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Crucial concept that must mastered to get A 1. Mol 2. Ionic Formulae 3. Chemical equation 4.

Stoichiometri Let test your readiness 1. Aluminum reacts with copper(II) chloride, CuCl2, to form copper metal and aluminum chloride, AlCl3. Write the balanced equation for this reaction. .. 2. One major component of smog which cause air pollution are formed when nitric oxide, NO,reacts with oxygen, O2, to form nitrogen dioxide, NO2. Write the balanced equation for this reaction. .... 3. Zinc reacts with water to produce zinc hydroxide, Zn(OH)2, and molecular hydrogen gas, H2. Write the balanced equation for this reaction. .... 4. A reaction involves the a mixture of aluminum and iron oxide, Fe2O3 occur at high temperature and produce molten iron, aluminum oxide (Al2O3), and a great deal of energy. Write the balanced equation for this reaction. ... 5. The reaction between hydrochloric acid, HCl with a solution of baking soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate, NaHCO3), are produced sodium chloride (NaCl), water, and carbon dioxide. Write the balanced equation for this reaction. ... 6. Ammonium chloride, reacts with calcium hydroxide, to form calcium chloride (CaCl2), ammonia (NH3), and water. Write the balanced equation for this reaction. .. 7. Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Write the balanced equation for this reaction. .. 8. Fluorine reacts with sodium chloride to form sodium fluoride and chlorine. Write the balanced equation for this single-displacement reaction. ... 9. Potassium nitrate, KNO3, decomposes to form potassium nitrite, KNO2, and oxygen gas, O2. Write the balanced equation for this decomposition reaction. ..

Write the ions according to the its carried charge + 2+ 3+ 23Mol and chemical equation 1. How many moles of sodium will react with water to produce 4.0 mol of hydrogen in the following reaction? 2Na + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2 [Na: 23, H,1; O,16;] ans: 8.0 mol

2. How many moles of lithium chloride will be formed by the reaction of chlorine with 0.046 mol of lithium bromide in the following reaction? 2LiBr + Cl2 2LiCl + Br2 ans: 0.046 mol [Li, 7; Br,80; Cl, 35.5]

3. Aluminum will react with sulfuric acid in the following reaction. 2Al + 3H2SO4 Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2(g) [Al,27; H,1; S,32; O,16] a. How many moles of H2SO4 will react with 18 mol Al? ans: 27 mol H2SO4

b. How many moles of each product ans: 27 mol H2will be produced? Ans:9 mol Al2(SO4)3

4. Phosphorus burns in air to produce a phosphorus oxide in the following reaction: 4P(s) + 5O2(g) P4O10(s) [P,31; O,16] a. What mass of phosphorus will be needed to produce 3.25 mol of P4O10? ans: 403 g P

b. If 0.489 mol of phosphorus burns, what mass of oxygen is used? What mass of P4O10 is produced?
ans: 19.6 g O2, 15.4 g P2O4





Potassium chlorate decomposes into potassium chloride and oxygen gas. What volume of oxygen gas at STP may be produced from 3.50 mol of potassium chlorate?


A sulfuric acid solution is neutralized with 4.25 mol of aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. If there is 50.0 cm3 of the acid solution, what is the concentration of this solution?

10. Zn(s) + 2 HCl(aq) ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g) For the reaction above, how many molecules of hydrogen are produced from the reaction of 0.40 moles of Zn with an 0.40 moles of HCl?

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