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"CANI" stands for Constant And Never-ending Improvement.

It's an acronym that Tony developed more than a decade ago and he was influenced by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Dr. Deming is credited as one of the leaders who brought one of the first quality movements to the Japanese. His basic premise was that the secret to help the Japanese achieve world power and economic success was if every single person and organization commit to constant improvement. The Japanese have a single word for "constant and never-ending improvement" and it's called "Kaizen." Kaizen is from the Japanese words Kai and Zen where "kai" means change and "zen" means good. Yes folks, change is good. According to Robbins from his Lessons in Mastery series, he didn't want to embrace the word "Kaizen" because it was a Japanese word and after-all, Dr. Deming was an "American..." therefore it was only proper to create an American word that meant the same as Kaizen. Transformational vocabulary is an important component to the tenets that Robbins teaches, so you can probably understand why Tony wanted to create a brand or a name for the association. It is very easy to get caught up in your goals and desired the point of becoming overwhelmed. CANI offers a solution and a point of reference to focus your attention on. If all you did was improve one tiny aspect of your life every single day, you would achieve mastery in uncommon time. Benefits of CANI include:
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Creates a personal and business momentum that will be hard for your competitors to catch up with. Personal satisfaction and fulfillment because it will cause you to grow personally. Leads to innovation. Innovation creates leverage.

Tony Robbins once said, "We only learn our limits by going beyond them." CANI! is a principle designed to encourage you to make small incremental improvements daily...and in doing so, you will be forced to find a way to go beyond your current set of self-imposed limitations. Which areas of your life do you want to apply the principles of CANI! Today? o Prosperity & Financial o Family Relationships o Friendship Building o Health & Fitness o Spirituality o Recreation & Pleasure/Joy

o Education & Career Advancement o Public Service/Volunteering If you define your success as a "journey" rather than an end-destination, you can take comfort in the fact that personal growth and satisfaction can come from constant and never-ending improvement (CANI!).

Tony Robbinss CANI! Consistent and Never Ending Improvement

by coachz9 on October 11, 2009 If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! I recently received a CD from Tony Robbins, it is from his Power Talk series and is a bonus for The New Money Masters members. In many ways, this is the most important and certainly, at least in my opinion, the wisest and most useful recording I have received from Tony Robbins since Personal Power II! The recording defines success in terms of consistency, noting that it is consistency that creates the fabric of success for a lifetime and offers a new word to remember and apply this definition, this concept of and for success. I have been thinking about this almost nonstop since receiving the CD a couple of weeks ago, and it has taken me back to the recording of The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale and to Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich. The Tony Robbins Power Talk CD and The New Money Masters series have also reminded me of the videos by Napoleon Hill, done years ago, and now available on video through YouTube. Talk about an amazingly powerful historical record! So, not only do we have the text of both The Strangest Secret and Think and Grow Rich, we have the actual recordings available on Google and YouTube! But Google does this one better. Because of the time constraints on YouTube videos, yes even for the masters like Nightingale, Hill, and now Tony Robbins and Brian Tracythe videos and recordings must be segmented. The power isnt lost when you can go right from part one to part two, and so on, in video format. However, I feel something is lost when attempting to follow an audio recording in such a manner. There is something magical about listening to Earl Nightingale uninterrupted.

Fortunately, Google offers the entire audio version of The Strangest Secret free! The Strangest Secret, listened to from beginning to end in one sitting, is one of the most important recordings in terms of self-improvement, understanding the power of setting and achieving goals, and the true definition of success ever madeperiod! If you have not listened to the entire thing, you must do so at onceit will change your life! But wait until you finish this article and have a look aroundOK?! I listened to Earl Nightingale for the first time in the mid-1970s and I have listened to it hundreds of times since, literally! I pull it out every few weeks and particularly when I feel my life getting a bit off course. The power of this single life-lesson is awesome and the lessons immediately applicablein any of lifes arenas! Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal! The definition above has become ingrained in ever person who has ever had the pleasure of listening to, and applying, The Strangest Secret! Interestingly, Tony Robbins has re-introduced many of the same concepts and philosophies in a new concept he calls CANI! CANI! Means consistent and never ending improvement! The Tony Robbins synthesis takes into account the teachings of the early masters and expands upon them by integrating the notion of kaizen, the Japanese word for constant, consistent, and incremental improvement over time, generally used in the context of business and thought to have emerged in Post World War II Japan. In the aforementioned episode of Power Talk, Tony Robbins introduces the concept of kaizen to his listeners. Robbins expands on the concept of kaizen, and subsequently introduces CANI!. Both terms are introduced in relation to the work of William Edwards Deming, known by many as simply W. Edwards Deming or Edwards Deming, the father of the industrial turnaround in Post WWII Japan. Kaizen, a concept integrated into a way of doing business, but also applied generally to how one lives their life, catapulted Japan from being known for cheap products, meaning the manufacture of substandard products in my youth, to being know for the finest quality in the world within a period of a few short years. Interestingly, and as noted above, the concept of kaizen, the Japanese way of doing business, has its origins in an American, W. Edwards Deming, who is still revered throughout Japan, even today. By extension, Tony Robbins thought it appropriate to apply an American term, one he originated, to the American concept and came up with an American termCANI! CANI! means constant and never ending improvement.

If you think about it, CANI!, or whatever you decide to call it, is the basis for successin business and in life. Combined with notions as old as seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you and, ask and ye shall receive, all the way up to the present day CANI!the message is the same: Success is a progression towards a worthy goal and/or idealor whatever! As long as the whatever is quite specific and the the progression is consistent and never ending! In other words: CANI! Why do people fail? People fail for a myriad of reasons but it all comes down to four things: 1) A ship without a rudder! No goals, no idea where they have been; and, worse yet, no clear idea where they are going! 2) No passion! No idea what they want. People who fail lack a burning desire, somethinganythingthat captures the imagination and inspires massive action! 3) No consistency! Many think they know what they want, and may even have an idea how to get there! But they lack consistent effort, they work in spurts and quit before half way there! 4) They quit! This ties into number 3 and is the biggest reason for failure! Winners never quit and quitters never win! I cant tell you how many times I have witnessed failure on the brink of success. I have witnessed people quitting just before a promotion was about to be offered, before a deal was about to close, before a goal was about to be achieved! Quitting is the deadliest of all success killers and it is a habit. Avoid quitting at all costs! Remember the first post at The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed? No? Well, it is on this topic and will get you pointed in the right direction, it relates well to the whole notion of a rudderless ship, goals, and consistency of actionquitting on the verge of success. I hope you enjoy it! Ultimately, success means something different to and for everyonebut how you succeed is one of lifes hard and fast rules: Success is a progression, a progressive journey toward a worthy ideal! Whether kaizen or CANI! or some other phrase or termthe end result is the same if you apply itsuccess! The end result is also the same if you do notfailure!

It is more difficult, and more painful, to fail! And yet, many seem to choose it. Incredible as it seems, with a road map in front of us, we still get off course and get lost! The decision is yours: Consistent and never ending improvement? Or Failure, pain, and remorse! Success, like quitting, is a habit. Thats why I love The Strangest Secret, Think and Grow Rich, and Personal Power IIthey are all about setting and achieving goals, building one day on the day before, one 30 day challenge upon the lastuntil you have created a habit and a lifetime of success! Progressively achieving worthwhile goals in a lifetime of progress! A lifetime filled with success!

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