Summary of Dynamics of Faith

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Summary of Dynamics of Faith

There are many forms of misunderstanding, misrepresentations and distortions of faith in todays world. That is why many reject faith belief. Paul Tillich, a famous theologian, has tried his best to unfold the shrouded ideas on faith. The book elaborates what faith is, what faith is not, symbols of faith, types of faith, the truth of faith and the life of faith. First let us see about what faith is. What Faith Is Man is concerned about many things such as food, shelter and so on. But faith is the state of ultimate concern. It is the central act of a personal self. This reality of mans ultimate concern reveals something about his being: he is able to transcend the flux of relative and transitory experiences of his ordinary life. Further, where there is faith, there is an awareness of holiness. This awareness of the holy is the awareness of the presence of the divine which is the content of the ultimate concern. However, if faith is proved to be a failure the meaning of ones life breaks down. Therefore faith in ones ultimate concern is indeed the greatest risk a man can run. To face the risk one needs courage. Thus ultimate concern is ultimate risk and ultimate courage. Moreover, faith needs a language, without language there is no act of faith and no religious experience. The religious language, language of symbol and myth, is created in a community of believers and cannot be fully understood outside this community. Only in a community of language can man actualize his faith. The life of a community of faith is a continuous risk, if faith itself is understood as a risk. And this is the character of dynamics. What faith is Not There were many distortions of the meaning of faith. The Biblical writers considered faith as matter of intellect and Thomas Aquinas, as a matter of will. These two ideas led Schleiermacher to interpret faith as emotion. The word feeling has introduced many people to believe that faith is a matter of merely subjective emotions. But faith as the state of ultimate concern claims the whole man and cannot be restricted to the subjectivity of mere feeling. More so the ultimate concern is expressed through symbols. Symbols of Faith Symbols can be well explained with six characteristics: (i) It points beyond itself, (ii) It participates in that to which it points, (iii) It opens up levels of reality, (iv) It unlocks dimensions and elements of reality, (v) It is not produced intentionally and (vi) It is not invented. Here, our particular concern is on the religious symbols.

The fundamental symbol of our ultimate concern is God. God is the basic symbol of faith. All the qualities we attribute to him are taken from finite experiences and applied symbolically to God. Another group of symbols of faith are sacred things, events, persons, communities, words and documents. And these symbols of faith do not appear in isolation. They are united in myths, stories of the gods. Types of Faith Faith can be divided into two types: ontological type of faith and moral types of faith. Ontological type of faith is nothing but faith here and now. It encounters us in a thing, in a person, in an event. They traditionally are called as sacramental. Moral type of faith is characterized by the idea of the law. God has given the law as a gift and as a command. He can be approached only by those who obey the law. Truth of Faith Right from the beginning of theological speculation, there is constant fight between faith and reason. Paul Tillich opines that if faith is the opposite of reason, it would tend to dehumanize man. A faith which destroys reason destroys itself and the humanity of man. Reason is the presupposition of faith and faith is the fulfillment of reason. There is no conflict between faith and reason, they are within each other. Man is finite, but he is aware of his potential infinity and this awareness appears as his ultimate concern as faith. So also, the truth of faith cannot be cannot be confirmed by the latest physical or biological or psychological discoveries. And faith cannot be shaken by historical researches, because they are based on probabilities. Neither scientific nor historical truth can affirm or negate the truth of faith and vice versa. The popular opinion says that philosophy is the enemy and destroyer of faith. Philosophical truths consist in true concepts concerning the ultimate. The truth of faith consists in true symbols concerning the ultimate. The Life of Faith There is no faith without participation. Participation follows the certainty of faith and separation follows the doubt in faith. This doubt is overcome by courage. And courage includes risk without which no creative life is possible. Thus a life of faith includes a doubt about itself, the courage to take this doubt into itself and the risk of courage. Ultimate concern is the integrating center of the personal life. It leads to the questions of faith and love and of faith and action. Love and action are implied in faith and cannot be separated from it. The immediate expression of love is action and action presupposes community. The state of ultimate concern is actual only within a community of action. The community of faith constitutes itself through ritual symbol and interprets itself in mythical symbols. There are many communities of faith. Today most of them are in mutual contact and show an attitude of tolerance towards each other. Bibliography

Tillich, Paul. Dynamics of Faith. New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1957.

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