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Event Overlap and Planning Publicize the current events calendar, enable students to subscribe on personal schedules Summer booking and communication o VPSE must work with all coordinators, VP Events for faculties, residences, affiliates, and major clubs to ensure as little overlap as possible o All coordinator event dates to be set within the first week of June Communicated to constituencies and clubs so they can plan accordingly Coffee House Directory (one-stop-shop) o Work with Student Events-at-Large, the League of Extraordinary Event Planners and clubs to formulate a public list of all coffee houses occurring on campus o Provide contact information, date, and location, so that any performers wishing to perform can plan to play o Improve attendance and exposure for the event itself Re-evaluating the SE Portfolio Now that the Clubs Coordinator and Orientation Coordinator have become more legitimized and have adopted a lot of the former roles and responsibilities of the VPSE, there is a need to reevaluate the direction of the Student Events Portfolio Perform an internal evaluation of the roles and responsibilities for the VPSE Accessibility Accessibility to events is of upmost importance in the student events portfolio o Age, ethnocultural, financial, gender, geographical, mental, physical, religious, to name a few Updated event approval process: o The determination of what the purpose of every event is, and to what kind of audience the event is catering to o Based on the spirit and goals of the event, the planners can determine potential accessibility issues that they may face, and how to minimize the constraints that deter their target population from attending
Kevin Kobayashi (519) 868-8102 @kevkobayashi

Accessibility training for the League of Extraordinary Event Planners o Organized by the Commissioner-at-Large Student Events (summer League weekend) o Training completed by VPSE, Student Life and Accessibility Coordinator Public Arts Commissioner Bike Rack Campaign continue to see this project through o The combination of the Visual Arts Students Association (VASA) and the Engineering Students Council to create faculty building themed bike racks on campus o The project is already underway, with support and funding from the City of London for Green Initiatives Example: Treble Clef shaped bike rack for the Music Building Art shows of student art in public areas (Mustang Lounge, faculty buildings) o Compliments talented students to have their hard work appreciated by the Western student body at large Creation of a nominations committee to decide what art gets put up and where Create themed exposure period; Summer/September (Western), October (Halloween), November (Ethnoculture/Rememberance Day) etc. Western Graphic T-Shirt Contest o Submit t-shirt designs to Facebook website, winning t-shirt gets sold at the Purple Store o Use the Western USC Facebook page to promote the contest (based on Likes) Charity Coordinator Increase volunteer opportunities by working with the Volunteer Commissioner to publicize current availabilities and create more volunteer opportunities The continued marketing and communication of Charity-based events Liaise with the Communications portfolio in order to ensure The Haunted Forest, USC Holiday Party and Relay for Life are communicated effectively and timely o VP Communications promotion to the Western community as a whole o Communication with the Charity Commissioners on each constituency student council to promote the events Use of League to promote specifically within each particular residence Commissioner-at-large arrange individual promotion for each constituency and encourage promotion Kevin Kobayashi (519)868-8102 @kevkobayashi

Orientation Week O-Week Selection Timeline o Selection of: Orientation Coordinator, Residence Orientation Coordinator and O-Staff in November/December (transition period to follow) o Head Soph selection in early January o Assistant Head Sophs (Programming Assistants) mid-January o Soph Selection process of Residence Sophs in early February Ensure those who did not get selected for Residence Soph can still apply for Faculty, Charity, USC and also find housing for the next year Improve Soph Selection Process o Start Soph selection earlier, because Leadership Teams will have already be chosen o Review the one-on-one first round interview system Determine whether this selection process was effective Start the review process in the summer by speaking to Head Sophs and Leadership Teams Assistant Head Soph Weekend aka PAW (Programming Assistant Weekend) o Head Soph Weekends exist, but Assistant Head Soph Weekends do not o Faculty and Residence Leadership Team programming during the day o Evening/night time programming with all Assistant Head Sophs to ensure there is unity amongst the teams

Charity, Off-Campus, USC, HBK, Faculty and Residence Leadership teams come
together for combined programming

Encourages dialogue between teams regarding: successful tactics, techniques

and practices that benefit each individual constituency. Beneficial ideas can be adopted by associated teams Orientation Week program review o Ensure the direction of O-Week allows it to remain student driven o Ensure the program is continuing to become more accessible to frosh and Sophs o Ensure that O-Week continues to provide the best and most comprehensive introduction to university than any other Canadian post-secondary institution Open forum, focus groups, first year survey, Soph team surveys Improve communication and transparency of OPC (Orientation Planning Committee) and OGB (Orientation Governance Board) Kevin Kobayashi (519)868-8102 @kevkobayashi

Clubs Clubs open door policy o Open dialogue of individual goals and experiences of particular clubs Cannot always expect the club presidents and executive to come to the USC Have the option to meet with the VPSE or Clubs Coordinator at any time throughout the year, by request, outside of the USC offices Clubs Coordinator and VPSE seek to be proactive rather than reactive arrange meetings based on foreseeing potential problems Work with Paul Tomlinson, Senior Manager, Facilities and Operations to look into potential renovation plans and improvements for the Clubs Community Centre Work with Student Life to continuously update the list of venues and contact information for wet-dry bars in the London area Better professional relationship between club executives and the Clubs Coordinator / Clubs Governance Commissioner / Student Life Department o Clubs executive social: held in the Mustang Lounge at the beginning of the year to increase approachability and bring down social barriers Homecoming & Athletics Big emphasis on Homecoming, across all populations o Encourage first year students to participate Work in conjunction with SE-at-Large and the League to liaise with residences to have individual and combined programming for first year students o Encourage upper year engagement Purple Beer Garden on concrete beach, similar to the beer garden at Purple Fest 2010, with Purple Beer and themed purple cocktails and mocktails Work with the Alumni Relations Commissioner and Alumni Western to look into potential programming during Homecoming for Western Alum Create more engagement targeting upper year students at Mustang Athletic games o Tailgate parties before games, such as basketball, volleyball, football, and any athletics team that seeks out attendance o Look into having Beer gardens which encourage attendance at Mustang home games, working with Jeff Armour, Food and Beverage Manager o Purple Beer deals in the Spoke for events such as: Homecoming, Purplefest, and the Purple Finale Kevin Kobayashi (519)868-8102 @kevkobayashi

Commissioner-at-Large Student Events and The League of Extraordinary Event Planners SE-at-Large creates The League during the summer Try to promote a League Weekend during the summer o Functions similar to Head Soph Weekend o Invite constituency Presidents and VP Events for all constituencies to get informed in everything you need to know about event planning, accessibility, etc. Use the league to promote campus-wide events during the year o Regular meetings based on participation throughout the year to encourage events and event planning Summer research examine the successful programming and event planning techniques used at other universities Student Speaker Series Commissioner The increased budget for the Speaker Series this year will bring amazing potential opportunities. Work throughout the summer for ideas and initiatives o Contact past commissioners and coordinators to see what worked / what did not o Recruit influential speakers, funded by the USC Charity Ball Coordinator Big success this year, however more support to Coordinator in the future Ensure that the USC properly promotes this initiative via press releases and timely utilization of communications resources o Accting1, community partners, use of League, Facebook and twitter promotions Charity Orientation Commissioner Ensure the Charity Soph Team has the support and resources necessary to pursue their ongoing endeavors Charity Orientation Commissioner does not have a lot of start-up revenue for initial pursuits o Ensure VPSE is available and an important resource Proper and timely storage facilities given the amount of resources and money handled Work with Vice-President Finance and Carrie Passi, Senior Manager Finance, to continually improve money collection and deposit mechanisms for the Charity Team Work with the COC to look into automatic money counting facilities Kevin Kobayashi (519)868-8102 @kevkobayashi

First Year Students Commissioner More cohesive and integrated presence, generally not well known by the greater Western community, but acts a massive resource Homecoming o Work with Homecoming and Athletics Coordinator, Commissioner-at-Large SE, and League to evaluate specific and effective means of marketing for individual residences and affiliates Champions Cup start planning in the summer o Work with League to promote Champions Cup date way ahead and encourage participation, especially for constituencies that have known to have low attendance in the past o Encourage inter-team interaction and facilitation of pre-season exhibition games for the improvement of the team foundations and values Overall promotion of sportsmanship and motivation for positive social interaction between all teams Facilitate resources for those interested in playing intramural football second semester Leadership Development Commissioner Student Transitional Executive Program (STEP) o Improving the modules, ensuring no overlap, and improving the capacity of the program USC Awards more focus on promotion of USC-based student awards o Massive lack of recognition for how appreciated our student volunteers are to the USC o Create many more merit based awards, no monetary value, to recognize USC volunteers o Summer plans Seek potential leadership opportunities to students on campus via external research o Throughout the year implementation of these awards based on summer research

Kevin Kobayashi (519)868-8102 @kevkobayashi

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