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Anak 1 Anak 2 Anak 3 Anak 2 Narrator

: : : :

hey, whats going on dude? I found a box. He took it and run away its so weird. What is the box content of?? I dont know. He didnt tell me. they prepare for a plan to know what is the thing in the box that brought by the boys

Anak 3

uhm.. we have to divide the duty. Malvin, take Theodor with you

to walk around the ship so he is not too close from our warehouse! Stephen and I take a look his bag and find out what is the thing in box. Anak 2 Anak 3 Anak 1 Narrator Anak 2 : : : : why me?? because you are the close one with Theodore than us thats right they already do they job hey, what are you doing?? Nothing to do, huh? Would you join

with me to walk around the ship? I want to make sure there is no a thing that hindering us Anak 4 Anak 2 Anak 1 : : : OK so, what we wait for? OK, lets get the move. They already gone.

BERAKSI (kotak) Anak 3 : what book it is! Is he read it? Its not the time to read about

this again. Its time for the novel.

Anak 1 Narrator Anak 1

stop talking! Just open it. they both open and read the book

oh, oh, oh so this is the reason why he took us on his vacation!

Its no use to challenge the lethal Anak 3 Anak 1 Anak 3 Narrator : : : you bring the camera, do you? Let me take it for a while what for? now, you are so fussy. Its for take a picture of it. suddenly the ship turn off, Stephen and Elizabeth take the book in and join with Malvin and Theodor Anak 2 Anak 4 : : why is the ship off? I thought the fuel is out of order. I thought that there is a

reserve fuel. Lets checking out! (anak 2 go for checking out the fuel ) Anak 2 : there is no reserve. How is it? Im scared to strand or drowning

death in here. Mommy help me! (anak 2 looks afraid that there is no hope) Anak 1 Anak 2 Anak 1 Anak 4 Anak 2 Anak 1,3 Anak 4 : : : : : : : what wrong? the ship. There is no hope what do you mean? its off theres a beach out there a beach?? yeah, beach. I think we will arrive in 5 minutes.

Anak 3 Anak 1 Anak 3 Anak 2 : : :

let me borrow your camera here it is I thought this is the thing in the box that Theodors brought! how if we take and sell it? but dont let somebody knew except

us. Anak 1,3 Narrator them Vampire 1 Anak 2 Vampire 1 : : : tired. Anak 4 Narrator Vampire 1 : thank you hello everybody, you all must not resident in here right? no, we lost over here come over to my house to take a rest for a while , you shouldve : that was easy boy they arrived at the island and walking around island till they get lost. But, when they are in confusing situation, a man is coming to

they arrived at the mans house : house. well, this is my house. Make yourself comfortable as your own

Anak 1 Anak 2 Vampire 1 Anak 2 : :

thank you sir. by the way, whats your name?

Vincent, and whats your name? my name is Malvin, this is Elizabeth. Over there is Steven and

the last one is Theodor Anak 4 Vampire 1 : : it was nice to meet you. So, with whom do you live in here? I live with my little sister. Her name is Nuel

(anak 4 get close to vampire 2 that was holding an old picture ) Anak 4 Vampire 2 Anak 2 : : : Hay, Im Theodor! What are you doing? oh hi.. I just holding my parents picture hey Theodor.. I, Stephen and Elizabeth want to walk around to

the forest. When the dinner coming, just looked for us. Anak 4 Vampire 1 Anak 3 : : : alright, but dont get so far dont you take a rest for a while first? were still get strong and we wanting to walk around at first

(anak 1,2,3 go out) Vampire 2 : would you help me to cook for the dinner? Im not good in

cooking and I think you good in it Anak 4 : absolutely, with pleasure

(they go to the kitchen and cook) Narrator at six oclock, the dinner is ready. And its time to having dinner. As the Malvins message, Theodor looked for them in the forest. But they get so far and get close to the ship. And unfortunately, Theodor brought the thing that they set eye on. Anak 2 : finally, you come. You are so long. Now, give the thing that you

should get back to the vampire.

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