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ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Agreement made and executed on this ____ day of January 2012 at the City of Muntinlupa, by and between: ____________, of legal age, Filipino, _______________, hereinafter referred to as the Husband; - and ________________, of legal age, Filipino, with address at ______________________, hereinafter referred to as the Wife; The joint reference to both shall hereinafter be the Parties, WITNESSETH: That WHEREAS, the Parties were married by Catholic rites on _________________ at _________________________________; WHEREAS, having been married after the enactment of the Family Code, the parties property relations are governed by the laws on the regime of absolute community of property. WHEREAS, the Parties have one (1) legitimate child namely: __________________________; who was born on _________________________ hereafter the Common Child WHEREAS, in the best interests of the Common Child the Parties have agreed on a reasonable and acceptable arrangement relative to the custody over the Common Child and the support of the Wife and the Common Child; WHEREAS, the Parties have made a complete, fair, and accurate disclosure to each other of all financial matters affecting this agreement. WHEREAS, the Parties have been separated in fact since ___________________ and in view thereof, have mutually decided to dissolve their absolute community of property and agree that their

property relations shall henceforth be governed by the regime of COMPLETE SEPARATION OF PROPERTY. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, and of the premises hereinafter set forth, the Parties do hereby agree as follows: Section I. Commencement Date

This Agreement shall commence as of the date set forth above. Section II. Custody and Support

2.1 The Wife shall continue to exercise SOLE parental authority and custody over the common child who is not yet of legal age. 2.2 The Husband shall have reasonable visitation rights provided that such visits or trips do not unduly interfere with the Common Childs school work or extracurricular activities. Where practicable, at least two (2) days notice shall be given to the Wife prior to each visit.
2.3 Moreover, all provisions regarding the exercise of visitation rights shall be reasonably interpreted and shall not be unduly restrictive so as to take into account exigencies of unforeseen events and special occasions which may call for the relaxation of the aforementioned provisions in the discretion of and upon mutual agreement of the Parties. 2.4 The Common Child requires the amount ______________________ annually, broken down as follows: (Enumerate) of P

2.5 The Wife undertakes to cover ________ percent ( ___ %) of the Common Childs support and to contribute the sum of P _________________ monthly/annually (?)
The Husband undertakes to cover ________ percent ( ___ %) of the Common Childs support and to contribute the sum of P _________________ monthly/annually (?)


Section III.

Related Provisions

4.1 The welfare of the Common Child shall always be the Parties paramount consideration and they shall consult with each other regarding the education, welfare and all other matters relating to the

Common Children. However, in case of conflict, the decision of the Wife shall prevail. 4.2The Parties hereto declare that each has had independent and sound legal advice by counsel of his or her own selection; that each fully understands the facts and have been fully informed of all legal rights and liabilities; that after such advice and knowledge, each believes this Agreement to be fair, just and reasonable; and that each signs this Agreement freely and voluntarily.

4.3 Within a period of at least fifteen (15) days from the execution hereof, the Parties hereto agree to jointly submit the instant Agreement for judicial approval with the appropriate Court. In such case the Parties oblige themselves, in the best interests of the Common Child, to cooperate with each other to ensure compliance with conditions that may be imposed by the Court for the submission of this Agreement.
4.4Should either the Husband or the Wife fail or refuse, or even partly fail or refuse, to abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the aggrieved party shall have the right to the issuance of a writ of execution from the said Regional Trial Court to enforce the provisions of this Agreement. 4.5The Parties are hereby obligated to sign and execute all the necessary documents, deeds, instruments and agreements to ensure that all the provisions of this Agreement are duly followed. Section V. Dissolution and Liquidation of the Conjugal Partnership of Gains and Separation of Property 5.1. The parties hereby mutually acknowledge that due to their short lived marriage, they have no community properties. 5.2. Exclusive Properties of the Wife: By way of full and complete liquidation parties hereby acknowledge that the following properties shall be delivered to and shall be the sole and exclusive properties of the Wife: 5.2.1. Real Properties consisting of the following: (i) ______________________ covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. _______________ (hereinafter the _______________Property) with an assessed value of P _________________. (ii) The house and lot located at ________________________ (hereinafter the ____________ Property) covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. _______________ with an assessed value of P _________________.

5.2.2. The following motor vehicles: (i) ____________________ with plate number ________with an approximate value of P _____________________ (ii) ________________ with plate number ___________________ with an approximate value of P _____________________

5.3. Exclusive Properties of the Husband By way of full and complete liquidation parties hereby acknowledge that the following properties shall be delivered to and shall be the sole and exclusive properties of the Husband : 5.3.1. Real Properties consisting of the following: (i) ______________________ covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. _______________ (hereinafter the _______________Property) with an assessed value of P _________________. (ii) The house and lot located at ________________________ (hereinafter the ____________ Property) covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. _______________ with an assessed value of P _________________. 5.3.2. The following motor vehicles: (i) ____________________ with plate number ________with an approximate value of P _____________________ (ii) ________________ with plate number ___________________ with an approximate value of P _____________________

5.4. The parties hereby mutually and voluntarily agree upon the dissolution of their absolute community of property and hereby acknowledge that the inventory and distribution of their property as set forth herein fully, completely and finally disposes of the entirety of the assets of the absolute community of property. 5.5. The parties likewise acknowledge and confirm that as of this date, they have only the following creditors and/or outstanding

obligations and liabilities which may be charged to the absolute community of property : (ENUMERATE) 5.6. Each party thus undertakes to exclusively and entirely shoulder, pay and assume liability for any and all liabilities outstanding against the absolute community of property existing in their respective names at the time of the signing of this Agreement, and to hold the other party free and harmless from any liability in relation to the foregoing. 5.7. Apart from the amounts set forth in this Agreement, the parties hereby waive and relinquish any and all other claims insofar as the other spouse with regard to any other properties that form part of the absolute community of property, or any and all other property that the other spouse presently owns or may hereafter acquire by any and all means. 5.8. Properties, real and personal, now owned or hereafter to be owned by the Husband, as well as the fruits and accessions thereof, shall be, shall remain, and shall constitute his own exclusive and separate property, subject to his sole disposition, control, administration, and enjoyment. 5.9. Those properties, real and personal, now owned and hereafter to be owned by the Wife, as well as the fruits and accessions thereof, shall be, shall remain, and shall constitute her own exclusive and separate property, subject to her sole disposition, control, administration and enjoyment. 5.9. Upon the signing hereof, and thence and thereafter, each of the parties shall separately own, possess, enjoy, administer, dispose of or encumber the properties allotted and adjudicated to each of them in the partition and any other properties which each of them may subsequently acquire, without need of consent from the other. 5.10. Hereafter, both parties shall each bear and separately answer for their own respective accounts and shall pay their respective personal debts and individual obligations, if any, incurred prior to the execution of this Agreement and which have not been referred to herein. They shall likewise bear and separately answer for their own respective accounts and shall pay their respective personal debts and individual obligations incurred after the execution of this Agreement. 5.11. With the signing of this Agreement, the parties further waive, renounce and relinquish any and all claims, interests and rights they may have against each other as regards all the matters contained in all the foregoing paragraphs and comprising the subject of this Agreement.

5.12. For the purpose of effecting the delivery of the Parties respective shares in the absolute community of property, the Parties mutually agree and undertake to sign and execute any and all documents, deeds and to perform any and all acts as may be necessary to effect the transfer of their respective shares immediately upon the signing of this Agreement. Section VI Miscellaneous Provisions 6.1. By way of delivery of the respective presumptive legitimes of the Common Child, the Parties shall open Trust Account No. ___________________, for the Common child and shall each fund it in the amount of P ______________________________ respectively, which shall be managed solely by the Wife, and shall not be used for the Common Childs support and needs, but shall be given completely including any interest, fruits or dividends accrued thereon to each of the Common Child when she reaches the age of __________ (____). 6.2. The Parties each agree Wife agrees to the removal of his or her name as Beneficiary in any of the other parties pension funds, insurance policies, mutual funds or such other financial placements and undertakes to sign or execute any document necessary to effect the same. 6.4. The parties do hereby expressly acknowledge that they have both read and understood this Agreement, that they have freely signed the same, being aware of, fully comprehending and acquiescing to all the effects and consequences hereof. 6.5. Moreover, the parties also expressly acknowledge that they have entered into this Agreement with the assistance and independent advice of their respective counsel. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this ____ day of October 2007 at _________________. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto affixed their signatures at the place and on the date above stated.

Husband Wife Assisted by Counsel: By: By:



Signed in the Presence of: _______________________ _______________________

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) ) S.S. BEFORE ME, this __________________________ at _________________, personally appeared the following: ________________, with Community Tax Certificate No. __________________, issued on _________________ at _________________; and _________________, with Community Tax Certificate __________________, issued on _________________ at _________________; No.

known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing AGREEMENT FOR CUSTODY AND SUPPORT, FOR VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION OF THE CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS AND SEPARATION OF PROPERTY, which consists of _____ pages including this page on which this Acknowledgment is written and is signed on each and every page by the parties and their witnesses, and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and in the place first above-written. Doc. No. _____; Page No. _____; Book No. _____; Series of 2007.

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