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IST150-201201-NMW: IST150 Virtual Machine Setup instructions

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Moodle Virginia Beach IST150-201201-NMW Resources IST150 Virtual Machine Setup instructions

IST150 Virtual Machine Setup Lab Requirements: 1. Windows 07 Professional DVD or ISO/Windows XP Professional DVD or ISO (Your Instructor will tell you which OS to use) 2. Access to the VMware Workstation Console 3. 1G of Available Ram 4. 40 Gigabytes of Free Hard Drive Space 5. Lots of Patience! Learning Objectives: 1. Students will learn how to configure a Virtual machine to support networking services in a Windows Server/Client environment. 2. Students will configure a Windows 2008 Server and a Windows 07 Client Computer. TASKS:

Verify Free Space on Drive:

1. Logon to your Computer. Go to My Computer, right-click the C: drive, Select Properties, write down the amount of free space _________GB

Verify RAM 1. Right Click My Computer, Select properties, write down the amount of RAM ___________ GB Preparing the Virtual Machine Server Console: 1. Double Click the VMware Workstation icon on your desktop. 2. Select new virtual machine (or CTRL + N). Click next 3. Select Custom. Click next

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IST150-201201-NMW: IST150 Virtual Machine Setup instructions

4. Virtual Machine Hardware Compatibility. Accept defaults; click Next 5. Guess operating system Installation. Select installer disc image file (iso). 6. Select Browse, Select drop down arrow across from Look in tab, Select the D drive, Select ISOs folder, Select the Windows XP Professional or Windows 7 folder, double click the XP Professional ISO or the Windows 7 DVD ISO. Click next 7. Select Guest Operating System. Use the Drop down box select Windows Vista/Windows XP Professional (Some courses may use Windows 7). Click next 8. Easy install information (you can skip this screen or enter required info now). Use your ECPI username and password 9. Name the Virtual Machine: Virtual machine name: IST150_Windows 7_your first initial + last name_Term#_Day/Night ex.: IST150_Windows 7_jblow_term1_day ex: ex.: IST150_XP Professional_jblow_term1_day 10. Highlight the new virtual machine name, press and hold the CTRL Key, press the c key (copies the new name to clipboard) 11. Click the Browse button under the location heading. Double click My computer Icon. Double click the C: drive Icon; double click the Users folder (Vista/Windows 7) or Documents and Settings folder (Windows XP); double click the folder with your ECPI username. 12. On the bottom left hand side of the window select make new folder. Press and hold the CTRL key, press the v (paste the information from the clipboard). The name should be the same name as your virtual machine (see step 7). Select OK. Click next 13. Processor Configuration. Accept defaults click Next 14. Memory for the Virtual Machine. Select 512 Memory; click Next 15. Network type; Use bridged Networking. click Next 16. Select I/O adapter types. Accept defaults. Click Next 17. Select a Disk. Accept the defaults (create a new virtual disk). Click Next 18. Select a disk type. Virtual disk type SCSI (accept the default). Click Next 19. Specify disk capacity; allocate 15 GB for your virtual hard drive. Click next 20. Specify disk file, Click the Browse button. Double click My computer Icon. Double click the C: drive Icon; double click the Users folder (Vista/Windows 7) or Documents and Settings folder (Windows XP); double click the folder with your ECPI username. Double click the folder with your virtual machine name. 21. Press and hold the CTRL key, press the v (paste the information from the clipboard). The name should be the same name as your virtual machine (see step 7). click next 22. Ready to Create Virtual Machine. If there is a check in the Power on this Virtual machine after

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IST150-201201-NMW: IST150 Virtual Machine Setup instructions

creation (please remove check). Select Finish Adding devices to your Virtual Machine: 2nd hard drive, 2nd and 3rd Ethernet adapters 1. Select edit virtual machine settings, located under the command tab on your virtual machine. 2. Click Add. Select next 3. Select Ethernet Adapter, select next 4. Network type, select Custom: Specific Virtual network. Use the dropdown box and select Vmnet2, select Finish 5. Use the add button to install 3rd Ethernet Adapter, select Host only 6. Use the add button to install a Hard Disk, size = 10 GB, remove check from allocate all disk space now 7. Specify disk file, Press and hold the CTRL key, press the v (paste the information from the clipboard). The name should be the same name as your virtual machine (see step 7preparing the virtual server) please add a 2 at the end of the name. Select OK Selecting the ISO image: (If you have already assigned the ISO above you can skip this step) 1. Select edit virtual machine settings, located under the command tab on your virtual machine. a. Select the CD-Rom, Select use ISO image:, Select Browse, Select drop down arrow across from Look in tab, Select the D drive, Select ISOs folder, Select the Windows XP Professional or Windows 7 folder, double click the XP Professional ISO or the Windows 7 DVD ISO, Select OK Start the Virtual Machine: 1. Select start this virtual machine.

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IST150-201201-NMW: IST150 Virtual Machine Setup instructions

Virtual Machine Tips and Tricks:

How to get a full Screen

Press Ctrl + Alt + Enter Key

How to login to Virtual Machine

Press Ctrl +Alt + Insert Key Username = Administrator Password = password

How to logoff off original WINDOWS 7 or XP machine

Press Ctrl + Alt + Del

Suspend, Stop, Restart Virtual Machine

Suspend - is similar to hibernate mode. This mode places suspends all activity on your virtual machine and loads current settings into memory. When you restart the virtual machine it goes back to the last state that you were in prior to suspension. This step eliminates the need to logon, reboot, or start installations from beginning.

Stop turns off your Virtual machine as if you pressed the shutdown button on your PC

Restart stops then restarts your virtual machine and returns it to the logon screen. Remember virtual machine requires CTR +ALT + INSERT key to logon.

Last modified: Monday, 19 December 2011, 04:03 PM

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