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It is hard to believe, but we see the end of this academic year in sight already. In just a few weeks, we will be at Graduation in Agincourt (April 27, 7:30p.m.). It is important to look back and ponder the year as it draws to an end. This has been a great year. We have called it the Year of the SPIRIT. We have sought to honour the third person of the Trinity and to invite our whole school into a surrendered relationship with God. We have asked some of our speakers to address their experience of God through the Holy Spirit. Many of our faculty have spoken on what it means to live a Spirit-filled life. At Spiritual Emphasis Days, called Fusion, we had Ian Green as our keynote speaker, and he challenged all of us to not be satisfied with less than Gods best in our lives. He challenged all of us to make sure we did not accept the ordinary when the supernatural was available to make even the ordinary extraordinary. There is such a hunger in the lives of our students, and they respond immediately to the invitation to a deeper life and a life of service and ministry. In so many ways they will add to the work of the kingdom. I confess I can hardly wait to see what God is going to do with them and through them. I am often asked about the atmosphere and the attitude at our school. Please let me state that it is healthy and hungry. It is healthy in that it is made up of people who really want to serve God and bring Him glory in and through their personal discipleship. It is hungry in that there is a holy desperation for God. We have seen students filled, dissatisfied, satisfied, nurtured, taught, responding and seeking. It has been a great year of Gods manifested presence touching our lives. Blessings, Wdm

March 6, 2012

Masters College & Seminary 780 Argyle Street, Peterborough, ON K9H 5T2 1-800-295-6368

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