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BECAUSE You want a truly international perspective:

Follow the Euromed MBA on 2 dierent campuses (Marseille & Shanghai). Spend up to 5 weeks in 5 dierent regions of the world (USA, India, Brazil, Morocco, China).

BECAUSE You want a training format adapted to your personal situation:

Part-time 2-year MBA - Part-time intensive MBA - Part-time modular MBA.

BECAUSE You want a performance-oriented learning approach:

Action learning - Personal coaching - Corporate Projects

BECAUSE You'll join an international network of 15 500 executives and obtain a Diploma recognised worldwide:
Financial Times Global EMBA ranking 2011: #61 worldwide and #5 in France.

Euromed MBA, a programme of excellence

We train, educate and inspire responsible leaders & entrepreneurs
Michel GUTSATZ MBA Programme Director Euromed Management

International Seminars


Medium Age

7 37

Specialisation Tracks

Alumni Nationalities

in English

Alumni in Europe & Asia

A programme taught


5 reasons for choosing our Euromed MBA

1 Global

A 2-Continent Strategy You can follow the Euromed MBA on 2 different campuses: Marseille (La Joliette) & Shanghai, AND move from one location to the other to suit your professional evolution. International Seminars are organised in China India / USA / Brazil / Morocco. All 5 International Workshops are organised with major local Business Schools

2 Flexible

One Programme/Three Formats Our ambition is to offer each participant his/her personal path to the Euromed MBA. You can choose the training format best adapted to your personal situation: - Part-Time 2-year Path - Part-Time 1-year Path - Part-Time Modular Path (fully personalised over a period of 1 to 4 years) You can switch from one format to another if necessary.

USA Morocco Brazil

China India

Learn: Regional business and cultural issues Meet: Corporate executives, companies and local authorities 1

3 Performance-Oriented
Knowledge Acquisition Developing state-of-the-art management competencies Action Learning Building performance-oriented attitudes & behaviours

Fundamental & theoretical courses Case studies Group & individual work sessions English training (if necessary) Learn-by-doing practical application

Leadership Project Business Project Management Workshops Team Coaching Personal Coaching

5% 13% 19% 54%

Core Courses Specialisation Projects International Seminars Coaching


4 A worldwide network of senior-level managers

17% 10% 45%
Euromed MBA Alumni Management levels CEO / President / Managing Directors VP / Director Manager / Consultant Others


5 Internationally recognised
#61 Worldwide / #5 in France Financial Times Global EMBA ranking 2011

The Financial Times ranking of the top 100 Executive MBAs worldwide has vaulted Euromed MBA to 61st place, a jump of 23 places from the previous year. Euromed Management now offers the top Executive MBA programme in France outside of Paris (#5 in France).

In the Euromed MBA you will develop 3 key character facets

1- A person who knows him/herself; 2- A manager who masters techniques & behaviours to generate commitment and motivation; 3- A leader who pilots strategic changes.

5 pillars structure our performance-oriented learning approach

Objectives Lead oneself
Leadership style, feedback and coaching.

Developing Leadership
Lead others
Inspire, motivate and develop my team.

Lead strategy & change

Develop my vision, lead strategic change.

Action Learning 4 Fundamental Courses

The Leadership Project / Management Workshops Collective Coaching / Personal Coaching

Organisational Behaviour Leadership & Sustainable Development Change Management Negotiation


Managing Projects
Develop professional and/or personal projects Core MBA-length application of all management tools and techniques Transform ideas into solid & sustainable intra and entrepreneurship ventures

Action Learning 1 Fundamental Course

Leading a Corporate Project Project Workshops / Collective Coaching

Project Management


Developing a Global & Geostrategic Vision

Participants spend one full week in up to 5 different regions of the world, those where the 21st century is shaping: Morocco - India - USA - China - Brazil.

Seminars 1 Fundamental Course

Each seminar is organised with major, local Business Schools, structured by theme and includes courses, cross-cultural negotiation training, conferences & company visits.
Geopolitics & Geo-economics

Fundamentals of Business: 11 Core Courses

Reinforcing Management Knowledge

- Accounting for Decision Making - Multinational Finance - Economics for Decision Making - Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Market Research - Business Ethics & Social Responsibility - Marketing Management - Corporate Strategy - Information Systems Strategy - Operations & Supply Chain Management - Managing Complex Issues

Focusing on a Specialisation*
Marseille Tracks
Market Development Entrepeneurship & Sustainable Development Maritime Management

Each campus organises specific tracks: Shanghai Tracks

Global Management Talent Management Finance Brand & Innovation Management * Participants follow 1 track only.

Euromed MBA Specificities

Your Personal Learning Coach
Entering an MBA Programme is both an exciting and a disturbing experience: participants will go through a unique learning period that will bring major changes in their professional lives. Our responsibility is to coach participants so as to make sure this experience is thoroughly positive. The Euromed MBA's learning Coaches work with all participants via: One-to-one confidential meetings: Immediately after entering the programme participants identify their professional strengths & weaknesses, work on their personal marketing and choose the optimal track within the MBA. Collective workshops focused on "defining a Participant Professional Project": Define career objectives, Add value to existing competencies, Express motivation, both written & oral, Prepare & train for interviews of all kinds, Develop networking strategies: how to use, develop & maintain a network?

A strong focus on Responsibility

The 21st Century leader & entrepreneur leads business in a responsible manner: (s)he will have a strong sense of social & environmental responsibility & will be driven by business ethics. Our ambition is to train, educate & inspire them by embedding responsibility throughout our programme. Our MBA is characterised by highly individualised, learner-centered courses with integrated flexibility, richness and diversity, and a strong focus on responsibility & transversal learning opportunities.

A few Alumni testimonials

Taking over a Company: Bertrand Sibille
42 Years old French
Intake 2006

Promoting regional Unification Yuka Yoon

31 Years old - Japanese
Intake 2010

CFO & Associate Directorate at Versaplast

Hedge Fund Manager Singapore

After spending 15 years in the field of international business development in industry, I wanted to give renewed strength and depth to my competencies in finance and management to boost my career, so I applied for the Euromed MBA. This generalist programme, which I found very comprehensive, enabled me to work on a project I have had for some time; to take over a company. The programme provided me with a tool box to conduct my project. It also enabled me to think more methodically, with more rigor and to be more creative. As a result, I understand myself better and I have been able to build on my ambitions to contribute to the creation of an innovative activity in the field of sustainable development. I have acquired the capacity to think strategically with a more mature and more global view of the company. But above all, it has enabled me to set out on a new professional career, which suits me much better.

MuseArts Asia is a non-profit organization located in Tokyo and South Korea that promotes regional integration and diversity by solving social issues that many children in Asia Pacific face. The organisation not only helps children to develop their sense of self-identity and achieve their dreams, but also creates social value for the region, as every $1 invested creates $10 for the society. I have always aspired to work for organisations that promote regional unification within Asia Pacific. I joined Euromed Management with a hope to reach this goal. During my academic year, I not only acquired broad business acumen, but the professors, coaches and the management team provided me with decisive directions based on their academic expertise as well as my professional experience and personal constraints. Genuine yet challenging supports I received throughout my year in the MBA programme helped me to transform my lifetime ambition into a real and feasible project.

Euromed MBA Organisation & Calendar (Marseille)

Your programme will be composed of 480 hours of courses and 270 hours of workshops, seminars and coaching.
A 2-year Path Example (Track Entrepreneurship):
OCT OCT NOV Integration Seminar (1week) Project Management Negotiation Management Workshop 1 DEC JAN Economics for Decision Making Accounting for Decision Making Business Simulation 1 FEB Organisational Behaviour Management Workshop 2 MAR Marketing Management International Seminar in USA APR Market Research Entrepreneurship MAY Innovation & Entrepreneurship Business Model Innovation JUN Information System Strategy International Seminar in Brazil SEP Change Management Management Workshop 3 OCT NOV Leadership & Sustainable Development Geostrategy & Geoeconomics International Seminar in Morroco DEC JAN Corporate Strategy Operations & Supply Chain Management International Seminar in India FEB Multinational Finance Business & Sustainable Development MAR APR Business Ethics & Social Responsibility Managing Complex Issues International Seminar in China MAY Business Simulation 2
Core courses organised once a month: Thursday / Friday / Saturday

Entry: October or January

2-year Path

Intensive 1-year Path
Core courses organised twice a month: Thursday / Friday / Saturday

Personal Developement & Coaching

17 Fundamental Courses (3 days each)

Specialisation Track (3 courses / 3 days each) Management Workshops (2 days each), 2 business simulations, collective coaching, personal coaching

1 3

2 International Seminars (5 days each)



Get ready to love your future Get ready to love your future
Contact LE PARCOURS Pro Act EST LE DISPOSITIF DE DVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL ET PROFESSIONNEL Marseille: (French candidates) DEUROMED MANAGEMENT Marseille (Foreign candidates) Shanghai:

Nathalie Clair Une dmarche lexemplarit reconnue, pour permettre chaque tudiant Damien Costello Peihua Li Tel: +86 21 5230 Tel:de trouver827carrire qui lui correspond 491 827 316 les moyens dy russir. 1172 +33 (0) 491 la 874 Tel: +33 (0) et se donner E-mail: E-mail: Le E-mail: scolaire est totalement personnalis, pour que chacun construise parcours et professionnel. son cursus au fur mesure quil labore son projet

A Euromed Management, nous Admissionque le comportement est ce qui distingue pensons requirements A first alors (or equivalent competencies) les bons des mauvais managers,degree nous slectionnons nos candidats sur 4 critres SAVOIR, SAVOIR-FAIRE, GMAT or TAGE MAGE ET SAVOIR-DEVENIR SAVOIR-TRE A
A TOIEC, TOEFL or IELTS and a minimum of 5 years work experience


Le Pro Act Programme structure la scolarit et repose sur 3 dimensions complmentaires

1 2 3

F O N DAT I O N S / Japprends me connatre Online application form available at: Jidentie ma personnalit, mes valeurs, mes motivations et mes moteurs ; je me positionne sur les mtiers qui mintressent et la grille de comptences associes. F O N DAT I O N S / Japprends me connatre

How to apply

Cost Jidentie ma personnalit, mes valeurs, mes motivations et mes moteurs ; 28,000 (all formats) et la grille de comptences associes. je me positionne sur les mtiers qui mintressent
P E R S P E C T I V E S / Je construis mon projet professionnel
Accompagn par des coachs professionnels et le service Trajectoire, je dveloppe mon employabilit et mon potentiel dpanouissement dans le travail: jidentie le secteur et le cadre dans lequel je veux travailler, puis je teste mes ides travers mes stages, voire lapprentissage.
This price includes all tuition fees, books and training material, housing for one International Seminar and English training (if necessary).

g r a n www.eurome n t . c o m de-ecole.euromed-manageme

Euromed Management BP 921 13288 Marseille Cedex 09 Contact : Charlotte Fradet Tl : +33 (0) 6 491 827 800 Fax : +33 (0) 491 827 801

Euromed Management BP 921 13288 Marseille Cedex 09 Tel : +33 (0) 491 827 800

Kara Rosenberg, Management Consultant at Sia Conseil, Intake 2010

Why choose the Euromed MBA above others ?

www.euromedmb a . c o m

Get ready to love your future*

Agency: Cognito. Printed by SIRIS, ImprimVert certified. This is a non-contractual document and subject to change. * World Med MBA became Euromed MBA in 2012

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