Title: Project/Grant Balance SQR Modification: Wake Forest University School of Medicine Issues For Business Requirements

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Wake Forest University School of Medicine Issues for Business Requirements


Project/Grant Balance SQR Modification





Tim Ryan, PSC


As a result of Project-Grant discrepancies with the Actuals Ledger, and in order insure that Project-Grant data accurately converts to v7.5 during the upgrade, the University would like to use a modified version the BALBUD SQR to update the PS_PROJECT_HEADER table from the ACTUALS ledger. Unfortunately, the SQR originally developed by the university (B_GLR003.sqr) to fulfill this requirement fell short on its intention.


This document highlights the technical and functional requirement to resolve the above issue.

SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS TO DOCUMENT: Date 11/06/2000 Version Description 1.0 Author/s Tim Ryan


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Wake Forest University School of Medicine Issues for Business Requirements

To avoid confusion, reduce operator error, and provide another level of operator security, it was decided that the completely redesigned SQR (B_GLR003.sqr) should have its own run control panel. 1. In order to accomplish this, the B_RUN_B_GLR002 run control panel was saved as B_RUN_B_GLR003, then modified to insure that the Budget Translation Type field was defaulted to gray. This eliminated option changes by the operator for this field.

2. The following peoplecode was then added to automatically default the PR Budget Translation Type into the panel field. B_BALBUD_WRK.BUDGET_TRANS_TYPE
If %PanelGroup = "B_RUN_B_GLR003" Then BUDGET_TRANS_TYPE = "PR"; End-If;



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Wake Forest University School of Medicine Issues for Business Requirements

3. The Following peoplecode was updated to work with both panel groups associated with this run control table. B_BALBUD_WRK.B_UPDATE_FLAG SaveEdit

If B_UPDATE_FLAG = "Y" Then If %PanelGroup = "B_RUN_B_GLR003" Then Warning ("Are you ABSOLUTELY sure you want to update the PS_PROJECT_HEADER table?"); Else Warning ("Are you ABSOLUTELY sure you want to update the PS_LEDGER_BUDG and PS_BCM_LOG_GL tables?"); End-If; End-If;


Next, the previously created panel was added to a new panelgroup, B_RUN_B_GLR003.


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Wake Forest University School of Medicine Issues for Business Requirements

5. The MAINTAIN_LEDGERS menu was then modified to use the new panel/panelgroup. Thus, the Project/Grant Balance Report menu selection was created.


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Wake Forest University School of Medicine Issues for Business Requirements

6. Once the menu modifications were finished, the original process definition was changed to reflect access by the new panelgroup.

7. Prior to establishing access by the WFALL security class, all of the modified objects were built and stored in the project, TR001025, to promote their migration to other environments.


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Wake Forest University School of Medicine Issues for Business Requirements

The following attachment is the Universitys version of the SQR that has been redesigned to fulfill the aforementioned requirements.


Final testing was successfully performed on the FPTST database which had been recently copied from the Universitys production database. The process was tested for several PROJECT IDs to limit the pool of data, and the time required for processing. It should be understood that using this SQR to bring the PROJECT_HEADER table in sync with the ACTUALS ledger should only be done as a last resort. Every effort should be attempted to reconcile discrepancies via the delivered system prior to executing this program in update mode. That being said, it is important to note that all requisitions, purchase orders, vouchers, and journal entries that have been budget-checked must be posted, and journal generated prior to running this program.

Once this is accomplished, the program should first be executed in non-update mode in order to obtain a printed list of the records that are about to be affected, and to verify if any problems exist. If there are none, the program should be run again for the same criteria in update mode.

The following Panel Navigation provides the path for access the SQR: <Go> <Process Financial Information> <Maintain Ledgers> <Report> <Balanced Budget Report> <Update Display/Add>, and the associated run control panel.


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Wake Forest University School of Medicine Issues for Business Requirements

It is important to note that checking the Update Project flag prior to executing the report will enable the SQR to update the PS_PROJECT_HEADER table. Therefore, selecting this option should be undertaken with extreme caution.


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