Anoka Squadron - Sep 2010

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Newsletter July, August, September 2010

MN Squadron flag pole dedication with a flag flown over Afghanistan

Federal Legislative Representatives, Local Officials, friends and family members attended the flag pole dedication by Minnesota Wing, Anoka Composite Squadron, at the Anoka-Blaine Airport on July 20, 2010. Army, Private First Class, Matthew Birr carried the U.S. Flag and presented it to Anoka Composite Squadron, Commander, Capt Shelly Supan who presented it to 1st Lt Don Raleigh in turn presented it to the Color Guard Commander, C/CMSgt Don Raleigh. The Color Guard proceeded to the Flag pole, unfolded and attached the Flag. While the Flag was being raised reveille was played at the request of Birr. When the Flag reached the top everyone joined in the singing of the National Anthem.

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchars and Representative Michelle Bachmanns representatives shared their thanks for the services of PFC Birr and Civil Air Patrol to our Country.

Army, PFC Matthew Birr, from Fridley, MN was in Afghanistan last summer sitting in a tent when he was hit in the back of the head with an incoming shell. The bullet went through his head and out the front. The bullet lodged in the computer he was sitting at. It was retrieved and Matt now carries the bullet. Matt has had many surgeries and now part of his skull is of a man made material. PFC Birr was a Cadet at the CAP, Anoka Composite Squadron before he joined the Army. Matt has been back to the Squadron several times and on one visit asked where is the flag pole? Matt was given the U.S. Flag that flew over the area in Afghanistan the day he was hit. He wanted to fly his U.S. Flag on the Squadron flag pole. The Squadron used to have a flag pole when he was a member. Some time ago the pole was hit and damaged so it was removed. Birr made an on the spot contribution to start a fund to have a flag pole. The Squadron, Finance Officer, 2d Lt Kris Brown, President of Brown Technologies contacted people for donations and a contractor, Interstate CM owned by Steve Erickson and Lyle Dahlin donated the material and labor to construct an area and pole base that will not be destroyed. Muska electric and IBEW Local 110 put in three lights and wiring so the flag will be light at night. Ground Tech, Brown Technologies and Total Fire Protection contributed time and material. Brown Technologies and others have contributed toward the flag pole along with CAP members. Those contributing suggested the Squadron purchase a flag pole fitting the sacrifice already made by PFC Birr. So a 25 foot industrial flag pole was installed. The event was held to dedicate the flag pole and posting of the Colors with PFC Matt Birr's flag. All contributors, with time, material and donations were there as special guests for the event. PFC Birr and his mother flew in from Colorado; Legislative Representative Greg Swanholm from U. S. Senator Amy Klobuchar office and Tera Dahl, from U.S. Representative Michele Bachmanns office; Mayor, Tim Ryan, Blaine; Andy Westerberg, Metropolitan Airport Commissioner; Bill Willis, USAFR, State Director; CAP, Minnesota Wing Staff and airport hangar neighbors joined Anoka Composite Members for the event and thanked PFC Birr for his service. A plaque with the picture of the light flag & pole was given to PFC Birr and Certificates of Appreciation were given to all who contributed time and material. The ceremony concluded with PFC Matt Birr being called to front and center in front of the flag pole by 1st Lt Don Raleigh. All in attendance saluted PFC Birr in honor of his service and sacrifice he has given to the United States of America for our freedom. **All pictures courtesy of Lloyd Johnson

The following are weekly Blogs writing by Cadet Staff Sergeant Lucas Cooper

Communication Ops and Safety Briefing 09/28/10 | 10:48 On Tuesday, the 28th of September, the Civil Air Patrol, Anoka County Composite Squadron held their weekly 6:25-9:15 Tuesday night meeting.

The evening begun with opening formation, as with most other evenings. Opening formation was followed by individual flight time/cadet testing. Some cadets went inside to do promotion tests while the majority of cadets stayed outside with their flights.

After flight time there was a communication operations class taught by 2d Lt.Ted Persing. The class was based on how to operate a basic ISR radio. Persing also went over the finetic alphabet and different radio code words.

After the Communications class Capt. Jody Veek gave the monthly safety briefing. We are now in the season of fall with cooling temperatures and many other new safety hazards. The Holidays are also approaching, bringing more trouble on the roads with vehicles.

After the safety briefing announcements were held by the Deputy Commander 1st Lt. Don Raleigh since the Commander was absent. Following announcements closing formation was held to rap up the night.

C/AB Jesse Roberts promoted to C/Amn, a very important first promotion. Also C/A1C Kyle Sibly promoted to C/SrA.

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Promotions Moral Leadership & Promotions!


| 15:39

On Tuesday, September 21st, the Civil Air Patrol, Anoka County Composite Squadron held their weekly 6:25-9:15 Tuesday night meeting. The uniform was dress blues since this was the third week of the month. The night started out with opening formation along with flight time. The weather is getting cooler so the bugs are slowly leaving. This is a very good thing for drilling outside. After flight time, there was a Moral Leadership class, taught by senior member 1st Lt. Tim Frame. The class was about several fictional cadets that signed up for a fundraiser and never showed up. Lt. Frame taught how cadets should stick to their word and honor the rest of the cadets and senior members by showing up to planned events. Following the Moral Leadership class, the Alpha Flight cadets presented an Encampment Prep class. The class was to get new/all cadets motivated for next years Encampment. After the prep class, announcements were given. The VFW Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is being held on Sep. 24th, Friday afternoon/evening. This is potentially the squadrons biggest fundraiser of the year, and we are very dependant on it to bring in the funds needed. After announcements, the evening was brought to a close with closing formation. Promotions! C/CMSgt Mark Farrand promoted to c/2nd Lt., the first of the officer ranks, and a very important promotion. C/CMSgt Don Raleigh III also promoted to C/2nd Lt., C/AB Jesse Roberts promoted to C/Amn, C/1st Lt. Matt Frame promoted to C/Capt., C/TSgt. Joe Brown promoted to C/MSgt., and C/SSgt. Zophia Raleigh promoted to C/TSgt. Also cadets Sherwood, Brown, Bauer and Sibly were given the Aerospace award for completing the squadrons aerospace program.
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Tuskegee Airman Funeral 09/15/10 | 18:07 On Friday, September 10, 2010 four cadets and one senior member from the Civil Air Patrol, Anoka County Composite Squadron volunteered to help at the funeral of Col. Kenneth O. Wolford. Capt. George Supan was the senior in charge and the cadets that volunteered included: C/Capt. Matt Frame, C/2nd Lt. Cody McComber, C/CMSgt. Mark Farrand and C/SrA. Lucas Cooper. The funeral home was located in Minneapolis. This evening was for guests to come and pay respect to the Tuskegee Airman and condolences to his widowed wife and family. Such did the many guests that came. The Anoka cadets opened doors and talked with people for the majority of the evening.

On Tuesday, September 7th, the Anoka County Civil Air Patrol Squadron held their weekly Tuesday night meeting. The night started with opening formation as with all other regular meetings. After opening formation the flights were divided up to practice drill for about forty five minutes. After the flight time, C/Capt. Matt Frame instructed an Emergency Services class along with other members of the Executive Staff. During the class, cadets were taught several different ways to carry/transport injured/deceased victims. Along with practicing hand carrying, cadets also carried other cadets on stretchers. When the E.S. class was over the cadets took a break inside to get water and rest a bit. Following the break, there was more flight time outside drilling.

ES Training and PT!


| 15:43

Following the previous flight time was P.T. (Physical Training) as a group. The P.T. was led by numerous NCO staff including: C/SSgt Noah Hervert-Sikkink, C/SMSgt First Sergeant Grant Bauer and C/CMSgt Mark Farrand. After the P.T. was over cadets headed back inside to get more water and relax. During this break C/CMSgt Farrand brought up a question and answer discussion to keep cadets involved. Following this break/discussion time announcements were given. Following announcements cadets went outside for a final time to close the evening with closing formation.

Post comment On Tuesday, August 31st, the Anoka County Civil Air Patrol Composite Squadron held their weekly Tuesday night meeting. Being the 5th week of the month, Tuesdays meeting was a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon is more of a party night where people get together and

Anoka CAP Blue Moon!

play games, socialize, eat and various other activities.


| 19:00

Since this is our last week of summer, there was an outdoor barbeque, hosted by the Sibly family who also took the responsibility of being in charge of the food and grilling. The evenings food consisted of burgers, hotdogs, chips, salads, and deserts brought together by the participating cadets and parents.

A special thanks was given to the Anoka County Color Guard for their outstanding performance and expert precision at the International Safety Council. Anoka Color Guard has been known as one of the best, consistently giving outstanding performances and continuing to amaze all viewers.

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A New Flag at Anoka CAP 07/20/10 | 19:00 th On Tuesday the 20 of July, the Anoka County Civil Air Patrol Composite Squadron had their weekly meeting at 6:30 pm. Opening formation was held, followed by the flag raising ceremony. The flag raising ceremony was dedicated to Army Specialist Private First Class Matt Birr. Matt Birr was a cadet at the Anoka Squadron a number of years ago. When he was around there was also a flag pole outside the building. After he moved away to join the military, there was an accident with the flag pole and it was removed. Matt B. came back one evening and asked Capt. George Supan wheres the flagpole? Capt. Supans response was We had a flagpole? Supan asked some other senior members about it and was told about the incident. Matt Birr opened up his wallet and said Heres the first donation toward the next one. After that, a number of people pitched their time and money to help towards the cause. The cadets took up a free will offering, and several different businesses donated materials, time, efforts, and money. Each business that contributed was given a plaque with a certificate of appreciation on it. Their were several special attendees in addition to all the representatives from the contributing businesses. The Mayor of Blain was their along with representatives from Amy Klobuchar and Michele Bachman. After the ceremony the evening drew to a close as cake and punch was served and people talked and socialized with each other.

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ES, Paperwork and Promotions! 07/06/10 | 19:02 On Tuesday, the 6th of July, the Anoka County Civil Air Patrol Composite Squadron had their weekly meeting. Opening formation was held, followed by an Emergency Service class presented by C/MSgt. Gunnar Bontches. Bontches taught how to meet the requirements to be mission ready for newer cadets. After the E.S. class a uniform prep class was taught by First Sergeant C/SMSgt Grant Bauer and C/CMSgt Don Raleigh III. Shortly after the uniform prep. Senior Member 2nd Lt. Borchard and 2nd Lt. Templin taught a brief class on paperwork. Paperwork is a very important part of Civil Air Patrol, from simple child release forms to advanced cadet membership documents. On July 10th the Minnesota Wing will hold their annual Civil Air Patrol Encampment. This is the biggest event of the year for cadets and many will attend. Ship shape uniforms, extremely high customs and courtesies and an attitude of confidence are all necessary to be a successful encampment cadet. The last highlights of the night were the four promotions of cadets. C/Amn Sibly promoted to C/A1c, C/MSgt Bontches promoted to C/SMSgt, C/SSgt Erickson promoted to C/TSgt and last but not least C/SAmn Brown promoted to C/SSgt.

Safety The Sentinel is the official safety newsletter of CAP. Items were reviewed by our Safety Officer Capt Jody Veek. He suggested everyone access click on members, then safety, find and read The Sentinel for the current month. Accessing and reading The Sentinel should be a regular monthly activity for everyone. Welcome New Members
Cadets: Randall, Ben M Johnson, Matthew W Barnier, Wyatt L Baird, Sara R Sherbert, Theodore J Palicka, Jacob A Albright, Caitlin E Vivier, Nikolas Mattson, David T Roberts, Kyle L Halliday, Hunter R Karanja, Victor J McEachern, Ryan D Quist, Ellen E Gillespie, Ross T Jr


Barnier, Curtis Joseph Palicka, Joseph A Gillespie, Ross T Have a great day, Capt George Supan Public Affairs Officer Anoka Composite Squadron NCR-MN-021 Civil Air Patrol "Citizens Serving Communities: Above and Beyond" 612-910-4375

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