NewsletterMarch 2012

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Little Valley United Methodist Church 109 Court Street, PO Box 221 Little Valley, NY 14755 (716) 938-6150 Joseph Pascoe, Pastor Office Hours: Monday Friday 9:00-12:00 Monthly Newsletter March 2012
Greetings in Jesus name, Over the last weekend I had the privilege to witness first hand, the hand of God fall down on 70 youth at a Call of Duty conference. The word of God was boldly proclaimed and life applications were given to these young people. At the conclusion of this event the Spirit of the most high God came down and rocked these young peoples lives forever. God called them out of there comfort zone and to a place of reconciliation and forgiveness. The altar was littered with debris from their past and the Spirit of God came and washed it clean. They were confessing their sins before God and to man, if need be, so that He could use them to be a light burning bright in a dark world at times. These teenagers are charged up and ready to serve Jesus Christ with reckless abandonment. They are ready to take a stand for the gospel no matter what the cost. They have been given their personal "Call of Duty" and each and every one of them was willing to take their assignment to the schools, the locker rooms, and for some their homes. I don't want to believe it, but unfortunately I know the sad reality that some of them are going to be the light of Christ in their home front. After last weekend they are going to be the ones who shine a light for all the world to see, but mostly it will be their parents. Paul says in Ephesians 2:10 "For we are Gods handiwork, prepared by Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared for us in advance." So in other words we are all created by God to do God's good works, and to serve Him in a place that He already has set for us. Some of the greatest Christian's I know are always seeking this perfect place where God is calling them to, and in the mean time we spend a lot of time searching for the mission field, when in reality we leave the first mission field every morning when we lace up our bootstraps. Paul heard the voice of God in Acts 15 and immediately went to work the following morning. The Lord blessed him for his obedience and his reckless abandonment for the gospel. My prayer for each and every one of you whose eyes hit this paper is that you would receive the grace of Jesus Christ for yourself so that when you see your mission field that God has called and prepared for you, you might be able to share that grace with them. I pray that you will take up your call of duty and wherever you are be a disciple of Jesus Christ and a light in your homes and then the world. We are going to take back a community and a nation one home at a time. May God prepare the workers because the harvest is plentiful! IHG, Pastor Joe I am always open to dialogue about anything that might touch your email is

Transforming Lives By Knowing Christ And Making Christ Known

Worship and Celebration Ministry Team News

Worship! We look forward to coming together before God and hearing His word. We encourage you to get involved in worshipbe an assisting minister or greeterlead a Childrens Momentvolunteer to share your gift of music or greeting others as they enter worship. Call any of the team members below to find out how you can serve. If anyone has any feedback or comments regarding worship, please contact anyone on the Worship and Celebration Ministry Team (Annette Andrew, Al Ormond, Glenda Campbell, Laurie Peters and Pastor Joe). See you in worship

SundayAn intimate time of prayer and fellowship. Time and place varies each week. See Annette Andrew for details. Two Prayer Times for Wednesday evenings: 6:30-7:30pm New prayer time: We meet in the conference room for a time of structured and focused prayer, coming together as the body of Christ for corporate prayer. All are welcome. See Evonne Phillips or Laurie Peters for details. 7:30-10:00pm Worship and Praise time: We meet in the sanctuary following worship band rehearsal. We worship with the I Worship DVDs or other music for a personal time with the Lord. Afterwards we come together for prayer as the Spirit leads with prayers for the church, pastor and concerns of the congregation. All are welcome. See Bonnie Hurley for details. Outside we have a mailbox for prayers if you forget on Sunday or if the church isnt open. Anyone in the community is welcome to use it so please tell others about it. God tells us where two or more are gathered in His nameThere is also a prayer box in the back of the sanctuary for your convenience. We meet in the sanctuary before the service on Sunday mornings and everyone is welcome to join us. We pray for Pastor Joe and the worship service.

Something new from the Altar Guild Staff

We are going to offer a new way to have flowers on the Altar at least once a month, possibly more. As it's been for years the ladies who are on the Altar Guild offer to be responsible for one month out of the year. They change the paraments and have something special on the Altar. We would like to allow others to sign up & order flowers or a plant, to either honor someone or as a memorial. We have recently been in touch with DiVine Occasions and the girls there will make available for $20.00, a bouquet in memory of someone or in honor of your loved one. It can be for a birthday, anniversary, or any occasion you wish. The flowers might even last two Sundays & if you wish to you could leave them. If not they could be taken home to enjoy. We will have a sign up sheet with the dates of each Sunday for the rest of the year starting the first Sunday after Easter. We will set up a flower fund and the money must accompany the order. If there are no flowers ordered for any given Sunday then the person on the altar guild for that Sunday will continue as usual to put something on it. When flowers are ordered it will be in the bulletin as to who is being honored or who is being remembered. And if it is to be anonymous we'll respect that too. I'd appreciate any feedback ASAP. Harriet Schauman-Altar Guild Chair

You have heard that it was said Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you; Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and send rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:43-48 NIV

Trinity House Healing Ministry

Trinity House will be open for prayer the first Thursday of each month. The prayer team will meet at 6:00 p.m. for prayer/worship/training. Those seeking healing will be ministered to from 7-9 p.m. Appointments are not necessary. If prayer requests are received between times of operation, appointments will be made accordingly. We are also available to pray following Sunday worship services. If you have a heart for intercessory prayer, a desire to see the sick receive healing or are just plain curious about healing, please talk with me. In Christ, Becky Cable 543-5050


Office hours will be 9-12 Mon-Thurs. unless conflicting appointments, Fri.-day off, Saturday-Sabbath Tuesday Mens Breakfast at the VFW 8am, Wednesday evenings Community Youth 6:30 8:00 & 8-? Prayer, Sunday evenings Youth 6:30-8pm 3/1 - Class in Jamestown 10am 3/4 - Community Youth 6pm 3/5 - In office meeting 10am 3/7 - Class in Jamestown 10am 3/8 - Premarital counseling 3:30 pm 3/9 - Parker rehearsal 6pm 3/10 - Parker wedding 11:30am 3/15 - Ad council 7pm 3/17 - Men's day out/Pre-conference briefing 3/20 - Phone meeting 10am 3/20 - Sr. Luncheon 3/22-3/24 Men's walk to Emmaus 3/24 - DCYM youth event in Frewsburg 6-8pm 3/26 - Recital at Houghton 6pm 3/28 - Class in Jamestown 11 am 3/29-3/31 VACATION

Mens Day Out

Imagine a world filled with Lard, Meat, Pancakes, Coffee, Knives and Fire makers! Oh Yeah and the WORD of GOD! LVUMC is having a men's morning out on March 17, 2012. All men are eligible, so dads grab your sons, Grandpas your grandsons, and if you don't have either of those grab your neighbor. We will be leaving LVUMC at 6:45am to travel to men's breakfast and the word at ERUMC and then it is off to the Case/Zippo museum for fun and fellowship. This is an outing guys won't want to miss!! Look for the sign up sheet at the church!

The men of LVUMC and other area churches meet for breakfast and study the third Sunday of each month at 7:30 AM in the fellowship hall. Join us for Man Food and uncommon discussion. The next dates are March 18, April 15 and May 20.

I want to thank all of you that have helped in the clothes closet while my back & legs have been sore, we still need more people that are able to volunteer a few days a month to help us. If you are interested please see Bill Perkins. We are still in desperate need of kids jeans from 2/2t right thru teenage sizes 14/16, 16/18. I still would like someone who is interested in this mission to step up & help/run this very important outreach. We have people coming in not only locally but from all over Cattaraugus County, what an awesome way to clothe the naked.

Thank you all who helped with our capital fund campaign for our roof, as of February we reached our goal, God is good Thanks to Brad & Jim for working on & securing the hand rails going up to the Sanctuary, they look & work great. We continue to look for people that have the desire to help in Gods house, let a trustee know if you would like to share your talents. The spring work day will be in May, a definite date will be in next months Pathfinder, we will be starting at 9am & work until we are done.

The next dinner on deck will benefit our Christian Education team, it will be chicken & biscuits held on March 17th from 4:30-7:00pm. Stay tuned for our April dinner, on May 27th the mission team will be having their Chiavettas chicken BBQ starting at 11am; drinks will be available thru the youth. Please support our CE team dinner, give mom the night off.

Dont forget, if you hate the messy job of taking back your returnable cans and bottles, donate them to the youth and let them do it. Every little bit will help and they add up fast. It will help them raise money for their activities. Did you know water and juice bottles now have a deposit on them?

AARP Driver Safety Program

Date: Tuesday March 13, 2012 8:15AM - 3:00PM Location: Little Valley Municipal Building Senior Center 103 Rock City Street Cost: $17 AARP member (bring card) - $19 Non-member *** Check only - payable to AARP *** Drivers of all ages are encouraged to attend Instructor: Allan Ormond To Register: Call 938-9237


BIRTHDAYS 13 Ryan Andrew 13 Jim Crosby 14 Alexandra Minnekine 14 Elaine Sluga 16 Madisyn Winship 16 Leslie Pascoe 17 Jade Manchester 18 Michelle Card 24 Laura Bishop 26 Samuel Grey 26 Sandy Pilon 28 Samuel A. Grey 28 Ray Brooks 31 Randy Peters ANNIVERSARIES


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Cry out, Save us, O God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, that we may glory in your praise. Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Then all the people said Amen and Praise the Lord. 1 Chronicles 16:34-36 NIV

Building a Heart of Faith The Chicken & Biscuit dinner on March 17th will benefit the CE ministries. Our next CE meeting is Monday, March 5 at 7 p.m. It is VBS preparation & excitement time! VBS will be July 16-20th and we need lots of help and we always have lots of fun. The theme this year is Operation Overboard: Dare to Go Deep with God! The following is a list of materials that will be needed so start collecting now! old CD's tissue paper in bright colors whole sunflower seeds aluminum foil self adhesive magnetic strip small metal nuts puff paint small googly eyes white card stock shaving cream 5 cans paper plates (heavy duty) 30 paper plates 50 fine sheets of sandpaper 60 clothespins (spring loaded) Elmer's glue (sticks & liquid) paper hole reinforcements poster board (large sheets) brown & white butcher paper blue cellophane We will also be looking for supplies for our snack time so watch for this list to follow as time gets closer. God's peace to you! Becky Cable CE Coordinator 543-5050

Carpenters Apprentices We meet every other week at the home of Ray & Lisa Brooks. The Eagle's Small Group: The Eagles will be meeting March 13th & 27th and continuing our study of Max Lucado's Jon & Becky Cables home at 6:45. Faith Trekkers will meet on Tuesdays March 13 and 27 at Sam & Mariel Greys home at 6:30 p.m. DC will not be meeting through the winter months or through the beginning of spring. Stay tuned for updates and announcements of meeting times. DC is a young adult small group that concentrates on learning to live in the world but not of the world. Any questions contact Sean Andrew. Two Twenty One - We have elected two officers for the youth, Dylan Horth is our new president, and Gabe Grey is the vice president. Give them a warm welcome to the leadership that they have stepped up to. We are participating in an open gym at the Little Valley School every Wednesday from 6:30-7:45. This time is filled with games and activities for youth from grades 6-12 and closes out with a weekly devotional. Thank you all for your help and donations to make the Spaghetti dinner a huge success. We couldn't have done it without you. As always any time work is needed please ask. We arent the best at identifying needs, but are pretty good at filling them! Pastor Joe

Youth Calendar January - May 2012 Regular Meetings 6:30-8pm

March 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 29 6 13 20 27 Community Youth Regular meeting. Regular meeting. DCYM youth at Trinity Relief leave at 5:30 Community Worship NO meeting Easter Regular meeting Regular meeting No meeting Mothers Day Regular meeting DCYM youth in Olean leave at 5:30 Regular meeting



Driver Safety Program

Little Valley Senior Citizens Club is hosting a six-hour AARP Driver Safety Program on Tuesday March 13th, 2012. Classes will be held in the Municipal Building Senior Center located at 103 Rock City Street from 8:15 AM to 3:00 PM. The cost is $17 for AARP members and $19 for non-members. Drivers of all ages are welcome. Al Ormond will be the instructor. Course participants may be eligible to receive a discount on their auto insurance premium and a reduction of up to four points on their driving record. For further information or to register for the class please call Nancy at 938-9237

The Little Valley Ministerium would appreciate the help of their congregations as we strive to meet the needs of the hungry in our area. Please bring non perishable food and staple items to your churches. Needed especially are: tuna and canned meats, spaghetti pasta and sauce, canned vegetables and fruit, canned main dishes (hash, stew, ravioli, etc,) peanut butter, jelly, juices, puddings. Thanks so much for your help! Remember Matthew 25 "If you have done it to the least of these, my brothers, you have done it unto me."

Missions Opportunity in Bangkok, Thailand

We are planning a trip to Bangkok to assist Baptist General Conference missionaries Steve & Nopaluck Cable at the Santisuk English School. Tentative dates for the trip are January 2 31, 2013. We would be teaching English to Ram University students Monday through Thursday. Class size is 6-12 students. Friday through Sunday would be attending worship service, cell group and sightseeing. A team of 1012 people is recommended. Estimated cost per person would be $2400. You must be a high school graduate or older to teach. However, students coming with their parents can serve as teacher assistants in the class or help their parents teach. For more information, contact Jon & Becky Cable at 543-5050 or check out Santisuks website,


We are looking for books borrowed from our church library that have been gone for some time and hoping they have been overlooked somewhere on a shelf or in a cupboard. There are books of Karen Kingsbury and a book named The Red Tent that people are looking to read and they cant be found. If you should find them someplace please return them if you are finished with them. Thanks so much. We are also looking for books that you might like to donate to the library especially research books, books for men and for young adults. If you have any that you arent using and are just collecting dust, it would be appreciated if you would donate them to the library for others to use. We are looking for a table that could be used in the library too. See Bonnie if you have any questions. Thanks!!!

Healing Prayer at Trinity House World Day of Prayer/Courageous Movie Night at LVUMC 7:00 Hendricks Baby Shower Sunday School 9:15/Worship & Communion 10:30/LATCH/Community Youth Event 6:00 Christian Education Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 Mens Group @ VFW 8:00am/WIC 9:00/Choir 7:00 Praise Band 5:30/Daisy Girl Scouts 6:30/Prayer & Praise Night 7:30 Worship Team Meeting 8:00am Daylight Savings Begins/Sunday School 9:15/Worship 10:30/2:21 Youth Group 6:30 Carpenters Apprentice Small Group 6:30 Mens Group at VFW 8:00am/Driver Safety Class at Municipal Hall 8:15am-3:00pm Faith Trekkers Small Group 6:30/Eagles Small Group 6:45 14 Wed Praise Band 5:30/Daisy Girl Scouts 6:30/Prayer & Praise Night 7:30 15 Thu Ad Council 7:00 16-18 Fri-Sun Ohio Ski Group 17 Sat St. Patricks Day/Mens Day Out 6:45am/Missions Chicken-N-Biscuit Dinner 4:30 18 Sun Mens Breakfast 7:30/Sunday School 9:15/Worship 10:30/2:21Youth Group 6:30 20 Tue First Day of Spring/Mens Group @ VFW 8:00am/Senior Luncheon 11:30/Choir 7:00 21 Wed Praise Band 5:30/Daisy Girl Scouts 6:30/Prayer & Praise Night 7:30 24 Sat DCYM Youth Event at Frewsburg 6:00 25 Sun Sunday School 9:15/Worship 10:30/DCYM Youth Gathering 5:30 26 Mon Carpenters Apprentice Small Group 6:30 27 Tue Mens Group at VFW 8:00am/Faith Trekkers Small Group 6:30/Eagles Small Group 6:45 28 Wed Praise Band 5:30/Daisy Girl Scouts 6:30/Prayer & Praise Night 7:30 29-31 Thu-Sat Pastor Joe and family on Vacation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Sun Mon Tue

4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 29 Sun Tue Wed Thur Fri Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Sun Mon Tue Wed Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Sun Palm Sunday/Sunday School 9:15/Worship 10:30/Latch/CommunityYouth Event 6:00 Mens Group @ VFW 8:00am/WIC 9:00/Choir 7:00 Praise Band 5:30/Daisy Girl Scouts 6:30/Prayer & Praise Night 7:30 Seder Meal 6:00/Maunday Thursday Service 7:00/Healing Prayer at Trinity House 7:00 Good Friday Easter/Sonrise Service 7:00/Breakfast 8:00/10:30 Worship/2:21 Youth Group 6:30 Carpenters Apprentice Small Group 6:30 Mens Group @ VFW 8:00 am/Faith Trekkers 6:30/Eagles 6:45 Praise Band 5:30/Daisy Girl Scouts 6:30/Prayer & Praise Night 7:30 Worship Team Meeting 8:00am Mens Breakfast 7:30/Sunday School 9:15/Worship 10:30/2:21 Youth Group 6:30 VBS Planning Meeting 7:00 Mens Group @ VFW 8:00 am/Senior Luncheon 11:30/Choir 7:00 Praise Band 5:30/Daisy Girl Scouts 6:30/Prayer & Praise Night 7:30 Missions Dinner 4:30-7:00 Sunday School 9:15/Worship 10:30/2:21 Youth Group 6:30 Carpenters Apprentice Small Group 6:30 Mens Group @ VFW 8:00 am/Faith Trekkers Small Group 6:30/Eagles Small Group 6:45 Administrative Professionals Day/Praise Band 5:30/Daisy GS 6:30/Prayer & Praise Night 7:30 Sunday School 9:15/Worship 10:30/2:21 Youth Group 6:30

Little Valley United Methodist Church 109 Court Street Little Valley, NY 14755

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