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Mr. President

Noel Farrell

iBooks Author

November 1, 2011

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I spent the month of October in the guise of Don Booker to cover the Irish presidential Race and bring characters up-to-date from Bookers World. I've decided to sit on it for a little while the government show a bit of support for personal endeavor. Until they do or I get a job I can't release it - thats the system we live under. I didn't feel much like writing over the past month having become pretty disillusioned about a number of things. But although it didn't really solve a whole lot, writing it did have me doing something other than having to think over stuff which generally is not a good thing - for me anyway. I wouldn't particularly regard myself as a stupid person - except perhaps when it comes to gauging people - but I know my own drive and what's behind that drive. Never been motivated much by money and maybe that's the Department's problem with me. But some things are more important that money in a society totally falling apart one way or another. I think I have always had faith in people. Far too much as it has turned out. The world's has become a cold place in recent times, but there's no doubt having decent warm people in my life helps a lot. Good thing is the writing and what that offers. Only writers will understand that. The Don Booker web-series I spent months writing has been shelved because actors pulled out. I don't know why people waste other people's time. I think documentaries are the way to go from now. At least it would involve working with real people with real stories. I'm sure I'll nd my Don Booker along the way somewhere. I've been inspired by some of the Occupation movements taking place around the world. Here, it's not the Ireland our own founding fathers wanted. Nice to see others think the same. I wrote a letter to the head man in my local Welfare Department explaining what happened since I was refused the back to work allowance earlier this year. It's gone nearly a month now. No reply. I'm strongly thinking of publishing it here.


I see many people coming forward with their own stories of woe during this damn recession and it does inspire me that people can be brave enough to do that. It encourages others. It stands for something more than the those who are still desperately trying to keep up appearances in the present climate. They don't serve themselves any good and it certainly isn't going to change anything. People need to come and stick together if change is to happen.

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November 2, 2011

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It's barely been a week since European leaders managed at the last minute to avoid disaster within the European Superstate by agreeing on a package of ideas that would appease the Market vultures and stop their assault on the European Project. They must have been rock solid in their thinking that the can had been kicked down the road far enough to get them past the Christmas period at least, so Angela Merkel could get his hair done and Sarkosy could get back to get one over - if you know what I mean. 'Twas wishful thinking. Greek Premier, George Papandreouhas has called a people's referendum on the second bailout Greece are to receive from the ECB and IMF, throwing Europe into chaos again. The Greeks who also got a 50% haircut on their debts last week, now hold the future of the European Project in their hands. Until Friday at least. Papandreouhas faces a vote of no condence then and with just a majority of two it's impossible to call. The Greeks, who for over a year now have shown their discontent toward austerity by rioting in the streets, are now faced with the prospect of sticking with the IMF and the austerity that they savage out worldwide, or risk getting cut off monetarily by their new overlords. Whatever way they choose few commentators see anything but chaotic scenes in Greece over the coming months. Papandreouhas istonight dining in Cannes with his paymasters before the G20 summit kicks off tomorrow. Would love to be a y on the wall at that one. It must be humiliating for the leader of one of Earth's oldest civilizations to take a barracking from the leader of a country who just 70 years ago tried to starve them out of existence. Back then, the Greeks delivered a solid middle nger to an Italian Ultimatum that Greece should surrender to their Occupation. The Greek people defended themselves by driving the Italians out of the country in a stunning six weeks, before 'Half Tache' arrived and over the course of the war leveled much of the country. The day of the stiff middle nger is still celebrated in Greece to this day. Ochi Day - and no it's nothing to do with Phil Taylor. The word Ochi actually means 'No.' There are many ways to look at this show of petulance to the money men of the World. Without having access to Mr. P one can but speculate. First of all, it's a classic ploy. Whether it works or not is another story, but for Pap it looks like a good card to play, especially when he has been the subject of much of the wrath of a people who, let's face it, gave the world democracy and don't like to be ruled. By throwing the onus on the Greek people, he makes them decide. That's a tough decision to make for any people. While life under an IMF and EU Occupation may not be Moussaka, it's better than Patsas, and that's now what they must decide if Pap doesn't get caught with a high class hooker in Cannes tonight or is voted out on Friday.However it plays out, Papandreouhas at least will have given his legacy - or what's left of it - a little boost. Some, like the last members of Cabinet in Ireland, will never get that chance, and if today is anything to go by, the present shower of Euro-Patsy's won't get the chance either. Fine Gael and their props from the Labour Party today signed off on nearly 750 million to bondholders not secured under the terms of the Bank Guarantee. One of Enda Kenny's election promises was that 'not one more cent' would go into the pariah formerly known as Anglo Irish Bank.

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Does that make Kenny a liar or is that acceptable because he is a politician? Cause let's be honest, if lying isn't an art you practice, then the murky world of politics isn't for you. This is a man who reigns over a government which made an accountancy error to the tune of 3.6 billion and only made the public aware of it yesterday. Like I said here back in February to those leaping on the Kenny bandwagon - be careful for what you wish for. Despite the unexpected 'windfall' they still intend to drive forward with Labour and implement another austerity budget which pretty much wipes out Christmas joy for most of us. How they stain a proud history we once had. Of rebellion. Of ght. Of standing against tyranny. One wonders how it disappeared so quick. I'm not a supporter of mindless street violence as a means of making a point. But like on so many occasions, we were sold out today. People will be led to believe it is for the greater good. But who's greater good? Like in Greece, it's denitely not the people and certainly not the 'venerable.' Jose Manuel Barroso threatened in Greece this evening as he he told them that if they didn't bow there would be hell to pay. In another universe the Greeks would go solo, print enough money to get by so they can get back to enjoying their coastline, eating well and partaking in a spot of philosophizing while setting a road map for humanity. For the modern day Irish it's seems to be the usual. Send our kids away, hang on to somebody's coat tails and hope to survive. It's not inconceivable Ireland could default on their debt also. I've said it before. We'll see some Nationalism then, won't we? It seems money has overtaken the need for anything else for many on this island. It's a brave leader who plays Russian Roulette with the Germans. Pap, for the time being anyway, is the man with the balls. I know the speech I'd have been ramming into the souls of my cabinet if I were him, as he tries to convince them to go to the people. It would be one simple word repeated until I got the required response. 'Ochi, Ochi, Ochi ............. Aye, Aye, Aye.


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November 6, 2011

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As Georgie Pap went to Cannes on Wednesday I gave him something to mull over on his charter. (Previous ebook) At the time of writing it, I threw a sly piece of historical context into his thinking and declared him Metal Balls for the day. My call to political disobedience fell on deaf ears as it does 100% of the time. Now I don't know about other folk, but 'metal balls' is not a bad name for a Superhero. Even for a day. But, as it turned out, Pap was castrated by Angela Merkle as Sarky watched on with a grimace, Dave Cameron licking his lips from behind a double sided window, enjoying being a Tory, until Rupert Murdoch decides to take Dave down. Pap made it back to Athens, but missing the balls he'd left with. Within hours his call for a referendum was recalled, and after surviving a cull on the promise of his resignation, Pap sits hours away from being cast into the world of Brian Cowen - a world of dishonest reection, followed by justication, and a six gure memoir deal from publishers. How will history remember these men. Let's be honest. Who cares? There have been many in recent times who have also pitched for their page, and sure why not? Hidden within us all is a megalomaniac, isn't there? Just waiting to get out. Pap clings on but by tomorrow his castraters have demanded that a government of national unity and solidarity be put in place and a gentle little nudge to Pap that it's time to take his place at the Sanitarium for the politically poor. Let's set Democracy aside, shall we? In the interest of society. Has our thinking been decimated or are we being proved to be a stupid organism and being treated as such? If it were that simple perhaps we would not care. But there are many sides to people and easier ways to manipulate them. Therein lies some real problems. Next up in this economic game of dice is the Italian question? Think Greece by ten. Flamboyant leader Silvio Berlusconi has declined an offer of a bailout, but invited the IMF in to take a look at the state of affair. That should see Silvio slip safely out of the country by the time the IMF say they are moving in - like it or lump it. Temperamental people, the Italians. Hot blooded. Passionate. Italian is a way of life. Sitting within her borders the center for Roman Catholicism. It's not Aliens v Cowboys anymore. It's IMF v The Church, and although they have both had many detractors in recent times, I only see one winner in that ght. In Italy anyway... It all clearly shows what a political mess the Superstate is in. The Markets have high jacked us all. The castration of Pap on Wednesday night will surely wake her up? The dream of co-existence now tripped at hurdle one, beneath the weight of individual states national sentiment. That's what happens when you have a system where so much trust in placed in those who deem themselves worthy and where government don't constantly ask the people for an opinion. You smelling it as well? What is a vote if what you voted for is not agenda once that vote is cast. What is a vote when removal of politicians just moves the next sycophant up the power conveyor belt. Why is democracy in it's cheapest, most corruptible form, the one we have to accept?

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To know reasons you have to know people. To know people and how easy manipulated they are is not particularly a light at the end of the tunnel experience. When placed in context to what's happening around the world at present, well, there you have a pretty fucked up futuristic hard boil on your hands. But all is not lost. For the Irish tried to take over the World - with our Canadian counterparts - over the weekend when they dared sail to Gaza with relief and humanities to the besieged people there. Stopped off shore by the Israeli Navy they were all arrested and had their disobedience to Israel rewarded by a night or two in the cells. At least they survived, the last Flotilla's occupants were not so lucky. Some were murdered. It's nice to know some Irish people are standing up for what it wrong in the world. Leaving fear aside to show some humanity with fellow human beings. A simple gesture of kindness by Israel would have seen them being able to pass though. A small victory for Israel in the war for peoples minds. The trouble with Israel it seems is it doesn't give a ying skud about how anyone perceives them. It's the same in America too. All members of the MV Saoirse have earned their Booker Endorsement. For what it's worth. In the spirit of fairness, Ive singled out one in particular Chris Andrews, former TD and member of Fianna Fil. Will wonders ever seize? A Booker Endorsement for a Failer. I couldn't see Mary Harneys cuticles surviving such a trip, but Bertie, you know, it's not too late to go on a little cruise. You could say to the main dude from Mossad when they come aboard the good ship, Bertie, 'Do you know who the fuck I am...' See yourself off on a worthwhile note? Im glad I'm not a conspiracy theorist and just a writer in an attic. Image

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Punch Drunk
November 8, 2011

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I hate reminders of the past. I watched the documentary commissioned by our State broadcaster last night surrounding the Cowan government and how the Fianna Fil juggernaut managed to derail itself over the next three years. Why another documentary surrounding the events of those days is needed in the rst place is beyond me. But it does keep in the spotlight the members of that failed government and as any free thinking Irish person will tell you, The Failers and RTE have always had a cosy relationship, so I guess they will always get their spot. Cowan it appeared was a man out of his depth, not a leader for sure, but more like a Patsy for Bertie Ahern until it came time for Bertie to go. When Charlie McCreevy was sent to Brussels for suggesting a tightening of spending was the way to go, Cowan dutifully stepped into his shoes and allowed Bertie to spend, spend, spend to assure his third election victory in 2007. That's all Bertie was after - a milestone in Irish history. It was clear from watching last night that Bertie and his sycophants were in a state of delusion at that stage, but the consensus was - if it isn't broken, no need to x it, and the electorate duly obliged by returning them to power. Soon after Bertie was a goner and Brian Cowan stepped forward. The rest as they say is history. I still have major problems with how the State Guarantee came about. Reports suggest David Williams offered the Swedish model for potential banking collapse to the late Brian Lenihan. Williams states that the advice he gave was not the advice Lenihan and Cowan went with, that all inclusive bank guarantee which eventually would lead to the loss of our sovereignty. This act alone, done in the early hours of the morning, saved everybody for a little time, until the gangsterism came to the fore and we came to the conclusion that Lenihan and Cowan had blundered like no two Irish people had ever blundered before. I mean come on, Willie O Dea should have had the Army in after he got 'the call' from HQ. Brian Cowan making decisions at 2am in the morning? Please... See, as far as I see it, there is little by ways of credible journalism in this country. For to accept that the taoiseach of the day was merely out of his depth is a cheap sell off to the citizens of Ireland. For even a brain dead leader would have put something in place that safeguarded the Irish people to some degree. That alone should be enough for some to go after the truth. It appears not... How the leader of any country does not know what banks were up to, banks they regulate through our own central bank, is absolute rubbish. The setting up of NAMA was nothing but a reprieve for developers, and as we know Fianna Fil and developers also had a cosy little relationship going on. Ireland was scammed, and to her shame we sat by and let it happen. The scam continues to this day, we've just invited Fianna Fil lesser twin come to the fore and continue the suppression of large sections of Irish society - with a little help from Labour of course.


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As time tricks on I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that no one is going to held accountable for anything that went on. Which again throws into question not only the state of our democracy, but whether it really exists at all. Because if it functioned, all the players, be they media, politicians or those who thrive from them would be outed aggressively until truth prevailed. Who actually beneted from the guarantee? We can't say the Irish saver, because you would be a trusting sort if you put money into a savings account and assume that money is safe. But alas, even that money was gone. Who is beneting from NAMA? Who was saved? Why so much secrecy? Why do we retain our national failures at national level? Why do we reward failure? What happened to system change in our political system? The only thing that will not be forgotten is the impact it has had on the nation. If not for the catastrophic exodus of the best of our young, dole gures would be nearer 25% than the near 15% it currently stands at. Still, at least the rest of the world is quiet. In Greece they are still sorting through the functions of a government of national unity. Word on the street is it may be someone outside the political spectrum and opt for former vice president of the European Central Bank, Lucas Papademos. That should suit the institutions just ne. An insider at the helm. What could go wrong? Silvio is hanging tough in Italy. Embattled he may be as he faces a vote on austerity measures later today. Defeat would spring a nocondence vote on the old bugger - 75 now - and that would mean... A government of national unity headed by a banker perhaps? Enda Kenny threatens default if a haircut of 75% on national debt is not implemented by the weekend - but only in this writers mind. I expect the Euro to fall at some stage. It's not functional. Each passing problem surpassed by a greater one. The masses hold not a thought for the leaders and an erosion of democracy now the norm. If it survives that erosion will only continue ... I still don't think people know what they gave up when they were feared into passing Lisbon 2. If the Euro does somehow limp through - they'll nd out soon enough. The Markets control all. Slowly inching Italy toward the 7% interest mark in the bond markets. Bailout territory. They want Silvio gone, mass austerity in place and they want it yesterday. A few weeks ago Merkle and Sarky said the bailout fund would be increased to a trillion euro. Italy's national debt is nearly double that. Prepare for pain in the form of a rm foot up the ass. It's not a question of whether you want it or not anymore - you're getting it like everyone else. Meanwhile in the race to be Wall Streets number 1 son across the Atlantic, homophobe Rick Perry appeared drunk over the weekend. Or high, I'm not sure. Maybe he has a double? Maybe he's just not t for purpose. I don't think America needs another Texan President for now. Newt Gingrich is just not, how do you say it, good-looking enough. Ron Paul seems doomed now after he said that he wanted to extend the hand of friendship to Iran. The Industrial Military Complex must have nearly choked on their long range missiles. Heaven forbid such a foreign policy. I mean, where would 1 in 3 American Dollars be spent then. Surely not the 50 million Americans now ofcially in poverty.

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Effective Capitalism. Mormon Mitt is the one beneting from this and it could be a run off between him and the disappointing Obama next year. How Obama is supposed to run the US Empire and run a year long re-election campaign is surely beyond even the former great hope from Chicago. America has run herself into the ground and looking around, they are not the only nation devoid of any real leadership it seems - so there's hope for us all. Happy send off to Smokin' Joe Frazier who died today. Best remembered for his trilogy with Muhammad Ali back in the golden age of boxing, Frazier was the rst man to beat Ali and what boxing fan wouldn't have The Trilla in Manilla in their all-time top three boxing bouts. I've often pondered nations sorting out their problems in boxing rings. Merkle v Sarkosy, Obama v Castro, Perry v Cameron, Enda v Ming. Cowan v Klitschko. Create a world of amusement around them for our benet, instead of the other way around for a change. And we could do it you know, if 99% of us wanted too.



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In Higgins We Trust
November 11, 2011


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Michael D. Higgins was inaugurated this lunch time as the rain pelted down on Dublin Castle. His rise to Ireland's head of State has been the stuff of pure inspiration for anyone who might buy into an ideal of the The Irish Dream. A childhood that may have hindered many, Higgins rose and always allowed his philosophical individualism guide him through a political career which saw him serve in Dil Eireann, The Sanad and now in ras an Uachtarin. In a world where those who speak the truth are described as outspoken, he excelled, and many will conclude that it may have cost him personally in his political ambitions at times. In a multi denominational ceremony words were spoken from the Christian, Islamic and Jewish faiths and in a unifying of tolerances ,a member of the Humanism Association also spoke. Higgins has described himself as a Humanist, an ideal which i embrace myself these days. For me Higgins is the product of the highest form of service any person can undertake. They have a sense of who they are, what that means and the courage to be able to express that in search of a common good as opposed to the self-servants of self who excel for themselves in a world on the edge of social and economic suicide. Who today would say President Higgins is not testament that hard work and ethical value can take people places? I know us Irish to be hard-working. Our ethics at times can come into question. But the test of any great person is when their ethical value is tested. Michael D. Higgins did not fail, and therein lies a lesson for us all.

Not to many people in my life have had the ability to cause a shiver run the length of my spine when they speak. You know from what they stand for that they tell you no lie. Human we are and not one among us even close to perfection. But in these times when people strive for perfection by materialistic and egotistical means, while using the imperfections of others to make their lives somewhat livable, it is with pride that I can recognize that people like Michael D. Higgins exist and a certain burst reins forward in the knowledge that he is one of our own. An Irishman. It's a day to be proud.



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Here is President Higgin's Inauguration Speech -

''Muintir na hireann and friends of Ireland at home and abroad, there can be no greater honour than to have been elected Uachtarn na hireann President of Ireland. I thank you the people of Ireland for the honour you have bestowed upon me and I accept and appreciate the great responsibilities of that ofce. Citizens of Ireland, you have chosen me to be your ninth President, to represent you at home and abroad, and to serve as a symbol of an Irishness of which we can all be proud. An Irishness which is carried by every citizen and which we must recall and forge anew together. I enter the ninth Presidency with a sense of humility, but also with condence in the great capacity of our people, the people of Ireland, not only to transcend present difculties but to realise all of the wonderful possibilities that I believe await us in the years ahead. I wish to acknowledge the immense contribution of those who have previously served in this ofce, particularly the two great women who have immediately preceded me. They have made contributions that developed our consciousness of human rights, inclusion, and the important task of deepening and sustaining peace within and between communities in every part of our Island. It is work I will endeavour to continue and build upon. As your President, I am grateful for the extent of the support, the strong mandate, you have given me. I also realise the challenges that I face, that we face together, in closing a chapter that has left us fragile as an economy, but most of all wounded as a society, with unacceptable levels of unemployment, mortgage insecurity, collapsing property values and many broken expectations. During my campaign for the Presidency, I encountered that pain particularly among the most vulnerable of our people. However, I also recognise the will of all of our people to move beyond anger, frustration or cynicism and to draw on our shared strengths. To close the chapter on that which has failed, that which was not the best version of ourselves as a people, and open a new chapter based on a different version of our Irishness will require a transition in our political thinking, in our view of the public world, in our institutions, and, most difcult of all, in our consciousness. In making that transformation, it is necessary to move past the assumptions which have failed us and to work together for such a different set of values as will enable us to build a sustainable social economy and a society which is profoundly ethical and inclusive. A society and a


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state which will restore trust and condence at home and act as a worthy symbol of Irishness abroad, inviting relationships of respect and co-operation across the world. We must seek to build together an active, inclusive citizenship; based on participation, equality, respect for all and the owering of creativity in all its forms. A condent people is our hope, a people at ease with itself, a people that grasps the deep meaning of the proverb n neart go cur le chile our strength lies in our common weal our social solidarity. Sin iad mr-thama na hUachtarnachta at curtha romham agam, agus m ln-dchasach go bhfuilimid ar thirseach r nua dirinn agus direannaigh, sa bhaile agus i gcin. R nua ina mbeidh bunluacha na cothroime agus an chirt, agus spiorad na cruthaochta, faoi bhlth: poblacht, a mbeidh ireannaigh de gach aicme agus traidisin brdil aisti. My Presidency will be a Presidency of transformation, recognising and building on the many positive initiatives already under way in communities, in the economy, and in individual and collective efforts throughout our land. It will be a Presidency that celebrates all of our possibilities. It will seek to be of assistance and encouragement to investment and job creation, to innovation and original thinking a Presidency of ideas recognising and open to new paradigms of thought and action. It will aspire to turn the best of ideas into living realities for all of our people, realising our limitless possibilities r feidireachta gan teorainn. In implementing the mandate you have given me, I will seek to achieve an inclusive citizenship where every citizen participates and everyone is treated with respect. I will highlight and support initiatives for inclusion across Ireland and also make it a priority to visit and to support the participation of the most excluded in our society, including those in institutional care. I will champion creative communities who are bringing about positive change at local level by giving recognition to their achievements on the national stage. I believe that when we encourage the seedbed of creativity in our communities and ensure that each child and adult has the opportunity for creative expression, we also lay the groundwork for sustainable employment in creative industries and enrich our social, cultural and economic development. In promoting inclusion and creativity, I will be inviting all citizens, of all ages, to make their own imaginative and practical contribution to the shaping of our shared future. Active citizenship requires the will and the opportunity to participate at every level and in every way to be the arrow; not the target. Next year Bunreacht na hireann is 75 years old and a Constitutional Convention is planned by Government. As President, I encourage all citizens, of all ages, at home and abroad to take the opportunity of engaging with this important review as an opportunity to reect on where we have come from and on how we might see ourselves into the future.

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During my Presidency, I also intend to hold a number of Presidency Seminars which may reect and explore themes important to our shared life yet separate and wider than legislative demand, themes such as the restoration of trust in our institutions, the ethical connection between our economy and society, the future of a Europe built on peace, social solidarity and sustainability. The rst of these seminars will focus on being young in Ireland. It will address issues of participation, education, employment, emigration and mental health. I hope also that the seminars during the next seven years might encompass consideration of global issues, stressing the importance of the ethical connection between politics, economy, development and society. In preparing for my Presidency, I recognise that our long struggle for freedom has produced a people who believe in the right of the individual mind to see the world in its own way and indeed that individual innovation and independence of mind has given Ireland many distinguished contributors in culture and science, often insufciently celebrated. However, in more recent years, we saw the rise of a different kind of individualism closer to an egotism based on purely material considerations that tended to value the worth of a person in terms of the accumulation of wealth rather then their fundamental dignity. That was our loss, the source in part, of our present difculties. Now it is time to turn to an older wisdom that, while respecting material comfort and security as a basic right of all, also recognises that many of the most valuable things in life cannot be measured. Our successes after all in the eyes of so many in the world have been in the cultural and spiritual areas in our humanitarian, peacebuilding and human rights work in our literature, art, drama and song and in how that drama and song have helped us cope with adversity, soothed the very pain which they describe so well, and opened the space for new possibilities. Our arts celebrate the people talking, singing, dancing and ultimately communing with each other. This is what James Connolly meant when he said that: Ireland without her people means nothing to me. Connolly took pride in the past but, of course, felt that those who excessively worshipped that past were sometimes seeking to escape from the struggle and challenge of the present. He believed that Ireland was a work in progress, a country still to be fully imagined and invented and that the future was exhilarating precisely in the sense that it was not fully knowable, measurable. The demands and the rewards of building a real and inclusive Republic in its fullest sense remains as a challenge for us all, but it is one we should embrace together. A decade of commemorations lies ahead a decade that will require us to honestly explore and reect on key episodes in our modern history as a nation; that will require us to draw on the ethics and politics of memory in such a way as will enable us not only to be sensitive to


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differing and incomplete versions of that history, but also to remain open to the making of reconciliation or to the acceptance of different versions of aspects and events of memory if required. A common shared future built on the spirit of co-operation, the collective will and real participation in every aspect of the public world is achievable and I believe we can achieve it together. In our rich heritage some of our richest moments have been those that turned towards the future and a sense of what might be possible. It is that which brought us to independence. It is that which has enabled us to overcome adversity and it is that which will enable us to transcend our present difculties and celebrate the real Republic which is ours for the making. Every age, after all, must have its own Aisling and dream of a better, kinder, happier, shared world. N domas ach dchas a bheidh ag teastil uainn ins na blianta dshlnacha at amach romhainn. Dchas as r n-oighreacht shaibhir, as r ndchas iolrach; dchas as r n-acmhainn samhlaochta agus cruthaochta; as an daonnacht choiteann a fisceadh as stair chasta r muintire i ngach cinne dirinn. It is my wish to be a President for all of the Irish at home and abroad. We Irish have been a diasporic people for a great part of our history. The circumstances that have impelled and that continue to impel many citizens to seek employment and a better life elsewhere, are not ordained by some mysterious hand of fate. They challenge our capacity to create a sustainable and prosperous economy and an inspiring model of the good society. We, in our time, must address the real circumstances that generate involuntary emigration, and resolve that in the years ahead we will strive with all our energy and intellect, with mind and heart to create an Ireland which our young people do not feel they have to leave and to which our emigrants, or their children, may wish, in time, to return to work and live in dignity and prosperity. I invite all of the Irish, wherever they may be across the world, to become involved with us in that task of remaking our economy and society. Agus, r muintir at lonnaithe i dtortha ar fuaid an domhain mhir, bodh a gcs, a gcearta agus a ngaisc sid ar r n-aire againn. T rian a saothair agus a ndograis fgtha acu ar gach tr inar lonnaigh siad: ar an gcultr polaitochta agus creidimh, sna rims oideachais agus slinte, san eolaocht, san saol gn agus sna h-ealaona ar fad: agus i ngluaiseachta agsla ar son chearta daonna agus dnit an duine. N suarach iad na gaisc seo mar thaisce inspioride dinne sa bhaile. Let these, then, be our shared hopes, our common purpose, as we face the future.We Irish are a creative, resourceful, talented and warm people, with a rm sense of common decency and justice. Let us address the next seven years with hope and courage as we work together to build the future for our country an Ireland we all feel part of, an Ireland we all feel proud of. Muintir na hireann, ar aghaidh linn le chile leis an dchas agus an misneach sin a bh is ba choir a bheith i gcna in r gcro.''


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November 15, 2011


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Seems politics still has some principled men left. Minister of State for Housing, Willie Penrose, resigned his post today over the closure by government of the Army barracks in Mullingar. Soldiers stationed there will be sent to Athlone. 200 hundred years of history - gone,... because of banks and the two Brian's. Just like that. Penrose opposed the closure and resigned his cabinet seat this afternoon. Penrose should now lead his way to the Indie side of the house and cause dissent which might eventually lead to a new party. Should more do the same given the erosion of the mandate they were elected on? Should they oppose the budget and go Indie themselves and have the possibility of a long Dil career, or do they take a chance that their future is better in government hands. It is a juicy sum of money after all. And times are tough. This followed the disclosure by Labour MEP, Nessa Childers that she was threatened with expulsion from the Party for voicing her concern over the appointment of Kevin 'I miscounted 3.6 billion euro' Cardiff to the European Court of Auditors. Poor woman. She must be traumatized. I mean how dare she speak of her concern? Oh, Labour. It has begun. The Gilmore Gale has long blown itself out. Wonder how they will come out once they vote for austerity?

Fair play to ye, Willie Penrose.



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November 23, 2011


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It's less than 2 weeks now until the coalition government of Fine Gael and Labour give the citizens of the country an early Christmas present in the form of another austerity budget. It sickens me to the very pit of my stomach - I knew Fine Gael were capable of it, but Labour, well, after events of the last two weeks where some of their election promises now seem to be lies, it's going to be a short stay in government for them without a doubt. The proposed reduction in child benet, if carried, will be testament to what I've always believed, that politicians are the best liars in society. It won't matter much to their ministers who, when ousted, will walk away with massive pensions, but for backbenchers who saw the party rise after the Failer collapse in February, it must be a worrying time. A once proud people who fought for their right to govern themselves now easy game for those who say they have the people's welfare at heart - but rarely do. Cuts to health services, particularly in mental health are on the cabinet table. This is a travesty given the epidemic levels of suicide and selfharm in this country and particularly DISTURBING when we have the likes of Enda Kenny and Gay Mitchell championing the issues for electoral gain. Interesting to see what happens. There are also proposals to increase charges on prescriptions, as well as 50 charge on those who have medical cards. There is also a VAT rise of 2% which will drive consumers north of the border and will see more job losses as a result. This is governance? This is the hope people put in Fine Gael and Labour? Disgrace the lot of them. Then you have the Secretary General of the Department of jobs. It does not bear thinking about. Not a job in the country since 2008 and he walks away with 634,000. We seriously need to cop ourselves on as a nation - and damn quick! To be honest I've zoned out this past week. I sent a urry of job applications to Canada and Australia. What's the point in staying? Ireland will probably end up defaulting anyway and indeed, following Germany's inability to raise funds in a bond auction today the whole Euro Zone seems doomed. When the best economy in Europe can't raise funds then we know we are in deep trouble. I reckon it's not so much a case of if the Euro will crash, but when? The early part of 2012 is going to be bumpy. And if it does, well let's just say all the budgets since 2008 will seem like a Christmas present compared to the consequences of a collapse. The Egyptians are into their second revolution - of the year! Unhappy about the pace of change since the ousting of Hosni Mubarak, the people have once again faced off with police and army in Tahrir Square. There have been many fatalities and many injured as tear gas and live rounds being used against protesters. All the current signs point to Iran being attacked soon - unless Russian and Chinese inuence speaks louder than the warmongering United States and her NATO allies. It all makes you wonder if in fact the Mayans might not have been too far off the mark after all.


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November 27, 2011


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Some people would reckon other people should never write about suicide - as what gives reason even to a writer to explore the subject to some degree? I think that's part of the thing. There are no real reasons and although families and communities affected by these sudden tragedies often search for reasons why, the answers seem to come up short most of the time. Still, for me personally, anything that causes the deaths of 1 million people worldwide every year deserves more research and study and not be so shut away as it is in places, dear old Ireland included. Stats provide numbers, academics and doctors attempt to answer why and yet we continue to come up short, as the number suggest here in Ireland. I guess you start something in life with a bigger view to what lies behind your chosen pursuit. I denitely gave mine a lot of thought. Probably too much. I've watched as Ireland has slipped into a nation dealing mostly out of the limelight with various forms of addiction. Depression of many varieties seems to also be rampant. These are worrying trends for a nation going no-where. The answer of course in government will be to cut services - hey, it is the survival of the ttest after all - and I wonder if the many groups involved in the areas are maybe too numerous, and would benet further from coming together and trying to get out a similar view on certain issues. The problems are basically being arrested at best - but a tide needs to be turned. Given present circumstances it is hard to see nothing but this becoming more of an epidemic in the years ahead. Wales manager, Gary Speed was found dead today at his home. 42. Two young kids and a wife. Successful professional soccer career. Management and coaching. Even some punditry. It almost dees belief, but that's how it works most of the time. The easiest coping mechanism for those left behind is to determine as early as possible not to dwell on it too much. For those that do, therein lies another tragedy. Others prefer not to forget at all and honour that friend or loved one in some way. It brings a name and a face to this tragic part of human existence. It's important to do it.

I've also read arguments that highlighting it in certain ways offers some form of glorication. Where did that come from? Nobody ever touched by suicide or its impact will think that way, I'm pretty sure. There's nothing glorifying about it. Often just a blanket of stunned silences as we busy ourselves around the other struggles around everyone at the moment. Really doesn't care for gender, class or race, does it? I suspect there are many causes, few answers, and it would appear - up at the top-tier it's not much of a part of the contemporary social agenda. That's more than unfortunate, particularly at this time.


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This ebook series is a comment on issues in Ireland and abroad. It is covered in real-time against the backdrop of what is really happening in Ireland at this time. The series cover events as they happen through the eyes of the ctional Don Booker, an unemployed recluse as he attempts to write himself through his personal woes and an Ireland in decline. The novel, Booker's World is separate from this series of ebooks, though both worlds do cross at certain juncture as the months go by. An ebook version of the novel is now available. All ebooks in this series may be used for reference and may be distributed freely once adhering to Creative Commons License and crediting the author.

With cuts to depression & addiction services being implemented in Ireland, please consider these when making a charitable donation in the future.


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Also in this series -

Last Daze The Artful Dodger Planet Bonkers 45 Visitors Dead Peasants The Great Gas Giveaway Celtic Whine Murder by State

5 Days in September Deathly Quotes November Nightmares Absurdities Purjurious Times Forgetful Directions Chill Dark The Loaded Taoiseach Independence International Mutha-F*ckrz The Cost of Living

All available to read or download at


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Also by Noel Farrell

Novel Bookers World

Sonny Strange


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Noel Farrell 2012


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