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Facebook Updates from FMC 2012

March 2, 2012

Implications for the Pharma Industry

Contributors: Sarah Larcker, Dir | Account Planning Christopher Andrew, SVP | Media

Executive Summary
On February 29, 2012, Facebook held FMC, the first-ever Facebook Marketing Conference in New York City. Unlike previous developers conferences that focused on the bells and whistles of the platform itself, for the first time, the focus was on advertisers actively using the platform. Some of the developments announced will have significant impact on the way pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies view Facebook, especially the imminent rollout of Timeline for brand pages, the introduction of private messaging, the creation of Reach Generator, and new ad platforms options that help improve storytelling opportunities and enhance social context for paid placements. In light of these new developments, Digitas Health recommends that companies: 1. Immediately develop a version of Facebook pages for the timeline feature, which must be implemented by March 30, 2012. 2. Take advantage of the private messaging feature to both enhance customer service and to remain compliant with FDA guidance on keeping certain communications private. 3. Consider participation in the Reach Generator to expand the impact of Facebook participation. 4. Incorporate new ad units into upcoming media planning. 5. Ask agency partners to begin reporting via the Insights feature on Facebook page performance.

Six Key Announcements

1. Timeline for Pages Description: While many individuals have been using personal Timelines since F8 (Facebooks 2011 developer conference), brand pages have remained in the traditional format. Beginning March 1, brands will be empowered to transition their pages over to the Timeline format. Brands will have 30 days to complete the transition, and will be forcibly moved onto the Timeline platform on March 30, 2012. Implications: Many marketers have viewed Timeline on brand pages as sub-optimal because brands change over time and may not want to feature older content, brand positioning, or claims. However, this feature will be mandatory on all brand pages as of March 30, 2012. Pages for FDA-regulated companies and their products will need to be redesigned. It will no longer be possible to designate a landing page on Facebook, as all visitors will be automatically directed to the brands Timeline.

2012 Digitas Health

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Brand teams should take advantage of this ability and use preview as a staging environment. Screen shots of this new design should be reviewed and approved by the medical, legal, regulatory committees as soon as possible so it is implemented on time. Pages promoting products will, of course need to be submitted to OPDP (or APLB) prior to implementation. Given the tight timeline, it is recommended that brand teams use existing approved assets to ease the approval process. Additional Details: Tabs: Existing tabs on brand pages will not be eliminated. Instead, brands will be forced to prioritize which tabs will be prominently displayed in one of the four available spots on the Timeline homepage. Deprioritized tabs will still be accessible, but visitors will have to click a drop-down menu to display them. Tabs will also now be 810px wide. Mobile: At this time, Timeline is not yet available for brand pages on mobile devices. No dates were given for mobile implementation, but future implementation is reportedly in the works. Current mobile implementations will continue unchanged for the time being, so companies do not need to immediately make changes. Backdating: Brands can backdate all aspects of their Timeline at any time, but cannot date forward (e.g. the Timeline can reflect when the company was founded or important research milestones, but not talk about anticipated future events). When updating the page with the backdate feature, it is possible to disable the feature that updates our fans on these changes to avoid spamming them; in this case, updates will only show up on the brand page itself. Pinned Page Post: Pinning allows brands to highlight important posts on their wall for up to a week. For example, if a brand posts daily but wants an important post to stay at the top of the list, Page Posts allows prioritization such that and the designated post would always bubble up to the top. This feature could be used to highlight Offers the brand wishes to remain top-of-mind. This post could also potentially contain risk information in the form of Important Safety Information, community guidelines, or any other information that is deemed essential (e.g. link to the PI, PPI, Med Guide). Controls: New controls will be put in place to allow the administrator to determine if a post will show up on the page wall. Additional details about these features are forthcoming. Layout: With the addition of Timeline, there are a number of additional layout changes that should be considered: o The logo will be front and center, to the exclusion of dates, promotions, calls to action, offers, and calls to Like a page Pages will need to develop copy to reflect what the page is about, as this information will be highlighted on the page Pages will need to design/choose a large cover photo. This photo can change frequently and will set the tone for the brand and the page. The image is designed to be 851 x 315 pixels

March 2, 2012

Digitas Health FMC POV

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2. Private Messaging Description: With the rollout of Timeline at the end of March 2012, pages will also have the ability to private message a user who posts on the wall. Implications: Private messaging removes a core hurdle for products that have been participating on Facebook. This update allows pages to satisfy FDA guidelines (especially those recently announced in the guidance about responding to unsolicited requests for offlabel information) and baseline visitor expectations for customer service (e.g., informing a user why a comment could not be posted due to violating terms & conditions). As a result, private messaging should be built into existing response schematics and plans. 3. Reach Generator Description: While Facebook algorithms have traditionally throttled newsfeed exposure so that only 16% of fans see posts on a weekly basis, this new subscription product will allow broader message penetration across the fan base, perhaps as high as 75%. Implications: Companies should strongly consider subscribing to Reach Generator as a paid media buy to ensure page fans will actually be exposed to page content via newsfeeds, which is the primary means by which fans consume information. 4. Newly Upgraded Premium Ad Units Description: There will be six newly upgraded premium ad options: Photos, Videos, Questions, Status, Events and Links. The basic premise of these units is that page posts (the six types mentioned above) seamlessly become content for premium ads. Premium ads will be delivered through the right rail, within desktop newsfeeds and mobile newsfeeds. In addition, there will be an optional 4th placement, the logout experience, which is an ad placed on the page after users logout of Facebook, instead of redirecting to the homepage. While Facebook has replaced its former advertising model with these new ad units, two former ad options will remain. Sponsored stories (paid advertising that amplifies the visibility of earned actions by page fans) and marketplace ads (text/banner ads in the right rail, with the option to drive off-site) will continue to exist in addition to the new ad options. Implications: Companies with pages have more options than ever to attract visitors and fans to their pages with new premium ad units. However, it is now more critical than ever that content is valuable, relevant, and timely, since all premium ads will be based on elevating this existing content. Paid/owned/earned components must work in concert and be carefully orchestrated in order to perform effectively. This will be amplified now more than ever. Premium ad content (paid) will now be re-purposed page content (owned) and the quality of that content will determine shares, likes and engagement (earned) both on the posts and the ads themselves. Content calendars should take these new premium ad options into consideration.

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5. Facebook Offers Description: The social graph and network connections naturally enable social sharing of coupons and offers. Early beta tests of Offers have resulted in positive ROI for marketers and add value and utility to both marketers and consumers. Implications: Offers seems to raise concerns about whether a company wants fans of its brand pages to share coupons with other people who are not themselves fans. If companies are already enabling features such as Email this page on their brand websites that allow site visitors to share a co-pay offer, then the same principles would carry over to the Facebook experience. This feature could have greater impact for over the counter products within the broader health category.

6. Insights Description: Facebook has upgraded metrics brands can obtain from Insights. A new metric called "People Talking About This" is more representative of brand engagement as it includes interactions from across the social graph, not just "Likes. Insights are also now available in real-time. Implications: Companies should update their measurement plans to include the new insights metrics available on Facebook to better reflect brand value.

Brands as People

From Carolyn Everson, Facebook VP of Global Marketing Solutions: "Our main objective is to make sure that over time, the advertising is as good as the content you would receive from your friends or family. Its very similar to your own Facebook experience. There are certain friends that you probably love getting updates from--they are witty and interesting--and thats really what were trying to do with brands: Stop thinking about brands over here and people over here, but actually [think of] brands as people."

Official Resources

Visit to find the following: Guides to the new products Best practices for organizational design and page publishing An overview of measurement offerings and Facebook Insights Videos of the fMC keynote & breakout sessions Videos of client success stories and new products Visit to get inspired by some of the most successful campaigns. Fast Company: Brands are People article

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