268 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Missing Time Report

Start Variance Displays the difference between the planned start date and the actual start date or the date of the report if the start has not occurred. Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Task Displays a project task being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prname Task Status Displays whether a task, milestone, or phase is started, not started, or complete. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prstatus Type Displays whether the report item is a task, milestone, or a phase. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.pristask, prtask.priskey, prtask.prismilestone

Missing Time Report

This report lists all resources who have submitted less time than the available hours on their calendar during a specified time period and resources that provided no timesheet hours at all. Run this report if you work with resource management. Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information.

Resources must be assigned a calendar. To use the OBS Unit parameter to filter the report, at least one OBS must be added to the system and an OBS unit must be assigned to the programs or projects.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 269

Missing Time Report

Group By Indicates how the information is to be grouped and presented on the report. Select an option from the drop-down to show how you want the information grouped. OBS Unit Indicates the OBS unit by which the report is filtered. Resource Manager Identifies the Resource manager or managers whose data displays in the report. Click the Browse icon to select names. Resource Type Indicates the category of resource that is desired on the report. You can select multiple categories. Status Indicates the status of resource timesheets that are to be included on the report. You can select multiple statuses. Time Period Defines the time period date range with which to filter this report. You can define a Specific Date by clicking the Select Date icon, or a Time Period relative to the current date from the drop-down. If you enter a date as a parameter, the application scans all of the time periods to find the time period where that date fits in and assigns that time period.

Two pie charts indicate the following: The number of resources that completed time entry, had partial entry, or had no time entry. The actual hours entered compared against the missing hours.

Report Fields
Actual Displays the number of hours the resource charged during the reporting time period. Database Tables and Columns: prtimeentry.practsum

270 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Missing Time Report

Available Displays the number of hours that the resource had available to charge during the reporting time period. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_resource_facts.available_hours Email Displays the email address of the resource. Database Tables and Columns: Missing Displays the number of hours that are missing (not charged) by the resource. Calculation: Available - Actual Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Resource ID Displays the unique identifier for the resource. Database Tables and Columns: Resource Name Displays the resource being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_resource_facts.full_name Status Displays the status of the timesheet for the reporting time period. Database Tables and Columns: prtimesheet.prstatus Time Period Displays the reporting time period that has missing time for the resource. It indicates the start and end dates of the time period. Database Tables and Columns: prtimeperiod.prstart prtimeperiod.prfinish - 1

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 271

Portfolio Alignment Report

Portfolio Alignment Report

This report indicates how a portfolio of projects is aligned with a company's priorities based on a consistent project scoring mechanism. The report contains graphics that provide views of: The distribution of total investment an organization has already made and currently has scheduled How an organization's resources are scheduled to spend time based on the goal alignment scores.

Projects, services, or other investment types must exist in CA Clarity PPM. For projects, project scoring data and graphics are displayed if you are using the project goals and alignment activity features.

Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information.

End Date Defines the end date of the report. To select a specific end date, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list for the field. Investment Type Indicates which investment type's projects are be included on the report. Click the Browse icon and select the investment type from the list that appears. Manager Indicates the manager whose projects are to appear on the report. OBS Unit Indicates the OBS unit by which the report is filtered. Plan Type Indicates the plan type to filter the report by. Select the plan type from the drop-down list in the field. Project Approval Indicates the approval status of the projects you want included on the report.

272 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Portfolio Alignment Report

Reporting Currency Indicates the currency in which the financial information will display. Start Date Defines the start date of the report. To select a specific day, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date such as Start of Next Month, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list for the field.

Alignment by Budget shows the distribution of projects according to cost (bubble size), risk (color), alignment (horizontal axis), and goal (vertical axis). Alignment by Effort shows the distribution of projects according to effort (bubble size), risk (color), alignment (horizontal axis) and goal (vertical axis).

Report Fields
Actual Hours Displays the number of hours charged to the project for the time period selected. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.actual_hours Alignment Score Displays how well an investment is aligned with the organization's business goal. This value displays in the form of a stoplight symbol (red, yellow, or green). The stoplight is a range defined as red (033), yellow (3467) and green (68-100). Alignment score of 100 indicates the investment is in perfect alignment with the organization's business goal. This value is assigned and can be changed on the properties page for an investment. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts. goal_score Budget Cost Displays the budgeted cost for a project or any other investment. The budget cost is based on the budget cost plan. If no detailed budget exists, the budget cost is taken from planned cost. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_forecast.cost_budget_total

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 273

Portfolio Alignment Report

Budget Hours Displays the number of hours budgeted for the project. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.budget_hours Cost Variance Displays the difference between the budgeted cost and the estimate at complete (EAC) cost. Calculation: Budgeted Cost - Estimated Cost at Completion Database Tables and Columns: (nbi_project_forecast.cost_budget_total) (nbi_project_current_facts.cost_act_total + nbi_project_current_facts.cost_etc_total) EAC Cost Displays the estimate at completion (EAC) in cost. Calculation: ETC Total Cost + Total Actual Cost Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. EAC Hours Displays the estimate at completion (EAC) in hours. Calculation: Estimate to Complete (ETC) Hours + Actual Hours Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Forecast Cost Displays the forecast cost for a project or any other investment. Forecast is based on the plan or record (POR) cost plan. If no POR exists, forecast is equal to planned cost. Database Tables and Columns: fin_financials.forecast_cst_total

274 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Portfolio Alignment Report

Hours Variance Displays the difference between the hours budgeted for a project and the hours that are estimated at completion. Calculation: Budgeted Hours - Estimate at Completion Hours Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Manager Displays the name of the manager whose projects are being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.manager_last_name nbi_project_current_facts.manager_first_name Project Displays the project being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts. project_name Risk Displays using stoplights whether a project is at risk. Mouse over a stoplight to see a tooltip on what the stoplight represents. Database Tables and Columns: If the Investment type is Project then (inv_projects.rcf_flexibility * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_funding * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_human_interface * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_implementation * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_interdependency * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_objectives * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_org_culture * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_resource_avail * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_sponsorship * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_supportability * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_technical * 1.0) / (11.0) For other investment types, the value is taken from inv_investment.risk.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 275

Investment Status Report

Investment Status Report

This report produces a listing of investments and key investment attributes. You can run this report to view a list all active investments associated with a specific resource manager. Run this report is you work with the following: Application Management Asset Management Demand Management Note: See the Demand Management User Guide for more information. Project management Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Resources Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information. Service Management Note: See the IT Service Management User Guide for more information.

Investments must exist in CA Clarity PPM. To use the OBS Unit parameter to filter the report, at least one OBS must be added to the system and an OBS unit must be assigned to the programs or projects.

Project Approval Indicates the approval status of the projects you want included on the report. Project Name Indicates the project or projects whose data will be reported on. Click the Browse icon and select the projects from the list that appears. Project Manager Indicates the manager or managers whose projects are to appear on the report. Status Indicates whether a project is active or inactive. Click the appropriate status in the field.

276 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Investment Status Report

Reporting Currency Defines the currency type that appears on the report for amounts and totals. Investment Type Indicates the investment types that are to be included on the report. You can select multiple investment types.

Report Fields
Actual Hours Displays the number of hours charged to the project for the time period selected. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.actual_hours Budget Cost Displays the amount budgeted for the project. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.cost_budget_total Budget Hours Displays the number of hours budgeted for the project. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.budget_hours Changes Displays the level of changes for a project using stoplights. See the legend in the report for stoplight values. Database Tables and Columns: Maximum of odf_change_v2.priority_code Cost Variance Displays the percentage of variance from the budget cost. Calculation: ((EAC Cost - Budget Cost)/ Budget Cost) x 100) Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 277

Investment Status Report

Currency Code Displays the currency for the project totals. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.currency_code EAC Cost Displays the estimate at completion (EAC) in cost. Calculation: ETC Total Cost + Total Actual Cost Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. EAC Hours Displays the estimate at completion (EAC) in hours. Calculation: Estimate to Complete (ETC) Hours + Actual Hours Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Finish Date Displays the scheduled finish date for the project. Database Tables and Columns: inv_investments.schedule_finish Finish Variance Displays the difference between the scheduled finish date and the actual finish date. Calculation: (Base Finish Date - Finish Date). Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Hours Variance Displays the difference between the hours budgeted for a project and the hours that are estimated at completion. Calculation: Budgeted Hours - Estimate at Completion Hours Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement.

278 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Investment Status Report

Issues Displays the level of open issues for a project using stoplights. See the legend on the report for stoplight values. Database Tables and Columns: Maximum of odf_issue_v2.priority_code OBS Displays the organizational breakdown structure for the projects on the report. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_dim_obs.obs_unit_id Progress Displays using a progress bar how complete the project is. Database Tables and Columns: odf_inv_v.stage odf_inv_v.stage_number Project Manager Displays the name of the manager whose projects are being compared against set goals. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.manager_last_name nbi_project_current_facts.manager_first_name Project Name Displays the name of project being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts. project_name

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 279

Investment Status Report

Risk Displays the open risks for a project using stoplights. See the legend on the report for stoplight values. Database Tables and Columns: If the Investment type is Project then (inv_projects.rcf_flexibility * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_funding * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_human_interface * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_implementation * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_interdependency * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_objectives * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_org_culture * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_resource_avail * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_sponsorship * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_supportability * 1.0 + inv_projects.rcf_technical * 1.0) / (11.0) For other investment types, the value is taken from inv_investment.risk. S1 Displays the overall health of the project using a stoplight. See the legend on the report for stoplight values. Database Tables and Columns: Based on budget flags (S2 and S3). S2 Displays the hour variance of a project using stoplights. See the legend on the report for stoplight values. Database Tables and Columns: Based on Hours Variance. S3 Displays using a stoplight the cost variance between the budgeted cost and the EAC cost. See the legend on the report for stoplight values. Database Tables and Columns: Based on Cost Variance.

280 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Project Transactions Inquiry Report

S4 Displays the schedule variance using stoplights. See the legend on the report for stoplight values. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.currency_code Start Date Displays the date the project started. Database Tables and Columns: inv_investments.schedule_start Start Variance Displays the difference between the scheduled start and the actual start of a project. Calculation: (Base Start Date - Start Date). Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement.

Project Transactions Inquiry Report

This report provides a list of the detailed posted or unposted financial transactions for a project over a specified date range. For example, you can view the following: All the financial transactions for all projects managed by "Kate Jones" in the last six months. All the financial transactions for the "Online Bill Presentment" project from inception to date.

This report can be run only from CA Clarity PPM. It cannot be run from BusinessObjects InfoView. Run this report if you work with the following: Project management to analyze WIP Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Financial management Note: See the Financial Management User Guide for more information.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 281

Project Transactions Inquiry Report

Service management Note: See the IT Service Management User Guide for more information.

Demand management Note: See the Demand Management User Guide for more information.

Portfolio management Note: See the Portfolio Management User Guide for more information.

The project must be financially enabled to generate this report. Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Transactions must have been entered and posted through financial processing. To use the OBS Unit parameter to filter the report, at least one OBS must be added to the system and an OBS unit must be assigned to the programs or projects.

End Date Defines the end date of the report. To select a specific end date, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list for the field. OBS Unit Indicates the OBS unit by which the report is filtered. Project Manager Indicates the manager or managers whose projects are to appear on the report. Project Indicates the project or projects on which data is reported. Start Date Defines the start date of the report. To select a specific day, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date such as Start of Next Month, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list for the field.

282 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Project Transactions Inquiry Report

Transaction Status Indicates whether the transactions to be included on the report should be active or inactive.

Report Fields
Amount Billed Displays the total amount billed to the project. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.act_billing Approved By Displays the project approver. Database Tables and Columns: pac_mnt_projects.resourcecode Approved Date Displays when the project was approved. Database Tables and Columns: pac_mnt_projects.approvedatetime Bill Rate Displays the billing rate for the transaction. Calculation: Quantity/Revenue Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Charge Code Displays the identification code that the transaction was charged against. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_wip.charge_code ppa_transcontrol.charge_code Chargeable Displays the chargeable hours for the project. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_wip.chargeable (= 1) ppa_transcontrol.chargeable (= 1)

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 283

Project Transactions Inquiry Report

Company Name Displays the name of the company whose transactions are being reported. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.customer Contract Amount Displays the amount of the contract. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.contractamount Contract Date Displays the date the contract started. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.contract_date Contract Number Displays the identifier of a contract associated with a project. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.contract_number Contract Remain Displays the remaining amount of the contract. Calculation: (Contract Amount - Amount Billed). Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Manager Displays the name of the manager whose projects are being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.manager_last_name nbi_project_current_facts.manager_first_name

284 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Project Transactions Inquiry Report

Margin Displays the difference between revenue and total cost of the transaction at the detail level. At the summary level, indicates the difference between total revenue and total cost of all transactions on the report. Calculation: Revenue - Total Cost Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Non-Chargeable Displays the nonchargeable hours for the project. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_transcontrol.chargeable (<> 1) ppa_wip.chargeable (<> 1) Project ID Displays the project identifier of the project whose transactions are included on the report. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.project_id Project Status Displays whether the project is active or inactive. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts.fm_status Quantity Displays the number of units of labor or other items within the activity in this transaction. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_wip.quantity ppa_transcontrol.quantity Resource Displays the resource associated with charges at the detailed level of the report. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_transcontrol.resource_code ppa_wip.resource_code

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 285

Project Transactions Inquiry Report

Revenue Displays the revenue generated by the transaction. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_transcontrol.totalamount ppa_wip.totalamount Role Displays the project role a resource performs. Database Tables and Columns: prteam.prroleid Total Cost Displays in the detail section of the report the total cost of the transaction. In the summary section, it displays the total cost for all transactions listed on the report. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_wip_values.totalcost ppa_transcontrol_values.totalcost Total Hours Displays the total hours charged for the transactions included on the report. Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Total Revenue Displays the total revenue generated for the transactions included on the report. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_transcontrol.totalamount ppa_wip.totalamount Total WIP Displays the total work in progress for the project. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_transcontrol.totalamount ppa_wip.totalamount

286 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Resource Assignments Report

Transaction Date Displays the date the transaction listed occurred in mm/dd/yyyy format. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_wip.transdate ppa_transcontrol.transdate WIP Cleared Displays the amount of work in progress that has been completed. Calculation: (Total WIP - WIP Remain). Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. WIP Remain Displays the remaining work to be done on the transaction. Database Tables and Columns: ppa_transcontrol.amountremaining ppa_wip. amountremaining

Resource Assignments Report

This report shows resources assigned to projects and tasks including actual hours and ETC hours. Run this report if you work with resources. Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information.

For projects, the resource must be assigned to project tasks from Open Workbench or Microsoft Project to display assigned hours. To use the OBS Unit parameter to filter the report, at least one OBS must be added to the system and an OBS unit must be assigned to the programs or projects.


Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 287

Resource Assignments Report

Group By Indicates how the information is to be grouped and presented on the report. Select an option from the drop-down to show how you want the information grouped. Period Type Indicates whether the weekly or monthly period type will be reported. Project Indicates the project or projects on which data is reported. Resource Indicates the name of the resources that the report will provide data for. Click the Browse icon and select names from the list that appears. Resource Manager Identifies the Resource manager or managers whose data displays in the report. Click the Browse icon to select names. Resource OBS Indicates the OBS unit that the report will be filtered by. Click the Browse icon and select the OBS from the list that appears. Starting Period Defines the start date of the report. To select a specific day, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date such as Start of Next Month, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list. Type of Hours Indicates the type of hours to be included on the report (allocated or assigned). You can select multiple items for this field.

The report contains a graph that shows the assigned hours for resources on the report compared to the allocated hours for resources.

Report Fields
Actuals (h) Displays the hours charged to the project for the time period selected. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_res_task_facts.actual_qty

288 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Resource Assignments Report

Assigned (h) Displays the assigned hours. Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. End Date Displays the end date for the reporting period. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.finish ETC Hours Displays the number of hours estimated to complete the task. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_res_task_facts.etc_qty Project Name Displays the name of project being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_project_current_facts. project_name Resource Name Displays the resource being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_resource_facts.full_name Start Date Displays the start date for the reporting period. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prstart Task Name Displays a project task being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prname

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 289

Resource by Role Description Report

Type Displays the type of hours. The value is either Allocated or Assigned. Database Tables and Columns: This value is not stored in a database table and column. It is passed as a parameter. Variance Displays the percentage of difference between the hours allocated for a project and the hours assigned to resources. Calculation: ((Assigned Hours - Allocated Hours)/Allocated Hours). Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement.

Resource by Role Description Report

This report displays the following information: Capacity by role Resource allocation by role Remaining Capacity by role

Run this report if you work with resources. Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information.

To use the OBS Unit parameter to filter the report, at least one OBS must be added to the system and an OBS unit must be assigned to the programs or projects.

Period Type Indicates whether the weekly or monthly period type will be reported. Resource Manager Identifies the Resource manager or managers whose data displays in the report. Click the Browse icon to select names.

290 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Resource by Role Description Report

Resource OBS Indicates the OBS unit that the report will be filtered by. Click the Browse icon and select the OBS from the list that appears. Role Indicates the role or roles to be included on the report. Click the Browse icon and select roles. Starting Period Defines the start date of the report. To select a specific day, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date such as Start of Next Month, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list.

Report Fields
Alloc Displays the percentage of the capacity hours that have been allocated. Database Tables and Columns: prj_blb_slices.slice for request_name = dailyresourcealloccurve. Avail Displays the available capacity remaining. Calculation: (Capacity Hours - Allocation Hours). Database Tables and Columns: This is a calculated field. For more information, see the report's SQL statement. Cap Displays the capacity available in hours. Database Tables and Columns: prj_blb_slices.slice for request_name = dailyresourceavailcurve. Investment Displays the name of the investment being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: prteam.prprojectid

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 291

Resource by Role Description Report

Role Displays the primary role being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: srm_resources.last_name where prprimaryroleid of the resource name equals OBS Displays the organizational breakdown structure for the projects on the report. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_dim_obs.obs_unit_id Resource Name Displays the resource being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_resource_facts.full_name

292 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Timesheet Detail Report

Timesheet Detail Report

This report provides a listing of the hours a resource worked for a specified period based on the timesheet. Use this report to view all hours worked during certain time periods at certain regions or locations. Run this report if you work with the following: Resource Management to oversee a resources time Note: See the Resource Management User Guide for more information. Project management Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information. Financial management Note: See the Financial Management User Guide for more information. Service management Note: See the IT Service Management User Guide for more information. Demand management Note: See the Demand Management User Guide for more information. Portfolio management Note: See the Portfolio Management User Guide for more information.

Resources must be set up and assigned a track mode of "Time". Resources must have entered hours worked into their timesheet in CA Clarity PPM for the time period that is selected. To use the OBS Unit parameter to filter the report, at least one OBS must be added to the system and an OBS unit must be assigned to the programs or projects.

From Period Defines the beginning of the effective date range for the report. To select a specific end date, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list for the field. Resource OBS Indicates the OBS unit that the report will be filtered by. Click the Browse icon and select the OBS from the list that appears.

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 293

Timesheet Detail Report

Project Manager Indicates the manager or managers whose projects are to appear on the report. Resource Name Indicates the names of the resource that the report will provide data for. Click the Browse icon and select names from the list that appears. To Period Defines the end of the effective date range for the report. To select a specific day, select the Specific Date option and type a date in the text field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the Date Picker to select a day from the calendar that displays. To select a relative date, select the Relative Date option and select the relative date that applies from the drop-down list for the field.

Report Fields
Hours Displays in hours the time worked by a resource. Database Tables and Columns: prj_blb_slices.slice Manager Displays the name of the manager whose resources are being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: srm_resources.manager_id Note Category Displays a category for the note (for example, Project or Personal), Database Tables and Columns: prnote.prcategory Note Description Displays the contents of the note. Database Tables and Columns: prnote.prvalue Project Name Displays the name of the project being reported on. Database Tables and Columns:

294 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Timesheet Detail Report

Resource ID Displays the unique identifier for the resource. Database Tables and Columns: Resource Name Displays the resource being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: nbi_resource_facts.full_name Status Displays the status of the timesheet for the reporting time period. Database Tables and Columns: prtimesheet.prstatus Task Name Displays a project task being reported on. Database Tables and Columns: prtask.prname Time Period Displays the reporting time period that has missing time for the resource. It indicates the start and end dates of the time period. Database Tables and Columns: prtimeperiod.prstart prtimeperiod.prfinish - 1

Appendix A: Crystal Reports Stock Report Descriptions 295

Appendix B: Stock Interactive Portlets

This section contains the following topics: Resource Portlet (see page 297) Portfolio Portlet (see page 299)

Resource Portlet
The Resource portlet contains Xcelsius visualizations that help you identify resource forecasted utilization and also the capacity and demand of the roles in the next six months. The gauge component measures the forecasted resource utilization. The column graph gives a comparison between demand and capacity by month. The pie chart shows capacity by role and demand by role. This same information is displayed in the list, except it displays incremental cost information. The grid component displays the capacity and demand for a role for the next 6 months. Incremental cost in the grid displays the increase or decrease in cost when the FTE/hours slider is increased or decreased respectively. You can change the data view by selecting either FTE (full-time employee) or hours. The following Xcelsius visualizations display on this portlet: Average Forecasted Utilization Displays the utilization of roles in an organization. Role Capacity/Demand Displays the total capacity in percentage. Each pie segment represents the total capacity and demand for a role. Capacity and Demand Displays the total capacity and demand for all roles in the current month. Capacity and Demand by Role Displays the total capacity and demand for each role for six months starting current month. You can replace a role with resources that can complete the work. The following columns display on the Capacity and Demand by Role chart: Role Displays the roles associated for this project.

Appendix B: Stock Interactive Portlets 297

Resource Portlet

Incremental Cost Displays the increase or decrease in cost when FTE or hours are increased or decreased respectively. The values are taken from the cost matrix. Capacity Displays the total number of available hours for the associated resource. Demand Displays the total number of assigned or allocated hours for the associated resource. Remaining Capacity Displays the difference between the total demand and the total capacity for each month for all investments.

298 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Portfolio Portlet

Portfolio Portlet
The Portfolio portlet is an interactive portlet that contains Xcelsius visualizations for a selected portfolio. The following information is available on the Portfolio Dashboard or Investment Dashboard: Portfolio Dashboard Budget/Forecast by Goal Balance Investment Financial Grid

Investment Dashboard Spending Plan By Month Schedule Variance Investment Allocation Hours By Role Issues Risks

To view information from this portlet 1. Open the portfolio and navigate to the Portfolio portlet. Note: Navigation depends on how you or the CA Clarity PPM administrator configures this portlet. A list of investments that are available from the selected portfolio appear. 2. Select the investments you want to factor into the analysis, and click the Portfolio button or Investments button. The Portfolio Dashboard or Investment Dashboard appears. 3. Click Update and clear the Filter check box to view information based on the selected investments. 4. Click the Portfolio Dashboard or Investment Dashboard buttons to view the visualizations. To select or remove investments, select the Filter check box to display the list box of selected and available investments.

Appendix B: Stock Interactive Portlets 299

Portfolio Portlet

Portfolio Dashboard
Use the Portfolio Dashboard to analyze the impact to your portfolio by adding and removing investments from the dashboard. The following summary information is displayed: Portfolio Displays the portfolio name. Manager Displays the manager associated with this portfolio Start Displays the start date of the portfolio. Finish Displays the end date of the portfolio. Currency Displays the currency in US dollars. Benefit Displays the portfolio benefit defined in the Properties page. Budget Displays the budget defined for the portfolio. Approved Investments Budget Displays the approved investment budget for all investments in the portfolio. Cost Variance Displays a stoplight that shows a view of a portfolios performance. Values: Green. Approved investment's planned cost are less than the portfolio's Planned Cost. Red. Approved investment's planned cost are greater than the portfolio's Planned Cost.

Budget/Forecast by Goal
The Budget/Forecast by Goal displays a column chart representing goals for all investments for that portfolio in the Y-axis and budget and forecast amounts from the cost plan in the X-axis.

300 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Portfolio Portlet

The Balance portlet displays a bubble graph that shows how the score of each investment balances between corporate alignment and the finish date. Investments use three factors when scoring; business alignment, cost, and risk. For example, if you defined a budget for a portfolio for this year only, its costs restrict to this year. In addition, changing the planned cost of an investment changes its bubble size. The following describes this portlet: Schedule Finish Date Displays the scheduled finish date of this investment. Alignment Score Investments appear on the graph somewhere between good and poor according to their alignment with business goals. An investment with a low y-coordinate (distance from the origin) lies somewhere within the red zone on the graph and move up the graph vertically based on their business alignment score. Values: Bubble colors display the risk color Green (65 and 100). Investment is well aligned Yellow (35 and 64). Investment is average aligned Red (0 and 34). Investment is poorly aligned White. Alignment data undefined

Planned Cost Displays the planned cost for the investment.

Investment Dashboard Portlet

The Investment Financial Grid tab on the Portfolio Dashboard page displays all investments that you have access rights to and the ones that match the filter settings that you selected. The following columns display on this portlet: Investment Displays the name of the investment in the drop down. Click an investment name to view the detailed properties for that investment. Goal Defines the goal of this project. Values: Cost Avoidance, Cost Reduction, Grow the Business, Infrastructure Improvement, or Maintain the Business.

Appendix B: Stock Interactive Portlets 301

Portfolio Portlet

Alignment Displays how well the investment aligns to the organizations business goal. The higher the value, the stronger the alignment. This metric is used in portfolio analysis when you use comparable business alignment criteria across all portfolio investments. Values: Risk Displays a stoplight that helps you assess the risk of a project. The project's total risk score determines the color of the stoplight, including: Values: Stage Defines the stage in the project's lifecycle. Start Displays the start for this particular project. Planned Cost Defines the amount of money available for investments in this project. This information is important when planning a portfolio, since it helps you decide how much more money you need to spend on an investment. Actual Cost Displays the actuals for the entire project (the sum of all actuals posted for the investment). Like Planned Cost, this information is important when planning a portfolio, since it helps you decide how much more money you need to spend on an investment. Remaining Cost Displays the difference between the planned costs and the actual costs. Role Allocation Demand Displays the total effort required to complete the investments tasks. Green (0 to 33). Project is low risk Yellow (34 to 68). Project is medium risk Red (68 to 100). Project is high risk White. Risk data undefined Green (65 and 100). Investment is well aligned Yellow (35 and 64). Investment is average aligned Red (0 and 34). Investment is poorly aligned White. Alignment data undefined

302 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Portfolio Portlet

Role Actuals Displays the aggregated total actuals of all the resources and roles irrespective of their investment role for each investment. Remaining Role Allocation Displays the aggregated total remaining allocation value for all resources and roles.

Investment Dashboard
Use the Investment Dashboard to analyze your investments. The following information is displayed: Investment Displays the name of the investment. Click an investment name to view the detailed properties for that investment. Manager Defines the manager of the investment. Start Displays the start of this particular investment. Finish Displays the end of this particular investment. Baseline Finish Displays the baseline finish date. Stage Defines the stage in the project's lifecycle. Status Displays a graphical representation of the status. For example, if the status is "Approved," the visual representation of the status is a Green stoplight. The selection is displayed as a stoplight symbol when saved. Values: Red, Yellow, and Green. Investment Allocation Hours by Role Displays the roles assigned for an investment in hours. Spending Plan by Month Displays the cost plan for the month.

Appendix B: Stock Interactive Portlets 303

Portfolio Portlet

Schedule Variance Displays the difference between the baseline finish and the finish dates. If there is no baseline, then it would be the current date minus finish date. Issues Displays the issue name, status, and priority. Values: Risks Displays the risk name, status, and priority. Values: Green (0 to 33). Project is low risk Yellow (34 to 68). Project is medium risk Red (68 to 100). Project is high risk White. Risk data undefined Green. No high or medium priority issues exist. Yellow. Medium priority issues exist. Red. High priority issues exist. White. Issue status not defined.

304 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

access rights types 16 access rights (Department) 20 access rights (Knowledge Store) 72 access rights (Reports) 120 access rights (Software Downloads) 139 access rights (Timesheets) 91 account settings changing font size on pages 135 designating proxies 134 downloading software 140 managing 131 action items accessing 35 deleting 41 deleting assignees 40 editing 39 actions menu accessing 241 configuring 241 overview 241 adjusted timesheets deleting 102 updating approved or posting 101 aggregations adding rows 162 changing row properties 164 audit trail viewing 251

dashboards about 179 creating 187 exporting 185 layout 189 setup 187 sharing 193 data exports about 243 examples of 246 how to transfer data 244 data fields, editing 248 data providers 195 department locations, managing 27 department portfolios, viewing and analyzing 30 department resources planning capacity 31 viewing aggregated capacity/demand 31 viewing list of 31 departments about 19 access rights 20 creating 22 creating portfolios 30 deleting 33 managing budgets 25 managing general properties 23 managing investments 32 prerequisites 20 subscribing to services 28 viewing sub-departments 26 discussions about 231 accessing from project 232 creating topics 233 posting messages 234 posting replies to messages 235 display options changing column properties 158 configuring 161 Document Manager about 71 creating folders 74

basic searches, performing 146

calendars changing view 47 managing 43 modifying 46 common features, about 15 company-wide information 14 configuration versus customization 17

Index 305

document processes, working with 88 documentation in guides 17 documents about 71 checking in 83 checking out 82 copying 85 copying a version to a different folder 87 deleting 90 editing permissions 80 editing properties 84 managing 81 managing versions 87 managing via document processes 88 moving to another folder 86 opening for view only 81 opening previous versions 87 reviewing history 85 saving to your desktop 82

editing permissions in Knowledge Store 80 editing properties in Knowledge Store 79 permissions 72 working with 74 font size, changing 135

Gantt charts Actions menu option 241 configuring 170 global search tool about 145 escaping special characters 150 searching for newly entered information 145 using the - (dash) operator 149 using the + operator 149 using the AND operator 149 using the NOT operator 149 using the OR operator 149 global searches techniques 148 using boolean characters 149 using wildcard characters in 148

events accessing 43 creating 44 deleting 46 viewing a list of 67 export to Excel about 243 how data transfers 244

hierarchical lists about 239 configuring 240 expanding and collapsing rows 240 filtering 240 home page, resetting 132

favorites viewing a list of favorite links 68 viewing a list of favorite photos 69 filters about 141 changing filter field properties 169 clearing filter fields 142 configuring filter field display settings 167 configuring list filters 165 deleting saved filters 145 saving 142 showing all items in 142 sorting lists 141 using saved 142 folders creating in Knowledge Store 74 creating subfolders 74 deleting in Knowledge Store 80

indirect rows, adding to timesheets 97 indirect time, adding to timesheets 116 interactive portlets about 196 creating 197 personalizing pages with 196 Portfolio Portlet 299 Resource Portlet 297 invoices, delegated approval 23 entry type in timesheets 95 IT consumer, subscribing to services 28

jobs, affecting report data 121

306 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

Knowledge Store access rights 72 accessing 73 adding documents 76 managing documents 81 permissions 72

lists Actions menu 241 editing fields 241 managing list filters 166

managing on overview page 61 multisort changing column sort order 242 hierarchical lists 239 in Actions menu 241 my projects, viewing 67

changing portlet titles 61 content 61 customizing 57 making personal 58 managing 63 managing tabs 63 personalizing 58 removing portlets 61 restoring defaults 61 using 66 Overview page tabs adding 63 removing 63 reordering 63 viewing details 63

page and portlet configuration adding aggregation rows 162 changing column names 158 changing display options 161 editing aggregation row properties 164 editing display properties 158 paused report runs, resuming 126 performing 146 portlets data providers 195 Event Invitations 68 Events 67 filter 220 filter sections for graphs and grids 219 graph 210 grid 198 interactive 196 My Projects 67 Site Links 69 power filters, building 143 process instances cancelling 54 deleting 53 processes managing 48 modifying in organizer 51 starting 50 projects, viewing a list of 67 proxies for action items, designating 134

notes, adding to timesheets 103 notifications deleting 56 viewing 56

offline timesheets downloading and installing 111 entering time 95 refreshing assignments 117 requirements 110 retrieving 113 saving to CA Clarity PPM 115 setting up 110 submitting 115 using offline 109 organizer accessing 36 correcting run-time errors 52 viewing available processes 49 viewing in 56 Overview page about 57 adding new 63 changing content 61

report runs

Index 307

cancelling 126 defining run properties 123 deleting 127 running at future time 123 scheduling 122 setting parameters 123 reports accessing 122 running 122

splitting entries 98 submitting 100 submitting for approval 100 usage requirements 93 using 91 viewing notes 103

software, downloading 140

tasks about 42 adding manually 97 time-scaled values Actions menu option 241 changing time periods 173 configuring 173 configuring columns 174 timesheets access rights 91 adjusting approved or posted 101 approving submitted 106 changing ETC 99 comparing actual hours to estimates 108 comparing adjusted to original 108 correcting returned 101 deleting 109 deleting a row 117 deleting adjusted 102 deleting notes 103 deleting tasks 99 editing 100 emailing resources from 102 entering time 114 entering time in date cells 98 managing 105 notifying project managers 109 overdue 107 prepopulating 96 printing 102 returning 107 selecting type codes 95 setting as Home page 132 specifying entry type and charge codes in 95

308 Common Features and Personal Options User Guide

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