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Personal Philosophy of Education

I believe that every student: Is an embodied mind and soul equipped with a natural tendency to learn. Therefore, it must not only be the mind that has to be educated on him. His totality as a human being is not defined only by how his cognitive works but also with the interconnections of the many dimensions that constitutes his being him. He needs to grow and mature physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, morally and spiritually. Moreover, as a unique human being, it is innate for him to learn. He cannot dictate his own of what is just to be learned because in his every interaction to the environment, there can be learning. Physically, it is a innate for him to grow and develop. He can never tell his body to stop growing. Emotionally, it is innate for him to feel, to get happy or to get hurt. In whatever he do in wherever he is, emotion can always influence and affect him. For that, he is considered an emotional being. Socially, it is innate for him to be interacting with other people. That makes him to be called a social animal. Intellectually, it is innate for him to think. May he consciously or unconsciously notice it, his mind processes in every single moment of time. That makes him a rational animal. Morally, it is innate for him to consider the right directions. With only two options at hand, to do good or evil, it is a tendency for him to choose

the brighter side. Spiritually, it is innate for him to be connected to the Supreme Being. For the greater part, that makes him more human.

Is special. Every child has a unique skills, capabilities and dreams. Every child is different. Sooner or later, all of them learn. Each at his own pace. He has his own learning needs and interests, learning style and learning preferences that has to be properly considered and addressed. He has his own potential that is different from the other and a potential to bring something unique and special to the world.

I believe that my task as a teacher is to:

Transfer the responsibility of teaching from me as a teacher to my students. I have to teach them how to learn in a self directed and self regulated way. With respect to the students schooling, teaching them the know what, the know how and the know to be are the prime responsibility of a teacher. But with respect to the child as an individual human, teaching them how to learn by their own is necessarily a major duty that I as a teacher must do. I will instill a love of learning in my students, as I share my own passion

for learning with them. At first, I must help him know himself: his strengths and weaknesses, his needs and interest, his thinking and feelings, and the bunches of questions of what he can, want and ought to do. Acting as a facilitator of learning, I will give him opportunities to quench his thirst of knowledge by letting him discover and uncover it. For him to construct knowledge, he needs the proper and appropriate opportunity to discover for himself and to practice his skills in authentic situations where he can work with other learners of his level to promote his total personality development and not only focusing to the intellectual growth.

Help them develop their own sense of self worth in which self confidence, self reliance, self motivation and self efficacy are significantly correlated to it. As a teacher, I must see the potential for greatness a student has and then show him all the beauty that he possesses. I know that a child can achieve much more when he feels secured inside, when he is valued and loved. It is then my task as a teacher to assist a child joyfully builds up his confidence and hope and be better prepared and better equipped for all the challenges that will come his way in the future.

Based from this philosophy of education, I then lay out my mission statement as a future teacher:

As a Secondary School Teacher, I am:

To motivate a child so that he motivates himself in return. As such, his holistic growing up would never cease. To accept a child so that he accepts himself in return. As such, he would not be afraid to reveal his true piece. To teach a child to teach himself. As such, he would have a lifelong search for wisdom. To help a child to help himself. As such, he could think and live

independently, which later on will develop him into a fully functioning human.

To Motivate, To Accept, to Teach, To Help.

MATH is my mission as a Teacher.

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