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Kirk Cameron is right and GLAAD is wrong, especially when it comes to character. Homosexuality does in fact destroy the traditional family. It is because of homosexuality that my family was destroyed. Unlike the outrage GLAAD expressed with Tracy Morgan. The Homosexual Organization doesnt hold the homosexual to the same standard. Since 1995 in Connecticut the Homosexuals have destroyed many families, mine is only one. No, they dont even have the character or integrity nor moral fortitude to apologize or make amends of their corrupt deeds My family was destroyed by THIS homosexual agendaNo GLAAD and No American Civil Liberties Union. IN fact those organizations supported the destruction caused by those homosexual politicians and bureaucrats. As a father, I should be able to raise my children and impart my values upon my children without the interference of any person, even the homosexual community. Heterosexuality should not be compromised because of homosexuality. In my absence from my children because of the homosexual agenda in Connecticut my values as a person and father are discounted because of the actions of this agenda. I do not think that homosexuals should gang up with those that believe themselves to be Jews and their trained House Negro and suspend my civil rights. They did it, I proved it, and now they use my research to attempt at correcting their errors, as if they did so willingly Where is the character and integrity in that? Oh, morals..I couldnt find any only a voice shouting: I got your back. In other words the homosexual partner person supports the destruction of my family as well. I didnt hear anything of Justice. Nor did the homosexual voice shout out what about Mr. McKnight, you should fix that. I am not one to take my partner lightly, and I dont want a partner to not help me correct the errors of my way. That goes for me as a heterosexual or for any homosexual. If your partner is doing wrong and you go along with that it doesnt make the them right, and if you add more homosexuals to support your wrong doings, it still doesnt make it right, and if a heterosexual and Negroes agree with that wrong doer, it only makes more of you destructively wrong. I have friends in Philadelphia that are homosexuals, but they aint no punks. They respect my person and I respect them. Love them til death. HOMOPHOBIA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Hes Homophobic is not a cure all, especially when the homosexual is wrong. Let me be clear, I dont have issue with any man or woman, but I do have issue with the homosexuals in Hartford that caused the destruction in my life. Their partners, parents, family, friends, and whomever thinks that my rights are less than theirs.

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