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IEEE TENCON '93 / Bei&

Analysis of Synchronousand Asynchronous Traffic in an FDDI Network

Chug-Ju Chang, MEMBER,


w u

Department of Communication Engineerin and Center for TelecommunicationResearc% National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan 300 China Tel: 886-35-712 121 F a : 886-35-7101 16
Abstract: From earlier work on the analysis of FDDI protocol, we know that they separate1 analyzed either synchronous traffic or asynchronous trafic because of the analytical complexity. However, both sysnchronous and asynchronous traffic are actually correlated; the independent analysis of either one would lose some correctness. In this paper, we present an approach to analyze both traffic simultaneously. Within the approach, we still analyze both queues separately, but correlate them by a pseudo ring latency to reflect the dependencies between the two traffic. An iterative method is used to numerically obtain the state probabilities for both traffic. Also, by a pseudo conservation law, the mean waitin times of both traffic are obtained. The results show very goo8 agreement with simulation. I. INTRODUCTION As the demands for information service are increasing, the traditional local area networks, such as IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD, IEEE 802.4 Token Bus, IEEE 802.5 Token Ring, will face hard challenges of applications in the future. In order to satisfy various needs of applications, a new network architecture with high transmission rate, quaranteed response of time critical service, reliable configuration, fairness, and low cost, is needed. Based on these requirements, FDDI Fiber distributed data interface) was proposed. The roposed F DI is a timed token protocol developed by ANSI [lr, which provides for synchronous and asynchronous classes of service. It has been recognized that FDDI replace past local area networks and be developed into a main architecture of LAN or MAN in the future. The basic ideas of the timed token protocol on which the FDDI network is based were first proposed by Grow (21. He distinguished two types of traffic: synchronous and asynchronous traffic. The former, including voice and video transmission, is a type of traffic that has more stringent delivery time constrains than the latter. Grow [2] and Ulm 31 also intuitively proposed two important properties : The avera e cycle time is less than the target token rotation time (TTR%) and the maximum token cycle time is at most twice the TTRT. The two properties were not formally proved until Johnson [4], Sevcik and Johnson [5]. Also, Johnson [&7 performed various investigations on the robustness an reliability of the FDDI protocol, and Ross [8-91 provided a good overview of the concepts and characteristics of FDDI and FDDI-11. In additional to the above basic properties of FDDI protocol described and analyzed in the literature, advanced performance analysis and protocol simulation are also presented. A brief review of -which follows. Johnson [10-11] derived equations to tune ring parameters for synchronous traffic and validated them by using a simulation model. Sankar and Yang [12-131 described a simulation model to analyze the performance of the FDDI MAC protocol. The model was used to assess the influence of target token rotation time ( T opr) on the ring performance parameters. A procedure to estimate the throughput of each asynchronous traffic class was presented by Dykeman and Box [14-151, and an estimation of the cycle time and the throughput was derived by Pan and Tobagi [16], where they considered the deterministic befavior of the timed token protocol under heavy load. Karvelas and Leon-Garcia [17] provided a performance analysis of FDDI ring with voice as synchronous traffic; a delay time of asynchronous traffic was obtained by approximation. Recently Takagi [ 181 presented an exact analysis of the effects of the target token rotation time on the performance of a timed token protocol when single messa e station buffers and fixed length messages were used. In [19-2&, The authors derived an approximate analysis of the FDDI media access control protocol, and the analysis was extended to the case of FDDI-I1 in [21]. In fact, the FDDI timed token protocol can be viewed as a polling system and further modeled as an M/G/l vacation model [22] and has been analyzed in [23-261. Center and Vastola [25] developed an approximate delay analysis for synchronous traffic which was based on a server vacation model. In [26], the authors modeled the FDDI MAC protocol as a 2N independent polling system with eyhaustive service discipline, and then waiting time and mean queue length of synchronous and asynchronous traffic were obtained, respectively. In previous work, owing to the complexity of analysis, the all assumed that the correlations between both traffic t r a k c were independent and analyzed the synchronous or asynchronous traffic separately. Of course, such assumptions lose some correctness. In [ 2 6 , although authors modeled the FDDI MAC protocol as a 2 independent polling system and simultaneously considered both traffic, they still assumed the relations between both traffic are independent. Here, we consider the dependency in our analysis and incorporate it into a so called pseudo ring latency. The pseudo ring latency is defined to be the physical ring latency plus the service time of another queue when we analyze one given queue. Using the concept of pseudo ring latency, we analyze synchronous and asynchronous traffic separately, but couple them with the pseudo ring latency. Finally, an iterative method is used to obtain the solution.


1 . ANALYSIS 1 As shown in Fig. 1, we model the FDDI network as an Nstation system which separately provides two queues for synchronous and asynchronous traffic in each station. We assume that the arrival processes for synchronous and asynchronous traffic are Poisson with arrival rates As and A*, respectively. The service discipline for both traffic is modeled to


be gated-limited, but the m i m u m (limitation) value for synchronous traffic is constant, while that for asynchronous traffic is considered to be a random variable. This is because the maximum value of asynchronous traffic depends on the residual bandwidth of synchronous traffic in the FDDI network. Let. m, (ma) denote the maximum packet number allowable to be served for synchronous (asynchronous) traffic in a station per poll. If a token arrives at station "i" and finds that there are "n" waiting packets of synchronous traffic, then the residual bandwidth of synchronous traffic is (ms-n)+ and the maximum packet number allowable to be served for asynchronous traffic is ma+(ms-n)+. Observing from our simulation results shown in Figs. 2 and 3, and using the central limit theorem, we can assume that the number of served packets for both traffic in one cycle follows binomial distribution. And from previous studies, if the number of stations is large (e.g. N = 15, in our example), we can further assume that the relations among cycles are independent. Consider the synchronous traffic of a station first. Because our service discipline for sysnchronous traffk is gated-limited and if the packet number at the j-th token arriving instant is aj and there are aj packets arrival during the j t h cycle, then the number of packets at (j+l)st token arriving instant can be expressed as (1) As j approach infinite, the steady state is reached. Now, denote Prob(a=k)=qh, and Prob(a=k)={k. Since the arrival process is independent of the packet number in the system. Thus we can have the state transition equation at steady state given by

asynchronous traffic during the j-th cycle is bj, then the number of packets in the asynchronous queue at the (j+l)st token arriving instant can be expressed aa
' Pj+l= (fij+ma+(msaj)+))++bj (5) As j a proaches infinite, the stead state is reached and we use pfor and b for bj. Denote Prob&=k) = h and Prob(b=k) = {k. Since the arrival process is independent of the packet number in the station, after some manipulation, we can have the state transition equation at steady state given by




h =zms@(jFma$j<k+ma-j)+zmsdi(jFoj){k $'

m -1 s

= ( aj-m,)

+ + aj

#i+K(z)(Q(z).E tlj)+i!o 4i(mi+:$j)K(z) (7) where m = ma+ms and Klizo) is a moment generating function of { After some algebraic manipulation, we get the moment . generating function of Q(z) by Q(z) =




$k = Ck



di+ i:msh(k+ms-i;for kL 0.


Making a Z-transform for Equation (2), and performing simple algebraic manipulation, the generating function for system state can be obtained by

The above equation has ms unknowns k, &,...,and 4ms-1 in the moment Generating function +(z). Because the moment y t i n g function is analytic in Iz I <1 and the roots in the 1 enominator must exist in the numerator, we can obtain equations. Also, we observe that the denominator and the numerator of Mz)has a zero at z=1. Using the L'Hospital rule, we can get the m t h equation. Then we can solve for the m, unknowns. The other problem is how to express F(z), which is the moment generating function of the arrival process of s nchronous traffic during a cycle. The cycle time is the sum of t i e overall service time and the physical ring latency R Here, we define a pseudo ring latency & for synchronous traffic, denoted by Rs, to be the phys$al ring latency plus the service time of asynchronous traffk. Then the cycle time can be expressed as the service time of synchronous traffic plus the pseudo ring latency Rs. Because the maximum served packet number of synchronous traffic is m, for each station, the cycle time has (Nms+l) possible values, R,, &+c, Rs+2c, ..., Rs+ Nmsc, where c is the service time of a packet. According to the assumption that the distribution of served packet number in a c cle follows binomial distribution. It is similar to that we tirow N dices with the the maximum outcome ms for a die. F(z) can be obtained by

From Equation (S), we know that there are ms+ma unknowns of b, h, ..., &,,,,-, existed in Q(z). Because the system satisfies the stability condition, we can obtain m,+ma-l equations by Rouche theorem and Lagrange's theorem. Also, Q z) has a zero at z=O in both denominator and numerator of [8\; using the L'Hospital rule to Equation (8), we can et the ms+ma)-th equation. Therefore, "(2) is solved if f ( z ) is known. Because the packet number of asynchronous traffic served during a cycle follows a binomial distribution, similar to the derivation of F(z), K(z) can be obtained and expressed as K(z) =a=O*nz" = exp(AaRa(z-l))*{



exp(iAac(z-l)) N

(l-:::$i)exp(mXac(z-1))] (9) where, Ra is the pseudo ring latency of asynchronous traffic. Notice that m=ma+ms is the maximum allowable served packet number of asynchronous traffic. In contrast to Rsin F(z), we have Rain K(z). According to the definitions of & and Rg, Rs and Ra given, respectively, by

RS = ( iFoi$i+m&h)*C+R and


Ra = ( J0 i9i+mszm,4i)*c+R



Note that Rs is the parameter that correlat'es synchronous traffic with asynchronous traffic. For asynchronous traffic, if the packet number is cti for synchronous traffic and fl for asynchronous traffic at the token arriving instant ana if the number of packets arrivd?;!

The first part in Equation (10) is the mean service time for asynchronous traffic which can be obtained whenever # j is solved, and the first part in equation (11) is the mean service time for synchronous traffic which can be obtained whenever Qi is solved. So if we assume an initial value Rs by R, we can solve into for 4i from Equations 3 and (4),and then substitute With this value of Ra, we can solve (11) to o b t a n a value from Equations (8) and (9). The can result in a new value or R, from Equation (10) for the second iteration. We repeat

A A,


the above steps to get the solutions for di and $i. When the variations of Rs and Ra are less than a predefined criterion, the iterative procedures will be stopped and the final solutions for #i and $i are obtained. The convergence phenomena for & and Ra will be addressed in next section. Then, the mean cycle time T, and the mean queue len ths for synchronous and asynchrbnous traffic, denoted b y e , and La, respectively, are obtained by T = Ra+Rs-R (12) and Denote the total arrival rate for synchronous traffic and its offered load by us and ps, respectively. With an application of the pseudo conservation law 2 7 , we can obtain the mean waiting time for synchronous traf ic y


PSWS =bPs *

After some manipulation, the mean waiting time for synchronous traffic can be expressed as ms-1 usc2+Rs(l-ps)-f2(1-ps)c( idi+.! msdi) (16) W e 2 ( 1 - ~ s) ( l f n t i )


Also, let the total arrival rate of asynchronous traffic and its offered load by ua and pa, respectively. Similarly, we can also obtain the mean waiting time for asynchronous traffic by Wa= u ~ c 2 + R , ( 1 - ~ a ) + 2 ( 1 - ~ a )i$i~i!m ~ ~ ~ m $i) +(
1 1 CONCLUDING REMARKS 1. In this paper, a concept of pseudo rin latency is proposed to incorporate in the analysis for syncironous and asynchronous traffic in the FDDI network. Both moment generating functions for synchronous and asynchronous traffic are derived separately but correlated with each other via the pseudo ring latency. An iterative method is then applied to obtain the final solutions. Some numerical examples we conducted reveals that our approximate analysis is rather ood. Further work will concentrate on the study of the $DDI network with correlated arrival process for synchronous traffic such as an MMPP (Markov modulated Poisson process). This effort is tried to see the queuein behaviors of an FDDI network that is designed to provide reaf-time services (e.g., voice and video).


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