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Frog and Body Systems TestPart B

Digestive System 1.-11. First, using the word bank below, place the organs in order from start to finish in the digestion process. Then, match the letter from the box on the right to the correct organ. MOUTH : _____
A. Absorbs water from partially digested material B. Waste exits the body C. Opening to the esophagus D. Food enters the body here E. Tube that leads from the mouth to the

Word Bank: esophagus gullet large intestine small intestine stomach

_______________ : _____

E _______________ : _____
_______________ : _____ _______________ : _____ _______________ : _____ CLOACA/ANUS : _____

stomach F. Absorbs nutrients from partially digested material G. Churns food to begin digestion

12.-13. Identify one more organ that is involved with the digestive system and explain its function. Do NOT use one of the organs listed above. ____________________ : _______________________________________________________ (organ) Circulatory System 14.-17. Compare and contrast veins and arteries. Fill in the chart below by placing checkmarks in the correct places. Veins take blood TO the heart take blood AWAY from the heart oxygenated blood (red) deoxygenated blood (blue) Arteries (function)

18. How is a frogs heart different from a humans heart?

Respiratory System 19.-20. What are the two ways the frog can obtain oxygen? A. _______________________________________________________ B. _______________________________________________________ Reproductive System 21.-25. Match the reproductive organs with the correct gender. Male testes ovaries oviducts uterus non-functioning oviducts Female

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