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areness of various cognitive processes, such as sleeping, dreaming, concentrating, and making decisions

C o n s c i o u s n e s s o u r a w

Waking consciousness - mental state that encompasses the thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that occur when we are awake and reasonably alert Altered st ate of co nsciousness (ASe) - mental state that differs noticeably from normal waking consciousness Daydreaming - alteration in consciousness that occurs seemingly without effort, typically when we want to momentarily escape the demands of the real world Circadian rhy thm - 24-hour metabolic and thought process cycle influenced by times of the day REM (paradoxical) sleep - sleep stage characterized by rapid eye movement; it is during this stage that most vivid dreaming occurs Non-REM (NREM) sleep - non-rapid-eye-movement stages of sleep that alternate with REM stages during the sleep cycle Dreams - vivid visual and auditory experiences that occur primarily during REM periods of sleep Manifest content - literal content of dreams Latent content - unconscious meaning of the manifest content Protected sleep - represses desires are symbolically presented in dreams; it is a way for our

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the brain's interpretation of what is happening physiologically during REM sleep

Informati on-processing theory - stress during the day will increase the number and the intensity of dreams during the night (integration of information processed during the day) Sleep disorders: Insomnia - sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in falling asleep or remaining asleep throughout the night Narcolepsy - hereditary sleep disorder characterized by sudden nodding off during the day (into REM sleep) and sudden loss of muscle tone following movements of emotional excitement Sleep apnea - sleep disorder characterized by breathing difficulty during the night and feelings of exhaustion the next day Night terrors (slee p terrors) - affects children 4-12 yrs old - sits up in bed, screaming - cannot wake child up and doesn't remember in the morning

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Somnambulism (sleep walking) - more common in children, occurs during deep sleep; 20% of children experience at least 1 episode before adolescence Artificial Alt erations in Consciousness: Sensory deprivatio n - extreme reduction of sensory stimuli Meditation - any of the various methods of concentration, reflection, or

Hypnosis - trancelike state in which a person responds readily to suggestions Hypnotic suggesti bility - some people are more easily hypnotized than others; tend to have a richer fantasy life, follow directions well, and are able to focus on a single task for a long period of time Role theory - people are acting out the role of a hypnotized person and following the suggestions blc that is what is expected if the role State the ory - hypnosis meets some parts of the definition for an altered state of consciousness; we become more or less aware of our environments; some report dramatic health benefits Dissociation theo ry - Ernest Hilgard - hypnosis causes us to divide our consciousness one part responds to the suggestions of the hypnotist, while the other part retains awareness of reality Drug-Altered Consciousness: Psychoactive dru gs - chemical substances that change moods and perceptions Substance abuse - a pattern of drug use that diminishes the ability to fulfill responsibilities at home or at work or school, that results in repeated use of a drug in dangerous situations, or that leads to legal difficulties related to drug use Substance dependence - a pattern of compulsive drug taking that results in tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, or other specific symptoms for at least a year Tolerance - phenomenon whereby higher doses of a drug are required to produce its original effects or to prevent withdrawal symptoms Withdrawal sy mptoms - unpleasant physical or psychological effects that follow the discontinuance of a dependence-producing substance Depressants - chemicals that slow down behavior or cognitive processes Alcohol- depressant that is the intoxicating ingredient in whiskey, beer, wine, and other fermented or distilled liquors Barbiturates - potentially deadly depressants, first used for their sedative and anticonvulsant properties, now used only to treat such conditions as epilepsy and arthritis Opiates - drugs, such as opium and heroin, derived from the opium poppy, that dull the senses and induce feelings of euphoria, well-being, and relaxation - Synthetic drugs resembling opium derivatives are also classified as opiates.

timulants - drugs, including amphetamines and cocaine, that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and produce feelings of optimism and boundless energy

Amphetamines- stimulant drugs that initially produce "rushes" of euphoria often followed by sudden "crashes" and, sometimes, severe depression Cocaine - drug derived from the coca plant that, while producing a sense of euphoria by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, also leads to anxiety, depression, and addictive cravings Hallucinogens - Any of a number drugs, such as LSD and mescaline, that distort visual and auditory perception Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - Hallucinogenic or "psychedelic" drug that produces hallucinations and delusions similar to those occurring in a psychotic state Marijuana - a mild hallucinogen that produces a "high" often characterized by feelings of euphoria, a sense of well-being, and swings in mood from gaiety to relaxation; may also cause feelings of anxiety and paranoia '

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