CFC-In Focus-The London Conference-Hope For A New Era in Somali Politics, 29 February 2012

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Comprehensive Information on Complex Crises

29 February 2012

This document provides the In Focus excerpt from the MB Weekly 29 February. The In Focus section of the weekly gives our readership a more detailed reporting of an event or topic of particular relevance in the Mediterranean Basin and other regions of interest. In Focus pieces provide hyperlinks to source material highlighted and underlined in the text. For more information on the topics covered or other issues pertaining to the region, please contact the members of the Med Basin Team, or visit our website at


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In Focus

Excerpted from MB Weekly 29 February 2012

The London Conference-Hope for a New Era in Somali Politics By Britta Rinehard The London Conference on Somalia, which convened on 23 February 2012, brought together the largest and, according to British Prime Minister David Cameron, the most influential gathering of stakeholders to discuss the future of Somalia, including 55 delegations from 40 countries across Africa, the Middle East and the West. The Conference communique acknowledged the role of the international community as a facilitator in Somalias progress and development with the inclusion of the Somali people in the process. The conference focused on seven topics discussed in depth below: 1. Political Process While speaking at the conference, Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, called the crisis in Somalia a political crisis and can only be resolved by political means. As such, conference participants affirmed that there will be no further extension of the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs), whose mandate will expire in August 2012, and invited movement towards a more representative government through agreements such as the Transitional Federal Charter, Djibouti Agreement, Kampala Accord, and Transitional Roadmap. Participants endorsed the convening of a Constituent Assembly representative of the views of Somali people in all regions and constituencies and emphasised the urgency of tackling corruption and improving transparency and accountability in the collection and use of public revenues. 2. Security and Justice Conference participants affirmed that security in Somalia will only improve in tandem with better justice and the rule of law. The meeting acknowledged recent successes by African Union (AU) and Somali forces in the country as well as the successful ousting of al Shabaab rebels in various regions and welcomed joint planning by the UN and the AU. The UN Security Council was also commended for its adoption of Resolution 2036, which expands the African Union Peacekeeping Mission in Somalias (AMISOM) mandate and raises troop levels. Of particular importance, the conference called on Somalis themselves to maintain and develop the justice and security sectors and identified necessary steps for their improvement. 3. Piracy The international community condemned piracy and commend the work of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) and international militaries operating in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden. Attendees acknowledged that in order to find a lasting solution to piracy, the issue requires a comprehensive approach on land as well as at sea. Participants reiterated their commitment to support communities in addressing the underlying causes of piracy while focusing on maritime capacity-building initiatives and efforts to bring pirates to justice.

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For further information, contact: Med Basin Team Lead Linda Lavender The Mediterranean Team

4. Terrorism Conference attendees agreed that more emphasis should be placed on disrupting terrorists travel to and from Somalia in addition to terrorist finances. This is expected to be accomplished through support to the Somali criminal justice system and by countries in the region implementing the Financial Action Task Forces (FATF) recommendations on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The international community also agreed to work with the Global Counter Terrorism Forum (GCTF) and other international and regional bodies to disrupt terrorist activities and address root causes. 5. Stability and Recovery The gathered representatives acknowledged pockets of stability within Somalia, agreeing to increase support to these areas in building legitimate and peaceful authorities while improving services for their people. The Mogadishu Recovery and Stabilisation Plan was identified as an important step towards providing safety and security, economic opportunities and basic services to all Somali people. In addition, all future support to local areas of stability will be guided by an endorsed set of international support principles and will be funded through a new Stability Fund. The discussion on long-term reconstruction and economic development will resume at the Istanbul Conference in June 2012. 6. Humanitarian Assistance Participants reiterated their continued support to provide humanitarian aid based solely on need and stipulated a set of guidelines in addressing Somalias humanitarian issues. 7. International Coordination The conference reconfirmed support for the International Contact Group (ICG) on Somalia, while recommending the establishment of working groups focused on the political process, security and justice, and stability and development. It was noted that within the ICG, a core group of countries would drive progress in support of United Nations (UN), African Union AU) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) efforts. Participants acknowledged the important role regional organisations, such as the League of Arab States, the European Union (EU) and the Organisation of Islamic Coordination (OIC), will continue to play in the success of Somalia. While the conference was seen as a significant step towards bringing stability to Somalia, a Somali political observer in Nairobi told the Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN), [t]hey [the organizers] bring together groups [of Somalis] that are not fighting but ignore the one group [Al-Shabab] that is engaging in war with the TFG [Transitional Federal Government] and the so-called international community. Adjoa Anyimadu, researcher and Somali specialist at London-based think tank Chatham House, told Reuters that, [i]n many ways, I think I was more confident before the summit. All this emphasis on security and talk of airstrikes-theres a real risk we will simply repeat the mistakes of the past. The official communique from the conference, nevertheless, expressed optimism that a new era of Somali politics, with support from the international community, would bring stability and peace to the country.
Britta Rinehard is a Knowledge Manager for the Horn of Africa at the CFC. She holds a Masters in International Relations from ODU.

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ENGAGE WITH US 29 February 2012

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