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Helpful Phrases for Communicating in Spanish

Useful Spanish Words

English Abdomen Abnormal Above Abuse Accident Activities Administration Adults After Aggressive Air Air conditioning Airway Alert Allergies Allergy Allergy Amputation Amputee Analgesic Anaphylactic shock Anemia Anesthesia Aneurysm Anger Angina Ankle Anxiety Anxious axilla Arrest Arthritis Assessment Asthma Baby Bacteria Bad Balanced Basin English Bathroom Bed Bed cover Bed rails Bedpan Bedroom Bedspread Before Behavior Bell(s) Spanish Abdomen Anormal Arriba Abuso Accidente Actividades Administracion Adultos Despus de Agresivo Aire Aire acondicionado Va area Avisele Alergias Alrgico Alergia Amputacin Amputado Analgsicos Choque anafiltico Anemia Anestesia Aneurisma Enojo Angina Tobillo Ansiedad Ansioso el sobaco Arresto Arthritis Avalo Asma Beb Bacteria Mal Balanceada Lavabo Spanish Bao Cama Colcha Barandal Bacn Recamara Colcha Antes de Conducta Campana/ timbre Pronunciation Ahb-doh-mehn Ah-nohr-mahl Ah-ree-bah Ah-boo-soh Ahk-see-dehn-teh Ahk-tee-bee-dah-dehs Ahd-meh-nees-trahsee-ohn Ah-dool-tohs Dehs-poo-ehs deh Ah-greh-see-boh Ah-ee-reh Ah-ee-reh ah-kohndee-see-oh-nah-doh Bee-ah ah-eh-reh-ah Ah-bee-seh-leh Ah-lehr-hee-ahs Ah-lher-hee-ahs Ah-lher-hee-ah Ahm-poo-tah-see-ohn Ahm-poo-tah-doh Ah-nahl-heh-see-kohs Choh-keh ah-nah-fee lah-tee-koh Ah-neh-mee-ah Ah-nehs-teh-see-ah Ah-neh-oo-rees-mah Eh-noh-hoh Aahn-hee-nah Toh-bee-yoh Ahn-see-eh-dahd Ahn-see-oh-soh Ah-rehs-toh Ahr-tree-tees Ah-bah-loo-oh Ahs-mah Beh-beh Bahk-teh-ree-ah Mahl Bah-lahn-seh-ah-dah Lah-bah-boh Pronunciation Bah-nyoh Kah-mah Kohl-chah Bah-rahn-dahl Bah-seen Reh-kahm-ah-rah Kohl-cha Ahn-tehs deh Kohn-dook-tah Kahm-pah-nah/ teem-breh English Below Bend Blanket Bleeding Blood Blood flow Blouse Bottle Bowel Bradycardia Breathe! Broken bone Bronchitis Brother Bruises/ ecchymosis Burns Burp Button By mouth Caf (coffee) Call (for/name) Call-bell Cancer Canes Cardiac Cardiopulmonary Care Carotid Cast Cataract Cavity Cereal (cooked) Cereal (dry) Chairs Chaplain/ priest Cheek Chest Chest pain Chest/breast Child Choking Clean Spanish Abajo Doblar Frazada/ covertor Sangrado Sangre Circulacin sangunea Blusa Botella Intestino Bradicardia Respire! Hueso roto Bronquitis Hermano Moretones/ equimosis Quemaduras Repetir/eructar Botn Por la boca Caf Llamar Campana/ timbre Cncer Bastones Cardaco Cardiopulmonar Cuidado Cartida Yeso Catarata Cavidad Cereal/ cocido Cereal/seco Sillas Capelln/ sacerdote/ cura Mejilla Pecho Dolor de pecho Pecho/seno/ la teta Nio(a) Ahogar Limpiar Pronunciation Ah-bah-hoh Doh-blahr Frah-sah-dah/ koh-behr-tohr Sahn-grah-doh Sahn-greh Seer-koo-lah-see-ohn sahn-gee-neh-ah Bloo-sah Boh-teh-yah Een-tehs-tee-noh Brah-dee-kahr-dee-ah Rehs-pee-reh Oo-eh-soh roh-toh Brohn-kee-tees Ehr-mah-noh Moh-reh-toh-nehs/ehkee-moh-sees Keh-mah-doo-rahs Reh-peh-teer/ eh-rook-tahr Boh-tohn Pohr lah boh-kah Kah-feh Yah-mahr Kahm-pah-nah/ teem-breh Kahn-sehr Bahs-toh-nehs Kahr-dee-ah-koh Kahr-dee-oh-poolmoh-nahr Koo-ee-dah-doh Kah-roh-tee-dah Yeh-soh Kah-tah-rah-tah Kah-bee-dahd Seh-reh-ahl/kohsee-doh Seh-reh-ahl/ seh-koh See-yahs Kah-peh-yahn/ sah-sehr-doh-teh/ koo-rah Meh-hee-yah Peh-choh Doh-lohr deh peh-choh Peh-choh Nee-nyoh(-nyah) Ah-oh-gahr Leem-peahr

Translations taken from Joyce, E.V., Villanueva, M.E. (2000). Say it in Spanish: A guide for health care professionals. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. In Stassi, M. (2005). Basic nurse assisting. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. Mosby items and derived items 2006 by Mosby, Inc.

English Cognitive Cold Cold water Color Comatose Comb Communicate Communication Complete Complete dentures Complications Complications (major) Compound fractures Confuse Consciousness Constipation Coping Cough Cry Cubic centimeter Cup Cut Dad Daughter Dehydrated Dehydration Delirious Demented Dementia Dentist Dentures Deodorant Dependence Dependent Depressed Develop Development Diabetes Diabetic Diagnosis Diaper Diarrhea Diet(s) Different Dizzy Dizzy spell Doctor Doctors office

Spanish Cognoscitivo

Pronunciation Kohg-noh-seetee-boh Fro Free-oh Agua fra Ah-goo-ah free-ah Color Koh-lohr Comatose Koh-mah-toh-soh Peine Peh-ee-neh Comunicar Koh-moo-nee-kahr Comunicacin Koh-moo-neekah-see-ohn Completa Kohm-pleh-tah Dentadura Dehn-tah-doo-rah completa kohm-pleh-tah Complicaciones Kohm-plee-kahsee-ohn-ehs Complicaciones Kohm-plee-kah-seemayors oh-nes mah-yoh-rhes Fracturas Frahk-too-rahs kohmcompuestas poo-ehs-tahs Confundir Kohn-foon-deer Conocimiento Koh-noh-seemee-ehn-toh Constipacin/ Kohns-tee-pah-seeestreimiento ohn/ehs- treh-nyeemee-ehn-toh Sobrellevando Soh-breh-yehbahn-doh Toser Toh-sehr Llorar Yoh-rahr Centmetro Sehn-tee-meh-troh cbico koo-bee-koh Tasa Tah-sah Cortar Kohr-tahr Pap Pah-pah Hija Ee-hah Deshidratado Deh-see-drah-tah-doh Deshidratacin Deh-see-drah-tahsee-ohn Delirio Deh-lee-ree-oh Demente Deh-mehn-teh Demencia Deh-mehn-see-ah Dentista Dehn-tees-tah Dentadura Dehn-tah-doo-rah Desodorante Deh-soh-doh-rahn-teh Dependencia Deh-pehn-dehnsee-ah Dependiente Deh-pehn-dehndee-ehn-teh Deprimido Deh-pree-mee-doh Desarrollar Deh-sah-roh-yahr Desarrollo Deh-sah-roh-yoh Diabetes Dee-ah-beh-tees Diabtica(o) Dee-ah-beh-tee-kah Diagnstico Dee-ahg-nohs-tee-koh Paal Pah-nyahl Diarrea Dee-ah-rreh-ah Dieta(s) Dee-eh-tah(s) Diferente Dee-feh-rehn-teh Mareado Mah-reh-ah-doh Desmayo/mareo Dehs-mah-yoh/ mah-reh-oh Doctor(a)/ Dohk-tohr(-toht-ah)/ medico(a) meh-dee-koh(-kah) Oficina/ Oh-fee-see-nah/ consultorio kohn-sool-tohree-oh

English Dont move! Door Dress Dress Dresser Drink Drinking glass Dry Ear Eat Eat breakfast Eczema Eight Eighty Elbow Elder Elderly Electrocardiogram Embolism Embolism Emergencies Emergency Enema Epilepsy Examinations Exercise Eye Facial Familiar Family Father Fear Feel Fever Fifteen Fifty Five Fluid Foods Fork Formula Forty Four Fracture (pelvic) Fractures Friday Fungus Gallbladder Gangrene Glass Glaucoma Gloves Goals Gout Gown Grandmother Grief Grieve Grieving Groin Growth

Spanish No se mueva! Puerta Vestr Vestido Aparador Beber/tomar Vidrio/vaso Seca Oreja/el odo Comer Desayunar Eczema Ocho Ochenta Codo Anciana (feminine) Anciano Electro cardiograma Embolia Embolismo Emergencias Emergencia Enema/sonda Epilepsia Exmenes Ejercicio Ojo Facial Familiar Familia Padre Miedo Sentr Fiebre Quince Cincuenta Cinco Fludo Comidas Tenedor Formula Cuarenta Cuatro Fractura plvica Fracturas Viernes Hongos Vesicular biliar/ hiel Gangrena Vaso Glaucoma Guantes Metas Gota Bata/vestido Abuela Pena Sufrir Afligir Ingle Crecimiento

Pronunciation Noh seh moo-eh-bah Poo-her-tah Behs-teer Behs-tee-doh Ah-pah-rah-dohr Beh-behr/toh-mahr Bee-dree-oh/bah-soh Seh-kah Oh-reh-hah Koh-mehr Deh-sah-yoo-nahr Ehk-seh-mah Oh-choh Oh-chehn-tah Koh-doh Ahn-see-ah-nah Ahn-see-ah-noh Eh-lehk-troh-kahrdee-oh-grah-mah Ehm-boh-lee-ah Ehm-boh-lees-moh Eh-mehr-hehn-see-ahs Eh-mehr-hehn-see-ah Eh-neh-mah/sohn-dah Eh-pee-lehp-see-ah Ehx-ah-meh-nehs Eh-hehr-see-see-oh Oh-hoh Fah-see-ahl Fah-mee-lee-ahr Fah-mee-lee-ah Pah-dreh Mee-eh-doh Sehn-teer Fee-eh-breh Keen-she Seen-koo-ehn-tah Seen-koh Floo-ee-doh Koh-mee-dahs The-neh-dohr Fohr-moo-lah Koo-ah-rehn-tah Koo-ah-troh Frahk-too-rah pehlbee-kah Frahk-too-rahs Bee-ehr-nehs Ohn-gohs Beh-see-koo-lah beelee ahr/ee-ehl Gahn-greh-nah Bah-soh Glah-oo-koh-mah Goo-ahn-tehs Meh-tahs Goh-tah Bah-tah/behs-tee-doh Ah-boo-eh-lah Peh-nah Soo-freer Ah-flee-heer Een-gleh Kreh-see-mee-ehn-toh

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English Guilt Gynecologist Hairbrush Hazard Headache Heal Healing Health Health (mental) Heart(s) Hematoma Hemorrhage Hepatitis Hernia Hip Hip fracture Hope Hose/ stockings Hot water Hours (visiting) Husband Hypertension Hypertension (pulmonary) Hyperthermia Hypoglycemia Identification Illness Incision Independence Indigestion Infection Infections Inflammation Internal Irritable Jacket Juice(s) Knee Knife Laboratory Lamp Laxative(s) Left Leg Linen Liquid Loneliness Lose Loss Love Low cholesterol

Spanish Culpa Gineclogo Cepillo de pelo peh-loh Peligro Dolor de cabeza kah-beh-sah Sano Curacin Salud Salud mental Corazn (corazones) Hematoma Hemorragia Hepatitis Hernia Cadera Fractura de cadera Esperanza Medias Agua caliente Horas de visita Esposo Hipertensin Hipertensin pulmonar Hipertermia Hipoglucemia Identificacon Enfermedad Incisin Independencia Indigestin Infeccin Infecciones Inflamacin Interior Irritable Chaqueta Jugo(s) La rodilla Cuchillo Laboratorio Lmpara Laxante(s)/ purgante(s) Izquierda Pierna Lino Lquida Soledad Perder Prdida Amor Poco colesterol

Pronunciation Kool-pah Hee-neh-koh-loh-goh Seh-pee-yoh deh Peh-lee-groh Doh-lohr deh Sah-noh Koo-rah-see-ohn Sah-lood Sah-lood mehn-tahl Koh-rah-sohn/kohrah-sohn-ehs Eh-mah-toh-mah Eh-moh-rah-hee-ah Eh-pah-tee-tees Ehr-nee-ah Kah-deh-rah Frahk-too-rah deh kah-deh-rah Ehs-peh-rahn-sah Meh-dee-ahs Ah-goo-ah kah-leeehn-teh Oh-rahs deh beesee-tah Ehs-poh-soh Ee-pehr-tehn-see-ohn Ee-pehr-tehn-see-ohn pool-moh-nahr Ee-pehr-tehr-mee-ah Ee-poh-gloo-sehmee-ah Ee-dehn-tee-fee-kahsee-ohn Ehn-fehr-meh-dahd Een-see-see-ohn Een-deh-pehn-dehnsee-ah Een-dee-hehs-tee-ohn Een-fehk-see-ohn Een-fehk-see-oh-nehs Een-flah-mah-see-ohn Een-teh-ree-ohr Ee-ree-tah-bleh Chah-keh-tah Hoo-goh(s) Roh-dee-yah Koo-chee-yoh Lah-boh-rah-tohree-oh Lahm-pah-rah Lahx-ahn-teh(s)/ poor-gahn-teh(s) Ees-kee-ehr-dah Pee-her-nah Lee-noh Lee-kee-dah Soh-leh-dahd Pehr-dehr Pehr-dee-dah Ah-mohr Poh-koh koh-lehsteh-rohl

English Low cholesterol Low fat Low sodium Lunch Lungs Management Mattress Measures Mechanisms Medical Memory Meningitis Mental retardation Milk Minerals Mirror Miss Mom Monday Monitor Mother Mouth Move! Mr. Mrs. Napkin Nasal Nausea Navel Nervous Nightgown/ gown Nine Ninety No salt No smoking Normal Nose Nurse Nutrition Obesity Observe Obstruction Office Older One One hundred Open! Ophthalmic Oral Organ(s) Ounces Oxygen Pacemaker Pain Pajama Pancreas Panic Pants/slacks Paralysis Pathogen

Spanish Colesterol bajo Poca grasa Baja en sal/ poca sal Comida Pulmones Manejo Colchn Medidas Mecanismos Mdico Memoria Meningitis Retraso mental Leche Minerals Espejo Seorita Mam Lunes Monitor Madre Boca/oral Mueva! Seor Seora Servilleta Nasal Nusea Ombligo Nervioso Camisa de dormir/bata Nueve Noventa Sin sal No se permite fumar Normal Nariz Enfermero(a) Nutricin Obesidad Observe Obstruccin Oficina Mayors Uno Cien Abra! Oftlmico Oral rgano(s) Onzas Oxgeno Marcapasos Dolor Pijama Pncreas Pnico Pantalones Parlisis Patognico

Pronunciation Koh-lehs-teh-rohl bah-hoh Poh-kah grah-sah Bah-hah ehn sahl/ poh-kah sahl Koh-mee-dah Pool-moh-nehs Mah-neh-hoh Kohl-chohn Meh-dee-dahs Meh-kah-nees-mohs Meh-dee-koh Meh-moh-ree-ah Meh-neen-hee-tees Reh-trah-soh mehn-tahl Leh-cheh Mee-neh-rah-lees Ehs-peh-hoh Seh-nyoh-ree-tah Mah-mah Loo-nehs Moh-nee-tohr Mah-dreh Boh-kah/oh-rahl Moo-eh-bah Seh-nyohr Seh-nyoh-rah Sehr-bee-yeh-tah Nah-sahl Nah-oo-seh-ah Ohm-blee-goh Nehr-bee-oh-soh Kah-mee-sah deh dohr-meer/bah-tah Noo-eh-beh Noh-behn-tah Seen sahl Noh she pehr-meethe foo-mahr Nohr-mahl Nah-rees Ehn-fehr-meh-roh(-rah) Noo-tree-see-ohn Oh-beh-see-dahd Ohb-sehr-beh Ohb-strook-see-ohn Oh-fee-see-nah Mah-yoh-rehs Oo-noh See-ehn Ah-brah Ohf-tahl-mee-koh Oh-rahl Ohr-gah-noh(s) Ohn-sahs Ohx-ee-heh-noh Mahr-kah-pah-sohs Doh-lohr Pee-hah-mah Pahn-kreh-ahs Pah-nee-koh Pahn-tah-loh-nehs Pah-rah-lee-sees Pah-toh-heh-nee-koh

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English Patient (mental) Patient walkers Patient(s) Pelvis People Permission Person Personal Personality Phone Physician (f) Physician (m) Physicians Pillow Pillowcase Plate Pneumonia Polydipsia Polyphagia Polyuria Postoperative Potential Practice Precaution Pregnant Preoperative Preparation Prepare (to) Priest Problem Procedure(s) Psoriasis Pubic Pulse Pureed Purpose Question(s) Razor/shave Reach Reassurance Recognize Recommendations Rectal Rectum Recuperating Regular Rehabilitation Relation Relax

Spanish Enfermo mental Pacientes con andadera Paciente(s) Pelvis Gente Permiso Persona(s) Personales Personalidad Telfono Mdica-doctora Mdico/doctor Los medicos Almohada Funda Platn Pulmona/ neumona Polidipsia Polifagia Poliuria Postoperatorio Posibles Prctica Precaucin Embarazada Preoperatorio Preparacin Preparar Sacerdote Problema(s) Procedimiento(s) Soriasis Pbico Pulso Pur Propsito Pregunta(s) Navaja/mquina de afeitar Alcanzar Asegurar Reconocer Recomendaciones Rectal El recto Recuperando Regular Rehabilitacin Relacin Descansa/relaja

Pronunciation Eehn-fehr-moh mehn-tahl Pah-see-ehn- tehs kohn ahn-dahdeh-rah Pah-see-ehn-the(s) Pehl-bees Hehn-teh Pehr-mee-soh Pehr-soh-nah(s) Pehr-soh-nah-lehs Pehr-soh-nahlee-dahd Teh-leh-foh-noh Meh-dee-kah/ dohk-toh-rah Meh-dee-koh/ dohk-tohr Lohs meh-dee-kohs Ahl-moh-ah-dah Foon-dah Plah-tohn Pool-moh-nee-ah/ neh-oo-moh-nee-ah Poh-lee-deep-see-ah Poh-lee-fah-hee-ah Poh-lee-oo-ree-ah Pohst-oh-peh-rahtoh-ree-oh Poh-see-blehs Prahk-tee-kah Preh-kah-oo-see-ohn Ehm-bah-rah-sah-dah Preh-oh-peh-rahtoh-ree-oh Preh-pah-rah-see-ohn Preh-pah-rahr Sah-sehr-doh-the Proh-bleh-mah(s) Proh-seh-dee-meeehn-toh(s) Soh-ree-ah-sees Poo-bee-koh Pool-soh Poo-reh Proh-poh-see-toh Preh-goon-tah(s) Nah-bah-hah/mahkee-nah deh ahfeh-ee-tahr Ahl-kahn-sahr Ah-seh-goo-rahr Reh-koh-noh-sehr Reh-koh-men-dahsee-ohn-es Rehk-tahl Rehk-toh Reh-koo-peh-rahndoh Reh-goo-lahr Reh-ah-bee-lee-tahsee-ohn Reh-lah-see-ohn Dehs-kahn-sah/ reh-lah-hah

English Remain Remember Respiratory arrest Response Responsibilities Rest Restless Restroom Rib(s) Right Rigidity Room (operating) Saliva Salt Sample Saturday Scratch Sebaceous Semi-solid Seven Seventy Sheets Shirt Shoes Shoulder Shower Sign Signs Similar Sister Sit! Six Sixty Skin Skirt Sleep Sneeze Soap Social Social worker Sociocultural Socks Soft Son Speak Specimen Sternum Stethoscope Stockings Subcutaneous Sugar Sunday

Spanish Quedese Recordar/ acordarse Paro respiratorio Contestacin Respon sabilidades Reposo Inquieto Cuarto de bao Costilla(s) Derecha Rigidez Cuarto de ciruga quirfano Saliva Sal Muestra Sbado Raspn Sebsceo Semislido Siete Setenta Sbanas Camisa Zapatos Hombro Regadera/ ducha Firme/letrero Signos/seales Similares Hermana Sintese! Seis Sesenta Piel Falda Sueo Estornudo Jabn Social Trabajadora social Sociocultural Calcetines/ calcetas Suave Hijo Hablar Muestra Esternn Estetoscopio Medias Subcutneo Azcar Domingo

Pronunciation Keh-deh-seh Reh-kohr-dahr/ ah-kohr-dahr-seh Pah-roh rehs-pee-rahtoh-ree-oh Kohn-tehs-tahsee-ohn Rehs-pohn-sah-beelee-dah-dehs Reh-poh-soh Een-kee-eh-toh Koo-ahr-toh deh bah-nyoh Kohs-tee-yah(s) Deh-reh-chah Ree-hee-dehs Koo-ahr-toh deh seeroo-hee-ah/keeroh-fah-noh Sah-lee-bah Sahl Moo-ehs-trah Sah-bah-doh Rahs-pohn She-bah-seh-oh Seh-mee-soh-lee-doh See-eh-teh Seh-tehn-tah Sah-bah-nahs Kah-mee-sah Sah-pah-tohs Ohm-broh Reh-gah-deh-rah/ doo-chah Feer-meh/leh-treh-roh Seeg-nohs/seh-nyahlehs See-mee-lah-rhes Ehr-mah-nah See-ehn-teh-seh Seh-ees Seh-sehn-tah Pee-ehl Fahl-dah Soo-eh-nyoh Ehs-tohr-noo-doh Hah-bohn Soh-see-ahl Trah-bah-hah-doh-rah soh-see ahl Soh-see-oh-kool-toorahl Kahl-seh-tee-nehs/ kahl-seh-tahs Soo-ah-beh Ee-hoh Ah-blahr Moo-ehs-trah Ehs-tehr-nohn Ehs-teh-tohs-kohpee-oh Meh-dee-ahs Soob-koo-tah-neh-oh Ah-soo-kahr Doh-meen-goh

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English Suppository Surgeon Surgery Surgical Sutures Sweater Swelling Swollen Symptoms Systole Table (overnight) Table(s) Tablespoon Taste Tea Teaspoon Teeth Television Temperature Temporal Ten Tense Terminal Thank you The family Theories Thermometer Thirty Three Thrombus Thursday Tissue (muscle) Tissues Tissue damage To bathe To become ill To bleed To break To breathe To change To communicate To complain To cure To dress To drink To eat To eat breakfast To examine To feel To get better To get up/ raise To go out

Spanish Supositorio

Pronunciation Soo-poh-see-tohree-oh Cirujano See-roo-hah-noh Ciruga See-roo-hee-ah Quirrgico Kee-roor-hee-koh Suturas/puntos Soo-too-rahs/ poon-tohs Chamarra/suter Chah-mah-rah/ soo-eh-tehr Hinchazn Een-chah-sohn Hinchado Een-chah-doh Sntomas Seen-toh-mahs Sstole Sees-toh-leh Mesa de noche Meh-sah deh noh-cheh Mesa(s) Meh-sah(s) Cuchara/ Koo-chah-rah/ cucharada koo-chah-rah-dah Gusto Goos-toh T Teh Cucharita/ Koo-chah-ree-tah/ cucharadita koo-chah-rah-dee-tah Dientes Dee-ehn-tehs Televisor The-leh-bee-sohr Temperatura Tehm-peh-rah-too-rah Temporal Tehm-poh-rahl Diez Dee-ehs Tenso Tehn-soh Terminal Tehr-mee-nahl Gracias Grah-see-ahs La familia Lah fah-mee-lee-ah Teoras Teh-oh-ree-ahs Termmetro Tehr-muh-meh-troh Treinta Treh-een-tah Tres Trehs Cogulo Koh-ah-goo-loh Jueves Hoo-eh-behs Tejido The-hee-doh Tisues Dao del tejido Baar Enfermar Sangrar Romper Respirar Cambiar Comunicar Quejar Curar Vestr Beber/tomar Comer Desayunar Examinar Sentr Mejorar Levanter Salir Tee-sooh(ehs) Dah-nyoh dehl tehhee-doh Bah-nyahr Ehn-fehr-mahr Sahn-grahr Rohm-pehr Rehs pee-rahr Kahm-bee-ahr Koh-moo-nee-kahr Keh-hahr Koo-rahr Behs-teer Beh-behr/toh-mahr Koh-mehr Deh-sah-yoo-nahr Ex-ah-mee-nahr Sehn-teer Meh-hoh-rahr Leh-bahn-tahr Sah-leer

English To go to bed To hear me To hear/listen To hurt To lie down To leave To listen To point To raise To reach To remember To sit To sleep To speak To suffer To vomit To walk To wash Toes Toilet Toothache Toothbrush Toothpaste Topical Towel Traumatic Treatment Trust Tuesday Tumor Turn! Twenty Two Ulcer(s) Ultrasound Underwear Universal Urinal Urine Use Uterus Vaginal Vein Vitamins Vomit Vomiting Warning Wednesday Wife Worker Wound Wrist X-rays Young

Spanish Acostarse Oirme Escuchar/or Doler Acostar/dormir

Pronunciation Ah-kohs-tahr-she Oh-eer-meh Ehs-koo-chahr/oh-eer Doh-lehr Ah-kohs-tahr/ dorh-meer Dejar Deh-hahr Oir Oh-eer Sealar She-nyah-lahr Levanter Leh-bahn-tahr Alcanzar Ahl-kahn-sahr Acordar/ Ah-kohr-dahr/ recordar reh-kohr-dahr Sentar Sehn-tahr Dormir Dohr-meer Hablar Ah-blahr Sufrir Soo-freer Vomitar Boh-mee-tahr Caminar Kah-mee-nahr Lavar Lah-bahr dedos Deh-dos Excusado/ Ex-koo-sah-doh/ inodoro ee-noh-doh-roh Dolor de muelas Doh-lor deh mooeh-lahs Cepillo de Seh-pee-yoh deh deedientes ehn-tehs Pasta de dientes Pahs-tah deh deeehn-tehs Topical/tpico Toh-pee-kahl/ toh-pee-koh Toalla Too-ah-yah Traumtico Trah-oo-mah-tee-koh Tratamiento Trah-tah-mee-ehn-toh Confianza Kohn-fee-ahn-sah Martes Mahr-tehs Tumor Too-mohr Volte! Bohl-the-eh Viente Beh-een-teh Dos Dohs lcera(s) Ool-seh-rah(s) Ultrasonido Ool-trah-soh-nee-doh Ropa interior Roh-pah een-tehree-ohr Universal Oo-nee-behr-sahl Pato Pah-toh Orina Oh-ree-nah Usar Oo-sahr tero Oo-the-roh Vaginal Bah-hee-nahl Vena Beh-nah Vitaminas Bee-tah-mee-nahs Vmito Boh-mee-toh Vomitando Boh-mee-tahn-doh Advertencia Ahd-behr-tehn-see-ah Mircoles Mee-ehr-koh-lehs Esposa Ehs-poh-sah Trabajador Trah-bah-hah-dohr Herida Eh-ree-dah Mueca Moo-nveh-kah Rayos-x Rah-yohs eh-kiss Jovenes Hoh-beh-nehs

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Useful Spanish Phrases

English Spanish Pronunciation English Spanish Pronunciation

A bowel movement. A glass of juice? A heart. About your baby. Activities are part of the plan while you are here.

Hacer del bao. Un vaso de jugo? Un corazn. En cuanto a su beb. Las actividades son parte del plan de su tratamiento minetras est aqu. Despus de las comidas. Alguna pregunta? Es alrgico a alguna cosa? Es alrgico a comidas? Tiene fro? Est cmoda? Est estreido? Es diabtica? Tiene mareos? Trabaja usted? Tiene problemas al respirar? Tiene calor? Tiene hambre? Tiene dolor? Tiene nuseas? Est bien/Se siente bien? Tiene sueo? Tiene sed? Al acostarse/ hora de dormir. A las once y media. A las cinco de la tarde.

After meals. Any questions? Are you allergic to anything? Are you allergic to foods? Are you cold? Are you comfortable? Are you constipated? Are you diabetic? Are you dizzy? Are you employed? Are you having problems breathing? Are you hot? Are you hungry? Are you hurting? Are you nauseated? Are you okay? Are you sleepy? Are you thirsty? At bedtime. At eleven thirty. At five PM.

Ah-sehr dehl bannyoh Oon bah-soh deh hoo-goh Oon koh-rah-sohn Ehn koo-ahn-toh ah soo beh-beh Lahs ahk-teebee-dah-dehs sohn pahr-teh dehl plahn deh soo trah-tahmee-ehn-toh mee-ehn-trahs ehs-teh ah-kee Dehs-poo-ehs deh lahs koh-meedahs Ahl-goo-nah prehgoon-tah Ehs ah-lehr-heekoh ah ahl-goonah koh-sah Ehs ah-lehr-heekoh ah koh-meedahs Tee-eh-neh freeoh Ehs-tah koh-mohdah Ehs-tah ehs-trehnyee-doh Ehs dee-ah-behtee-kah Tee-eh-neh mahreh-ohs Trah-bah-hah oostehd Tee-eh-neh prohbleh-mahs ahl rehs-pee-rahr Tee-eh-neh kahlohr Tee-eh-neh ahmbreh Tee-eh-neh dohlohr Tee-eh-neh nahoo-seh-ahs Ehs-tah bee-ehn/ seh see-ehn-the bee-ehn Tee-eh-neh sooeh-nyoh Tee-eh-neh sehd Ahl ah-kohs-tahrseh/oh-rah deh dohr-meer Ah lahs ohn-seh ee meh-dee-ah Ah lahs seen-koh deh lah tahr-deh

At what time do you get up? At what time do you go to bed? Before/after meals. Bend the elbow. Bend the wrist. Bend your hip. Bend your knee! Bend your shoulder. Bend your toes. Breast-feed or give a bottle every 3 hours. Breast-feeding? Breathe deeply; let it out slowly. Breathe deeply! Breathe in. Breathe out. Brush your teeth! Call if you need help. Can you breathe? Can you feed yourself? Can you get out of bed? Can you hear me? Can you move in bed? Can you sit up? Can you talk? Change into this gown. Chest pain?

A qu hora se levanta? A qu hora se acuesta? Antes/despus de las comidas. Doble el codo. Dobla la mueca. Dobla su cadera. Doble su rodilla! Dobla tu hombro. Dobla tus dedos. Dle pecho o bibern cada tres horas. Tomando pecho? Respira hondo; djalo ir despacio. Respire hondo/ profundo! Respire. Saque el aire. Cepllese los dientes! Llame s necesita ayuda. Puede respirar? Puede alimentarse? Puede salir de la cama? Puede orme? Puede moverse en la cama? Puede sentarse? Puede hablar? Pngase esta bata. Dolor en el pecho?

Ah keh oh-rah seh leh-bahn-tah Ah keh oh-rah seh ah-koo-ehs-tah Ahn-tehs/ dehspoo-ehs deh lahs koh-mee-dahs Doh-bleh-ehl kohdoh Doh-blah lah moonyeh-kah Doh-bleh soo kahdeh-rah Doh-bleh soo rohdee-yah Doh-bleh too ohm-broh Doh-blah toos deh-dohs Deh-leh peh-choh oh bee-beh-rohn kah-dah trehs oh-ras Toh-mahn-doh peh-choh Rehs-pee-rah oon-doh; dehhah-loh eer dehs-pah-see-oh Rehs-pee-reh ohn-doh/ prohfoon-doh Rehs-pee-reh Sah-keh ehl ahee-reh Seh-pee-yeh-seh lohs dee-ehntehs Yah-meh see nehseh-see-tah ahyoo-dah Poo-eh-deh rehspee-rahr Poo-eh-deh ah-leemehn-tahr-seh Poo-eh-deh sahleer deh lah kahmah Poo-eh-deh oheer-meh Poo-eh-deh mohbehr-seh ehn lah kah-mah Poo-eh-deh sehntahr-seh Poo-eh-deh ahblahr Pohn-gah-seh ehs-tah bah-tah Doh-lohr ehn ehl peh-choh

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Close your mouth. Cough deeply. Cough! Daily.


Cierre la boca. Tosa ms fuerte. Tosa! Diariamente./Una por da./Cada da. Trajo un aparato para or? Trajo un ojo artificial? Trajo una dentadura postiza? Trajo anteojos/ lentes? Se desmay? Hizo del bao/ caca/evacur? Vio sangre en la orina? Dificultad al tragar . . . No fume en el cuarto donde se usa el oxgeno. Se orina sin sentir? Se siente bien? Se siente mareado? Siente nuseas? Se siente dbil? Tiene marcapasos? Tiene alergias? Tiene preguntas? Tiene algn sntoma como: nuseas, vrtigo, otra sensacin rara?


Did you bring a hearing aid? Did you bring an artificial eye? Did you bring dentures? Did you bring glasses? Did you faint? Did you have a bowel movement? Did you see blood in the urine? Difficulty in swallowing . . . Do not smoke in the room when the oxygen is being used. Do you dribble? Do you feel all right? Do you feel dizzy? Do you feel nauseated? Do you feel weak? Do you have a pacemaker? Do you have allergies? Do you have any questions? Do you have any symptoms: nausea, dizziness, other unusual feelings?

Do you have chest pain? Do you have diarrhea?

Tiene dolor en el pecho? Tiene diarrea?

See-eh-reh lah boh-kah Toh-sah mahs fooher-teh Toh-sah Dee-ah-ree-ahmehn-teh/Oonah pohr dee-ah/ Kah-dah dee-ah Trah-hoh oon ahpah-rah-toh pahrah oh-eer Trah-hoh oon ohhoh ahr-tee-feesee-ahl Trah-hoh oon-ah dehn-tah-doo-rah pohs-tee-sah Trah-hoh ahn-theoh-hohs/ lehntehs Seh dehs-mahyoh Ee-soh dehl bahnyoh/kah-kah/ eh-bah-koo-oh Bee-oh sahn-greh ehn lah oh-reenah Dee-fee-kool-tahd ahl trah-gahr Noh foo-meh ehn ehl koo-ahr-toh dohn-deh seh oo-sah ehl ohxee-heh-noh Seh oh-ree-nah seen sehn-teer She see-ehn-the bee-ehn Seh see-ehn-teh mah-reh-ah-doh See-ehn-teh nahoo-seh-ahs Seh see-ehn-teh deh-beel Tee-eh-neh mahrkah-pah-sohs Tee-eh-neh ahlehr-ghee-ahs Tee-eh-neh prehgoon-tahs Tee-eh-neh ahlgoon seen-tohmah koh-moh nah-oo-seh-ahs, behr-tee-goh, oh-trah sehnsah-see-ohn rah-rah Tee-eh-neh dohlohr ehn ehl pehchoh Tee-eh-neh deeah-reh-ah


Do you have hesitancy (when urinating)? Do you have problems with starting to urinate? Do you have problems with your teeth? Do you have questions? Do you have respiratory problems? Do you know the day of the week? Do you know the day? Do you know where you are? Do you need help? Do you need more pillows? Do you speak English? Do you take a special diet? Do you understand? Do you use sugar in the coffee? Do you want the bedpan? Do you want the toast with butter? Do you want water? Do you want: A glass of water? Do you want: Something to eat? Do you wear glasses? Do you wish to have a bowel movement? Do you wish to pass urine?


Se corta el chorro de la orina? Tiene dificultad para empezar a orinar? Tiene(s) problemas con los dientes? Tiene dudas? Tiene problemas respiratorios? Sabe el da de la semana? Qu da es hoy? Sabe dnde est? Necesita ayuda? Necesita ms almohadas? Habla ingles/ Habla usted ingles? Toma dieta especial? Entiende? Usa azcar en el caf? Quiere el pato/el bacn? Quiere el pan tostado con mantequilla? Quire agua? Quiere: Un vaso de agua? Quiere: Algo de comer? Usas anteojos/ lentes? Quiere evacuar/ hacer del bao? Quire orinar?


She kohr-tah ehl choh-roh deh lah oh-ree-nah Tee-eh-neh deefee-kool-tahd pah-rah ehmpeh-sahr ah ohree-nahr Tee-eh-neh(s) proh-bleh-mahs kohn lohs deeehn-tehs Tee-eh-neh doodahs Tee-eh-neh prohbleh-mahs rhespee-rah-toh-reeohs Sah-beh ehl deeah deh lah sehmah-nah Keh dee-ah ehs oh-ee Sah-beh dohn-deh ehs-tah Neh-she-see-tah ah-yoo-dah Neh-seh-see-tah mahs ahl-mohah-dahs Ah-blah eenglehs/Ah-blah oos-tehd eenglehs Toh-mah dee-ehtah ehs-peh-seeahl Ehn-tee-ehn-deh Oo-sah ah-sookahr ehn ehl kah-feh Kee-eh-reh ehl pahtoh/ehl bah-seen Kee-eh-reh ehl pahn tohs-tahdoh kohn mahnteh-kee-yah Kee-eh-reh ahgoo-ah Kee-eh-reh: Oon bah-soh deh ahgoo-ah Kee-eh-reh: Ahlgoh deh koh-mehr Oo-sahs ahn-tehoh-hohs/lehn-tehs Kee-eh-reh ehbah-koo-ahr/ahsehr dehl bahnyoh Kee-eh-reh ohree-nahr

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Do you wish/want something to eat? Do you wish/want to drink? Does the pain move from one place to another? Dont walk barefoot. Dont worry! Drink. Eat! Eight oclock. Eight oclock (mil). Eleven oclock. Eleven oclock (mil). Every time you go to the bathroom to void, you must place the urine in the container.


Quire algo de comer? Quire tomar/ beber? El dolor se mueve de un lugar a otro? No camine descalzo. No se preocupe! Beba./Tome. Coma! Las ocho. Las viente horas. Las once. Las veintitrs horas. Cada vez que vaya al bao a orinar, debe poner la orina en el recipiente.


Excuse me!

Perdn/ Excseme/Con permiso! Extiende tu brazo. Extiende tu pierna y pie. Extiende tu mueca. Primero, quiero limpiarle los dientes. Las cinco Las diecisiete horas Las cuatro Las diecisis horas Buenas tardes! Buenos das! Se ha puesto el dolor peor o mejor? Ha sido paciente antes? Ha comido?

Extend your arm. Extend your leg and foot. Extend your wrist. First, I want to brush your teeth. Five oclock. Five oclock (mil). Four oclock. Four oclock (mil). Good afternoon! Good morning! Has the pain gotten worse or gotten better? Have you been a patient before? Have you eaten?

Kee-eh-reh ahlgoh deh kohmehr Kee-eh-reh tohmahr/ beh-behr Ehl doh-lohr seh moo-eh-beh deh oon loo-gahr ah oh-troh Noh kah-mee-neh dehs-kahl-soh Noh seh preh-ohkoo-peh Beh-bah/Toh-meh Koh-mah Lahs oh-choh Lahs beh-een-teh oh-rahs Lahs ohn-seh Lahs beh-een-teetrehs oh-rahs Kah-dah behs keh bah-yah ahl bah-nyoh ah ohree-nahr, dehbeh poh-nehr lah oh-ree-nah ehn ehl reh-see-peeehn-the Pehr-dohn/ Ehxkoo-seh-meh/ Kohn pher-meesoh Ehx-tee-ehn-deh too brah-soh Ehx-tee-ehn-deh too pee-her-nah ee pee-eh Ehx-tee-ehn-deh too moo-nyehkah Pree-meh-roh kee-eh-roh leempee-ahr-leh lohs dee-ehn-tehs Lahs seen-koh Lahs dee-ehs-eesee-eh-teh ohrahs Lahs koo-ah-troh Lahs dee-ehs-eeseh-ees oh-rahs Boo-eh-nahs tahrdehs Boo-eh-nohs deeahs Seh ah poo-ehstoh ehl doh-lohr peh-ohr oh mehhohr Ah see-doh pahsee-ehn-the ahntehs Ah koh-mee-doh


Hello. I need to take your temperature and blood pressure. Here is the bell. How are you today? How often do you feed the baby? How often do you urinate? How old are you? How severe is the pain? I also need a urine sample. I am going to check the oxygen tank. I am going to collect a stool sample.


Hola. Necesito tomarle la temperatura y la presin de la sangre. Aqu est la campana. Como est hoy? Qu tan a menudo alimenta al beb? Cuntas veces orina? Cuntos aos tiene? Qu tan severo es el dolor? Tambin necesito una muestra de orina. Voy a checar el tanque de oxgeno. Voy a recoger una muestra de excremento. Voy a cubrirlo con una sbana. Lo voy a cubrir. Le voy a explicar la coleccin de orina. Voy a traer una silla de ruedas. Voy a ayudarlo a acostarse en la camilla. Voy a ayudarlo. Voy a ponerle la dentadura. Voy a tomar tu pulso radial.


I am going to cover you with a sheet. I am going to cover you. I am going to explain the collection of urine. I am going to get a wheelchair. I am going to help you lie on the stretcher. I am going to help you. I am going to insert your dentures. I am going to take the radial pulse.

Oh-lah. Neh-sehsee-toh toh-mahrleh lah tehm-pehrah-too-rah ee lah preh-see-ohn deh lah sahn-greh Ah-kee ehs-tah lah kahm-pah-nah Koh-moh ehs-tah oh-ee Keh tahn ah mehnoo-doh ah-leemehn-tah ahl beh-beh Koo-ahn-tahs beh-sehs oh-reenah Koo-ahn-tohs ah-nyohs tee-ehneh Keh tahn seh-behroh ehs ehl dohlohr Tahm-bee-ehn nehseh-see-toh oonah moo-ehs-trah deh oh-ree-nah Boh-ee ah chehkahr ehl tahn-keh deh ohx-ee-hehnoh Boh-ee ah rehkoh-hehr oo-nah moo-ehs-trah deh ehx-krehmehn-toh Boh-ee ah koobreer-loh kohn oo-nah sah-bahnah Loh boh-ee ah koo-breer Leh boh-ee ah ehx-plee-kahr lah koh-lehksee-ohn deh ohree-nah Boh-ee ah trahher oo-nah seeyah deh roo-ehdahs Boh-ee ah ahyoo-dahr-loh ah ah-kohs-tahr-seh ehn lah kahmee-yah Boh-ee ah ah-yoodahr-loh Boh-ee ah pohnehr-leh lah dehn-tah-doorah Boh-ee ah tohmahr too poolsoh rah-dee-ahl

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I am going to take your blood pressure and pulse. I am here to help you with exercises. I am the nurse (female). I am the nurse (male). I have the bedpan. I need to take your temperature and blood pressure.


Voy a tomar la presin y el pulso. Estoy aqu para ayudarlo con ejercicios. Yo soy la enfermera. Yo soy el enfermero. Tengo el bacn/ pato. Necesito tomarle la temperatura y la presin de la sangre. Quiero ayudarlo a sentarse. Quiero que use un bastn. Voy a baarlo. Le ayudar a sentarse. Le mostrar su cuarto. Voy a empezar por tomar los signos vitals. Empezar por tomar los signos vitales. Tomar tu presin de sangre. Si duele, avsame. Si tiene preguntas, por favor avseme. Si necesita ms sbanas, llame a la/al asistente. Es suficiente? Es mucho? Est el dolor all todo el tiempo, o va y viene?


I want to help you stand up. I want you to use a cane. I will give you a bath. I will help you sit. I will show you your room. I will start by taking vital signs.

I will start by taking vital signs. I will take your blood pressure. If it hurts, tell me. If you have questions, please let me know. If you need more sheets, call the assistant. Is that enough? Is that too much? Is the pain there all the time, or does it come and go?

Boh-ee ah tohmahr lah prehsee-ohn ee ehl pool-soh Ehs-toh-ee ah-kee pah-rah ah-yoodahr-loh kohn ehhehr-see-see-ohs Yoh soh-ee lah ehn-fehr-mehrah Yoh soh-ee ehl ehn-fehr-mehroh Tehn-goh ehl bahseen/ pah-toh Neh-seh-see-toh toh-mahr-leh lah tehm-peh-rahtoo-rah ee lah preh-see-ohn deh lah sahn-greh Kee-eh-roh ahyoo-dahr-loh ah sehn-tahr-seh Kee-eh-roh keh oo-seh oon bahs-tohn Boh-ee ah bahnyahr-loh Leh ah-yoo-dahreh ah sehn-tahrseh Leh mohs-trah-reh soo koo-ahr-toh Boh-ee ah ehmpeh-sahr pohr toh-mahr lohs seeg-nohs beetah-lehs Ehm-peh-sah-reh pohr toh-mahr lohs seeg-nohs bee-tah-lehs Toh-mah-reh too preh-see-ohn deh sahn-greh See doo-eh-leh, ah-bee-sah-meh See tee-eh-neh preh-goon-tahs, pohr fah-bohr ah-bee-seh-meh See neh-seh-seetah mahs sahbah-nahs, yahmeh ah lah/ahl ah-sees-tehn-teh Ehs soo-fee-seeehn-teh Ehs moo-choh Ehs-tah ehl dohlohr ah-yee tohdoh ehl tee-ehmpoh, oh bah ee bee-ehn-eh?


Is there any pain? Is there anything else bothering you? Is your appetite bad? Keep moving. Keep the leg straight. Keep the side rails up at night.


Tiene algn dolor? Hay otra cosa que le moleste? Tiene mal apetito? Siga movindose. Antenga la pierna derecha. Mantenga los barandales levantados durante la noche. Mantenga los pies juntos. Mantenga la pierna elevada. Izquierdo . . . Dgame cmo se siente. Vamos a caminar. Acustese (por favor)! Levante el pie. Levanta tu/los brazo(s). Levanta tu mano. Levanta la cabeza. Levanta la pierna. Levente el brazo derecho. Levante el pie derecho. Mira hacia adelante. Baja el pie. Baja la cabeza. Baje las piernas. Cierre la mano/ Haga un puto! Puedo ayudarlo?


Keep your feet together. Keep your leg elevated. Left . . . Let me know how you feel. Lets walk. Lie down (please)! Lift the foot. Lift your arm(s). Lift your hand. Lift your head. Lift your leg. Lift your right arm. Lift your right foot. Look straight ahead. Lower the foot. Lower your head. Lower your legs. Make a fist!

May I help you?

Tee-eh-neh ahlgoon doh-lohr Ah-ee oh-trah koh-sah keh leh moh-lehs-teh Tee-eh-neh mahl ah-peh-tee-toh See-gah mohbee-ehn-doh-seh Mahn-tehn-gah lah pee-her-nah deh-reh-chah Mahn-tehn-gah lohs bah-rahndah-lehs lehbahn-tah-dohs doo-rahn-the lah noh-cheh Mahn-tehn-gah lah pee-ehr-nah eh-leh-bah-dah Mahn-tehn-gah lah pee-ehr-nah eh-leh-bah-dah Ees-kee-ehr-doh Dee-gah-meh koh-moh seh see-ehn-teh Bah-mohs ah kahmee-nahr Ah-koo-ehs-tehseh (pohr fahbohr) Leh-bahn-teh ehl pee-eh Leh bahn-tah too/ lohs brah-soh(s) Leh bahn-tah too mah-noh Leh bahn-tah lah kah-beh-sah Leh bahn-tah lah pee-her-nah Leh-bahn-teh ehl brah-soh dehreh-choh Leh-bahn-teh ehl pee-eh deh-rehchoh Mee-rah ah-seeah ah-deh-lahnteh Bah-hah ehl peeeh Bah-hah lah kahbeh-sah Bah-heh lahs peeehr-nahs See-eh-reh lah mah-noh/ Ahgah oon poonyoh Poo-eh-doh ahyoo-dahr-loh?

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Move it side to side. Nine oclock. Nine oclock (mil). Noon/midnight. Noon/midnight (mil). Now, stand up and walk. Nursing care of the patient. On a scale from 1 (insignificant) to 10 (unbearable):


Muvela de lado a lando. Las nueve. Las veintiuna horas. Las doce. Las cero horas. Ahora, levntese y camine. Cuidados del paciente. En una escala del uno (insignificante) al diez (intolerable): La una Las trece horas Abra la boca. Abra la boca, por favor. Ponga la orina en la botella de plstico caf. Traga, por favor. Jale el cordn en el bao. Ponga la cuchara en la boca. Descanse. Las siete. Las diecinueve horas. Sintese, por favor. Sintese en la silla. Las seis Las dieciocho horas Algo de tomar/ beber? Qudese sentado. Tomando frmula? Las diez. Las veintids horas. Gracias! La campana sonar.


One oclock. One oclock (mil). Open your mouth. Open your mouth, please. Place the urine in the brown plastic bottle. Please, swallow. Pull the cord in the bathroom. Put the spoon in your mouth. Rest. Seven oclock. Seven oclock (mil) Sit down, please. Sit in the chair. Six oclock. Six oclock (mil). Something to drink? Stay sitting. Taking formula? Ten oclock. Ten oclock (mil). Thank you! The bell will sound.

Moo-eh-beh-lah deh lah-doh ah lah-doh Lahs noo-eh-beh Lahs beh-een-teeoo-nah oh-rahs Lahs doh-seh Lahs seh-roh ohrahs Ah-oh-rah, lehbahn-teh-seh ee kah-mee-neh Koo-ee-dah-dohs dehl pah-seeehn-teh Ehn oo-nah ehskah-lah dehl oonoh (een-seegnee-fee-kahn-the) ahl dee-ehs (eentoh-leh-rah-bleh) Lah oo-nah Lahs treh-seh ohrahs Ah-brah lah bohkah Ah-brah lah bohkah, pohr fahbohr Pohn-gah lah ohree-nah ehn lah boh-teh-yah deh plahs-tee-koh kah-feh Trah-gah pohr fahbohr Hah-leh ehl kohrdohn ehn ehl bah-nyoh Pohn-gah lah koochah-rah ehn lah boh-kah Des-kahn-seh Lahs see-eh-teh Lahs dee-ehsee-noo-eh-beh oh-rahs See-ehn-teh-seh pohr fah-bohr See-ehn-teh-seh ehn lah see-yah Lahs seh-ees Lahs dee-ehs-eeoh-choh oh-rahs Ahl-goh deh tohmahr/ beh-behr Keh-deh-seh sehn-tah-doh Toh-mahn-doh fohr-moo-lah Lahs dee-ehs Lahs beh-een-teedohs oh-rahs Grah-see-ahs Lah kahm-pahnah soh-nah-rah


The bladder. The doctor. The hospital. The meals are served at 7 AM.


La vejiga. El doctor. El hospital. Los alimentos se sirven a las siete de la maana.


The nurse. The salt and pepper are in these packets. The water is in the glass/ pitcher. The water is warm. Can you feel? There is an emergency light. This is the call bell/buzzer. Three oclock. Three oclock (mil). Three times a day. Tomorrow you are going to have your surgery. Try to calm down. Twice a day. Two o clock. Two o clock (mil). Void a little, then put urine in this cup.

El/la enfermero(a) La sal y la pimienta estn en estos paquetes. El agua est en el vaso/la jarra. El agua est tibia. Puede sentir? Hay una luz para emergencias. Esta es la campana/el timbre. Las tres Las quince horas Tres veces al da. Maana le van a hacer la ciruga. Trate de calmarse. Dos veces al da. Las dos. Las catorce horas. Orine un poco, luego ponga la orina en esta taza. Espere! Lvese la cara! Vigile su ombligo. En que puedo ayudarlo? Qu caus el dolor? Qu comi? Qu hace usted?

Wait! Wash your face! Watch his navel. What can I help you with? What caused the pain? What did you eat? What do you do?

Lah beh-hee-gah Ehl dohk-tohr Ehl ohs-pee-tahl Lohs ah-leemehn-tohs seh seer-behn ah lahs see-eh-teh deh lah mahnyah-nah Ehl/lah ehn-fehrmeh-roh[ah] Lah sahl ee lah pee-mee-ehntah ehs-tahn ehn ehs-tohs pahkeh-tehs Ehl ah-goo-ah ehs-tah ehn ehl bah-soh/ lahhah-rah Ehl ah-goo-ah ehs-tah tee-beeah. Poo-eh-deh sehn-teer Ah-ee oo-nah loos pah-rah eh-mehr-hehnsee-ahs Ehs-tah ehs lah kahm-pah-nah/ ehl teem-breh Lahs trehs Lahs keen-seh ohrahs Trehs beh-sehs ahl dee-ah Mah-nyah-nah leh bahn ah ah-sehr lah see-roo-heeah Trah-teh deh kahlmahr-seh Dohs beh-sehs ahl dee-ah Lahs dohs Lahs kah-tohr-seh oh-rahs Oh-ree-neh oon poh-koh, loo-ehgoh pohn-gah lah oh-ree-nah ehn ehs-tah tahsah Ehs-peh-reh Lah-beh-seh lah kah-rah Bee-hee-leh soo ohm-blee-goh Ehn keh poo-ehdoh ah-yoodahr-loh Keh kah-oo-soh ehl doh-lohr Keh koh-mee-oh Keh ah-seh oostehd

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What foods do you dislike? What foods do you like? What formula does he take? What is the color of the urine? What is the pain like? What is this? What is wrong? What is your name? What makes the pain better? When was the last time you used the toilet?


Qu alimentos le disgustan? Qu alimentos le gustan? Qu frmula toma? Cul era el color de la orina? Qu tipo de dolor tiene? Qu es esto? Qu pasa? Cmo se llama? Qu hace mejorar el dolor? Cundo fue la ltima vez que hizo del bao/ que obr? Dnde trabaja? Dnde le duele?


Where do you work? Where does it hurt?

Keh ah-lee-mehntohs leh deesgoos-tahn Keh ah-lee-mehntohs leh goostahn Keh fohr-moo-lah toh-mah Koo-ahl eh-rah ehl koh-lohr deh lah oh-ree-nah Keh tee-poh deh doh-lohr tee-ehneh Keh ehs ehs-toh Keh pah-sah Koh-moh seh yahmah Keh ah-seh mehhoh-rahr ehl doh-lohr Koo-ahn-doh foo-eh lah ooltee-mah behs keh ee-soh dehl bah-nyoh/ keh oh-broh Dohn-deh trahbah-hah Don-deh leh dooeh-leh


You ate well. You can also ask for snacks. You can drink water. You can smoke on the patio. You cannot smoke here. You have false teeth. You need to be admitted. You need to drink water. You will be all right! Your appetite is good? Your clothes go in the closet.


Comi bien. Tambin puede pedir aperitivos. Puede tomar agua. Puede fumar en el patio. No puede fumar aqu. Tiene dentaduras postizas. Necesita internarse al hospital. Necesita tomar agua. Va a estar bien! Tiene buen apetito? Su ropa va en el closet/ ropero.


Koh-mee-oh beeehn Tahm-bee-ehn poo-eh-deh pehdeer ah-peh-reetee-bohs Poo-eh-deh tohmahr ah-goo-ah Poo-eh-deh foomahr ehn ehl pah-tee-oh Noh poo-eh-deh foo-mahr ah-kee Tee-eh-neh dehntah-doo-rahs pohs-tee-sahs Neh-seh-see-tah een-tehr-nahr-she ahl ohs-pee-tahl Neh-seh-see-tah toh-mahr ahgoo-ah Bah ah ehs-tahr bee-ehn Tee-eh-neh booehn ah-peh-teetoh Soo roh-pah bah ehn ehl kloh-seht/ roh-peh-roh

Mosby items and derived items 2006 by Mosby, Inc.

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