Short Answer Questions

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Short Answer Questions 1.

Name the person who inaugurated the Individual Satyagraha Campaign in 1940 started by Mahatma Gandhi. 2. Name the military organization formed by Subhas Chandra Bose. 3. Name the last British Viceroy of India. 4. State two important functions of the WHO. 5. When and by whom was the Indian National congress founded? 6. Where is the headquarters of the WHO located? 7. Mention any one function of the Security Council. 8. What is meant by the term Human Rights? 9. Why did Gandhiji renew the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1932? 10.State any two ways in which the UNESCO preserves the cultural heritage of the world. 11.What does the Non-Aligned Movement stand for? 12.Mention any two main points of the Mountbatten Plan. 13.Mention any two factors that helped in the growth of Nationalism. 14.State any two objectives of the Muslim League. 15.Which agency of the UN looks after the interests of the children in the world? What was the original purpose of setting up this agency? Long Answer Questions 1. Describe the causes of the First War of Independence, with reference to the following: 1. Military causes. 2. Religious Causes. 3. Economic Causes. 4. Political Causes. 2. What was the immediate cause of the First War of Independence?

3. What were the political views of Bal Gangadhar Tilak? Enlist his contributions towards the rise of Nationalism. 4.Using the following points, briefly describe the events that led to the launching of the Civil Disobedience Movement: 1. Nehru (Motilal) Report, 1928. 2. Demand for complete Independence, 1929. 5. Explain the composition of the General Assembly. Write the expanded form of UNESCO and state three functions of this agency. 6. Briefly explain the meaning of the Cold War. State any three major impacts of the Cold War.

Long Answer Questions specifically on the Contemporary World 1. With reference to the First World War, show how the following were responsible for causing the war: a) Aggressive Nationalism b) Arms Race 2. What factors were responsible for the formation of the United Nations? 3. What are Human Rights? What is stated in the first two articles of the Declaration of Human Rights? 4. What were the salient features of Hiltlers Foreign Policy? 5. Briefly describe the three most important causes of the Second World War.

6. With reference to the Cold War, answer the following questions: a) What were the two main power blocs and how did they polarize? What were the differences in their ideology? b) Briefly describe an incident that created suspicion between the two blocs after the end of the Second World War. Answers to Short Answer Questions 1. Acharya Vinobha Bhave. 2. Indian National Army. 3. Lord Mountbatten. 4. 4. To help the developing countries to make better use of their natural and human resources, co-operates with many countries to provide safe drinking water and adequate waste-disposal. 5. In 1885 by Allan Octavian Hume. 6. Geneva (Switzerland). 7. Investigate any dispute that might lead to a war. 8. Human Rights are freedom which should be available to all persons irrespective of their religion, race, caste, sex, nationality. 9. At the Second Round Table Conference no one paid attention to Mahatma Gandhis demand for complete independence. There was no agreement regarding communal representation. 10.a. It aims to protect the world inheritance of books, works of art and rare manuscripts, b. It pays attention towards the cultural development through the medium of films.

11. Non-alignment is an independent movement which believes and

enables each nation to follow its own policies without joining any of the two superpower blocs or coming under their influence. 12.i. The country would be divided into two Dominions-India and Pakistan, ii. A Boundary Commission would be set up to settle the boundaries of the two Dominions. 13.i. The policy of economic exploitation followed by the British, ii. The Indian press aroused feelings of national consciousness among the people.
14. i. To promote feelings of loyalty among to the British government

among the Muslims of India ii. To protect and advance the political rights of the Muslims of India and to represent their needs to the Government. United Nations International Childrens emergency Fund-UNICEF. It was set up to meet the emergency needs of the children in Europe and China immediately.

HISTORY AND CIVICS A. Civics: 1. State two essential qualifications required for election to the Rajya Sabha. 2. Who appoints the Governor of a state? 3. Mention two discretionary powers of the Governor of a state.

4. Under what conditions can a member of the Lok Sabha be disqualified and removed from membership? 5. Who summons and prorogues the sessions of the Lok Sabha? 6. Mention two administrative functions of the High Court. 7. What is Parliamentary Constituency? 8. What is the maximum and minimum strength required for the Legislative Council? 9. Name the Highest Court dealing with criminal cases at the district level. 10. Which house is called the Lower House of the Parliament? 11. Who is the constitutional Head of the State? 12. What is a bicameral legislature? 13. Who determines the size of the Council of Ministers in the Lok Sabha? 14. Mention two financial powers of the President. 15. Name the states which have a bicameral Legislature. 16. What is meant by Original Jurisdiction of the high Court? 17. Who appoints the Judge of the District Court? 18. What is the number of elected members of the i) Lok Sabha and ii) Rajya Sabha? 19. Under what circumstances can the Governor dismiss the Council of Ministers and dissolve the Legislative Assembly 20. Which body has the final authority to interpret the constitution of India? 21. Name the writ issued by the High Court which provides a remedy for a person who has been unlawfully detained in prison. 22. Explain the term Quorum. 23. When can ordinances be issued by the President? 24. Name the body which elects the Rajya Sabha members. 25. How are the members of the State Legislative Assembly elected?

B. History: 1. Why was the 1916 Lucknow Session of the Indian National Congress significant? 2. Where and when was the first session of the Muslim League held? 3. State two proposals of the Mountbatten Plan. 4. How did the Swadeshi Movement give encouragement to indigenous industries? 5. What was Subhas Chandra Boses battle cry? 6. State any two aims of Fascism. 7. State any two functions of the UNICEF. 8. Where was the first session of the Indian National Congress held and when? 9. By which Act did the Governor General of Bengal become the Governor General of India? Name the first Governor General. 10. When was WHO established and where is its headquarters? 11. Who coined the term Cold War for the first time? 12. Mention one reason for the unhappiness of the Indian soldiers in the British army before 1857. 13. How did the English language play a leading role in the growth of nationalism in India? 14. Name the national leader who succumbed to lathi charge during the protest movement against the Simon commission. 15. When and by whom was the civil Disobedience Movement launched? 16. According to Dadabhai Naoroji, what was the basic cause of poverty in India? 17. Who are the five permanent members of the Security Council?

18. Name any two Human Rights included in the Declaration of Human Rights which have been incorporated in the Indian Constitution. 19. Which day was to be observed as the Poorna Swaraj Day all over India every year? 20. Who is the founder of Forward Bloc? 21. Why was the Moscow Declaration significant? 22. What role do NGOs play in the enforcement of Human Rights? 23. Why was the Rowlatt Act (1919) passed? 24. Who started the Khilafat Movement and why did Gandhiji participate in the movement? 25. Name the moderate leader who explained the economic drain theory during colonial times. Answers: A. 1. i) Indian citizen above the age of 30 years. ii) Should have his name in the electoral list. 2. The President of India on the recommendation of the Union Council of Ministers. 3. i) He may reserve a bill for the Presidents consideration after it has been passed by the State Legislature, ii) While making a report to the President informing him of the breakdown of the constitutional machinery of the state, the Governor may act on his own discretion. 4. i) if he accepts citizenship of a foreign country, ii) If the court of law declares that he is of unsound mind, iii) If he is disqualified by a law of Parliament, like the Anti-Defection Act. 5. The President.

6. i) The High Court exercises supervision over all courts and tribunals in the territories under its jurisdictions, ii) It may call for returns from such courts and may prescribe rules for the maintenance of account books. 7. Territorial areas set up for the purpose of election in each State or Union Territory are called Parliamentary Constituencies. 8. One-third of the total strength of the Legislative Assembly or a minimum number of 40 members, whichever is higher. 9. Sessions Court. 10. Lok Sabha 11. Governor 12. Bicameral Legislature has two houses of Legislature, Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad. 13. Prime Minister. 14. i) Without the recommendation of the President no Money Bill can be introduced in the Lok Sabha, ii) The President causes to be laid before the Lok Sabha the annual budget containing the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Center for the coming year. 15. Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. 16. It means that certain cases can be brought to the High Court in the first instance without having been heard in subordinate courts. 17. The Governor, in consultation with the High Court. 18. i) 545 and ii) 250 19. During the breakdown of the constitutional machinery in the state. 20. Supreme Court. 21. Writ of habeas corpus. 22. The minimum number of MPs needed to be present for any meeting of the House to take place. it is usually one-tenth of the total number of MPs

must be present. 23. When both the Houses of the Parliament are not in session. 24. Elected members of the State Legislative Assembly. 25. Universal adult franchise and secret ballot. B. 1. It symbolized Hindu-Muslim unity and also brought Moderates and Extremists together. 2. 30 December, 1906 at Dacca. 3. i) The country would be divided into two Dominions, India and Pakistan, ii) the Princely States would have the option to join either of the two Dominions or to remain independent. 4. i) Swadeshi textile mills, match and soap factories, potteries, etc. , sprang up everywhere, ii) Acharya P.C Ray set up his Bengal Chemicals Factory. Whole capital of Tata Iron and Steel Company was subscribed to by Indians. 5. Delhi Chalo and Jai Hind. 6. i) Interests of the state were superior to the rights of the citizens, ii) Aggressive nationalism. 7. i) Provides help to children and mothers in emergencies arising from natural calamities, civil strifes and epidemics, ii) makes effort to prevent diseases like TB, malaria, eye diseases, skin diseases, etc. 8. Bombay, 1885. 9. The Government of India Act, 1858. Lord Canning. 10. 7 April, 1948; Geneva, Switzerland. 11. Bernard Baruch, an American statesman, coined the term Cold War. 12. All higher ranks were kept reserved for the British and therefore the Indian soldiers could not rise above the position of a Subedar. 13. English became a language of communication among the educated

Indians from different regions of the country. 14. Lala Lajpat Rai. 15. 12 March 1930, Mahatma Gandhi. 16. The main cause of poverty in India according to Dadabhai Naoroji was the exploitation of India by the British and also because the British drained off the wealth of India. 17. USA, UK, France, Russia and China. 18. i) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, ii) All are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law without any discrimination. 19. 26 January 1930. 20. Subhas Chandra Bose. 21. It emphasized the necessity of establishing an international organization based on the principle of international peace and security. 22. NGOs have revealed cases of bonded labourers, children in prison, violence against women undertrials etc. 23. To encounter all political unrest, this manifested itself in many situations like Champaran, Satyagraha, etc. 24. Maulana Mohammed Ali and Shaukat Ali. Gandhiji saw in the Movement an opportunity for uniting the Hindus and Muslims. 25. Dadabhai Naoroji.

In a federal system there is a constitutional division of power between the central government and the states. The national government exercises authority over the whole national territory. Each state or provincial government has its own executive, legislature,

court system, taxing powers, police forces, educational systems, and other governmental organs.

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