Jabir PK & N.aminur Rahman

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AUTHOR NAME: Jabir P.K GUIDE NAME: N.Aminur Rahman COLLEGE DETAILS: Department of Management Sciences, Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering, CHENNAI 601 301. E-MAIL: jabirvavad@gmail.com MOBILE: 7871173899

The study of working environment and employee satisfaction in Ashique enterprises Calicut is to find out the level of satisfaction and there welfare measures, to understand the working environment and facilities provided by organization to its employees like bonus, increment, and working condition The study is descriptive in nature. Simple random sampling is adopted. This study is conducted among 50 employees in Ashique enterprises Calicut. The data collected here is both primary and secondary data. Data has been analyzed and interpreted using chi-square, and percentage analysis. Findings of the study show that most of the respondents feel that the majority of the respondent is satisfied their work life in the organization especially 5 to 10 years experienced employees Suggestions of this study are to provide good working condition to the employees and also reduce work load of employees. The conclusion of the study gives that the compensation, ESI, bonus, and fringe benefit are good in the company. Since employees are the backbone of the company. So, company should satisfy them in order to improve the business in the higher competitive market of the liberalized company.


Job satisfaction is an integral component of organization and an important element of management employees relationship job satisfaction is a positive emotional state that occurs when a persons job seems to fulfill important job values are provided these values are compatible with ones needs job satisfaction is simple words is an individuals emotional reaction to its job itself people spend a reasonable amount of time their environment , from any humanization point of view , they accept that the position of their lives . Job satisfaction may be global or specific .sometimes job satisfaction referred to overall feelings toward a specific dimension of the work environment. The term job satisfaction refers to an employees general attitude toward his job. Looker defines job satisfaction as positive emotional states resulting from the appraisal of ones job to the extent that a persons job fulfills his dominant need and his expectation is a result of employees perception of how well this job provides these things that are viewed as important..Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job .if you like your job very much you will experience a higher job satisfaction .if you dislike your job you will experience a less job satisfaction.

2. NEED FOR THE STUDY The need for the study is to ascertain some factor related to job satisfaction of employees and the various benefits and welfare facilities provided by the company to its employees the working environment of Ashique enterprises is also dealt with. 3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study the socio-economic background of the employees of Ashique enterprises Calicut. To analyze the level of satisfaction among the employees working in Ashique enterprises. To analyze the various factors and their relationship to job satisfaction. To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of employees. To know the employee satisfaction towards the facilities. To offer valuable suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of employees.


Gupta & Joshi (2008) concluded in their study that Job satisfaction is an important technique used to motivate the employees to work harder. It had often said that, "A HAPPY EMPLOYEE IS A PRODUCTIVE EMPLPOYEE." Job satisfaction is very important because most of the people spend a major of their life at their work place. Khan (2006) reveals in his study hat Hoppack brought Job satisfaction to limelight. He observed Job satisfaction in the combination of psychological & environmental circumstances that cause person to fully say, "I am satisfied with my job" Rao (2005), reveal in his study that Job satisfaction refer to person feelings of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation to work. It is not the self satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but the satisfaction of the job. According to him, there are 4 types of theories: 1. Need Fulfillment Theory 2. Equity Theory 3. Two Factor Theory 4. Discrepancy Theory Aswathappa (2003) opines that the Job Satisfaction of employees can be judged through the system of wage payment. Different organisation adapts different type of wage payment system. Along with wages and salaries they are paying incentives, perquisites and non-monetary benefits. According to him, he explained 3 theories of remuneration: A. Reinforcement and Expectancy Theory B. Equity Theory C. Agency Theory


Research Design - Research design is the arrangement of activities for the collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the purpose with economy in produce the research design is conceptual frame work or conceptual structure within which the research is conducted. Research design is needed because it facilitated the smooth sailing of the various research operation, thereby employees. making research as efficiently, time and money. In this study questionnaire design was used to collect the data this method was to get correct data from the

Data collection methods: Both primary and secondary data are collected for the study Primary Data - The objective of the study has been accomplished with the help of primary data collected from 50 workers directly through questionnaire. Secondary Data - Secondary data were derived based on the information collected from company website and from company records. Tools Used For Analysis - The tools used for this analysis is percentage method Percentage method Chi square test


Chi-Square Calculation of the Age of the Respondent and Their Satisfaction Level towards the Compensation Null Hypothesis Ho : There is no significant relationship between the age of the respondent and satisfaction level towards the compensation Null Hypothesis H1 : There is significant relationship between the age of the respondent and satisfaction level towards the compensation
(O-E)2 E



5 3 5 2 15 9 11

5.2 3.12 4.16 1.48 14.8 8.88 11.84

-0.2 -0.12 0.84 0.52 0.2 0.12 -0.84

0.04 0.0144 0.705 0.270 0.04 0.0144 0.705

0.0076 0.0046 0.169 0.182 0.0027 0.0016 0.0595 0.427


Degrees of freedom = (r-1)*(c-1) at = 5% (4-1)*(3-1) 3*2 = 6 Table value for degrees of freedom 6at 0.05 level of significant = 12.592 Since the calculated value 0.427 is less than the table value 12.592, null hypothesis H0 is accepted and alternative hypothesis H1 is rejected Result: There is no significant relationship between the age of the respondent and satisfaction level towards the compensation 7. FINDINGS The main findings of this study are following,

It is observed from the analysis that majority of the respondent in the age group 25-50 years. the average age of respondent are 30 they are adequately experienced and have been working in the firm for plus five years to give a balanced view on the survey . it shows that they are satisfied in the organization Among the respondent majority are graduate. Generally the basic qualification of the employee is graduation in the organization it is good that the company employees are more qualified people. It is noted that majority of the respondents are workers and this can lead to biases based on their attitudes. it is one of the limitations. 8. SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The suggestions are follows, The compensation is to be with the consideration of the effort of the work. in all assignment there may not need any skill and efficiency of the employees. But for others need skill and managing ability. so the compensation is with the consideration of experience , ability and skill. Provide employees state insurance to all employees. It will help the company to retain attached to the company Provide employee provident fund to all employees. It will help the company to retain the staff and staff will also work sincerely for the organization. Give regular training programs to the employees in order to enhance the technical skill and personal efficiency The motivational training programs lead the employee to work for the company and it result in the growth and prosperity of the organization

Provide fair incentive scheme to the all employees including the office staff. if the scheme is implemented , then the employees will work more effectively in order to achieve the target and earning the incentives it will help the organization to grow and prosper . Allow satisfactory TA DA to the eligible employees. the company can formulate proper TA rules and guidelines The employees are experienced and working for years , so the company must retain the staff by providing the compensation satisfying the requirement and expectation Provide medical allowances or medical reimbursement the employee gets a feeling that company is taking care of them properly Provide overtime for the office staff who works more than the allotted time. It will help both the employees and the organization to complete the work as per schedule. Improve the working atmosphere of the company so that to retain the employees in the organization Reduce the heavy work load of the employees ., otherwise they will become tired and cannot utilise the service proper 9.CONCLUSION A study on satisfaction of employees at ashique enterprises, Calicut has been conducted. Job satisfaction is a vital role in every organization. It increases the morale of the workers thereby increase the productivity and leads to increase the production of the organization the study has the conclusions that majority of the employees are satisfied with their jobs , through there are some expectations in them . Expectation may be due to the majority of the respondents are workers and this can lead to biases based in their attitudes. The employees in the organization are experienced and they are working in the firm for plus 5 years. The company has to retain the staff by caring them. Generally the employees have the minimum qualification of graduation. the remuneration of the employees keeps a fair compensation considering the present norms in the region. If the

company provides a better compensation they can keep their experienced and talented employees. In the family welfare scheme majority of the employees are satisfied the satisfaction level are above average. in the role clarity and delegation of the authority almost all the employees are satisfied . While studying about the insurance scheme of the company employees are not very much satisfied with it. The employers do not believe that they are secure and safe in the firm the company should try to build a confidence in the team. The respondents are satisfied with the career growth in the company. Company provide good staff amenities so the employees are satisfied in the facilities the success of the organization depends upon the work force the organization now the organization are considering the human resources are most valuable asset. The employees think that they assigned to the right job matching their qualification and experience. So the HR department of the company makes a very good judgement in selection of personnel . The fringe benefits motivate the employees in their work Compensation is an important feature of organization, in order to keep the exciting labor force after all, it is the main reason why people work. It is a sensitive and controversial area that has been extensively debated at both practical and theoretical levels. In the USA the term compensation is used to encompass everything received by an employed individual in return for work. Employees may see compensation as a return in exchange between their employer and themselves, as an entitlement for being an employee of the company or as a reward for a job well done 9. REFERENCES: Human resource management, By Gary dialer Research methodology, SN moorthy Organizational behavior,by LM Prasad Website www.citehr.com www.thaigroup.com

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