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Susannah Cornwall Jesus taught us all that in the last days of the earth that false doctrine of devils would be around. Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1). Just recently a feminist theologian put forth a new theory that Jesus Christ may have been a hermaphrodite. Unlike another religion that's supposedly peaceful but attacks others every time someone speaks out against their prophet, I ask all Christians to pray for this person. In fact, we must publicly forgive this person. But that does not change the fact that this doctor is flat out wrong in many ways. Here now is her sad story. Dr. Susannah Cornwall of the Manchester Universitys Lincoln Theological Institute claims that Jesus being a male is simply a best guess. Her contentious viewpoints were posted in the backdrop of a continuing debate about women bishops in the Church of England. Academic Dr Cornwall introduces herself on her blog as someone who is focusing on research and writing on feminist theology, sexuality, gender, embodiment, ethics and other fun things like that. In her essay Intersex & Ontology, a response to The Church, Women Bishops and Provision, she declares that it is not possible to know with any certainty that Jesus wasn't a hermaphrodite, someone who was not a victim of an inter-sex condition with both male and female organs. In her opinionated paper, Dr Cornwall says: It is not possible to assert with any degree of certainty that Jesus was male as we now define maleness. There is no way of knowing for sure that Jesus did not have one of the intersex conditions which would give him a body which appeared externally to be unremarkably male, but which might nonetheless have had some hidden female physical features. Furthermore according to this so-called theologian one may not know for sure that Jesus was a man, since we do not have a body to examine and analyze it can only be that Jesus masculine gender role, rather than his male sex, is having to bear the weight of all this authority. Cornwall also goes on to cite the fact about Jesus not having children, to fortify her outrageous claim. She argues that since no where in recorded history is there any mention of Jesus having had children, made his gender status even more uncertain. Meanwhile a parishioner from Cheshire Shane Colder has correctly labeled Cornwall's theory as being "demonstrably ridiculous." He rightly states that her viewpoint strikes him as being patently nonsensical for her to say, 'Jesus wasn't a man just because nobody has ever seen his penis."

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