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Encrypted Communication Equipments for VTS STATION SYSTEM

I2e proposal
The proposed HFsVHF Transmission System is to be connected to the VTS system already installed (or in the process of installation). Description of the system : 1) Will allow encrypted transmission of data and/or voice, and most importantly NOBODY can enter to intercept the communication (voice or data). 2) The source code of encryption is property of the company i2e. The Keys or Entry Codes (18), are only known by the users and not by i2e to ensure total confidentiality. It is up to the users to establish the procedures to maintain the Entry Codes and passwords total secrecy. In addition the System operates with Dongles that are encrypted to allow an additional secrecy. Both Dongles and passwords will be needed to operate the system. Objective being the operation of the system with keys held by 2 different persons. 3) The material offered is based on : - VHF / UHF transceivers (standard) that will be ruggidized (strengthened) through heavy encasing (see picture) and various software application to interconnect all the system together. The unknown factor at this stage is the interconnection with the VTS systems (protocols, serial connection, etc.). These will be determined by on site inspectors after the installation of the VTS system by ELETTRONICA.

The main advantage over the proposed system in comparison with the proposed solution of ELETTRONICA lies in the unicity of the encryption protocol which is unique in the world. It will allow total confidentiality and is intrusion free from all possible intruders on the system whereas the project / offer of ELETTRONICA can be totally accessible by Anglo-American states that may be well unfriendly. There is no entity nor company in the world that can have access to this technology i2e proposes for Encryption based on ECC (Elliptical Compression Curve) see attached document and is utilised by the French Ministry of Defence. As an illustration, the National Security Agency (NSA) in the US has acquired 25 patents for 25 M USD on the ECC to a US company that has tried to develop similar Encryption processes. This US company has not yet sold any product. CTL product (see data sheet) produced and provided by i2e, is currently being used by NATO forces in Europe. Even if the NSA manages to have an encryption product, it will never be able to break into i2e system because each and every Elliptical curve of i2e system is unique. Furthermore, it is to be noted that THALES (France) holds 25 to 30% shared of ELETTRONICA and by no mean can obtain any French official stamp, because it cannot offer any guarantee. Finally i2e is the main contractor of the French Ministry of Defence in all matters related to Communication Interception (COMINT) and Electronical Interception (ELINT). Because i2e is the top expert in communication / interception matters, i2e is able to determine the weak points of any communication system to be able to overcome its existence. It is therefore strongly recommended by the French authorities to involve i2e in all matters related to transmissions and security in Libya. 5) In that respect, i2e can also provide highest recommended expertises in radar interception (see noted index). All this will be done with the objective of Libya being the first country to be protected and pioneer in the aforementioned technology.


TECHNICAL PRESENTATION In order to intercept a RADAR signal, a certain number of Radar Pulses of enemy radar are needed to obtain a significant signature (identification). This technique is used by all Interception Systems. A new technique based on analysis of a Single Pulse has been developed by i2e founded by the Ministry of Defence of France. It is absolutely unique in Europe and until today in the world. It is definitely the best system in interception because of its accuracy and speed of interception since only one pulse of one Pico second (1 / 1000 000 000 000) is sufficient to analyse the electronical system that generated the pulse and this allows immediate action in response. The scope of the multidirectional antenna can cover 40-50 miles radius. This scope can be further extended if the antenna is placed on a high point which could double the radius coverage. Therefore to cover the frontiers of a country, like Libya, 20 to 30 systems are needed to render extremely efficient and robust protection. The system identifies and undoubtedly all radar signals generated by any or all systems (whether friendly, civil, military and/or enemies coming from ground, air and sea locations). Of course the system will be subject will be subject to the approval of the French Ministry of Defence.

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