Abducted L: Underground Ch.1 Rough Draft

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Underground Ch.

1 Rough Draft

Ch.1 Abducted Logan Knight was a regular fifteen-year old kid. Or so he thought. He
was a tall, tan Native American-Mexican with short black hair and black eyes who played center for his school basketball team. He was walking home from a Friday school day on the day it happened. The day everything changed. It was a normal day at school. First period, science. His teacher, Mr. Nordlie, was as ancient as the fossils he made the class learn about that day. Mr. Nordlie apparently came from a long line of Viking kings and queens, or as he put it, a Lowng lan of Vakin kins and queawns, Logan wasnt sure if there were any Viking kings or queens. Mr. Nordlie was an elderly man with a shock of white hair that stuck out in so many places; it looked like he stuck his tongue in an electrical socket wired up to seven car batteries. That, and the fact that he wears a lab coat and goggles around his neck, makes him look like a mad scientist. A really, really old mad scientist. Could this day get any more boring? Logan asked his best friend, Tony DiVencio, while the movie droned on and on about the importance of anthropology. Just wait till math, man, Tony whispered Dividing fractions They groaned harmoniously. Hey! Mr. Nordlie snapped Pay atteyention! For an old guy, he had pretty good hearing. The class sniggered. Tony acted as if he didnt care, but Logan got red in the face and glared at his shoes. After science was reading, and all they did was read The Odyssey. Yippee. After reading was break, so he hung out with Tony and Tonys girlfriend, Mia Sinarioe. Whatre you guys gonna do over the weekend? Logan inquired Dunno yet, Tony admitted. Were probably gonna hang out at

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my house. Maybe the Bowl-O-Rama, Oh, I dont want to bowl, Mia said. Kinda seems tedious after a while Tony stared at her, shocked. What do you mean? he said, acting offended. Bowling is the most- Boring sport ever, Interjected Logan. Tony shot him his standard Stop talking or Ill kill you glares. Bowling will save your LIFE, CHILD! Tony shouted, while Mia and Logan cracked up. The bell rang for third period social studies, so Logan headed off while Tony and Mia went to art. After third and fourth period social studies and language arts, there was lunch. Logan and Mia ate pizzas while Tony had a cheeseburger. What should we do? Mia asked. Dunno, came both replies. We gotta figure something out, Logan said. I dont want to be bored and staring at the sun all day, Calm down, dude, Tony said. Lets go to the library or something Ew, no. All the geeky kids hang out there, Mia complained. I know youre a geek, Logan, but I dont want to hang out with all the other ones, Hey! Logan protested, and Tony smiled. Kidding Mia said, holding up her hands. How about a little two on one? Logan and Tony looked at each other and grinned, both thinking the same thing. Prepare to get schooled, Tony and Tonys girlfriend, Logan grinned, dribbling the ball at the indoor court. They had rushed to the indoor court after she had suggested playing basketball. Tonys girlfriend has a name, Tonys friend, Mia said, rolling her eyes. Logan chuckled, and then tried to swerve around Tony, who

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was playing forward, to make a layup, but Tony knocked it out of his hands then passed it to Mia, who tried a 2-pointer from the tip of the key, which hit the rim and rebounded hard toward Logans face. Logan blinked, and the next thing he knew, the ball was stuck at least half of a foot in the wall, twenty feet from where he was standing. Tony and Mia stood there looking shell-shocked. After a while, she was the first one to speak. What just happened? she asked, but Tony just stood there, not responding. No idea, Logan said. His mind was reeling. What had happened? All he remembered was blinking, but when he looked at his hand, he saw that it was red, and when he probed it with his finger, it started stinging. I just dont know, Tony looked at Logan, a curious expression on his face, and then he clutched his right bicep as though somebody had stabbed him, and a look of intense pain flashed across his face. Gotta go, Tony muttered through clenched teeth, rushing out of the court. Tony! Mia yelled, starting after him, but stopping after realizing that chasing after the fastest runner on the track team was useless. Whats his deal? Mia asked, staring after Tony. Probably really freaked out, Logan said, knowing that he was freaked out as well. He looked back at his hand, which was still a little pink, but otherwise not very painful. He probed it again, and didnt feel anything but his finger on his hand. He walked over to the basketball buried in the wall. He studied it, and the cracked wall around it. He picked a chip off of the wall, studied it, and then flicked it away. He had a hard time pulling the basketball out of the wall, but he got it out after one last tug. Logan examined the ball, and after wiping away the plaster dust, he saw his hand had left a print on the leather of the ball. Huh, Logan said. Weird,

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Whats weird? Mia said, walking over. Oh I almost forgot about that. Dont know how I could, but I almost did, She picked the ball from Logans hands and found the print. Whoa, that is a really good arm you have there, Logan Logan chuckled then took the ball back. He laid his hand against the print, and saw that it matched his hand nearly perfectly. I can explain this, Mia said, a small smile spreading across her face. Mia always had an explanation. She swept her blonde hair across her shoulder in the classic I know everything because I am a girl and you know nothing because you are not. That, combined with her blue eyes and perfect skin, made it obvious why Tony started dating her. Oh, yeah? Whats your explanation for me crashing a basketball through the wall? Logan said skeptically. Simple Mia said Adrenaline. Youve always had good reflexes. And the wall is really cheap, She walked over to another part of the wall, and flicked it. Immediately, the outer part of the plaster fell off the wall in little pieces. Logan stared at her. The only thing I cant explain is what happened to you, She said, starting to look nervous. What? What happened to me? Logan asked, curious. You Um You got all She stammered, trying to put into words what had happened. She eventually got it out that his hair had turned blonde, and some kind of energy had leaked out of his hands and eyes. All of this happened for only a second, though, so she wasnt sure of what she saw. Logan just stared. So, you think Im some kind offreak? Logan said, gulping. No, no, Mia said hurriedly I just think you have good reflexes, Logan stared at her, and then shook his head. This is just weird, Logan said, putting a hand to his head. I gotta go somewhere else, Logan, I- Mia was cut off by the harsh bell sounding the start of

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sixth period. Later, Logan said, exiting the gym. Mia stared after him.

During sixth period PE, Logan was afraid. In fact, he was terrified. The reason being is obvious, and because they were playing dodge ball. He tried to avoid every ball they threw at him. Of course, that only made him a target. Luckily, no incidents occurred, other than him catching one and blocking two more at the same time, which deeply confused everybody else, as he was not known for his athletic ability. After literally surviving PE, he had a couple minutes before seventh period math so he decided to hang out with Mia and Tony at gardening. The teacher, Ms. Snodglas (She was prettier than she sounds) never checked who was there anyway. Hows it going? Logan said, sneaking up behind Mia, startling her. Looking around, he realized he didnt see Tony anywhere Wheres Tony? he asked. I dont know, Mia said He hasnt come back since lunch, Huh, Logan said. Dont really blame him. What happened back there was weird, huh? Mia agreed. Oh, by the way, I have an explanation for what happened to you, Mia said. Logan caught her arm before she could flip her hair. They both smiled. So, whats your magical explanation for what happened? He said, waving his arms a little. Did I fall into a tub of toxic waste when I was sleepwalking? Mia rolled her eyes, and then punched him on the shoulder with her gloved hand. No, but that would be interesting, She said, pulling off her gloves. Your transformation was the product of my over-used imagination. I think we both know that my imagination can get away

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from me, Logan chuckled. Yes, he knew. One time when they were six, Logan and Mia were playing outside, and a fly landed on Logans shoulder. Mia screamed, because she thought the fly was a flesh-eating mite coming to eat our brains, She actually went so far as to call 911, screaming in the operators ear that the flesh-eating mite is on his shoulder! Its on his shoulder!!! Needless to say, the police did not show up, which made Mia very upset. Logans mom eventually got it through to her that it was, in fact, not a flesh-eating mite, but a fly. Yeah, I know, Logan said. So, according to you, it was just adrenaline and a really cheap wall. And my muscles, He flexed his arm after that last bit. Mia pinched his arm, a grin spreading across her face. I dont know about the muscles thing, but Im pretty sure everything is perfectly logical, Everything had to be perfectly logical for Mia. Everything, except for the apparent alien invasion from when they were eleven.

Tony DiVencio, or, as he was known here, Markless, stood in the dark hallway in his masters compound, facing the menacing iron door. He had been called here after the place where his mark was had burned. He had had it removed years ago to avoid unnecessary attention, but his bicep had still burned when he had discovered about that kid he had been assigned to. Tony was still thinking, when the steel door suddenly opened. A small, green hill goblin stumbled out, numerous cuts and bruises marked across its damaged frame. The hill goblin had long tusks that were at least twice as long as its oblong head. It was missing an arm and one thorn from the distinctive crown its species have on their head. Tony knew that this particular goblin was assigned to an almost sure case in Nebraska. Another failure. The matter was, it was his turn. Tony

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walked in, nervous. Whatever the case, the master was never in a good mood. That goblin didnt walk in with those scars. Tony gulped, and then prepared for the worst. He walked past the hobgoblin guards, who growled menacingly at him, and Tony did his best to look unimpressed. The door clanged shut behind him as he walked into his masters lair. The master was sitting on his throne with his red robe wrapped around his shoulders, positioned just right, so that his face was concealed by shadows. He had his serrated sword, which was almost a saw, by his side, its jeweled hilt gleaming in the fading light from a single light source hanging in midair, almost like a toy sun. So, Markless, I understand your case has been resolved, The master said, his voice carrying across the chamber, even though he wasnt shouting. Tony nodded, afraid his voice would crack. Good, good. So, Markless, what would you say he is? Is he a mutant? A skinner, maybe? Perhaps hes a shape-shifter, hmm? Or maybe you have lied, and dont really have anything to offer, The master said, a little more than a hint of menace creeping into his baritone voice. Well, sir, I think I found a good fighter this time, Tony said, confidence starting to build, though he kept his posture and voice respectful. Oh? the master said. A skinner. You have found me a skinner! Good, good. Now- The master was interrupted by Markless raising his hand like a schoolchild. Yes? the master said, tilting his head down slightly. I have not brought you a skinner, Master, Markless said, wincing a little, fearful of a punishment from the sword. The master leaned forward for the first time, giving Markless a look at his head. The master never showed his face, which was covered by a black metal mask with red streaks that looked like ferocious scars crisscrossing across it. Markless found himself among a group of minions that thought he didnt

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actually have a face. Are you trying to kill my good mood, Markless? If you havent brought me a worthwhile fighter, then I have to get rid of you, The master suddenly stood up, giving Markless a view of his easily eightfoot height. The master grabbed his sword and raised it over his shoulder threateningly. Sir, wait! Markless said, raising his hands protectively. I have found a juggernaut for your arena! The master paused, sword raised in mid-swing. A juggernaut, you say Well, well, well! The master started chuckling, then laughing, then started booming the breath out of his lungs. I could not have imagined that anybody could have brought me anything as wonderful as what you have brought. He shall be a valuable fighter, and part of my collection, The master sat back down on his throne. I am proud of you, Markless. You are dismissed. Oh, and send in Liazard. I have a few things to discuss with him, Markless bowed deeply. Goodbye, Master, Markless said respectfully. You have earned the right to call me by my full title, The master said Yes, Master Keeper, Markless said, backing out of the room. The frail old man stepped in. Liazard was the only one in the arena without a power. Markless stepped out of the room, waiting to see the new Liazard. Green light seeped out from under the door, as Master Keeper chanted an incantation to make him something else entirely. Liazard stepped out, breathing heavily. Markless looked up, mouth open. This was going to be an interesting year for the arena.

Underground Ch.1 Rough Draft

Logan stood outside his high school, texting his dad that he would be on his way in about 5 minutes. Mia stopped by and greeted him Hey Logan, do you got lots of homework? Mia said playfully. Logan smiled. Nah, not really. Only math and reading and science and language arts and everything else, He said, earning a flick on the arm. Oh, hey did you get that paper done for journalism class? Logan asked. They both took journalism class for their elective class, and were partners. Logan was kind of lazy about writing, so he gave her ideas, and she wrote them down. And added to them. And printed them. And everything else. I got most of it done. Ill probably finish it by tomorrow, Mia said. Logan looked at his watch, noting that it was, in fact, five minutes. Alright, well Ive gotta get home before 4:00, so, later Mia, text me if you see Tony, Logan said. Kay? Kay, Mia said, waving goodbye. Logan hoisted his backpack onto his shoulder, and starting jogging back toward his street. He checked his watch, 3:45. He had time. He increased in pace. 3:47. He paused at the donut shop to greet Mr. and Mrs. Carla, the owners of the store. He and his dad used to come here every weekend, but since his dad had become busy with work, they stopped coming. 3:52. Logan decided to start running. Now it was 3:55. Who was that coming up? It was Tony! Tony! Logan said, grinning, slowing down to greet his friend. Tony walked up to him a sober expression on his face. Please, dont make this any harder than it has to be, Tony said. Dude, what are you talk- Logan was interrupted by Tony sucker punching him in the gut. Logan spun around, gasping for breath. Tony kicked him in the back, forcing him to the ground. Logan felt a peculiar sensation, then found himself spinning around, kicking out Tonys legs,

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and making him trip and fall hard to the ground. Logan jumped up, preparing for a fight. Dude! Why would you do that? Logan said indignantly. Tony sprung up, fist rushing toward Logans face. Logan blocked it with his forearm then stepped in and slugged Tony in the gut. Tony doubled over, and Logan grabbed his head and smashed it into his knee. Tony fell onto the ground, nose gushing blood. Logan watched as his former best friend lay on the ground, twitching. He saw the blood suddenly stop flowing, and Tonys broken nose straighten itself and all the bruises disappear into his flesh. Logan stepped back from what he used to think was Tony DiVencio. Tony stood up, completely unharmed. Logan saw a black splotch appear and start to take form on his arm. It took the shape of steer skull with thorny vines circling it. Hey, my marks back, He said, glancing at his bicep. Logan gaped at Tony, who grabbed him by the throat, and smacked Logans skull against the concrete. His vision fading, Logan looked up as Tony slipped a coarse sack over his head. He could just make out words. Nice fist, Blondie, Tony said. Blondie so it wasnt her imagination. Then everything went black.

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