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Customization of condition:
A. Maintain (create) condition table:
Menu path: spro->IMG->material management->purchasing->condition->define price determination process->maintain condition table.

Steps: 1.create condition table->press enter

Give table number ( copy from condition) press enter.

2. If you want long key word double click on it ->select generate ->press enter

3.Click local object->create request->save.

B. Define access sequence:

Menu path: spro->IMG->material management->purchasing->condition->define price determination process->define access sequence. (Chose default PB01) Steps: 1. Press enter in the cross client

2. Click new entries-> create new AS->description-> give double enter

2. Select the fields->enter->click accesses->new entries-> give number->give table number-> double enter-> select the fields.

3. Press enter->select fields->save.

C. Define condition type:

Menu path: spro->IMG->material management->purchasing->condition->define price determination process-> define condition type. Steps:

1. Select condition type-> select default condition table(PB00) ->click lens-> press F2(to select) and F6(to copy) -> give condition type-> give access sequence

2. Press enter ->save

Data copied.

D. Define calculating schema:

Menu path: spro-> IMG->material management->purchasing->condition->define price determination process->define calculating schema. Steps: 1. new entries-> procedure-> description->enter

2. Select the fields-> click control data-> new entries-> give necessary details-> press enter-> save.

E. Define schema group: 1. Schema group for vendor

Menu path: spro->IMG->material management->purchasing->condition->define price determination process->define schema group->schema group for vendor. Steps: 1. new entriesschema group vendordescriptionpress enter save.

2. Schema group for purchasing organization:

Menu path: spro->IMG->material management-> purchasing->condition->define price determination process-> define schema group ->schema group for purchasing organization. Steps: 1. Select schema group for purchasing organization->new entries

2. Give schema purchasing organization->description ->press enter->save.

3. Assignment of schema group to purchasing organization:

Menu path: spro->IMG->material management->purchasing->condition->define price determination process-> define schema group ->assignment of schema group to purchasing organization. Steps: 1. select assignment of schema group to purchasing organizationdetermination calculation schema for standard purchasing organization.

2. Give purchasing organization code(here ttpo)-> give schema purchasing organization

3. Press enter-> save

F. Define Schema Determination:

Menu path: spro->IMG->material management->purchasing->condition->define price determination process-> define schema determination.

Steps: Determine calculation schema for standard purchase orders new entries schema group purchase organizationschema group vendorpress enter save

It is the internal document of the company

Customization of Condition record With Purchase order:

Transaction Code Purchase Requisition: Create Purchase Requisition: ME52N Changes Purchase Requisition :ME52N Display Purchase Requisition:ME53N

Creating condition records:

Menu path: MEK1

1. Give the condition type code (here ac03).

2. Select key combination then press enter

3. Give info record then press enter.

4.Give amount and press enter then save it.

Change vendor:
Menu path: XK02 Steps: 1. Give vendor code, company code and purchasing organization code

2. Change schema record and press enter then save it save

Create purchase order:

Menu path: ME21N. Steps: 1 Give material code->PO quantity->plant-> necessary details

2. Select vendor

3. Give purchasing organization code, purchasing group and company code.

4. Press enter. Net amount of the material will generate. Press enter and save it.

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