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Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili
3 Sisters Who Perished In A Fire Laid To Rest
Families, friends and loved ones said
their fnal goodbye to the three sisters
from Koronivia who died in the house
fre last Saturday night.
Emotions were uncontrollable and
tears fowed freely as 46 year old
Umesh Prasad carried out the fnal rites
for his three daughters.
The news of the death of 8 year old Shiral
Prasad, 13 year old Shinal Prasad and
16 year old Shayal Shivika Prasad has
sent shockwaves around the country as
people mourn the loss of the three girls.
Over 300 people paid their last respects
to the three sisters.
Their 26 year old cousin, Vikash Prasad
said the Prasad sisters will never be
The girls 76 year old grandfather, Deo
Prasad was in tears while speaking
about his three angels that they used to
look after him and his wife.
He said on the night of the fre he could
not save them as the house was full of
smoke and fames when he woke up.
He said he only saw his son taking his
wheelchair bound mother out of the
burning house.
Prasad said he tried his best to help his
granddaughters but it was diffcult.
8 year old Shiral Prasad and 13 year old
Shinal Prasad attended Vuci Methodist
Their head teacher, Joseva Madraitabua
said the school will miss the girls.
Umesh Prasad said he could have saved
his daughters if he had not panicked.
Prasad said that when he entered his
children's room he was shocked to see
their mattress engulfed in fames and
fre had spread throughout the room.
He felt that his daughter's knew that he
would save them.
Prasad added that when he came out of
the house with his two daughters who
suffered severe burns, he could hear
the voice of his 8 year old daughter
who was still trapped inside the house.
As a father, he hopes that this does not
happen to anyone else as he said the
pain is hard to bear.
The National Fire Authority said its
Nausori station received a call at
11.37pm and the fre crew arrived
at the scene at 11.48pm to fnd it
fully engulfed. It said preliminary
investigations revealed that the cause of
the fre was a lit candle left unattended
in the children's bedroom. NFA acting
chief executive offcer, Aseri Radrodro
said despite numerous warnings people
continued to disregard advice given
by the NFA, particularly on the need
to ensure that they put out all ignition
sources before going to bed.
Continued on page 3
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times Fiji News
3 Sisters Who Perished In A Fire Laid To Rest
Continued from page 1
Wifes Duties Include 3-Way Sex:
Vijay Singh
Former Fiji resident Vijay Singh told
his wife she would be failing in her duty
to him if she didn't take part in three-
way sex with people from adult contact
magazines, a Brisbane court heard.
In the Supreme Court in Brisbane,
Shirley Singh, was being cross
examined on the 13th day of a trial
in which Max Sica, 41, has pleaded
not guilty to murdering the Singhs
children, Neelma Singh, 24, Kunal
Singh, 18, and Sidhi Singh, 12, at
Bridgeman Downs, in Brisbane's north,
on April 21, 2003.
The media reports that barrister Sam
Di Carlo, for Sica, asked questions
about the sexual encounters Shirley
Singh and her husband Vijay Singh had
in the 1990s.
Di Carlo asked if Vijay Singh had
admitted to her he had been having
sexual affairs around 1994.
"He wasn't having affairs, he was
having fings, Mr Di Carlo," Shirley
Singh said.
She went on to explain that Vijay Singh
had asked her about having sex with
other people and to watch pornographic
videos because it would excite him.
Di Carlo asked if Vijay Singh had told
her she would be failing in her role as a
wife if she didn't take part.
"Yeah, I think my husband said that,"
Shirley Singh replied.
She said she was aware Vijay had used
an adult shop contact magazine to get a
woman and then a man to come to their
original home at Stafford for sex.
Shirley Singh said she had taken up
smoking and drinking to cope.
"I was not interested at all Mr Di Carlo,
I hated that, I hated that," she said.
She went on tell Di Carlo she had made
up stories about picking up men at the
Brisbane Casino to tell Vijay Singh to
keep him happy.
The trial before Justice John Byrne
New Engines To Save Air Pacifc
$270,000 Annually
More revenue can be expected to be
generated into the country by Fijis
national airline Air Pacifc with the
selection of Rolls Royce Trent engines
to power its A330-200 aircraft.
This is according to Rolls Royce Senior
Vice President Andrew Dungeon while
presenting the features and attributes of
the Trent 700 engines to Air pacifc and
tourism stakeholders at Holiday Inn.
According to Dungeon the new engines
save $270,000 in fuel consumption
Air Pacifcs Managing Director David
Pfieger said this also benefts the
tourism industry.
Air Pacifc had announced the order of
three brand new Airbus A330-200s which
will begin arriving in March next year.
The agreement with Rolls Royce
which also includes long term support
services is valued at FJ$370 million.
New Caledonias Congress President
Visits Fijian Prime Minister
His Excellency Rock Wamytan,
President of the Congress of New
Caledonia, paid a courtesy call to the
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
at his offce in Government Buildings,
Mr Wamytan is visiting Fiji with a
delegation from New Caledonia and
also paid a courtesy call this week to
Fijis Minister of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation, Ratu Inoke
His Excellency Wamytan expressed his
delight at the opportunity to visit Fiji to
explore the possibility of establishing
partnerships and bilateral arrangements
in technical assistance, amongst other
This is an ideal opportunity for us to
visit Fiji to exchange ideas and establish
avenues where we could explore
mutually benefcial partnerships in the
technical feld and other areas, Mr
Wamytan said.
In response to this visit, Minister Ratu
Kubuabola expressed his gratitude at
the prospects of this visit and stated
that Fiji is also keen in furthering
its cordial bilateral relations with
countries like New Caledonia, whose
political developments are similar to
The Minister also briefed His
Excellency on Fijis political
developments whose focus is a united
and harmonious multi-racial Fiji.
Moreover, the Minister stated that
this visit would be a good opportunity
to learn about Fijis Roadmap for
Democracy & Sustainable Socio-
economic Development. .
During his short stay in Fiji, His
Excellency Wamytan would visit
food-affected areas in Ba and Tavua.
PSC Targets Hundred Volunteers
For 2012
The Public Service Commission
permanent secretary Pramesh Chand
while giving a speech during the
launch of the Fiji Volunteer Service
said that for 2012 the commission will
be recruiting 100 volunteers.
Mr Chand said that Government has
allocated $400,000 to the Fiji Volunteer
Services to operate on.
The objective of the Fiji Volunteer
Services is to promote a strong sense
of service and civic pride amongst the
people of Fiji and engage unemployed
graduates, skilled personnel and
retirees who wish to serve society in
the spirit of volunteering, in any local,
regional or international undertakings,
including green growth projects,
Chand said.
He said there will be 3 levels of
recruitment to the Fiji Volunteer
Services; the qualifed graduates,
the retirees and the volunteers who
are willing to work with our regional
Chand said the main role of the Fiji
Volunteer Services is to enhance
the delivery of services through the
management of volunteers. In doing
so they will be bridging the gap and
increase the effectiveness of individual
communities and organization they
The Fiji Volunteer Services will be
engaging University graduates and
retirees who in the range of 25 to 70
National Employment Centre (NEC)
Chief Executive offcer Viliame
Baledrokadroka said they will be
contributing some of their registered
unemployed graduates with the NEC
to the Fiji Volunteer Scheme.
In the NEC we have registered
23,000 unemployed people of Fiji
so we will also be contributing since
we are targeting the same objective,
Baledrokadroka said.
Aviation Workshop
Interregional co-operation between
organisations in the aviation industry
is a key factor that allows for effcient
management of air traffc and passenger
Speaking at a workshop of aviation
bodies in Nadi, AFL manager Air
Traffc Vula Seru said aircraft these
days travel further distances and at the
same time cross several borders, raised
the need for co-operation between
different countries.
"For consistency of operations it is
essential that both the air and ground
systems are inter-operable," said Mr
"It is therefore necessary that the
procedures that would support the cross
border operations are consistent as well
because we cannot have different rules
being applied by different states."
Mr Seru said to maintain uniformity of
rules; interregional co-operation was
an absolute must.
Those who attended the workshop
included representatives of aviation
stakeholders such as the Air Navigation
Service Providers of Tahiti, New
Zealand, Australia and the Federal
Aviation Administration from the US.
"This was an unfortunate tragedy that
has taken away the life of a young
innocent child," he said.
"NFA reminds parents that they put
candles and mosquito coils in a metal
surface on a safe place away from
the beddings, curtains and should be
put out completely before leaving the
house or going to bed."
"Lantern lamp should be used if it is
required for lighting at night."
Mr Radrodro said adults and parents
should take precautions in using naked
lights for lightings at night and use safe
and proper lightings.
"It is important for people to take
proper safety measures which will
avoid fre incidences from occurring in
their homes," he said.
The NFA said this was the second
death by fre this year and so far,
there have been 13 structural fres
compared to nine for the same period
last year.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times Fiji News
A FORMER Fiji resident living in
Canada has come to the assistance of
a family that lost three young girls in
a fre.
Prakash Chandra, who has been living
in Canada for the past 38 years, said
he was touched after reading about the
family's plight.
Sheeral Shivika Prasad, 8, her sisters,
Sheenal Shivika Prasad, 13, and Shayal
Shivika Prasad, 16, died.
Mr Chandra initially offered to give
$1000 to Umesh Prasad to prepare for
his daughters funeral.
But after learning that Mr Prasad's mother
also lost her wheelchair in the fateful fre
on Saturday and about other needs of the
family, he sent $2000 to him.
Some of his friends also pitched in after
learning about the tragedy and as such,
he decided to increase the fnancial
assistance he initially promised.
Originally of Navatu in Ba, Mr Chandra
said even though he has been living
in Canada for 38 years, "my heart is
always in Fiji as my mother country".
He said his family was also grieving
the death of the three young girls and
their prayers were with Mr Prasad's
Mr Prasad confrmed that he had
received the money which was sent
from Canada through Western Union.
"I am really grateful to Mr Chandra
for coming to my assistance during
these trying times to prepare for my
daughters' funeral," he said.
"There hasn't been any form of
assistance from anywhere apart from
whatever has been given to me in kind
by some people," said Mr Prasad.
Meanwhile, people interested in
assisting the family fnancially to
rebuild their lives can deposit their
money into account 9803657940 at
Westpac Banking Corporation.
Canada Resident Helps Fiji Fire
Food & Wine Festival Conference
& Fiji Junior Master Chef
The Ministry of Tourism this week
announced the eight fnalists who will
participate in the Fiji Junior Master
Chef Cook-Off which will be held
Saturday, March 3 2012 at Holiday
Inn, Suva. The fnalists were chosen
from a number of children ages 10 -
16 that submitted essays on the topic
of Why I should be chosen as Fijis
Junior Master Chef and represent Fiji
at the frst-ever South Pacifc Food &
Wine Festival?
The contest, launched in conjunction
with the South Pacifc Food & Wine
Festival organizers and with the
assistance of the Ministry of Education,
started February 1st and was open to
children all over Fiji.
This exciting opportunity not only
allows everyone to learn about new
dishes using local products, but
also presents invaluable learning
experiences from interacting with re-
known international master chefs,
said Attorney General and Minister of
Tourism, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.
After reading all the essays, the judges
are pleased to announce the eight
(8) fnalists chosen to participate in
the Fiji Junior Master Chef Cook-
off. The competition will determine
which two talented Fijian children,
one aged between 10 and 12 and the
other between 13 and 16 years old,
will win the opportunity to represent
Fiji as Fijis Junior Master Chefs at
one of two days of the Kids Cooking
Workshop being held at the Radisson
Blu Resort Denarau on March 14th and
15th, 2012. .
The Kids Cooking Workshop is part of
the South Pacifc Food & Wine Festival
being held throughout Denarau from
March 14 to 17, 2012.
The fnalists are as follows:
1. Georgia Jemima Lilo, Tamavua, Suva
2. Dominic Silvestrini, Nasese, Suva
3. Muhaymin Rakeeza Begum, Drasa,
4. Ravinesh Kumar, Pandit Vishnu Deo
Memorial College, Lautoka
5. Ana Rokosau, Pandit Vishnu Deo
Memorial College, Lautoka
6. Aporosa Nakutunitama, Pandit
Vishnu Deo Memorial College, Lautoka
7. Salanieta Gavin Tavai, Pandit Vishnu
Deo Memorial College, Lautoka
8. Akisi Rokovula, Sakoca, Suva
The eight fnalists and two winners
will be accompanied by a parent or a
guardian at both events.
Finalists from the essay competition
will prepare and cook one main course
and one dessert and participate in a 2-3
minutes interview conducted by the
Master of Ceremony Mr Robert Clark.
The subject of the interview questions
will deal with the Junior Chefs
personal opinions and experiences
with cooking, and their approaches
during the competition.
Junior chefs will be judged by a fve-
judge panel that will be also taste and
rate the entries to determine the fnal
two winners to be announced at the
awarding ceremony the same day.
Russian Foreign Affairs Minister,
Sergey Lavrov
Copra Body Contributes Towards
Flood Relief
The Copra Millers of Fiji Ltd presented
a donation of $5,000.00 as part of their
support towards governments relief
efforts in the western division.
Receiving this donation on
governments behalf this week was the
Ministry of Provincial Development
permanent secretary Mr Inia Seruiratu.
Copra Millers Finance and
Administration Manager, Mr John Deo
said the donation is to assist farmers in
the areas of agriculture.
We saw the devastation of the food
on the victims and it is unfortunate
that they have lost everything. This
donation will assist those to bring life
to normal, Mr Deo said.
Mr Inia Seruiratu thanked the company
for the timely donation and assured that
assistance will be given to the victims.
PS Seruiratu receiving $5000 cheque from Copra Millers Finance
and Admin Manager Mr John Deo
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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Russian Foreign Affairs Minister,
Sergey Lavrov
UN Commission Hears On Fijis Progress
The United Nations Commission on
Status of Women (CSW) in New York
this week heard about the progress
made by the Fijian Government in
economically empowering its rural
A statement highlighting Governments
major empowerment programs
was delivered by the Minister for
Social Welfare, Women and Poverty
Alleviation Dr Jiko Luveni at the UN
Headquarters in New York.
Dr Luveni while presenting Fijis
report on the theme for the 56th session
of CSW, The Empowerment of Rural
Women and their role in Poverty and
Hunger Eradication, Development
and Current Challenges, reiterated on
following programs implemented to
empower rural women.
Dr Luveni also presented to participants
governments continued efforts to
empower rural women into leadership
roles and decision making bodies.
Of the three high chiefs of the three
confederacies in Fiji, one is a lady
and there are 225 women chiefs of
traditional clans compared to 1,576
men. The positive here is that women
are not denied their traditional
inheritance. With respect to female
chiefs, community-based leadership
and empowerment training is necessary
to continue to bolster their leadership
positions, Dr Luveni said.
The minister also told the UN
Commission that more than 300 women
in Fiji are members of hospital boards
and village committees and those such
leadership roles are stepping stones to
higher public offce. She also touched
on programs undertaken to provide
justice to rural women, in particular the
Domestic Violence Decree and Zero
Tolerance Violence Free Community
Program (ZTFVC).
Last year, a total of 15 local
communities have been declared as
violence free, and the aim is to increase
this number by 15 communities
annually. Such commitments by rural
and urban communities is supported
at the national level by legislative
frameworks such as Fijis Family Law
Act and the Crimes Decree, and the
provision of social services in the areas
of education and health that prioritize
the needs of women and children, Dr
Luveni said.
While reporting on the access to
productive resources and markets for
rural women, Dr Luveni pointed out
on the microfnance opportunities and
improvement of Infrastructure in rural
The Micro-Finance Unit and the has
identifed rural women as a group
with potential to create sustainable
economic development projects, and
now counts women as their majority
clientele 78% in the case of the
Micro-Finance Unit and 60% for the
National Centre for Small and Micro
Enterprise Development (NCSMED).
Governments Roadmap for
Democracy, Sustainable Socio-
Economic Development has prioritized,
for the period of 2009-2012, there is
improvement in infrastructure, and
roads are being built in rural villages
and settlements that have too long
lived without access to safe water,
electricity and access to markets, Dr
Luveni added
Holi Celebration
The colorful festival of Holi is
celebrated on Phalgun Purnima which
comes in February end or early March.
Holi festival has an ancient origin and
celebrates the triumph of 'good' over
'bad'. The colorful festival bridges
the social gap and renews sweet
relationships. On this day, people hug
and wish each other 'Happy Holi'.
Holi celebration takes place with lot of
joy and verve throughout the country.
The enthusiasm of the people reaches
its peak and matches with the nature
which is in full bounty at the time of
Holi is being celebrated in Indian since
time immemorial but the popularity of
Holi celebrations seems to be rising
with every passing year and so is the
level of hoo-ha. As no other festival
gives so much liberty to the people
to let their hair loose and enjoy their
hidden crazy self.
Differences of any sort are drowned
in the coloured waters of Holi and
people just enjoy being a play animal.
To further enhance the festive spirit
of Holi celebrations we have a social
sanction to get a kick with the tradition
of bhang. Then there is total wildness
as people dance to the rhythm of
dholak and sing traditional folk songs
in loudest possible pitch.
Children particularly enjoy the festival
as they throw water flled balloons at
passersby...and if anybody stares...
they have ready answer, 'Bura na mano
Holi hai.... and evoke a smile on the
irritated face. Besides, they have their
water missiles, called pichkaris to
drench the person from far and escape
further drenching.
In the midst of these colouring games
are savoured the mouth watering holi
specialities like gujiya, malpuas,
mathri, puran poli, dahi badas etc and
downed with glasses full of thandai.
In some states there is also a tradition
of breaking the pot full of buttermilk
which is hung high on the streets. A
group of boys form a human pyramid
and one of them break the pot. All
this while womenfolk throw buckets
of colour water on them and sing folk
And after a wild and eventful day,
evenings are celebrated in a dignifed
manner by visiting friends and
relatives. People exchange sweets and
hug each other conveying the warm
wishes for Holi. These days there
people also participate and organise
Holi Meets and enjoy the festival till
late in the night.
Holi celebrations that a start with the
burning of Holika on the eve of Holi
thus culminates with the lot of fulflled
activity. However, at some places
especially Mathura and Barsana Holi
celebrations continue for a week as
each major temple organise a Holi bash
on different day. Lovers of the festival
enjoy every moment of it.
Holi is March 8th.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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US Ambassador Opens Fiji
Learning Centre
RESEARCHERS, students and
citizens throughout Fiji can now access
resources and research material on
any topic and interact with America,
learning about the culture, values and
history all in one room the American
Resource Centre (ARC).
The centre located at the US Embassy
in Suva was offcially opened on
Tuesday with the hope that it will prove
to be a great resource for all.
In her address at the launch, US
Ambassador Frankie Reed said the
centre housed a collection of American
books, provided innovative online
resources, hosted programs and
activities of interest to the community,
and offered educational advising
services for students interested in
studying at US universities.
She said assistance was available at
the centre to allow users to reach out
to government offcials, academics,
health practitioners, business leaders
and NGO institutions to help them fnd
information related to the US.
"Essentially, you can think of the
ARC as a place where you can come
and interact with America, and where
you can learn more about our culture,
values and history," Ms Reed said.
She said the ARC and its programming
room would also be a distribution site
for material and poster exhibits, and a
venue for speakers, flms, discussion
groups and seminars a place where
American and regional specialists
would share their experience and
knowledge on a wide variety of topics.
"Businessmen can use the ARC to
locate prospective clients and suppliers.
NGO leaders can fnd colleagues in the
United States with shared interests and
shared challenges, and students can
learn about opportunities for study in
the US," she said.
Ms Reed said the democracy of the
US was in part founded on the notion
of the free fow of information, and in
its own way, the ARC represented that
Government offcials, high
commissioners and other members of
the diplomatic corps were invited to
the offcial opening at the US Embassy
at Princess Road.
Kiribati President Presents Flood
Relief Assistance In Fiji
The Pacifc way is to share the
problems of our neighbours and that is
our nature.
Those words were shared by the
President of Kiribati Anote Tong as he
presented Kiribatis support towards
food relief efforts to Fijian Prime
Minister Frank Bainimarama.
President Tong visited the Prime
Ministers offce and donated
$95,000.00 (US$54,350.94) towards
the Prime Ministers Flood Relief Fund
and described the donation as a small
token, adding that in the Pacifc we
share each others problems.
Prime Minister Bainimarama, while
thanking President Tong, said this large
donation would go towards assisting
those who had suffered in the recent
foods especially those who had lost
their homes and livelihood.
Tong said the assistance was to address
the hardships of the people of Fiji who
were affected by the foods.
It is a small token but the spirit which
it is given in is not. We will continue to
give a hand, President Tong told the
Prime Minister.
This is the nature of the people in the
Pacifc, we share our problems. President Anote Tong
Taxi ID For Welfare Recipients
The Ministry of Social Welfare will
soon be distributing taxi tickets to
social welfare recipients who qualify
for access of the 20 per cent taxi fare
The existing identifcation cards used
for bus fare concessions should qualify
for access of the taxi fare concession in
the meantime.
The discount taxi fare is up to 20
kilometers of the distance travelled.
Permanent Secretary for Social
Welfare, Govind Sami said senior
citizens with yellow identifcation
cards and disabled persons with red
identifcation cards would be able to
use the same cards to get discounted
taxi fares.
Speaking at the 64th Fiji Taxi
Association (FTA) annual general
meeting, Mr Sami said Government
was committed to projects that helped
ease the burden of the underprivileged.
FTA general secretary Rishi Ram said
the same conditions for the welfare bus
tickets would apply to the taxi tickets.
The Ministry will confrm later when
the taxi ticket scheme will start.
Patients Should Demand Practicing Certifcate
A total of 103 medical and 30 dental
practitioners have not applied for their
Annual Practicing Certifcate for this year.
You are requested to check the
certifcate on display when you visit
your dentist or doctor.
Fiji Medical and Dental Secretariat
CEO and Registrar, Dharmesh Prasad
urged that patients demand to see the
annual original practice certifcate
which has the Council's seal and
practitioner's photograph if it is not
already on display.
He added that the next step by the
Secretariat is to fnd out from these
practitioners the reasons why they
have not applied and they are not
ruling out disciplinary action that may
range from a penalty of $50,000 to six
months imprisonment.
In 2012 so far, 495 medical and 219
dental certifcates have been issued.
Taxi Drivers Told To Choose Passengers Carefully
Thats the call made by Fiji Police Force
Chief Operations Offcer, ACP Henry
Brown following the increase in the number
of robbery cases where stolen taxis are used
as means of transportation by robbers.
ACP Brown said in the last seven days,
four cases of robberies were recorded
in Totogo Police station and three cases
were recorded in the Southern Division.
He added that in these cases drivers were
hired frst before they were robbed and
their taxis were then used in robberies.
ACP Brown also said that taxi drivers can
drive into any police station or nearest
community post if they feel threatened
or suspicious about a passenger.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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Fiji Appointed Chair Of Trade Meet
Fiji was appointed chair of the Pacifc
ACP Trade Offcials Meeting currently
underway in Nadi.
The appointment of Fijis Ministry
of Industry & Trade permanent
secretary Mr Shaheen Ali follows the
endorsement of senior trade offcials
from the Pacifc.
Accepting the appointment, Mr Ali
said that he was grateful to senior
trade offcials for instilling in him
the confdence and support in his
We should all be now aware of what
our purpose is, at the end of this
process we want the best agreement
that is available to us to underpin our
future trade links with our important
partner the European Union, Mr Ali
told participants.
We have been negotiating and have
invested quite a lot of resources, both
human and capital and I am hopeful
that this meeting will enable us to take
steps forward in achieving our aim.
The senior trade offcials from 14
Pacifc Island countries are expected
to discuss over the next few days
issues which relate to the Economic
Partnership Agreement (EPA) that
Pacifc ACP states are negotiating with
the European Union.
The objective of the meeting is to
consider an update on the Pacifc
ACP (PACP) European Union (EU)
Economic Partnership Agreement
(EPA) negotiations and the preparatory
work needed to be undertaken by the
PACP region to facilitate the next
round of formal negotiations with the
European Commission (EC) later in
the year.
Permanent Secretary for Industry and
Trade, Mr Shaheen Ali
Fiji's Prime Minister Pays Tribute To
Tourism Players
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
paid tribute to the dedication by those
involved in the tourism industry to
increase Fijis visitor arrivals and
strengthen the tourism industry.
In his welcome address to guests
and participants at the 15th AON
Fiji Excellence in Tourism Awards,
Prime Minister Bainimarama said
that the outcome of the awards marks
a milestone achievement for all those
involved in positioning Fijis tourism
industry on the world stage.
The Prime Minister, who was the chief
guest at the event, said Fiji received
a total of 675,050 visitors last year,
indicative of the strong tourism branding
and an emerging diversifed market.
The Ministry of Tourism, Tourism Fiji
and Air Pacifc are on this path and we
all need to quickly adapt to these ways,
Prime Minister Bainimarama said.
The head of government highlighted
the commissioning of three new
Airbus' next year and a new aircraft
by Air Pacifc refecting a growing
commitment by stakeholders to
increase Fiji's visitor arrivals.
The iconic Grand Pacifc Hotel is set to
open its doors towards the end of next year
with a new 600 seat Convention Centre
adding a new dimension to the Suva
destination, the Prime Minister said.
Prime Minister Bainimarama also said
the new casino resort and its 1,500 seat
state of the art Convention Centre located
on Denarau is set to open by October 1st,
2013 which is set to stimulate the growth
of the tourism industry.
These developments provide enormous
opportunities for Fiji such as the annual
budget of $US7 million set aside by casino
developers, Prime Minister Bainimarama
highlighted to guests at the awards.
The Prime Minister said taking
risks and traversing new grounds is
important for those wanting to remain
in the industry as serious players.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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Recent Policy Changes By EU
Pressure Pacifc Further
Attorney-General and Minister
for Trade & Industry, Mr Aiyaz
Sayed-Khaiyum at the opening
of the meeting
The recent policy changes by the
European Commission to withdraw
market access regulations in 2014,
places further pressure on the Pacifc to
conclude the current negotiations and
have in place a Comprehensive EPA with
the European Union says the Attorney
General and Minister for Industry and
Trade, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.
The European Commission (EC)
needs to understand that the current
level of engagement is unacceptable.
Furthermore, a strong message needs
to be sent to the EC making it clear that
the Pacifc ACP side will not settle for
any interim or temporary solutions,
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said.
It is also of concern that we have met
the European Commission only once in
almost 3 years and even that meeting has
been at an informal level. On the other
hand, the EC has been regularly meeting
the other ACP sub-regions, at all levels
including at Summit/HOG level.
The Minister also added that it was
imperative that country representatives
whether ambassadors or regional
representatives represent the Pacifcs
best interest with vigor and not the
interests of the EU.
Their role is to protect our interests
not succumb to the diplomatic
machination of the EU nor to the
salubrious environment of Brussels or
London, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said.
In addition, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said
that careful thought was now needed on
how the region will leverage offers to get
commensurate concessions from the EU.
It is expected that trade offcials will
over the next few days discuss an array
of issues on the EPA including fsheries
access, legal options and customs
issues amongst others.
Apart from Fiji and PNG, the rest of
the PACPs are close to fnalizing their
market access offers, in line with EU
Labour Ministry Goes For ISO
To make services much more cost
effective and quality in delivery, the
Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations
and Employment is working towards
achieving the ISO 9000 Certifcation.
Once achieved, this development will
put Fijis labour services and facilities
on par with the rest of the international
community and standardize quality
managements systems for Fiji that is
recognizable worldwide.
Newly appointed Minister for Labour,
Jone Usamate says his ministry is
looking forward to achieving this
certifcation as all the ground work has
been done.
The ministry has documented our
system and process to modernize it as
we are going towards the Certifcation
ISO 9000, he said.
The move towards the certifcation
is also part of Governments labour
reform in trying to provide cost
effective, effcient and quality
No government ministry has
achieved this and we want to achieve
this especially because we deal with
a whole range of labour, industrial
relations and employment issues, Mr
Usamate said.
Ministry permanent secretary Mr Taito
Waqa says the move towards the quality
management system documentation is
a milestone step towards the ministrys
service and for the country.
In Fiji we have seven organisations
adapting to this system: fve in the
manufacturing and two in the service
and we will be the 8th to have that
service activated, ISO 9000 quality
management system, Mr Waqa said.
Japan Donation To Boost Rehabilitation Centre
The Government of Japan through the
Japanese International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) provided medical
equipments and fnancial assistance to
the Tamavua Rehabilitation Centre.
Tamavua Rehabilitation Centre acting
consultant Dr Pratima Singh said that
the priority areas of funding provided
by JICA included renovations to the
laundry room, personal care and hygiene
equipments, gymnasium facilities, and
renovations to washroom facilities.
Dr Singh said the staff and patients of
Tamavua will now have access to state
of the art facilities which will beneft
the rehabilitation work undertaken by
the centre.
Embassy of Japan charge daffaires
Mr Takeshi Tanabe said the modern
operating medical equipment for the
physiotherapy department will greatly
assist the staff of the rehabilitation
hospital in providing quality services
to the people of Fiji requiring
rehabilitation therapy.
Japan is also funding 7 projects
identifed under Grant Assistance for
Grassroots Project from April 2011 to
March 2012.
Since the inception of this GGP project
in 1989, Japan has funded 277 projects
for the people of Fiji alone.
In April 2010 to March 2011 period,
Japan provided 13 projects with a total
value of $US1 million for Fiji.
Recently, JICA provided Ministry
of Health with a new Blood Bus and
had provided technical co-operation
project on leadership- development of
community health nurses in Fiji.
1.5 Million Pine Trees To Be Planted
Government plans to plant 1.5 million
pine trees in the coming weeks to help
in minimizing landslides and foods.
This is one of the many different steps
that government has undertaken to
mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Planting began last week with the
assistance of personnel from the Fiji
Military Forces and inmates from the
Natabua Correctional Centre.
Commissioner Western Commander
Joeli Cawaki says they intend to increase
the rate of planting from this week.
Over 100, 000 trees have already been
planted in the past week but we want to
increase man power so that more pines
trees are planted per week, he said.
Currently, 60 military personnel and 30
inmates are planting but Cawaki says
the seedlings at Fiji Pine are matured
for replanting.
Cawaki says Fiji Pine also has plans
to engage youths from villages and
communities to continue planting.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times Fiji News
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FQF To Create Regional And International Employment Opportunities
The launch of Fijis Qualifcation
Framework marks a milestone
achievement in ensuring that Fijis
educational qualifcations are
recognized at both the regional and
international level.
The framework was launched by the
Minister for Education, Mr Filipe
Bole who termed the event as a
signifcant step towards enabling
regional and international recognition
of qualifcations awarded locally.
The framework will align with the
requirements of the Pacifc Register
of Qualifcations and Standards while
recognizing the Regional Convention
on the Recognition of Studies,
Diplomas and Degrees in higher
education in Asia and the Pacifc,
Minister Bole said.
The Government recognizes that
the framework can be the catalyst for
expanding national and international
employment opportunities, for
increasing family incomes and for
improving the quality of life for all
Fijians, Mr Bole added.
Mr Bole said that the issue in 2008 of
the Fiji Higher Education Promulgation
Gazette and its commencement in
January, 2010 has enabled important
development and regulatory activities
in the higher education sector in the
past two years.
These activities acknowledge global,
regional and regional imperatives in
higher education, which are geared
towards economic development and the
well-being of all citizens Mr Bole said.
They include Governments response
to a number of priority actions which
were adopted by the World Conference
on Higher Education in October, 1998.
Government will continue to be guided
by these priority actions, at the national
and education provider levels, he
The Minister also acknowledged
efforts by universities and other higher
education institutions to respond to
these priorities.
This is shown in the growth in student
numbers, in the range of programs and
courses offered, the adoption of lifelong
learning approaches, increasing
emphasis on the quality of teaching
and learning, growth in the use of ICT,
increasing emphasis on research, and
in international relations, Mr Bole
He highlighted that the placement
of the frst national standards and
qualifcations on the Fiji Qualifcations
Framework is an important milestone
on a pathway to building an education
and training environment that will play
a key role in developing the future
prosperity for Fiji.
The FQF is administered by the Fiji
Higher Education Commission through
its Fiji Qualifcations Council (FQC), a
subcommittee of the Commission.
Invited guests at the launch of Fiji Qualifcation Framework
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times Fiji News
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Pensioners Respond Favourably
As Validation Deadline Draws
The Fiji National Provident Fund
(FNPF) has validated about 8,000 of
its 11,000 pensioners. A majority of
those validated have opted for the Life
Pension and Term Annuity Products.
The Funds Chief Executive Mr Aisake
Taito said that about 60 percent of those
validated, have indicated their choice
to purchase the Pension Products.
We are encouraged to note that the
new pension products are still popular
choice among current pensioners. Life
Pension continues to be the popular
choice with most of our pensioners,
including the affuent pensioners, Mr
Taito said.
For overseas pensioners, Mr Taito said
the Fund has validated about 30% of
the total 750 pensioners via Skype and
at the Fiji Diplomatic missions abroad
with more expected to be validated
over the weekend and early next week.
With only three working days to the
introduction of the new pension scheme
which came into effect March 1st, Mr
Taito said that the Fund would like to
encourage those pensioners who have
yet to validate to do so immediately.
FNPF currently has mobile counselors
deployed to various parts of Fiji
including the Lau Group, Taveuni and
the Lomaiviti group.
We have dispatched our mobile teams
to the remote locations and have also
visited pensioners who are immobile, to
assist in their validation and counseling.
Mr Taito reiterated the importance of
Pensioners who have not validated by
the stated timeline will not be able to
transit into the new pension scheme,
thus they would not be entitled to a
pension option nor receive any pension
payments from March onwards.
For current pensioners to access any
pension option including lump sum
payment, validation is mandatory.
Pension counseling centres will
continue to be open to validate
pensioners until next Wednesday
Bio Security To Assist Fiji's
Export Targets
The Bio Security Authority of Fiji
(BAF) has put in place measures to
ensure that Fijis Agricultural export
targets are met.
The authoritys chief executive offcer
Mr Elvis Silvestrini says their work
on achieving access to markets and
maintaining the highest standards
remains a priority for the authority.
Achieving access to these markets
is only half the battle. Maintaining
that access is even more diffcult as it
requires close scrutiny in inspections,
support from farmers, exporters,
Department of Agricultures extension
division, constant awareness and
technical training, the ability to address
pest interceptions if and when they
arise and a commitment to quality from
fresh producers, Mr Silvestrini said.
To achieve this, Mr Silvestrini said there
are plans to up skill its offcers in its
monitoring and surveillance activities.
A comprehensive training program
has been incorporated in our Corporate
Plan for staff development and
focusing particularly on customer care
and management skills, and expertise
in border surveillance and detection,
Silvestrini said.
We have very capable staff and they
are the people who will ensure Fiji is
protected from pests and diseases and
that our exports fnd markets around
the world.
The quarantine agency has already
started its work towards maintaining
the nation is free from foreign pests.
The BAF last year purchased a
$240,000 surveillance boat to conduct
monitoring and surveillance in the
Yasawas and the Mamanucas to
strengthen its operations in the area.
We also hope to purchase more
surveillance boats this year and we have
increased our staffng at the borders.
Immigration Sponsors Who Do Not Need To Meet
An Income Requirement!
By Mumtaz Khan
April is almost upon us and it is that
time of the year, when people are busy
preparing their taxes. Prior to fling
taxes, people are calling me and asking
what the minimum required income
is, to sponsor family members for
Permanent Residence in Canada.
In this article, I wanted to clarify which
sponsors need to, and which sponsors
do not needto meet the minimum
income tests.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
announced at the beginning of
November, last year that they are going
to impose a 2 year moratorium on
immigration sponsorship applications
for parents and grandparents. Now, if
you wanted to sponsor your parents, and
grandparents, you did have to meet a
minimum income test. Themoratorium
means the majority of sponsors, who
needed to meet the minimum income
tests, are now out of the picture.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
determines if a sponsor meets the
minimum necessary income (MNI)
by using the Low Income Cut Off
(LICO), which is issued by Statistics
Canada every year. If you do not
meet the LICO, then you are not
generally eligible to sponsor family
for permanent residence. There are,
however, some exceptions, where the
sponsor does not have to meet LICO,
and is nevertheless eligible to sponsor
family members.
These exceptions are:
1. the sponsors spouse, common-
law partner, or conjugal partner, and
has no dependent children;
2. the sponsors dependent child;
In these cases, the sponsorship
application should be approved as
long as the sponsor is a Canadian
citizen or permanent resident, and the
relationship between sponsor and the
sponsored person is established as
The fact that the sponsor does not need
to meet the LICO provisions does not
mean that fnances will not play an
important role in the application. The
Sponsor, despite the above exception,
cannot, be an un-discharged bankrupt
or in receipt of social assistance
If the sponsor cannot show an ability
to support themselves, then they may
also be stopped from sponsoring as
well. This means that the sponsor
must show some ability to support both
themselves as well as the sponsored
applicant once they arrive in Canada,
even if that is something less than the
LICO minimum income levels.
Mumtaz Khanis an immigration
consultant and practices immigration
law in Surrey at M. Khan & Co.
He is certifed by the Immigration
Consultants of Canada Regulatory
Council, and is an immigration
specialist. For more information, visit or email: khan@mkco.
ca twitter:@mkcoca
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dollar, advertise in
The Fiji Times Canada
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times Fiji News
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PM Boosts Education In Rural Areas
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
has emphasized the need to provide
quality education to Fijis children
from an early age.
During a tour of the Western Division,
the head of government was made
aware of the hardships faced by the
people of Bulabula in the interior of
Tavua in getting quality kindergarten
education for their children.
Bulabula Settlement lies about 15
kilometers from Tavua and Ba on the
edges of the high mountains in the
western division.
Bulabula Primary School head teacher
Mr Rajesh Sharma told the Prime
Minister that getting fnancial help has
been a major drawback for the school.
Its very hard for us to get funding or
sponsorship for a project because we
are very far from the main towns both
Tavua and Ba, he said.
The school has a roll of 60 students
who attend classes from one to eight.
The Prime Minister had instructed
offcials to look into the request made
and to ensure that school is provided with
resources to accommodate their request.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister thanked
teachers, parents and students of Ba
Muslim School for the fast action in
clearing the debris from the school and
returning students to their respective
classes after debris and food waters
covered most of the school compound,
including classrooms.
The Prime Minister was in the Western
Division undertaking an assessment
tour of areas affected by the recent
Judge Sworn In To Court Of Appeal
Sri Lankan Judge Justice Eric Lloyd
Basnayake has been sworn-in as the
new judge to the Fiji Court of Appeal
this week.
He was sworn-in by the President,
His Excellency Ratu Epeli Nailatikau
before the Chief Justice Anthony Gates
and the Chief Registrar Irani Ganga
Prior to taking up the post in Fiji,
Justice Basnayake was a judge at the
Sri Lankan Court of Appeal since 2005
and comes with vast legal experience
since joining the profession.
Justice Basnayake has a Bachelor
in Law (LLB) degree and has
attended many training seminars and
He has also provided training to
Magistrates, District Judges and High
Court Judges on various legal topics
for short courses.
Kava Ban Placed In Ba Villages
Two villages in Ba are banned
from consuming kava says Fijis
Commissioner Western Commander
Joeli Cawaki.
Cawaki said not only is kava banned in
Koroboya and the Naitasiri settlement but
also other activities like public gatherings
is also not permitted at the moment.
Cawaki said this is done just to ensure
that other diseases dont spread to other
The problem in these two villages
is the poor health conditions they are
living in and we are doing all we can to
try and improve them, he said.
He said by placing the ban they can
ensure that diseases can be maintained
and not spread around quickly.
Military offcers and police are currently
in Ba monitoring the situation.
FNPF Extends Pension Validation Date
The Fiji National Provident Fund
extended pensioners validation date to
the end of next March.
Fund chief executive Aisake Taito
said in a statement said the decision to
continue with the validation is to reach
out to the remaining 2,000 pensioners
who have yet to formalise their status
and pension options.
Request for the extension was received
from pensioners who are based overseas
and in remote areas, including those
affected by the recent foods.
However, as per the provision of
the new FNPF decree, the new age-
based pension scheme is now in place
and only those pensioners who have
validated and exercised their pension
options will transit into the new
scheme, said Taito.
Taito encourages those who have yet
to be validated to make use of the
He also commended the pensioners
for their understanding and efforts in
complying with the requirements for
validation during an extensive exercise
conducted over 12 weeks.
Mahogany, Sugar Industry Interest US
American businesses have interests in
mahogany and in Fijis historic sugar
Speaking at the Business Council Annual
General Meeting, US Ambassador to
Fiji Frankie Reed said this is with the
acquisition of sugar buyer Tate & Lyle
by American Sugar Refning.
According to Reed, Fiji-US Business
Council has been a partner of the
Embassy since 2007, helps American
and Fijian businesses link up, and
advocates on behalf of members for an
improved regulatory and trade climate
to beneft both nations.
Also, Reed said the participation of
American investment groups includes
the indigenous Native American
participation on developing a new
casino in Fiji.
Fijian people have the skills and
capacity to beneft from wider
international trade, based on the critical
mass of the Fijian economy, she said.
Reed said upon her arrival in 2011, she
had the opportunity to observe various
aspects of the economy, and several
examples of large and small businesses
operating in Fiji.
As Fiji is transportation hub of the
Pacifc islands, Reed said it gives
certain advantages to domestic and
international businesses.
Meanwhile Reed said she also noticed
strong educational resources, and the
demands of empowered consumers.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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Attorney General Announces Fuel Price Changes
The Attorney General and Minister for
Commerce Mr Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
announced changes in fuel prices
following a review of the archaic
fuel template and consultations with
stakeholders including fuel companies.
While announcing new fuel prices, the
Attorney General highlighted that the old
template was in place for decades and
did not refect the economic, business
and commercial environment in Fiji -
therefore a need to review the template.
"With the revision of the template, we
now have this price revision given the
world increase of oil. If the template
had not been reviewed - the prices
would have gone up by 3 to 7 percent
for all of the different fuels", Mr Sayed-
Khaiyum said.
The new fuel prices effective from
March 1st are as follows:
Premix will be down by 11 cents/liter
Unleaded fuel will be down by 2
Price of diesel is going up by 5 cents/
Price of kerosene is going up by 1
The Attorney General said that the
Commerce Commission has also been
carrying out consultations with various
businesses in particular, fuel retailers
who had been concerned with the
inability to have a level of fexibility to
have a margin for them.
"They have been given a 3.5 per cent
margin for retailing fuel. However,
the Commerce Commission has laid
a number of conditions for these fuel
outlets", the Attorney General said.
Conditions include providing basic
services such as water and air at all
stations. The fuel stations will be
given three months to ensure they are
compliant. The revised margin will
also apply to kerosene and diesel after
three months if they comply.
He said the increased margin would
increase competition amongst fuel
retailers and improve the standards for
service stations around the country.
The Attorney General cautioned the
need to anticipate a rise in fuel prices
at the next review due to the global
increase in the price of crude oil. "This
we do not have a control over."
The next review will be carried out
for the month of March. The current
review had been delayed due to lack of
timely data from oil companies.
Dramatic Drop In The Price Of
Decrease in Price Anticipated to
Incentivize New Construction - The
Attorney General and Minister for
Commerce Mr Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
announced that the price of steel has
dropped by 4.2 per cent. The new price
came into effect February 20th, 2012.
Given the fact that the Bainimarama
Government has put in place a number
of incentives and initiatives and tax
breaks to allow people to build their
homes or allow manufactures to
increase their capacity - construction
is very important, said the Attorney
Sayed-Khaiyum said the decrease in
the price of steel would give added
impetus to businesses who want to
build their warehouses, factories and
shops and also for people who want to
build homes or carry out renovations.
The Commerce Commission of Fiji
had carried out consultations with the
sole provider of the steel company in
Fiji Fletcher Pacifc Steels in terms of
the price of steel in the industry.
$16M Upgrade For Ba Hospital
The Ba Mission Hospital will have a
16 million dollar facelift in the coming
years and plans are underway to raise
these funds.
This was revealed to the Prime
Minister Voreqe Bainimarama by the
Commissioner Western Commander
Joeli Cawaki after the Prime Minister
wanted to see a change in location of
the Nailaga Health Centre.
The Prime Ministers concerns were
raised after he was made aware of
the diffculties faced by the staff of
the Nailaga Health Centre during the
recent fooding.
Commander Cawaki said that the
Special Administrator Ba Tavua,
Arun Prasad has been in close contacts
with him regarding the upgrading of
the Ba Mission Hospital.
The proposed $16million facelift will
help the Ba hospital cater for all of
Ba, Cawaki said.
The Nailaga Health Centre services
the people from Matawalu, Votua,
Nawaqarua and Nailaga and is prone
to fooding as it sits on the bank of the
Ba River.
Apart from the Ba Mission Hospital,
there are only two health centres in Ba
the Nailaga Health Centre and the Ba
Health Centre.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times Fiji News
Professor Nandan Awarded As A Writer
One of Australias prestigious
fellowships for research and writing
has been awarded to Professor Satendra
Nandan to write an autobiography: A
Fijian-Indian-Australian Experience.
Professor Nandan will take the Harold
White Fellowship at the National
Library of Australia from April 2012.
Im delighted, said Satendra Nandan,
who concludes his academic position
at UniFiji on February 28.
This fellowship gives me the
opportunity to be a full-time writer.
Writing the second part of my
autobiography is, for me, an exciting
The frst part of his life-story Requiem
for a Rainbow: A Fijian-Indian Story
was published in 2000 to much critical
acclaim and won him an Asia-link
writing award.
This fellowship will take me deeper
into thinking and writing: it will be
an act of self-refection and self-
exploration. At my age it can be the
deepest adventure, says Dr Nandan.
This book will be my 16th work. At the
moment Im completing a book on a
childhood remembered Nadi: Memories
of a River. I hope to publish it on October
10 this year as a gift to the students of Fiji.
It will be launched in Nadi.
Theres no better place than the
National Library of Australia in
Canberra for the facilities available for
research and writing. Ill be writing
about my personal experience of three
societies: Fiji, my birthplace; of India,
my grandparents origins, Delhi my
wifes and two childrens and Australia
my grandchildrens home.
A true journey to make and meditate
on the slings and arrows of my life,
its joys and sorrows. Ive had a fairly
rollercoaster raid so far.'
It will be a literary-political-
autobiography and the infuence of
Australias greatest novelist and the
only Literary Nobel Laureate Patrick
Whites birth centenary is being
celebrated this year and Professor
Nandan has been invited to give
a plenary address and be on the
International Centenary Committee.
Dr Nandan said hell return to Fiji,
on and off, to assist the Fijian Writers
Association and help create a literary
culture in Fiji through a Writing Centre.
With three universities now in Fiji,
literature in the three languages is
bound to fourish and shape our
national consciousness in many ways.
Ill be travelling to India and England
for my book; and, of course, to Fiji.
Its a rare opportunity for a writer
to explore the experience of three
societies, through the prism of a single
Ill be deeply interested in other
aspects of life in Fiji. After all, it is the
place of my birth, the geography and
history of my home. I hope to continue
to contribute to Fiji in many ways,
says Professor Nandan, who will return
to Fiji later this year to be a full time
Professor Satendra Nandan
with one of his books Beyond
Paradise Rights of Passage
No Law In Fiji Says UK Lawyers
A major British legal group has
declared that the rule of law no longer
operates in Fiji.
The Law Society Charity says in a
just published report that there is no
peaceful and lawful way to challenge
Fiji's military regime.
There is no democracy and the
independence of the judiciary cannot
be relied on, they say in a report Fiji:
The Rule of Law Lost, the Charity
considers the effect on the Rule of
Law in Fiji of the events of 2009 and
It said the offce of the Director of
Public Prosecutions (DPP) has had
its competence and independence
reduced to an unacceptable level and
that regime controls and restrictions
make it virtually impossible for
an independent legal profession to
function appropriately.
The group, set up by the Law Society
of England and Wales, noted that the
United Nations tried to investigate
the rule of law in Fiji in 2009 but was
denied entry.
The charity's chair, Nigel Dodds,
made a private visit to investigate last
Since his investigation Fiji dictator
Voreqe Bainimarama has lifted the
martial law he imposed in 2009,
replacing it with new forms of control.
The charity noted that there is a notice
posted to the walls of the courts stating
that "no proceedings challenging the
constitutionality of the Government's
acts can be issued."
It said the DPP, Josaia Naigulevu, was
dismissed along with the judiciary in
April 2009.
The most recent appointee to the role of
DPP is Ayesha Jinasena, a Sri Lankan
on a two-year contract.
It said the DPP and the Fiji Independent
Commission Against Corruption had
been taken over by the newly qualifed
and lawyers imported from Sri Lanka.
Jinasena was sacked and ordered to
leave Fiji in November due to "lack of
confdence by the police".
She was replaced by New Zealand
lawyer Christopher Pryde.
The Charity found that Chief Justice
Anthony Gates had used his personal
connections with Sri Lanka to recruit
Sri Lankan judges in large numbers on
short-term, renewable contracts.
"The quality is held to be variable.
Maintaining independence from
government in their position must be
diffcult," it said.
The Charity noted that the judges
dismissed in April 2009 were
given no reasons, no notice, and no
compensation for loss of offce.
"It is apparent that their sin was to
comply with their oath of offce and
to act independently rather than any
misconduct," said the Charity.
"It is diffcult to conceive of a
more obvious attack on judicial
The military rule had removed the Fiji
Law Society of the power to register
lawyers, with the power given to the
Chief Registrar, who was military
appointee, Major Ana Rokomokoti.
They removed the Fiji Law Society
fles after threatening to arrest staff if
they did not hand over the fles.
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Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times Fiji News
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Fiji And Brazil Strengthen Bilateral Ties
Fijis Ambassador to Brazil Mr Cama
Tuiloma assured the President of
Brazil, Her Excellency Mrs Dilma
Rouseff on the commitment taken by
the Fijian government to strengthen
relations between the two countries.
In presenting his credentials to
President Rouseff, Ambassador
Tuiloma conveyed the warm greetings
of Fijis President, His Excellency
Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, and extended
the deepest regards and well wishes of
the government and the people of the
Republic of Fiji.
He added that Fijis pursuit and
commitment to strengthening the
Fiji-Brazil relations also includes the
opening of its mission in Brasilia in
September 2011, making this Fijis
frst diplomatic mission in the South
American continent.
Ambassador Tuiloma said that Fiji
is honored to be in Brazil and stands
ready to deepen this friendship,
expand communication and scale
up cooperation to a higher level and
make positive contributions to the well
being of people in both countries as
well as peace, stability and sustainable
development in the two countries and
The ceremony held at the Itamaraty
Palace was followed by a luncheon
hosted by the Minister for External
Relations, Ambassador Antonia
de AguiarPatriota. In his speech
Minister AguiarPatriota welcomed
and congratulated twenty other
ambassadors who also presented their
credentials. He specifcally welcomed
Ambassador Tuiloma and announced
him as the frst Fijian resident
ambassador to Brazil.
Before the establishment of a
diplomatic in Brazil, the Permanent
Representative of Fiji to New York also
served as the non-resident ambassador
to Brazil.
Prior to his diplomatic posting to
Brazil, Ambassador Tuiloma was the
Ministry of Works, Transport and
Public Utilities permanent secretary.
ANZ Bank Reduces Interest Rates
ANZ has announced interest rate
reductions on its one-year fxed and
two-year fxed Owner-Occupied
Home Loan Rates by 0.25 per cent and
0.24 per cent respectively, effective
February 28, 2012.
ANZs Owner-Occupied Home Loan rate
for one-year fxed loans will now be 5.5
per cent, while the fxed rate for two-year
fxed loans will reduce to 5.75 per cent.
ANZ head of retail banking Fiji,
Graham Meecham said: Were
pleased to provide our customers
with the most competitive home loans
on the market. We understand that
purchasing a house is the biggest single
fnancial commitment most people will
ever make, and is one where careful
and planned borrowing can help.
With the new rate applied to an owner-
occupied one-year fxed loan, customers
can save approximately $125 interest
per month on a $50,000 home loan
compared with the previous rate.
ANZ has also made it easier for
customers to access our home loan
specialists with ANZs Mobile Mortgage
service, where our Mortgage Specialists
come to you to discuss your Home Loan
options, Mr Meecham said.
Fiji Proudly Reaffrms Commitment To
Global Peacekeeping
Ambassador David Satterfeld, the
Director General of the Multinational
Force and Observers (MFO) Mission,
was accorded a guard of honor on his
arrival at Nausori International Airport,
Fiji for a three day visit to the country.
MFO is an independent international
organization with peacekeeping
responsibilities in Sinai.
Ambassador Satterfeld's visit
refects Fiji's ongoing commitment to
international peacekeeping, notably in
confict zones in the Middle East and
North Africa.
This week Prime Minister Voreqe
Bainimarama highlighted Fiji's
participation in peacekeeping duties
since the beginning of the MFO mission
in 1982, and noted the confdence of the
MFO mission in Fijian Peacekeepers.
"I take this opportunity once again
to welcome Ambassador Satterfeld
to our shores and to thank the MFO
Mission in continuing to support the
work of RFMF personnel in the Middle
East which has enabled our men and
women serving in these troubled spots
to develop their professional skills
and military acumen, making them an
integral part and critical players in the
success of the MFO Mission", Prime
Minister Bainimarama said.
Members the Fiji Republic Military
Forces (RFMF) serve a one year tour
of duty, with approximately one-
quarter of the Fijian Battalion rotating
every three months. Many of our men
and women have served multiple tours
with the MFO as well as having served
in other peacekeeping forces like
Ambassador Satterfeld also paid
a courtesy call to Prime Minister
Health Authorities To Strengthen
Exercise Despite Public Emergency
The Ministry of Health will be
strengthening its health campaigns
in the western division following the
announcement of a Public Health
The Ministrys deputy secretary Doctor
Josefa Koroivueta assured the public
that despite the announcement, cases
that have prompted this decision were
in no way related to the recent foods in
the western division.
The Korobaya settlement in the Tavua
medical sub-division and the Naitasiri
settlement in the Ba medical sub-division
were the two affected communities
which will now have restrictions placed
on public or mass gatherings such as
tournaments and carnivals.
The 30 day declaration follows the
confrmation of 14 clinical cases of
typhoid fever in the Ba province. Any
extension to this emergency will be
reviewed by the Ministry of Health.
We have actually activated what is
in the law and we have now declared
a public health emergency in those
two affected communities, something
similar to what we did for Nanoko
community, Dr Koroivueta said.
So basically it will be restriction and
also isolation of the affected villages.
Dr Koroivueta said while no fatalities
have been reported, the health ministry
would ensure that the problem is
The ultimate aim of this emergency
measure is basically to contain the
spread of this disease and also to
prevent ongoing transmission, he said.
Health offcials have been visiting
communities in the western division to
raise awareness on post food diseases.
They have also visited communities
that were not affected from the
fooding. Fully staffed hospitals in
the western division also remain on
high alert to ensure effcient medical
services are provided.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times South Pacifc News
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King George Tupou V Meets The
Pope At The Vatican
Tonga's King George Tupou V met
the Head of the Catholic Church Pope
Benedict XVI in the Vatican City in Rome.
The king and the Pope met and had
cordial discussions on social areas
important both to the government and
the church. They talked about Tonga's
economy and the contribution made by
the Catholic Church in Tonga.
King George Tupou V gave the Pope a
signed photograph of himself. In turn
the pope gave the king a medal of his
The king also met with Archbishop
Dominique Mamberti, the Secretary
for Relations with States.
Accompanying the king was his Private
Secretary David Dunkley and Tonga's
High Commissioner in London HE Dr
Sione Ngongo Kioa.
Mitsubishi Signs $280 Million
PNG Oil And Gas Deal
Japan's Mitsubishi Corporation has
signed a deal to take a 20 per cent
stake in Talisman Energy's oil and gas
licences areas in Papua New Guinea.
The $US280 million deal is Mitsubishi's
frst major investment in PNG gas and
comes as Talisman prepares to spend
$US800 million dollars on exploration
over the next three years.
The agreement between the two
companiess gives Mitsubishi access to
oil and gas licences covering more than
fve million hectares of land in PNG's
Western Province.
The project has potential to create a
third major gas project for Papua New
Talisman Australia vice president Paul
Atkinson said it is a win-win situation
for both Mitsubishi and the PNG
"Mitsubishi will get access to high
potential acreage in Papua New Guinea
to access leaseholds which could be
developed into reserves for supply of
LNG to, you know, their core market
areas, typically Japan," he said.
And Mr Atkinson said the aim is to
keep focusing on exploration.
"We have a program for about the
next three years to continue with
"We'll be drilling four to fve wells
this year. We'll be shooting about 200
kilometers of seismic this year and on
average about 250-400 kilometers in
the next two years. And that is the focus
of the operation, to explore and prove
up enough gas so that we can then go
to the next stage which would be a
feasibility study for LNG monetization
UN Call For New Strategies For
Colonies Including Pacifc Territories
The newly elected chairperson of the
United Nations decolonization body
has called for new strategies to end
what he calls the archaic concept of
Diego Morejon Pazmino said there
needs to be frank dialogue and a
focus by the Special Committee on
Decolonization on economic and
environmental considerations.
American Samoa, Guam, New
Caledonia, Pitcairn and Tokelau
remain on the UNs list of Non-Self-
Governing Territories.
Morejon Pazmino said the 16 territories
on the list continue to suffer from the
fnancial crisis and climate change.
He said the committees annual
seminar will be held this year in the
Pacifc region and Papua New Guineas
representative has suggested PNG
could host the meeting.
((UN decolonization chair, Diego
Morejon Pazmino((UN decolonization
chair, Diego Morejon Pazmino
UN decolonization chair, Diego
Morejon Pazmino
Samoa Govt Should Remove Acts Threatening
Press Freedom, Says Newspaper Editor
Samoa Observer Editor,
Mataafa Keni Lesa
The editor of the Samoa Observer says
it would be impossible for the media
to operate should a media council
be created while other restrictive
legislation exists.
All media organisations, except for
the Samoa Observer, agreed to set up
a media council, but recommended
the body be self regulated without any
involvement by the government or
other politicians.
The Law Reform Commission revealed
last week that contentious criminal
libels act will be removed from law in
But the editor of the Samoa Observer,
Mataafa Keni Lesa wants it to also
remove the Publishers and Printers
Act, which threatens press freedom.
Unless the government is willing to
get rid of those, then we can have a
media council because at the moment
if you have those two Acts in place and
then a media council on top of those
acts, its just impossible for the media
to do its work.
Mataafa said he believes other media
organisations are simply resigned to
the fact that the government will create
a media council with or without their
Solomon Islands Announces New
Foreign Minister
Solomon Islands' has sworn in a
new minister for Foreign Affairs and
External Trade.
Clay Forau Solaui replaces Peter Shanel,
who was sacked two weeks ago.
Journalist Koroi Hawkins spoke with
the media.
"This is after over two weeks of
waiting since the sacking of the
last Foreign Affairs Minister, Peter
Chanel, following his intentions to set
up diplomatic links with Russia," Mr
Hawkins said.
"He was one of three ministers sworn
in today actually.
"The other two were reshuffed posts.
I think its public service to fsheries and
the third being a surprise move from the
opposition bench being sworn in as the
infrastructure and development minister".
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times New Zealand News
Two Charged With Murdering
Dairy Worker
A pair of Sri Lankan men has been
charged with murdering a dairy worker
before burning down his Oxford home.
Sameera Chandrasena, 28, a Sri Lankan
national, was found dead in the burnt-
out shell of his Domain Road home on
February 23.
Police said he had been beaten to death
before his house was set on fre.
Two Sri Lankan men, aged 23 and 33,
were arrested soon after the death on
unrelated charges.
Detective Inspector Virginia Le Bas
said the pair had been charged with
murder and arson.
She said the charges were the result of
a complex investigation.
"There have been a number of threads
to this investigation and we have also
had to contend with a crime scene that
was severely fre-damaged.
"I would also like to thank the
Sri Lankan community for their
cooperation and assistance, which has
been invaluable."
Ms Le Bas said formal identifcation of
Mr Chandrasena has been completed
and his body would soon be released
to family.
Mr Chandrasena, known as Sammy,
was a popular fgure in the small
Oxford community, where he worked
as a farmhand.
A permanent New Zealand resident, he
had lived there for around four years
and was a member of the local Oxford
senior cricket team.
Police investigating his death are still
looking to speak to anyone who saw a
white Mitsubishi Chariot seven-seater
vehicle early on February 23, between
Oxford and Christchurch.
Widowed Driver Burgled On Eve
Of His Sentencing
A day after his hotel room was burgled
and his family's possessions were
stolen, Canadian man Douglas Smith
stood in the dock to be sentenced for a
tragic driving error that killed his wife.
Moments after Community Magistrate
Kathryn Wilson convicted and discharged
the Winnipeg hotelier; she expressed
horror at the theft and asked him to "please
think kindly of New Zealand".
She then wished him luck as he
prepared to leave the country with his
wife's remains for her funeral.
Smith had earlier pleaded guilty to
careless driving causing the death of
his wife, Michele Smith, in a collision
with a truck-and-trailer unit about
10km north of Te Kuiti on February 23.
The court had heard how the couple
arrived in New Zealand on February
17 on the advice of their daughters,
who had visited in the past and had told
them how beautiful the country was.
They had planned to drive south
through the North Island and then on
to the South Island and were leaving
Waitomo when tragedy struck.
"A few days into this the defendant made
a driving error, a very serious one," said
his lawyer, Philip Morgan, QC.
Smith made a u-turn in the Ford
campervan he was driving, into the path
of a northbound truck-and-trailer unit
at the intersection of SH37 and SH3 at
Hangatiki, about 10km east of Waitomo.
The truck driver was unable to avoid
the collision and ploughed into the
front left of the vehicle.
Mrs Smith, 62, who was sitting in the
front passenger seat, suffered critical
injuries and died at the scene.
Smith and their 24-year-old daughter,
who was sitting in the rear, suffered
minor bruising. The truck driver was
shaken but unscathed.
Mr Morgan said "one may question"
why it was relevant to convict.
"He [the defendant] is of course
torturing himself over having caused
the death of his wife and mother of
his children. There's nothing anyone
can do to penalize him more than he
already has been."
Mr Morgan then revealed as an
"illustration of how mean life can be"
that the Hamilton hotel room of Smith
and his family was burgled the night
before his appearance.
They lost three cell phones, an iPad,
headphones and a backpack.
"This family has had enough," said the
Queen's Counsel.
He said Smith was an experienced
driver, who had operated heavy road
machinery for much of his life and had
driven in other countries that drove on
the left-hand side of the road.
But he admitted his client's driving on
the day of the accident was inexplicable
and careless.
"All they want to do is get back on a
plane and fy back to Canada so they
can attend to funeral arrangements."
Community Magistrate Wilson said
the maximum punishment for the
offence was a three-month prison term,
disqualifcation from driving for six
months and a $4500 fne.
But she said no punishment could
restore the loss to Smith and his family
and took into consideration his co-
operation with police and immediate
guilty plea.
"I have little doubt that you are totally
horrifed in fnding you have killed
someone; this will remain with you
forever. This was just a lapse but it had
enormous consequences."
As she sentenced Smith to a six-month
driving disqualifcation and ordered him
to pay court costs of $132.89, his two
daughters and his stepsister hugged one
another and cried in the public gallery.
Neither Smith nor any of his family
would comment after his appearance.
The group was led away by police
through a rear court exit.
The crash at that highway intersection
was the third serious accident involving
an overseas driver since February 2009.
But Transport Agency Waikato/Bay of
Plenty state highways manager Kaye
Clark said improvements had been
made at the intersection, including
a longer slip lane, the construction
of traffc islands, new lighting, bank
trimming and tree removal to increase
sight distance.
New Zealand Business Mentors
Start Work Coaching Fiji
Businesses In Success
Fijian businesses who are interested
in improving their businesses
performance can now take advantage
of the free Pacifc Islands Business
Mentoring Programme from Business
Mentors New Zealand (BMNZ)
which kicks off this month with an
introductory briefng in Suva on March
Fiji is the latest of 11 Pacifc island
countries to be included in the BMNZ
managed project with funding provided
by New Zealands Aid Programme.
The 10 strong team of mentors is
twice as large as the usual contingent
because Fiji is a much larger economy
than most of the other Pacifc Islands.
There will be two one hour
presentations for Fijian business
owners at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Suva
starting at noon and 5 pm on March 5th
and all business owners are invited to
The Pacifc Business Mentoring
programme aims to assist small and
medium sized businesses in the Pacifc
to manage and grow their businesses in
a way that supports sustained increases
in production and employment over
time. It is hoped the programme will be
a catalyst for identifying other business
needs such as training, and create
opportunities for partnerships and joint
ventures, and increased Pacifc exports.
Suka Salusalu, Training and Research
Coordinator at the Fiji Commerce
and Employers Federation who is
the Business Mentors Agent in Fiji
say: `The Mentoring programme will
encourage upskilling of our business
people and undoubtedly will lead to
a boost to profts for our smaller and
medium sized enterprises. I am so
excited to be part of the coordinating
team and am sure its going to make a
tremendous difference.
Ian Furlong, General Manager of the
Business Mentors Pacifc Programme
adds: Experienced Independent
NZ business mentors bring a fresh
perspective and approach to analyzing
existing business performance and
opportunities in smaller business
communities. Often the range of
expertise provided by the NZ mentors
is simply not available in many pacifc
island countries.
Ian has a wealth of corporate experience
with General Foods, Watties and Coca
Cola Amatil where he was a member of
the leadership team for many years and
the CEO of Coca Cola Amatil in Fiji
for three years returning to NZ in 2008.
He explains: The situation in the
Pacifc over recent times has seen many
business owners under pressure and
having to cope in a very challenging
business environment. Many lack the
experience to get through and this is
where a business mentor can help.
Countries benefting from the BMNZ
Pacifc Mentoring Programme include
the Cook Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Niue,
Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Kiribati
and Tuvalu, Papua New Guinea, Fiji
and Tokelau.
School Bus Left Hanging Over The Edge
A school bus left the road near
Waitakere township, West Auckland,
yesterday afternoon. It was believed no
one was injured.
St Johns Ambulance confrmed it had
not carried out any jobs in relation to
the incident and it was unknown if
there were any children aboard the bus.
A Herald reporter at the scene said the
bus had taken out about four or fve
fence posts of a wire barrier and its
left wheels were hanging over a ditch
about one metre deep.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Times Australia News
Accused Killer Kept Visiting Us - Mother
ACCUSED triple murderer Max Sica persistently visited his alleged victims
despite being repeatedly told by their parents to stay away, a court has heard.
Sica, 41, is accused of murdering ex-
girlfriend 24-year-old Neelma, her
brother Kunal, 18, and their sister
Sidhi, 12.
Their bodies were found in a spa bath
at their home in the outer Brisbane
suburb of Bridgeman Downs on April
22, 2003.
Giving evidence in the Supreme Court
in Brisbane on Wednesday, the siblings'
mother, Shirley Singh, said she and her
husband, Vijay, repeatedly asked Sica
to stay away from their family in the
months before the deaths.
However, she said Sica ignored the
requests and continued to try to involve
himself in the family.
Mrs Singh said Sica turned up at the
house on one occasion when she and
her husband had had a "huge fght" that
resulted in the police being called.
He also brought the family presents on
Christmas Day and arrived late on New
Year's Eve 2002 to a cold reception
from Mrs Singh.
"It was the last time I ever partied with
my children," Mrs Singh said, breaking
down sobbing.
"He said he came to wish us a happy
new year, what was supposed to be a
happy 2003.
"I didn't show any interest in talking to
him and he noticed that and he left."
She said Sica was present at a function
at her youngest daughter's school,
despite his own children attending a
different school.
He was also at a casino the Singh
family visited during a holiday on the
Gold Coast in November 2002.
"I asked Neelma what he was doing
there," Mrs Singh said.
"He was following Neelma around."
The trial continues.
Bank Manager Jailed For Stealing Millions
Carleton pleaded guilty to one
charge of stealing as a servant
over a 16-year period.
A former bank manager has been jailed
for nine years for stealing almost $3
million from the Bendigo Bank at
Atherton in far north Queensland.
Colin John Carleton was arrested at
a campsite in the Daintree, north of
Cairns, in July 2010, a fortnight after
he admitted to bank investigators he
had been defrauding customers.
He pleaded guilty to one charge of
stealing as a servant over a 16-year
The District Court in Cairns heard he
had been with the bank for 19 years
and began stealing small amounts from
pensioner and term deposit accounts.
This escalated and began feeding a
gambling addiction and an almost daily
compulsion to buy hardware and other
items Carleton did not need or use.
A psychiatric report said Carleton
developed bipolar two disorders about
eight years ago and his offending was in
sharp contrast to his high standing as an
active member of the Atherton community.
Carleton will be eligible for parole in
July 2013.
Cyclist Fined For Riding 56Km/h
In School Zone
POLICE have issued a reminder to cyclists that they must abide by
the same road rules as motorists after a man was caught speeding
through a school zone on his bicycle.
Senior Constable Lance Munckton
was shocked to clock a cyclist doing
56km/h through a childrens crossing
outside St Johns Primary School in
Scarborough, on Perth's Sunshine
Coast, during morning peak hour
earlier this month.
It was the fastest speed of a bicycle the
offcer had ever recorded in 28 years of
The speed limit in designated school
zones is 40km/h.
The 34-year-old cyclist from Mt
Hawthorn was fned $150 and issued
two demerit points - a penalty he was
very annoyed with.
West Metropolitan Traffc offcer-in-
charge Patricia Lagan said although
there was no one crossing at the time, a
bicycle hitting a pedestrian at that speed
was likely to kill or seriously injure them.
The cyclist could not be contacted for
An inquiry headed by former Supreme
Court judge Philip Cummins has made
90 recommendations to government
to reform the states child protection
One of the most controversial,
supported by a majority of the inquiry
panel, is to change the law allowing
courts to suppress the names of child
sex offenders.
Premier Ted Baillieu says the
government will seek advice from
police and other justice offcials about
the recommendation.
"The government will be urgently
Victorian Government Considers Change
To Laws Protecting Child Sex Offenders
THE Victorian government will urgently consider repealing a law that
protects the identities of child sex offenders.
seeking advice to deal with this matter,"
he said.
"The interests of children will take
priority and do take priority for this
Mr Baillieu's comments follow those
made by Community Services Minister
Mary Wooldridge on radio said that the
rights of children had to be balanced
with the rights of pedophiles to live
in the community after having served
their sentence.
"I said then and I say now ... the rights
of a child are always paramount," she
later told parliament.
Budget Airline Air Australia Owes
Up To $90 Million
COLLAPSED budget airline Air Australia owes creditors up to $90
million, and employees will not recoup all the wages they are owed.
Administrators for the airline met
about 100 creditors at The Greek Club
in Brisbane.
The meeting heard a federal government
scheme would cover some of the 300-
plus employees' unpaid wages, but
limited payouts to $118,000.
Only $5 million of the $8 million owed
in unpaid wages would be paid by the
Mark Korda, a partner at administrator
KordaMentha, told reporters the return
to creditors was likely to "be nil''.
"Our prognosis is the airline is
not saleable, but we have had four
expressions of interest for the sale of
the engineer business,'' Mr Korda said.
"Because the company leases its
buildings, leases its planes, leases its
equipment, you don't have a lot of assets.
"There's not a lot to sell.''
He said $1 million could be made from
the assets.
"There may be some return on (staff's)
superannuation, but we are not certain
yet,'' he said.
ANZ, the biggest creditor, was owed
more than $20 million.
Other creditors included aeroplane
lessors, catering companies, cargo
companies, spare-parts suppliers and
maintenance companies.
Air Australia founder and chief
executive Michael James, who has
gone to ground since the collapse, did
not attend the meeting.
Mr Korda told creditors the company
would most likely go into liquidation.
Air Australia was previously known
as Strategic Airlines but relaunched in
November 2011 to cash in on under-
serviced routes.
"I think their strategy was to start up a
low-cost airline and in my experience
that is a very diffcult undertaking,'' Mr
Korda said.
Thousands of passengers were stranded
when the airline collapsed this month.
Raids Snare 16 Illegal Workers
SIXTEEN illegal workers from Indonesia have been detained after raids
on properties in Melbourne's southeast.
A team of 22 offcers from the
Department of Immigration and
Citizenship (DIAC) simultaneously
raided three adjoining residences,
detaining 10 men and six women.
A department spokesman says the
illegal workers have been transferred
to Maribyrnong Immigration Detention
Centre and will be removed from
Australia as soon as possible.
The operation follows one near Mildura
where 12 farm workers in breach of
their visa conditions were found and
removed from Australia.
"Operations like these serve as a
warning to the community that
they face serious consequences for
remaining in Australia without a valid
visa or for employing illegal workers,"
the spokesman said.
He said the department was given a
tip-off about the 16 illegal Indonesian
farm workers and encouraged other
members of the community with
information about illegal workers to
contact the department."
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times World News
Pakistan Finishes Demolition Of
Bin Laden Hideout
Pakistani bulldozers on Monday
fnished demolishing the house where
Osama bin Laden lived for at least fve
years until he was killed by US Special
Forces last May, the reporter said.
Only the wall of the compound remained
intact, surrounding the debris of the three-
storey building where the Al-Qaeda leader
hid in the garrison town of Abbottabad
and a security offcial confrmed the
demolition had been completed.
Security forces guarding the compound
refused to let anyone inside.
"The demolition has been completed,
the three story building was razed to
the ground," a security offcial said.
"We have been ordered to be deployed
here until further instructions. The
outer wall will remain intact for the
moment and we don't know the plan
for the future. First we will remove the
debris," the offcial added.
Bulldozers began the demolition work
late Saturday in Abbottabad's Bilal
Town suburb, where the compound
has been under the control of Pakistani
security forces since the Americans
ended their covert operation on May 2.
Nikki Haley Skips White House
Dinner To Meet Friends
South Carolina's Indian-American Republican Governor Nikki Haley
Criticised President Barack Obama's "Failure To Handle America", But
Said "Personal Plans" Kept Her And Husband Michael From Attending
Sunday's White House Dinner.
Obama and First Lady Michelle
Obama host the dinner annually for the
governors to coincide with the National
Governors Association conference in
"We were meeting with friends," Haley
told reporters Monday, following a press
conference organised by the Republican
Governors Association (RGA).
Haley said she and her husband "were
honoured" to attend the White House
dinner last year -- her frst as governor --
but wanted to see friends Sunday night.
Haley attended Monday morning's
meeting with Obama and Vice President
Joe Biden, where the president stressed
the importance of education policy.
Haley later joined fellow Republican
governors, Indian-American Bobby
Jindal of Louisiana and Bob McDonnell
of Virginia, at the RGA press conference
to blast Obama's policies and urge the
election of a Republican president.
In addition to stressing the Republican
message on business and education
issues, Haley, who has endorsed
Republican Mitt Romney, said Obama
was coming in the way of development
in her state.
"In South Carolina, we can't even pass
our own bills without him getting in
the way," she said. "We pass illegal
immigration reform, he stops it. We
pass voter ID, he stops it. We get
Boeing, he stops it."
"I mean, I'd just like to be a governor
and be able to take care of my state. The
president's trying to handle the entire
country, and he's failing," Haley said.
South Carolina's Indian-American
Republican Governor Nikki Haley
Camilla 'Escaping' Royal Life With Regular Visits To Country Home
THE pressures of public life are building for Prince Charles's wife, Camilla, who is leading a life increasingly separate from the
future king, a British newspaper reports.
The Duchess of Cornwall, 64, regularly
leaves Charles to "escape" to her
old country house in the Cotswolds,
her hairdresser and confdante, Jo
Hansford, told the Daily Star.
"He (Charles) was born into it, she
(Camilla) wasn't, she came into it
much later in life," Ms Hansford said
of royal living and Camilla's handling
of it some seven years after she married
a prince.
"That escape is fantastic from her point
of view."
The report said that, when not scheduled
for public engagements, Camilla
travelled to her country hideaway to
spend time with her grandchildren and
There she didn't have to worry about
her appearance or being hounded by
photographers, it said.
"This is causing concern about the
future. She goes off at least once a
week or every 10 days to escape," an
unnamed royal aide told the Star.
"Charles is worried and irritated and
has spoken to her ... at the moment he
is prepared to put up with it, but there
will come a time when he won't."
In the fnal months of 2012, Charles
and Camilla are due to visit Australia
as part of an international tour schedule
by senior royals to mark the Queen's
diamond jubilee.
The Star report said: "Camilla does not
like long journeys or fying."
A spokesman for the Duchess denied
she and Charles were undertaking
an increasing number of individual
"They are not leading separate lives;
they do joint engagements and
individual engagements to maximise
the impact the royals have," he said.
THE pressures of public life are
building for Prince Charles's wife,
Camilla, who is leading a life
increasingly separate from the future
king, a British newspaper reports.
The Duchess of Cornwall, 64, regularly
leaves Charles to "escape" to her
old country house in the Cotswolds,
her hairdresser and confdante, Jo
Hansford, told the media.
"He (Charles) was born into it, she
(Camilla) wasn't, she came into it
much later in life," Ms Hansford said
of royal living and Camilla's handling
of it some seven years after she married
a prince.
"That escape is fantastic from her point
of view."
The report said that, when not scheduled
for public engagements, Camilla
travelled to her country hideaway to
spend time with her grandchildren and
There she didn't have to worry about
her appearance or being hounded by
photographers, it said.
"This is causing concern about the
future. She goes off at least once a
week or every 10 days to escape," an
unnamed royal aide told the media.
"Charles is worried and irritated and
has spoken to her ... at the moment he
is prepared to put up with it, but there
will come a time when he won't."
In the fnal months of 2012, Charles
and Camilla are due to visit Australia
as part of an international tour schedule
by senior royals to mark the Queen's
diamond jubilee.
As reported: "Camilla does not like
long journeys or fying."
A spokesman for the Duchess denied
she and Charles were undertaking
an increasing number of individual
"They are not leading separate lives;
they do joint engagements and
individual engagements to maximise
the impact the royals have," he said.
Prince Charles's wife, Camilla
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times World News
1,000 Adrift On Italian Cruise Ship Near Seychelles
An Italian cruise ship with more than
1,000 people on board is adrift in the
Indian Ocean following a fre.
The vessel is from the same feet as the
Costa Concordia which ran aground
and capsized off the Italian coast last
The Costa Allegra - with 636
passengers - is drifting off the
Seychelles archipelago after making a
mayday call seeking assistance from
nearby cargo ships.
A fshing ship has now reached the
liner, about 300 kilometers south-west
of the Seychelles, which are off the
coast of east Africa.
On deck
The owners, Costa Cruises, says all
passengers are in good health and
have been assembled on the decks as
a safety measure. The fre in the engine
room has been put out.
The incident occurred in potentially
dangerous waters where Somali pirates
have been active.
It comes six weeks after the Costa
Concordia was abandoned with the
loss of at least 25 lives off the Italian
Italy's coast guard says it has contacted
authorities in the Seychelles after the
incident near Alphonse Island, 200
nautical miles from the main island of
the Indian Ocean archipelago.
Italian coast guard spokesman Cosimo
Nicastro says the Seychelles has sent a
coast guard ship, a plane and two tug
boats to the Costa Allegra.
"The ship is completely safe. Other
vessels are also on their way. The
captain is updating us regularly about
the situation on board," Nicastro said.
"The Costa Allegra's engines are out
but its communications are working,"
the Italian coast guard said, adding that
wind speeds in the area were around 25
knots which can make for choppy but
not gale-force conditions at sea.
The 28,597-tonne ship was at the start
of a cruise which would have also
taken it to Oman, the Red Sea and
the Egyptian Mediterranean city of
The much larger Costa Concordia,
weighing more than 114,000 tons,
crashed into the Italian Island of Giglio
last month with 4,229 people from 60
countries on board.
Costa Allegra, now drifting without power after a fre
Britons Held For Smuggling
'Fake' Artifacts Out Of Egypt
A British couple was arrested at an
Egyptian airport on suspicion of
trying to smuggle antiquities out of
the country before experts realized
they were imitations bought at a local
Michael Newey, 65, and his wife
Angela, 62, were stopped at the
Luxor international airport with
19 mementoes, including Pharonic
statues, a Greco-Roman bronze coin
and a 16th century Bible, the Daily
Telegraph reported Tuesday.
During an examination of the items by
Egypt's ministry of antiquities, Angela
Newey reportedly smashed three of
them and police had to be called.
But the couple -- who have lived in
Egypt for nine years -- were later
released after it became apparent that
the goods were fakes, according to the
The items were understood to have
been reproductions bought at a local
A spokesman for the Foreign Offce in
London said the couple were on their
way back to Britain.
The local English language newspaper,
the Luxor Times, said the Britons
deserved an apology after it emerged
the artifacts were fake.
KFC Opens First Iranian Branch
In 30 Years
American fast food chain restaurant Kentucky Fried Chicken
(KFC) has opened its frst branch in Iran despite harsh US
sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear programs.
KFC opened its frst branch in the
country in the Central Iranian city of
Karaj in Alborz province.
Amir-Hossein Alizadeh, the licence
holder, said it took him fve years to
get permission from the relevant local
authorities to open the branch.
The franchise was closed in Iran following
the 1979 Islamic revolution, due to its
affliation with the enemy country US.
Meanwhile, tensions between Iran
and West are increasing amid reports
suggesting that the country has
signifcantly stepped up its uranium
enrichment programme in the last four
Iran last week denied inspectors from
the United Nations' nuclear watchdog
access to a key military site.
International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) inspectors were turned
away from a base in Parchin, where
intelligence suggests nuclear weapons
are being developed.
World's Most Romantic Places For A
Leap Year Proposal
FEBRUARY 29th is traditionally the
day when love-struck women can take
matters into their own hands, drop to
one knee and pop the question.
The legend was born in the ffth century
after St Bridget, sick and tired of
commitment-phobic men, complained
to St Patrick that many women had to
wait too long for their beaus to propose.
By way of compromise, St Patrick
granted women a single day in a leap
year to make their move - the last day
of the shortest month.
He even chucked in a bonus clause: if
a woman was turned down on this day,
her rejector was obliged to offer her a
gift of some kind (in Denmark, 12 pairs
of gloves was the penalty for refusal).
For those thinking about taking the plunge
this year, World Travel Awards has come
up with a list to give you a helping hand.
Its named the top ten most romantic
destinations to propose this leap year -
and Australias very own Great Barrier
Reef is one of them.
Manon Han, WTAs Executive Vice
President, said: Proposing to your
loved one is always going to a nerve-
wracking moment, especially with
the added pressure of being a lady.
But choosing a ftting location can go
a long way in swaying the outcome
For the traditionalists, Ms Han suggests
the Taj Mahal or the Sahara.
Meanwhile, Prince Williams royal
proposal at Lewa Downs has made the
Kenyan site a popular proposal choice.
But, if your hubby-to-be is a bit more of
a thrill-seeker, Ms Han offers suggestion:
You could always try popping the question
underwater at the Great Barrier Reef!
Mother Given Wrong Baby To
A BRITISH mother breast-fed someone else's baby after hospital
staff handed her the wrong newborn, a hearing was told.
The blunder occurred at Bassetlaw
Hospital in Worksop, central England,
after two new mothers allowed their
restless babies to be moved to another
area of the hospital.
Staff then handed the wrong babies to the
unnamed women, known as Mother A
and Mother B, and only realized the mix-
up after one of the infants had been fed.
The Nursing and Midwifery Council
(NMC) heard that midwife Jill
Ashmore tried to cover up the incident
in November 2007, when she told
Mother A that her baby had not been
fed while they were separated.
David Clarke, for the NMC, said,
"The baby had been fed - breast-fed by
Mother B who at the time had thought
she was feeding her own baby".
Ms Ashmore failed to record the
incident, and tried to persuade student
midwife Claire Newton-Jones not to
reveal the mistake, the hearing was
The midwife admitted that she did
not record the incident but denies
misconduct. She will be barred from
the profession if she is found guilty.
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Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times World News
Indian Man Charged With Setting
Girlfriend's Daughter Alight
A 30-YEAR-OLD Indian man was charged with murder after allegedly
setting his lover's seven-year-old daughter alight because he believed the
woman was cheating on him.
Authorities said locals noticed smoke
coming from an abandoned house in
the central Indian city of Hyderabad.
When they went to check it out they
found the young girl wrapped in a
mattress that had been set on fre.
The girl was taken to a nearby hospital,
but died later from her burns, offcials
Locals apprehended the suspect, known
as "Vijay," and later handed him over
to police, who booked him for murder.
Vijay had been in a relationship with
the girl's mother for around two years
and suspected she had been cheating
on him, the newspaper reported.
Nepal Man Crowned Worlds Shortest
A 72-year-old man from a remote valley in southwestern Nepal was declared the shortest man ever documented after being measured by Guinness
World Records offcials.
Chandra Bahadur Dangi stands just
54.6 centimeters (21.5 inches) tall,
measurements confrmed, 5.3cm
shorter than Filipino Junrey Balawing,
the previous holder of the "world's
shortest man" title.
"I'm continually amazed that this record
keeps getting broken," Guinness World
Records editor-in-chief Craig Glenday
said in a statement after the adjudication
in the Nepali capital Kathmandu.
"Just when you think it's impossible for
the record to get any smaller, Mr Dangi
comes along and astonishes us all.
"What I fnd equally remarkable is
his age - if he really is 72, he is by far
the oldest person to be awarded the
shortest-man record in Guinness World
Record's 57-year history," Glenday
Dangi has also been declared the
shortest human adult ever documented,
taking the accolade from India's Gul
Mohammed, who was measured at
57cm before he died in 1997 aged 40.
Dangi, who weighs 12kg, was brought
to the attention of the world only three
weeks ago after Nepali researchers
looking into the history of the Dangi
people were introduced to him.
He told AFP in his frst interview with
Western media earlier this month that
recognition at the end of his life would
be some compensation for years of
The pensioner, who was orphaned
at 12, says relatives used to display
him at freak shows to make money
for themselves and that he has never
experienced romance or found his soul
"Until now, Chandra's stature has been
a burden; he is acutely aware of the
diffculties of ftting into an average-
sized world and is disappointed at
having missed out on the chance to fnd
a wife," Guinness World Records said.
"He is hopeful, though, that his new
title will see a change in his fortunes."
The cause of his stunted growth remains
a mystery although many holders of
the "world's shortest man" crown have
suffered from primordial dwarfsm.
Dangi earns a sparse living weaving
jute headbands and has only ever left
his village in poverty-stricken Dang
district, 350km from Kathmandu, a
handful of times.
Guinness World Records quoted
Dangi, who visited Kathmandu for the
frst time to be measured, as saying he
was too old for marriage but would still
like to travel.
"I want to visit foreign countries and
meet people from around the world,"
Dangi said.
September 11 Remains Dumped In Landfll
Partial remains from some victims of
the September 11, 2001 attacks ended
up in a landfll, according to a Pentagon
report that reveals other blunders at the
US military's main mortuary.
The Pentagon report said several
portions of remains, found from the
attack on the Pentagon and at the
Pennsylvania crash site of a hijacked
airliner, presumably ended up in a
landfll site after being handed over to
a private frm.
It did not say precisely where the
remains ended up.
Retired General John Abizaid, briefng
Pentagon reporters on the fndings of
the review of practices at the mortuary
at Dover Air Force Base, said it was
unclear how many September 11
victims' partial remains were disposed
of in this manner.
"I don't know that there's a way to fnd
out," General Abizaid said.
The details were disclosed in passing
in a report that focused on ways to
improve oversight and controls of the
Dover mortuary after the disclosure
last year of the mishandling of remains
of war dead.
But the new document threw light
on other irregularities, including a
$25,000 settlement in January, 2008 to
a spouse of a marine whose personal
effects were destroyed.
In 2006, the mortuary accidentally
disposed of remains from a crashed
Navy training aircraft as medical
waste, as opposed to giving them a
group burial.
The Pentagon was targeted by
terrorists on September 11, 2001
Man Dies After Drinking Petrol Then
Lighting A Cigarette
POLICE say a man is dead after he accidentally drank from a
jar of petrol and then smoked a cigarette.
Havelock police received an emergency
call after 43-year-old Gary Allen Banning
set himself on fre. Banning was transported
to UNC Burn Center in Chapel Hill, where
he died.
City spokeswoman Diane Miller said
investigators believe Banning was at a
friend's apartment when he apparently
mistook a jar of petrol sitting by the kitchen
sink for a beverage. After taking a gulp, he
spat the gas out and got some on his clothes.
Sometime later, investigators say Banning
went outside to smoke a cigarette and burst
into fames.
Havelock police and the city fre marshal
are continuing their investigation.
Crew Members Of New Zealand Reef
Ship Plead Guilty
The captain and navigating offcer of a
cargo ship which ploughed into a reef
off New Zealand last October have
pleaded guilty to a series of charges.
The charges include "operating a
vessel in a manner causing unnecessary
danger or risk" and attempting to
pervert the course of justice.
The two men cannot be named until
they are sentenced in May.
The Rena has leaked large amounts of
fuel in what is New Zealand's worst
ever maritime environmental disaster.
Some of the charges are punishable by
up to seven years in prison.
Both men also face a charge relating to
the "discharge of harmful substances
from ships or offshore installations".
The captain pleaded guilty, but the
navigating offcer did not enter a plea
on this charge.
If necessary, a further hearing will be
held in May to hear arguments on this
particular charge.
The Rena struck the well-marked
Astrolabe Reef off the North Island
resort area of Tauranga on 5 October
last year.
The ship broke in two in January when
most of the stern of the Greek-owned
Rena slipped off the reef and became
Salvage operations on the wreck are
Hundreds of tonnes of fuel have leaked
since the Rena ran aground, killing
thousands of seabirds.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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Kareena To Replace Malaika As
'Munni' In 'Dabangg2'
Kareena Kapoor replaces Malaika
Arora Khan as Munni in Dabangg2.
Since Don, she has not done a single
item number. She has done Chammak
Challo in Ra.One and will next be
seen doing mujra in Agent Vinod. In
Dabangg2, Kareena will be shaking
her legs to the lines of Munni Badman
Hui with her partner Salman Khan.
The reason cited for Kareena replacing
Malaika Arora is Bebos superb
chemistry with Salman Khan which
the cine-goers adore a lot.
Earlier, grapevine buzzed that Amrita
Arora be teaming up with sister Malaika
Arora Khan and both the sisters will be
taping foot with Sallu but later the plan
Malaika will put on the producers cap
and will just concentrate on the flm
Sajid-Wajid or Lalit Pandit will
compose the music of the flm.
Lets see whether Kareena can live up
to the expectation of the audience and
become second Munni.
Shootout At Wadala A Real
Gangster Film: Ekta Kapoor
Ekta Kapoor says her latest flm on
the world of gangsters, Shootout at
Wadala, is more real as compared to
her earlier gangster flm Once Upon A
Time in Mumbaai.
Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai was
like an 1980s retro blast. We did not
really take the real names. It was about
the city and about the mentor-prodigy
relationships, while Wadala and the
shootout series is a realistic take with
all its masala. Its not real names, but
the incidents are mostly real, the
36-year-old said here at the launch of
the frst look of Shootout at Wadala.
Being promoted as a sequel to 2007-
flm Shootout at Lokhandwala,
Ektas Shootout at Wadala dramatises
the frst-ever registered encounter by
Mumbai police in 1982.
The flm stars Anil Kapoor, John
Abraham, Kangna Ranaut, Tusshar
Kapoor, Sonu Sood, Mahesh Manjrekar,
Ronit Roy and Manoj Bajpai.
The flm is slated to release on
December 7, 2012.
Shahid-Ranbir To Star In
Aankhen 2
Bollywood heartthrobs Ranbir Kapoor
and Shahid Kapoor will be apparently
seen together on the big screen in the
sequel of 1993 blockbuster AANKHEN.
According to the reports, flmmaker
Pahlaj Nihalani is keen on making a
sequel and has even exchanged words
with Ranbir. Nihalani is also planning to
meet Shahid for the flm.
However, the pairing is not yet fnalized
but the director is frm about making
AANKHEN 2 and wants to rope in the
two Kapoors in it.
Coming to the plot of the flm, both
the lead actors will star in double
roles unlike in the prequel where only
Govinda was playing a double role.
The prequel also had Chunkey Pandey
sharing the screen space with Chi Chi.
Reports also mentioned that Chunkey
Pandey and Govinda will not be part of
Ranbir Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Times Lifestyle
This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.
Foods That Boost Memory
Here are some foods that may improve
your memory, if you can remember to
eat them. You might notice that many of
the foods on this list are red or purple in
color. That's because the phytochemical
that colors them, anthocyanin, is the
same phytochemical that's good for
your brain.
Blueberries have been shown in
numerous studies to do wonderful
things for memory and the brain
in general. Old rats that were fed
blueberries scored the same as young
rats on memory tests. Blueberries
contain anthocyanin, a known memory-
boosting phytochemical. They also
contain many other phytochemicals
that may contribute to healthy brain
Apples contain high levels of quercetin,
an antioxidant that has been shown
in recent studies to protect against
Alzheimer's disease. Although it is also
present in the fesh, the most quercetin
is found in the skin. Red apples also
contain anthocyanin in their skins.
One study found that feeding rats
spinach prevented and even reversed
memory loss. This may be due in part
to its high folic acid content, a nutrient
that is believed to be protective against
Alzheimer's disease and age-related
memory loss. Just a half-cup of cooked
spinach provides two-thirds your daily
requirement of folic acid.
Red onions contain anthocyanin and
quercetin. Yellow and white onions
also contain good levels of quercetin.
In India, where onions are an important
staple, onions have been used as a folk
remedy to boost memory for centuries.
Broccoli contains quercetin. It's also a
good source of folic acid.
Red Beets
Beets are a good source of anthocyanin
and folic acid.
Red, purple, and black grapes all
contain quercetin and anthocyanin. Red
wine also contains good levels of these
phytochemicals, but overindulging in
red wine may negate the benefts so
keeping consumption to one glass per
day may be wise.
Another red food that is a good source
of anthocyanin.
Eggplant is a great source of
anthocyanin. It also contains nasunin,
an antioxidant that protects the lipids
in brain cell membranes.
Researchers have found that
the carnosic acid in rosemary is
neuroprotective and may play a role in
the prevention of Alzheimer's disease
and other neurodegenerative brain
disorders. One study even found that
just the scent of rosemary improved the
memories of offce workers.
What Fibre Does
To Your Body
In order to have proper digestion and a fast
metabolism, regular consumption of fber
and water is essential. They are necessary
in order for your system to run effciently
and effectively. Poor food choices speed
up the breakdown of body tissues, which
leads to the existence of fat in your body.
We are, defnitely, what we eat.
There are two types of fber: soluble
and insoluble. Insoluble fber promotes
regular bowel movement, quickly
removes toxic waste and helps prevent
constipation and colon cancer by
keeping an optimal pH balance in
the intestines, thereby preventing
the production of cancer producing
substances. Sources include: dark leafy
green vegetables, fruits, root vegetables
(skins), whole wheat, nuts and seeds.
Soluble fber helps to lower total
cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL),
reducing risks of heart disease and
regulates blood sugar. Sources include:
oats, nuts, fax seed, phylum husk,
oranges, apples, carrots, and dried
beans. Soluble fbers attach to fatty
acids and slow down the time it takes
to empty your stomach in order to have
sugar released and absorbed slowly.
Here are fve ways to incorporate fber
into your daily diet:
1. Drink at least three liters of water a
day. Water purifes and cleanses all the
systems in your body. Drink distilled
water when you can. Labs and hospitals
choose it over other forms of water
because it is the most pure and clean.
2. Eat more fruit...any fruit. As mentioned
above, fruit is a great source of insoluble
and soluble fber which will help keep
you regular and lower bad cholesterol.
3. Consume more vegetables. Just like
fruit they are a great source of insoluble
and soluble fber.
4. Make an effort to incorporate whole
grains into your diet. Eating grains
such as kamut, spelt, amaranth, whole
wheat and oat bran will keep cravings
at bay and keep you away and prevent
you from reaching for those sweets.
5. Drink more natural fruit and
vegetable juices and herbal teas.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Aries (March 21-April 19):
Partnership will do very well and
tremendous profts are indicated.
Financially an extremely rewarding
week. Love life sparkles with
happiness. Those keen on starting
a family or moving house can look
forward to some good news in this
Taurus (April 20-May 20):
This is a period of expansion and
growth for many of you. The employed
among you will receive additional
facilities or an extra allowance. Do not
seek a change of job or work at this
juncture. You will feel romantically
drawn towards a colleague or a close
associate. You now will begin to spend
more time together.
Gemini (May 21-June 20):
Educational, social and cultural
activities are highlighted. Those in
academic or creative felds will do
well. A social get-together with friends
will be enjoyable. This could lead to a
late night which would be quite tiring
this week.
Cancer (June 21-July 22):
A favourable meeting will lead to good
things in the near future. Expanses
on a family get-together are likely. A
close relative will be in touch. A major
achievement in your work or career
will make you feel happy. Love life is
Leo (July 23-Aug 22):
Avail of the opportunities that come
your way now. Gains from fresh
investment and overseas projects are
likely. Travel for work will be fruitful.
An extremely favourable week to
launch new work or expand your
existing activity. Matters at home are
happy and congenial.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 21):
You will succeed in concluding a certain
project which has been dragging on for
quite some time now. This will release
the money blocked in this venture.
Regular work activities also indicate
a good source of income. You will be
entertaining at home this week.
Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23):
Independent decisions regarding work
could be biased. Seek the help of a
senior person or a close associate.
Joint ventures yield goods results. An
important career decision will have
to be made. Family life is happy and
congenial. A happy event will be
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21):
Attend to your routine work and avoid
bringing about any changes right now.
Try to be practical and don't give in to
emotions because there is really very
little you can do but fow with tide.
Resisting will only lead to frustration
and disappointment. There will be
moments of leisure and romance with
the one you love.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21):
A busy week at work. A meeting will
have benefcial results. Some news you
receive this week will be encouraging
and lead to gains. At a social gathering
you will be very much in demand.
Happiness in the family set-up is
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19):
An earlier project gets concluded
bringing in good proft. You will sign
new contract and begin work at once. A
youngster or child who has been away
will be in touch or return. A personal
talent will lead to gains.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18):
Some of you will be sent overseas on
a special project which will open up
several new opportunities for further
growth in your career. Work may
separate you from your mate for a few
days, and you are going to miss your
the happy times immensely.
Pisces (Feb 19-March 20):
A close associate from overseas may
have an interesting work offer which
is worth considering. Increased work
activities will keep you busy. You
will have to do a lot of paperwork
which is very tiring. Try to relax
whenever possible. There could
be some news about travel or an
unplanned journey.
1 medium tomato, seeded and chopped
2 tablespoons chopped onion
2 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro
4-1/2 teaspoons olive oil
Dash salt
1/2 pound boneless skinless chicken
breasts, cut into 1/4-inch strips
1/3 cup Italian salad dressing
1/2 cup sliced onion
1 tablespoon canola oil
4 four tortillas (6 inches), warmed
Shredded Monterey Jack cheese,
shredded lettuce and sour cream
In a small bowl, combine the frst
fve ingredients; set aside. Place the
chicken in a large resealable plastic
bag; add salad dressing. Seal bag and
turn to coat; refrigerate for 15 minutes.
Drain and discard marinade.
In a large skillet, saut onion in oil for
3 minutes or until crisp-tender; remove
and set aside. In the same skillet, saut
chicken until no longer pink. Return
onion to the pan; cook and stir until
onion is tender.
Spoon chicken mixture onto tortillas.
Top with the tomato mixture, cheese,
lettuce and sour cream; fold in sides.
1 packet egg noodles (boiled, drained
in cold water and tossed in 2 tsps oil)
1/4 cup spring onions, fnely chopped
2 cups vegetables (beans, carrots,
cabbage and bell pepper)
sugar, salt and 3-4 tbsps water. Cook
for a minute. Add vinegar and cook
for a few secs and turn off heat. Cool
and refrigerate. It can be stored for few
2. Heat a wok with sesame oil till
piping hot, add the spring onions and
stir fry for 1 minute on high.
3. Add the rest of the vegetables and
toss them on high heat for 4 mins.
4. Add salt, pepper pwd and brown
sugar and mix. Add schewan sauce
and mix. Add drained noodles and mix
5. Toss noodles and vegetables on
high heat for a few secs. Turn off heat.
Garnish with chopped spring onion
greens and serve hot.
Chicken Fajitas
Schezwan Vegetable Noodles
1/2 tsp soya sauce
1 1/2 tbsps schezwan sauce (adjust)
1/2 tsp brown sugar (optional)
1/2 tsp pepper powder
salt as required
1 1/2 tbsps sesame oil or peanut oil
1 tbsp chopped spring onion greens,
fnely chopped
Schezwan Sauce
12 dry red chilies, soak in warm water
for 1/2 hr
1 tsp grated ginger
12 garlic cloves
1 1/2 tbsp red chilli sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
1 1/2 tsps brown sugar
3 tsps vinegar
1 tbsp oil
1. Prepare schezwan sauce. Strain the
water from the red chilies and grind to
a fne past with ginger and garlic. Heat
oil in a pan, add the paste and saute for
4 mins. Add red chili paste and saute
for another 2 mins. Add soy sauce,
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
We are open Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M TO 5:30 P.M
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Naresh Aggarwal
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Try This Practice Test - Discover Canada
1) What is the most popular spectator
sport of Canada?
A. Soccer.
B. Hockey.
C. Basketball.
D. Canadian football.
2) Which legal documents protect
the rights of Canadians with regards
to the offcial languages?
A. Canadian Constitution and Offcial
Languages Act.
B. Canadian Constitution.
C. British Charter of Rights and
D. Offcial English Act.
3) What is written on an election
A. The candidates running for Prime
Minister listed.
B. The names of the candidates in your
electoral district.
C. The results of the election.
D. The names of Canadians eligible to
4) Which two fundamental freedoms
are protected by the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
A. Aboriginal peoples' rights and to
B. Freedom of belief and freedom of
C. Basic living rights and obey laws.
D. Equal employment rights and
5) Why are the Great Lakes
important to Canada?
A. Water for agriculture.
B. Waterways.
C. Fishing.
D. Fresh water and waterways.
6) Who do provincial members of
the legislative or national assemblies
A. Federal and provincial governments.
B. Everyone who lives in the provincial
or territorial electoral district.
C. Everyone who lives in the municipal
electoral district.
D. Everyone who lives in the federal
electoral district.
7) Name three requirements you
must meet in order to vote in a
federal election.
A. Canadian citizen, at least 21 years
old, and on the list of electors.
B. Canadian citizen, at least 16 years
old, and on the list of voters.
C. Working for the government, at least
21 years old, and Canadian citizen.
D. Canadian citizen, at least 18 years
old and on the voters' list.
8) What will you promise when you
take the Oath of Citizenship?
A. Promise to obey the Constitution of
B. Pledge to be allegiance to the Queen.
C. Carry out responsibilities as a
Canadian citizen.
D. Pledge loyalty to the Queen,
observe the laws and fulfll the duties
of a Canadian.
9) What three oceans border Canada?
A. Pacifc, Arctic and Atlantic.
B. Atlantic, Arctic and Hudson Bay.
C. Indian, Pacifc and Atlantic.
D. Pacifc, Indian and Arctic.
10) Which animal is an offcial
symbol of Canada?
A. The lion.
B. The beaver.
C. The tiger.
D. The eagle.
1 B 2 A 3 B 4B 5 D
6 B 7 D 8 D 9 A 10 B
Growing roses requires no gardening
skills or experience. Essentially, there
are three easy steps:
Here is a short course in starting a rose
-Choose a location in full sun, which
roses need for optimal blooming.
-Prepare the soil by mixing or tilling in
lots of organic matter, such as compost.
-There are hundreds of rose varieties,
so choose something you like. Factors
to consider include fower color, size of
the rose bush, habit (tall climbing, low-
growing ground cover), and disease
Heres how to plant:
-Water the rose thoroughly the day
before (if its a container rose). If its a
bare root rose, soak the roots in a bucket
of water an hour before planting.
-Dig a hole that is twice as wide as
the root ball and the same depth.
Set the root ball in the hole and fll
around it. In warm climates the graft,
a slightly raised bump on the stem a
couple inches above the roots, should
be planted above the soil line. In cold
climates, the graft should sit an inch or
two below ground level.
-Water thoroughly and keep soil moist,
but not wet, until root systems can
-Layer several inches of mulch around
the base of the plant.
-Roses are heavy feeders. After your
rose has been in the ground for a month
or so, you may want to start fertilizing
with a rose fertilizer, following
package instructions. If you added lots
of organic matter at planting time, and
mulched with organic mulch, you may
need little or no supplemental fertilizer.
What are the easiest roses to
grow? Are there any that do
not need regular spraying with
There are many disease resistant,
hardy roses available, but none are
completely "bug-proof" or "disease-
proof." When shopping for roses, look
for varieties described as "resistant
to black spot," a notorious fungal
disease of roses. Rugosa roses are a
good choice. Though they can look a
little more "wild" than tea roses, they
tend to be more rugged and resistant to
pests. Japanese beetles, rose chafers,
and aphids are a few examples of
rose-loving insects. Fortunately, there
are organic, neem-based repellants
available that have shown some success
in keeping these critters at bay, so long
as they are applied before the insects
arrive. There are many different kinds
of roses (foribundas, hybrid tea, shrub,
miniature, etc.), so you'll want to do
some "window shopping" to see what
type fts your situation. Then search
out a disease-resistant, hardy variety in
that category.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Fiji Canada Senior Citizen's Council
Seniors Meeting Schedule
March 4th 2012 1:30PM - 5:00PM
March 18th 2012 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Fiji Canada Hall
13629 108th Avenue Surrey BC
Contact N.Tejram 604.5407009

When Watchdogs Become Lapdogs: Some New Zealand Media In Spotlight
With the fall of Murdoch Media Empire
and Wikileaks Scandal, the concept
of a free media has taken almost a
fatal hit. With recent developments in
mainstream television, controversies
and questionable decisions by some
media outlets in New Zealand, one is
forced to revisit Propaganda Model.
Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky,
in their book, originally published in
1988, Manufacturing Consent: The
political economy of mass media
(2008), have put forward a model as
a framework for gauging, analysing
and understanding the functioning of
the US media. Their concept, called
the Propaganda Model, stipulates
that media is not a free agent that the
public have been made to believe. They
challenge the myth that the press is
stubborn, diffcult, persistent and present
everywhere as searchers and defenders
of the truth. What they state through
Propaganda Model is that all facets of
news are structured by the infuence
and consensus of the elite to ensure
systematic propaganda. Effectively
what they say is that the media serves
and propagandises on behalf of those
who control and fnance them.
This is where the recent behaviour of
Television New Zealand (TVNZ) and
Media Works comes into question.
Almost two months before the last
elections, Prime Minister of NZ, John
Key hosted an hour-long show on
September 30, 2011 on Radio Live.
He declared that the show was an
"election-free zone."
However, the Opposition, complained
to the Broadcasting Standards
Authority (BSA) and the Electoral
Commission claiming that the
show qualifed it as an election
advertisement because it was so close
to the November 26, 2011 election. The
ruling of the Electoral Commission
was that despite statements that the
show was an "election-free zone", Mr
Key had associated himself with well-
known people. In doing so, he took the
opportunity to raise his personal profle
unchallenged, and hence was likely to
be seen to encourage people to vote for
National Party under his leadership.
The then Labour leader Phil Goff
accused Radio Live of granting special
favours to John Key in exchange for
Governments decision to defer $43
million of licensing fees for Media
Works, the owners of Radio Live and
TV 3. He said it would have been a
different situation if other leaders had
been afforded the same opportunity.
Goff said Radio Live had rejected the
idea of allowing others to participate.
The concentration of ownership of NZ
media between Fairfax, Media Works
and Government makes the picture
murkier and give further credence to
Propaganda Model.
In yet another media move that would
raise concerns and controversy is a
decision by TVNZ to dump the new
Labour leader's weekly appearance on
its Breakfast show. They were courteous
in telling Labour leader David Shearer
that he was not newsworthy and he did
not have an automatic right to appear
on the show, and would have to create
news to appear on its show. It is a
typical chicken and egg situation- how
is he expected to create news without
TV exposure?
Coming on the heels of Labours
complaint about PMs free election
advertising on Radio Live reported
above, some feel it is the government-
owned stations act of getting back
at Labour for being a naughty boy.
Its axing may be due to the Electoral
Commission fnding Prime Ministers
appearance on Radio Live breached the
Broadcasting Act and the case being
referred to police. This fasco, apart
from illustrating the act of Government
broadcaster licking the hand that feeds
it (government), also raises questions
about whether the media should
treat party leaders differently in their
coverage. However, according to
Propaganda Model, TVNZ will look
after the interests of its owner and
fnancier - the government and the
Opposition (Labour Party) can go and
Such expedient decisions by the media
in pleasing the government are not only
confned within New Zealand, but have
gone abroad as well. This comes amidst
allegation from Fiji Broadcasting
Commission (FBC) that NZ government
was blocking the newly established
FBC TV from showing TVNZ news
and features to Fijians.
FBCs chief executive, Riyaz Sayed-
Khaiyum (former TVNZs Asia
Downunder reporter) said that while
TVNZ Pacifc Services were free of
service across the Pacifc, Fiji was
denied permission for showing such
to its people. All that was needed was
any broadcaster to be given approval
from TVNZ. However, reportedly
two requests made last year by FBC
TV had been rejected by TVNZ on
the grounds that FBC TV was owned
by government of Fiji. What defes
sense or logic is that TVNZ itself is
a government owned enterprise. And
because of it being NZ Government
owned, Khaiyum claims political
pressures were exerted on TVNZ by
Murry McCullys Foreign Affairs
Department not to grant the Fijians
the approval to broadcast. According
to what Khaiyum told Fiji Sun, this
was confrmed by New Zealand High
Commissions Deputy Head in Suva,
Peter Lund that the directive of refusal
came from New Zealand Foreign
Affairs. Effectively, this was a case of
a Government exerting its ownership
powers to prevent dispersal of regional
information in the Pacifc region.
TVNZ, as a supposedly free media
organisation was merely dancing to the
tunes of its owners and fnanciers- New
Zealand government. Khaiyum said
the decision may only change with the
change of government.
However, your truly is not holding his
breath for it- New Zealand Labour party
has been no different in its treatment of
Fiji. Just the players change, the game
rules remain the same. In the meantime,
people are getting used to the high
standards and quality of TV services
from the English service of Al Jazeera
from Doha in Qatar. It is similar to the
case of another Arab enterprise, Emirates
Airlines, increasingly taking foot in the
traditional Australasian market.
The cases above illustrate that Herman
and Chomskys Propaganda Model
stipulated over two decades ago still
holds current in New Zealand. In this
developed First World, some media
still continue to be sympathizer and
mouthpiece of, and jump to the tunes
of those who fnance them. In doing so,
they abandon their watchdog roles to
become lapdogs.
[Endnote: The author graduated with
Masters in Communication Studies
(MCS) with Honours from Auckland
University of Technology (AUT) last
year. His research topic was: The 2000
Speight coup in Fiji: an analysis of the
role of The Fiji Times and the impact
of partisan media. The research is
available at the following site:
http://aut. researchgateway. ac. nz/
The research revealed that Propaganda
Model of media was also in play during
2000, leading to Speight coup in Fiji.]
[About the author: Thakur Ranjit Singh is a
media commentator, a community worker
and CEO of Media Relations Limited, a
media promotions, event management,
public relations and communications
company based in Auckland.]
Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum (former TVNZs Asia Downunder reporter)
For new membership contact
Subhas Chandra 604.433.4298
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
The Story of Cinderella
Continued next week
"Now go and fetch the mouse-trap out
of the cellar," said her Godmother, and
Cinderella hurried to get it. There were
six mice in the trap, and the old woman
harnessed them to the pumpkin, put a
rat on the top to drive them, and two
lizards behind, and then waved her
wand over them. Immediately the
pumpkin turned into a gorgeous coach,
the mice into six beautiful horses,
the rat into a stately coachman, and
the lizards into tall footmen, with
powdered hair and silk stockings.
"There," said the old woman; "there's a
carriage to take you to the ball."
"Alas," said Cinderella, "how can I go
to the ball? I have nothing to wear but
this!" and she touched her ragged frock.
"Is that all?" said the Fairy Godmother.
Once more she waved her wand, and
Cinderella's rags turned into the most
beautiful dress in the world, all shining
with gold and silver threads and covered
with costly gems. In her hair was a circle
of pearls, and her feet were shod with
the prettiest and daintiest pair of glass
slippers that ever were seen.
"Now," said the Fairy Godmother,
"now you can go to the ball. But mind
you come away before the clock strikes
twelve, for should you linger beyond
that hour, your entire splendor will
vanish, and your dress will turn into
rags again."
Cinderella promised to obey her
Godmother's instructions. Then she got
into the beautiful coach. The footman
shut the door, the coachman whipped up
the horses, and away she went to the ball.
When she arrived there was a great stir
in the Palace. So lovely a face and so
costly and rich a dress had never before
been seen, and everybody thought it
must be some great Princess arrived
from foreign lands.
All the courtiers and other guests stood
back to let her pass, and when the
Prince caught sight of her he fell in
love with her on the spot. He danced
with her the whole of the evening, and
people thought there was no doubt as
to whom he would choose for his bride.
At a quarter to twelve, Cinderella,
remembering her Godmother's
instructions, said good-bye to the
Prince and came away.
She arrived home just as the clock
struck twelve. At once the coachman
and footmen turned back into rats and
mice, and the coach into a pumpkin;
and when the sisters came home
a little later, there was Cinderella,
dressed in her old shabby frock,
sitting in her usual place amongst the
The two ugly sisters were full of the
strange Princess who had come to the
ball. They talked about her all the next
day, little dreaming that all the while
the beautiful lady was their despised
sister Cinderella.
In the evening after they had gone again
to the ball, the Fairy Godmother made
her appearance. Once more Cinderella
drove to the Palace in her coach and
six; this time arrayed in a still more
gorgeous and beautiful dress; and once
more the Prince danced with her all the
But when the third night came
Cinderella was enjoying herself so
much that she quite forgot what her
Fairy Godmother had said, until
suddenly she heard the clock begin to
strike twelve. She remembered that as
soon as it fnished striking, all her fne
clothes would turn to rags again; and,
jumping up in alarm, she ran out of the
room. The Prince ran after her, trying
to overtake her; and Cinderella in her
fright ran so fast that she left one of her
little glass slippers on the foor behind
The Prince stopped to pick it up, and
this gave Cinderella time to escape;
but she was only just in time. Just
as she was crossing the Palace yard,
the clock fnished striking, and
immediately all her fnery vanished;
and there she was, dressed in her old
ragged frock again.
Continued from last week
Rashes in the diaper area are fairly
common. Most are due to wetness,
friction and irritation from urine and
stool. Your baby may be sensitive to a
specifc brand of disposable diaper or
laundering method on cloth diapers.
Neither kind of diaper is better at
preventing diaper rash.
If your baby gets a rash, the key to
treatment is keeping the diaper area
clean and dry. Leave his bottom
exposed to air as much as possible.
Cleanse the diaper area with warm
water, using a mild soap after a bowel
movement, if necessary (rinse well).
While diaper wipes rarely cause rashes,
they can irritate broken skin. Use water
at home and wipes for trips. Allow the
area to air-dry.
The stools of diarrhea can make the
skin of the buttocks and anus become
shiny red and painful. Don't use a
washcloth if the area is raw; instead, sit
the baby in lukewarm water to cleanse
away stool. Expose the baby's bottom
to air as much as possible, and apply a
soothing diaper cream to put a barrier
between the skin and future stools. As
the diarrhea lessens, the skin will begin
to heal.
If a diaper rash doesn't respond in two
to three days and the baby was recently
on antibiotics, you might be dealing
with a yeast infection. A yeast rash tends
to extend into the skin creases; it can
be a solid red area with a little peeling
or prickly rash at the edges. Apply
Lotrimin Cream (now available without
prescription) two to three times a day.
Yeast thrives in a moist environment, so
again expose the skin to air as much as
possible. Continue the cream for several
days after the rash fades.
Infant skin can be sensitive to soap,
detergent, fabric softener, even metal
snaps on shirts. Use the mildest
possible soap and detergent. Before
you call your healthcare provider for
advice on a rash, notice the following:
-Is it fesh-colored or red?
-Flat or raised?
-In one place or all over the body?
-Is there a fever or other sign of illness?
-Does the rash bother the infant?
-Is it only in the diaper area or
everywhere but the diaper area?
-And for diaper-area rashes, is it only
on the skin that touches the diaper or
does it extend into the creases and skin
-Then ask yourself whether there is
anything new in the baby's diet.
-New medication?
-Have you changed your soap,
detergent, fabric softener? Be sure to
tell your healthcare provider.
When to Contact Your Healthcare
-The rash is accompanied by fever.
-Your baby is acting sick.
-Your child has blisters or open sores.
-The rash doesn't respond to simple
measures in a few days.
-The rash is painful.
Caring For A Baby
With A Rash
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times Health
This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.
Bladder Training Tips To Reduce Bathroom Trips
It's important to go the bathroom when
you need to. "Holding it" can actually
stretch your bladder, making it diffcult
to empty it completely.
But there's such a thing as going too
often. (The norm is around seven
bathroom trips daily.)
An overactive bladder contracts
abnormally, triggering the urge to
urinate too often. This can lead to urge
incontinence, which occurs when you
suddenly feel a strong urge to urinate
but don't make it to the bathroom in
The good news is that bladder training
can help. Here's how.
Watch your liquid intake
Drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water a day
(80 to 96 ounces) may cause you to go
every hour or two, which is too often,
says Harvey Winkler, MD, chief of
urogynecology and director of female
pelvic medicine and reconstructive
surgery at North ShoreLong Island .
The normal bladder wants to empty out
at about 8 ounces.
Log your bathroom trips
The frst step in bladder training is to
keep a voiding diary. (You can print
and fll out this voiding diary form).
For two or three days, make a note of
every time you urinate as well as what
you drink. This information will give
you a baseline as you work on reducing
As you go through the bladder training
process, a voiding diary helps you
gauge your progress and keeps you
Time your bathroom trips
Based on the information from
your voiding diary, come up with a
comfortable interval between bathroom
trips. Then set an interval timer or
stopwatch and keep to this schedule
during your waking hours.
This is known as "timed voiding." If
the time is up and you don't have to
go, empty your bladder anyhow. You
should also empty your bladder when
you wake up in the morning. At night,
only go if you wake up and feel the
Increase the time between trips
Once you're comfortable with your
voiding schedule, extend the amount
of time between bathroom trips by
15 minutes. For example, if you're
urinating every hour and 15 minutes,
stretch that out to an hour and a half
for a week.
Once you're ready, you can shoot for
an hour and 45 minutes. The goal is to
get to the point where you're urinating
every three hours or so; the specifc
timing is up to you.
Wait fve minutes
If you feel the urge to go before the
scheduled time, see if you can hold off
for fve minutes.
"What we're trying to do is retrain
so the mind is in control of the
bladder," explains Thinh Duong, MD,
an associate at Southern California
Permanente Medical Group, in Los
Angeles. Use techniquesincluding
Kegel exercises and deep breathing
to fght the urge to urinate. If your
"mind over bladder" efforts succeed,
stick to your schedule; if not, go to
the bathroom and then restart your
Be patient
It may take up to three months to reach
your bladder training goals, and you
may have a few setbacks, but try not to
get discouraged.
You should start seeing steady progress
by six weeks or so, and some patients
see results after only one week,
says Dr. Iglesia, who serves on the
American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists' board for patient
Do Kegels
Kegel exercises, which involve
contracting the muscles around the
vagina almost as if you were "lifting"
your pelvic foor, can greatly improve
your chances of bladder training success.
Have a doctor or nurse examine you
while you do a Kegel to make sure
you've got it right, says Dr. Iglesia,
adding that about half the women in her
practice do the exercises incorrectly.
Dr. Iglesia suggests starting with 10
quick contractions, and then another 10
"reps" that you hold for 5 to 10 seconds
each. Aim for two to three sets a day.
Consider biofeedback
Some people have a hard time fguring
out how to do Kegel exercises. A
technique called biofeedback can help.
It involves placing a device with a
sensor inside the body to measure pelvic
muscle activity. For women, a small
tampon-like device is usually inserted
in the vagina; for men, the therapy is
done with sensors that ft in the anus.
As you do Kegels, you'll get visual or
auditory feedback that will show whether
you're contracting the right muscles, and
how strong your contractions are.
Try electrostimulation
While most women can learn to do
Kegels, some people have childbirth-
related damage to the nerves and
muscles that makes it nearly impossible
to perform these contractions.
In this case, you can try
electrostimulation, which involves
stimulating muscles of the pelvic foor
and bladder with electric impulses.
Studies have found that electrical
stimulation can be as effective as
medication at improving incontinence.
Get support
While you can train your bladder
on your own, getting support from a
professional really helps.
"Just like with any exercise, we slack
off," says Dr. Winkler. "It's something
that you need that constant support and
feedback with."
Your physician can refer you to a
continence nurse practitioner or a
physical therapist with expertise in
bladder training, who can coach you
and keep you on track.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Times USA News
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Bill Clinton, Manning Among
Nobel Peace Prize Candidates
A total of 231 nominees are up for
the Nobel Peace Prize this year, the
Nobel Institute said on Monday, with
Bill Clinton, Helmut Kohl, the EU and
WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning
known to be on the list.
"As always, there are the usual
'nominees' and some newcomers, some
famous and some unknowns, hailing
from the four corners of the world,"
the head of the Nobel Institute, Geir
Lundestad, said to a news agency.
With 188 individuals and 43
organisations, the number of candidates
comes close to last year's record of
241, when the prestigious award went
Girls' School Fight Over Boy, 10,
Ends In Death
to Liberian President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf, Liberian activist Leymah
Gbowee, and Yemeni "Arab Spring"
activist Tawakkol Karman.
Thousands of people are eligible
to submit nominations, including
members of parliament and
governments worldwide, university
professors, past laureates and members
of several international institutes,
who had until February 1 to propose
The Nobel Institute keeps the names
of nominees secret for 50 years, but
those who are entitled to nominate
are allowed to reveal the name of
the person or organisation they have
Among the people known to have
been nominated for this year's prize
are former US president Clinton, ex-
German chancellor Kohl, who led his
country's reunifcation process, and
Ukraine's ex-premier and now jailed
opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko.
Also on the list is jailed US soldier
Manning, who has been charged
with 22 counts in a US military court
for turning over a massive cache
of classifed US documents to anti-
secrecy site WikiLeaks.
Despite its current crisis, the European
Union is also among the candidates.
What started as an after-school fght
between two young girls over a boy
turned into a homicide investigation,
when authorities said a 10-year-old died
of a head injury after the confrontation.
Blunt force trauma killed Joanna Ramos,
who collapsed at home after Friday's
fght, coroner's Lt. Fred Corral said.
The girl's older sister said Joanna died
after surgery for a blood clot on the
brain hours after the fght in an alley
with an 11-year-old girl. Joanna had
started vomiting and complained of
a headache and was unconscious by
the time she arrived at the emergency
room, said Vanessa Urbina, 17.
"After surgery the doctor said she was
still alive, and then a few minutes later
he comes back and tells us that her heart
stopped and they couldn't bring her
back," Urbina said, crying, as she sat on
the steps of Willard Elementary School
near a memorial of fowers and balloons.
Police said they have made no arrests
and were conducting an investigation
that will be presented to prosecutors.
Doctors said it's not uncommon
for someone to experience delayed
bleeding after a head injury.
Joanna most likely suffered a blood clot
that developed when blood from a torn
vein collected on the surface of the brain,
said neurosurgeon Dr. Keith Black of
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, who was
not involved in her medical care.
Symptoms such as headache, nausea,
lethargy may not set in for hours and
people can mistakenly think that
they're fne.
"Just because you're OK immediately
after a head injury, you still need to
be very concerned" about pressure
buildup in the brain that can be life-
threatening, Black said.
Typically, the hit to the head would
have to be fairly signifcant to cause a
blood clot, he said.
Friday's fght lasted less than a minute,
police said. It didn't involve weapons,
and no one was knocked to the ground.
"They took off their backpacks, and
they put their hair in a bun, and then
that's when they said `Go' and that's
when they started hitting each other,"
Joanna's friend and classmate Maggie
Martinez, who watched the fght, said.
Martinez and other friends said they
tried to stop the fght but were held
back by boys who were watching and
wanted it to continue.
School offcials believe the fght
occurred in a 15-minute window
between the time school ended and the
start of Joanna's after-school program,
said Chris Eftychiou, a spokesman
for the Long Beach Unifed School
Mothers said their children told them
the fght was over a boy.
Fights involving young children are
increasing in the U.S., in part because
social media and text messaging mean
students can continue their dispute
24 hours a day, said Travis Brown, a
national expert on bullying and school
One Killed, 4 Wounded In School
Shooting In US
A gunman opened fre inside a high
school cafeteria in the US state of Ohio
on Monday, killing one student and
wounding four others, authorities said.
A suspect, believed to be a student, was
arrested a short distance away.
The suspect was taken into custody near
his car one kilometer from the suburban
Cleveland school, the FBI said. FBI
agent Scott Wilson would not comment
on a possible motive for the attack.
Panicked students screamed and ran
through the halls when gunfre broke
out at the start of the school day at
1,100-student Chardon High School.
Heather Ziska, 17, said she was in the
cafeteria when she and other students
heard popping noises in the hall. She
said she saw a boy she recognised as a
fellow student come into the cafeteria
and start shooting.
She said she and several others
immediately ran outside, while other
friends ran into a middle school and
others locked themselves in a teachers'
"Everybody just started running," said
17-year-old Megan Hennessy, who was
in class when she heard loud noises.
"Everyone was running and screaming
down the hallway." Five students were
taken to local hospitals, offcials said.
One student later died, Police Chief
Timothy McKenna said. The suspect
is a juvenile who was not immediately
The condition of the wounded students
was not disclosed. Chardon, a town
of about 5,100 people, is about 50
kilometers east of Cleveland.
Elderly Father, Mentally Disabled Son
Found Dead In New York Apartment
AN elderly man and his mentally
disabled son have been found dead in
their New York apartment, with the son
apparently unable to survive after his
father's death.
Joseph Valerio Sr, who was prone
to seizures, took care of 46-year-old
Joseph Valerio Jr, who had the mental
capacity of a four-year-old.
Mr Valerio's daughter last spoke to her
85-year-old father on February 17. She
became concerned when she couldn't
contact him and went to the Bronx
apartment to fnd both men dead.
The medical examiner has not yet
determined a cause of death, but
investigators believe that the father
died of a seizure or other natural causes.
They believe the son then died within
days, unable to survive without the
man who had cared for him for nearly
fve decades.
TJ Lane
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
no reason to have hatred in this world.
Wasnt it diffcult playing
the role of the aggressive and
energetic pappi Sardar in the
flm, considering you are so
calm and soft-spoken?
In fact I felt as if the character is a part
of me. This flm gave me a chance to
let it out. I would call the character my
alter ego.
Did you do any prior homework
for this role?
Yes, I had to imbibe everything, right
from the way he talks and walks. Also I
had to fgure how this guy thinks, from
No One Can Do The Mute Guy Role In Golmaal Like Me
As the release of Tusshar
Kapoors new flm Chaar Din
Ki Chandni draws near, the
Kapoor kid is desperately
pinning his hopes on this one
Very rarely does Tusshar Kapoor
deliver a hit, but when he does, most of
the credit goes to his infuential family.
Quite immune to the prejudices by
now, Tusshar gets all geared up for yet
another release. Retouching his make-
up before putting on a nicely decked-up
face and a pleasant bonhomie in front
of the shutterbugs, the ever diplomatic
and politically correct actor gets into a
confab with us and girds his loins for
the new domain hes all set to enter
flm production
The kind of questions that
really irk you
Honestly, nothing irks me anymore. I
am just plain bored and tired of being
compared to my father and sister all
the time. That phase is long gone when
things used to irk me.
We recently saw you on Arjun
Rampals Love 2 Hate U how
do you deal with such haters on
a regular basis?
I keep my distance from such people.
I think something in their life doesnt
get fulflled, which is why the only
way they think of venting their anger
is by hating others. Otherwise theres
his head, heart or maybe ass (laughs)!
You are known for character
roles does that satiate your
need to get more creative,
Fortunately Ive had diverse roles on
my platter. I got a chance to play roles
that were not exactly hero-material.
You dont need to be a hero to satisfy
you creatively.
Where do you think Chaar
Din. will place you as an
That, only time will tell. This is my
frst solo flm after a long time, that too
with an established director and a great
supporting cast. Comedy is something
people have always associated me
with; therefore I am expecting a lot
from this flm, coz humour has always
been my world and forte.
Your weaknesses as an actor
I am very critical of myself. Sometimes
I think a lot about whats going on in
my work. So instead of focusing on the
present, I tend to concentrate on whats
over. I get too worked up. Food has to
be the other big weakness. I have to
work out double of what I should coz
of my love for eating.
Why arent you linked with any
of the chicks around? Why do
you like to be the quintessential
good guy all the time?
I dont! Its a stamp and I cant do
anything about it. I am a good guy, but
I also have my share of fun. I prefer
keeping it private till I get really serious
about someone and plan to settle down. I
dont make an attempt to hide, but I dont
feed the media with information either.
As of now Kahaani and
Chaar Din. release on the
same day? Any insecurity on
that front?
Kahaani is a different genre altogether;
my flm is full of entertainment,
entertainment and only entertainment
(mocks Vidya Balan)!
Ekta is a successful producer;
did you consider taking any
tips from her before making
up your mind to enter this
We have very different tastes. But I
love the fact that she comes up with
brilliant marketing ideas. I am all set
to invest in out-and-out commercial
flms, whereas Ekta prefers the offbeat
kind of flms.
Name one person from the
industry who can do justice
to your mute guy role in
I dont think anybody else could do
that role like me. Maybe Sharman, coz
he has always been my partner in crime
and he knows the character in and out.
Madhuri Dixit Nene To Romance
Akshay Kumar In Ko Remake
After Katrina Kaif and Kareena Kapoor, Akshay Kumar has now
approached the Dhak dhak girl for the Hindi remake of Ko
Ever since Madhuri Dixit Nene came
back to her home ground (Mumbai),
there have been several theories on
what her comeback flm would be.
Amidst all the speculation, Madhuri
has done a dozen ads, promoted a new
channel and launched some shows.
The latest rumour doing the rounds is
that Akshay Kumar has approached the
star actor to play the lead in the remake
of Telugu hit, Ko starring Jeeva.
We hear that Akki had approached
Kareena Kapoor and Katrina Kaif for
the flm but both rejected the offer
citing a packed calendar. The original
flm apparently has two female
protagonists. Though we are not sure
which role was offered to Bebo and
Kat, what we do know is that Mads
is seriously considering the flm and
may sign on the dotted line soon if
everything falls in place. The flm,
tentatively titled, Satyagraha will be
directed by Aarakshan director Prakash
Jha. Sometime back, Satyagraha had
been announced by Jha with Amitabh
Bachchan in the role of Anna Hazare
in the flm.
Madhuri Dixit Nene
Genelia Dsouza Makes It To The
Limca Book Of World Records!
The just-married actress, who is receiving good reviews for Tere
Naal Love Ho Gaya, creates a unique record
It seems to be a great time for
Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh. The
celebrations for their wedding had just
got over, when their flm Tere Naal
Love Ho Gaya hit the screens. While
the flm is getting a good response at
the box offce
And Genelia is being praised for her
role; the Deshmukhs have another
reason to be happy about. Genelia has
made her way into the Limca Book of
World Records for creating a unique
record of delivering four back to back
hits, each in a different language-
Tamil (Santosh Subramaniam), Telugu
(Ready), Kannada (Satya In Love) and
Hindi (Mere Baap Pehle Aap). It seems
like her recent name change to Genelia
Deshmukh has brought her some good
luck. Congrats Mrs Deshmukh!
Genelia Deshmukh
Tusshar Kapoor
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Rajesh Khanna
Original Name: Jatin Khanna
Commonly Known As: Kaka
Birthday: December 29, 1942
Birth Place: Amritsar, Punjab
Religion: Hindu
Marital Status: Married (Divorced)
Languages: Hindi, English
Ex-Spouse: Anju Mahendru, Dimple Kapadia
Daughters: Twinkle Khanna and Rinke Khanna
Rajesh Khanna comes from a rich and
affuent family and his parents had
their reservations about him joining
Bollywood, as during 1960s it was not
considered to be a respected profession.
Rajesh Khanna is an icon in Bollywood.
He is known to be the frst superstar in
Bollywood. His fan following was so
tremendous that women used to faint
on his glimpse very similar to a rock
stars life. Fans kissed his car and used
to get together on the road to cheer him.
He started his carrier in the year 1966
after he won the All India Talent
Contest through a nationwide selection
procedure by panel of judges like Late
Bimal Roy, Guru Dutt, Chetan Anand,
G.P. Sippy, Sri Shakti Samanta, Sri B.
R. Chopra, etc with the movie Aakhri
Khat. It was a fop which was followed
with another series of movies over
a period of 2 years which all went
unnoticed. He gained recognition with
his movie Aradhana which was
released in the year 1969. Thereafter it
was like the beginning of new era that
truly belonged to Rajesh Khanna the
He came up with one hit after another
and was best paired with Mumtaz and
Sharmila Tagore between 1969 to 1974
and he came up with 15 consecutive
hit movies. He also acted opposite to
Zeenat Aman in the movie Chhaila
Babu. His most successful movies
include Anand (1970), Amar Prem
(1971), Andaaz (1971), Daag (1973)
Namak Haraam (1973), Aap Ki Kasam,
Prem Nagar and Roti (1974). His
performance on songs in his movies
was backed up with the melodious
voice of Kishore Kumar that helped
them become more popular. He was
best suited for romantic movies. Rajesh
Khanna has won 6 Filmfare awards
for his performances in his movies as
well as his contribution to the Indian
As the saying goes change is the only
certain thing, audience preference for
romantic movies also changed and in
came, action movies. The stardom took
over Rajesh Khanna and he was unable
to cope up with it and his associates
complained of him being unprofessional.
But still Rajesh Khanna continued
contributing his part to Bollywood in the
form of movies like Anurodh, Thodisi
Bewafai, Souten, Vijay and Swarg. He
also played central character roles as
well as guest roles in multi-starrer social/
action flms such as Kudrat, Dharam Aur
Kanoon, Dharam Kanta Rajput, Ashanti
and Disco Dancer. He took a career risk
and experimented with negative role in
the movie Red Rose where he played
the role of a psycho killer of women
and in the movie he played the role
of an arrogant businessman both the
performances were negative characters,
which displayed his versatility as an
He married Dimple Kapadia who starred
in Raj Kapoors Bobby and was only
one release old. Their marriage went on
for a few years and they divorced. They
have two daughters, Twinkle Khanna
who is married to a current Bollywood
superstar Akshay Kumar and Rinki who
after trying her hand in acting is married
and settled in USA.
In the year 1991 Rajesh Khanna
contested on a ticket from The congress
party and won a seat in the parliament
from The New Delhi Constituency.
Since then he has been active in
politics. His participation in politics
made him quit the silver screen.
He made his comeback in 1999 with
the movie Aa Ab Laut Chale and in
2002 Kya Dil Ne Kaha performing
in elderly roles.
Then Rajesh Khanna tried his hands on
television. He acted in two television
series. Apne Paraye aired on the
channel DD Metro and B4U while the
other one was Ittefaq featured on Zee
TV. Since then he has been busy with
promoting fresh talent.
He has been associated with a talent
hunt program in 2007 and has also
made brief appearances in television
shows as a celebrity judge. He has
signed a TV serial with Creative Eye
Banner in 2007. He is also going to
perform in a T.V. Serial Bhabhima
with Leena Ganguly as Lead Pair of
the serial.
Rajesh Khanna
Rajesh Khanna
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Farah Khan &MalaikaAurora Khan
Academy Awards 2012: AR Rahman
Performs With Band
This is the music maestros third outing at the Oscars
Indian composer AR Rahman
performed at the 84th Academy Awards
as part of the Oscar band in his third
performance at the prestigious award
ceremony. Oscar sangamam if you
are watching the Oscars live, catch
our Oscar superband headed by Hans
Zimmer perform tonight, Rahman
posted on his Facebook page for his
fans. He even posted a picture with all
members of the band, which performed
throughout Sunday nights ceremony.
Last year Rahman had sung his tracks
from 127 Hours at the Oscar ceremony.
In 2009, the 46-year-old performed for
the frst time at the Oscar stage and
in the same year he won two golden
statuettes for best original score and
best original song (Jai ho) for the
movie Slumdog Millionaire.
Other performances at the ceremony
also included Esperanza Spaldings
rendition of Louis Armstrongs What
a wonderful world as a tribute to the
entertainers who died during the past
year. There was also a performance
by circus arts and street entertainment
group Cirque du Soleil.
Anil Ambani Walks Oscar Awards 2012
Red Carpet With Steven Spielberg
Reliance DreamWorks flm The Help gets golden statuette for
best supporting actor
Reliance Group chairman Anil
Ambani walked the red carpet at the
84th Academy Awards at the Kodak
Theater in Los Angeles Sunday, where
three flms produced by DreamWorks
Studios, his co-venture with Steven
Speilberg, were nominated for 11
Oscars. Among the 11 nominations,
Octavia Spencer fetched the Oscar
for best supporting actress for her
performance in The Help. Spencer
was honoured with the golden statuette
for her portrayal of big-mouthed maid
Minny in The Help.
Other than The Help, two other flms
of Reliance DreamWorks War Horse
and Real Steel were nominated for
various categories. War Horse and
The Help were in the fray for best
flm award, which went to black and
white silent flm The Artist. War Horse
was also nominated for sound editing,
sound mixing, original score, art
direction and cinematography.
While The Help, directed by Tate
Tylor, featured in the nomination
line-up for best actress (Viola Davis)
and best supporting actress (Jessica
Chastain and Spencer), apart from the
best picture category. Hugh Jackman-
starrer sci-f thriller Real Steel had one
nomination for best achievement in
visual effects. But the award went to
Ambani, who owns a 51 percent stake
at DreamWorks Studios, attended
the glittering event with his partners
Spielberg and Stacey Snider.
Shilpa Shetty Is Gorgeous And Glowing!
Shilpa was recently spotted at Vashu Bhagnanis daughters sangeet ceremony
along with husband Raj Kundra and we must say that we havent seen the to-be-
mother in such a radiant avatar ever before. We like!
As Shilpa Shetty makes an appearance
at various events with husband Raj
Kundra in tow, little does she realise
that she has been illuminating the
whole space around her with that
contended shine on her face. Perhaps
next time the organisers can do without
the lights and save on electricity bills!
But we must say that Mrs Kundra looks
fabulous in that deep red anarkali.
With no hesitations and inhibitions
whatsoever, this glam mother-to-
be is at her cheerful best and thats
pretty evident in the way she has been
carrying herself and her prominent
baby bump.
In fact, if we had to rate and gauge the
glow factor on all the recent Bollywood
mommies, we would have given Shetty
the highest number of points. However
intangible this task may seem, trust
us when we say that Shilpa wins the
glowing mommy contest, hands
down. Surpassing Aishwarya Rai
Bachchan, Celina Jaitley and Lara
Dutta, Shilpa is absolutely effortless
and doesnt have to try too hard to look
happy, it seems to come naturally to
We last heard that the husband-wife
duo, apart from attending various
events, have also got philanthropic in
a big way and are doing their bit for
underprivileged children. Now no
wonder the gratifcation on Shilpas
face has doubled, along with the
expectation of junior Shetty making an
arrival pretty soon.
Shilpa with hubby Raj Kundra
AR Rahman at Oscar Awards
Anil Ambani at 84th Oscar Awards
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
At The Movies
Rampart (PG) * * *
Brute Force!
Justice vigilante style is up for grabs in
Rampart, a hard-hitting tale of possible
corruption from EOne Entertainment
now drawing fre at the Empire
Granville Seven cinemas in downtown
Being a cop is no easy job.
Shades of Rodney King are front and
centre in Rampart which explores the
mixed up life of one of L.A.s fnest men
in blue. Right from the old school of
policing is offcer David Douglas Brown.
Top actor Woody Harrelson delivers
the goods as this cocky policeman who
loves taking the law into his own hands.
Consider Brown to be of the Detective
Harry Calaghan mould and he certainly
rubs many people the wrong way.
You just know the way this
guy operates is trouble from the get go.
Not living a conventional lifestyle,
Brown seems fully content residing
with two of his ex wives and their
children. Domestic problems are not
far from the surface though the real
diffculties Brown faces are allegations
of police brutality on the job.
Rampart is a smart expose of
corruption and cover-ups along with
wrong-doing of various degrees. Sure
weve seen movies like this before but
Rampart is distinguished by a driving,
driven performance from Harrelson
who has this part down pat. Its a
top notch exploration of the inner
workings of a troubled police man
who cant seem to see that anything is
wrong. Well directed by co-writer Oren
Moverman this 108 minute flm has
lots of grit. It also features some great
supporting characters not the least of
which are Robin Wright as a pick-me
up girl, Sigourney Weaver as a police
psychologist of sorts and Ice Cube as
an Internal Affairs investigator. And
the script delicately weaves racial
attitude into the proceedings which
further ramps up the tension.
Smart, stylish and true to form,
Rampart is a wake-up call to all civil
servants who enjoy bending the rules
to suit their own ends.
At the Oscars
Jean Dujardin and Meryl Streep were named the best actors in leading role at the 84th Academy awards ceremony for their work in "The
Artist" and "The Iron Lady" respectively.
Dujardin, who beat Gary Oldman
("Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"), George
Clooney ("The Descendents"), Brad
Pitt ("Moneyball") and Demian Bichir
("A Better Life") to walk away with
his frst ever Oscar award, portrayed a
silent movie star in "The Artist".
The French actor has swept best actor
awards at almost all the award functions
including BAFTA and Golden Globes
this year.
Streep, who has been nominated for
the Oscar 17 times in her acting career,
won her third Academy award at the
function last Sunday night. In "The Iron
Lady", the veteran American actress
reprised the role of former British
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
She pipped Glenn Close ("Albert
Nobbs"), Viola Davis in ("The
Help"), Rooney Mara ("The Girl with
the Dragon Tattoo") and Michelle
Williams ("My Week with Marilyn")
for the prestigious award.
Streep had won the Academy Award for
best supporting actress for "Kramer vs.
Kramer" in 1979, and the best actress
award for "Sophie's Choice" in 1982.
Meryl Streep took home the best actress award for her portrayal
of Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. This was Streeps
seventeenth nomination and third Oscars win
Best actor winner Jean Dujardin walks off the stage with dog
Uggie after accepting his award for his role in The Artist
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Times India News
Sonia Gandhi is India's most
powerful politician
India's governing Congress party leader
Sonia Gandhi has travelled abroad for
a "routine check-up" six months after
undergoing surgery for an undisclosed
medical condition, a spokesman said.
Congress party spokesman Janardhan
Dwivedi said Mrs Gandhi would "be
back in Delhi in four or fve days".
Mrs Gandhi, 64, is seen as India's most
powerful politician.
She holds no offcial post, but many
consider her the de facto head of the
The party has consistently refused to
India's Sonia Gandhi Travels
Abroad For Medical 'Check-Up'
comment on the nature of the illness or
where she went for surgery in August.
But media reports have suggested
she was treated at a specialist cancer
hospital in New York.
For the past month, Mrs Gandhi has
been addressing election rallies for the
ongoing crucial assembly elections in
the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.
Italian-born Mrs Gandhi is the widow
of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv
Gandhi. She nominated Manmohan
Singh to the prime minister's post in
2004 and is widely believed to be more
powerful than him.
The powerful Nehru-Gandhi dynasty
has ruled India for most of the time
since the country gained independence
from British colonial rule in 1947.
The news that Mrs Gandhi had gone
abroad came as a complete surprise
when it was frst announced in August.
Some also wondered why she chose to
go elsewhere for surgery when India
has some of the best medical facilities
and doctors in the world.
Some reports suggested she needed
specialist treatment not yet available in
Others said Mrs Gandhi wanted to
avoid the inevitable media circus
that would engulf any Indian hospital
where she sought treatment.
Court Acquits Three In Minor
Girl's Rape Case
In a setback to the police, a sessions court
on Monday acquitted three accused,
including a woman, in the case of immoral
traffcking, wrongful confnement and
sexual assault of a minor girl.
Police inspector Arun Borude, another
accused in the case, was found dead on
railway tracks in native Ahmednagar
district in December 2010. Borude
had been absconding ever since the
registration of FIR against him in
November that year.
Three others - Mohanchand Shyam,
Chandrabhan Gupta and Shantabai
Gaikwad - were charged under various
sections of IPC for rape, wrongful
confnement and criminal intimidation
and under the Prevention of Immoral
Traffcking Act (PITA).
According to police, the 15-year-old
victim was raped by four to fve men,
including Borude, on several occasions
between February and March 2010 in
a fat in the building 'Emerald Court'
in suburban Powai. Borude used to
reside in the adjacent fat along with
his family.
The incident came to light in November
2010, after the victim gave birth to a
baby girl. The victim's mother lodged
a complaint with the police, who, later
learnt that Gaikwad, with whom, the
victim went for domestic chores, had
in connivance with Mohanchand, a real
estate agent, confned the girl in the fat
and sent customers there.
Defence lawyer Naveen Chomal
argued in the court that the alleged
victim was not a minor and was above
the age of 18 years and if there was any
sexual intercourse between the accused
and the victim, it was consensual.
Additional sessions judge S Malpani-
Pawar acquitted the trio due to lack of
evidence and prosecution's failure to
prove its case.
Fardeen Khan's Sister Killed In
Delhi Car Crash
Two people, including the half-sister of
Bollywood actor Fardeen Khan, were
killed in a collision of two cars in south
Delhi early Monday, police said.
Khan's half sister, Sonia Sethia, wife
of businessman Rajendra Sethia, was
returning home in New Friends Colony
from dinner at a friend's home in Gulmohar
Park, when a Swift Dzire coming at very
high speed, rammed into their Honda City
car on August Kranti Marg.
The Dzire's driver, Mohan Kumar, a
technical offcer at All India Institute
of Medical Sciences(AIIMS), and was
going back to his home at Ayurvigyan
Nagar from a relative's wedding with
his son Anjay. He was 50.
"The accident was reported at 1:30
a.m.," said a police offcial. All the
victims were taken to the AIIMS Trauma
Centre where Sethia, 48, and Kumar,
50, were pronounced dead. The rest
were discharged later after treatment.
According to the Sethia's landlady,
Rajender Sethia was out of the city.
She said they learnt of the accident at
5 a.m. Fardeen Khan attended Sethia's
funeral rites.
Minor Girl Among Three Arrested
In Murder Case
A day after a Nepali woman's body was
found in suburban Versova, city police
arrested a man, who claims to be a flm
producer, along with his driver and the
lady's minor daughter on charges of
murder and destroying evidence.
The accused Krishnendu Sharma (40),
who is a small time producer, his
adopted daughter, whose biological
mother is the deceased, and his vehicle
driver Ashish Pandey were arrested,
said Nandkumar Mhetar, senior
inspector at Versova police station.
According to police, the decomposed
body of a 40-year-old woman, wrapped
in cloth, was found in Siddharth Nagar
slums of Versova. Her body bore
grievous injuries caused by a sharp
As the investigation progressed, the
needle of suspicion pointed towards
Sharma, a resident of Lokhandwala in
suburban Andheri, Mhetar said.
"He was thoroughly grilled, when he
confessed to have murdered the woman
with a knife on Wednesday and then
with the help of his 14-year-old adopted
daughter and driver Pandey abandoned
it in Versova on the intervening night
of Friday and Saturday," he added.
According to police, the deceased, who
was later identifed as Sunita Bahadur
Singh (40), a Nepali national, used to
stay in suburban Malwani, along with
his daughter.
"Sharma, who knew Sunita, had
adopted her daughter over a year ago
and shifted Sunita to a rented house in
Goregaon area. Since last month, Sunita
started staying in Sharma's second fat
in Amboli area as she suffered AIDS.
Sharma had been footing the bills for
her treatment and on Wednesday, the
duo had an argument, following which,
Sharma stabbed Sunita to death and left
the body in the house," Mhetar said.
"Sensing that it would emanate foul
smell, he decided to dispose of the
body. He told his adopted daughter that
her mother died of AIDS and called
an ambulance to dispose of the body.
But the ambulance people refused to
take the body as there was no death
certifcate," he added.
Then, the accused, with the help of
his daughter and driver, wrapped the
body in a cloth, before tying it with a
rope and dumped near the slum, police
said adding that, "Owing to some
developments in the investigation, we
are also probing if Sharma had forced
the minor daughter into the fesh trade."
Teenage Patient 'Raped' In Government Hospital
A teenage patient was allegedly raped by
a junior doctor at a government hospital in
West Bengal's Bankura district, prompting
hospital authorities to order a probe. The
19-year-old girl was found lying naked
in an unconscious state in the medicine
department of Bankura Sammilani
Medical College where she was admitted
for chest pain last night, her mother said
in a complaint to the hospital authorities.
Mongola Gorai of Saltora area near
Bankura town alleged that a junior
doctor had raped her daughter.
The hospital's Superintendent, Panchanan
Kundu, said a three-member committee
has been constituted to probe the
complaint. "We are probing the complaint
after the family complained to us," he said.
Superintendent of Police Pranab Kumar
said he had received a complaint from the
hospital authorities, but no FIR was fled.
"No FIR was fled as the girl's family
has not approached us yet. The matter
will be investigated," he said.
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Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Times BC News
To get the best value for your dollar
Advertise in
604-909-4088 Toll Free: 1 866 840 2885
George Abbott Moves To Stop Teacher Strike
As the Labour Relations Board gave
B.C. teachers a green light to strike for
up to three days next week, Education
Minister George Abbott tabled
legislation Tuesday that would suspend
all strike action and could impose
millions of dollars in fnes per day if a
strike persists.
As the legislature debates the
"Education Improvement Act," the
B.C. Teachers' Federation could legally
walk off the job as early as Monday.
Teachers are to complete their own
vote on that option Wednesday.
The LRB ruled Tuesday that teachers
can legally strike for up to three
consecutive days in one week after two
days' notice, and a further one day in
each subsequent week with the same
notice. That could continue until the
new bill passes the legislature.
Abbott said the legislation imposes a
six-month "cooling-off period" and
sets up appointment of a mediator to
look at non-monetary issues such as
class size and composition. A separate
penalty provision would be enacted if
necessary, Abbott said, imposing a fne
of $1.3 million a day on the BCTF and
up to $475 a day on individual teachers
who strike in defance of the new
Abbott said the timing of imposing the
cooling-off period depends on whether
the NDP opposition holds up the bill or
lets it pass in the legislature.
BCTF president Susan Lambert said
teachers are reluctantly considering
a full walkout, after a work-to-rule
campaign since last September where
they have refused to complete report
cards or meet with administrators.
"Teachers would prefer to be engaging
in a meaningful mediation process
to resolve this dispute rather than
escalating it, BCTF President Susan
Lambert said.
The legislation extends the current
teacher contract terms until the end
of August, imposing the government's
two-year "net zero" wage mandate that
most other government unions have
agreed to voluntarily. It gives a yet-
to-be-named mediator until June 30
to seek agreement on issues other than
pay and benefts, such as class size and
NDP leader Adrian Dix said the
opposition will not support the
legislation, and said Abbott missed an
opportunity for "real mediation" of all
issues, including monetary.
The legislation also puts in place a new
fund to address class size and special
needs support, to respond to a court
decision last year that said those issues
were taken out of teacher contracts
without adequate consultation. It
provides $30 million extra this year,
$60 million next year and $75 million
each year after that amounts the BCTF
has rejected as far too little.
The legislation imposes a new teacher
evaluation and selection process
that Abbott acknowledged will be
Education Minister George Abbott
Lower Drug Prices To Beneft
Patients, Health System
The Ministry of Health is terminating
its generic drug pricing agreement with
the B.C. Pharmacy Association and the
Canadian Association of Chain Drug
Stores, effective April 1.
Health Minister Michael de Jong
has asked staff to draft legislation to
control and further lower the prices of
generic drugs.
Patients and the public health-care
system can expect to save signifcant
amounts of money on the cost of
generic prescription drugs this year,
said de Jong.
Currently, generic drugs cost 40 per
cent of the brand name price. That rate
is already scheduled to lower to 35 per
cent on April 2.
Through legislation, the Province will
aim for a reduction to 25 per cent of the
cost of the brand name drug by April
1, 2013.
The Province plans to have the
legislation introduced during the spring
sitting of the legislature.
The Province expects to reinvest savings
achieved in the health-care systems to
enhance patient care in a variety of
ways, including keeping PharmaCare
affordable for lower-income B.C.
seniors and families, increasing
funding for pharmacy services such
as medication management and in
continuing to protect rural and remote
In July 2010, The Ministry of Health
reached an agreement with the
B.C. Pharmacy Association and the
Canadian Association of Chain Drug
Stores to signifcantly lower the price of
generic drugs. However, the Province
did not realize the estimated savings
promised and is therefore terminating
the agreement.
The Province expects to recoup those
losses fully and achieve additional
savings through a legislative
New Traffc Information Line
Opens For Evergreen Line
A free traffc information line is now
available 24/7 to help the travelling
public plan their commutes during
construction of the Evergreen Line.
The new traffc information line is part
of a commitment to keep the public
informed while construction is underway.
"Rapid transit is a priority for the Tri-
Cities. Extending the Skytrain into the
Tri-Cities by way of the Evergreen
Line will help local commuters choose
public transit as the most affordable
and effcient means of transportation
throughout Greater Vancouver,"
said the Honourable James Moore,
Senior Minister for British Columbia
and Member of Parliament for Port
Moody-Westwood-Port Coquitlam.
"The Evergreen Line will deliver new
economic opportunities for Tri-Cities
residents. I am very proud that our
government is delivering rapid transit
to the North East sector."
Travellers can call 604 927-2080 to
receive the most up-to-date traffc
information related to Evergreen Line
construction in Coquitlam, Port Moody
and Burnaby.
Also, every Friday afternoon, new
traffc alert information will be available
on the Evergreen Line website: www.
Canada's Smallest City Has World's Best Water
Greenwood, B.C, residents can now
say they have the best tap water in the
world, according to an international
water tasting competition.
Greenwood Mayor Nipper Kettle
sent a sample of the city's municipal
drinking water to the Berkley Springs
International Water Tasting 22nd
annual competition in West Virginia.
It won top prize: the coveted title of
Best Municipal Water in the World
with a score of 40 out of 44.
"I know the quality of the water. When
I frst moved here I used to buy bottled
water and I thought, 'Why am I wasting
my time buying bottled water when we
have the best water?'" said Kettle.
"I felt very honoured but wasn't surprised,"
said Debbie Ruley from the Deadwood
Junction coffee shop. "I always felt ours
was the best in the world. When I drink
water in other places it's just not the same."
The community's drinking water comes
from underground aquifers and is untreated.
For the honour, the city wins a trophy.
But most importantly, said competition
organizer Jill Klein Rone, the city of
just 676 residents get bragging rights
something not lost on Kettle.
He says they may have to change the
community's slogan from "Canada's
Smallest City."
" 'City of liquid gold.' Add that to it, I
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Times Canada News
What's New Your 2011 Income Tax And
Beneft Return
Did you know that you may be able to
take advantage of new incentives or
changes to existing credits, deductions,
benefts, and services when fling your
2011 return?
Important facts
Children's arts tax credit: Parents can
save up to $75 at tax time when they
claim an amount for eligible expenses
paid for the registration or membership
in a prescribed program of artistic,
cultural, recreational, or developmental
activities for their children.
Canada child tax beneft: Parents
must now notify the Canada Revenue
Agency (CRA) of any changes to their
marital status by the end of the month
following the month in which the status
changes. Since July 2011, each eligible
parent in a shared custody situation
will get half of the child beneft and
credit payments for that child every
month they qualify.
Volunteer frefghters tax credit:
Volunteer frefghters may be able to
reduce their tax bill by as much as $450
if they have completed at least 200
hours of eligible volunteer time.
Taxable capital gains: Donations of
certain fow-through share properties
made to a qualifed donee after March
21, 2011, may give rise to a deemed
capital gain that is subject to an
inclusion rate of 50%.
Allowable amount of medical
expenses for other dependants: The
$10,000 limit per eligible dependant
has been removed.
Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
contribution: As of January 1, 2012,
the rules for contributing to the CPP
changed. The changes apply if you
are an employee or self-employed,
you are 60 to 70 years old, and you
receive a CPP or Quebec Pension Plan
retirement pension.
Saskatchewan pension plan (SPP):
The annual contribution limit to the
SPP has increased to $2,500 from
$600. For 2012 and later tax years, SPP
contributions are subject to the same
rules as RRSP contributions. Claim
your SPP contribution on line 208.
Students: More examination fees
now qualify for the tuition amount.
In addition, the minimum duration of
courses taken at a university outside
Canada has been reduced to three
consecutive weeks.
The CRA's online services
make fling even easier
With the CRA's online services, you
can fle your return, track your refund,
and change your personal information.
You can also sign up for direct deposit
to have your refund deposited directly
into your account at your Canadian
fnancial institution - no more waiting
for cheques to arrive in the mail.
It's fast, easy, and secure. For more
information, go to
Tightened Your Belts - Tough Budget
Coming March 29
If you haven't tightened your belts,
folks, don't worry, because Finance
Minister Jim Flaherty will do it for you
March 29.
That's when one of the most anticipated
budgets in recent memory lands in
the Commons -- a document that will
outline cost-cutting measures that have
many on tenterhooks.
The government has been signaling
for months that it plans to fnd annual
savings of at least $4 billion a year
through cuts to federal departments
and agencies and elsewhere.
Public-sector unions fear a strategic
program review launched last year
by Treasury Board president Tony
Clement will lead to reams of pink
slips and severely impact services.
Key cabinet ministers have tried to
downplay those concerns, including
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird,
who says the "overwhelming" number
of cuts will be through attrition.
Flaherty said Wednesday the public
sector grew signifcantly under his
watch, but now it's time "that we ask
the public service to participate in
the belt-tightening that the rest of the
country has been doing."
Federal departments were asked to
come up with scenarios to chop as much
as 10% from their annual spending as
part of a chainsaw exercise to erase the
government's $32 billion defcit.
Flaherty has warned that Canada is not
immune to the economic turmoil in
Europe and the debt problems in the
United States, and that tough measures
are needed to avoid a recession.
He says his "jobs and growth budget"
will show the government is on track
to eliminate the defcit a year later
than scheduled, and that spending
reductions will be "relatively small"
considering the budget is $265 billion.
"If you want to look at big austerity
programs, you go to the United Kingdom
today; you go to Canada in 1995, 1996.
This is not in that order of magnitude."
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
said earlier this month in a speech
at the World Economic Forum in
Switzerland that Old Age Security
was unsustainable because of Canada's
aging population - an assertion critics
say is bogus.
Flaherty did not mention OAS when
he announced the budget date, but the
government is expected to raise the
eligibility age for collecting pension to 67.
Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty
Malik To Repay BC Government Loans
After a 10-year dispute over fnances,
Ripudaman Singh Malik is fnally
repaying the B.C. government millions
of dollars in loans that went to cover
his legal bills during the Air India trial
where he was acquitted of the murders
of 331 people.
The payment of $6.3-million will
come from proceeds of the sale of
prime property in Vancouvers trendy
Yaletown district that closed Tuesday.
However, the payment will not end the
The B.C. government had asked for
an additional $1.6-million to cover
punitive damages and their legal costs.
The government has also indicated its
intention to pursue a charge of civil
fraud and conspiracy against Mr. Malik
and his family members for trying to
hide assets during their decade-long
Mr. Malik declined to comment
Tuesday about his decision to repay
the loan.
His lawyer, Bruce McLeod, said Mr.
Malik initiated court action that led to
the sale of the property, which enabled
Mr. Malik to pay the outstanding debt
in full.
The province sought an immense
amount of money, and it is only by
the sale of this property that it has
been possible to pay the amount
the Attorney-General has been
seeking, Mr. McLeod said in an
Rapidly escalating real-estate prices in
Yaletown have made repayment of the
loan much easier for Mr. Malik. The
property, which was owned jointly
by Mr. Malik and his wife, Raminder,
was sold for $14.5-million. It was
valued at $2.5-million in 2003 when
the government agreed to provide the
loan to pay Mr. Maliks legal bills,
according to media reports at that
Mr. McLeod said he could not speculate
on whether Mr. Malik decided to repay
the loan largely as a result of the real-
estate windfall.
Attorney-General Shirley Bonds
ministry did not respond by late
Tuesday to a request for an interview
Mr. Malik, a Vancouver businessman,
and Kamloops mill worker Ajaib Singh
Bagri were arrested in October, 2000,
to face charges related to explosions on
opposition sides of the world on June
23, 1985. They were found not guilty
in March, 2005.
In one of the deadliest terrorist attacks
in aviation history, homemade bombs
killed 329 people on an Air India
fight over the Atlantic Ocean en route
from Toronto to Londons Heathrow
Airport. Less than an hour earlier, two
baggage handlers were killed in an
explosion at Tokyos Narita airport as
luggage from a fight from Vancouver
was being transferred to an Air India
Evidence in court indicated the
bombs were placed on flights
leaving Vancouver. Police say the
explosives were in luggage taken
to the airport by a group of radical
Sikhs in conflict with the government
of India over the creation of an
independent homeland for the Sikhs
called Khalistan.
The B.C. government in 2003 agreed
to fnance Mr. Maliks legal defence in
exchange for a commitment to repay
the funds. At that time, he and his wife
owned properties worth more than
$10-million but he said he was almost
insolvent with creditors holding claims
to most of his assets.
After he was acquitted, the government
set out to collect on the outstanding
loan. Mr. Malik launched legal
challenges against government efforts
to collect the funds.
Last week, Mr. Justice Mark
McEwan of the B.C. Supreme Court
issued an order that cleared the way
for Mr. Malik to make the payment
once the Yaletown property was
sold. The proceeds of the sale were
to be split equally between Mr.
Malik and his wife. Mr. Malik was
to repay the B.C. government from
his share.
The family has operated Papillon
Eastern Imports Ltd., a wholesale
womens clothing business, from 1028
Hamilton St. since the early 1980s.
Over the past decade, warehouses
in the area have been replaced by
swank restaurants, boutiques and
condominiums. Mr. Maliks property
is now the only warehouse left on the
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Times Travel
Best Hotels In Mumbai
Continued Next Week
Four Seasons Hotel Worli
The Four Seasons is Mumbai's long
awaited new luxury business hotel,
which opened to much acclaim in May
2008. What really makes this elegant
and effcient hotel stand out from the
rest is focus on creating a discreet and
opulent environment for its guests.
Location: The hotel is located in the
central Mumbai bayside suburb of
Worli, roughly half way between the
airport and Colaba in the south. The
Atria shopping mall and Haji Ali
mosque are nearby.
Accommodations: The rooms at the
Four Seasons hotel are very generous
in size. In fact, the hotel boasts of
having some of the largest hotel
rooms in Mumbai. There are 202 guest
rooms and suites, with panoramic
windows overlooking the Arabian
Sea, Mahalaxmi Racecourse, and city
Features: Three restaurants (including
one by the pool, and the renowned San
Qi), one of Mumbai's best bars (Aer
bar), one of Mumbai's best luxury spas,
ftness center, business center, special
children's amenities.
Four Seasons Hotel Cost: Room rates
start at around $375 per night for a
Superior room, up to $4,800 per night
for the Presidential Suite.
The Hilton Mumbai Airport
The Hilton took over the operation
of the Le Royal Meridien in January
2011, a relatively new luxury hotel
that was initially launched in 2000. It
offers something pleasingly different.
Designed along the lines of a 19th-
century English summer palace, it has
an elegant colonial feel throughout.
The hotel is much smaller than many
luxury hotels, enabling it to provide
welcoming, personalized service.
The Hilton Location: The hotel is
conveniently located on Sahar Airport
Road, close to Mumbai's international
The Hilton Accommodations: Guests
are accommodated in 171 rooms and
suites, all of which capture the colonial
essence. King Hilton Executive
Rooms, which occupy a private foor
designed for business travelers, are
particularly good value. There's a
private lounge with special check-in
area, complimentary breakfast and
cocktail hour, complementary meeting
room, and 24 hour butler service.
The Hilton Features: Three restaurants,
piano bar, health club, ftness center,
massage therapies, landscaped gardens,
outdoor pool, 15 types of pillows and
six types of herbal soap to choose from
in Royal Club rooms.
The Hilton Cost: Room rates start from
around $300 per night for a King Hilton
Guest Room, up to $825 per night for
the Presidential Suite.
Taj Lands End Bandra
The Taj Lands End is the perfect choice
for anyone looking to enjoy Mumbai's
happening nightlife and endless
shopping in Bandra.
Taj Lands End Location: The hotel
is located in Mumbai's hip suburb
of Bandra, right opposite Bandra
Bandstand and with a stunning outlook
over the Arabian Ocean. Bandra is full
of markets, restaurants, cafes, bars and
clubs. It's also close to the business
districts of the Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Andheri, and Worli. However, visitors
who want to see the tourist attractions
of south Mumbai should keep in mind
that the hotel is around one hour away
from this area.
Taj Lands End Accommodations:
The hotel offers sea view rooms over
18 levels, with 368 rooms (including
15 suites). One of its distinguishing
features is its special ladies only foor,
designed to meet the needs of single
female travelers. The hotel also has
a separate non-smoking foor, and a
number of designated Green Rooms as
part of its EARTH initiative.
Taj Lands End Features: 'Pure'
international organic restaurant, huge
banqueting area, health and ftness
center, outdoor swimming pool.
Taj Lands End Cost: Room rates start
from around $300 per night for a
Deluxe room, up to $2,000 per night
for the Presidential Suite.
Taj Lands End Bandra
What To Wear In India
If you are traveling to India, carry minimal
clothing. We will suggest you to carry light
luggage. The reason is that both clothing
as well as laundry is quite cheap in India.
"How to dress up in India" is not a very
big problem. Read on to know about the
clothes to wear in India.
Indian summers are too hot. So, if you
are planning to come in the period of
March to June, carry light clothes. Men
can wear loose cotton shirts or T-shirts
and baggy Pants. In the big cities and
Metros like Delhi, Mumbai, Banglore,
Pune, etc you can wear shorts also.
However, women should dress
conservatively. Short tops, short skirts
/ shorts, etc should be avoided. You
can wear cotton shirts or T-shirts, with
cotton trousers or ankle length skirts.
Make sure that the clothes are not too
tight or body revealing. These clothes
can be easily purchased from the Indian
markets at a reasonable price. If you
want to try Indian clothing, then, men
can wear "kurta pyjama" and women
can try "salwar-kameez".
Winters (October to February) in India
are quite cold, especially North India.
So, pack some woolen clothes with
you. Also, pack some warm innerwear,
especially if you are planning to roam
around too much. During Monsoon
(July to September), there is a high
level of humidity in India. So don't
wear synthetic stuff. In this case also,
cotton clothing is the best.
Last but not the least, while visiting
places of worship (temples, gurudwara
or mausoleum), you should be fully
clothed. Also, don't forget to remove
your footwear before entering any
religious place.
To get the best value for your dollar
Advertise in
604-909-4088 Toll Free: 1 866 840 2885
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Times Driving
-- Complete Automotive Repairs - Cars & Light Trucks --
We Repair ALL Makes & Models of Vehicles
Across from Fleetwood Islamic Center
#107-8468 162 Street, Surrey, BC
Suspension Repair Tune Ups Brakes Air Conditioning
Electrical Transmission Service Oil Change
Wheel Balancing Tires Air Care Repairs
New Vehicle Maintenance Muffers Clutches
Towing Available
The 2012 Hyundai Elantra
Car Of The Year
Carmakers typically design new models
by taking aim at the head of the class.
At Hyundai, we set our sights higher
we aim for a class above the rest.
And when you consider everything the
well-appointed, beautifully designed
2012 Elantra has to offer, one word
comes to mind: Bullseye.
Take safety for instance. Six airbags,
4-wheel disc brakes and Electronic
Stability Control come standard on all
models. Performance is covered too.
With a lightweight 4-cylinder engine,
the Nu DOHC, 16-valve design
delivers exceptional fuel economy
while still packing an impressive
148 hp. Then there are the features.
Plenty of them. From the available
7 navigation system, steering wheel
mounted audio controls, proximity
key entry with electronic push button
start, and heated rear seats, you get the
choice of features normally found only
in a luxury class.
In so many ways, the 2012 Elantra
offers more than you might expect. At
a price lower than you might imagine.
Heres to high expectations.
The Hyundai Elantra Touring is a
sporty and practical variant of the
popular Elantra sedan. The Touring is
based on the European i30, hence its
handsome styling.
The Elantra Touring is offered in either
GLS or SE form. A 138-hp 2.0-liter
four-cylinder engine can be had with
a fve-speed manual or optional four-
speed automatic transmission. Standard
equipment includes air conditioning,
power windows, locks and heated
mirrors, remote keyless entry, AM/FM/
XM/CD/MP3 audio system with USB
and auxiliary inputs, and a tilt steering
wheel. Standard safety equipment
includes electronic stability control,
traction control, four-wheel anti-lock
brakes, tire pressure monitoring, active
front head restraints, and six airbags.
ELANTRA L 6 Speed Manual
Performance Features
City (MT) 6.8L/100km, Hwy (MT)
4.9L/100km, Combined (MT)
1.8L Dual CVVT DOHC 16V Engine
6-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Disc Brakes
Safety Features
Advanced Front Airbags, Front Seat-
Mounted Side Airbags and Roof
Mounted Curtain Airbags (6)
Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) and
Electronic Brake Force Distribution
Vehicle Stability Management (VSM),
Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
with Traction Control System (TCS)
Interior Features
AM/FM/CD/MP3 Player with 6
Centre Console with Storage
compartment and Armrest
Power Windows with Driver's Auto
iPod/USB/Auxiliary input jacks
Trip Computer
Driver's Seat Height Adjuster
Rear Seat Centre Armrest with
Power Door Locks
Exterior Features
15 Steel Wheels
Glass Antenna Tinted Glass
Dual Heated Power Exterior Mirrors
Give your expectations a big, fat raise
Car Of The Year
i n d u s t r i e s
An all day seminar focused on advanced accounts receivable solutions
Fill out and fax back formto register Seminar is held at 20238 Fraser Highway, Langley BC, V3A 4E6
Number of attendees:
Name: Company:
Address: City: Postal Code:
Phone: Fax: Email:
Names of attendee(s):
(Discount available for multiple attendees fromthe same company, call for more details)
Collecting outstanding accounts can be a frustrating and time consuming endeavour. It has
taken me 22 years to gain the knowledge and experience to be successful in the industry. It
is my goal to show you ways to improve your accounts receivable in this single session.
- Les Mitchell
Thursday March 8th, 2012 9am - 4pm
The Seminar Covers
Negotiating with clients
Alternative resolutions
Reducing economy exposure
Analyzing credit risk
New methods of fraud protection
Receiving alternate payments
Increasing productivity
Handling confrontational clients
Retaining contact with clients
Hiring accounts receivable staff
These new techniques will not only increase your companys revenue but save time and money as well.
An invaluable source of information that will change the
way we do business.
- Crystal McGowan, Westrim Plumbing & Heating
Informative, interactive, fantastic information. Simple
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for their internal accounts receivable concerns.
- Wes Noppers, Prairie Coast Equipment
Registration is only $189, HST included. Register
online today at or call us for
alternative registration options.
Contact Us
43076 RPO Cascades, Burnaby, BC V5G 4S2
tel: (604) 595-7376 fax: (604) 599-4367
To get the best value for your dollar
Advertise in
604-909-4088 Toll Free: 1 866 840 2885
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
FLEETWOOD ISLAMIC CENTRE will hold its 2011 AGM at
Fleetwood Islamic Centre
209 - 8462 162 Street, Surrey, BC
March 4th, 2012 at 11:00am
All members are requested to come and support the association.
For further information contact - Jamal Azad at 604-617-7488.
Built and assembled in December of 1965, the main structure
of this Pan-Abode style log home is one of the oldest still
standing homes in Fleetwood. It holds a master bedroom,
a master bathroom, spare bedroom, den / dining room, and
living room.
The garage was added in 1995, followed by the three bedroom,
two bathroom addition in 2001, that also holds a laundry room,
home offce, and kitchen
Spacious backyard with in ground salt water pool cleaned by
salt-water generator.View pictures at:
To get the best value for your dollar
Advertise in
604-909-4088 Toll Free: 1 866 840 2885
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13 Places of Worship
Monday 5:30pm9:00pm Tuesday 7:00pm9:00pm Sunday 10:00am12 noon
PH: 604-254-2624
For Pooja Booking Contact:
Aiyaar Shivachariyar Sada Shiva
8840 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC 604.274.7906
Sunday 10am to 3pm
Monday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
Tuesday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
Wednesday 1pm to 7pm
Thursday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
Friday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm

1pm Sundays
(Hindi & English)
5441 - 125A St, Surrey B.c.
Affliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
James Kumar 604-581-3191 (res) 604-599-9518 (work) cecil Labon 604-572-4854
Temple hours
Monday to Sunday Morning 8:00am10:00am
Evening 6:00pm8:00pm
Daily Aarthi 7:00pm
Ramayan Katha Friday 6:00pm10:00pm
pooja/special prayer sessions/Temple/hall
PT. Shiu Madri 604.582.4899
PUJARI Soma Sundaran 604.363.7180
president: H.C. Gopal 604.290.1114
Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam Educational and Cultural Society, BC, Canada (EST. 1982 Incorporated S176969)
secretary: Ganesh Murti 604.315.3166 Treasurer: Muniappa Naidu 604.576.4529
maathar sangam Activities & Volunteers
Shakuntala Naidu 604.576.4529
9326 - 116th Street, Delta, BC
We pray for sickness, demon possessed & family problems.
We have testimonies, come and see Gods great work.
Rev. Emmanuel Cheema 778-241-9066
15964 88th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V4N IH5
You are the light of the world,
a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
(Matthew 5: 11)
Sunday Service @ 5.30 p.m. (Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & English)
Pastor Isimeli Lesi Korobasaga
Affliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Phone: 604.592.9001 Cell: 778.938.2734 Email:
14455 - 104th Ave., Surrey, Bc
Every Sunday 25Pm
@ Peoples Full Gospel
abhishek pentecostal assembly
If youre looking for a place to belong or have been searching for answers to lifes questions or healing,
come to our services or contact us. Allow us to introduce you to Jesus Christ and help you come into a full relationship with him.
Sunday School/Worship Service: 1pm
11601-82nd Ave, Delta BC (604) 590-8836
Services are in Hindi and English
Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel Krishna
Vancouver Sunday Worship Service: 1:45pm
6075 Inverness St 45th Ave
(Pilgrim Baptist Ch Bldg)
Contact Pastor Silas Naidu (604) 517-4490

(Registered under the Society Act Of BC. Registered Charity # 891336349)
Join for Hawan, Pravachan and Satsangh
followed by Preetibhoj Every Sunday 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon
Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation classes every Wednesday 7:00 p.m - 8:30 p.m.
Contact Shobha Rae 604.874.9856
Hindi Classes Sunday 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Contact Madhu Varsney 604.222.1444
Hall rental also availabale. Contact Kushwakant Singh 604.328.5454
Pushp Kant Singh, President 604.437.7903 Jack Sundar, Secretary 604.541.9359 Kushwaha Kant Singh, Treasurer 604.328.5454
12371 96 Avenue Surrey BC
Sunday Service @ 6:00PM
Ph: 604.593.5663
Pastor Sakaraia & Rev. Ema Karoi
Arya Samaj Centre, 6884 Jubilee Ave., Burnaby, B.C.
38868 - 128th Street, Surrey Bc
Service Sundays 2:00pm
Bible Study (Hindi & English) Wednesdays 7:30pm
Prayer, counselling & visitations Available
Pastor Eileen Reddy 604.842.2189
#4-6468 King George Blvd, Surrey BC
Sunday Service @ 2:00PM
Uplifting Worship | Prayer for healing | music (cD) Available
Shailendra (Shal) Singh
604-596-7353 or 604-323-6506 |
Hindi Punjabi Fraserview GosPel CHaPel
14630-107a avenue surrey bC v3r 1v1
Serving the community since 1972
sunday service 10:30 am12:00 noon
Service in Hindustani & Punjabi Sunday School for Children
Pastor Santosh Raj 604-582-2650
Shree Mahalakshmi Temple
The Festival of Life, Joy and Colour
A Classic Variety Entertainment Program featuring classical & folk dances
music & much more!
(Prices included in the ticket)
Where: Michael J. Fox Theatre 5455 Rumble Stree, Burnaby BC
When: March 10th 2012
Time 7:00PM
Food Bazaar: 5:00PM - 6:45PM
Tickets : Orchestra $20.00
Balcony $15.00
For Tickets Contact:
Bipin Mehta 604.291.6746

Surinder Vashisht 604-432-9612

Shree Mahalakshmi Temple 604-874-0175

music & much more!
Shree Mahalakshmi Temple
Programs in March 2012
Date Time Program
07 Wednesday 7:00pm Holi hawan, Mahalakshmi japa
10 Saturday 7: 00pm Holi Cultural Program
23 Friday 7:00pm Gudi Padwa ,Chaitri Navaratri
26 Monday 7:00pm Lakshmi Vinayaka Japa , Navaratri
30 Friday 6:30pm Durgashtami , Kanya puja
31 Saturday 7:00pm Hanuman japa, Ramanavami
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
TImes sporTs
To get the best value for your dollar
Advertise in
604-909-4088 Toll Free: 1 866 840 2885
Australia's O'Neill Joins World
Cup Board
Australian Rugby Union (ARU) chief
executive John O'Neill was appointed
to the 2015 Rugby World Cup board on
Thursday, as was Wales Rugby Union
(WRU) chairman David Pickering.
O'Neill and Pickering will join
International Rugby Board (IRB)
chairman Bernard Lapasset of France
and South African vice-chairman
Oregan Hoskins on the board
overseeing the 2015 World Cup in
Former England captain Bill Beaumont
did not seek re-appointment due to a
potential confict of interest should
he become chairman of the Rugby
Football Union.
Dr Syd Millar, the former IRB chairman,
also stood aside, with Pickering and
O'Neill elected unopposed.
As well as overseeing plans for 2015,
the board is responsible for presiding
over the delivery of the 2013 World
Cup Sevens in Russia, the 2014
Women's Rugby World Cup in France
and working on the 2019 World Cup in
"These are exciting times for rugby and
Rugby World Cup properties continue
to go from strength to strength," said
"I would like to welcome David
Pickering and John O'Neill to the
Rugby World Cup Limited board as we
look to further the profle and stature of
all Rugby World Cup properties over
the next four years and beyond as we
look forward to a frst Rugby World
Cup in Asia."
In October, during the World Cup in
New Zealand, O'Neill -- who plans
to stand down from his ARU post
in 2013 -- said the IRB had to tackle
the negative fnancial consequences
affecting leading southern hemisphere
sides when they participated in rugby
union's global showcase tournament.
O'Neill said the ARU would lose
AUS$16 million (US$15.6 million)
from taking part in the 2011 World
Cup, with the amount for the three
SANZAR (South Africa, New Zealand
and Australia) nations hitting AUS$38
O'Neill, in a criticism of the IRB, added
at the time: "We're 16 years into the
professional era and a lot of things have
happened. But everyone's got to move
with the times and I think it's timely to
have a serious look at the governance
and management structures of the
Ticket Information For Separate Fights
Involving Floyd Mayweather Jr., Manny
Pacquiao At The MGM
Tickets for Floyd Mayweather Jr.s
May 5 boxing match against Miguel
Cotto at the MGM Grand Garden
Arena are on sale.
The 12-round fght is for Cottos
WBA Super welterweight title a
matchup the undefeated Mayweather
(42-0, 26 KOs), who is a seven-time,
fve-division world champion, had to
settle for after negotiations with fellow
superstar Manny Pacquiao for a mega
fght fell through yet again.
Mayweather still faces an 87-day jail
sentence after a plea deal on domestic
violence charges related to a 2010
incident with the mother of three
of his children. The sentence was
delayed in a controversial decision so
Mayweather could fght in May. Also,
the Nevada State Athletic Commission
needed to vote on granting him a one-
fght license.
Tickets are priced at $1,500, $1,250,
$600, $300 and $200, with a total
ticket limit of 12 per person. They
are available at and
While the 31-year-old Cotto (37-2,
30 KOs) is a three-division world
champion and more than respectable
fghter, its not the fght fans wanted to
see. That would have been against the
eight-time champ Pacquiao (54-3-2, 38
KOs), who instead is fghting June 9 at
the MGM against Timothy Bradley Jr.
for the WBO welterweight crown.
I have always been an underdog all of
my life, Bradley said in a statement.
But I know how to win. I talk winning. I
go into the ring and win. Manny Pacquiao
is the worlds greatest fghter. After I win,
the rematch will be in November.
Tickets went on sale last Friday for the
Pacquiao-Bradley fght and are priced
at $1,200, $900, $600, $400, and $200,
with a 10-per-person limit. Tickets are
available on both the Ticketmaster and
MGM websites.
Frankie Edgar Wants Immediate Rematch
With Benson Henderson, Will Stay At 155
Frankie Edgar doesn't intend on going
down to 145 pounds any time soon.
Edgar lost the UFC lightweight title to
Benson Henderson in the main event at
UFC 144 last weekend and feels that
he deserves a rematch considering the
competitive nature of the title bout.
The Answer said he went through the
same process with BJ Penn and Gray
Maynard respectively, and expects the
same treatment.
"I think it's fair. I think the fans want to
see it. It was fght of the night," Edgar
said during a guest appearance on The
MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani.
The UFC has yet to address Edgar's
situation, but it appears that UFC
management has other plans in mind
for the former UFC lightweight
Following the event, UFC President
Dana White expressed interest in seeing
Edgar drop down to the featherweight
division and challenge 145-pound
champion Jose Aldo.
But Edgar said he is comfortable
competing against bigger opposition at
155 pounds, and although transitioning
to featherweight might be more
suitable, Edgar said he would still be at
a size disadvantage versus Aldo. Edgar
added that the Brazilian cuts more
weight to make the 145-pound weight
limit than he does to make 155 pounds.
Edgar wants to remain in the
lightweight division, but he wouldn't
rule out a possible move down to
featherweight in the future, but he said
he would make the decision under his
own terms.
"Im staying at 155," he said. "This is
where Im at right now. I still feel like
I got a run left. I still want that title
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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Kharma Hints At WWE Return On Twitter
As noted previously, there has been
a great deal of speculation about the
whereabouts of WWE diva Kharma
(aka Kia Stevens) since her shock
return at this year's Royal Rumble.
While she had a memorable
performance on the show, she hasn't
been seen since, with reports indicating
she has not yet fully recovered from
giving birth, hence why she's taking
some more time off.
The former TNA knockout has even
answered some questions about her
return to WWE television on her
offcial Twitter account, albeit in a
somewhat cryptic matter. When asked
by one follower what she was currently
doing, she responded: "good. Working
hard to come back at my best."
She was asked by another follower
when she was going back to WWE and
responded simply by writing "Soon."
Interestingly, WWE Divas Champion
Beth Phoenix made a tweet on her
account that could possibly be seen as
a strong hint at the heavily-rumoured
program between her and Kharma for
this year's WrestleMania event.
Phoenix, who has been champion
since she defeated Kelly Kelly at last
year's Hell in a Cell pay-per-view
last year, proclaimed: "I'm not afraid
of anything. Especially some scary
monster all of you have cooked up. I
am the WWE's beautiful nightmare.
Ottawa Senators' Daniel Alfredsson Retiring After The Season? Ask His Wife!
Daniel Alfredsson has achieved icon
status in Ottawa, his only NHL home.
Hes the franchise leader in points and
games played.
Now in his 16th season and with more
than 1,100 games under his belt, he is
enjoying a personal resurgence from an
injury-plagued season (14 goals in 54
games in 2010-11) and off-season back
The 'Sens are solid playoff contenders
under new coach Paul MacLean, after
last years non-playoff, house-cleaning
Team captain Alfredsson has played
for seven coaches since his rookie
season, during which time, the team
had a roller coaster existence, going
from doormats to Stanley Cup fnalists
and fading away again.
Although he has one year remaining on
a front-loaded contract, there has been
speculation that the 39-year-old will
retire after this campaign.
On the night Alfredsson scored his 20th
goal of the season, The Fischler Report
asked him to refect on his 16 seasons
with one team, a rarity in hockey these
I thought if I could stay healthy I could
get to twenty goals this year. It feels
good. Who knows? If I keep pushing,
maybe I can firt with thirty.
Its been an unbelievable journey from
the time I came over. We werent a
very good team when I arrived.
We went from a very young team to
becoming one of the best teams in
the league. The best was reaching the
Stanley Cup Finals.
We had a couple of years where
we havent been as good but were
building back up. Its a lot of fun to
see all the ups and downs weve been
through it all.
Also being able to get roots in the
community and start a family. I have
four Canadian-born kids and a great
relationship with the whole city.
Ive been able to get involved in the
community and charities and meet
with a lot of fantastic people.
Its created a new home for me and
my wife, who is from Sweden. I never
thought that would be possible when I
came over.
We made a lot of changes. The
coaching staff has come in and done an
outstanding job getting us on the same
Theyve creating a good energy level
with the team, where everybody feels
theyre contributing and not worrying
about the results the frst time.
Its about our effort and how we execute
on the ice thats most important.
We surprised a lot of people maybe
even ourselves. Its been fun this year
and one of the best years for me in a
Its a tie between 1996-1997, my
second season, and 2006-2007.
We won 18 games my frst year and
reached the playoffs for the frst time
my second year. That whole ride
and the city getting behind us was
In 2006-2007, we went to the Finals.
The second half of that season and the
playoffs were a thrill.
Not yet. Its up to my wife!
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
Whitecaps Sign NASL MVP
Etienne Barbara (left) battles Impact defender Zurab Tsiskaridze
for the ball in Cary, N.C., April 16, 2011
Vancouver Whitecaps FC signed
2011 NASL MVP Etienne Barbara on
The 29-year-old Barbara, a Malta
international, played the last two
seasons in the NASL with the Carolina
RailHawks. He won the Golden Ball and
MVP last year and had 28 goals and 10
assists in his two seasons with the club.
"Etienne is an aggressive, powerful
player," Whitecaps FC coach Martin
Rennie said. "He brings versatility ...
as a wide midfelder or a striker."
On the international level, Barbara
has made 30 appearances for Malta.
He has three goals in 30 appearances,
including matches in Euro 2004 and
2006 World Cup qualifying.
"I am delighted and honored to become
a member of Whitecaps FC," he said.
Whitecaps FC acquired Barbara's right
from the Montreal Impact in exchange
for Mexican defender Gienir Garcia in
Per club and league policy, terms of the
contract were not disclosed.
Arsenal And Manchester City To
Face Off In Beijing, China
Arsenal's offcial website announced
that the club will be traveling once more
to China but this time to play against
Premier League rivals Manchester
City. The game will take place in the
80,000-capacity Beijing National
stadium also known colloquially as the
"Birds Nest," which hosted the 2008
Summer Olympics
This will be the inaugural game of the
China Cup which will be a one-off
match between the two sides. Arsenal
and Manchester City will lock horns on
Friday, July 27th and the kick off will
be 8 p.m. local time.
Arsenal traveled to China in their
last preseason taking on Hangzhou
Greentown, in a game that ended in a
1-1 draw. The Gunners' Asia tour also
took them to Malaysia where they
faced off against a Malaysian XI and
won in comfortable fashion.
Manchester City has also traveled to
Asia for preseason before but they
havent been to that part of the world
in over 15 years. It was in 1996 that the
Sky Blues traveled to Tianjin, China,
only getting to play one of their three
scheduled fxtures due to fooding.
Interim Chief Executive Offcer, John
MacBeath, had this to say about the
This game will be a hugely exciting
one for Manchester City. The Birds
Nest Stadium is a truly iconic world
sporting stadium, and it will be a ftting
venue to host a classic encounter
between two of the English Premier
Leagues greatest clubs.
The Arsenal Chief Executive Ivan
Gazidis also commented on the
We enjoy huge support in Asia and by
playing a match in Beijing; we will once
again be bringing the Club close to our
loyal fans in China. The players and
staff had an amazing time in China last
year and we are all looking forward to
visiting this great country again in July.
The match against Manchester City
is sure to be an exciting spectacle,
with many great players from both
sides playing in front of thousands of
supporters in the wonderful Birds
Nest Stadium. It is also ftting that two
English clubs are playing each other
on the opening day of the London 2012
Olympics, in the stadium which hosted
the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
This looks set to be a fantastic occasion,
with two great clubs from the Premier
League on show for the Asian market,
where we know there is a huge fan base
for the beautiful game.
Fiji 7S Open HK Campaign
Against Scotland
Fiji will face Scotland at 9.06pm in
their opening game on day one of the
Hong Kong 7s on Friday, March 23,
according to fxtures released by the
International Rugby Board.
Fiji takes on France on day 2 at 5.32 pm
and later on the same day play Australia
in their fnal pool match at 10.46 pm.
The tournament, set to kick-off at
the hollow rugby 7s turf of Happy is
considered the biggest tournament
of the HSBC 7s series with the most
points of 30 to offer.
Fiji last won the tournament in 2009
and has won 12 times since its inception
in 1976.
The Rock Is More Popular Than
John Cena In Wwe 12 And
According to recent survey from THQ,
The Rock is the most popular Superstar
in both WWE 12 and WWE Wrestlefest.
On offcial WWE Games Facebook
page, THQ asked fans, "AT THIS
The main battle was between The
Rock and John Cena, and as everyone
expected end result was close affair. At
the time or writing The Rock received
3,300 votes whereas John Cena got
2,800 votes.
Which is your favourite WWE
Superstar in WWE 12 and Wrestlefest
apart from these two?, let us know in
the comment section below.
Friday, March 2, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 13
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