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Guidelines for submitting sponsorship proposal Application from the requester Program/Project/Event: The name of the program has

has to be clearly mentioned in the beginning of the proposal. The name should be in a form that represents the sponsors name properly likeGrameenphone-. Objective: The main objective of the event should be expressed in one or two lines. The objective should provide an overview of the whole program Illustration of the Idea: First, state your basic idea and then illustrate what are the things that need to be done. Clearly state your action plan. At the end explains what we are going to achieve through this Program/Project/Event. The write-up should also give a proper idea on the demography of the target group. If this program/project/event was done before, please include the summary of the past event Benefits analysis: You must be prepared to justify how Grameenphone comes into this and through the analysis of the benefits explain why we should do this Time/Date/Venue: The probable date and venue of the event must be stated. If date and venue is not confirmed, please mention that in the proposal Profiling/branding: All profiling and branding has to be done under the corporate guidelines of Grameenphone. All the designs of the communication materials have to be approved by Grameenphone prior to installation. This is also applicable for media items Permissions: Generally, for cultural events, proper permission is required from the DMP and the cultural ministry. Other forms of programs require permission from different authorities. It should be noted that, before Grameenphone considers a sponsorship proposal the permission papers from different government authorities are required. Grameenphone will not be liable for any faulty authorization or skipping of any permission by the organizers from the proper authorities Participants of the program/project/event: Grameenphone accounts for all the bodies involved with the event. This includes all the concerned parties from organizers, and the demography of the target population who will be effected by this program/project/event. We expect you to mention this clearly in the proposal Promotional: The proposal should clearly mention how the organizer is planning to communicate the objectives of the program/project/event with the target crowd. This includes a list of communications materials. i.e. - leaflets, posters, festoons, banners, newspaper insertions, electronic media ads etc. We expect you to also mention the details of the plan. i.e. - numbers of insertions in newspaper and which newspaper or numbers of leaflets/posters and points of distribution Budget: Estimation of the cost should be broken down to every detail possible. Cost should be categorized first then added total. Grameenphone shall not be liable for any hidden cost or unlisted cost in the sponsorship proposal Compliance: The associations are strictly prohibited that involve with illegal activity, violate government regulations, labor laws, code of conducts, social norms and values. Contact Address: In the proposal, organizers should clearly mention their contact name, number, and address. We shall directly contact with organizers once the proposal evaluation process is complete.

We do not encourage proposals for: Individuals Political projects or programs Religious or sectarian organizations Advocacy or lobbying organizations Support for fundraising or participatory events Organizations that discriminate based on race, gender, religion, or lifestyle Contingency funds or deficit campaigns

Deadline for submitting new proposals are Note: Based on company rules and procedures we will evaluate your proposal and you shall be directly notified if the proposal of the program/project/event fits in with our corporate policy. Grameenphone has the right to maintain the confidentiality of its corporate policy/ies and the cancellation of any proposal is at the discretion of the company. December 15th January to March Quarter March 15th April to June Quarter June 15th July to September Quarter September 15th October to December Quarter

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