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1. l only glve my number ouL because

2. 1elllng ls acLually asklng
3. lndlfference
4. ?ou're such a player
3. When a women calls you
6. SLop asklng women ouL
7. SLop answerlng and reLurnlng calls
8. ?ou geL back whaL you glve
9. 1he deaLh Loplcs work
10. 1he secreL power of LruLh
11. Pow Lo have hoLLer women
12. SeducLlon ls no longer relevanL
13. My roll wlll never end
14. Pow Lo glve ouL your number
13. l saw you sLarlng aL me
16. Pow Lo be conslsLenL
17. ?ou mlghL be Loo perfecL
18. Wrap lL ln a LreaL
19. 8elng lnsLead of becomlng
20. Change Lhe reason you go ouL
21. ls your lear your lreezer
22. Are you lnLeresLed ln llsLenlng
23. uon'L ask don'L Lell
24. Pow do you Lell lL?
23. Mlrror Mlrror on Lhe wall
26. Say lL loud
27. Are you braln dead?
28. Are you [udglng me?
29. LeL oLhers have lL
30. aralyzed by lndeclslon
31. lmaglne LhaL everyone ls enllghLened
32. 1haL doesn'L happen Lo me anymore
33. l can'L belleve you remembered my name
34. Wlngman's revenge
33. WhaL's really lmporLanL?
36. Are you lmpressed?
37. More ls beLLer.
38. WhaL are you geLLlng used Lo?
39. uo you belong?
40. SLeerlng Lhe shlp
41. uo you ever sLop Lhlnklng?
42. Are you llmp?
43. Lxcuses, Lxcuses
44. Changlng your auLoplloL
43. 1he mlnd sLore
46. never say never"
47. Chaslng shadows
48. CoL lear?
49. 1he Culck llx
30. ure Lnergy
31. SLep lnLo my offlce
32. 1he ma[or value of goals
33. CaLchlng monkeys
34. AbsoluLe ower
33. 1lred of belng Lhe mayor
36. Are women really lnLo lL?
37. 1he greaLesL hldlng place
38. WhaL's your sLory
39. Llke nalls on a blackboard
60. ls your fear Lhe freezer
61. Why don'L l glve you a call lnsLead?
62. uo you have a boyfrlend?
63. uon'L ask don'L Lell
64. uo you have Lhe balls?
63. Say lL LCuu
66. Allow yourself Lo be bored
67. ?ou're lnvlLed Lo my champagne parLy
68. 1he 1rlgger lnslde
69. Are you dlfferenL?
70. CeLLlng your glrlfrlend back
71. l can'L belleve you remembered my name
72. l wanL Lo plss her off
73. WhaL's really lmporLanL?
74. LeLLlng lL go
73. SLeerlng Lhe shlp
76. l don'L wanL a serlous relaLlonshlp
77. 8e klsslng her ln 30 Seconds or less
78. 1exL me nexL Weekend lf you wanL
79. ?our lcLures have Lnergy
80. 1he ArL of 8ecelvlng
81. uo you need soclal proof?
82. My lssues have lssues
83. uo l ask her ouL on a daLe?
84. Pow Lo be happy rlghL now
83. valenLlne's uay Success SLorles
86. So l Suppose ?ou'd Llke 1o CeL 1ogeLher!
87. She asked me Lo marry her 1WlCL!
88. Why Some Cuys klck Ass And CLhers uon'L
89. uo ?ou See lL Comlng?
90. ?ou Pave no uownslde
91. Are you a yes man?
92. uo you know a loL of people?
93. Can you see lL?
94. uo you geL women?
93. CreaLlng a repuLaLlon
96. Are you bored wlLh her?
97. Colng CuL Alone
98. Are you aLLached?
99. 8elease your anger

April 16, 2006
I Only Give Out My Number Because...
I've been getting emails from guys all over the world, DYING
to find out when my book is going to be released.
I've been working on this book day and night for MONTHS
and I'm getting pretty close to finishing it up.
But in the meantime, check this out:
Keep reading these newsletters to find out all the details...
Success Story
I can see greatness on the horizon. You have now given me
enough tools to find what I need. I'll keep learning, but I have
hit some kind of gate, and gone through.
I broke up with Sally, and like you said there is a dynamic shift.
Megan asked me to marry her (no!), I had s#% with Tiffany;
parked and naked LITERALLY 5-7 minutes after and 200 yards
from where she dropped off her "boyfriend"!
The next night at The Grill, where I met the girl I had picked
up in a few minutes and had s#% with when you were here, I
walk into a bathroom after a girl and started kissing her, kicking
her out so she could go back to her husband. I left the bathroom
myself and sat down with two 18 year olds and my friend and I
brought them home to my place... In the morning I returned the
call of the Hot, Hot, Hot freckled brunette stripper that watched
me kissing two girls while she was on stage.
F*#?! This sounds like I'm a player! What the hell is happening
to me???
Since my breakup, girls see something more compelling in the
techniques that you taught me. I am the same me, but they are
reacting to me differently. I don't understand it, but I must have
changed. Your lessons evolve as my ability to understand
them does.
Thanks Brent!
Your friend,
JP, Boston
My Comment:
JP, I'm sorry you had such a slow week. Maybe next week
will be better!
Hey Brent,
I've got a question about giving a woman your number instead
of getting hers. It seems like there are a lot of guys who give
a woman their "card" and then women usually just toss them.
When you give a woman your number, is it best to give them
your card? Or do you write your number down for them on a
piece of paper or do you program it in their cell? Thanks man
SD, Vermont
My Answer:
Giving them a card is about as effective as asking them for
their number and leaving them a message; both have a very
low rate of return. Plus, when a guy does this, it seems as if
he's trying to impress them with his occupation; which is a
crutch and is an obvious indicator of having no power. As
you stated, a lot of guys do this. Don't be like a lot of guys'.
Do something to differentiate your self.
The only way that they should ever acquire your number is
by having it entered into their phone, preferably by them! It
seems more permanent this way, as opposed to a piece of
paper; which is easily lost. Writing it down should only be
done as a last resort (If they don't have a phone with them)
and they should do the writing.
Field Report:
I met this foreign girl really briefly who I gave my number to
that was supposed to call me later the same night but never
called. Anyway.... she just called, and it was my first call back
from a girl that I gave my number to, she's 21 and HOT!
Man... it feels great, I've done the number thing to about 3
girls without them calling back, but this time I told her that she
should give me a call later that night or sometime next week,
so I showed a little bit of interest like you recommended, and
it worked! I didn't keep the conversation going very long and
directed it toward meeting at my place "to get to know each
other better." I told her the times when I was busy and she
wanted to meet around 8:00 PM on Thursday, so I told her
that was fine. I'll let you know what happens!
MN, Minnesota
Giving out your number might be tough at first because you
really don't believe in it
Don't worry if the calls don't come pouring in at first; be patient,
do it consistently and it'll end up paying off. The payoff is
worth anything you have to go through. You're going to be
very attached to seeing the girl again like she's the last one
you'll ever meet and you know better but, that's how strong
your inner voice is.
The more you give your number out, the more comfortable
you'll be.
Soon, women will start calling you and your life will never be
the same again. With each call you'll become more confident,
each one giving you the resolve to give out more numbers
and you'll start to become super smooth;
like you're not even thinking about it.
Your internal frame will be I only give out my number because
this is the way the world works so women will question you
less and less until there will be NO question. it will become
the way it is for you. It will be a great lesson for many other
things that you want to change about your life as well.
I know you think that when you have the number you have
the power, but you don't.
Even women sometimes think you do as well; but they're only
loaning it to you. They know that as soon as you pick up the
phone you'll be returning it to them. Getting a woman to give
you her phone number or e-mail address is NOT an
accomplishment and does not make you cool or successful.
It makes you like most guys' and most guys' are unsuccessful
with women. I know this is hard swallow, but the truth is
often painful and reversing your social programming is not
going to be a walk in the park, so to speak.
I know what you're thinking:
Brent, you are out of your mind!
I can't even get numbers at this point so giving mine out just
sounds ridiculous and way too advanced!
This technique seems backwards
Why would I give them the control?
What if she doesn't call? I'll be waiting and feel helpless
These are just excuses you make for not trying. You've got
to give this up and stop being attached to the outcome.
Consider this:
Women will give you their number to be nice or to get rid of
you, so you really don't know if they're interested
Women have a love/hate relationship with attention and having
a lot (even if it's not from the right guy) is better than having
Women will give you the wrong number. Has this ever happened
to you?
Women won't always return your emails, text messages or
phone calls and your failure has now been recorded for all to
hear or see; there's actually evidence of it.
Whether you leave messages or reach them in person, you'll
only connect with a small percentage; and that's if you're great.
Getting their number and calling them first, sets a precedent for
how things will be if you start dating. Because you have set
yourself up as the pursuer instead of the pursued, things will
then be expected of you
Even if you become great at getting numbers and making
dates, it'll become a full time job (you'll be doing way too
much work)
Let's be clear, you are NOT in control. Getting a number
means nothing. (I'm getting nauseas writing this)
When she calls YOU first, she's no longer a prospect, she's
a sale.
Women only call men they're interested in.
You already did the selling by giving her your number instead
of taking hers. The only thing you now need to do, to service
your new client, is answer the phone and schedule her
appointment with you.
No maintenance is needed.
That's what happens when you make the product out of high
quality parts in the first place. You don't have to be as funny,
as clever, as interesting or as attentive. You don't have to be
Having phone numbers doesn't make you powerful, it drains
your power and sets you up for failure!
What's the secret to giving out your number?
Stay tuned.
A Special note
My Book
I've received tens of thousands of e-mails regarding the
upcoming release of my book. It's coming soon and I guarantee
that it will change your social life forever! Only a limited
amount will be available for download and will be available to
my subscribers and those of my joint venture partners ONLY!
My Coaching
As you know I've been turning a lot of you down for coaching
and it's only going to get worse. I'll be cutting back even
further on the 1-on-1, prices will be doubling (so get it while
you can):
and I'm moving to the multiple-person model. I'll only be
accepting a limited number of clients for my new Boot Camps
and exclusive Tele-Seminars in 2006 that will begin in January.
A Personal Note
If every man on the planet stopped getting phone numbers, it
would turn the world of dating upside down overnight! Be part
of the solution, not the problem. Forward this newsletter to
your friends and let's take back the power!
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
April 22, 2006
Telling is actually asking
This is another example of the opposite being
true. When women make statements about what
they're not going to do, they're actually asking
you for permission to do it, seeing if you
care and testing you. They're actually asking you
to be indifferent. Don't be put off by
this. This is a pivotal time in the interaction.
She's at a fork in the road and has to
decide which direction to go.
Women rarely mean what they say.
Her statement: We're not having &^% tonight.
Translation: We're having &^% tonight as long as
you don't act negatively about what I just
When a woman utters the above statement, you are
almost 100% guaranteed to have &^%, unless
you argue with her about her statement. She just
needs to say it out loud in order to
rationalize the opposite behavior that she wants
to display. It's her disclaimer.
She is looking to place the blame (for her
decision) on you. It's the only way she can live
with herself. Take the blame and all of the
responsibility off her shoulders. She's
waiting for you to say the right thing because she
wants to feel good about her decision.
Ever had the experience of doing great with her
one minute and then end up leaving without
You're thinking:
What just happened? She was really into me. I
guess I'm just not a closer.
She's waiting for you to say the right thing; and
you didn't.
You need to take the competitiveness out of it and
remove the adversarial component from the
Don't argue with them, agree with them;tell them
you don't care.
Example 1
Her statement: We're not having &^% tonight
Your possible responses:
You: Who said anything about &^%?
You: You better believe we're not
You: What makes you think you could talk me into
having &^% with you?
You: Wow that takes a lot of pressure off. What
should we do now?
You: I don't remember asking you to
You: You're an adult, do what you want
You: I don't have &^% until I get to know a girl
You: I never thought we were
Being confrontational will get you nowhere.
Act as if it doesn't matter and that you are just
having fun and you're not worried about
what happens later. Let her know that it's ok to
do anything she wants and that she won't be
judged for it. Remember, she doesn't want feel
like feel bad for showing interest.
Here's how she might rationalize it (after it
He was just so funny
He talked me into it
He kept buying me drinks
He just said all the right things
I told him that we weren't having &^%; I
objected. I'm not responsible for what happened
after that.
He was indifferent and that made me want him
He rejected me and NO ONE rejects me; what's wrong
with me?
He didn't care so I guess there was nothing to
No where in that conversation did she say,
I just wanted him.
Once they feel comfortable and you've removed all
of their objections and all of the
roadblocks society has out in front of them they
won't be able to come up with any other
reason to say no.
Success Story
Dude, the other night was f&%!ing AMAZING, Brent!
I was meeting some friends at this club downtown
Minneapolis a couple nights ago, but I got there
late so I ended up having to wait in line by
myself for like 2 hours. I've never had so much
fun just waiting in line.
Here's what happend:
I was waiting in line, and just started talking to
everyone around me (not just girls). The first
group of girls that I saw I opened with 'Hey do
you guys have any chapstick?' because my lips
were really dry. After about a half hour I swear
I had at least 10 girls surrouning me and trying
to get my attention. It was amazing, because it
didn't even feel like I was doing anything at all.
They would be tapping me on the shoulders, some
grabbing my #%^, etc. They were seriously lining
up to talk to me. I would be talking to one group
of girls, and all of a sudden there would be
another girl standing behind them and staring at
me, waiting for me to say something to her.
Some would approach me with stupid questions like
'do you know what time it is?' or they would ask
about my necklace or whatever. One girl even came
up and asked me if I was a celebrity! I wasn't
really expecting that but I went along with it and
told her that I was dissapointed that she didn't
know who I was and she appologized for not
recognizing me!
It was definitely an eye-opener to what's
possible. Thanks again Brent!
NM, Minnesota
Spend time with Brent;do whatever it takes!
My session with Brent in Miami was off the hook,
but the results since returning have
suprised me even more, and I barely have time to
go out. Women do things for me that they
never used to do. Buy me drinks, kiss me when I
least expect it, agree to spend time with me
on my terms, invite me to spend time with them in
foreign cities like Paris for free, and
even ask me to spank them in front of their
friends - in the middle of a crowded restaurant!
And to think that I've only been out four times
since returning from Miami over a month
ago... I can only imagine what the future holds!
PS, Santa Barbara, CA
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
April 30, 2006
Indifference (the difference that makes the
1: unbiased impartial unconcern
2: apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional
reactions [syn: emotionlessness,
impassivity, impassiveness, phlegm, stolidity,
3: the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest
in things generally [syn: apathy,
4: the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to
care; a casual lack of concern [syn:
nonchalance, unconcern]
Indifference is the strongest force in the
universe. It makes everything it touches
meaningless. Love and hate don't stand a chance
against it. - Joan Vinge
This is my favorite subject!!
I've always said that if men would master this one
thing, they would no longer have ANY
problems with women. It would change the entire
world of dating overnight.
This is one of the most important techniques in
creating attraction. When used properly, it
drives women crazy.
It's the,
"I don't really care"
"I'm not attached to the outcome"
frame of mind that they're be attracted to. You
seem like you don't have a care in the
Being a little indifferent is actually healthy for
you. You avoid most of the peaks of life
and the unproductive emotions that usually
sidetrack you. In fact, you'll be able to turn
your emotions on and off like a light switch;
living a pretty smooth, drama free life.
Indifference causes a woman to feel comfortable
with you. It's the push-pull thing. You're
not pushing and this is pulling her in, and she's
becoming emotional.
Use the word 'Maybe' and the phrase "we'll talk
about" when speaking to them.
Maybe we'll get together
Maybe we'll have drinks
Maybe you can meet us later
There's enough yes in maybe for you to seem
indifferent, yet interested; and enough No to
appear as a challenge- just out of her reach.
Using "we'll talk about" is also effective.
Again, this is non-committal yet alluring.
"Give me a call and we'll talk about getting
together sometime"
Never agree to anything. You're telling her that
the two of you will discuss the next step,
if there is one. You haven't made a final
decision or been convinced yet. It's just
another way of conveying your power.
Be careful with indifference though. You can
become so good at it that women won't think
they have a chance with you. Basically, you'll be
back in the same place you started.
This girl emails me asking me to spend a day with
her in SF. I live one-and-a-half hours
away, and while it would be nice to sleep with
her, I don't care whether it happens or not.
I am not attached to the outcome of this. I feel
awkward to drive that far just to hang out
with a girl. I have a very good male friend who
attends college in SF, and we have only
hung out twice in the last 10 months since he
moved to the city. I would feel more
comfortable with the idea of seeing this hot
blonde girl if I was going there to visit my
male friend earlier in the day, because by doing
that, I would not feel like I did something
desperate. Plus I genuinely want to visit my male
friend as he is really fun to talk and
hang out with. I do not want to go out to
bars/clubs/restaurants/anywhere with her. I am
done with dating. I want to use your idea of
telling her I've had a long week, and I feel
like having a glass of wine to unwind and chat.
What do you think? Am I going about this the
right way, or am I missing something here?
Thanks for your time,
PP, San Francisco
You really have two choices when it comes to your
blonde friend:
1) Tell her that you're going to be up her way
anyhow and after meeting with your other
friend you would be up for a very relaxed evening
at her place. If she declines, say "Ok,
that's cool, give me a call in the futire and
we'll try again".
2) Tell her that you'd love to visit but you're
just slammed right now and would she be up
for coming to you, where the two of you will kick
back, drink some wine and maybe order some
food. If she declines, tell her to give you a
call in a few weeks and you'll talk about
scheduling something else.
Success Story
What's up Brent?
I've listenned to your interview with David, and
saw you also in his video. I had to take
some time to write to you to let you know that
your "material" really made a change, not
only in dating but also in my life in general.
From all the interview your are probably the
one I can most "identify my style to" . I always
been a Classy guy and you've helped me
figure out how to use that to my advantage and how
to keep my power etc.. I had to personaly
thank you for it, thats the least I could do. Like
they say in the matrix..." Free your
mind" and I'd never believe my own sucess before.
I also was curious about some of the
Incredible story you never wanna explain with
david lol, because now I believe EVERYTHING is
J.N. From Montreal
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
May 10, 2006
You're such a player
Success Story
I had such a kick a$$ weekend.
I took a botched situation Saturday night (found
myself stranded somewhere-however in a target rich
HAVE BEEN PROUD!!! I started running the tables
man...I hooked up with a really cool chick too!
DUDE, this chick was like a writer for Forbes
Magazine. She was all over me!!! At one point I
had the attraction so high we were outside in the
middle of a bunch of people and she starts kissing
me. Not normal behavior for this type. It was to
the point where I was getting uncomfortable. I
mean we are in a nice place with nice people. I
don't want to just sit there and make!
But, she didn't want to stop...!(Okay?) And, at
one point she says, 'Shut up and just kiss
me...!!! (Okay again???) LOL
Man it's getting so natural and fluid, I love it!
D.M. , Houston
My Comment
Dude, I'm like happy to inform you that like
you've just scratched the surface and like there's
a lot more to come!
Hey Brent,
I'm really starting to get this stuff, but now I'm
facing new problem. I'm afraid women will now see
me as a player. Is there anything wrong with this?
How do you deal with it?
My Answer
Logic, my friend.
Her: You're such a player.
You: And your point would be?
Her: Well, I want a man to pay attention to me,
only. Why are you that way?
You: Would you agree that it's hard to find
somebody to click with?
Her: Yes
You: Would you also agree that you have to date a
few different people to increase the chances of
meeting someone great?
Her: Yes
You: So, are you saying that I should sit on my
couch, watching T.V. every night, while waiting
for the right woman to walk through my living
Her: No
You: Exactly. Any more questions?
Interview excerpt
Joanna Krupa, 24-year old Polish model from the
February 2006 issue of Stuff Magazine. Go buy this
magazine to read the full article.
Stuff: Would you ever go out with a guy who had a
beer gut?
JK: If he had a good personality and there was
some kind of attraction, then why not? Actually,
there was one guy I went out with a few times, and
he had a little bit of a gut. A guy I date doesn't
have to have a six-pack, that's for sure. There
has to be personality-something has to click. I'll
meet these guys who are just drop-dead gorgeous,
but they have absolutely no brains or are really
stiff or not talkative or have crappy
Stuff: What kind of personality do you like?
JK: Somebody who makes me laugh and jokes around;
is outgoing and has fun anywhere; and can go into
a place where he doesn't know anybody, start a
conversation and be funny and outgoing.
Stuff: What's the craziest place you've done it?
JK: A lifeguard booth in Cabo! It was at night,
and I was the one who insisted on it. My boyfriend
was like, 'What are you, crazy?!' and I was like,
'NO, come on, let's go!'
Stuff: Are you always the Instigator?
JK: That time I was. Usually I'm not, but he
definitely brought out that side of me!
Stuff: I'm sure our readers would love to know how
to bring out that side of you more often.
JK: It's hard to day. There has to be something
about the guy. It's has to be that kind of
attraction that makes you eager to be with that
person and want to do it-a special attraction that
makes you want to take charge.
Field Report
Hey buddy,
This whole thing really amazes me. Some of the
guys I met at the seminar are writing to me about
how they're all motivated and are going out and
trying to do 20 sets a night and how they *think*
they're getting better because they finally got a
couple of hot girl's numbers.
This is how it is for me:
Last night is the first night I've gone out since
I got back, and all I was doing was meeting a
friend from school to catch up at a coffee shop.
As we go to sit down, I notice two hot girls
sitting at the table next to us. They are both
looking at me. Without hesitation, I said 'Hey,
what's up'? Then I turn away, ignore them and
start talking to my friend. I could tell the girls
were looking at me and wanted to talk more, but I
was with my friend, he needed to talk, and I was
committed to just listening and helping him out.
About ten minutes later, I notice that there's
this really hot girl looking at me that I knew
from somewhere but never did anything with, so I
just point and motion for her to come over. I look
away and continue talking to my friend. Three
seconds later she's at the table leaning into give
me a hug. I turn and our lips meet and we start
making out. She just looked at me in disbelief and
said 'wow!' We chat for a bit and I tell her that
I have to get back to my friend. Then she asks
what I'm doing later and if she can get my number.
I go back to talking to my friend for another five
minutes and decide I have to get back home to
finish some work for tomorrow. As we're leaving,
one of those two girls I told you about in the
beginning says 'Hey! Don't I know you?' We chatted
for less then a minute then I told them that I had
to go. Her cell phone was on the table so I just
picked it up, put my number in and told her to
give me a call later in the week and I might have
time to get together. I was only out for about 20
minutes, just to talk with my friend, and these
are the types of things that happen. Less
work...more return.
The reason why these things are happening is
because of the things I've learned from you.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
BD, Denver
Working with Brent was awesome. I was at a point
where I had been studying a bunch of other stuff,
struggling to understand it and had so many
unanswered questions. Compared to some of the
other material in this industry, I consider Brent
to be like an evolutionary step ahead of everyone
else. Training with him confirmed that this guy
knows his stuff. I mean, he was creating
attraction with a super hot bartender just by
saying the most mundane stuff, not hitting on her
at all; I could actually SEE her becoming
attracted. She kept trying to find us later in the
night, coming up to our table saying she's been
looking all over for us. He was like, 'See?' And
the SAME thing kept happening throughout the
night, with other hot girls. What the heck is he
doing that magnetically attracts women over to
him? Good thing I came prepared with a bunch of
questions to ask. I must've asked him 4000
questions. The guy was so generous, answering
every question I had, he started to loose his
voice at the end of the night! I came out with an
entirely new perception of attraction, and of
women. His material on power deserves a Nobel
Prize in my opinion!
I think his approach and style is great. He comes
across very warm and powerful at the same time, a
pretty unique combination. I really can't thank
him enough; it was totally worth the investment
because every new day I feel better than the last.
I've been practicing what he told me to do, and I
feel more confident, more powerful, and women are
responding. Women are noticing me more, I see them
looking at me differently; they're more
flirtatious. Today a mom was trying to hook me up
with her daughter right in front of her, and I'm
not doing anything! Well I suppose I am, but it
just feels more effortless. I'm noticing that I
don't have the confusion I had anymore, I'm
catching myself saying things to girls I wouldn't
normally say, I finally feel like I'm really
starting to 'get it.' Now it's just a matter of
integrating this into my life and keep practicing
and growing.
Thank you Brent, you're a genius!!!
S. F. , Los Angeles
Some of you newer guys are asking me if my
coaching will work for you. The answer is yes.
You'll have fewer bad habits to unlearn, will move
faster and you'll be building your social life,
correctly, from the very beginning.
I've also had guys telling me that my method
sounds too good to be true. It can't be as simple
as I say it is. Well, I have news for is!
Keeping it complicated is how you deny that it's
simple. That way, when you have a little success,
you feel like you've accomplished more.
Select dates are available for coaching in
2006. For more information please click on the
link below:
Boot Camp
I'm now taking reservations for
March. Please inquire for availability.
Meet me - Free! View my Myspace page for details in a
major city near you.
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
May 17, 2006
When a woman calls you
Success Story
Thanks for everything Brent,
you've steered me back in the right direction. I
was relying too much on these crutches and
routines, and doing all this hard boring work. And
quite frankly I wasn't enjoying the
process. But now I'm focusing more on having fun
because after all I'm already successful
with women, right?
Anyway things are beginning to just happen, women
are beginning to land in my lap so to
speak. When I was out there in the field with you,
it became obvious to me what everyone
else says, you make it look effortless. I believe
its probably because you are obviously
having fun, appreciating people instead of an
outcome, and also you are just being lazy
trying to do as little as possible. lol. I
remember at a certain point we were surrounded
by women, and then this woman just came to "take
you for a walk." I couldn't believe it. We
had just walked in and you were getting
approached. I logically believed it but my mind
was still saying "ok he knows her."
I've recently been using affirmations like you
advise, and they are great. I've also started
to be successful with women instead of becoming
successful with women. I wrote down how a
normal day is as I am already successful. I read
this once a day and ask myself questions
like how I would behave if it was already
happening etc. It has had tremendous results with
much less effort (thank god). I know this is a
long email but wanted to tell you how much
you've influenced my path and internally made me
realize that reality is all B.S. and
therefore you make of it what you want.
Thanx Brent, you are making a difference man! take
FY, Minnesota
What to say when women start calling you
Here's how it could go:
You: Hello
Her: Hey, Jim it's kelly from the other night
You: Hey, what's up?
Her: Nothin, Just hangin out
You: Cool, so what's happening?
Her: Just got home, blah, blah, blah
You: Great, so what's goin on?
What you want to do here is keep throwing it back
in her court by asking her the same
question, in a different form, over and over.
Do not ask her out.
The idea here is to have a conversation about
nothing. She'll soon tire of this and say
something like,
Her: Soooooooo do you want to get together???
Then you put the ball back in her court by saying,
You: Sounds good, What do you have in mind?
Do as little work as possible. You never know,
she might have a great idea such as cooking
you dinner or coming over for drinks. Don't worry
if she says,
Her: "Let's go out for dinner".
You don't have to agree with her. Just say,
You: "Would you mind doing something low key?
I've been out a lot recently and I'm
Her: "Like what?"
You: "I was thinking we could stay in, drink some
wine and maybe we'll order in some food."
This is where she either agrees or disagrees. You
have to be cool with either decision. If
she disagrees with your plan just say,
You: "Okay, cool. Give me a call in a couple of
weeks and maybe I'll be rested and up for
meeting you for a drink or something."
This let's her know that there's a consequence for
not agreeing, shows that you have no fear
of loss and will also create a sense of urgency
around you. These are all things that build
What if she doesn't say, "Sooooooo do you want to
get together?"
If the conversation is going nowhere and you're
getting impatient you can say,
You: "So, I suppose you want to get together?"
To which she'll reply,
Her: "yes, that would be great."
You: Cool, what do you have in mind?"
Her: I don't know.
You: "Would you be okay with doing something low
key like having some wine at my place and
ordering in some food? We can always go out from
If you really want to be powerful
If she never says it and the conversation starts
winding down, just go with it. If she
Her: "Well, it was nice talking to to
you later"
you say,
You: "Okay bye".
She might also end the previous sentence with,
Her: "Call me sometime if you want to get
To which you reply, You: "Oh, you want to get
Then just continue with the ideas above.
Let me tell you, last night one of my female
friends asked me to be her bed buddy. Tonight
another one of my female friends told me she would
marry me in a heartbeat...and I don't
even sleep with this woman! But I know I could
have her if I chose to.
All this is possible because of Brent's coaching.
I know where you're coming from.
Although I knew I needed help, I was reluctant to
take the plunge. I spent hours
researching the different coaches and methods out
there, but something about Brent's message
resonated with me. I finally went for it. I'm
so glad I did. My life has changed and is
continuing to change. What you'll learn from him
is not an approach to women but an
approach to life. An attitude, a way of living
and being that naturally draws women in.
I wish you the best. Just know that if you
sign up with Brent, be prepared to be
blown away! Your reality will be altered in ways
you never imagined!
RC, Texas
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
June 1, 2006
Stop Asking Women Out!
Responding to the "Most Guys" speech
When you're giving out your number, not asking
women out and doing everything else
backwards, you'll sometimes get what I call the
"Most Guys" speech:
She might try to mix you in with the average guy,
and try to take back the power by saying:
You're not like most guys. Most guys,
Call me all the time
Ask me out
Pick me up
Take me to dinner
Pay attention to me
Care what I think
Can't wait to see me
Most guys blah, blah, blah
Why don't you ever call me? Ask me out? ETC. ?
Even though she finds you more attractive this
way, because of bad social programming, she
will automatically want to restore control to
Your possible responses:
I'm not like most guys, which is why you're
talking to me right now isn't it?
Where are these guys right now?
How's that working for them?
If what most guys do is so great then why aren't
you with them?
Or my favorite:
You: Where's your boyfriend?
Her: I don't have one.
You: So, what most guys do doesn't work so well,
does it?
This is a great time for me to address a few
things that are disturbing me.
Getting numbers
Calling women first
Asking them out
and when asking them out
Taking them to dinner on first dates
Anyone who tells you that the above are effective
techniques only have a very small level of
success with women. If you want to even approach
the lifestyle I live then stop doing these
things immediately!
Traditional first dates are over, they're
unproductive; they don't need to be done anymore.
Going out to dinner is for people who already like
each other; it's not for first timers.
Stop asking women out. Please, i'm begging you.
Reverse the trend. You are all
responsible for the way women are and the way they
treat you. They are reacting to you.
When you talk to her you want to wait for her to
ask YOU out by saying,
Her: "So, are we getting together?"
Or you say,
"So, I suppose you want to get together?"
Then put it in her court by asking her what she
has in mind. If her response doesn't
include one of the following:
A quick drink
Getting together at her or your place
Either move her toward one of those or cut your
losses and move on; she's not the right girl
for you. You are either the provider or the
attractive guy and you can only be one.
I've been talking to a lot of women about this
lately and what they've been telling me may
surprise you. They really don't want to be taken
out to an expensive dinner, if you've
built the attraction correctly. They also tell me
that they don't care where the two of you
get to know each other. They're fine with a drink
somewhere or if they feel
comfortable enough with you; your place. In fact,
some women are even saying that they'll
turn down a dinner invitation because they feel it
makes them obligated to reciprocate in
some other way. The last thing a woman wants to do
is be stuck at dinner with a guy she
isn't getting along with.
If you insist on being the provider then consider
the following scenario:
You take your date to an expensive dinner, then
she tells you that she's tired and has to get up
early the next day. So you drive her home, she
kissess you on the cheek and goes inside.
Guess what she does next?
Guess who she calls?
Someone like me. That's right. After you've
spent all the money they call me
and come to my place. You do all the work and I
get all the spoils.
Now that I think about it, keep doing it. You're
responsible for a lot of my action.
Seriously, the question you need to ask yourself
is, "Which guy do I want to be?"
Hi Brent,
Safely back home now. Very enjoyable night and
really an eye opener into your style. I have
to confess I was a little concerned on the way in
because of the 'barebones' information
surrounding what you do.
Compared to some of the other approaches out
there, it reminds me of the space race during
the 60's, Nasa spends $1 million to develop a pen
that works in zero g; what does the
russian space agency do? use a pencil!
Thanks for a much needed birthday present to
JM, Boston
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
June 14, 2006
Stop Answering and Returning Calls
There is no longer any reason to answer the phone
when a woman calls you or return her call
when she leaves you a message. You know that I'm
always pushing the envelope, so this new
development should not surprise you; but you're
probably thinking, now Brent has finally
gone over the edge.
What should you do?
Text message, of course. I love text messaging
because it's totally impersonal and there's
no reason to be personal with a woman you don't
When a woman calls, let it go to your voice mail.
This will make you seem unavailable.
Then, listen to her message and simply text your
So if her message is,
Her: Hey Brent, It's Karen from the other night.
I'm just calling to see what you're up to.
Talk to you later.
You simply text a message describing what you're
doing like,
You: Working, U?
By texting your reply you will be conveying that
this is how you communicate and she will
probably switch to it, instead of calling you.
Here's the rest,
Her: Just hangin out.
You: Cool
The idea here is to text very short messages.
Again talk about nothing until you pull more
out of her and she asks you out. You want her to
know, right away, that she will be pursuing
Here's another example:
Her: What's up for Friday?
You: Going to The Lounge with some friends.
Her: What time?
You: Around 9pm
Do not ask her to join you. If anything, tell her
that she can stop by if she wants.
Remember, you don't want this to be a date.
Here's an actual text string that I have on my
Her: Hi Brent, do you remember meeting me, Tanya,
the other night? I was one of many girls
you were talking to. Anyways, i was wondering
what kind of cologne you had on? If any.
Me: Deep.
Her: Is that really the name?
Me: Yes.
Her: You didn't seem like a man of few words the
other night. Cat got your tongue?
I did not respond to this text.
Then she called and left a message on my voice
mail that said,
Her: Hey, It's Tanya. I'm sitting here drinking
some wine wondering if you want to come
She's trying to get me on the phone, which will
never happen.
Now, I text the response:
Me: Can't. Tomorrow's better. Your place, what
Her: Um, it depends on what time I finish at work.
I'll let you know.
The next day.
Her: Hey, I just got home. What's up? Maybe we
should meet somewhere. I think my sister
might come over later.
Here's where it gets interesting and you'll want
to pay close attention to how I handle
Me: Working. Maybe we'll try again next week.
Was up for staying in and having wine.
Her: I hope you're not upset.
Me: Make it up to me.
Later that night, I get this text.
Her: What are you up to? You should have come
by-just for a drink.
I do not respond.
Next day:
Her: Wine tonight, my place?
Me: Sounds good.
Her: What time do you want to come over?
Me: 8:30
Later I get this text
Her: Do you still want to
Me: Address?
Her: She gives me the address
Me: I'll come by at 9.
And the rest, you'll have to imagine.
Next morning I get this text
Her: Did you have fun last night?
Me: Who is this?
Her: Tanya, stupid!
Me: Can you be more specific?
Her: What?
Me: Just kidding. Yes, it was fun.
Success Story
Brent, what's up buddy?!
I'm busy creating the Brent Life Style. Pulled my
first threesome recently.
It all started off after I purchased a cigar with
my buddy and next thing you know these hot
girls walk in and sit down at the bar. I'm about
to light up and one of the girls says
"don't light that up, I hate cigar smoke". I said
"tough!", and sparked it right up. I
told her that if she didn't like the smoke, she
should move or light up a cigarette to block
the smell. I enjoyed my cigar and continued
chatting with my friend, next thing you know
she's asking me to come sit by her and her friend.
They start telling me that they are a
couple, are inseparable and do everything
together. Nice! Despite this, I keep the
indifference frame going, all while chatting with
them, then to my buddy etc. Then two more
chicks show up to get in on the action --- the
attraction vibe is crackling by this point.
The first two girls then invite me to move on to a
club. I bail with them, they pay their
own entrance fee (!) and on we go to dance for a
few hours all the while making out and
grinding on each other. Every time we hit the
dance floor, they try to rip my shirt off.
The dudes in the place were beside themselves. I
felt like a king, it was awesome!!!!
More craziness at a restaurant after we left the
club, then we hit my place for a good roll
in the sack. You would have been proud my
brother. I mean the one TALL gorgeous
19 year old...just an unreal body.
Alright, there you have it. Would be good to see
you sometime -- it's been great building a
network of hotties here, at home and other places
since Miami. I just wish I was 10 years
younger... oh well. Better late than never.
PS, Santa Barbara, California
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
June 24, 2006
You Get Back What You Give Out
Ever wonder why 99.9% of my interactions are
successful? One of the reasons that I'm
successful is that I truly believe that you get
back what you give out.
When I'm out, I convey absolutely no negativity.
If you give out negative, you'll get back
negative. People think I'm someone to be reckoned
with. They assume I'm powerful by the
way I walk in and put on the show. Women are
drawn to someone who acts as if everybody
wants to know them. I don't assume that people
are mean or in a bad mood. I assume they're
out to have a good time and want to interact with
everybody. Those of you who've been out
with me know what I mean. I put out this vibe of
"come talk to me." I'm out to be friendly
and have a great time and have nothing at stake,
accept that. So that's what I get in
When I'm out and about I believe:
Everybody is friendly and in a great mood
Everybody already likes me
Everybody wants to talk to me
And more importantly that:
Every woman is attracted to me
Every woman wants my number
Every woman will ask for it
Every woman will call me
Every woman wants to see me again, ETC.
I have an old friend who exhibited this behavior
perfectly. His name was John Brown. This guy was
absolutely convinced that every woman wanted him,
all the time, and he wasn't a
pretty boy.
He'd walk through a place and say:
"Every woman in here wants me"
He'd say this out loud to himself or to us.
As he continued walking he would often pause in
front of a girl (or group of girls) and
blurt out:
"The name's John Brown, in case you need to know
And then, without waiting for a response he kept
He was already assuming that they would want to
know him. It was incredible. Later in the
night, women would often seek him out, and already
knowing his name, would say:
"Hey John. What's up?"
"Where did you go?"
This was especially effective when he was standing
with other women as they approached. It
was further social proof.
He didn't know any girls when he walked in but one
simple tactic changed all that. The more I
thought about this, the more it made sense. I mean
I'm not going to walk around
saying "Every girl in here wants me" out loud, but
what a powerful mindset and place to come
from. Inside your head you already assume that
every girl wants you so you go about
choosing the one YOU want.
When you say something positive to women and are
being friendly (not hitting on them), their
automatic human response is to be friendly back.
How can you practice this?
I suggest a small experiment:
Start out by being friendly to everyone you see,
everywhere you go. The supermarket, dry
cleaners, on the street, ETC. Just say it not
expecting a response and I think you'll be
surprised at what will happen. Just say, "How are
you?, What's up? or whatever. Do it
until it becomes automatic. Then, no matter who
you come in contact with you'll be ready and
not nervous. Especially with these hotter women
that you guys want to meet.
Testimonial/Success Story
Hey man,
I just got back from a 3 week trip to France, some
really interesting things happened. It
made me realize that there were a few areas I was
compromising myself as well as situations
were I was unconsciously seeking approval. It's
strange in a way... looking back, I was
pretty good at lying to myself to justify what I
was considering doing.
Basically before my trip to France, this was the
situation: there was this girl who really
liked me and I liked her somewhat. She's very
intelligent, very pretty, nice and supportive
but she doesn't really turn me on. Besides that
she's majorly religious and kind of quirky.
Yet a lot of people admire her and everyone was
trying to convince me of how good it would
be for me to be with her in a *relationship*.
Probably because of a lot of other issues
going on for me at the time and unrelated stress,
I started to believe them and began to lie
to myself that I wanted it when I really knew that
it wasn't what I wanted or deserved.
Anyway, once I got to France and got away from all
the negative people everything started to
change. I started to think about all of our talks
and things I've learned from you as well
as other positive influences in my life. I
started to look back and remember when things
were working and analyzing why. Amazing things
started to happen. First I started to feel
better about myself and felt I had much more
personal power, then I met a couple of girls
and hooked up with them. I decided to only fill
my mind with positive thoughts but to
completely unattached at the same time.
Everything as a whole started to improve, I had a
concert that went amazingly well, opportunities
opened up, I was able to deal with a lot of
different unexpected challenges easily, all was
good. Then I met the sister of the guy who
I was staying with. She was one the most
beautiful girls I'd ever seen and besides that
she's a top rate ballet dancer, and plays violin
and piano. She has very high self esteem
and a positive, fun, challenging, sexy
personality... basically she fits the profile of
my type of girl... she models also when she has spare
time. She'd only had one boyfriend
before and they never did anything.. it lasted for
3 weeks. She claimed that she doesn't
have time and that she's too busy doing her own
things. So anyway, obviously because of
past bad social programming as well as the fact
that she has 5 older protective brothers, it
was a challenge, but with affirmations and just
relaxing, I treated her the same as all the
other girls who pursue me. The point is, because
of the indifference and because of who I
am, she started to pursue me. When we finally did
get together it was unlike anything
before-- even afterward it was still incredible.
It was what truly made me realize that I
was crazy to have even considered the things I was
thinking before. I think the biggest
part was accepting that I was deserving of that
quality of girl. So, from now on, I only
date girls of that caliber.
So hey, I just wanted to let you know, that I
really appreciate everything that you've
helped me on. I realize that most of the time when
things become stressful or start to
spiral downwards it's because I resort back to old
programing. But really, a lot of the
richness and fulfillment as well as the success
I'm achieving in all areas of my life is
because of your mentoring.
Hope all is well with you,
IB, France
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
July 4, 2006
The 'Death Topics' Work
I know what everyone else says. Differentiate
yourself by using telling a story or spitting out
a routine because the last thing you want to do is
bore her, I mean you have to keep her interested,
right? Wrong! It's no longer your job to keep
her interested. At least not in the way you're
used to doing it. The old way is no longer
relevant and it's time to evolve into a socially
well adjusted person. I know that you're holding
onto this life raft (the old way) as tight as
possible, because it's responsible for the
progress you've made. But, I implore you to stop
doing this right now. There is another level of
success that you don't even know exists, except
for those of you who have been out with me. You've
got to go to the next level now...stop wasting
The problem with the old way of doing things is
that women have heard it all. They know when
you're hitting on them. As soon as you open your
mouth, they know what's coming and they
immediately raise their defenses. Then, they're
not listening to most of what you say after that.
If you ever DO break through, it will take way too
long and you'll have created too much work for
yourself. You know how I feel about that...Very
little work, very big return. When you talk about
subjects that any two people would talk about
you're actually flying under the radar. They
don't see you coming and don't have a
pre-conceived notion about you. Their defenses
will be down and the two you can get to know each
Women are telling me that they wish men would stop
talking so much and about themselves. They think
it's arrogant and annoying. They want you to
ask more questions. Honestly. I'm not kidding
Questions like:
What's up?
How are you?
What's happening over here?
Where are you from?
What's on the agenda tonight?
I know what you're thinking. C'mon Brent that's
too easy. It's not easy, or everyone would be
doing it. It IS simple though. It's like losing
weight. Eat less, excercise more. Simple to
understand but not easy to implement. What do we
(as men) do when we figure out something is too
simple? We resist. We don't want to admit that
we overlooked something simple (we won't even ask
for directions).
You're gathering information and the answers to
the above questions will have dramatic effect on
your evening. These answers are going to tell you
all about these women quickly and where your
opportunity is (if any).
I'm going to reveal how and why these simple
questions are so powerful in a future product
How's it going? love your work. If it hadn't been
for you I might have never got here, certainly not
this soon. I'm 20 years old and I am indifferent,
like the real deal indifference not faking but the
real deal. For a long time I was faking
indifference as a technique and that doesn't work,
sometimes short term, but not long term.
I finally got to that point where I just
completely gave up on women, completely. I gave it
all up and just stopped. I decided to just quit
all this crap, pick up lines, techniques, routines
everything. And to completely stop, and learn to
be happy with my life without women 100%. It was
hard took me over a month, I started going through
some with drawls. I'd see a hot girl and I'd
really want to approach her and start a
conversation but I stuck to it until I learned the
lesson. Once I figured out the lesson, be happy
without women, everything changed.
So now, I do absolutely nothing, no techniques, no
manipulative behavior, no head games, no pick up
lines, none of that crap, absolutely nothing and
its awesome. I just talk to people. If I see hot
women, sometimes I will approach them but I
approach them because I like to talk and look at
hot women. No longer am I approaching them because
I want something from them. I don't care. This is really
hard to describe in words, this mentality that I
have now. I can't be rejected because I don't
care, I'm not out to get something, I don't care
if a woman likes me or wants to be with me,
it doesn't matter. It's not on my mind.
And once I finally got it, all these women are
after me now. By the way I only figured this out
like a month ago, so it's probably going to get
even wilder. Things changed fast, I've gone out
with more girls this week than I did my entire
spring semester, and another cool part, I didn't
ask a single one out, I never made the first move
except hold eye contact if that counts. No longer
do I care what I say, or how I dress, or any of
those normal insecurities that people have when
dealing with women, it doesnt matter. I
just go out and have conversations with people.
And now all those boring questions men ask women
like where are you from?, do you have any siblings?
Women are asking me these questions. They are
trying to pick me up and get in my pants. Women
are working to get me now, instead of the other
way around.
But the most important part of this whole thing
and the best part is I don't care. This is the
most valuable thing to me, if I woke up tomorrow
and women no longer found me attractive I
would not care. It would not affect me in any way.
I would still be happy, I would still love being
me and I would not give a crap. That is the best
part. It's complete freedom!
Thanks, I get it now ;)
-J.L. Mississippi
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
August 6, 2006
The Secret Power Of Truth
Tell the truth and make your intentions clear when
speaking to women.
* A parade of routine and story telling men have
made women hungry for the truth and women
are telling me this every day.
*They might want
the same thing you do.
*It's great time management (doing less and
getting more)
Stop assuming that you know what's going on inside
their heads and then tell them what
you THINK they want to hear. Women are smart, so
treat them that way. In other words,
don't pretend to be psychic, unless you are; and
in that case contact me immediately because
I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful
partnership! Seriously, stop devolving!
I'm not saying that you should just walk up and
lay it on the line, out of context or blurt out
something offensive. But, when the conversation
turns to the subject of
dating/relationships or the two of you getting
together, you should try it.
The secret that most men seem to forget,is the
power of truth. Speaking the truth, directly
and with respect, is one of the most powerful
things you can ever do. You currently use
truth as a last resort. Only when you're forced
up against the wall, with evidence that is
undeniable, do you admit it.
A lot of supposed gurus out there are telling you
that you have to match and mirror women's
likes and dislikes, redirect their objections
rather than answer them (seduce) and
then inject generous doses of prasie and flattery
(pursue). This is way too much work and is no
longer relevant.
If you're into a casual relationship just say it.
Let's face it, all relationships start
out as casual ones...unless you have an arranged
marriage. But remember, there's a fine line
between confidence and arrogance.
Here's the magic sentence:
You: I've got a lot on my plate and I'm only
capable of a physical relationship right
now...still interested?
This triggers three things in her mind:
* You tell the truth and this is different than
most of the guys who approach her.
* You're a challenge because you've hinted at the
possibilty of a future relationship by
using the words'right now'. (remember, women want
what they can't have because they can
usually have anything they want).
* That you stand for something (in a climate where
most people don't). When you're
immoveable from your beliefs, women will respect
you; even if they don't agree with you.
And who knows, maybe this truth will be the thing
that allows the two of you to have a
serious relationship down the line.
A Thank You
What's up buddy? Even though I have tested your
principals many times, I think I am past
that stage now. Every ounce of my being wants to
fight the tough love and societal
pre-programming that had me looking for a better
solution to my dating and social life in
the first place. I, like a lot of guys thought
they were headed for the happy land of a
relationship but I ended up looking back over the
fence with adoration of freedom. I love
your comment of "What you are looking for does not
exist." This is so opposite of what any
other motivational speaker would proclaim. All of
them want you to believe that it's right
around the corner and for just $1,995 they will
lead you to Nirvana. Thanks again for all of
your help in the past nine has been
life changing!
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
August 12, 2006
How To Get Hotter Women
The simple answer is to treat the ones you like
exactly like the ones you don't. In other
words, don't give them special status. Easier
said than done; i know. The fact is that
you're giving the ones you want more status than
they initially deserve. You're assuming
because you find them attractive that they must
also be nice, smart, have great breath, be
good in bed, etc. These things may or may not be
true, but you don't know yet.
Imagine the opposite being true. These women you
THINK you're attracted to may end up not
being someone you like after you've gotten to know
them. If you truly aren't satisfied with
the women you currently have, because they're not
good looking enough and you think the
grass is greener, don't assume that the ones that
ARE better looking will be...well, better.
They might have more issues, lower self esteem, be
higher maintenance and be drama queens.
Most of you know that I have a 'Zero Tolerance'
policy when it comes to drama. I'm not
telling you not to try for these women and I'm not
saying that super attractive women are
bad; what i'm trying to do is de-mystify the
process for you. The bottom line is that, with
the expectations you've set, she will NEVER live
up to them.
Once again I'm going out on a limb here and
telling you that it doesn't matter and might not
lead you to the place you think it will. Trust
me, I'm there. It's not usually the hottest
women who have the best personalities or who are
the sexiest. Trust me, you'll be bored
with them just like you are with the rest of the
stuff in your life that was cool for the
first few weeks and now you take for granted.
Let me explain:
Here's what usually happens
S See it: Wow! That's great.
H Have to have it: I HAVE to have to it.
I It happens: I have it!
T Tired of it: Uh oh, I'm bored with it.
Now What? I'm not prepared for this.
Shit happens, now what?
I'm not trying to dampen your spirits, here. I'm
actually telling you this to help build
your confidence. Since, you'll probably be bored
with her, why not approach with the mindset
of ALREADY being bored with her?
Try this internal frame:
The two of you met, started dating and then you
got bored and broke it off. She's been
trying to talk you into getting back together ever
Would you ever be nervous about approaching a
beautiful woman who's pursuing you? Of course
The thing to consider is that the act of
approaching gives away power so if you don't take
it back immediately you're sending the message
that you're the pursuer. I suggest that as
soon as you see a girl you THINK you like and
approach her, slip into the exact frame of
mind that you're in when you approach the ones you
curently do.
You're conversation could go something like this:
You: I see that we have the same problem
Her: What?
You: We have a lot of people hitting on us and
none of them are saying the right thing.
Her: I know
You: I wish these women would be unique. What did
that last guy say? What was his line?
Her: She tells you the line or story
You: Oh my god. I'm glad I asked because that's
what I was going to say to you (just
Her: Laughing (hopefully)
You: Seriously, guys still use that stuff?
Her: Yeah
You: What DOES work with you? Not that I'm trying
to pick up on you.
Her: What do you mean?
You: I mean, what would one of these guys in here
have to say to spark your interest? (she's
now going to tell you exactly how to get her)
Her: I just like friendly, confident guys who
aren't full of themselves.
You: Wow, that's fascinating. It seems so simple.
Guys have too much at stake and I think
that's why they crash and burn so often.
Her: That's so true.
You: I wish women would use a different tact on
Her: What do they say?
You: They say things like, I don't want a
relationship I just want to use you for sex...that
kind of stuff. I tell them that I don't work that
way; I'm not a piece of meat.
Her: Laughing
You: Not that it wouldn't be okay coming from the
right woman. I mean she'd still have to
convince me and be fascinating though.
Her: Who's the right woman?
You: Why, are you interested?
Her: Maybe
You: Anyway, I have to use the restroom and I'm
sure you want to get back to these
fascinating guys so maybe we'll talk later.
(she's used to dismissing men so this will show
her that you don't fear loss and build attraction)
Go to the bathroom and then talk to some friends,
more girls or whatever. After ten or
fifteen minutes, casually walk by her again and
You: Did I miss anything?
She'll probably have some funny story about other
guys who approached her and you can tell
her that you were stopped by some girls and groped
by the bathroom; and the two of you can
make fun of them.
You're not hitting on her and this is building
attraction as well. She has lowered her
defenses because you're being friendly, funny and
indifferent; she can't understand why
you're not into her.
You: Well I've got to go; it was fun making fun of
other guys with you. If you want to do
it again sometime, I'll give you my number and we
can compare notes.
Success Story
Hi Brent,
I'll get to the point: The advice you gave me on
our last phone coaching session resulted
in me just getting finished having sex with that
Korean girl I told you about.
Oh yeah, your advice about getting candles was
great. It really helped in setting the mood.
Basically, I got four 3"x3" candles with red
candle holders (the color scheme of my room is
red and gold) and one tall and thin candle with a
golden colored candle holder to be used on
the little collapsible dining table in my room..
I only used the latter tonight... I lit
it when we brought the take-out food back to my
room. That was the only light for the rest
of the evening.
But most importantly, the advice you gave helped
me put my head in the right place so that
other things just flowed... I hope that made
sense. :)
PP, San Francisco
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
August 19, 2006
Seduction Is No Longer Relevant
There are many definitions for seduction.
Wikipedia states:
Seduction is the process of deliberately enticing
a person into an act. It can be used
seriously or jokingly, frequently refers to sexual
behavior, and may refer to an act that
the other may later regret and/or would normally
not want to do. Historically, the most
famous seducers of all time are Cleopatra, Giacomo
Casanova, and Don Juan.
The above type of seduction was practiced a long
time ago and things are different now; so
stop living in the past. Seduction is no longer
relevant, in the way you're used to thinking
about it. Women are very smart, pressed for time
(like everyone these days) and usually
know what they want.
Ask yourself these questions:
Wouldn't you rather have a woman WANT to be with
Do you really want to make a woman do something
she doesn't want to do?
If you do, that's weak, manipulative, not a
measure of true success and just bad time
management. Once again, you're making it
complicated and taking the long way around. I
mean, after a while your reputation precedes you
and what used to take hours becomes
relatively quick. It's time to find a more
efficient way to conduct yourself.
As some of you know, years ago I had this home
date I used to do that involved wine, great
food, unusual magazines and conversation, a movie
and would end with getting physical.
Well, I got really good at this and the result (at
the end of the night) was always the
I began to notice an interesting thing:
Women were getting antsy and kind of upset
after a while; but everything was okay once we
were getting physical. I thought, "Wow, that's
interesting. She came over to get physical,
I delayed and now she's mad. What a concept." I
had been wanting to find another, shorter
way to do this anyway. So, I thought, "I wonder
if the decision to get physical with me is
made at the moment she agrees to come over?"
I decided to test my theory. I had the exact same
set-up as usual but I wanted to see how
quick I could get physical. So, we had a glass of
wine, some food, the candles were lit and
I went for it. Within 15 minutes we were doing
everything that it usually took me 3-5 hours
to MAKE happen. We still watched the movie for a
while and then she left. So I'm thinking
"This is interesting but this could be a fluke, I
mean anything can happen once." I decided
to it the next night as well (with a different
woman) and it happend even faster. It was
like I was hit by a bolt of lightening. All this
time I thought I needed to go through this
long ritual to get what we both already wanted.
And the biggest revelation was that all of
the so-called seduction was actually...for ME!!!!!
I was actually doing the seduction scenario for
two reasons.
1) I thought I needed to go through the whole
scenario so she could rationalize exhibiting
the behavior that she did and that somehow I was
convicing her.
2) (this one was an unconscious
decision)...I was bored. I mean I did this every
night and I was making it longer on purpose.
So here's the recap:
* Guys always ask me what they should do (what
technique they should use to get physical)
once a woman is over at their place. The
unbelievable truth is that once she's over at your
place, it's too late! I know what you're
thinking. What??? Her decision to get physical
with you (or not) is made at the moment she agrees
to come over. That's why doing things
right, in the first interaction, is so important.
* Believe it or not...women will often get upset
if you wait too long to get physical once
they're at your place. I've had women get really
irate with me because it was 3-5 hours
before something happened.
* And finally, Here
it comes..."Seduction is for YOU, not her."
That's not a typo.
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
August 26, 2006
My Roll Will NEVER End!
Affirmations will probably be the most important
part of your self-development. They will
be the base for everything else you do. Mastering
them will be scary because once you
believe and give up your old way of being, you'll
be able to have anything you want.
If what you tell yourself now (negative) works,
doesn't it make sense that the opposite
(positive) would also work? Your mind is more
powerful than you think. And since 75% of
communication is non-verbal, it makes sense that
who you are on the inside effects who you
are on the outside and how others react to you.
That's another reason that it seems as if I
sometimes do absolutely nothing and crazy stuff
happens, when I'm coaching you.
Here's what you need to do:
Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the
middle of it with a pencil (very
important). On the left side write down how it IS
for you, truthfully. What are your
issues. List them in order of priority if you
I never approach beautiful women because I don't
know what to say.
After you've finished with the left, write the
exact opposite on the right side.
Beautiful women are easy to approach
because I always know what to say.
Finish the rest of the right side.
Now, It's time to erase.
I want you to re-write each positive affirmation
and this time swing for the fence, go over
the top. Think of the most outlandish thing that
could happen and then go one step further.
I call it 'Severe Self Talk'. Don't worry. It'll
be arrogant going in and confident coming
out. Really go for it..Remember, you're only
saying it to yourself; not out loud to anybody
else. You're inner voice is 'talkin so much
smack' that a regular affirmation just won't
cut it. You need something really powerful.
Beautiful women always approach ME, ask for my
number and I have to end the conversation
first because they won't stop talking.
Make it short and easy to remember. After you
finish all of them, pick the one that
addresses your biggest, most important problem.
That's the one you'll repeat to yourself
daily. It's important to focus your energy on
one. Don't spread yourself too thin or
you'll become overwhelmed and this won't work.
I want you to commit to your chosen affirmation
for 30 days. Why 30 days? Because your
sub-conscious is used to a lot of false starts in
your past. Remember that time you joined
the gym as the result of a New Year's resolution,
went for 3 weeks, then somehow kept coming
up with excuses for not going? It thinks your new
behavior is only temporary. It assumes
that you will eventually go back to the way it was
before. And rightly so; that's been the
case up until now.
Here's another way to think about it:
Your sub-conscious is like a woman in love...
Her: Honey, you don't say, "I love you" enough.
You: Listen, know how I feel about you;
why do I have to say it?
Her: I DO know how you feel about me but I need to
She needs constant re-inforcement. Because, left
unspoken, her inner voice goes crazy
reminding her of all the reasons that you DON'T!
Get it????
When you DO, you'll be,
Beautiful women always approach ME, ask for my
number and I have to end the conversation
first because they won't stop talking.
Waiting to happen at ALL times.
You've probably heard the adage, "He's an accident
waiting to happen." It's the same thing.
Here's what should be going on inside your head
during any interaction you have with
Them: So how are you doing? Blah, Blah, Blah
You: I'm great. (inside you should be thinking:
Whatever, Beautiful women always approach
ME, ask for my number and I have to end the
conversation first because they won't stop
I'm not telling you to stop listening to people,
but your internal answer to EVERYTHING is
your affirmation.
Then, magically, everywhere you go wierd things
will start happening and guess what?
Beautiful women start approaching YOU, asking for
your number and you have to end the
conversation first because they won't stop
Once your first one comes true then start
experimenting with the rest.
Do I still use affirmations? You bet. The
negative voice in my head is often trying to
break through and say,
"You've been on a roll for a long time Brent, but
it's going to end TODAY"
My affirmation is,
"My roll will NEVER end! In fact, after I'm gone
women will still be texting me."
I no longer ask my inner voice for permission to
be successful with women.
In a sea of negativity, it's the positive energy
that you send out to the world that cuts
through the clutter. So, start right now. People
are waiting for it!
I spent a night out with Brent and some of his
friends and it was absolutely the experience
of a lifetime! I was very nervous at first but
Brent was so easy going and friendly that it
instantly took all the pressure off of me and
within five minutes, at the first spot, I had
a gorgeous young lady pressing herself up against
me introducing herself and her two lovely
All Brent wanted me to do was to watch, listen and
learn. But, after about an hour, it looked
so easy that I drifted off on my own and was
already getting similar results. I have to
admit that while I had one of my best times ever
that night, and saw how easy it is to live
such a fascinating lifestyle, I really don't like
to party THAT much. But soon after
meeting Brent, and this is the kicker, he gave me
one little piece of advice that has
changed my life forever and has brought me so much
more joy and success in all aspects of my
life! I'll keep that to myself for now, but
believe me, a few hours with Brent gave me
something that I'd been missing for a long time,
and oh, by the way, dealing with women has
become so second nature it is virtually an
Thanx Brent!
RP, Northern California
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
September 2, 2006
How To Give Out Your Number
There are three things you need keep in mind if
you want this to work.
1 Believe that it works and that it will work for
YOU (and not just me)
2 Don't draw attention to it
3 Don't debate it
If you don't believe in it they'll feel it and it
won't work. If you don't believe in it,
then why would they? Even if they happen to take
it anyway, they won't call. I know this
is hard for most of you. In fact, this is one of
the toughest changes that any of you will
have to make and it's the one that ALL of you
resist the most. What have you got to lose by
doing this? Failure? Most of you aren't
successful with numbers you currently have so
what's the difference?
Think about it this way:
If there's a possibilty that you might fail,
wouldn't you rather do less work for it?
The secret here is to say it like this is what
everybody does or this is the way it works
all the time. You should say it as if it's no big
*Don't draw attention to it
Steer every conversation towards something social
or find something you have in common as
soon as possible. This is directly related to the
types of simple questions that I always
suggest you ask such as Where are you from?, Where
do you live?, What do you do?, What's on
the agenda for tonight?/this weekend? Etc; and
another reason that they are so important.
You're searching for a great, non-threatening
reason for them to call you. Remember, it
takes a lot for them to pick up the phone and dial
a man's number. Don't make it about a
date. Make it seem as if its for a social
gathering or that she needs important information
from you.
Let's say that she lives near you.
You can ask her if she's been to a
particular place such as a bar, club, restaurant,
coffee place Etc. Tell her you're there or
you and you're friends are there all the time and
she's welcome to join you sometime if she
**Caution** It has to be not make things
up or pretend you know about things or
places that you don't.
If you don't know anything about anything then I
suggest that you learn it fast. Sometimes
you just might have to take a pass. Remember, you
don't need to give it out to every woman
you see. As time goes by, you'll get better at
doing this and it'll happen more.
Throughout your conversation say things like,
*Have you been to Mynt? (or something relevant)
*Remind me to give you my number before I leave.
*Call me and I'll let you know about that
*Text me if you want to know about that thing
*Give me a call and we'll talk about it
*We're probably going to club x later. I have the
hook up and might be able to get you in.
Text me in about an hour and I'll see what I can
**Caution** Whatever you do, don't take her phone
and put your number in. The act of her
putting it in makes it real and you also don't
want to give her the idea that you're
pursuing her. And don't keep saying,"Ok, so call
me" over and over. You'll be confusing
her; she won't be able to tell if you're powerful
or not.
*Don't debate it
She might object by saying,
Her: "I don't call men" or "You take MY number" or
something like that.
She thinks you'll be easily swayed with one
objection. And usually she'd be right. You're
used to caving and just being happy to have a
number. Don't give up so easily. What I'm
about tell you will separate you from the rest of
the guys on the planet. Calm down and do the
following without missing a beat.
Take out your phone and say,
You: "Ok, what is it"?
Put her number in your phone and press send, tell
her not to answer and leave the following
"Hey Karen, its Tom from the bar. I want to
congratulate you on coming up and hitting on me
like that, I know it takes a lot of guts for a
woman. Lucky for you I find assertive women
sort of attractive. Anyway, give me a call and
we'll talk about getting together sometime".
You've just taken all the power back that you gave
away by putting her number in your phone.
And, technically, you've called her first. I've
had women tell me that it's cute, funny or
the greatest thing they've ever seen.
**Caution** The idea here is to get your number to
her before you leave the place that you
met her. Don't wait until you get to the next
place or get home; do it right away.
If she still happens to say, "Ok, call me" (which
has happened to me a few times) just smile
and agree by saying, "Ok, great. Nice meeting
you." Move on and don't call her. If she's
interested she'll reach out to YOU.
Other exceptions to the rule: (it's okay to take
her number)
*Her phone's dead
*She doesn't have it with her
*Her dog ate it
This is currently my favorite approach:
Me: Why haven't you called me?
Her: Because I don't know you
Me: That's because you haven't called me
Her: What are you talking about?
Me: Let's try it again, 646-555-1212.
Believe it or not, they often play along and give
me points for trying something different.
Me: Why haven't you called me?
Her: (smiling) Because I lost your number.
Me: (smiling) I'll give you one more chance 646...
At this point I just start asking questions like
"Where are you from?"
I've had a girl kissing me within 2 minutes of
doing this because she thought it was funny
and unique.
You can start doing this right now and it should
work every time, so what are you waiting
P.S. Many of my subscribers are asking for
more... and funny because I've been thinking
about doing a weekly PODCAST for some time.
Nothing outrageous or anything, heck I'd would
probably charge under $10 a month.
If you're interested just send me an email here:
(or just hit reply to this newsletter)
.. And put either YES or NO in the subject line.
If I get enough interest from you guys, I'll
consider setting something up.
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
September 9, 2006
I Saw You Staring At Me
Have you ever been in the situation where a woman
stares over at you and you don't know what
to do about it? Most of you have. If you
haven't, you've come to the right place.
You may be wondering:
* Should you hold the stare?
* Who should look away first?
* What direction should your eyes be going when
the stare is broken?
It's simple. Always break away first and go back
to what you were doing before.
Think about it:
She's staring at YOU (which gives you power
because she's pursuing). If you stare back and
wait until she breaks it, you just gave all the
power back. The congruent thing to do is
to break it off like it didn't happen and then go
over and say the following sentence:
You: I saw you staring at me
Her: What?
You: (smile and pat her on the back) It's ok, I
might be interested too. But, I have a
question for you. Now that I'm over here, what
are you going to do with me?
If she says,
Her: I don't know (and she means it)
You say,
You: Okay. Come find me when you do.(don't say it
in a mean tone, keep it light)
Now, walk back to where you were and don't look at
her again. (she may or may not come find
you. Either way you're in control)
If she says,
Her: I don't know (and it's playful)
You say,
You: Okay, let me know when you come up with
something. (now change the subject) Until
then, where are you from?
Don't milk (her staring at you) for all it's
worth. It's a sure sign that you have nothing
else to say; you have no depth. And, don't make
her feel bad for playing along or showing
interest. Remember how hard it is for her to do
in the first place.
Hey Brent,
When I first decided to get a weekend of coaching
from you, I wasn't really sure what to
expect. I just assumed you would teach me how to
be a smooth-talker and, essentially, trick
girls into liking me. That's not how I would have
phrased the situation then, but I see
things a bit clearer now. It didn't take me very
long at all to realize that what you were actually
teaching wasn't necessarily how to be successful
with women, but rather how to be successful in
life and with people in general.
A month later, I'm still amazed at how much better
my life is becoming. I'm meeting more
people, making more friends, and having better
relationships with the people who are already
in my life. I think that perhaps the single
greatest pearl of wisdom you bestowed on me was
that the only place I need to be is wherever I'm
at. In other words, I no longer have to
worry about being anywhere! I can just live my
life however I choose, and know with
certainty that I can meet women and make friends
wherever I go.
The second greatest thing I learned from you is
what I've been calling "Role-reversal." I
used to believe that I wasn't successful with
women (in part) because I wasn't a
"smooth-talker" or that I didn't know how to
entertain women, so to
speak. Now, as you yourself have said, I get
nauseous at the very idea of my doing anything
to try and entertain women. No longer am I the one
driving all over creation for women,
buying them dinner, or going out of my way to do
anything special for women. In fact, I now
find that when I mention that I would like to try
"X" or that I want to learn "Y"; the woman
asks if she can do these things for me! It's
I suppose I should get some rest now. I'll need my
energy because tomorrow I am hooking up
with a beautiful young stripper, and later I will
be getting some lessons in salsa dancing
from another woman I met. So thank you Brent for
the countless things you taught me, all of
which I have been using to create a better life
for myself!
A.D., Los Angeles, Ca.
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
September 16, 2006
How To Be Consistent
When I was younger I had some initial success with
women but it was feast or famine. In
other words, I was inconsistent. One week I would
be really on and have incredible results
and the next week there was nothing. I thought I
was doing the same things. At the time, this is
what I thought:
* I guess inconsistency is the price I have to pay
for the success I have
* I have to take the bad with the good
* I have more success than anybody I know so I
should be happy
* I don't know anyone who has this life 24/7; it
must not be possible
So I accepted that this was how my life was going
to be. And, of course, that's exactly how
it was. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. I was
guarenteeing that it would be that way.
One day I realized that this was all in my head
and that I could have this life all the time
(scary thought).
What did I do?
The same thing I want you to do:
Take out a piece of paper. Think back to the last
time(s) you were successful and write
down all the details that you can remember:
* What kind of mood were you in?
* What were you feeling?
* How were you acting?
* What were you saying?
* How were you saying it?
* What was your body language?
* How were others reacting to you?
* Etc.
I guarentee that you'll find many common
things that you did, that you're not even aware
of. Once you know what they are, do them every
time you're around other people.
Is that it?
No, there's more. Stay tuned!
While the insight from Brent's newsletters and
interviews is powerful in and of itself,
there's simply no substitute for witnessing his
approach and taking in his knowledge
firsthand, live and in person. I knew that my
coaching weekend was going to be awesome, yet I
still underestimated just how
much I would actually learn and evolve from it.
Furthermore, I had no idea just how easy,
and how much fun, it was going be for me to
actually play integral roles in amazing
interactions that we experienced together! Brent
was great to hang with because everything he
conveyed was authentic, fun and positive.
He offered excellent feedback which has helped me
with many of my sticking points,
especially in areas where he was able to find good
perspectives within notions that had, in
the past, been self limiting beliefs for me. He
also shared a wealth of constructive
suggestions to refine other, more subtle aspects
of myself that I wasn't already aware of.
** Results!**
The affirmation about me being so interesting that
I'd have to cut off conversations has
already come true! I found myself being dragged
around by a group of three women (2 of them
very attractive) who were smitten with me and who
were begging me to hang around with them
all night. Everyone saw this (and their
touchy/feelyness) everywhere we went and I could
really feel the impact that my presence made on
others. They were all wondering...
wondering...wondering... THEN horny guys
starting coming into the I welcomed
them... and the girls were
turned off by them and turned towards me... I'm
now getting text messages of my own... LOL!
Thanks for bringing to my attention the fact that
I make a bigger impression then I thought
I did. That was BIG for me...
Unlike many good things in life, where the initial
buzz steadily tapers afterwards, I now
wake up each morning with a growing sense of
enthusiasm about the present and the future.
My attitude is being fueled by the momentum of the
successes that I've been experiencing on
my own, consistently, day by day. I now realize
the Possibility that exists... Thanks Brent.
D.G., Colorado
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
September 23, 2006
You Might Be Too Perfect
You're a good looking guy, have great hair, hip
clothes, flashy car, you're successful in business
and you know all the right people; you even have
no noticable, nervous twitching.
Let's say that none of this is over the top and
you're not using all these things as crutches.
Basically, you think you have your act together.
So why do you still have problems attracting
women, holding the attraction and getting them not
to flake? Even after they've shown initial
interest by approaching you, telling you they're
interested and getting together with you for
mind-blowing physical activity? I bet you never
thought that you might have it TOO together for
Here's what I mean:
You might be too perfect. Women want to nurture
and fix you. When they're with you they try to
imagine where they would fit into your life and
what they would help you with. You've provided
them with nothing to're ALREADY fixed.
You might also be doing something relationship
oriented that's giving them the 'go signal' to
have those thoughts in the first place. Women
rarely do that with me. They know the deal and
don't consider any other possibilities.
Here are a couple of other reasons directly from
* "You are a good looking guy, its becuase we're
afraid we'll get hurt, its a defense mechanism we
have becuase we have been burned so many times."
* "I really like you and I like being around you,
but I am moving so I am trying my best NOT to see
you, I am sorry I am just scared."
Believe it!
This is not a lack of attraction but you might be
scaring them; they're actually intimidated by you.
All this time you actually had higher status.
The good news is that you're much more powerful
and attractive than you originally thought. It
makes total sense that they would fear you.
Remember, the hotter they are, the lower their
self-esteem and the average looking men they date
cheat on them less (they think). Whereas with
you, they assume that every woman feels as THEY do
around you so you must get physical with all of
them and they're threatened by this.
Now, I'm not saying that you should do anything
different, just be aware of it!
There will be another price increase (for
coaching) very soon so pull the trigger now.
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
October 1, 2006
Wrap It In A Treat
When you have something controversial to say you
have two choices about how can deliver it.
You can make a statement that causes people to
become defensive and not listen to anything
else you have to say or you can make it easier to
digest. It even works with dogs.
For instance:
Your dog is sick so you take it to the Vet. The
Vet says, I can help your dog but you'll
have to give him these giant pills. You both know
that your dog will never swallow a pill
this big, but you know what's good for him (and he
doesn't know) so what do you do? The Vet
tells you to crush it up in his food or wrap it in
a treat. You do it, your dog gets
the medicine he needs, gets better and everyone's
It's the same with people. Most are
pre-conditioned to have an automatic response
(based on past experience and social programming)
and don't really know what's good for them. In
other words, they don't know what they don't know.
I used to tell women, in an adversarial way, what
I was about.
*This is how it is with me
*I don't do ________ or _________
*I will never_________
This led to bad time management; I spent a lot of
time debating. These days, I don't have to
say the words anymore. Women know just by talking
to me, about anything, what my story is.
In between making direct statements and learning
to convey those statements non--verbally,
I wrapped it in a treat by explaining it in a way
that was easy to swallow.
When you offer your number, she might object by
Her: I don't call men
Instead of saying,
You: Well, I don't call women.
You: (smiling) Do you like being in control of who
you talk to and who you date?
Her: Yes
You: Of course you do. Well, I'm putting you in
the driver's seat. You can either call me
or delete my number later or if you're not
interested. How does that sound?
Most likely, she will agree and take your number.
And there's a positive energy in the air.
Coaching (1-on-1)
If you want to live this life right now you can
start by signing up for my coaching program.
Whether you start on the phone or in person, start
Click on the link below right now for more
information and to sign up for 1-on-1 coaching
(clicking on this link does not obligate you in
any way)
That's it for now. Good luck out there!
8e|ng |nstead of becom|ng

l always Lalk a loL abouL belng successful wlLh
women lnsLead of Lrylng Lo become successful
wlLh Lhem.

Pow do you do Lhls?

SLarL by uslng one poslLlve afflrmaLlon and Lhen
acL as lf LhaL Lhlng ls already happenlng.


'l'm successful wlLh women'

lf you're comlng from a place of:

'l'm successful wlLh women'

1hen you're:

'l'm successful wlLh women' walLlng Lo happen aL
ALL Llmes.

lL's Lhe exacL opposlLe of whaL you've been LaughL
ln Lhe pasL. Cnce you A8L, women wlll
LreaL you llke lL lnsLead of LreaLlng you llke
someone who ls becomlng.

So now LhaL you're already successful wlLh women,
whaL would you do? ln oLher words, whaL
would you do lf you knew you couldn'L fall?

WhaL would you loglcally do nexL?

WhaL would happen Lo you when you wenL ouL?

Pow would you acL?

WhaL would your body language be?

Pow would you feel?

Pow would women LreaL you?

WhaL klnd of women would be aLLracLed Lo you?

Pow good would you be?

WhaL would you rlsk?

Pow many women would you approach?

Pow many women would approach ?Cu?

Pow relaxed would you be?

Would you heslLaLe?

WhaL would you say?

Pow would you say lL?

Would you be scared?

Would you care lf you had noLhlng Lo say?

Would you ever have any fear of loss?

?ou can also creaLe a whole sLory ln your head.
8e successful wlLh women and [usL acL lL


?our cell phone ls buzzlng for Lhe LwenLleLh Llme
Loday. lL's a usual day for you, wlLh
women calllng, LexL messaglng and emalllng you,
Lrylng Lo geL a spoL ln your schedule.

8lghL now Lhere are abouL 10 of Lhese women whom
you hook up wlLh regularly wlLh no sLrlngs

1hese women all flL your lC (ldeal Clrl roflle).
Maybe Lhey're Lall (3 fooL 9 +), mosL of
Lhem are blondes wlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lwo or
Lhree very s<$* bruneLLes. All of Lhem have
model-llke looks and bodles, ln facL mosL of Lhem
are professlonal models and have appeared
ln popular magazlnes.

?ou're consLanLly meeLlng new, hoLLer, more
lnLeresLlng women who replace Lhe less
aLLracLlve (relaLlvely), less lnLeresLlng ones.
Lverywhere you go, ulLra hoL woman are
lnevlLably aLLracLed Lo you.

When you walk lnLo a room, every woman looks and
lmmedlaLely wanLs you. Several approach,
glvlng you compllmenLs, fondllng you, klsslng you
and asklng for your phone number even when
Lhelr boyfrlends are ln Lhe vlclnlLy. Seelng
Lhls, oLher women approach and Lell you LhaL
Lhey wanL Lo be nexL.

lmaglne noL belng able Lo Lell your frlends Lhe
sLorles because Lhey Lhlnk you are lylng.

!usL acL as lf Lhls ls already happenlng Lo
you,llke Lhls ls how lL lS for you.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Change 1he keason ou Go Cut

Are you Llred of golng ouL and feellng Lhe
pressure Lo be successful, Lhe sLress of belng
cool and end up belng exhausLed?

?ou know Lhe feellng:

* ?ou walk ln and walk around and around searchlng
for LargeLs

* ?ou Lry Lo gaLher enough courage Lo approach buL
you're nervous, fearful of belng re[ecLed and
feellng embarrassed

* ?ou mlghL be Lhere wlLh a frlend, buL no one
would be able Lo Lell. lnsLead of en[oylng hls
company, you're Loo busy Lrylng noL Lo mlss
someLhlng and looklng for Lhe nexL group LhaL
you're nC1 golng Lo Lalk Lo...because Lhe momenL
wasn'L rlghL.

* ?ou flnally approach a woman or group of women
and lL doesn'L go well. 1hey glve you one word
answers or look aL you wlLh LhaL blank sLare, as
lf Lo say, 'WhaL could you posslbly wanL?' Cr
'lease. Llke you would ever have a chance wlLh
me...geL losL!'

* now, your ego has Laken a huge hlL and you, once
agaln, feel llke a compleLe loser. So you vow LhaL
nexL Llme you're golng Lo do lL beLLer. ?ou'll do
Lhe same Lhlng, buL beLLer.

lf Lhe above scenarlo lsn'L bad enough, you dldn'L
even have fun!

Why ls Lhls happenlng Lo you?

lL's happenlng because you're golng ouL for Lhe
wrong reasons.

lf you're golng ouL Lo geL phone numbers, geL lald
or geL a daLe you're golng ouL for Lhe wrong
reasons. Women can Lell why you're Lhere and Lhey
can Lell LhaL you wanL someLhlng from Lhem. SLop
wanLlng someLhlng from Lhem.

1he only reason you should be golng ouL ls
Lo have a greaL Llme and meeL people.

When you're frlendly and people can Lell LhaL you
don'L wanL or need anyLhlng from Lhem, Lhey'll
[usL sLarL glvlng you sLuff.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Is our Iear In 1he Ireezer?

uo you always flnd yourself walLlng for Lhe
perfecL momenL Lo do someLhlng?

1here's a saylng, "?ou don'L have Lo be greaL Lo
geL sLarLed, buL you have Lo geL sLarLed Lo be

1here seems Lo be some confuslon as Lo wheLher you
should sLop belng soclal whlle you're learnlng Lhe
"lnslde your head" sLuff l Leach or wheLher you
should be golng ouL aL Lhe same Llme. LeL me
clear Lhls up rlghL now.

Co ouL.


lf you sLay ln Loo long you mlghL geL used Lo lL
and lose your nerve...lL's klnd of llke heslLaLlng
afLer you arrlve aL a place...Lhe longer you walL
Lhe worse lL ls. lL can become a very convenlenL
excuse for noL parLlclpaLlng ln llfe. lL's a
sllppery slope, so avold lL.

lus you need feedback along Lhe way. Pow do you
know lf lLs worklng lf you never LesL lL? Pow do
you know LhaL Lhlngs are changlng for you soclally
lf you're noL golng ouL? ?ou don'L. Some
feedback (poslLlve or negaLlve) ls greaL along Lhe
way. lL helps you flgure ouL whaL
mlndseLs/vlsuallzaLlons are worklng and helps you
callbraLe Lhem.

So why ls lL LhaL you mlghL be sLaylng ln?

Cne reason ls LhaL you mlghL have a case of Lhe
"When l's." WhaL are Lhe When l's? 1hey can be
Lhe sLumbllng blocks Lo havlng everyLhlng you
wanL. Many of you have greaL lnLenLlons. ?eL,
when asked why you don'L follow Lhrough, you
usually offer some lame excuse abouL walLlng for
Lhe perfecL Llme. 1hey begln wlLh "l'll do lL...",
"l'll Lry lL...", "l'll go ouL...", "l'll sLop
pursulng...", "l'll slgn up for lL..."

"when l have Lhe perfecL [ob."

"when l geL some money saved up."

"when l have my acL LogeLher."

"when l've had some success wlLh women."

"when l'm no longer a vlrgln."

"when l have my lnner sLuff LogeLher."

"When l've masLered pursulng"

?ou geL Lhe plcLure. Llfe ls Loo shorL Lo walL lL
ouL. lf l walLed for Lhe perfecL Llme for
everyLhlng, l would sLlll be worklng ln Lhe
corporaLe world and noL Leachlng you anyLhlng. l
used Lo sLruggle wlLh lndeclslon and
procrasLlnaLlon every day.

1he mosL common reacLlon Lo confronLlng declslons
or faclng new slLuaLlons ls Lo delay or
procrasLlnaLe. SomeLlmes lL's Lhe search for Lhe
rlghL or besL Llme. CLher Llmes lL's because
you're afrald of falllng. WhaLever Lhe reason,
heslLaLlon almosL always leads Lo unhapplness. 8y
delaylng an acLlon, you only delay happlness and
freeze fear ln place. WalLlng for Lhe besL Llme
means walLlng forever, slnce you can'L know LhaL
momenL unLll lL has passed. rocrasLlnaLlon
lncreases raLher Lhan reduces fears.

MosL ofLen, Lhough, Lhe delay prolongs paln,
anxleLy, or dlscomforL. PeslLaLlon wlll never
lmprove your slLuaLlon. MosL ofLen lL makes
Lhlngs worse.

So whaL's anoLher reason you do lL?



1here are Llmes you heslLaLe Laklng acLlon because
you're afrald of fallure. CLher Llmes you
heslLaLe because you're noL sure whaL wlll happen
and you're afrald of Lhe unknown. ?ou're probably
an experL aL comlng up wlLh reasons Lo nC1 do
someLhlng. ?ou're noL alone ln raLlonallzlng
heslLaLlon. We all do lL. MosL ofLen you
raLlonallze your heslLancy by blamlng Llmlng. ?ou
mlghL say, "1he Llmes' noL rlghL." lL could be
LhaL you Lhlnk Lhere's one perfecL momenL Lo Lake
Lhe acLlon. A sllghL varlaLlon of Lhls "Llme's
noL rlghL" excuse ls Lhe "l'm noL ready yeL"
[usLlflcaLlon. 1haL was my favorlLe. l'm always
preparlng and Lhen preparlng some more, and
spendlng anoLher weekend preparlng, all Lo keep
from faclng a dlfflculL Lask. Cbsesslve
over-preparaLlon ls my form of procrasLlnaLlon.

l Lhlnk lL's beLLer Lo selze a momenL and acL
qulckly Lhan Lo procrasLlnaLe and lock fear ln

8esldes, perfecL Llmlng ls only apparenL Lhrough
hlndslghL. 1haL's because Llme doesn'L sLand
sLlll and acLlons don'L happen lnsLanLaneously.
1he [udgmenL of whaL ls Lhe perfecL Llme for any
acLlon ls knowable only afLer lL has already

1he only way Lo sLop feellng fearful ls Lo Lake
Lhe acLlon you're avoldlng. SLop walLlng for Lhe
perfecL Llme, lL wlll never come. lnsLead,
reallze LhaL Loday ls Lhe besL Llme Lo do
anyLhlng. 1hls ls Lhe momenL. 1here's no Llme
llke now, so Lake Lhe acLlon. WheLher lL's golng
ouL alone, walklng over and Lalklng Lo a group of
sLrangers or Laklng LhaL semlnar you've been
puLLlng off. lL may noL always Lurn ouL
poslLlvely, buL aL leasL you wlll puL Lhe fear
behlnd you and be able Lo move on.

1here's a sLory ln Lhe 1almud abouL a wlse man
walklng ln Lhe counLryslde all by hlmself. Pe
rounds a bend ln Lhe Lrall and comes upon a pack
of wlld dogs. Slnce he's afrald of dogs...he
lmmedlaLely slLs down among Lhem.

Cne of Lhe hldden polnLs ln LhaL parable ls LhaL
Lhe wlse man "lmmedlaLely" slLs down among Lhe
dogs. Pe doesn'L wasLe Llme worrylng abouL whaL
mlghL happen or how Lhlngs could Lurn ouL. Pe
reallzes every momenL spenL heslLaLlng ls anoLher
momenL llvlng ln fear. Pe doesn'L walL for Lhe
dogs Lo lle down Lo sleep, or Lo become dlsLracLed
by a rabblL, or Lo sLarL playlng wlLh one anoLher.
Pe reallzes Lhere's no perfecL Llme Lo Lake Lhe
acLlon. Pe knows Lhe besL Llme Lo Lake Lhe acLlon
ls now.

lear ls Lhe reason we delay Laklng acLlon. We're
afrald we're golng Lo fall, or we're afrald of Lhe
unknown. 1he lrony ls LhaL by delaylng, we freeze
Lhe fear ln place. And permanenL fear leads Lo a
klnd of chronlc emoLlonal, psychologlcal, and
splrlLual paln.

?ou all have someLhlng you've been puLLlng off and
Lhere's no Llme llke Lhe presenL for geLLlng lL
done. 1ake Lhe acLlon. ?ou'll achleve more, be
happler and spend less Llme worrled and afrald.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Are ou Interested In L|sten|ng?

?ou guys are always asklng me how Lo bulld
aLLracLlon and keep Lhe conversaLlon lnLeresLlng.

l have an ldea:

8e lnLeresLed ln llsLenlng.

8elng a good a good llsLener ls a unlque quallLy.
1hlnk abouL lL for a momenL. Women are always
complalnlng LhaL men don'L llsLen. And, Lhey're
rlghL! We're nervous and wanL Lo lmpress Lhem so
we Lalk abouL ourselves non-sLop. So lmaglne when
you uC llsLen. lL's so rare LhaL lL bullds
aLLracLlon. ?ou can acLually have an enLlre
conversaLlon wlLh [usL a conslsLenL, "8eally",
"no way", "Are you klddlng?" "Pow long have
you been dolng 1PA1?" "Pow long have you llved
1PL8L? L1C."

l have cllenLs who are geLLlng LogeLher wlLh Lhe
hoLLesL women you've ever seen, [usL by belng good
llsLeners. Conslder Lhls...belng lnLeresLed ln
whaL Lhey have Lo say wlll acLually keep Lhem
lnLeresLed as well (whlch ls a ma[or concern for
mosL of you). uon'L worry, you're noL glvlng
away power or seen as Lhe long as
you're noL falllng all over yourself and uslng
Lhls as a Lechnlque.

uon'L be lnLeresLed ln hlLLlng on Lhem, geLLlng
Lhelr number, daLlng Lhem or geLLlng physlcal...!usL
llsLen. lf you convey Lhls properly, 1hey'll
flnd lL lnLeresLlng LhaL:

* ?ou llsLen, when mosL men don'L.

* ?ou can have a conversaLlon wlLhouL saylng "Can
l geL your number?"

* 1hey know very llLLle abouL you, whlch makes you

* ?ou're confldenL and real.

* ?ou have no rouLlne or Lrlckery (llke Lhe lasL 7
guys who approached her)

* ?ou're one of Lhe sLrongesL males.

And flnally, Lhey'll flnd lL lnLeresLlng LhaL
Lhey wanL you so badly.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Don't Ask Don't 1e||

WheLher lL's Lhe happy hour you're hosLlng nexL
week or Lhe PA?, happy hour you wanL Lo hosL
LonlghL for LhaL woman you [usL meL, Lhe
dlfference beLween success and fallure ls how you
dlsLrlbuLe LhaL lnformaLlon.

CurrenLly you probably ask:

"Would you llke Lo come Lo my afLer parLy?"


?ou robably Lell:

"?ou should come Lo my afLer parLy."

WhaL's wrong wlLh Lhe above? 1here's Loo much
wanLlng lnvolved.

So whaL do you do?


An lnvlLaLlon ls much beLLer Lhan asklng or
Lelllng, Lhere's a blg dlsLlncLlon here.
lnvlLlng ls based on someLhlng you're already
dolng and noL conLlngenL on wheLher people follow
you or noL. lL's very, very powerful and
aLLracLlve. lL conveys LhaL your llfe doesn'L
revolve around plcklng up women or seeklng
acknowledgemenL from oLhers.

Lxample: l'm havlng an afLer parLy. ?ou're
welcome Lo [oln us lf you wanL.

lL's always beLLer Lo lnvlLe by saylng, "l'm dolng
x, you're welcome Lo [oln me." Cr "l always have
someLhlng golng on, feel free Lo reach ouL Lo me
lf you're lnLeresLed ln flndlng ouL abouL lL."

So pre-plan someLhlng and lnvlLe people. ?ou'll
see a blg dlfference ln Lhe Lurn ouL.

1ry lL, lf you wanL, and leL me know whaL happens!
now Do ou 1e|| It?

l recenLly had a dlscusslon wlLh one of my
cllenLs, who Lold me a sLory abouL a very
successful nlghL he recenLly had.

Pe sald,

"l don'L know whaL was golng on buL 1hursday nlghL
was lncredlble. l made ouL wlLh Lhree dlfferenL
chlcks aL Lhe bar, some glrl approached me near
Lhe baLhroom and asked for my number and aL Lhe
end of Lhe nlghL some chlck walks up and Lells me
l'm hoL and LhaL she wanLs me Lo leave wlLh
l dld."

AfLer he flnlshes Lelllng me Lhe sLory he says,

"lL was so unllke me. WhaL's Lhe secreL Lo havlng
lL happen Lo me all Lhe Llme?"

l sald,

"S1C! Are you llsLenlng Lo yourself? 1he reason
lL's noL happenlng Lo you all Lhe Llme ls LhaL
lL's so unllke you. And, you dldn'L know whaL was
golng on!"

Pe paused for a second and sald,

"Puh?...Poly [&!, Are you klddlng me? l had no
ldea l was saylng LhaL."

1he reason l'm polnLlng Lhls ouL ls because lL's
very easy Lo overlook Lhls klnd of Lalk when
you're relaLlng sLorles Lo frlends, colleagues, me
or whomever. lL doesn'L maLLer wheLher Lhey're
sLorles abouL success or fallure. lL's how you
Lell Lhem LhaL maLLers. lor lnsLance, lf he were
Lelllng me abouL a recenL fallure, "lL was so
unllke me" would have been a very powerful

Lvery sLaLemenL you say abouL yourself has an
effecL on your subconsclous, so be careful. l know
Lhese are very small deLalls buL lL's Lhe smallesL
changes (ln whaL you already do) LhaL wlll have
Lhe blggesL effecL on your llfe.

Pow should he Lell Lhe sLory from now on?

"1hursday nlghL was lncredlble. 1he usual sLuff
happened, of course. l made ouL wlLh Lhree chlcks
aL Lhe bar, some glrl approached me near Lhe
baLhroom and asked for my number and aL Lhe end
of Lhe nlghL some chlck walks up and Lells me l'm
hoL and LhaL she wanLs me Lo leave wlLh l
dld. Same crap, dlfferenL nlghL."

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

M|rror M|rror Cn 1he Wa||

Co Lo a mlrror rlghL now. uo you llke whaL you
see? no? 1haL's your flrsL problem...and Lhe only
one LhaL maLLers.

l know LhaL you guys are always worrled abouL how
WCMLn vlew you, buL whaL you should really be
concerned wlLh ls how ?Cu vlew you. When you see
yourself a cerLaln way, you'll acL ln accordance
wlLh LhaL bellef, wheLher lL's Lrue or noL. ?our
self-lmage ls an accumulaLlon of all LhoughLs,
aLLlLudes and oplnlons you have percelved and
sLored abouL yourself.

Pere's how lL works:

LeL's say a woman calls you creepy. ?our
subconsclous records Lhls as reallLy. now, every
Llme you replay Lhe experlence of belng called
creepy, as far as your subconsclous ls concerned,
lL's happenlng all over agaln because lL doesn'L
know Lhe dlfference beLween a real or lmaglned
experlence. Lvery Llme you replay lL, lL geLs
recorded as reallLy all over agaln and relnforces
your #1 bellef-whlch ls, "l'm creepy." As Lhese
LhoughLs accumulaLe, Lhey cemenL a paLLern of
bellef. As you allow Lhem Lo bulld up, you Lhen
acL ouL Lhls bellef. And Lhen, of course, lL
becomes a self-fulfllllng prophecy.

Pow do you combaL Lhls?

nexL Llme you sLarL replaylng Lhe plcLure ln your
head, change lL Lo a poslLlve ouLcome. 1hlnk Lo
yourself, "WhaL she acLually sald was",
"you're_____________!" And flll ln Lhe blank wlLh
lncredlble, aLLracLlve, hoL, fasclnaLlng L1C. As
your self-lmage becomes more poslLlve, your
acLlons wlll follow.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!


Confldence! 1hls slngle facLor ls Lhe key Lo
reLalnlng Lrue wealLh and success. 1hose of you
who belleve you deserve prosperlLy aLLaln lL.
1hose of you who don'L belleve you deserve lL,
ofLen don'L keep lL.

?ou've probably heard Lhe sLorles of loLLery
wlnners who losL Lhelr money ln Lhe same Llme lL
Look Lo cash Lhelr check. Cr sporLs sLars slgnlng
glganLlc conLracLs only Lo flnd Lhemselves rlghL
back where Lhey began. 1hese people Look Lhe
acLlons necessary Lo galn Lhe wealLh, however Lhey
lacked Lhe confldence LhaL Lhey Lruly deseved Lo
reLaln lL.

WhaL Lo do?

SLarL saylng encouraglng words Lo yourself, over
and over agaln unLll you begln Lo belleve lL: 'l'm
happy, l'm healLhy, l'm Lerrlflc...'"

lL may seem sllly, buL do lL anyway, because once
you belleve you're worLhy, Lhe law of prosperlLy
wlll begln Lo supply Lhe wealLh.

uon'L belleve lL?

1hen leL me ask you Lhls: ouL of all Lhe
successful people you know, are Lhey confldenL?
Cf course Lhey are! 1hey belleve ln Lhemselves,
and as a resulL. CLhers belleve ln Lhem Loo.

1ake ouL a osL-lL noLe and wrlLe Lhree poslLlve
sLaLemenLs ln Lhe flrsL person. lor example: "l
am a confldenL, successful person." SLlck Lhe
noLe on a mlrror ln Lhe baLhroom or on a car
dashboard where you have Lo see lL each day.
Lvery Llme you look aL Lhe noLe, say Lhose
encouraglng words Lo yourself. 1he more you say
lL, Lhe more you'll begln Lo feel lL. 1he more
you feel lL, Lhe more you'll belleve lL. 1he more
you belleve lL, Lhe sooner lL wlll become Lrue.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Are ou 8ra|n Dead?

?ou guys are always asklng me how you can learn
Lhlngs fasLer, so l have anoLher slmple ldea for


?ou've probably always LhoughL LhaL your braln
conLrols your behavlor, buL noL LhaL your behavlor
could conLrol and change Lhe sLrucLure of your

Lxerclse, especlally regular aeroblc exerclse, can
help. lL can lmprove Lhe performance of your
braln by boosLlng memory and cognlLlve processlng
speed. ln oLher words, exerclse can creaLe a
sLronger, fasLer braln.


?ou have Lhese Lhlngs ln your braln called
neurons-Lhe braln cells LhaL enable you Lo Lhlnk.
?ou can produce Lwo Lo Lhree Llmes as many new
cells as people who don'L exerclse. So, your
braln ls noL only capable of renewlng lLself buL
exerclse speeds Lhe process.


lor Lhose of you are vL8? depressed abouL Lhe facL
LhaL you're noL reLalnlng my lnformaLlon and noL
movlng qulckly Lo masLer lL, l have good news.
Lxerclse also speeds Lhe producLlon of seroLonln
(a hormone LhaL lnfluences mood), whlch ln Lurn,
could make you more lndlfferenL abouL lL!

So, puL down Lhe rozac and geL ouL Lhere and run,
blke or play a game of Lennls.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens

Are ou Iudg|ng Me?

1here ls someLhlng ln your mlnd LhaL [udges
everybody and everyLhlng. ?ou [udge everyLhlng
Lhey do and don'L do, everyLhlng Lhey Lhlnk and
don'L Lhlnk and everyLhlng Lhey feel and don'L

uon'L belleve me?

Walk ouLslde rlghL now or go Lo a publlc place
where a loL of people wlll be comlng and golng.
now, slL down and waLch Lhem for a whlle.
lmmedlaLely you'll sLarL Lo [udge. lL's
auLomaLlc. ?ou'll sLarL Lhlnklng Lhlngs llke,

"1haL homeless guy should geL a [ob."

"1haL woman ls SC over welghL."

"WhaL Lhe heck ls LhaL person wearlng?"

lf you wanL people Lo really be Lhemselves when
you're lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhem, you have Lo convey
LhaL you're noL [udglng Lhelr needs, wanLs,
acLlons, deslres or slLuaLlon. 1he LruLh ls LhaL
mosL human belngs [udge oLhers uslng Lhelr own

Pow do you sLop [udglng?

Make a consclous efforL Lo change your LhoughLs
around Lhls. 1he nexL Llme you sLarL [udglng,
sLop, relax and send Lhem Lhe besL energy,
reallzlng LhaL Lhey're [usL Lrylng Lo geL Lhrough
Lhelr day or may have greaL reasons for how Lhey llve
Lhelr llfe. ?ou don'L have Lo agree wlLh how Lhey do lL
buL you do have Lo accepL lL.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Let Cthers nave It

When someone Lells you someLhlng do you Lry Lo
"one up" Lhem? ln oLher words do you Lry Lo come
up wlLh someLhlng beLLer Lo say LhaL makes you
feel and look beLLer Lo Lhem? l was Lhe klng of
Lhls. ln facL, l would lnLerrupL someone Lo do
lL. l llke Lalklng so much LhaL l sLlll someLlmes
flnd myself LempLed Lo do lL.

1here's someLhlng maglcal LhaL happens, a sense of
calm LhaL comes over you, when you cease needlng
all Lhe aLLenLlon dlrecLed Lowards yourself and
lnsLead allow oLher people Lo have lL.

?our need for excesslve aLLenLlon ls LhaL
ego-cenLered parL of you LhaL says, "Look aL me.
l'm speclal. My sLory ls more lnLeresLlng Lhan
yours." lL's LhaL volce lnslde of you LhaL may
noL come rlghL ouL and say lL, buL wanLs Lo
belleve LhaL, "my accompllshmenLs are sllghLly
more lmporLanL Lhan yours." 1he ego ls Lhe parL
of you LhaL wanLs Lo be seen, heard, respecLed,
and consldered speclal, ofLen aL Lhe expense of
someone else. lL's Lhe parL of you LhaL
lnLerrupLs someone else's sLory, or lmpaLlenLly
walLs lL's Lurn Lo speak so LhaL you can brlng Lhe
conversaLlon and aLLenLlon back Lo yourself. 1o
varylng degrees, mosL people are gullLy of Lhls
behavlor and lL creaLes dlsLance beLween Lhem and
Lhe oLher parLlclpanL.

WhaL Lo do?

1he nexL Llme someone Lells you a sLory or shares
an accompllshmenL wlLh you, noLlce your Lendency
Lo say someLhlng abouL yourself ln response.

AlLhough lL's a dlfflculL hablL Lo break, lL's noL
only en[oyable buL also acLually peaceful Lo have
Lhe quleL confldence Lo be able Lo surrender your
need for aLLenLlon and lnsLead share ln Lhe
exclLemenL of someone else's sLory. 8aLher Lhan
[umplng rlghL ln and saylng, "Cnce l dld Lhe same
Lhlng" or Cuess whaL l dld Loday?" blLe your
Longue and noLlce whaL happens. !usL say, "1haL's
greaL," or "CongraLulaLlons," and leave lL aL
LhaL. 1he person you're speaklng Lo wlll have so
much more fun and, because you're "presenL,"
because you're llsLenlng so carefully, Lhey won'L
feel ln compeLlLlon wlLh you. 1he resulL wlll be
LhaL Lhe person wlll feel more relaxed around you,
allowlng Lhem Lo be even more confldenL and
lnLeresLlng. ?ou'll feel more relaxed because you
won'L be on Lhe edge of your seaL, walLlng your

When you surrender your need Lo geL all Lhe
credlL, Lhe aLLenLlon you used Lo need from oLher
people ls replaced by a quleL lnner confldence
LhaL ls derlved from leLLlng oLhers have lL.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

ara|yzed 8y Indec|s|on

uo you ever flnd yourself avoldlng a declslon you
have Lo make?

Wonder why lL's so hard?

1here's a beneflL Lo nC1 maklng one.

WhaL's Lhe beneflL?

?ou don'L have Lo Lake responslblllLy for maklng
Lhe W8CnC one.

?ou Lhlnk you're ln conLrol when you avold Lhe
declslon buL you're noL. ?ou're only ln conLrol
once you acLually declde. 1he lronlc Lhlng ls
LhaL maklng a declslon (even Lhe wrong one)
qulckly ls much less palnful Lhen whaL you're
golng Lhrough when you're agonlzlng over lL.

l suggesL dolng a slmple ro/Con exerclse Lo ease
Lhe paln. CeL ouL a plece of paper, wrlLe Lhe
sub[ecL/opLlon aL Lhe Lop, draw a llne down Lhe
mlddle of Lhe paper, wrlLe Lhe word "ro" on Lhe
lefL and "Con" on Lhe rlghL. now llsL Lhe poslLlves
and negaLlves of maklng LhaL parLlcular declslon.
8epeaL Lhe same process for your oLher opLlon and
compare Lhe Lwo.

now, make a declslon. lL's as slmple as LhaL.

Cnce you make a declslon, lL's over. ?ou can move
on wlLh your llfe. lL's llke a welghL has been
llfLed off of your shoulders. So sLop walLlng and
sLarL llvlng.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Imag|ne 1hat Lveryone Is Ln||ghtened

So l'm ln llne Lo check ouL aL Lhe grocery sLore
and Lhere's an older woman ln fronL of me. She
was ln one of Lhose elecLrlc carLs and had
probably 30 cans of food ln her baskeL. Cne by
one she's puLLlng Lhem on Lhe counLer (very
slowly), Lhen she sLops ln Lhe mlddle she asks for
a prlce check on Lhree lLems, whlch Lakes a few
more mlnuLes (seems llke a loL longer Lo me). lf
Lhls lsn'L enough, when she reaches Lhe reglsLer
she pulls ouL a checkbook and Lhe walL conLlnues.
l feel Lense and Lhen leL lL go. 1hls wasn'L
always Lhe case. l used Lo hold on Lo LhaL Lense
feellng and blame Lhe oLher person. 1haL ls,
unLll l dlscovered a mlndseL LhaL changed Lhe way
l looked aL slLuaLlons llke Lhese.

WhaL's Lhe mlndseL?

lmaglne LhaL everyone ls enllghLened excepL you.

1hls way of Lhlnklng glves you a chance Lo
pracLlce someLhlng LhaL ls probably compleLely
unaccepLable Lo you. Powever, lf you glve lL a
Lry, you mlghL flnd LhaL lL's one of Lhe mosL
helpful exerclses you can do.

As Lhe LlLle suggesLs, Lhe ldea ls Lo lmaglne LhaL
everyone you know and everyone you meeL ls
perfecLly enllghLened. 1haL ls, everyone excepL
you! 1he people you meeL are all here Lo Leach
you someLhlng.

?our [ob ls Lo Lry Lo deLermlne whaL Lhe people ln
your llfe are Lrylng Lo Leach you. ?ou'll flnd
LhaL lf you do Lhls, you'll be far less annoyed,
boLhered, and frusLraLed by Lhe acLlons and
lmperfecLlons of oLher people. ?ou can acLually
geL yourself ln Lhe hablL of approachlng llfe ln
Lhls manner and, lf you do, you'll be glad you
dld. CfLen, once you dlscover whaL someone ls
Lrylng Lo Leach you, lL's easy Lo leL go of your

lor example, suppose you approach someone and Lhey
re[ecL you. 8aLher Lhan feellng frusLraLed, ask
yourself Lhe quesLlon, "WhaL are Lhey Lrylng Lo
Leach me?" ?ou may be surprlsed how fun and easy
Lhls ls. All you're really dolng ls changlng your
perspecLlve from "Why are Lhey dolng Lhls?" Lo
"WhaL are Lhey Lrylng Lo Leach me.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Ch yeah, l almosL forgoL...whaL was woman aL Lhe
grocery sLore Lrylng Lo Leach me?


l sLlll need a small remlnder from Llme Lo Llme.

1hat Doesn't nappen 1o Me Anymore

Pere's a quesLlon l geL a loL regardlng bad
lnLeracLlons wlLh women,

"8renL, whaL do l say when a woman
says______________ or does_______________."

l'm sure you're really Llred of my response, whlch
always sLarLs ouL wlLh,

"1haL doesn'L happen Lo me anymore."

l mean, l'm supposed Lo be helplng you...rlghL? 1he
reason l do LhaL ls because l wanL you Lo focus on
Lhe poslLlve lnsLead of Lhe negaLlve. 1he longer
you llve ln Lhe world of "bad responses and
slLuaLlons" Lhe more Lhey wlll happen.

now, you're Lhlnklng,

"8uL 8renL, Lhey uC happen!"

l know, l know. 8uL every Llme you repeaL Lhe
experlence verbally or even as a LhoughL ln your
head, you're rellvlng lL. And slnce your mlnd
doesn'L know Lhe dlfference beLween real and fake,
lL assumes LhaL whaLever lL hears ls Lhe law.
SLop focuslng on whaL Lhey're dolng and keep Lhe
focus on whaL you're dolng and who you're belng.

lL's a very sllppery slope when you focus on Lhe
woman's bad response because, as men, we
subconsclously WAn1 Lhe negaLlve response (sounds
crazy doesn'L lL?) so we can prove how good we are
aL Lurnlng Lhe slLuaLlon around. lL goes back Lo
us llklng only compllcaLed slLuaLlons or
slLuaLlons LhaL requlre a loL of efforL because
we're LaughL Lo feel beLLer only when we've
accompllshed a dlfflculL Lask.

Why do Lhese slLuaLlons happen?

1here could be a few reasons such as you glvlng
off bad energy, or uslng whaL l Leach you as a
Lechnlque Lo geL someLhlng from her or maybe she
has her own lssues LhaL have noLhlng Lo wlLh you.
LlLher way, obsesslng abouL Lhe "Why" for Loo long
ls unproducLlve so lnsLead [usL change Lhe LhoughL
you have abouL lL. ln oLher words, swlLch Lhe
sLory Lo a poslLlve ouLcome every Llme you rellve

So, from now on, Lake Lhe slmple paLh and you'll
be asklng me Lhe same quesLlon buL lL'll be ln a
dlfferenL conLexL such as,

"8renL, whaL do l say when a woman says LhaL she
wanLs Lo make ouL wlLh me ln Lhe baLhroom or ls
Lrylng undress me ln a publlc place?"

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

I Can't 8e||eve ou kemembered My Name

My cllenLs are ofLen amazed aL Lhe amounL of names
l can remember when we're ouL. l'm greeLlng
everyone and maklng lnLroducLlons. 8ememberlng
names and uslng Lhem ls lncredlbly powerful and lf
you can masLer Lhls lL wlll seL you aparL from
almosL everyone else. When you remember someone's
name Lhey're flaLLered and lmpressed. ?ou make
Lhem feel lmporLanL and speclal. 8ememberlng
names also shows LhaL you're llsLenlng, bullds
rapporL and helps overcome Lhe naLural barrlers
LhaL separaLe people who don'L know each oLher.

Pow do you do lL?

* locus on Lhe momenL of lnLroducLlon. Make
dlrecL eye conLacL, smlle, and exLend a flrm (noL
llmp and noL vlce grlp), frlendly handshake.
Poldlng on for an exLra second can help you focus
on Lhe crlLlcal momenL of lnLroducLlon and whaL ls
abouL Lo come nexL...Lhelr name.

* uon'L Lhlnk abouL whaL Lo say-llsLen for Lhe
name. ConcenLraLe your compleLe aLLenLlon and
llsLen. lf you mlssed Lhe name, slmply say, "l
mlssed your name" or "l dldn'L caLch your name".
lf Lhe name ls unusual, a forelgn name, or you're
sLlll noL sure whaL Lhey sald, ask: "Can you spell
your name for me? l wanL Lo make sure l geL lL

* 8epeaL Lhe name aloud. 8y repeaLlng lL, you
Lhlnk lL, say lL, and Lhen hear lL agaln, glvlng
you Lhree more repeLlLlons ln addlLlon Lo hearlng
Lhe name Lhe flrsL Llme. 8epeLlLlon ls one of Lhe
keys Lo reLenLlon and recall.

* 1hlnk of someone you know wlLh Lhe same name.
Lock ln on Lhe flrsL person who comes Lo mlnd and
Lhlnk of LhaL same person each Llme you meeL
someone new wlLh LhaL name.

* use Lhe name durlng and aL Lhe end of Lhe
conversaLlon "!enny, when you sald LhaL you..."
"!ohn, whaL made you declde Lo ..." "uebble, lL was
greaL hearlng abouL your Lrlp Lo..." "ken, lL was
greaL chaLLlng wlLh you." uslng Lhelr name
personallzes Lhe conversaLlon as lL relnforces
your memory and ablllLy Lo recall lL Lhe nexL Llme
you see Lhem. Lndlng lL wlLh Lhelr name leaves a
greaL flrsL lmpresslon and compleLes Lhe cycle of
sLarLlng, conLlnulng, and endlng a conversaLlon.

lf you perform Lhese menLal operaLlons all Lhe
Llme, your ablllLy Lo recall flrsL names wlll
lmprove Lremendously. 1he, when you see people
you've meL before and you use Lhelr names, Lhey'll
say, "l can'L belleve you remembered my name!"

1he rapporL LhaL comes from rememberlng someone's
name allows people Lo lnsLanLly llke you. As a
resulL, a good conversaLlon wlll probably begln
sponLaneously, and you'll boLh feel good abouL
Lalklng Lo each oLher. And LhaL's [usL Lhe

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

W|ngman's kevenge

1here's noLhlng more saLlsfylng Lhan wlLnesslng
your frlend falllng Lo dellver LhaL clever llne
and seelng Lhe opporLunlLy Lo pounce on Lhe
unsuspecLlng vlcLlm and snaLch her rlghL from
under hls nose. Lven beLLer? Causlng lL Lo
happen. A naLlonal pasLlme, among frlends,
known as "C#! 8locklng."

nearly everyone feels a plng of dellghL ln Lhelr
pal's mlsforLunes. 1he [oy ls greaLesL when a
frlend's daLlng prospecLs are hampered (Lrlpplng
aL a bar, geLLlng shuL down hard), slnce lL means
reduced compeLlLlon for women.

8ack ln Lhe day, my frlends and l operaLed llke
Lhls as well. We had Lhe scarclLy menLallLy as
opposed Lo abundance. AlLhough lL was fun, lL
meanL a loL of needless lnflghLlng. 1he more l
LhoughL abouL lL Lhe more l reallzed LhaL lf we
were such good frlends shouldn'L we be bulldlng
each oLher up raLher Lhan Learlng each oLher down?
Wouldn'L we be more effecLlve lf we dld Lhlngs
backwards and operaLed as one coheslve unlL? As
mosL Lhlngs l've dlscovered, dolng Lhlngs Lhe
opposlLe of how we've been LaughL ls usually Lhe
correcL cholce. So now, whenever we're
lnLroduclng a frlend we'll say someLhlng llke,
"1hls ls SLeve, you'll love hlm. Pe's one of Lhe
greaLesL guys ln Lhe world."

l'm always Lelllng you Lo glve ouL or send ouL
good energy so why would your frlends be exempL.
ln facL, Lhey're a greaL place Lo begln.

8elaLlonshlps wlLh women come and go buL frlends
are forever.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

What's kea||y Important?

lL's qulLe easy Lo geL losL and overwhelmed ln Lhe
chaos, responslblllLles, and goals of your llfe.
Cnce you're overwhelmed, lL's LempLlng Lo forgeL
abouL and posLpone LhaL whlch ls mosL lmporLanL Lo

WhaL Lo do?

Ask yourself, "WhaL's really lmporLanL?"

As parL of your mornlng rouLlne, Lake a few
seconds and ask yourself Lhls quesLlon. 8emlndlng
yourself whaL's really lmporLanL helps you keep
your prlorlLles sLralghL. lL remlnds you LhaL,
desplLe your mulLlLude of responslblllLles, you
have a cholce of whaL ls mosL lmporLanL ln your
llfe and where you puL your greaLesL amounL of

lL mlghL sound Loo slmple, buL l Lhlnk you'll flnd
lL qulLe effecLlve aL keeplng you on Lrack. When
you Lake a few momenLs Lo remlnd yourself of
whaL's really lmporLanL, you'll flnd LhaL you're
more presenL-momenL orlenLed, ln less of a hurry,
and LhaL belng rlghL loses lLs appeal.
Conversely, when you forgeL Lo remlnd yourself of
whaL's really lmporLanL, you'll flnd LhaL you can
qulckly lose slghL of your prlorlLles and, once
agaln, geL losL ln your own busyness. ?ou'll rush
ouL Lhe door, work laLe, lose your paLlence, sklp
your workouL, and do oLher Lhlngs LhaL are ln
confllcL wlLh your llfe goals.

lf you regularly Lake a mlnuLe Lo ask yourself,
"WhaL's really lmporLanL?" ?ou may flnd LhaL some
of Lhe cholces you're maklng are ln confllcL wlLh
your own sLaLed goals. 1hls ldea can help you
allgn your acLlons wlLh your goals and encourage
you Lo make more consclous declslons.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Are ou Impressed?

Are you always dolng Lhlngs and buylng Lhlngs so
your frlends wlll Lhlnk you're cool?

uo you keep hanglng ouL wlLh a hoL glrl even
Lhough Lhere's loLs of drama, or hlL on a speclflc
Lype of glrl or even marry one because lL makes
you look good ln fronL of guys you don'L even

When you Lhlnk abouL belng successful wlLh women
and Lhere's any parL of lL LhaL lnvolves looklng
good ln fronL of or lmpresslng oLher men, you're
golng down Lhe wrong road.

8y now you guys probably know LhaL you're
programmed Lo do almosL everyLhlng you do and
acqulre almosL everyLhlng you acqulre ln order Lo
look good Lo women. WhaL you may noL reallze ls
how much you do a loL of Lhe same sLuff (and more)
ln order Lo look good Lo oLher MLn! 1hls may all
sLem from when you wanLed Lo be popular back ln
hlgh school. now, lf you check up on Lhose
popular klds, you mlghL be surprlsed aL how many
of Lhem aren'L popular anymore. ln facL, many of
Lhem are leadlng very unglamorous llves.

A loL of whaL you wasLe your energy on won'L
maLLer even a year from now, much less for
eLernlLy. uon'L Lrade your llfe for Lemporary
Lhlngs. ?ou've probably heard Lhe adage "?ou
can'L Lake lL wlLh you." lL's Lrue. no maLLer
whaL you acqulre ln Lhls llfeLlme, when you're
gone, wlll be some else's . . . even your woman.
?ou've probably also heard Lhe adage "Pe who dles
wlLh Lhe mosL Loys wlns." Wlns whaL? l guaranLee
LhaL no one cares as much as you've been led Lo
belleve. So, aL some polnL ln your llfe you musL
declde wheLher you wanL Lo lmpress people or
lnfluence people.

SLop lmpresslng oLhers and sLarL lmpresslng
yourself. 1he feellng you'll have from LhaL wlll
be . . . lmpresslve.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

More Is 8etter...

We llve ln Lhe mosL affluenL culLure Lhe world has
ever seen. LsLlmaLes are LhaL alLhough we have
only 6 percenL of Lhe world's populaLlon ln
Amerlca, we use almosL half of Lhe naLural
resources. lL seems Lo me LhaL lf more were
acLually beLLer, we would llve ln Lhe happlesL,
mosL saLlsfled culLure of all Llme. 8uL we don'L.
noL even close. ln facL, we llve ln one of Lhe
mosL dlssaLlsfled culLures on record.

lL's noL LhaL havlng a loL of Lhlngs ls bad,
wrong, or harmful ln and of lLself, only LhaL Lhe
deslre Lo have more and more and more ls
lnsaLlable. As long as you Lhlnk more ls beLLer,
you'll never be saLlsfled.

As soon as you geL someLhlng, or achleve
someLhlng, you slmply go on Lo he nexL
Lhlng-lmmedlaLely. 1hls Lakes away your
appreclaLlon for llfe and for whaL you already
have. lL seems LhaL whaLever you do- buy a home
or a car, eaL a meal, flnd a hoL woman, buy some
cloLhes, even wln a presLlglous honor-lL's never

WhaL Lo do?

Convlnce yourself LhaL more lsn'L beLLer and LhaL
Lhe problem doesn'L lle ln whaL you don'L have,
buL ln Lhe "longlng for more." Learnlng Lo be
saLlsfled doesn'L mean you can'L, don'L, or
shouldn'L ever wanL more Lhan you have, only LhaL
your happlness lsn'L conLlngenL on lL. ?ou can
learn Lo be happy wlLh whaL you have by becomlng
presenL, by noL focuslng so much on whaL you wanL.
As LhoughLs of whaL would make your llfe beLLer
enLer your mlnd, remlnd yourself LhaL, even lf you
goL whaL you Lhlnk you wanL, you wouldn'L be one
blL more saLlsfled, because Lhe mlnd-seL LhaL
wanLs more nCW would wanL more 1PLn. ls Lhls
maklng sense?

uevelop a new appreclaLlon for Lhe Lhlngs you
already have. See your llfe from a fresh
prospecLlve, as lf for Lhe flrsL Llme. As you
develop Lhls new awareness, you'll flnd LhaL as
new possesslons or accompllshmenLs enLer your
llfe, your level of appreclaLlon wlll be

An excellenL measure of happlness ls Lhe
dlfferenLlal beLween whaL you have and whaL you
wanL. ?ou can spend your llfeLlme wanLlng more,
always chaslng Lhe nexL besL Lhlng-or you can
slmply declde Lo consclously wanL less. 1he
laLLer ls lnflnlLely easler and more fulfllllng.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

What Are ou Gett|ng Used 1o?

?ou've probably heard Lhe adage "you can geL used
Lo anyLhlng". lL's Lrue and slmpler Lhan you
Lhlnk. Check ouL Lhls e-mall l recelved Lhe oLher

"Pey 8renL,

?ou sald you're geLLlng slck of Lelllng me whaL
you sald on Lhe sub[ecL of geLLlng leL down!

So why even help me? lLs ok l'M CL11lnC uSLu 1C
CL11lnC LL1 uCWn!

l really don'L know whaL Lo Lhlnk of my self
anymore. l'm [usL so confused abouL women. Why
are Lhey so sLuck up? Why do Lhey play mlnd games
wlLh my hearL? l'm [usL slck of geLLlng
hurL/Lurned down every day. When l Lry Lo ask a
glrl ouL on a daLe l'm !uS1 SlCk Cl PLA8lnC
?Cu'8L nC1 M? 1?L/?Cu'8L 1CC CLu/l'M Wl1P
SCMLCnL/L1C. l really don'L know whom Lo Lalk Lo
any more."

My response:

l have a loL of paLlence Lhese days so l probably
sald, "sLop pursulng, sLop focuslng on Lhe
negaLlve, noLlce how you beneflL and sLop

?ou can'L 8L leL down. ?ou can only lLLL leL
down. And, you're focuslng on feellng leL down.
So, of course, you're aLLracLlng more of whaL you
don'L wanL. Lach Llme you lnLeracL wlLh a woman
you brlng Lhe baggage from pasL experlences (whaL
happened lasL Llme) and your worrles abouL Lhe
fuLure (hoplng lL won'L happen agaln) wlLh you.
1hls mlndseL ls acLually causlng Lhe women Lo
reacL negaLlvely Lo you.

1here's a saylng, "lf you keep dolng whaL you're
dolng you'll keep geLLlng whaL you're geLLlng."

And whaL you're geLLlng are beneflLs. ?ou read
LhaL correcLly. ?ou're sub-consclously geLLlng
someLhlng ouL of Lhls behavlor or you wouldn'L
conLlnue Lo dlsplay lL.

WhaL beneflLs mlghL you be geLLlng?

*?ou can conLlnue feellng sorry for yourself

*?ou can conLlnue complalnlng abouL lL

*?ou can avold feellng bored

*?ou can conLlnue Lo avold dolng work on yourself

*?ou can conLlnue Lo have convenlenL excuses for
your lack of everyLhlng, whlch ls a form of

lL's posslble LhaL you ldenLlfy so closely wlLh
your lssues LhaL Lhey've become your ldenLlLy and
secreLly you're scared LhaL wlLhouL Lhem you
wouldn'L have one.

WhaL should you do?

*8eallze LhaL feellngs aren'L facLs...Lhey're [usL

*LeL Lhe bad feellngs go

*Change Lhe reason you go ouL. Co ouL Lo have a
greaL Llme and meeL a loL of people. noL Lo geL
daLes, geL phone numbers, geL lald or geL
relaLlonshlps (no pursulng)

*As an exerclse, compose Lhe e-mall agaln. 8uL
Lhls Llme wrlLe exacLly how you'd llke your llfe
Lo be, allowlng everyLhlng Lo be poslLlve.

*use Lhe lmproved e-mall as your new
vlsuallzaLlon. Co over lL as ofLen as posslble
unLll you convlnce your self of your new reallLy.

8y changlng Lhe way you look aL everyLhlng,
everyLhlng you look aL wlll sLarL changlng. So
sLarL geLLlng used Lo 1PA1.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Do ou 8e|ong?

l'm ofLen Lelllng you LhaL Lhe key Lo havlng
fasLer success ls bellevlng. 8ellevlng LhaL whaL
l Lell you ls acLually posslble, bellevlng LhaL
lL's posslble for ?Cu and noL [usL ML and
bellevlng LhaL you deserve lL. lL's deflnlLely
Lrue. 8uL Lhere's an addlLlonal key. 8elonglng!
Slnce we're an lnherenLly communal specles we're
pre-programmed Lo do Lhlngs LogeLher. Ask any
successful person whaL one of Lhelr secreLs ls and
Lhey'll Lell you LhaL Lhey couldn'L have done lL
alone or LhaL you should surround yourself wlLh
greaL people or LhaL lL Lakes a Leam.

Whlle your [ourney may be personal lL shouldn'L be
prlvaLe. 1he person who says, "l don'L need
anybody," ls elLher arroganL or lgnoranL. lL's
llke belng a chlld wlLhouL a famlly and Loday's
culLure has creaLed a loL of orphans. Many guys
hop around from meLhod Lo meLhod wlLhouL ldenLlLy,
accounLablllLy or commlLmenL.

1here are many reasons Lo belong Lo a selecL

* Avoldlng Confuslon. SLudylng Loo many
confllcLlng ldeologles wlll cause you Lo spread
your energy Loo Lhln and you'll never be good aL
any one Lhlng. ?ou've probably heard Lhe adage,
"!ack of all Lrades, masLer of none."

* 1here's ower ln numbers. lf you're really
commlLLed Lo reverse englneerlng how we soclallze
Lhen you're sLronger as parL of a communlLy and
change wlll happen fasLer.

* Avoldlng lsolaLlon. A group ls llke a classroom
for learnlng and a lab for pracLlclng whaL l'm
Leachlng you. As a parLlclpaLlng member you learn
Lo ldenLlfy and share your experlences and Lhe
experlences of oLhers ln a poslLlve, supporLlve
and glvlng manner.

* ?ou need More 1han 8eadlng 8ooks, 8eadlng
newsleLLers And 8ecelvlng Coachlng 1o Crow. ?ou
need Lhe ongolng supporL of oLher bellevers.
?ou'll grow much fasLer and sLronger by learnlng
from each oLher and belng accounLable Lo each
oLher. lL's lmporLanL Lo be parL of someLhlng
because lL proves you're commlLLed ln reallLy, noL
[usL ln Lheory. 8elng parL of a poslLlve group ls
essenLlal Lo llvlng a healLhy llfe. lL also glves
you whaL l call Lhe four s.





urpose Lo llve for, people Lo llve
wlLh, prlnclples Lo llve by and power Lo llve. So,
flnd a group and sLlck wlLh lL or form your own.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Steer|ng 1he Sh|p

Cne of Lhe reasons LhaL you may noL be absorblng
and asslmllaLlng whaL l Leach ls LhaL you mlghL be
Lrylng Lo change everyLhlng aL once, because you
Lhlnk LhaL small changes don'L mean much. no
maLLer whlch small change you make, wheLher lL's
leLLlng go of your pasL soclal fallures, changlng
Lhe reason you go ouL, or glvlng lnsLead of
geLLlng, Lhese small changes wlll have a very
large effecL overall. noL only on you buL also,
on everyone you lnLeracL wlLh.

8. 8uckmlnsLer luller popularlzed Lhe expresslon,
"1rlm 1ab lacLor" Lo descrlbe a small efforL aL
Lhe rlghL Llme and place LhaL creaLes a ma[or
soclal change ln Lhe dlrecLlon of culLural drlfL.

LeL me lllusLraLe lL for you.

Cll Lankers are huge shlps and are abouL as
manageable, when lL comes Lo sLeerlng, as socleLy.
Cll Lankers are ofLen more Lhan 430 meLers long
and Lhey can carry over 230,000 Lons of crude oll.
Some Lankers are so long LhaL Lhe crew use
blcycles Lo Lravel from one end of Lhe boaL Lo Lhe
oLher. 1he maln rudders on Lhese shlps can welgh
over 100 Lons and lLs compleLely lmposslble, by
any mechanlcal means Lo Lurn Lhese huge rudders
agalnsL Lhe flow of Lhe currenL LhaL rushes down
Lhe slde of a movlng shlp.

So, how do Lhey sLeer?

Slmple. Cn Lhe Lralllng edge of Lhe maln rudder
ls a small rudder, whlch welghs only abouL 100
pounds. lL's called a "1rlm 1ab" and when lL's
Lurned lnLo Lhe rushlng currenL, lL uses Lhe force
of Lhe waLer Lo push Lhe larger rudder ln Lhe
opposlLe dlrecLlon. So Lhe nexL Llme you're
feellng overwhelmed wlLh all of Lhe changes you
wanL Lo make, remember LhaL each one can have a
Lremendous effecL.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Do ou Lver Stop 1h|nk|ng?

Cne of Lhe blggesL hlndrances Lo your lmprovemenL
ln Lhe area of "Success wlLh Women" has Lo do wlLh
your LhoughLs.

Some of you Lhlnk way Loo much. ?ou someLlmes
call lL "belng ln your head". ?our head ls fllled
wlLh negaLlve LhoughLs and emoLlons and lL feels
llke your mlnd ls raclng and you can'L shuL lL

Why does lL happen?

8ecause when a LhoughL arrlves you don'L lgnore
lL. lnsLead you declde Lo laLch onLo lL and sLarL
obsesslng over lL. ?our LhoughLs never appear
fully formed. 1hey sLarL ouL much slmpler. ?ou'll
noLlce LhaL LhoughLs don'L [usL go on and on.
1here are pauses beLween Lhem. MosL of you
currenLly flll Lhese pauses wlLh more LhoughLs as
fasL as you can. 1he same way you Lry and flll Lhe
awkward sllence ln Lhe conversaLlons you have wlLh

WhaL should you do?

Slmple. racLlce "noL Lhlnklng." ?ou can
acLually Lurn your unproducLlve emoLlons and
negaLlve LhoughLs off llke a llghL swlLch. lf
everybody learned Lhls, lL would really change
Lhlngs ln Lhe world. lL's very powerful ln all
aspecLs of your llfe.


SLarL paylng aLLenLlon Lo your LhoughL process
llke you're an ouLslder [usL observlng. 8e
careful noL Lo geL caughL up ln Lhe AC1uAL

Look aL Lhe naLural pauses beLween your LhoughLs
and pracLlce noL generaLlng more and more of Lhem.
now see lf you can do LhaL for longer and longer
perlods of Llme. lL's noL golng Lo happen over
nlghL buL wlLh pracLlce you should see sLeady

WhaL do you Lhlnk?

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Are ou L|mp?

l was aL a conference recenLly and someone came up
Lo me. 1hey exLended Lhelr hand, l grabbed lL and
lL was compleLely llmp. 8ye Lhe way, Lhls wasn'L
a fan...lL was someone who wanLed Lo do buslness
wlLh me. unforLunaLely, Lhe message LhaL was
conveyed Lo me aL LhaL momenL was one of low
self-esLeem (no confldence), low sLaLus and
exLreme vulnerablllLy (easy Lo Lake advanLage of)
among oLhers. Cbvlously, how you shake hands
says a loL abouL you.

Pere's a roundup of Lhe common handshakes Lo

1he !ellyflsh- ?our llmp hand moves Lhelr way.
1hey grasp lL (llke l dld) and lL Lurns Lo mush.
!ellyflsh handshakes creaLe Lhe lmpresslon LhaL
you are splneless.

1he knuckle 8reaker- 1helr hand dlsappears lnLo a
vlce and comes back sore.

1he llnger Squeeze- ?ou don'L clasp Lhelr hand,
you grab Lhelr flngers only. When done wlLh a
llghL Louch, Lhls gesLure appears prlssy and/or
suggesLs LhaL you aren'L sure you wanL Lo Louch
Lhelr whole hand. WlLh a heavy Louch, lL can
become Lhe "8lng Squeeze." Marks from Lhelr rlng
are clearly eLched ln aL leasL Lwo oLher flngers.

1he Covered Pandshake- ?ou puL your lefL hand over
Lhe hands clasped ln Lhe handshake. 1hose of you
who are "Louchers" may percelve Lhls as a show of
warmLh. 8uL oLhers may see lL as a power play or
feel LhaL Lhey are belng paLronlzed.

Pow should you do lL?

A flrm clasp ls Lhe handshake of preference for
greeLlng people, agreelng Lo a deal and deparLlng
as frlends. lL's a web-Lo-web handshake LhaL's
nelLher weak nor forceful.

1haL's lL...slmple.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Lxcuses, Lxcuses!

When you can'L do someLhlng you ofLen say,

"l can'L because___________."

8e careful of Lhls, as lL's a sllppery slope.
MosL of you sLop Lhere and [usL flgure LhaL lL's
Lhe way lL ls and can'L be changed. ?ou Lhlnk
you have no cholce. lL's also a convenlenL Cu1
for you Lo noL do someLhlng or noL progress ln
your llfe.

"8renL, l had Lo call her four Llmes before she
called me back because_________________." ls a bad
way Lo llve your llfe.

Anyone can creaLe a seemlngly loglcal explanaLlon
for why Lhey can'L make a change ln Lhelr llves,
buL unless you've commlLLed yourself Lo whaLever
lL ls you're aLLempLlng Lo be, so-called
explanaLlons become mere excuses.

1here are Lwo Lypes of people ln Lhe world: 1hose
who see llfe's evenLs as opporLunlLles and Lhose
who classlfy Lhelr llves as a serles of
compllcaLed caLasLrophes. 1he opporLunlLy-seekers
conLlnually seL up clear plcLures of Lhe Lhlngs
Lhey wlsh Lo manlfesL and Lhen allow Lhem Lo
happen. lf Lhey run lnLo an obsLacle, Lhey Lurn
lL lnLo an opporLunlLy.

Cn Lhe fllpslde, a Lyplcal caLasLrophe-seeker
spends Lhelr Llme and energy developlng
novel-lengLh excuses for why Lhey don'L have
beLLer relaLlonshlps, aren'L happy wlLh Lhelr
careers, or can'L geL Lhemselves ouL of whaLever
lL ls Lhey feel "sLuck" ln. 1hese lndlvlduals
have a deLalled, complex raLlonallzaLlon for why
Lhey can'L lnvoke change ln Lhelr llves, clLlng a
mulLlLude of exLenuaLlng clrcumsLances and
obsLacles Lo Lhelr paLh, and why a serles of
caLasLrophlc evenLs prevenLs Lhem from havlng [usL
abouL anyLhlng Lhey deslre for Lhemselves. 1helr
llsL of excuses goes on and on, and Lhelr llves
conLlnue Lo splral ouL of conLrol.

Pow do you know whlch one you are?

Slmple: ?ou're an opporLunlLy-seeker lf you can
easlly ldenLlfy doors of opporLunlLy on your paLh
ahead of you. ?ou're a caLasLrophe-seeker lf you
have aL leasL one excuse for noL walklng Lhrough

WhaL do you do lf you're a caLasLrophe-seeker?

unforLunaLely, lf you are one Lhen you've probably
come up wlLh one or more reasons why you should
sklp Lhe resL of Lhls newsleLLer! Powever, lf
you're wllllng Lo change, Lhen sLop for a momenL
and Lhlnk abouL your negaLlve self-Lalk. ls lL
Lhe LruLh or slmply a skewed lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe

8eframe your perspecLlve.

Whenever you flnd yourself mlred ln Lhls
self-Lalk, wrlLe lL down on paper as a compleLe
"sLory" of your llfe aL LhaL momenL. When LhaL's
done, slmply rewrlLe LhaL sLory lnLo a new and
more poslLlve one where you aren'L Lhe vlcLlm, and
Lhere are no excuses. ln Lhls sLory, you are Lhe
hero, and you're enLlrely responslble for your
pasL, presenL and fuLure.

Pere's an example:

negaLlve ersonal SLory

"l losL my legs and rlghL eye ln a moLorcycle
accldenL and l'm ln a greaL deal of paln, and my
mom haLes me, and l never knew my dad, and my
slsLer ls my mom's favorlLe, and Lhey leave me
here all by myself ln Lhe hosplLal and l'm
mlserable, and my glrlfrlend lefL me, and..."

oslLlve ersonal SLory

"l losL my legs and rlghL eye ln a moLorcycle
accldenL and l'm ln a greaL deal of paln. My body
has amazlng heallng ablllLles and l know l'll
overcome Lhe paln and go on Lo become Lhe mosL
LalenLed one-eyed porn sLar ln adulL movle
hlsLory! And who knows, maybe l'll meeL a woman
who llkes me for ML and my Lrue LalenLs and noL
Lhe slze of my feeL!"

Sound Loo slmple?

l undersLand LhaL lL's noL always LhaL easy Lo
flnd Lhe courage Lo leL go of Lhe pasL and rewrlLe
your personal sLory, buL wlLh pracLlce, lL becomes
easler and easler. Cver Llme, as you become more
consclous of Lhe negaLlve self-Lalk, leL go of
your lame excuses, and choose a more poslLlve
ouLlook, you'll wonder whaL all Lhe fuss ls abouL.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Chang|ng our Autop||ot

1o change your soclal llfe, you musL change Lhe
way you Lhlnk. 8ehlnd everyLhlng you do ls a
LhoughL. Lvery behavlor ls moLlvaLed by a bellef,
and every acLlon ls prompLed by an aLLlLude.

lmaglne rldlng ln a small plane wlLh an auLomaLlc
plloL seL Lo go easL. lf you declde Lo reverse
and go wesL, you have Lwo posslble ways of
changlng dlrecLlon. Cne way ls Lo grab Lhe yoke
(conLrol wheel) and physlcally force lL Lo head ln
Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon from where Lhe auLoplloL ls
programmed Lo go. 8y sheer wlllpower you could
overcome Lhe auLoplloL, buL you would feel
consLanL reslsLance. ?our arms would evenLually
Llre of Lhe sLress, you'd leL go of Lhe yoke, and
Lhe plane would lnsLanLly head back easL, Lhe way
lL was lnLernally programmed.

1hls ls whaL happens when you Lry Lo change your
soclal llfe wlLh wlllpower. ?ou say, "l'll force
myself Lo go ouL more...Lalk Lo everyone...glve ouL my
number...qulL belng needy and pursue less." ?es,
wlllpower can produce shorL-Lerm change, buL lL
creaLes consLanL lnLernal sLress because you
haven'L dealL wlLh Lhe rooL cause. 1he change
doesn'L feel naLural, so evenLually you feel
frusLraLed, have Loo many drlnks, and sLarL
drunk-dlallng. ?ou qulckly reverL Lo your old

1here ls a beLLer and slmpler way: Change your
auLoplloL. ?our flrsL sLep ls Lo sLarL changlng
Lhe way you Lhlnk. 1he way you Lhlnk deLermlnes
Lhe way you feel, and Lhe way you feel lnfluences
Lhe way you acL.

1o accompllsh Lhls you musL go Lhrough a menLal
shlfL. 1here are Lwo parLs Lo dolng Lhls. 1he
flrsL half of Lhls menLal shlfL ls Lo sLop
Lhlnklng lmmaLure LhoughLs, whlch are
self-cenLered and self-seeklng. 8ables by naLure
are compleLely selflsh. 1hey Lhlnk only of
Lhemselves and Lhelr own needs. 1hey are
lncapable of glvlng, Lhey can only recelve. 1hls
ls lmmaLure Lhlnklng. unforLunaLely, many people
never grow beyond LhaL klnd of Lhlnklng.

1he second half ls Lo sLarL Lhlnklng maLurely,
whlch focuses on oLhers, noL yourself.

Many of you assume LhaL your maLurlLy ls measured
by Lhe amounL of lnformaLlon on daLlng, seducLlon
or self- lmprovemenL LhaL you know. Whlle
knowledge ls one measuremenL of maLurlLy, lL lsn'L
Lhe whole sLory. Llvlng Lhe carefree llfe l
always Lalk abouL ls far more Lhan creeds and
convlcLlons, lL lncludes conducL and characLer.
?our deeds musL be conslsLenL wlLh your creeds,
and your bellefs musL be backed wlLh maLchlng

1hls ls noL a phllosophy, buL a relaLlonshlp and a
llfesLyle. 1he core of Lhls llfesLyle ls Lhlnklng
of oLhers lnsLead of yourself. 1hls klnd of
Lhlnklng ls unnaLural, counLer-culLural, rare, and
dlfflculL. lorLunaLely you have help.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

1he M|nd Store


8renL, l'm shy and when l'm ouL l see Lhese hoL
women and wanL Lo Lalk Lo Lhem buL geL scared and
leave wlLhouL saylng anyLhlng. AfLerwards l feel
llke Lhere won'L be more women llke Lhem, l mlssed
my chance LLc., Lhen l beaL myself up over lL. lL
sLarLs ouL small and Lhen grows unLll l can'L sLop
Lhlnklng abouL lL. l obsess abouL lL. lL's
drlvlng me crazy. Why does Lhls happen?

My Answer:

WheLher lL's scarclLy or fear of loss or some
oLher reason, Lhe caLalysL for your growlng lssue
ls Lhe Lype of LhoughLs you puL lnLo your mlnd
afLer lL happens.

LeL's say you go down Lo your local mlnd sLore and
you buy Lhls lncredlble mlnd LhaL's hungry for
LhoughLs. ?ou brlng your new mlnd home and as
soon as you booL lL up lL wlll mulLlply, ampllfy
and defend whaLever lL flnds. ?our new mlnd
doesn'L care whaL LhoughLs you puL ln lL. lL wlll
mulLlply, ampllfy and defend anyLhlng you puL ln
lL. 1haL's lncredlble when you Lhlnk abouL lL.
ln facL, Lhe more you Lhlnk abouL lL Lhe more
ampllfled Lhe ldea becomes.

1he mlnd wlll mulLlply, ampllfy and defend
whaLever you puL or allow lnLo lL. lf you wanL Lo
Lrash Lhe mlnd up wlLh negaLlve sLorles abouL your
evenlng or self loaLhlng or plans for revenge or
grudges or even fanLasles abouL belng successful
wlLh women, rlch, good looklng and famous lL
doesn'L care. lL'll mulLlply, ampllfy and defend
a rumor or lle as qulckly as lL wlll Lhe LruLh.

1o a mlnd one LhoughL LasLes preLLy much llke
anoLher LhoughL. lL's hungry for Lhlnklng and lL
doesn'L care whaL you feed long as you feed
lL. lL's llke Lhey say ln Lhe compuLer world,
garbage ln garbage ouL. lL's almosL as lf Lhe
mlnd was modeled afLer a compuLer...Lhlnk abouL
1PA1 for a momenL.

An addlLlonal noLe: lL's Lhe meanlng you asslgn or
aLLach Lo whaL happened LhaL's really aL lssue
here. 1here's always "whaL happened" and Lhen
Lhere's "Lhe sLory you Lell abouL whaL happened"
and Lhey're usually Lwo dlfferenL verslons.

So Lhe nexL Llme you're abouL Lo puL/allow a
LhoughL lnLo your mlnd, reallze LhaL you have a
cholce as Lo whaL Lype geLs ln and know LhaL whaL
geLs ln grows.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Never Say "Never"!

nexL Llme you flnd yourself saylng,

"l'd never be able Lo do LhaL!"

WrlLe lL down and puL lL on your frldge, compuLer,
bulleLln board or flle cablneL under Lhe header
"Conslder 1hls!" Cnce Lhls ls done, Lake a
few mlnuLes Lo lmaglne yourself dolng Lhe Lhlng(s)
LhaL you've proclalmed you'd never be able Lo do.

Pow does lL feel?

WhaL ls requlred Lo geL Lo LhaL polnL: more
educaLlon, a slgnlflcanL or more subLle llfesLyle
change, or more lmporLanLly, a more open mlnd and
wllllngness Lo accepL change?

now, seL Lhe noLe aslde and waLch whaL unfolds
over Llme. uo you flnd yourself drawn Lowards Lhe
lLem or lLems you've llsLed? uo new opporLunlLles
presenL Lhemselves Lo you?

1hls mlghL seem llke a slmple or even borlng
exerclse, buL lL ls also a reveallng and even
llfe-changlng one ln LhaL lL reveals core bellefs
LhaL can creaLe obsLacles ln your llfe. When you
ldenLlfy Lhese bellefs, and Lransform Lhem lnLo
new ldeas or "poLenLlals", you lnvlLe more greaL
Lhlngs lnLo your llfe.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Chas|ng Shadows


8renL, l've glven up pursulng and gone beyond
wanLlng Lo geL physlcal wlLh women, and mlraculous
Lhlngs are happenlng. 1he flrsL gllmpse l had was
when l was ouL wlLh you and even Lhough l saw lL l
dldn'L belleve lL compleLely. 8efore flnally
glvlng lL all up l wenL back Lo my old way of
dolng Lhlngs buL couldn'L sLop Lhlnklng abouL Lhe
experlence of LoLal power and peace. Pere's my
quesLlon, l'm havlng a problem explalnlng Lhls new
way of belng Lo my frlends. 1hey don'L belleve me
and are reslsLlng so Lhere's some frlcLlon beLween
us and lL's dlfflculL Lo sLay on Lrack when you're
Lhe only one ln your group who belleves ln
someLhlng. 1hey're sLlll pursulng and geLLlng
llmlLed resulLs and geL mad when l Lell Lhem
Lhey're golng abouL lL Lhe wrong way. Any
suggesLlons? l wanL Lo help Lhem buL don'L know

My Answer:

hllosophers and splrlLual Leachers have been
asklng Lhemselves for Lhe lasL flve Lhousand years
whaL lnfluences are favorable Lo Lhe developmenL
of an enllghLened consclousness...and why.

1here's a profound sLory LhaL porLrays people
as prlsoners belng held ln a dark cave slnce
chlldhood. 1hey slL faclng a wall and behlnd Lhem
ls a ralsed plaLform and behlnd LhaL ls a flre.
1helr capLors wave dolls back and forLh Lhrough
Lhe llghL of Lhe flre and Lhese ob[ecLs casL
shadows on Lhe wall ln fronL of Lhe people. 1he
people don'L see Lhe flre and Lhey never look aL
Lhe dolls because Lhelr bodles and heads are
chalned so Lhey can'L look aL Lhe person nexL Lo
Lhem or move ln any way. 1hey only see Lhe
shadows LhaL Lhe dolls casL on Lhe wall ln fronL
of Lhem. 1he people come Lo belleve LhaL Lhese
shadows are reallLy. 1hey name Lhe shadows and
sLarL compeLlng for who can name Lhem Lhe fasLesL
and how many Lhey can name, whlch one wlll come
nexL LLc. 1hey hear Lhe volces of Lhe puppeLeers
and belleve LhaL Lhey are Lhe volces of Lhe
shadows. And Lhey suffer greaLly as a consequence
of Lhelr bellef. 1hey belleve Lhe shadows are
reallLy because Lhey know nC1PlnC buL shadows and
Lhey assume Lhere ls noLhlng 8u1 shadows.

Cne day, by faLe or by clrcumsLance or maybe even
by accldenL one lndlvldual ls able Lo Lurn hls
head around. As he Lurns hls head he sees Lhe
dolls golng back and forLh ln fronL of Lhe flre.
ln LhaL momenL he reallzes LhaL Lhe shadows are
only shadows and LhaL sufferlng ls caused by
lgnorance. Pe goes back brlefly Lo waLchlng Lhe
shadows and sufferlng. Lven Lhough Lhe experlence
doesn'L lasL, aL leasL he knows and he's had Lhls
exLraordlnary momenL of consclousness ln whlch he
reallzed LhaL Lhe shadows were shadows. ln havlng
seen Lhe LruLh, lL wlll Lug aL hlm unLll he
flnally walks ouL lnLo Lhe sunllghL. Pe'd llke Lo
sLay ouL ln Lhe sunllghL for Lhe resL of hls llfe
buL he feels an obllgaLlon Lo Lhe people who are
sLlll sufferlng, who sLlll belleve ln Lhe shadows
and who belleve Lhere's noLhlng 8u1 shadows. Pls
blggesL challenge ls how Lo Lell Lhem.

lf he goes back lnLo Lhe cave and he Lrles Lo Lell
Lhe LruLh, Lhey won'L undersLand hlm, Lhey won'L
belleve hlm. 1hey've never heard Lhe word
"sunllghL." 1hey wlll feel LhaL he's lnsane and a
Lroublemaker. And, he'll elLher end up lmprlsoned
ln Lhe shadow world or maybe even cruclfled...
because hls words abouL sunllghL are meanlngless
Lo Lhe people who have only seen cave shadows.

1he prlnclple obsLrucLlon Lo Lhelr awakenlng ls
Lhe bellef LhaL Lhey're already awake.

now, whlle Lhe above sLaLemenL ls Lrue Lhere ls,
wlLhln lL, a sense of belng made wrong.

Lx: "WhaL do you mean l'm noL awake!?"

lL's a LhreaL Lo Lhe ego and Lhls ls no ferLlle
ground for self-developmenL or self-growLh. 8uL
evenLually, lf he survlves long enough, Lhls
reallzed belng grows smarL enough Lo clrcumvenL
Lhe lgnorance and Lhe lnLolerance of Lhe shadow
waLchers. Pe galns Lhe ablllLy Lo undersLand and
manage creaLlon. Pe operaLes from Lhe vlewpolnL
of hlgher-self wlLhouL needlng approval or
applause. Pe slmply Lakes responslblllLy for
Lransformlng Lhese people and Lransformlng
clvlllzaLlon. Pe learns how Lo lnsplre. And he
lnsplres Lhe people who are Lrapped and sufferlng
ln Lhelr shadow reallLy. Pe learns how Lo lnsplre
Lhem Lo Lurn around and see Lhe llghL wlLhouL
maklng Lhem wrong.

Clve your frlends loLs of room Lo belleve whaL
Lhey belleve. 8emember, Lhey're [usL chaslng
shadows. lf you wanL Lo help Lhem (and have a
good relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhem) you have Lo Lake Lhls
lnLo conslderaLlon and avold maklng Lhem wrong.
lnsLead, be paLlenL and lnsplre Lhem Lo see a new
way. When Lhey do Lhlngs Lhe way Lhey do Lhem,
don'L geL sucked your own Lhlng and leL your
acLlons (and resulLs) speak louder Lhan your

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Got Iear?

no maLLer how good you are aL aLLracLlng whaL you
wanL, you may experlence "down Llme" or perlods ln
your llfe when no maLLer how much you work on
allowlng greaL Lhlngs lnLo your llfe, you lose
your forward momenLum. Lven Lhe mosL successful
people experlence reversals of forLune, buL no
maLLer whaL, Lhey always seem Lo end up on Lhelr

WhaL makes Lhese people dlfferenL from Lhe resL of

Slmple: Lhey allow fear Lo flow Lhrough Lhem ln
Lhe face of change, and look for new opporLunlLles
or creaLlve soluLlons Lo emerge. 1hen, Lhey Lake
a leap of falLh, even lf lL requlres glvlng up old
ways of dolng Lhlngs.

Pere are some Lhlngs Lo keep ln mlnd LhaL wlll
help you Lhrough Lhe rough paLch:

* uon'L freak ouL! WhaL goes up musL come down,
and vlce versa. uurlng Lhe down Llmes, play lL
conservaLlve ln Lerms of managlng your soclal
llfe, for lnsLance. Meanwhlle, don'L be afrald of
new opporLunlLles LhaL could lead you down a
dlfferenL paLh. keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhere [usL
mlghL be a poL of gold aL Lhe end of Lhe new paLh
lf you Lake some calculaLed rlsks Lo geL Lhere.

* Allow Lhe fear (of change) Lo flow Lhrough you,
and keep movlng forward. Many of you Lend Lo geL
paralyzed ln Lhe face of change and a downLurn ln
your forLunes. lf you experlence fear, feel lL
flow Lhrough and ouL of your body, Lhen move
yourself down Lhe paLh LhaL you're belng polnLed.
WlLh Llme and paLlence, you're llkely Lo flnd your
llfe even beLLer Lhan before.

* keep vlsuallzlng Lhe poslLlve and reslsL Lhe
urge Lo allow Lhe negaLlve ln. When confronLed
wlLh change, reslsL Lhe urge Lo vlsuallze Lhe
worsL-case scenarlo. 1hls wlll allow you Lhe room
Lo come up wlLh creaLlve soluLlons Lo your

* Clve up Lhe pasL. Sure, lL's palnful Lo leL go
of whaL we know Lo be an absoluLe LruLh ln llghL
of an uncerLaln fuLure, buL lL's all a naLural
parL of llfe. 1he sooner you glve lL up, Lhe
sooner you'll have noLhlng Lo lose!

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

1he u|ck I|x

1he Loplc of one of my recenL newsleLLers was "noL
Lhlnklng" or sLopplng your mlnd from raclng,
mosLly wlLh negaLlve LhoughLs. 8uL lf you're
golng Lo Lhlnk, fasLer ls always beLLer.

lf you're ponderlng your fallures ln llfe, llsL as
many as you can ln 60 seconds. Cr sprlnL around
Lhe corner. ?ou'll feel beLLer, l promlse. And
Lhe same ls Lrue for poslLlve LhoughLs. ?ou'll be
happler when you race Lhrough Lhose LhoughLs
raLher Lhan when you Lhlnk each one slowly. When
you Lhlnk fasLer, you're happler as a resulL.
?ou'll feel more powerful, creaLlve and energeLlc.

8y manlpulaLlng your own LhoughL speed wlLh some
slmple Lasks, lL may be posslble Lo boosL your
mood or klck yourself ouL of a mlld funk.

?ou can reap Lhe beneflLs of fasL Lhlnklng whlle
slLLlng aL your desk, walLlng ln llne aL Lhe posL
offlce, or drlnklng your mornlng coffee.

ln 60 Seconds

* 8ralnsLorm your Lop 10 dream vacaLlon

* LlsL Lhe 13 favorlLe people ln your llfe

* WrlLe 20 Lhree-leLLer words

* Say 30 words LhaL begln wlLh "M"

lasL AcLlon

* SeL your screen saver Lo scroll qulckly Lhrough
lnsplraLlonal quoLes

* 8apldly recounL a sLory Lo frlends

* Scan headllnes of a newspaper qulckly

* lay 8oggle, charades, or 1aboo

* CeL up and do a seL of [umplng [acks

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

ure Lnergy

l'm always Lelllng you LhaL lL's your "energy"
LhaL's Lhe key Lo havlng an exLraordlnary llfe
buL some of you are havlng a hard Llme grasplng
Lhe concepL. So, l Lhlnk lL's Llme LhaL l explaln

Pere lL goes:

nobel rlze wlnnlng physlclsLs have proven beyond
doubL LhaL Lhe physlcal world ls one large sea of
energy LhaL flashes lnLo and ouL of belng ln
bllllonLh's of a second, over and over agaln.
1hls ls Lhe world of quanLum physlcs. 1hey've
proven LhaL LhoughLs are whaL puL LogeLher and
hold LogeLher Lhls ever-changlng energy fleld lnLo
Lhe "ob[ecLs" LhaL you see. So why do you see a
person lnsLead of a flashlng clusLer of energy?
1hlnk of a movle reel. A movle ls a collecLlon of
abouL LwenLy-four frames a second. Lach frame ls
separaLed by a gap. Powever, because of Lhe speed
aL whlch one frame replaces anoLher, your eyes geL
cheaLed lnLo Lhlnklng LhaL you see a conLlnuous
and movlng plcLure.

1hlnk of a Lelevlslon. A 1v Lube ls slmply a Lube
wlLh heaps of elecLrons hlLLlng Lhe screen ln a
cerLaln way, creaLlng Lhe llluslon of form and
moLlon. 1hls ls whaL all ob[ecLs are.

?ou have flve physlcal senses:

SlghL, sound, Louch, smell, LasLe.

Lach of Lhese senses has a speclflc specLrum, for
example, a dog hears a dlfferenL range of sound
Lhan a human does, a snake sees a dlfferenL
specLrum of llghL Lhan you do, and so on. ln
oLher words, your seL of senses percelves Lhe sea
of energy from a cerLaln llmlLed sLandpolnL and
makes up an lmage from LhaL. lL's noL compleLe,
nor ls lL accuraLe. lL's [usL an lnLerpreLaLlon.
All of your lnLerpreLaLlons are solely based on an
"lnLernal map" of reallLy and noL Lhe real LruLh.
?our "map" ls a resulL of your personal llfe's
collecLlve experlences.

?our LhoughLs are llnked Lo Lhls lnvlslble energy
and Lhey deLermlne whaL Lhe energy forms. ?our
LhoughLs llLerally shlfL Lhe unlverse on a
parLlcle-by-parLlcle basls Lo creaLe your physlcal
llfe. Look around you. LveryLhlng you see ln
your physlcal world sLarLed as an ldea, an ldea
LhaL grew as lL was shared and expressed, unLll lL
grew enough lnLo a physlcal ob[ecL Lhrough any
number of sLeps. ?ou llLerally become whaL you
Lhlnk abouL mosL. ?our llfe becomes whaL you have
lmaglned and belleved ln mosL. 1he world ls
llLerally your mlrror, enabllng you Lo experlence
ln Lhe physlcal plane whaL you hold as your
LruLh...unLll you change lL. CuanLum physlcs shows
us LhaL Lhe world ls noL Lhe hard an unchangeable
Lhlng lL may appear Lo be. lnsLead, lL's a very
fluld place, conLlnuously bullL up uslng your
lndlvldual and collecLlve LhoughLs. WhaL you
Lhlnk ls "Lrue" ls really an llluslon, almosL llke
a maglc Lrlck. lorLunaLely we've begun Lo uncover
Lhe llluslon and mosL lmporLanLly, how Lo change

WhaL ls your body made of?

nlne sysLems lncludlng cardlovascular, nervous,
and skeleLal sysLems.

WhaL are Lhose made up of?

1lssues and organs.

WhaL are Llssues and organs made of?


WhaL are cells made of?


WhaL are molecules made of?


WhaL are aLoms made of?

Sub-aLomlc parLlcles.

WhaL are sub-aLomlc parLlcles made of?


?ou are pure energy. Lnergy LhaL ls consLanLly
changlng beneaLh Lhe surface, and you conLrol lL
all wlLh your powerful mlnd.

lf you could see yourself under a powerful
elecLron mlcroscope and conducL oLher experlmenLs
on yourself, you would see LhaL you are made up of
a clusLer of ever-changlng energy ln Lhe form of
elecLrons, neuLrons, phoLons, and so on. And so
ls everyLhlng else around you. CuanLum physlcs
Lells us LhaL lL ls Lhe acL of observlng an ob[ecL
LhaL causes lL Lo be Lhere where and how we
observe lL. An ob[ecL does noL exlsL
lndependenLly of lLs observer!

So, as you can see, your observaLlon, your
aLLenLlon Lo someLhlng, and your lnLenLlon,
llLerally creaLes LhaL Lhlng. 1hls ls sclenLlflc
and proven. ?our world ls made up of splrlL,
mlnd, and body. Lach has a funcLlon LhaL ls
unlque Lo lL and noL shared wlLh Lhe oLher. WhaL
you see wlLh your eyes and experlence wlLh your
body ls Lhe physlcal world-whlch we call 8Cu?.
8ody ls an effecL, creaLed by a cause. 1hls cause
ls 1PCuCP1. 8ody cannoL creaLe. lL can only
experlence and be experlenced, LhaL ls lLs unlque

1houghL cannoL experlence-lL can only make up,
creaLe, and lnLerpreL. lL needs a world of
relaLlvlLy (Lhe physlcal world, l.e. body) Lo
experlence lLself. Sl8l1 ls "all LhaL ls," LhaL
whlch glves llfe Lo 1PCuCP1 and 8Cu?. 8ody has no
power Lo creaLe, alLhough lL glves Lhe llluslon of
power Lo do so. 1hls llluslon ls Lhe cause of
much of your frusLraLlon. 8ody ls purely an
effecL and has no power Lo cause or creaLe.

1he key Lo all of Lhls lnformaLlon ls how you
learn Lo see Lhe unlverse dlfferenLly Lhan you do
now so LhaL you can manlfesL everyLhlng you Lruly
deslre. Change Lhe way you look aL Lhlngs and Lhe
Lhlngs you look aL wlll change.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Step Into My Cff|ce

?ou walk lnLo your workplace and your boss says,

"!ohn, can l see you for a mlnuLe?"

1hen proceeds Lo Lell you LhaL your performance
lsn'L up Lo snuff.

nobody llkes recelvlng negaLlve feedback from Lhe
boss, buL l beL you dldn'L know LhaL lL's whaL you
do/say nexL LhaL wlll make Lhe dlfference beLween
Lhls belng Lhe ulLlmaLe showdown or a greaL
learnlng experlence and opporLunlLy for growLh,
maybe even a promoLlon!

Pere's how Lo be on Lrack for LhaL promoLlon:

* uon'L make Lhe slLuaLlon worse by belng
confronLaLlonal. SlL back, relax and Lake lL ln.
Save your defense, explanaLlon, clarlflcaLlon, and
[usLlflcaLlon or even leglLlmaLe ouLrage for laLer
when lL mlghL do you some good. ?our besL flrsL
defense agalnsL crlLlclsm ls no defense aL all.

* Appear Lo llsLen. AcLual llsLenlng ls even
beLLer. And Lhe ulLlmaLe response would be Lo
valldaLe whaL you have heard. ?ou mlghL say "l
see whaL you mean, l do have a problem
mulLl-Lasklng." MosL of your supervlsor's
lrrlLaLlon wlLh you wlll vanlsh when you leL
hlm/her know LhaL you heard whaL he sald and you
know whaL he means.

now, Lake a few days and Lhlnk abouL whaL he sald.
1hen, Lry Lo use Lhe feedback producLlvely by
asklng yourself:

"WhaL parL of Lhls ls Lrue?"

"Pave l ever heard Lhls before?"

"WhaL would l have Lo glve up lf l changed?"

none of Lhls ls easy. 8uL you can Lell yourself
LhaL Lhe crlLlclsm ls a slgn LhaL you have
poLenLlal. lf your boss dldn'L Lhlnk you were
valuable, he wouldn'L boLher Lelllng you how Lo
lmprove. So nexL Llme you geL called lnLo Lhe
offlce, smlle. ?ou could soon be Lhe boss!

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

1he Ma[or Va|ue Cf Goa|s


8renL, l'm very frusLraLed LhaL l'm noL maklng
progress and reachlng my goal of belng a greaL
seducer. lL seems so far away and all Lhe sLorles
l hear abouL oLher guys havlng success [usL
depresses me more and convlnces me LhaL l'm
farLher away Lhan ever. l can'L Lhlnk of anyLhlng
else. l LhoughL obsesslng over lL would brlng lL
Lo me. WhaL's golng on?

My Answer:

llrsL of all, lf your goal ls Lo be a seducer
you're slgned up for Lhe wrong newsleLLer. 1he
only person you'll be seduclng ls yourself.
Pavlng sald LhaL, l'll conLlnue wlLh some general
advlce on goals.

l llke goals and we all have Lhem...Lhey're a good
Lhlng. Powever, belng obsessed wlLh Lhem over
everyLhlng else ln your llfe or havlng Lhe wrong
goals for Lhe wrong reasons won'L make you any
happler once you reach Lhem. ln facL, once you
reach Lhem you mlghL be mlserable. And, you're
mlsslng Lhe polnL. Agonlzlng abouL noL reachlng
goals and forgeLLlng whaL you've learned on Lhe
[ourney ls a wasLe.

1he ma[or value of reachlng a goal ls noL Lo
acqulre lL, buL lL's Lhe person you become whlle
you're worklng Lo acqulre lL. lf you reach a goal
buL don'L llke who you've become Lhere's no polnL.

1here's a famous psychologlsL, Abraham Maslow, who
creaLed a hlerarchy of human needs and do you know
whaL he puL on Lhe Lop?


1haL's a fancy way of saylng, who you become whlle
you're worklng Lo flll Lhe oLher needs ls really
whaL's lmporLanL. When you reallze LhaL Lhe game
ls noL [usL Lhe goal buL who you become, durlng
Lhe [ourney, Lhen some your goals may change.
8unnlng Lhe race and runnlng well, LhaL's Lhe real
prlze. Wlnnlng ls noL so lmporLanL. lL's how you
play Lhe game, noL wheLher you wln or lose.

Llklng who you've become ls also abouL whaL you're
playlng Loward. Conslder Lhe goal of belng a
greaL seducer and Lrlcklng women lnLo sleeplng
wlLh you. When you geL Lhere and accompllsh LhaL,
are you golng Lo llke who you've become?

Conslder Lhe goal of glvlng good energy, lnsplrlng
and belng Lhe Lype of guy who women are naLurally
aLLracLed Lo, a guy who pracLlces efforLless
efforL...and when you geL Lhere and you accompllsh
LhaL are you golng Lo llke who you've become?

Cf course you wlll. When you're seLLlng goals,
one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL quesLlons you need Lo
ask ls,

"When l geL Lhere and accompllsh LhaL, am l golng
Lo llke who l've become?"

Who you become ls more lmporLanL Lhan whaL you
wln. Some people have Lhelr self-awareness dlal
seL Lo, "numb". 1he reason ls because Lhey have
pursued goals LhaL weren'L worLhwhlle and even
Lhough Lhey've been successful lL's Lurned Lhem
lnLo someone who even "Lhey" don'L wanL Lo know.

So change your goals, change your reasons, change
your llfe.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Catch|ng Monkeys

ln some Aslan counLrles Lhere ls a very effecLlve
Lrap for caLchlng monkeys. A sloL ls made ln Lhe
boLLom of a coconuL, [usL blg enough for Lhe
monkey Lo sllde lLs hand ln, buL noL blg enough
for Lhe hand Lo be wlLhdrawn when lL's clenched.
1hen Lhey puL someLhlng sweeL ln Lhe coconuL,
aLLach lL Lo a Lree, and walL for Lhe monkey Lo
come along. When Lhe monkey slldes lLs hand ln
and grabs Lhe food, lL geLs caughL. WhaL keeps
Lhe monkey Lrapped? lL ls only Lhe force of
deslre and aLLachmenL. All Lhe monkey has Lo do
ls leL go of Lhe sweeL, open lLs hand, sllp ouL,
and go free-buL only a rare monkey wlll do LhaL.

WhaL's Lhe secreL Lo havlng all Lhe Lhlngs you
wanL ln Lhe year ahead?

Clve up wanLlng Lhem, of course.

now you're Lhlnklng,

"8renL, Lo have someLhlng, don'L l have Lo wanL lL
ln Lhe flrsL place?"

Make Lhe sLaLemenL abouL whaL you wanL, Lake some
small sLeps ln LhaL dlrecLlon and Lhen forgeL
abouL lL. !usL leL lL go. Pere's Lhe Lhlng, once
you have whaL lL ls LhaL you wanL, you'll really
be no happler Lhan you are aL Lhls very
lL's noL as blg a deal as you're maklng lL. ?ou
have Lo glve up all aLLachmenL Lo havlng whaL you

l'm ouL wlLh a cllenL recenLly, he's Lall, good
looklng, dressed well, has a greaL personallLy and
ls flnanclally successful.

Pe says,

"8renL, whaL's Lhe secreL Lo geLLlng Lhls lasL
parL of my llfe handled?"

And l sald,

"Clve up wanLlng Lo geL Lhls lasL parL of your
llfe handled."

ln oLher words wanL lL, glve lL up, relax and [usL
have lL. 1he resL of our evenlng was fanLasLlc.
Pe had women all over hlm and spenL Lhe nexL few
days wlLh a beauLlful, smarL woman we meL aL
dlnner LhaL nlghL.

LeL go of Lhe sweeL. Leave Lhe wanLlng aL wanLlng
and sLarL vlsuallzlng already havlng lL. So,
Lhlnk Lhe LhoughL, "l wanL __________." Agree
LhaL you don'L need lL (your llfe and happlness
don'L depend on you havlng lL) Lhen lmmedlaLely
release Lhe LhoughL and focus on havlng lL. uon'L
focus on lL compleLlng you or maklng you Lhe
happlesL person ln Lhe world or lL solvlng all
your problems. lnsLead focus on havlng lL and lL
belng no blg deal...[usL llke all Lhe oLher sLuff
you already have and Lhlnk ls no blg deal.

?ou have everyLhlng ln you rlghL now Lo be happy
and fulfllled...when you flnally undersLand Lhls,
you'll have everyLhlng you wanL...efforLlessly.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Abso|ute ower

1hose Lwo words probably brlng Lo mlnd lmages of
conquerlng women and havlng Lhem do anyLhlng you
wanL. Powever, Lhe lmage LhaL SPCuLu come Lo mlnd
as you conLlnue on your [ourney ls one where you
acLually conquer ?Cu8SLLl and have ?Cu do any
Lhlng you wanL.

LeL me explaln:

Llvlng dellberaLely requlres courage and wlsdom.
1hese equaLe Lo power. Courage ls Lhe ablllLy Lo
percelve whaL ls. Wlsdom ls Lhe ablllLy Lo
foresee Lhe consequences of an acLlon. Comblne
Lhem, and you have power. ower ls Lhe ablllLy Lo
remaln presenL and aware and Lo shape reallLy.

?ou have some alloLmenL of power, buL you don'L
have Lhe undersLandlng or conLrol over lL LhaL you
could have. ln your mlsundersLandlng and
confuslon, you wasLe your power ln polnLless
conLesLs wlLh each oLher. ?our lndocLrlnaLed
bellefs and your ldenLlLles keep you ln a
compeLlLlve Lurmoll. ower LhaL ls used Lo
aggrandlze an ldenLlLy or Lo possess someLhlng
creaLes lLs own obsLrucLlons. ower LhaL ls used
Lo acqulre more power changes Lo fear.

When you flnally allow yourself Lo be open Lo all
of Lhe Lhlngs l'm Lelllng you, you'll know how Lo
handle power wlLhouL creaLlng repercusslons.
?ou'll be able Lo allgn your efforLs lnLo a
synergeLlc lnfluence capable of shaplng LhaL,
whlch ls so fundamenLal LhaL lL ls presenL even
before Lhe fuLure reallLy ls concelved. 1hls ls
one of Lhe nexL levels.

Pow do you manage and preserve Lhls power LhaL
you've galned, Lhls power LhaL ls beyond Lhe rooL
of Lhe world? Pow do you keep lL from flashlng

l'll glve you four sLeps:

CreaLe lnLegrlLy

1he flrsL sLep ls Lo creaLe lnLegrlLy ln your
llfe. 1o know such wholeness LhaL noLhlng ls
favored. 1o be everyone and everyLhlng Lo Lhe
polnL LhaL dlshonesLy or denlal of responslblllLy
ls unLhlnkable. 1haL's Lhe flrsL pracLlce of
someone who ls on a hlgher level. 8y LhaL
pracLlce alone you wlll remaln presenL and know
Lhe power of belng presenL. 8e-acqulre Lhe
ablllLy Lo creaLe and experlence slmulLaneously.
SlmulLaneously means LhaL Lhere ls no Llme
lnLerposed beLween Lhe creaLlon and Lhe
experlence-no mlnuLe, no day, no llfeLlme. ?ou
don'L creaLe effecLs LhaL you are noL wllllng Lo
experlence. ?ou cease your unconsclous creaLlon
of Llme. 1he less Llme beLween Lhe creaLlon and
Lhe experlence, Lhe closer you come Lo belng
allve. 1lme ls creaLed Lo compensaLe for your
loss of power. When you have sufflclenL power,
you won'L need Llme. ?ou wlll be presenL.

Lmbrace SlmpllclLy

1he second sLep ls Lo embrace slmpllclLy. 1he
Chlnese symbol for Lhls pracLlce ls an uncarved
rock. lL's uncarved because lL doesn'L have any
deflnlLlon yeL. So Lhls sLep has Lo do wlLh
sheddlng deflnlLlon, leLLlng go, noL deflnlng
yourself, and noL lnvesLlng ln a vlewpolnL. ?our
mlnd wlll quleL down on lLs own accord. Agaln, do
Lhls and you wlll wlnd up ln Lhe presenL.

8educe CalculaLlng ?our AdvanLage

1he Lhlrd sLep ls Lo reduce Lhe Llme you spend
calculaLlng for your percelved advanLage. 8elease
your mlnd from Lhe slavery lmposed by your ego.
Allow yourself Lhe glfL of unlversal perspecLlve.
Wlsdom wlll appear. ?our acLlons wlll be gulded
by an lnLulLlve, sponLaneous, compasslonaLely
benevolenL lnLenL. 1here's no regreL Lo pull you
ouL of Lhe presenL. 1here's no sense ln Lrylng Lo
possess Lhe resulL of your acLlon, because ln Lhe
momenL of acLlon you have already fully
experlenced Lhe resulL. And you are sLlll

See 1he LmpLlness

1he fourLh sLep ls Lo see Lhe empLlness of your
deslres. ulrecL wlLhouL possesslng. WhaL can you
have? 1hls ldea of possesslng lmplles Llme and
deflnlLlon and Lakes you ouL of Lhe presenL. 1he
pasL no longer exlsLs, nor does Lhe person who
llves for Lhe pasL. When you possess someLhlng,
you have Lo have lL for a lengLh of Llme, you have
Lo creaLe some Llme ln whlch lL sLays around.
Along wlLh Lhe possesslon comes Lhe creaLlon of
some Llme, and Lhls Llme ls a beL you place
agalnsL your own power.

When you vlew yourself from Lhe perspecLlve of
llvlng ln Lhe world buL sLlll belng a faceL of
LhaL absoluLe power LhaL generaLes Llme and Lhe
reallLles Llme enfolds, you wlll dlscover Lhe
power Lo shape Lhe world. 1hls ls Lhe nexL level!

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

1|red Cf 8e|ng 1he Mayor?

l'm always Lelllng you Lo be Lhe Mayor and Lalk Lo
everybody. 8uL, whaL lf you flnd your self ln a
slLuaLlon where you're really exhausLed and have
promlsed a good frlend LhaL you'd show up

ls lL okay Lo [usL relax when you're ouL or do you
have Lo always be Cn?

8elaxlng ls flne. ln facL you're probably belng
more 8LAL Lhen you have ln a long Llme. ?ou're
acLually belng auLhenLlc and Lhls ls an
opporLunlLy for growLh. So go wlLh lL as long as
you're noL uslng lL as a Lechnlque and lL doesn'L
become hablLual or an excuse Lo be a wallflower.

As you know, l'm ouL and abouL all Lhe Llme. When
l have a chance for some down Llme l Lake lL.
8ecenLly, l was ouL for a frlend's blrLhday afLer
coachlng non-sLop and was [usL beaL. So l wasn'L
belng Lhe Mayor buL belng frlendly, 8LALL?
lndlfferenL (because l was Llred and [usL dldn'L
care) and was sLlll glvlng off greaL energy
(because l was belng real).

l was sLandlng near Lhls woman and l sald,

"Pey, WhaL's up?" (ln a very unexclLed volce)

She sald,

"l'm flne, you?"

l explalned LhaL l was Llred buL rallled for my
frlend's blrLhday.

She sald,

"l'm used Lo seelng you runnlng around Lhe place
shaklng hands and sLuff, buL l llke Lhls verslon
of you...lL's really hoL."

As she's saylng Lhls, she's pulllng me up agalnsL
her aL Lhe bar and llLerally Lells me we could geL
away wlLh geLLlng physlcal rlghL Lhere (because lL
was dark and she had a very shorL dress on).

l sald,

"l've goL Lo use Lhe resLroom"

And Lhen l lefL. Cn Lhe way Lhere, a glrl grabbed
me and sald,

"l'm ln love wlLh you. Would you come over Lo my
place LonlghL?"

l Lhanked her and Lold her LhaL l was on my way Lo Lhe
baLhroom and mlghL see her laLer. upon reLurnlng
from Lhe resLroom yeL anoLher glrl grabbed me and

"Pey whaL are you dolng? ?ou don'L look very

l sald,

"l'm beaL and l Lhlnk l'm done wlLh Lhls place."

She sald,

"LeL's geL ouL of here and go Lo my place."

l'm noL relaLlng Lhls sLory ln order Lo brag. l'm
Lelllng you because l wanL you Lo know whaL's
posslble when you sLop carlng abouL lL and lead a
non-sLressful llfe. lL seems llke no maLLer who
l'm belng Lhe resulLs are Lhe same. 1ruLh be
Lold, boLh verslons of me are real. nelLher
mlndseL ls belng used as a Lechnlque.

Wlll Lhe above happen Lo ?Cu?

Maybe. Cnce you're comforLable belng Lhe Mayor
you can be anyone you wanL. LlLher way, Lhls ls an
opporLunlLy for you Lo be real. 8elng real ls
someLhlng a loL of you are havlng Lrouble wlLh.
8elng Llred forces you Lo be real, so don'L flghL lL.
Welcome lL and don'L Lry Lo over compensaLe for lL.


When you've declded Lo sLay home and recelve a
LexL from a woman who wanLs Lo meeL up wlLh
you (aL a publlc place) Lhe same nlghL she LexLs

?ou can slmply LexL,

"l'm beaL and sLaylng ln LonlghL. robably
golng Lo have a glass of champagne and relax."
1hls wlll be real and she'll feel your energy, and
probably end up aL your place wlLhln 30 mlnuLes.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Are Women kea||y Into It?

?ou may be golng Lhrough your llfe bellevlng LhaL
women don'L Lhlnk abouL lL or don'L parLlclpaLe ln
lL unless you somehow Lalk Lhem lnLo lL. l'm
golng Lo Lell you someLhlng LhaL wlll probably
sLun you, as lL has mosL of my llve cllenLs when
Lhey've seen women do all klnds of crazy Lhlngs
wlLh us mlnuLes (and ofLen seconds afLer meeLlng

Women show up ready for lL. ?ou're [ob ls Lo nC1
Lalk Lhem ouL of lL!

?ou see, mosL women show up everywhere wllllng Lo
do almosL anyLhlng wlLh Lhe rlghL guy (or glrl).
When you're ln a parLlcular locaLlon/slLuaLlon and
you're Lhlnklng, "1hls would be lmposslble", Lhere
ls acLually a guy who can do lL. And, qulLe ofLen
he's noL Lhe besL looklng, besL dressed, or
rlchesL guy ln Lhe room.

Women wanL lL nCW, noL LA1L8.


8ecause women are oppressed when lL comes Lo lL.
1hey've grown up ln a socleLy LhaL rewards
vlrglnlLy and Lhen when Lhey geL ouL ln Lhe real
world Lhey have men pushlng Lhemselves on Lhem
(whlch works once ln a whlle buL leaves boLh
parLles feellng bad). So when Lhey meeL a guy who
has Lhls speclallzed knowledge and allows Lhem Lo
be Lhemselves, noL [udged for Lhelr deslres and ls
compleLely lndlfferenL Lo lL, Lhese women
explode...and do Lhlngs LhaL would shock you.
8emember, meeLlng a guy llke Lhe above ls very

uon'L belleve me?

WhaL happens when you're broughL up ln a very
sLrlcL household and Lhen go off Lo college? WhaL
do you do when you geL Lhere and have no
supervlslon? ?ou go crazy. lL's Lhe same Lhlng
LhaL happens Lo women when Lhey meeL a powerful
man wlLh Lhe rlghL energy. 1hey go crazy!

So, how can you make sure you're noL Lalklng Lhem
ouL of lL?

SLop Lrylng Lo Lalk Lhem ln1C lL!

l could go lnLo all Lhe Lhlngs you currenLly do
buL l Lhlnk you already know LhaL lf you avold
everyLhlng LhaL resembles pursulng, you're off Lo
a good sLarL. So, l'll [usL Lell you how Lo do

AccepL whaL ls. MosL people llve ln Lhe maLrlx
and aren'L aware of how Lhlngs really work. uon'L
become overwhelmed by Lhls new lnformaLlon or
Lhlnk LhaL lL means anyLhlng. !usL go wlLh lL.

vlsuallze whaL ls. Change your sLory from Lhe one
you currenLly Lell yourself such as "lL only
happens Lo someone else" Lo your new sLory where
everyLhlng goes your way. vlsuallze already
havlng a llfe where Lhls happens Lo you all Lhe

WhaL would LhaL look llke?

WhaL would your llfe look llke lf you knew you
couldn'L fall?

WhaL would happen everywhere you go?

Pow would a guy, who can'L fall, acL?

8e whaL ls. A guy who can'L fall mlghL have
selecLlve hearlng. AfLer he asks a woman a
quesLlon llke, "WhaL's up?" no maLLer whaL she
answers wlLh he mlghL say, "LlsLen, lf you wanL Lo
do lL (or flll ln black) wlLh me [usL come ouL and
say lL. SLop beaLlng around Lhe bush."

uo lL. Pe mlghL [usL Lhrow lL ouL Lhere, leave
wlLh her and do lL.

AccepL lL.

vlsuallze lL.

8e lL.

uo lL.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

1he Greatest n|d|ng |ace


Pey 8renL, l'm really unhappy ln my llfe and am
Lhlnklng abouL movlng Lo a dlfferenL clLy, geLLlng
a new [ob and sLarLlng over. l really wanL Lo
leave Lhls llfe behlnd. WhaL do you Lhlnk?

My Answer:

1here's a Plndu legend LhaL says we were all once
gods. 8uL evenLually we abused our powers.
8rahma, Lhe chlef god, declded Lo punlsh us by
Laklng away our dlvlnlLy. 8rahma called a meeLlng
of Lhe oLher chlef gods Lo flgure ouL where Lo
hlde our hollness. Cne god suggesLed hldlng lL
deep beneaLh Lhe earLh. "no," 8rahma sald, "man
wlll [usL flgure ouL a way Lo Lunnel mlles below
Lhe surface." AnoLher god suggesLed hldlng our
hollness aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe ocean. "no," 8rahma
responded, "man wlll [usL learn how Lo dlve Lo Lhe
seabed." A Lhlrd god came up wlLh Lhe ldea of
placlng our dlvlnlLy on Lop of a Lowerlng
mounLaln. "no," 8rahma sald, "man wlll [usL cllmb
every Lall mounLaln on Lhe planeL unLll he flnds
lL." SLumped, Lhe oLher gods Lold 8rahma Lhey
gave up-Lhere dldn'L seem Lo be any place Lo hlde
our hollness and keep lL ouL of our reach.
"WalL," 8rahma sald wlLh a smlle. "l've goL lL.
We'll hlde man's hollness deep wlLhln
hlmself-he'll never Lhlnk Lo look for lL Lhere."
Slnce Lhen, we've spenL ages dlgglng below Lhe
earLh, dlvlng Lo Lhe sea floor, and cllmblng Lall
mounLalns, looklng for someLhlng LhaL's already
wlLhln us.

l've meL a loL of unhappy people ln Lhe course of
my llfe and you all have one Lhlng ln
consLanLly search ouLslde yourself for happlness.
When Lhlngs geL bad you convlnce yourself LhaL
movlng Lo a dlfferenL clLy, changlng [obs or
daLlng hoLLer women ls Lhe obvlous answer. 8uL
afLer maklng Lhese changes, LhaL famlllar
resLlessness feellng sLarLs agaln. ?ou're sLunned
Lo learn LhaL wherever you go, whaLever you do,
whaLever you acqulre and whomever you're wlLh
aren'L worklng. ?our unhapplness has acLually
followed you. ln reallLy, Lhere ls no place Lo'll have Lo deal wlLh lL rlghL now where
you are Loday. 1he good news ls Lhls means you
have Lhe poLenLlal Lo be happy. 1he bad news ls
your happlness ls your own responslblllLy. ?ou're
Lhe only one who can allow yourself Lo be happy.
no one and noLhlng else can do lL for you. noL
even me or my newsleLLers.

So lnsLead of rushlng Lo leave Lhls llfe behlnd by
movlng ouL of Lown, leave Lhls llfe behlnd by
deallng wlLh lL now and changlng whaL you don'L
llke abouL lL. 1hen, lf you declde you wanL an
advenLure by movlng Lo a new clLy you'll be dolng
lL for Lhe rlghL reasons, have an acLual chance of
succeedlng and you won'L be sLalked by your old

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

What's our Story?

1he followlng ls a recenL posL/ranL on Lhe ALLracL
PoLLer Women forum and l LhoughL my response mlghL
be helpful Lo you. l know lL's long, buL l've
lncluded all of lL because lL's an example of how
commlLLed you are (unconsclously) Lo your sLory.
lL's from a woman.

lorum osL:

"So, feellng a blL down aL Lhe momenL. Pad a
somewhaL fun Lrlp Lo kansas ClLy Lhls pasL week
buL geLLlng Lhe chance Lo Lravel (l haven'L been
able Lo Lravel ln 2 yrs) always lnvlgoraLes me and
makes me feel deslred for some reason. CoL home
yesLerday afLernoon, lrlday, and now lL's
SaLurday and nC1PlnC ls golng on.

Pave been uslng afflrmaLlons for a monLh now, and
lasL week l flnallzed and have been uslng Lhls
afflrmaLlon for a week: "l'm Lhe queen of
everyone and everyLhlng l survey, and so people
adore me and clusLer around me, especlally all hoL
women aged 18 - 33 because Lhey're all lesblans
and Lhey ask me Lo *** Lhem and Lhey compeLe over
me, call me, chase me, eLc" (lL's a blL longer
Lhan Lhls, also havlng Lo do wlLh my healLh and
wealLh lssues.)

l flnally had messages on my answerlng machlne for
Lhe flrsL Llme when l goL home yesLerday buL l
lgnored Lhem unLll Lhls mornlng because l wanLed
Lo chlll and resL. And Lhey were Lwo buslness
calls! Lol.

now lL's back Lo same-o same-o, back Lo Lhe same
lowbrow baslc cable wlLh commerclals, (my uad had
Lhe whole cable package, recordable, movle
channels, eLc. very very very menLally sLlmulaLlng
for me), lL's back Lo no car, dlalup lnLerneL, Lo
enLerLaln me now. Lame, lame, lame. noL even Lhe
perlodlc SaLurday-nlghL '80s nlghL' aL one club
here LhaL aLLracLs blsexual women and where Lhe
men are acqualnLances of mlne and don'L hlL on
me, ls noL happenlng agaln Lll Lhe 26Lh.

LxcepL for Lhe someLlme mlsery of belng ln my
faLher's house around hls grumpy ass moods wlLh
me ([usL me, he's noL LhaL way wlLh anyone else
LhaL l can see), and belng around my sLepmoLher
who l LhoughL genulnely llked me unLll my faLher
confessed Lo me (when Lhey were golng Lo dlvorce
ln 1990) LhaL she never has, l felL vlLallzed,
busy, conLenL ln kansas ClLy.

l was Lhere Lo look for houslng (l'm ln publlc
houslng due Lo my very low lncome, l'm on
dlsablllLy for blpolar), and found LhaL Lhe kC
nelghborhoods avallable Lo me are smarmy lnner
clLy, and Lhe one l llke, Lhe one where resldenL
1ruman llved, called lndependence, alLhough lLs
bus schedules have connecLlons Lo downLown & lnLo
Lhe laza for cool sLuff Lo do, runs on a llmlLed
schedule llke Lhe one here ln Columbla: no
evenlng, Sundays or hollday servlce.

l haven'L compleLely fallen lnLo despalr, Lhough.
l reallze Lhere are opLlons avallable Lo me LhaL l
mlghL noL even be aware of. arL of my afflrmaLlon
Lells me LhaL people and women buy and glve me
Lhlngs l noL only need buL wanL. eople have been
glvlng me llLLle Lhlngs Loo, lL's klnd of cool...
so l can see where my afflrmaLlons are leadlng...

l'm [usL depressed LhaL lL's SaLurday and whaL
l'm experlenclng hasn'L caughL up Lo my
afflrmaLlons yeL. l don'L know whaL Lo do Lo geL
Lhrough Lhls afLernoon and LonlghL, cuz all l'm
Lhlnklng abouL ls wanLlng Lo soclallze and how
nobody has called me Lo do anyLhlng LonlghL. l'm
acLually, god forbld-- Lhlnklng abouL hanglng ouL
ln Lhe yahoo and gaycom lesblan chaL room! Cn a
SaLurday nlghL!!! l PA1L Lyplng Lo soclallze!! LCL
8uL l'm noL booked, l'm noL busy. l'm alone!
ACAln. Lol whlch ls ok for Lhe resL of Lhe week
(well, l klnd of mlss company and fun sLuff Lo do
on Sundays when Lhere's no buses elLher), l'm
lnLo my ML Llme Lhe resL of Lhe week. l'm a
wrlLer and mosL of Lhe Llme, durlng Lhe week, l
en[oy belng on my own Lo explore my pro[ecLs and
Lhe world aL large....

Any encouraglng words are greaLly appreclaLed
whlle l'm geLLlng over Lhls lag.... and feellng
"Alone, agaln, naLurallyyyy..."

My 8esponse:

1haL's your sLory and Lhe longer you sLlck Lo lL
Lhe longer lL'll be how your llfe ls. ?ou have
full conLrol over whaL your sLory ls. So creaLe a
new one LhaL's Lhe exacL opposlLe of your currenL
one. ?ou've convlnced yourself LhaL your currenL
sLory ls Lrue so doesn'L lL make sense LhaL lf
you convlnced yourself of Lhe exacL opposlLe, LhaL
would ALSC be Lrue?

1ry focuslng on whaL women wlll geL from you as
opposed Lo whaL you hope Lo geL from 1PLM. nowhere
ln your posL do l geL LhaL you're golng Lo glve
anyLhlng or make someone's llfe beLLer...lL's
all abouL whaL you're nC1 geLLlng.

WhaL are you offerlng Lhese bl or bl-curlous

WhaL's Lhe beneflL, Lo Lhem, of belng wlLh you
(noL ln an arroganL way)?

Lxample: lf Lhey're bl-curlous, wlll you convey
LhaL you're noL golng Lo [udge Lhem for havlng
Lhese deslres? Cr are you conveylng LhaL you Lhe
lesblan Lrylng Lo Lalk Lhem lnLo golng Lo Lhe
oLher slde? 1here's an lmporLanL dlsLlncLlon
beLween Lhe Lwo.

Lxample: lf Lhey're lesblans, are you conveylng a
desperaLe energy llke mosL guys do? Are you
carrylng around your sLory (of how you've
convlnced yourself LhaL your llfe ls) and
approachlng Lhem wlLh LhaL negaLlve energy?

1ry vlsuallzlng Lhe same Lhlngs (Lhe afflrmaLlons
LhaL you're currenLly vlsuallzlng) happenlng Lo
you, buL happenlng Lo you because of a cerLaln way
you're belng...noL geLLlng for geLLlng's sake.
Clve Lo glve, noL Lo geL.

?ou're gaLherlng an awful loL of evldence for why
you're noL happy and you should be gaLherlng
evldence for why you A8L. l'm sure Lhere are
Lhlngs ln your llfe LhaL are greaL. Make a llsL
and go over lL every mornlng. 1he resL wlll follow
when you change your mlnd abouL everyLhlng. Change
your sLory!

lf lL's Lrue LhaL noLhlng's happenlng ln your
Lown or ln your llfe Lhen you have Lo be okay wlLh
noLhlng happenlng. ln facL, Lhe momenL you Lruly
are okay wlLh LhaL, Lhlngs wlll sLarL happenlng!
1hlnk of your [ourney as a horseshoe shaped one.
Cne end ls where you were and Lhe oLher end ls
where you wanL Lo end up. Cn Lhe way Lhere you
have Lo pass Lhrough noLhlng. 1here's no brldge
sLralghL across, you musL make Lhe whole [ourney.

Changes are already happenlng lnslde of you,
you're [usL noL reallzlng Lhem because change ls
uncomforLable and you're mlsLaklng Lhe
uncomforLable ness for fallure. 1he LruLh ls LhaL
as you keep growlng lL doesn'L go away, you [usL
become comforLable belng uncomforLable.

Pang ln Lhere!

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

L|ke Na||s Cn A 8|ackboard


Pey 8renL, l'm a good looklng, soclal, successful
guy and l have a loL of hoL, Lhln, smarL women l'm
currenLly seelng, buL l'm looklng for Lhe perfecL know...hoLLer, Lhlnner,
sLandards are preLLy hlgh. Lvery Llme l Lhlnk
l've found Lhe rlghL one, l flnd someLhlng LhaL l
don'L llke abouL her and Lhen Lhe search conLlnues
(alLhough l sLlll keep Lhe oLhers around). Am l
Loo plcky? uoes Lhls perfecL woman exlsL? And lf
so, how do l flnd her?

My Answer:

1here's a wonderful sLory abouL Lwo frlends who
are caLchlng up afLer noL seelng each oLher for
some Llme. Cne ls marrled, Lhe oLher slngle. 1he
marrled man asks hls slngle buddy abouL hls love
llfe. 1he slngle frlend explalns LhaL a few
monLhs ago he LhoughL he had found Lhe perfecL
woman. "She had a gorgeous face," he says. "Per
body was lncredlble."

"So why dldn'L you marry her?" hls frlend asks.

"Well," explalns Lhe slngle frlend. "she wasn'L
very lnLelllgenL." Pe goes on Lo explaln LhaL a
few weeks laLer he found anoLher woman he LhoughL
was perfecL. "She was as beauLlful as Lhe flrsL
woman, and brllllanL as well."

"So why dldn'L you marry Lhls woman?" hls frlend

"Well, she had a volce LhaL sounded llke nalls on
a blackboard." 1he marrled frlend nods, buL
before he can say anyLhlng Lhe slngle frlend
conLlnues: "1hen, [usL lasL week l flnally meL
Lhe perfecL woman. She's beauLlful, she's
lnLelllgenL, and her volce ls sooLhlng and

"So when's Lhe weddlng?" Lhe marrled frlend asks.

"1here won'L be one," Lhe slngle frlend explalns.
"lL Lurns ouL she's looklng for Lhe perfecL man."

l have a loL more Lo say abouL Lhls buL here are a
few qulck LhoughLs:

Ask yourself why you wanL Lhls perfecL woman. lf
lL's ln order Lo look good ln fronL of oLher men
(and LhaL's Lhe mosL common reason) you'll wanL Lo
quesLlon your prlorlLles ln llfe.

Ask yourself lf you'll be less of a man lf you
don'L geL her. lf Lhe answer ls yes, Lhen lL's
how you vlew yourself LhaL has Lo change.

And flnally, ask yourself whaL you're geLLlng ouL
of repeaLlng Lhe same scenarlo over and over
agaln. lf you weren'L geLLlng someLhlng, you
wouldn'L be dolng lL. 1hlnk abouL lL for a whlle
and l Lhlnk you'll be surprlsed aL whaL you come
up wlLh.

1hlngs Lo conslder:

?ou may have already found her.

?ou mlghL wanL Lo glve Lhe women who you're
currenLly seelng more of a chance. 8y counLlng
Lhem ouL, for one reason or anoLher you mlghL be
overlooklng and mlsslng ouL on a greaL


lf you really don'L llke Lhe women you're
currenLly seelng, sLop seelng Lhem and make room
for Lhe ones you really wanL. ?ou musL creaLe
physlcal and menLal space for new Lhlngs Lo enLer
your llfe.

Clvlng up wanLlng perfecLlon

8y leLLlng go of wanLlng Lo have Lhe perfecL woman
ln your llfe, and knowlng LhaL you won'L be less
of a man lf you don'L have her wlll acLually allow
you Lo aLLracL a greaL, near-perfecL woman lnLo
your llfe. And, furLher more, she wlll drop lnLo
your lap wlLhouL much efforL on your parL.

8emember, lL's Lhe lmperfecL Lhlngs abouL each one
of us LhaL makes us unlque and lL's Lhose very
Lhlngs LhaL can become our mosL endearlng

ulLlmaLely, Lhe perfecL woman ls Lhe one whose
lmperfecLlons you can llve wlLh and more
lmporLanLly Lhe woman who can llve wlLh ?Cu8S!

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Why Don't I G|ve ou A Ca|| Instead?

1hls ls a quesLlon l [usL recelved and l Lhlnk lL
mlghL clear up some Lhlngs for you lf you're sLlll
ln Lhe pursulng mlndseL. l know lL's long buL l
wanLed Lo lnclude all of lL so you can see where
you mlghL be golng wrong ln ?Cu8 lnLeracLlons.


uear 8renL, recenLly l wenL Lo a blrLhday parLy
aL a hlp nlghLclub/lounge. 1he blrLhday glrl was
someone l meL from My Space abouL a year ago. We
exchanged e-malls aL leasL once or Lwlce a monLh
buL noLhlng Loo serlous. ln facL, we sLopped
e-malllng each oLher for a flve-monLh perlod aL
one polnL. up unLll now, we send very brlef
e-malls. 1he day she senL Lhe lnfo for her
blrLhday parLy. l Lold myself "1hls ls my chance
Lo meeL her and l cannoL pass Lhls up."

l had no one Lo come wlLh me Lo Lhe parLy buL LhaL
dldn'L sLop me. l wenL by myself. l was dressed
fashlonably well. As l walked lnLo Lhe club l
began Lo look around. l ordered a drlnk aL Lhe bar
Lo flL ln wlLh Lhe amblence. lL Look me a whlle Lo
flnd her buL when l spoLLed her lL Look my breaLh
away, she looked lncredlble. She dldn'L noLlce me
as she walked by, buL l recognlzed her from Lhe
proflle plcLure. l noLlced where she was slLLlng
aL. 1here had Lo be aL leasL 8 or 9 people slLLlng
where she was. As you may know, Lhls can be a
llLLle lnLlmldaLlng? lor some odd reason, l worked
up Lhe courage Lo go up Lo her.

l sald " Pello, lLs Alex."

She looked a shocked aL flrsL. Maybe she dldn'L
Lhlnk l would come?

She sald, "Ch, hl! 1hanks for comlng."

l sald, "l goL your lnvlLaLlon Lhrough Lhe

She lnLroduced me Lo everyone ln her parLy
lncludlng her cousln and broLher.

Per: dld u geL Lhe reclpe l senL you (we cook for
a llvlng)?

Me: (l looked lnLo her eyes) l losL lL.

Per: l'll send lL Lo you agaln.

Me: why don'L l glve you a call lnsLead?

Per: ok.

l pulled ouL my phone and Look her number down

Me: l can'L sLay long because l have anoLher
parLy Lo go Lo and l have Lo wake up early.

Per: can'L you sLay a llLLle longer?

Me: l'm afrald l can'L.

AfLer Lalklng for a couple of mlnuLes wlLh her and
her cousln l declded Lo excuse myself for a llLLle
blL. l dldn'L wanL Lo look bad...llke someone
sLrange was draped over Lhem. l wenL Lo Lhe
resLroom for a couple of mlnuLes and l Lold her l
had Lo leave. She seemed a llLLle bummed by her
faclal expresslon. l wanLed Lo leave whlle l was
ahead. l dldn'L wanL Lo say someLhlng sLupld and
ruln everyLhlng.

Me: l'll glve you a call and we can hangouL
someLlme nexL week?

Per: ok.

l lefL for Lhe evenlng ln hlgh splrlLs because l
knew lL Look a loL of balls Lo do whaL l [usL dld.
1he parLy was on a 1hursday. l called her Sunday.

Me: hey, Lhls Alex. Pow ls your day golng?

Per: busy.

Me: l don'L have a loL of Llme Lo Lalk elLher. l
[usL wanLed Lo Louch base wlLh you and say hl.
l'll be busy LonlghL and Lomorrow nlghL, buL leLs
geL LogeLher 1uesday or Wednesday for some coffee
and some sLlmulaLlng conversaLlon?

Per: ok, call me 1uesday.

We boLh hung up afLer LhaL. A very brlef
conversaLlon Lo say Lhe leasL. l called yesLerday
and her phone rang Lhree Llmes only Lo go Lo
volcemall. l dldn'L leave a message. 1oday,
(Wednesday) and sLlll no call from her.

uld l do Lhe rlghL Lhlng by noL leavlng a message?
ls she Lrylng Lo Lell me LhaL she lsn'L
lnLeresLed? l'm golng Lo call her agaln Lomorrow
(1hursday) and l hope l don'L screw Lhls up. Any
advlce would be graLeful. lf she doesn'L answer
Lomorrow, should l leave a message or a LexL or
should l move on?

.S. l called Loday & l goL her volcemall agaln. l
lefL a brlef message & no response back. 1hls ls
frusLraLlng. uo l conLacL agaln ln abouL a week
Lhrough e-mall?

My Answer:

llrsL, here are Lhe phrases/mlndseLs/bellefs/acLlons
ln your sLory LhaL l flnd Lroubllng:

* "l Lold myself, Lhls ls my chance Lo meeL her
and l cannoL pass Lhls up."

* "when l spoLLed her lL Look my breaLh away, she
looked lncredlble."

* "why don'L l glve you a call lnsLead?"

* "l'll glve you a call and we can hangouL
someLlme nexL week?"

* "l called her Sunday"

* "hey, Lhls ls Alex. Pow ls your day golng?"

* "l [usL wanLed Lo Louch base wlLh you and say hl."
"leL's geL LogeLher 1uesday or Wednesday for some
coffee and some sLlmulaLlng conversaLlon?"

* "l called yesLerday and her phone rang Lhree
Llmes only Lo go Lo volcemall. l dldn'L leave a

* "l'm golng Lo call her agaln Lomorrow
(1hursday) and l hope l don'L screw Lhls up."

* ".S. l called Loday & l goL her volcemall
agaln. l lefL a brlef message & no response back.
1hls ls frusLraLlng."

uo you see a paLLern here?

?ou're pursulng her and LhaL doesn'L work anymore
(whlch ls one of Lhe reasons LhaL she's noL

1he underlylng Lheme of your lnLeracLlon ls one of
"belng Lhe pursuer", "glvlng her hlgher sLaLus",
"wanLlng her", and "fear of loss". lf you know
anyLhlng abouL me, you know LhaL l belleve LhaL
pursulng women ls no longer relevanL. 1he
relaLlonshlp you really need Lo be worklng on here
ls Lhe one you have wlLh yourself.

l wanL you Lo know LhaL l know lL Lakes a loL of
courage Lo do whaL you've already done, so kudos
Lo you for LhaL. 8uL, wlLh a few llLLle Lweaks
you're ouLcome could be very dlfferenL.

8lghL now:

* SLop calllng her lmmedlaLely, before you dlg
yourself a deeper hole. ?ou're conveylng LhaL you
are needy, desperaLe, seeklng acknowledgmenL and
have noLhlng else golng on ln your llfe. none of
Lhose LralLs are aLLracLlve Lo women. She's
already seen a mlssed call from you. LeL her geL
back Lo you lf she wanLs. lf noL, cuL your losses
and do lL rlghL nexL Llme. 1he momenL you move on,
you'll be growlng.

nexL Llme:

* Clve ouL your number and leL her LexL you. no
phone calls, no asklng her ouL L1C. ?ou should be
LexLlng, noL Lalklng on Lhe phone.

* lnsLead of leavlng so abrupLly, Lry Lalklng Lo
her frlends (boLh guys and glrls nexL Llme). 1haL
way you can sLay around and lL doesn'L seem as lf
you're hoverlng. lL's cool Lo have oLher sLuff Lo
do buL lf you had sLayed around awhlle she may
have professed her lnLeresL ln you. LeL her be

* Clve yourself hlgher sLaLus. ?ou shouldn'L be
glvlng her hlgher sLaLus wlLhouL knowlng her
beLLer...and even Lhen, you should be on aL leasL
Lhe same level.

* Change your vlew of yourself. 1hls ls one of
your maln problems. lL doesn'L maLLer whaL oLhers
Lhlnk of you, lL only maLLers whaL ?Cu Lhlnk of
you. So, look ln Lhe mlrror every mornlng and
Lell yourself some greaL Lhlngs abouL you.

* 8e mesmerlzed wlLh Lhe LhoughL her havlng ?Cu.
SLop belng mesmerlzed by Lhe LhoughL of havlng
PL8...llke lL wlll flll some klnd of hole lnslde
you. 1haL mlndseL ls abouL geLLlng and noL glvlng,
and LhaL's one reason you're so nervous and afrald
of screwlng Lhlngs up. undersLand LhaL even lf
you goL LogeLher wlLh her lL would never be as
good as Lhe fanLasy LhaL you've creaLed ln your

1here's more buL LhaL's enough for Loday.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Do ou nave A 8oyfr|end?


Pey 8renL, l saw Lhls glrl on Lhe bus and l saL
nexL Lo her. l llked Lhe way she dld her halr so
l compllmenLed her on lL. We sLarLed Lalklng and
l moved Lhe conversaLlon Lowards Lhe sub[ecL of
"soclal." She Lold me she'd never been Lo a club
ln London as she was new ln Lown so l Lold her l
go every weekend and lnvlLed her Lo come nexL
Llme. She agreed and l gave her my number. She
called me laLer LhaL same nlghL and now we are
daLlng. ls Lhere anyLhlng l could have done
beLLer ln Lhe lnLeracLlon?

Pere ls anoLher quesLlon. AlmosL every Llme l'm
ln a conversaLlon wlLh a woman l ask her lf she
has a boyfrlend...even lf she doesn'L menLlon lL
flrsL. MosL of Lhe Llme Lhe answer ls "yes" and
Lhen Lhe conversaLlon ends qulckly. SomeLlmes l
sLlll ask her Lo puL her number ln my phone and
she says she can'L because of Lhe boyfrlend Lhlng.
Should l be asklng a woman lf she has a

My Answer:

1he flrsL lnLeracLlon ls almosL alrLlghL.
AlLhough Lhe compllmenL worked, lL could puL you
ln a poslLlon of less power. CompllmenLs, ln
general, aren'L bad buL lL's Lhe Lype of
compllmenL LhaL maLLers. unforLunaLely, loLs of
men before you have rulned Lhe effecL of a
compllmenL. 8ecause mosL men use compllmenLs ln
order Lo geL someLhlng from Lhey're klnd
of empLy and aren'L appreclaLed or even wanLed
llke Lhey used Lo be. 1ry keeplng your
compllmenLs Lo cloLhlng or accessorles. lL's less
personal and doesn'L convey LhaL you're Lrylng Lo
geL someLhlng.

l also llke Lhe soclal Lhlng and Lhe lnvlLe Lhlng.
Popefully you lnvlLed her by saylng, "l go every
weekend. leel free Lo [oln us someLlme." Cr
"LexL me lf you'd llke Lo [oln us Lhls weekend."

l'm noL sure whaL "and now we're daLlng" means buL
hopefully you've kepL Lhe power you have. lf
you've reverLed back Lo pursulng (because you've
now goL her) and have leL your guard down lL could
end badly. keep your edge. Lspeclally slnce you
sLarLed ouL shaky. 8e careful noL Lo use whaL l
Lell you as a Lechnlque Lo geL a glrlfrlend and
Lhen reverL back. lL doesn'L work ln Lhe long run.

8egardlng Lhe second parL of your emall:

?ou're confuslng me.


?ou sald you gave Lhe glrl on Lhe Lraln your
number buL sald you also Lell glrls Lo puL Lhelr
numbers ln your phone. 1haL's noL congruenL
behavlor. ?ou're golng back and forLh beLween
pursulng and noL pursulng. lck one (l would
suggesL noL pursulng, of course). lf noL, you're
energy wlll confuse her and LhaL can lead Lo
lnconslsLenL behavlor on her parL. Convey,
clearly, who you are.

AbouL Lhe boyfrlend Lhlng. l wouldn'L ask because
you're glvlng Lhem an easy ouL and acLlng llke you
care. 1hey're always golng Lo say yes because
Lhey don'L know where you're golng wlLh lL and
flgure lL's Lhe fasLesL way Lo geL rld of you. l
know why you're probably asklng wanL Lo
make sure you're noL wasLlng your Llme or you [usL
wanL Lo know Lhe slLuaLlon, buL lL doesn'L really
maLLer lf Lhey have a bf. MosL women are
avallable no maLLer whaL Lhelr slLuaLlon ls.

MosL women, who are ln relaLlonshlps, are ln bad
ones. And, Lhe slngle ones are upseL LhaL Lhey
can'L flnd a good one ln Lhe flrsL place.

?ou mlghL be Lhe guy Lhey're looklng for so don'L
remlnd Lhem abouL Lhe negaLlve aspecLs of Lhelr
llves. locus on havlng a greaL conversaLlon.

Pope LhaL helps.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Don't Ask Don't 1e||

WheLher lL's Lhe happy hour you're hosLlng nexL
week or Lhe PA?, happy hour you wanL Lo hosL
LonlghL for LhaL woman you [usL meL, Lhe
dlfference beLween success and fallure ls how you
dlsLrlbuLe LhaL lnformaLlon.

CurrenLly you probably ask:

"Would you llke Lo come Lo my afLer parLy?"


?ou robably Lell:

"?ou should come Lo my afLer parLy."

WhaL's wrong wlLh Lhe above? 1here's Loo much
wanLlng lnvolved.

So whaL do you do?


An lnvlLaLlon ls much beLLer Lhan asklng or
Lelllng, Lhere's a blg dlsLlncLlon here.
lnvlLlng ls based on someLhlng you're already
dolng and noL conLlngenL on wheLher people follow
you or noL. lL's very, very powerful and
aLLracLlve. lL conveys LhaL your llfe doesn'L
revolve around plcklng up women or seeklng
acknowledgemenL from oLhers.

Lxample: l'm havlng an afLer parLy. ?ou're
welcome Lo [oln us lf you wanL.

lL's always beLLer Lo lnvlLe by saylng, "l'm dolng
x, you're welcome Lo [oln me." Cr "l always have
someLhlng golng on, feel free Lo reach ouL Lo me
lf you're lnLeresLed ln flndlng ouL abouL lL."

So pre-plan someLhlng and lnvlLe people. ?ou'll
see a blg dlfference ln Lhe Lurn ouL.

1ry lL, lf you wanL, and leL me know whaL happens!

Do ou nave 1he 8a||s?


Pey 8renL,

l [usL read your newsleLLer abouL glvlng your
number ouL lnsLead of Laklng a number. lL ls an
lnLeresLlng ldea, someLhlng LhaL l LhoughL was

l heard somewhere LhaL,

"lL ls human naLure LhaL women wanL a man Lo Lake
Lhe lead. lf you don'L Lake Lhe lead Lhey won'L
have Llme for you. Also, LhaL lf a guy glves a
glrl hls number she wlll never call. 1he facL LhaL
he dldn'L ask was a re[ecLlon Lo Lhem. Pe was
puLLlng Lhe onus on Lhem Lo call and chase hlm
down whlch means he had no balls or he dldn'L
Lhlnk Lhey were compelllng enough Lo be worLh
chaslng down. 1he guy musL geL Lhe number from Lhe
glrl and call Lo show LhaL he ls lnLeresLed ln

1he reason l brlng Lhls up ls LhaL glrls seem
aloof or are pursued and have many opporLunlLles.
l recenLly had an experlence where a glrl clearly
wanLed me Lo pursue perhaps Lo LesL my lnLeresL
level or Lo feel deslred. l dldn'L and Lhlngs
rapldly wenL downhlll. erhaps you could commenL
on Lhls aloof phenomenon wlLh glrls and how Lo
handle lL.

1hank you.

My Answer:

uoes Lhe above way work? ?es, once ln a whlle.
8uL lL keeps you ln a consLanL sLaLe of needlng,
wanLlng, sufferlng and despalr. And even lf you
geL lnLo a serlous relaLlonshlp, you've seL a
precedenL and your role wlll never change. ?ou'll
always be on Lhe Lreadmlll, Lhlnklng you're movlng
forward buL never acLually geLLlng anywhere
(excepL Lo a place of exhausLlon). ls LhaL how you
wanL Lo llve Lhe resL of your llfe?

Men pursulng women rarely works ln Lhe long run.
lL may Lake you seven years, Lhree klds and a
dlvorce Lo flnd ouL...buL lL rarely works. l Lhlnk
boLh men and women would agree LhaL Lhe way we
currenLly do Lhlngs ls broken. !usL look aL Lhe
sLaLe of daLlng and relaLlonshlps. lf men
pursulng women worked...lL would work...buL lL rarely lL's Llme for a new way of belng.

l respecL oLher polnLs of vlew on Lhls sub[ecL,
buL ln my experlence over Lhe lasL 23 years l've
come Lo belleve someLhlng dlfferenL.

Pere are my LhoughLs on whaL you heard:

"lL ls human naLure LhaL women wanL a man Lo Lake
Lhe lead."

lL lS human naLure, we're soclally programmed for
men Lo be Lhe pursuers and boLh men and women are
on auLomaLlc plloL ln Lhls area. 8uL Lhe soclal
cllmaLe has changed and we haven'L caughL up yeL.
We are evolvlng (as mosL specles do) and Lrylng Lo
adapL Lo lL buL evoluLlon ls a slow process and
we're aL Lhe very beglnnlng of Lhls change.
eople are deflnlLely confused as Lo how Lhlngs
should work.

"lf you don'L Lake Lhe lead Lhey won'L have Llme
for you."

lf Laklng Lhe lead means approachlng and havlng a
greaL conversaLlon and conveylng LhaL you don'L
wanL anyLhlng, Lhen l agree. lf lL means LhaL you
should oversell, ask Lhem ouL and geL Lhelr
number, Lhen l don'L agree because dolng LhaL puLs
you ln Lhe same caLegory as mosL men who approach
Lhem and you're acLually compeLlng wlLh Lhem. ?ou
don'L sLand ouL aL all and she won'L flnd you as
compelllng and aLLracLlve. Women wlll prove Lhls
Lo you by noL reLurnlng your calls. ln facL, lf
you have Lhe rlghL energy, you don'L really have
Lo do anyLhlng and women wlll approach ?Cu and do
all Lhe overselllng.

"lf a guy glves a glrl hls number she wlll never

Women reach ouL Lo my cllenLs and me all Lhe Llme.
1he above sLaLemenL ls a llmlLlng bellef and
acLually one of Lhe blggesL reasons why Lhey won'L
call. AnoLher reason ls LhaL a loL of men who Lry
glvlng ouL Lhelr number, do lL wrong. lL should
never be wlLhln Lhe conLexL of geLLlng LogeLher
for a LradlLlonal daLe. 1he secreL here ls Lo
glve ouL your number ln Lhe conLexL of a soclal
geL LogeLher.

"1he facL LhaL he dldn'L ask was a re[ecLlon Lo

1he facL LhaL you don'L ask seLs you aparL from
every oLher guy Lhey meeL and conveys your
lndlfference (whlch ls Lhe mosL powerful force ln
Lhe unlverse) and ls a ma[or aLLracLor. 1hey can
flnd lL lrreslsLlble.

"Pe was puLLlng Lhe onus on Lhem Lo call and chase
hlm down whlch means he had no balls or he dldn'L
Lhlnk Lhey were compelllng enough Lo be worLh
chaslng down."

lf done correcLly, Lhey won'L feel pressured Lo
call you or feel llke Lhey're belng aggresslve or
easy...make lL slmple for Lhem Lo reach ouL. Allow
Lhem Lo feel asserLlve and ln conLrol. lL Lakes
more balls Lo walk away and wlll brlng you Lo a
level so far above mosL men LhaL Lhey'll probably
never caLch up Lo you.

"1he guy musL geL Lhe number from Lhe glrl and
call Lo show LhaL he ls lnLeresLed ln leadlng."

1haL doesn'L even make sense Lo me. lf you wanL
Lo lead Lhen allow her Lo follow you (pursue you).
CeL lL????

8egardlng aloofness:

?ou creaLe her aloofness by belng llke every oLher
guy and conveylng LhaL you are golng Lo chase her.
1here ls noLhlng aLLracLlve abouL LhaL anymore.
lL ls ?Cu who should be aloof. lL's llke l Lell
my female cllenLs. "SLop walLlng for a man Lo do
everyLhlng. SLep up Lo Lhe plaLe and Lake
responslblllLy for your llfe. lf Lhe old way
worked, you wouldn'L be here Lalklng Lo me and
complalnlng abouL relaLlonshlps. ?ou'd already be
ln a greaL one."

Pope Lhls helps.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!


Confldence! 1hls slngle facLor ls Lhe key Lo
reLalnlng Lrue wealLh and success. 1hose of you
who belleve you deserve prosperlLy aLLaln lL.
1hose of you who don'L belleve you deserve lL,
ofLen don'L keep lL.

?ou've probably heard Lhe sLorles of loLLery
wlnners who losL Lhelr money ln Lhe same Llme lL
Look Lo cash Lhelr check. Cr sporLs sLars slgnlng
glganLlc conLracLs only Lo flnd Lhemselves rlghL
back where Lhey began. 1hese people Look Lhe
acLlons necessary Lo galn Lhe wealLh, however Lhey
lacked Lhe confldence LhaL Lhey Lruly deserved Lo
reLaln lL.

WhaL Lo do?

SLarL saylng encouraglng words Lo yourself, over
and over agaln unLll you begln Lo belleve lL: 'l'm
happy, l'm healLhy, l'm Lerrlflc...'"

lL may seem sllly, buL do lL anyway, because once
you belleve you're worLhy, Lhe law of prosperlLy
wlll begln Lo supply Lhe wealLh.

uon'L belleve lL?

1hen leL me ask you Lhls: ouL of all Lhe
successful people you know, are Lhey confldenL?
Cf course Lhey are! 1hey belleve ln Lhemselves,
and as a resulL. CLhers belleve ln Lhem Loo.

1ake ouL a osL-lL noLe and wrlLe Lhree poslLlve
sLaLemenLs ln Lhe flrsL person. lor example: "l
am a confldenL, successful person." SLlck Lhe
noLe on a mlrror ln Lhe baLhroom or on a car
dashboard where you have Lo see lL each day.
Lvery Llme you look aL Lhe noLe, say Lhose
encouraglng words Lo yourself. 1he more you say
lL, Lhe more you'll begln Lo feel lL. 1he more
you feel lL, Lhe more you'll belleve lL. 1he more
you belleve lL, Lhe sooner lL wlll become Lrue.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

A||ow ourse|f 1o 8e 8ored

l belleve LhaL one of Lhe blggesL reasons LhaL
you do Lhlngs LhaL you know you're noL supposed Lo
do ls because you feel bored or you fear feellng

lor mosL of you, your llves are so fllled wlLh
sLlmull, noL Lo menLlon responslblllLles, LhaL
lL's almosL lmposslble for you Lo slL sLlll and do
noLhlng, much less relax-even for a few mlnuLes.
WhaL l'd llke you Lo do ls allow yourself Lo be
bored. l'm noL klddlng. lf you allow yourself Lo
be bored, even for an hour-or less-and don'L flghL
lL, Lhe feellngs of boredom wlll be replaced wlLh
feellngs of peace. And, afLer a llLLle pracLlce,
you'll learn Lo relax.

AL flrsL, you mlghL barely be able Lo sLand'll reslsL. ?ou're so used Lo dolng
someLhlng every second LhaL you mlghL really
sLruggle Lo relax. 8uL afLer a whlle you'll geL
used Lo lL, and wlll learn Lo acLually en[oy lL.
l'm noL Lalklng abouL hours of ldle Llme or
lazlness, buL slmply learnlng Lhe arL of relaxlng,
of [usL "belng," raLher Lhan "dolng," for a few
mlnuLes each day. 1here lsn'L a speclflc
Lechnlque oLher Lhan Lo consclously do noLhlng.
l?l- lf lL makes you feel beLLer, dolng noLhlng ls
Lechnlcally dolng someLhlng. !usL slL sLlll,
maybe look ouL Lhe wlndow, and noLlce your
LhoughLs and feellngs. AL flrsL you may geL a
llLLle anxlous, buL each day lL wlll geL a llLLle
easler. 1he payback ls Lremendous.

Much of your anxleLy and lnner sLruggle sLems from
your busy, overacLlve mlnd always needlng
someLhlng Lo enLerLaln lL, someLhlng Lo focus on,
and always wonderlng, "WhaL's nexL?" Whlle you're
eaLlng dlnner you wonder whaL's for desserL, you
ponder whaL you should do afLerward. AfLer LhaL
evenlng, lL's "WhaL should l do Lhls weekend?"
AfLer you've been ouL, you walk lnLo Lhe house and
lmmedlaLely Lurn on Lhe 1v, plck up Lhe phone,
open a book, or sLarL cleanlng. lL's almosL as
Lhough you're frlghLened aL Lhe LhoughL of noL
havlng someLhlng Lo do, even for a mlnuLe.

1he beauLy of dolng noLhlng ls LhaL lL Leaches you
Lo clear your mlnd and relax. lL allows your mlnd
Lhe freedom Lo "noL know," for a brlef perlod of
Llme. !usL llke your body, your mlnd needs an
occaslonal break from lLs hecLlc rouLlne. When
you allow your mlnd Lo Lake a break, lL comes back
sLronger, sharper, more focused and creaLlve.

When you allow yourself Lo be bored, lL Lakes an
enormous amounL of pressure off you Lo be
performlng and dolng someLhlng every second of
every day.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

ou're Inv|ted 1o My Champagne arty!


Pey 8renL, how's lL golng?

CreaL podcasL, Lhe lasL quesLlon was mlne. l
really Look your answer Lo hearL, and sLarLed
lnvlLlng glrls lasL lrlday Lo a wlne LasLlng, Lhls
comlng lrlday. l have never meL any of Lhese glrls
prevlously. l have lnvlLed over 100 glrls and l
remember you Lold me LhaL a max of 1/3 of Lhe
people you lnvlLe wlll come.

l haven'L had a loL of response yeL, buL l expecL
lL Lo geL a loL beLLer, as we geL closer Lo Lhe
day, mosL people llke Lo keep Lhelr opLlons open
unLll Lhe lasL mlnuLe.

1hls ls Lhe mall l senL ouL:

Sub[ecL: wlne LasLlng 22/8.

l'm havlng a wlne LasLlng parLy aL my place on
lrlday. Lvery one brlngs a boLLle of wlne,
whaLever klnd, and l'm sure we wlll all geL
drunk :)

leL me know lf you wanL Lo come,

number, name.

So, ls Lhere anyLhlng l have forgoLLen, or do you
have any addlLlonal Llps?

l wlll vlsuallze whaL wlll happen aL Lhe wlne
LasLlng, from now up unLll lL sLarLs.

My Answer:

1he sub[ecL llne ls confuslng. "Wlne 1asLlng"
usually means LhaL you wlll be provldlng Lhe wlne
(unless you A8L provldlng Lhe wlne. 8uL, l would
save LhaL klnd of parLy for laLer). A beLLer
sub[ecL would be "Wlne arLy", or "CockLall
arLy", or "Pappy Pour arLy", or "urlnks", or
"arLy." lollowed by Lhe daLe you're havlng Lhe
geL LogeLher. Also, make sure LhaL Lhe sub[ecL
llne flLs Lhe Lheme or Lype of place you're
lnvlLlng your guesLs Lo. "Champagne arLy"
doesn'L work aL a ub.

Speaklng of venues, lnvlLe women (who you don'L
know yeL) Lo meeL you aL a bar/lounge lnsLead of
aL your place. 1hey mlghL noL feel comforLable
meeLlng a sLrange guy aL hls aparLmenL. ?ou also
don'L wanL random women showlng up aL your place
anyway (whaL lf you don'L llke Lhem?), noL Lo
menLlon Lhe clean up lnvolved. Pave a geL LogeLher
(ln Lhe fuLure) aL your place afLer you've meL all
Lhe glrls ln person flrsL.

8?CW (8rlng ?our Cwn Wlne) ls noL cool unless lL's
under anoLher condlLlon such as you're Lalklng Lo
your guy frlends or lL's a hlgher-end wlne/dlnner
evenL aL your home and people are brlnglng wlne Lo
accompany a parLlcular course of Lhe evenlng.
?ou're maklng Lhe women work Loo hard and lL makes
you sound cheap. Pavlng your geL LogeLher aL a bar
solves Lhls problem.

Saylng "We wlll all geL drunk" ls noL a good Lhlng
elLher. LeL Lhem make up Lhelr own mlnd abouL
LhaL. When Lhey Lhlnk abouL "drunk" Lhey Lhlnk
abouL "ouL of conLrol."

Pere's one l currenLly send ouL:

Sub[ecL: MonLreal Champagne arLy 6/17

Pey Shauna, on my quesL Lo bulld an lncredlble
soclal llfe and connecL llke-mlnded people l've
declded Lo puL LogeLher a fun nlghL ouL on Lhe
Lown. AlLhough we don'L know each oLher, you
seem llke someone who should be lncluded. So,
please feel free Lo [oln me on lrlday !une 17Lh aL
8pm aL !oe's 8ar aL 111 Maln SL. for lnformal
cockLalls. We'll drlnk, mlngle and see where
Lhe nlghL Lakes us. lease 8Sv so l know how
many of you Lo expecL. Look forward Lo meeLlng

Moblle 333-333-3333

vlsuallzlng women readlng your emall and belng
lnLrlgued and lmaglnlng an lncredlble response are
keys here. ln oLher words, sendlng Lhe emall ouL
wlLh Lhe rlghL klnd of energy makes a huge
dlfference. lf you're Lhlnklng, "1hls probably
won'L work" or "1hese glrls are golng Lo Lhlnk l'm
crazy" or "Why would Lhey come?" Lhen LhaL ls
exacLly whaL's golng Lo happen. So, Lhlnk Lhe
opposlLe of Lhose sLaLemenLs and you should do
very well.

Pope Lhls helps.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

1he 1r|gger Ins|de


Pey broLher,

l really Look everyLhlng you sald Lo hearL and lLs
really sLarLlng Lo cllck. ?ou were rlghL, l needed
Lo slL down and do Lhe work on myself. l changed
my sLory. l reallzed LhaL boLh my "once Lhls
happens Lhen l'll be happy" and "l need Lo
acqulre more Lo be happy" bellefs weren'L
servlng me and sLarLed looklng lnslde for
happlness. l flgured ouL whaL l was geLLlng from
maklng Lhls dlfflculL for myself...l was en[oylng
Lhe sLruggle and lL was a way Lo avold oLher areas
of my llfe LhaL l needed Lo focus on.

l wenL ouL Lhe oLher nlghL wlLh a few frlends and l declded,
"l'm golng Lo go ouL and have a greaL Llme. l'm
[usL golng Lo glve.... l'm golng Lo glve people
greaL lnLeracLlons, l'm golng Lo show my frlends
how easy lL ls Lo meeL people and how frlendly
Lhey really are, eLc." l'll be honesL, golng ouL
l was nervous as hell, buL LhaL qulckly faded.
eople (boLh guys and glrls) boughL me drlnks,
glrls approached me, glrls checked me ouL, glrls
grabbed my ass, glrls opened up Lo me, l made
people laugh, l also approached and had a greaL
conversaLlon wlLh Lhe hoLLesL glrl ln Lhe whole

now my quesLlon: l have Lhese perlods where
l feel amazlng. l'm super happy, very upbeaL,
people respond poslLlvely Lo me, glrls wanL me,
people wanL Lo be near me, eLc. 1hls almosL always
happens afLer someLhlng ouLslde of me Lrlggers me
Lo feel LhaL way (l geL approached, a glrl Lells
me LhaL l'm exLremely good looklng, eLc) ls Lhere
anyLhlng you can recommend l do Lo make me feel
Lhls way all Lhe Llme? l haLe Lhe facL lL Lakes
someLhlng ouLslde of me Lo Lrlgger LhaL feellng,
ldeally l'd llke Lo feel/be LhaL way all Lhe Llme.


My Answer:

?ou've made some greaL progress, so paL yourself
on Lhe back for LhaL! use your success sLory as
Lhe caLalysL for Lhe conslsLency you wanL.

Lvery LhoughL you Lhlnk and every word you speak
ls creaLlng your fuLure, so here's how Lo sLarL
Lrlggerlng lL from Lhe lnslde.

racLlce Lhe followlng every day:

* CraLeful llsL (flrsL Lhlng ln Lhe mornlng ls

l'm graLeful for:

eople always buylng me drlnks

Clrls always approachlng me

Clrls always checklng me ouL

Clrls always grabblng my ass

Clrls always openlng up Lo me

eople always flndlng me funny

Always belng able Lo approach and have greaL
conversaLlons wlLh Lhe hoLLesL glrls ln Lhe club

8elng Lhls way all Lhe Llme

L1C. (l would also add everyLhlng else LhaL your
graLeful for such as good healLh, good frlends,
good [ob, whaLever)

1he more you're graLeful abouL, Lhe more you'll
8LCLlvL Lo be graLeful abouL!

* AfflrmaLlons (dolng Lhese ln Lhe mlrror ls qulLe

l always go ouL and have a greaL Llme

l always go ouL Lo glve

l always glve people greaL lnLeracLlons

l always lnsplre everyone Lo reallze how slmple lL
ls Lo meeL people and how frlendly Lhey really are

l'm always confldenL as hell

eople always buy me drlnks

Clrls always approach me

Clrls always check me ouL

Clrls always grab my ass

Clrls always open up Lo

Clrls always proposlLlon me

eople always flnd me funny

l always approach and have greaL conversaLlons
wlLh Lhe hoLLesL glrls ln Lhe club

* vlsuallze (LhroughouL Lhe day)

now, use Lhe memory/lmages of your successful
nlghL and vlsuallze LhaL Lhls ls how your llfe ls,

* ?our new sLory

l always declde LhaL, "l'm golng Lo go ouL and
have a greaL Llme. l'm [usL golng Lo glve.... l'm
golng Lo glve people greaL lnLeracLlons, l'm
golng Lo lnsplre everyone Lo reallze how easy lL
ls Lo meeL people and how frlendly Lhey really
are, eLc." When l go ouL l'm confldenL as hell.
So as usual, people (boLh guys and glrls) buy me
drlnks, glrls approach me, check me ouL, grab my
ass, open up Lo me, and consLanLly proposlLlon me.
l make people laugh, and of course l also
approach and have a greaL conversaLlons wlLh Lhe
hoLLesL glrls ln Lhe whole club!

lf doubL creeps ln Lo your mlnd, [usL conLlnue Lhe
process of worklng on yourself, changlng your
sLory, reallzlng LhaL your bellef abouL Lhe
ouLslde "Lrlgger" ls [usL LhaL...a bellef, reallze
Lhe beneflL, how rldlculous Lhe beneflL ls, and
Lhen leL lL go.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Are ou D|fferent?


8renL, ls your whole phllosophy Lhe same even when
you're daLlng one glrl? ls Lhere anyLhlng l should
do dlfferenLly when l have a glrlfrlend Lo
conLlnually keep her pursulng me? Should l also
have oLher glrls comlng afLer me Lo make my
glrlfrlend pursue more and more, lol?


My answer:

?es, my overall phllosophy ls Lhe same.

1hlnk abouL lL Lhls way:

Would you wanL your glrlfrlend Lo lose all of Lhe
LralLs LhaL aLLracLed you Lo PL8 ln Lhe flrsL

Cf course you wouldn'L.

So conLlnue belng mysLerlous, unpredlcLable, less
lnLeresLed and LoLally lndlfferenL abouL wheLher
you have Lhls relaLlonshlp or noL. 8emember, you
don'L nLLu Lhe relaLlonshlp. ?ou'd llke Lo have
lL, buL you don'L need lL for survlval. And, Lhe
facL ls, LhaL belng LhaL way allowed you Lo have a
glrlfrlend ln Lhe flrsL place, dldn'L lL?

WhaLever you do, uC nC1 use whaL l Leach as a
Lechnlque Lo geL a glrlfrlend and Lhen go back Lo
your old pursulng behavlor. lf you do, she'll
sLarL pushlng you away.


She's programmed LhaL way...she's on auLoplloL. As
soon as she knows you wanL lL more Lhan she does,
she'll sLarL Lo Lake advanLage of Lhe slLuaLlon.
keep your edge. 1haL's why lL's lmporLanL Lo
really absorb whaL l Lell you and allow lL Lo be
someLhlng you are, noL someLhlng you do.

As far as oLher glrls comlng afLer you, LhaL wlll
be an ongolng Lhlng wlLh Lhls way of belng. ?ou
don'L have Lo flaunL lL and make her feel bad...buL
you don'L have Lo hlde lL elLher.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Gett|ng our G|r|fr|end 8ack


Pl 8renL,

l have Lhls lssue:

More Lhan a monLh ago my glrlfrlend broke-up wlLh
me. She Lold me LhaL someLhlng ls broken ln her
and our relaLlonshlp lsn'L worklng.

We're sLlll ln Louch. We see each oLher ln school
once a week and someLlmes go ouL on Lhe Lown [usL
Lo hang ouL. 8uL she doesn'L feel Lhe way she
used Lo around me and l sLlll wanL Lo be wlLh her.
So Lhe quesLlon ls: how do l geL her back?

1hanks a loL for helplng me.

My Answer:

SLop focuslng on geLLlng her back and sLarL
focuslng on geLLlng on wlLh your llfe. Serlously,
l know lL sounds backwards, buL you should know by
now LhaL LhaL's how mosL Lhlngs ln llfe really

lf Lhere's any chance LhaL she'll "see Lhe llghL"
and be lnLeresLed agaln, lL'll be because of whaL
happens nexL.

Pere are some of my LhoughLs:

*1hls ls abouL PL8

keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhls ls abouL PL8 and noL ?Cu
rlghL now. So, anyLhlng abouL ?Cu (how you're
hurL, how you messed up, how you wanL her back
L1C.) wlll only push her furLher away. lf you
really llke her, you should wanL her Lo be happy
even lf LhaL means nC1 belng ln a serlous
relaLlonshlp wlLh you. uL your needlness (and
ego) aslde and focus on her belng happy.

*Agree wlLh her

So, lf she says, "1hls lsn'L worklng. l Lhlnk we
should be frlends." ?ou say, "?ou're rlghL.
1haL's a greaL ldea." l know LhaL you're
programmlng Lells you LhaL you musL convlnce her
LhaL she's wrong abouL you, buL LhaL doesn'L work
and ls probably one of Lhe maln reasons (l'm rlghL
and you're wrong) LhaL she doesn'L llke you ln
1PA1 WA? any longer. lf you say, "8uL l'll
change." "l can be beLLer." "Maybe lL's because
l need Lo do more of_________ or___________."
1hls ls also someLhlng she doesn'L llke abouL you
(pressure and needlness) and you're dlgglng
yourself an even blgger hole by dolng MC8L Cl l1.

Agreelng also shows LhaL you're acLually LlS1LnlnC
Lo whaL she's Lrylng Lo Lell you. ?eL, anoLher
reason LhaL she probably broke up wlLh you ln Lhe
flrsL place (she dldn'L feel LlS1LnLu Lo).

*Clve her SACL and 1lML 1C 1Plnk!

lnsLead of remlndlng her abouL how belng wlLh you
ls greaL (by hanglng ouL LogeLher), show her
whaL's lL's llke Lo be Wl1PCu1 you.

LlmlL Lhe Llme you spend wlLh her by belng cordlal
aL school buL no more frlendly nlghLs ouL on Lhe
Lown. She knows whaL you're Lhlnklng whlle Lhe
Lwo of you are ouL and lL's noL helplng your

1he longer you force her Lo focus on ?Cu, Lhe
longer lL wlll Lake her Lo declde lf she's made
Lhe rlghL declslon ln nC1 belng wlLh you (ln a
serlous relaLlonshlp) rlghL now. And, llke mosL
Lhlngs ?Cu wanL buL can'L have, once you have Lhem
you're noL as exclLed as when you uCn'1 have
Lhem...because, usually, lL's more abouL Lhe facL
LhaL you CAn geL her back Lhan acLually PAvlnC PL8

*SLarL seelng oLher women lMMLulA1LL?!

?ou may Lhlnk LhaL you'll ruln your chances and
LhaL she'll Lhlnk you don'L care and don'L need
her, when she flnds ouL. 8uL look aL lL Lhls way,
has her knowlng LhaL you uC care and uC need her
worked ln geLLlng her back so far?

She'll respecL you much more (and flnd you more
aLLracLlve) lf she knows LhaL you're smarL enough
Lo reallze LhaL Lhe Lwo of you mlghL noL be rlghL
for each oLher and LhaL you're confldenL enough Lo
dusL yourself off when someLhlng doesn'L work and
move on wlLh your llfe. She [usL mlghL be
lnLeresLed ln a guy llke 1PA1!

1hls ls a much longer dlscusslon, buL l hope l've
scraLched Lhe surface for you.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

I Can't 8e||eve ou kemembered My Name

My cllenLs are ofLen amazed aL Lhe amounL of names
l can remember when we're ouL. l'm greeLlng
everyone and maklng lnLroducLlons. 8ememberlng
names and uslng Lhem ls lncredlbly powerful and lf
you can masLer Lhls lL wlll seL you aparL from
almosL everyone else. When you remember someone's
name Lhey're flaLLered and lmpressed. ?ou make
Lhem feel lmporLanL and speclal. 8ememberlng
names also shows LhaL you're llsLenlng, bullds
rapporL and helps overcome Lhe naLural barrlers
LhaL separaLe people who don'L know each oLher.

Pow do you do lL?

* locus on Lhe momenL of lnLroducLlon. Make
dlrecL eye conLacL, smlle, and exLend a flrm (noL
llmp and noL vlce grlp), frlendly handshake.
Poldlng on for an exLra second can help you focus
on Lhe crlLlcal momenL of lnLroducLlon and whaL ls
abouL Lo come nexL...Lhelr name.

* uon'L Lhlnk abouL whaL Lo say-llsLen for Lhe
name. ConcenLraLe your compleLe aLLenLlon and
llsLen. lf you mlssed Lhe name, slmply say, "l
mlssed your name" or "l dldn'L caLch your name".
lf Lhe name ls unusual, a forelgn name, or you're
sLlll noL sure whaL Lhey sald, ask: "Can you spell
your name for me? l wanL Lo make sure l geL lL

* 8epeaL Lhe name aloud. 8y repeaLlng lL, you
Lhlnk lL, say lL, and Lhen hear lL agaln, glvlng
you Lhree more repeLlLlons ln addlLlon Lo hearlng
Lhe name Lhe flrsL Llme. 8epeLlLlon ls one of Lhe
keys Lo reLenLlon and recall.

* 1hlnk of someone you know wlLh Lhe same name.
Lock ln on Lhe flrsL person who comes Lo mlnd and
Lhlnk of LhaL same person each Llme you meeL
someone new wlLh LhaL name.

* use Lhe name durlng and aL Lhe end of Lhe
conversaLlon "!enny, when you sald LhaL you..."
"!ohn, whaL made you declde Lo ..." "uebble, lL was
greaL hearlng abouL your Lrlp Lo..." "ken, lL was
greaL chaLLlng wlLh you." uslng Lhelr name
personallzes Lhe conversaLlon as lL relnforces
your memory and ablllLy Lo recall lL Lhe nexL Llme
you see Lhem. Lndlng lL wlLh Lhelr name leaves a
greaL flrsL lmpresslon and compleLes Lhe cycle of
sLarLlng, conLlnulng, and endlng a conversaLlon.

lf you perform Lhese menLal operaLlons all Lhe
Llme, your ablllLy Lo recall flrsL names wlll
lmprove Lremendously. 1he, when you see people
you've meL before and you use Lhelr names, Lhey'll
say, "l can'L belleve you remembered my name!"

1he rapporL LhaL comes from rememberlng someone's
name allows people Lo lnsLanLly llke you. As a
resulL, a good conversaLlon wlll probably begln
sponLaneously, and you'll boLh feel good abouL
Lalklng Lo each oLher. And LhaL's [usL Lhe

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

I Want 1o |ss ner Cff


Pey 8renL, 1hlngs wlLh Lhe glrlfrlend are golng
really well. We are besL frlends and we've been
spendlng a loL of Llme LogeLher. 1he problem ls,
a couple of Llmes ln Lhe pasL couple of weeks l
feel llke l wanL Lo sLlr Lhlngs up. l mean,
Lhlngs are golng so well...almosL Loo well. l am
really happy wlLh her and l have as much sex as l
wanL. l know LhaL she's lnLo me blg Llme...and l
could preLLy much do anyLhlng and she'd sLay wlLh
me. So, l Lhlnk Lhere ls no challenge for me
anymore...and for some reason l wanL Lo creaLe
drama so LhaL she begs for me even more. 1o puL
lL blunLly, subconsclously l wanL Lo plss her
off...maybe so LhaL she geLs angry and l can
appreclaLe her agaln...or so LhaL she comes
crawllng back agaln. ln Lhe long Lerm l know l
wanL her ln my llfe, so why ls Lhls happenlng and
whaL can l do abouL lL?

1hanks ln advance

My answer:

1hls ls lL! no flreworks! 1hls ls whaL you've
been agonlzlng over up unLll now. lsn'L lL
amazlng how we bulld up Lhls momenL ln our heads?

8eallze LhaL whaL you have rlghL now ls whaL mosL
guys wanL. uon'L feel bad. ?ou're [usL comlng
down from your overblown expecLaLlons and you're
addlcLed Lo belng pursued, aLLached Lo Lhe
sLruggle and belng on Lhe [ourney. ?ou've also
been programmed Lo Lhlnk LhaL lf someLhlng lsn'L
dlfflculL Lhen lL musL noL be worLh lL. Change
Lhe way you Lhlnk abouL "easy." ln facL, Lhlnk of
"easy" as Lhe new "dlfflculL."

?ou're LempLaLlons wlll mosL llkely pass, as long as
you're aware of all of Lhese polnLs and don'L make
any sudden moves. Cr, lL may noL. LlLher way,
you mlghL reallze whaL l already know, LhaL Lhere
ls no polnL Lo llfe and no seL or pre-deLermlned
plan for your llfe (whlch ls an opporLunlLy and
very exclLlng). ?Cu are Lhe only one responslble
for your llfe and you can choose how Lo reacL Lo
Lhls slLuaLlon and make your llfe whaLever you

1hls slLuaLlon also proves Lo you LhaL all Lhe
sLuff LhaL you wanLed (LhaL you now have) lsn'L
Lhe answer Lo happlness and fulflllmenL
(everyLhlng you're looklng for ls lnSluL of you,
noL Cu1SluL)...

?ou can see why mosL people (who llve ln Lhe
maLrlx) conLlnue searchlng for "a polnL Lo llfe"
or "Lhe nexL besL Lhlng" or "more and beLLer" and
llve a llfe of pursulng, dlsappolnLmenL, and

?ou're abouL Lo move beyond needlng and wanLlng
and lnLo havlng, conslsLenLly. 1hls ls a cruclal
momenL. ?ou're on Lhe paLh Lo Lhe nexL level. A
level beyond needlng women, sex, love,
acknowledgemenL L1C.

?our ego ls Lrylng Lo brlng you back down of
course (and wlll always do Lhls as you're abouL Lo
go Lo Lhe nexL level). A peacefulness awalLs [usL
around Lhe corner lf you sLay on Lhe paLh. l wanL
Lo cauLlon you abouL your emoLlons Lhough. Make
sure you conLrol Lhem lnsLead of Lhem conLrolllng
you. LefL unaLLended, Lhey wlll desLroy you.


lmaglne havlng a llfe wlLh no drama, no challenge
ln Lhe women deparLmenL L1C. WalL a second. 1haL
lS your llfe!

?ou probably dldn'L pre-plan for Lhls momenL and
LhaL mlghL be one of Lhe reasons LhaL you're
LempLed Lo screw lL up. ?ou were so lnvolved ln
Lhe challenge LhaL you never LhoughL abouL whaL
you'd do lf you ever reached your goal. So,
you're Lhlnklng "now whaL?" lL's Llme Lo creaLe
Lhe nexL chapLer of your sLory. WhaL do you wanL
now? WhaL wlll you do wlLh Lhe exLra Llme now
LhaL you have whaL you wanLed?

WrlLe lL down and Lhen llve lL.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

What's kea||y Important?

lL's qulLe easy Lo geL losL and overwhelmed ln Lhe
chaos, responslblllLles, and goals of your llfe.
Cnce you're overwhelmed, lL's LempLlng Lo forgeL
abouL and posLpone LhaL whlch ls mosL lmporLanL Lo

WhaL Lo do?

Ask yourself, "WhaL's really lmporLanL?"

As parL of your mornlng rouLlne, Lake a few
seconds and ask yourself Lhls quesLlon. 8emlndlng
yourself whaL's really lmporLanL helps you keep
your prlorlLles sLralghL. lL remlnds you LhaL,
desplLe your mulLlLude of responslblllLles, you
have a cholce of whaL ls mosL lmporLanL ln your
llfe and where you puL your greaLesL amounL of

lL mlghL sound Loo slmple, buL l Lhlnk you'll flnd
lL qulLe effecLlve aL keeplng you on Lrack. When
you Lake a few momenLs Lo remlnd yourself of
whaL's really lmporLanL, you'll flnd LhaL you're
more presenL-momenL orlenLed, ln less of a hurry,
and LhaL belng rlghL loses lLs appeal.
Conversely, when you forgeL Lo remlnd yourself of
whaL's really lmporLanL, you'll flnd LhaL you can
qulckly lose slghL of your prlorlLles and, once
agaln, geL losL ln your own busyness. ?ou'll rush
ouL Lhe door, work laLe, lose your paLlence, sklp
your workouL, and do oLher Lhlngs LhaL are ln
confllcL wlLh your llfe goals.

lf you regularly Lake a mlnuLe Lo ask yourself,
"WhaL's really lmporLanL?" ?ou may flnd LhaL some
of Lhe cholces you're maklng are ln confllcL wlLh
your own sLaLed goals. 1hls ldea can help you
allgn your acLlons wlLh your goals and encourage
you Lo make more consclous declslons.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!
Lett|ng It Go


Pl 8renL,

l go Lo clubs every weekend. l speak Lo almosL
everyone. l never glve ouL my number buL l have
loL of fun! l have Lhls WAn1 Lo make someLhlng
happen. Pow can l geL rld of lL? ?ou keep Lalklng
abouL LL11lnC l1 CC. uo you have a Lechnlque?

My answer:

llrsL of all, sLop uslng whaL l Lell you as a
Lechnlque ln order Lo PAvL someLhlng happen.
?ou're dolng [usL flne rlghL now. ln facL, Lhe
momenL LhaL you fully accepL LhaL you're dolng
flne rlghL now, someLhlng may sLarL happenlng. Cn
your [ourney from where you were Lo where you're
golng you'll have Lo pass Lhrough "noLhlng
happenlng." lL's durlng Lhls "noLhlng happenlng"
perlod where mosL guys Lurn back Lo Lhelr old
ways. keep golng!

?ou'll also wanL Lo sLarL glvlng ouL your number
(for a soclal reason) soon. llnd ouL abouL oLher
Lhlngs LhaL are happenlng and bulld a broader
soclal llfe so LhaL you have Lhlngs Lo Lalk abouL
and more places Lo go. Cr Lry hosLlng your own
parLy or happy hour. lf you don'L know how, [usL
llsLen Lo my odcasL aL
hLLp:// and you'll flnd
ouL everyLhlng you need Lo know abouL dolng LhaL.

?ou'll also wanL Lo declde whaL lL lS LhaL you'd
llke Lo have happen. 1hen vlsuallze already
havlng LhaL llfe, as lf lL happens Lo you all Lhe
Llme. Con[ure up lmages (from memory) of Lhe lasL
Llme you wenL ouL, Lalked Lo everyone and had fun.
LxcepL Lhls Llme, change Lhe endlng (you have
compleLe conLrol over Lhls) Lo Lhe one you'd llke.
uo Lhls over and over unLll you convlnce yourself
LhaL Lhls ls your llfe 8lCP1 nCW.

As far as a Lechnlque for leLLlng go, here's a
greaL process from one of my favorlLe books, 1he
Sedona MeLhod:

Make yourself comforLable and focus lnwardly.
?our eyes may be open or closed.

SLep 1: locus on "wanLlng Lo make someLhlng
happen" and Lhen allow yourself Lo feel whaLever
you're feellng ln Lhls momenL.

SLep 2: Ask yourself one of Lhe followlng Lhree

*Could l leL Lhls feellng go?

*Could l allow Lhls feellng Lo be Lhere?

*Could l welcome Lhls feellng?

1hese quesLlons are merely asklng you lf lL's
posslble Lo Lake Lhls acLlon. "?es" and "no" are
boLh accepLable answers. ?ou wlll ofLen leL go
even lf you say "no." As besL you can, answer Lhe
quesLlon LhaL you choose wlLh a mlnlmum of
LhoughL, sLaylng away from second-guesslng
yourself or geLLlng lnLo an lnLernal debaLe abouL
Lhe merlLs of LhaL acLlon or lLs consequences.

All Lhe quesLlons used ln Lhls process are
dellberaLely slmple. 1hey are noL lmporLanL ln
and of Lhemselves buL are deslgned Lo polnL you Lo
Lhe experlence of leLLlng go, Lo Lhe experlence of
sLopplng holdlng on. Co Lo sLep 3 no maLLer how
you answered Lhe flrsL quesLlon.

SLep 3: no maLLer whlch quesLlon you sLarLed wlLh,
ask yourself Lhls slmple quesLlon: Would l? ln
oLher words: Am l wllllng Lo leL go?

Agaln, sLay away from debaLe besL you can. Also
remember LhaL you are always dolng Lhls process
for yourself-for Lhe purpose of galnlng your own
freedom and clarlLy. lL doesn'L maLLer wheLher
Lhe feellng ls [usLlfled, longsLandlng, or rlghL.

lf Lhe answer ls "no," or lf you are noL sure, ask
yourself: Would l raLher have Lhls feellng, or
would l raLher be free? Lven lf Lhe answer ls
sLlll "no," go on Lo sLep 4.

SLep 4: Ask yourself Lhls slmpler quesLlon: When?
1hls ls an lnvlLaLlon Lo [usL leL lL go nCW. ?ou
may flnd yourself easlly leLLlng go. 8emember
LhaL leLLlng go ls a declslon you can make any
Llme you choose.

SLep 3: 8epeaL Lhe precedlng four sLeps as ofLen
as needed unLll you feel free of "wanLlng Lo make
someLhlng happen."

?ou wlll probably flnd yourself leLLlng go a
llLLle more on each sLep of Lhe process. 1he
resulLs aL flrsL may be qulLe subLle. very
qulckly, lf you are perslsLenL, Lhe resulLs wlll
geL more and more noLlceable. ?ou may flnd LhaL
you have layers of feellngs abouL a parLlcular
Loplc. Powever, whaL you leL go of ls gone for

lor more on Lhls process go Lo or
plck up a copy of "1he Sedona MeLhod" onllne or aL
your local booksLore.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Steer|ng 1he Sh|p

Cne of Lhe reasons LhaL you may noL be absorblng
and asslmllaLlng whaL l Leach ls LhaL you mlghL be
Lrylng Lo change everyLhlng aL once, because you
Lhlnk LhaL small changes don'L mean much. no
maLLer whlch small change you make, wheLher lL's
leLLlng go of your pasL soclal fallures, changlng
Lhe reason you go ouL, or glvlng lnsLead of
geLLlng, Lhese small changes wlll have a very
large effecL overall. noL only on you buL also,
on everyone you lnLeracL wlLh.

8. 8uckmlnsLer luller popularlzed Lhe expresslon,
"1rlm 1ab lacLor" Lo descrlbe a small efforL aL
Lhe rlghL Llme and place LhaL creaLes a ma[or
soclal change ln Lhe dlrecLlon of culLural drlfL.

LeL me lllusLraLe lL for you.

Cll Lankers are huge shlps and are abouL as
manageable, when lL comes Lo sLeerlng, as socleLy.
Cll Lankers are ofLen more Lhan 430 meLers long
and Lhey can carry over 230,000 Lons of crude oll.
Some Lankers are so long LhaL Lhe crew use
blcycles Lo Lravel from one end of Lhe boaL Lo Lhe
oLher. 1he maln rudders on Lhese shlps can welgh
over 100 Lons and lLs compleLely lmposslble, by
any mechanlcal means Lo Lurn Lhese huge rudders
agalnsL Lhe flow of Lhe currenL LhaL rushes down
Lhe slde of a movlng shlp.

So, how do Lhey sLeer?

Slmple. Cn Lhe Lralllng edge of Lhe maln rudder
ls a small rudder, whlch welghs only abouL 100
pounds. lL's called a "1rlm 1ab" and when lL's
Lurned lnLo Lhe rushlng currenL, lL uses Lhe force
of Lhe waLer Lo push Lhe larger rudder ln Lhe
opposlLe dlrecLlon. So Lhe nexL Llme you're
feellng overwhelmed wlLh all of Lhe changes you
wanL Lo make, remember LhaL each one can have a
Lremendous effecL.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

I Don't Want A Ser|ous ke|at|onsh|p

AnoLher quesLlon from Lhe mallbag:

Pey 8renL,

8ecenLly l sLarLed noL glvlng a crap abouL Lhlngs
LhaL l don'L conLrol 100 (whaL people Lhlnk
abouL me, wheLher glrls are lnLeresLed ln me or
noL, eLc). l declded Lo develop a "Lhlck skln"
and collecL as many "nC" responses from women as
posslble and noL fear re[ecLlon anymore.

So naLurally l sLarLed Lo Lake a loL more acLlon,
by [usL focuslng on Lhe acLlon lLself wlLhouL any
speclflc goal ln mlnd. !usL Lo see whaL happens.
So a few weeks ago l sLarLed meeLlng and golng ouL
wlLh a loL of glrls. And by Lhe way l ulu LexL
Lhese women and lnvlLed Lhem Lo do fun Lhlngs wlLh
me, so lL was noL ln "8renL sLyle." now Lhe
funny Lhlng ls, a few days have passed and several
of Lhese women already wanL me as Lhelr boyfrlend
and ask me dlrecLly abouL lL. 8uL l don'L wanL
Lo have a serlous relaLlonshlp aL Lhls sLage. l
[usL wanL Lo develop myself soclally and sexually.

So my quesLlon ls, how do l eLhlcally Lell Lhese
women LhaL l am noL lnLeresLed ln a long-Lerm
relaLlonshlp? uo l have Lo Lell lL sLralghL and
honesLly or Lhere ls a way Lo pro[ecL Lhls
lndlrecLly ln a very effecLlve way?


My Answer:

l wouldn'L go around collecLlng "no" responses
because you'll aLLracL LhaL exacL response, buL l
llke Lhe ldea of "[usL focuslng on Lhe
acLlon/lnLeracLlon lLself wlLhouL any speclflc
goal ln mlnd." Change Lhe name of Lhe experlmenL
Lo someLhlng llke, "collecLlng experlence wlLh
noLhlng aL sLake." l acLually used Lo do Lhls
when l was weanlng myself off of pursulng and
needlng a speclflc ouLcome. l pracLlced geLLlng
lnLo lnLeracLlons [usL for Lhe sake of geLLlng
lnLo Lhem and promlslng myself LhaL Lhe only
resulL would be LhaL l ended Lhem flrsL. l'd
also promlse myself LhaL, under no clrcumsLance,
was l golng Lo ask for her phone number or ask her
ouL L1C. lL really worked well for me.

As far as LexL messaglng Lhem flrsL and lnvlLlng
Lhem Lo do fun Lhlngs wlLh you one on one, Lhere
are cerLaln acLlons LhaL cause women Lo
auLomaLlcally swlLch lnLo daLlng/relaLlonshlp mode
and vlew you as Lhe "provlder" lnsLead of Lhe
"frlend wlLh beneflLs" (wheLher she's lnLeresLed
or noL) and reachlng ouL and lnvlLlng her on a
LradlLlonal daLe are Lwo of Lhem. Lven Lhough your
acLlons resulLed ln Lhese women wanLlng Lo be
your glrlfrlend and even lf you wanLed one (whlch
ls a goal LhaL a loL of guys have and ln readlng
Lhls Lhey mlghL be Lhlnklng, "buL 8renL, l WAn1 a
glrlfrlend. So whaL does lL maLLer how l geL
one?"), pursulng would be a bad place Lo sLarL and
you'd be bulldlng LhaL relaLlonshlp on a cracked
foundaLlon. 1hls ls a much longer conversaLlon
LhaL l'll go lnLo ln anoLher newsleLLer. llrsL l
wanLed Lo Lell you WP? Lhls ls happenlng so LhaL
you can avold lL ln Lhe fuLure.

Cne of Lhe maln reasons LhaL LradlLlonal daLlng ls
no longer relevanL ls LhaL lL's "golng Loo
fasL." Pere's whaL l mean: 1he Lwo of you are
mlmlcklng a relaLlonshlp before you're acLually
ln one and noL spendlng Llme geLLlng Lo really
know each oLher wlLhouL all Lhe expecLaLlons.
1hlngs should be kepL as casual as posslble for as
long as posslble.

So, ln general, avold dolng anyLhlng LhaL Lwo
people who are daLlng or ln a relaLlonshlp do and
LhaL should be a good sLarL. Cver Llme, you'll
geL beLLer aL conveylng LhaL you are Lhe "frlend
wlLh beneflLs" and when you're ready Lo seLLle
down you'll have Lhe besL shoL aL a healLhy

8lghL now l would Lell Lhem, "l apologlze for
leadlng you on...LhaL wasn'L my lnLenL. 1he only
Lhlng l'm capable of rlghL now ls a physlcal
relaLlonshlp...sLlll lnLeresLed??"

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

8e k|ss|ng ner |n 40 Seconds Cr Less

Who are you golng Lo be klsslng when Lhe clock
sLrlkes 12 on new ?ear's Lve?

Are you aware LhaL you don'L need Lo walL unLll
mldnlghL? ?ou can do lL as soon as you meeL Lhe
flrsL round of women. And, you can do lL wlLhln 30
seconds of meeLlng Lhem.

uo you Lhlnk whaL l've descrlbed above ls
lmposslble? Well, LhaL's whaL me and my frlends
and cllenLs wlll be dolng all nlghL long on new
?ear's Lve ln Los Angeles.


Well, lL's golng Lo go someLhlng llke Lhls:

We're golng Lo walk up Lo glrls and say,

"Pappy new ?ear's Lve."

1hey'll say someLhlng and Lhen we'll say,

"LlsLen, lf you wanL Lo pracLlce your mldnlghL
klss wlLh me [usL come ouL and say lL."

1hey'll probably say,


1hen we'll say,

"Look, you're Lhe one who menLloned lL."

1hen Lhey'll say,

"WhaL are you Lalklng abouL?"

1hen we'll say,

"All l'm saylng ls LhaL we beLLer hurry before you
lose your nerve."

And, Lhen lL wlll happen!

1ext Me Next Weekend If ou Want

AnoLher quesLlon from Lhe mallbag:

Pey 8renL,

l gave Lhls glrl my number lasL nlghL, along Lhe
llnes of "LexL me lf you're ouL nexL weekend."

So she gave me her phone, l Lyped my number ln,
and Lhen l lefL Lo caLch up wlLh my frlends.
LaLer LhaL nlghL, she LexLs me saylng "Pey lL's
Leah, [usL glvlng you my number so you can LexL me
nexL weekend lf you wanL." So Lhe ldea ls
supposed Lo be LhaL SPL ls pursulng ML... buL now
she's Lrled Lo Lake Lhe power back and geL me Lo
call her. l'm Lhlnklng l'm [usL golng Lo leL
Lhls one go, and nC1 conLacL her. She can conLacL
me lf she wanLs, and lf she's lnLeresLed enough-
she'll pursue me. ls Lhls Lhe rlghL Lhlng Lo do?

My answer:

?es, LhaL's whaL she's Lrylng Lo do. And yes,
you're dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlng ln leLLlng her go.
Pere are a few of Lhe reasons LhaL Lhls mlghL have
happened and whaL you can do abouL lL (l'm noL
saylng LhaL you dld all of Lhls sLuff. l'm [usL
Lhrowlng ouL some of Lhe mosL common causes):

*She mlghL have flnlshed Lhe senLence for you. lf
you don'L flnlsh your senLence or LhoughL she wlll
ofLen do lL for you and lL wlll almosL always be
ln her favor or ln a way LhaL glves her Lhe power.
1hls ls really abouL how/whaL you've communlcaLed
Lo her verbally and non-verbally.

So she may have lnLerpreLed,

"1exL me lf you're ouL nexL weekend."


"1exL me lf you're ouL nexL weekend 8LCAuSL l
WAn1 1C SLL ?Cu."

So, from now on Lry, "l mlghL be ouL nexL
weekend. !usL LexL me lf you wanna connecL."

1hls ls a loL more powerful and Lells her how your
llfe lS or how you roll.

lf she sLlll LexLs, "Pey lL's Leah, [usL glvlng
you my number so you can LexL me nexL weekend lf
you wanL." !usL move on. She doesn'L CL1 l1.

*SomeLlmes Lhe acL of ?Cu puLLlng Lhe number ln
her phone ls Lhe Lhlng LhaL kllls lL. usually, Lhe
excuse for handlng Lhe phone Lo you ls, "l [usL
goL Lhls phone and l haven'L learned how Lo use lL
yeL." 1hey're frusLraLed and flgure lL's easler
and qulcker for ?Cu Lo do lL. Cr, lL really lS a
power play.

lf lL happens agaln don'L accepL Lhe phone (don'L
even move your hand) and say, "l don'L know how Lo
do lL elLher." She'll probably sLarL Lo do lL
herself. 1he acL of PL8 u11lnC l1 ln makes lL
real. lL seLs a precedenL for how lL wlll be from
now on (she wlll be dolng ALL of Lhe work).

lf you end up wlLh Lhe phone ln your hand because
she caughL you off guard, [usL hand lL back whlle
you're saylng Lhe sLaLemenL above.

lf she absoluLely won'L do lL Lhen Lype lL ln,
glve lL back Lo her and don'L menLlon lL agaln and
leL Lhe chlps fall where Lhey do and be okay wlLh
whaLever happens.

*?ou may have been pushlng lL afLerwards by
saylng, "Ckay, so LexL me" or someLhlng llke LhaL.
Cbvlously, don'L do LhaL. Move on Lo Lhe nexL
sub[ecL or lf you're flnlshed wlLh Lhe
conversaLlon, end lL and move on.

*?ou're energy mlghL have been off and you were
conveylng desperaLlon, aLLachmenL, wanLlng,
lower sLaLus L1C (even unconsclously). Any of
Lhese Lhlngs can cause her Lo do whaL she dld.
uon'L blame her, she's [usL on auLoplloL. She
auLomaLlcally reacLs Lo your energy. ?ou Lell her
who you are (pursuer or Lhe pursued) and how Lo
LreaL you (llke Lhe pursuer or llke Lhe pursued)
non-verbally when you arrlve/approach. 1haL's why
lL's lmporLanL Lo arrlve wlLh Lhe rlghL energy.

*lL's lmporLanL LhaL you nC1 go over Lhls ln your
head (ln lL's currenL form) and rellve
lL...cemenLlng lL lnLo your bellef sysLem.
vlsuallze every woman you glve your number Lo,
LexLlng maLLer how she geLs your number.

And flnally, lf she ends up LexLlng you Lhls
weekend your response could be, "Pow do we know
each oLher?" 1hls wlll puL lL back ln Lhe rlghL

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

our |ctures nave Lnergy

l LhoughL you'd en[oy Lhls posL l found on my
forum recenLly.


l was geLLlng Lo LhaL polnL where l had
seen and heard abouL everyLhlng, unLll lasL nlghL!

l had a very lnLelllgenL lady over and we were
dolng Lhe Lyplcal "daLe" on Lhe couch, food,
Champagne eLc.... 1hen we declded Lo look aL some
phoLographs of my frlends on my dlglLal camera.
WhaL happened nexL ls mlnd blowlng! She knows nCnL
of my frlends. We sLarLed Lo look aL a bunch of
plcLures from my parLles and even a plcLure of
8renL and l.

Somehow l sald, "Pow do you feel when you look aL
Lhese people?" She sLarLed Lo descrlbe each
person...Per descrlpLlons were scary accuraLe!
AbouL 83 of Lhe Lhlngs she menLloned were exacLly

She saw Lhe plcLure of 8renL and sald "Lhls guy
loves hls llfe" "he ls sexy and frlendly" "he
makes glrls feel llke Lhey are Lhe only one ln hls
world" "he may bull#*[! you buL you wanL hlm
anyway" "LhaL Louch of frlendllness makes hlm
even more effecLlve."

1hen she descrlbed my frlend Ld, he has hooked up
wlLh abouL 400 women, and she sald "he Lhlnks he
ls very hoL and glrls fall for lL"...and a bunch
of oLher accuraLe Lhlngs abouL 10 oLher people.

Cuys, here ls Lhe scary acld LesL: Lake a plcLure
and people feel your energy !uS1 l8CM 1PA1!
lmaglne real llfe! 1he way she descrlbed each
person was exacLly abouL Lhe way each person sees
Lhemselves. We have all heard LhaL people see us
Lhe way LhaL we see ourselves...buL l never knew
Lhls exLended Lo slngle PC1CC8APS Cl

lease Lry Lhls yourself. And guys keep Lhls ln
mlnd Lhe nexL Llme you lndulge ln negaLlve
LhoughL: ?Cu8 Mlnu-LllL lS An CLn 8CCk.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

1he Art Cf kece|v|ng

Cne of Lhe reasons you may noL be recelvlng
aLLenLlon from Lhe 8lCP1 WCMLn mlghL come down Lo
how you vlew Lhe aLLenLlon you recelve from Lhe

Pere's whaL l mean:

When you recelve aLLenLlon from average looklng
women or women who aren'L your Lype lL's how you
LreaL LhaL experlence (ln Lhe momenL you're
recelvlng and afLerwards) LhaL mlghL be cuLLlng
off Lhe flow of recelvlng from Lhe hoL women you
acLually wanL.

ln Lhe momenL you mlghL be Lhlnklng, "l'm noL
lnLeresLed ln Lhls chlck aL all. She's average.
Pow come l can'L geL Lhls aLLenLlon from Lhe super
hoL chlcks?"

WhaL you're dolng by deflecLlng someone who's
Lrylng Lo glve you someLhlng ls LhaL your mlnd now
subconsclously aLLaches a negaLlve feellng Lo
recelvlng. And Lhen every Llme you have an
opporLunlLy Lo recelve you auLomaLlcally fllLer lL
Lhrough your bellef...because you've puL parameLers
around Lhe "only slLuaLlons" ln whlch recelvlng ls

So from now on, when you recelve from a woman
you're noL lnLeresLed ln [usL leL go, Lurn
everyLhlng off, relax and recelve fully. !usL say,
"1hanks", be graLeful and move along, keeplng Lhe
ldea and feellng of recelvlng as one your mlnd and
body connecLs Lo.

AfLerwards, really appreclaLe LhaL she would feel
compelled Lo puL herself ouL Lhere and be graLeful
LhaL lL happens...whlch Lhen draws more
opporLunlLles Lo recelve and keeps you ln Lhe

When you uC sLarL recelvlng from super hoL
women, recelve lL wlLh Lhe same appreclaLlon and
Lhe graLlLude LhaL you do when you're recelvlng
from Lhe average women. Avold Lhe negaLlve
self-Lalk such as, "l'm surprlsed Lhls hoL chlck
ls lnLo me...LhaL doesn'L usually happen." uon'L be
surprlsed...Lhls llmlLlng bellef mlghL also cuL you
off from Lhe flow. Assume LhaL lL wlll happen, AS

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Do ou Need Soc|a| roof?

AnoLher quesLlon from Lhe mallbag:

Pl 8renL,

l have been readlng your newsleLLers and Lo be
honesL l am fasclnaLed. l am a sLudenL of
MysLery, Mehow, 8Su and several oLher meLhods.
SomeLhlng has always been off and desplLe
followlng rlgld game sLrucLure (uslng oplnlon
openers or dlrecL) l am noL geLLlng Lhe daLes.

?our meLhods seem real and acLually usable.

l have been devourlng your podcasLs. Slmply
amazlng bro! l mean LhaL Loo. l especlally
appreclaLe Lhe facL LhaL you advocaLe a base of
comlng wlLh a good energy and havlng a presence.
Some of my besL nlghLs ouL were when l was [usL so
presenL and ln Louch wlLh myself LhaL noLhlng
could geL me down - l was llLerally llke a ball of
poslLlve energy LhaL could shlne on anyone!

Anyway, l am sLruggllng wlLh a few Lhlngs l have
heard on your podcasLs:

*When you approach, ls lL ok Lo banLer or musL you
ask only "WhaL's up?" "Pow are you?" LLc? lor
example, l llke Lo open wlLh "Pey guys whaL's
up?" and Lhen accuse Lhem of someLhlng lf l feel
llke lL - someLhlng llke "?ou guys seem llke Lhe
parLlers of Lhls group, how ls your nlghL
golng?". l [oke around a loL. ls LhaL Loo much

1rylng Lo see lf l should be sLlcklng Lo Lhe
baslcs of asklng noLhlng buL "WhaL's up?" LLc.


*lf you haven'L yeL generaLed soclal proof by
"8elng Lhe Mayor" because you have [usL sLarLed
off your approaches for Lhe nlghL and rlghL away
you meeL an aLLracLlve woman, say on your second
approach, and you ask her quesLlons - should you
sLlll glve her your number? lL seems LhaL chance
of Lhe number Laklng hold wlLh her and her
acLually calllng Lo call you ls seeded ln Lhe facL
LhaL you have generaLed soclal proof by Lalklng Lo
everyone ln Lhe bar. 8uL you haven'L by Lhls
polnL because your approaches [usL sLarLed.

Any help would be appreclaLed!!!

My answer:

WhaL you're dolng ls flne. l ofLen use LhaL
comblnaLlon. Pumor ls flne and accuslng ls flne...l
llke boLh. 8anLer ls really lmporLanL as long as
lL doesn'L come off creepy of course. lL's all
abouL subLleLy and flnesse. 8oLh come wlLh

?es, you can sLlll glve her your number wlLhouL
soclal proof. lL's noL based on how many
approaches she's seen you do before Lalklng Lo
her...unless you 1Plnk LhaL lL ls.

noLe: 8e careful here. 1hls can very qulckly
become a llmlLlng bellef and your reslsLance Lo
bellevlng can become a very convenlenL excuse for
you nC1 glvlng lL ouL.

lL doesn'L hurL lf she's wlLnessed you belng Lhe
mosL popular man ln Lhe room buL lL's noL Lhe
deflnlng facLor.

WhaL ls?

lL's Lhe conLexL ln whlch you glve lL Lo her (a
soclal reason, she needs lnfo from you) and Lhe
energy she feels from you (you wanL noLhlng from
her, you're noL [udglng her, lL's okay Lo pursue
you) LhaL really make Lhe dlfference. ln Lhe pasL
you've been LaughL Lo "Lalk women lnLo everyLhlng"
and wlLh Lhls new way of Lhlnklng lL's Lhe
opposlLe. ?our focus ls Lo "noL Lalk Lhem ouL of

1o geL over Lhlnklng LhaL you need soclal proof ln
order Lo glve ouL your dlglLs, creaLe a
vlsuallzaLlon of whaL you wanL Lo have happen nexL
Llme you go ouL. ln lL, vlsuallze already havlng
soclal proof before you make your flrsL approach.


1hlnk back Lo Lhe lasL Llme you had soclal proof
and how relaxed and confldenL you felL...[usL be
wlLh LhaL feellng for a momenL. noLlce any
smells, sounds, reacLlons L1C.

now grab LhaL feellng and lnserL lnLo your new
vlsuallzaLlon. So you acLually vlsuallze yourself
as 8LlnC soclal proof aL all Llmes and showlng up
LhaL opposed Lo someone who has Lo 8CvL
soclal proof.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

My Issues nave Issues

So you're alone on valenLlne's uay. CCCu lC8 ?Cu!
uon'L leL oLhers make you feel bad because you
don'L have someLhlng Lo do. 1hls ls one of Lhose
rare opporLunlLles Lo go ouL and llnu SCML1PlnC 1C
uC. Serlously. A masslve re-frame ls ln order
here. 1hls ls an lncredlble opporLunlLy Lo
pracLlce 8AulCAL PCnLS1? and women wlll flnd lL

lf you do Lhls correcLly, you'll have enough
opporLunlLles Lo lasL you unLll nLx1 valenLlne's
uay! And, lL mlghL be Lhe flrsL Llme ln your llfe
LhaL you've Lold Lhe LruLh and goL everyLhlng off
your chesL. 1hls wlll relax you and you can
acLually have a 8LAL conversaLlon for once. l
cauLlon you Lhough, because Lhls ls so powerful
LhaL you'll need Lo be ready for An?1PlnC and l
mean An?1PlnC.

l have an old frlend who used Lo walk up Lo Lhe
mosL beauLlful women and Lell Lhem all hls
problems...and Lhen prompLly leave wlLh Lhem. Pe
would say sLuff llke, "l'm unlucky aL love. l
can'L keep a glrlfrlend. l have no ldea whaL l'm
dolng when lL comes Lo women. l'm usually shy.
Women usually break up wlLh ML. My blggesL fear
ls LhaL l'll end up alone. l'm 40 lbs over
welghL, l drlnk Loo much and l'm always one sLep
away from loslng my [ob. l have a loL
of lssues. ln facL, my lssues have lssues!
l'm a mess. l guess l [usL haven'L
meL Lhe rlghL woman yeL. 1he only Lhlng LhaL's
messler Lhan my llfe ls my apL..."

So, l wanL you Lo go ouL and Lell Lhe LruLh
LonlghL. 1he ugly, dlrLy, LruLh. l Lhlnk you'll
be surprlsed aL Lhe ouLcome. And, you'll flnd ouL
LhaL you're noL Lhe CnL? CnL who lsn'L an experL
aL relaLlonshlps.

Ch, and you beLLer have your place seL up because
afLer alrlng all your dlrLy laundry women wlll
wanL Lo come over and uC your laundry, lf you know
whaL l mean. l suggesL havlng a boLLle of
Champagne, some chocolaLe, vanllla scenLed candles
and greaL muslc ready.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

So you're alone on valenLlne's uay. CCCu lC8 ?Cu!
uon'L leL oLhers make you feel bad because you
don'L have someLhlng Lo do. 1hls ls one of Lhose
rare opporLunlLles Lo go ouL and llnu SCML1PlnC 1C
uC. Serlously. A masslve re-frame ls ln order
here. 1hls ls an lncredlble opporLunlLy Lo
pracLlce 8AulCAL PCnLS1? and women wlll flnd lL

lf you do Lhls correcLly, you'll have enough
opporLunlLles Lo lasL you unLll nLx1 valenLlne's
uay! And, lL mlghL be Lhe flrsL Llme ln your llfe
LhaL you've Lold Lhe LruLh and goL everyLhlng off
your chesL. 1hls wlll relax you and you can
acLually have a 8LAL conversaLlon for once. l
cauLlon you Lhough, because Lhls ls so powerful
LhaL you'll need Lo be ready for An?1PlnC and l
mean An?1PlnC.

l have an old frlend who used Lo walk up Lo Lhe
mosL beauLlful women and Lell Lhem all hls
problems...and Lhen prompLly leave wlLh Lhem. Pe
would say sLuff llke, "l'm unlucky aL love. l
can'L keep a glrlfrlend. l have no ldea whaL l'm
dolng when lL comes Lo women. l'm usually shy.
Women usually break up wlLh ML. My blggesL fear
ls LhaL l'll end up alone. l'm 40 lbs over
welghL, l drlnk Loo much and l'm always one sLep
away from loslng my [ob. l have a loL
of lssues. ln facL, my lssues have lssues!
l'm a mess. l guess l [usL haven'L
meL Lhe rlghL woman yeL. 1he only Lhlng LhaL's
messler Lhan my llfe ls my apL..."

So, l wanL you Lo go ouL and Lell Lhe LruLh
LonlghL. 1he ugly, dlrLy, LruLh. l Lhlnk you'll
be surprlsed aL Lhe ouLcome. And, you'll flnd ouL
LhaL you're noL Lhe CnL? CnL who lsn'L an experL
aL relaLlonshlps.

Ch, and you beLLer have your place seL up because
afLer alrlng all your dlrLy laundry women wlll
wanL Lo come over and uC your laundry, lf you know
whaL l mean. l suggesL havlng a boLLle of
Champagne, some chocolaLe, vanllla scenLed candles
and greaL muslc ready.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Do I Ask ner Cut Cn A Date?

AnoLher quesLlon from Lhe mallbag:

Cn Lhe flrsL couple of daLes she puLs on a
compleLe acL. llve-lnch heels and a push-up bra,
anLl-gravlLy halrdo and Clrque uu Solell make-up
(l haLe LhaL), makes me plck her up only Lo walL
for half an hour afLer l geL Lhere. When we geL
Lo Lhe resLauranL she orders sLuff she never would
lf she was ouL wlLh her glrlfrlends ($$$ cavlar,
Champagne...L1C.). no appreclaLlon [usL
expecLaLlon! AfLerwards, a scene from a C ulsney
movle compleLe wlLh "Ch, l have Lo wake up early
blah, blah, blah (buL l know she llkes me)! She's
exLremely preLLy (under LhaL make-up) buL l haLe
whaL she's dolng!

uo l ask her on anoLher daLe?

My answer:


8epeaL afLer me, "1here's noLhlng aLLracLlve abouL
Lhe provlder."

no. uo noL ask her ouL agaln. CuL your losses,
sell shorL and geL ouL of your poslLlon!

?ou're obvlously new here and aren'L yeL drlnklng
Lhe "8renL kool-Ald." LeL me regaln my composure
here for a momenL so l can glve you someLhlng
consLrucLlve lnsLead of [usL pure "Lough love."

ln all falrness Lo Lhe woman, she really dldn'L do
anyLhlng wrong. She's noL Lo blame, for her
behavlor. She was [usL reacLlng Lo who you Lold
her you were. 1he provlder. 1haL same woman
would LreaL you llke Lhe frlend wlLh beneflLs lf
you conveyed Lo her LhaL LhaL's who you were

?ou [usL dldn'L glve her anoLher opLlon. ?ou
sLarLed ouL as Lhe provlder so she LreaLed you
llke one.

l undersLand LhaL you probably don'L know LhaL
Lhere's anoLher way Lo conducL yourself so l'm
golng Lo cuL you some slack. Powever, l don'L
wanL Lhls slLuaLlon Lo happen Lo you agaln.

WhaL Lo do ln Lhe fuLure?

***SLop asklng Lhem ouL on LradlLlonal daLes and
have Lhem come dlrecLly over Lo your place***

"8uL, 8renL she's noL Lhe klnd of glrl who wlll do


Change your bellefs abouL Lhls ASA!

?ou mlghL be surprlsed aL Lhe response you
recelve. lf lL's poslLlve, good for you, you're
on your way Lo a beLLer llfe. lf lL's negaLlve,
good for you, you're on your way Lo a beLLer llfe.
LlLher way, aL leasL you'll know.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

now 1o 8e nappy k|ght Now!

Pere's anoLher arLlcle l Lhlnk you mlghL flnd
lnLeresLlng. lL Lalks a loL abouL whaL l Lalk

Cllck Lhls llnk rlghL now, read lL and Lhen Lell
me whaL you Lhlnk:


1he hlghllghLs of Lhe arLlcle are:

*Papplness ls rlghL now. Say Lhls Lo yourself, "l
need noLhlng else Lo be happy rlghL now."

*?ou don'L need more sLuff. ?ou don'L need
anyLhlng aL Lhls presenL momenL oLher Lhan your
own mlnd.

*Smlle...even lf you have Lo force lL. Pere's also
a unlversal LruLh, energles aLLracL.

*1here ls no pasL...Lhere ls no fuLure. lmaglne
whaL lL would be llke Lo [usL forgeL Lhe pasL, noL
worry abouL Lhe fuLure and only do whaL you need
Lo do ln Lhe presenL momenL...preLLy soon you can
accompllsh anyLhlng you wanL!

*Learn appreclaLlon for whaL you have rlghL now.
vlsuallze rlghL now loslng everyLhlng you have...

*ueLach from everyLhlng...everyone...rlghL now. Llve
Lo Lhe beaL of your own muslc...and leL everyone
else wonder why you are so happy all Lhe Llme.

*Lmbrace fear. lear does noL llve ln Lhe presenL
momenL...lL can'L...lL's noL posslble!

*racLlce dally! 1he only way ls Lo pracLlce
dally...lf you wanL Lo geL good aL anyLhlng you need
Lo pracLlce dally. !usL focus on belng aware of
Lhe presenL momenL dally...preLLy soon you wlll [usL
be llvlng LhaL momenL all Lhe Llme...and LhaL ls
where Lrue happlness llves and
can noL geL ln.

Cllck Lhls llnk rlghL now, read lL and Lhen Lell
me whaL you Lhlnk:



Va|ent|ne's Day Success Stor|es

l recelved a loL of success sLorles abouL
valenLlne's uay so l LhoughL l'd share some of
Lhem wlLh you. lf you're havlng lncredlble success
Lhen [usL know LhaL Lhere are a loL of oLher guys
havlng lL as well and make sure Lo use Lhls
success Lo bulld momenLum and conslsLency vla
vlsuallzlng. 1hls ls how your llfe "lS" all Lhe
Llme..."AS uSuAL!

lf you're frusLraLed and havlng a hard Llme wlLh
Lhls sLuff Lhen keep Lhe followlng ln mlnd:

* 1he sLuff l Leach ls unlversal. lL works no
maLLer where you llve ln Lhe world.

*lnsLead of reacLlng negaLlvely, use Lhese sLorles
as vlsuallzaLlons and lnserL yourself lnLo Lhem as
lf Lhls ls your presenL llfesLyle.

*When you read Lhem, be lnsplred and remember LhaL
Lhese guys are [usL llke you.

*Avold "followlng" LhaL llLLle volce ln your head
LhaL mlghL scream ouL ln anger and say, "l you
guys, you don'L undersLand my
slLuaLlon's dlfferenL!" Cr "l haLe my llfe." Cr
"l don'L belleve lL."

*8e okay lf lL comes up (lL's your ego Lrylng Lo
hold on Lo Lhe ldenLlLy LhaL you've creaLed for Lhere's golng Lo be reslsLance), buL
leL lL go and undersLand LhaL lf you glve ln Lo
LhaL llmlLlng bellef LhaL you wlll sLay rlghL
where you are.

*Choose Lo "learn" from Lhese sLorles. Choose Lo
"Lry" some of Lhe ldeas ln Lhem and Lhen you'll be
Lelllng me ?Cu8 success sLory.

Ckay, here are a few of Lhem:

*"Some frlends and l Lhrew a "1ruLh or uare"
parLy. We creaLed our own cards wlLh LruLhs and
dares on Lhem, many of Lhem lnvolvlng Lhe hosLs.
Cne of my favorlLes: "Co lnLo Alex's room and
flnd hls porn collecLlon. 1hen flnd hlm and acL
ouL a scene". ln addlLlon, we creaLed our own
drlnk reclpes, compleLe wlLh menus and barLenders,
and had a u!. eople had a fanLasLlc Llme! lL
was easy Lo be Lhe mayor and meeL a Lon of women.
Clrls were Lrylng Lo Lake me and my glrlfrlend
home. Cne glrl pulled one of Lhe oLher hosLs lnLo
Lhe walk-ln closeL and had her way wlLh hlm.
hoLos of us are popplng up all over lacebook, and
everyone wanLs Lo know when our nexL evenL ls! "

nexL sLory...

*"Cf course l had declded noL Lo go on a
LradlLlonal daLe. lnsLead me and a couple of
frlends had made some efforLs Lo geL hold of
excluslve LlckeLs for Lhe closure parLy of Cslo
lashlon Week, dress code fashlon, exLravaganza...l
felL Lhls was Lhe place Lo be on a SaLurday llke
Lhe speclal lasL one, and l proved Lo be rlghL ,)

My besL frlend and l have some hyper-flashy
blazers LhaL we only use a couple of nlghLs a year
(brand, Moods of norway, you should check lL ouL),
and glven Lhe evenL such peacocklng felL
approprlaLe. MosL lmporLanLly, Lhey puL our energy
on flre, and honesLly l'd say lL Lakes balls Lo
acLually wear Lhem...a nlce combo? ?ep! 1he
place was crawllng wlLh PC1 glrls dressed up for
one of Lwo parLles of Lhe year (Lhe oLher one
belng Lhe oLher fashlon week)! l meL several
acqualnLances, and llke every Llme we go ouL
wearlng Lhe menLloned blazers also LoLal
sLrangers, guys and glrls, come up Lo us ln
amazemenL glvlng us genulne compllmenLs for
wearlng Lhe hoLLesL pleces of cloLhlng around.

Well, on Lo Lhe more [ulcy parL. Some Llme lnLo
Lhe evenlng l Lurn a corner by Lhe bar, and Lhere
she slLs aL a vl Lable, Lhe glrl of all my
vlsuallzaLlons! Cur eyes lock lmmedlaLely whlle
she smlles and waves me over wlLh her plnky (she
laLer has Lold her mlnd aL LhaL momenL, "l wanL
Lo **** ?Cu"=). WlLhouL heslLaLlon l walk over
and wlLhln hardly a couple of mlnuLes she's on my
lap makln' ouL wlLh me. She's Lhere wlLh some
oLher glrls, whom l also klss durlng Lhe
nlghL...and Lhey klss each oLher...lL's a Lough
llfe for us, as uave M would've puL lL. Some of
my frlends also come by (wlLh lnLense Lhumbs-ups,
noL LhaL lL maLLers), and Lhe Lable soon ls Lhe
llfe of Lhe parLy. 1hlngs happened LhaL laLer made
for good sLorles, llke my glrl (Anlne) and l
geLLlng a warnlng Lo be bounced ouL of Lhe
parLy...for leL's say "lnapproprlaLe
behavlor" Lhe Lable!

1he nlghL ended up aL
her place ln a very posh area of Cslo, and we
shared some maglc momenLs walklng her dog ln Lhe
frosLy wlnLer nlghL. We soon goL warm agaln back
ln her flaL...

1he essence of Lhls sLory ls
parLly revealed, buL Lo wrap lL up addlng some
more lnfo: Lhls glrl has Lhe rare exacL perfecL
looks and personallLy l've been looklng for, l
found several sex-Loys under my plllow when we goL
LhaL far (she was a goddess ln bed and alred Lo
all her glrl frlends Lhe same abouL me Lhe nexL
day, whlle l was llsLenlng), she ls a bl-sexual 22
year-old and her 17 year-old glrl-frlend surprlsed
us by showlng up ln Lhe mornlng (l remembered
havlng klssed her Lhe nlghL before, alLhough she
had hooked up (llke all Anlne's glrl-frlends of
course on valenLlne's,) wlLh some oLher guy l
vouched for), she wanLed me Lo come wlLh her Lo a
prlvaLe Swlnger's place for young people wlLh
sauna, [acuzzl eLc some Llme l felL for lL...l
could go on!

Sure l've meL her agaln, aL my
convenlence.... l mlghL keep you posLed ,)"

nexL sLory...

*"l dldn'L have a daLe on valenLlnes or anyLhlng
so l wenL ouL Lo bar wlLh my buddy. So, l'm dolng
my usual Lhlng belng soclal and havlng fun and l
meeL Lhls glrl aL Lhe bar and have a greaL flrsL
lnLeracLlon. l end lL wlLhouL glvlng my number
away or anyLhlng, l [usL moved on and Lalked Lo
oLher people. So, a few days laLer l see Lhls glrl
aL anoLher bar and she runs up Lo me and ls llke
CP M? CCu, SAM! l wenL back Lo LhaL bar and looked
all over for you cause l wanLed Lo glve you my
number buL l couldn'L flnd you! l was Lhlnklng,
wow, how's LhaL for aLLracLlon! So, l glve her my
number, we hang ouL LhaL nlghL buL l knew LhaL
nlghL wasn'L a good nlghL Lo pull her. Anyway,
long sLory shorL, she LexLs me and we LexL back
and forLh for a few days and close Lhe deal a few
nlghLs laLer. l Lhlnk Lhe beauLy of Lhls lsn'L
LhaL l hooked up wlLh her lL's LhaL when you glve
your number ouL and Lhe glrl calls or LexLs flrsL,
provlded you don'L do anyLhlng Lo screw lL up,
lL's a done deal. l remember you saylng someLhlng
abouL when a glrl LexLs or calls you flrsL she's
no longer a prospecL, she's sold.... SC
18uL...because when l look back LvL8? 1lML l've
glvlng my number ouL and Lhe glrl LexLed or called
flrsL, l closed Lhe deal. 1hls happenlng over and
over [usL sLrengLhens LhaL. lL's a very
lnLeresLlng lnslghL, really."

nexL sLory...

*"Pad an lnLeresLlng weekend. l'll glve u Lhe
good news, cuz Lhere wasn'L much bad news.

1.klssed a glrl ln less Lhan 1 mlnuLe aL a club, as
l was abouL Lo leave.

2.My roommaLe and l boughL champagne,
sLrawberrles, dark chocolaLe and had good muslc
ready Lo brlng some women home. We had lL arranged
slnce our flrsL nlghL. ln Lhe wee hours of our
lasL nlghL, we meL 3 glrls aL Mcuonalds, Look Lhem
back Lo our place and had a champagne parLy. lL
was awesome. So LhaL's baslcally whaL

nexL sLory...

*"Cverall, preLLy amazlng valenLlne's uay!!

l spenL lrlday nlghL wlLh a glrl LhaL l've been
daLlng for a whlle, LhaL asked me Lo come ouL wlLh
her. We ended up back aL my place, and aL
mldnlghL, lL was offlclally valenLlne's uay, and
we celebraLed approprlaLely.

1he nexL mornlng, anoLher glrl LhaL l really llke,
LexLs me LhaL she ls on her way, comlng over Lo
crawl lnLo bed wlLh me. l agreed by LexL, buL l
sLlll had Lhe oLher glrl ln bed wlLh me. SllghL
Llme crunch slLuaLlon, buL lL all worked ouL ln

So l puL my new awesome 1000 Lhread counL sheeLs
on Lhe bed, and welcomed my oLher glrl over Lo
snuggle ln bed for almosL all of valenLlne's uay.

lL was preLLy perfecL. ueflnlLely amazlng. 8oLh
glrls really love me."

nexL sLory...

*"valenLlne's day was crazy!

l don'L even know where Lo begln...

We Lalked Lo many glrls, l had my pockeLs full of
sweeLs and l was glvlng Lhem away wlshlng a happy
valenLlnes day Lo whomever we meL... and lL was

l'll Lell you Lhe mosL memorable momenLs.

l was walklng around Lhe club, Llcklng glasses
saylng "cheers", glvlng ouL sweeLs ln a playful
way - you know how you play wlLh klds and hlde one
sweeL ln one hand and you show boLh hands closed
ln a flsL and ask Lhem Lo plck a hand, LhaL's how
l was dolng lL - Lhen aL a cerLaln polnL l saL
down on a large sofa and was Lhlnklng how much fun
Lhls nlghL was... Lhls glrl slLs beslde me and
klnd of sLares aL me so l ask "whaL's up, how's
your nlghL golng, eLc", she comes close Lo me and
l ask her lf she's a good klsser... she says
she's noL golng Lo klss me and l Lell her LhaL's
noL whaL l asked and LhaL l wasn'L golng Lo klss
her elLher...

She ended Lhe nlghL ln my arms hugglng me Lelllng
me how l'm so cool and she wanLs Lo me Lo call
her and sLuff and she gave me her card... Lold her
l would lose lL cause l always lose Lhose Lhlngs
so she Look my number lnsLead...

Ch, by Lhe way... l also klssed her!

?ou know, Lhls "energy" Lhlng of yours ls
sLarLlng Lo make sense. And l'm sLarLlng Lo
undersLand lL beLLer... no l'd raLher say l'm
sLarLlng Lo "geL" lL beLLer... cause l Lhlnk
lL's noL someLhlng you can undersLand, buL raLher
[usL experlence. So Lhere you have lL! 1haL's
whaL happened on v-day!"

l hope Lhls lnsplres you.


So I Suppose ou'd L|ke 1o Get 1ogether

?ou mlghL be wonderlng exacLly whaL Lo do afLer
you glve your number ouL and a glrl reaches ouL Lo
you. uo whaL one of my cllenLs dld. 1hls ls a
perfecL example of uslng LexL for "plannlng"
lnsLead of "over-communlcaLlng."




Pere's a qulck summary of whaL happened wlLh Lhe
glrl LhaL l gave my number Lo on lrlday.

Per: Pey how are you lLs andrea (SaL mornlng)

Me: l'm greaL! how dld Lhe resL of ur weekend
Lurn ouL? (Sunday mornlng)

Per: lL was Ck.. reLLy mellow how abouL yours

Me: My weekend was a blasL! So l suppose u'd llke
Lo geL LogeLher?

Per: ?a LhaL would be cool.. 8aLher Lhan Lalklng
Lo you aL your work whlle lm parLylng lol when
are you free

Me: l'm free Lomorrow nlghL

Per: ShlL l work unLll 9 and l have plans already
wlLh my frlend.. Wed or Lhurs?

Me: l can do wed aL 8:00, [usL LxL me before and
l'll glve u my address

Per: Ck whaL dld you wanna do? WhaL do you have

Me: Pave some wlne, l'll cook someLhlng, chaL,
geL Lo know each oLher.

Per: Ck sounds you llve on your own?

Me: l have a couple roomaLes

Per: Ch LhaL's cool well lll LexL you wed for


Per: Pey we sLlll good for LonlghL...Where do you

Me: (l glve her my address)

Per: Ck cool and lm guesslng your noL some psycho
rlghL? Lol cuz lve never [usL gone Lo someones
house lol

Me: l should be asklng u LhaL, alLhough l'm a
preLLy good [udge of characLer.

Per: Lol lm noL worrles. (1hen she
asks dlrecLlon deLalls)

8:00pm - 3:30am She calls when she arrlves, we
chaL ouLslde for a blL, l glve her a qulck Lour
and we go Lo Lhe grocery sLore Lo plck up a couple
Lhlngs. She offers Lo pay for half, l say don'L
worry abouL lL and LhaL maybe she can Lake me ouL
someLlme. Come back pop open some champagne, cook
LogeLher, brlng food and champagne lnLo bed room,
slL on bed. We eaL Lhe food, chaL for a blL, Lhen
sLarL maklng ouL.

We're maklng ouL for a whlle, she's geLLlng
really Lurned on, she doesn'L wanL Lhlngs Lo go
very far. l Lell her sLuff llke, sleep wlLh me
don'L sleep wlLh me lL doesn'L maLLer and LhaL l
don'L wanL her Lo do anyLhlng she doesn'L wanL
Lo do. We mess around for a whlle. 1he whole Llme
Lhough you could Lell LhaL l wanLed lL, LhaL l was
belng Lhe aggressor, even Lhough l kepL saylng she
was. 1here was a loL of her maybe movlng my hand
and Lhen Lurnlng her on ln a dlfferenL way.
LvenLually we have sex and lL was her ldea.

She say's LhaL she's noL lnLeresLed ln a
relaLlonshlp, l glve her a hlgh flve and we
clarlfy LhaL we're [usL frlends.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

She Asked Me 1o Marry ner 1WICL!

l [usL recelved Lhls success sLory and l LhoughL
lL mlghL lnsplre you. lL's lncredlble how powerful
"bellef" ls. LveryLhlng ln your llfe ls dlcLaLed
by your bellefs. ln facL, you wlll auLomaLlcally
go around gaLherlng evldence Lo supporL whaLever
bellef you currenLly you mlghL as well
have Lhe bellef LhaL you already have whaL you
wanL. Ln[oy!


l had Lhe Llme of my (new) llfe Lhe oLher nlghL.
LveryLhlng happened !uS1 as l had wrlLLen ln LhaL
sLaLemenL l've been readlng Lo myself ln Lhe
mlrror. l remember you sald lL would happen Lhe
lnsLanL l belleved lL was Lrue. 8oy, were you
rlghL. l honesLly had Lhe besL nlghL of my
soclal/daLlng llfe...lL was mlnd blowlng!

As you know l've been ok wlLh women mosL of my
llfe buL pursued consLanLly and rarely aLLracLed
Lhe Lype of women l Lruly deslred. LasL nlghL l
was lnvlLed Lo be a parL of a fashlon show ln
8everly Pllls. l had been meeLlng people ln Lhe
buslness (ln Lhe course of belng super soclal) and
Lhey asked me Lo help Lhem ouL. When l arrlved,
Lhe place was preLLy chaoLlc. 1here were
celebrlLles who were aLLendlng, medla people
arrlvlng and of course, models. As Lhey arrlved l
dlrecLed each of Lhem backsLage. Soon l was
runnlng Lhe back of Lhe house. 1here were make up
arLlsLs, acLresses, 13 runway models from around
Lhe globe, and me. l was [usL belng super frlendly
and cool wlLhouL hlLLlng on any of Lhem. l was
Lhere Lo help. l waLched Lhem walk Lhe runway, geL
ln makeup and Lry on deslgner dresses.Several
glrls kepL comlng up Lo me and asklng me quesLlons
and fllrLlng.

AfLer Lhe evenL was over, people headed Lo Lhe
afLer parLy. l found Lwo of Lhe models aL Lhe bar
and made myself aL home. Cne of Lhem was
parLlcularly sLunnlng. She was a 3'11 exoLlc
beauLy wlLh llghL blue eyes from Mllan. She was
lnLelllgenL, confldenL, and spoke four languages.
She was [usL my Lype. Soon Lhe Lhree of us were
havlng a blasL, laughlng and Lalklng. 8efore long
more glrls [olned us. 1hey were all around me
Lrylng Lo geL my aLLenLlon and wanLlng Lo
lnLroduce me Lo Lhelr frlends. lL was beglnnlng Lo
geL crazy. l felL llke a celebrlLy, llke l was
belng foughL over. 1hls musL be how lL feels Lo
be a hoL woman.

AfLer a few drlnks, Lhe glrls wanLed Lo go dance
so l Look each one by Lhe hand and walked ouL of
Lhe bar. My glrl had a LC1 of l [usL
leaned agalnsL Lhe wall and waLched her dance wlLh
her frlend. She kepL comlng over Lo me and
grlndlng on me, runnlng her llps over my face. l
dld absoluLely noLhlng buL sLand Lhere and smlle.
1hen she sLarLed geLLlng even frlskler, and began
grabblng me, and l sLlll dld noLhlng, sald
noLhlng! lL goL crazler. needless Lo say, lL was a
scene everyone ln Lhe place was waLchlng. 1humbs
up all around from Lhe guys ln Lhe place.
LvenLually we ended up ouLslde where Lhe Lwo glrls
declded Lo klss each oLher for a whlle. lL
sLopped Lrafflc. Per frlend had Lo leave so l
broughL my glrl home. 1he whole Llme, l made no
moves- l dldn'L have Lo, she was Lhe aggressor.
We dldn'L go Lo sleep Llll 6am. 1he nexL day she
confessed she hadn'L felL LhaL good ln years and
asked when she could see me nexL. She asked me
Lo marry her...1WlCL. l LhoughL l should plnch
myself. nope. l'm noL dreamlng, Lhls ls [usL my
new llfe!

l doubLed - buL no longer. 1he [ourney was noL
easy, buL lL was slmple. l now have a llfe where
everyLhlng comes Lo me wlLh no efforL and
pursulng, wanLlng and needlng are a Lhlng of Lhe
pasL. 1ruly, Lhank you for showlng me how. 1hank
you Lhank you 1PAnk ?Cu!!

8, Mallbu Ca.

Why Some Guys k|ck Ass And Cthers Don't

l'm always Lelllng you abouL Lhe lmporLance of
creaLlng a new poslLlve sLory, bellevlng LhaL lL's
Lrue and posslble, creaLlng rlLuals and Lhen
Laklng acLlon

Check ouL Lhls awesome lnLervlew wlLh lrank kern,
!ohn 8eese and 1ony 8obblns. l couldn'L have sald
lL beLLer myself

lL's abouL:

1. 1he formula for Laklng acLlon

2. 1he "psychology" of success

3. Why some people klck a**, whlle oLhers don'L

Cllck Lhe llnk and check lL ouL rlghL now!


1here ls *noLhlng* Lo buy here ...!usL an AMAZlnC
llfe lesson. ...[usL LhoughL you'd en[oy Lhls
plece of free conLenL.

?ou can learn a hell-of-a-loL from Lhls lesson...

Do you See It Com|ng?

* uo you reach ouL Lo her Lwlce before she calls
you back?

* uo you geL pushed lnLo a LradlLlonal daLe?

* uo you accepL less Lhen whaL you really wanL?

Are you aware LhaL you're dolng Lhe wrong Lhlng as
you're dolng lL buL don'L why you're S1lLL dolng
lL? 1hen, afLerwards you feel llke an ldloL?

l ldenLlfy because l used Lo be [usL llke you. l
used Lo do a loL of Lhlngs l no longer do. l used
Lo go down Lhe wrong paLh anyway, even Lhough l
knew beLLer.


* l en[oyed belng Lhe vlcLlm

* l en[oyed havlng someLhlng Lo complaln abouL

* l en[oyed maklng everyLhlng dlfflculL, LhaL way
when l prevalled, l felL llke l accompllshed more

And flnally,

* l dldn'L Lhlnk l had a cholce

l've changed Lhls behavlor. l now 'see lL

WhaL should you do?

When you feel LhaL old negaLlve behavlor comlng

* 1ake a momenL

* 1ake a deep breaLh

* 1hlnk abouL Lhe lmpacL of golng down LhaL old

* ueclde Lo Lake a dlfferenL paLh and slmply sLep
aslde and leL lL fly pasL you

1haL's rlghL, Lake yourself off auLo-plloL and
[usL leL lL go. 1hls ls Lhe momenL LhaL separaLes
Lhe successful people from Lhe unsuccessful ones.

ueclde Lo be successful!

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

ou nave No Down S|de

Why do you keep Lhlnklng LhaL women have hlgher
sLaLus Lhan you? uo you really Lhlnk Lhey don'L
have lssues? Come on. ?ou've convlnced yourself
of ln your head lL's Lrue.

LeL me bulld you up for a second.

uo you reallze LhaL as you geL older:

* ?ou'll probably make more money

* ?ou'll become dlsLlngulshed looklng

* ?ou can have klds unLll you're somewhere around
120 years old

ln oLher words, your sLock ls rlslng. Why do you
acL llke lLs falllng?

1ry Lhls:

* uon'L glve your number Lo [usL An? woman

* uon'L geL physlcal wlLh [usL An? woman

8e plcky and make Lhe above Lhlngs rewards for a
parLlcular Lype of poslLlve behavlor from Lhem.

lf you sLlll Lhlnk Lhey have hlgher sLaLus Lhen,
conslder how lL ls for a hoL woman:

* Lvery mlnuLe of everyday, Lhey're geLLlng older
looklng and are haLlng lL

* 1hey can'L have klds forever

* 1hey Lhlnk emoLlonally flrsL and loglcally

* 1he rlghL guys rarely approach Lhem

* 1hey're compeLlng wlLh younger women for Lhe
same men

* 1he average women geL all Lhe sex

* L1C.

l wanL Lo be clear LhaL l'm noL puLLlng women down
ln any way. All l'm dolng ls polnLlng ouL some
reasons LhaL you should be more confldenL when

1ry lL and leL me know whaL hapens!

Are ou A es Man?

uo you answer, '?es' Lo every requesL a woman
makes? uo you Lell her whaL you 1Plnk she wanLs
Lo hear? Lspeclally lf she's hoL? ?ou need Lo
sLop dolng Lhls rlghL away. Lvery Llme Lhe word
comes ouL of your mouLh, you're geLLlng furLher
away from whaL you Lell me you wanL. Lvery Llme
you say lL, a woman Lhlnks you're a push over and
LhaL she can have you any Llme she wanLs. ln
oLher words you seem desperaLe. And LhaL's nC1

WhaL Lo do?


SLarL saylng,


lL's a very shorL word buL lL's amazlng how hard
lL ls for you Lo say.

l know you don'L wanL Lo plss Lhem off because you
llve a llfe of scarclLy and fear loss, buL Lhey
acLually WAn1 you Lo say no. l know, l know, hard
Lo belleve. 8elleve lL!


8ecause MCS1 guys say '?es'. And she's looklng
for someone dlfferenL. She already has enough
guys Laklng her Lo expenslve dlnners, buylng her
glfLs and flxlng her sLereo. ulLlmaLely, she
wanLs a man. Per problem ls LhaL she rarely meeLs
one. 1he hoLLer she ls, Lhe more Lhls ls Lrue.

She really wanLs Lo know lf you're Lhe...



'lrlend wlLh beneflLs.'

So, sLop wasLlng Llme and Lell her whlch one you
are. lf she doesn'L respond ln a poslLlve way,
leL her be some oLher guy's problem. ?ou have Lo
have sLandards and be wllllng Lo walk away.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Do ou know A Lot Cf eop|e?

When guys go ouL wlLh me, lL seems llke l know a
loL of women. l do know a loL, buL noL 1PA1 many.

WhaL's my secreL?

l preLend l know Lhem.

Pow do l do lL?

llve llLLle words.

'nlce Lo see you agaln'

Llke everyLhlng else l Leach you, lL's slmple and
very effecLlve.

1ry lL nexL Llme you're walklng Lhrough a crowd.

l usually don'L even walL for a response. l keep
movlng and lL drlves Lhem crazy and causes
Lhem Lo seek me ouL.

When l do walL for a response l usually geL,

'Cood Lo see you Loo'

SomeLlmes l'll Lhrow ln,

'Pow have you been?'

l know whaL you're Lhlnklng:

WhaL lf Lhey say,

'uo l know you?'

Cf course l have Lhe answer for you. !usL say,

'l can'L belleve you don'L remember. lL WAS klnd
of dark and we WL8L klnd of drunk.'

lf Lhey have Lhls confused look on Lhelr face llke
Lhey sLlll don'L geL lL say,

'l'm [usL messlng wlLh you, l'm 8renL.'

1hen sLarL wlLh Lhe usual quesLlons.

Why does lL work?

* 1hey don'L wanL you Lo Lhlnk Lhey don'L remember
you, so Lhey'll preLend Loo

* 1hey don'L llke Lhe 'geLLlng Lo know each oLher'
process, Lhey'd raLher fasL forward

* When Lhey already know you, Lhelr defenses come

l make Lhem feel comforLable lmmedlaLely. lL's
llke we've known each oLher forever. 1hls
ls one of Lhe reasons l can accompllsh Lhlngs ln mlnuLes
LhaL mosL guys spend hours, weeks and monLhs
Lrylng Lo do.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens.

Ch yeah, nlce seelng you agaln!

Can ou See It?

Cne of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL may be responslble for your
unsuccessful evenlngs ouL on Lhe Lown, ls how you
see lL. ln oLher words, when you Lhlnk abouL Lhe
nlghL ahead, you sLarL rememberlng all Lhe bad
Lhlngs LhaL happened lasL Llme and hope Lhey don'L
happen Lhls Llme. So, you're vlsuallzlng fallure,
and Lhen lL becomes a self-fulfllllng prophecy.

lf Lhe above ls Lrue Lhen doesn'L lL make sense
LhaL lf you convlnced yourself of Lhe opposlLe,
LhaL would also be Lrue?

l wanL you Lo Lry a new sLraLegy. l wanL you Lo
sLarL vlsuallzlng success.

l wanL you Lo go ouL 'menLally' flrsL.

1op aLhleLes use Lhls sLraLegy all Lhe Llme. 1hey
know LhaL Lhelr opponenLs are all aL Lhe same
level, so each compeLlLlon acLually becomes a
'mlnd game'. 8efore a maLch, Lhey'll vlsuallze
every sLep of Lhe race or every shoL hlL
perfecLly. 1hey acLually compeLe ln Lhelr mlnd
flrsL...and, of course, Lhey vlsuallze wlnnlng.

?ou should be applylng Lhls Lo your soclal llfe.

Pere's how you do lL:

8efore you go ouL l wanL you Lo slL down ln a
comforLable poslLlon and close your eyes. 8eally
relax. now, lmaglne all of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL are
golng Lo happen Lo you.

* ?ou're golng Lo walk ln feellng greaL, confldenL
and full of energy

* Lveryone looks your dlrecLlon and fanLaslzes
abouL belng lucky enough Lo speak wlLh you

* ?ou approach Lhe bar and Lhe flrsL group of women.
?ou say, Pow's everyLhlng?, 'CreaL' Lhey respond.
you can Lell LhaL Lhey're enamored wlLh you.

* ?ou never geL re[ecLed, oLher women see Lhls and
sLarL approachlng you

* WlLhln momenLs of approachlng you, women sLarL
maklng ouL wlLh you and ask you Lo leave wlLh Lhem
for some fun aL Lhelr place

l Lhlnk you geL Lhe ldea. 1hls ls [usL an
ouLllne, make up your own.

uo l do Lhls?

?ou beL!

l vlsuallze lL and Lhen all l do ls show up and lL
all happens around me.

When you've moved beyond wanLlng Lhem, deslrlng
Lhem and needlng Lhem your llfe becomes unreal!

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Do ou Get Women?

Crowlng up as a guy, you're programmed Lo:

* CeL good grades

* CeL lnLo a good school

* CeL a good [ob

* CeL Lhe cllenL/buslness

* CeL Lo Lhe Lop

* CeL maLerlal ob[ecLs

And flnally:

* CeL Lhe glrl

?ou've also been Lold LhaL:

* Pard work and sLruggle bullds characLer (you've
goL Lo pay your dues)

8aslcally, you've been Lold LhaL you've goL Lo go
for Lhe gusLo, be aggresslve, don'L Lake no for
an answer, swlng for Lhe fence and 'make Lhlngs
happen'. And, lL's Lrue ln all cases excepL one:

* Pavlng women

Pavlng women ls llke AL8LAu? belng successful
aL work. When you're aL Lhe Lop, people seek ?Cu
ouL don'L Lhey? ueals [usL come Lo you. ?ou have
your plck. CeLLlng Lhe ldea?

?ou can apply some of Lhe Lhlngs you've learned
abouL geLLlng ahead and belng successful
ln buslness Lo belng successful wlLh

So swlLch gears as soon as you sLarL Lalklng Lo a woman
by havlng Lhe mlndseL of someone who's already
successful wlLh Lhem and l Lhlnk you'll see a blg dlfference.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Creat|ng A keputat|on

When you're ouL ln a group, look down aL your
phone from Llme Lo Llme, shake your head and say,

"Cod, Lhls has Lo sLop!"

?our women frlends wlll ask you whaL's wrong Lo
whlch you'll reply,

"1hese women, Lhey [usL don'L geL lL. SLop
LexLlng me!"

?our women frlends wlll Lhen ask you abouL lL and
you'll reply,

"l'm wlLh Lhem one Llme and Lhey go crazy and wanL
lL every nlghL. Some of Lhem even wanL Lo daLe
me,l Lold Lhem l'm only capable of a physlcal
relaLlonshlp rlghL now."

1hen change Lhe sub[ecL ASA and say,

"Anyway, whaL were we Lalklng abouL?"

lf Lhey say,

"Are you belng serlous?"


"1oLally! Anyway..."

1hls wlll convey LhaL Lhls ls a common occurence,
you're noL ln Lhe markeL for a relaLlonshlp, many
women wanL you and noL only are you fun Lo be wlLh
soclally buL even beLLer Lo be wlLh physlcally.

1hlngs llke Lhls, along wlLh leavlng Lhe group
frequenLly Lo use Lhe resLroom or Lalk wlLh oLher
people (Lhen reLurnlng), looklng Lhem ln Lhe eye
when speaklng and belng a greaL llsLener should

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Are ou 8ored W|th ner?

A loL of guys Lhlnk LhaL belng successful wlLh
hoLLer women wlll valldaLe Lhem. When, acLually,
feellng valldaLed causes Lhem Lo be successful
wlLh hoLLer women.

l know you wanL hoLLer women (everyone does).
llrsL, LreaL Lhem llke Lhey're noL hoL. Conslder
LhaL you're glvlng Lhem Lhelr sLaLus, Lhelr
hoLness lsn'L real. 1he only place lL appears
real ls ln your mlnd. Also conslder LhaL, once
you geL Lhem, you're probably golng Lo be bored
wlLh Lhem anyway.

Slnce lL'll never be whaL you Lhlnk lL'll be and
you'll probably be bored wlLh Lhem:

Why are you afrald Lo approach Lhem?

Why are you nervous around Lhem?

Why do you lose your Lraln of LhoughL when
speaklng Lo Lhem?

Why do you care abouL Lhe ouLcome?

lf you're evenLually golng Lo be bored wlLh Lhem,
don'L all of Lhese lnsecurlLles seem sorL of
rldlculous? Why noL acL as lf you've already gone
Lhrough Lhe process and Lhls ls happenlng Lo you
rlghL now?

AfflrmaLlon/lnner frame of mlnd:

When l flrsL meL her l LhoughL she was hoL. now
LhaL l've had her, l'm bored and l've broken up
wlLh her. She's been Lrylng Lo geL back LogeLher
wlLh me ever slnce.

uon'L become bored wlLh her. 8L bored wlLh her.
8e, "l'm bored wlLh her" walLlng Lo happen every
Llme you meeL a new woman. And, as long as you're
golng Lo be bored, you mlghL as well be bored wlLh
beauLlful women.

lmaglne approachlng wlLh 1PA1 ln your mlnd! now
LhaL's power. A whole dlfferenL ball game lsn'L

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Go|ng out a|one

Colng ouL alone lsn'L a blg deal as long as you
don'L acL self consclous abouL lL. Women can
feel lL. uon'L heslLaLe and wonder around Lhe
room, always be lnvolved ln someLhlng.

Walk ln and go rlghL Lo Lhe bar.

lf you see some women Lhere, make sure you order
from where Lhey are. lL's more llkely LhaL
you'll geL lnLo a conversaLlon wlLh Lhem and more
naLural Lo whlle you're walLlng for Lhe
barLender Lo noLlce you or walLlng for your drlnk.

?ou can also walk dlrecLly up Lo a woman or group
of women [usL llke when you have a wlng
man wlLh you and sLarL a conversaLlon as usual
(wlLh quesLlons).

lf you're worrled abouL havlng Lhe answers Lo
quesLlons abouL you belng ouL alone:

Lxample 1

Per: Who are you here wlLh?

?ou: ?ou

Per: WhaL do you mean?

?ou: Look, you're Lhe one who lnvlLed me

Lxample 2

?ou: AcLually, l'm walLlng for a frlend and he's
laLe as usual. ?ou'll have Lo enLerLaln me
unLll he shows up.

Lxample 3

?ou: l'm acLually here by myself. l used Lo go
ouL wlLh frlends buL Lhey goL envlous of my
success wlLh women and l don'LL need Lhe drama

1hen [usL lead Lhe conversaLlon away from Lhe
sub[ecL. lf you don'L Lhlnk lL's a blg deal,
she won'L elLher.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

Are ou Attached?

Cne of Lhe maln reasons LhaL you're noL as
successful as you wanL Lo be, ls LhaL you have way
Loo much aL sLake ln every lnLeracLlon. 8y belng
so worrled abouL Lhe ouLcome, you're repelllng
women, Lhe exacL opposlLe of whaL you're Lrylng Lo
do. ?ou come off noL belng your self and Lhe
prlce you pay for your aLLachmenL ls your freedom.

?ou need Lo relax. Lvery woman you meeL won'L be
Lhe lasL one you'll meeL and every lnLeracLlon
doesn'L have Lo lead Lo you glvlng ouL your
number, maklng a daLe or geLLlng physlcal. ?ou
have Lo deLach yourself from all posslble
ouLcomes, belng commlLLed Lo achlevlng success
wlLh women buL noL aLLached Lo lL.

Pow? 8aslcally, noLlce where you're aLLached and
Lhen brlng no slgnlflcance Lo lL.

vlsuallze belng wlLh your good frlends. ?ou're
cracklng [okes and hanglng ouL, relaxed.

8ecreaLe LhaL feellng wlLh women. reLend you
have noLhlng aL sLake ln every lnLeracLlon and
Lhls wlll allow you Lo relax and be more clever,
funny and lndlfferenL.

SLarL Lhlnklng longer Lerm. WhaL lf you were [usL
frlendly Lo every woman you meL and dldn'L Lry Lo
make someLhlng happen? ?ou mlghL be surprlsed aL
Lhe posslble ouLcomes.

SLop worrylng abouL whaL's ln lL for you and focus
on whaL's ln lL for Lhem. locus on how belng wlLh
you ls golng Lo beneflL Lhem.

8e commlLLed Lo produclng successful resulLs and
leL Lhe resulLs be whaLever Lhe resulLs are, and
noL have Lhem sLop you from parLlclpaLlng.

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

ke|ease our Anger

So, you're readlng my newsleLLers and pracLlclng.
Some of you may have even been personally coached
by me on Lhe phone or ln Lhe fleld.

8uL you have a problem:

?ou're noL lmprovlng as fasL as you'd llke.

1hen, you read my LesLlmonlals and Lhey send you
over Lhe edge.

?ou ask yourself,

'Self, whaL are Lhese guys dolng LhaL l'm noL!?'

And you sLarL Lhlnklng,

8renL ls holdlng sLuff back from me. 8asLard!!

1hen, you become angry because you Lhlnk l'm
Lelllng 1PLM someLhlng LhaL l'm noL Lelllng ?Cu.

Ckay, everyone slmmer down now.

Cne of Lhe Lhlngs 'Lhese guys' have done ls glven
up Lhelr anger.

?ou mlghL acLually be angry because:

* ?ou were on Lhe rlghL Lrack and used Lo do some
Lhlngs rlghL, before you spenL a loL of Llme and
money on meLhods LhaL dldn'L work as well as you
LhoughL Lhey would.

* l've shown you how SlMLL lL ls and you can'L
belleve LhaL you overlooked lL, because you
conslder yourself an lnLelllgenL guy.

* ?ou're exLremely successful ln anoLher
parL of your llfe and now flnd ouL LhaL Lhe same
rules do noL apply Lo belng successful wlLh women.

And now, you're more commlLLed Lo belng angry Lhan
belng successful.

SLop belng plssed off and release your anger,
young Skywalker. Anger wlll only speed your
[ourney Lo Lhe 'uark slde'. 1he uark Slde belng
Lhe place where a woman conLrols everyLhlng and
all your answers conslsL of '?es my masLer'.

l suggesL a book called "1he Sedona MeLhod."

1ry lL and leL me know whaL happens!

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