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Voters' Guide

Public buildings
live's work will soon be taken

for the elite only

away by high density devel-
opment and, yes, eminent
Continued from page 2 It only takes three votes to
re-institute eminent domain
and it's probably coming
all areas where Ms. Winter soon - right after the election!
By Ed Kravitz Building and was told that I relevant to our community's
and Ms. McCoy have not Imperial Beach is destined to
ekatsdrp@yahoo.com could not use it to hold a pub- past and it's future.
abstained from voting. become an exclusive, high-
lic workshop regarding the You would think that our

Investigation will surely rent, gated community where
wo years ago, I tried to potential to save the Coronado local leaders would want to
show that there are more most of us cannot afford to
get use of the Branch Railroad and what it know as much as possible
issues within 500 feet of live. There are master plans
Community Room or could mean for Imperial about such an important sub-
Mayda or Patricia's financial for developments which
the Dempsey Holder building Beach's economy. ject. Unfortunately, our city
interests. have not yet been seen by the
and was turned down by for- The first time, I was told officials sold their souls and
Our outgoing city attorney public. The crowds at rede-
mer City Manager Barry that the rail project was against our future to David Malcolm
McDugal has warned Winter velopment public meetings
Johnson. the city policy. Last February, and Greg Cox regarding the
several times, in public ses- are filled with planted stooges
Last February, I enquired I was told that it was because I railroad issue. Now they can-
sion, that she is in jeopardy of who mention into the public
about use of the Community was not a 501(c) non-profit not change their position, even
being prosecuted for conflicts record key components of the
Room or Dempsey Holder organization. The subject is SEE ELITE, PAGE 5
of interest under FPPC rules. finished master plan. When
Winter says she is in no dan- those plans are revealed to the
ger and has no conflicts. public, the ladies can say they
Good thing the District made the decision based on
Attorney is a Democrat too. public input as prescribed by
Don't get me wrong. I am the law.
not trashing Democrats or These ladies on the coun-
Republicans. This political/ cil, and the political/develop-
development machinery the ment machinery to which
the ladies on the council are they are obligated, have
beholden to shows no prefer- deceived the public, and will
ence for Democrats or continue to do so until the cit-
Republicans - just greed! izens stop them.
Former appointed council- Remember, when you
man Dan Malcolm (cousin of can't afford to live here any-
convicted former Port more, you won't be able to
Commissioner David vote here anymore either.
Malcolm) was appointed to One of the biggest loom-

Whatever happened
fill the seat of Diane Rose ing threats to Imperial Beach
when she became mayor. is proposed development of
Malcolm immediately started the Chula Vista Bayfront.
promoting redevelopment in Besides the impacts to

to the I.B. Sun?

our city. While he was still on wildlife (which will be devas-
the council, Winter, McCoy tating, according to the biolo-
and Rose voted to give the gists) impacts to traffic flows
redevelopment project where on Palm Ave and Interstate-5
Wally's IGA is located to are being ignored by our local
Ed Kravitz city councilman Steve put up the money, Trook reg- Malcolm's company, Sterling leaders.
ekatsdrp@yahoo.com Haskins and asked for fund- istered the business as a sole Development. Officials from Caltrans
ing. proprietorship with the These ladies on the coun- and the California Highway

n a never-ending battle to Haskins questioned County Recorder's office. cil have pushed forward the Patrol are on record at
win elections and main- Trook's ability to produce a Although it had the feel of concept of redevelopment to bayfront meetings saying that
tain power, the inner cir- newspaper and suggested that a neighborhood newspaper, enrich their developer and infrastructure does not exist
cle of the secret political if he would produce his the secret driving force was a political friends at the public's for such high density devel-
machinery set up its own newspaper and be successful, political action committee expense. Every resident opment to occur at the Chula
newspaper several years ago. Haskins would fund Trook's apparently run by Michael should read the handbook on Vista Bayfront.
The late Walter Trook had dream project. Trook sold his and Deborah Carey. redevelopment available on When it is completed, traf-
dreamed of doing an arts, the- soul. It carried stories about the the Internet at redevelop- fic backups for morning rush
atre and culture newspaper The Imperial Beach Sun need for redevelopment, ment.com before voting in hours will block freeway
and went to former appointed was born. Although Haskins SEE THE SUN, PAGE 6 this election. Our residents' SEE PERSPECTIVE, PAGE 4

Nov. 2004 - I. B. Voters' Guide - Page 3

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