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1. What is project? 2. What is feasibility study? 3. What are the objectives of activity planning?
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Comment on A Network may not contain dangles. Draw product breakdown structure. What are activities of project management? How is software projects categorized? What are the benefits obtained when installing a new system? What is payback period? What is its significance? What is critical path and how does this affect project schedule? List the various stages of project schedule. Distinguish between fixed price contract and time and material contract. Assume that you are in charge of a project that is behind schedule. Suggest any 2 methods that you would consider to put the project back on track. List the five stages of team formation model. List any three mental obstacles to good decision making. What is hybrid approach? What is critical path? How to shorten the critical path? .Draw the project reporting structure. What is the role of a Configuration Librarian? Define Team heedfulness.

17. 18.
19. 20.

PART B 1.Enumerate and briefly explain the stepwise project planning as applicable to a software project. 2.Explain cost benefit analysis and cash flow forecasting in detail. 3.Explain risk evaluation. 4.Discuss the various ways of identifying the risks. How to perform the risk assessment? 5.It might cost Rs.200,000 to replace a hardware configuration used to develop a software application. There is a 1% chance of a fire(because of the particular location of the installation, say).The risk exposure would be 1% of Rs.200,000.Installing fire alarms at a cost of Rs.500 would reduce the chance of fire to 0.5%.calculate the new Risk exposure and RRL value? 6. Illustrate sequencing and scheduling activities with suitable examples. 7. Consider building a house as a project to be executed. Draw an activity network using activity on-node convention. 8. Compare the Gantt chart and earned value approaches to project monitoring. Discuss about their suitability in project status reporting. 9.Explain different types and stages in Contract management. 10. Explain decision making 11. Comment on selecting the right person for the job. 12. Write short notes on the following:

i) Leadership qualities required for a software project manager. ii) Stress, Health and Safety issues of a person working in a software team.

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