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Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal can be evaluated using the following questionnaire: Q1. In your Opinion Performance Appraisal is ? a.

Evaluation of Employees b. Promotion of Employees c. Job Satisfaction of Employees d. Motivation Q2. Which method of performance appraisal is implemented in the organization? a. Merit b. Grading c. Other Q3. Do you receive any increment in your salary after performance Appraisal. a. Yes b. No Q4. Do you think that performance Appraisal help to provide an atmosphere where all are encouraged to share one another burden. a. Yes b. No Q5. Do you think performance appraisal helps people set and achieve meaningful goals. a. Yes b. No Q6. Do you think performance appraisal give constructive criticism in a friendly and positive manner. a. Yes b. No Q7. Do you think that performance of employees improve after process of performance appraisal ? a. Yes b. No Q8. Do you think performance appraisal improves motivation and job Satisfaction. a. Yes b. No Q9. Is the top level management partial in Performance Appraisal a. Yes b. No Q10. Do you think performance appraisal helps to change behaviour of Employees. a. Yes b. No Q11. In your opinion Performance Appraisal system of your organization is related to which of the following ? a. Retention of Employees

b. Recruitment System c. Organizational Culture d. Motivation Q12. After performance appraisal improvement in your performance. a. 10-20 b. 20-30 c. 30- above Q1. Since how many years you have been working in this organization ? a. 0-5 Years b. 5-10 Years c. 10-15 Years d. More than 15 Years Q2. Rate your level of satisfaction with the working culture of the organization? a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Average d. Dissatisfied e. Highly Dissatisfied Q3. Rate the statement Top Management is interested in motivating the employees? a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strong Disagree Q4. Which type of incentives motivates you more ? a. Incentive Awards b. Promotion c. Appreciation letters Q5. How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the Organization? a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Dissatisfied d. Highly Dissatisfied Q6. Please rate the below on the following rating ? 1 - Strongly Agree 2 - Agree 3 - Neutral 4 - Disagree 5 - Strongly Disagree i. Reasonable periodical increase in salary ii. Job Security iii. Good Relationship with other staff members iv. Effective performance appraisal system v. Effective promotional opportunities vi. Performance appraisal activities are helpful to get motivated vii. Support from the other staff members is helpful to get motivated viii. Organization recognize and acknowledge your work. ix. Organizational Policies motivates for achieving its aims and objectives Q7. Which of the following factors which motivates you most ? a. Salary Increase b. Promotion

c. Leave d. Motivational talks e. Recognition Q8. Do you think that incentives and other benefits will influence your performance ? a. Influence b. Does not influence c. No Opinion Q9. Does the Top Management involve you in decision making which are connected to your department? a. Yes b. No c. Occasionally

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