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Gmail - Weekly Newsletter #2 2012

Young Nats <>

Weekly Newsletter #2 2012

1 message Young Nationals Southern Region <> To: Young Nationals Southern Region <> Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 10:37 AM

New Members Event, Policy Kickstart, Updates & More




New Members Event Policy Kickstart What's Been Happening? Strategic Plan Membership drive

New Members Event

This Wednesday 7 March from 7:00pm all Members and Supporters are invited to our New Members Event at Eureka Cafe & Bar. Hosted by our Brighter Connections Programme Coordinator Todd Dickens, it will be a good chance for some of the newer Members and Supporters to mix and mingle with some of the older ones. You can check out more details by going to our Facebook Event or by keeping up to date with the latest news on our Facebook Page.


Epsom Residents

Former YNSR Executive Nathan Soich is calling on all YNSR Members who reside in the Epsom electorate to get in touch with him when they head home for the holidays, he would appreciate your involvement in Epsom when you can't help out down south. Find Nathan

Eureka is a licenced premises, so we would ask that any under 18s who are planning on coming along to get in touch with Todd so that he can arrange a quick phone call with your legal guardians to ensure everything



Gmail - Weekly Newsletter #2 2012

on Facebook and let him know you're keen.

remains above board. Any under 18s who would like a quiet drink will need to be accompanied by their legal guardian.


Policy Kickstart

New Members' Event

Join us at Eureka Cafe & Bar at 7pm, Wed 7 March for our New Members Event. We're welcoming all new Members and Supporters to come along and meet our old(er) Members and Supporters for coffee, drinks and nibbles.

Policy Chair John Brinsley-Pirie has prepared a discussion document for Members to give feedback on as part of the wider NZ Young Nats policy "kick-start" programme. This hugely impressive piece of work by John details results of our online polling of the public and of our Members, as well as giving a good overview of our progress on policy to date. John would appreciate and encourage all and any feedback you might have to be send to him here.

Executive Meeting

What's Been Happening?

Invercargill & Waitaki Support We'd like to give our thanks to our Electorate Committees in Waitaki and Invercargill for offers of ongoing support. Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean has pledged to provide support for the YNSR to put on an event for Oamaru Young Nats in the coming weeks which will enable us to hopefully find somebody to represent the Waitaki Electorate in an official capacity within the YNSR. We've also had good news in just recently from Invercargill Representative Garry Thomsen. Garry confirmed that the Invercargill Electorate Committee passed two motions expressing support for a monthly update from the YNSR, and for funding for Executive attendance to, and hosting of, Invercargill based events. Social sports and events

The Executive will be holding their next meeting on Sunday 18 March. All Members are welcome to attend and more details will be available in next week's newsletter.

Mainland Conference

The National Party Mainland Conference is being held at the end of April. Expressions of

The Highlanders pulled off a huge upset this weekend in Dunedin over the Crusaders,



Gmail - Weekly Newsletter #2 2012

interest in attending the Conference as a Member and/or as a delegate are welcome. More details will be available in the coming weeks.



and loyalty to the blue and gold machine shone through for some in our Virtual Super Rugby League. Leading the way overall is Vivian Griffiths with 90 points, with fellow young gun Tim Shiels making up for a no-show last week and scoring a round-high 42 points. "We" (YNSR) are currently sitting in 5th on 74 points overall. But it's a marathon, not a sprint, and we'll claw our way back. Our Virtual NRL league is a bit slow to update, so we'll update you on how round 1 went next week. Todd is also looking at kicking off a Pub Quiz Circuit team, named "Questions for Oral Answer". To date they're looking to attend the Monday Night Quiz at The Bog at 7pm, and depending on levels of interest will expand throughout Dunedin. Expressions of interest to Todd are welcome - the more we get, the more quizzes we can enter.

You can keep up to date with all the latest news, discussions, opinions and updates on our Young Nationals Southern Region Facebook page.


A Strategic Plan (Or So We Hope)

As part of our build towards a more vibrant and successful organisation the Executive recently adopted a working Strategic Plan for 2012. The Strategic Plan is intended to guide the organisation in a positive direction and help shape the things we do throughout the year. It aims to achieve two main things for the Southern Young Nats - increasing our influence and increasing our membership. Part of how we intend on doing this is by implementing a series of programmes we have coined as "The Bright Five". Brighter Prospects

We're also on Twitter, you can follow us at @sryoungnats.

Upgrade Membership

Upgrading to full Membership status is easy. Just head over to and take 30 seconds to fill out the forms and you'll gain full access to the rights and privileges of

Our first objective is to increase and enhance the career prospects of our Members. This programme will, along with other initiatives, connect



Gmail - Weekly Newsletter #2 2012

Party Membership.

Members to other Party Members and individuals within the business community through paid or unpaid 6 month internships.

Brighter Connections Our second objective is to create new and vibrant social connections and networks for our Members. This programme aims to provide our members with coordinated social activities and events under the YNSR and National Party banner. It aims to create an environment conducive to fun and teamwork while developing a sense of belonging within the National Party brand. Brighter Communities Our third objective is to develop a strong reputation for positive community involvement and support. This programme aims to strengthen ties between the local community and both YNSR as a whole, and our individual members. We will engage regularly with local community groups and charities to offer assistance, support and volunteers however we can. We will also put our Members forward to be part of local community boards and committees to make a positive contribution.

Brighter Voices Our fourth objective is to assume the position of strongest advocate for youth in the Southern Region. This programme aims to position the YNSR as the strongest and most well respected advocacy group for youth in the Southern Region. We will represent our Members on all matters which directly affect them as young people in the Southern Region and as New Zealanders.



Gmail - Weekly Newsletter #2 2012

Brighter Studies Our final objective is to ensure the academic and intellectual strength and success of our Members. This programme will connect older and more knowledgeable Members with younger Members who require assistance with their studies. We will connect Members and run free tutorials and study sessions where possible in order to ensure our Members are able to do as well as possible in their educational requirements. We will also pair new Members with older Members where necessary in a mentoring relationship. You can find our Strategic Plan here, and a quick guide to our Bright Five Programmes here.

Again we're encouraging our Supporters to take the next step and make your involvement with us official by becoming a financial Member. Membership is only a $5 donation and brings with it official status within the Party, voting and delegate rights for Conferences, as well as priority access to limited event tickets and entry to our Bright Five Programmes. Joining is as simple as going to and filling out the forms online. I look forward to meeting a lot of you on Wednesday at the Members Event, all things going well. You're in good hands with Todd (who deserves a big congratulations for his recent promotion to Deputy Chair of the Dunedin South Electorate Committee, along with fellow Young Nat Sam Lewis as Deputy of the Dunedin North Electorate, and a couple of other Young Nats as delegates to the Mainland Conference). Was this week's newsletter slightly more concise? Perhaps not. Will try harder next week! Cheers, James Rawiri Meager Chair



Gmail - Weekly Newsletter #2 2012

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