436 Syllabus 2012

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BPS 436/PSY436: Psychotropic Drugs College of Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island

Amanda DeAngelis-Chichester Sc. M.P. 348 Fogarty 874-5038 adeangel@mail.uri.edu Clinton Chichester Ph.D. 131 Fogarty 874-5034 chichester@uri.edu Office Hours: Individually scheduled with instructors. Course Time: Thursday 6:00pm-9:45pm Required Course Materials: 1. In addition to the lecture notes, journal articles and/or case studies will be posted on Sakai. These are mandatory and questions from these articles will appear on exams. Grading: Student performance will be evaluated throughout the course. Exams and homework will comprise the course grade. Final course grades will be assigned according to the following scale: Average in points Grade awarded 94-100 90-93.5 87-89.5 84-86.5 80-83.5 77-79.5 74-76.5 70-73.5 67-69.5 64-66.5 60-63.5 <60 A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF

Lecture: Students are expected to attend all lectures and encouraged to take good class notes. Students are responsible for all material outlined in the syllabus and all material covered during class time. This course is rapid paced and excessive absences will make it impossible to achieve a positive outcome.

Assessment/Evaluation Exams (3) = 70% of the final course grade.*

Presentation = 20% of the final course grade. Homework (2) = 10% of the final course grade. ** No grades will be dropped! *Exam dates are listed on the course schedule and are subject to change with advanced notification. Exams will have a variety of question type to include essays, true/false, multiple choice and short answer. The final exam (exam #3) is cumulative and scheduled during the exam period. **Homework will be announced during class and must be returned in-person on the assigned due date. Students are not permitted to e-mail homework to instructor! Absence: The student is responsible for informing the instructor of any absence/missed exam/missed homework! Unexcused absence during an exam will result in a score of a zero. Make-up for a missed exam will be given at the discretion of the instructor. If exam make-up is permitted, it must be scheduled and completed prior to the next scheduled examination. Late homework will be penalized by ten points PER DAY. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is defined in both the University Manual and the Student Handbook RAMPAGES . Students should carefully read sections 8.27.12-8.27.20 of the University Manual. Faculty has the explicit duty to take prompt action when they suspect cheating or plagiarism. The range of action includes, but is not limited to: failure on the assignment, failure in the course, or suspension or dismissal from the University. Unless stated, students are expected to do their own work independently of their classmates. When preparing written and or oral work for this class, students should pay special attention to guideline 8.27.12 which states (partial statement), In preparing papers of themes, a student often needs or is required to employ sources of information or opinion. All such sources used in preparing to write or in writing a paper shall be listed in the bibliography. Further questions about referencing should be directed to the individual instructor. Media Use Policy: Cell phone use, text messaging, or similar media device usage is prohibited during class time! Academic accommodations: Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact Disability Services for Students as early in the semester as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations. As part of this process, please get in touch with Disability Services for Students Office at 330 Memorial Union 401-874-2098. Note: All accommodations are on a case-by-case basis and depend on discussions with the student, current documentation, and university policy.

BPS/PSY 436: Group Project Guidelines Primary Goal: Present a complete review of: -a drug class with psychotropic properties OR -a disorder/disease caused by or treated with psychotropic drugs Breakdown of Points (50pt): 30pts: Presentation Content 10pts: Presentation Organization/Presence 10pts: References (References 5) Method: 1. Form a group (four students per/group). 2. Choose and fully research the topic. A PowerPoint presentation (or similar) should be prepared for presentation. References should be peer-reviewed and/or professional! Presentation should include: Introduction to topic, full explanation of drug mechanism or if appropriate drug/disease mechanisms, 3. Group presentation should last approx. 15-20 minute. Each group must provide an outline (or similar) for their classmates. 4. Approximately two questions from each group presentation will appear on the final exam. ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED BY CLASSMATES DURING PRESENTATION!

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